Curriculum Vitae - Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Denise Traber
University of Zurich, Department of Political Science
Affolternstrasse 56, 8050 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 634 58 10
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D., University of Geneva, Department of Political Science. Committee: Prof. Pascal Sciarini,
Prof. Simon Hug, Prof. Hanspeter Kriesi and Prof. Kenneth Benoit, 2007–2013.
Visiting graduate student, London School of Economics, Department of Methodology.
Host: Prof. Kenneth Benoit. Funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation, fellowship for
prospective researchers, 2011–2012.
M.A. (lic. phil.), University of Zurich. Major: Political Science, Minors: Social Anthropology and
History. Basic studies (Grundstudium) in Computer Science. Master thesis: “Protestmobilisierung
im internationalen Vergleich. Eine Analyse auf zwei Ebenen” (summa cum laude), 2000–2006.
ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research.
to Applied Bayesian Modeling for the Social Sciences (Ryan Bakker). Introduction to R (Dave
Armstrong). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June–July 2009.
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection. Social Choice
Theory (Tony McGann). Maximum Likelihood and Limited Dependent Variable Models (B. Dan
Wood). University of Essex, July–August 2008.
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection. Social Network
Analysis: Theory and Application (Dimitris Christopoulos). Mathematics for Social Scientists, Part
2 (Chris Saker and Edd Codling). University of Essex, August 2007.
Doctoral program in political science (CUSO, conference universitaire de Suisse
QCA; Questionnaires and Interviews; Multilevel Analysis, Network Analysis.
(several 2-day modules). 2007–2009.
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Sciarini, Pascal, Manuel Fischer and Denise Traber. Political Decision-Making in Switzerland. The
Consensus Model under Pressure. Forthcoming, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Giger Nathalie and Denise Traber. Die Salienz von Sachthemen im internationalen Vergleich:
uck zu ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ w¨
ahrend der Krise?. Forthcoming, ‘Blauer Band’ zur
Bundestagswahl 2013.
Traber, Denise, Simon Hug and Pascal Sciarini. 2014. “Party Unity in the Swiss Parliament.
The Electoral Connection.” The Journal of Legislative Studies 20(2): 193–215.
Traber, Denise. 2013. “Does Participation in Policymaking Enhance Satisfaction with the
Policy Outcome? Evidence from Switzerland.” Swiss Political Science Review 19(1): 69–83.
Fischer, Manuel, Pascal Sciarini and Denise Traber. 2010. “The Silent Reform of Swiss Federalism:
The New Constitutional Articles on Education.” Swiss Political Science Review 16(4): 747–71.
Schwarz, Daniel, Denise Traber and Kenneth Benoit. “Estimating Intra-Party Preferences
Comparing Speeches to Votes: A Research Note.” Under review.
uest, Bruno and Denise Traber. “Rebels without a clue. Internet exposure and political
behavior in Switzerland.” Under review.
Traber, Denise. “Disenchanted Swiss Parliament? Electoral strategies and coalition formation.”
Under review.
Traber, Denise. “Shifts and Stability in Parties’ Policy Positions: The Case of Immigration
Policy in Switzerland.”
EPSA Annual General Conference: 2012, 2013, 2014.
MPSA Annual Conference: 2013.
SPSA Annual Congress: 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Politicologenetmaal (Political Science Associations of the Netherlands and Belgium): 2012.
ECPR General Conference: 2011.
APSA Annual Meeting: 2010.
ECPR Graduate Conference: 2010.
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops: 2009.
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Country Coordinator for Switzerland, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)-Project. Since 2013.
Teaching Instructor, Spezialisierung Vergleichende Politik - The Politics of Economic Turmoil:
Regierungspolitik, politischer Protest und ¨
okonomisches W¨
ahlen w¨
ahrend der globalen Finanz- und
Wirtschaftskrise (undergraduate), University of Zurich, Department of Political Science. Autumn
2012/Spring 2013 (with Bruno W¨
uest); Autumn 2013/Spring 2014; Autumn 2014/Spring 2015.
Teaching Assistant, Vertiefung Schweizer Politik (undergraduate), with Prof. Silja H¨ausermann,
University of Zurich, Department of Political Science. Autumn 2012/Spring 2013; Autumn
2013/Spring 2014; Autumn 2014/Spring 2015.
Teaching Instructor, Parlamentarische Entscheidungsfindung (undergraduate), with Tobias
Schulz, University of Zurich, Department of Political Science. Spring 2012.
Teaching Assistant, Quantitative Text Analysis, with Prof. Kenneth Benoit and Will Lowe, 6th
ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, Ljubljana, 29 July–13 August 2011.
Statistics Tutorial, Vertiefung Methoden der Politikwissenschaft (undergraduate), with Tobias
Schulz (2010) and Prof. Thomas Gautschi (2010, 2012), University of Zurich, Department of
Political Science. Spring 2010, Autumn 2010, Spring 2012.
Research Assistant, The Swiss Decision-making System in the 21. Century: Power, Institutions,
Conflicts, research project, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, directed by Prof.
Pascal Sciarini and Uwe Serduelt. University of Geneva, Department of Political Science. 2007– 2010.
Research project grant Crisis of democracy? Party politics and representation in times of austerity
(with Prof. Dr. Silja H¨
ausermann). Funded by Swiss National Science Foundation; Grant number
100018 153140; CHF 176’717).
Fellowship for Prospective Researchers by the Swiss National Science Foundation for a research
stay at the London School of Economics and Political Science, London. 2011-2012 (CHF 46’000).
Several Grants by the Swiss National Science Foundation for participation in Summer Schools
(2007, 2008, 2009).
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R, Stata, WinBUGS (basic)
mother tongue
fluent, written and spoken
fluent, written and spoken
basic knowledge
Updated March 2015