Fluorine and thyroid gland function: A review of the literature - Springer http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01728174 Find how toAccess access preview-only content Look out Inside Get Klinische Wochenschrift 15. Juni 1984, Volume 62, Issue 12, pp 564-569 Fluorine and thyroid gland function: A review of the literature Summary The increasing use of fluoride for prevention of dental caries poses the problem as to whether this halogen has antagonistic properties towards iodine, whereby it could hamper the success of iodine prophylaxis of endemic goitre. Review of the literature shows that some authors have found an inhibition by fluoride of various steps of thyroid hormone biosynthesis in animal experiments. By and large, the inhibition was only slight and it was elicited only with fluoride doses greatly in excess of those recommended for caries prevention. The inhibition was not consistently present and other authors could not confirm it in comparable experiments. There is no convincing evidence that fluoride produces true goitres with epithelial hyperplasia in experimental animals. There are some reports based on casual observations that fluoride is goitrogenic in man. On the other hand, several good studies with adequate exposed and control populations failed to detect any goitrogenic effect of fluoride in man. It is noteworthy in particular that fluoride does not potentiate the consequences of iodine deficiency in populations with a borderline or low iodine intake. Published data fail to support the view that fluoride, in doses recommended for caries prevention, adversely affects the thyroid. Article Metrics 3 Citations 1 von 7 15.04.2015 04:54 Fluorine and thyroid gland function: A review of the literature - Springer http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01728174 1. Ahn, CS, Rosenberg, IN (1970) Iodine metabolism in thyroid slices — effects of TSH, dibutyril cyclic 3′,5′-AMP, NaF and prostaglandin E1. Endocrinology 86: pp. 396-405 2. 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J Biol Chem 244: pp. 5189-5195 Title Fluorine and thyroid gland function: A review of the literature Journal Klinische Wochenschrift Volume 62, Issue 12 , pp 564-569 Cover Date 1984-06-01 DOI 10.1007/BF01728174 Print ISSN 0023-2173 Online ISSN 1432-1440 Publisher Springer-Verlag Additional Links Register for Journal Updates Editorial Board About This Journal Manuscript Submission Topics Molecular Medicine Internal Medicine Keywords Fluorine Thyroid gland Goitre Industry Sectors Pharma Automotive Chemical Manufacturing Finance, Business & Banking 6 von 7 15.04.2015 04:54 Fluorine and thyroid gland function: A review of the literature - Springer http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01728174 Health & Hospitals Biotechnology Electronics IT & Software Telecommunications Consumer Packaged Goods Aerospace Engineering Authors H. Bürgi (1) L. Siebenhüner (1) E. Miloni (1) Author Affiliations 1. 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