Preisliste / Liste de prix gültig ab 06.08.15 / à partir du 06.08.15 Professional Recorders, Professional Portable Recorders, Professional Master Recorder/Player, Live Recorder/Mixer, Digital Multitrackers, Professional Studio Monitors, Professional Monitoring Systems, Headphones & Headphones Distributors, Microphones Seite 3/4 InEar-Monitoring Seite 5 Wireless Systems Seite 6/7 alle Preise finden Sie unter: vous trouverez les prix sur: alle Preise finden Sie unter: vous trouverez les prix sur: Digital Audio Recorder, Portable Field Mixer, Computer Interfaces, Microphon Pre-Amps, Headphone-Amps, Accessories Seite 8/9 Digital Video Recorder Seite 10 Miniature Lavalier Microphones, Shotgun Microphones, Earphones, Headsets, Phantom Power Modules ** ** Verlangen Sie unsere separate Preisliste / Demandez la liste de prix séparée Preis-/Produkteänderungen jederzeit vorbehalten, alle Angaben ohne Gewähr Changement de prix et de modèles résérvés, tous les indications sous toutes réserves sans garantie Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: Seite 2 ALLGEMEINE VERKAUFS- UND LIEFERBEDINGUNGEN 1 Angebote Alle Angebote sind freibleibend, sofern nicht ausdrücklich schriftliche, anderslautende Abmachungen getroffen wurden. 2 Katalog + Preislisten Alle Angaben in unserem Katalog und den Preislisten sind möglichst genau; Preis- und Produkteänderungen sind jederzeit vorbehalten. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr. 3 Aufträge Mit der Erteilung eines Auftrages anerkennt der Besteller unsere allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen. An uns unbekannte Abnehmer erfolgt die Lieferung gegen Vorauszahlung, falls nicht ausreichende Referenzen angegeben werden. Kommt der Besteller seinen Verpflichtungen uns gegenüber nicht nach, so wird die Lieferung eingestellt. 4 Lieferung Lieferungen werden so rasch wie möglich ab Lager Zürich ausgeführt. Lieferfristen sind unverbindlich. Für unvorhergesehene Verzögerungen können wir keine Verantwortung übernehmen. 5 Versand/Porto Grundporto Postpac PRIORITY: Fr. 16.--, EXPRESS-Gebühr wird nach Gewicht verrechnet. 6 Zahlungen Bei Zahlungen sind Rechnungsnummer und -datum unerlässlich. Alle Rechnungen sind innert 30 Tagen netto ohne Skonto zu bezahlen, sofern nicht andere Konditionen vereinbart wurden. Inkassospesen werden verrechnet. Für verspätete Zahlungen verrechnen wir Verzugszins im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Möglichkeiten. 7 Eigentumsvorbehalt Die Ware bleibt bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung Eigentum der Audio Bauer Pro AG. Diese kann auf eigene Kosten einen Eigentumsvorbehalt im Betreibungsamt/Eigentumsvorbehaltsregister eintragen lassen. 8 Rücksendungen Rücksendungen werden nur mit unserem vorher einzuholenden Einverständnis angenommen. Nicht durch einen Irrtum von uns notwendig gewordene Rücksendungen werden mit Fr. 30.-- belastet, als Beitrag an unsere Umtriebe und Spesen. 9 Abzüge Die Zurückhaltung von Zahlungen und die Verrechnung von Forderungen infolge irgendwelcher von uns nicht annerkannter Gegenansprüche ist nicht statthaft. 10 Reklamationen Reklamationen sind innert 8 Tagen nach Wareneingang anzubringen. 11 Garantie Für Material- und Konstruktionsfehler an Geräten leisten wir ab Lieferdatum eine 2-jährige Garantie. Diese erstreckt sich auf kostenlose Instandstellung bzw. Ersatzteillieferung von defekten Teilen. Alle darüber hinausgehenden Ansprüche werden abgelehnt. 12 Gerichtsstand Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist Zürich. CONDITIONS GENERALES DE LIVRAISON 1 Offres Toutes les offres sont faites sans engagement, pour autant qu'aucun autre accord n'ait été convenu expressément et par écrit au préalable. 2 Catalogue et prix Toutes les informations données dans notre catalogue et nos prix courants sont aussi exactes que possible; les prix sont cependent sous réserve de modifications. 3 Commandes Le client accepte nos conditions de livraison par le fait même qu'il nous passe la commande. Les livraisons à des clients inconnus se font contre paiement anticipé, si les références fournies sont insuffisantes. Au cas où le client ne remplirait pas ses obligations envers nous, la livraison serai suspendue. 4 Livraison Le livraisons se font le plus rapidement possible, départ magasin de Zurich. Les délais de livraisons sont donnés sans engagement. Nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité en cas de retards imprévus. 5 Expédition Port de base Postpac PRIORITY Fr. 16.--, Les frais d'express sont chargés par kg. . 6 Paiements Il est indispensable de mentionner le numéro et la date de la facture lors du paiement. Sauf accord contraire convenue par écrit, toutes les factures sont payables à 30 jours net, sans escompte. Les frais d'encaissement, de timbres de change, etc., seront facturés. Des intérêts de retard de paiement seront facturés, ceci dans le cadre des dispositions légales. 7 Réserve de propriété La marchandise reste propriété de Audio Bauer Pro AG jusqu'au règlement complet du montant de la facture. Audio Bauer Pro AG a le droit de faire inscrire le contrat d'achat au Registre des pactes de réserve de propriété tenu par l'Office des poursuites du comicile de l'acquéreur. 8 Retours Les retours ne sont acceptés qu'après obtention de notre consentement préalable. Les retours ne résultants pas d'une erreur de notre part entrâinent une augmentation de Fr. 30.- en tant que contribution à nos frais supplémentaires. 9 Déductions Les réserves de paiement ainsi que la facturation de frais quelconques non reconnu par nous ne sont pas admissibles. 10 Réclamations Les réclamations éventuelles doivent être présentées dans les 8 jours suivant la réception de la marchandise. 11 Garantie Notre garantie couvre tous défauts apparaissant durant la période de garantie est 2 ans, pour autant qu’ils résultent de la mauvaise qualité du matériel utilisé ou d’une fabrication déféctueuse. 12 Lieu du tribunal Lieu d'exécution et tribunal compétent: Zurich Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: Seite 3 Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF Audio Interface Units AR-4i AR101 AR101L ET-C0.2 99 179 179 15 Audio Interface Unit for iPhone4 Audio Retriever for iOS devices Audio Retriever for iOS devices Stereo Mini Curl Cable Professional Portable Recorders & Accessories portable stereo SD-Card Recorder with 3-ch audio mixer DC-R302 Remote Unit for DC-R302 EX-RT1 Optional Cable for EX-RT1, for Canon EOS 5Dmk3, EOS-1D X ET-RT1C Optional Cable for EX-RT1, for Nikon (10pin): D800, D800E, D4 ET-RT1N Optional Cable for EX-RT1, for Nikon (6pin): D7000, D600, D610 ET-RT1N2 Optional Cable for EX-RT1, for Panasonic: DMC-GH2, DMC-GH3 ET-RT1P Carrying Case for model DC-R302 SC-302 power Supply for DC-R302 Recorder AD15-3200 Mic Preamplifier AR-501 839 99 39 39 39 39 69 69 399 Professional Master Recorder/Player Stereo Rack Memory Recorder UR-2 Instant Start Controller for UR-2 EP-CT1 Professional Studio Monitors Powered Studio Monitor, 2-way, 6.5-inch LF driver and 1-inch HF tweeter, black PX-6 (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 2-way, 5.2-inch LF driver and 1-inch HF tweeter, black PX-5 (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 3-way, 8" woofer, 4" midrange, 3/4" tweeter, black PM8.4.1 (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 3-way, 6" woofer, 4" midrange, 3/4" tweeter, black PM641 (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 5" fiber glass diaphragm woofer / 3/4"soft dome tweeter, black PM0.5d(B) (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 5" fiber glass diaphragm woofer / 3/4"soft dome tweeter, white PM0.5d(W) (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 4" fiber glass cone woofer / 3/4" silk soft dome tweeter, black PM0.4d(B) (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 4" fiber glass cone woofer / 3/4" silk soft dome tweeter, grey PM0.4d(G) (Paar) Powered Studio Monitor, 4" fiber glass cone woofer / 3/4" silk soft dome tweeter, white PM0.4d(W) (Paar) Personal Active Speaker System, 3" LF driver / 3/4" HF diver, black PM0.3d(B) (Paar) Personal Active Speaker System, 3" LF driver / 3/4" HF diver, gray PM0.3d(G) (Paar) Personal Active Speaker System, 3" LF driver / 3/4" HF diver, white PM0.3d(W) (Paar) Personal Active Speaker System, 2.2" full range driver, black PM0.1(B) (Paar) Personal Active Speaker System, 2.2" full range driver, gray PM0.1(G) (Paar) Personal Active Speaker System, 2.2" full range driver, white PM0.1(W) (Paar) Speaker Grill for PM0.1, Jet Black SN0.1(JB) Speaker Grill for PM0.1, Navy Blue SN0.1(NB) Speaker Grill for PM0.1, Mustard Yellow SN0.1(MY) Speaker Grill for PM0.1, Bordeaux SN0.1(BX) Speaker Grill Set in Four Colors, set of 4 pairs (Jet Black, Navy Blue, Mustard Yellow, Bordeaux) SN0.1S 5" Active Subwoofer for PM0.3/0.3d and PM0.1 PM-SUBmini Volume Controller with USB DAC PC100USB Volume Controller with USB DAC / 24bit 96kHz PC100USB-HR Volume Controller, black PC-1e(B) Volume Controller, white PC-1e(W) Intelligent Line Selector IS205 Professional Monitoring Systems Active Monitor Speaker, 4" full range speaker, unbalanced 1/4” TS phone 6301NB Active Monitor Speaker,unbalanced 1/4” TS phone + transformer balanced XLR 6301NX Active Monitor Speaker,unbalanced 1/4” TS phone + AES/EBU digital XLR 6301ND Powered Monitor, 10cm full-range speaker, transformer balanced 6301BX mounting bracket for 6301N/6301B series EB-6301 Rack Mount Speaker System RM-3 HiFi Speaker Systems PX-5HS Active HiFi Speaker System, 2-way, 5.2-inch LF driver and 1-inch HF tweeter Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: 1499 1319 Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Paar Stk. Stk. Stk. Stk. Stk. 799 599 589 559 399 399 279 279 279 149 149 149 89 89 89 19 19 19 19 69 169 99 119 29 29 239 Stk. Stk. Stk. Stk. Stk. Stk. 319 399 449 369 49 559 Paar 899 Seite 4 Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF Headphones Amplifier/DAC Vacuum Tube Portable Headphone Amplifier HP-V1 Portable Headphone Amp / DAC HP-P1 32 bit DAC Headphone Amplifier HP-A8C 32bit D/A Converter, Headphone Amp HP-A3 DAC & Headphone Amp HP-A4 Headphones & Earbuds TH-900 TH500RP ST300 TH-7BB TH-7B TH-7W TH-5BB TH-5B TH-5W T50RPmk3 NEW T40RPmk3 NEW T20RPmk3 NEW TM110B TE-01n TE-02n TE-07 TE-05 TE-03B TE-03R ET-H1.2N6 ET-H1.2 Microphones MC10ST MC32 Premium Reference Headphone Premium RP Stereo Headphones Headphone Stand Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open, black Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open, black Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open, white Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open, black Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open, black Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open, white RP Type Stereo Headphones, Semi-Open Type RP Type Stereo Headphones, Closed Type RP Type Stereo Headphones, Open Type Mini Stereo Headphone Cable Inner Ear Headphones Inner Ear Headphones, waterprof to IPX5/IPX7 Inner Ear Headphones Inner Ear Headphones Inner Ear Headphones, black Inner Ear Headphones, red Replacement Cable for TE-07 & TE-05 Replacement Cable for TE-05 Electret Condenser Microphone, Stereo Set Electret Condenser Microphone, Shotgun Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: 529 449 999 239 359 1199 729 89 79 79 79 65 65 65 169 169 169 25 25 29 299 179 59 59 89 49 189 189 StageDiver SD-1 StageDiver SD-2 StageDiver SD-3 universal high-end monitoring, 1-Way System, black universal high-end monitoring, 2-Way System, black universal high-end monitoring, 3-Way System, black Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: Seite 5 289 409 559 Seite 6 FRAGEN SIE UNS NACH DEM AKTUELLEN WÄHRUNGSRABATT DEMANDEZ LE RABAIS DU COURS DU CHANGE Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF Transmitters LMB/E01 NEW LT/E01 NEW SMB/E01 SMDB/E01 WM/E01 HM/E01 HH/E01 with HHC HH/E01 HHC HH2SEN (Ambient) HHA TX, BASIC BELT PACK, FIXED ANT, 50 MW, 75 MHZ BANDWIDTH, 2 AA 1.) TX, 50 MW, 75 MHZ BANDWIDTH, INSTRMNT INPUT, RM READY 1.) SUPER MINI TX, 50 MW 1.) SUPER MINI TX, 50 MW, 2 AA 1.) WATER-TIGHT TRANSMITTER, 2 AA, 25, 50 MW 2.) PLUG-ON TX, 50 MW, MIC PHNTM POWER, 2 AA HH HAND HELD TRANSMITTER WITH CARDIOID CONDENSER CAPSULE HEAD HANDHELD TRANSMITTER, VARIABLE PWR, STD CAPSULE MOUNT CARDIOID CONDENSER CAPSULE HEAD FOR HH TRANSMITTER HH2SEN, ADAPTER FOR HH TRANSMITTER USE WITH SENN G2/G3/2000 HEADS MICROPHONE-ADAPTER NEUMANN, SKM5000 TO LECTROSONICS HH +FREE OF CHARGE! 1.) Voice Technologies VT500BUDGET or VT506BUDGET or VT701MKII Mic. +FREE OF CHARGE! 2.) Voice Technologies VT500WATERBUDGET or VT506WATERBUDGET or VT701MKII Mic. Transmitter Accessories RM REMOTE CONTROL FOR SM SERIES TRANSMITTERS SMBATELIM BATTERY ELIMINATOR FOR SM SERIES TRANSMITTERS 26895 NEW REPL. WIRE BELT CLIP FOR LT TRANSMITTERS BCSLEBN NEW BELTCLIP SPRING LOADED, SMALL, DARK GREY, FOR LT TX SMDBC MACHINED WIRE BELT CLIP FOR SMD, SMDA, SMQ, SMQV SMDBCSL SPRING LOADED BELT CLIP FOR SMD, SMDA, SMQ, SMQV SMBCDN MACHINED WIRE BELT CLIP FOR SM, SMA, SMV, ANT DOWN SMBCUP MACHINED WIRE BELT CLIP FOR SM, SMA, SMV, ANT UP SMBCUPSL SPRING LOADED BELT CLIP FOR SM, SMA, SMV, ANT UP CCMINI NEW ZIP POUCH FOR COMPACT WRLS SYSTEM PSM POUCH FOR SM TRANSMITTER PSMD POUCH FOR SMD TRANSMITTER CCHH POUCH, ZIPPERED, FOR HH TRANSMITTER, BLUE CORDURA 1049 1439 1699 1779 1859 1419 2059 1539 519 259 199 819 159 15 55 69 69 69 69 79 39 35 35 39 Receivers LR NEW SRB/E01 SRB5P/E01 UCR411A VRM WB VRS/E01 VRT/E01 MINIATURE DIGITAL HYBRID RECEIVER, 75 MHZ TUNING RANGE, 2 AA DUAL CH. SLOT-MNT RCVR, AMM ANTENNAS, RCVR ONLY - NO END PLATE KIT DUAL CH. SLOT-MNT RCVR, AMM ANTS,EXTERNAL 2-CH OUTPUT, RCVR ONLY-NO END PLATE KIT RCVR, UHF DIG HYBRID, 256 FREQ, TRACKING FILTERS WIDE BAND VENUE RCVR W/POWER SUPPLY, NO ANTENNAS, MASTER ASSY ONLY STANDARD RECEIVER MODULE ONLY, SPECIFY BLOCK TRACKING RECEIVER MODULE ONLY, SPECIFY BLOCK 1499 2599 2779 2249 1969 509 729 Receiver Accessories SREXT SRSNY SRUNI SRHARNESS BATTSLED SRBATTSLEDTOP SRBATTSLEDBOTTOM SR9VBP LRBATELIM NEW LRSHOE NEW SRSLEEVE SRHARDWARE QUADPACK OCTOPACK RMP195 SR CONNECTOR PLATE FOR EXTERNAL CAMERA USE SR END PLATE KIT FOR SONY CAMERAS SR END PLATE KIT FOR UNISLOT CAMERAS SR BOTTOM PLATE WITH 6' TAILS FOR AUDIO AND DC POWER UNIVERSAL BATTERY SLED FOR L OR M STYLE BATT. PACK EXT. BTTRY SLED FOR SR RCVR W/ L- or M- STYLE BTTRY (NOT INCL.) EXT. BTTRY SLED FOR SR RCVR W/ L- or M- STYLE BTTRY (NOT INCL.) DUAL 9V BATTERY HOLDER FOR USE WITH SRBATTSLED BATTERY ELIMINATOR FOR LR RECEIVER, NO PSU INCL. CAMERA SHOE MOUNT FOR LR RECEIVER MOUNTING SLEEVE FOR SR EXTERNAL MOUNT MOUNTING HARDWARE KIT FOR SR/EXT WITH SLEEVE DOCK FOR 2 SRA/SRA5P RECEIVERS DOCK FOR 4 SRA/SRA5P RECEIVERS, BATT. NOT INCLUDED. 4CH. RACK MT F/ COMPACT RX, 195 SER (for UCR411a, IFBT4) 169 169 169 169 229 349 349 249 149 49 79 39 839 2719 349 IFB Equipment and Components IFBR1A/E01* BELT PACK RECEIVER W/ POUCH; NEW STYLE IFBT4/E01* IFB TX, BASE STATION TYPE, DIGITAL HYBRID 769 1199 *for antennas see "Receiver Antennas and Related Components" Audio Cables / Connectors CT-PLT-L24 CABLE,24",LINE LEVEL,TA5F TO XLR, FOR XLR MIXER OUTS INTO LECTROSONICS TRANSMITTERS MC35 CORD,37",LINE LEVEL,TA5F TO XLR MC40 CORD,37",MIC LEVEL,TA5F TO XLR MC55 CORD, 15", UNBAL LINE LVL MINI PLUG TO MIC LEVEL XLR M MC65 CORD,10FT,1/4 TRS TO MINI TRS MCAXLRLINE-WP CABLE ADAPTER, XLR TO WP FOR MM400 (A, B, C), LINE LEVEL MCABRLTA5MUWP BARREL ADAPTER, 5-PIN MIC TO MM OR WM INPUT, UNIVERSAL MCSRTRS CABLE, 2) TA3F TO 1) TRS, 12" FOR CAMERA INPUTS MCLRTRS NEW CABLE FOR LR RECEIVER OUTPUT TO 1/8" TRS CAMERA INPUT, 18" CT-PCL-18B CABLE , 18",BALANCED LINE LEVEL TA3F TO TA5F,SD664/633/552/788T TO LECTRO TRANSM.(@-45dB),BLUE CT-PTXR-12 CABLE,12", XLRM TO TA3F, INTERFACE CABLE FOR SOUND DEVICES MCSRXLR CABLE, TA3F TO XLRM, 12" Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: 79 79 79 105 29 129 139 99 29 65 105 99 Seite 7 Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF MCSRXLRF MCSR/5PXLR1 MCSR/5PXLR2 MCSRPT RATPAC MI39ARA 21762 CABLE, TA3F TO XLRF, 12" CABLE, TA5F TO 1) XLRM, 12" for SR/5P TO EXT. CAMERA INPUT CABLE, TA5F TO 2) XLRM, 12" FOR SR/5P TO EXT. CAMERA INPUTS CABLE, TA3F TO TAILS, 15" CONNECTOR KIT, RIGHT ANGLE SHELL FOR TA3/5 F INSTRMNT CABLE, FOR STANDARD PICKUPS, 1/4" to TA5F, RT. ANGLE RIGHT ANGLE XLR FEM CONNECTOR, BLACK 99 119 189 89 69 139 39 Power Cables BB-SR-24/1 21586 21747 PS200A PS2200A 24" HIROSE TO SINGLE RIGHT ANGLE LOCKING FOR LECTROSONICS SR RECEIVERS & SMBATELIM PWR CORD, 6 FT, TINNED LEADS, LOCKING DC POWER CORD, 6FT, VR FIELD, STRIPPED & TINNED PWR CABLE,12",HIROSE/LZR PWR CABLE,DUAL,12",HIROSE/2LZR 85 19 29 119 159 Antennas & Cables AMM AMJ ACOAXTX AMM-KIT AMJ-KIT 21793 A500RA A8U A8UKIT ACOAXBNC ALP500 ALP620 ALP650L/E ALP650H/E SNA600A ALPKIT ARG2 ARG25 ARG50 ARG100 ARX125 ANTENNA,UHF BELT-PACK TX, BLOCK SPECIFIC (for SR and SM- Series) ANTENNA, JOINTED, SMA CONNECTOR ANTENNA COAXIAL, SMA PLUG FOR TRANSMITTERS ANTENNA KIT WITH COLOR CAPS (for SR and SM- Series) ANTENNA, JOINTED, SMA CONNECTOR, CUT TO LENGTH BY USER ADAPTER, SMA RIGHT ANGLE MALE TO FEMALE FOR ANTENNA ANT, UHF, RIGHT ANGLE, BLOCK SPECIFIC ANT, UHF, STRAIGHT, BNC BLOCK SPECIFIC ANTENNA KIT W/CUTTING GUIDE COAX ANTENNA, RIGHT ANGLE BNC, 48" ANT LPDA, SHARK FIN STYLE ANT LPDA, SHARK FIN STYLE, LIGHTWEIGHT ANT LPDA, SHARK FIN STYLE, AMPLIFIED, 470-700MHz ANT LPDA, SHARK FIN STYLE, AMPLIFIED, 640-870MHz UHF DIPOLE ANTENNA, FOLDING, W/ DC BLCKNG CAP, 470-700 MHz ACCESSORY MOUNTNG KIT FOR ALP/SNA CABLE,MINI COAX, 2 FT CABLE,COAX,BNC/BNC,25 FT, LOW LOSS CABLE,COAX,BNC/BNC,50 FT, LOW LOSS COAXIAL CABLE, 100 FT. LENGTH, LOW LOSS COAXIAL CABLE, 125 FT. LENGTH. REQUIRES RF AMPLIFIER 69 55 75 69 59 35 35 35 35 49 319 399 839 839 189 79 59 199 349 519 319 Multicouplers & Adapers UMC16B - 230 MHZ UHF MULTI-COUPLER, 8CH DIVERSITY; 230 MHZ BW, 538-768MHz UMC16BL - 230 MHZ UHF MULTI-COUPLER, 8CH DIVERSITY; 230 MHZ BW, 470-700MHz UFM230L UHF FILTER/AMP MODULE,230MHz BANDWIDTH, 470-700MHz 1619 1619 459 ASPEN DSP AUDIO COMPONENTS SPN812 DIGITAL MATRIX AUDIO PROCESSOR, 8 IN, 12 OUT, ASPEN NET SPN1612 DIGITAL MATRIX AUDIO PROCESSOR, 16 IN, 12 OUT, ASPEN NET SPN1624 DIGITAL MATRIX AUDIO PROCESSOR, 16 IN, 24 OUT, ASPEN NET SPN2412 DIGITAL MATRIX AUDIO PROCESSOR, 24 IN, 12 OUT, ASPEN NET SPNCWB DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSOR, TEL. HYBRID, PWR AMP, WIDEBAND SPN16i DIGITAL MATRIX AUDIO PROCESSOR, 16 IN, ASPEN NET SPN32i DIGITAL MATRIX AUDIO PROCESSOR, 32 IN, ASPEN NET SPNDNT DIGITAL MATRIX ROUTER FOR DANTE AND AVB SPNTWB DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSOR, 8 IN, TEL. HYBRID, PWR AMP, WIDEBAND 4329 7457 7929 8069 4199 4399 8099 4669 7659 ACCESSORIES, CABLES AND PARTS FOR ASPEN & NETWORKED AUDIO SYSTEMS 21499 AC POWER CORD, FEMALE IEC320 TO US PLUG 21552 CABLE, 15 FT., WALL TO PHONE 21558 PLUG, CORD, F D-25 PIN 21580 PLUG, 5 POS, DEPLUGGABLE 21642 AC POWER CORD, FEMALE IEC320 TO EURO PLUG 21643 AC POWER CORD, FEMALE IEC320 UK PLUG 21644 AC POWER CORD, FEMALE IEC320 TO AUSTRALIAN PLUG 21713 CABLE , MB USB A2B 21802 CABLE, CAT6, W/FERRITE, 12" FOR CONNECTING ASPEN UNITS 24719 CABLE, WRAP, VELCRO, BLUE, W/LECTRO LOGO 35679 ADJUSTMENT TOOL, LECTRO SCREWDRIVER DB2CAT5SPN DUAL CAT5 TO DB25 ADAPTER CABLE FOR RCWPB8 RCWPB4 REMOTE CONTROL FOR ASPEN SERIES, FOUR BUTTONS, LEDS RCWPB8 REMOTE CONTROL FOR ASPEN SERIES, EIGHT BUTTONS, LEDS RCWPB8DESK REMOTE CONTROL FOR ASPEN SERIES, 8 BUTTONS, LEDS, DESK TOP RCWTH4 REMOTE CONTROL FOR SPN CONF., DESKTOP STYLE RCWVLS REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL FOR AM, DM, ASPEN SERIES XLR8 JACK PANEL, XLR AND RCA FOR APSEN PRODUCTS 29 15 9 15 39 89 109 29 65 15 9 135 299 359 589 669 199 489 Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: Seite 8 FRAGEN SIE UNS NACH DEM AKTUELLEN WÄHRUNGSRABATT / DEMANDEZ LE RABAIS DU COURS DU CHANGE Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF 9 Series Digital Audio Recorders 970 Rack-mount Audio Recorder/Player with time code. Capable of 64 track recording or playback 5199 7 Series Digital Audio Recorders Portable 8-input, 12-track digital audio recorder with time code, 240 GB internal SSD, CF slot, *1) 788T-SSD Portable 8-input, 12-track digital audio recorder with time code, 250 GB internal HD, CF slot, *1) 788T Portable time code-enabled digital audio recorder, 4-channel, CF slot, with 250 GB internal HD, *1) 744T Portable digital audio recorder, 2-channel, CF slot, with 250 GB internal HD, *1) 722 Portable time code-enabled digital audio recorder, 2-channel, CF only, *1) 702T Portable digital audio recorder, 2-channel, CF only, *1) 702 7739 7449 5019 3199 3199 2419 Portable Field Mixer/Recorder 12-input field mixer, 16-track recording, with time code, CF and SD-slot, MixAssist, PowerSafe™,*1) 688 12-input field production mixer, 16 tracks recording, time code, CF and SD-slot, *1) 664 664 with accessories, *1) 664 Kit 6-input compact mixer with integrated 10-track recorder, time code, SD & CF slot, PowerSafe™, *1) 633 633 with accessories, *1) 633 Kit 552 5-input field production mixer, built-in two-channel recorder (SD/SDHC card), *1) 6319 5289 6319 3519 4529 3999 Portable Field Mixer MixPre-D 2-input field compact mixer Super-compact, full-featured production mixer, *1) 302 1109 1999 Computer Interface USBPre 2 2-channel, portable, high-resolution USB audio interface for Mac OS and Windows 1049 Broadcast Essentials HX-3 Stereo headphone amplifier, three outputs MM-1 Single channel, battery powered microphone preamplifier with headphone monitoring MP-1 Portable, single channel microphone preamplifier Audio Accessories CL-1 CL-2 CL-8 CL-9 CL-WIFI XL-DVDRAM SL-6 CL-6 664-PACK 633-PACK CS-3 CS-5 CS-633 CS-664 CS-STRAP CS-W CS-MAN XL-1B XL-TA55 XL-TA35 XL-TA25 XL-2 XL-2F XL-2X XL-3 XL-3R XL-4 XL-7 XL-10 XL-14 Interface for connecting external keyboards to Sound Devices 7-Series audio recorders Remote 30 mm linear fader for the 788T Digital Recorders Portable Controller for Sound Devices 788T recorder for over the shoulder and cart applications Linear Fader Controller for the 788T Digital Recorder Accessory for 788T recorder adds iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch wireless remote functionality External FireWire slot-loading DVD-RAM drive in bus-powered FireWire and USB enclosure Wireless integration accessory for the 688. Input Controller for 664 Field Mixer CS-664, (4) XLF-TA3, (2) XLM-TA3, (1) XL-LB2, (1) 16 GB CF & (1) 16 GB SD card,pack is for 664or688. Mixer not incl. CS-633, (3) XLF-TA3, (2) XLM-TA3, (1) XL-LB2, (2) XL-B2, (1) 16 GB CF & (1) 16 GB SD card. 633 Mixer not incl. Production case with high-quality strap for use with 302, 702, 702T, 722, and 744T recorders and MixPre-D Production case with high-quality strap for 552 Field Mixer, 788T Recorder or 788T with CL-8 Controller Production case for use with the 633 Field Production Mixer Production case with high-quality strap for use with the 664/688 Field Production Mixer with CL-6 or SL-6 Portabrace model HB-15 medium duty neck strap with metal hooks. For use with CS-633 Production Case. Wireless accessory case. For use with the CS-5 Production Case Convenient, padded carry case with handles; fits MM-1, MP-1, HX-3, 302, 7-Series recorders TA3-F to TA3-F cable 552 or 664 link cable Links Sound Devices 302, 442 to the 552 or 664 to add inputs to master bus (L,R). TA5 to TA3. TA5 to 3.5mm male. TA3-F to XLR-M cable,package of two cables XLR-F to TA3-F cable, package of two cables TA3-F to Unisex XLR cable 3.5 mm to TA3-F link cable 3.5 mm to TA3-F link cable (right-angle 3.5 mm connector) TA3-F (type) connectors, bag of four. TA3-F to 3.5 mm jack Hirose 10-pin to two-XLR (balanced L/R) and 3.5 mm plug 3.5-mm male right-angle TRS to 1/4-inch female TRS jack for headphone extension, 12-inch. +FREE OF CHARGE! *1.) Voice Technologies VT500BUDGET or VT506BUDGET or VT701MKII Mic. Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: 519 669 539 529 529 1429 2799 419 439 1819 1429 1029 999 229 369 319 399 89 159 25 59 129 129 129 109 109 169 79 99 49 79 389 29 Seite 9 Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF XL-88 XL-LL XL-LX XL-BNC XL-LB2 XL-1394 XL-B2 XL-B3 SD-CHARGE XL-DC XL-H XL-H4 XL-NPH XL-WPH3 XL-WP3 XL-WP4 XL-RJ XL-K3 XL-K7 XL-K788 XL-K664 XL-CAM XL-LCD XL-SATA 788T-specific breakout cable for the DE-15 Multi-pin Connector LEMO-5 to LEMO-5 time code cable LEMO-5 to XLR-M and XLR-F for time code input and output BNC to BNC for word clock and AES3id interconnection, 24-inch. LEMO-5 to BNC-in and BNC-out for time code to camera jamming, 60-inch. Power conditioner for use when powering bus powered external data drives with 702,702T,722,744T recorders Lithium Ion 7.2 V, 4600 mAh battery for 7-Series audio recorders, Sony L-compatible mount. Lithium Ion 7.2 V, 6600 mAh battery, Sony L-compatible mount. Charger for Sony compatible L Series batteries, Incl. wall&car charger, Euro adapter. Input voltage 110v-240v. Coaxial power connector, raw 4-pin Hirose connector Power adapter cable, 4-pin XLR-M to 4-pin Hirose; 6 in. NP-type battery cup with 12-inch cable terminated in Hirose 4-pin locking DC connector (HR10-7P-4P) Universal, 45 W in-line AC-to-DC power supply Hirose 4-pin DC plug; with detachable IEC power cord AC to DC Power Supply (in-line) 100 – 240 V 50/60 Hz input, 12 VDC 3.75A output, coaxial DC plug Universal, 66 W in-line AC-to-DC power supply XLR 4-pin DC connector; with detachable IEC power cord RJ-12 to RJ-12 for C. Link to C. Link 702, 702T, 722, and744T recorder linking, 12-inch. Fader-knob upgrade kit for CL-9 Trim-knob for 702(T), 722 & 744. Knob is grey w/ black indicator, includes two knobs, two set screws & hex key. Trim-knob kit for 788T, knob is grey with black indicator. Includes eight knobs, eight set screws and hex key. Trim-knob kit for 664/552, knob is grey with black indicator. Includes six knobs, six set screws and hex key. Camera mounting bracket for MixPre-D. Protective, clear Lexan LCD cover for 7-Series Digital Recorders. SATA Drive Interface Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: 249 149 149 49 179 159 129 159 45 19 39 119 129 165 129 179 29 109 49 95 79 149 55 179 Seite 10 FRAGEN SIE UNS NACH DEM AKTUELLEN WÄHRUNGSRABATT / DEMANDEZ LE RABAIS DU COURS DU CHANGE Brutto (inkl. MwSt.) CHF PIX-E MODELS VIDEO RECORDERS PIX-E5H Portable 5-inch , LCD Monitor, HDMI Input and Output, Power supply included PIX-E5 PIX-E7 Portable 5-inch , LCD Monitor, 3G-SDI/HDMI Inputs and Outputs, Power supply included Portable 7-inch , LCD Monitor, 3G-SDI/HDMI Inputs and Outputs, Power supply included PIX-E Accessories PIX-E5 / E5H KIT Hardcase w/ cut foam incl. Accessories, MONITOR NOT INCLUDED. PIX-E7 KIT Hardcase w/ cut foam incl. Accessories, MONITOR NOT INCLUDED. SpeedDrive-With 240GB DriveMedia enclosure for PIX-E5 /5H & PIX-E7. Ships with 240GB mSATA SSD drive installed. SpeedDrive - Empty Media enclosure for PIX-E5 /5H & PIX-E7. Ships empty with no media incl. Compatible with mSATA SSD drive. PIX-LR Audio interface for PIX-E Monitors, two XLR in/outs, mic preamps, LED metering, transport and gain controls. PIX-E5 / 5H HOOD Sun hood for PIX-E Portable Video Recorders; magnetic connection; 5.70" L X 3.75" H X 3.35" D PIX-E DTAP Power cable, coaxial DC plug to Anton Bauer D-Tap. PIX-E PSU AC to DC Power Supply (in-line) 100 – 240 V 50/60 Hz input, 12 VDC 3.0A output, right angle coaxial DC plug. PIX-USB3 Y-CABLE USB Y cable adapter, USB 3 Type A jack - two USB 2 Type A plugs. PIX-BNC R-ADAPT Right angle adapter BNC male - BNC female. Includes two adapters. PIX-HDMI- R Right angle adapter HDMI Type A male plug - HDMI Type A female jack. Includes two adapters. PIX-E5H / E5 CASE Hardcase w/ cut foam insert space for PIX-E5H or PIX-E5 plus KIT accessroies. NO PRODUCT INCLUDED. PIX-E7 CASE Hardcase w/ cut foam insert space for PIX-E7 plus KIT accessroies. NO PRODUCT INCLUDED. Video Recorders PIX 270i PIX 270i Complete PIX 250i PIX 250i Complete PIX 240i PIX 240i Kit Rack-Mount video Recorder/Player with time code Rack-Mount video Recorder/Player with time code with accessories Rack-Mount video Recorder/Player with time code Rack-Mount video Recorder/Player with time code with accessories Portable Video Recorder with timecode Portable Video Recorder with timecode with accessories Accessories Video Recorders XM-CADDY PACK incl. (2) PIX-SSD-6 240GB 2.5" SATA Drives pre mounted to (2) PIX CADDY-2 mounting accessories PIX-CADDY 2 PIX-CADDY CF PIX-SSD6 2.5" SSD drive caddy for PIX HD Video Recorders & Sound Devices 970 Audio Recorder/Player PIX-SHIM 2 PIX-DOCK PIX-DRIVE BAY PIX-RACK PIX-LCD PIX-HOOD PIX-ARM XL-AB XL-ESATA XL-5 PIX-HC1A "case only" Shim for use with Samsung 830 Series SSD CompactFlash Caddy interface for the PIX 260i & Sound Devices 970 Audio Recorder/Player 240 GB capacity. 2.5" SSD approved for use with the PIX 220i, PIX 240i, PIX 260i & Sound Devices 970 The PIX-DOCK is designed for use with the PIX CADDY and PIX-CADDY 2 Rack-mount dual PIX-CADDY drive bay for the PIX 260i Production Video Recorder Rack-Mount kit for the PIX 260i Rack-Mount Video Recorder & Sound Devices 970 Audio Recorder/Player Clear Polycarbonate LCD cover for PIX HD Portable Video Field Recorders. Sun shield for PIX HD Portable Video Recorders Articulating arm for mounting PIX HD Portable Video Recorders to camera Anton-Bauer Power Tap to 4-pin Hirose power cable; 24 in. eSATAp cable; 36 in. Audio breakout cable, 5-pin XLR-F to two x 3-pin XLR-M; 24 in. Rugged polymer carry case with custom cut foam insert space for a PIX 220(i) or PIX 240(i) L-Mount Akkus sowie Power Supplies finden Sie auf Seite 9 / L-Mount batteries et alimentations vous trouverez sur la page 9 Exklusiv für unsere Video Devices Kunden: In der Garantiezeit: Nach Verfügbarkeit, kostenloses Ersatzgerät während allfäligen Garantiereparaturen* *Informationen zu den genauen Bedingungen dieser Dienstleistung erhalten Sie gerne auf Anfrage Exclusivement pour nos clients Video Devices: Pendant la période de garantie: selon disponibilité un remplacement gratuit pendant la réparation de garantie* *Vous recevez des informations plus précises sur ce service sur demande.. Audio Bauer Pro AG, Bernerstrasse-Nord 182, 8064 Zürich Tel. 044/432'32'30 Fax. 044/432'65'58 e-mail: [email protected] homepage: 1459 1649 1879 1249 1249 319 85 459 59 75 69 29 59 59 199 199 6199 7499 4399 5699 3999 5999 1289 209 299 489 35 509 299 159 49 69 329 129 79 129 189
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