2015 PhysikKolloquium Sommer Münchner Vortragsprogramm mit Abstracts Beginn der Veranstaltungen ist um 17:15 Uhr. München. Sämtliche Vorträge sind öffentlich bei freiem Einbezeichnet Vorträge im Hörsaal 2 des Physiktritt. Die Art der Nachsitzung wird in der VeranstalDepartments / TUM am Forschungsgelände in tung bekannt gegeben. Garching. Das Forschungsgelände kann mit der U6 bezeichnet Vorträge im Hörsaal H 030 der (bis Garching-Forschungszentrum) erreicht werFakultät für Physik / LMU in der Schellingstraÿe 4, den. Quantum Einstein equations in loop quantum gravity Prof. Dr. Kristina Giesel 2015-04-20 Department für Physik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg Loop quantum gravity is a candidate for a theory of quantum gravity, which takes general relativity as its classical starting point. The quantum theory is obtained by applying canonical quantization to general relativity. For this purpose, the techniques known from quantum eld theory need to be generalized. As a consequence, loop quantum gravity is based on a quantum eld theory, which is in many aspects different from the quantum eld theory, that is used to formulate the Standard Model of particle physics. The dynamics of the quantum theory is described by the so called quantum Einstein equations, the quantum analog of Einstein's equations. After a brief introduction to the ideas and concepts of loop quantum gravity, we will discuss the current status of the dynamics, particularly the role of gauge invariance in this context and also present further research directions currently addressed in loop quantum gravity. ranging from protein synthesis, ATP synthesis, molecular binding and recognition, selective transport, sensor functions, mechanical stability, and many more. The combined interdisciplinary efforts of the past years have revealed how many of these functions are effected on the molecular level. Computer simulations of the atomistic dynamics play a pivotal role in this enterprise, as they offer both unparalleled temporal and spatial resolution. With state of the art examples, this talk will illustrate the type of questions that can (and cannot) be addressed, and its (current) limitations. The examples include aquaporin selectivity, mechanics of energy conversion in F-ATP synthase, and tRNA translocation within the ribosome. We will further demonstrate how atomistic simulations enable one to mimic, one-to-one, single molecule experiments such as FRET distance measurements, and thereby to enhance their accuracy. We will, nally, take a more global view on the `universe' of protein dynamics motion patterns and demonstrate that a systematic coverage of this `dynasome' allows to predict protein function more reliably than purely structure-based methods. Forces and conformational dyna- Is solid helium a quantum crystal? mics in biomolecular nanomachines Prof. Dr. Sebastien Balibar Prof. Dr. Helmut Grubmüller 2015-05-04 2015-04-27 Department of Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure and Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Theoretical and Computational Biophysics, Göttingen CNRS, Paris, France It had been proposed that super uidity could coProteins are biological nanomachines. Virtually exist with crystalline order in solid helium, thanks every function in the cell is carried out by proteins its quantum properties. If true, solid helium would The understanding of glasses remains one of the grand challenges in condensed matter: glasses have liquid-like structure, but exhibit solid-like properties. These materials inspire us to rethink the notion of ow and rigidity of solids. Indeed, recent theoretical concepts suggest that material ow can be understood universally as new critical phenomenon, connecting the atomic-scale ow of glasses to the motion of tectonic plates in earth quakes. Experimentally, new ``soft glasses'' such as colloidal suspensions, foams and emulsions, have evolved as important model systems to directly visualize the particle-scale ow of solids: the individual constituent particles with sizes between a micrometer and a millimeter can be imaged and tracked accurately in three dimensions and real time, allowing direct experimental insight into the physics of ow of glasses. In this talk, I will review the progress in this rapidly developing eld. Based on real-space observations in colloidal glasses, I will demonstrate the hierarchical organization of ow in glasses, and provide evidence for new kinds of phase transitions that indeed seem to underlie the transition from rigid to owing matter. In addition to the direct imaging of the constituent particles and their dynamics, hard-sphere systems have the advantage that the particle con gurations provide a direct route to the free energy of the system. I will exploit this relation to elucidate the interplay of strain build-up and relaxation, and according (structural) free energy changes during the ow and aging of glasses. have been be the rst `supersolid'. For some years, one thought that this paradoxical coexistence of order in real and momentum space named `supersolidity' had been observed by several groups in the world. But nowadays, we understand that supersolidity does not exist in these crystals, but instead the mobility of their dislocations is so high in the low temperature limit and if all impurities are suppressed, that it does not resist to shear in some directions. The discovery of this `giant plasticity' in helium crystals is not less interesting than supersolidity. Its careful analysis has led to fundamental progress in the knowledge of dislocation networks and dynamics, which are basic phenomena at the origin of the plasticity of materials. Now a question remains: in the end, what is really quantum in these crystals? I will try to give some answers to it. Energy and signal cules Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stock ow in biomole2015-05-11 Biomolecular Dynamics, Institut für Physik, AlbertLudwigs Universität, Freiburg In biomolecules, the transport of heat and vibrational energy occurs within (tens of) picoseconds. The propagation of conformational change in intramolecular signaling, on the other hand, is believed to occur on a much longer time scale of say, nano- to milliseconds. Interestingly, recent experiments and simulations indicate a possible connection between these fast and slow processes, e.g., via the notion that allosteric interactions may be of dynamical nature. To investigate these intriguing phenomena, transient infrared experiments on photoswitchable peptides and proteins are a powerful approach. Accompanying theses experimental studies, nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations allow us to study the mechanisms of energy transport and the transport of conformational change. We show that the energy ow in biomolecules is indeed fast and anisotropic, and can affect resides quite distant from the heat source. Transport of conformational change in a photoswitchable PDZ2 domain, on the other hand, is found to occur in various stages from pico- to microseconds, which may re ect elastic deformation, (de-)stabilized interactions and conformational transitions. Molecular systems engineering with DNA Prof. Dr. Hendrik Dietz 2015-06-01 Biomolekulare Nanotechnologie, Zentrum für Nanotechnologie und Nanomaterialien, Technische Universität München It is notoriously dif cult to observe, let alone control, the position and orientation of molecules because of their small size and the constant thermal uctuations that they experience in solution. Molecular self-assembly with DNA provides a route for placing molecules and constraining their uctuations in user-de ned ways and with up to Flow of glasses: new insight into an Angstroem-scale precision. These positioning opold mystery tions open attractive and unprecedented avenues Prof. Dr. Peter Schall 2015-05-18 for scienti c and technological exploration. In my Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, The talk I will introduce some of the key concepts and methods, and highlight a number of recent Netherlands developments. 2 The physics of information: from Maxwell's demon to Landauer Prof. Dr. Eric Lutz is reproducible only because of error correction mechanisms? Or might each step be more reliable than previously intuited, squeezing as much information as possible out of a limited number of molecules? Using the fruit y as a model system, our recent work shows that from the macroscopic features of the body plan precision can be traced, through several steps, back to the counting of essential signaling molecules placed in the egg by the mother. Absolute concentrations of molecules are reproducible to better than 10%, which translates to a spatial accuracy in a developing embryo suf cient to distinguish each cell from its neighbor, arguably the highest precision that the organism could achieve. These results argue for an evolutionary design principle by which developmental systems operate near an optimal level of precision. 2015-06-08 Department für Physik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg We will discuss the intimate connection existing between information theory and thermodynamics following its historical development. We will focus on two complementary aspects: 1) the gain of information which we will illustrate with Maxwell's famous demon and 2) the erasure of information summarized by Landauer's principle. We will further present a number of recent single-particle experiments that have for the rst time realized the above gedanken experiments in the lab. Synthetic neural systems Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Meier 2015-06-15 Arti cial graphene in nanopatterned GaAs quantum wells Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Aron Pinczuk Viewed with the eyes of a physicist some aspects the brain can be described by a classical multiparticle approach. Major differences between living and physical matter arise from the facts that constituents of the brain are active information processing units and that their interactions are changing with time. Also, the brain is not an isolated system but develops as a result of interaction with the environment. These facts limit the applicability of analytical methods and even simulations on traditional high performance computers are hindered by energy and timing constraints. The lecture will introduce the idea of implementing synthetic neural circuits as physical models which offer several orders of magnitude advantages over the simulation approach in terms of energy and time. 2015-06-29 Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics and Department of Physics, Columbia University, NY, USA The honeycomb topology, natural graphene is a benchmark, supports states for electrons that disperse as mass less Dirac fermions. A novel and powerful way to achieve Dirac fermions in a controlled manner is to create arti cial graphene (AG) in the form of a honeycomb lattice potential superimposed on a semiconductor quantum well (QW). This talk reports on the realization and characterization of very short period AG topology for 2D electron systems in GaAs QWs. Short AG periods reaching as low as 40 nm enable formation of well-de ned Dirac fermions around K and K' points of the AG Brillouin zone. Evidence of formation of well-de ned Dirac fermion states is found in spectra of excitations built from transitions of electrons between bands of the AG potential measured by resonant inelastic light scattering (RILS). The honeycomb lattice potential is imprinted on a modulation-doped GaAs QW sample by means of state-of-the-art e-beam lithography followed by low-disorder inductively coupled plasma reactiveionetching. The results of our research show that arti cial potentials in semiconductors provide fruitful platforms for exploration of novel physics with potential applications. Bridging scales in development: from single molecules to macroscopic biological patterns Prof. Dr. Thomas Gregor 2015-06-22 Joe-Henry Laboratories of Physics and Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA Identical body plans across a species result from precise and reproducible embryonic development. However, the environment for developmental processes can be quite variable, and crucial signals inside the embryo are carried by so few molecules Double disk dark matter that we might expect development to be noisy. It 2015-07-06 is thus unclear how precision is achieved along the Prof. Dr. Lisa Randall developmental path. Should we imagine that every Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA step in the process is sloppy, so that the result I'll review dark matter proposals and describe more 3 separated by a tunable micrometer sized gap. We observe the strong exciton-photon coupling regime and formation of exciton-polariton eigenstates, whose energy can be tuned by changing the gap between the DBR mirrors. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the characteristic anti-crossing between the cavity modes and the MoSe2 excitons (a Rabi splitting) can be enhanced by embedding a multiple-QW structure, containing two MoSe2 monolayers separated by an hBN barrier. At a temperature of 4 K, for a single QW sample the vacuum Rabi splitting of 20 meV is observed for the neutral exciton state, which is increased to 29 meV for the double QW, following closely the NQW dependence. An intermediate coupling regime is observed for the charged exciton, where the polariton states are not fully resolved as the Rabi splitting is similar to the charged exciton linewidth. This work opens a new avenue in the eld of polaritonics in a new material system of van der Waals crystals and heterostructures with a potential for polariton devices operating at room temperature. recent work. Exciton-polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures embedded in tunable microcavities Prof. Dr. Alexander Tartakovskii 2015-07-13 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Shef eld, UK Monolayer lms of van der Waals crystals of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are direct band gap semiconductors exhibiting excitons with very large binding energies and small Bohr radii, leading to a high oscillator strength of the exciton optical transition. Here we report fabrication of `van der Waals quantum wells' (QW) made from molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2 ) light-emitting monolayers and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) barriers. Such heterostructures are embedded in an optical microcavity consisting of a concave and a planar dielectric distributed Bragg re ectors (DBR) Allgemeine Informationen Das Münchner Physik-Kolloquium ist das Podium der physikalischen Forschung im Münchner Raum. Es wird gemeinsam von den beiden Universitäten und den entsprechenden MaxPlanck-Instituten veranstaltet. Die Vorträge berichten über aktuelle Themen der Physik und angrenzender Gebiete und spiegeln den interdisziplinären Charakter der modernen Physik wider. Es ist erklärtes Anliegen des Münchner PhysikKolloquiums, die räumliche Trennung der Physik in die verschiedenen Forschungsstandorte in München und Garching durch eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung zu überbrücken. Dazu soll auch der alternierende Wechsel des Veranstaltungsorts beitragen. Veranstaltende Einrichtungen Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Die Darstellung wird möglichst allgemeinverständ- Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München lich gehalten, um auch physikalisch interessierte MPI-Koordinator: Dr. F. Simon Zuhörer aus dem industriellen oder schulischen Technische Universität München Bereich anzusprechen. Die Vortragenden sind aus- Physik-Department, James-Franck-Straÿe 1, gewiesene Fachleute auf dem jeweiligen Gebiet, 85748 Garching zum Teil auch neu nach München berufene Wis- TUM-Koordinatoren: senschaftler, die sich in diesem Rahmen einer Prof. M. Zacharias, Prof. J. Finley breiteren Öffentlichkeit vorstellen wollen. Das Kolloquium stellt insbesondere für die Studenten der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Physik eine einfache Möglichkeit dar, im Laufe Fakultät für Physik, Schellingstraÿe 4, eines Jahres alle wichtigen Arbeitsgebiete der ge- 80799 München genwärtigen physikalischen Forschung kennen zu LMU-Koordinatoren: Prof. L. Pollet, Prof. J. Weller lernen. Aktuelles Programm: http://www.ph.tum.de/kolloquium nanosystems initiative munich 4
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