Waldorf World List May 2015 HAGUE CIRCLE INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR STEINER/WALDORFEDUCATION Directory of Waldorf and Rudolf Steiner Schools and Teacher Training Centers worldwide Waldorf World List May 2015 Directory of Waldorf and Rudolf Steiner Schools and Teacher Training Centers worldwide Freie Waldorfschulen Die erste Waldorfschule wurde im September 1919 in Stuttgart eröffnet. Heute bestehen weltweit 1063 Waldorf- und Rudolf-Steiner-Schulen in 60 Ländern. Eine Auflistung der Anzahl der Schulen in den einzelnen Ländern finden Sie auf Seite 159. International tätige Organe der Waldorfschulbewegung Internationale Konferenz der Waldorf/Steinerschulen (Haager Kreis) Begründet 1970 durch Ernst Weißert und Wim Kuiper, hatte als Organ der europäischen Schulbewegungen zunächst die Aufgabe des Gedanken- und Erfahrungsaustausches; seit den 1980ern Ausdehnung auf die weltweite Schulbewegung; enge Verbindung mit der Pädagogischen Sektion am Goetheanum/ Dornach. Verantwortung für Welt-Lehrertagungen, Weltschulliste. Teilnehmer sind Vertreter der weltweiten Schulbewegung, die durch Kooptation gewählt werden und sich zweimal jährlich treffen. www.haager-kreis.org Pädagogische Sektion der Freien Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft am Goetheanum Mit Gründung der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft 1923 durch Rudolf Steiner, richtete er gleichzeitig als Mittelpunkt spiritueller Wirksamkeit die Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft mit Forschungsabteilungen (Sektionen) in den verschiedenen Berufsfeldern ein, darunter die Pädagogik. Die Pädagogische Sektion hat als Aufgabe die pädagogische Forschung und Weiterentwicklung der anthroposophisch inspirierten Pädagogik. Eine Impulsierung der Pädagogik aus den Quellen heraus ist ein grosses Anliegen zur Unterstützung der Lehrer in ihrer täglichen Arbeit. Diese Aufgabe vollzieht sich im Dialog mit den Waldorf- und Rudolf-Steiner-Schulen und deren Organen weltweit. Ihre Aufgabe sind die Koordination der Aktivitäten, Durchführung von Tagungen, Kolloquia und die Herausgabe des zweisprachigen Sektionsrundbriefes. Teilnehmer sind Mitglieder der Hochschule, die auf dem pädagogischen Feld tätig sind. Das Sekretariat ist in Dornach, Schweiz. www.paedagogik-goetheanum.ch Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners 1971 durch Ernst Weißert begründet, seit 1976 wesentlich durch ehemalige Schüler fortgeführt. Die Aufgabe der Freunde der Erziehungskunst besteht in der vor allem rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Begleitung und Förderung von Waldorfschulen, -kindergärten und Ausbildungseinrichtungen weltweit, in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und Netzwerkbildung, Förderung der Ausbildung von Waldorflehrern, Koordination des WOW-Day, Vermittlung von Patenschaften sowie der Organisation von Freiwilligendiensten, mit Sitz in Berlin und Karlsruhe. Vorstandssitzungen finden monatlich statt. Die Freunde pflegen Kontakte zum BMZ, zur UNESCO, ECSWE, EFFE etc. Ihre Finanzierung erfolgt durch Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden. www.freunde-waldorf.de European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education | ECSWE Seit 2003 nach belgischem Recht eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein. 1991 aus der Mitte des Haager Kreises durch Christopher Clouder (GB) gegründet. Als Rat der nationalen Schulbewegungen bildet ECSWE ein Widerlager zur EU-Politik und ist allgemeiner europäischer Erfahrungsaustausch. Nationale Waldorfschulverbände sind korporative Mitglieder. Mit Sitz in Brüssel und Sekretariat in Forest Row, England. Die Arbeit erfolgt durch einen Vorbereitungskreis (Mitglieder des Vorstands), 2-3 Plenarsitzungen jährlich, mehrmals Arbeitstermine in Brüssel. Die Finanzierung erfolgt durch Mitgliedsbeiträge entsprechend der nationalen Schülerzahlen. www.ecswe.org 1 Waldorf Schools The first Waldorf School opened in September 1919 in Stuttgart. Today there are 1063 Waldorf and Rudolf Steiner schools in 60 countries. A list of the number of schools in different countries can be found on page 159. International Bodies of the Waldorf School Movement International Forum of Waldorf/Steiner Schools (Hague Circle) Founded in 1970 by Ernst Weissert and Wim Kuiper, as an organ of the European school movement, this body initially bore the responsibility of exchanging thoughts and experiences; since the 1980ies it mainly focuses on extending the global education movement; the Hague Circle is thereby closely connected with the Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum/Dornach. Furthermore it carries responsibility for world teacher conferences and the world school list. Representatives of the global education movement, who are elected by co-option and meet twice a year, attend The Hague Circle. www.haager-kreis.org Pedagogical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum With the founding of the Anthroposophical Society in 1923 by Rudolf Steiner, he at the same time also established the School for Spiritual Science with research departments (sections) in the various professional fields as the centre of spiritual activity, including education. The Pedagogical Section has a mission of educational research and development of anthroposophy-inspired pedagogy. New impulses of education from this source are a great concern in order to assist the teachers in their daily work. This task is accomplished in dialogue with the Waldorf and Rudolf Steiner schools and their governing bodies worldwide. Its task is to coordinate activities, organize conferences or colloquia, and the publication of its bilingual newsletter. Participants are members of the school for spiritual science who are active in the educational field. Its office is in Dornach, Switzerland. www.paedagogik-goetheanum.ch Friends of Waldorf Education Founded in 1971 by Ernst Weissert, this association is in the hands of former Waldorf students since 1976. The mission of the Friends of Waldorf Education and its offices in Berlin and Karlsruhe is especially the legal and economic support and promotion of Waldorf schools worldwide, kindergartens and teacher training facilities, as well as maintaining international cooperation, net-working, student support, coordination of WOW-Day, intermediation of sponsorships and the organization of voluntary services. Board meetings are held monthly. The Friends maintain close contact with the German Ministry of Development Cooperation, with UNESCO, ECSWE, and EFFE etc. The Friends are entirely financed through membership fees and donations. www.freunde-waldorf.de European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education | ECSWE Registered as a charitable organization under Belgian law since 2003. This body was founded in 1991 by Christopher Clouder (GB), as a member of the Hague Circle. As the council of national school movements, ECSWE is focusing on EU policy and the general European exchange of experience. National Waldorf School Associations are corporate members. ECSWE is based in Brussels and maintains office in Forest Row, England. The work is done through a preparation group (members of the Board), 2-3 plenary sessions per year and several work appointments in Brussels. It is financed by membership fees according to the respective numbers of students. www.ecswe.org 2 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS INDEX AFRIKA AUSTRALIEN (Ozeanien) Seite Seite Ägypten 5 Australien Kenia 5 Neuseeland Namibia 5 44 49 EUROPA Südafrika 5 Armenien 51 Tansania 8 Belgien 51 AMERIKA NORDAMERIKA Kanada 19 Dänemark 54 Deutschland 56 Estland 82 Finnland 83 Frankreich 86 USA 11 Georgien 88 Mexiko 26 Großbritannien 88 Irland 92 LATEINAMERIKA 28 Island 93 Argentinien 28 Italien 93 Brasilien 30 Kroatien 97 Chile 33 Lettland 97 Guatemala 34 Liechtenstein 97 Kolumbien 34 Litauen 98 Peru 35 Luxemburg 98 ASIEN China 36 Moldawien 98 Niederlande 98 Norwegen 108 Indien 36 Österreich 112 Israel 37 Polen 115 Japan 39 Portugal 115 Kasachstan 40 Rumänien 116 117 Kirgistan 40 Russland Korea (Republik) 40 Schweden 119 Nepal 42 Schweiz 124 Philippinen 42 Slowakei 128 Tadschikistan 42 Slowenien 128 Taiwan 43 Spanien 129 Thailand 43 Tschechische Republik 130 Ukraine 132 132 Ungarn 3 Lehrerseminare Seite Afrika 137 Amerika 138 Asien 143 Australien 144 Europa 146 Änderungen/changes to: [email protected] Anzahl der Waldorfschulen weltweit (Mai 2015) Number of Waldorf Schools worldwide (May 2015) Seite 159 page 159 Legende / abbreviations: EC = Early Childhood education/Nursery/Krippe K = Kindergarten an Schule / kindergarten at school k = Kindergarten am Ort / kindergarten nearby P = Vorschule / Eingangsstufe/ pre-school d = Schülerhort/ day-home for school children in the afternoon Ft = Ganztagsschule / full-time school cs = WS mit Förderklassenbereich / Waldorf school with curative education stream CE = Heilpädagogische Schule / curative education school Int = Integrative Waldorfschule / integrated school H = Waldorfschule für Erziehunghilfe Bd = Internat / boarding school bd = privates Schülerheim / private boarding house Die Redaktion der Weltschulliste für die Internationale Konferenz der Waldorf/Steinerschulen (Haager Kreis) erfolgt durch die Pädagogische Sektion am Goetheanum in Dornach/Schweiz und die Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners in Berlin/Deutschland. Herausgeber ist der Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen in Deutschland. Editing of the world school list for the International Forum of the Waldorf/Steiner Schools (Hague Circle) is carried out by the Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach/Switzerland and the Friends of Waldorf Education in Berlin/Germany. The publisher is the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Germany. 4 Afrika Ägypten Sekem Sekem Schule Bilbeis PO Box 2834, EGY- El Horrya, Heliopolis Tel. +2-0226588124 E-mail: [email protected] www.sekem.com K-11 Nairobi Rudolf Steiner School Nairobi Masai Lodge Road, PO Box 15609, KEN- 00503 Mbagathi, Nairobi Tel. +254-722-830549 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteiner.co.ke K-9 d Nairobi Nairobi Waldorf School Miotoni Road, PO Box 13732, KEN- 00800 Nairobi Tel. +254-733-487537 E-mail: [email protected] www.nairobiwaldorfschool.ac.ke K-7 Int,cs,k,d,Ft Kenia Namibia Windhoek Waldorf School Windhoek P-13 Bd,Int,d Andries de Wet Street, PO Box 90326, NAM- Windhoek Tel. +264-61-415250 Fax +264-61-415299 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-namibia.org Südafrika Southern African Federation of Waldorf Schools , 235 Bryanston Drive, PO Box 71719, RSA-Bryanston 2021, Gauteng, South Africa, Tel.: +27-11-706-8545, Fax +27-11-706-8545, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.org.za Cape Town (Constantia) Constantia Waldorf School Spaanschemat River Road, RSA- Constantia 7806, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-7942103 Fax +27-21-7941105 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfconstantia.org.za 5 KP-13 EC,d,Ft Cape Town (Fish Hoek) Imhoff Waldorf School Kommetjie Road, PO Box 1206, RSA- Sun Valley 7985, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-7834237 Fax +27-86-6627888 E-mail: [email protected] www.imhoffwaldorf.org KP-12 EC,Ft Cape Town (Kenilworth) Michael Oak Waldorf School 4 Marlow Road, RSA- Kenilworth 7708, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-7979728 Fax +27-21-7971207 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaeloakschool.org.za KP-13 EC,d Ft Cape Town (Khayelitsha) Zenzeleni School for Creative Education 64 Mongesi Road, PO Box 280, Plumstead 7801, RSA- Khayelitsha 7784, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-3608012 Fax +27-21-7977095 E-mail: [email protected] www.cfce.org.ca KP-7 EC,Ft Cape Town (Observatory) Gaia Waldorf School Alexandra Road, PO Box 13416, RSA- Mowbray 7705, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-4470546 Fax +27-86-5163346 E-mail: [email protected] www.gaiawaldorf.co.za KP-7 EC,d,Ft Cape Town (Plumstead) Khanyisa Waldorf School 4 Victoria Rd., PO Box 476, RSA- Plumstead 7801, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-7611709 Fax +27-21-7611709 E-mail: [email protected] www.khanyisaschool.co.za 4-12 CE,Ft Dassenberg Dassenberg Waldorf School Saxonwold Road, PO Box 1714, RSA- Dassenberg 7350, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-5721105 Fax +27-21-5727821 E-mail: [email protected] www.dassenbergwaldorf.org.za KP-7 EC,d,Ft Durban Roseway Waldorf School District Road 435, Alverstone, Private Bag X7034, RSA- Hillcrest 3650, KwaZulu Natal Tel. +27-31-7681309 Fax +27-86-5309094 E-mail: [email protected] www.rosewaywaldorf.co.za KP-13 EC,d,Ft Hermanus Hermanus Waldorf School KP-7 EC,Ft End Street, Sandbaai, Postnet Suite 86, Private Bag X16, RSA- Hermanus 7200, Western Cape Tel. +27-28-3162938 Fax +27-28-3164913 E-mail: [email protected] www.hermanus-waldorfschool.org.za 6 Irene Village Waldorf School Blue Crane Avenue,Country Lane Estate, Rietvallei, PO Box 719, RSA- Wingate Park 0153, Gauteng Tel. +27-12-3453771 Fax +27-86-6759542 E-mail: [email protected] www.villagewaldorfschool.org.za/ KP-7 EC,d,Ft Johannesburg (Alexandra) Inkanyezi Waldorf School Cnr 6th Avenue & London Road, PO Box 71188, RSA- Bryanston 2021, Gauteng Tel. +27-11-4430263 Fax +27-11-4430246 E-mail: [email protected] KP-7 EC,Ft Johannesburg (Bryanston) Michael Mount Waldorf School 40 Culross Road, PO Box 67587, RSA- Bryanston 2021, Gauteng Tel. +27-11-7066125 Fax +27-11-4632059 E-mail: [email protected] www.michael-mount.co.za KP-12 EC,d,Ft McGregor McGregor Waldorf School 13 Voortrekkers street, PO Box 138, RSA- McGregor 6708, Western Cape Tel. +27-23-6251710 Fax +27-23-6251500 E-mail: [email protected] www.mcgregorwaldorf.org.za KP-6 EC,Bd,Ft Madietane Lesedi Waldorf Centre Stand no. 10034, Madietane Village, PO Box 7254 RSA- Bakone 0746, Limpopo Tel. +27-71-659-1517 E-mail: [email protected] KP-7 EC,Bd,Ft Plettenberg Bay Raphaeli Waldorf School Piesang Valley Road, PO Box 549 Plettenberg Bay, 6600, Western Cape Tel. +27-44-533 6157 Fax +27-44-533 6157 E-mail: [email protected] www.raphaeli.co.za KP-7 EC,Ft Pretoria Max Stibbe Waldorf School Plot 147, Mooiplaats, Hatfield, Private Bag X35, RSA- Pretoria 0028, Gauteng Tel. +27-12-8021175 Fax +27-86-6964239 E-mail: [email protected] www.maxstibbe.co.za KP-9 EC,Bd,d,Ft Stellenbosch Stellenbosch Waldorf School Santa Road, off Annandale Road, PO Box 603, RSA- Stellenbosch 7599, Western Cape Tel. +27-21-8813867 Fax +27-86-5143427 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschool.org.za KP-13 EC,d,Ft 7 Tansania Dar Es Salaam Hekima Waldorf School P.O. Box 34754, EAT- Dar es Salaam Tel. +255-22-2771852 E-mail: [email protected] http://hekimawaldorfschool.comlu.com/tl 8 K-7 Amerika Nordamerika AWSNA, Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, 2142A Washtenaw Rd., Ypsilanti, MI 48197, +1-612-8708310, Fax +1-612-8708316, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.WhyWaldorfWorks.org The Alliance for Public Waldorf Education, 1007B West College Avenue, # 201, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, +1-707-628-4322, E-mail: [email protected]; Website:allianceforpublicwaldorfeducation.org (a national organization of 44 public charter schools that are inspired by and striving to operate based on the principles of public Waldorf education) AWSNA: m = full membership c = candidacy membership dm = developing school membership i = initiative Kanada Alberta Calgary Calgary Waldorf School KP-9 m 515 Cougar Ridge Drive SW, CDN- Calgary, AB T3H 5G9 Tel. +1 403-287-1868 Fax +1 403-287-3414 E-mail: [email protected] www.calgarywaldorf.org British Columbia Courtenay Saltwater School 2311 Rosewall Crescent CDN- Courtenay, BC V9M 8R9 Tel. +1 250 871 7777 E-mail: [email protected] www.saltwaterschool.com KP-6 dm Duncan Island Oak High School PO Box 873, CDN- Duncan, BC V9L 3Y2 Tel. +1 250-701-0400 Fax +1 250-715-0410 E-mail: [email protected] www.islandoak.org 9-12 dm Duncan Sunrise Waldorf School 2148 Lakeside Road, CDN- Duncan, BC V9L 6M3 Tel. +1 250-743-7253 Fax +1 250-743-7245 E-mail: [email protected] www.sunrisewaldorfschool.org KP-8 m 9 Kelowna Kelowna Waldorf School 429 Collett Rd, RPO Okanagan Mission, CDN- Kelowna, BC V1W 1K6 Tel. +1 250-764-4130 Fax +1 250-764-4139 E-mail: [email protected] www.kelownawaldorfschool.org KP-8 dm Nelson Nelson Waldorf School PO Box 165, CDN- Nelson, BC V1L 5P9 Tel. +1 250-352-6919 Fax +1 250-352-6887 E-mail: [email protected] www.nelsonwaldorf.org KP-8 m Roberts Creek Sun Haven Waldorf School KP-6 dm 1341 Margaret Road, CDN- Roberts Creek, BC V0N 2W2 Tel. +1 604-741-0949 Fax +1 604-741-0949 E-mail: [email protected] www.sunhavenschool.ca Squamish Cedar Valley Waldorf School PO Box 5356, CDN- Squamish, BC V8B 0C2 Tel. +1 604-898-3287 Fax +1 604-898-3287 E-mail: [email protected] www.cedarvalleyschool.com KP-7 dm Vancouver Vancouver Waldorf School 2725 St. Christophers Road, CDN- North Vancouver, BC V7K 2B6 Tel. +1 604-985-7435 Fax +1 604-985-4948 E-mail: [email protected] www.vws.ca KP-12 m Whistler Whistler Waldorf School PO Box 1501, CDN- Whistler, BC V0N 1B0 Tel. +1 604 932 1885 Fax +1 604-932-1876 E-mail: [email protected] www.whistlerwaldorf.com KP-11 c Ontario Waldorf School Association of Ontario, 9100 Bathurst Street No. 2, CDN-Thornhill, Ontario L4J8C7, Tel.: +1-905-8892066, Fax +1-905-8893336, E-mail: [email protected] Burlington Halton Waldorf School 2193 Orchard Road, CDN- Burlington, ON L7R 3X5 Tel. +1 905-331-4387 Fax +1 905-331-3231 E-mail: [email protected] www.haltonwaldorf.com KP-8 m Guelph Trillium Waldorf School 540 Victoria Road North, CDN- Guelph, ON N1E 6Z4 Tel. +1 519-821-5140 Fax +1 519-821-0453 E-mail: [email protected] www.trilliumwaldorfschool.com KP-8 c 10 Kingston Mulberry Waldorf School 25 Markland St., CDN- Kingston, ON K7K 1S2 Tel. +1 613-542-0669 Fax +1 613-542-0667 E-mail: [email protected] www.mulberrywaldorfschool.ca KP-6 dm London London Waldorf School 7 Beaufort Street, CDN- London, ON N6G 1A5 Tel. +1 519-858-8862 Fax +1 519-858-8863 E-mail: [email protected] www.londonwaldorf.ca K-8 m Thornhill Toronto Waldorf School 9100 Bathurst Street # 1, CDN- Thornhill, ON L4J 8C7 Tel. +1 905-881-1611 Fax +1 905-881-6710 E-mail: [email protected] www.torontowaldorfschool.com KP-12 m EC,FT,bd Toronto Waldorf Academy 250 Madison Avenue, CDN- Toronto, ON M4V 2W6 Tel. +1 416-962-6447 Fax +1 416-975-5513 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfacademy.org KP-8 m Montreal Ecole Rudolf Steiner de Montreal 4855 rue Kensington, CDN- Montreal, QC H3X 3S6 Tel. +1 514-481-5686 Fax +1 514-481-5072 E-mail: [email protected] www.ersm.org K-8 dm Val-David Ecole Imagine KP-6 dm 5B-1337 de la Sapiniere, CDN- Val-David, QC J0T 2N0 Tel. +1 819-322-7786 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoleimagine.org Quebec USA Alabama Birmingham Alabama Waldorf School KP-8 c 1220 50th Street South, USA- Birmingham, AL 35222-3916 Tel. +1 205 592-0541 Fax +1 205 592-0581 E-mail: [email protected] www.alabamawaldorf.org Alaska Anchorage Anchorage Waldorf School 3250 Baxter Road, USA- Anchorage, AK 99504 Tel. +1 907-333-9062 Fax +1 907-338-9362 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfak.org 11 KP-5 dm Arizona Tucson Tucson Waldorf School 3605 E River Road, USA- Tucson, AZ 85716 Tel. +1 520-529-1032 Fax +1 520-529-2776 E-mail: [email protected] www.tucsonwaldorf.org KP-8 c California Altadena Pasadena Waldorf School KP-12 m 209 East Mariposa Street, USA- Altadena, CA 91001-5133 Tel. +1 626-794-9564 Fax +1 626-794-4704 E-mail: [email protected] www.pasadenawaldorf.org Calpella Waldorf School of Mendocino County KP-8 m 6280 Third St., PO Box 349, USA- Calpella, CA 95418-0349 Tel. +1 707-485-8719 Fax +1 707-485-7335 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfmendocino.com Encinitas Sanderling Waldorf School PO Box 232279, USA- Encinitas, CA 92034 Tel. +1 760-635-3747 Fax +1 760-635-1037 E-mail: [email protected] www.sanderlingwaldorf.org Costa Mesa Waldorf School of Orange County KP-12 m 2350 Canyon Drive, USA- Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948 Tel. +1 949-574-7775 Fax +1 949-574-7740 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschool.com Davis Davis Waldorf School 3100 Sycamore Lane, USA- Davis, CA 95616-5732 Tel. +1 530-753-1651 Fax +1 530-753-0944 E-mail: [email protected] www.daviswaldorf.org KP-8 c El Sobrante East Bay Waldorf School 3800 Clark Road, USA- El Sobrante, CA 94803-2132 Tel. +1 510-223-3570 Fax +1 510-222-3141 E-mail: [email protected] www.eastbaywaldorf.org KP-8 m Fair Oaks Sacramento Waldorf School KP-12 m 3750 Bannister Road, USA- Fair Oaks, CA 95628-6890 Tel. +1 916-961-3900 Fax +1 916-961-3970 E-mail: [email protected] www.sacwaldorf.org Goleta Waldorf School of Santa Barbara PO Box 788, USA- Goleta, CA 93116 Tel. +1 805-967-6656 Fax +1 805-696-6228 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsantabarbara.org 12 KP-8 c KP-8 dm Jamestown Sierra Waldorf School KP-8 c 19234 Rawhide Road, USA- Jamestown, CA 95327-9627 Tel. +1 209-984-0454 Fax +1 209-984-4125 E-mail: [email protected] www.sierrawaldorf.com Long Beach Maple Village Waldorf School 4017 E 6th Street, USA- Long Beach, CA 90814-1749 Tel. +1 562-434-8200 E-mail: [email protected] www.maplevillageschool.org KP-5 dm Los Altos Waldorf School of the Peninsula 11311 Mora Drive, USA- Los Altos, CA 94024-6523 Tel. +1 650-948-8433 Fax +1 650-949-2494 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfpeninsula.org KP-12 m Meadow Vista Live Oak Waldorf School 410 Crother Road, USA- Meadow Vista, CA 95722 Tel. +1 530-878-8720 Fax +1 530-878-6548 E-mail: [email protected] www.liveoakwaldorf.org KP-8 m Northridge Highland Hall Waldorf School KP-12 m 17100 Superior Street, USA- Northridge, CA 91325-1911 Tel. +1 818-349-1394 Fax +1 818-349-2390 E-mail: [email protected] www.highlandhall.org Pacific Palisades Westside Waldorf School 17310 West Sunset Boulevard, USA- Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel. +1 310-454-7064 Fax +1 310-454-7084 E-mail: [email protected] www.wswaldorf.org Placerville Cedar Springs Waldorf School KP-8 m 6029 Gold Meadows Road, USA- Placerville, CA 95667 Tel. +1 530-642-9903 Fax +1 530-642-1904 E-mail: [email protected] www.cedarspringsonline.com Sacramento Camellia Waldorf School 5701 Freeport Blvd., USA- Sacramento, CA 95822 Tel. +1 916-427-5022 Fax +1 916-427-8287 E-mail: [email protected] www.camelliawaldorf.org KP-8 m San Diego Waldorf School of San Diego 3547 Altadena Avenue, USA- San Diego, CA 92105 Tel. +1 619-280-8016 Fax +1 619-280-8071 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsandiego.org KP-12 m 13 KP-8 c San Francisco San Francisco Waldorf School SF Waldorf Grade School Campus, 2938 Washington St. USA- San Francisco, CA 94115-1727 Tel. +1 415-931-2750 Fax +1 415-931-0590 E-mail: [email protected] www.sfwaldorf.org KP-12 m San Francisco San Francisco Waldorf School (High) 9-12 m 470 West Portal Avenue, USA- San Francisco, CA 94127 Tel. +1 415-431-2736 E-mail: [email protected] www.sfwaldorf.org San Rafael Marin Waldorf School 755 Idylberry Road, USA- San Rafael, CA 94903 Tel. +1 415-479-8190 Fax +1 415-479-9921 E-mail: [email protected] www.marinwaldorf.org Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Waldorf School KP-8 m 2190 Empire Grade, USA- Santa Cruz, CA 95060-9702 Tel. +1 831-425-0519 Fax +1 831-425-1326 E-mail: [email protected] www.scwaldorf.org Santa Rosa Summerfield Waldorf School & Farm KP-12 m 655 Willowside Road, USA- Santa Rosa, CA 95401-5527 Tel. +1 707-575-7194 Fax +1 707-575-3217 E-mail: [email protected] www.summerfieldwaldorf.org KP-8 m Colorado Boulder Shining Mountain Waldorf School 999 Violet Avenue, USA- Boulder, CO 80304-0652 Tel. +1 303-444-7697 Fax +1 303-444-7701 E-mail: [email protected] www.smwaldorf.org KP-12 m Boulder Tara Performing Arts High School 4180 19th Street, USA- Boulder, CO 80304 Tel. +1 303-440-4510 Fax +1 303-448-0090 E-mail: [email protected] www.tarahighschool.org 9-12 dm Carbondale Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork 16543 Hwy 82, USA- Carbondale, CO 81623 Tel. +1 970-963-1960 Fax +1 970-963-1066 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfcarbondale.org KP-8 m Denver The Denver Waldorf School 2100 S. Pennsylvania St, USA- Denver, CO 80210 Tel. +1 303-777-0531 Fax +1 303-744-1216 E-mail: [email protected] www.denverwaldorf.org KP-12 m 14 Niwot Shepherd Valley Waldorf School KP-8 dm 6500 West Dry Creek Parkway, USA- Niwot, CO 80503 Tel. +1 303-652-0130 Fax +1 303-652-0133 E-mail: [email protected] www.shepherdvalley.org Connecticut Newtown Housatonic Valley Waldorf School KP-8 m 40 Dodgingtown Road, USA- Newtown, CT 06470-1861 Tel. +1 203-364-1113 Fax +1 203-364-0630 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfct.org Florida Palm Harbor Suncoast Waldorf School 1857 Curlew Road, USA- Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Tel. +1 727-786-8311 Fax +1 727-789-8265 E-mail: [email protected] www.suncoastwaldorf.org KP-5 dm Sarasota Sarasota Waldorf School 6210 Crestwood Avenue, USA- Sarasota, FL 34231 Tel. +1 941-927-3711 Fax +1 941-927-2006 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsarasota.org KP-5 dm Decatur Waldorf School of Atlanta 827 Kirk Rd., USA- Decatur, GA 30030-4530 Tel. +1 404-377-1315 Fax +1 404-377-5013 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfatlanta.org KP-8 m Decatur Academe of the Oaks 146 New Street, USA- Decatur, GA 30030 Tel. +1 404-405-2173 Fax +1 404-377-7178 E-mail: [email protected] www.academeatlanta.org 9-12 m Honolulu Honolulu Waldorf School 350 Ulua Street, USA- Honolulu, HI 96821-2146 Tel. +1 808-377-5471 Fax +1 808-373-2040 E-mail: [email protected] www.honoluluwaldorf.org KP-12 m Keaau Malamalama Waldorf School HC 3, Box 13068, USA- Keaau, HI 96749-9220 Tel. +1 808-982-7701 Fax +1 808-982-7806 E-mail: [email protected] www.hawaiiwaldorf.org KP-8 dm Georgia Hawaii 15 Kula Haleakala Waldorf School 4160 Lower Kula Road, USA- Kula, HI 96790-8118 Tel. +1 808-878-2511 Fax +1 808-878-3341 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfmaui.com KP-11 m Idaho Sandpoint Sandpoint Waldorf School KP-8 dm 2007 Sandpoint West Dr, PO Box 95, USA- Sandpoint, ID 83864 Tel. +1 208-265-2683 Fax +1 208-265-2683 E-mail: [email protected] www.sandpointwaldorf.org Illinois Chicago Chicago Waldorf School 1300 W. Loyola Ave., USA- Chicago, IL 60626 Tel. +1 773-465-2662 Fax +1 773-465-6648 E-mail: [email protected] www.chicagowaldorf.org KP-12 m Chicago Urban Prairie Elementary School 1220 W. Lexington Street, USA- Chicago, IL 60607 Tel. +1 312-733-5337 E-mail: [email protected] www.urbanprairie.org 1-6 dm Warrenville Four Winds Waldorf School 30W160 Calumet Ave W, USA- Warrenville, IL 60555 Tel. +1 630-836-9400 Fax +1 630-836-1732 E-mail: [email protected] www.fourwindswaldorf.org KP-7 dm Wauconda Da Vinci Waldorf School 150 W. Bonner Road, USA- Wauconda, IL 60084-3612 Tel. +1 847-526-1372 Fax +1 847-717-7314 E-mail: [email protected] www.davinciwaldorfschool.org KP-8 dm Prairie Moon Waldorf School 1853 East 1600 Rd, USA- Lawrence, KS 66044-1266 Tel. +1 785-841-8800 Fax +1 785-841-8800 E-mail: [email protected] www.prairiemoon.org KP-6 dm Waldorf School of Louisville 8005 New LaGrange Road, USA- Louisville, KY 40222-4770 Tel. +1 502-327-0122 Fax +1 502-327-7772 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorflouisville.com KP-8 c Kansas Lawrence Kentucky Louisville 16 Louisiana New Orleans Waldorf School of New Orleans KP-6 dm 517 Soraparu St. Suite 101, USA- New Orleans, LA 70130 Tel. +1 504-525-2420 Fax +1 504 525-3223 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfnola.org Maine Blue Hill The Bay School PO Box 950, USA- Blue Hill, ME 04614-0950 Tel. +1 207-374-2187 Fax +1 207-374-5717 E-mail: [email protected] www.bayschool.org KP-8 m Eliot Seacoast Waldorf School 403 Harold L Dow Hwy, USA- Eliot, ME 03903 Tel. +1 207-686-3140 Fax +1 207-439-9599 E-mail: [email protected] www.seacoastwaldorfschool.org KP-5 dm Freeport Merriconeag Waldorf School 57 Desert Road, USA- Freeport, ME 04032-6221 Tel. +1 207-865-3900 Fax +1 207-865-6822 E-mail: [email protected] www.merriconeag.org KP-12 m Rockport Ashwood Waldorf School 180 Park Street, USA- Rockport, ME 04856 Tel. +1 207-236-8021 Fax +1 207-230-2423 E-mail: [email protected] www.ashwoodwaldorf.org KP-8 m Maryland Baltimore Waldorf School of Baltimore KP-8 m 4801 Tamarind Road, USA- Baltimore, MD 21209-4600 Tel. +1 410-367-6808 Fax +1 410-664-4221 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschoolofbaltimore.org Bethesda Washington Waldorf School 4800 Sangamore Road, USA- Bethesda, MD 20816 Tel. +1 301-229-6107 Fax +1 301-229-9379 E-mail: [email protected] www.washingtonwaldorf.org KP-12 m Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay 160A Lexington Street, USA- Belmont, MA 02478-1240 Tel. +1 617-489-6600 Fax +1 617-489-6619 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfhighschool.org 9-12 m Massachusetts Belmont 17 Beverly Waldorf School at Moraine Farm 701 Cabot St., USA- Beverly, MA 01915 Tel. +1 978-927-8811 Fax +1 978-927-5237 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfmoraine.org KP-8 m Cotuit Waldorf School of Cape Cod 140 Old Oyster Rd., USA- Cotuit, MA 2635 Tel. +1 508-420-1005 Fax +1 508-420-0473 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschoolofcapecod.org KP-8 dm Great Barrington Berkshire Waldorf High School PO Box 905, USA- Great Barrington, MA 01230-0905 Tel. +1 207-374-2187 Fax +1 413-528-5132 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfhigh.org 9-12 dm Hadley Hartsbrook School 193 Bay Road, USA- Hadley, MA 01035-9793 Tel. +1 413-586-1908 Fax +1 413-586-9438 E-mail: [email protected] www.hartsbrook.org KP-12 m Lexington Waldorf School of Lexington KP-8 m 739 Massachusetts Avenue, USA- Lexington, MA 02420-3916 Tel. +1 781-863-1062 Fax +1 781-863-7221 E-mail: [email protected] www.thewaldorfschool.org Michigan Ann Arbor Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor 2775 Newport Road, USA- Ann Arbor, MI 48103-2270 Tel. +1 734-995-4141 Fax +1 734-995-4383 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschool.org KP-8 m Ann Arbor Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor 2230 Pontiac Trail, USA- Ann Arbor, MI 48105-1280 Tel. +1 734-669-9394 Fax +1 734-669-9396 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschool.org 9-12 m Detroit Detroit Waldorf School 2555 Burns Avenue, USA- Detroit, MI 48214-1864 Tel. +1 313-822-0300 Fax +1 313-822-4030 E-mail: [email protected] www.detroitwaldorf.org KP-8 m Rochester Hills Oakland Steiner School 3976 South Livernois Road, USA- Rochester Hills, MI 48307-4935 Tel. +1 248-299-8755 Fax +1 248-299-3614 E-mail: [email protected] www.oaklandsteiner.org KP-8 m 18 Minnesota Maplewood Minnesota Waldorf School 70 County Road B, USA- Maplewood, MN 55117-1927 Tel. +1 651-487-6700 Fax +1 651-487-6800 E-mail: [email protected] www.mnwaldorf.org KP-8 m Minneapolis City of Lakes Waldorf School KP-8 m 2344 Nicollet Avenue South, USA- Minneapolis, MN 55404-2101 Tel. +1 612-767-0293 Fax +1 612-767-1551 E-mail: [email protected] www.clws.org Missouri Webster Groves The Waldorf School of St. Louis 915 N. Elm Ave., USA- Webster Groves, MO 63119 Tel. +1 314-962-2129 Fax +1 314-962-2012 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfstl.org KP-8 dm Nevada Sage Waldorf School 565 Reactor Way, USA- Reno, NV 89502 Tel. +1 775-348-6622 E-mail: [email protected] www.nevadasagewaldorf.org KP-3 dm White Mountain Waldorf School PO Box 1069, USA- Conway, NH 03818-1069 Tel. +1 603-447-3168 Fax +1 603-617-3413 E-mail: [email protected] www.whitemountainwaldorf.org KP-8 dm Monadnock Waldorf School 98 South Lincoln Street, USA- Keene, NH 03431 Tel. +1 603-357-4442 Fax +1 603-357-2955 E-mail: [email protected] www.monadnockwaldorfschool.org KP-12 m Nevada Reno New Hampshire Conway Keene Monadnock Waldorf School – High School 146 School Street, USA- Keene, NH 03431 Tel. +1 603-903-0064 Fax +1 603-357-2955 E-mail: [email protected] www.monadnockwaldorfschool.org Wilton Pine Hill Waldorf School 77 Pine Hill Drive, USA- Wilton, NH 03086-0668 Tel. +1 603-654-6003 Fax +1 603-654-5012 E-mail: [email protected] www.pinehill.org 19 KP-8 m Wilton High Mowing School 222 Isaac Frye Highway, USA- Wilton, NH 03086-5813 Tel. +1 603-654-2391 Fax +1 603-654-6588 E-mail: [email protected] www.highmowing.org 9-12 m Waldorf School of Princeton 1062 Cherry Hill Rd., USA- Princeton, NJ 08540-7722 Tel. +1 609-466-1970 Fax +1 609-333-9991 E-mail: [email protected] www.princetonwaldorf.org KP-8 m El Prado Taos Waldorf School PO Box 2276, USA- El Prado, NM 87529 Tel. +1 575-751-7750 Fax +1 575-751-7247 E-mail: [email protected] www.taoswaldorfschool.com KP-7 dm Santa Fe Santa Fe Waldorf School 26 Puesta del Sol, USA- Santa Fe, NM 87508-5944 Tel. +1 505-983-9727 Fax +1 505-992-0568 E-mail: [email protected] www.santafewaldorf.org KP-12 m Brooklyn The Brooklyn Waldorf School 11 Jefferson Ave., USA- Brooklyn, NY 11238 Tel. +1 718-783-3270 Fax +1 718-783-7209 E-mail: [email protected] www.brooklynwaldorf.org KP-8 dm Chestnut Ridge Green Meadow Waldorf School 307 Hungry Hollow Road, USA- Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977-6329 Tel. +1 845-356-2514 Fax +1 845-356-2921 E-mail: [email protected] www.gmws.org KP-12 m Garden City Waldorf School of Garden City 225 Cambridge Avenue, USA- Garden City, NY 11530-9012 Tel. +1 516-742-3434 Fax +1 516-742-3457 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfgarden.org KP-12 m Ghent Hawthorne Valley School 330 County Route 21 C, USA- Ghent, NY 12075-1926 Tel. +1 518-672-7092 Fax +1 518-672-8006 E-mail: [email protected] www.hawthornevalleyschool.org KP-12 m New Jersey Princeton New Mexico New York 20 Ithaca Ithaca Waldorf School 20 Nelson Road, USA- Ithaca, NY 14850 Tel. +1 607-256-2020 E-mail: [email protected] www.ithacawaldorf.org K-8 dm New Paltz Mountain Laurel Waldorf School PO Box 939, USA- New Paltz, NY 12561-0939 Tel. +1 845-255-0033 Fax +1 845-255-0597 E-mail: [email protected] www.mountainlaurel.org KP-8 c New York Rudolf Steiner School of New York City 15 East 79th Street, USA- New York, NY 10075 Tel. +1 212-535-2130 Fax +1 212-744-4497 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner.edu KP-12 m Saratoga Springs Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs KP-12 m 122 Regent Street, USA- Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-4334 Tel. +1 518-587-0549 Fax +1 518-581-1682 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsaratoga.org West Falls Aurora Waldorf School KP-8 c 525 West Falls Road, USA- West Falls, NY 14170-9758 Tel. +1 716-655-2029 Fax +1 716-655-3265 E-mail: [email protected] www.aurorawaldorfschool.org North Carolina Chapel Hill Emerson Waldorf School KP-12 m 6211 New Jericho Road, USA- Chapel Hill, NC 27516-8171 Tel. +1 919-967-1858 Fax +1 919-967-2732 E-mail: [email protected] www.emersonwaldorf.org Ohio Cincinnati Cincinnati Waldorf School 6743 Chestnut Street, USA- Cincinnati, OH 45227 Tel. +1 513-541-0220 Fax +1 513-541-3586 E-mail: [email protected] www.cinciwaldorf.org KP-8 m Copley Spring Garden Waldorf School KP-8 m 1791 South Jacoby Road, USA- Copley, OH 44321-2223 Tel. +1 330-666-0574 Fax +1 330-666-9210 E-mail: [email protected] www.sgws.org Oregon Ashland The Siskiyou School 631 Clay Street, USA- Ashland, OR 97520 Tel. +1 541-482-8223 Fax +1 541-488-9549 E-mail: [email protected] www.siskiyouschool.org 21 KP-8 dm Bend Waldorf School of Bend 2152 NE Studio Road, USA- Bend, OR 97701 Tel. +1 541-330-8841 Fax +1 541-330-9713 E-mail: [email protected] www.bendwaldorf.com KP-8 dm Corvallis Corvallis Waldorf School 3855 NE Highway 20, USA- Corvallis, OR 97330-9212 Tel. +1 541-758-4674 Fax +1 541-758-5091 E-mail: [email protected] www.corvalliswaldorfschool.org KP-8 dm Eugene Eugene Waldorf School 1350 McLean Blvd., USA- Eugene, OR 97405-1998 Tel. +1 541-683-6951 Fax +1 541-345-8774 E-mail: [email protected] www.eugenewaldorf.org KP-8 m Hillsboro Swallowtail Waldorf School and Farm PO Box 3753, USA- Hillsboro, OR 97123 Tel. +1 503-846-0336 Fax +1 503-214-5536 E-mail: [email protected] www.swallowtailschool.org KP-8 dm Milwaukie Portland Waldorf School 2300 SE Harrison Street, USA- Milwaukie, OR 97222-7527 Tel. +1 503-654-2200 Fax +1 503-652-5162 E-mail: [email protected] www.portlandwaldorf.org KP-12 m Portland Cedarwood School 3030 SW Second Ave., USA- Portland, OR 97201 Tel. +1 503-245-1477 Fax +1 503-245-5405 E-mail: [email protected] www.cedarwoodschool.org KP-8 c Portland Shining Star School of Oregon 2120 NE Tillamook, USA- Portland, OR 97212 Tel. +1 503-753-4459 E-mail: [email protected] www.shiningstarschool.com KP-7 dm Pennsylvania Glenmoor Camphill Special School - Beaver Run& Meadowsweet K-12 m CE Waldorf Early Childhood Center 1784 Fairview Road, USA- Glenmoore, PA 19343-2624 Tel. +1 610-469-9236 Fax +1 610-469-9758 E-mail: [email protected] www.camphillspecialschool.org, www.camphillschool.org Kimberton Kimberton Waldorf School PO Box 350, USA- Kimberton, PA 19442-0350 Tel. +1 610-933-3635 Fax +1 610-935-6985 E-mail: [email protected] www.kimberton.org 22 KP-12 m Marietta Susquehanna Waldorf School 15 West Walnut Street, USA- Marietta, PA 17547-0165 Tel. +1 717-426-4506 Fax +1 717-426-3326 E-mail: [email protected] www.susquehannawaldorf.org KP-8 m Philadelphia Waldorf School of Philadelphia 7500 Germantown Ave., Eagles II Building, USA- Philadelphia, PA 19119 Tel. +1 215-248-1662 Fax +1 215-248-6167 E-mail: [email protected] www.phillywaldorf.com KP-8 c Pittsburgh Waldorf School of Pittsburgh KP-8 dm 201 South Winebiddle St., USA- Pittsburgh, PA 15224-1617 Tel. +1 412-441-5792 Fax +1 412-441-5179 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfpittsburgh.org Upper Black Eddy River Valley Waldorf School 1395 Bridgeton Hill Road, USA- Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972-9721 Tel. +1 610-982-5606 Fax +1 610-9825799 E-mail: [email protected] www.rivervalleyschool.org KP-8 m Rhode Island West Kingston Meadowbrook Waldorf School KP-8 m 300 Kingstown Road, USA- West Kingston, RI 02892-1101 Tel. +1 401-491-9570 Fax +1 401-5396003 E-mail: [email protected] www.meadowbrookschool.com South Dakota Kyle Lakota Waldorf School Three Mile Creek, P.O.Box 527 USA- Kyle, SD 57752 Tel. +1 605-455-2487 Email: [email protected] www.lakotawaldorfschool.org KP-2 i Linden Waldorf School 3201 Hillsboro Pike, USA- Nashville, TN 37215-1533 Tel. +1 615-3540270 Fax +1 615-354-0247 E-mail: [email protected] www.lindenwaldorf.org KP-8 c Austin Waldorf School 8700 South View Road, USA- Austin, TX 78737-1241 Tel. +1 512-2885942 Fax +1 512-3018997 E-mail: [email protected] www.austinwaldorf.org KP-12 m Tennessee Nashville Texas Austin 23 Vermont East Montpelier Orchard Valley Waldorf School 2290 VT Route 14 North, USA- East Montpelier, VT 05651-4027 Tel. +1 802-456-7400 Fax +1 802-456-7449 E-mail: [email protected] www.ovws.org KP-8 c Plainfield Central Vermont High School Initiative PO Box 95, USA- Plainfield, VT 05667 Tel. +1 802-454-1053 E-mail: [email protected] www.vtwhs.org 9-11 d Quechee Upper Valley Waldorf School PO Box 709, USA- Quechee, VT 05059-0709 Tel. +1 802-296-2496 Fax +1 802-2965075 E-mail: [email protected] www.uvws.org KP-8 dm Shelbourne Lake Champlain Waldorf School 359 Turtle Lane, USA- Shelburne, VT 05482-7649 Tel. +1 802-985-2827 Fax +1 802-985-2834 E-mail: [email protected] www.lakechamplainwaldorfschool.org KP-12 m Arlington Potomac Crescent Waldorf School 923 23rd Street South, USA- Arlington, VA 22202-2422 Tel. +1 703-486-1309 Fax +1 703-486-1309 E-mail: [email protected] www.potomaccrescentschool.org KP-4 dm Charlottesville Charlottesville Waldorf School KP-8 m 120 Waldorf School Road, USA- Charlottesville, VA 22901 Tel. +1 434-9734946 Fax +1 434-9734109 E-mail: [email protected] www.cwaldorf.org Richmond Richmond Waldorf School KP-8 c 1000 Westover Hills Blvd, USA- Richmond, VA 23225-4470 Tel. +1 804-377-8024 Fax +1 804-377-8027 E-mail: [email protected] www.richmondwaldorf.com Virginia Washington Bainbridge Island Madrona School PO Box 11371, USA- Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Tel. +1 206-8558041 Fax +1 206-8550668 E-mail: [email protected] www.madronaschool.org 24 KP-8 dm Bellevue Three Cedars Waldorf School 556-124th Avenue NE, USA- Bellevue, WA 98005 Tel. +1 425-4019874 Fax +1 425-8659093 E-mail: [email protected] www.threecedars.org KP-8 c Bellingham Whatcom Hills Waldorf School 941 Austin Street, USA- Bellingham, WA 98229-2705 Tel. +1 360-7333164 Fax +1 360-7330526 E-mail: [email protected] www.whws.org KP-8 m Clinton Whidbey Island Waldorf School PO Box 469, USA- Clinton, WA 98236 Tel. +1 360-3415686 Fax +1 360-3415689 E-mail: [email protected] www.wiws.org KP-8 dm East Olympia Olympia Waldorf School PO Box 130, USA- East Olympia, WA 98540-0130 Tel. +1 360-4930906 Fax +1 360-4930835 E-mail: [email protected] www.olympiawaldorf.org KP-8 m Port Hadlock Sunfield Waldorf School & Biodynamic Farm PO Box 85, USA- Port Hadlock, WA 98339-0085 Tel. +1 360-385-3658 E-mail: [email protected] www.sunfieldfarm.org KP-9 dm Seattle Seattle Waldorf School 2728 NE 100th Street, USA- Seattle, WA 98125-7712 Tel. +1 206-524-5320 Fax +1 206-523-3920 E-mail: [email protected] www.seattlewaldorf.org KP-12 m Seattle Bright Water School 1501 10th Ave East, Suite 100, USA- Seattle, WA 98102-4210 Tel. +1 206-624-6176 Fax +1 206-322-7893 E-mail: [email protected] www.brightwaterschool.org KP-8 dm Tacoma Tacoma Waldorf School 2710 N. Madison St., USA- Tacoma, WA 98407 Tel. +1 253-383-8711 Fax +1 253-3838711 E-mail: [email protected] www.tacomawaldorf.org KP-5 dm Madison Waldorf School 6510 Schroeder Road, USA- Madison, WI 53711 Tel. +1 608-270-9005 Fax +1 608-270-9337 E-mail: [email protected] www.madisonwaldorf.org KP-8 dm Wisconsin Madison 25 Milwaukee Tamarack Waldorf School 1150 East Brady St., USA- Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel. +1 414-277-0009 Fax +1 414-277-7799 E-mail: [email protected] www.tamarackwaldorf.org KP-9 m Pewaukee Prairie Hill Waldorf School N14 W29143 Silvernail Road, USA- Pewaukee, WI 53072-4855 Tel. +1 262-6467497 Fax +1 262-6467495 E-mail: [email protected] www.prairiehillwaldorf.org KP-8 m Viroqua Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School 431 East Court Street, USA- Viroqua, WI 54665-1716 Tel. +1 608-637-7828 Fax +1 608-637-3952 E-mail: [email protected] www.pleasantridgewaldorf.org KP-8 m Viroqua Youth Initiative High School 500 East Jefferson St. #302, USA- Viroqua, WI 54665-1749 Tel. +1 608-6376445 E-mail: [email protected] www.yihs.net 9-12 dm Aguascalientes Colegio Waldorf Amanecer Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 128 Col. Los Pocitos, MEX- Aguascalientes, AGS 20329 Tel. +52-449-1065290 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfaguascalientes.com.mx KP-6 i Cuernavaca Escuela Waldorf de Cuernavaca Campo Florido #105, Santa Maria Ahuacatitlán, MEX- Cuernavaca, MOR 62100 Tel. +52-777-317-1599 Fax +52-777-317-0932 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] www.escuelawaldorf.edu.mx KP-9 m Guanajuato Colegio Yeccan Waldorf Club De La Mancha Lote #32-B, MEX- Guanajuato, GTO 36000 Tel. +52-473-7324715 Fax +52-473-7324715 E-mail: [email protected] KP-8 d Juriquilla Waldorf Lila – Escuela Libre Ka Camino a Acequia Blanca 7 MEX – Juriquilla Villas del Meson, QUE 76230 Tel: +52 442 358 9092 Email: [email protected] www.waldorfqueretaro.com KP-8 d Mexiko 26 Mexico, D.F. Escuela Waldorf de la Ciudad de Mexico Calle Huitzitzilin No. 31, MEX- Ciudad de México 04360 Tel. +52-55-5617-4054 Fax +52-55-5618-76666 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.edu.mx K-9 Mexico, D.F. Colegio Inlakesh Calle Puebla No. 84, Colonia Cuajimalpa MEX- Mexico City, DF 05000 Tel. +52 555 8133828 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegioinlakesh.edu.mx KP-5 i Playa del Carmen Ak Lu'um International School Paseo Xaman ha 12 mz 18 dep 424, Playacar Fase 2 MEX- Playa del Carmen, QROO 77710 Tel. +52-984-7450467 E-mail: [email protected] www.akluum.com KP-6 i Puerto Escondido Papalotes Puerto Escondido Calle Puebla s/n, MEX- Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca CP 70934 Tel. +52-1-951-157-0806 E-mail: [email protected] www.papalotes.net KP-1 i San Felipe del Agua Papalotes Oaxaca Calle del Barniz s/n, Barrio la Chigulera MEX- San Felipe del Agua, Oaxaca CP 68020 Tel. +52-1 951-509-1462 E-mail: [email protected] www.papalotes.net KP-5 i San Miguel de Allende Colegio Rudolf Steiner K-8 d Carretera a Dolores Hidalgo, KM 6.5, rumbo al Rancho Palo Colorado (Los Charcos), MEX- San Miguel de Allende, GTO 37700 Tel. +52-415-155 9603 Fax +52-4151102040 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsanmiguel.org Tlaxcala Centro Educativo Waldorf Tlaxcala Calle Margaritas Núm.8, Santa Ana MEX- Chiautempan, TLAX 90800 Tel. +52-246-458-0953 Fax +52-246-458-0953 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] www.waldorftlaxcala.com 27 KP-8 d Valle de Bravo Escuela Waldorf Los Caracoles Km. 1 Camino a Los Álamos Acatitlán, MEX- Valle de Bravo, MEX 51200 Tel. +52-726-2661885 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfloscaracoles.org K-3 d Zapopan Colegio Waldorf de Guadalajara Calzada Central #25, Ciudad Granja MEX- Zapopan, JAL 45010 Tel. +52-333-6734771 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfdeguadalajara.com KP-6 i Lateinamerika Argentinien Bariloche Escuela La Semilla AR- San Carlos de Bariloche E-mail: [email protected] www.escuelalasemilla.com.ar/ K-4 Buenos Aires Escuela San Miguel Arcángel José Maria Moreno 1221, AR-B1607 Villa Adelina, Buenos Aires Tel. +54-11-47664157 Fax +54-11-47664157 E-mail: [email protected] K-12 Buenos Aires Colegio Rudolf Steiner K-12 Warnes 1357, AR-1602 BXI Florida - Prov. Buenos Aires Tel. +54-11-47915338 Fax +54-11-47959248 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiosteiner.edu.ar Buenos Aires Escuela Perito Moreno Entre Ríos 1912, AR-B1640 Martinez, Buenos Aires Tel. +54-11-47170055 Fax +54-11-47170834 E-mail: [email protected] K-12 Buenos Aires Instituto Juana de Arco Aráoz 1027, AR-C1414 Capital Federal, Buenos Aires Tel. +54-11-47780769 E-mail: info@juanadearco K-7 28 Buenos Aires Escuela Cuarto Creciente Güemes 1747, AR-B1602 Florida, Buenos Aires Tel. +54-4718-1140 E-mail: [email protected] www.cuartocreciente.edu.ar K-6 Buenos Aires Escuela Clara de Asis Independencia Sur 720, AR-B1623 DQB Ing. Maschwitz, Buenos Aires Tel. +54-3488-443706 Fax +54-3488-443706 E-mail: [email protected] www.claradeasis.com.ar K-12 CE Córdoba Escuela Dandelión K-4 9 de Julio 362 - Saldán, AR-x5150ACH - Prov. de Córdoba Tel. +54-3543-494438 E-mail: [email protected] www.dandelion.org.ar El Bolson Escuela Waldorf Crisol de Micael Paralelo 42 km 0 ruta 16, AR-8431 Lago Puelo, Provincia de Chubut Tel. +54-02944-491783 E-mail: [email protected] www.escuelacrisoldemicael.blogspot.com K-6 Hurlingham Semilla Dorada Poeta Risso 2575, AR-B1686 Hurlingham Tel. +54-11-46621016 E-mail: [email protected] www.semilladorada.com.ar K-6 Neuquen Escuela Valle del Sol Collón Curá y Piedra del Águila AR-8316 Plottier, Provincia de Neuquén [email protected] Villa Carlos Paz Escuela Sol del Oro Av. Carcano 1620, AR-5152 Villa Carlos Paz Tel.+54-3541-431872 [email protected] www.escuelasoldeoro.wordpress.com Villa de las Rosas Escuela El Trigal K-6 Calle Pública, AR-5885 Villa de las Rosas, Prov. Córdoba Tel. +54-3544-15560705 E-mail: [email protected] www.eltrigal.org Villa General Belgrano Escuela Aurora Fleming 33, AR-5194 Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba Tel. +54-3546-464510 E-mail: [email protected] www.auroraeducacionwaldorf.blogspot.de 29 , 1-7 K-6 K-8 Brasilien Federação das Escolas Waldorf no Brasil, Rua São Benedito 1365, Alto da Boa Vista, BR-04735-003 São Paulo, SP, Tel.: +55-11-55240473, Fax +55-11-55489069, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.fewb.org.br Avaré Escola Rudolf Lanz Rua Manoel Amaral, 411, Pq. Resid. Ipiranga, BR-18701-159 Avaré, SP Tel. +55-14-37311385 Fax +55-14-37321549 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolarudolflanz.blogspot.de K-8 Baurú Viver - Escola Waldorf de Bauru R. Fortunato Resta 12, s/n, BR-17052-330 Bauru, SP Tel. +55-14-32387720 Fax +55-14-32181065 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolaviver.wordpress.com K-12 Botucatu Aitiara Escola Waldorf Rod. Gastao Dal Farra, km 4 s/n, Bairro Demétria, Caixa Postal 102, BR-18603-970 Botucatu, SP Tel. +55-14-38153290 Fax +55-14-38145253 E-mail: [email protected] www.aitiara.org.br K-12 bd Brasilia Escola Waldorf Moara K-8 SHCGN 703 - Área Especial, BR-70730-700 Brasília-DF Tel. +55-61-33687224 E-mail: [email protected] www.revistamoarabrasilia.wordpress.com Camanducaia Escola Araucária Estrada do Bom Jardim km 24 BR-37653-000, Camanducaia - MG E-mail: [email protected] K-9 Campinas Escola Waldorf Veredas Rodovia Campinas Mogi Mirim, km 115,5, Estrada da Fazenda Sao Vicente, Caixa Postal 7012, BR-13076-970 Campinas, SP Tel. +55-19-32621377 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolawaldorfveredas.blogspot.de K-9 Capao Bonito Escola Capão Bonito Vale Encantado Av. Dona Nene, 500, Caixa Postal 42, BR-18304-045 Capão Bonito, SP Tel. +55-15-35423336 Fax +55-15-35424921 E-mail: [email protected] K-9 30 Capao Bonito Escola Conviver Rua 7 de setembro, 720, Centro, BR-18300-240 Capão Bonito, SP Tel. +55-15-35421130 E-mail: [email protected] www.escola-conviver.blogspot.de K-9 Cuiabá Colégio Waldorf Brasilis Rua 01, no. 12 - qd.33 - Pq. Res. Dom Bosco, BR-78050-228 Cuiabá, MT Tel. +55-65-36447531 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiobrasilis.org.br 1-8 Curitiba Escola Turmalina K-7 Rua Eduardo Sprada, 3572, BR-81210-370 Curitiba, PR Tel. +55-41-32858876 Fax +55-41-33365617 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolaturmalina.com.br Florianopolis Escola Cora Coralina Servidão Cecília Jacinda de Jesus, 370, BR-88048-422 Florianópolis, SC Tel. +55-48-32335549 E-mail: [email protected] www.jardimescolacoralina.blogspot.com K-8 Florianopolis Escola Waldorf Anabá Rua Pastor William R.S. Filho, 841, BR-88034-101 Florianópolis, SC Tel. +55-48-33341724 Fax +55-48-33342656 E-mail: [email protected] www.anaba.com.br K-9 Fortaleza Escola Waldorf Micael Rua Dr. Ayrton Borges, 233, Agua Fira, BR-60813-580 Fortaleza, CE Tel. +55-85-32781382 E-mail: [email protected] www.micaelfortaleza.com.br K-8 Juiz de Fora Paineira Escola Waldorf Av. Sr. Dos Passos, 2102, BR-36037-490 Juiz de Fora, MG Tel. +55-32-32155727 E-mail: [email protected] www.paineiraescolawaldorf.blogspot.de K-9 Nova Friburgo Escola Comunitária Vale de Luz Rua Sebastiao Pereira da Silva, 225 BR-28610-175 Nova Friburgo, RJ Tel. +55-25275154 Fax +55-25275719 E-mail: [email protected] www.valedeluz.org.br K-5 31 Nova Lima Pólen Escola Waldorf Rua Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 190, Jardinaves, BR-34000-000 Nova Lima, MG Tel. +55-31-32865264 E-mail: [email protected] www.polen.org.br K-9 Piracicaba Escola Waldorf Novalis Rua Otília Teodoro, 171, Bairro Monte Alegre, BR-13415-080 Piracicaba, SP Tel. +55-34022761 E-mail: [email protected] www.novalis.org.br K-5 Poá Escola Waldorf Arcanjo Micael R. Sao Francisco, 174, Vila Ruth, BR-08561-610 Poá, SP Tel. +55-11-46360501 Fax +55-11-46362461 E-mail: [email protected] www.arcanjomicael.org.br K-12 Porto Alegre Escola Waldorf Querência Av. Arlindo Pasqualini, 232, Jd. Isabel, BR-91760-340 Porto Alegre, RS Tel. +55-51-3266-0150 Fax +55-51-32488124 E-mail: [email protected] www.ewq.com.br 1-8 Recife Escola Waldorf Recife Rua Regueira Costa, 166, BR-52041-050 Recife, PE Tel. +55-81-34410703 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolawaldorfrecife.com.br K-5 Ribeirao Preto Escola Waldorf João Guimarães Rosa Rua Virgínia de Francesco Santilli, 81, BR-14021-170 Ribeirao Preto, SP Tel. +55-16-39164157 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfribeirao.org K-12 Rio de Janeiro Jardim Escola Michaelis Rua Visconde de Caravelas, 20, Botafogo, BR-22271-022 Rio De Janeiro, RS E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelis.org.br K-1 São Paulo Escola Waldorf Francisco de Assis Rua Basiléia, 149, Lauzane Paulista, BR-02440-060 São Paulo, SP Tel. +55-11-22310152 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolafranciscodeassis.com.br K-9 32 São Paulo, Vila Cruz Escola Manacá Av. João Carlos da Silva Borges, 280, Vila Cruzeiro, BR-04726-000 São Paulo, SP Tel. +55-11-56421900 Fax +55-11-56410418 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolalivremanaca.com.br K-5 EC São Paulo Colégio Waldorf Micael de São Paulo R. Pedro Alexandrino Soares, 68, Jardim Boa Vista, BR-05548-010 São Paulo, SP Tel. +55-11-37824892 E-mail: [email protected] www.micael.com.br K-12 São Paulo Escola Waldorf Rudolf Steiner Rua Job Lane, 900, Jd. Petrópolis, BR-04639-001 São Paulo, SP Tel. +55-11-55236655 Fax +55-11-56869863 E-mail: [email protected] www.ewrs.com.br K-12 São Paulo Escola Waldorf São Paulo K-12 R. Baluarte, 111, Vila Olimpia, BR-04549-010 São Paulo, SP Tel. +55-11-30442000 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.com.br São Vicente Escola Cambará K-8 Rua José Gonçalves da Motta Junior, 110, Vila Valença, BR-11390-050 São Vicente, SP Tel. +55-13-346-9376 Fax +55-13-34687857 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolawaldorfcambara.com.br Serra Grande Escola Rural Dendê da Serra K-8 Rodovia BA-001, Km 39 - Serra Grande, Caixa Postal 415, BR-45653-970 Ilhéus, BA Tel. +55-73-32396285 E-mail: [email protected] www.dendedaserra.org.br Três Corações Escola Flor do Ipê Rua Dr. José Andrade Camara, 550, Sta.Teresa, BR-37410-000 Três Corações, MG Tel. +55-35-32341421 E-mail: [email protected] K-5 Chile Limache Colegio Waldorf San Francisco de Limache K-8 Riquelme 011 San Francisco de Limache, V Region, CHL Tel. +56-33-417325 Fax +56-33-417325 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorflimache.com 33 Santiago Colegio Giordano Bruno Av. Quebrada de Macul 7124, Casilla 22-11 CHL- Santiago (Peñalolén) Tel. +56-2-22841280 Fax +56-2-22841281 E-mail: [email protected] www.giordanobruno.cl K-8 k Santiago Colegio Waldorf de Santiago Los Tres Antonios 402, CHL- Santiago (Ñuñoa) Tel. +56-2-2259396 Fax +56-2-2693414 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiowaldorfsantiago.cl 9-12 Santiago Colegio Rudolf Steiner Calle Antupirén 9591, CHL- Santiago (Peñalolén) Tel. +56-2-2049174 Fax +56-2-2041640 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiorudolfsteiner.cl K-13 Escuela Caracol Barrio 3, GT- San Marcos La Laguna, Solalá Tel. +502-58831609 E-mail: [email protected] www.escuelacaracol.org K-5 Cali Colegio Luis Horàcio Gómez Calle 18 No 127-249, COL- Cali, Pance Tel. +57-3-5551093 Fax +57-3-5551115 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiowaldorfcali.edu.co K-11 k Chia Colegio Campestre Monte Cervino vereda Tiquiza, sector cuatro esquinas, COL- Chia, Cundinamarca since 10 km from Bogotá Tel. +57-1-8624304 Fax +57-1-8624304 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiomontecervino.edu.co K-11 Medellin Colegio Waldorf Isolda Echavarria NK-11 Calle 76 Sur, No 63 A-167, COL- La Estrella, Antioquia Tel. +57-302-1616 E-mail: [email protected];[email protected] www.colegiowaldorfisoldaechavarria.edu.co Medellin Colegio Rudolf Steiner K-11 Carrera 62 No. 83A sur-277, COL- La Estrella, Antioquia Tel. +57-4-2795363 Fax +57-4-2791134 E-mail: [email protected] www.colegiorudolfsteiner.org 34 Guatemala San Marcos La Laguna Kolumbien Peru Lima Colegio Waldorf Lima Calle José Antonio 125, Urb Parque de Monterrico, PER- 125-1 Lima (La Molina) Tel. +51-1-4365455 Fax +51-1-4375490 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-lima.edu.pe KP-11 EC k Lima Colegio Micael Mz. F, Lote 7, Urb. Industrial, Las Flores, Calle 4, Distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, PER- Lima 36 Tel. +51-1-3750993 E-mail: [email protected] www.micael.anthroperu.de 1-6 Lima Colegio Waldorf Cieneguilla Calle Molle Mz. 2, Lote 2, 3era Etapa, PER- Cieneguilla, Lima 40 Tel. +51-1-4794863 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-cieneguilla.com N-11 35 Asien China Beijing Nanshan Waldorf School GuoManDi, Xin Zhuang Village, Xing Shou County, Chang Ping District, CHN- Beijing 102212 Tel. +86-10617255535 E-mail: [email protected] www.blog.sina.com.cn/beijingwaldorf 1-5 Chengdu Waldorf School Chengdu Huang Jing Lou Cun, Liu Li Chang, CHN- Chengdu, Sichuan 610063 Tel. +86-28-85915878 Fax +86-28-85915878 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfchina.org.cn K-6/7 Guangzhou Guangzhou Hairong School K-5 Jinzhou South Road 180, Changzhou Island, Huangpu District, CHN- Guangzhou, Guangdong 510700 Tel. +86-20-82352188 [email protected] www.hirong.cn Guangzhou Guangzhou Shan Shui Tao Yuan School Jiangnan Village, Nancun Town, Panyu District, CHN- Guangzhou 511442 Tel. +86-13-5339918837 E-mail: [email protected] EC, K-6 Ft Hancheng He Zhipan School No.5 Group, Xinmin Village, Shaanxi province, CHN- Hancheng E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 1-6 Zhuhai Zhuhai Chuntong School EC, K-4 Int,k,d,Ft No. 2428, Lvyou Rd., CHN- Zhuhai,Guangdong 519000 Tel. +86-756-8115315 E-mail: [email protected] www.chuntong-waldorf.com Indien Bangalore Bangalore Steiner School 79, Cozy Home Layout, Sompura Village, Sarjapur Hobli, Anekal Taluk, IND- Bangalore-562125. Tel. +91 81979 90550 E-mail: [email protected] www.bangaloresteinerschool.org 36 1-5 Hyderabad Diksha Waldorf School Door No: 4-36/4,Thumkunta, IND- Hyderabad 500078 Tel. +91-90-00345742 E-mail: [email protected] www.dikshaschool.in K-7 Hyderabad Sloka, The Hyderabad Waldorf School K-10 Aziz Nagar Cross Roads, Sy.No.21 Himayatnagar Village, Moinabad Mandal,IND- Hyderabad 500 033 Tel. +91-08-413235050 E-mail: [email protected] www.slokawaldorf.com Hyderabad Prerana Waldorf School KP-10 EC 47/9 Janardhan Hills, Opposite NCC Urban Apartments Gachibowli, IND- Hyderabad 500 032 Tel. +91-40-64555930 E-mail: [email protected] www.preranawaldorf.org/ Mumbai Tridha Rudolf Steiner School N-9 Malpa Dongri, no. 3, Andheri East, IND- Mumbai 400 093 Tel. +91-22-32921768 E-mail: [email protected] www.tridha.com Secunderabad Abhaya Waldorf School Gundlapochampally Village, IND- Hyderabad 500 014 Tel. +91-80-08222356 Fax +91-40-023176555 E-mail: [email protected] www.abhayaschool.org KP-10 EC Beer Sheva Neta Erez Waldorf School Mordechai Maklef 24, P.O.Box 3375, IL- Beer-Sheva 84133 Tel. +972-8-6411669 Fax +972-8-6431462 E-mail: [email protected] www.netaerez.beersheva.k12.il K-10 k Elyashiv Ofek School Elyashiv, D.N. IL - Hsharon, 42885 Tel. +972-4-6251374 E-mail: [email protected] www.merkazofek.co.il K-7 Harduf Harduf Waldorf School Kibbutz Harduf, IL- D.N. Hamovil 17930 Tel. +972-4-9502643 Fax +972-4-9861106 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-harduf.org.il K-12 k Israel 37 Hod Ha-Sharon Tamar Wadorf School Yhoshua Ben Gamla 58, IL- Hod Ha-Sharon Tel. +972-9-7658082 E-mail: [email protected] Jerusalem Adam School Emek Raphaim 22, P.O. Box 8819, IL- Jerusalem 91087 Tel. +972-2-5667404 Fax +972-2-6236901 E-mail: [email protected] K-12 k Kiryat Tiv´on Shaked School Kalaniot 22, IL- Kiryat Tiv'on 36000 Tel. +972-4-9931575 Fax +972-4-9533450 E-mail: [email protected] K-12 k Misgav Oded Waldorf School Misgav Yodfat. D. N., IL- Misgav 20180 Tel. +972-4-9800074 Fax +972-4-9800962 E-mail: [email protected] www.odedschool.org K-8 k Nes-Ziona Hadar School Nes Ziona, P.O.Box 2077, IL- Nes-Zion 74120 Tel. +972-77-4503740 / +972-08-9403830 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfnz.org.il K-8 k Pardes Hana Rimon School Agricultural School Compound 1 Ha'Yogev St., IL- Pardes Hannah 3717001 Tel. +972-4-6380626 E-mail: [email protected] www.rimon-edu.org.il/english/ K-8 k Ramat ha Sharon Urim School Kfarha Yarok (The green Gardens), P.O.Box 47800, IL- Ramat-Hasharon Tel. +972-3-6479361 Fax +972-3-6489029 E-mail: [email protected] www.urimschool.org K-9 k Ramat-Gan Somar School Sderot Lamdan 1, Ramat-Gan, P.O.Box 25047, IL- Tel Aviv 61250 Tel. +972-3-7585430 Fax +972-3-7521560 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.org.il K-12 k Shefaram Tamrat-El Zeitun Shefaram, P.O.Box 927, IL- Shefaram 20200 Tel. +972-4-9869044 E-mail: [email protected] https://sites.google.com/site/waldorfshefaraam/home K-6 k 38 K-6 k Shoham Alumot – Ganacher Association in Modi’in Area Reut, P.O. Box 1713, IL 71799 Shoham Tel. +972-8-9750029 E-mail: [email protected] www.antro.org.il Tel Aviv Aviv Waldorf School Tel Aviv, Herzel 180 P.O. Box 2242, IL Tel Aviv Tel. +972-72-2422999, 055-8858505 E-mail: [email protected] www.antro-tlv.org K-7 k K-5 k Japan Japan Waldorfschools Association, Nagura 2805-1 Midori-ku Sagemihara-shi, Kanagawa, 252-0178 Japan, Tel/Fax: +81-42-684-9028; www.waldorf.jp Aichi Aichi Steiner School 42-13 Kasaderayama orito-cho, JPN-Nisshin-shi Aichi, 470-0115 Tel./Fax 81-56-1763713 E-mail: [email protected] K-6, Ft Fukuoka Fukuoka Steiner School 3-10-29 Nagaoka Minami-ku, JPN- Fukuoka-Shi, Fukuoka Fax +81-92-5620754 K-4,6, Ft Fujino Fujino Waldorf School 2805-1 Nagura Midori-ku, JPN- Sagamihara-Shi, Kanagawa, 252-0187 Tel. +81-42-6866011 Fax +81-42-6866030 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner.ed.jp 1-12 EC,k,Ft Hokkaido Hokkaido Steiner School Izumi no Gakko 83-2 Shinonome-cho, JPN- Toyouracho - Aza Abuta-gun Hokkaido 049-5411 Tel. +81-142-832630 Fax +81-142-832630 E-mail: [email protected] www.hokkaido-steiner.org K-12, Ft Kyoto Kyotanabe Steiner School 94 Minami hokodate, Kodo JPN- Kyotanabe-Shi, Kyoto, 610-0332 Tel. +81-774-643158 Fax +81-774-643334 E-mail: [email protected] www.ktsg.jp 1-12, Ft + 39 Tokyo Tokyo-Kenji Steiner School 6-20-37 Shibazaki-cho, JPN- Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo, 190-0023 Tel. +81-42-5237112 Fax +81-42-5237113 E-mail: [email protected] www.tokyokenji-steiner.jp/ K-12 EC,Ft Yokohama Yokohama Steiner School 3-1-20 Kirigaoka, Midori-ku, JPN- Yokohama-shi Kanagawa, 226-0016 Tel. +81-45-9223107 Fax +81-45-9223107 E-mail: [email protected] www.yokohama-steiner.com 1-9 Ft Uralsk Waldorf School - Gymnasium Temira-Massina 37\4, KZ-090000 Uralsk Tel. +7-87112508424 Fax +7-87112507573 E-mail: [email protected] 1-11 Int,Ft Ust-Kamenogorsk Gymnasium Nr. 12 Alexander von Humboldt Dserginskistrasse 24-a, KZ-70003 Ust-Kamenogorsk Tel. +7-3232-271573 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.kz 1-11 Umut-Nadjeschda Repina 210, KS-720047 Bischkek Tel. +996-312491955 Fax +996-312491955 E-mail: [email protected] www.nadjeschda.org KP,2,3,4/6,9 k Kasachstan Kirgistan Bischkek Korea (Republik) Busan Appletree School 757 Daeyeongdong, Namgu, KOR- Busan Tel. +82-51-6227545 Fax +82-51-6227545 E-mail: [email protected] www.appletreeschool.kr 1-7 Busan Busan Free Waldorf School 586-2, Yongdang-dong, Nam-gu, KOR- Busan Tel. +82-51-6217643 Fax +82-51-6217644 E-mail: [email protected] www.busanwaldorf.com 1-5 40 Gwangju-si Purunsup Waldorf School 348-19 Wondang-ri, KOR- Teochon-myun, Gwangju-si Tel. +82-31-7936591 Fax +82-31-7936592 E-mail: [email protected] www.gforest.or.kr 1-12 Gwangju-si Mudeung Free Waldorf School 634-1 Jewol-ri, Bongsan-myeon, Damyang-gun, KOR- Jeollanam-do Tel. +82-61-3831175 E-mail: [email protected] www.cafe.daum.net/waldorfschule 1-4 Gwangmyung-si Gurmsan Waldorf School 222-1 Il Gik- Dong, Gwang Myeong- Shi, KOR- Gyeonggi - Do Tel. +82-02-2625-9113 E-mail: [email protected] www.gurmsan.kr 1-6 Incheon Incheon Waldorf School Tel. +82-10-7236-5220 E-mail: [email protected] www.cafe.naver.com/incheonwaldorf Seoul Seoul Free Waldorf School 482-2, Okgil-dong, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, KOR- Gyeonggi-do Tel. +82-2-2619-1246 Fax +82-2-2619-1247 E-mail: [email protected] www.seoulwaldorf.org Uiwang-si Cheonggye Free Waldorf School 1-12 Ft 440-1 Cheonggye-dong, Uiwang-si, KOR- Gyeonggi-do Tel. +82-70-4322-0200 E-mail: [email protected] www.gcfreeschool.kr Yangpyoung-kun Steiner School in Korea 174 Yongchon-ri, Okchon-myun, KOR- Yangpyoung-kun, Kyounggi Province Tel. +82-31-7741346 Fax +82-31-7741347 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner.or.kr 1-8 CE Yongin-Si Dongrim freeschool 389-2 Mohyen-Myeon, Cheoingu, KOR- Yonging-Si, Gyeonggi-Do Tel. +82-31-388-8345 Fax +82-31-388-8346 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] www.drfreeschool.kr 1-6 41 1-5 Nepal Kathmandu Tashi Waldorf School GPO Box 8975, EPC No. 4218, NE- Kathmandu Tel. +977-1-4373428 E-mail: [email protected] www.childrenofnepal.org K-3 Kathmandu Shanti Waldorf School Gaushala, Pashupati, Tilganga, P.O. Box 7861, NEP- Kathmandu Tel. +977-1-4492412 Fax +977-1-4492412 E-mail: [email protected] www.shanti-leprahilfe.de K-6 Iloilo Gamot Cogon School Brgy. Libongcogon, PHI -5004 Iloilo Tel. +63-33-396-1432 E-mail: [email protected] www.gamotcogon.org/school K-9 Manila Manila Waldorf School Spine Road Guitnang Bayan Timberland Heights PHI-San Mateo, Rizal Tel. +63-2-3742922 Fax +63-2-3742923 E-mail: [email protected] www.manilawaldorfschool.edu.ph K-12 k Manila Acacia School, Steiner/Waldorf Inspired School Hacienda Sta. Elena, - Sta. Rosa, PHI-Laguna 4026 Tel. +63-92-15134954 E-mail: [email protected] www.acaciaschool.wordpress.com K-6 Philippinen Tadschikistan Khudjand Komplex Kindergarten-Schule Nr. 1 Mikrorayon 34, TAD-735714 Chudshand, Gebiet Sogd Tel. +992-34-2253285 E-mail: [email protected] 42 K-7 Taiwan Yilan County Cixin Waldorf School No. 257. Tsao-An Rd., Shian-Ho Village, TW- Don-Shan Shiang, I-Lan County Tel. +886-3 959 6222 Fax: +886-3-9595913 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.ilc.edu.tw K-12 Taichung City Leichuan Waldorf School No. 233, Song-zhu 5th Rd., TW- Taichung City 40644 Tel. +886-4-24350110 Fax +886-4-24350220 E-mail: [email protected] www.leichuan.tc.edu.tw K-10 Taichung Hai Siann Waldorf Education No. 12, Lane 127, Wenya St., Wuqi Township, TW- Taichung 43549 Tel. +886-4-26565711 Fax +886-4-26565730 E-mail: [email protected] www.hswaldorf.tw K-10 Bangkok Panyotai School 199 Sukhapiban 5, T- Bangkok 10220 Tel. +662-7920670 Fax +662-7920672 E-mail: [email protected] www.panyotai.com K-12 k Khon Kaen Dulyapat Waldorf School Liang Muaeng Rd. T- Khon Kaen 40000 Tel. +66-86 302 0129 E-mail: [email protected] K-4 Pathumthani Tripat Waldorf School 17 Soi Prashoomraj 11 Bung Kham Proi, T- Pathumthani 12150 Tel. +66-85 994 8298 E-mail: [email protected] www.tridhaksa.ac.th K-11 Thailand 43 Australien (Ozeanien) Australien Steiner Education Australia, Suite 21 Level 11, 809 Pacific Highway Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australia, E-mail:[email protected], Website: www.steinereducation.edu.au m = member of Steiner Education Australia New South Wales Armidale Armidale Waldorf School 278 Rockdale Road, AUS- Armidale NSW 2350 Tel. +61-2-67728876 Fax +61-2-67728547 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.nsw.edu.au K-8 m EC, Ft Bega Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education Parker Street, P.O. Box 790, AUS- Bega NSW 2550 Tel. +61-2-64923476 Fax +61-2-64925415 E-mail: [email protected] www.mumbullaschool.com.au K-6 m Ft Belrose Kamaroi Rudolf Steiner School 220 Forest Way, AUS- Belrose NSW 2085 Tel. +61-2-94501651 Fax +61-2-94501109 E-mail: [email protected] www.kamaroi.nsw.edu.au K-6 m d Ft Bowral Southern Highlands Rudolf Steiner School 15-17 Kirkham Road, AU-Bowral 2575 NSW Tel. +61-2-4862 2300 E-mail: [email protected] www.southernhighlandssteiner.wordpress.com m Byron Bay Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School Balraith Lane, P.O. Box 736, AUS- Byron Bay NSW 2481 Tel. +61-2-66399300 Fax +61-2-66847399 E-mail: [email protected] www.capebyronsteiner.nsw.edu.au K-12 m Ft Canberra Orana Steiner School Hickey Court, P.O. Box 3567, AUS- Weston Creek ACT 2611 Tel. +61-2-62884283 Fax +61-2-62871100 E-mail: [email protected] www.oranaschool.com 1-12 m d Ft 44 Coffs Harbour Casuarina Steiner School Gentle Street, P.O. Box 1415, AUS- Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Tel. +61-2-66512770 Fax +61-2-66509004 E-mail: [email protected] www.casuarina.nsw.edu.au K-7 m d Ft East Maitland Linuwel School for Steiner Education 133 Morpeth Road, P.O. Box 440, AUS- East Maitland NSW 2323 Tel. +61-2-49333095 Fax +61-2-493-48311 E-mail: [email protected] www.linuwel.com.au K-10 m Ft Fountaindale Central Coast Steiner School Catamaran Drive, Fountaindale, Locked Bag 9, AUS- Ourimbah NSW 2258 Tel. +61-2-43623400 Fax +61-2-43623411 E-mail: [email protected] www.ccrss.nsw.edu.au K-10 m Ft Hazelbrook Blue Mountains Steiner School 83 Clearview Pde, P.O. Box 149, AUS- Hazelbrook NSW 2779 Tel. +61-2-47586044 Fax +61-2-47589109 E-mail: [email protected] www.bluemountainssteiner.nsw.edu.au P-6 m Ft Lilian Rock Rainbow Ridge Steiner School 279 Lillian Rock Road, AUS- Lillian Rock NSW 2480 E-mail: [email protected] www.rainbowridge.nsw.edu.au K-7 m Ft Mullumbimby Shearwater Steiner School Left Bank Rd., P.O. Box 839, AUS- Mullumbimby NSW 2482 Tel. +61-2-66843223 Fax +61-2-66843225 E-mail: [email protected] www.shearwater.nsw.edu.au K-12 m Ft Newcastle Round Corner Newcastle Waldorf School 30-36 Reservoir Road, AUS- Glendale NSW 2285 Tel. +61-2-49544853, Fax +61-2-49544583 E-mail: [email protected] www.newcastlewaldorfschool.nsw.edu.au Lorien Novalis School for Steiner Education 465458 Old Northern Road, Dural AUS- Round Corner NSW 2158 Tel. +61-2-96580700 Fax +61-2-96511632 E-mail: [email protected] www.lorien.nsw.edu.au 45 K-12 m K-12 m Ft Round Corner Warrah School 20 Harries Road, Dural, P.O. Box 357, AUS- Round Corner NSW 2157 Tel. +61-2-96512411 Fax +61-2-96513778 E-mail: [email protected] www.warrah.org K-12 m CE,cs,Ft Sydney (Middle Cove) Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School 5a Glenroy Avenue, AUS- Middle Cove NSW 2068 Tel. +61-2-94173193 Fax +61-2-94175346 E-mail: [email protected] www.glenaeon.nsw.edu.au K-12 m d Ft Thora Chrysalis School for Rudolf Steiner Education 703 Darkwood Road, P.O. Box 425, AUS- Bellingen NSW 2454 Tel. +61-2-66558616 Fax +61-2-66558561 E-mail: [email protected] www.chrysalis.nsw.edu.au K-8 m Ft Wentworth Falls Kindlehill School for Rudolf Steiner Education 8 Lake Street, AUS- Wentworth Falls NSW Tel. +61-2-4757 4402 E-mail: [email protected] www.kindlehill.nsw.edu.au K-10 m Alice Springs TheAlice Springs Steiner School Ragonesi Road, P.O. Box 2736, AUS- Alice Springs NT 0871 Tel. +61-8-89534578 Fax +61-8-89523897 E-mail: [email protected] www.alicesteiner.nt.edu.au K-6 m EC,Ft Darwin Milkwood Steiner School 107 Boulter Road, Berrimah, P.O. Box 737, AUS- Nightcliff NT 814 Tel. +61-8-89470608 E-mail: [email protected] www.milkwood.nt.edu.au K-6 Ft Beachmere Moreton Bay Birali Steiner School 5 Progress Ave, AU-Beachmere 4510 QLD Tel. +61-4-12014165 E-mail: [email protected] www.moretonbaysteiner.qld.edu.au m Brisbane Samford Valley Steiner School K-12 m d Ft Narrawa Drive, Wights Mountain, AUS- Brisbane QLD 4520 Tel. +61-7-34309600 Fax +61-7-34309630 E-mail: [email protected] www.samfordsteiner.qld.edu.au Northern Territory Queensland 46 Doonan Noosa Pengari Steiner School 86 Nyell Road, AUS- Doonan QLD 4562 Tel. +61-7-54710199 Fax +61-7-54710999 E-mail: [email protected] www.noosasteiner.qld.edu.au K-12 m Ft Kuranda Candlenut Steiner School K-10 Ft 46 Boyles Road, P.O. Box 283, AUS- Kuranda QLD 4881 Tel. +61-7-4093-8809 E-mail: [email protected] candlenutsteinerschool.qld.edu.au South Australia Mount Barker Mount Barker Waldorf School K-12 m Ft Sims Road, P.O. Box 318, AUS- Mount Barker SA 5251 Tel. +61-8-83910411 Fax +61-8-83912386 E-mail: [email protected] www.mtbarkerwaldorf.sa.edu.au Willunga Willunga Waldorf School Jay Drive, P.O. Box 730, AUS- Willunga SA 5172 Tel. +61-8-85562655 Fax +61-8-85571094 E-mail: [email protected] www.willungawaldorfschool.sa.edu.au K-12 m d Ft Tarremah Rudolf Steiner School Nautilus Drive Huntingfield, P.O. Box 494, AUS- Kingston TAS 7051 Tel. +61-3-62297007 Fax +61-3-62297008 E-mail: [email protected] www.tarremah.tas.edu.au K-10 m Ft Abbotsford (Melb.) Sophia Mundi Steiner School St Mary´s Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers Street AUS- Abbotsford VIC 3067 Tel. +61-3-94199229 Fax +61-3-94190835 E-mail: [email protected] www.sophiamundi.vic.edu.au P-12 m Ft Bairnsdale Wild Cherry Steiner School and Kindergarten 28 McKean St, AU- Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Tel. +61-3-5152 1966 E-mail: [email protected] www.wildcherrysteiner.com.au K-2 m Ft Buninyong Ballarat Steiner School K-6 m Ft 244 Moss Avenue, P.O. Box 630, AUS- Buninyong VIC 3357 Tel. +61-3-53418188 Fax +61-3-53418122 E-mail: [email protected] www.ballaratsteinerschool.com.au Tasmani Kingston Victoria 47 Castlemaine Castlemaine Steiner School cnr. RilensRoas ans PyreneesHWY, Muckleford, P.O. Box 473, AUS- Castlemaine VIC 3450 Tel. +61-3-54706235 Fax +61-3-54706237 E-mail: [email protected] www.castlemainesteinerschool.com.au K-8 m Ft Emerald/ Narre Warren East Dandenong Ranges Steiner School 11C Duffys Road, AUS- Emerald VIC 3782 Tel. +61-3-87904797 Fax +61-3-89704793 E-mail: [email protected] www.drss.vic.edu.au K-6 d Ft Freshwater Creek Freshwater Creek Steiner School K-6 d Ft 52 MacIntyres Road, AUS- Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 Tel. +61-3-52645077 Fax +61-3-52645066 E-mail: [email protected] www.fwcss.com.au Kilsyth Ghilgai Steiner School 295 Liverpool Road, AUS- Kilsyth VIC 3137 Tel. +61-3-97285819 E-mail: [email protected] www.ghilgai.com.au Mansfield Mansfield Steiner School K-8 m Ft 91 Highlett Street, P.O. Box 679, AUS- Mansfield VIC 3722 Tel. +61-3-57791445 Fax +61-3-57991438 E-mail: [email protected] www.mansfieldsteiner.vic.edu.au Warranwood (Melb.) Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School 213 Wonga Road, AUS- Warranwood VIC 3134 Tel. +61-3-98762633 Fax +61-3-98790820 E-mail: [email protected] www.mrss.com.au Yarra Junction (Melb.) Little Yarra Steiner School 205 Little Yarra Rd., P.O. Box 19, AUS- Yarra Junction VIC 3797 Tel. +61-3-59671953 Fax +61-3-59672345 E-mail: [email protected] www.lyss.vic.edu.au K-6 m Ft K-12 m Ft K-12 m Ft Western Australia Denmark Golden Hill Steiner School 222 Scotsdale Rd., AUS- Denmark WA 6333 Tel. +61-8-98481811 E-mail: [email protected] www.goldenhill.wa.edu.au K-6 m Ft Perth Silver Tree Steiner School 695 Roland Road, AUS- Parkerville WA 6081 Tel. +61-8-92954787 E-mail: [email protected] www.silvertree.wa.edu.au K-7 d d Ft 48 Perth Perth Waldorf School 14 Gwilliam Drive, P.O. Box 1247, AUS- Bibra Lake WA 6965 Tel. +61-8-94173638 Fax +61-8-94175354 E-mail: [email protected] www.pws.wa.edu.au K-12 m Ft Perth (Nollamara) West Coast Steiner School 15 Mayfair Street, AUS- Nollamara WA 6061 Tel. +61-8-99401771 Fax +61-8-92071532 E-mail: [email protected] www.wcss.wa.edu.au K-7 m Ft Yallingup Yallingup Steiner School Cnr. Caves Road & Wilwood Road, P.O.Box 135, AUS- Yallingup WA 6282 Tel. +61-8-97552230 Fax +61-8-97552575 E-mail: [email protected] www.yss.wa.edu.au K-6 m Ft Neuseeland Federation of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Schools in New Zealand, PO Box 60-266, Titirangi, NZ- Waitakere 0642, Tel.:+64-9817-4386, E-mail: [email protected],Website: www.rudolfsteinerfederation.org.nz Auckland Michael Park Rudolf Steiner School 55 Amy Street, P.O. Box 11224, Ellerslie, NZ- Auckland 1542 Tel. +64-9-5793083 Fax +64-9-5794498 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelpark.school.nz K-12 k Auckland Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School 5 Helios Place, P.O. Box 60-266, NZ- Titirangi, Auckland 0642 Tel. +64-9-8174386 Fax +64-9-8172584 E-mail: [email protected] www.titirangi.steiner.school.nz K-12 Christchurch Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School 19 Ombersley Terrace, P.O. Box 19-944, Woolston, NZ- Christchurch 8241 Tel. +64-3-3370514 Fax +64-3-3370515 E-mail: [email protected] www.ch.steiner.school.nz K-12 k Dunedin Dunedin Rudolf Steiner School 1 Fern Road, NZ- Dunedin 9022 Tel. +64-3-4712163 Fax +64-3-4712164 E-mail: [email protected] www.dunedin.steiner.school.nz 1-5 k 49 Hamilton Waikato Waldorf School 85 Barrington Drive, Huntington, P.O. Box 12-127, Chartwell Square, NZ- Hamilton 3248 Tel. +64-7-8558710 Fax +64-7-8551676 E-mail: [email protected] www.waikatowaldorf.school.nz Hastings Taikura Rudolf Steiner School 1-12 k 505 Nelson Street North, P.O. Box 888, NZ- Hastings 4156 Tel. +64-6-8787363 Fax +64-6-8784160 E-mail: [email protected] www.taikurasteiner.school.nz Motueka Motueka Rudolf Steiner School 480 High Street, P.O. Box 224, NZ- Motueka 7143 Tel. +64-3-5280246 Fax +64-3-5280242 E-mail: [email protected] www.motueka.steiner.school.nz K-7 Tauranga Tauranga Rudolf Steiner School R364 Welcome Bay Road, RD 5, P.O. Box 115, 7th Avenue Box Lobby, NZ- Tauranga 3140 Tel. +64-7-5442452 Fax +64-7-5444752 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinertga.ac.nz/ 1-7 k Raumati South Te Ra Waldorf School K-7 89 Poplar Avenue, NZ- Raumati South 5032, Wellington Tel. +64-4-299-0812 E-mail: [email protected] www.tera.school.nz Wellington Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School 27 Matuhi Street, Tirohanga, NZ- Lower Hutt 5010 Tel. +64-4-5695161 Fax +64-4-5694860 E-mail: [email protected] www.raphaelhouse.school.nz 50 K-7 K-12 k Europa Armenien Eriwan Waldorfschule "Aregnazan Bildungszentrum" Saryan Str. 23, AM-375002 Erevan Tel. +3741-10-516343 Fax +3741-10-547343 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.am K-11 Belgien Federatie van de Rudolf Steinerscholen in Vlaanderen, Gesch.: p/A Gitschotellei 188, B-2140 Antwerpen, Tel.: +32-3-2132333, Fax: +32-3-4005134, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerscholen.be Aalst Vrije R. Steinerschool Aalst Michaeli Affligemdreef 71, B-9300 Aalst Tel. +32-53-773684 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolaalst.be K-6 Antwerpen De Hazelaar Lange Lozanastraat 117, B-2018 Antwerpen Tel. +32-3-2164473 E-mail: [email protected] education.skynet.be/yggdrasil K-6 Antwerpen Steinerschool Antwerpen middelbaar Volksstraat 40, B-2000 Antwerpen Tel. +32-3-2484034 Fax +32-3-2487509 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolantwerpen.be 7-12 Antwerpen Steinerschool Antwerpen basisscholen Volksstraat 40, B-2000 Antwerpen Tel. +32-3-2484034 Fax +32-3-2487509 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolantwerpen.be K-6 Antwerpen Parcivalschool Lamorinièrestraat 77, B-2018 Antwerpen Tel. +32-3-2302444 Fax +32-3-2391839 E-mail: [email protected] www.parcivalschool.be 1-12 cs Antwerpen/Berchem Middelbare Rudolf Steinerschool De ES Diksmuidelaan 227, B-2600 Antwerpen/Berchem Tel. +32-3-2811965 Fax +32-3-2185682 E-mail: [email protected] www.de-es.be 7-12 51 Antwerpen/Berchem Steinerschool Antwerpen Het Speelschooltje Transvaalstraat 21, B-2600 Antwerpen/Berchem Tel. +32-3-2307606 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolantwerpen.be K-6 Antwerpen/Borgerhout De Kleine Wereldburger K-6 Generaal De Wetstraat 16, B-2140 Antwerpen/Borgerhout Tel. +32-3-2979128 E-mail: [email protected] www.dekleinewereldburger.be Antwerpen/Wilrijk Lohrangrin Rudolf Steinerschool Boomsesteenweg 94, B-2610 Antwerpen/Wilrijk Tel. +32-3-8272520 Fax +32-3-7403599 E-mail: [email protected] www.lohrangrin.be K-6 Brasschaat Steinerschool de Wingerd Zwemdoklei 3, B-2930 Brasschaat Tel. +32-3-6654190 Fax +32-3-6051061 E-mail: [email protected] www.education.skynet.be/yggdrasil K-6 Brugge Guido Gezelleschool Astridlaan 86, B-8310 Brugge-Assebroek Tel. +32-50-370075 Fax +32-50-678656 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolbrugge.be K-6 Brugge Middelbare Rudolf Steinerschool Vlaanderen Brugge Astridlaan 86, B-8310 Brugge-Assebroek Tel. +32-50-673644 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolbrugge.be 7-12 Brüssel Rudolf Steinerschool Sint Janskruidlaan 14, B-1070 Brussel Tel. +32-2-5210492 Fax +32-2-5210492 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolbrussel.be K-6 Court-St.-Etienne Libre Ecole Rudolf Steiner La Ferme Blanche Rue de la Quenique 18, B-1490 Court-Saint-Etienne Tel. +32-10-612064 Fax +32-10-612064 E-mail:[email protected] www.ecole-steiner.be K-6 Geel Novalisschool Poiel 37, B-2440 Geel Tel. +32-14-594421 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolnovalis.be K-6 52 Gent De Teunisbloem Elyzeese Velden 8, B-9000 Gent Tel. +32-9-2343908 Fax +32-9-2343908 E-mail: [email protected] www.deteunisbloem.be K-6 Gent Vrije Rudolf Steinerschool Vlaanderen Kasteellaan 54, B-9000 Gent Tel. +32-9-2352800 Fax +32-9-2357816 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolgent.be K-6 Gent Middelbare Rudolf Steinerschool Vlaanderen Gent Kasteellaan 54, B-9000 Gent Tel. +32-9-2352800 Fax +32-9-2357816 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolgent.be 7-12 leper Steinerschool leper Koningsdale Rijlselsestraat 45, B-8900 leper Tel. +32-57-611097 E-mail: [email protected] www.koningsdale.be K-6 Leuven Rudolf Steinerschool De Zonnewijzer Privaatweg 7, B-3018 Leuven-Wijgmaal Tel. +32-16-202954 Fax +32-16-206387 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolleuven.be K-6 Leuven Middelbare Rudolf Steinerschool Vlaanderen Leuven Privaatweg 7, B-3018 Leuven-Wijgmaal Tel. +32-16-226578 Fax +32-16-206387 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolleuven.be 7-12 Lier Rudolf Steinerschool Kempen De Sterredaalders Mallekotstraat 43, B-2500 Lier Tel. +32-3-4918010 Fax +32-3-4910904 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoollier.be K-6 Lier Middelbare Rudolf Steinerschool Vlaanderen Lier Mallekotstraat 43, B-2500 Lier Tel. +32-3-4918010 Fax +32-3-4910905 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoollier.be 7-12 Mont-Godinne Le Jardin De Physalis Rue Fraichaux 59, B-5530 Mont-Godinne Tel. +32-81-411080 E-mail: [email protected] www.jardindephysalis.be K-6 53 Munte Landelijke Steinerschool Munte Munteplein 5, B-9820 Munte (Merelbeke) Tel. +32-9-3306296 E-mail: [email protected] www.landelijke-steinerschool-munte.be K-6 Tervuren Kristoffel Steinerschool Tervuren Pater Dupierreuxlaan 29, B-3080 Tervuren Tel. +32-2-6881480 www.steinerschooltervuren.be K-6 Tournai L´Enfance de l´Art Rue des Croisiers 42b, B-7500 Tournai Tel. +32-69-212826 www.lenfancedelart.org K-6 Turnhout Michaelschool Hoveniersstraat 53 A, B-2300 Turnhout Tel. +32-14-423782 Fax +32-14-554039 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschoolturnhout.be K-6 Dänemark Sammenslutningen af Rudolf Steiner-Skoler i Danmark, Strandvejen 102., DK 8000 Aarhus C, Tel.: +45-31236215, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.rudolfsteinerskoler.dk Ålborg Ostskolen Tornhøjvej 14, DK-9220 Ålborg Tel. +45-98157444 Fax +45-98155358 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-9220.dk KP-9 d Århus Rudolf Steiner-Skolen i Århus Strandvejen 102, DK-8000 Århus Tel. +45-86140900 Fax +45-86116811 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-aarhus.dk KP-12 cs,d Hjörring Hjørring Ny Steinerskole Vester Thirupvej 30, DK-9800 Hjørring Tel. +45-98910364 E-mail: [email protected] www.h-ns.dk KP-9 d Kopenhagen Rudolf Steiner Skolen i København Engvej 139, DK-2300 København S Tel. +45-32958838 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen.kbh.dk KP-9 d 54 Kopenhagen Vidarskolen Brogårdsvej 61, DK-2820 Gentofte Tel. +45-39657118 Fax +45-39655022 E-mail: [email protected] www.vidarskolen.dk KP-12 d Kopenhagen-Herlev Michaelskolen Stokholtbuen 25, DK-2730 Herlev Tel. +45-44849898 Fax +45-44849820 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelskolen.dk KP-12 d Kvistgard Rudolf Steiner Skolen i Kvistgård Kvistgård Stationsvej 1-2, DK-3490 Kvistgård Tel. +45-49139687 Fax +45-49138617 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-kvistgaard.dk KP-12 d Odense Rudolf Steiner Skolen i Odense, Specialklasserne Ølstedgardsvej 4A, Ølsted, DK-5672 Broby Tel. +45-62692992 Fax +45-62692991 E-mail: [email protected] www.specialklasserne.dk P-10 cs,d Odense Rudolf Steiner Skolen i Odense Lindvedvej 64, DK-5260 Odense S Tel. +45-65957004 Fax +45-65957947 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-odense.dk KP-12 d Roskilde Kristofferskolen Linkøpingvej 183, DK-4000 Roskilde Tel. +45-46754055 E-mail: [email protected] www.kristofferskolen.dk KP-10 d Silkeborg Rudolf Steiner-Skolen i Silkeborg Stavangervej 3, DK-8600 Silkeborg Tel. +45-86800333 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-8600.dk KP-10 cs,d Skanderborg Rudolf Steiner-Skolen i Skanderborg Grønnedalsvej 16, DK-8660 Skanderborg Tel. +45-86511981 Fax +45-86511981 E-mail: [email protected] www.rss8660.dk KP-12 d Store Merlöse Frejaskolen Bagmarken 58, DK-4370 St. Merløse Tel. +45-57801758 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteiner-skolen.dk KP-9 d 55 Svendborg Rudolf Steiner- Skolen i Svendborg Strandvej 25, 5700 Svendborg E-Mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-svendborg.dk KP-4 d Vejle Rudolf Steiner-Skolen i Vejle Sukkertoppen 4, DK-7100 Vejle Tel. +45-75830320 Fax +45-75830397 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen-vejle.dk KP-10 cs,d Vordingborg Rudolf Steiner-Skolen Orevej 2, DK-4760 Vordingborg Tel. +45-55374355 Fax +45-55374349 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolen.dk KP-9 d Deutschland Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen e.V., Wagenburgstr. 6, 70184 Stuttgart, Tel.: +49-711-210420, Fax.: +49-711-2104219, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorfschule.de Aachen Freie Waldorfschule Aachen Anton-Kurze-Allee 10, D-52064 Aachen Tel. +49-241-71044 Fax +49-241-71048 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-aachen.de 1-13 k d Aachen Parzival-Schule-Aachen Aachen-und-Münchener-Allee 5, D-52074 Aachen Tel. +49-241-5596943 Fax +49-241-5596942 E-mail: [email protected] www.parzival-schule-aachen.de 1-12 CE Aalen Freie Waldorfschule Aalen Hirschbachstr. 64, D-73431 Aalen Tel. +49-7361-526550 Fax +49-7361-5265511 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-aalen.de 1-12 k Ft Apensen Freie Waldorfschule Apensen (bei Buxtehude) Auf dem Brink 49, D-21641 Apensen Tel. +49-4167-6997480 Fax +49-4167-6997489 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-apensen.de 1-7 d Augsburg Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Augsburg Schäfflerbachstr. 26, D-86153 Augsburg Tel. +49-821-790840 Fax +49-821-79084100 E-mail: [email protected] www.r-s-schule.de 1-12 CE 56 Augsburg Freie Waldorfschule Augsburg Dr. Schmelzing-Str. 52, D-86169 Augsburg Tel. +49-821-270960 Fax +49-821-2709650 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-augsburg.de 1-13 k Ft Aurich Freie Waldorfschule Ostfriesland Schulstr. 35, D-26603 Aurich Tel. +49-4941-6976799 Fax +49-4941-6976800 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-ostfriesland.de 1-12 k Backnang Freie Waldorfschule Backnang Hohenheimer Str. 20, D-71522 Backnang Tel. +49-7191-34450 Fax +49-7191-3445700 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-backnang.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Bad Nauheim Freie Waldorfschule Wetterau An der Birkenkaute 8, D-61231 Bad Nauheim Tel. +49-6032-349520 Fax +49-6032-34952101 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-wetterau.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Balingen Freie Waldorfschule Balingen-Frommern Hurdnagelstr. 3, D-72336 Balingen Tel. +49-7433-997430 Fax +49-7433-9974314 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-balingen.de K-13 k d Bargteheide Freie Waldorfschule Bargteheide Alte Landstr. 89 f, D-22941 Bargteheide Tel. +49-4532-2833423 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bargteheide.de 1-7 d Benefeld Freie Waldorfschule Benefeld Cordinger Straße 35, D-29699 Bomlitz (Benefeld) Tel. +49-5161-94610 Fax +49-5161-946133 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-benefeld.de 1-13 bd, k Benefeld Ita Wegman Schule Benefeld Cordinger Str. 39, D-29699 Bomlitz (Benefeld) Tel. +49-5161-48530 Fax +49-5161-485326 E-mail: [email protected] 1-12 CE,cs,k Bergisch Gladbach Freie Waldorfschule Bergisch Gladbach Mohnweg 13, D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach (Refrath) Tel. +49-2204-999980 Fax +49-2204-9999829 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-refrath.de 1-13 k Ft 57 Berlin-Dahlem Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Berlin e.V. Auf dem Grat 3, D-14195 Berlin Tel. +49-30-8300910 Fax +49-30-83009155/21 E-mail: [email protected] www.dahlem.waldorf.net KP-13 k,d,Ft Berlin-Havelhöhe Freie Waldorfschule Havelhöhe - Eugen Kolisko Neukladower Allee 1, D-14089 Berlin Tel. +49-30-369924610 Fax +49-30-369924619 E-mail: [email protected] www.havelhoehe.net 1-13 d Berlin-Kreuzberg Freie Waldorfschule Kreuzberg Ritterstr. 78, D-10969 Berlin Tel. +49-30-61510100 Fax +49-30-615101019 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-kreuzberg.de 1-13 Int,cs,k,d Berlin-Märk.Viertel Waldorfschule Märkisches Viertel Treuenbrietzener Str. 28, D-13439 Berlin Tel. +49-30-4072830 Fax +49-30-40728326 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-mv.de 1-13 k d Berlin-Mitte Freie Waldorfschule Berlin-Mitte Weinmeisterstr. 16, D-10178 Berlin Tel. +49-30-80097580 Fax +49-30-800975814 [email protected] www.mitte.waldorf.net P-13 d Ft Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg Freie Waldorfschule am Prenzlauer Berg Gürtelstr. 16, D-10409 Berlin Tel. +49-30-42082010 Fax +49-30-420820117 E-mail: [email protected] www.schulemachen.com 1-5 d Berlin-Schlachtensee Parzival-Schule Waldorfschule am Heilpäd. Therapeutikum Quermatenweg 6, D-14163 Berlin Tel. +49-30-8181970 Fax +49-30-81819710 E-mail: [email protected] www.parzival-schule-berlin.de 1-12 CE,d,Ft Berlin-Schöneberg Johannes-Schule-Berlin Waldorfschule in Wilmersdorf/Schöneberg Bundesallee 35, D-10717 Berlin Tel. +49-30-28833788 Fax +49-30-28833790 E-mail: [email protected] www.johannes-schule-berlin.de K-12 d Berlin-Südost Freie Waldorfschule Berlin-Südost Bruno-Bürgel-Weg 9-11, D-12439 Berlin Tel. +49-30-6779800 Fax +49-30-67798011 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsuedost.de P-13 k,d, Ft 58 Berlin-Wilmersdorf Annie-Heuser-Schule Freie Waldorfschule Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf Eisenzahnstr. 37, D-10709 Berlin Tel. +49-30-86393061 Fax +49-30-86393063 E-mail: [email protected] www.annie-heuser-schule.de P-12 d Berlin-Zehlendorf Emil Molt Schule, Freie Waldorfschule Claszeile 60, D-14165 Berlin Tel. +49-30-8457060 Fax +49-30-84570612 E-mail: [email protected] www.emil-molt-schule.de 1-12 k,d,Ft Bexbach Freie Waldorfschule Saar-Pfalz Parkstraße, D-66450 Bexbach Tel. +49-6826-3260 Fax +49-6826-4561 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bexbach.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Biberach Freie Waldorfschule Biberach Rindenmooser Str. 14, D-88400 Biberach Tel. +49-7351-1801500 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-biberach.de 1-8 k d Bielefeld Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Bielefeld An der Propstei 23, D-33611 Bielefeld Tel. +49-521-91178190 Fax +49-521-911781950 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bielefeld.de 1-13 k Ft Böblingen Freie Waldorfschule Böblingen/Sindelfingen Herdweg 163, D-71032 Böblingen Tel. +49-7031-6235000 Fax +49-7031-6235010 E-mail: [email protected] www.ws-bb.de 1-13 k Ft Bochum Rudolf Steiner Schule Bochum Hauptstr. 238, D-44892 Bochum Tel. +49-234-922060 Fax +49-234-283158 E-mail: [email protected] www.rss-bochum.de 1-13 cs,k,d,Ft Bochum Widar Schule - WS in Bochum Wattenscheid Höntroper Str. 95, D-44869 Bochum-Höntrop Tel. +49-2327-97610 Fax +49-2327-9761-30 E-mail: [email protected] www.widarschule.de 1-13 k FT Bonn Freie Waldorfschule Bonn Stettiner Str. 21, D-53119 Bonn Tel. +49-228-66807-0 Fax +49-228-6680730 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-bonn.de 1-13 k Ft 59 Bonn Johannes-Schule Bonn Förderschule mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten Rehfuesstr. 38, D-53115 Bonn Tel. +49-228-914340 Fax +49-228-9143410 E-mail: [email protected] www.johannes-schule-bonn.de 1-12 CE Ft Braunschweig Freie Waldorfschule Braunschweig Rudolf-Steiner-Str. 2, D-38120 Braunschweig Tel. +49-531-286030 Fax +49-531-2860333 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bs.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Bremen Freie Waldorfschule Bremen Touler Straße Touler Str. 3, D-28211 Bremen Tel. +49-421-491430 Fax +49-421-4914343 E-mail: [email protected] www.freie-waldorfschule-bremen.de 1-13 k d Bremen-Nord Freie Waldorfschule Bremen-Nord Fresenbergstr. 26, D-28779 Bremen Tel. +49-421-4605210 Fax +49-421-4605211 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-bremen-nord.de 1-7 k d Bremen-Osterholz Freie Waldorfschule Bremen Osterholz Graubündener Str.4, D-28325 Bremen Tel. +49-421-411441 Fax +49-421-411421 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bremen-osterholz.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Bruchhausen-Vilsen Freie Waldorfschule Bruchhausen-Vilsen 1-9 Auf der Loge 18 A, D-27305 Bruchhausen-Vilsen Tel. +49-4252-909690 Fax +49-4252-9096919 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bruchhausen-vilsen.de Calw Emil-Molt-Schule, Freie Waldorfschule Calw Eduard-Conz-Str. 3a, D-75365 Calw Tel. +49-7051-9686633 Fax +49-7051-9362029 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschulecalw.de 1-5 Int Chemnitz Freie Waldorfschule Chemnitz Sandstraße 102, D-09114 Chemnitz Tel. +49-371-3340760 Fax +49-371-33407699 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-chemnitz.de 1-13 cs,k,d,Ft Coburg Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Coburg Callenberg 12, D-96450 Coburg Tel. +49-9561-55033 Fax +49-9561-550352 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-coburg.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 60 Cottbus Freie Waldorfschule Cottbus Leipziger Str. 14, D-03048 Cottbus Tel. +49-355-473242 Fax +49-355-4838025 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-cottbus.de 1-13 d Crailsheim Freie Waldorfschule am Burgberg Burgbergstr. 46, D-74564 Crailsheim Tel. +49-7951-963956 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-crailsheim.de 1-6 k Cuxhaven Freie Waldorfschule Cuxhaven Deichstr. 12b, D-27472 Cuxhaven Tel. +49-4721-663422 Fax +49-4721-394660 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-cuxhaven.de 1-12 k d Dachsberg Freie Waldorfschule Dachsberg Zum Bildsteinfelsen 26, D-79875 Dachsberg Tel. +49-7672-906226 Fax +49-7672-481575 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-dachsberg.de 1-12 k d Darmstadt Freie Waldorfschule Darmstadt Arndtstr. 6, D-64297 Darmstadt Tel. +49-6151-95550 Fax +49-6151-955520 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-darmstadt.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Detmold Freie Waldorfschule Lippe-Detmold Blomberger Str. 67, D-32760 Detmold Tel. +49-5231-95800 Fax +49-5231-958019 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-detmold.de 1-13 k d Dietzenbach Rudolf Steiner Schule Dietzenbach An der Vogelhecke 1, D-63128 Dietzenbach Tel. +49-6074-400940 Fax +49-6074-4009410 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-dietzenbach.de 1-13 k Diez Freie Waldorfschule Diez a. d. Lahn Wilhelm-von-Nassau-Park 19, D-65582 Diez Tel. +49-6432-80080 Fax +49-6432-800822 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-diez.de K-13 k,d,Ft Dinslaken Freie Waldorfschule Dinslaken Eppinkstraße 173, D-46535 Dinslaken Tel. +49-2064-54739 Fax +49-2064-770337 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-dinslaken.de 1-13 k Ft 61 Dortmund Georgschule Freie Waldorfschule Förderschule eigener Art Mergelteichstr. 63, D-44225 Dortmund Tel. +49-231-9710648 Fax +49-231-9710651 E-mail: [email protected] www.georgschule-dortmund.de 1-12 CE,cs,k,d,Ft Dortmund Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Dortmund Mergelteichstr. 51, D-44225 Dortmund Tel. +49-231-4764800 Fax +49-231-47648070 E-mail: [email protected] www.rss-do.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Dresden Freie Waldorfschule Dresden Marienallee 5, D-01099 Dresden Tel. +49-351-899370 Fax +49-351-8993722 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-dresden.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Dresden Neue Waldorfschule Dresden Marienallee 12, D-01099 Dresden Tel. +49-351-56386069 +49-351-89964045 E-mail: [email protected] www.neue-waldorfschule-dresden.de 1-2 k,d Düsseldorf Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Düsseldorf Diepenstr. 15, D-40625 Düsseldorf Tel. +49-211-232069 Fax +49-211-233458 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschuleduesseldorf.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Duisburg Ganztags-Waldorfschule Duisburg Heinrich-Bierwes-Str. 13-15, D-47259 Duisburg - Hüttenheim Tel. +49-203-44985880 Fax +49-203-44985884 E-mail: [email protected] www.gwsd.de 1-10 Ft Eckernförde Freie Waldorfschule Eckernförde Schleswiger Str. 112, D-24340 Eckernförde Tel. +49-4351-76750 Fax +49-4351-767515 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-eckernfoerde.de 1-13 cs,k,P,d,Ft Eisenach Freie Waldorfschule Eisenach/Wartburgkreis Ernst-Thälmann-Str. 62, D-99817 Eisenach Tel. +49-3691-7037370 Fax +49-3691-7037390 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-eisenach.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Elmshorn Freie Waldorfschule Elmshorn Adenauerdamm 2, D-25337 Elmshorn Tel. +49-4121-47750 Fax +49-4121-477520 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-elmshorn.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 62 Emmendingen Integrative Waldorfschule Emmendingen Parkweg 24, D-79312 Emmendingen Tel. +49-7641-959938011 Fax +49-7641-959938012 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-emmendingen.de 1-12 CE,Int,k,d Engelberg Freie Waldorfschule Engelberg Rudolf-Steiner-Weg 4, D-73650 Winterbach Tel. +49-7181-7040 Fax +49-7181-704222 E-mail: [email protected] www.engelberg.net K-13 k,d,Ft Engstingen Freie Waldorfschule auf der Alb Freibühlstr. 1, D-72829 Engstingen Tel. +49-7129-937030 Fax +49-7129-937059 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-engstingen.de K-13 EC,cs,k,d,Ft Erftstadt-Liblar Freie Waldorfschule Erftstadt An der Waldorfschule 1, D-50374 Erftstadt (Liblar) Tel. +49-2235-46080 Fax +49-2235-460819 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-erftstadt.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Erfurt Freie Waldorfschule Erfurt Dorstbornstraße 5, D-99094 Erfurt-Bischleben Tel. +49-361-6537138 Fax +49-361-6024428 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-erfurt.de P-9 k,d,Ft Erlangen Freie Waldorfschule Erlangen Rudolf-Steiner-Str. 2, D-91058 Erlangen Tel. +49-9131-61497-0 Fax +49-9131-65053 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-erlangen.de 1-13 k Ft Eschwege Freie Waldorfschule Werra-Meißner Am Bahnhof 2, D-37269 Eschwege Tel. +49-5651-754396 Fax +49-5651-754398 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-werra-meissner.de 1-13 k Essen Freie Waldorfschule Essen Schellstraße 47, D-45134 Essen Tel. +49-201-435150 Fax +49-201-4351529 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-essen.de 1-13 CE,cs,k,d,Ft Esslingen Freie Waldorfschule Esslingen Weilstraße 90, D-73734 Esslingen Tel. +49-711-9388230 Fax +49-711-93882320 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-esslingen.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 63 Everswinkel Freie Waldorfschule in Everswinkel Wester 32, D-48351 Everswinkel Tel. +49-2582-991818 Fax +49-2582-991819 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-everswinkel.de 1-11 Int, Ft Evinghausen Freie Waldorfschule Evinghausen Icker Landstraße 16, D-49565 Bramsche Tel. +49-5468-92030 Fax +49-5468-920320 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-evinghausen.de 1-13 k d Ft Evinghausen Johannes-Schule Evinghausen Icker Landstraße 8, D-49565 Bramsche Tel. +49-5468-1224 Fax +49-5468-6530 E-mail: [email protected] www.johannes-schule-evinghausen.de 1-12 CE Filderstadt Freie Waldorfschule Gutenhalde Gutenhalde, D-70794 Filderstadt Tel. +49-711-77058560 Fax +49-711-77058561 E-mail: [email protected] www.gutenhalde.de 1-13 k d Flensburg Freie Waldorfschule Flensburg Valentiner Allee 1, D-24941 Flensburg Tel. +49-461-903250 Fax +49-461-9032525 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-flensburg.de P-13 cs,k,d,Ft Frankenthal Freie Waldorfschule Frankenthal/Pfalz Julius-Bettinger-Str. 1, D-67227 Frankenthal Tel. +49-6233-47047 Fax +49-6233-40133 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-frankenthal.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Frankfurt (Oder) Freie Waldorfschule Frankfurt (Oder) Weinbergweg 30, D-15236 Frankfurt (Oder) Tel. +49-335-4013583 Fax +49-335-4013584 E-mail: [email protected] www.frankfurtoder.waldorf.net 1-13 k,d,Ft Frankfurt (Main) Freie Waldorfschule Frankfurt Friedlebenstraße 52, D-60433 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49-69-953060 Fax +49-69-95294225 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-frankfurt.de P-13 k,d,Ft Freiburg-M.Sch. Michael-Schule Freiburg Kartäuserstr. 55, D-79104 Freiburg Tel. +49-761-383278 Fax +49-761-383219 E-mail: [email protected] www.michael-schule-freiburg.de 1-9 H,k,Ft 64 Freiburg-Rieselfeld Freie Waldorfschule Freiburg-Rieselfeld Ingeborg-Drewitz-Allee 1, D-79111 Freiburg Tel. +49-761-15146630 Fax +49-761-151466310 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-freiburg-rieselfeld.de K-13 k,d,Ft Freiburg-St.Georgen Freie Waldorfschule St.Georgen Bergiselstr. 11, D-79111 Freiburg Tel. +49-761-8964200 Fax +49-761-89642020 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-st-georgen.de 1-13 k d Freiburg-Wiehre Freie Waldorfschule Freiburg-Wiehre Schwimmbadstrasse 29, D-79100 Freiburg Tel. +49-761-791730 Fax +49-761-7917329 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-freiburg.de 1-13 k d Freudenstadt Freie Waldorfschule Freudenstadt Friedrich-List-Straße 14, D-72250 Freudenstadt Tel. +49-7441-951295 Fax +49-7441-951282 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-fds.de 1-13 Friedrichsthal-Bildstock Johannes-Schule, WS f. Lern- u. Erziehungshilfe Neunkircher Str. 70, D-66299 Friedrichsthal - Bildstock Tel. +49-6897-840000 Fax +49-6897-843913 E-mail: [email protected] www.Johannes-Schule.de 1-12 H,CE,Ft Gera Freie Waldorfschule Gera Waldorfpädagogik Ostthüringen e.V. Otto-Rothe-Str. 32, D-07549 Gera Tel. +49-365-7129220 Fax +49-365-71292239 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-gera.de 1-10 Int,k,d,Ft Gladbeck Freie Waldorfschule Gladbeck Horster Strasse 82, D-45968 Gladbeck Tel. +49-2043-29720 Fax +49-2043-297299 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-gladbeck.de 1-13 k, d, Ft Göppingen Freie Waldorfschule Filstal Ahornstraße 41, D-73035 Göppingen (Faurndau) Tel. +49-7161-20080 Fax +49-7161-200840 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-goeppingen.de 1-13 k Göttingen Freie Waldorfschule Göttingen Arbecksweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen Tel. +49-551-90036380 Fax +49-551-900363839 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-goettingen.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 65 Geislingen Freie Schule St. Michael Rorgensteig 24 73312 Geislingen Tel. +49-7331-306430 Fax +49-7331-306455 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfschule-geislingen.de 1-9 Ft Greifswald Freie Waldorfschule Greifswald Hans-Beimler-Straße 79-83, D-17491 Greifswald Tel. +49-3834-502612 Fax +49-3834-502661 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-greifswald.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Gröbenzell Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Gröbenzell Spechtweg 1, D-82194 Gröbenzell Tel. +49-8142-53045/46 Fax +49-8142-54663 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-groebenzell.de 1-13 k Ft Gütersloh Freie Waldorfschule Gütersloh 1-13 d Ft Hermann-Rothert-Str. 7, D-33335 Gütersloh (Friedrichsdorf) Tel. +49-5209-5584 Fax +49-5209-4549 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-guetersloh.de Gummersbach Freie Waldorfschule Oberberg. Kirchhellstr. 32, D-51645 Gummersbach Tel. +49-2261-96860 Fax +49-2261-968676 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-oberberg.de 1-13 cs, k, Ft Haan-Gruiten Freie Waldorfschule Haan-Gruiten Prälat-Marschall-Str. 34, D-42781 Haan Tel. +49-2104-6466/67 Fax +49-2104-61021 E-mail: [email protected] www.fwshaan.de 1-13 k Ft Hagen Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Hagen Enneper Straße 30, D-58135 Hagen (Haspe) Tel. +49-2331-403901 Fax +49-2331-407619 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-hagen.de 1-13 k Ft Halle Freie Waldorfschule Halle Gutsstraße 4, D-06132 Halle Tel. +49-345-777590 Fax +49-345-7775918 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-halle.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Hamburg-Altona Rudolf Steiner Schule Altona Bleickenallee 1, D-22763 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-4100993 Fax +49-40-41009950 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-altona.de 1-13 k d 66 Hamburg-Bergedorf Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Bergedorf Am Brink 7, D-21029 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-7212222 Fax +49-40-7212241 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bergedorf.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Hamburg-Bergstedt Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Hamburg-Bergstedt Bergstedter Chaussee 207, D-22395 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-6450820 Fax +49-40-64508216 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-bergstedt.de 1-13 k d Hamburg-Bergstedt Christophorus-Schule Waldorfschule für heilende Erziehung Bergstedter Chaussee 205, D-22395 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-6044280 Fax +49-40-60442825 E-mail: [email protected] www.christophorus-hamburg.de 1-12 CE,k,d,Ft Hamburg-Eimsbüttel Christian Morgenstern Schule Heinrichstr. 14, D-22769 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-41359444 Fax +49-40-41304645 E-mail: [email protected] www.christianmorgensternschule.de 1-6 d Hamburg-Farmsen Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Hamburg-Wandsbek Rahlstedter Weg 60, D-22159 Hamburg (Farmsen) Tel. +49-40-6458950 Fax +49-40-64589520 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-wandsbek.de 1-13 k d Hamburg-Harburg Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Hamburg-Harburg Ehestorfer Heuweg 82, D-21149 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-7971810 Fax +49-40-79718120 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerschule-harburg.de 1-13 k d Hamburg-Harburg Michael Schule Harburg Woellmerstr. 1, D-21075 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-709737780 Fax +49-40-7097377819 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelschule.net 1-12 Ft H Hamburg-Nienstedten Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Hamburg-Nienstedten Elbchaussee 366, D-22609 Hamburg Tel. +49-40-8224000 Fax +49-40-82240024 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-nienstedten.de 1-13 k d Hamm 1-13 k Ft Freie Waldorfschule Hamm Kobbenskamp 23, D-59077 Hamm Tel. +49-2381-40932/3 Fax +49-2381-405823 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-hamm.de 67 Hannover-Bothfeld Freie Waldorfschule Hannover-Bothfeld Weidkampshaide 17, D-30659 Hannover Tel. +49-511-647590 Fax +49-511-6475999 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-bothfeld.de 1-13 cs, k Hannover-Maschsee Freie Waldorfschule Hannover-Maschsee Rud.-v.-Bennigsen- Ufer 70, D-30173 Hannover Tel. +49-511-807090 Fax +49-511-8070950 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-maschsee.de 1-13 k,d,FT Hassfurt Freie Waldorfschule in den Mainauen Am Ziegelbrunn 10, D-97437 Hassfurt Tel. +49-9521-610657 Fax +49-9521-610679 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-hassfurt.de 1-13 k Heidelberg Freie Waldorfschule Heidelberg 1-13 k,d,Ft Mittelgewannweg 16, D-69123 Heidelberg (Wieblingen) Tel. +49-6221-82010 Fax +49-6221-820199 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-heidelberg.de Heidenheim Freie Waldorfschule Heidenheim Ziegelstraße 50, D-89518 Heidenheim Tel. +49-7321-98590 Fax +49-7321-985937 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-heidenheim.de 1-13 EC,k,d,Ft Heilbronn Freie Waldorfschule Heilbronn Max-von-Laue-Straße 4, D-74081 Heilbronn Tel. +49-7131-589510 Fax +49-7131-5895111 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-hn.de 1-13 k d Heinsberg Freie Waldorfschule Kreis Heinsberg e.V. Dechant-Ruppertzhoven-Weg 12, D-41844 Wegberg - Dalheim Tel. +49-2436-380077 Fax +49-2436-380386 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-heinsberg.de 1-11 k Herdecke Ita-Wegman-Schule am GMK Herdecke Gerhard-Kienle-Weg 4, D-58313 Herdecke Tel. +49-2330-623900 Fax +49-2330-624122 E-mail: [email protected] www.gemeinschaftskrankenhaus.de Hildesheim Freie Waldorfschule Hildesheim Propsteihof 53, D-31139 Hildesheim Tel. +49-5121-93620 Fax +49-5121-936220 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-hildesheim.de 68 1-13 k,d,FtAm Hitzacker Freie Schule Hitzacker Hagener Weg, D-29456 Hitzacker Tel. +49-5862-5252 Fax +49-5862-5253 E-mail: [email protected] www.freieschulehitzacker.de 1-13 k Ft Hof Freie Waldorfschule Hof Kolpingshöhe 3, D-95032 Hof/Saale Tel. +49-9281-738150 Fax +49-9281-738151 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-hof.de 1-13 k Ft Itzehoe Freie Waldorfschule Itzehoe Am Kählerhof 4, D-25524 Itzehoe Tel. +49-4821-89860 Fax +49-4821-898612 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-itzehoe.de K-13 k,d,Ft Jena Freie Waldorfschule Jena Alte Hauptstraße 15, D-07745 Jena Tel. +49-3641-293710 Fax +49-3641-293739 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-jena.de K-13 k,d,Ft Kakenstorf Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Nordheide Lange Straße 2, D-21255 Kakenstorf Tel. +49-4186-89350 Fax +49-4186-893535 E-mail: [email protected] www.rss-nordheide.de 1-13 k d Kaltenkirchen Freie Waldorfschule Kaltenkirchen Kisdorfer Weg 1, D-24568 Kaltenkirchen Tel. +49-4191-93010 Fax +49-4191-930137 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-kaki.de 1-13 k Ft Karlsruhe Freie Waldorfschule Karlsruhe Neisser Strasse 2, D-76139 Karlsruhe Tel. +49-721-9689210 Fax +49-721-9689230 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-karlsruhe.de 1-13 k d Kassel Freie Waldorfschule Kassel Hunrodstraße 17, D-34131 Kassel Tel. +49-561-935130 Fax +49-561-9351316 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-kassel.de P-13 k,d,Ft Kassel Jean-Paul-Schule Kassel Württemberger Straße 18, D-34131 Kassel Tel. +49-561-3162061 Fax +49-561-3162063 E-mail: [email protected] www.jean-paul-schule.de 1-12 CE,k d,Ft 69 Kastellaun Freie Waldorfschule Kastellaun An der Molkerei 15, D-56288 Kastellaun Tel. +49-6762-963851 Fax +49-6762-963849 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-kastellaun.de 1-9 k Kiel Freie Waldorfschule Kiel - Betreute Grundschule Hofholzallee 20, D-24109 Kiel Tel. +49-431-53090 Fax +49-431-5309151 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-kiel.de K-13 cs,k,Ft Kirchheim Freie Waldorfschule Kirchheim Teck Fabrikstraße 33 + 35, D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck Tel. +49-7021-50470 Fax +49-7021-504729 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-kirchheim.de 1-13 cs, k Kleinmachnow Freie Waldorfschule Kleinmachnow Am Hochwald 30, D-14532 Kleinmachnow Tel. +49-33203-70021 Fax +49-33203-70022 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-kleinmachnow.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Köln Freie Waldorfschule Köln Weichselring 6-8, D-50765 Köln Tel. +49-221-9703440 Fax +49-221-97034430 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-koeln.de 1-13 k Ft Köln Michaeli Schule Köln FWS mit integrativem Unterricht Loreleystraße 3-5, D-50677 Köln (Südstadt) Tel. +49-221-2825501 Fax +49-221-2825502 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaeli-schule-koeln.de 1-12 Int,k,Ft Konstanz Freie Waldorfschule Konstanz Robert-Bosch-Str. 3, D-78467 Konstanz E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-konstanz.de 1 Krefeld Freie Waldorfschule Krefeld Kaiserstraße 61, D-47800 Krefeld Tel. +49-2151-53950 Fax +49-2151-539536 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-krefeld.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Laatzen Freie Martinsschule Hannover Am Südtor 15, D-30880 Laatzen Tel. +49-511-82199630 Fax +49-511-82199659 E-mail: [email protected] www.freie-martinsschule.de 1-12 CE,k,Ft 70 Landsberg Freie Waldorfschule Landsberg Münchener Str. 72, D-86899 Landsberg/Lech Tel. +49-8191-94930 Fax +49-8191-949313 E-mail: [email protected] www.freie-waldorfschule-landsberg.de 1-13 k Ft Leipzig Freie Waldorfschule Leipzig Berthastraße 15, D-04357 Leipzig Tel. +49-341-4229891 Fax +49-341-4240138 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-leipzig.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Leipzig Karl Schubert Schule Leipzig Raschwitzer Str. 4, D-04279 Leipzig Tel. +49-341-20016940 Fax +49-341-20016941 E-mail: [email protected] www.karl-schubert-schule-leipzig.de 1-5 Int,k,d,Ft Lensahn Waldorfschule in Ostholstein Rudolf-Steiner-Weg 1, D-23738 Lensahn Tel. +49-4363-1641 Fax +49-4363-91070 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-in-ostholstein.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Loheland Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Loheland Loheland, D-36093 Künzell (Fulda) Tel. +49-661-392-21u.-11 Fax +49-661-392-18u.-19 E-mail: [email protected] www.loheland.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Lörrach Freie Waldorfschule Lörrach Inzlingerstr. 51, D-79540 Lörrach Tel. +49-7621-550450 Fax +49-7621-5504515 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschuleloerrach.pcom.de 1-13 k Lübeck Freie Waldorfschule Lübeck Dieselstraße 18, D-23566 Lübeck - Eichholz Tel. +49-451-601061/62 Fax +49-451-606333 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-luebeck.de 1-13 CE,cs,k,d,Ft Ludwigsburg Freie Waldorfschule Ludwigsburg Fröbelstr. 16, D-71634 Ludwigsburg Tel. +49-7141-96110 Fax +49-7141-961120 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-ludwigsburg.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Lüneburg Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Lüneburg Walter-Bötcher-Str. 6, D-21337 Lüneburg Tel. +49-4131-86100 Fax +49-4131-861015 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolf-steiner-schule-lueneburg.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 71 Lüneburg Heilpäd. Hofschule Wendisch Evern Förderschulzweig der R.St.Schule Lüneburg Dorfstr. 15, D-21403 Wendisch Evern Tel. +49-4131-7749624 Fax +49-4131-7749623 E-mail: [email protected] 1-10 CE Magdeburg Freie Waldorfschule Magdeburg Kroatenwuhne 3, D-39116 Magdeburg Tel. +49-391-6116190 Fax +49-391-6116199 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-magdeburg.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Mainz Freie Waldorfschule Mainz Merkurweg 2, D-55126 Mainz (Finthen) Tel. +49-6131-472077/78 Fax +49-6131-474335 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-mainz.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Mannheim Freie Waldorfschule Mannheim Neckarauer Waldweg 131, D-68199 Mannheim Tel. +49-621-1286100 Fax +49-621-12861021 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-mannheim.de 1-13 k d Mannheim Freie Interkulturelle Waldorfschule Maybachstr. 16, D-68169 Mannheim Tel. +49-621-3368800 Fax +49-621-3368905 E-mail: [email protected] www.interkulturelle-waldorfschule.de 1-12 Ft Mannheim Odilienschule Mannheim, Freie Förderschule Freie Schule für Erziehungshilfe Kiesteichweg 10, D-68199 Mannheim Tel. +49-621-8620549 Fax +49-621-8425797 E-mail: [email protected] www.odilienschule-mannheim.de 1 -10 cs, k Marburg Freie Waldorfschule Marburg Ockershäuser Allee 14, D-35037 Marburg/Lahn Tel. +49-6421-1653812 Fax +49-6421-1653821 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschulemarburg.de 1-13 k d Melle Freie Waldorfschule Melle Waldstraße 81, D-49324 Melle Tel. +49-5422-926392 Fax +49-5422-703220 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-melle.de 1/2,9,10 d Minden Freie Waldorfschule Minden Haberbreede 37, D-32429 Minden Tel. +49-5734-96040 Fax +49-5734-960440 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-minden.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 72 Mönchengladbach Rudolf Steiner Schule Mönchengladbach Weiersweg 10, D-41065 Mönchengladbach Tel. +49-2161-821320 Fax +49-2161-651701 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolf-steiner-schule.de 1-13 cs,k,Ft Mülheim Freie Waldorfschule in Mülheim an der Ruhr Blumendellerstr. 29, D-45472 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr Tel. +49-208-498141 Fax +49-208-498275 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-mh.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Müllheim Freie Waldorfschule Markgräflerland Am Zirkusplatz 1, D-79379 Müllheim Tel. +49-7631-15255 Fax +49-7631-170717 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-mgl.de 1-13 k,d München-Daglfing Rudolf-Steiner-Schule München-Daglfing Max-Proebstl-Str. 7, D-81929 München Tel. +49-89-9939110 Fax +49-89-99391124 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-daglfing.de 1-13 k,d,Ft München-Ismaning Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Ismaning, Freie Waldorfschule eG 1-13 k,d,Ft Dorfstraße 77, D-85737 Ismaning Tel. +49-89-964758 Fax +49-89-967536 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-ismaning.de München-Schwabing Rudolf-Steiner-Schule München-Schwabing Leopoldstraße 17, D-80802 München Tel. +49-89-3801400 Fax +49-89-331754 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-schwabing.de München-Südwest Freie Waldorfschule München Südwest 1-5 Ft Züricherstr. 9, D-81476 München Tel. +49-89-72446780 Fax +49-89- 72446797 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-muenchen-suedwest.de München Friedel-Eder-Schule für Seelenpflege-bedürftige Kinder e.V. Max-Proebstl-Str. 11, D-81929 München Tel. +49-89-933093 Fax +49-89-93946363 E-mail: [email protected] www.friedel-eder-schule.de 1-12 CE k München Parzival-Schule München Ackermannstr. 63, D-80797 München Tel. +49-89-3504330 Fax +49-89-35043311 E-mail: [email protected] www.heilende-erziehung.de 1-10 d Ft 73 K-13 k,d,Ft Münster Freie Waldorfschule Münster Rudolf-Steiner-Weg 11, D-48149 Münster Tel. +49-251-87000 Fax +49-251-870055 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-muenster.de P-13 k Ft Neißeaue Freie Waldorfschule Görlitz "Jacob Böhme" Dorfstraße 162 a, D-02829 Neißeaue Tel. +49-03581-7269230 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-goerlitz.de 1-7 d Neuenweg Schule am Belchen Schule für Erziehungshilfe Talstraße 11, D-79691 Neuenweg Tel. +49-7673-931797 Fax +49-7673-931798 E-mail: [email protected] www.hoefe-am-belchen.de 3-10 bd Ft Neuenrade Freie Waldorfschule Neuenrade Remmelshagen 1-5, D-58809 Neuenrade Tel. +49-2392-913667 Fax +49-2392-913666 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-neuenrade.de 1-13 Ft Neumünster Freie Waldorfschule Neumünster Roschdohlerweg 144, D-24536 Neumünster Tel. +49-4321-952660 Fax +49-4321-9526699 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-neumuenster.de 1-13 Int,k,d,Ft NeunkirchenSeelscheid Franziskus-Schule Heilpädagogische Waldorfschule Breite Straße 44, D-53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid Tel. +49-2247-9000151 Fax +49-2247-9000153 E-mail: [email protected] www.franziskus-schule.org 1-7 CE Ft Neustadt Freie Goetheschule Waldorfschule Neustadt Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 14-16, D-67433 Neustadt/Weinstrasse Tel. +49-6321-5090409 Fax +49-6321-5090410 E-mail: [email protected] www.freie-goetheschule.de 1-10 k d Neuwied Rudolf Steiner Schule Mittelrhein 1-13 k,d,Ft Augustenthaler Str. 25, D-56567 Neuwied (Niederbieber) Tel. +49-2631-96420 Fax +49-2631-964211 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-neuwied.de Nürnberg Rudolf Steiner-Schule Nürnberg Steinplattenweg 25, D-90491 Nürnberg Tel. +49-911-59860 Fax +49-911-5986200 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-nuernberg.de 74 1-13 k,d,Ft Nürtingen Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Nürtingen Am Lerchenberg 60-66, D-72622 Nürtingen Tel. +49-7022-932650 Fax +49-7022-9326550 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-nuertingen.de 1-13 k Ft Oberursel Freie Waldorfschule Vordertaunus Eichwäldchenweg 8, D-61440 Oberursel Tel. +49-6171-88700 Fax +49-6171-887029 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-oberursel.de 1-13 k d Oberursel Albrecht-Strohschein-Schule Marxstr. 22, D-61440 Oberursel Tel. +49-6171-57490 Fax +49-6171-580033 E-mail: [email protected] www.albrecht-strohschein-schule.de 1-12 CE Offenburg Freie Waldorfschule Offenburg Moltkestr. 3, D-77654 Offenburg Tel. +49-781-9482270 Fax +49-781-9482271 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-og.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Oldenburg Freie Waldorfschule Oldenburg Blumenhof 9, D-26135 Oldenburg Tel. +49-441-3616180 Fax +49-441-36161811 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-oldenburg.de 1-13 k d Oldenburg Heilpädagogischer Schulzweig an der Freien Waldorfschule Oldenburg Stedinger Str. 20-22, D-26135 Oldenburg Tel. +49-441-41040 Fax +49-441-86621 E-mail: [email protected] www.heilpaed-zweig-waldorfschule.de 1-12 CE, k,d,Ft Otterberg Freie Waldorfschule Westpfalz Schulstraße 4, D-67697 Otterberg Tel. +49-6301-793350 Fax +49-6301-793340 E-mail: [email protected] www.fws-otterberg.de K, P-13 k,d,Ft Ottersberg Freie Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Ottersberg Amtshof 5, D-28870 Ottersberg Tel. +49-4205-31680 Fax +49-4205-316822 E-mail: [email protected] www.frss-ottersberg.de 1-13 k Pforzheim Goetheschule Freie Waldorfschule Pforzheim Schwarzwaldstraße 66, D-75173 Pforzheim Tel. +49-7231-202750 Fax +49-7231-2027525 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-pforzheim.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 75 Potsdam Waldorfschule Potsdam Erich-Weinert-Str. 5, D-14478 Potsdam Tel. +49-331-972077 Fax +49-331-87000380 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-potsdam.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Prien Freie Waldorfschule Chiemgau Bernauer Str. 34, D-83209 Prien Tel. +49-8051-9655890 Fax +49-8051-96558940 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-chiemgau.de 1-13 k FT Rastatt Freie Waldorfschule Rastatt Ludwig-Wilhelm-Str. 10, D-76437 Rastatt Tel. +49-7222-7746960 Fax +49-7222-7746980 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-rastatt.de 1-13 k Ravensburg Freie Waldorfschule Ravensburg Meersburger Str. 148, D-88213 Ravensburg Tel. +49-751-791130 Fax +49-751-7911322 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-ravensburg.de K-13 k,d,Ft Remscheid Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Remscheid Schwarzer Weg 9, D-42897 Remscheid Tel. +49-2191-667811 Fax +49-2191-666001 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-remscheid.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Rendsburg Freie Waldorfschule Rendsburg Nobiskrüger Allee 75/77, D-24768 Rendsburg Tel. +49-4331-138830 Fax +49-4331-138831 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-rendsburg.de P-13 Int,k,d,Ft Reutlingen Freie Georgenschule Reutlingen Moltkestraße 29, D-72762 Reutlingen Tel. +49-7121-92790 Fax +49-7121-927910 E-mail: [email protected] www.freie-georgenschule.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Rosenheim Freie Waldorfschule Rosenheim Mangfallstr. 53, D-83026 Rosenheim Tel. +49-8031-400980 Fax +49-8031-4009810 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-rosenheim.de 1-11 k,d,Ft Rostock Waldorfschule Rostock Feldstraße 48a, D-18057 Rostock Tel. +49-381-2520040 Fax +49-381-2520041 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-rostock.de 1-13 k,d,Ft 76 Rottweil Freie Waldorfschule Rottweil Königstr. 39, D-78628 Rottweil Tel. +49-741-17488890 Fax +49-741-17488899 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-rottweil.de 1-5 Saarbrücken Freie Waldorfschule Saarbrücken Schulstraße 11, D-66126 Saarbrücken Tel. +49-6898-8520201 Fax +49-6898-8475 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-saarbruecken.de 1-13 k d Sankt Augustin Freie Waldorfschule Sankt Augustin 1-13 k Ft Graf-Zeppelin-Str. 7, D-53757 Sankt Augustin (Hangelar) Tel. +49-2241-921160 Fax +49-2241-9211610 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-sankt-augustin.de Schloß Hamborn Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Schloß Hamborn D-33178 Borchen Tel. +49-5251-389116 Fax +49-5251-389268 E-mail: [email protected] www.schlosshamborn.de 1-13 cs,Bd,k,d Schopfheim Freie Waldorfschule Schopfheim Schlierbachstr. 23, D-79650 Schopfheim Tel. +49-7622-6668490 Fax +49-7622-5268 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschuleschopfheim.de 1-13 k Schwäbisch Gmünd Freie Waldorfschule Schwäbisch Gmünd Scheffoldstr.136, D-73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd Tel. +49-7171-8748870 Fax +49-7171-87488761 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-gmuend.de 1-13 k Ft Schwäbisch Hall Freie Waldorfschule Schwäbisch Hall Teurerweg 2, D-74523 Schwäbisch Hall Tel. +49-791-970610 Fax +49-791-9706122 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-hall.de 1-13 k Schwerin Freie Waldorfschule Schwerin Schloßgartenallee 57, D-19061 Schwerin Tel. +49-385-617110 Fax +49-385-6171115 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-schwerin.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Seewalde Freie Waldorfschule Seewalde Seewalde 2, D-17255 Wustrow Tel. +49-39828-20275 Fax +49-39828-20518 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-seewalde.de 1-2 k,d 77 Siegen Rudolf Steiner Schule Siegen Kolpingstr. 3, D-57072 Siegen Tel. +49-271-488590 Fax +49-271-4885950 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-siegen.de 1-13 k Ft Siegen Johanna-Ruß-Schule Numbachstraße 3, D-57072 Siegen Tel. +49-271-23313 Fax +49-271-2331450 E-mail: [email protected] www.foerderschule-siegen.de 1-12 CE Ft Soest Hugo-Kükelhaus-Schule - Freie Waldorfschule in Soest Wisbyring 13, D-59494 Soest Tel. +49-2921-343435 Fax +49-2921-341904 E-mail: [email protected] www.hugo-kuekelhaus-schule-soest.de 1-13 k Ft Sorsum Freie Waldorfschule Sorsum Weetzener Str. 1, D-30974 Wennigsen (Sorsum) Tel. +49-5109-52950 Fax +49-5109-529560 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-sorsum.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Stade Freie Waldorfschule Stade Henning-von-Tresckow-Weg 2, D-21684 Stade Tel. +49-4141-510521 Fax +49-4141-510522 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-stade.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Stuttgart Freie Waldorfschule Uhlandshöhe Haußmannstraße 44, D-70188 Stuttgart Tel. +49-711-210020 Fax +49-711-2100255 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-uhlandshoehe.de 1-13 k d Stuttgart Freie Waldorfschule am Kräherwald Rudolf Steiner-Weg 10, D-70192 Stuttgart Tel. +49-711-30530530 Fax +49-711-30530106 E-mail: [email protected] www.fkws.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Stuttgart Karl-Schubert-Schule Waldorfschule für seelenpflegebedürftige Kinder Obere Weinsteige 40, D-70597 Stuttgart Tel. +49-711-71915700 Fax +49-711-71915729 E-mail: [email protected] www.karl-schubert-schule.de K-12 k,d,Ft Stuttgart Michael Bauer Schule Freie Waldorfschule mit Förderklassenbereich Othellostraße 5, D-70563 Stuttgart Tel. +49-711-68689660 Fax +49-711-68689688 E-mail: [email protected] www.michael-bauer-schule.de 1-13 H,cs,k,d,Ft 78 Stuttgart Waldorfschule Silberwald Kemnater Straße 21, D-70619 Stuttgart (Sillenbuch) Tel: +49-711-90754300 Fax: +49-711-90754301 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-silberwald.de 1-7 k,d,Ft Thale Freie Waldorfschule Harzvorland Steinbachstr. 6, D-06502 Thale Tel. +49-3947-778887 Fax +49-3947-778885 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-harzvorland.de 1-11 k,d,Ft Trier Freie Waldorfschule Trier Montessoriweg 7, D-54296 Trier Tel. +49-651-9930136 Fax +49-651-9930139 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-trier.de P-13 EC,k,d,Ft Tübingen Tübinger Freie Waldorfschule Rotdornweg 30, D-72076 Tübingen Tel. +49-7071-60970 Fax +49-7071-610878 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-tuebingen.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Überlingen Freie Waldorfschule Überlingen Rengoldshauser Str. 20, D-88662 Überlingen Tel. +49-7551-83010 Fax +49-7551-830199 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-ueberlingen.de K-13 EC,d Ulm Freie Waldorfschule am Illerblick Unterer Kuhberg 22, D-89077 Ulm Tel. +49-731-9359700 Fax +49-731-93597035 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-illerblick.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Ulm Römerstraße Freie Waldorfschule Ulm Römerstraße Römerstr. 97, D-89077 Ulm Tel. +49-731-932580 Fax +49-731-9325829 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-ulm.de K-13 cs,EC,Ft Vaihingen Waldorfschule Vaihingen/Enz Steinbeisstr. 65, D-71665 Vaihingen/Enz Tel. +49-7042-288400 Fax +49-7042-288422 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-vaihingen.de 1-13 k d Velbert Windrather Talschule, Freie Waldorfschule Pannerstraße 24, D-42555 Velbert (Langenberg) Tel. +49-2052-92640 Fax +49-2052-926411 E-mail: [email protected] www.windrather-talschule.de 1-13 Int,k,d,Ft 79 VillingenSchwenningen Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Villingen-Schwenningen Schluchseestr. 55, D-78054 VS-Schwenningen Tel. +49-7720-85596 Fax +49-7720-855980 E-mail: [email protected] www.rss-vs.de 1-13 k Wahlwies Freie Waldorfschule Wahlwies Am Maisenbühl 30, D-78333 Stockach Tel. +49-7771-87060 Fax +49-7771-870629 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-wahlwies.de 1-13 k Walhausen Freie Waldorfschule Saar-Hunsrück Schoosbergstraße 11, D-66625 Nohfelden-Walhausen Tel. +49-6852-82599 Fax +49-6852-802179 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-saar-hunsrueck.de 1-13 Ft Walsheim Haus Sonne, Heil- und Erziehungsinstitut für 1-13 CE,Bd,bd,k,Ft Seelenpflegebedürftige Kinder, Jugendliche u. Erwachsene Oben am Dorf, D-66453 Walsheim Tel. +49-6843-8090 Fax +49-6843-80939 E-mail: [email protected] www.haussonne.de Wangen Freie Waldorfschule Wangen Rudolf-Steiner-Str. 4, D-88239 Wangen i. Allgäu Tel. +49-7522-93180 Fax +49-7522-931824 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-wangen.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Wangen Talander Schulgem. e.V., Schule f. Erziehungshilfe Christian-Fopp-Str. 4, D-88239 Wangen im Allgäu Tel. +49-7522-915993 Fax +49-7522-913086 E-mail: [email protected] www.talander-schule.de 1-9 H Weimar Freie Waldorfschule Weimar Klosterweg 8, D-99425 Weimar Tel. +49-3643-77150 Fax +49-3643-771515 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-weimar.de P-13 k,d,Ft Wendelstein Freie Waldorfschule Wendelstein In der Gibitzen 49, D-90530 Wendelstein Tel. +49-9129-28460 Fax +49-9129-284615 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-wendelstein.de K-13 k d Werder Freie Waldorfschule Werder/Havel – Christian Morgenstern Elsastraße 14/16, D-14542 Werder Tel. +49-3327-45838 Fax +49-3327-45863 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-werder.de 1-10 d 80 Wernstein Freie Waldorfschule Wernstein Am Eisweiher 1, D-95336 Mainleus Tel. +49-9229-7052 Fax +49-9229-6223 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschulewernstein.de Wiesbaden Freie Waldorfschule Wiesbaden P-13 k Ft Albert-Schweitzer-Allee 40, D-65203 Wiesbaden-Biebrich Tel. +49-611-607080 Fax +49-611-6070810 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-wiesbaden.de Wistedt Elias-Schule Schulweg 1, D-21255 Wistedt Tel. +49-4182-28750-0 Fax +49-4182-28750-29 E-mail: [email protected] www.elias-schulzweig.info 1-10 CE Witten Blote Vogel, Freie Schule n.d .Pädagogik R.Steiners Stockumerstr. 100, D-58454 Witten Tel. +49-2302-956600 Fax +49-2302-9566029 E-mail: [email protected] www.blote-vogel.de K-13 k,d,Ft Witten Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Witten Billerbeckstraße 2, D-58455 Witten (Heven) Tel. +49-2302-281830 Fax +49-2302-2818313 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-witten.de 1-13 k Wöhrden Freie Waldorfschule Wöhrden Ringstraße 1, D-25797 Wöhrden Tel. +49-4839-244 Fax +49-4839-951067 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-woehrden.de P-10 d Wolfratshausen Freie Waldorfschule Wolfratshausen Untermarkt 65-67, D-82515 Wofratshausen Tel. +49-8171-385875 Fax +49-8171-385626 E-mail: [email protected] www.freie-schule-wolfratshausen.de 1-8 Wolfsburg Freie Waldorfschule Wolfsburg Robert-Schuman-Str. 7, D-38444 Wolfsburg Tel. +49-5361-775403 Fax +49-5361-775573 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-wob.de 1-13 k d Wuppertal Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Wuppertal Schluchtstraße 21, D-42285 Wuppertal (Barmen) Tel. +49-202-280840 Fax +49-202-2808420 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolf-steiner-schule-wuppertal.de 1-13 k 81 1-10 k Wuppertal Christian Morgenstern Schule Wuppertal Wittensteinstr. 76, D-42285 Wuppertal (Barmen) Tel. +49-202-83088 E-mail: [email protected] www.christian-morgenstern-schule-wuppertal.de 1-12 H,CE,k,d Würzburg Freie Waldorfschule Würzburg Oberer Neubergweg 14, D-97074 Würzburg Tel. +49-931-796550 Fax +49-931-7965540 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-wuerzburg.de 1-13 k,d,Ft Estland Eesti Vabade Waldorfkoolide Ühendus, Ploomi 1, EST-50110 Tartu, Tel./Fax: +372-7-367168, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.ee Aruküla Aruküla Vaba Waldorfkool Tallinna mnt. 38, EST-75201 Harjumaa Tel. +372-6070601 E-mail: [email protected] www.avw.ee 1-12 k,Ft Keila Erakool Läte Keskväljak 15, EST-76605 Keila Tel. +372-5591-85618 E-mail: [email protected] www.erakoollate.ee 1-5 k,Ft Polvamaa Johannese Kool Rosmal Värska mnt 4, Rosma küla, Polva vald, EST-63221 Polvamaa Tel. +372-799-4159 Fax +372-799-4159 E-mail: [email protected] www.rosma.edu.ee K-9 Ft Rakvere Rakvere Vanalinna Kool Pikk 18, EST-44307 Rakvere Tel. +372-5142362 E-mail: [email protected] www.vanalinnakool.ee 1 k,Ft Tallinn Tallinna Vaba Waldorfkool Tuleema 12, EST-10312 Tallinn Tel. +372-6016504 E-mail: [email protected] www.tallinn.waldorf.ee K-8 k,Ft Tallinn Hilariuse kool Akademmia tee 30, EST-12613 Tallinn Tel. +372-56262085 E-mail: [email protected] www.hilarius.ee K-8 CE 82 Tartu Tartu Waldorfgümnaasium Ploomi 1, EST-50110 Tartu Tel. +372-7367168 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfkool.info K-12 k,Ft Tartu Tartu Maarja Kool Puiestee 126, EST-50604 Tartu Tel. +372-7-461010 Fax +372-7-461010 E-mail: [email protected] www.maarja.tartu.ee K-9 CE,d,Ft Viljandi Viljandi Vaba Waldorfkool Lutsu 3, EST-71003 Viljandi Tel. +372-4334-537 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.vil.ee K-8 Ft Finnland Steinerkasvatuksen liitto ry, Syrjälänkatu 11 A, 40700 Jyväskylä, Tel.:+358 44 3588826, E-mail: [email protected], www.steinerkasvatus.fi Espoo Espoon Steinerkoulu Olarinniityntie 10, FIN-02210 Espoo Tel. +358-9-81624700 E-mail: [email protected] www.espoonsteinerkoulu.fi K-12 k,d Helsinki Elias-koulu Ehrensvärdintie 31-35, FIN-00150 Helsinki Tel. +358-9-6224688 Fax +358-9-6224686 E-mail: [email protected] www.eliaskoulu.fi 1-13 d Helsinki Rudolf Steiner skolan i Helsingfors (schwedischsprachig) Lehtikuusentie 6, FIN-00270 Helsingfors Tel. +358-9-4777070 Fax +358-9-47770747 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner.fi K-13 k,d Helsinki Helsingin Rudolf Steiner-koulu Lethikuusentie 6, FIN-00270 Helsinki Tel. +358-9-4777070 Fax +358-9-47770747 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d Helsinki Marjatta-koulu Poutuntie 12, FIN-00400 Helsinki Tel. +358-9-4777120 Fax +358-9-47771299 E-mail: [email protected] www.marjatta-koulu.fi 1-10 CE 83 Joensuu Joensuun Steinerkoulu Lastenkatu 4a, FIN-80100 Joensuu Tel. +358-50-5791220 E-mail: [email protected] www.joensuunsteiner.net 1-9 k,d Jyväskylä Jyväskylän Rudolf Steiner-koulu Keskikatu 17, FIN-40700 Jyväskylä Tel. +358-14-252713 Fax +358-14-252713 E-mail: [email protected] www.jklsteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d Kuopio Kuopion Steinerkoulu Asemakatu 3, FIN-70110 Kuopio Tel. +358-66821 E-mail: [email protected] www.kuopionsteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d Kuusankoski Kymenlaakson Steinerkoulu Lauttakatu 6, FIN-45700 Kouvola Tel. +358-50-3273289 E-mail: [email protected] www.kymensteiner.net 1-9 k,d Lahti Lahden Rudolf Steiner-koulu Eeronkatu 2, FIN-15900 Lahti Tel. +358-103-212600 Fax +358-3-7535515 E-mail: [email protected] www.lahdensteiner.fi 1-9 k,d Lahti Sylvia-koulun hoitopedagoginen erityiskoulu Kyläkatu 140, FIN-15700 Lahti Tel. +358-3-883130 Fax +358-3-8831315 E-mail: [email protected] www.sylvia-koti.fi 1-9 CE,Bd,bd,d Lapeenranta Lappeenrannan Steinerkoulu Marssitie 21, FIN-53600 Lappeenranta Tel. +358-5-6776600 E-mail: [email protected] www.lprsteinerkoulu.fi 1-13 k,d Mariehamn Waldorf Åland r.f. Godbyvägen 21A, FIN-22100 Mariehamn Tel. +358-18-13126 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.ax K-1 p,d,ec Orivesi Joonas-koulu Mäkelänkuja 1, FIN-35300 Orivesi Tel. +358-3-3357368 Fax +358-3-3357367 E-mail: [email protected] www.elisanet.fi/joonas-koulu 1-8 CE,d 84 Oulu Oulun Steinerkoulu Kaarretie 14, FIN-90500 Oulu Tel. +358-8-5542875 Fax +358-8-5542885 E-mail: [email protected] www.oulun-steinerkoulu.fin K-13 k,d Pori Porin seudun Steinerkoulu Tasavallankatu 2, PL 4, FIN-28101 Pori Tel. +358-2-6341100 Fax +358-2-6341101 E-mail: [email protected] www.porinsteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d Porvoo Fredrikakoulu Brasaksentie 8, FIN-06750 Porvoo Tel. +358-50-356 0236 E-mail: [email protected] www.fredrikakoulu.fi 1-8 k,d Rovaniemi Rovaniemen Steinerkoulu Lähteentie 16, FIN-96400 Rovaniemi Tel. +358-16-313274 Fax +358-16-313272 E-mail: [email protected] www.rovaniemensteinerkoulu.fi K-9 k,d Sammatti Sammatin vapaa kyläkoulu Lohilammentie 299, FIN-09220 Sammatti Tel. +358-19-356028 Fax +358-19-356257 E-mail: [email protected] www.sammatinvapaakylakoulu.fi K-9 k,d Seinäjoki Etelä-Pohjanmaan Rudolf Steiner-koulu Huhtalantie 75, FIN-60200 Seinäjoki Tel. +358-6-4148653 E-mail: [email protected] www.epsteiner.fi 1-9 k,d Tammisaari Mikaelskolan (schwedischsprachig) Västerbygard, FIN-10600 Ekenäs Tel. +358-19-2413236 Fax +358-19-2414236 E-mail: [email protected] www.mikaelskolan.fi K-10 Tampere Tampereen Rudolf Steiner-koulu Muotialantie 79-81, FIN-33800 Tampere Tel. +358-3-31416100 Fax +358-3-31416110 E-mail: [email protected] www.tampereensteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d Turku Turun Steinerkoulu Mestarinkatu 2, FIN-20810 Turku Tel. +358-2-2734777 Fax +358-2-2734778 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] www.turunsteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d 85 Vaasa Vaasan Rudolf Steiner-koulu Kauppapuistikko 32, FIN-65100 Vaasa Tel. +358-6-3128269 Fax +358-6-3128111 E-mail: [email protected] www.vaasansteinerkoulu.fi K-13 k,d Vantaa Vantaan seudun Steinerkoulu Satakielentie 5, FIN-01450 Vantaa Tel. +358-9-83864810 Fax +358-9-83864814 E-mail: [email protected] www.vantaansteinerkoulu.fi 1-13 k,d Vihti Vihdin Steinerkoulu Meijerinraitti 2, FIN-03400 Vihti Tel. +358-50-5745565 E-mail: [email protected] www.vihdinsteinerkoulu.fi K-6 k,d Frankreich Fédération des Ecoles Steiner-Waldorf en France, 36 rue Gassendi, F-75014 Paris, Tel.: +33-1-43222451, Fax +33-1-43221429, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steiner-waldorf.org Aix-en-Provence Ecole les Boutons d'or 385 rue Serpentine, F-13510 Eguilles Tel. +33-4-42241418 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner-aix.org K-5 d,Ft Alès Ecole Caminarem 156 impasse de Jouquet, F-30360 Monteils Tel. +33-4-66832043 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecolecaminarem.org K-9, Ft Avignon Ecole Rudolf Steiner 300 chemin de la Traille, F-84700 Sorgues Tel. +33-4-90833707 Fax +33-4-90833707 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecole-steiner-avignon.org K-11 bd,d,Ft Chambéry Ecole des Quatre Saisons Ferme des Baraques, 441 chemin des Baraques F-73190 Challes les Eaux Tel. +33-4-79369305 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoledes4saisons.fr K-5, Ft 86 Campagne-sur-Arize Ecole Chant'Arize Domaine de Portecluse - Route de Montfa, F-09450 Campagne-sur-Arize Tel. +33-5-61698560 Fax +33-5-61674054 E-mail: [email protected] www.chantarize.free.fr K-5 k Chatou (b. Paris) Ecole Perceval 5 avenue d'Eprémesnil, F-78400 Chatou Tel. +33-1-39521664 Fax +33-1-39525940 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoleperceval.org K-12 d Ft Colmar Ecole Mathias Grünewald 4 rue Herzog, F-68124 Logelbach Tel. +33-9-62327301 Fax +33-3-89271324 E-mail: [email protected] www.pedagogie-steiner-colmar.fr K-12 d Ft Aix-en-Provence Ecole les Boutons d'or 385 rue Serpentine, F-13510 Eguilles Tel. +33-4-42241418 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner-aix.org K-5 d,Ft Lyon Ecole Rudolf Steiner 6 avenue G. Clemenceau, F-69230 Saint-Genis Laval Tel. +33-4-78507745 Fax +33-9-57618001 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecole-steiner-lyon.org K-11 bd,d,Ft Lutterbach Ecole Rudolf Steiner 61 rue Aristide Briand, F-68460 Lutterbach Tel. +33-3-89572407 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecole-steiner-mulhouse.fr K-7 k,d,Ft Moulins Ecole de la Mhotte Château de la Mhotte, F-03210 Saint-Menoux Tel. +33-4-70439398 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoledelamhotte.over-blog.com K-8 bd Ft Rennes Ecole Les Capucines Domaine du Plessis, F-35770 Vern sur Seiche Tel. +33-2-99621171 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecolelescapucines.fr K-5 d Ft Sisteron Ecole Eveil et Loisirs Tel. +33-09-80648926 Le Village, F-05300 Eourres E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoledeourres.free.fr K-5, Ft 87 Straßburg Ecole Michael 2c rue du Schnockeloch, F-67200 Strasbourg Tel. +33-3-88301970 Fax +33-3-88300139 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecole-steiner-strasbourg.fr K-12 d Ft Tours Ecole Primavera Le Porteau, F-37300 Joué-lès-tours Tel. +33-2-47534634 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecoleprimavera.fr K-6 Int,Ft Verrières Ecole Rudolf Steiner 62 rue de Paris, F-91370 Verrières-le-Buisson Tel. +33-1-60113812 Fax +33-1-60110353 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner-waldorf-vlb.fr K-12 cs,d,Ft Rennes Ecole Les Capucines Domaine du Plessis, F-35770 Vern sur Seiche Tel. +33-2-99621171 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecolelescapucines.fr K-5 d Ft Freie Waldorfschule Tiflis Topurias 2, GEO-0186 Tbilissi Tel. +995-32-2545403/00 Fax +995-32-2545400 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule.ge K-12 Georgien Tiflis Großbritannien Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship, 11 Church Street, GB-Stourbridge, DY8 1LT, Tel.: +44-1384-374116, Fax: +44-1384-374142, E-mail: [email protected]., Website www.steinerwaldorf.org England Botton Botton Village School GB- Whitby, N.Yorks YO21 2NJ Tel. +44-1287-661206 Fax +44-1287-661207 E-mail: [email protected] www.bottonvillageschool.co.uk K-8 Brighton Brighton Steiner School Roedean Road, Kemp Town, GB- Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5RA Tel. +44-1273-386300 Fax +44-1273-386313 E-mail: [email protected] www.brightonsteinerschool.org.uk K-10 88 Bristol Bristol Steiner School Redland Hill House, GB- Redland Hill, Bristol BS6 6UX Tel. +44-117-9339990 Fax +44-117-9339999 E-mail: [email protected] www.bristolsteinerchool.org K-10 bd Bristol Steiner Academy Bristol Mottistone Building, St Matthias Campus, Oldbury Court Road, GB- Bristol BS16 2JP Tel. +44-0117-9659150 E-mail: [email protected] www.steineracademybristol.org.uk 1,6 EC Cambridge Cambridge Steiner School Hinton Road, Fulbourn, GB- Cambridge CB21 5DZ Tel. +44-1223-882727 E-mail: [email protected] www.cambridge-steiner-school.co.uk K-5 bd Canterbury Canterbury Steiner School Garlinge Green, GB- Chartham Canterbury, Kent CT4 5RU Tel. +44-1227-738285 Fax +44-1227-731158 E-mail: [email protected] www.canterburysteinerschool.co.uk K-11 bd Exeter Steiner Academy Exeter K-3 + 6-7 Foxhayes, Gloucester Road, GB- Exeter, Devon EX4 2EE Tel. +44-1392-757371 E-mail: [email protected] www.steineracademyexeter.org.uk Forest Row Michael Hall School K-13 bd Kidbrooke Park, GB- Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JA Tel. +44-1342-822275 Fax +44-1342-826593 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelhall.co.uk Gloucester Wynstones School Whaddon Green, GB- Gloucester GL4 0UF Tel. +44-1452-429220 Fax +44-1452-429221 E-mail: [email protected] www.wynstones.com K-12 bd Hebden Bridge Calder Valley Steiner School St. John's Centre, Church Bank, Cragg Vale, GB- Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire HX7 5TF Tel. +44-1422-885249 E-mail: [email protected] www.caldersteiner.org.uk K-4,EC Hereford The Steiner Academy Hereford Much Dewchurch, GB- Hereford HR2 8DL Tel. +44-1981-540221 Fax +44-1981-541237 E-mail: [email protected] www.steineracademyhereford.eu K-10 89 Ilkeston Michael House School The Field, Shipley, GB- Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7JH Tel. +44-1773-718050 Fax +44-1773-711784 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelhouseschool.com K-10 bd Kings Langley Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley Langley Hill, GB- Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 9HG Tel. +44-1923-262505 Fax +44-1923-270958 E-mail: [email protected] www.rsskl.org K-13 bd Lancaster Lancaster Steiner School Lune Road, GB- Lancaster LA1 5QU Tel. +44-1524-841351 E-mail: [email protected] www.lancastersteiner.org.uk K-4 London-Greenwich Greenwich Steiner School Woodlands, 90 Mycenae Road, GB- Blackheath SE3 7SE Tel. +44-20 88584404 E-mail: [email protected] www.greenwichsteinerschool.org.uk K-7 London-North St. Paul's School 1 St. Paul's Road, Islington, GB- London N1 2QH Tel. +44-20-72264454 Fax +44-20-72262062 E-mail: [email protected] www.stpaulssteinerschool.org K-8 London-South West London Steiner School 9 Weir Road London, GB- London SW12 0LT Tel. +44-20-87723504 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorflondon.co.uk K-8 London-Hanworth Park St. Michael Steiner School Hanworth Park, Park Road London, GB- London TW13 6PN Tel. +44-20-88931299 E-mail: [email protected] www.stmichaelsteiner.hounslow.sch.uk K-11 Norwich Norwich Steiner School Hospital Lane, Lakenham, GB- Norwich NR1 2HW Tel. +44-1603-611175 E-mail: [email protected] www.norwichsteinerschool.co.uk K-7 Nottingham Iona School 310 Sneinton Dale, GB- Nottingham NG3 7DN Tel. +44-115-9415295 E-mail: [email protected] www.theionaschool.org.uk K-6 90 Reading Alder Bridge School Bridge House, Mill Lane, Padworth, GB- Nr. Reading, Berks, RG7 4JU Tel. +44-118-9714471 Fax +44-7092042631 E-mail: [email protected] www.alderbridge.w-berks.sch.uk K-5 Ringwood Ringwood Waldorf School Folly Farm lane, Ashley, GB- Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 2NN Tel. +44-1425-472664 E-mail: [email protected] www.ringwoodwaldorfschool.org.uk K-11 Somerset Steiner Academy Frome Park Road, Frome GB- Somerset BA11 1EU Tel. +44 1373 832804 E-mail: [email protected] www.steineracademyfrome.co.uk K-5 Stourbridge Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School Love Lane, GB- Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 2EA Tel. +44-1384-394633 Fax +44-1384-393608 E-mail: [email protected] www.elmfield.com K -11 bd Totnes Rudolf Steiner School of South Devon Hood Manor, Dartington, GB- Totnes, Devon TQ9 6AB Tel. +44-1803-897377 Fax +44-1803-762374 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner-south-devon.org K-10 bd York York Steiner School Danesmead, Fulford Cross, GB- York YO10 4PB Tel. +44-1904-654983 Fax +44-1904-654994 E-mail: [email protected] www.yorksteinerschool.co.uk K-8 bd Nordirland Belfast Holywood Rudolf Steiner School K-11 bd 34 Croft Road, GB- Holywood, County Down BT18 0PR Tel. +44-28-90428029 Fax +44-28-90428029 E-mail: [email protected] www.holywood-steiner.co.uk Schottland Edinburgh Rudolf Steiner School of Edinburgh 60-64 Spylaw Road, GB- Edinburgh EH10 5BR Tel. +44-131-3373410 Fax +44-131-5386066 E-mail: [email protected] www.edinburghsteinerschool.org.uk 91 K-12 bd Moray Moray Steiner School Drumduan, Clovenside Road, GB- Forres, Morayshire IV36 2RD Tel. +44-1309-676300 Fax +44-1309-671092 E-mail: [email protected] www.moraysteinerschool.org K-8 Clunderwen Nant-y-Cwm Steiner School Llanycefn, GB- Clunderwen, Pembs. SA66 7QJ Tel. +44-1437-563640 E-mail: [email protected] www.nant-y-cwm.co.uk K-8 Cardiff Cardiff Steiner School Hawthorn Road West, Llandaff North, GB- Cardiff, CF14 2FL Tel. +44-29 20567986 E-mail: [email protected] www.cardiffsteiner.org.uk 1-4 Callan Kilkenny Steiner School Camphill Community Ballytobin IRL – Callan Tel. +353-087-7713224 E-mail: [email protected] kilkennysteinerschool.com K-6 County Clare Raheen Wood Steiner National School Raheen Road, Tuamgraney, IRL- Tuamgraney, Scariff, Co. Clare Tel. +353-61-921494 E-mail: [email protected] www.raheenwood.org K-6 Ennistymon Mol An Oige Steiner School IRL- Ennistymon, Co. Clare Tel. +353-0657072814 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerennistymon.org K-8 Kildare Kildare Steiner School Rathargid, IRL- Gormanstown, Dunlavin, Co. Kildare Tel. +353-45-401919 Fax +353-45-401919 E-mail: [email protected] www.kildaresteinerschool.org K-6 Wales Irland 92 Island Reykjavik Waldorfskólinn i Laekjarbotnum Sudurlandsvegur, ph 10011, IS-130 Reykjavík Tel. +354-5-874499 Fax +354-5-874470 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfskolinn.is K-10 Ft Reykjavik Waldorfskólinn Solstafír Sóltún 6, IS-105 Reykjavik Tel. +354-5771110 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.is K-10 Italien Federazione delle Scuole Steiner-Waldorf in Italia Via Rudolf Steiner 2, 4, 6, I-31020 Zoppè di San Vendemiano (TV) E-mail: [email protected] – Tel.: +39-051-383119 - Fax: +39-051-3371253 Website: www.educazionewaldorf.it MEMBER of the Federazione delle Scuole Steiner-Waldorf in Italia (M): Bologna Scuola steineriana Maria Garagnani Via Morazzo 4/4, I-40132 Bologna Tel. +39-051-6415398 Fax +39-051-6415399 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteineriana.org K-8 (M) Bolzano Scuola Waldorf "Il piccolo principe" Località Colle 10, I-39100 Bolzano Tel. +39-333-7602570 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-bolzano.it K-8 (M) Cittadella Scuola Steiner Waldorf Aurora Via Casaretta 103, I-35013 Cittadella (Padova) Tel. +39-049-9401303 Fax +39-049-9408399 E-mail: [email protected] www.aurorascuola.it K-8 (M) Colle di Val d´Elsa Associazione culturale pedagogica “La Formica” Via Volterrana, 43 - Località Le Grazie I-53034 Colle di Val d´Elsa (Siena) Tel. +39-339-5956925 E-mail: [email protected] www.rslaformica.it K-8 (M) 93 Cormons Educare Waldorf FVG Piazza della Repubblica 33, I-34071 Cormons (Gorizia) Tel. +39-0481-67496 Fax +39-0481-67496 E-mail: [email protected] www.educarewaldorf.fvg.it Latina Associazione pedagogica steineriana "La chiave d'oro" K-8 (M) Strada Riserva Caccianova 305, I-04010 Latina Tel. +39-0773-600553 E-mail: [email protected] www.lachiavedoro.org Manduria Scuola "La Fonte" Via per Oria, angolo via Piceno, I-74024 Manduria (Taranto) Tel. +39-099-9713656 Fax +39-099-9713656 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorfmanduria.org K-8 (M) Merano Freie Waldorfschule Christian Morgenstern Schennastraße 47A, I-39012 Meran (Bolzano) Tel. +39-0473-232366 Fax +39-0473-275147 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-meran.it K-8 (M) Milano Rudolf Steiner Cooperativa sociale a r.l. ONLUS Via Celeste Clericetti 45, I-20133 Milano Tel. +39-02-36538510 Fax +39-02-2364546 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteinermilano.it K-13 (M) Milano Libera Scuola Rudolf Steiner Via Tommaso Pini 1, I-20134 Milano Tel. +39-02-2140306 Fax +39-02-21591773 E-mail: [email protected] www.liberascuola-rudolfsteiner.it K-8 (M) Milano Associazione Cometa Via Dionigi Bussola 7, I-20143 Milano Tel. +39-02-89305579 Fax +39-02-36744123 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolacometa.it K-8 (M) Montecchio Precalcino Assoc. Pedagogica ad indirizzo steineriano Sole d'oro K-8 (M) Villa Nievo - Via Europa Unita 12, I-36030 Montecchio Precalcino (Vicenza) Tel. +39-0445-865098 Fax +39-0445-865098 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteiner-soledoro.it 94 K-8 (M) Oriago Scuola Steineriana di Oriago Riviera Bosco Piccolo 40, I-30030 Oriago di Mira (Venezia) Tel. +39-041-472509 Fax +39-041-309445 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteineriana-oriago.com K-8 (M) Padova Scuola Waldorf di Padova Via Zize 8, I-35134 Padova Tel. +39-049-619510 Fax +39-049-8894396 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfpadova.it K-8 (M) Reggio Emilia Scuola Steiner-Waldorf “Dodecaedro” Via Claudio Merulo 9, I-42122 Reggio Emilia Tel. +39-0522-332140 Fax +39-0522-390366 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorfreggio.org 1-8 k (M) Roma Scuola Rudolf Steiner "Giardino del Cedri" Via delle Benedettine 10, I-00135 Roma Tel. +39-06-3380791 Fax +39-06-3380791 E-mail: [email protected] www.giardinodeicedri.it K-8 (M) Sagrado Scuola Waldorf “Silvana Corazza” Largo Castelvecchio 4, I-34078 Sagrado (Gorizia) Tel. +39-0481-960991 Fax +39-0481-960991 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorfsagrado.it K-8 (M) San Vendemiano Libera Scuola Steiner-Waldorf “Novalis” Via Rudolf Steiner 2 – 4 - 6 I-31020 Zoppè di San Vendemiano (Treviso) Tel. +39-0438-1710005 Fax +39-0438-1710106 E-mail: [email protected] www.lacruna.it K-10 (M) Trento Scuola Rudolf Steiner Via Enrico Conci 86, I-38123 Trento Tel. +39-0461-930658 Fax +39-0461-395742 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteiner-trento.it K-8 (M) Treviso Scuola Steiner-Waldorf “Michael” Via S. Ambrogio di Fiera 60/A, I-31100 Treviso Tel. +39-0422-412023 Fax +39-0422-549387 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorftreviso.it K-8 (M) Verona Scuola Steiner-Waldorf Verona Localita Laura 4, I-37060 Grezzano di Mozzecane (Verona) Tel. +39-045-971163 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorfverona.it K-8 (M) 95 NON-MEMBER of the Federazione delle Scuole Steiner-Waldorf in Italia: Barzanò Kore Società Cooperativa sociale ar.l. ONLUS Via Stab. Figliodoni 2, I-23891 Barzanò (Lecco) Tel. +39-039-955352 Fax +39-039-955352 E-mail: [email protected] www.associazionekore.org K-8 Bozen / Bolzano Kultur- und Bildungsverein EUROB – WOB WOB Waldorf Unter- Mittel und Oberstufe Bozen Via Buozzistraße 18, I-39100 Bozen / Bolzano Tel. +39-0471-052800 Fax +39-0471-069080 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule.it 1-13 k Bressanone (Brixen) Freie Waldorfschule Brixen Brennerstraße 32, I-39042 Brixen (Bolzano) Tel. +39-0472-832344 Fax +39-0472-206050 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfbrixen.it K-8 Firenze Scuola Waldorf firenze/ Liceo die Colli Via Imprunetana per Pozzolatico 124 Loc.Pozzolatico, Impruneta, I-Firenze Tel. +39-055-6818272 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorffirenze.it Grugliasco Libera Scuola Mìchael Via F. Prospero 44 I-10095 Grugliasco (Torino) tel. +39-011 4143554 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolamichael.it K-8 Palermo Libera Scuola Waldorf Via Parlatore 20, I-90145 Palermo Tel. +39-091-226208 Fax +39-091-226208 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolawaldorfpalermo.it K-8 Prato Associazione culturale Amaltea Via Matteotti, 65, I-59100 Prato Tel. +39-333-1221905 E-mail: [email protected] www.associazioneculturaleamaltea.it K-4 Rodengo Saiano Cooperativa sociale educativa Lina Schwarz onlus Via Delma 26, I- 25050 Rodengo Saiano (Brescia) Tel. +39-030-6810542 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfbrescia.it K-6 96 K-11 Roma Libera Scuola Janua Via della Magliana 296, I-00148 Roma Tel. +39-06-5515938 E-mail: [email protected] www.libera.scuola.steineriana.janua.it K-8 Torino “Crescendo” Ass. Culturale a indirizzo Steineriano Via delle Rosine, 14, I-10123 Torino E-mail: [email protected] www.associazionecrescendo.org 1-8 Kroatien Rijeka Osnovna waldorfska skola Zametska 6, HR-51000 Rijeka Tel. +385-51-648350 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-rijeka.hr 1-8 Zagreb Waldorfska skola u Zagrebu Jakusevecka 6, HR-10020 Zagreb Tel. +385-1-6609609 Fax +385-1-6609609 E-mail: [email protected], alt: [email protected] www.waldorfska-skola.com 1-8 Lettland Lettische Assoziation für Waldorfpädagogik, Ranka dambis 3, LV-1048 Riga, Tel.: +371-7601836, Fax +371-7613528, E-mail: [email protected] Adazi Adazu Brivá Valdorfa skola Pirmá iela 26 A Adazi, LV-2164 Adažu novads Tel. +371-6-7904814 Fax +371-6-7904815 E-mail: [email protected] www.abvs.lv K-12 d Riga Rígas Valdorfskola Balta iela 10, LV-1055 Ríga, Latvija Tel. +371-6-7808096 Fax +371-6-7613528 E-mail: [email protected] www.rvds.lv K-9 k d Liechtenstein Schaan Liechtensteinische Waldorfschule Im Bretscha 14, FL-9494 Schaan Tel. +423-2328003 Fax +423-2328003 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule.li 97 K-9 Litauen Kaunas Kauno Valdorfo mokykla Siaurės prospektas 11, LT- 49190 Kaunas Tel: +370-613-22011 E-mail: [email protected] www.valdorfas.org K-8 Kazlu Ruda Kazlu Rudos "Elmos" progimnazija Daukanto g. 17, LT-69430 Kazlu Ruda Tel. +370-34395428 Fax +370-34398015 E-mail: [email protected] www.mokyklaelma.lt K-8 Vilnius Vilnius Valdorfo mokykla Gelezinio Vilko 23, LT-03133 Vilnius Tel. +370-52137041 [email protected] www.vivamokykla.lt K-12 Fräi-ëffentlech Waldorfschoul Lëtzebuerg 45 rue de l'Avenir, L-1147 Luxembourg Tel. +352-466932 Fax +352-220208 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.lu K-11 Luxemburg Luxemburg Moldawien Fundatia "Initiativa Pedagigica Waldorf - Moldova", Str. Studentilor 11, MD-2045 Chisinau, Tel.: +373-2-2320991 Chisinau Liceul Teoretic Experimental Waldorf (cu grupe de gradinita) Str. Studentilor 11, MD-2045 Chisinau Tel. +373-22-323155 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.md K-12 Niederlande Vereniging van vrijescholen, Diederichslaan 25, NL-3971 PA Driebergen, +31-343-536060, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.vrijescholen.nl Alkmaar Rudolf Steinerschool Alkmaar Sperwerstraat 1, NL-1826 KL Alkmaar Tel. +31-72-5618602 Fax +31-72-5614586 E-mail: [email protected] www.rsteinerschool.nl 98 K-6 Alkmaar Vrije school de Sterrenzanger Mercuriusstraat 13, NL-1829 CE Alkmaar-Oudorp Tel. +31-72-5158418 Fax +31-72-5206422 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschooloudorp.nl K-6 Almelo De Vrije School Almelo Biesterweg 6, NL-7608 RN Almelo Tel. +31-546-492727 E-mail: [email protected] www.devrijeschoolalmelo.nl K-6 Almere Vrije School Raphaël Lierstraat 7, NL-1312 JZ Almere Tel. +31-36-5363147 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschool-almere.nl K-6 Alphen a/d Rijn Vrije School Ridderspoor Essenburg 24-26, Postbus 1032, NL-2400 BA Alphen a/d Rijn Tel. +31-172-443009 Fax +31-172-443009 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschool-alphen.nl K-6 Amersfoort Vrije School Amersfoort Romeostraat 74, NL-3816 SE Amersfoort Tel. +31-33-4727622 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolamersfoort.nl K-6 Amstelveen Vrije School Parcival K-6 Lindenlaan 317, Postbus 2147, NL-1180 EC Amstelveen Tel. +31-20-6438556 Fax +31-20-4412391 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolparcival.nl Amsterdam Geert Groote School I Hygiëaplein 47, NL-1076 RS Amsterdam Tel. +31-20-6716090 Fax +31-20-6799171 E-mail: [email protected] www.geertgrooteschool.nl K-6 Amsterdam Geert Groote School II Fred Roeskestraat 82, Postbus 75754, NL-1070 AT Amsterdam Tel. +31-20-6750419 Fax +31-20-6750419 E-mail: [email protected] www.geertgrooteschool.nl K-6 Amsterdam Geert Groote College Amsterdam Fred Roeskestraat 84, Postbus 77779, NL-1070 LJ Amsterdam Tel. +31-20-5745830 Fax +31-20-6758137 E-mail: [email protected] www.ggca.nl 7-12 99 Amsterdam Tobiasschool SBO/VOvA-lwoo Poeldijkstraat 255, NL-1059 VX Amsterdam Tel. +31-20-5797295 Fax +31-20-6697381 E-mail: : [email protected] www.tobiasschool.nl 1-10 Amsterdam Vrijeschool Amsterdam-Noord Breedveld 7, NL- 1025PZ Amsterdam www.vrijeschoolamsterdamnoord.nl K 1-3 Apeldoorn Vrije School De Vijfster Texandrilaan 30, NL-7312 HR Apeldoorn Tel. +31-55-3559010 E-mail: [email protected] www.vijfster.nl K-6 Arnhem Parcivalschool Zwanebloemlaan 4, Postbus 30093, NL-6803 AB Arnhem Tel. +31-26-3213174 E-mail: [email protected] www.parcivalschool.nl K-6 Assen Vrije School de Es Tuinstraat 1, Postbus 611, NL-9400 AP Assen Tel. +31-592-309105 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolassen.nl K-6 Bergen Adriaan Roland Holstschool (VO) Loudelsweg 38, NL-1861 TG Bergen Tel. +31-72-5897219 E-mail: [email protected] www.arhl.nl 7-12 Bergen Adriaan Roland Holstschool (PO) Prins Hendriklaan 56/58, NL-1862 EL Bergen (NH) Tel. +31-72-5813613 E-mail: [email protected] www.arhbergen.nl 1-6 k Breda Rudolf Steiner School Breda Minckelersstraat 27, NL-4816 AD Breda Tel. +31-76-5713646 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolbreda.nl K-6 Breda Michaël College Vijverstraat 1, Postbus 62, NL-4840 AB Prinsenbeek Tel. +31-76-5431888 Fax +31-76-5431880 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelcollege.nl 7-12 100 Bussum Vrije School Michaël E. de Boer van Rijklaan 22, Postbus 344, NL-1400 AH Bussum Tel. +31-35-6931967 Fax +31-35-6911954 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolmichael.nl K-6 De Bilt Het Zonnewiel Vrijeschool De Bilt Weltevreden 6, NL-3731 AL De Bilt Tel. +31-30-2210430 E-mail: [email protected] www.zonnewieldebilt.nl K-6 Delft Vrije School Widar De Meesterstraat 2, NL-2613 XB Delft Tel. +31-15-2130330 E-mail: [email protected] www.vswidar.nl K-6 Den Haag De Vrije School Den Haag Abbenbroekweg 7, NL-2597 NT Den Haag Tel. +31-70-3522177 Fax +31-70-3585076 E-mail: : [email protected] www.vrijeschooldenhaag.nl K-6 Den Haag De Vrije School Den Haag Waalsdorperweg 12, NL-2597 JB Den Haag Tel. +31-70-3244300 Fax +31-70-3245479 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschooldenhaag.nl 7-12 Den Haag Vrije School Wonnebald Mozartlaan 189, NL-2555 JK Den Haag Tel. +31-70-3254818 Fax +31-70-3257521 E-mail: [email protected] www.wonnebald.nl K-6 Deventer Vrije School De Kleine Johannes Oosterstraat 3-A, NL-7413 XV Deventer Tel. +31-570-626115 E-mail: [email protected] www.vsdekleinejohannes.nl K-6 Doetinchem Vrije School De Kleine Prins K-6 Torontostraat 1, Postbus 447, NL-7000 AK Doetinchem Tel. +31-314-364032 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschooldekleineprins.nl Dordrecht Dordtse Vrije School Dubbelmondestraat 1, NL-3312 NB Dordrecht Tel. +31-78-6140106 Fax +31-78-6315178 E-mail: [email protected] www.dordtsevrijeschool.nl 101 K-6 Driebergen De Vuurvogel Vrijeschool Driebergen Faunalaan 250, NL-3972 PS Driebergen Tel. +31-343-513856 Fax +31-343-520340 E-mail: [email protected] www.devuurvogeldriebergen.nl K-6 Ede Vrije School De Vuurvogel Nachtegaallaan 49, NL-6713 BW Ede Tel. +31-318-615428 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolede.nl K-6 Eindhoven Vrije School Brabant (SPIL-centrum De Sterren) Nuenenseweg 6, NL-5631 KB Eindhoven Tel. +31-40-2452948 E-mail: [email protected] www.spildesterren.nl K-6 Eindhoven Vrije Basisschool De Regenboog Mimosaplein 1, NL-5643 CJ Eindhoven Tel. +31-40-2110648 Fax +31-40-2138482 E-mail: [email protected] www.vbs-deregenboog.nl K-6 Eindhoven Novalis College Sterrenlaan 16, Postbus 1073, NL-5602 BB Eindhoven Tel. +31-40-2969310 Fax +31-40-2969311 E-mail: [email protected] www.novalis.nl 7-12 Emmen Basisschool De Stroeten Stroetweg 10, NL-7812 BA Emmen Tel. +31-591-610531 Fax +31-591-610531 E-mail: [email protected] www.basisschooldestroeten.nl K-6 Enschede De Noorderkroon Olieslagweg 138, NL-7521 JG Enschede Tel. +31-53-4354654 E-mail: [email protected] www.denoorderkroon.nl K-6 Gouda Basisschool De Ridderslag Ridder van Catsweg 256-A, NL-2805 BC Gouda Tel. +31-182-537515 Fax +31-182-530741 E-mail: [email protected] www.ridderslag.nl K-6 Groningen Widar vrijeschool K-6 Merwedestraat 41, Postbus 598, NL-9700 AN Groningen Tel. +31-50-5251663 Fax +31-50-5250930 E-mail: [email protected] www.widarvrijeschool.nl 102 Groningen Parcival College Merwedestraat 45+98, Postbus 495, NL-9700 AL Groningen Tel. +31-50-5201800 Fax +31-50-5201809 E-mail: [email protected] www.parcivalcollege.nl Haarlem Vrije School Kennemerland K-6 Weltevredenstraat 9, Postbus 2161, NL-2002 CD Haarlem Tel. +31-23-023-5403395 E-Mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerbasisschool.nl Haarlem Rudolf Steiner School Haarlem Engelandlaan 2, NL-2034 NA Haarlem Tel. +31-23-5403395; Fax +31-23-5355329 E-Mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerbasisschool.nl K-6 Haarlem Rudolf Steiner College Haarlem Engelandlaan 2, NL-2034 NA Haarlem Tel. +31-23-5361378 Fax +31-23-5355329 E-mail: [email protected] www.rscollege.nl 7-12 Haarlem Dependance Vrije School Kennemerland – Vrije School Kleverpark Wouwermanstraat 49a, NL- 2023 XD Haarlem Tel. +31-23-5373578 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolhaarlem.nl Harderwijk Vrije School Valentijn Vliepad 1, NL-3844 EL Harderwijk Tel. +31-341-419364 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolvalentijn.nl K-6 Heerlen Vrije School Heerlen Schaesbergerweg 58, NL-6415 AJ Heerlen Tel. +31-45-5729236 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolheerlen.nl K-6 Helmond Vrije School Peelland Helmondselaan 71, NL-5702 NM Helmond Tel. +31-492-547628 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolpeelland.nl K-6 ´s-Hertogenbosch Basisschool De Driestroom Waalstraat 30, NL-5215 CK Den Bosch Tel. +31-73-6139158 E-mail: [email protected] www.vsdedriestroom.nl K-6 103 7-12 Hillegom Vrije School De Toermalijn Abellalaan 74, NL-2181 SK Hillegom Tel. +31-252-524899 Fax +31-252-523894 E-mail: [email protected] www.de-toermalijn.nl K-6 Hoofddorp De Meiboom Hammarskjöldstraat 230A, NL-2131 VN Hoofddorp Tel. +31-23-5623146 E-mail: [email protected] www.demeiboom.nu K-6 Hoorn Westfriese Vrije School Parcival Nachtegaal 146, Postbus 3019, NL-1620 GA Hoorn Tel. +31-229-231011 Fax +31-229-211807 E-mail: [email protected] www.parcival-hoorn.nl K-6 Krimpen a/d Ijssel R. Steiner School R´dam, locatie Krimpena/d Ijssel Memlingstraat 2, Postbus 187, NL-2920 AD Krimpen a/d Ijssel Tel. +31-180-519776 Fax +31-180-510182 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerschool.nl K-6 Leeuwarden Michaelschool Hercules Seghersstraat 3, NL-8932 DG Leeuwarden Tel. +31-58-2127740 E-mail: [email protected] www.michaelschoolleeuwarden.nl K-6 Leiden Vrije School Mareland Maresingel 19, NL-2316 HA Leiden Tel. +31-71-5219015 Fax +31-71-5231107 E-mail: [email protected] www.vsmareland.nl K-6 Leiden Marecollege Sumatrastraat 120, NL-2315 BD Leiden Tel. +31-71-5227333 Fax +31-71-5231853 E-mail: [email protected] www.marecollege.nl 7-12 Maastricht Bernard Lievegoed School Leuvenlaan 35, Postbus 1017, NL-6201 BA Maastricht Tel. +31-43-3617398 Fax +31-43-3672910 E-mail: [email protected] www.bernardlievegoedschool.nl K-6 Maastricht Bonnefanten College Sector Bernard Lievegoed Nijverheidsweg 25, NL-6227 AL Maastricht Tel. +31-43-3509710 Fax +31-43-3509711 E-mail: [email protected] www.blvs.nl 7-12 104 Meppel Basisschool DeToermalijn Julianastraat 22, NL-7941 JC Meppel Tel. +31-522-253343 E-mail: [email protected] www.toermalijn-meppel.nl K-6 Middelburg Vrije School Zeeland Willem Arondeusstraat 59, NL-4333 DD Middelburg Tel. +31-118-612102 E-mail: [email protected] www.vsz.nl K-6 Nijmegen Meander Vrije School voor basisonderwijs Groesbeekseweg 146, NL-6524 DN Nijmegen Tel. +31-24-3600356 Fax +31-24-3600358 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolmeander.nl K-6 Nijmegen Karel de Grote College Wilhelminasingel 13-15, NL-6524 AJ Nijmegen Tel. +31-24-3820460 Fax +31-24-3820461 E-mail: [email protected] www.kgcnijmegen.nl 7-12 Oldenzaal Vrije School De Zevenster J.W.F.van Hartenstraat 2, NL-7576 VX Oldenzaal Tel. +31-541-521050 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoololdenzaal.nl K-6 Oosterhout Vrije School de Strijene Ganzendonk 4, Postbus 4010, NL-4900 CA Oosterhout Tel. +31-162-456533 E-mail: [email protected] www.destrijene.nl K-6 Oud-Beijerland Leeuwenhartschool Jasmijnstraat 6, Postbus 1176, NL-3260 AD Oud-Beijerland Tel. +31-186-612142 E-mail: [email protected] www.leeuwenhartschool.nl K-6 Purmerend Waterlandschool Reigersbek 2-4, NL-1441 SZ Purmerend Tel. +31-299-421672 E-mail: [email protected] www.waterlandschool.nl K-6 Roermond Vrije School Christophorus Schouwberg 27, NL-6041 AG Roermond Tel. +31-475-333160 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolroermond.nl K-6 105 Roermond Vrijeschool Roermond Bob Boumanstraat 30-32, NL- 6042 Eh Roermond Tel. +31-475-346666 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolroermond.nl 7-8 Roosendaal Basisschool Zilverlinde Melis Stokelaan 42, NL-4707 HS Roosendaal Tel. +31-165-560377 Fax +31-165-555864 E-mail: [email protected] www.zilverlinde.nu K-6 Rotterdam Rudolf Steinerschool Rotterdam Michelangelostraat 375, Postbus 8257, NL-3009 AG Rotterdam Tel. +31-10-4557670 Fax +31-10-4569098 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerschool.nl K-6 Rotterdam Rudolf Steiner College Vondelweg 87-89, NL-3031 PT Rotterdam Tel. +31-10-4134158 Fax +31-10-4112091 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinercollege.nl 7-12 Rotterdam Vrije School Vredehof Vredehofweg 30, Postbus 4292, NL-3006 AG Rotterdam Tel. +31-10-4526519 Fax +31-10-4528197 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolvredehof.nl K-6 Sittard Talander nevenvestiging Vrije School Heerlen Romeinenstraat 30a, NL-3132 GN SITTARD Tel. +31-46-4581345 E-mail: [email protected] www.talander.org K-6 Texel Stella Maris Vrije School Texel Gasthuisstraat 55, NL-1791 GK Den Burg, Texel Tel. +31-222-312073 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschooltexel.nl K-6 Tiel Johannesschool Priorlaan 3, Postbus 393, NL-4000 AJ Tiel Tel. +31-344-615313 E-mail: [email protected] www.johannesschooltiel.nl K-6 Tilburg Basisschool Tiliander Lange Nieuwstraat 189, NL-5041 DB Tilburg Tel. +31-13-5431963 E-mail: [email protected] www.tiliander.nl K-6 106 Uden Vrije basisschool De Zevenster Bronkhorstsingel 7, NL-5403 NA Uden Tel. +31-413-332911 E-mail: [email protected] www.zevenster-uden.com K-6 Utrecht Vrije School Utrecht Hiëronymusplantsoen 3, NL-3512 KV Utrecht Tel. +31-30-2319209 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolutrecht.nl K-6 Venlo Rudolf Steiner Educare Zustersstraat 25, NL-5914 XX Venlo Tel. +31-77-3543587 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerducare.nl K-6 Wageningen Vrije School De Zwaneridder Arboretumlaan 1, NL-6703 BD Wageningen Tel. +31-317-412027 Fax +31-317-453971 E-mail: [email protected] www.zwaneridder.nl K-6 Winterswijk Vrije Basisschool De Esch Rusthuisstraat 28, NL-7101 JH Winterswijk Tel. +31-543-532704 Fax +31-543-532743 E-mail: [email protected] www.deesch.nl K-6 Zaandam Vrije School Zaanstreek Galjoenstraat 111B, NL-1503 AR Zaandam Tel. +31-75-6174047 Fax +31-75-6700080 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolzaanstreek.nl K-6 Zeist Zeister Vrije School locaties Socrateslaan en v.Tuylllaan Socrateslaan 22, NL-3707 GL Zeist Tel. +31-30-6920777 E-mail: [email protected] www.zeistervrijeschool.nl K-6 Zeist Stichtse Vrije School Socrateslaan 24, NL-3707 GL Zeist Tel. +31-30-6923054 E-mail: [email protected] www.stichtsevrijeschool.nl 7-12 Zeist Tobiasschool Zeist Prof. Lorentzlaan 16, NL-3701 CC Zeist Tel. +31-30-6916931 E-mail: [email protected] www.tobiaszeist.nl K-6 107 Zeist Stichtse Vrije School Tobiasstroom Prof. Lorentzlaan 16, NL-3701 CC Zeist Tel. +31-30-6916931 E-mail: [email protected] www.tobiaszeist.nl Zoetermeer De Vuurvogel, vrijeschool voor basisonderwijs K-6 Schansbos 5-6, Postbus 5305, NL-2701 GH Zoetermeer Tel. +31-79-3517824 E-mail: [email protected] www.vuurvogelzoetermeer.nl Zutphen Vrije School De IJssel Henri Dunantweg 4, NL-7201 EV Zutphen Tel. +31-575-516380 Fax +31-575-542735 E-mail: [email protected] www.deijsselbasisonderwijs.nl K-6 Zutphen Vrije School Zutphen VO locatie Weerdslag/locatie Dieserstraat Dieserstraat 52/Weerdlag 14a, Postbus 146, NL-7201 AC Zutphen Tel. +31-575-585800 Fax +31-575-538740 E-mail: [email protected] www.vszutphen.nl 7-12 Zutphen Vrije School De Berkel Weerdslag 14-B, NL-7206 BR Zutphen Tel. +31-575-524011 Fax +31-575-575702 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijescholenzutphen.nl K-6 Zutphen Vrije School De Zwaan Valckstraat 30, NL-7203 GC Zutphen Tel. +31-575-571574 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschooldezwaan.nl K-6 Zwolle Vrije School Michaël Bachlaan 8, NL-8031 HL Zwolle Tel. +31-38-4225448 E-mail: [email protected] www.vrijeschoolzwolle.nl K-6 Zwolle Michael College Zwolle Bachlaan 162, NL-8031 HL Zwolle Tel. +31-38-888-9092 [email protected] www.michaelcollegezwolle.nl 7-8 108 7-12 Norwegen Steinerskoleforbundet, Prof. Dahlsgate 30, N-0260 Oslo, Tel.:+47-22542540, Fax:+47-22542541, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerskolen.no Alesund Steinerskolen i Aalesund Parkgata 11, N-6003 Aalesund Tel. +47-70101720 Fax +47-70101721 E-mail: [email protected] www.aalesund.steinerskolen.no K-9 As Steinerskolen i Aas Haugerudveien 3, N-1430 Aas Tel. +47-64944100 Fax +47-64972088 E-mail: [email protected] www.aas.steinerskolen.no K-9 Arendal Steinerskolen i Arendal Springkleiv 6, N-4838 Arendal Tel. +47-37001123 E-mail: [email protected] www.arendal.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Asker Steinerskolen i Asker Nesvangen 10, N-1394 Nesbru Tel. +47-66852680 E-mail: [email protected] www.asker.steinerskolen.no K-10 k d Askim Steinerskolen i Indre Östfold Romsveien 10, N-1815 Askim Tel. +47-69844020 E-mail: [email protected] www.askim.steinerskoleniindreostfold.com.no 1-10 k d Baerum Steinerskolen i Baerum Grav gardsvei 5, N-1358 Jar Tel. +47-67162270 E-mail: [email protected] www.stib.no 1-10 k d Bergen Steinerskolen pa Skjold Harald Skjolds vei 32, N-5236 Radal Tel. +47-55112380 E-mail: [email protected] www.skjold.steinerskolen.no 1-13 CE, k, d Bergen Rudolf Steinerskolen i Bergen Postboks 4, Fantoft, N-5899 Bergen Tel. +47-55922929 E-mail: [email protected] www.bergen.steinerskolen.no 1-13 k d 109 Bergen Steinerskolen pa Skjold Harald Skjolds vei 32, N-5236 Radal Tel. +47-55112380 Fax +47-55112381 E-mail: [email protected] www.skjold.steinerskolen.no 1-10 Eidsvoll Steinerskolen pa Eidsvoll Postboks 227, N-2071 Raholt Tel. +47-63951277 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskoleneidsvoll.no 1-10 k d Fredrikstad Steinerskolen i Fredrikstad Postboks 92, N-1662 Rolvsöy Tel. +47-69335311 E-mail: [email protected] www.fredrikstad.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Gjövik-Toten Steinerskolen Gjövik-Toten Östre Totenvei 14, N-2816 Gjövik Tel. +47-61132780 E-mail: [email protected] www.gjoevik-toten.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Haugesund Steinerskolen i Haugesund Skjoldaveien 175, N-5519 Haugesund Tel. +47-52708560 E-mail: [email protected] www.haugesund.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Hedemark Steinerskolen pa Hedemarken Postboks 100, N-2312 Ottestad Tel. +47-62588900 E-mail: [email protected] www.hedemarken.steinerskolen.no 1-13 CE, k, d Heimdal Momo Waldorfskole AS Sandbakkveien 73., N-7072 Heimdal Tel. +47-90015160 E-mail: [email protected] www.momowaldorfskole.no 1 Hurum Rudolf Steinerskolen i Hurum Asheimveien 10, N-3490 Klokkarstua Tel. +47-32792190 E-mail: [email protected] www.hurum.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Kristiansand Steinerskolen i Kristiansand Trymsvei 13, N-4631 Kristiansand Tel. +47-38079730 E-mail: [email protected] www.kristiansand.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d 110 Lillehammer Steinerskolen i Lillehammer Heimtunvegen 36, N-2608 Lillehammer Tel. +47-61258346 E-mail: [email protected] www.lillehammer.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Lörenskog Rudolf Steinerskolen i Lörenskog Kantarellveien 10, N-1476 Rasta Tel. +47-67914000 E-mail: [email protected] www.loerenskog.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Moss Steinerskolen i Moss Postboks 3045, N-1506 Kambo Tel. +47-69278580 E-mail: [email protected] www.moss.steinerskolen.no 1-13 k d Nesoddtangen Rudolf Steinerskolen pa Nesodden Skoklefall, N-1450 Nesoddtangen Tel. +47-66965080 E-mail: [email protected] www.nesodden.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Oslo Steinerskolen pa Nordstrand Solveien 113, N-1162 Oslo Tel. +47-23384790 E-mail: [email protected] www.nordstrand.steinerskolen.no 1-10 k d Oslo Rudolf Steinerskolen i Oslo Postboks 25, Hovseter, N-705 Oslo Tel. +47-22139530 E-mail: [email protected] www.rsio.no 1-13 k d Oslo Ljabruskolen Ljabrubakken 50, N-1165 Oslo Tel. +47-22629890 E-mail: [email protected] www.ljabrusko.no 1-13 CE, k,d Oslo Oslo By Steinerskole St. Olavs plass, Postboks 6679, N-129 Oslo Tel. +47-22868460 E-mail: [email protected] www.oslo-bysteinerskole.no 11-13 Ranheim Steinerskolen pa Rotvoll Rotvoll Allé 1, N-7053 Ranheim Tel. +47-73916601 Fax +47-73916603 E-mail: [email protected] www.rotvoll.no 1-13 111 Ringerike Rudolf Steinerskolen pa Ringerike Alm Gard, N-3520 Jevnaker Tel. +47-32135220 Fax +47-32132211 E-mail: [email protected] www.ringerike.steinerskolen.no K-10 Röyken Röyken Videregaende Steinerskole Hotellveien 2, N-3340 Röyken Tel. +47-31292710 Fax +47-32792718 E-mail: [email protected] www.roykensteinerskolen.no 11-13 Bd Stavanger Steinerskolen i Stavanger Skolevollen 19, N-4017 Stavanger Tel. +47-51828400 E-mail: [email protected] www.stavanger.steinerskolen.no 1-13 k d Tromsö Steinerskolen i Tromsö Inga Sparboes vei 41, N-9006 Tromsö Tel. +47-77698870 Fax +47-77698879 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolentromso.no K-10 Trondheim Steinerskolen i Trondheim Mellomila 1-5, N-7018 Trondheim Tel. +47-73879080 Fax +47-73879090 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolentrondheim.no K-13 Vestfold Rudolf Steinerskolen i Vestfold Furumoveien, N-3142 Vestskogen Tel. +47-33352200 E-mail: [email protected] www.vestfold.steinerskolen.no 1-13 k d Österreich Waldorfbund Österreich, Endresstraße 100, A-1230 Wien, Tel.: +43-1-8887461, Fax +43-1-888127544, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.at Eisenstadt Sonnenland Schule Ingenieur Hans Sylvesterstr. 7, A-7000 Eisenstadt Tel. +43-6888-287726 E-mail: [email protected] www.sonnenlandschule.at 1-6 Götzis Familienschule Rheintal Churerstraße 24, A-6840 Götzis Tel. +43-5523-52952 E-mail: [email protected] www.familienschule.eu 1-5 k 112 Graz Freie Waldorfschule Graz St. Peter Hauptstr. 182, A-8042 Graz Tel. +43-316-402606 Fax +43-316-40260685 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-graz.at K-12 EC d Graz Karl Schubert Schule Graz Freie Waldorfschule mit Integration Riesstraße 351, A-8010 Graz Tel. +43-316-302434 Fax +43-316-30243488 E-mail: [email protected] www.kss-graz.at K-12 Int d Innsbruck Freie Waldorfschule Innsbruck Jahnstraße 5, A-6020 Innsbruck Tel. +43-512-563450 Fax +43-512-56345015 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-innsbruck.at 1-12 k d Klagenfurt Waldorfschule Klagenfurt Wilsonstraße 11, A-9020 Klagenfurt Tel. +43-463-21492 Fax +43-463-2149215 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-klagenfurt.at 1-12 k d Kufstein Michaelischule Kufstein Sterzingerstraße 12a, A-6330 Kufstein Tel. +43-5372-61068 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-kufstein.at 1-4 k Linz Freie Waldorfschule Linz Baumbachstraße 11, A-4020 Linz Tel. +43-732-776259 Fax +43-732-77625918 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-linz.at 1-12 k d Pamhagen Waldorfschule Pannonia Hauptstraße 57, A-7152 Pamhagen Tel. +43-664-5033272 www.waldorf-pannonia.org 1-6 Salzburg Rudolf Steiner Schule Salzburg Waldorfstr. 11, A-5023 Salzburg-Langwied Tel. +43-662-664040 Fax +43-662-6640406 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-salzburg.info 1-12 k d Salzburg Paracelsus Schule St. Jakob Dorf 96, A-5412 Puch Tel. +43-662-63202030 Fax +43-662-63202034 E-mail: [email protected] www.paracelsusschule.at 1-12 CE 113 Schönau Rudolf Steiner Landschule Schönau Kirchengasse 22, A-2525 Schönau a.d. Triesting Tel. +43-2256-62181 Fax +43-2256-6218155 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-schoenau.at K-12 d Wien Freie Waldorfschule Wien-West Seuttergasse 29, A-1130 Wien Tel. +43-1-8766821 Fax +43-1-876682113 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-wien-west.at K-12 d Wien Rudolf Steiner Schule Wien-Pötzleinsdorf Geymüllergasse 1, A-1180 Wien Tel. +43-1-4793121 Fax +43-1-4792608 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule-poetzleinsdorf.at K-12 d Wien Rudolf Steiner Schule Wien-Mauer Endresstraße 100, A-1230 Wien Tel. +43-1-8881275 Fax +43-1-888127544 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-mauer.at K-12 d Wien Karl Schubert Schule Wien Kanitzgasse 1-3, A-1230 Wien Tel. +43-1-889463611 Fax +43-1-889463615 E-mail: [email protected] www.karl-schubert-schule.at K-12 CE,Ft In Verantwortung des Kuratoriums für künstlerische und heilende Pädagogik, Siebensterngasse 27, A-1070 Wien, Tel. +43-1-5232198, Fax +43-1-523219816, Website: www.waldorf-hietzing.at Wien Friedrich Eymann Waldorfschule Feldmühlgasse 26, A-1130 Wien Tel. +43-1-8773191 Fax +43-1-8773191-8 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-hietzing.at 1-8 d Wien Oberstufenrealgymnasium Rudolf Steiner Auhofstrasse 78 f, A-1130 Wien Tel. +43-1-8760229 Fax +43-1-876022918 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-hietzing.at 9-12 114 Polen Zwiazek Szkoł i Przedszkoli Waldorfskich w Polsce, ul. Zytnia 79, 01-149 Warszawa, Tel./Fax +48-504-274-167, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.zspwp.pl Bielsko-Biala Waldorfska Szkola Podstawowa im. Cypriana K. Norwida 1-6 k,P,d Pocztowa 22, PL-43-300 Bielsko-Biala Tel. +48-33-8101393 Fax +48-33-8101393 E-mail: [email protected] www.szkola-waldorfska.bielsko.pl Krakau Waldorfska Szkola Podstawowa im. Janusza Korczaka ul. Kaimierza Wielkoego 33, PL-31-101 Kraków Tel. +48-12-4162062 Fax +48-12-4162062 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfskaszkola.pl/dane-teleadresowe 1-9 k d Posen Spoleczna Wolna Szkola Waldorfska Lozowa 77, PL-61-448 Poznan Tel. +48-509-917373 E-mail: [email protected] www.wolna-szkola.org.pl 1-5 k,P,d Warschau Waldorfska Szkola Podstawowa Nr 71 Staszica 11a, PL-01-188 Warszawa Tel. +48-22-6315478 Fax +48-22-6315478 E-mail: [email protected] www.szkolawaldorfska.edu.pl 1-6 k,P,d Portugal Figueira Escola Livre do Algarve a Oliveira Rua da Escola-Figueira, PT-8650 Vila do Bispo, Algarve Tel. +35-910875088 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolalivredoalgarve.blogspot.com Lisboa Harpa, Escola do Jardim do Monte Quinta S. João dos Montes, PT 2600 - 000 Alhandra, Lisboa Tel. +35- 219512092 E-mail: [email protected] www.harpa-portugal.com 115 K-6 Rumänien Federatia Waldorf din Romania, Str. Visinilor 17, sector 2 , RO-024091 Bucuresti, Tel./Fax +40-21-3264253, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.ro Bukarest Centrul Pilot de Pedagogie Curativa si Terapie Sociala "Corabia" Str. Corabia 57-59, RO-023476 Bucuresti Tel. +40-21-2427984 E-mail: [email protected] www.prietenia.org P-10 CE,Ft Bukarest Liceul Teoretic Waldorf Bucuresti Str. Soldat Savu Marin 29, RO-022191 Bucuresti Tel. +40-21-2553051 Fax +40-21-2553607 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-bucuresti.ro KP-12 k Bukarest Scoala Primara Libera Waldorf Bucuresti Str. Gen. Berthelot 25, RO-010164 Bucuresti Tel. +40-722484206 Fax +40-732439036 E-mail: [email protected] www.scoala-waldorf.ro KP-4 k d Cluj-Napoca Scoala Gimnaziala Waldorf Cluj-Napoca Str. Sergiu Celibidache 8-12, RO-400368 Cluj-Napoca Tel. +40-264-455560 Fax +40-264-455560 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfcluj.ro KP-8, k,d Cluj Centrul de Pedagogie Curativa "Hans Spalinger" Cluj-Napoca Str. Albac 21, RO-400450 Cluj-Napoca Tel. +40-740-248557 Fax +40-364-10151 E-mail: [email protected] www.ahs.ro P-10 CE,Ft Iasi Liceul Teoretic Waldorf Iasi Calea Chisinaului 132 bis, RO-700180 Iasi Tel. +40-232-252526 Fax +40-232-252526 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-iasi.ro KP-12 d Rm. Valcea Scoala Gimnaziala Waldorf Rm. Valcea Calea lui Traian 170, RO-240360 Rm. Valcea Tel. +40-250-742855 Fax +40-250-742855 E-mail: [email protected] KP-8 d Rosia Scoala Gimnaziala Waldorf "Hans Spalinger" Rosia Str. Scolii 202, RO-557210 Rosia Tel. +40-269-582387 Fax +40-269-582387 E-mail: [email protected] www.prorosia.org KP-8 116 Simeria Centrul de Pedagogie Curativa Simeria Simeria Veche 33A, RO-335904 Simeria Tel. +40-254-261053 Fax +40-254-261661 E-mail: [email protected] www.cpcsimeria.ro KP-10 CE,Ft Timisoara Liceul Waldorf Timisoara Str. Uranus 10, RO-300687 Timisoara Tel. +40-256-482448 Fax +40-256-482448 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorftm.ro KP-12, k,d Turda Scoala Primara Waldorf Turda Str. Axente Sever 25, RO-401078 Turda Tel. +40-744928779 E-mail: [email protected] KP-4 Irkutsk Irkutskaja waldorfskaja schkola ul. Marata 11-26, RUS-664003 Irkutsk Tel. +7-3952-203100 Fax +7-3952-331574 E-mail: [email protected] www.iws.baikal.ru 1-12 Jaroslawl Schkola-sad na ulitse Wolnaja ul. Wolnaja 10, RUS-150014 Jaroslawl Tel. +7-4852-957572 Fax +7-4852-957572 E-mail: [email protected] 1-11 Kaluga Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja schkola na Woskresenskoy Woskresenskaya 15, RUS-248600 Kaluga Tel. +7-4842-570166 Fax +7-4842-561847 E-mail: [email protected] www.philadelphia.kaluga.ru 1-7 Moskau Skola "Putj Serna" Mikhluho-Maklaja Str. 20A, RUS-117437 Moskau Tel. +7-495-3366866 Fax +7-495-3366866 E-mail: [email protected] www.putzerna.ru Moskau Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja Schkola Sv.Georgia Pobedonostsa ul. Malaya Pereyaslavskaya, 6/8, RUS-129110 Moskau Tel. +7-903-2581032 E-mail: [email protected] www.centr-svgeorgia.ru Russland 117 1-11 CE Moskau Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja schkola Nr. 1060 Stremyanni Pereulok 33/35, RUS-115093 Moskau Tel. +7-495-2365214 Fax +7-495-2365492 E-mail: [email protected] www.1060.ru 1-11 Moskau Schkola Semejny Lad Kulakowa ul. 3 korp.2, RUS-119285 Moskau Tel. +7-495-7502898 Fax +7-495-9428020 E-mail: [email protected] www.postman.ru/~semlad K-11 Moskau Schkola Rostok ul. Konenkowa, 11 A, RUS-127560 Moskau Tel. +7-495-7427986 E-mail: [email protected] 1-5/6 Samara Samarskaja Waldorfskaja Schkola Buyanova 105, RUS-443041 Samara Tel. +7-846-3333097 Fax +7-846-2704595 E-mail: [email protected] waldorf.samara.ru Schukowskaja swobodnaja schkola Stroitelnaya st. 10, RUS-140165 Schukowski Tel. +7-09648-75062 Fax +7-09648-75062 E-mail: [email protected] www.freeschool.ru KP-11 EC d Smolensk Smolenskaja Waldorfskaja Schkola "Sozwutschie" Newerowskogo Str. 11, RUS-214004 Smolensk Tel. +7-4812-320538 Fax +7-4812-320538 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-smolensk.narod.ru 1-11 k St. Petersburg Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja Schkola Nr.658 Bulwar Nowatorow 12, RUS-198216 St. Petersburg Tel. +7-812-3776003 Fax +7-812-3776003 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfschule.ru 1-11 St. Petersburg Obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdeniye Zentr iskusstwa wospitanija KIMa Prospekt 1, RUS-199155 St. Petersburg Tel. +7-812-4988059 Fax +7-812-3509086 E-mail: [email protected] www.ziwspb.ru K-12 d Ft Tomsk Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja Schkola Evrika-Rasvitiye Yurtochnij pereulok, 8, str.1, RUS- 634050 Tomsk Tel. +7-3822-52997 E-mail: [email protected] www.school-evrika.tomsk.ru 1-5 Schukowskij 118 1-11 Ufa Obrazovatelnyj Zentr "Pedagogika serdca" Nichtstaatliche allg. bildende Pädagogik des Herzens Pereulok Parhomenko, 7, RUS- 450006 Ufa, Bashkortosnan Tel. ++7-3472-720451 Fax +7-3472-2550413 E-mail: [email protected] www.ufacvet.ru K-7 Wladimir Waldorf classes pri schkola Nr 29 ul. Lunatscharskogo 29a, RUS-600020 Wladimir Tel. +7-4922-534156 E-mail: [email protected] K-5 Woronezh Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja Schkola Raduga Teploenergetikov 14, RUS-394048 Woronezh Tel. +7-9081335897 E-mail: [email protected] waldorf-vrn.ru K-12 k d Zelenograd Srednaja obschtscheobrasowatelnaja Schkola Soglasiye K-11 ul. Malaya Pereyaslavskaya, 6/8, RUS-141544 Moskowskaya oblast, Solnechnogorskiy rajon, der.Brehovo Tel. +7-499-3419085 E-mail: [email protected] Schweden Waldorfskolefederationen, Marklandsbacken 11, SE-16836 Bromma, Tel.: +46-8-6532016, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.se Alingsas Linnéskolan Box 408, SE-44128 Alingsås Tel. +46-322-14095 Fax +46-322-12341 E-mail: [email protected] www.linneskolan.se K-9 m k d Delsbo Delsbo Waldorfskola Vedmyra 3509, SE-82060 Delsbo Tel. +46-653-15370 E-mail: [email protected] www.delsbowaldorfskola.se 1-9 m k d Frösön Vidarskolan Öneslingan 15, SE-83251 Frösön Tel. +46-63-83251 E-mail: [email protected] www.vidarskolan.se 1-9 m k d Garpenberg Annaskolan Dormsjö 371, SE-77698 Garpenberg Tel. +46-225-23110 E-mail: [email protected] www.annaskolan.se 1-9 m k d 119 Gnesta Gnesta Waldorfskola Fjällgatan 11, SE-64632 Gnesta Tel. +46-158-52109 Fax +46-158-36312 E-mail: [email protected] www.gnestawaldorfskola.se K-9 m k d Göteborg Martinaskolan Martinavägen 1, SE-41505 Göteborg Tel. +46-31-486006 Fax +46-31-467611 E-mail: [email protected] www.martinaskolan.se K-9 m k d Göteborg Waldorfskolan Grenkvist St.Jörgens väg 6, SE-42249 Hisings Backa Tel. +46-31-551158 E-mail: [email protected] www.grenkvistskolan.se 6-9 m Göteborg Rudolf Steinerskolan Tallhöjdsgatan 1, SE-41674 Göteborg Tel. +46-31-214632 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerskolan.se 1-12 m k d Höör Emiliaskolan Norra Fogdarödsvägen 6, SE-24393 Höör Tel. +46-413-27512 E-mail: [email protected] www.emiliaskolan.se K-9 m k d Järna Mariaskolan Hjulakersvägen 1, SE-15332 Järna Tel. +46-8-55171132 Fax +46-8-55174999 E-mail: [email protected] www.mariaskolan-jarna.se K-9 m k d Järna Mikaelgården SE-15391 Järna Tel. +46-8-55150068 Fax +46-8-55150190 E-mail: [email protected] www.mikaelgarden.se 1-9 m Bd d Järna Novalisgymnasiet Södra Järnavägsgatan 10, SE-15330 Järna Tel. +46-8-55174660 E-mail: [email protected] www.novalisskolan.se 10-12 Järna Solvikskolan Solvik, SE-15391 Järna Tel. +46-8-55150316 E-mail: [email protected] www.solvikskolan.se 1-12 d 120 Järna Saltåskolan Saltå By, SE-15391 Järna Tel. +46-8-55150149 Fax +46-8-55150630 E-mail: [email protected] www.saltaby.se 7-12 m Bd d Järna Örjanskolan Nibble, SE-15391 Järna Tel. +46-8-55150051 Fax +46-8-55150554 E-mail: [email protected] www.orjanskolan.se 1-12 d Järna Järna Naturbruksgymnasium Nibble Gård, SE-15391 Järna Tel. +46-8-55150407 Fax +46-8-55150407 E-mail: [email protected] www.jarnanaturbruksgymnasium.se 10-12 m Bd d Kalmar Kalmar Waldorfskola Ståthållaregatan 50A, SE-39244 Kalmar Tel. +46-480-479650 Fax +46-480-479681 E-mail: [email protected] www.kalmarwaldorfskola.se 1-12 m d Karlshamn Karlshamns Waldorfskola Högadalsvägen 14, SE-37441 Karlshamn Tel. +46-454-84090 E-mail: [email protected] www.daggkapan.com K-9 m k d Kungälv Fredkullaskolan Tvetgatan 9, SE-44233 Kungälv Tel. +46-303-63670 E-mail: [email protected] www.fredkullaskolan.se 1-9 m k d Linköping Björkö Fria Gymnasium Östgötagatan 12B, SE-58232 Linköping Tel. +46-13-103362 Fax +46-13-143189 E-mail: [email protected] www.bjorkofriagymnasium.se 10-12 Linköping Björkö Friskola SE-59075 Ljungsbro Tel. +46-13-66230 Fax +46-13-68730 E-mail: [email protected] www.bjorkofriskola.se K-9 m k d Llund Rudolf Steinerskolan i Lund Hardeberga skola, SE-24791 Södra Sandby Tel. +46-46-99175 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-lund.com 1-9 m k d 121 Mälaröarna Mälaröarnas Waldorfskola Skolallén 3, SE-17893 Drottningholm Tel. +46-8-56040737 E-mail: [email protected] www.mws.nu K-9 m d Märsta Josefinaskolan Rävsta Gård, SE-19592 Märsta Tel. +46-8-59252276 Fax +46-8-59252161 E-mail: [email protected] www.josefinaskolan.nu K-12 m d Nacka Idunskolan Velamsundsvägen 1, SE-13236 Saltsjö-Boo Tel. +46-8-7478110 E-mail: [email protected] www.idunskolan.se 1-9 m d k Norrköping Rudolf Steinerskolan Spårgatan 17, Box 744, SE-60116 Norrköping Tel. +46-11-182118 E-mail: [email protected] www.rudolfsteinerskolan.se K-12 m k d Norrköping Ståthögaskolan (f d Fridaskolan) Spårgatan 17, SE-60223 Norrköping Tel. +46-11-183511 E-mail: [email protected] www.stathogaskolan.se 1-12 m CE d Nyköping Mikaeliskolan Fåfänsgans väg, Box 515, SE-61110 Nyköping Tel. +46-155-268415 E-mail: [email protected] www.mikaeliskolan.se 1-9 m k d Örebro Örebro Waldorfskola Glomman 94, SE-70230 Örebro Tel. +46-19-209080 Fax +46-19-209080 E-mail: [email protected] www.orebrowaldorfskola.se 1-9 m k d Orust Orust Waldorfskola Slussen 314, SE-47392 Henån Tel. +46-304-37055 E-mail: [email protected] www.orustwaldorfskola.se 1-9 m k d Simrishamn Sophiaskolan Rörums byaväg 16, SE-27295 Simrishamn Tel. +46-414-24086 E-mail: [email protected] www.sophiaskolan.se 1-9 m d 122 Söderköping Söderköpings Waldorfskola Brobyvägen 17B, SE-61492 Söderköping Tel. +46-121-21956 Fax +46-121-10710 E-mail: [email protected] www.soderkopingswaldorfskolan.net 1-9 m k d Stockholm Djurgårdens Waldorfskola Gyllenstiernsgatan 10, SE-11526 Stockholm Tel. +46-8-6630046 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfskolan.com K-6 m k d Stockholm Ellen Keyskolan Dubovägen 94, Box 8152, SE-16308 Spånga Tel. +46-8-7606166 E-mail: [email protected] www.eks.se K-12 m k d Stockholm Kristofferskolan Marlandsbacken 11, SE-16836 Bromma Tel. +46-8-50585801 Fax +46-8-50585805 E-mail: [email protected] www.kristofferskolan.se K-12 m k d Stockholm Martinskolan Munstycksvägen 18, SE-12357 Farsta Tel. +46-8-6043827 Fax +46-8-6041646 E-mail: [email protected] www.martinskolan.se K-9 m k d Täby Waldorfskolan i Norrot Kanslihusgränd 8, SE-18368 Täby Tel. +46-8-6301147 Fax +46-8-6301119 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfskolan.nu 1-9 m k d Umea Waldorf Umeå Sockenvägen 26, SE-90362 Umeå Tel. +46-90-148290 Fax +46-90-148294 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfumea.se K-12 m k d Uppsala Uppsala Waldorfskola Hågavägen 69, SE-75263 Uppsala Tel. +46-18-460096 Fax +46-18-592032 E-mail: [email protected] www.uppsalawaldorfskola.nu K-9 m k d Uppsala Uppsala Fria Waldorfgymnasium Hågavägen 69, SE-75263 Uppsala Tel. +46-18-460250 Fax +46-18-592032 E-mail: [email protected] www.uppsalawaldorfskola.nu 10-12 m 123 Västeras Västeras Waldorfskola Regattagatan 39, SE-72348 Västerås Tel. +46-21-804955 Fax +46-21-804928 E-mail: [email protected] www.vwaldorf.se 1-9 m k d Västeras Västeras Waldorfskola Regattagatan 39, SE-72348 Västerås Tel. +46-21-804955 Fax +46-21-804928 E-mail: [email protected] www.vwaldorf.se 1-12 m CE k d Vikbolandet Stegehus Waldorfskola Stegehus, SE-61030 Vikbolandet Tel. +46-125-51036 Fax +46-125-51094 E-mail: [email protected] www.stegehus.com 4-9 m Bd Visby Orionskolan Artillerigatan 8, SE-62138 Visby Tel. +46-498-212190 E-mail: [email protected] www.orionskolan.se 1-9 m k d Schweiz Koordinationsstelle der Rudolf Steiner Schulen in der Schweiz, Robert Thomas, Carmenstr. 49, CH-8032 Zürich, Tel.: +41-44-2622501 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerschule.ch Adliswil Rudolf Steiner Schule Sihlau (Oberstufe Atelierschule) Sihlstr. 23, CH-8134 Adliswil/ZH Tel. +41-44-7101242 Fax +41-44-7092039 E-mail: [email protected] www.steiner-schule.ch K-9 Aesch Rudolf Steiner Schule Birseck Apfelseestr. 1, CH-4147 Aesch/Dornach Tel. +41-61-7569070 Fax +41-61-7569071 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-birseck.ch K-12 Avrona Bergschule Avrona CH-7553 Tarasp Tel. +41-81-8612010 Fax +41-81-8612013 E-mail: [email protected] www.bergschule-avrona.ch K-10 Basel Rudolf Steiner Schule Basel Jakobsbergerholzweg 54, CH-4059 Basel Tel. +41-61-3316250 Fax +41-61-3316255 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-basel.ch K-12 124 Bern/Ittigen/Langnau Rudolf Steiner Schule in Bern (Oberstufe Ittingen) Melchenbühlweg 14, CH-3000 Bern Tel. +41-31-3504030 Fax +41-31-3504031 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-bern.ch K-9 Ittigen Rudolf Steiner Schule in Ittingen Mehrstufenklassen Ittigenstraße 31, CH-3063 Ittigen Tel. +41-31-9240000030 Fax +41-31-9240031 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-bern.ch K-12 Langnau Rudolf Steiner Schule in Langnau (Oberstufe Ittingen) Schlossstraße 6, CH-3550 Langnau Tel. +41-34-4021280 Fax +41-34-4021280 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-bern.ch K-9 Biel Rudolf Steiner-Schule (Oberstufe ROJ) Schützengasse 54, CH-2502 Biel Tel. +41-32-3425919 Fax +41-32-3418303 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-biel.ch K-10 Genève/Confignon Ecole Rudolf Steiner Genève Chemin de Narly 2, CH-1232 Confignon Tel. +41-22-7270444 Fax +41-22-7270445 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecolesteiner-geneve.ch K-12 Ins Anker Schule Kirchrain 14, CH-3232 Ins Tel. +41-32-3132082 E-mail: [email protected] www.anker-schule-seeland.ch 1-6 Kreuzlingen Die regionale Waldorfschule Kreuzlingen Konstanz (Oberstufe WS Wahlwies) Bahnhofstraße 15, CH-8280 Kreuzlingen Tel. +41-71-6721710 Fax +41-71-6721770 E-mail: [email protected] www.rssk.ch K-10 Langenthal Rudolf Steiner Schule Oberaargau Ringstraße 30, CH-4900 Langenthal Tel. +41-62-9226905 E-mail: [email protected] www.rsso.ch K-10 Lausanne Ecole Rudolf Steiner de Lausanne Route Bois Genoud 36, CH-1023 Crissier Tel. +41-21-6480111 Fax +41-21-6480112 E-mail: [email protected] www.ecolesteiner-lausanne.ch K-12 125 Locarno Scuola Rudolf Steiner Rivapiana-Locarno Via dei Paoli 36, CH-6648 Locarno-Minusio Tel. +41-91-7523102 Fax +41-91-7523102 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteinerlocarno.ch K-7 Lugano Scuola Rudolf Steiner Lugano-Origlio via ai Magi, CH-6945 Origlio Tel. +41-91-9662962 Fax +41-91-9662972 E-mail: [email protected] www.scuolasteiner.ch K-12 Luzern Rudolf Steiner Schule Luzern Riedholzstr. 1, CH-6030 Luzern/Ebikon Tel. +41-41-2507131 Fax +41-41-2507698 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-luzern.ch K-9 Münchenstein Rudolf Steiner Schule Münchenstein (Oberstufe FOS) Gutenbergstr. 1, CH-4142 Münchenstein Tel. +41-61-4139373 Fax +41-61-4139372 E-mail: [email protected] www.rssm.ch K-9 Muttenz FOS Freie Mittelschule Gründenstrasse 95, CH-4132 Muttenz Tel. +41-61-4639760 Fax +41-61-4639761 E-mail: [email protected] www.fosmittelschule.ch 10-12 Pratteln Rudolf Steiner Schule Mayenfels (Oberstufe FOS) Mayenfels, CH-4133 Pratteln Tel. +41-61-8212266 Fax +41-61-8212125 E-mail: [email protected] www.mayenfels.ch K-9 Schaffhausen Rudolf Steiner Schule Schaffhausen Vordersteig 24, CH-8200 Schaffhausen Tel. +41-52-6259580 Fax +41-52-6247088 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-sh.ch K-10 Schafisheim Rudolf Steiner Schule Aargau Alte Bernstraße 14, CH-5503 Schafisheim Tel. +41-62-8920520 Fax +41-62-8920524 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-aargau.ch K-10 Scuol Scoula Rudolf Steiner Scuol Sotchâ 231, CH-7550 Scuol Tel. +41-81-8648943 E-mail: [email protected] www.scoulasteiner-scuol.ch K-9 126 Solothurn Rudolf Steiner Schule Solothurn (Oberstufe ROJ) Allmendstrasse 75, CH-4500 Solothurn Tel. +41-32-6224112 Fax +41-32-6225216 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschulesolothurn.ch K-10 Solothurn ROJ Mittelschulen Regio Jurasüdfuss Allmendstrasse 75, CH-4500 Solothurn Tel. +41-32-6221202 Fax +41-32-6224041 E-mail: [email protected] www.roj.ch 10-13 St. Gallen/Wil Rudolf Steiner Schule St. Gallen Rorschacherstr. 312, CH-9016 St. Gallen Tel. +41-71-2823010 Fax +41-71-2823011 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-stgallen.ch K-12 St. Gallen/Wil Rudolf Steiner Schule Wil Säntisstr. 31, CH-9500 Wil Tel. +41-71-9121070 Fax +41-71-9111370 www.steinerschule-wil.ch K-9 Steffisburg Rudolf Steiner Schule Berner Oberland Astrastraße 15, CH-3612 Steffisburg Tel. +41-33-4380717 Fax +41-33-4380718 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschulebo.ch K-10 Wetzikon Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürcher Oberland Usterstraße 141, CH-8620 Wetzikon Tel. +41-44-9330620 Fax +41-44-9330624 E-mail: [email protected] www.rsszo.ch K-12 Winterthur Rudolf Steiner Schule Winterthur (Oberstufe Atelierschule) Maienstraße 15, CH-8406 Winterthur Tel. +41-52-2021997 Fax +41-52-2022015 E-mail: [email protected] www.rssw.ch K-9 Yverdon Ecole Rudolf Steiner d’Yverdon Château d'Ependes, CH-1434 Ependes Tel. +41-24-4262022 E-mail: [email protected] www.ersy.ch K-6 Zürich Rudolf Steiner Schule (Oberstufe Atelierschule) Plattenstr. 37, CH-8032 Zürich Tel. +41-43-2682040 Fax +41-43-2682041 E-mail: [email protected] www.steinerschule-zuerich.ch K-9 127 Zürich Atelierschule Zürich Plattenstr. 37, CH-8032 Zürich Tel. +41-43-2682050 Fax +41-43-2682051 E-mail: [email protected] www.atelierschule.ch 10-13 Slowakei Asociácia priatelov slobodných waldorfských skôl, Robert Blaschke, Bukuresta 2, SK-04013 Kosice, Tel: +421-910265739 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.apsws.iwaldorf.sk Bratislava Súkromá základná skola waldorfská Vihorlatská 10, SK-83104 Bratislava Tel. +421-2-20283020 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfskaskola.sk 1-9 Slowenien Zavod za razvoj waldorfskih šol, Streliška 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Tel. +386-1-2822240, +386 41 456895, Fax +386-1-2822241, E-mail [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.si Ljubljana Waldorfska Sola Ljubljana Streliska 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel. +386-1-2822240 Fax +386-1-2822241 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.si K,P-13 Maribor Waldorfska šola Ljubljana OE Maribor Cankarjeva 5, SI-2000 Maribor Tel. +386-2-2516334 Fax +386-2-6205681 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-mb.si 1-9 Radovljica Waldorfska šola Ljubljana OE Gorenjska Kranjska c. 4, 4240 Radovljica E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-gorenjska.si K-3 Zalec Waldorfska šola Savinja Ulica Ivanke Uranjek 6, SI-3310 Zalec E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-celje.si K-4 128 Spanien Asociación de Centros Educativos Waldorf de Espana, Aparto de Correos, 65.E- 28230 Las Rozas (Madrid), Tel.:+34-629368521, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.colegioswaldorf.org Aravaca (Madrid) Escuela Waldorf de Aravaca Calle Zenit, 10, E-28023 Aravaca (Madrid) Tel. +34-91-3071210 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfaravaca.es K-6 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Escola Waldorf-Steiner el Til.ler Mercè Rodoreda 16-18, E-08193 Bellaterra Cerdanyola (Barcelona) Tel. +34-93-5929795 E-mail: [email protected] www.escolawaldorf.org K-6 Galapagar (Madrid) Escuela Waldorf Artabán Cuatromatejas, 18, E-28250 Galapagar (Madrid) Tel. +34-91-8423388 E-mail: [email protected] www.escuelaartaban.es 1-6 Las Rozas (Madrid) Escuela Libre Micael Ctra. de La Coruña Km. 21,3, E-28232 Las Rozas (Madrid) Tel. +34-91-6375287 E-mail: [email protected] www.escuelamicael.com K-12 Lugo Escuela Waldorf Meniñeiros Donas, Lg.Santa Marta-Villalvite, E-27299 Friol (Lugo) Tel. +34-98-2218329; +34-687500624 E-mail: [email protected] www.escuelawaldorf-lugo.org K-6 Valgorguina (Barcelona) Escola Waldorf Walgorgina Crta. D Àrenys a San Celoni Km., 11 E-08471 Vallgorguina (Barcelona) Tel. +34-93-8679335 / 671369041 E-mail: [email protected] www.espaiinfants.org K-6 Valladolid Escuela Waldorf “El Putente Azul” de Valladolid Camino Viejo de Simancas, 28. y Arcas Reales, nº 3, E-47008 Valladolid Tel. +34-98-3471554 / 696545362 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfvalladolid.es K-6 129 Vic (Barcelona) Escola Waldorf “La Font” de Vic Ronda Camprodon, 2 (Edifici del Seminari) E-08500 VIC (Barcelona) Tel. +34-69-0796082 E-mail:[email protected] www.infantslafont.org K-6 Vitoria-Gasteiz Geroa Eskola - Escuela Libre K-6 Calle Estación, 33, E-01193 Troconiz Iruraiz-Gauna (Alava) Tel. +34-94-5293455 E-mail: [email protected] www.geroaeskol.org Tschechische Republik Asociace waldorfských škol České republiky, Butovická 228/9, CZ-158 00 Praha 5, Tel./Fax +420-774723334, Tel: +420-723539983, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.iwaldorf.cz/ Brno Waldorfská základní skola a materská skola Brno Plovdivská 8, CZ-61600 Brno Tel. +420-511-118311 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-brno.cz 1-9 k d Ceske Budejovice Základní škola waldorfská České Budĕjovice M. Chlajna 23, CZ-37005 České Budĕjovice Tel. +420-725-071245 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfcb.cz 1-9 k d Karlovy Vary Waldorfská základní škola Wlaštovka Karlovy Vary Modenská 15, CZ-360 07 Karlovy Vary - Doubí Tel. +420353 034 037 E-mail: [email protected] www.wlatovka.cz 1-3 k Olomouc Waldorfské ZŠ a MS Olomouc s.r.o. Rožnavská 21, CZ-77200 Olomouc Tel. +420-777-850488 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-olomouc.cz 1-6 k d Ostrava Stredni odborná skola waldorfská Ostrava Klicperova 504/8, CZ-70900 Ostrava-Mariánske Hory Tel. +420-596-628813 E-mail: [email protected] www.soswaldorfostrava.cz 10-13 k d Ostrava Základni skola waldorfská Ostrava Na Mlynici 611/36, CZ-70200 Ostrava- Privoz Tel. +420-597-578540 E-mail: [email protected] www.zswaldorfostrava.cz 1-9 k d 130 Ostrava Waldorfské tridy pri ZS L. Štúra L. Štúra 1085/8, CZ-70800 Ostrava Tel. + 420-736 533 201 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfporuba.cz 1 -9 k Pardubice Základní skola waldorfská Pardubice Gorkého 867, CZ-53002 Pardubice Tel. +420-466-415685 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfpardubice.cz 1-9 k d Pisek Základní skola Svobodná Písek Dr. Milady Horákové 1720, CZ-39701 Písek Tel. +420-382-214815 E-mail: [email protected] www.zssvobodna.cz 1-9 k d Plzen Waldorfská zakldni skola Dobromysl Husova 1126/43, CZ – 30100 Plzen Tel. +420-773 900 973 E – mail: [email protected] www.skoladobromysl.cz 1-6 k Praha Základní skola waldorfská Praha Butovická 9/228, CZ-15800 Praha 5 - Jinonice Tel. +420-251001101 E-mail: [email protected] www.wspj.cz 1-9 k d Praha ZS a SS waldorfská (dríve JAK) Praha Krejpskeho 1501, CZ-14900 Praha 4 - Opatov Tel. +420-272-930617 E-mail: [email protected] www.sssjak.cz 1-9 EC,k,d Praha Waldorfské trídy pri ZS Dedina - Praha Zukovského 6/580, CZ-16101 Praha 6 Tel. +420-777-228616 E-mail: [email protected] www.crea.cz/wzs-dedina 1-9 k d Praha Waldorfské lyceum Praha Krejpského 1501, CZ-14900 Praha 4 - Opatov Tel. +420-272-770378 E-mail: [email protected] www.wlyceum.cz 10-13 k d Pribram Waldorfská skola Príbram a Gymnasium a SOU Hornická 327, CZ-26101 Príbram 2 Tel. +420-318-623306 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.pb.cz 1-13 k d 131 Semily Základní skola waldorfská Semily Tyrsova 485, CZ-51301 Semily Tel. +420-481-624580 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-semily.cz 1-9 k d Semily Stredni skola waldorfská Semily Jana Zizky 375, CZ-51301 Semily Tel. +420-481-624168 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-semily.cz 10-13 d Ukraine Associacia waldorfskych iniziativ v Ukrajini, Kiev – Dnipropetrovsk, E-mail, Irina Shastal: [email protected], http://ru.waldorf.in.ua/ Dnepropetrovsk Dnipropetrovska Waldorfska Schkola Pr. Kirowa, 133, UKR-49055 Dnepropetrowsk Tel. +380-56-7496235 Fax +380-56-2386809 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf.klasna.com K-11 Kiew Waldorfska Schkola Sophia Tampere 17-a, pr.Mira 10, UKR-02121 Kiew Tel. +380-44-2924191 Fax +380-44-2920071 E-mail: [email protected] K-11 Krivoj Rog Waldorfska Schkola Krivoj Rog Otto-Borzovskogo 89-b, UKR-50086 Krivoj Rog Tel. +380-564-716745 Fax +380-564-716745 E-mail: [email protected] K-11 Odessa Waldorfska Schkola Stupeni Ilfa i Petrova, 31-a, UKR-65104 Odessa Tel. +380-482-470542 Fax +380-482-470542 E-mail: [email protected] www.stupeni.odessa.ua K-4, 5-11 Ungarn Magyar Waldorf Szövetség (Hungarian Waldorf Fellowship), Asbóth u. 17., H-1075 Budapest, Tel: +36-30-3287448, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.hu m = member of the Hungarian Waldorf Fellowship Budapest Sashalmi Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Thököly u. 13, H-1163 Budapest-Sashalom Tel. +36-1-4053377 Fax +36-1-4053377 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfsuli.hu 132 1-8 m Int,k,d Budapest Csillagberek Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Lakkozó u. 1-5., H-1038 Budapest Tel. +36-20-3398508 E-mail: [email protected] www.csillagberek.hu 1 m Int,k,d Budapest Csillagösvény Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Repülőtéri út 6., H-1112 Budapest Tel. +36-1-2498142 Fax +36-1-2498142 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-csillagosveny.hu 1-8 m Int,k,d Budapest Göllner Mária Pesti Regionális Waldorf Gimnázium Lakkozó u. 1-5., H-1038 Budapest Tel. +36-1-7812150 Fax +36-1-7812150 E-mail: [email protected] www.prwk.hu 9-12 m Int Budapest Óbudai Waldorf Altalános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Bécsi út 375., H-1037 Budapest Tel. +36-1-4300921 Fax +36-1-3886895 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-obuda.hu 1-13 m Int,k,d Budapest Kispesti Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Vécsey u. 9-13., H-1193 Budapest Tel. +36-1-2829816 Fax +36-1-2826468 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfkispest.hu K-13 Int d Budapest Pesthidegkúti Waldorf Altalános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Kossuth Lajos út 15-17., H-1028 Budapest Tel. +36-1-2757935 Fax +36-1-2757935 E-mail: [email protected] www.phwi.hu 1-13 m Int,k,d Debrecen Napraforgó Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Eötvös u. 46-48., H-4002 Debrecen Tel. +36-52-415147 Fax +36-52-415147 E-mail: [email protected] www.napraforgoiskola.hu 1-8 m Int,k,d Fót Fóti Szabad Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Vörösmarty tér 2., H-2151 Fót Tel. +36-27-537301 Fax +36-27-537304 E-mail: [email protected] www.fotiwaldorf.hu K-13 m Int d 133 Gödöllö Gödöllöi Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Tessedik Sámuel u. 4 D ép., H-2100 Gödöllö Tel. +36-28-419052 Fax +36-28-419052 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-godollo.hu 1-8 m Int,k,d Györ "Forrás" Waldorf Altalános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Madách I. u. 10., H-9027 Györ Tel. +36-96-322469 Fax +36-96-322469 E-mail: [email protected] www.forraswaldorf.hu 1-13 m Int,k,d Györsövényháza Vadrózsa Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Gárdonyi Géza út 45., H-9196 Győrsövényház Tel. +36-96-531003 E-mail: [email protected] www.vadrozsawaldorf.hu 1-8 m Int,k,d Jászszentandrás Napsugár Waldorf Iskola és AMI Rákóczi u. 78., H-5136 Jászszentandrás Tel. +36-57-446007 Fax +36-57-446007 E-mail: [email protected] www.napsugariskola.hu 1-8 m Int,k,d Kecskemét Mihály Kertje Kecskeméti Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola és AMI Szarkás 74., H-6000 Kecskemét Tel. +36-76-450600 Fax +36-76-450600 E-mail: [email protected] www.kecskemetiwaldorf.hu K-8 m Int k Kiskunfélegyháza Tiszta Forrás Általános Iskola és AMI Darvas tér 10., H- Kiskunfélegyháza Tel. +36-56-420338 Fax +36-56-420338 E-mail: [email protected] www.felegyhaziwaldorf.hu 1-2 m Int,k,d Miskolc Hámori Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Losonczy I. út. 64., H-3517 Miskolc-Felsőhámor Tel. +36-46-533309 Fax +36-46-533309 E-mail: [email protected] www.hamoriwaldorf.hu 1-13 m Int,k,d Nemesvámos Fehérlófia Waldorf Általános Iskola Gimnázium és AMI Kossuth L. u. 24., H-8248 Nemesvámos Tel. +36-88-265540 Fax +36-88-265540 E-mail: [email protected] www.feherlofiawaldorf.hu 1-11 m Int,k,d Nyíregyháza Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Óvoda és AMI Kölcsey u. 8., H-4400 Nyíregyháza Tel. +36-42-500870 Fax +36-42-500869 E-mail: [email protected] www.nyiregyhaziwaldorf.hu K-13 m Int d 134 Pécs Mandulafa Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola és AMI Istenkút, Fábián Béla út 7., H-7635 Pécs Tel. +36-20-2910140 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfpecs.hu Pilisszentlászló Kékvölgy Pilisszentlászlói Waldorf Szlovák Nemzetiségi 1-8 m Int,k,d Általános Iskola és AMI Szabadság tér 3., H-2009 Pilisszentlászló Tel. +36-26-338125 E-mail: [email protected] www.kekvolgy.hu Solymár Fészek Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI József Attila u. 26., Pf 60, H-2083 Solymár Tel. +36-26-360306 Fax +36-26-360306 E-mail: [email protected] www.feszekiskola.hu 1-13 m Int,k,d Szeged Szabad Waldorf Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Kolozsvári tér 1-2., H-6725 Szeged Tel. +36-62-444-190 Fax +36-62-444190 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfszeged.hu 1-13 m Int,k,d Szekszárd Szekszárdi Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola és AMI Rákóczi u. 132., H-7100 Szekszárd Tel. +36-30-7462862 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfszekszard.hu K-8 m Int d Szolnok Szolnoki Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola és AMI Balogh Béla u.14., H-5000 Szolnok Tel. +36-56-420338 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorf-szolnok.eoldal.hu K-8 m Int d Szombathely Perintparti Szó-fogadó Szombathelyi Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és AMI Sorok u. 44., H-9700 Szombathely Tel. +36-94-314469 Fax +36-94-314469 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfszombathely.hu K-13 m Int d Szombathely Apáczai Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI 11 huszár út 40., H-9700 Szombathely Tel. +36-94-951816 E-mail: [email protected] www.apaczaiwaldorf.egalnet.hu 1-4 m Int,k,d Tök Kisgöncöl Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Kútvölgy u. 14., H-2073 Tök Tel. +36-23-341323 E-mail: [email protected] www.kisgoncol.hu 1-6 m Int,k,d 135 K-5 m Int,k,d Vác Váci Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Téglaház u. HRSZ 1620/7, H-2600 Vác Tel. +36-27-412184 Fax +36-27-412184 E-mail: [email protected] www.vaciwaldorf.hu 1-8 m Int,k,d Veresegyház Veresegyházi Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI Sportföld u. 1., H-2112 Veresegyház Tel. +36-20-3977529 E-mail: [email protected] www.veresiwaldorf.hu 1-4 Int,d 136 Lehrerseminare in Afrika Ostafrika Kenia Nairobi East African Teacher Training c/o Rudolf Steiner School Nairobi Masai Lodge Road, P.O. Box 15609, KEN-00503 Mbagathi, Nairobi E-mail: [email protected] Namibia Windhoek Berufsbegleitendes Lehrerseminar Namibia, Waldorf School Windhoek P.O. Box 90326, NAM- Windhoek +264-61-242499, Fax +264-61-243354 E-mail: [email protected] Südafrika Southern Africa Federation of Waldorf Schools , 235 Bryanston Drive, PO Box 71719, RSA-Bryanston 2021, Gauteng, South Africa, +27-11-706-8545, Fax +27-11-706-8545, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.org.za Cape Town Centre for Creative Education, McGregor House 4 Victoria Road, RSA- Plumstead 7800, Cape Town +27-21-7976802, Fax +27-21-7977095 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.cfce.org.za Cape Town Waldorf High School Training Course, Howard Dobson 16 Willow Road, RSA -Constantia, 7806, Cape Town, +27-83- 3199536 E-mail: [email protected] Durban Foundational Course in Waldorf Pedagogy, Roseway Waldorf School D435, Alverstone, Private Bag X7034, RSA- Hillcrest 3650, KwaZulu Natal +27-31-7681309 Fax +27-31-7681424 E-mail: [email protected] www.rosewaywaldorf.co.za 137 Lehrerseminare in Nordamerika AWSNA, Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, 2142A Washtenaw Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, +1-612-8708310, Fax +1-612-8708316, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.WhyWaldorfWorks.org m = full membership c = candidacy membership d = developing school membership Kanada British Columbia Sechelt West Coast Institute for Studies in Anthroposophy PO Box 163, CDN- Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 +1-604-740-0539, Fax +1-604-885-6170 E-mail: [email protected] www.westcoastinstitute.org d Waldorf School Association of Ontario, 9100 Bathurst Street No. 2, CDN-Thornhill, Ontario L4J8C7, +1-905-8892066, Fax +1-905-8893336, E-mail: [email protected] Ontario Thornhill Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto 9100 Bathurst Street, #4, CDN- Thornhill, Ont. L4J 8C7 +1-905-764-7570, Fax +1-905-889-3336 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.rsct.ca m Fair Oaks Rudolf Steiner College 9200 Fair Oaks Blvd., USA- Fair Oaks, CA 95628 +1-916-961-8727, Fax +1-916-961-8731 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.rudolfsteinercollege.edu m Northridge Waldorf Institute of Southern California 17100 Superior Street, USA- Northridge, CA 91325-1999 +1-818-349-6272, Fax +1-818-349-3458 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfteaching.org m San Diego Waldorf Institute of Southern California (San Diego Campus) 3547 Altadena Avenue, USA- San Diego, CA 92105 +1 760-451-2139, Fax +1-760-451-9236 E-mail: [email protected] m USA California 138 San Francisco Rudolf Steiner College (San Francisco Campus) 2938 Washington St., USA- San Francisco, CA 94115-1727 +1-800-515-8203 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.steinercollege.edu m San Rafael Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training 77 Mark Drive, Suite 18, USA - San Rafael, CA 94903 +1-415-479-4400, Fax +1-415-479-4401 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bacwtt.org m Arcturus Rudolf Steiner Education Program 1300 W. Loyola Ave, USA- Chicago, IL 60626 +1-773-761-3026 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.arcturus.info d Waldorf Institute of Southeastern Michigan 1923 Geddes Ave., USA- Ann Arbor, MI 48104 +1-734-635-4143 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wism.org d Keene Center for Anthroposophy (Antioch New England Campus) 40 Avon Street, USA- Keene, NH 03431-3516 +1-603-283-2311, Fax +1-603-357-0718 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.antiochne.edu m Wilton Center for Anthroposophy PO Box 545, USA- Wilton, NH 03086 +1-603-357-3122, Fax +1-603-357-0718 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.antiochne.edu/teacher-education/waldorf/ m Ghent Alkion Center 330 County Route 21C, USA, Ghent, NY 10275 +1-518-672-8008, Fax +1-518-672-7457 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.alkioncenter.org d Chestnut Ridge Sunbridge Institute 285 Hungry Hollow Road, USA- Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 +1-845-425-0055, Fax +1-845-425-1413 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sunbridge.edu m Illinois Chicago Michigan Ann Arbor New Hampshire New York 139 Oregon Eugene Waldorf Teacher Education Eugene 1350 McLean Blvd, USA- Eugene, OR 97405 +1-541-686-9112, Fax +1-541-345-8774 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wtee.org m Sound Circle Center P.O Box 15279, USA- Seattle, WA 98115 +1-206-925-9199 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.soundcircle.org m Great Lakes Waldorf Institute 2110 N. 69th St, USA- Wauwatosa, WI 53213 +1-414-616-1832 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.greatlakeswaldorf.org d Centro de Desarrollo Antroposófico Cabellito No. 26 Colonia Santa Maria Ahuacatitlán MEX- Cuernavaca, Morelos 62100 +52-777-323-7596 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.antroposofiamexico.org i Washington Seattle Wisconsin Wauwatosa Mexiko Cuernavaca Lehrerseminare in Südamerika Argentinien Buenos Aires Instituto Superior de Formación Docente "Perito Moreno" La Paz 953, AR-1640 Martínez, Pcia. de Buenos Aires +54-11-4836 0323 E-mail: [email protected] www.isfdperitomoreno.com.ar Florida Seminario Pedagógico Waldorf Gral. Güemes 1747, AR-1602 Florida, Buenos Aires +54-1-4795-6700, Fax +54-1-4795-6700 [email protected] 140 Brasilien Federação das Escolas Waldorf no Brasil, Rua São Benedito 1365, Alto da Boa Vista, BR-04735-003 São Paulo, SP, +55-11-55240473, Fax +55-11-55489069, E-mail: [email protected] Informationen zu weiteren berufsbegleitenden Seminaren finden Sie auf der Website der Federação: www.fewb.org.br Botucatu Brasilia Waldorf Teaching Free Qualification Course at Escola Waldorf Aitiara Rodovia Gastão Dal Farra km 4, BR-18603-970 Botucatu-SP +55-14-3813-8556 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.aitiara.org.br Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy at Escola Moara SHCGN 703 - Área Especial, BR-70730-700 Brasília-DF +55-11-3782-4072 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.escolamoara.com.br Cuiabá Lato Sensu Post-Grad. Course Waldorf Pedagogy at Escola Livre Porto Cuiabá Rua Sta Terezinha, 739, BR-78015-140 Cuiabá-MT +55-65-3028-6421 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.elpc.com.br Curitiba Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy at Escola Turmalina Rua E. Sprada, 3572-Campo Comprido, BR-81210-370 Curitiba, PR +55-11-5543-4649 E-mail: [email protected] Florianópolis Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy at Escola Waldorf Anabá Rua Pastor William R. S. Filho, 841, BR-88034-100 Florianópolis, SC +55-48-3234-7727 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.anaba.com.br Fortaleza Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy at Escola Waldorf Micael Rua Joaquim Nabuco, 701 - Meireles, BR-60125-120 Fortaleza, CE +55-21-2528-3517 E-mail: [email protected] Jaguariúna Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy Sítio das Fontes-SP, BR- Jaguariúna, SP +55-11-5543-4649 E-mail: [email protected] Nova Friburgo Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy at Escola Com. Municipal Vale Estrada Fazenda da Lage, km 8, BR-28633-550 Nova Friburgo, RJ +55-21-2527-1389 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.valedeluz.org.br 141 Porto Alegre Free Foundation Courses in Waldorf Pedagogy BR- Porto Alegre, RS +55-11-5543-4649 E-mail: [email protected] São Paulo Centro de Formacao de Professores Waldorf Rua Job Lane, 900, BR-04639-001 São Paulo, SP +55-11-55236655/222 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ewrs.com.br São Paulo Course Pedagogy of the Art and Peace Associaçao Sophia Rua Luisiania, 320, BR-04560-021 São Paulo, SP +55-11-5055-0580 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sophia.org.br São Paulo IDW Instituto de Desenvolvimento Waldorf Rua Job Lane, 900 Alto da Boa Vista BR-CEP 04639-001 São Paulo, SP +55-11-5686-9863 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.idwaldorf.com.br Chile Santiago Seminario Pedagógico ajunto al Colegio Rudolf Steiner Avenida Antupirén 9591, CHL- Santiago (Penalolén) +56-2-2927585, Fax +56-2-2927585 Website: www.colegiorudolfsteiner.cl Kolumbien Antioquia Seminario de Maestros Colegio Waldorf Isolda Echavarría Calle 76 sur # 63A 167 La Estrella, COL- Antioquia +57-3021616 ext 106 E-mail: [email protected] Cali Seminario de Maestros Colégio Waldorf Luis Horacio Gómez Calle 18 # 127-249 Pance, COL- Cali +57-2-5551093/5551115 E-mail: [email protected] 142 Lehrerseminare in Asien Indien Khandala Khandala Waldorf Teachers Education Seminar (Aban Bana) 48, Soonaiji Manison, 66K, A. Kranti Marg, IND- Mumbai 400036 +91-22-23863799 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.anthroposophyindia.org Israel Harduf Harduf Waldorf Teacher Training Kibbuz Harduf, IL- D.N. Hamovil, 17930 +972-4-9502643, Fax +972-4-9865439 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorf-harduf.org Jerusalem The Jerusalem Acad. Waldorf Teacher Training in David Yellin College c/o Arie Ben David Bet Zait 99, IL- Jerusalem 91035 +972-2- 6790240, Fax +972-2-5344679 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.dyellin.ac.il Ramat-Gan Waldorf Teacher Training Program "Zomer" Shderot Lamdan 1 Ramat-Gan, Israel +972-52-3368280 Tel Aviv Waldorf Teacher Training Tel-Aviv Hakfar Hayarok, Tel Aviv +9749059398 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.harduf.org.il/mavo Kirgistan Bishkek Berufsbegl. Blockseminar- Zentrum für alternative und freie Pädagogik ul. Djantoschewa 120, KS-720020 Bishkek +996-515-798571 E-mail: [email protected] Philippinen Manila Rudolf Steiner Education in the Philippines Inc. 1086 del Monte Avenue, PHI- Quezon City 1105 +63 2 3741224 E-mail: [email protected] Websiet: www.rstep.org.ph 143 Lehrerseminare in Australien (Ozeanien) Steiner Education Australia, Suite 21 Level 11, 809 Pacific Highway Chatswood, NSW 2067 Australia, E-mail:[email protected], Website: www.steinereducation.edu.au Australien New South Wales Dural/Sydney Lorien Novalis College of Teacher Education P.O. Box 82, AUS- Round Corner NSW 2158 +61-2-6512577 Sydney Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School Limited 5A Glenroy Avenue, AUS- Middle Cove NSW 2068 +61-2-94173193, Fax +61-2-94175346 E-mail: [email protected] Sydney Sydney Rudolf Steiner College 307 Sussex Street, AUS- Sydney, NSW 2000 +61-2-92614001 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sydneyrudolfsteinercollege.com.au Western Australia Rudolf Steiner College Perth Perth Waldorf School 14 Gwilliam Drive, AUS- Bibra Lake WA 6163 +61-8-93311880 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.rudolfsteinercollege.com.au Victoria Warranwood (Melbourne) Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar Ltd. 37a Wellington Park Dr, AUS- Warranwood VIC 3134 +61-3-98765199, Fax +61-3-98767984 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.steinerseminar.com Neuseeland Federation of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Schools in New Zealand, PO Box 60-266, Titirangi, NZ- Waitakere 0642, Tel.:+64-9817-4386, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.rudolfsteinerfederation.org.nz Auckland Auckland University of Technology School of Education AR Building, Akoranga Drive, Northcote, NZ- Auckland +64-9-9219999/7341 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.aut.ac.nz/study-at-aut//study-areas/education 144 Havelock North Taruna College, Centre for Anthroposophical Adult Education 33 Te Mata Peak Rd, NZ- Havelock North 4157 Hawkes Bay +64-6-8774374, Fax +64-6-8774372 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.taruna.ac.nz 145 Lehrerseminare in Europa Belgien Federatie van de Rudolf Steinerscholen in Vlaanderen, Gitschotellei 188, B-2140 Antwerpen, +32-3-2132333, Fax: +32-3-4005134, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerscholen.be Antwerpen Federatie van Rudolf Steinerschoolen in Vlaanderen (berufsbegl.) Gitschotellei 188, B-2140 Antwerpen +32-3-2132333 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.steinerscholen.be Dänemark Sammenslutningen af Frie Rudolf Steiner Skoler i Danmark, Strandvejen 102, DK 8000 Aarhus C, +45-861110144, Fax +45-86116811, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.rudolfsteinerskoler.dk Kopenhagen Rudolf Steiner Laererseminariet i Kobenhavn Deltidsuddannelsen Brogårdsvej 61, DK-2820 Gentofte E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.steinerseminariet.dk Skanderborg Rudolf Steiner Laererseminariet Inovalis deltidsseminariet Audonicon Grønnedalsvej 14, DK-8660 Skanderborg +45-86524755, Fax +45-86524439 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.audonicon.dk Deutschland Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen e.V., Wagenburgstr. 6, 70184 Stuttgart, +49-711 21042-0, Fax 049-711-21042-19, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorfschule.de Alfter Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft gGmbH Villestraße 3, 53347 Alfter bei Bonn +49-2222-9321-0, Fax 02222-9321-21 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.alanus.edu Berlin Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Berlin Weinmeisterstr. 16, D-10178 Berlin +49-30-6187073, Fax +49-30-27891878 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.lehrer-seminar-berlin.de 146 Hamburg Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in Hamburg Hufnerstr. 18, D-22083 Hamburg +49-40-88888610, Fax +49-40-88888611 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminar.de Kassel Lehrerseminar für Waldorfpädagogik Brabanterstr. 30, D-34131 Kassel +49-561-207568-0, Fax +49-561-207568-29 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.lehrerseminar-forschung.de Kiel Waldorflehrer Seminar Kiel Rudolf-Steiner-Weg 2, D-24109 Kiel +49-431-800680, Fax +49-431-8006829 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminarkiel.de Mannheim Alanus Hochschule Institut für Waldorfpädagogik, Inklusion und Interkulturalität Aus- und Weiterbildung Mannheim Zielstr. 28, D-68169 Mannheim +49-621-30988178, Fax +49-621-3094850 E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.institut-waldorf.de Mannheim Akademie für Waldorfpädagogik Aus- und Weiterbildung Mannheim Zielstr. 28, D-68169 Mannheim +49-621-309480, Fax +49-621-3094850 E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.akademie-waldorf.de München Südbayerisches Seminar für Waldorf-pädagogik und Erwachsenenbildung e.V. Leopoldstr. 17, D-80802 München +49-89-33038595, Fax +49-89-33038594 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminar-muenchen.de Nürnberg Pädagogisches Seminar an der Rudolf Steiner Schule Steinplattenweg 25, D-90491 Nürnberg +49-911-59860, Fax +49-911-5986200 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfschule-nuernberg.de Stuttgart Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Haussmannstr. 44 a, D-70188 Stuttgart +49-711-210940, Fax +49-711-2348913 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.freie-hochschule-stuttgart.de 147 Witten-Annen Institut für Waldorf-Pädagogik Annener Berg 15, D-58454 Witten/Ruhr +49-2302-9673-0, Fax +49-2302-68000 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.wittenannen.de Berufsbegleitende Lehrerseminare und Kurse in Deutschland Alfter Alanus Hochschule, Fachbereich Bildungswissenschaft Johannishof, 53347 Alfter +49-2222-9321177 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.alanus.edu Berlin Berufsbegleitender Kurs am Lehrerseminar, Herr Handtmann Weinmeisterstr. 16, 10178 Berlin +49-30-6187073, Fax 030-6124227 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lehrer-seminar-berlin.de Bielefeld Berufsbegleitendes Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik OWL Hermann-Rothert-Str. 7, 33335 Gütersloh +49-5209-5584 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfschule-bielefeld.de/paedagogisches-seminar.html Dresden Dresden Seminar Waldorfschulinitiative Dresden e.V. Hauptstr. 49, 01465 Langebrück +49-35201-81540 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.dresdenseminar.de Frankfurt-Main Seminar für anthroposophische. Pädagogik Frankfurt/Main e.V., Frau Felde Friedlebenstr. 52, 60433 Frankfurt am Main +49-69-95306900, Fax 069-95294225 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lehrerseminar-frankfurt.de Freiburg Berufsbegleitendes Waldorflehrerseminar Freiburg e.V. Büroadresse: Alte Strasse62, 79249 Merzhausen +49-761-4002526 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminar-freiburg.de Hamburg Berufsbegleitendens Seminar Hamburg, Thomas Frank Hufnerstr. 18, 22083 Hamburg +49-40-888886-10, Fax 040-888886-11 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminar.de 148 Hannover Berufsbegleitendes Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in Hannover Rudolf-von-Bennigsen-Ufer 70, 30173 Hannover +49-511-8070965 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorflehrerseminar-hannover.de Kamp-Lintfort Novalis Hochschulverein Krefeld Mühlenstr. 258, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort +49-2842-470382, Fax 02842-470383 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.novalis-hochschulverein.de/ Kassel Berufsbegl. Lehrerbildungskurse Lehrersem. Kassel, Dr. W. Schulze Brabanterstr. 30, 34131 Kassel +49-561-207568-0, Fax +49-561-207568-29 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lehrerseminar-forschung.de Kiel Waldorflehrerseminar Kiel, Berufsbegleitender Abendkurs Rudolf Steiner Weg 2, 24109 Kiel +49-431-800680, Fax 0431-8006829 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminarkiel.de/c-studiengaenge.htm#berufsbegleitend Köln Berufsbegleitendes Lehrerseminar für Waldorfpädagogik Köln/Bonn Luxemburger Str. 190, 50937 Köln +49-221-9414930, Fax 0221-9414931 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.fbw-rheinland.de Mannheim Akademie für Waldorfpädagogik, Berufsbegleitender Kurs Zielstr. 28, 68169 Mannheim +49-621-309480, Fax 0621-3094850 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.akademie-waldorf.de Ottersberg Institut für Waldorfpädagogik Ottersberg, c/o Freie Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Amtshof 5, 28870 Ottersberg +49-4205-8310 (M.Seeger), Fax 04205-316833 (Schule) E-Mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.frss-ottersberg.de/02_themen/lehrerseminar/ Ravensburg Berufsbegleitendes Waldorflehrer-Seminar Ravensburg Meersburger Str. 148, 88213 Ravensburg +49-751-2708152 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.ls-rv.de Saarbrücken Berufsbegleitendes Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Saar Schulstr. 11, 66126 Saarbrücken-Altenkessel +49-6898-9869720 Fax 06898-9869749 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminar-saar.de 149 Stuttgart Emil-Molt-Verein, Berufsbegl. Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in Stuttgart Haußmannstr. 50, 70188 Stuttgart +49-711--261956, Fax 0711-1209910 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.emil-molt-seminar.de/ Überlingen Berufsbegl. Seminar f.d. Förderbereich in der Waldorfpädagogik e.V. Im Kirchleösch 11, 88662 Überlingen +49-7551-9470593 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.anthroposophisches-foerderlehrer-seminar.de Überlingen Berufsbegleitendes Waldorflehrerseminar Überlingen c/o Hans-Heinrich Breth Rauensteinstr. 69, 88662 Überlingen +49-7551-62039 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lehrer-see-minar.de Witten Institut für Waldorf-Pädagogik Annener Berg 15, 58454 Witten +49-2302-96730, Fax 02302-68000 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.teilzeit.wittenannen.net Würzburg Berufsbegleitendes Seminar Würzburg, Christian Pax Prager Ring 13, 97084 Würzburg +49-931-796550, Fax 0931-7965540 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorf-wuerzburg.de Estland Eesti Vabade Waldorfkoolide Ühendus, Ploomi 1, EST-50110 Tartu, /Fax: +372-7-367168, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.ee Tartu Tartu Waldorfpedagoogika Seminar Ploomi 1, EST-50110 Tartu +372-7-367164, Fax +372-7-367164 E-mail: [email protected] Finnland Steinerpedagogiikan seura - Föreningen för Steinerpedagogik rf., c/o Jarno Paalasmaa, Vantaan Seudun Steinerkoulu, Satakielentie 5, 01450 Vantaa, +358-50-5634441, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerkoulu.fi Helsinki Snellman-Korkeakoulu (Snellman College) Puuskakuja 14, FIN-00850 Helsinki +358-9-2285020, Fax +358-9-22850222 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.snellman-korkeakoulu.fi 150 Frankreich Fédération des Ecoles Steiner-Waldorf en France, 36 rue Gassendi, F-75014 Paris, +33-1-43222451, Fax +33-1-43221429, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steiner-waldorf.org Avignon Institut de Formation à la Pédagogie Steiner-Waldorf Didascali 300, Chemin de la Traille, F-84700 Sorgues +33-4-90619793 /+33-6-71724825 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.didascali.org Chatou Institut Rudolf Steiner 5, rue Georges Clémenceau, F-78400 Chatou +33-1-39525819, Fax +33-1-39527189 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Großbritannien Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship, 11 Church Street, GB-Stourbridge, DY8 1LT, Tel.: +44-1384374116, Fax: +44-1384-374142, E-Mail: [email protected]., Website: www.steinerwaldorf.org England School Based-courses Kings Langley Kings Langley Steiner Waldorf Teacher Training Course, R.St.School Langley Hill, GB-Kings Langley, Herts. WD4 9HG +44-1923-262505, Fax +44-1923-270958 E-mail: [email protected] Michael Hall Kidbrooke Park, Forest Row, Sussex RH18 5JA 1342 822275 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.michaelhall.com.uk Canterbury Canterbury Steiner School, Garlinge Green, Chartham, CT4 5RU 1227 738285 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.canterburysteinerschool.co.uk +44 +44 Berufsbegleitende Seminare – Part-Time Courses in Waldorf Education (minimum 2 Jahre/years) London London Early Years c/o Course co-ordinator Woodbine Cottage, GB-Harescombe, Gloc. GL4 0XD +44-1452-812393 E-Mail: [email protected] London London Waldorf Teacher Training Seminar Steiner House, Park Road, London NW1 6XT E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorftraining.org.uk 151 North Yorkshire NESTT, North of England Steiner Teachter Training 15 School Lane, Bishopsthorpe, York, YO23 2RE +44-01904-777034 E-Mail: [email protected] NESWEC – North of England Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Studies +44 01782 504567 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.neswec.org.uk Stroud WESTT, West of England Steiner Teacher Training 01453 298874 +44 1904 777034 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.west.org.uk +44 Schottland Edinburgh Teachers Training Course, Rudolf Steiner School of Edinburgh 60/64 Spylaw Road, GB-Edinburgh EH10 5BR +44-131-3373410, Fax +44-131-538 6066 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.steinerweb.org Italien Federazione delle Scuole Steiner-Waldorf in Italia, Via Rudolf Steiner 2, 4, 6, I-31020 Zoppè di San Vendemiano (TV), +39-0464-080580, Fax +39-0464-080390, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.educazionewaldorf.it Secretary: Roberta Naldi Tel.+39-051-383119, Fax +39-051-3371253, E-mail: [email protected] MEMBER of the Federazione delle Scuole Steiner-Waldorf in Italia: Colle di Val d´Elsa Associazione culturale pedagogica “La Formica” Corso di formazione in Pedagogia Steineriana Via Volterrana, 43 - Località Le Grazie, I-53034 Colle di Val d´Elsa (Siena) +39-339 5956925 E-mail: [email protected] www.rslaformica.it Manduria (Ta) Associazione pedagogica steineriana "il giardino degli Ulivi" Via per Oria, I-74024 Manduria (Ta) +39-099-9713656 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.scuolawaldorfmanduria.org Milano Ass. Amici della scuola steineria Seminario Triennale di ped. st. Via Clericetti, 45, I-20133 Milano +39-02-,36538510 Fax +39-02-2364546 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.rudolfsteiner.it 152 Oriago di Mira (Ve) Accademia "Aldo Bargero" Seminario Biennale e Triennale Riviera Bosco Piccolo, 84, I-30030 Oriago de Mira (Ve) +39-041-5631213, Fax +39-041-5631214 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.accademiaaldobargero.it Roma Associazione pedagogica steineriana Corso triennale di formazione Via delle Benedettine, 10, I-00135 Roma +39-06-3380791 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.giardinodeicedri.it Sagrado (Go) Centro culturale Castelnuovo Corso triennale di conoscenza Largo Castelvecchio, 4, I-34078 Sagrado (Go) +39-0481-960991 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.scuolawaldorfsagrado.it NON-MEMBER of the Federazione delle Scuole Steiner-Waldorf in Italia: Bozen / Bolzano Lehrerseminar Bozen Via Buozzistraße 18, I-39100 Bozen|Bolzano +39-0471-052800 Fax +39-0471-069080 E-mail: [email protected] www.lehrerseminar.it Kroatien Zagreb Institut za waldorfsku pedagogiju Mallinova 34, HR-10000 Zagreb +385-1-6609609 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorfska-skola.com/IWP Niederlande Vereniging van vrijescholen, Diederichslaan 25, NL-3971 PA Driebergen, +31-343-536060, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.vrijescholen.nl Leiden Vrijeschool Pabo Hogeschool Leiden Zernikedreef 11, NL-2330 CK Leiden +31-71-518 88 00 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.vrijeschoolpabo.nl 153 Norwegen Steinerskoleforbundet, Prof. Dahlsgate 30, N-0260 Oslo, +47-22542540, Fax +47-22542541, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerskolen.no Oslo Rudolf Steinerhöyskolen Prof. Dahls gt. 30, N-0260 Oslo +47-22540590, Fax +47-22540595 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.rshoyskolen.no Österreich Freie Bildungsstätten auf anthroposophischer Grundlage in Österreich, Endresstraße 100, A-1230 Wien, +43-1-8887461, Fax +43-1-888127544, E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.at; www.freiebildung.org Salzburg waldorf_salzburg Berufsbegleitendes Waldorfseminar in Salzburg Aignerstr. 7, A-5020 Salzburg +43-699-10821035 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorf-salzburg.info Wien waldorf_wien Seminar für Erziehungskunst Berufsbegleitendes Waldorflehrerseminar in Wien Geymüllergasse 1, A-1180 Wien +43-1-4789100 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorf-wien.at Wien Zentrum für Kultur und Pädagogik Tilgnerstraße 3, 1040 Wien +43-1-504 84 83 Mobil: +43 (0) 699 171 163 73 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.kulturundpaedagogik.at Portugal Lissabon Curso Waldorf de Lisboa +351-932-702 522 +351-935-912 311 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.associacao-percurso-waldorf.pt Lissabon Harpa, Seminario Formaçao Pedagogía Waldorf Quinta S. João dos Montes 2600 - 000 Alhandra, Lisboa +351-219512092 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.harpa-portugal.com 154 Russland Moskau Period. Seminar f. Waldorflehrer Novopresnensky per., 7 kv.10, RUS-123242 Moskau +7-916-9018117 E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.waldorf-seminar.ru St. Petersburg Waldorfskij pedagogitscheskij seminar Torshkowskaja ul., 2/3, RUS-197342 St. Petersburg +7-812-4920122 E-mail: [email protected] Schweden Waldorfskolefederationen, Marklandsbacken 11, SE-16836 Bromma, +46-8-6532016, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.se m = member of the Swedish Waldorf Fellowship Göteborg Waldorfakademien Sankt Jörgens väg 6, SE-42249 Hisings Backa /Göteborg +46-31-556060 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfakademien.se Göteborg Waldorfseminariet i Göteborg c/o Alexandra Ivan Lindbackevägen 51, SE-43351 Öjersjö +46-730-662041 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfseminariet.se Järna Läkepedagogiska och socialterapeutiska utbildningen i Järna SE-15391 Järna +46-8-55150627 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.jarnakompetens.se Järna Rudolf Steinerhögskolan Kulturcentrum 25, SE-15391 Järna +46-8-55430250 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.steinerhogskolan.se Stockholm Waldorflärarhögskolan i Stockholm Marklandsbacken 11, SE-16836 Bromma +46-8-50585880, Fax +46-8-80585885 E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.wlh.se 155 Schweiz Koordinationsstelle der Rudolf Steiner Schulen in der Schweiz, Robert Thomas, Carmenstr. 49, CH-8032 Zürich, +41-44-262 25 01 E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.steinerschule.ch Dornach Akademie für anthroposophische Pädagogik Ruchti-Weg 5, CH-4143 Dornach +41-61-7014072, Fax +41-61-7014072 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.paedagogik-akademie.ch Basel Kunst und Textil Handarbeitsseminar Güterstrasse 140, CH-4053 Basel +41 71 672 60 52 Fax: +41 71 671 24 52 E-mail: [email protected] Lausanne Formation pédagogique anthroposophique de Suisse romande, FPAS Formation en cours d’emploi sur trois ans et demi Route Bois-Genoud 36, CH-1023 Crissier +41 44 252 23 53 Website: www.fpas.ch Slowenien Zavod za razvoj waldorfskih šol, Streliška 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Tel. +386-1-2822240, +386 41 456895, Fax +386-1-2822241, E-mail [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.si Ljubljana Zavod za razvoj waldorfskih šol Streliška 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana +386-1-2822240, +386-41-459199, Fax +386-1-2822241 E-mail: [email protected] Maribor Akademija Waldorf Maribor Cesta na bukovec 10, SI-2313 Fram +386-31.233 509 E-mail: [email protected] www.waldorfska-akademija.si Spanien Asociación de Centros Educativos Waldorf de Espana, Aparto de Correos, 65.E-28230 Las Rozas (Madrid), +34-629368521, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.colegioswaldorf.org Alicante Escuela Waldorf de Alicante Curso de Pedagogía Waldorf + 34 96 5176172 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorfalicante.com 156 Barcelona Cercle de Pedagogia Waldorf de Catalunya Seminari de Formació Pedagogica + 34 93 8995126 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.escolawaldorf.org/formacio Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Escuela Libre “La Casa del Sol” Curso de Formación en Pedagogía Waldorf +34 928622144 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.escuelacasadelsol.es Madrid Formación de Maestros Waldorf, Postgrado de Educación Infantil y Pedagogía de Apoyo (En Madrid y en Barcelona) +34-605800931 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.centrowaldorf.com Lugo Lugo O Lar de Ávalón Autoformación en Pedagogía Waldorf y Terapia de Aprendizaje +34 687500624 ó + 34 696495725 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.escuelawaldorf-lugo.org Mallorca Associació per la Pedagogia Steiner Seminario de Formación en Pedagogía Waldorf + 34 971886200 E-mail: [email protected] Tschechische Republik Asociace waldorfských skol Ceske republiky, Butovická 228/9, CZ-158 00 Praha 5, /Fax +420-774723334, +420-723539983, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.cz Praha Berufsbegleitendes Grundseminar für Waldorfpädagogik Na valech 20, CZ-16000 Praha 6 +420-233324498 oder +420–376399280 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorf.zuzak.com Praha Berufsbegleitendes Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik (Mittel- u. Oberstufe) Waldorfske lyceum, Krejpskeho 1501, CZ - 149 00 Praha 4 – Opatov +420–272770378 oder +420–777694019 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.wspj.cz/lyceum/cz/vzdelavani-ucitelu/ Příbram Berufsbegleitendes Grundseminar für Waldorfpädagogik Waldorfská škola Příbram, Hornická 327, CZ - 261 01, Příbram II +420–606545008 oder +420–774723334 E-mail: [email protected] 157 Ukraine Associacia waldorfskych iniziativ v Ukrajini, Kiev – Dnipropetrovsk, E-mail: Irina Shastal: [email protected] Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in der Ukraine Allukrainisches Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik pr. Kirova, 133 UKR-49055 Dnepropetrovsk +38-0566-496235, Fax +38-0562-386809 Ungarn Magyar Waldorf Szövetség (Hungarian Waldorf Fellowship), Asbóth u. 17., H-1075 Budapest, +36 30 328 7448, E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.waldorf.hu Budapest Magyar Bothmer-gimnasztika Egyesület Toldi 14. H-2083 Solymár +36-205122290 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Website:www.bothmer.hu m Budapest Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar Waldorf-pedagógiai Tanár-továbbképzési program, Pf.: 127, H-1476 Budapest, 100 +36-1-3585500 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Website: www.barczi.hu m Budapest Varázsvirág Waldorf Pedagógiai Egyesület Magyar Extra Lesson Képzés Hungária út 23. I/8, H-1192 Budapest +36-20-4195260, Fax +36-26-343405 E-mail: [email protected] m Solymár Waldorf Pedagógiai Intézet József Attila u. 41., H-2083 Solymár +36-26-363053, Fax +36-26-360145 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.waldorf-kepzes.hu m Solymár Waldorf-Óvónő Képzés József Attila u. 41, Pf. 127, H-2083 Solymár +36-20-8207309 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] m 158 Anzahl der Waldorfschulen weltweit / Number of Waldorf Schools worldwide Afrika Europa Ägypten 1 Armenien 1 Kenia 2 Belgien 28 Namibia 1 Dänemark 16 Südafrika 17 Deutschland 232 Tansania 1 Estland 9 Finnland 26 Frankreich 15 Amerika Argentinien 14 Georgien 1 Brasilien 30 Großbritannien 30 Chile 4 Irland 4 Guatemala 1 Island 2 Kanada 18 Italien 31 Kolumbien 4 Kroatien 2 Mexiko 12 Lettland 2 Peru 3 Liechtenstein 1 USA 125 Asien Litauen 3 Luxemburg 1 China 6 Moldawien 1 Indien 6 Niederlande 90 Israel 14 Norwegen 32 Japan 7 Österreich 18 Kasachstan 2 Polen 4 Kirgistan 1 Portugal 2 Korea (Republik) 10 Rumänien 11 Nepal 2 Russland 18 Philippinen 3 Schweden 44 Tadschikistan 1 Schweiz 32 Taiwan 3 Slowakei 1 Thailand 3 Slowenien 4 9 17 29 Australien 42 Spanien Tschechische Republik Ukraine Neuseeland 10 Ungarn Australien (Ozeanien) Total: 1063 (May 2015) 159 4 Im pädagogischen Bereich auf anthroposophischer Basis international tätige Einrichtungen:/ Institutions working in the field of education based on anthroposophy on an international scale: Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen Wagenburgstr. 6, D-70184 Stuttgart, Tel. +49 711 21042-0, Fax +49 711 21042-19, E-mail: [email protected]; www.waldorfschule.de European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education | ECSWE Kidbrooke Park, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JA, England Tel. +44 1342 827792, E-mail: [email protected]; www.steinerwaldorfeurope.org Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V Weinmeisterstr. 16, D-10178 Berlin, Tel. +49 30 61702630, Fax +49 30 61702633, E-mail: [email protected]; www.freunde-waldorf.de Hague Circle | International Forum for Steiner/Waldorf-Education, Goetheanum, Pädagogische Sektion Postfach CH-4143 Dornach 1, Tel. +41 (0)61 7064315 or +41 (0)61 7064373 E-mail: [email protected]; www.haager-kreis.org IAO | Internationale Assoziation für Waldorfpädagogik in Mittel- und Osteuropa und weiter östlichen Ländern e.V., Wagenburgstr. 6, D-70184 Stuttgart, Tel. +49 711 21042-18, Fax +49 711 21042-31, E-mail: [email protected]; www.iao-waldorf.de IASWECE | International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education BOX 34, 161 26 Stockholm, Tel. Belgien: +32 498 223281, Tel. USA: +1 413 5495930, Tel. Frankreich: +33 977 197137 E-mail: [email protected]; www.iaswece.org KHS | Konferenz für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie, in der Medizinischen Sektion der Freien Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft am Goetheanum Ruchti-Weg 9, CH-4143 DornachTel. +41 61 7018485, Fax: +41 61 7018104, E-mail: [email protected]; www.khsdornach.org Pädagogische Forschungsstelle beim Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen Wagenburgstr. 6, D-70184 Stuttgart, Tel. +49 711 21042-35, Fax +49 71121042-19, E-mail: [email protected]; www.waldorfschule.info/forschung Pädagogische Sektion der Freien Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft am Goetheanum CH-4143 Dornach 1 Tel. +41 61 7064373, Fax +41 61 7064474, E-mail: [email protected]; www.paedagogik-goetheanum.ch 160 Photo: Archive Freunde der Erziehungskunst, World Waldorf Summer Camp, Shanghai, China 2015 May HAGUE CIRCLE INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR STEINER/WALDORFEDUCATION
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