Abstract Algebra II Spring 2014 Homework 1 Problem 1. Let p ∈ Z be an odd prime. Show that x2 + 1 is reducible in Zp [x] if and only if p is of the form 4k + 1. (Hint: Use the fact that Z× p is cyclic to show that Zp has an element of order 4 if and only if p is of the form 4k + 1.) Since Zp is a field, a polynomial of degree two, x2 + 1 is reducible in Zp [x] if and only if it has a root in Zp , which is equivalent to having an element of order 4 in Z× p (why?). We × proved that the multiplicative group of a field is cyclic, so Zp is cyclic, so it has an element of order 4 if and only if its order p − 1 is divisible by 4, that is, p is of the form 4k + 1. Problem 2. Find all the values of a in Z5 such that the quotient ring Z5 [x]/hx3 + 2x2 + ax + 3i is a field. The quotient ring is a field if and only if the ideal I = hx3 + 2x2 + ax + 3i is maximal. Since Z5 is a field, Z5 [x] is a PID. Hence the ideal I is maximal if and only if it is prime, which happens if and only if the polynomial f (x) = x3 + 2x2 + ax + 3 is irreducible in Z5 [x] (since Z5 [x] is a UFD). A polynomial of degree 3 with coefficients in a field is irreducible if and only if it has no roots in the field. Plugging in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 for x we see that the values of a for which f has no roots in Z5 are 0, 1, and 2. Problem 3. Determine whether the following polynomials are irreducible in the rings indicated. 1. x4 + 1 in Z5 [x]. Reducible: x4 + 1 = (2x2 + 1)(3x2 + 1). 2. x4 + 10x2 + 1 in Z[x]. Irreducible. The only possible rational roots are ±1, and they don’t work, so f has no linear factors. If x4 + 10x2 + 1 = (x2 + ax + 1)(x2 + bx + 1) or x4 + 10x2 + 1 = (x2 + ax − 1)(x2 + bx − 1) The product of the leading terms is 1, so either both of them are 1 or −1. If it’s the latter we can multiply both quadratics by −1. We get a + b = 0 in both cases. Also, 2 + ab = 10 in the first case and ab − 2 = 10 in the second. We get a2 = −8 or −12, neither of which has integer solutions. 3. x4 + 4x3 + 6x2 + 2x + 1 in Z[x] (substitute x − 1 for x). Irreducible. Following the hint, f (x − 1) = x4 − 2x + 2, which is irreducible by Eisenstein’s Criterion. Hence f (x) is irreducible as a factorization for f (x) would give a factorization for f (x − 1). 4. xp −2p x−2 in Z[x], where p is prime. Irreducible. For p = 2 the polynomial is x + 2, so it is irreducible. Assume next that p 6= 2. p (x + 2)p − 2p X p p−k k−1 ϕ(x + 2) = = 2 x . x k k=1 Here all the coefficients except the first one are divisible by p and the constant term p2p−1 is not divisible by p2 . By Eisenstein’s Criterion we conclude that f is irreducible. Problem 4. Let F be a field and suppose that I is an ideal in F [x1 . . . xn ] generated by a (possibly infinite) set S of polynomials. Prove that there exists a finite subset of S that generates I. (Use Hilbert’s basis theorem.) By Hilbert’s basis theorem, I has a finite generating set {f1 , · · · , fm }. Express each fi in this generating set as a polynomial combination of elements in S. Let the polynomials involved in expressing fi be the elements of a finite subset Si of S. Then the finite set of elements ∪m i=1 Si in S generates I. 2
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