Feng Yi - Australia China Life Science Summit

Feng Yi
General Manager, Nanjing BioPoint Diagnostic Technology Co. Ltd.
[email protected]
Dr. Feng Yi graduated from the Nanjing University in China and gained his
Ph.D in biophysics from the Monash University in Melbourne. He has
extensive experiences in industrial R&D and product commercialization
process. He has lived and worked in China and Australia for many years and
started working on establishing western style management, manufacturing
and quality systems in China since 1995.
Dr. Feng Yi currently hold the position of the general manager of Nanjing BioPoint Diagnostic Technology
Co. Ltd., A spinoff company of Burnet Institute in Melbourne, set up with the help from the successful
application of a Chinese government grant.
Monash University
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Biophysics
Nanjing University
B.Sc. in Nuclear Physics