)NOTG+[XUVK-XU[V )NOTG+[XUVK-XU[V )NOTG*XGMUTY )NOTG*XGMUTY CHINA EUROPE GROUP CHINA DRAGONS Ltd. 89 Focha street, 42-217 Częstochowa, Poland tel.: +48 343 103 002 fax: +48 343 103 011 www.china-europe-group.com [email protected] President Marcin Sołtysiak tel.: +48 606 437 524 e-mail: [email protected] skype: marcin19770203 V-ce president Ping Liu tel.: +48 603 093 958 e-mail: [email protected] skype: ping-een V-ce president Zbigniew Skrzypczyk tel.: +48 788 788 888 e-mail: [email protected] skype: [email protected] 2008, 2010, 2011 'HU[Z[Y China Europe Group China Dragons was established in order to assist the Government of China and Chinese companies to start activity in Europe and gain the European market (Gate to Europe). The investment was established in Poland, due to its central location, membership in the European Union, access to the UE funds for investments, the highest economic growth in the European Union, a very positive attitude of the Polish Government towards China and place of residence of three founders - 3 DRAGONS. The company is located in the Bank Palace. 2008, 2010, 2011 Marcin Sołtysiak 6XKYOJKTZKIUTUSOYZU]TKXULSGT_IUSVGTOKYOTZNKLOTGTIOGROTJ[YZX_ GTJKTKXM_HXGTINHUGXJSKSHKXULSGT_UXMGTO`GZOUTYGRYUMU\KXTSKTZGRGTJINGSHKXY of commerce, member of the Economic Council at the President’s office, constantly working ]OZNZNK-U\KXTSKTZUL6URGTJ.K]GYXKVKGZKJR_XK]GXJKJH_ZNK)USSOZZKKUL+[XUVKGT /TZKMXGZOUT .K XKIKO\KJ \GXOU[Y G]GXJY OK ,UXHKs’ Diamonds, Reliable Company, :XGTYVGXKTZ )USVGT_ :NK .OMNKYZ 7[GROZ_ – 7[GROZ_ /TZKXTGZOUTGR LUX ZNK LGYZKYZ MXU]OTM IUSVGT_([YOTKYY-G`KRRK3KSHKXULKROZK([YOTKYY)KTZXK)R[HSKSHKXULZNK)NGSHKXY UL)USSKXIKGIZO\KR_VGXZOIOVGZOTMOT\GXOU[YYUIOGRGIZO\OZOKY5XOMOTGZUXOTTU\GZUXXKGROYZ 2O[6OTM–<IK6XKYOJKTZ–]UXQKJOTZNK)NOTKYKYZGZKU]TKJKTZKXVXOYKYNK ]GY G SKZGRR[XMOIGR KTMOTKKX /T IGSK ZU +[XUVK .K GTJ NOY H[YOTKYY VGXZTKXY LXUS 6URGTJ4UX]G_IULU[TJKJGT[SHKXULPUOTZ\KTZ[XKYOT6URGTJ @HOMTOK] @OHO 9QX`_VI`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`GZOUT _KGXYULZXGJOZOUTKTKXM_YKIZUX! (3)(/565=+8]]]HSIVR/SVUXZKXULHOUSGYYLXUS'YOGGTJ'LXOIGZUKTKXM_ IUTIKXTY! 1/4-='?2+*J[XOTMZNKXKMOYZXGZOUTVXUIKYYXKVXKYKTZGZOUTOT+[XUVK! +;856+)./4'/4<+9:3+4:)2;(J[XOTMZNKXKMOYZXGZOUT! 6'4*'-85;6–)NOTKYKY[VKXSGXQKZ 2008, 2010, 2011 6XKYOJKTZ UL ZNK (UGXJ LUX SGT_ _KGXY SKSHKX UL ZNK KROZK ([YOTKYY )KTZKX )R[H ())]]]HIIUXMVR ()) OY GT KROZK H[YOTKYY IR[H GTJ ZNK HOMMKYZ VXO\GZK KSVRU_KX UXMGTO`GZOUT OT 6URGTJ ()) GLLOROGZKYU\KXSKSHKXY–KTZXKVXKTK[XYGTJIUSVGTOKYINOKLR_VXO\GZKU]TKJ ()) GRYU GLLOROGZKY RG]_KXY PU[XTGROYZY YIOKTZOYZY V[HROYNKXY VN_YOIOGTY SKSHKXY UL ZNK SOROZGX_ GTJYZ[JKTZY ()) SKSHKXY XKVXKYKTZ IOZOKY =K X[T XKMOUTGR ()) )NGVZKXY ]NUYK ZGYQY OTIR[JK XGRR_OTM H[YOTKYY IUSS[TOZOKY GXU[TJ RUIGR OYY[KY GTJ IUUVKXGZOUT ]OZN RUIGRG[ZNUXOZOKY 9OTIK OZ XKVXKYKTZY OTZKXKYZY UL KSVRU_KXY OT :XORGZKXGR )USOYYOUT LUX 9UIOU+IUTUSOI Issues. As an employers’ association it participates in the most important social and KIUTUSOIOYY[KYULZNKIU[TZX_OKOZZGQKYVGXZOTZNK]UXQUTZNKH[JMKZHORRTKMUZOGZKY]OZN ZNK XKVXKYKTZGZO\KY UL ZXGJK [TOUTY VXUTU[TIKY P[JMKSKTZ UT RKMOYRGZO\K GIZY GTJ ZNKOX VXUPKIZY GY ]KRR GY VXKYKTZY GVVROIGZOUTY LUX IUSVROGTIK ]OZN ZNK )UTYZOZ[ZOUT OT ZNK )UTYZOZ[ZOUTGR:XOH[TGR .UTUXGX_SKSHKXYUL([YOTKYY)KTZXK)R[H OTLUXSGZOUT]]]HIIUXMVR 2008, 2010, 2011 0KX`_ ([`KQ 6UROYN VUROZOIOGT 6XOSK 3OTOYZKX UL Lech Wałęsa 6XKYOJKTZ UL 6URGTJ LXUS ZU 6URGTJ LXUS ZU YOTIK SKSHKX UL ZNK +[XUVKGT 6GXROGSKTZ 6XKYOJKTZ UL ZNK 6UROYN VUROZOIOGT GTJ ZXGJK[TOUT UXMGTO`KX]UTZNK4UHKR6KGIK6XO`KOT +[XUVKGT 6GXROGSKTZ GJ\OYUX ZU ZNK 6XOSK 3OTOYZKX .GTTG -XUTQOK]OI` – =GRZ` 6UROYN RG]_KX KIUTUSOYZ VUROZOIOGT K^ VXKYOJKTZ UL ZNK 6UROYN 2KY`KQ (GRIKXU]OI` +IUTUSOYZ K^ <OIK 6XOSK 4GZOUTGR (GTQ K^ VXKYOJKTZ UL ZNK 3UTKZGX_ 3OTOYZKXGTJ3OTOYZKXUL,OTGTIKK^6XKYOJKTZUL 6UROI_ )U[TIOR 6XKYOJKTZ UL ZNK IGVOZGR IOZ_ UL ZNK6UROYN4GZOUTGR(GTQ 6URGTJ=GXYG] :GJK[Y` 3G`U]OKIQO 6UROYN VUROZOIOGT GTJ Bronisław Geremek 6UROYN NOYZUXOGT GTJ ]XOZKX 6XOSK 3OTOYZKX UL 6URGTJ LXUS ZU VUROZOIOGT ,UXKOMT 3OTOYZKX LXUS ZU K^SKSHKXULZNK+[XUVKGT6GXROGSKTZ 2008, 2010, 2011 3GXMGXKZ :NGZINKX (XOZOYN VUROZOIOGT 6XOSK 3OTOYZKX UL ZNK ;TOZKJ 1OTMJUS LXUS ZU 0GIW[KY )NOXGI ,XKTIN VUROZOIOGT 6XKYOJKTZ UL ,XGTIK LXUS ZU Z]OIK ]GY 6XOSK 3OTOYZKXUL,XGTIK .KRS[Z 1UNR -KXSGT VUROZOIOGT )NGTIKRRUX UL -KXSGT_LXUSZU José Manuel Barroso 6UXZ[MGRVUROZOIOGT6XOSK 3OTOYZKX UL 6UXZ[MGR LXUS ZU 6XKYOJKTZULZNK+[XUVKGT)USSOYYOUT :UT_ (RGOX (XOZOYN VUROZOIOGT 6XOSK 3OTOYZKX UL ZNK;TOZKJ1OTMJUSLXUSZU 2008, 2010, 2011 ,[TIZOUTOTMVXULORK 8KGRO`GZOUTULGN[MK)NOTKYKVXUPKIZ–-GZKZU+[XUVK! 2G[TINOTMIX[IOGRMXU[VYUL)NOTKYKVXUJ[IZYZUZNK+[XUVKGT;TOUT! 'YYOYZGTIKZUZNK-U\KXTSKTZUL)NOTGGTJ)NOTKYKVGXZTKXYOTMGOTOTMZNK+[XUVKGT SGXQKZ :KINTURUM_ZXGTYLKX! /TZXUduction of Chinese investors and projects’contractors (investments) both OTJO\OJ[GRGTJMU\KXTSKTZ! 'YYOYZGTIKULLKXKJZUOT\KYZUXY 2KMGRGOJ 'IIU[TZGTI_GOJ 3GXQKZOTM <OYGY 8KYOJKTIKIGXJY 0UOTZ\KTZ[XKIUSVGTOKY 6RGTTKJPUOTZ\KTZ[XKIUSVGTOKY )./4'+;856+-85;6)./4'*8'-549–GIZO\K 1/4-='?'-8/);2:;8+ 1/4-='?)/:? 1/4-='?)./4'68535:/54 1/4-='?2+*–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– *[K ZU ZNK LGIZ ZNGZ ]K M[GXGTZKK YKI[XOZ_ UTK UL ZNK HUGXJ SKSHKXY OY )./4'XKVXKYKTZGZO\KL[RRIUTZXURU\KXZNKYGRKIUSSUJOZ_SUTK_(GTQGIIU[TZGY]KRRGY LRU]ULL[TJYGXKIGXXOKJU[ZH_ZNK)NOTKYK(GTQ KTY[XOTMULLOIKYGTJ]GXKNU[YKY KTY[XOTMIUSVXKNKTYO\KGIIU[TZOTMYKX\OIKY KTY[XOTMIUSVXKNKTYO\KRKMGRYKX\OIKY GYYOYZGTIKOTVKXYUTTKRKSVRU_SKTZ IUTYZX[IZOUTULYGRKYTKZ]UXQ ZG^UVZOSO`GZOUTIUTY[RZGTI_ H[YOTKYYYZGXZ[V ,[TJGSKTZGRVXOTIOVRKUL)+-)*OYZUVXU\OJK)NOTKYK/T\KYZUX]OZNY[VVUXZ YKX\OIKGTJYKI[XOZ_:NKXKLUXKJ[XOTMZNKIXKGZOUTULGPUOTZIUSVGT_GXKVXKYKTZGZO\KUL 2008, 2010, 2011 )NOTKYKIUSVGT_HKIUSKYGSKSHKXULZNKHUGXJ–GRRJKIOYOUTYGXKZGQKTGLZKXZNK XKVXKYKTZGZO\KGIIKVZGTIKYGLKZ_M[GXGTZKKJ (GTQGIIU[TZYOTZNK)NOTKYKHGTQY - (GTQUL)NOTG=GXYG]62 - /TJ[YZXOGRGTJ)USSKXIOGR(GTQUL)NOTG=GXYG]62 /TZKXKYZOTM/T\KYZSKTZY )NOTG:U]TIUTYZX[IZOUT–]KNG\KVXKVGXKJGVXUVKXZ_ULYWS )UTYZX[IZOUTULZNK)NOTKYK+^NOHOZOUTYGTJ)USSKXIOGR)KTZKX 5VKTOTMULZNK)NOTKYK;TO\KXYOZ_OT6URGTJ 6[XINGYKULRGTJYOT\KYZSKTZVKXOUJKW[GRYYK\KT_KGXYVXULOZ 6[XINGYKULIUSVGTOKY–RUTMZKXSOT\KYZSKTZY–NOMNVXULOZGHOROZ_ )UTYUROJGZOUTULOTJ[YZXOKYKTKXM_H[ORJOTMYNOVH[ORJOTMGTJUZNKXY :KINTURUM_ZXGTYLKX 9GRKYULVXUJ[IZYVR[YZNKYZX[IZ[XKULYGRKYTKZ]UXQ :NK[YKUL+[XUVKGT;TOUTL[TJY :NK[YKULMU\KXTSKTZLOTGTIOTMUTK^VUXZULMUUJYLXUS6URGTJIUYZULLOTGTIOTM KW[GRY 6[XINGYKULH[YKY 6[XINGYKULZXGOTYGTJZXGSY +^VUXZULVUXQZU)NOTGMU\KXTSKTZIUTZXGIZYOT6URGTJ +^VUXZUL6UROYNLUUJ 4K]Y–I[XXKTZOTLUXSGZOUT =KGXKJ[XOTMZNKTKMUZOGZOUTYIUTIKXTOTMUVKTOTMXKVXKYKTZGZO\KULLOIKYUL\GXOU[Y)NOTKYK IUSVGTOKYOT6URGTJ=KGXK[YOTMZNKL[RRVUZKTZOGRGTJNKRVUL)NOTG+[XUVK-XU[V)NOTG *XGMUTY-GZKZU+[XUVK )USVGTOKY]OZN]NOIN]KTKMUZOGZKUVKXGZKOTZNKLURRU]OTMYKIZUXY /T\KYZSKTZL[TJOTZKXKYZKJOTOT\KYZSKTZYOT+[XUVKGTT[GROT\KYZSKTZYLUX GHU[Z SORROUT 2008, 2010, 2011 'TT[GROTIUSKYLXUSOT\KYZSKTZY ,XUSYSGRROT\KYZSKTZY :UV[XINGYKULRGTJYGTJIUSVGTOKY /T\KYZSKTZL[TJOTZKXKYZKJOTOT\KYZSKTZYOT+[XUVKGTT[GROT\KYZSKTZYLUX GHU[Z SORROGXJ 'TT[GROTIUSKYLXUSOT\KYZSKTZY ,XUSYSGRROT\KYZSKTZY :UV[XINGYKULRGTJYGTJIUSVGTOKY 2+*ROMNZOTMROMNZH[RHYGTJRGSVY–TKKJLUXSORROUT 7[GJYGTJSUZUXI_IRKY )UTYZX[IZOUTKW[OVSKTZ :XGIZUXY +RKIZXOIIGXY +TKXMKZOIHXGTIN–NOMN\URZGMKQ< UZNKXY 6XUIKJ[XKYLUXUVKTOTMGTKTZOZ_]OZNLUXKOMTVGXZOIOVGZOUT 6XU\OJOTMJUI[SKTZGZOUTULG)NOTKYKKTZOZ_ZNGZOYZUHKGYNGXKNURJKXOTGT +[XUVKGTIUSVGT_OT6URGTJ 6XU\OJOTMGVU]KXULGZZUXTK_ZUXKVXKYKTZ–IUTYKTZOYY[KJH_YNGXKNURJKXYULG )NOTKYKIUSVGT_ZUHKGYNGXKNURJKXOTGT+[XUVKGTIUSVGT_OT6URGTJ Providing a Chinese company’s proxy to a delegated person that is to be a member ULZNK(UGXJUXOYZUGIZGY<OIK)NGOXSGTULZNK(UGXJOTGT+[XUVKGTIUSVGT_OT 6URGTJ +YZGHROYNSKTZULZNK(UGXJOTGIUSVGT_OT6URGTJ Chinese companies’ documentation cannot be older than 14 days before the creation ULGIUSVGT_OT6URGTJ Chinese companies’ documentation needs to be translated into Polish by a sworn ZXGTYRGZUX *KZKXSOTOTM\OYGYGY]KRRGYZKXSULXKYOJKTIKOT6URGTJ Determining the date of visit at a notary’s office in order to constitute a company in 6URGTJ 2008, 2010, 2011 <OYOZOT6URGTJ–IUTYZOZ[ZOTMGIUSVGT_OT6URGTJ]OZNVGXZOIOVGZOUTULG)NOTKYK company at a notary’s office. :OSKULXKMOYZXGZOUTOT6UROYN)U[XZ/TRGTJ8K\KT[K9ZGZOYZOIGR5LLOIK# approximately one month from the time of conclusion of the contract at a notary’s ULLOIK :NKYZGXZ[VULOSVUXZYGTJYGRKYOTZNK+[XUVKGT;TOUT *KZKXSOTOTMZNKHXGTJGTJZNKRUMUUL)NOTKYKVXUJ[IZYZNGZGXKZUHKYURJOT +[XUVK *KZKXSOTOTMJKYIXOVZOUTYGTJOTJOIGZOUTYUTVGIQGMOTMZNGZGXKIUSVGZOHRK]OZNZNK XKW[OXKSKTZYULZNK+[XUVKGT;TOUT *KZKXSOTOTMZNKIKXZOLOIGZKYXKW[OXKJTKIKYYGX_OTZNK+[XUVKGT;TOUT *KZKXSOTOTMVXKUXJKXYLUXVXUJ[IZY *OYVGZINULZNKLOXYZVGXZULVXUJ[IZYZUIUSVGT_OT6URGTJOT]NOIN)NOTKYKIUSVGT_ NGYGSKSHKXULZNK(UGXJGTJYNGXKY–JKRO\KX_ZU.GSH[XMVUXZ-KXSGT_ Receipt of container in Popów (central warehouse of the company) and unloading at ZNK]GXKNU[YK *KZKXSOTOTMYGRKYVXOIKYLUXOTJO\OJ[GRI[YZUSKXY]NURKYGRKXYGTJY[VKXSGXQKZYGY ]KRRGYLUXI[YZUSKXYOT+[XUVKU[ZYOJK6URGTJ 9NU]XUUSIXKGZOUT )XKGZOUTULIGZGRUM[KY )XKGZOUTULZNK]KHYOZKGTJZNK/TZKXTKZYZUXK 'JJOZOUTGROTLUXSGZOUT )NOTG+[XUVK-XU[V)NOTG*XGMUTYGYGYNGXKNURJKXOTZNKTK]R_KYZGHROYNKJKTZOZOKYPUOTZR_ ]OZN)NOTKYK6GXZTKXY0<)USVGT_OYUXMGTO`OTMLURRU]OTMYKX\OIKYLUXGTK]KTZOZ_ )KTZXGR5LLOIK =GXKNU[YK .8GTJKSVRU_KKYKX\OIK 2008, 2010, 2011 'IIU[TZOTMYKX\OIKY'IIU[TZOTM5LLOIK 2KMGRYKX\OIKY2G],OXSYOT)NOTGGTJ6URGTJ (GTQOTMYKX\OIKYVXU\OJKJH_ZNK(GTQUL)NOTG]OZNOZYULLOIKYOT6URGTJ 'IIKYYZUZNKSKJOGOTZKXTKZSUHORKYZKINTOIGROTLXGYZX[IZ[XK ,[RRYKX\OIKVXU\OJKJOTGIIUXJGTIK]OZN\GXOU[YXKW[OXKSKTZY )UUVKXGZOUT]OZN)./4'+;856+-85;6)./4'*8'-549 SKGTYYKI[XOZ_GTJ]GXXGTZ_ 5[X6GXZTKXY - ('415,)./4'–HXGTINULLOIKOT=GXYG]6URGTJ - /TJ[YZXOGRGTJ)USSKXIOGR(GTQUL)NOTG+[XUVK9'–HXGTINULLOIKOT=GXYG] 6URGTJ - Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Poland - +SHGYY_ULZNK8KV[HROIUL6URGTJOT)NOTG - )NOTKYKRG]ULLOIK - 6UROYNRG]ULLOIK–IUUVKXGZOTMUTGVKXSGTKTZHGYOY]OZNZNK:XKGY[X_Y[VVUXZOTM ZNKRGXMKYZMU\KXTSKTZGRIUSVGTOKY - 6UROYN/T\KYZSKTZ,[TJ - )NOTKYK/T\KYZSKTZ,[TJY - :G^ULLOIK - 'IIU[TZOTMULLOIK - 9IOKTZOLOI9UIOKZ_UL5XMGTO`GZOUTGTJ3GTGMKSKTZ:45O1–HXGTINULLOIKY - 6UROYN+IUTUSOI9UIOKZ_–HXGTINULLOIKY 2008, 2010, 2011 6UZKTZOGRULZNK+[XUVKGT;TOUT :NK4KZNKXRGTJY 9RU\KTOG 2[^KSHU[XM (KRMO[S '[YZXOG UL+[XU -*6OTSORROUTY OTSORROUTY 6UV[RGZOUT 4U )U[TZX_ 6URGTJ )`KIN8KV[HROI *KTSGXQ -KXSGT_ )XUGZOG ,XGTIK /ZGR_ 9VGOT 6UXZ[MGR ;TOZKJ1OTMJUS 9RU\GQOG /XKRGTJ 9]KJKT ,OTRGTJ +YZUTOG 2GZ\OG 2OZN[GTOG .[TMGX_ 8USGTOG ([RMGXOG -XKKIK 3GRZG +[XUVKGT;TOUT )_VX[Y )GVGHOROZ_ - =KNG\KVXKVGXKJ]GXKNU[YKY]OZNGTGXKGULYWS - 9GRKYTKZ]UXQ - )NOTKYKY[VKXSGXQKZ - +27VU]KXKTMOTKKXOTM]]]KRWIUSVRGIIKYYZU\GXOU[YIUTZXGIZYOTZNKKTKXM_ YKIZUX - 9KX\OIKLGIOROZOKY - )UTZGIZYOT+[XUVKGTJ'LXOIG - 'IIKYYZUZNKGOXVUXZYWS 2008, 2010, 2011 2014 TRADING DIALOGUE CHINA –– POLAND – EUROPEAN UNION The proposal of creating Exhibitions and Commercial Center of Chinese products for Europe CHINA EUROPE GROUP CHINA DRAGONS Ltd., 89 Focha street, 42-217Częstochowa, Poland www.china-europe-group.com, tel. +48 (34) 310 30 02, fax. +48 (34) 310 30 11 According to Polish data, export to China in year 2010 amounted 1,5 billion USD and import to Poland amounted 13,6 billion USD. In Chinese export to Poland the most important group is products of electric and machinery industry (55%), textile merchandise (13%), toys and furniture (app. 6,5%) and metallurgical manufacture. Basic type of products sold in Poland are computers, telephones, accessories and computer parts, transformers. Demand for Chinese goods enjoys significant interest in Poland and in the European Union. Import of Chinese products is performed in a few methods. Beginner importers most often use external companies, which charges appropriate commission for the service. Costs of Chinese goods for European importers are growing significantly. Another option is direct import. The best method, from the view of an entrepreneur in Poland, is to find a supplier from China on the Internet (e.g. business platforms). Such solution however bears with communication difficulties and trade negotiations - many partners resigns because of lack of knowledge the Chinese market. An alternative for abovementioned methods is offered by the city of Czestochowa, which implements an innovative solution helping in trading imported goods from China. Meeting the expectations of the market in Czestochowa, there will be open an Exhibition Center, which Chinese producers could present their products, is being opened. The Exhibition Center is first of all an offer for Polish companies that before starting import from China, have not concluded business contacts with a foreigner partner. A decision of starting cooperation with a Chinese supplier is bound often with necessity of getting acquainted with significant part of legal regulation concerning customs and taxes. In some branches also with additional domestic regulations and European Union directives concerning technical conditions, safety standards or environmental rules. Additional factors, which should be taken into account before starting negotiations, are different forms and rules of payment used in domestic trade, as well as different conditions of trade agreements and longer delivery terms than these, when goods are bought from a domestic partner. What is more, communication difficulties in the matter of language barrier and significant differences in mentality and business culture should also be taken into account. All these aspects are a hampering factor for dynamic growth of business on the line China-Poland. The Exhibition Center has to minimize these barriers. It has to enable a direct meeting of Chinese and Polish potential partners. Moreover, provides a possibility to wide-profile view in each sector of products and choosing the best ones without necessity of going abroad. Success of cooperation with Chinese partners binds 2008, 2010, 2011 with long-lasting strengthening of business contacts and often needs constant presence in China. This is also an opportunity to participate in many displays, symposiums, conferences and seminars bringing nearer the topic of Chinese and Polish exchange. Czestochowa is 13th city concerning population (240 thousand inhabitants) and 12th concerning area (160km2) situated in southern-central Poland. Czestochowa is an important transport junction CENTRAL POLAND. It is a city of aged history and tradition with basilica and monastery of Jasna Gora (2 - 3 mln pilgrims every year) – main center of religious cult and pilgrimage in Poland but not only. Czestochowa is a city of enterprising people with strongly developed sector of industry, services, trade and craftsmanship. It is also center of sport, culture and science with constant growing academic center. Czestochowa is a leader of Czestochowa Industrial Area, third largest in Silesian Region – the area is located 50 km from Upper Silesian Industrial Region. In the city approximately 26 thousand companies are run. Their main representative in Regional Industrial and Trade Chamber in Czestochowa which unite the biggest companies in region. Investment terrains in Czestochowa belong to Katowice Special Economic Zone. Main initiator of development and economic investments is Agency of Regional Development in Czestochowa. The above mentioned entities, leading by City Hall are willing a support the initiative of Exhibition Center in a priority way. The initiative is in accordance with Strategy of City Development “Czestochowa 2025”. The goal of the entrepreneur is development of trade exchange between China and Poland. For these purpose Czestochowa has got an area, which can be developed, of perfect localization in the vicinity of airfield with possibility to land for small passenger airplanes. The airstrip Czestochowa – Rudniki has paved runway 08/26, 2000 m of length and 60 m of width, circles roads, hangars, magazines, fuel base, air traffic control tower, aero - club building with cafe and large grassy area with campsite. There is close a railway siding and trafo station as well. Additional advantage is closeness of main domestic road (DK1), which connects main cities (north- south): Gdansk, Warsaw, Lodz with Silesia. The road lies in a corridor of planned highway A1 connecting north and south of Europe. Closest airports are located in Katowice (approx. 60 km) and Cracow (150 km). These airports can accept passengers airplanes 2008, 2010, 2011 already. Localization of the Exhibition Center guarantees perfect connection for domestic as well as foreign companies, PL and CHRL companies. The Exhibition Center assumes maximum flexibility of using the multifunctional hall. The hall is divided into boxes independently for each branch. Each box can have an individual size. Use is adjusted to users’ needs – it is possible to organize constant exhibitions, as well as other activities, which accompany exhibition events. On the area Center would be located parking for single cars, buses and airplanes too. In the complex a proper technical and service infrastructure is situated – a restaurant, bar, cloak room, scene and warehouse. Additionally the city has got wide offer of hotel and gastronomical base, which consists of 30 hotels and over 150 gastronomical places serving dishes from all over the world. The Center will serve as a tool for joining representatives of various companies from the following branches: automotive, petrochemical, fuel, construction, electro technical energetic, touristic, machinery, means of transport and agriculture. Main goals of the entrepreneur are: Realization of modern marketing forms of exhibition centers, whose aim is growth of sales and development of business relations, Providing possibility to organize specialized exhibition, mainly by presenting products and companies on individual stands, Providing universality of exhibition infrastructure, enabling wide diversity of organized exhibitions, adjusting form, scale and shape of exhibition stands - matching the requirements of the exhibitor, Organizing spectacular technological events concerning innovation in processes and production, such as exhibitions, presentations, happenings and branch events with experts. Multifunctional object serves not only entrepreneurs from all over the world, but also many other social groups: universities, educational establishments and from more overall point of 2008, 2010, 2011 view – residents of the city of Czestochowa. The Exhibition Center has got its impact on development of companies and residents of region, and simultaneously influences growth of competitiveness of Czestochowa’a and Silesian economy. This Center will be designed to be able to approach a Chinese products by the Polish and rest of European. Exhibitions and Commercial Center will let to buy products by interested without necessity of visiting China. Exhibitions and Commercial Center has to ensure the Chinese entities a full of support for the: Space for product displays, Advices- legal, accounting, taxes, customs, marketing, during setting up the business, Cargo logistics- for the supply the goods, passengers transport from the airport to centre city, Infrastructure for air transport- using airport RUDNIKI located on the Exhibitions and Commercial Center area, Intermediate transport- the transport by small airplane to the big passangers airports, Banking allows obtaining the financing for acquisition of Chinese products transactions, Other services regarding full-service providers ChRL and receivers UE. ADVANTAGES OF THE EXHIBITION CENTER 1. Meet the expectations of Europeans and facilitate purchases of Chinese products in Europe - simplification of contacts between Chinese and Polish entrepreneurs, 2. Sharing knowledge about market and business, 3. Access to information, technology and capital, 4. Possibility of promotional activities on wide scale, 5. Modern audiovisual equipment, 6. Simultaneous translation equipment, 7. Consultancy for entrepreneurs on legal and administrative matters, 8. Minimizing risk bound with importing wrong goods, 2008, 2010, 2011 9. Access to infrastructure and equipment enabling loading and unloading of goods, 10. Vicinity of Upper Silesian Industrial Region, largest in Poland, guarantees significant share in number of customers, 11. Organizing access to European market for Chinese companies – import of goods to the European Union, 12. Organizing access to Chinese market for Polish companies – export of goods to China, 13. Dialog between China and Poland SAMPLE VISUALS OF EXHIBITIONS AND COMERCIAL CENTER 2008, 2010, 2011 The conception projects of Exhibitions and Congress Center of Podkarpackie Voivodeship Fot. RARR China Europe Group China Dragons Management is representative of many units and local government organization which have appropriate infrastructure and devices to create this kind investments. Infrastructure for the air transport - Rudniki Airport 2008, 2010, 2011
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