Curriculum Vitae Zhen Y. Jiang, Ph.D. Departments of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics and Medicine, The Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine 700 Albany Street, W-607 Boston, MA 02118 Tel: 617-638-4302; E-mail: [email protected] Academic Training: 1993 Ph.D. University College, University of London, U.K.-Biochemistry 1988 M.Sc. Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Science & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China-Pharmacology 1983 M.D. Jiangxi Medical College, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China -Medicine Additional Training: 1996 - 2000 Research Fellow, Joslin Diabetes Institute/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 1994 - 1995 Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, University of London, London, UK Academic Appointments: 2008 - 2013 Associate Professor, Diabetes and Obesity Research lab, Departments of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutic & Medicine, Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 2008 - 2013 Assistant Professor, Diabetes and Obesity Research Center, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute at Lake Nona, Orlando, FL 2001 - 2008 Research Assistant Professor, Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA Hospital Appointments or Other Employment: 1983 – 1985 Physician, Internal Medicine, Jingdezhen Municipal Hospital, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China Honors: 2003 - 2006 1998 - 1999 1997 – 1998 1993 – 1994 1989 – 1993 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Award. Project: Using small interfering RNA (siRNA)-induced gene silencing to analyze insulin signaling on Akt pathway and its roles in glucose transport and in insulin-sensitive cells NIH Training Fellowship-Project: Using IRS-1 knockout vascular cells and mice to study insulin’s effect on VEGF expression and angiogenesis. Mary K. Iacocca Research Fellowship-Project: Analyzing insulin signaling in vascular tissue and liver in insulin resistant obese Zucker fa/fa rats Fight for Sight (UK) Research Fellowship-Project: Using competitive RT-PCR technique to study gene expression in retina and nerve of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Research into Aging (UK) Scholarship-Project: Oxidative stress in diabetic complications Licenses and Certification: N/A Departmental and University Committees: 2011 - 2013 Member of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), StanfordBurnham Medical Research Center at Lake Nona, Orlando, FL Teaching Experience and Responsibilities: 2008 – 2013 Teaching N/A, but did give regular faculty seminar at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Major Mentoring Activities: Zhen Y. Jiang, Ph.D. 11/2008-6/2013 1/2009-9/2011 4/2010-6/2012 6/2011-1/2012 6/2009-6/2010 8/2012- Present 11/2012- Present 1/2014 – Present 1/2014 – Present 1/2014 – Present 1/2014 – Present 1/2014 – Present 2 Xiangyang Xie PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Now a research scientist at Scripps Research Institute, Florida. Zhenwei Gong, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Now a research associate at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York. Virginie Mansuy-Aubert, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Now an Instructor at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas. Abdul R. Khan, PhD, Visiting PhD Student, Now Lecturer at Allied Hospital, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad 38800, Pakistan. Daniel Sehrt, BA, Intern, Now a medical school student at University of Center Florida Medical School, Orlando. Karla Candelaria BA, Currently Intern in the lab Boris Jun-Yuan Huang PhD, Currently Post-doctoral Fellow in the lab Maria Valero Munoz, PhD, Currently Post-doctoral Fellow in the lab Ye Song, PhD, Currently Visiting Scientist in the lab William Pellegrini, BU undergraduate student in the lab Danielle Conneely, BU undergraduate student in the lab Andria Sharma, BU undergraduate student in the lab Course Teaching: 04/2014 – Present Diabetic Pharmacology: Boston University School of Medicine, PhD System Pharmacology II - Endocrinology, Diabetes and hypoglycemics Major Administrative Responsibilities: 06/2011-08 2013 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Orlando) IACUC member Other Professional Activities: Professional Societies: Memberships, Offices, and Committee Assignments: 7/1996 – present American Diabetes Association 1990 – 1995 Editorial Boards: 2012 – Present British Diabetes Association Adipocyte Editorial Board Member Services 2011 - 2013: IACUC member at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute at Lake Nona 2012 - Present: Adipocyte Editorial Board Member 2014: Organizing Committee Chair – Immune Cells and Metabolism (Boston University Interdisciplinary Symposium, 11/21/2014) 2014: Section Chair for “ Adipose Tissue Development and Metabolic Signaling, ADA’s 74th scientific Sessions, June 14, 2014 in San Francisco, CA 2014: Moderator for “ Hormonal and Cellular Signaling in Diabetes”, ADA’s 74th scientific Sessions, June 16, 2014 in San Francisco, CA Major Committee Assignments: American Diabetes Association, Grant review occasionally American Heart Association, Grant review occasionally Diabetes UK, Grant review occasionally Zhen Y. Jiang, Ph.D. 3 Other Support: Current: 07/01/2012 – 05/31/2017 5 R01DK094025-02 (NIH/NIDDK) PI: Zhen Y. Jiang, Phosphoprotein CDP138 Regulates Glucose Metabolism, 07/01/2011 – 06/30/2014 American Diabetes Association Basic Science Award, PI: Zhen Y. Jiang, Novel protein PPC2D fuctions as a converging point for GLUT4 translocation Past: 07/01/2010 – 05/30/2012 1 R21 NS066450-01A1 (NIH/NINDS) PI: Zhen Y. Jiang, High content screening assay for activators of glucose transporter GLUT4 07/01/2003 – 06/30/2006 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Award, PI: Zhen Y. Jiang, Using small intergvering RNA (siRNA)-induced gene silencing to analyze insulin signaling on Akt pathway and its roles in glucose transport and in insulin-sensitive cells. Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations: June 10, 2014 Boston Nutrition Obesity research Center Seminar: Neutrophil activation at the early stage of inflammation in diet-induced obesity, Boston University School of Medicine. May 23, 2013 Seleted seminar presentation for Faculty Retread: The imbalance between neutrophil elastase and it inhibitor alpha-1-antitrypsin in obesity plays key role in metabolic functions, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, San Diego, CA June 13, 2012 Seminar, Identification of New Players Involved in Metabolic Functions Using Proteomic Approaches, The Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA May 23, 2011 Seminar, Novel C2 domain containing phosphoprotein regulates glucose transport and GLUT4 translocation. University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida February, 2008 Seminar: Analyzing insulin signaling networks and metabolic functions using quantitative proteomics approach. Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, San Diego, CA March 26, 2008 Seminar: Using quantitative proteomics and RNAi-based functional analysis to identify potential drug targets for diabetes and its complications. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Guanzhou, China. January, 2007 Rab3A is Required for Constitutive and Insulin-Stimulated Secretion of Adiponectin., Short presentation at Keystone Symposium: Diabetes: Molecular Genetics, Signaling Pathways and Integrated Physiology (J1) June, 2004 Identification of Protein Kinase WNK1 as a Novel Substrate of AKT/Protein Kinase B and Regulator of Insulin-Stimulated DNA Synthesis. Oral presentation at American Diabetes Association 64th Scientific sessions. Orlando, Florida. June, 2003 Insulin Signaling through Akt/PKB Analyzed by siRNA-Mediated Gene Silencing. Oral presentation at American Diabetes Association 63rd Scientific sessions. New Orleans, Louisiana. June, 1998 Selective Insulin Resistance in PI 3-Kinase Pathway in Vasculature of Obese Zuker fa/fa Rats. Oral presentation at American Diabetes Association 58th Scientific sessions. Chicago. Bibliography: Original, Preer Reviewed Articles: 1. Mansuy-Aubert V, Zhou QL, Xie X, Gong Z, Huang JY, Khan AR, Aubert G, Candelaria K, Thomas S, Shin DJ, Booth S, Baig SM, Bilal A, Hwang D, Zhang H, Lovell-Badge R, Smith SR, Awan FR, Jiang ZY. Imbalance between neutrophil elastase and its inhibitor α1-antitrypsin in obesity alters insulin Zhen Y. Jiang, Ph.D. 4 sensitivity, inflammation, and energy expenditure. Cell Metabolism 2013 Apr 2;17(4):534-48. PMID:23562077/PMC3646573. 2. Xie X, Gong Z, Mansuy-Aubert V, Zhou QL, Tatulian SA, Sehrt D, Gnad F, Brill LM, Motamedchaboki K, Chen Y, Czech MP, Mann M, Krüger M, Jiang ZY. C2 domain-containing phosphoprotein CDP138 regulates GLUT4 insertion into the plasma membrane. Cell Metabolism 2011 Sep 7;14(3):378-89. PMID: 21907143. 3. Zhou QL, Jiang ZY, Mabardy AS, Del Campo CM, Lambright DG, Holik J, Fogarty KE, Straubhaar J, Nicoloro S, Chawla A, Czech MP. A novel pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein enhances insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation in adipocytes. J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 3;285(36):27581-9. PMID: 20587420. 4. Zhou QL, Jiang ZY, Holik J, Chawla A, Hagan GN, Leszyk J, Czech MP. Akt substrate TBC1D1 regulates GLUT1 expression through the mTOR pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Biochem J. 2008 May 1;411(3):647-55. PMID: 18215134. 5. Jiang ZY, Zhou QL, Holik J, Patel S, Leszyk J, Coleman K, Chouinard M, Czech MP. Identification of WNK1 as a substrate of Akt/protein kinase B and a negative regulator of insulin-stimulated mitogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. J Biol Chem. 2005 Jun 3;280(22):21622-8. PMID: 15799971. 6. Zhou QL, Park JG, Jiang ZY, Holik J, Mitra P, Semitz S, Guilherme A, Powelka AM, Tang X, Virbasius J, Czech MP. Analysis of insulin signaling by si RNA-b ased gene Silencing. Biochemical Soc. Transactions 32:817-21. 2004. 7. Jiang ZY, Zhou QL, Coleman KA, Chouinard M, Boese Q, Czech MP. Insulin signaling through Akt/protein kinase B analyzed by small interfering RNA-mediated gene silencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Jun 24;100(13):7569-74. PMID: 12808134. 8. Jiang ZY, He Z, King BL, Kuroki T, Opland DM, Suzuma K, Suzuma I, Ueki K, Kulkarni RN, Kahn CR, King GL. Characterization of multiple signaling pathways of insulin in the regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in vascular cells and angiogenesis. J. Biol.Chem.278:31964-71. 2003. 9. Bose A, Guilherme A, Robida SI, Nicoloro SM, Zhou QL, Jiang ZY, Pomerleau DP, Czech MP. Glucose transporter recycling in response to insulin is facilitated by myosin Myo1c. Nature. 2002 Dec 19-26;420(6917):821-4. PMID: 12490950. 10. Jiang ZY, Chawla A, Bose A, Way M, Czech MP. A PI 3-kinase-independent Insulin Signaling Pathway through N-WASP-Arp2-3/F-Actinin Required for GLUT4 Glucose Transporter Recycling. J. Biol. Chem. 277:509-515. 2002. 11. Jiang ZY, Zhou QL, Chatterjee A, Feener EP, Myers MG Jr, White MF, King GL. Endothelin-1 modulates insulin signaling through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells. Diabetes. 1999 May;48(5):1120-30. PMID: 10331419. 12. Jiang ZY, Zhou QL, Eaton JW, Koppenol WH, Hunt JV, Wolff SP. Spirohydantoin inhibitors of aldose reductase inhibit iron- and copper-catalysed ascorbate oxidation in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol. 1991 Aug 22;42(6):1273-8.PMID: 1909528. 13. Kuboki K, Jiang ZY, Takahara N, Ha SW, Igarashi M, Yamauchi T, Feener EP, Herbert TP, Rhodes CJ, King GL. Regulation of endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase gene expression in endothelial cells and in vivo : a specific vascular action of insulin. Circulation. 2000 Feb 15;101(6):676-81. PMID: 10673261. 14. Cai W, Rook SL, Jiang ZY, Takahara N, Aiello LP. Mechanisms of hepatocyte growth factor-induced retinal endothelial cell migration and growth. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000 Jun;41(7):1885-93. PMID: 10845613. 15. Goldfine AB, Patti ME, Zuberi L, Goldstein BJ, LeBlanc R, Landaker EJ, Jiang ZY, Willsky GR, Kahn CR. Metabolic effects of vanadyl sulfate in humans with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: in vivo and in vitro studies. Metabolism. 2000 Mar;49(3):400-10. PMID: 10726921. 16. Jiang ZY, Lin YW, Clermont AC, Feener EP, Hein KD, Igarashi M, Yamauchi T, White MF, King GL. Selective resistance to insulin signaling in the vasculature of obese Zucker (fa/fa) rats. J. Clin. Invest. 104:447-57. 1999. Zhen Y. Jiang, Ph.D. 5 17. Jiang ZY, Zhou QL, Chatterjee A, Feener EP, Myers Jr. MG, White MF, King GL. Endothelin-1 modulates insulin signaling through PI3-kinase pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells. Diabetes 48:1120 -30, 1999. 18. Igarashi M, Wakasaki H, Takahara N, Ishii H, Jiang ZY, Yamauchi T, Kuboki K, Meier M, Rhodes CJ, King GL. Glucose or diabetes activates p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase via different pathways. J Clin Invest. 1999 Jan;103(2):185-95. PMID: 9916130. 19. Fang C, Jiang Z, Tomlinson. Expression of constitutive cyclo-oxygenase (COX-1) in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes; effects of treatment with evening primrose oil or an aldose reductase inhibitor on COX-1 mRNA levels. Prostaglands, Leukotrienens and Essential Fatty Acits 56:167-63, 1997. 20. Xia P, Aiello, Jiang ZY, Park DJ, Robinson GS, Takagi H, Newsome WP, Jirousek MR, King GL. Characterization of vascular endothelial growth factor’s effect on the activation of protein kinase C, its isoforms and endothelial cell growth. J. Clin. Invest. 98:2018-2026, 1996. 21. Takagi C, Bussell S-E, Lin Y-W, Takagi H, Duh E, Jiang Z, Clermont AC, King GL. Regulation of retinal hemodynamics in diabetic rats by increased expression and action of ET-1. Investigative Ophthalmology Visual Science 37: 2504-18, 1996. 22. Jiang Z, Xie MZ. The hypoglycemic effect of AH—9. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Hue Yuan Xue Bao. 15(4):235-41, 1993. (Chinese.) 23. Jiang Z, Xie MZ. The antioxidant action of AH-9. Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Hue Yuan Xue Bao. 15(4):2914, 1993. (Chinese.) 24. Hunt JV, Jiang ZY, Wolff SP. Formation of hydrogen peroxide by lens proteins: protein-derived hydrogen peroxide as a potential mechanism of oxidative insult to the lens. Free Radic Biol Med. 1992 Oct;13(4):319-23. PMID: 1398215. 25. Jiang ZY, Hunt JV, Wolff SP. Ferrous ion oxidation in the presence of xylenol orange for detection of lipid hydroperoxide in low density lipoprotein. Anal Biochem. 1992 May 1;202(2):384-9. PMID: 1519766. 26. Jiang ZY, Zhou QL, Eaton JW, Koppenol WH, Hunt JV, Wolff SP. Spirohydantoin inhibitors of aldose reductase inhibit iron- and copper-catalysed ascorbate oxidation in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol. 1991 Aug 22;42(6):1273-8. PMID: 1909528. 27. Jiang ZY, Woollard AC, Wolff SP. Hydrogen peroxide production during experimental protein glycation. FEBS Lett. 1990 Jul 30;268(1):69-71. PMID: 2384174. 28. Wolff SP, Jiang ZY. Free radical and cataract: direct chemical damage or exaggerated physiological response? In “Eye lens membranes and Aging,” Eds. Vrensen GFJM, Clauweaert J, Eurage, The Netherland, pp. 221-31. 1991. Reviews and Chapters: Editorials and Critical Reviews: 1. Zhou QL, Park JG, Jiang ZY, Holik JJ, Mitra P, Semiz S, Guilherme A, Powelka AM, Tang X, Virbasius J, Czech MP. Analysis of insulin signalling by RNAi-based gene silencing. Biochem Soc Trans. 2004 Nov;32(Pt 5):817-21. Review. PMID: 15494023. 2. Wolff SP, Jiang ZY, Hunt JV. Protein glycation and oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus and ageing. Free Radic Biol Med. 1991;10(5):339-52. Review. PMID: 1855674. Textbook Chapters: 1. Jiang ZY, Towler HMA, Luthert P, Lightman SL. Pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy. A review chapter in “Diabetes Mellitus: A Fundamental and Clnical Text.” Eds: LeRoith D, Taylor SI, Olefsky JM. Lippincott-Raven Publisher, Philadelphia, PA. pp. 719-27. 1996.
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