Geopolymere Alternativen zu Zement? Eugen Kleen Geopolymere Alternativen zu Zement! Eugen Kleen Vdc Vdc Vnioni de caementi Nea polis Zement ist Geopolymere • Der Begriff geht auf Josef Davidovits zurück • Er beschreibt die Reaktion von Alumosilikaten in alkalischen Medien unter Bildung anorganischer Polymere • Geo beschreibt die natürliche Herkunft Geopolymere Aus der Wissenschaft: • Hinderlich für eine betriebliche Anwendung alkaliaktivierter Hüttensande ist zurzeit insbesondere das Fehlen geeigneter Betonzusatzmittel A. Ehrenberg, R. Tänzer, D. Stephan FEhS Report, Duisburg, 2, 2011 Wagners Earth Friendly Concrete and admixtures EFC Wagners Earth Friendly Concrete (EFC) • Wagners have been developing a commercial geopolymer concrete over the past 8 years - EFC • EFC binder (NO CEMENT): – Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) – Fly ash – Unique chemical activators – Purpose made admixtures – Water • Setting and construction characteristics similar to normal concrete – ambient temp curing Properties of EFC • Compared to GP based concrete – High resistance to sulphate attack – High resistance to chloride ion ingress – High resistance to acids – Very low heat of reaction, low temperature rise – Very low shrinkage • Long history of slag based geopolymer concrete – Dates back to Russia, 1930’s alkali activated slag cements – Renewed focus by Joseph Davidovits work in 1970’s, commercialised in rapid setting cements EFC Production West Brisbane Wellcamp Airport Site EFC Concrete Batch Plant EFC Delivery be delivered truck, pump or chute EFC can beby delivered by truck, like conventional concrete. pump or chute like conventional concrete. Wagners Earth Friendly Concrete (EFC) • Environmental Performance: – Extremely low CO2 emission and embodied energy – EFC binder has 80-90 % reduction CO2 emissions compared to Portland Cement – Recycled materials: slag and flyash • CO2 Emissions Reduction – 1 m3 EFC 25 MPa saves 154 kg of CO2 – 1 m3 EFC 32 MPa saves 184 kg of CO2 – 1 m3 EFC 40 MPa saves 220 kg of CO2 EFC Project Examples • • • • • • • Structural precast Pavements Precast prestressed bridge beams Water tanks Boat Ramps Road Bridge decks Precast Tunnel Segments Precast EFC Panels Natural off - white colour Global Change Institute Building University of QLD Campus, Brisbane EFC Floor beams Installed 2012 In situ pavements Prestressed bridge beams Bridge Decks EFC Structural Performance Property EFC performance (compared to Portland Cement Concrete) Compressive strength equivalent Flexural tensile strength 30% higher Early age strength good Shrinkage Lower (average 300 m) Acid resistance higher Sulphate resistance higher Chloride resistance higher Heat of reaction VERY low Fire resistance higher Testing and Certification • Testing / Performance Verification • RMIT Durability Studies • Bridge Beams Study • Water Tanks • Independent Engineering Report by Dr James Aldred, AECOM Test data built up on real projects Engineering data • Compression strength • Indirect Tensile strength • Flexural Tensile strength • Drying shrinkage • Young’s Modulus (stiffness) • Bond strength to rebar GCI Precast Beams - Load Test Elastic Deflection 14.09.2011 00:00 Date and Time 22.11.2013 00:00 06.05.2013 00:00 18.10.2012 00:00 01.04.2012 00:00 25 26.02.2011 00:00 10.08.2010 00:00 Deflection (mm, + upwards) EFC Bridge Beam – Long Term Deflection W80 (8 t) Wheel Load applied at 3 months 20 15 10 5 0 Temperature Rise - 1 m3 Block Temperature Rise (0 C) 40 35 30 25 20 65% SLAG Mix 15 EFC Mix 10 5 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 Time after casting (Hours) 36 EFC Durability Performance Durability Data on EFC • RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia • Laboratory standard non-destructive tests (accelerated) • • • • Sulphate attack / resistance Acid attack / resistance Chloride ion ingress Carbonation • Site specimens at 3 x coastal locations • Corrosion rate Magnesium Sulphate-Expansion results, plotted against control GP/Flyash mix 6 GP/Flyash Control Mix, 400 kg/m3 binder content 500 Mg EFC Length change (%) 5 5000 Mg EFC 50000 Mg EFC 4 500 Mg PFA 5000 Mg PFA 3 50000 Mg PFA 2 Wagners EFC Mix, 400 kg/m3 binder content 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 -1 Time (Days) 250 300 350 6 Sodium Sulphate- Expansion results, plotted against control GP/Flyash mix 500 Na EFC 5 Length change (%) 5000 Na EFC 50000 Na EFC GP/Flyash Control Mix, 400 kg/m3 binder content 4 500 Na PFA 5000 Na PFA 3 50000 Na PFA 2 Wagners EFC Mix, 400 kg/m3 binder content 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 -1 Time (Days) 250 300 350 Acid- Mass Loss results, plotted against control GP/Flyash mix Wagners EFC Mix, 400 kg/m3 binder content 1 0 0.5 M EFC Mass Change (%) -1 0.05 M EFC -2 0.005 M EFC -3 0.5 M PFA -4 0.05 M PFA -5 0.005 M PFA GP/Flyash Control Mix, 400 kg/m3 binder content -6 -7 0 50 100 150 200 Time (Days) 250 300 350 Wagners Tunnel Mix Exposure Tests – In-house • Fibre tunnel mix for Brisbane “Legacy Way” project. – Std Tunnel Mix : 420 kg/m3 GP/flyash binder – EFC Tunnel Mix : 420 kg/m3 geopolymer binder Week 13 – Acid Exposure, pH 3.00 EFC GP/Flyash Week 13 – Mg Sulphate, pH 6.00 – 8.00 80,000 mg/l sulphate EFC GP/Flyash Week 13 – Combined MgSO4, NaSO4, Salt pH 6.00 – 8.00 (40,000 sulphate + 34,000 sulphate+ 31,000 chloride) mg/litre EFC GP/Flyash Exposure Sites for Blocks Mackay Freemantle Portland Exposure Sites for Blocks RMIT – Accelerated Carbonation Tests EFC EFC OPC 30% GGBS 50% GGBS 70% GGBS AAS Days 40 MPa 50 MPa 50 MPa 40 MPa 40 MPa 35 MPa 40 MPa 7 1.78 1.81 1.78 2.04 1.93 2.61 4.91 14 1.63 2.22 1.55 1.71 2.00 2.65 4.38 21 2.31 1.88 1.57 1.81 2.12 2.77 4.47 28 2.12 1.66 1.46 1.72 2.10 2.76 4.46 Average 2.05 1.94 1.59 1.82 2.04 2.70 4.56 Std Dev 0.34 0.23 0.14 0.15 0.09 0.08 0.24 EFC Tunnel Segments EFC Tunnel Segments - Brisbane • Legacy Way Tunnel segments • Fibre EFC low slump mix EFC Tunnel Segments - Malaysia • MDC Precast yard in Batang Kali. EFC Trial - Doha HBK Readymix Plant and Laboratory Conclusion • EFC – Commercial geopolymer concrete – Lowest CO2 emission concrete – Resistance to chloride ingress – Acid resistance – Very little temperature rise – Low shrinkage – Sulphate attack resistance • Tunnels in Middle East region DG Environment DG Enterprise Wann wird es in Deutschland die erste EFC Baustelle geben? Von Deutschland aus wäre Amerika nie entdeckt worden Deutsche Initiative gegen Bundesbedenkenträger EFC nicht nur ein Lippenbekenntnis UMWELT-PRODUKTDEKLARATION nach ISO 14025 und EN 15804 EPD Das ist mir alles zu alkalisch, ich steh auf Sauer Vielen Dank Dank an Tom Glasby und
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