Andrew Veale PhD BA The Ecological and Conservation Genetics Laboratory University of British Columbia 3333 University Way, FIP345 Kelowna, British Columbia V1V 1V7, Canada [email protected] +1 2502152584 Research Fields: Population genetics Conservation genetics Phylogeography Molecular ecology Ecological modeling Education: 2010 – 2013 PhD, Biology, University of Auckland – New Zealand 2005 – 2007 M.Sc. Biology, (1st class honors), University of Auckland – New Zealand 2007 – 2009 B.A. English/Philosophy, University of Auckland – New Zealand 2001 – 2004 B.Sc. Biology, University of Auckland – New Zealand Publications: Veale A.J., Edge, K-A, McMurtrie P., Fewster R.M., Clout M.N. Gleeson D.M. (2013) Using genetic techniques to quantify reinvasion, survival and in-situ breeding rates during control/eradication operations. Molecular Ecology. 22, 5071-5083 Veale A.J. McMurtrie P., Edge K-A., Clout M.N. (In Press) The effects of mice on stoats in southern beech forests. Austral Ecology. DOI: AEC12161 Veale A.J., Williams L., Tsai P., Thakur V., Lavery S.D. (In press) The complete mitochondrial genomes of two chiton species (Sypharochiton pelliserpentis and Sypharochiton sinclairi) obtained using Illumina next generation sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA. Veale A.J., Clout M.N., Gleeson D.M. (2012). Genetic population assignment reveals a longdistance incursion to an island by a stoat (Mustela erminea). Biological Invasions. 14, 735742 Veale A.J., Lavery S.D. (2011) Phylogeography of the snakeskin chiton Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) around New Zealand: are seasonal near-shore upwelling events a dynamic barrier to gene flow? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104, 552–563. Veale A.J., Hannaford O.D., Russell J.C., Clout M.N. (2012) Modelling the distribution of stoats on New Zealand offshore islands. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36, 38-47 Veale A.J. (2013) Observations of stoats (Mustela erminea) swimming. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 40, 166-169 Veale A.J., Lavery S.D. (2012) The population genetic structure of the intertidal waratah anemone (Actinia tenebrosa) around New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Fresh-water Research 46, 523-536 King C.M., Veale A.J., B Patty, L Hayward (2014) Swimming capabilities of stoats and the threat to inshore sanctuaries. Biological Invasions. 16, 987-995 Prada D., Veale A.J., Duckworth J., Howitt R., Murphy E., Treadgold S., Gleeson D.M. (2014) Informing an incursion response using forensic methodologies: Case study of stoats on Kapiti Island. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 41,1-9 Clayton R.I., Anderson D., Byrom A., Edge K-A., McMurtrie P.M., Gleeson D., Veale A.J. (2011). Density estimates and detection models inform stoat (Mustela erminea) eradication on Resolution Island, New Zealand. 413-417 In: Veitch, C. R.; Clout, M. N. and Towns, D. R. (eds.). 2011. Island invasives: eradication and management. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. McMurtrie P., Peter G., Edge K-A., Crouchley D., Gleeson D., Willans M.J., Veale A.J. (2011). Eradication of stoats (Mustela erminea) from Secretary Island, New Zealand. 455-460 In: Veitch, C. R.; Clout, M. N. and Towns, D. R. (eds.). 2011. Island invasives: eradication and management. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Publications in prep Veale A.J., Holland O., Clout M.N., Gleeson D.M. (In Prep) An invasive non-native mammal population conserves genetic diversity lost from its native range. Veale A.J., Clout M.N., Gleeson D.M. (In Prep) Mapping the genetic spatial structure and connectivity of invasive mammals to inform conservation management. King C.M. Norbury G. Veale A.J. (In Prep) Small mustelids in New Zealand: Invasion ecology downunder. In: The biology and conservation of wild mustelids, skunks, procyonids and red pandas. Macinnis-Ng C. Wyse S, Veale A.J., Schwendenmann L, Clearwater M. (In Prep) Sensitivity of sap flux density to vapour pressure deficit and soil drying varies with tree size for the southern conifer, Agathis australis under progressive drought. Presentations 2011 Veale A.J., Clout M.N., Gleeson D.M. Modelling the distribution of stoats on New Zealand Islands. Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference. Sydney, Australia. 2012 Veale A.J., Clout M.N., Gleeson D.M. Detecting invasion and/or survival post eradication using genetic methods: Stoats on New Zealand’s islands. Ecological Society of America Conference. Portland, Oregon, USA. 2012 Veale A.J., Clout M.N., Gleeson D.M. Detecting invasion and/or survival post eradication using genetic methods: Stoats on New Zealand’s islands. European Congress of Conservation Biology. Glasgow, UK. 2012 Veale A.J. Prospects for the large Fiordland islands in relation to Kakapo translocations: Stoat invasion and trapping. Kakapo Recovery Group Symposium. Nelson, New Zealand 2012 Veale A.J. The connectivity of stoat populations in the Auckland Region. New Zealand Onithological Society Auckland, New Zealand 2013 Veale A.J. A ‘genetic ark’ for British stoats in New Zealand. IUCN Small Carnivore Specialist Group – Conference on mustelids. Oxford, UK. 2013 Veale A.J. Using genetic measures to assist in pest management. Predator Surveillance and Detection Workshop. Lincoln, New Zealand. Research Grants 2010 Department of Conservation Research Grant ($2,500) 2012 Auckland Council Biosecurity Research Scholarship ($30,000) Prizes & Scholarships 2013 Best Presentation - Wild Musteloid Conference, Oxford University 2013 Finalist – EcoArt Competition (Ecological Society of America) - Watercolour 2005 University of Auckland Faculty of Science Study Award ($2,500) 2013 Oxford University Wildlife Conservation Travel Award (£630) Teaching Experience: Course Tutor: (University of Auckland – New Zealand) Biosci 106 – Biochemistry Biosci 103 – Comparative Animal Physiology Biosci 394 – Conservation Ecology Biosci 739 – Dialogues in Biology Envsci 733 – Biodiversity and Conservation Lecturing: (University of Auckland - New Zealand) Biosci 322 – Evolution of Genes, populations and species - Species Concepts Biosci 394 – Conservation Ecology - Scientific Writing - Ethics of Pest Management Biosci 395 – Pacific Biogeography - New Zealand Marine Biogeography Biosci 396 – Terrestrial Ecology - Data Analysis Biosci 739 – Dialogues in Biology - The Philosophy of Science - Ethical Theory - Ethical Issues in Biotechnology: Gene Therapy and Genetic Testing - Ethical Issues in Agriculture and Food Technology Biosci 747 – Biosecurity and Invasion Biology - Population Genetics and Invasion Biology Field Skills Lab Skills Analysis Tree climbing Rock climbing Alpine climbing Scuba diving Snorkelling Hiking Wilderness survival Sea kayaking DNA extraction PCR RFLP analysis Primer development Microsatellite genotyping Sequencing Dissection Cementum analysis Genetic clustering Genetic assignment Genetic connectivity Kinship analysis Phylogenetics Statistics (in R) Arc GIS Workshops Attended Phylogenetics Workshop – Otago University, February 2012 Predator Surveillance and Detection Workshop – Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand. September 2013 Population Genetic Analysis Using Next Generation Sequencing Workshop – BGI, Shenzhen, China. October 2013 Landscape Genetics Workshop – University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, March 2014. Conservation Genomics Workshop – Uppsala, Sweden, March 2014 Professional Affiliations Society for Conservation Biology Ecological Society of America New Zealand Ecological Society Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi Motuora Resoration Society Motutapu Restoration Trust Motu Kaikoura Trust Popular Media Stoat Genetics: Radio New Zealand National – Our Changing World Interview. (12/4/12) Recording of interview available at: Nature’s lean mean killing machine: New Zealand Herald Interview (27/8/11) References: Professor Mick Clout Job title: Professor in Conservation Biology Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 85281 Email: [email protected]> Associate Professor Dianne Gleeson Job title: Senior Research Fellow – Wildlife Genetics Phone: +61 2 6201 2237 Email: [email protected] Dr Shane Lavery Job title: Senior Lecturer – Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Phone: +64 9 3737599 ext 83764 Email: [email protected] Associate Professor Rachel Fewster Job title: Associate Professor – Statistics Phone: +64 9 3737599 ext 83946 Email: [email protected]
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