Updated 10/02/2014 JESSIE X. FAN Department of Family and Consumer Studies, College of Social and Behavioral Science The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 E-Mail: [email protected] EDUCATION: THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio Ph.D, Consumer and Family Economics, Sept. 1993 Minors: Statistics, Agriculture Economics, Economics Committee: Kathryn Stafford (chair), Sherman Hanna, Wen S. Chern Dissertation: Ethnic Differences in Household Preference Structure and Budget Allocation Patterns FUDAN UNIVERSITY, Shanghai, PR China M.S., International Economics, July 1989 Advisor: Jinyi Guo Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of the System of Workers’ Co-determination in the Federal Republic of Germany and the System of Democratic Worker's Administration in China (written in Chinese) TONGJI UNIVERSITY, Shanghai, PR China B.S., German, July 1986 Thesis: The Economic Relationship between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of China (written in German) HONORS/AWARDS: Teaching Award, Kappa Omicron Nu, 2008 Midcareer Award, American Council on Consumer Interests, 2003 Dissertation Award, American Council on Consumer Interests, 1994 Cynthia A. Spafford Fellowship, College of Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, 1992-1993 McGraw-Hill Competitive Paper Award, Academy of Financial Services, 1992 McGraw-Hill Competitive Paper Award, Academy of Financial Services, 1991 EMPLOYMENT: Professor, July 2007 - present, Dept. of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah Investigator, July 2007 – present. Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah Associate Dean for Research, Jan. 2011 – June 2013, College of Social and Behavioral Science, University of Utah Program Director, July 2009 – June 2011, CFP® Financial Planning Emphasis, Dept. of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah Associate Professor, July 1999 – June 2007, Dept. of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah Assistant Professor, July 1993 - June 1999, Dept. of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah Graduate Research Associate, Jan. 1991 - Sept. 1992, Dept. of Family Resource Management, The Ohio State University Interpreter and Research Associate, Jan. 1990 - July 1990, Hans-Seidel-Foundation (German Government), Hangzhou Office, Hangzhou, China Research Associate, July 1989 - Jan. 1990, Institute of International Economics, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, Hangzhou, China Interpreter and Research Associate, Aug. 1988 - Jun. 1989, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (German Government), Shanghai Office, Shanghai, China 1 RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP: 1. Research Grants/Contracts: a. Research Grants Funded: 9. Fan, J.X. (2013). Validation of food environment data in Salt Lake County, Utah. University of Utah Research Committee. Amount awarded: $5,982. 8. Wen, M., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Fan, J.X. (2010). Neighborhood built and social environment and physical activity and weight status. National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health R01 Grant 5R01 CA140319-02. Amount awarded $1,250,000. My role: Co-investigator. 7. Fan, J.X., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Yamada, I., Zick, C.D., Brown, B.B., & Smith, K.R. (2008). Alternative measures of food environment for poor and non-poor neighborhoods in Salt Lake County, Utah. National Poverty Center, University of Michigan, and Economic Research Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Amount awarded: $5,000. 6. Smith, K.R., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X., Yamada, I., and Zick, C.D. (2008). Neighborhood characteristics and body mass index: Selection or causation? National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institute of Health R21 Grant 5R21 DK080406-02. Amount awarded: $413,875. Administrative Supplement for $91,000, NIDDK ARRA 3R21 DK080406-02S1. My role: Co-investigator. 5. Wen, M. & Fan, J.X. (2008). Mental and physical health outcomes and access issues: A comparative study of rural-to-urban migrants and urban residents in Shanghai, China. Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah. Amount Awarded: $6,000 4. .Fan, J.X., Brown, B.B, Kowaleski-Jones, L., Mautaugh, M., Miller, H., Smith, K.R., and Zick, C.D. (2007). Economic, neighborhood, and familial effects on youth energy balance. Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah. Amount Awarded: $6,000 3. Fan, J.X. and Zick, C.D. (2001). Expenditure flows near widowhood. National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health R03 Grant. Amount Awarded: $75,000. My role: Principal investigator 2. Burton, J.R. and Fan, J.X. (1999). Automobile acquisitions: Who Leases, who finances? Consumer Research and Education Fund Grant. Amount Awarded: $4,956. 1. Fan, J.X. (February 1998). The health status of immigrant children in the United States. Submitted to the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Program Initiative Grant Program. Amount of Award: $4,000. b. Research Grants under Review or Revision: 2. Fan, J.X., Brown, B.B., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R., Zick, C.D., Hanson, H., & Graham, T. (2014, under revision). Physical activity duration and intensity: What counts for Metabolic Syndrome? National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institute of Health R21. Requested amount: $409,750. My role: Principal investigator. 1. Kowaleski-Jones, L., Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X., Smith, K.R., Zick, C.D., Hanson, H., (2013, under revision). Maternal weight gain. c. Research Grants/Contacts Submitted but not Funded: 6. Fan, J.X., Henry, K, Farber, S., Wen, M, & Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2013, not funded). Obesity and the food environment: Density, proximity, diversity, and potential. National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health R01 Grant. Requested amount: $1,970,000. My role: Principal investigator 5. Zick, C.D., Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X., Hansen, H., Henry, K, Kowaleski-Jones, L., and Smith, K.R. (2013, not funded). Evaluating how community policies and place features link to rural residents’ BMIs. National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health R01 Grant. Requested amount: $872,559. My role: Co-investigator. 4. Fan, J.X., Brown, B.B, Kowaleski-Jones, L., Mautaugh, M., Miller, H., Smith, K.R., and Zick, C.D. (2007, not funded). Economic, neighborhood, and familial effects on youth energy balance. NICHD. Requested amount: $2,939,543. 3. Hong, G.S. & Fan, J.X.(2000, not funded). The health status of immigrant children in the United States. Submit to NICHD. Requested amount: $150,000. 2. Sharpe, D.L., Fan, J.X., and Hong, G.S. (2000, not funded). Changes in health care financial burden of older Americans. Submitted to NIA. Requested amount: $75,000. 1. Fan, J.X. (1995, not funded). The impact of immigration from Asia on the U.S. Welfare System. Submitted to: Division of Immigration Policy and Research, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor, Rm. S-5325, 200 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20210. Requested amount: $9,945. 2 2. Publications: a. Books: 1. Walden, M.L. & Fan, J.X. (2013). Economics and Consumer Decisions, 3rd Edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN 978-1-4652-2538-2. b. Edited Volumns: 2. Fan, J.X., Huang, J.T. & Lee, Y. (2005). Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association. California State University - Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. 1. Fan, J.X. & Malroutu, L. (2003). Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. c. Book Chapter Publications: 4. Zick, C.D. & Fan, J.X. (2006). Economic portraits of Utah households. In Zick, C.D. and Smith, K.R. (Ed.) Utah in the New Millennium: A Demographic Perspective (pp.67-79 ). Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press. 3. Mayer, R.N. & Fan, J.X. (2006). Wash basin and range: Economic well-being of Utah consumers. In Zick, C.D. and Smith, K.R. (Ed.80-88) Utah in the New Millennium: A Demographic Perspective (pp. ). Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press. 2. Fan, J.X., Xiao, J.J. & Xu, Y. (1998). Student attitudes towards free markets: China and the U. S. compared. In Zhang, J. & Li, X. (Ed.) Social Transition in China (pp.189-212). Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 1. Camp, P. & Fan, J.X. (1997). Mutual fund mathematics. In T. Garmen & J.J. Xiao (Ed.), Mathematics of Personal Finance (pp.289-312). Houston, TX: Dame Publications, Inc. d. Refereed Journal Publications: 52. Fan, J.X., Wen, M., Kowaleski-Jones, L. (forthcoming). An ecological analysis of environmental correlates of active commuting in urban U.S. Health & Place. 51. Fan, J.X., Wen, M., Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2014). Sociodemographic and environmental correlates of active commuting in rural America. Journal of Rural Health. doi: 10.1111/jrh.12084. PMID: 25066252 50. Fan, J.X., Wen, M., Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2014). Rural-urban differences in objective and subjective measures of physical activity: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2006. 11:140189. Preventing Chronic Disease. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd11.140189. PMID: 25144676 49. Fan, J.X., Hanson, H.A., Zick, C.D., Brown, B.B., Kowaleski-Jones, L. & Smith, K.R. (2014). Geographic scale matters in detecting the relationship between neighborhood food environments and obesity risk: An analysis of driver license records in Salt Lake County, Utah. BMJ Open 4(8) : doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005458. PMID: 25138805 48. Fan, J.X., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Wen, M. (2013). Walking or dancing: Patterns of physical activity by cross-sectional age among U.S. women. Journal of Aging and Health. 25(7): 1182-1203. doi: 10.1177/0898264313495561. PMID: 23867628. 47. Fan, J.X., Brown, B.B., Hanson, H., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R., & Zick, C.D., (2013). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and weight outcomes: Does every minute count? American Journal of Health Promotion. doi: 10.4278/ajhp.120606-QUAL-286. PMID: 23458375. 46. Zick, C.D., Hanson, H., Brown, B.B., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R., Fan, J.X., & Yamada, I. (2013). Re-visiting the relationship between neighborhood environment and BMI: The role of residential selection in cross-sectional analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 10: 27, doi:10.1186/1479-5868-10-27. PMID: 23425701. 45. Brown, B.B., Smith, K.R., Hanson, H., Fan, J.X., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Zick, C.D., (2013). Neighborhood design for walking and biking: Physical activity and Body Mass Index. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(3):231-238. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2012.10.024. PMID: 23415119. 44. Wen, M., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Fan, J.X. (2013). Ethnic-immigrant disparities in total and abdominal obesity in the US. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37(6): 807-818. doi: 10.5993/AJHB.37.6.10. PMID: 24001630. 43. Fan, J.X., Wen, M., Jin, L., & Wang, G. (2013). Disparities in healthcare utilization in China: Do gender and migration status matter? Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 34(1): 52-63. doi: 10.1007/s10834-012-9296-1. 42. Jin, L., Wen, M., Fan, J.X., & Wang, G. (2012). Trans-local ties, local ties and psychological well-being among rural-to-urban migrants in Shanghai. Social Science & Medicine, 75(2): 288-296. doi: 3 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.03.014 41. Yamada, I., Brown, B.B., Smith, K.R., Zick, C. D., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Fan, J.X. (2012). Mixed land use and obesity: An empirical comparison of alternative land use measures and geographic scales. Professional Geographer, 64: 1-21. doi:10.1080/00330124.2011.583592. PMID: 22665941. 40. Smith, K.R., Zick, C.D., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X. & Yamada, I. (2011). Effects of neighborhood walkability on obesity: Comparing adolescents and young adults to assess selection and causal influences. Social Science Research Journal, 40(5): 1445-1455. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2011.04.009. PMC3153141. 39. Zan, Hua, & Fan, J.X. (2010). Cohorts effects of household expenditures on food away from home. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(1): 213-233. 38.Wen, M., Fan, J.X., Jin, L, & Wang, G. (2010). Neighborhood effects on self-rated health, chronic conditions, and mental well-being among migrants and native residents in Shanghai, China. Health & Place, 16: 452-460. 37. Kowaleski-Jones, L., Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X., Smith, K.R., & Zick, C.D. (2010). Are you what your mother eats? Evaluating the impact of maternal weight trajectories on youth overweight. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 14(5): 680-686. 36. Brown, B.B., Yamada, I., Smith, K.R., Zick, C.D., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Fan, J.X. (2009). Mixed land use and walkability: Variations in land use measures and relationships with BMI, overweight, and obesity. Health and Place, 15(4): 1130-1141. 35. Zick, C.D., Smith, K.R,. Fan, J.X., Brown, B.B., Yamada, I., & Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2009). Running to the store? The relationship between neighborhood environments and the risk of obesity. Social Science and Medicine, 69(10): 1493-1500. 34. Smith K.R., Brown B.B., Yamada I., Kowaleski-Jones L., Zick C.D., Fan J.X. (2008). Walkability and body mass index: Density, design, and new diversity measures. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 35(3): 237-244 33. Fan, J.X. , Brown, B.B., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R., & Zick, C.D. (2007). Household food expenditure patterns: A cluster analysis. Monthly Labor Review, 130(4): 38-51. 32. Zick, C.D., Smith, K, Brown, B, Fan, J. X., & Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2007). Physical activity during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 4 (2): 125-137. 31. Burton, J.R., Fan, J.X., & House, A. (2006). If you don’t compute the cost, you pay the price. Journal of Consumer Education, 23, 50-63. 30. Fan, J.X. & Xiao, J.J. (2006). Cross-cultural differences in risk tolerance: A comparison between Americans and Chinese. Journal of Personal Finance, 5(3): 54-75. 29. Fontes, A. & Fan, J.X. (2006). The effects of ethnic identity on household budget allocation to status conveying goods. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 27 (4): 643-663. 28. Fan, J.X. & Zick, C.D. (2006). Expenditure flows near widowhood. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 27(2). 335-353. 27. Fan, J.X. &Burton, J.R. (2005). Vehicle acquisition: Leasing or financing? Journal of Consumer Affairs, 39(2), 237-253. 26. Hong, G.S., Fan, J.X., Palmer. L, & Bahrgava V. (2005) Consumer leisure travel expenditure patterns by family life-cycle stages. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 18(2), 15-30. 25. Zick, C.D., Fan, J.X. & Chang, K (2004). Impending widowhood and health care spending. Social Sciences Research Journal, 33(3), 538-555. 24. Fan, J.X. & Zick, C.D. (2004). The economic burden of health care, funeral, and burial expenditures at the end of life. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38(1), 35-55. 23. Fan, J.X. & Abdel-Ghany, M. (2004). Patterns of spending behavior and the relative position in the income distribution: Some empirical evidence. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 25(2), 63-178. 22. Fan, J.X. Sharpe, D.L. & Hong, G.S. (2003). A closer look at health care and prescription drug expenditures by seniors. Monthly Labor Review, 126(3), 16-26. 21. Lee, Seung Shin, Bae, MiKyeong, & Fan, Jessie X. (2003). Development of portfolio computer program for efficient household financial program: Comparisons between Korea and U.S..A. Journal of Human Ecology (Korea), 45(9), 62-74. 20. Spencer, H.L. & Fan, J.X. (2002). Saving motives and simultaneous borrowing and saving. Financial Counseling and Planning. 13(2), 25-38. 19. Fan, J.X. & Burton, J. (2002). Students' perception of status-conveying goods. Financial Counseling and Planning, 13(1), 35-46. 4 18. Xiao, J.J. & Fan, J.X. (2002). A comparison of saving motives between Chinese and Americans. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 30(4), 463-495. 17. Fan, J.X., Abdel-Ghany, M, & Lee, Y. (2002). Level of income and its distribution as determinants of Korean Expenditures. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 30(4), 526-539. 16. Hanna, S. D., Gutter, M. S.& Fan, J. X.(2001). A measure of risk tolerance based on economic theory. Financial Counseling and Planning, 12(2), 53-60. 15. Sharpe, D.L., Fan, J.X. and Hong, G.S. (2001). Household out-of-pocket health care expenditure trends: 1980-1995. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 25(2), 114-122. 14. Fan, J.X. (2000). Linking consumer debt and consumer expenditure: Do borrowers spend money differently? Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 28(3), 357-400. 13. Fan, J.X. and Lewis, J.K. (1999). Budget allocation patterns of African Americans. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 33(1), 134-164. 12. Fan, J.X., Lee, J. & Hanna, S. (1998). Are apparel trade restrictions regressive? Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32(2), 250-272. 11. Fan, J.X. & Xiao, J.J. (1998). Consumer decision-making styles of young-adult Chinese. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32(2), 273-292. 10. Fan, J.X. (1998). Ethnic differences in household expenditure patterns. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 26(4), 371-400. 9. Fan, J.X. & Zuiker, V.S. (1998). A comparison of household budget allocation patterns between Hispanic Americans and non-Hispanic White Americans. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 19(2), 151-174. 8. Chang, Y.R., Hanna, S. & Fan, J.X. (1997). Emergency fund levels of households. Financial Counseling and Planning, 8(1), 47-55. 7. Fan, J.X. (1997). Expenditure patterns of Asian Americans: Evidences from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey 1980-1992. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 25(4), 339-368. 6. Fan, J.X. (1997). The welfare impact of implicit income generated from child-caring when working at home. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 21, 189-199. 5. Fan, J.X. & Chern, W.S. (1997). Analysis of food consumption patterns in China: Nonparametric and parametric approaches. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 18(2), 113-126. 4. Hanna, S., Fan, J.X. & Chang, Y.R. (1995). Optimal life cycle savings. Financial Counseling and Planning, 6, 1-15. 3. Fan, J.X., Chang, Y.R. & Hanna, S. (1993). Real income growth and optimal credit use. Financial Services Review, 3(1), 45-58. 2. Fan, J.X., Chang, Y.R. & Hanna. S. (1992). Optimal credit use with uncertain income, Financial Counseling and Planning, 3, 125-133. 1. Fan, J.X. (1986). The economic relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of China. Journal of Research on the Federal Republic of Germany, 3, 25-28 (in Chinese). d. Refereed Proceeding Publications and Conference Presentations: 43. Fan, J.X., Wen, M., & Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2013).Tract-level income inequality and individual obesity risk in the US: Detrimental, beneficial, or irrelevant? Round table. 2013 American Sociological Association conference, New York, NY. August 10-13, 2013. 42. Fan, J.X., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Wen, M. (2013).Walking or dancing: Patterns of physical activity by cross-sectional age among U.S. women. Poster. 2013 American Council on Consumer Interests, Portland, Oregon. April 10-12, 2013. 41. Kowaleski-Jones, L., Fan, J.X., & Wen, M. (2012). Food security and BMI: Exploring mechanisms among American children. Poster. 2012 European Population Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. June 13-16, 2012. 40. Fan, J.X., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Wen, M. (2012). Gender and age differences in types of physical activity among U.S. adults. Poster. 2012 European Population Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. June 13-16, 2012. 39. Wen, M., Kowaleski-Jones, L., & Fan, J.X. (2012). Ethnic-immigrant disparities in obesity in the United States: Patterns and mechanisms. Presentation. 2012 European Population Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. June 13-16, 2012. 38. Fan, J.X., Brown, B.B., Zick, C.D., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R., & Hansen, H. (2012). Moderate to vigorous physical activity and weight outcome: Does every minute count. Poster. Population Association of America 2012 Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. May 3-5, 2012. 5 37. Kowaleski-Jones, L., Fan, J.X., & Wen, M. (2012). Community and child physical activity: Differential associations by gender and age. Presentation. Population Association of America 2012 Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. May 3-5, 2012. 36. Smith, K.R., Hanson, H., Brown, B.B., Zick, C.D., & Fan, J.X. (2011). Body mass index, diabetes, and neighborhood characteristics: Assessing the role of selection by studying movers and stayers. Presentation. Population Association of America 2011 Annual Conference. Washington, DC. March 31-April 2, 2011. 35. Smith, K.R., Yamada, I., Brown, B.B., Hanson, H., Zick, C.D., & Fan, J.X. (2010). Body mass index and neighborhood characteristics: Asscing selection and causation mechanisms using mover-stayer models. Poster, Population Association of America 2010 Annual Conference. Dallas, TX. April 15-17, 2010. 34. Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X., Ikuho, Y., & Zick, C.D. (2010). Effects of built environment on obesity: Using a propensity score approach to assess selection and causal influences. Poster, Population Association of America 2010 Annual Conference. Dallas, TX. April 15-17, 2010. 33. Zan, H. & Fan, J.X. (2008). Cohort effects of household expenditures on food away from home. The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the American Council on Consumer Interests, Orland, FL, July 2008. 32. Zick, C.D., K.R. Smith, J.X. Fan, B.B. Brown, I. Yamada, and L.R. Kowaleski-Jones. "Running to the Store? The Relationship between Neighborhood Environments and the Risk of Obesity." The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the American Council on Consumer Interests, Orland, FL, July 2008. 31. Fan, J.X., Yamada, I., Brown, B.B., Kowakeski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R. & Zick, C.D. (2008). Alternative data sources for assessing local food environments. The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the American Council on Consumer Interests, Orland, FL, July 2008. 30. Smith, K., B. Brown, J. Fan, C. Zick, and I. Yamada. "Where Weight Waxes and Wanes: Spatial Variation in Adult Body Mass Index." The population Association of America 2007 Annual Meeting, New York, NY, March 2007. 29. Yamada, I., K.R. Smith, C.D. Zick, L.R. Kowaleski-Jones, B.B. Brown, and J.X. Fan. "Neighborhood Environments and Obesity: A Comparison between Youth and Young Adults to Assess Selection and Causal Influences." The Association of American Geographers 104th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2007. 28. Kowaleski-Jones, L., Brown, B.B., Fan, J.X. , Smith, K.R., & Zick, C.D. (2006). Youth energy balance: Evaulating family and economic trajectories. Presented at the 2006 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Baltimore, MD 27. Fan, J.X. , Brown, B.B., Kowaleski-Jones, L., Smith, K.R., & Zick, C.D. (2006). Patterns of household food expenditures: A cluster analysis. Presented at the 2006 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Baltimore, MD 26. Fontes, A.D. & Fan, J.X. (2005). The effects of ethnic identity on household budget allocation to status conveying goods. Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Conference. Sacramento, CA. 25. Fan, J.X. & Zick, C.D. (2003). Expenditure flows near widowhood. Presented at the 2003 Conference of the Western Family Economics Association, Salt Lake City, UT. 24. Fan, J.X. & Xiao, J.J (2003). Cross-cultural differences in risk tolerance: A comparison between Americans and Chinese. Presented at the 2003 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Atlanta, GA. Also presented at the 5th Biennial Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Conference, Taipei, Taiwan 23. Fan, J.X. & Zick, C.D. (2003). An examination of the economic burden imposed by health care, funeral, and burial expenditures at the end of life. Presented at the 2003 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Atlanta, GA. 22. Zick, C.D., Fan, J.X. & Chang, K (2002). Impending widowhood and health care spending. Presented at the 2002 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Los Angles, CA. 21. Xiao, J.J. & Fan, J.X. (2002, 2001). A comparison of saving motives between Chinese and Americans. Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Conference. 160-173. Also presented at the 2002 Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, Los Angles, CA. 20. Fan, J.X., Abdel-Ghany, M, & Lee, Y. (2001). Level of income and its distribution as determinants of Korean Expenditures. Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Conference. 97-103. 19. Fan, J.X. Sharpe, D.L. & Hong, G.S. (2001). A closer look at health care and prescription drug expenditures by seniors. 6 Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, on line at http://www.consumerinterests.org/public/articles/Fan,_Sharpe,_Hong.pdf. 18. Burton, J. R. and Fan, J.X. (2001). Automobile acquisition: Who leases, who finances? Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, on line at http://www.consumerinterests.org/public/articles/Burton,_Fan.pdf. 17. Fan, J.X., Sharpe, D.L. & Hong, G.S. (2000) Household out-of-pocket health care expenditure patterns: A longitudinal study of 1980-1995. Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 46, 170-176. 16. Fan, J.X., Lee, J. & Hanna, S. (1997). The welfare impact of apparel price increases: Who gets hurt more, the poor or the rich? Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 43, 16-21. 15. Fan, J.X., Xiao, J.J. & Xu, Y. (1997). Consumer decision-making styles: China, Korea and the United States compared. Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 43, 76-81. 14. Xu, Y., Fan, J.X. & Xiao, J.J. (1997). Student attitudes towards free markets: China and the United States compared. Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting, 2, 8-23. 13. Fan, J.X. Lee, J. & Hanna, S. (1996). Household expenditures on apparel: A complete demand system approach. Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 42, 173-180. 12. Fan, J.X. (1996). An approach to adding price information to the Consumer Expenditure Survey. Consumer Interests Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 42, 197-202. 11. Fan, J.X. & Chern, W.S. (1995). Analysis of food consumption patterns in China: nonparametric and parametric approaches. Proceedings of the 1st Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting, 1, 1-11. 10. Fan, J.X. (1994). Household budget allocations patterns of Asian-American: Are they different from other ethnic groups? Consumer Interest Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 40, 81-88. 9. Fan, J.X. & Stafford, K. (1994). Determinants of consumer expenditure types. Consumer Interest Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 40, 89-96. 8. Fan, J.X. & Zuiker, V.S. (1994). Expenditure patterns of Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic households. Consumer Interest Annual: Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 40, 239-246. 7. Fan, J.X. (1993). Self selection and wage gaps between genders and races. American Council on Consumer Interests The Proceedings, 39, 57-65. 6. Hanna, S., Chang, Y.R., Fan, J.X. & Bae, M. (1993). Emergency fund levels of households: Is household behavior rational? American Council on Consumer Interests - The Proceedings, 39, 215-222. 5. Fan, J.X. & Hanna, S. (1992). Consumer bankruptcy: Rational risk-taking or mistake? Mind and Money: The Quest for Financial Control and Stability - The Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education 1992 Proceedings, 107-119. 4. Fan, J.X., Chang, Y.R. & Hanna, S. (1992). Real income growth and optimal credit use (Abstract). Paper Abstracts: Academy of Financial Services Sixth Annual Program, 15. 3. Fan, J.X., Chang, Y.R. & Hanna, S. (1992). A two period analysis of credit use with uncertain income, Managing for a Better Future: Proceedings of the 1992 Conference of the Southeastern Regional Association of Family Economics/Home Management, 112-117. 2. Chang, Y.R., Fan, J.X. & Hanna, S. (1992). Relative risk aversion and optimal credit use with uncertain income. American Council on Consumer Interests - The Proceedings, 38, 14-22. 1. Hanna, S., Chang, Y.R. & Fan, J.X. (1991). Prescribing life cycle savings patterns for households (Abstract). Paper Abstracts: Academy of Financial Services Fifth Annual Program, 23. e. Invited Journal and Proceeding Publications: 2. Fan, J.X. (1993). Implicit income generated by home-based employment and its impact on household welfare change. American Council on Consumer Interests - The Proceedings, 39, 371-372. 1. Fan, J.X. (1990). Adult education in West Germany. Journal of Zhejiang Economic Management, 1, 17-19 (in Chinese). f. Manuscripts under review: 1. Fan, J.X., Wen, M, Kowaleski-Jones, L.(under review). Tract level income inequality and individual body mass index (BMI), Social Science Research Journal. 7 TEACHING: 1. Teaching Grants: 5. 2009: A TACC grant to develop an online course for FCS 5530: Income Tax Planning for Families. Amount awarded: $5,000 4. 2008: A TACC grant to develop an online course for FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning for Families. Amount awarded: $5,000 3. 2006: A TACC grant to develop an online course for FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues. Amount awarded: $5,000 2. 2003-2004: A Utah Electronic College grant to develop an online course for FCS 3200: Research Methods. Amount awarded: $8,953 1. 2003: A TACC grant to develop an online course for FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance. Amount awarded $5,000. 2. Teaching Assignments: Semester and Year 79. Fall 2014 78. Fall 2014 77. Fall 2013 76. Fall 2013 75. Fall 2012 74. Fall 2012 73. Fall 2011 72. Fall 2011 71. Fall 2010 70. Fall 2010 69. Spring 2010 68. Spring 2010 67. Fall 2009 66. Fall 2009 65. Fall 2008 64. Fall 2008 63. Spring 2008 62. Spring 2008 61. Fall 2007 60. Fall 2007 59. Spring 2007 58. Spring 2007 57. Fall 2006 56. Fall 2006 55. Spring 2006 54. Spring 2006 53. Fall 2005 52. Fall 2005 51. Spring 2005 50. Spring 2005 49. Fall 2004 48. Fall 2004 47. Spring 2004 46. Fall 2003 45. Fall 2003 44. Spring 2003 Course Title FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5530: Income Tax Planning FCS 5400/6400: Families and Economic Policy FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5510: Investment and Life Insurance Planning FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 5400/6400: Families and Economic Policy FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 5400/6400: Families and Economic Policy FCS 3200: Research Methods FCS 5400/6400: Families and Economic Policy FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 3200: Research Methods FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 5400/6400: Families and Economic Policy FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 3200: Research Methods FCS 5400/6400: Families and Economic Policy FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS 3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 3200: Research Methods 8 43. Spring 42. Fall 41. Fall 40. Spring 39. Spring 38. Fall 37. Fall 36. Fall 35. Summer 34. Fall 33. Fall 32. Spring 31. Spring 30. Fall 29. Fall 28. Spring 27. Spring 26. Winter 25. Winter 24. Autumn 23. Spring 22. Spring 21. Winter 20. Winter 19. Autumn 18. Autumn 17. Spring 16. Winter 15. Winter 14. Autumn 13. Autumn 12. Spring 11. Spring 10. Winter 9. Winter 8. Autumn 7. Autumn 6. Summer 5. Spring 4. Spring 3. Winter 2. Winter 1. Autumn 2003 2001 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1993 FCS 1450: Consumer and Family Finance FCS6910: Thesis Development Seminar FCS 5450/FCS 6400: Economics of Family Decision Making FCS6100: Graduate Research Methods FCS3450: Family Economic Issues FCS 3200: Research Methods (Section 1) FCS 3200: Research Methods (Section 2) FCS 5450/FCS 6400: Economics of Family Decision Making FCS 5450/FCS 6400: Economics of Family Decision Making FCS 3200: Research Methods FCS 5450/FCS 6400: Economics of Family Decision Making FCS 3200: Research Methods FCS 3450: Family Economic Resources FCS 3200: Research Methods FCS 5450/FCS 6400: Economics of Family Decision Making FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 342: Consumer Decision Making FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 342: Consumer Decision Making FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 342: Consumer Decision Making FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 342: Consumer Decision Making FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 342: Consumer Decision Making FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 342: Consumer Decision Making FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 147: Family Economic Resources FCS 120: Research Methods FCS 147: Family Economic Resources 3. Graduate Students Supervised: Ph.D. Candidates: 2. Benjamin Altschuler, Parks and Recreation, 2012-2014 (committee member) Dissertation defense passed in 2014 1. Nate Sutherland, Educational Leadership and Policy, 2006-present (committee member) Master Candidates: 14. Cameron Brewer, Family and Consumer Studies, 2013-2014 (committee member) Thesis defense passed in 2014 9 13. Bin Liang, Family and Consumer Studies, 2012-2013 (committee member) Thesis defense passed in 2013 12. Andrew Thompson, Family and Consumer Studies, 2010-2011 (committee member) Thesis defense passed in 2011 11. Amanda Lee, Family and Consumer Studies, 2009-2010 (committee chair) Thesis defense passed 2010 10. Aimee Fox, Family and Consumer Studies, 2008-2009 (committee member) Thesis defense passed 2009 9. Hua Zan, Family and Consumer Studies, 2006-2007 (committee chair) Thesis: Cohort effects in food away from home (defense passed in April 2007) 8. Minjian Yu, Family and Consumer Studies, 2005-2006 (committee chair) Thesis: Expenditures on children in two-parent families and in single-parent families: Implications for the income-shares child support guidelines (defense passed in May 2006) 7. Elizabeth Hunsaker, Family and Consumer Studies, 2004-2006 (committee chair) Thesis: Home buyer aids: Help or Harm? (defense passed in May 2006) 6. Angela Fontes, Family and Consumer Studies, 2002-2004 (committee chair) Thesis: Ethnic differences in status consumption (defense passed in May 2004). 5. Heather Spencer, Family and Consumer Studies, 1998 - 2000 (committee chair) Thesis: Simultaneous borrowing and saving (defense passed in August 2000). 4. Marie Hafey, Family and Consumer Studies, 1998 - 2000 (committee member) Thesis: New urbanism versus defensible space: Design philosophies related to neighborhood satisfaction and perceived crime (defense passed in May 2000) 3. Wei Zhang, Family and Consumer Studies, 1998 -1999 (committee member) Thesis: Social isolation and elderly people=s psychological well-being (defense passed in May 1999) 2. Guihong Jiang, Family and Consumer Studies, 1996-1998 (committee co-chair) Thesis: The impact of consumer debt on marital satisfaction (defense passed in March 1998) 1. Sumin Oh, Family and Consumer Studies, 1993-1995 (committee member) Thesis: How do mothers organize their day? Comparisons among one-parent and two-parent households (defense passed in September 1995) 4. Independent Study Supervised: 17. Alzina Koric, MPP: Research project on physical activity and acculturation among Hispanics (Fall 2013 and Spring 2014) 16. Abbie Owens, FCS: Directed Reading (Fall 2013) 15. Tyler Barrick, UNP Hartland Apartments Project Internship (Autumn 2004) 14. Angela Fontes, FCS: Directed Reading (Autumn 2003) 13. Joseph Jenks, FCS: Research Project on Status Consumption (Autumn 2001) 12. Joseph Jenks, FCS: Research Project on Status Consumption (Spring 2001) 11. Lisa McKitrick, FCS: Research Project on Status Consumption (Spring 2001) 10. James Yin, FCS 391: Consumer Credit Use (Spring 1997) 9. Tong Zheng, FCS 591: SAS programming (Spring 1997) 8. Tong Zheng, FCS 591: SAS programming (Winter 1997) 7. Bred Baldwin, FCS 591: Consumer Decision Making (Spring 1996) 6. Guihong Jiang, FCS 591: Thesis Preparation: Directed Reading (Winter 1996) 5. Tong Zheng, FCS 591: Research on Female Labor Force Participation (Winter 1996) 4. Guihong Jiang, FCS 591: Research Methods (Autumn 1995) 3. Sumin Oh, FCS 591: Research Methods (Spring 1994) 2. Sione Pouha Finau, FCS 391: A Project Using Research Methods (Winter 1995) 1. Jian Ma, FCS 391: A Project Using Research Methods (Spring 1995) 10 SERVICE: 1. Committees: a. Department Level: 2014-2015: RPT committee (chair) 2013-2014: RPT committee (chair) 2012-2013: Workload Policy committee TFR committee for Cathleen Zick TFR committee for Barbara Brown Curriculum committee RPT committee 2011-2012: Workload Policy Committee Ph.D. program development committee Curriculum committee (chair) Program director, Certified Financial Planning program RPT committee 2010-2011: Leadership team Curriculum committee (chair) Program director, Certified Financial Planning program RPT committee TFR committee for Rob Mayer 2009-2010: Leadership team Curriculum committee (chair) Program director, Certified Financial Planning program RPT committee 2008-2009: Leadership team Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee TFR committee for Barbara Brown TFR committee for Cathleen Zick RPT committee Certified Financial Planning program development committee (Chair) 2007-2008: Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee RPT committee 2006-2007: Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee RPT committee 2005-2006: Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee RPT committee 2004-2005: Graduate Admissions and Policy Committee TFR committee for Ken Smith Search committee (chair) RPT committee 2003-2004: RPT committee (chair) Student Advisory Committee (SAC) adviser 2001-2002: Interim Director of Graduate Studies Jan. 2001- Dec. 2001 RPT committee 2000-2001: Search committee (chair) RPT committee 1998-1999: Technology committee 1997-1998: Curriculum committee (chair) Technology committee Executive committee Scholarships and Awards committee 11 1996-1997: 1994-1995: Graduate Admissions and Policy committee Student Appeals committee (co-chair) Curriculum committee b. College and University Level: 2014-2015: College RPT committee 2013-2014: College RPT committee 2011-2012: College Curriculum committee 2010-2011: College Curriculum committee University Search Committee for Director for Student Financial Literacy Center 2009-2010: College Curriculum committee 2008-2009: IPIA Search Committee for International Human Security University Academic Senate College Superior Research Award Committee 2007-2008: University Academic Senate College Superior Research Award Committee (Chair) 2006-2007: College Research Committee 2005-2006: College Research Committee University Credits and Admissions Committee 2004-2005: College Research Committee University Credits and Admissions Committee College IRB Task Force College Superior Research Award Committee 2003-2004: University Credits and Admissions Committee 2002-2003: University Credits and Admissions Committee 2001-2002: University Credits and Admissions Committee 2000-2001: University Credits and Admissions Committee College RPT Committee 1997-1998: College Curriculum Committee 1995-1996: College Superior Teaching Award Committee 2. Professional Memberships: American Council on Consumer Interests (Since 1991) American Economic Association (Since 1992) Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association (Since 1995) Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education (Since 1992) 3. Professional Service: 2014-2015: Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer: Health & Place Reviewer, University of Utah Research Committee proposals 2013-2014: Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer: Journal of Physical Activity and Health Reviewer: Social Force Reviewer: Urban Studies Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2013 Conference Reviewer, University of Utah Research Committee proposals 2012-2013: Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues 12 2011-2012: 2010-2011: 2009-2010: 2008-2009: 2007-2008: 2006-2007: 2005-2006: Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer, University of Utah Research Committee proposals Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2013 Conference Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer, American Sociological Review Reviewer, Preventing Chronic Disease Reviewer, Journal of Personal Finance Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2012 Conference, Reviewer, National Institute of Health R21 and R03 Review Panel, San Francisco, CA External reviewer for tenure/promotions review at Ohio State University Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer, Environment and Behavior Reviewer, Health & Place Reviewer, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 2011 Conference Journal of Consumer Affairs Blackwell Contract Committee member Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer, Journal of Personal Finance Reviewer, National Institute of Health R21 and R03 Review Panels, Washington, DC Nominations Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer, Journal of Personal Finance Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2009 Conference Nominations Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Reviewer, Journal of Personal Finance Reviewer, University of Utah Research Committee proposals Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2008 Conference Session moderator: Consumer and financial Risk. Joint Conference of ACCI and AAEA, 2008 Invited session chair, American Council on Consumer Interest 2006 Conference Guest editor, Journal of Family Economic Issues, Special issue Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Nominations Committee, American Council on Consumer Interests Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Education Invited session chair, American Council on Consumer Interest 2005 Conference Board Member, American Council on Consumer Interests Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Editorial Board member, Journal of Consumer Affairs Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Reviewer, University of Utah Research Committee proposals 13 2004-2005: 2003-2004: 2002-2003: 2001-2002: 2000-2001: 1999-2000: 1998-1999: 1997-1998: Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2006 Conference Reviewer, Western Family Economics Association 2006 conference Board Member, American Council on Consumer Interests Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Proceedings co-editor, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 2005 Conference Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2005 Conference Reviewer, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 2005 Conference Board Member, American Council on Consumer Interests Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Editorial Board member, Financial Counseling and Planning Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2004 Conference Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Program co-chair, 2003 Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Conference Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2003 Conference Reviewer, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 2003 Conference Dissertation Award Committee (Chair): American Council on Consumer Interests Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal Editorial Board member, Advancing Consumer Interests Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, University of Utah Research Committee proposals Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2002 Conference Dissertation Award Committee Chair, American Council on Consumer Interests Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Editorial Board member, Journal of Families and Economic Issues Editorial Board member, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal Editorial Board member, Advancing Consumer Interests Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2001 Conference Reviewer, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 2001 Conference Dissertation Award Committee chair, American Council on Consumer Interests Board Member, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association Reviewer, Journal of Family and Economic Issues Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 2000 Conference Session moderator: Health care markets. American Council on Consumer Interests Annual 2000 Conference Reviewer, Journal of Family and Economic Issues Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Poster session chair: Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 1999 Conference Reviewer, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 1999 Conference Reviewer, Journal of Family and Economic Issues Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 1998 Conference Session co-organizer: Consumer Expenditure Survey showcase: Give me your retired, your hungry, your poor ...., American Council on Consumer Interest Annual 1998 Conference 14 1996-1997: 1995-1996: 1994-1995: 1993-1994: Session moderator: Welfare analysis of environmental services and food consumption. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual 1998 Conference Reviewer, Journal of Family and Economic Issues Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 1997 Conference Reviewer, Asian Family and Consumer Economics Association 1997 Conference Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests 1996 Conference Reviewer, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education 1996 Conference Reviewer, American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences Family Economics and Resource Management 1996 Pre-conference Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Affairs Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Policy Reviewer, Western Family Economics Association 1994 conference 4. Public Service: 2012-2013: Interviewed by Salt Lake Tribune on financial management for newly-weds (Reporter: Jennifer Napier, 3/11/2013) 2011-2012: Member, Child Support Guidelines Advisory Committee, Department of Human Services, State of Utah 2007-2008: Member, Child Support Guidelines Advisory Committee, Department of Human Services, State of Utah University of Utah /Neighborhood Partnership project: Hartland Apartment Project of Financial Literacy 2006-2007: University of Utah /Neighborhood Partnership project: Hartland Apartment Project of Financial Literacy 2005-2006: University of Utah /Neighborhood Partnership project: Hartland Apartment Project of Financial Literacy Seminar to the local Chinese Community on Social Security’s past, present and future. Invited by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology (7/16/2005) 2004-2005: Member, Child Support Guidelines Advisory Committee, Department of Human Services, State of Utah University of Utah /Neighborhood Partnership project: Hartland Apartment Project of Financial Literacy 2003-2004: Interviewed by Carrie Moore at Deseret News on debt and status consumption issues. The article related to this interview, titled “Morally bankrupt? Most religions condemn debt” was published in Deseret Morning News on 1/17/2004. 1998-1999: I was invited to talk on "The American Life" TV/radio program for Voice of America, on living arrangement and public policy issues related to older Americans (11/24/1999) 1997-1998: With a colleague at the Economics Department, I did three 50-minute presentations on "Basic Investments" as one of the eight sessions for a seminar organized by Congressman Merrill Cook for his constituents. About one hundred people attended this seminar. (2/28/1998) I was interviewed by journalist Tracy Conner on household saving issues (1/30/1998). The article related to this interview was published in the Northwest Florida Daily News on 2/1/1998. I was interviewed by Channel 5 on household budgeting and government budgeting issues (1/22/1998). The interview was broadcasted on the same day in the evening news. I was invited to talk on "The Economic States of the United States" TV/radio program for Voice of America, on culture differences in consumption (12/12/1997). 1996-1997: I was invited to write an article on research findings related to household financial management behavior for "World Journal," the largest Chinese newspaper in the US. The article appeared in the World Journal on 1/26/1997. I was interviewed by Salt Lake Tribune reporter Lisa Carricaburu on my research related to ethnic differences in consumption patterns in the United States. The related story was published in Salt Lake Tribune on 12/1/1996. The story was later picked up by the Associate Press and carried in several Utah newspapers, including the Logan Herald Journal, the Deseret News, the Standard Examiner, and the Spectrum. The Daily Utah Chronicle, the student newspaper at the University of Utah also published this research news on December 3, 1996. I was invited to talk on "The Economic States of the United States" TV/radio program for Voice of America, on the economic status of women in the United States (12/16/1996). 15 I was invited to write an article on research findings related to the compensation for household production for "World Journal." The article appeared in the newspaper on 10/6/1996. I was invited to talk on "Dialog with the United States" radio program for Voice of America, on issues of consumer protection in the United States (7/29/1996). 16
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