FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Institute of Law JURIS DOCTOR (J.D.) = 168 UNITS LEB Model Law Curriculum * effective 1st semester SY 2014-2015 FIRST YEAR COURSE 1st SEMESTER SUBJECT CODE Introduction to Law Persons and Family Relations Constitutional Law I Criminal Law I Statutory Construction Philosophy of Law Legal Research and Thesis Writing Legal Profession Total UNIT JD-INTROLW JD-PFREL JD-CONSLW1 JD-CRIMLW1 JD-STATCON JD-PHILO JD-RESTHES JD-LEGPROF 1 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 18 2ND SEMESTER COURSE SUBJECT CODE Obligations and Contracts JD-OBLICON Constitutional Law II JD-CONSLW2 Criminal Law II JD-CRIMLW2 Legal Technique and Logic JD-LEGTECH Legal Writing JD-LEGWRTG Basic Legal Ethics JD-LEGETH Total UNIT 5 3 4 2 2 3 19 SECOND YEAR 1st SEMESTER COURSE Property Negotiable Instruments Criminal Procedure Agency, Trust and Partnership JD-PROP JD-NEGO JD-CRMPROC JD-ATP Sales Credit Transactions Legal Medicine Natural Resources and Environmental Law Agrarian Law and Social Legislation Total JD-SALES JD-CREDTR JD-LEGMED JD-NATRES JD-ALSL UNIT 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 23 2ND SEMESTER COURSE Civil Procedure JD-CIVPROC Corporation Law JD-CORPO Taxation Law I JD-TAXLW1 Administrative Law, Law on Public JD-ADMELEC Officers and Election Laws Public International Law JD-PINTL Special Issues on International Law JD-SINTLAW Human Rights Law JD-HUMRTS Land Titles and Deeds JD-LTD Total UNIT 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 22 THIRD YEAR 1st SEMESTER COURSE Succession Labor Law I Taxation II Insurance Torts and Damages Electives Summer Apprenticeship I (120 Hrs.) 2ND SEMESTER JD-SUCC JD-LABLW I JD-TAX2 JD-INS JD-TORTS JD-APRENT1 Total UNIT 4 3 3 2 2 4 2 20 COURSE Evidence Labor Law II Special Proceedings Transportation Conflict of Laws Legal Forms Electives Summer Apprenticeship II (120 Hrs.) Total JD-EVID JD-LABLW 2 JD-SPPROC JD-TRANS JD-CONLAW JD-LFORMS JD-APRENT2 UNIT 4 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 21 FOURTH YEAR 1st SEMESTER COURSE Constitutional Law Review Civil Law Review I Remedial Law Review I Labor Law Review Practice Court I Electives J.D. Thesis Total JD-CONSTRV JD-CVLAW1 JD-REMREV1 JD-LABREV JD-PRACT1 JD-THESIS *vps/for DataProcessing/Feb.27, 2014 2ND SEMESTER UNIT 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 24 COURSE Remedial Law Review II Civil Law Review II Taxation Law Review Commercial Law Review Criminal Law Review Practice Court II Electives Total JD-REMREV2 JD-CVLAW2 JD-TAXREV JD-COMREV JD-CRIMREV JD-PRACT2 UNIT 3 4 2 4 4 2 2 21 FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Institute of Law JURIS DOCTOR (J.D.) = 168 UNITS LEB Model Law Curriculum * effective 1st semester SY 2014-2015 ELECTIVES ELECTIVE TITLE Admiralty Advanced Taxation Appellate Practice and Brief Making Arbitration Laws Banking Law I (Gen. Banking) UNI T 2 2 2 2 2 E. CODE UNIT E. CODE BankingLaws II (Investment Banking) 1 JDE-BANK2 Children’s Rights Law Clinical Legal Education I & II Collective Bargaining and Alternative Dispute Resolutions 2 4 2 JDE-CHILD JDE-CLINIC JDE-CBADR ConsumerProtectionLaws Corporate Finance 2 2 JDE-CPL JDE-CORFIN Corporate Governance Corporate Practice Corporate Suspension of Payments, Rehabilitation and Insolvency Due Diligence Process in Mergers and Acquisitions Environmental Law Environmental Regulations Estate Planning Gender and The Law Government Contracts Human Rights 2 2 2 JDE-CORGOV JDE-CORPRC JDE-CSPRI International Economic Law 1 International Economic Law 2 International Moot Court International Taxation Investment and Incentives Law Law and Economic Development Law on Franchising Law on Public Corporations Law on Securities, Public Offerings and Stock Exchange Listing Law on Trade Unionism Laws on Importation, Tariff and Customs Legal Accounting Legal Counseling Local Government Finance 2 JDE-DDPMA Media, Law and Ethics 2 JDE-MLE 2 2 1 2 2 2 JDE-ENVILW JDE-ENVREG JDE-ESTATE JDE-GENDER JDE-GOVCON JDE-HUMRTS 2 2 2 2 2 2 JDE-MOD JDE-NEGSEM JDE-PROREM JDE-RETRAN JDE-REFULW JDE-POLTHE Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts Immigration Law and Procedure Indigenous Peoples and The Law 2 1 2 JDE-ARMCON JDE-IMIGLP JDE-INDIGP 2 1 2 JDE-CIVACT JDE-PENALW JDE-BUSLAW Information Technology Laws Intellectual Property Laws International Property Laws 2 3 3 JDE-ITLAW JDE-IPL JDE-INTLPL 2 2 1 JDE-STRLW JDE-TAXREF JDE-TAXMA International Commercial Transactions 2 JDE-INTCOM Modes of Discovery Negotiation Seminar Provisional Remedies Real Estate Transactions Refugee Law Social Philosophy: Political Theory of the Law Special Civil Action Special Penal Laws Special Problems in Business Law Practice Street Law Tax Reforms and Policies Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions Trial Techniques 2 JDE-TRITEC vps/dataprocessing/3.05.2014 JDE-ADMRAL JDE-ADVTAX JDE-APPRAC JDE-ARBSEM JDE-BANK1 ELECTIVE TITLE 2 2 2 2 2 JDE-ECOLW1 JDE-ECOLW2 JDE-IMOOT JDE-INTTAX JDE-INVEST 2 JDE-ECODEV 1 2 2 JDE-FRANCH JDE-PUBCOR JDE-SECEXC 1 2 JDE-TRADEU JDE-TARIFF 1 1 2 JDE-ACCTNG JDE-COUN JDE-GOVFIN
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