Ju-Yeon Lee - Lehigh University

Ju-Yeon Lee
(September 2014)
Department of Marketing
College of Business and Economics
Lehigh University
621 Taylor Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3117
Office: 610-758-1084
E-mail: [email protected]
Exchange Student
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
(Double Major: Applied Statistics, Minor: Economics)
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
Affiliated Researcher
Center for Sales and Marketing Strategy, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA
Research and Teaching Assistant
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
ESL Camp Instructor
Camp Korea, Seoul, South Korea
Research Interests:
Substantive: Firm’s use of organizational structure to achieve marketing and financial
outcomes; role of organizational design elements (structure, leadership, culture, systems
and processes, metrics and incentives) in designing a customer-centric organization
Methodological: Empirical modeling using econometrics and Bayesian methods
Refereed Journals:
1) Lee, Ju-Yeon, Shrihari Sridhar, Conor M. Henderson, and Robert W. Palmatier
(Forthcoming), “Effect of Customer-Centric Structure on Long-Term Financial
Performance,” Marketing Science.
2) Lee, Ju-Yeon, Irina V. Kozlenkova, and Robert W. Palmatier (Forthcoming), “Structural
Marketing: Using Organizational Structure to Achieve Marketing Objectives,” Journal of
the Academy of Marketing Science.
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3) Lee, Ju-Yeon, Shrihari Sridhar, Conor M. Henderson, and Robert W. Palmatier (2012),
“Effect of Customer-Centric Structure on Firm Performance,” Marketing Science Institute
Working Paper Series No. 12-111.
o Recognized as one of the Top 10 Most-Read MSI Articles in 2012
o Featured in Insights from MSI
Under Review or Revision:
4) Lee, Ju-Yeon and Robert W. Palmatier, “When Customer-Centric Structures Payoff,”
proposal under review at Harvard Business Review.
Work in Progress:
5) Lee, Ju-Yeon, Shrihari Sridhar, and Robert W. Palmatier “Effect of Firm Structure on
Marketing Mix Effectiveness” (under preparation for submission to Journal of Marketing).
o Finalist, 2012 ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition
6) Lee, Ju-Yeon and David A. Griffith “Interfirm Coopetition” (targeted submission to Journal
of Marketing Research, data analysis in progress).
7) Lee, Ju-Yeon, Conor M. Henderson, and Robert W. Palmatier “Effects of Organizational
Design Elements on Customer Performance” (targeted submission to Journal of Marketing,
data analysis in progress).
8) Lee, Ju-Yeon “Technological Capabilities and Customer-Centric Structures” (targeted
submission to Journal of Marketing Research, data collection in progress).
o Project funded by Lehigh University Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grants
Edited Publications and Other Articles:
Lee, Ju-Yeon, Shrihari Sridhar, Conor M. Henderson, and Robert W. Palmatier (2013), “Does
Customer-Centric Realignment Pay Off?” Insights from MSI, Issue 1, p. 5-6.
Published Reports and Conference Proceedings:
Lee, Ju-Yeon and Robert W. Palmatier (2014), “How Customer-Centric Structures Leverage the
Effects of Advertising and R&D on Brand Equity and Firm Performance,” AMA Winter
Educators' Conference Proceedings.
Lee, Ju-Yeon, Conor M. Henderson, Robert W. Palmatier, and Shrihari Sridhar (2011),
“Studying the Effects of Marketing Capabilities on Firm Performance: Effect of Structural
Sources of Customer Centricity on Firm Performance: An Empirical Examination,” AMA
Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings.
Scholarly Presentations (Notes: The name of the presenter is underlined):
Lee, Ju-Yeon, and Robert W. Palmatier (February 2014), “How Customer-Centric Structures
Leverage the Effects of Advertising and R&D on Brand Equity and Firm Performance,”
AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Orlando, FL.
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Lee, Ju-Yeon, Shrihari Sridhar, Conor M. Henderson, and Robert W. Palmatier (August 2013),
“Effects of Customer-Centric Structures on Firm Performance,” HEC Paris Marketing
Research Camp, Paris, France
Lee, Ju-Yeon, Shrihari Sridhar, Conor M. Henderson, and Robert W. Palmatier (August 2012),
“Effect of Customer-Centric Structure on Firm Performance,” ISBM Academic Conference,
Chicago, IL.
Lee, Ju-Yeon, Conor M. Henderson, Robert W. Palmatier, and Shrihari Sridhar (August 2011),
“Effect of Structural Sources of Customer Centricity on Firm Performance: An Empirical
Examination” AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Invited Presentations:
Lehigh University, 2012
Case Western Reserve University, 2012
Southern Methodist University, 2012
The University of Hong Kong, 2012
Clark University, 2012
University of Oklahoma, 2012
$6,000, Lehigh University Spring 2014 Faculty Research Grants (2014), Primary Investigator,
“Enhancing the Effects of Technological Capabilities on Innovation Performance: Why
Customer-Centric Organizational Structure Is Key”
$1,000, Lehigh University Research Travel Grant (2014), Primary Investigator, “How
Customer-Centric Structures Leverage the Effects of Marketing Mix on Brand and Firm
2012 ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition, Finalist, 2012
Evert McCabe Endowed Fellowship, University of Washington, 2012–2013
Dean’s List, University of Washington, 2006–2007
Merit-Based Scholarship, Yonsei University, 2004–2006
Honors Student, Yonsei University, 2005
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Teaching Interests:
Marketing Strategy, Marketing Research, Data-Driven Marketing, Marketing Management,
Principles of Marketing (managerially focused courses at both undergraduate and MBA
Teaching Experience:
 Principles of Marketing, Course Instructor, Lehigh University
 Strategic Marketing Problems, Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
 Marketing Research, Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
 Global Business, Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
 Marketing Strategy (MBA), Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
 Data-Driven Marketing (MBA), Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
 Research for Marketing Decisions (MBA), Teaching Assistant, University of Washington
 Introductory Statistics (Global EMBA), Teaching Assistant, Yonsei University
Teaching Effectiveness (Lehigh University):
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing
Fall 2013
Fall 2013
Fall 2013
Rating Achieved
4.62 / 5.00
4.38 / 5.00
4.32 / 5.00
Professional Service:
Ad hoc Reviewer
 AMA Winter Conference Proceedings (2015), Interorganizational Relationships/B-to-B Track
 AMA Winter Conference Proceedings (2014), Marketing Theory Track
 AMA Summer Conference Proceedings (2012), Marketing Strategy Track
 AMA Summer Conference Proceedings (2012), Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications Track
University Service:
Member, Future of the Internet, Media/Entertainment and Mobility: Envisioning an
Innovative Research, Education & Engagement Agenda, Lehigh University, November 2013
College Service:
Committee Member, College of Business and Economics Database and Software
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Committee, Lehigh University, January 2014–Present
Department Service:
Co-Chair, 2015 Lehigh University Marketing Research Symposium, Lehigh University,
Advisor, YMA Fashion Scholarship Case Competition, 2014
Faculty Recruitment Committee, Faculty Recruitment, Lehigh University, 2014
Co-Chair, 2014 Lehigh University Marketing Research Symposium, Lehigh University,
o Major Appreciation Day, Lehigh University, April 2014
o CBE Candidates Day Information Fair, Lehigh University, April 2014
o Honors Convocation, Lehigh University, April 2014
o The Spring 2014 Field Trip, Lehigh University, March 2014
o Marketing Career Day, Lehigh University, March 2014
o CBE Major Fair, Lehigh University, February 2014
Student Assistant, 47th AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, University of
Washington, June 2012
Local Service:
Volunteer Math Tutor, Eckstein Middle School, Seattle, WA, 2007
Member, American Marketing Association
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