Anchor Systems Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200 system The extremely reliable, high-performance, fast-curing mortar for use in cracked and uncracked concrete Applications Technical data nn Anchoring structural steel connections (e.g. steel columns, beams) HIT-HY 200-A/HIT-HY 200-R Material composition nn Structural connections with post-installed rebars Installation temperature - range nn Anchoring secondary steel structures (e.g. staircases, steel ledgers) nn Structural renovation / upgrades with post-installed rebars nn Substitution of misplaced / missing rebars nn Anchoring railings / safety barriers Approvals Hilti HIT-V, HAS, HAS-E, HIS, Rebar, HZA-R, HIT-Z Cleaning procedures Manual cleaning (up to 20 mm hole diameter and depth of embedment 10 times rod diameter) or compressed-air cleaning for standard anchor rods, no cleaning for HIT-Z; automatic cleaning in conjunction with TE-CD or TE-YD drill bits Rebar diameter range 8 – 32 mm nn No hole cleaning required with the revolutionary new HIT-Z anchor rod nn Automatic hole cleaning with TE-CD and TE-YD drill bits nn Curing time optimized for anchor applications with HY200-A and rebar applications with HY200-R nn Works like cast-in with post-installed rebars nn Suitable for use in cracked and uncracked concrete with all anchor rods and rebars –10 °C – 40 °C ETA, ICC-ES For use with Advantages nn Highest approved loads according to latest international standards Hybrid adhesive mortar Rod diameter range 8 – 30 mm Shelf life (@73°F/23°C and 50% relative humidity) 12 month(s) Mixer types RE-M Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200 system Ordering Order designation Sales quantity Item number Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200-A 330/2 1 PC 02022696 Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200-A 500/2 1 PC 02022697 Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200-R 330/2 1 PC 02022699 Injectable mortar HIT-HY 200-R 500/2 1 PC 02022790 Unique system that eliminates the need for special cleaning Drill bit TE-CD/TE-YD 267 07 Vaccum cleaner VC 20-U Anchor Systems Anchor rod HIT-Z Manual dispenser HDM Cordless dispenser HDE
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