January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 OFFICE CLOSED Friday P AGE 11 Sunday Schedule: 9:00am—Contemporary worship 11:00am—Traditional Worship Holy Communion first Sunday of the month Saturday 2 3 Men’s Study 7:30am 4 5 6 Prayer Ministry 10:15am Scouts 6:30-7:30 Epworth Thrift Shop donations Scouts 7-8/8-10pm 9-11am Aldersgate Scouts 7-8pm FH Scouts 7-8pm Wesley Prayer Shawl Ministry 7-9pm NA 6:30-9pm FH 7 8 Thrift Shop 9:30am-1:30pm Scouts 6:30-7:30pm Aldersgate Praise Band Rehearsal 7pm SPRC Meeting 7pm Choir rehearsal 7:30pm 9 BBM 7-9pm FH 10 Men’s Study 7:30am 11 14 15 Thrift Shop 9:30-1:30pm Choir rehearsal 7:30pm Trustee Meeting 7:30pm Scouts 7-8pm Aldersgate Praise Band Rehearsal 7pm 16 Scouts 7-8pm FH 17 Men’s Study 7:30am 19 20 Prayer Ministry 10:15am Scouts 7pm Aldersgate Thrift Shop donations NA 1-5pm FH/Epworth Scouts 6:30-7:30 Epworth 9-11am NA 6:30-9pm FH Scouts 7:15-9:30 FH Prayer Shawl Ministry 7-9pm Wesley 21 22 Praise Band Rehearsal 7pm Scouts 6:30-7:30pm Aldersgate Scouts 6:30-8:30pm FH Choir rehearsal 7:30pm 23 24 Men’s Study 7:30am 25 28 29 Pastor Juel at Bishop’s Pastor Juel at Bishop’s Convocation Convocation Thrift Shop 9:30-1:30pm Choir rehearsal 7:30pm Praise Band Rehearsal 7pm 30 12 Scouts 6-7pm Aldersgate NA 6:30-9pm FH Prayer Shawl Ministry 7-9pm Wesley 13 Thrift Shop donations 9-11am TABS 12 noon Wesley Scouts 7:15-9:30 FH 18 26 Pastor Juel at Bishop’s Convocation NA 6:30-9pm FH Prayer Shawl Ministry 7-9pm Wesley 27 Pastor Juel at Bishop’s Convocation Thrift Shop donations 9am TABS 12 noon Wesley Scouts 7:15-9:30 FH BASIC 7-9pm FH 31 Men’s Study 7:30am UMYF 10-12pm FH/Kitchen
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