Hydrothermal Mineral Alteration Mapping in parts of Northwestern Tamil Nadu, India – using Geospatial Technology By M . Ar u n a c h a l a m B . Te c h C e n t e r f o r R e mo t e S e n s i n g Bharathidasan University Tiruchirapalli -620023 Introduction • The understanding of structure and tectonics in an area is important as it sheds light on the magmatism, metallogeny, groundwater, seismicity, geothermal and hydrothermal resources. • The Precambrian-Archaean rocks of Southern Peninsular India exhibit polyphase metamorphism, multiple deformation, repetitive folding and fracturing. • The highly fragmented and widely disseminated rock types show contrasting fold styles, multivariate linear and planar features. These linear and planar features have controlled localization of minerals, ore bodies, ultra basics and alteration products at several places. • Alteration can produce distinctive assemblages of minerals that vary according to the location, degree and longevity of those flow processes. Aim and Objective The main aim and objective of the study is • To understand the structure and tectonics of the study area. • To prepare various thematic maps such as • Lithology map and their anomalies, • Structural Trend Line map and their anomalies, • Lineament map and their anomalies, • To interpret and analyze geophysical data (Gravity) and their anomalies for basement or deep seated structures. • And to carry out various Digital Image Processing techniques such as Band Combination, Band Ratio, Least Square Fit (LS-Fit) and Crosta methods to identify the hydrothermal mineral alteration zones in the study area. • Integrating by using the above data sets in the GIS environment to map the potential Hydrothermal mineral alteration zones. Study Area Fig 1: Location Map of The Study Area Methodology adopted for the present study LANDSAT 8, SRTM GEOPHYSICAL DATA THEMATIC MAP GENERATION IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES BAND RATIO COLOUR COMPOSITE LS FIT CROSTA LINEAMENT STRUCTURAL TRENDS DETECTION OF HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION ZONE GEOMORPHOLOGY ANOMALIES SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION GIS ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATION Identification of Prospect Zones for Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals Fig 2: Methodology of the Study GRAVITY Data Analysis and Interpretation Generation of Thematic Maps JAVADI KALRAYAN Fig 3: Base Map Geological Setting & Tectonic Framework Study area Fig 4: Simplified Geology Map of South India (after Drury et al, 1984 & Chardon et al, 2008) Study Area Fig 5: Generalized Tectonic Map of South India (after Drury et al, 1984; T. Harinarayna et al, 2005) Fig 6 : Lithology Map Source: Geological survey of India, 2006) Charnockite Gneiss and Pyroxene Granulites Sathyamangalam Complex Charnockite Group Khondalite Group Peninsular Gneissic Complex –I Migmatites; Granites Metavolcanics with metasediments Granitoid and Gneiss Eastern Greenstone Peninsular Gneissic Complex II Alkaline Complex ARCHAEAN PROTEROZOIC PALAEOCENE TO EOCENE Uttatur, Ariyalur and Tiruchirrapalli Formations Cuddalore Formation MIO-PLIOCENE Recent Sediments & Alluvium QUATERNARY Table 1: Lithological Succession of The Study Area (Recent) Fig 7 : Lithological Contact Map Fig 8: Structural Trend Line Map Fig 9: Structural Trend Line Anomaly Zones And Axes Map Fig 10: Lineament Map Fig 11 : Geomorphology Map Fig 12 : Gravity Data Fig 13 : Gravity Anomaly Map Alteration Mapping by Using Remote Sensing • Remote sensing provides information on the properties of the surface of exploration targets that is potentially of value in mapping alteration zones and lithological units. • The importance of the recognition of such spatial patterns of alteration makes the ‘Remote Sensing Technique’ one of the standard procedures in exploration geology, due to its high efficiency and low cost (Yetkin 2003). • One of the key idea of remote sensing techniques in exploration geology is that it is applied to rocks, minerals, and structures associated with a particular ore, and not the ore itself. • Previous studies explained the fact that certain minerals associated with hydrothermal processes, such as iron-bearing minerals (e.g., goethite, hematite, jarosite and limonite) and hydroxyl bearing or clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite and K-micas) show diagnostic spectral features that allow their remote identification (Hunt 1980). Contd., • Here in this study we have considered the hydroxyl (OH) or clay minerals to map the hydrothermal alteration zones, because, Hydroxyl-bearing minerals form the most widespread product of alteration. Present Techniques in Alteration Mapping: • Remote Sensing techniques have been applied for years and new methodological perspectives are still being developed by using this high technology. • Band Rationing, • Least Squares Fitting and • Crosta Techniques • are the well known and practiced conventional methods used in this study for mapping hydrothermal mineral alteration zones. Band Rationing Here we have used various bands of Landsat 8 satellite imagery for Band Ratio. Band Ratio’s such as 4/2, 5/6, and 6/7 are used to discriminate clay mineral alterations. Clay minerals have absorption in band 7 and have high reflectance in band 6, therefore clay minerals are displayed in dark pixels in band ratio image 6/7 and bright pixels in band ratio image 5/6. Fig 18: Band Ratio Image (B4/B2) Fig 19: Band Ratio Image (B6/B7) Fig 20: Band Ratio Image (B5/B6) Fig 19: Band Ratio Image (B6/B7) Abdelhamid and Rabba Ratio (1994) Fig. 21 is the Color composite image derived from above band ratios (R[4/2]:G[6/7]:B[5/6]), were use to map clay mineral alterations zones (Abdelhamid & Rebba, 1994). Clay minerals alteration areas are displayed in dark blue to violet blue pixels Fig 21: Abdelhamid & Rabba Ratio R(4/2):G(6/7):B(5/6) Least Square Fitting Using LS-Fit outputs (residual band 4, residual band 7 and residual band 2) we can map hematite (Fig. 23), clay (Fig. 24) and goethite (Fig. 25). The dark pixels indicate abovementioned minerals in these residual bands (Yetkin et al. 2004). Fig 23: LS-Fit Residual Band 4 Fig 24: LS-Fit Residual Band 7 Fig 25: LS-Fit Residual Band 2 • Fig.26 is the color composite image of the residual band 4, residual band 7 and residual band 2 respectively in RGB display we interpret the followings: • • • • • • • Fig 26: LS-Fit Color Composite Image R(ResidualB4):G(ResidualB7):B(ResidualB2) White : Goethite + Hematite + Clay Orange : Hematite + Clay Cyan : Goethite + Clay Purple: Hematite + Goethite Red : Hematite Green : Clay Blue : Goethite CROSTA (Mapping of Hydroxyl bearing minerals through PCA) • The analysis showed that the albedo (reflectance) is mapped by PC1, and the spectral difference between shortwaveinfrared and visible ranges is mapped by PC2. • PC3 is found to be responsible for displaying the vegetation and PC4 highlights hydroxylbearing minerals as bright pixels in the PC image and called Crosta hydroxyl (H) image (Loughlin, 1991) (Fig. 37) . Fig 27: PC4 image displaying OH minerals in bright pixels Results and Validation • Finally, accuracy of the outcomes (Results) of above mentioned methods were checked and supervised classification has been carried out for better classification of altered mineral deposits, and compared with the other anomalies such as lineaments, Deep seated Faults, Gravity anomalies such as Gravity highs, Gravity lows and Gravity breaks, Trend line Anomaly zones and axes and Lithological contats to map the hydrothermal alteration zones in the study area. Fig 28: Flow Chart for Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Mineral Prospect Zones Fig 29: Supervised Classified Band Ratio Image of 6/7 Fig 30 : Supervised Classified Band Ratio Image of Abdelhamid & Rebba Ratio Fig 31 : Supervised Classified Image of LS – Fit Composite Image Fig 32 : Supervised Classified Image of PC4 Fig 33 : Lineament Controlled Clay Mineral Alteration Zones Over LS - Classified Image Fig 34 : Trend Line Anomaly Axes Controlled Clay Mineral Alteration Zones Over LS – Fit Classified Image Fig 35 : Deep Seated Faults Controlled Clay Mineral Alteration Zones Over LS – Fit Classified Image Fig 36 : Lithological Contacts Controlled Clay Mineral Alteration Zones Over LS – Fit Classified Image GIS Integration Fig 37 : Integrated Hydrothermal Alteration Zone Map Through LS - Fir Fig 38 : Integ Hydrothermal Alteration Map Through Band Ratio 6/7 Fig 39 : Integ Hydrothermal Alteration Map Through PC4 Image Fig 40 : Integ Hydrothermal Alteration Map Through Abdelhamid & Rebba Ratio GIS Integration Fig 41 : Potential Hydrothermal Mineral Alteration Zone Map Fig 42: Probable Conduits for Hydrothermal Alteration Fig 43: Mineral Resource Map of The Study Area Source: Geology and Mineral Resource Map, GSI, 2006 Fig 44: Hydrothermal Mineral Prospect Zones Map Conclusion & Recommendation • From the final integrated map, the high weightages zones where buffered out as most favourable zone for the mineral exploration related to hydro thermal activities. • Further, in order to validate the potential zones identified through the above various techniques was overlaid with the already existing mineral occurrence map of this region. • The validation shows that there are nearly 90-95% of coincidences between the existing mineral occurrences and mineral potential zone derived from the present study. • Further detailed warranted along the potential zones identified from the present study. 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