Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised 33883-E 28182-E Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Sheet 1 ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING APPLICABILITY: This schedule is applicable to services for lighting installations which illuminate streets, highways, and other outdoor ways and places where the Customer is a Governmental Agency (Agency) and owns the lighting fixtures, poles and interconnecting circuits. This schedule is also applicable for service to those installations where service is initially established in the name of a developer who has installed such systems as required by an Agency and, where ownership of facilities and responsibility for service will be transferred to an Agency. Where the Agency does not accept facilities or where no transfer is intended, service will be provided under an otherwise appropriate rate schedule and rule. Class C is closed to new installations and additional lamps in existing accounts. TERRITORY: The entirety of PG&E’s service territory. RATES: The total monthly charge per lamp is equal to the sum of the facility charge and the energy charge. The monthly charge per lamp used for billing is calculated using unrounded facility and energy charges. Monthly facility charges include the costs of owning, operating and maintaining the various lamp types and size. Monthly energy charges are based on the kWh usage of each lamp. Monthly energy charges per lamp are calculated using the following formula: (Lamp wattage + ballast wattage) x 4,100 hours/12 months/1000 x streetlight energy rate per kilowatt hour (kWh). Ballast wattage = ballast factor x lamp wattage. Total bundled monthly facility and energy charges are shown below. The various ballast wattages used in the monthly energy charge calculations can be found in the Ballast Factor table following the monthly energy charges. Ballast factors are averaged within each grouping (range of wattages). The same ballast factor is applied to all of the lamps that fall within its watt range. Applicant or Customer must provide third party documentation where manufacturer’s information is not available for rated wattage consumption before PG&E will accept lamps for this schedule. Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) charges shall be calculated in accordance with Condition 14, Billing, below. Advice Letter No: Decision No. 1C8 4411-E Issued by Brian K. Cherry Vice President Regulatory Relations Date Filed Effective Resolution No. (T) (Continued) May 5, 2014 November 25, 2014 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING 34769-E 34498-E Sheet 2 RATES: (Cont’d.) Facilities Charge Per Lamp Per Month CLASS: A PG&E supplies energy and service only. C*** PG&E supplies the energy and maintenance service as described in Special Condition 8 $0.206 ( ) $2.382 ( ) Energy Charge Per Lamp Per Month All Night Rates Nominal Lamp Rating: LAMP WATTS Per Lamp Per Month kWh per MONTH AVERAGE INITIAL LUMENS* All Classes Half-Hour Adjustment INCANDESCENT LAMPS: 58 92 189 295 405 620 860 20 31 65 101 139 212 294 600 1,000 2,500 4,000** 6,000** 10,000** 15,000** $3.015 $4.673 $9.797 $15.224 $20.951 $31.955 $44.315 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.137 $0.212 $0.445 $0.692 $0.952 $1.453 $2.014 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $2.713 $3.316 $6.029 $10.250 $14.621 $22.911 $40.094 $56.825 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.123 $0.151 $0.274 $0.466 $0.665 $1.041 $1.822 $2.583 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) MERCURY VAPOR LAMPS: 40 50 100 175 250 400 700 1,000 18 22 40 68 97 152 266 377 1,300 1,650 3,500 7,500 11,000 21,000 37,000 57,000 _______________ * ** *** Latest published information should be consulted on best available lumens. Service for incandescent lamps over 2,500 lumens will be closed to new installations after September 11, 1978. Closed to new installations and new lamps on existing circuits, see Condition 8A. (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 2C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 34770-E 34499-E Sheet 3 ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING RATES: (Cont’d.) LAMP WATTS kWh per MONTH AVERAGE INITIAL LUMENS Half-Hour Adjustment All Classes HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR LAMPS AT: 120 VOLTS 35 50 70 100 150 200 250 400 15 21 29 41 60 80 100 154 2,150 3,800 5,800 9,500 16,000 22,000 26,000 46,000 $2.261 $3.165 $4.371 $6.180 $9.044 $12.058 $15.073 $23.212 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.103 $0.144 $0.199 $0.281 $0.411 $0.548 $0.685 $1.055 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $3.618 $5.125 $7.084 $10.400 $12.209 $15.073 $17.937 $21.705 $23.212 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.164 $0.233 $0.322 $0.473 $0.555 $0.685 $0.815 $0.987 $1.055 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $3.165 $4.371 $6.783 $9.345 $11.757 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.144 $0.199 $0.308 $0.425 $0.534 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR LAMPS AT: 240 VOLTS 50 70 100 150 200 250 310 360 400 24 34 47 69 81 100 119 144 154 3,800 5,800 9,500 16,000 22,000 25,500 37,000 45,000 46,000 LOW PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR LAMPS: 35 55 90 135 180 21 29 45 62 78 4,800 8,000 13,500 21,500 33,000 (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 3C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 34771-E 34500-E Sheet 4 ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING RATES: (Cont’d.) AVERAGE INITIAL LUMENS All Classes 30 41 63 72 105 162 387 5,500 8,500 13,500 14,000 20,500 30,000 90,000 $4.522 $6.180 $9.496 $10.853 $15.827 $24.418 $58.333 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.206 $0.281 $0.432 $0.493 $0.719 $1.110 $2.652 9 13 14 18 19 24 27 28 30 36 42 48 51 58 72 1,840 2,450 2,200 3,500 3,000 5,525 6,500 4,500 4,800 8,000 8,500 9,450 10,900 12,000 19,000 $1.357 $1.959 $2.110 $2.713 $2.864 $3.618 $4.070 $4.220 $4.522 $5.426 $6.257 $7.235 $7.687 $8.742 $10.853 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) $0.062 $0.089 $0.096 $0.123 $0.130 $0.164 $0.185 $0.192 $0.206 $0.247 $0.284 $0.329 $0.349 $0.397 $0.493 kWh per MONTH LAMP WATTS Half-Hour Adjustment METAL HALIDE LAMPS: 70 100 150 175 250 400 1,000 INDUCTION LAMPS: 23 35 40 50 55 65 70 80 85 100 120 135 150 165 200 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 4C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING 34772-E 34611-E Sheet 5 RATES: (Cont’d.) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LAMPS OR COMPARABLE LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY (unless otherwise specified in this tariff): LAMP WATTS**** kWh per MONTH***** Energy Rates Per Lamp Per Month Half-Hour Adjustment 0.00-5.00 0.9 $0.136 (I) $0.006 5.01-10.00 2.6 $0.392 (I) $0.018 10.01-15.00 4.3 $0.648 (I) $0.029 15.01-20.00 6.0 $0.904 (I) $0.041 (I) 20.01-25.00 7.7 $1.161 (I) $0.053 (I) 25.01-30.00 9.4 $1.417 (I) $0.064 (I) 30.01-35.00 11.1 $1.673 (I) $0.076 (I) 35.01-.40.00 12.8 $1.929 (I) $0.088 (I) 40.01-45.00 14.5 $2.186 (I) $0.099 (I) 45.01-50.00 16.2 $2.442 (I) $0.111 (I) 50.01-55.00 17.9 $2.698 (I) $0.123 (I) 55.01-60.00 19.6 $2.954 (I) $0.134 (I) 60.01-65.00 21.4 $3.226 (I) $0.147 (I) 65.01-70.00 23.1 $3.482 (I) $0.158 (I) 70.01-75.00 24.8 $3.738 (I) $0.170 (I) 75.01-80.00 26.5 $3.994 (I) $0.182 (I) 80.01-85.00 28.2 $4.251 (I) $0.193 (I) 85.01-90.00 29.9 $4.507 (I) $0.205 (I) 90.01-95.00 31.6 $4.763 (I) $0.217 (I) 95.01-100.00 33.3 $5.019 (I) $0.228 (I) 100.01-105.00 35.0 $5.276 (I) $0.240 (I) 105.01-110.00 36.7 $5.532 (I) $0.251 (I) 110.01-115.00 38.4 $5.788 (I) $0.263 (I) 115.01-120.00 40.1 $6.044 (I) $0.275 (I) 120.01-125.00 41.9 $6.316 (I) $0.287 (I) 125.01-130.00 43.6 $6.572 (I) $0.299 (I) 130.01-135.00 45.3 $6.828 (I) $0.310 (I) 135.01-140.00 47.0 $7.084 (I) $0.322 (I) 140.01-145.00 48.7 $7.341 (I) $0.334 (I) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 5C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING 34773-E 34612-E Sheet 6 RATES: (Cont’d.) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LAMPS OR COMPARABLE LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY (unless otherwise specified in this tariff): (Cont’d.) LAMP WATTS**** kWh per MONTH***** Energy Rates Per Lamp Per Month Half-Hour Adjustment 145.01-150.00 50.4 $7.597 (I) $0.345 (I) 150.01-155.00 52.1 $7.853 (I) $0.357 (I) 155.01-160.00 53.8 $8.109 (I) $0.369 (I) 160.01-165.00 55.5 $8.366 (I) $0.380 (I) 165.01-170.00 57.2 $8.622 (I) $0.392 (I) 170.01-175.00 58.9 $8.878 (I) $0.404 (I) 175.01-180.00 60.6 $9.134 (I) $0.415 (I) 180.01-185.00 62.4 $9.406 (I) $0.428 (I) 185.01-190.00 64.1 $9.662 (I) $0.439 (I) 190.01-195.00 65.8 $9.918 (I) $0.451 (I) 195.01-200.00 67.5 $10.174 (I) $0.462 (I) 200.01-205.00 69.2 $10.431 (I) $0.474 (I) 205.01-210.00 70.9 $10.687 (I) $0.486 (I) 210.01-215.00 72.6 $10.943 (I) $0.497 (I) 215.01-220.00 74.3 $11.199 (I) $0.509 (I) 220.01-225.00 76.0 $11.455 (I) $0.521 (I) 225.01-230.00 77.7 $11.712 (I) $0.532 (I) 230.01-235.00 79.4 $11.968 (I) $0.544 (I) 235.01-240.00 81.1 $12.224 (I) $0.556 (I) 240.01-245.00 82.9 $12.496 (I) $0.568 (I) 245.01-250.00 84.6 $12.752 (I) $0.580 (I) 250.01-255.00 86.3 $13.008 (I) $0.591 (I) 255.01-260.00 88.0 $13.264 (I) $0.603 (I) 260.01-265.00 89.7 $13.520 (I) $0.615 (I) 265.01-270.00 91.4 $13.777 (I) $0.626 (I) 270.01-275.00 93.1 $14.033 (I) $0.638 (I) 275.01-280.00 94.8 $14.289 (I) $0.650 (I) 280.01-285.00 96.5 $14.545 (I) $0.661 (I) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 6C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING 34774-E 34613-E Sheet 7 RATES: (Cont’d.) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LAMPS OR COMPARABLE LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY (unless otherwise specified in this tariff): (Cont’d.) LAMP WATTS**** kWh per MONTH***** Energy Rates Per Lamp Per Month Half-Hour Adjustment 285.01-290.00 98.2 $14.802 (I) $0.673 (I) 290.01-295.00 99.9 $15.058 (I) $0.684 (I) 295.01-300.00 101.6 $15.314 (I) $0.696 (I) 300.01-305.00 103.4 $15.585 (I) $0.708 (I) 305.01-310.00 105.1 $15.842 (I) $0.720 (I) 310.01-315.00 106.8 $16.098 (I) $0.732 (I) 315.01-320.00 108.5 $16.354 (I) $0.743 (I) 320.01-325.00 110.2 $16.610 (I) $0.755 (I) 325.01-330.00 111.9 $16.867 (I) $0.767 (I) 330.01-335.00 113.6 $17.123 (I) $0.778 (I) 335.01-340.00 115.3 $17.379 (I) $0.790 (I) 340.01-345.00 117.0 $17.635 (I) $0.802 (I) 345.01-350.00 118.7 $17.892 (I) $0.813 (I) 350.01-355.00 120.4 $18.148 (I) $0.825 (I) 355.01-360.00 122.1 $18.404 (I) $0.837 (I) 360.01-365.00 123.9 $18.675 (I) $0.849 (I) 365.01-370.00 125.6 $18.932 (I) $0.861 (I) 370.01-375.00 127.3 $19.188 (I) $0.872 (I) 375.01-380.00 129.0 $19.444 (I) $0.884 (I) 380.01-385.00 130.7 $19.700 (I) $0.895 (I) 385.01-390.00 132.4 $19.957 (I) $0.907 (I) 390.01-395.00 134.1 $20.213 (I) $0.919 (I) 395.01-400.00 135.8 $20.469 (I) $0.930 (I) _______________ **** Wattage based on total consumption of lamp and driver. Customer may be required to provide verification of total energy consumption of lamp and driver upon request by PG&E. ***** Assumptions consistent with tariff, based on 4100 hours of operation for a full year; mid-point in range established by deducting 2.5 watts from highest wattage in range. The energy use calculation is: (high wattage in range-2.5 watts)x( 4,100 hours/12 months/1000) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 7C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 29870-E 28188-E Sheet 8 ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING RATES: (Cont’d.) Ballast Factors by Lamp Type and Wattage Range Watt Range MERCURY VAPOR 1 to 76 to 126 to 326 to 801 + Ballast Factor Ballast Factor HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR 75 125 325 800 31.00% 17.07% 13.69% 11.22% 10.34% LOW PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR 1 to 40 75.61% 41 to 75 54.32% 76 to 110 46.34% 111 to 160 34.42% 161 + 26.83% METAL HALIDE 1 to 86 to 201 to 376 to 701 + Watt Range 85 200 375 700 25.44% 20.39% 22.93% 18.54% 13.27% 120 Volts 1 to 41 to 61 to 86 to 126 + 40 60 85 125 25.44% 22.93% 21.25% 20.00% 17.07% 240 Volts 1 to 61 to 86 to 126 to 176 to 226 to 281 to 381 + 60 85 125 175 225 280 380 40.49% 42.16% 37.56% 34.63% 18.54% 17.07% 12.35% 12.68% (L) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (L) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 8C12 3727-E-A Issued by Jane K. Yura Vice President Regulation and Rates Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 30, 2010 January 1, 2011 E-4379 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Revised Revised Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING 34775-E 34504-E Sheet 9 RATES: (Cont’d.) TOTAL ENERGY RATES Total Energy Charge Rate ($ per kWh) $0.15073 (I) UNBUNDLING OF TOTAL ENERGY CHARGES The total energy charge is unbundled according to the component rates shown below. Energy Rate by Components ($ per kWh) Generation Distribution** Transmission* Transmission Rate Adjustments* Reliability Services* Public Purpose Programs Nuclear Decommissioning Competition Transition Charge Energy Cost Recovery Amount DWR Bond New System Generation Charge** $0.08711 (I) $0.04078 (I) $0.00811 $0.00409 (R) $0.00008 (R) $0.00769 (I) $0.00097 (I) $0.00006 (R) ($0.00504) (R) $0.00526 (I) $0.00162 (R) _______________ * ** Transmission, Transmission Rate Adjustments, and Reliability Service charges are combined for presentation on customer bills. Distribution and New System Generation Charges are combined for presentation on customer bills. (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 9C9 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Cancelling San Francisco, California U 39 Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. 33887-E 29872-E Sheet 10 TYPE OF SERVICE: This schedule is applicable to multiple lighting systems to which PG&E will deliver current at secondary voltage. Multiple current will normally be supplied at 120/240 Volt, single-phase. In certain localities PG&E may supply service from 120/208 Volt, wye-systems, polyphase lines in place of 240 Volt service. Unless otherwise agreed, existing series current will be delivered at 6.6 amperes. Single-phase service from 480 Volt sources and series circuits will be available in certain areas at the option of PG&E when this type of service is practical from PG&E's engineering standpoint. All currents and voltages stated herein are nominal, reasonable variations being permitted. New lights will normally be supplied as multiple systems. Series service to new lights will be made only when it is practical from PG&E's engineering standpoint to supply them from existing series systems. 2. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: a) PHOTO CONTROLS This rate schedule is predicated on an electronic type photo controls meeting ANSI standard C136.10, with a turn on value of 1.0 foot-candles and a turn off value of 1.5 foot-candles. Electro-mechanical or thermal type photo controls are not acceptable for this rate schedule. b) LIGHT or POLE NUMBERING As agreed upon by the parties, pole number sequencing and coding for single lights or multiple lights on a single pole, shall be provided by either party and must conform to PG&E’s billing system. Customer will provide physical numbering on lights or poles for LS-2 installations in order to facilitate accurate billing and inventory reporting. Numbering is required prior to energizing facilities. Numbering must be legible from the ground. c) SERVICE REQUESTS Service requests for installation and energizing of Customer's facilities may be submitted on forms 79-1007 or 79-1107. Removal or de-energizing of Customer's facilities may be requested on form 79-1008. d) WATTAGE STICKERS REQUIRED A wattage sticker, visible from the ground, of a size and type acceptable to PG&E showing total fixture energy use in watts for any lamps billed under LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LAMPS OR COMPARABLE LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY, nominal wattage rating (in watts) for induction lighting, or stickers meeting requirements of ANSI Standard C136.15 for other lamp types must be installed on each fixture. Advice Letter No: Decision No. 10C8 4411-E Issued by Brian K. Cherry Vice President Regulatory Relations Date Filed Effective Resolution No. (T) (T) (Continued) May 5, 2014 November 25, 2014 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Cont’d.) 3. 29873-E 28191-E* Sheet 11 SERVICE INSTALLATION PG&E will establish service delivery points within close proximity to its distribution system. a) Overhead: In an overhead area, a single drop will be installed. For an overhead to underground system, service will be established in a PG&E box at the base of the riser pole or other agreed upon location within close proximity. PG&E will connect Customer’s conductors at the service delivery point. b) Underground: In an underground area, service will be established at the nearest existing secondary box. Where no secondary facilities exist, a new service, transformer and secondary splice box, as required, will be installed in the shortest most practical configuration from the connection on the distribution line source. Customer shall install and own all facilities from the service delivery point on PG&E’s system. c) Customer Installation Responsibility: Customer shall install, own and maintain all facilities beyond the service delivery point. For PG&E’s serving facilities, Customer or Applicant, at its expense, shall perform all necessary trenching, backfill and paving, and shall furnish and install all necessary conduit and substructures (including substructures for transformer installations, if necessary, for street lights only) in accordance with PG&E’s specifications. Riser material shall be installed by PG&E at the Customer’s expense. Upon acceptance by PG&E, ownership of the conduit and substructures shall vest in PG&E. Customer shall provide rights of way as provided in electric Rule 16. d) PG&E Installation Responsibility: PG&E shall furnish and install the underground or overhead service conductor, transformers and necessary facilities to complete the service to the distribution line source, subject to the payment provisions of Special Condition 4. Only duly authorized employees of PG&E shall connect Customer’s loads to, or disconnect the same from, PG&E’s electrical distribution facilities. e) Rearrangements: Customer or Applicant shall pay, in advance, PG&E’s estimated cost for any relocation or rearrangement of PG&E’s existing street light or service facilities requested by Customer or Applicant and agreed to by PG&E. f) Non-Conforming Load: Applicant or Customer must be a governmental agency. Any load, other then the lighting loads listed in the Rate table above, is non conforming load. Non conforming load may be connected to customer circuits not to exceed 150 watts per circuit, or light for individually connected lights. Loads will conform to the requirements of Agreement form 79-1048 available on PG&E’s web site, for electric forms. All other non conforming load connected to unmetered LS-2 facilities exceeding this limitation requires metering of the Customer’s system at PG&E’s service delivery point. (L) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (L) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 11C10 3727-E-A Issued by Jane K. Yura Vice President Regulation and Rates Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 30, 2010 January 1, 2011 E-4379 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Cont’d.) 4. 29874-E 28192-E Sheet 12 NON REFUNDABLE PAYMENT FOR SERVICE INSTALLATION: a) Customer or Applicant shall pay in advance the estimated installed cost necessary to establish a service delivery point. A one-time revenue allowance will be provided based on Customer's kWh usage and the distribution component of the energy rate posted in the Rate Schedule for the lamps installed. The total allowance shall be determined by taking the annual equivalent kWh times the Distribution component of this rate divided by the cost of service factor shown in Electric Rule 15.C. b) The allowance will only be provided where PG&E must install capital assets to connect load. No allowance will be provided where a simple connection is required. Only lights on a minimum 11 hour All Night (AN) schedule for permanent service shall be granted an allowance. Where Applicant received allowances based upon 11 hour AN operation, no billing adjustments, as otherwise provided for in Special Condition 7, shall be made for the first three (3) years following commencement of service. Line or service extensions in excess of the above shall be installed under special condition 9. 5. TEMPORARY SERVICE: Temporary services will be installed under electric Rule 13. 6. ANNUAL OPERATING SCHEDULES: The above rates for AN service assume 11 hours operation per night and apply to lamps which will be turned on and off once each night in accordance with a regular operating schedule selected by the Customer but not exceeding 4,100 hours per year. (L) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (L) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 12C10 3727-E-A Issued by Jane K. Yura Vice President Regulation and Rates Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 30, 2010 January 1, 2011 E-4379 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Cont’d.) 7. 8. 29875-E 28193-E Sheet 13 OPERATING SCHEDULES OTHER THAN ALL-NIGHT: Rates for regular operating schedules other than full all-night will be the AN rate, plus or minus, respectively, the half-hour adjustment for each half-hour more or less than an average of 11 hours per night. This adjustment will apply only to lamps on regular operating schedules of not less than 1,095 hours per year, or 3 hours per night, and may be applied for 24-hour operation. Photo control devices used for more or less than AN must be approved by PG&E prior to adjustments in billing. MAINTENANCE, ACCESS, CLEARANCES a) Maintenance The C rates include all labor and material necessary for the inspection, cleaning, or replacement by PG&E of lamps and glassware. Replacement is limited to certain glassware such as is commonly used and manufactured in reasonably large quantities. A commensurate extra charge will be made for maintenance of glassware of a type entailing unusual expense. The Class C rate also includes all labor and material necessary for replacement by PG&E of photoelectric controls. Class C rates are closed to new installations and to additional lamps in existing accounts as of March 1, 2006. b) Under the grand fathered Class C rates, the following shall apply: 1) At Customer’s request, where PG&E’s resources permit, PG&E will paint poles for Customer on a time and material basis. This service will only be offered for poles that have been designed to be painted. 2) PG&E will Isolate any trouble in the Customer’s system which has resulted in an outage or diminished light output. 3) PG&E will make necessary repairs which do not require wiring replacement on accessible wiring between poles and on equipment and wiring in and on poles to keep the system in operating condition. 4) PG&E will provide labor for the replacement of material such as ballasts, relays, fixtures, individual cable runs between poles where such runs are in conduit, and other individual parts of the system that are not capital items. 5) Customer shall compensate PG&E for any material furnished by PG&E not included in 8.A. above. Customer must have been on Class C for this service. 6) PG&E shall not be responsible for excavation or any major replacement of circuits, conduits, poles, or fixtures owned by the Customer. 7) Tree trimming is the responsibility of the Customer for installation of new lights or for maintaining lighting patterns of existing lights. (L) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (L) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 13C10 3727-E-A Issued by Jane K. Yura Vice President Regulation and Rates Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 30, 2010 January 1, 2011 E-4379 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Cont’d.) 8. 29876-E 28194-E Sheet 14 (L) MAINTENANCE, ACCESS, CLEARANCES (Cont’d.): c) Access Customer will maintain adequate access for PG&E’s standard equipment used in maintaining facilities and for installation of its facilities. PG&E reserves the right to collect additional maintenance costs due to obstructed access or other conditions preventing PG&E from maintaining its equipment with standard operating procedures. Applicant or Customer shall be responsible for rearrangement charges as provided for in Special Condition 3.e. d) Clearances Customer applicant shall, at its expense, correct all access or clearance infractions, or pay PG&E its total estimated cost for PG&E to relocate facilities to a new location which is acceptable to PG&E. Failure to comply with corrective measures within a reasonable time may result in discontinuance of service in accordance with electric Rule 11. Applicant or Customer shall be responsible for tree trimming to maintain lighting patterns of existing lights. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (L) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 14C10 3727-E-A Issued by Jane K. Yura Vice President Regulation and Rates Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 30, 2010 January 1, 2011 E-4379 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Cont’d.) 9. 10. 29877-E 28195-E* Sheet 15 LINE EXTENSIONS A. Where PG&E extends its facilities to street light installations in advance of subdivision projects where subdivision maps have been approved by local authorities, extensions will be installed under the provisions of electric Rule 15, except as noted below. B. Where PG&E extends its facilities to street light installations in the absence of any approved subdivision maps, applicant shall pay PG&E’s estimated cost, plus cost of ownership and applicable tax. Standard form contract 62-4527, Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work, shall be used for these installations. STREET LIGHT LAMPS – STANDARD AND NONSTANDARD RATINGS: The rates under Class C are applicable to both standard and group replacement street lamps. Standard and group replacement street lamps have reference only to street lamps having wattage and operating life ratings within three percent of those specified in the EEI-NEMA Standards for Filament Lamps Used in Street Lighting. Where Class A service is supplied to lamps of other ratings than those specified in EEI-NEMA Standards an adjustment will be made in the lamp rates proportionate to the difference between the wattage of the lamps and the standard lamps of the same lumen rating. 11. ENERGY EFFICIENT STREET LIGHTS: Where Customer permanently installs energy efficient street lights and total energy use cannot be verified through industry standard test results and customer requests that the energy efficient street lights be added to this tariff, customer may be required to provide specific performance data on the total energy consumption of the fixture (which includes controls, lamp and ballast or driver) as requested by PG&E. 12. CONTRACT: Except as otherwise provided in this rate schedule, or where lighting service is installed in conjunction with facilities installed under the provisions of Rules 15 or 16, standard form contract 62-4527, Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work shall be used for installations, rearrangements or relocations. 13. POLE CONTACT AGREEMENT: Where Customer requests to have a portion or all Customer owned street lighting facilities in contact with PG&E’s distribution poles, a Customer-Owned Streetlights PG&E Pole Contact Agreement (Form 79 938) will be required. (L) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (T) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (L) (Continued) Advice Letter No: Decision No. 15C11 3727-E-A Issued by Jane K. Yura Vice President Regulation and Rates Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 30, 2010 January 1, 2011 E-4379 Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Francisco, California U 39 Cancelling Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. ELECTRIC SCHEDULE LS-2 CUSTOMER-OWNED STREET AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (Cont’d.) 34776-E 33423-E Sheet 16 14. BILLING: This Rate Schedule is subject to PG&E’s other rules governing billing issues, as may be applicable. PG&E performs regular auditing as part of this rate schedule. Limited testing of Energy Efficient Street Light Technology will be allowed under this Rate Schedule where a light of the type and wattage of the fixture and lamp to be tested are not presently included in the rate tables. Such test installations are subject to approval by PG&E. Following approval, test installations will be billed at the customer’s currently billed rate. Customer will provide a monthly inventory of streetlights that will be tested. The format and content of the inventory must be approved by PG&E. The Company reserves the right to audit customer. PG&E also reserves the right to collect the cost of any such audit from the customer. Testing is limited to existing street light fixtures and the total energy consumption per fixture must not exceed current energy use per fixture. Additional energy efficient street light fixtures installed will also be subject to billing under the current rate upon the approval of PG&E. The test period will not exceed 12 months. Bundled Service Customers receive supply and delivery service solely from PG&E. The Customer’s bill is based on the Total Rate set forth above. Transitional Bundled Service Customers take transitional bundled service as prescribed in Rules 22.1 and 23.1, or take bundled service prior to the end of the six (6) month advance notice period required to elect bundled portfolio service as prescribed in Rules 22.1 and 23.1. These customers shall pay charges for transmission, transmission rate adjustments, reliability services, distribution, nuclear decommissioning, public purpose programs, New System Generation Charges1, the applicable Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) pursuant to Schedule DA CRS or Schedule CCA CRS, and short-term commodity prices as set forth in Schedule TBCC. Direct Access (DA) and Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Customers purchase energy from their non-utility provider and continue receiving delivery services from PG&E. Bills are equal to the sum of charges for transmission, transmission rate adjustments, reliability services, distribution, public purpose programs, nuclear decommissioning, New System Generation Charges1, the franchise fee surcharge, and the applicable CRS. The CRS is equal to the sum of the individual charges set forth below. Exemptions to the CRS are set forth in Schedules DA CRS and CCA CRS. DA / CCA CRS Energy Cost Recovery Amount Charge (per kWh) DWR Bond Charge (per kWh) CTC Charge (per kWh) Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (per kWh) Pre-2009 Vintage 2009 Vintage 2010 Vintage 2011 Vintage 2012 Vintage 2013 Vintage 2014 Vintage 2015 Vintage 15. ($0.00504) $0.00526 $0.00006 (R) (I) (R) ($0.00002) $0.00104 $0.00111 $0.00113 $0.00112 $0.00109 $0.00107 $0.00107 (I) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (N) (N) DWR BOND CHARGE: The Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bond Charge was imposed by California Public Utilities Commission Decision 02-10-063, as modified by Decision 02-12-082, and is property of DWR for all purposes under California law. The Bond Charge applies to all retail sales, excluding CARE and Medical Baseline sales. The DWR Bond Charge (where applicable) is included in customers’ total billed amounts. __________________ 1 Per Decision 11-12-031, New System Generation Charges are effective 1/1/2012. Advice Letter No: Decision No. 16C11 4484-E-A E-4693 Issued by Steven Malnight Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs Date Filed Effective Resolution No. December 31, 2014 January 1, 2015
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