[FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] ISRCAP INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPATHOLOGY CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS SEVENTEENTH SCIENTIFIC MEETING Developmental Psychopathology: Gene by Environment Interplay and Epigenetics WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 - SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 The Sentinel Hotel Portland, Oregon USA Joel Nigg, Ph.D. Ann Vander Stoep, Ph.D. President 2013-2015 Secretary/Treasurer 2011-2015 1 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] INFORMATION REGARDING SUBMISSIONS Submission Deadline: Submissions must be e-mailed to [email protected] no later than midnight US Pacific Standard time on December 18, 2014. Only current ISRCAP members, or persons sponsored by an ISRCAP member, may submit proposals. Review Procedures and Outcome: The symposia and posters presented at the 2015 meeting will be selected through peer review by the program committee. We encourage researchers to submit findings that are consistent with the 2015 conference theme, however all scientifically strong submissions will be considered. Evaluation of Submissions: Symposia Submissions will be rated on a five-point scale on five dimensions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clarity of presentation Potential significance of contribution to child and adolescent mental health Innovation Appropriateness of methods Synthesis of theme and papers Poster Submissions will be rated on a five-point scale on four dimensions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Clarity of presentation Potential significance of contribution to child and adolescent mental health Innovation Appropriateness of methods Decisions: Notification of the status of the submission will be made via e-mail by January 16, 2015. It is the responsibility of the chairs/organizers of symposia to notify their co-presenters of the submission’s acceptance or rejection. ISRCAP Nomination Form (optional): Please use the Call for Submissions as an opportunity to nominate ISRCAP officers and to suggest a 2017 meeting location. 2 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] Submission Formats I. Symposia: Symposia are 90 minutes with 3 presentations and a discussion. For each symposium, a discussant should be identified and invited. A symposium should involve a synthesis of theme and presentations, not just a series of presentations on unrelated topics. For each session of the meeting, two symposia will be held simultaneously. The following are required for submission: 1. Submission Cover Sheet 2. Symposium Presentation Summary a. A 250-word overview of the symposium. b. A 500-word abstract for each individual presentation including (a) introduction, (b) methods, (3) results, (4) conclusion/discussion. c. List of Authors for each 500-word abstract of up to 9 co-authors (if applicable) with name, title, academic affiliation, and ISRCAP membership status. d. Name of Discussant 3. Optional for each individual abstract: 1-2 tables or figures, up to 5 citations which fall outside the 500-word limit. II. Posters: Poster presentations provide an opportunity to disseminate recent, unpublished research findings in a concise format. Posters will be on display for a period of about 2 hours in the early evenings on Thursday and Friday. Presenters are expected to be available at the poster to discuss findings and implications. The poster sessions are given high priority in that there are no competing functions held at the same time. Poster submissions require: 1. Submission Cover Sheet 2. Poster Summary a. A 750-word maximum abstract including 1) Introduction, 2) Research Methods, 3) Results, 4) Discussion. 3. List of Authors, a list of up to a total of 9 co-authors (if applicable) with name, title, academic affiliation, and ISRCAP membership status. 4. Optional: 1-2 tables figures, and up to 5 citations can be included. (Citations don’t count towards 750-word limit.) Submission Procedures: Submissions should be in 11-point Ariel font, with 1-inch margins, and doublespaced in one Microsoft Word document or pdf document. In the header of each page, please add the First Author/Symposium Chair’s last name and page number. The Submission Cover Sheet and List of Authors must accompany each submission. Attach document and e-mail it to [email protected]. Do not Fax or Mail your submission. 3 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SUBMISSION COVER SHEET FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 17TH SCIENTIFIC MEETING JULY 8-11, 2015 The Sentinel Hotel Portland, Oregon USA #____________ Date____________ Dues Paid: 2014 ___ TITLE OF PRESENTATION (12 words or less): PREFERRED FORMAT (Check or rank order, if more than one choice) Symposium Poster FIRST AUTHOR/SYMPOSIUM CHAIR FIRST NAME: LAST NAME ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS ☐ Non-Member [If not an ISRCAP member, name of member sponsor: ] IF TRAINEE/ FELLOW/ STUDENT, DESCRIBE: PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION (Only one affiliation will be listed in the program.) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE/ REGION: POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: EMAIL: PHONE: SYMPOSIUM DISCUSSANT (for Symposiums only) FIRST NAME: LAST NAME PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION DEGREE: (Only one affiliation will be listed in the program.) CITY: STATE/ REGION: COUNTRY: I hereby certify that this proposal has not been previously published or presented at any other conferences. All participants named have seen and approved this submission. If accepted, I agree to do the presentation at the 2015 meeting. Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________ 4 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION SUMMARY Symposia: Title, 250 word symposium overview Title, 500 word abstract for each individual presentation All submissions may include: 1-2 tables and/or figures, and 1 page of references which all fall outside the word limit. Format must be 11 pt Ariel font, 1-inch margins, and double-spaced. TITLE OF SYMPOSIUM (12 words or less) OVERVIEW OF SYMPOSIUM (250 words or less) 5 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM TITLE OF PRESENTATION #1 (12 words or less) PRESENTER(S) WHO WILL ATTEND ISRCAP MEETING ABSTRACT #1 (500 words or less) 6 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] 7 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM AUTHOR 9 AUTHOR 8 AUTHOR 7 AUTHOR 6 AUTHOR 5 AUTHOR 4 AUTHOR 3 AUTHOR 2 AUTHOR 1 LIST OF AUTHORS PRESENTATION #1 FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: 8 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM TITLE OF PRESENTATION #2 (12 words or less) PRESENTER(S) WHO WILL ATTEND ISRCAP MEETING ABSTRACT #2 (500 words or less) 9 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM AUTHOR 9 AUTHOR 8 AUTHOR 7 AUTHOR 6 AUTHOR 5 AUTHOR 4 AUTHOR 3 AUTHOR 2 AUTHOR 1 LIST OF AUTHORS PRESENTATION #2 FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☒ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: 10 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM TITLE OF PRESENTATION #3 (12 words or less) PRESENTER(S) WHO WILL ATTEND ISRCAP MEETING ABSTRACT #1 (500 words or less) 11 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] SYMPOSIUM AUTHOR 9 AUTHOR 8 AUTHOR 7 AUTHOR 6 AUTHOR 5 AUTHOR 4 AUTHOR 3 AUTHOR 2 AUTHOR 1 LIST OF AUTHORS PRESENTATION #3 FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: 12 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] POSTER SUMMARY Title, 750 word overview. All submissions may include: 1-2 Tables and/or Figures and 1 page of references, which all fall outside the word limit. Format must be 11 pt Ariel font, 1-inch margins, and double-spaced. TITLE OF POSTER (12 words or less): PRESENTER(S) WHO WILL ATTEND ISRCAP MEETING ABSTRACT (750 words or less) 13 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] POSTER AUTHOR 9 AUTHOR 8 AUTHOR 7 AUTHOR 6 AUTHOR 5 AUTHOR 4 AUTHOR 3 AUTHOR 2 AUTHOR 1 LIST OF AUTHORS FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☒ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: FIRST NAME: ISRCAP MEMBERSHIP STATUS LAST NAME: ☐ ISRCAP Member DEGREE: ☐ Non-Member PRIMARY UNIVERSITY, HOSPITAL or other AFFILIATION EMAIL: COUNTRY: 14 of 15 [FIRST AUTHOR LAST NAME] ISRCAP NOMINATION FORM We encourage members to use this space to offer nominations for the ISRCAP office of President-elect for 2015-2017 and of Secretary/Treasurer for 2015-2019 and to offer suggestions for the location of the 2017 ISRCAP meeting. ISRCAP President-elect Nomination (PhD)___________________________________ ISRCAP Secretary/Treasurer Nomination:____________________________________ Good location(s) for 2017 ISRCAP Meeting (outside of N. America): __________________________________ __________________________________ Comments re: suggested nominations/locations: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Your Name: ___________________________________________________ See ISRCAP website for information about duties of the President, Presidentelect, and Secretary/Treasurer. Current ISRCAP Officers President: Joel Nigg, PhD Secretary-Treasurer: Ann Vander Stoep, PhD President-elect: Joan Luby, MD 15 of 15
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