ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Policy Implementation Procedures 35-7.2 – T-Scale Evaluation The Arlington Public Schools (APS) Teacher Evaluation System (in this policy “teacher” refers to all T-Scale employees) is designed to support and evaluate all teachers (probationary, continuing contract, part-time, and those on a performance improvement plan). The evaluation system defines common purposes and expectations to ensure improved student learning. The goal is to support the continuous growth and development of each teacher by monitoring, analyzing, and applying pertinent data compiled within a system of meaningful feedback. To ensure improved student learning, a teacher’s performance will be evaluated by using the following seven standards (Standards 1-6 will count toward 60% of a teacher’s evaluation and Standard 7 will count toward 40% of a teacher’s evaluation): 1. professional knowledge; 2. instructional planning; 3. instructional delivery; 4. assessment of and for student learning; 5. learning environment; 6. professionalism; and 7. student academic progress - Utilize SMART (specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic and time limited) goals The APS Teacher Evaluation System has set requirements for all teachers. a. All teachers will: be evaluated every school year. set and implement student or learner/program progress SMART (specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic, and time limited) goals, which address the requirement for student academic progress to be included as a significant part of a teacher’s evaluation. be observed as a part of the evaluation cycle. Probationary (see PIP 35-3.5, Employment –Probationary Period) teachers will have three observations a year. As part of the evaluation process, continuing contract teachers will have at least 1 observation on year 3 of the 3-year cycle. Part-time teachers will have one observation each year. keep a documentation log to be submitted by the end of May, in which one piece of evidence will be submitted for each of the seven standards per year. summarize professional activities as part of the document log. participate in a mid-year conversation about progress. utilize procedures to gather student feedback each year because it is an important element in improving teaching and learning. Examples of ways to receive feedback from students may include, but are not limited to: Approved – December 19, 2014 Effective – December 19, 2014 Page 1 of 6 ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Policy Implementation Procedures 35-7.2 – T-Scale Evaluation Exit tickets given after a lesson, soliciting student ratings and asking students for further questions they may have regarding the material; Journals that include a reflection question on the lesson; Writing Prompts – students may write about an instructional topic and provide feedback on strategies that helped them learn; and Questions at the end of the lesson, possibly using “clickers” that would provide graphs to measure self-assessment. have a mid-year conference or interim evaluation in which feedback is provided by the evaluator. Probationary and continuing contract teachers will have a mid-year conference. Continuing contract teachers’ interim evaluation will be provided in June of years 1 and 2 of the 3-year cycle. have a summative evaluation in June at the end of their cycle. Probationary and part-time teacher’s cycle is one year. Continuing contract teacher’s cycle is 3 years. At least 160 contractual days are considered a year of service. b. Administrators will: ensure that teachers have a copy and understanding of the evaluation procedures. evaluate the performance of teachers. confer, when deemed appropriate, with other administrators in the evaluation process to determine the primary evaluator if the teacher is supervised by more than one administrator. utilize supervisors in the evaluation process if deemed appropriate. Guidelines All forms related to teacher evaluation are available for evaluators and teachers in the Teacher Evaluation Handbook 1. SMART Goal Setting (Utilize for Standard 7) a. The teacher and administrator shall work toward agreement on the components of the teacher’s SMART goal within the specified timeline. If agreement cannot be reached, the administrator has the authority to establish the goal. The teacher shall complete the SMART Goal setting form. 2. Observations A. All Teachers Additional observations of any teacher may occur at any time at the discretion of the administrator. Approved – December 19, 2014 Effective – December 19, 2014 Page 2 of 6 ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Policy Implementation Procedures 35-7.2 – T-Scale Evaluation Depending on the teacher’s position, observations may be in or outside the classroom. An announced observation requires a post observation conference. If possible, the conferences should be scheduled within three working days following the observation. A written summary of an observation must be provided to the teacher within five working days of the observation. This time period may be adjusted based upon leave status or other circumstances relevant to a particular teacher or administrator. Copies of a supervisor’s observations will be sent to the teacher and the principal or principal’s designee. As provided in section 22.1-305 of the State Code and section E-1 of PIP 353.5, before a recommendation to nonrenew a teacher’s annual contract is made to the School Board, the Superintendent shall notify the employee of the proposed recommendation and follow the guidelines specified in the code and PIP. B. Probationary Teachers Three observations are required annually for the evaluation of probationary teachers. One observation must be an announced observation followed by a post-conference. The other observations may be announced or unannounced. It is understood that not all 7 standards will be noted in a single observation. Three observations must be conducted before a teacher may receive written notice of the possibility of a “developing/needs improvement” evaluation. Four observations must be conducted before a teacher may receive written notice of the possibility of an “ineffective” evaluation. C. Continuing Contract Teachers Continuing contract teachers will be observed in year 3 of the 3 year cycle as part of the evaluation process. D. Part-Time Teachers Part time teachers will be observed at least once annually. 3. Documentation Log a. Teachers will have the opportunity to put forth examples of their best work through the documentation log. Teachers will submit one piece of evidence per standard. The Professional Activities Summary is the required piece of evidence for Standard 6 and the SMART Goal setting form is the required piece of evidence for Standard 7. Teachers have a choice in what to include for Standards 1-5. One piece of evidence may be used for several standards if appropriate. 4. Professional Assistance a. Professional support will be available for probationary teachers. b. Professional development will be conducted to support teachers new to Arlington Public Schools. Approved – December 19, 2014 Effective – December 19, 2014 Page 3 of 6 c. d. ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Policy Implementation Procedures 35-7.2 – T-Scale Evaluation Peers who are formally asked to assist new teachers will receive training and support as needed, and in some cases compensation. These peers might include department chairs, school-based mentors, team leaders, retired educators and teachers interested in working with new staff. Teachers will receive administrative support in understanding requirements around the seven performance standards. Supervisors will follow the supportive procedures of clinical supervision (i.e., coaching vs. evaluation) when assisting teachers for professional growth. 5. Timelines a. Below is the timeline for evaluation b. Timeline may be adjusted based upon hire date, leave status, or other circumstances relevant to a particular teacher or administrator. Responsibility of Administrator Teacher *Target Timeline Beginning of year conference with evaluator Draft SMART Goal Setting Form Final SMART Goals are due to evaluator SMART Goal Setting Form Finalized 2. Before the end of the 1st Quarter First observation of all probationary teachers Observation 3. Before the end of the 2nd Quarter Second observation of all probationary teachers Observation Observation Memo 4. Third Quarter Third observation of probationary teachers who may receive unsuccessful evaluation Notice to probationary teachers of the possibility of an ineffective evaluation rating 1. During the first 6 weeks of school 5. Mid –year 6. By Mid‐March 7. By the end of April Activity Mid‐year conference discussing progress on SMART goals for all teachers Third observation for probationary teachers Fourth observation for teachers who may receive ineffective evaluation rating Notice to probationary teachers employees of the possibility of a needs improvement evaluation Observation of all continuing contract teachers in year 3 of the evaluation cycle Approved – December 19, 2014 Task or Document SMART Goal Setting Form No new written documentation required Observation Observation Memo Observation Effective – December 19, 2014 Page 4 of 6 ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Policy Implementation Procedures 35-7.2 – T-Scale Evaluation Notice to probationary teachers of non‐ renewal (April 15) Memo Submission of Documentation Log with required artifacts 9. By Early June Appropriate Evaluation form completed and provided to teacher Documentation Log Cover sheet SMART Goal Reflection Professional Activities Summary Form Summative Evaluation Form Interim Evaluation Form 10. Before Last Week of School Appropriate evaluation form to site administrator 11. By the end of June Site administrator submits all Summative Evaluation and Interim Evaluation forms to Human Resources 8. By the end of May Summative Evaluation Form Interim Evaluation Form Summative Evaluation Form Interim Evaluation Form 6. Summative Decision In addition to receiving a rating for each of the seven performance ratings, the employee will receive a single summative rating at the conclusion of the annual, probationary, or continuing contract evaluation cycle. a. b. If the employee has an “ineffective” rating on one or more of the seven performance standards, the employee may receive an overall performance rating of “ineffective.” If the employee has three or more “developing/needs improvement” ratings from among the seven performance standards, the employee may be rated as “ineffective.” Employee Response to Evaluation If the employee disagrees with the evaluation, the employee may submit a written statement of disagreement with the evaluation at the time it is reviewed. The statement shall remain a part of the employee’s evaluation. At the request of the employee, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources or designee shall meet with the employee to discuss the employee’s disagreement with the evaluation. Performance Improvement Plan 1. Teachers on continuing contract are expected to achieve and maintain a successful level of competence in their work. If a teacher’s competence falls below an acceptable level, the teacher is responsible for making improvements in necessary areas. 2. To ensure improved student learning, all teachers are expected to maintain competence in the seven performance standards: professional knowledge, instructional planning, instructional delivery, assessment of and for student learning, learning environment, professionalism, and student academic progress. The Performance Improvement Plan provides a framework for teachers whose performance needs to improve. Approved – December 19, 2014 Effective – December 19, 2014 Page 5 of 6 ARLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Policy Implementation Procedures 35-7.2 – T-Scale Evaluation 3. Procedures a. A Performance Improvement Plan is a written document created by the principal or other evaluator in collaboration with the teacher and should include the following: A list of areas of improvement within the seven standards; Identification of evaluators, observers and at least one person who will provide non-evaluative assistance; Objectives for improving identified performance concerns; Identification of resources, professional development, and assistance available; A timeline with a date for completing the objectives; and A schedule for periodic follow-up reviews. b. A copy of the Performance Improvement Plan shall be sent by the administrator to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. c. Professional assistance may be provided for teachers by staff, such as: department chairpersons, lead teachers, peer coaches and the principal or other administrator. d. Ending the Performance Improvement Plan The Performance Improvement Plan ends when the employee successfully meets the requirement specified in the plan. Once a teacher completes the Performance Improvement Plan successfully, the teacher will return to the teacher evaluation cycle. The teacher shall be responsible for maintaining successful performance. 4. The institution of the Performance Improvement Plan process is not grievable. However, if there is a disagreement about whether or not the actions necessary to improve performance have been accomplished, the employee may submit a written statement to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources or designee. The statement must be submitted no later than ten working days after the employee has been notified that performance has not improved. The statement shall be attached to the employee’s Performance l Improvement Plan and shared with the employee’s supervisor for further consideration. 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