Directory of Government - West Bloomfield Township

Catherine Shaughnessy, Township Clerk
Charter Township of West Bloomfield
4550 Walnut Lake Road, P. O. Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Phone: 248 451-4800 - Fax: 248-451-4787
2014 Directory of Government
Township Board
Four-year terms
1 and 3 Mondays of the month, 7:00 PM
Regular meetings are cablecast live on Channel 15.
Trustees are paid $125.00 per meeting, effective 12/10/07.
Township Officers
Michele Economou Ureste - Supervisor - D
4550 Walnut Lake Road
PO Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (W) 248-451-4800
Fax: 248-682-0432
Email: [email protected]
Lawrence Brown - D
5646 Powder Horn Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-310-8145
Email: [email protected]
Catherine Shaughnessy - Clerk - D
4550 Walnut Lake Road
PO Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (W) 248-451-4848
Fax: 248-682-3788
Email: [email protected]
Steven Kaplan – D
6823 Post Oak Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-539-8022
(O) 586-574-0020
Email: [email protected]
Teri Weingarden - Treasurer - D
4550 Walnut Lake Road
PO Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (W) 248-451-4860
Fax: 248-451-4865
Email: [email protected]
Howard Rosenberg – D
2081 Hiller Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Elected: 11/4/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (O) 248-681-6804
(C) 248-514-1185
Email: [email protected]
Diane Rosenfeld Swimmer - D
6925 Evershed Terrace
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (C) 248-722-9067
Email: [email protected]
Revised 12/29/2014 Page 2
Schools - West Bloomfield Twp. has 7 school districts:
Birmingham Board of Education - 248-203-3000
550 W. Merrill, Birmingham, MI 48012
Bloomfield Hills Board of Education - 248-341-5400
4175 Andover Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Farmington Board of Education – 248-489.3300
32500 Shiawassee, Farmington Hills, MI
Pontiac Board of Education -248-857-8100
47200 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac, MI
Waterford Board of Education - 248-682-7800
1150 Scott Lake Road,
Walled Lake Board of Education – 248-956-2000
850 Ladd Road, Walled Lake, MI
West Bloomfield Board of Education – 248-865-6420
5810 Commerce Road, West Bloomfield, MI
Community Education -
Orchard Lake Middle Schools - 248-865-4488
West Bloomfield Schools
6000 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI
Oakland Schools – 248-865-2121
2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Pontiac, MI
Oakland Community College -
Highland Lakes Campus – 248-360-3000
7350 Cooley Lake Rd. Waterford, MI
Orchard Ridge Campus – 248-471-7500
27055 Orchard Lake Rd., Farmington, MI
Oakland University –
corner of Walton & Squirrel, Rochester, MI
School Elections
All elections, including school elections in West
Bloomfield Township are conducted by the West
Bloomfield Township Clerk Catherine Shaughnessy
To obtain an absentee ballot contact ..... 248-451-4848
Oakland County
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - 2-year terms expire 1/1/15
1200 N Telegraph Rd, Pontiac, MI 48341
John A. Scott (R), 5th District
3896 Lakefront, Waterford, MI 48328
(248) 891-9067
[email protected]
Christine A. Long (R), 7th District
[email protected]
Marcia Gershenson (D), 17th District
5964 Wing Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
[email protected]
OAKLAND COUNTY - 4-year terms expire 1/1/2017
1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, MI 48341 -
General Information ....................................888-350-0900
County Executive
L. Brooks Patterson (R) .......................248-858-0484
Prosecutor - Jessica Cooper (D) .............248-858-0656
Clerk/Reg. of Deeds – Lisa Brown (D) .....248-858-0560
Treasurer – Andy Meisner (D) .................248-858-0625
Sheriff – Michael J. Bouchard (R) ............248-858-5001
Water Resources Commissioner
Jim Nash (D) .........................................248-858-9058
Road Commission –
Road Complaints..................................... 248-858-4804
Michigan Courts –
State’s highest court. Makes final determinations and
interpretations of Michigan laws. Supervises all state
Michigan Hall of Justice – 517-373-0120
925 Ottawa, Lansing, MI 48915
General civil-over $25,000.00, criminal cases-felonies and
appeals from lower courts
1200 North Telegraph Rd., Bldg. #12 East
Pontiac, MI 48341
Primary appeals court of the state
201 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 800
Troy, MI 48084
48TH DISTRICT COURT - 6-year terms
General civil, up to $25,000.00, and criminal cases,
misdemeanors under 1-year jail term, felony arraignments
4280 Telegraph Road, PO Box 3200
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-3200
Traffic/Criminal Div……………248-647-1141
Civil Div ………………………..248-433-9343
Probation ………………………248-433-9373
Marc Barron - term expires 1/1/17
Diane D’Agostini - term expires 1/1/19
Kimberly Small - term expires 1/1/15
Adoption, commitment, juvenile cases, and wills for
1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Bldg. #12 East
Pontiac, MI 48341
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State of Michigan -
Rick Snyder (R) - 4-year term expires 1/1/15
PO Box 30013 - Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517-373-3400 / Fax: 517-335-6863
SE Michigan office: 313-456-0010
Lt. Governor – Brian Calley (R) 517-373-6800
Ruth Johnson (R) - 4-year term expires 1/1/15
The Richard Austin Building
430 W. Allegan
Lansing, MI 48933
Bill Schuette (R) - 4-year term expires 1/1/15
G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor
525 Ottawa St., Lansing, MI 48909
Mike Kowall (R) – 4-year term expires 1/1/15
305 Farnum Bldg
Post Office Box 30036 - Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: 517-373-1758 / Fax: 517-373-0938
[email protected]
Klint Kesto (R) – 2-year term expires 1/1/15
S-888 House Office Building
PO Box 30014 - Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517-373-1799 / FAX: 517-373-8361
[email protected]
Michael McCready (R) – 2-year term expires 1/1/15
S-889 House Office Building
PO Box 30014 - Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517-373-8670 / FAX: 517-373-5868
[email protected]
Barack Obama (D) - 4-year term expires 1/20/17
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Carl Levin (D) - 6-year term expires 1/20/15
269 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington DC 20510
DC Phone: 202-224-6221
Local Office: 313-226-6020 (Detroit)
Kerry Bentivolio (R) – 2-year term expires 1/20/15
226 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515
DC Phone: 202-225-8171
Local Office: 248-859-2982
800 Welch Rd., Commerce, MI 48390
Joseph Biden (D) 4-year term expires 1/20/17
Office of the Vice President
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Debbie Stabenow (D) - 6-year term expires 1/20/19
702 Hart Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-4822, Fax: 202-228-0325
Southeast Michigan Office
Gary Peters (D) – 2-year term expires 1/20/15
1130 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515
DC Phone: 202-225-5802
Local Office: 248-273-4227 / Fax: 248-273-4704
560 Kirts, Suite 106, Troy, MI 48084
Catherine Shaughnessy – West Bloomfield Township Clerk
Voter Registration ............................... 248-451-4848
Passports -
 Registrations are taken at the Clerk’s Office in Town
Hall, 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Monday
through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM; or at any Secretary
of State Office in Michigan
 Report any move within the Township to the Clerk’s
Office immediately. Should you move out of the
Township, you must re-register to vote
 A signed Absentee Ballot Application must be received
by the Clerk’s Office for a ballot to be mailed
West Bloomfield Clerks Office
No appointment necessary
Please call the Clerk’s office for current passport hours,
information and fees - 248-451-4848
We accept personal checks and money orders - no
credit cards
Post Office -
West Bloomfield: 248-626-3109 - 6725 Daly Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 (off Maple, West of Orchard Lake)
Sub-stations - Meijer, Haggerty north of Maple (plus UPS)
District Office - 735 West Huron, Pontiac. MI 248-454-2476
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Township Main Phone Number: 248-451-4848
Supervisor’s Office ................................................................................................................. 248-451-4800
Fax: 248-682-0432
Clerk’s Office .......................................................................................................................... 248-451-4848
CATHERINE SHAUGHNESSY, CLERK - [email protected] ................. Fax: 248-451-4787
Treasurer’s Office ................................................................................................................... 248-451-4860
TERI ADELBERG WEINGARDEN, TREASURER - [email protected] ..... Fax: 248-451-4865
Accounts Payable
Joy Everson – mailto:[email protected].................................................................. 248-451-4806
Assessing ............................................................................................................................... 248-451-4850
Lisa Hobart, Township Assessor - [email protected] ........................................ Fax: 248-682-7851
Cable Communications Commission
Dave Albery, Administrator - [email protected] ................................................. 248-683-2343
Community Development Department ........................................................................ Fax: 248-451-4871
John Lipchik – [email protected] ............................................................................... 248-451-4796
Building Department, Bruce Eck – [email protected] .................................................... 248-451-4842
Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 248-451-4858
Code Enforcement, ....................................................................................................... Fax: 248-682-2026
Erik Beauchamp - [email protected] ................................................................ 248-451-4880
Development Services, Engineering and Environmental ................................................... 248-451-4876
.................................................................................................................................. Fax: 248-451-4871
Director, Marshall Labadie – [email protected] ...................................................... 248-451-4876
Engineering ...................................................................................................................... 248-451-4824
Environmental/Soil Erosion .............................................................................................. 248-451-4818
Grading ............................................................................................................................ 248-451-4852
Nancy Savickas, Director – mailto:[email protected] ............................................ 248-451-4814
Fire Department and EMS ............................................................................................ EMERGENCY - 911
Chief Jay Wiseman - [email protected] ................................................................ 248-409-1505
.................................................................................................................................. Fax: 248-406-0060
Information Technology ................................................................................................ Fax: 248-682-1915
Harry Palmer, Director [email protected] ................................................................ 248-451-1585
Library - .................................................................................. Main Library - 248-682-2120
................................................................................................................... West Acres - 248-682-4022
Clara Bohrer, Director - ..................................................................................................... 248-223-1031
Parks & Recreation - ...................................................... Fax: 248-738-2529
Daniel Navarre, Director - [email protected] ..................................... 248-451-1900
Family Aquatic Center ....................................................................................................... 248-451-1901
Lisa Kozora - [email protected] ................................................................................ 248-451-4805
Planning Department ............................................................................................................. 248-451-4876
Chris McLeod, Director – [email protected]
Personnel Department - Benefits ........................................................................................... 248-451-4803
Denise Maier, Director [email protected] ........................................................... Fax: 248-451-4875
Police Department ........................................................................................................ EMERGENCY - 911
Chief Mike Patton – [email protected] ........................................ Non-emergency: 248-975-9200
Police Dept. Dispatcher & Administration .............................................. Non-emergency: 248-975-9200
.................................................................................................................................. Fax: 248-682-1811
Catherine Ellerson - [email protected] .................................................................. 248-451-4801
.................................................................................................................................. Fax: 248-451-4875
Water & Sewer Department ................................................................................................... 248-451-4780
Edwin Haapala, Director - [email protected] .................................................. Fax: 248-624-8945
Revised 12/29/2014 Page 5
2014 Meeting Schedules
Township Boards and Commissions
These dates are the annually approved dates. Dates may be rescheduled, added or cancelled. Please
check the Township website or Community Calendar
Township Board
1st & 3rd Mondays
Town Hall – Boardroom - 7:00 PM
(6:30 PM - Closed Session)
Employees’ Retirement System
Town Hall – Conf. Room #76,
2:00 PM
Greater West Bloomfield Cable
Communications Commission
2nd Thursdays
Town Hall – Boardroom - 7:30 PM
January 13, 27
February 10
March 10, 24
April 28
May 5, 19
June 9, 23
July 21
August 18, 26*
September 8*, 15, 22*
October 6, 13*, 20*
November 10*, 17
December 1, 15
January 9
February 13
March 13
May 15
June 12
August 14
September 11
November 13
December 11
January 9
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
July 10
August 14
September 11
October 9
December 4
*Special Budget Meeting
Parks & Recreation Commission
4th Thursdays
Town Hall - Boardroom - 7:00 PM
Planning Commission
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Town Hall - Boardroom - 7:30 PM
Environmental Commission
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Town Hall – Boardroom - 7:00 PM
January 23
February 27
March 27
April 24
May 24
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 18*
October 23
November 20*
December 18*
January 14, 28
February 11, 25
March 11
April 8
May 13, 27
June 10, 24
July 8, 22
August 12, 26
September 9, 23
October 14, 28
November 25
December 9
January 8
February 12
March 12
April 9, 23
May 14, 28
June 11, 25
July 9, 23
August 13, 27
September 10
October 22
November 12
December 10
Zoning Board of Appeals
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Town Hall - Boardroom - 5:30 PM
Amendment Committee
Meets once a month in 2014 unless
otherwise noted
Town Hall – 75 & 76 – 8:00 AM
*Third Thursday
January 7
February 4, 18*
March 4, 18
April 1, 15*
May 6, 20*
June 3, 17*
July 15, 29*
August 19
September 16
October 7, 21
November 18
December 2*
January 6
February 3
February 24 (if needed)
March 3
March 17 (if needed)
April 7
May 12
June 16
July 7
July 14 (if needed)
August 11
October 27
November 17
November 24 (if needed)
Revised 12/29/2014 Page 6
West Bloomfield Township Holidays for 2014
December 31, 2013 – Tuesday
January 1, 2014 – Wednesday
January 20, 2014 – Monday
February 17, 2014 - Monday
April 18, 2014 - Friday
May 26, 2014 - Monday
July 3, 2014 – Thursday
July 4, 2014 – Friday
September 1, 2014 – Monday
November 11, 2014 - Tuesday
November 27, 28, 2014 - Thursday & Friday
December 24, 25, 2014 – Wednesday & Thursday
December 31, 2014 – Wednesday
January 1, 2015 - Thursday
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President’s Day
Spring Holiday
Memorial Day
Floating Holiday
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Holidays
Christmas Holidays
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
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Board of Review
Town Hall once a year - hours and dates announced
Two-year terms - State Statute
Appointed by Township Board
Members are paid $175.00 per day, effective 1/1/90
Richard Coffey
2101 Bordeaux
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed alternate 3/6/96; Member 12/16/96
Reappointed: 12/4/00, 1/13/03, 12/13/04,
12/13/06, 12/08/08, 11/15/10,
Term expires: 12/31/14
Phone: (H) 248-539-3636
Jamal Shallal
5429 Greenbriar
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 12/15/08
Reappointed: 11/15/10, 11/19/12, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (O) 248-681-7868
(C) 248-770-4450
Sharon Florio
5451 Putnam
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 02/06/12
Reappointed: 11/19/12, 10/06/14
Term Expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-851-2649
Stewart Shipper
6960 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 304
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 12/04/00
Reappointed: 1/13/03, 12/13/04, 11/13/06, 12/08/08,
11/15/10, 11/19/12, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-737-5170
Milton Duerod
5409 Pond Bluff
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 10/28/13 to fill the remaining term
of Art Goyeau
Reappointed: 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: 248-535-7641
Joseph Silver
5554 Pembury
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 11/15/10
Reappointed: 11/19/12, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: 248-288-4900
James Matthews
7132 Bridge Way
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 11/19/12
Reappointed: 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (W) 248-431-9911
Ronald Goldstone - Alternate
6271 Bromley Court
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 03/15/93
Reappointed: 12/12/94, 12/16/96, 12/7/98, 12/4/00,
1/13/03, 12/13/04, 12/13/04, 11/16/09,
11/14/11, 10/28/13
Term expires: 12/31/15
Phone: (H) 248-661-6979 / (W) 248-353-0500
Daniel J. Krause
4559 Pointview
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Appointed: 01/11/10
Reappointed: 11/15/10, 11/19/12, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-681-0482 / (W) 248-730-5274
Howard Novetsky
5211 Latimer
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Appointed: 01/11/10
Reappointed: 11/15/10, 11/19/12. 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (W) 248-851-1900
Michele Economou Ureste - Supervisor
Secretary for the term of her office, 11/20/2016
Non-voting & non-paid member
Ms. Olena Drobot
4360 Middleton Dr.
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Appointed: 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (248) 419-3111
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Construction Board of Appeals
Meets at Town Hall, as needed
Five-year terms - State Statute
Appointed by Township Board
Members are paid $65.00 per meeting, effective 1/1/1990. Members pay was reduced to $55.00 per
meeting effective 1/1/2010 and reinstated to $65.00 per meeting on 4/28/2014
Robert E. Cohon
7659 Park Meadow Lane
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Appointed: 12/12/05
Reappointed: 11/15/10
Term expires: 11/01/15
Phone: (H) 248-363-9477
Larry M. Rockind
3385 Middlebelt Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 10/07/91
Reappointed: 12/15/97, 12/09/02, 11/05/07,
Term expires: 11/01/17
Phone: (H) 248-332-3896
(W) 248-683-3934
Michael H. Kennedy
Hubbell, Roth, & Clark, Inc.
555 Hulet Drive
PO Box 824
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303-0824
Appointed: 12/17/01
Reappointed: 02/19/02, 12/11/06, 11/14/11
Term Expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-338-9241
Robert Schiller
4261White Birch
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 12/13/09,
Reappointed: 12/13/04, 11/16/09, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/19
Phone: (H) 248-683-3192
Daniel J. Krause
3425 Wards Point
Orchard Lake, MI 48324
Appointed: 6/20/77
Reappointed: 10/06/80, 09/30/85, 11/19/90,
10/2/95, 12/04/00, 12/12/05,
Term expires: 11/01/15
Phone: (H) 248-681-0482
(W) 248-682-1167
Joseph F. Savin
6020 Northfield
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 01/16/78
Reappointed: 10/04/82, 10/19/87, 11/01/92,
12/15/97, 12/09/02, 11/05/07,
Term expires: 11/01/17
Phone: (H) 248-626-7781
(W) 248-647-3250
David Robertson
4505 Green Lake Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 01/08/07
Reappointed: 11/14/11
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-360-1328
Email: [email protected]
Revised 12/29/2014 Page 9
Electrical Examining and Appeals Board
Discontinued by Township Board action - 2/19/02
Board of Canvassers
Repealed PA 51 of 2013
Building Authority
Meets as needed - Town Hall
Three-year terms - State Statute
Appointed by Township Board
Members are paid $65.00 per meeting, effective 10/25/2004. Members pay was reduced to $55.00 per
meeting effective 1/1/2010 and reinstated to $65.00 per meeting on 4/28/2014
On 12/10/07, the Township Board did not appoint members by advice of Township Attorney
Building Authority is not required for bonding per Public Municipal Finance Act.
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Election Commission
Meets as needed - Town Hall
Four-year terms - State Statute
Appointed by Township Board
Trustee Members are paid $55.00 per meeting, effective 1/1/2010. Trustee Members pay increased to
$65.00 per meeting, effective 4/28/2014.
Catherine Shaughnessy, Clerk
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Lawrence Brown, Trustee
Appointed: 12/17/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Diane Rosenfeld Swimmer, Trustee
Appointed: 12/17/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Revised 12/29/2014 Page 11
2 & 4 Wednesdays - 7:00 PM
Regular meetings are cablecast live on Channel 15
Three-year terms, effective 04/15/2014 - originally four-year terms
Appointed by Township Board
Members were originally $65.00 per meeting, effective 10/25/2004. Members pay was reduced to $55.00
per meeting on 1/1/2010, and reinstated to $65.00 per meeting, effective 4/28/2014
The Township Board created a new Environmental Commission to administer the Woodlands and
Wetlands Ordinances comprised of seven members and one alternate on 04/15/2014
Adria Brown
2177 Colony Club Court
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed; 11/16/09
Reappointed; 10/15/12, 4/15/14
Term expires; 04/15/16
Phone: (H) 248-851-4848
(W) 248-851-4849
Email: [email protected]
Ray Esshaki
6630 Castlebury Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 12/11/06
Reappointed: 11/16/09, 10/15/12, 04/15/14
Term expires: 04/15/16
Phone: (H) 248-669-3147
(W) 248-225-2681 (preferred)
Email: [email protected]
Gene Farber
5340 Old Pond Way
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 10/07/13
Reappointed: 04/15/14
Term expires: 04/15/17
Phone: (H) 248-681-3834
Email: [email protected]
Katherine A. Hagopian
6700 Commerce Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Appointed: 04/02/2001
Reappointed: 12/13/04, 12/10/07, 11/15/10,
12/11/13, 04/15/14
Term expires: 04/15/17
Phone: (H) 248-360-8747
Email: [email protected]
Sara Oltarz-Schwartz
P.O. Box 250783
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0783
Appointed: 12/11/06
Reappointed: 10/15/12, 04/15/14
Term expires: 04/15/16
Phone: (W) 248-785-0200
Email: [email protected]
Anthony Spokojny
4290 Sedgemoor Lane
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Appointed: 04/20/09
Reappointed: 11/14/11, 04/15/14
Term expires: 04/15/17
Phone: (H) 248-737-3977
Email: [email protected]
Eleanor Squaire-Spears
5160 Rock Run
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 04/20/09
Reappointed: 11/14/11, 04/15/14
Term Expires: 04/15/15
Phone: (H) 248-661-5203
(C) 248-705-4762
Robert V. Brooks, Jr.
Alternate Member
4715 Paisley Court
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 7/22/13 to fill the remaining term of
Michael L. Stacey
Reappointed: 04/15/14
Term expires: 04/15/16
Phone: (H) 248-539-0203
(W) 248-228-8594
(C) 248-462-5109
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Greater West Bloomfield Cable Communications Commission
2nd Thursdays - 7:30 PM at Town Hall
Regular meetings are cablecast live on Channel 15
Members were originally paid $65.00 per meeting. Members pay was reduced to $55.00 per meeting,
effective 1/1/2010, and reinstated to $65.00 per meeting, effective 4/28/2014
12 members, 6 appointed by the West Bloomfield Township Board & 2 representing each of the cities of
Keego Harbor, Orchard Lake, & Sylvan Lake
Harvey Gersin
4923 Stamford Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 02/17/09
Reappointed: 11/14/11, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (H) 248-681-4273
Email: [email protected]
Carla Schwartz
4413 Strathdale
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 11/15/10
Reappointed: 10/31/13
Term Expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-851-7788
(C) 248-318-7224
Email: [email protected]
Mark L. Kowalsky
5128 Corners Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 4/20/87
Reappointed: 12/18/89, 12/16/92,
01/08/96, 12/07/98,
02/19/02, 12/13/04,
12/10/07, 11/15/10, 10/28/13
Term expires: 12/31/16
Phone: (H) 248-855-0285
(W) 248-351-3000
Email: [email protected]
Gerald Walters
6736 Oyster Cove
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 01/08/07
Reappointed: 02/17/09, 11/14/11, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (H) 248-738-9521
(C) 248-701-4529
Email: [email protected]
Deborah Macon
4568 Fairway Ridge Court
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 02/27/09
Reappointed: 11/14/11, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (C) 248-425-4111
Email: [email protected]
Lawrence Brown
Voting Township Board Member
5646 Powder Horn Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Appointed: 11/24/08
Reappointed: 11/26/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-310-8145
Email: [email protected]
Executive Director: David Albery - Phone – 248-682-6532 - [email protected]
General Manager: Dave Scott - Phone – 248-990-3675 - [email protected]
Civic Center TV Senior Production Manager: Dani Mann - Phone - 248-682-2343 [email protected]
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Library Board (Non-Partisan)
2nd Wednesdays - 7:30 PM
Main Library Conference Room
4600 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Four-year terms
Library Board members elected on non-partisan ballots, effective 3/31/81
Members serve without compensation
Arlene Bordman
6703 Post Oak Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/02/04
Re-elected: 11/04/08, 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-626-6669
Email: [email protected]
Kenneth Macon
4568 Fairway Ridge Court
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 12/12/07
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (C) 248-752-1034
Email: [email protected]
Judith A. Holtz
6003 Glen Eagles Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Elected: 11/03/92
Re-elected: 11/05/96, 11/07/00, 11/02/04,
11/04/08, 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-683-1765
Email: [email protected]
Thomas Meyer
3926 South Pine Center
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 12/14/83
Elected: 11/06/84
Re-elected: 11/08/88, 11/03/92, 11/05/96,
11/07/00, 11/02/04, 11/04/08,
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-851-7093
Email: [email protected]
Carol A. Kravetz
5712 Kingsfield Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/02/04
Re-elected: 11/4/08, 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-661-5422
Email: [email protected]
Wendy Osthaus
6150 Odessa
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Elected: 11/07/00
Re-elected: 11/02/04, 11/04/08. 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-363-6688
Email: [email protected]
Clara Bohrer, Director - Phone: 248-682-2120
Main Library - 4600 Walnut Lake Road - 248-682-2120
Westacres Branch - 7321 Commerce Road - 248-363-4022
Hours of Operation - Winter
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM. to 9:00 PM
Friday & Saturday
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Noon to 8:00 PM
Hours of Operation - Summer
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM. to 9:00 PM
Friday & Saturday
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Noon to 5:00 PM
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Parks and thRecreation Commission
4 Thursdays - 7:00 PM
Town Hall Boardroom
Regular meetings are cablecast on Channel 15
Four-year terms
Parks & Recreation Commissioners are elected on partisan ballots.
Members are paid $85.00 per meeting, effective - 6/24/99
Public Act No. 15, effective 4/27/99, required the Township Board to increase or decrease the number of
members serving on the Parks & Recreation Commission to either five or seven. August 2, 1999 the
Township Board increased the number of Commissioners from six to seven.
Merv Aronoff - D
6516 Post Oak Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-737-0939
Marc E. Jeffries – D
5357 Tequesta Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: 248-738-7613
Margie Fiszman-Kirsch – D
3081 Brewster Court
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: 248-626-1726
Paul Karmo – R
5360 Greenbriar Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: 248-682-1630
Joe Green - NPA
6576 Inkster Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: 248-705-9434
Sheryl L. Mitchell - D
5735 Warrenshire Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-788-7512
Carol Hack – D
3534 Green Lake Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Elected: 11/07/00
Re-elected: 11/02/04, 11/04/08, 11/06/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: 248-363-5941
Howard Rosenberg - D
Non-Voting Township Board Member
2081 Hiller Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Elected: 11/04/08
Re-elected: 11/06/12
Appointed: 11/24/08
Reappointed: 12/17/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (O) 248-681-6804
(C) 248-514-1185
Email: [email protected]
Daniel Navarre, Director
Recreation Activities Center in the Civic Center
4640 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Phone 248-451-1900, Fax: 248-738-2529
Family Aquatic Center Phone: 248-451-1901
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Pension Board
Meets at Town Hall, as needed
Three-year terms - terms expire June 30th - Ordinance No. C-646
Member at Large appointed by Township Board and is the only paid member
Member at Large was originally paid $65.00 per meeting, effective 7/30/2003. Member at Large pay
was reduced $55.00 per meeting, effective 1/1/2010, and reinstated to $65.00 per meeting, effective
Supervisor Michele Economou Ureste
4550 Walnut Lake Road
PO Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Phone: (W) 248-451-4800
Fax: 248-682-0432
Email: [email protected]
Michael Ringuette
Member At Large
1944 West Bloomfield Oaks Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Appointed: 07/07/03
Reappointed: 05/08/06, 06/16/08, 08/18/08,
Term expires: 06/30/14
Phone: 248-681-9186
Email: [email protected]
Treasurer Teri Adelberg Weingarden
4550 Walnut Lake Road
PO Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Phone: (W) 248-451-4860
Fax: 248-451-4865
Email: [email protected]
Nancy Savickas
General Office Employee Representative
4550 Walnut Lake Road
PO Box 250130
West Bloomfield, MI 48325-0130
Elected: 06/29/07, 07/17/10
Re-elected: 06/20/13
Term expires: 06/30/16
Phone: 248-451-4839
Email: [email protected]
Chris Martindale
Public Safety Union Representative
9211 Kier Road
Holly, MI 48442
Elected: 12/10/2010
Re-elected: 07/01/2012
Term expires: 06/30/2015
Phone: 248-409-1530
Email: [email protected]
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2 & 4 Tuesdays - 7:30 PM
Regular meetings are cablecast live on Channel 15
Three-year terms - State Statute
Appointed by Township Board
Members were originally paid $65.00 per meeting, effective 1/1/1990, and reaffirmed 10/25/2004. Member
pay was reduced to $55.00 per meeting and was reinstated to $65.00 per meeting, effective 4/28/2014.
Members are paid quarterly, effective 1/1/2010
A Trustee is appointed to represent the Township Board
First Zoning Board was appointed by Township Board in 1941
Planning Commission was adopted by referendum on August 2, 1960
Zoning Ordinance was adopted June 1, 1966, last updated December 18, 2013
Master Plan was adopted September 28, 2010
Steven Budaj
5525 Tequesta
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 12/04/00
Reappointed: 11/24/03, 11/27/06,
11/16/09, 06/03/13
Term expires: 11/30/15
Phone: (H) 248-682-3331
(W) 313-963-9330
Email: [email protected]
Nancy Reed
4108 Saddle Lane
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 12/04/00
Reappointed: 11/24/03, 11/27/06, 11/16/09,
Term expires: 11/30/15
Phone: (H) 248-851-7217
Email: [email protected]
Don Jackson
Liaison to Zoning Board of Appeals
3009 Parkland
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 07/24/06
Reappointed: 10/06/08, 06/03/13
Term expires: 10/31/17
Phone: (H) 248-851-1382
Email: [email protected]
Karmen Santourian
5009 Glen Eagles Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 09/10/07
Reappointed: 11/16/09, 06/03/13
Term expires: 11/30/15
Phone: (H) 248-737-4549
Email: [email protected]
Jim Manna
1840 Midchester
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Appointed: 12/08/08
Reappointed: 11/15/10
Term expires 08/18/17
Phone: (C) 248-763-2622
Email: [email protected]
Steven Kaplan
Township Board Member
6823 Post Oak Drive
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Elected: 11/04/08
Appointed: 11/24/08
Reappointed: 12/17/12
Term expires: 11/20/16
Phone: (H) 248-539-8022
(O) 586-574-0020
Email: [email protected]
Mark Miller
7693 Watford Drive
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322
Appointed: 09/12/11
Term expires: 10/01/17
Phone: (C) 248-763-3241
Email: [email protected]
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Property Maintenance Hearing Panel
Meets as needed - Town Hall
Three-year terms
Appointed by Township Board – If needed
Members are paid $55.00 per meeting, effective 1/1/2010. Member pay was increased to $65.00 per
meeting, effective 4/28/2014.
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Board of Appeals
1 & 3 Tuesdays - 5:30 PM
Regular meetings are cablecast live on Channel 15
Three-year terms - State Statute
Appointed by Township Board
Member pay was originally $65.00, effective 1/1/1990. Member pay was reduced to $55.00 per meeting,
effective 1/1/2010, and reinstated to $65.00 per meeting, effective 4/28/2014.
A member of Zoning Board of Appeals is a Planning Commissioner and serves on the ZBA for the term of
office on the Planning Commission. The Chairman is elected in October of each year.
Rhett Gronevelt
4281 Ramsgate Lane
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Appointed: 09/09/13 to fill the remaining
term of Art Goyeau
Reappointed: 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (H) 734-678-8877
(W) 734-466-4582
Email: [email protected]
Don Jackson
Voting Planning Commissioner
David Robertson
Chairman Pro Tem
4505 Green Lake Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 12/4/00
Reappointed: 11/24/03, 12/11/06,
Term expires: 12/31/15
Phone: (C) 248-568-7609
Email: [email protected]
Alternate Members (Three-year terms)
George Asker
Robert Sher
3208 Bloomfield Shore
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 01/26/09
Reappointed: 11/14/11, 10/06/14
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (H) 248-626-0161
Email: [email protected]
Edward P. Nagel
3200 Hartslock
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 12/06/93
Reappointed: 12/16/96, 12/13/99, 12/09/02,
12/12/05, 01/26/09, 11/14/11,
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (H) 248-851-3038
Email: [email protected]
3009 Parkland
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 12/11/06
Reappointed: 10/06/08, 10/06/14
Term expires: 10/31/17
Phone: (H) 248-851-1382
Email: [email protected]
6334 Golden Lane
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Appointed: 11/14/94
Reappointed: 12/16/96, 12/13/99, 12/09/02,
12/12/05, 01/26/09, 11/14/11,
Term expires: 12/31/17
Phone: (H & W) 248-788-4833
Email: [email protected]
Cherie VanVliet
7595 Crestmore
West Bloomfield, MI 48323
Appointed: 11/16/09
Reappointed: 10/15/12
Term expires: 12/31/15
Phone: (H) 248-360-2359
Email: [email protected]
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