B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Last 1 year publication list Sl. No Title of the Research/Project Researchers/ Authors Name of Journal Global Journal Of Research Medico-legal updates Year 1. Morphometrical study of scapular glenoid cavities Dr. Sanjeev Kolagi Medical 2014 2. Is there any sexual dimorphism among metopic suture? Dr. Manjula .Patil 3. Reliability of dental root translucency in age estimation Dr. Manjula .Patil among adults aged between 25-60 years – an autopsy study Medica Innovatica 2014 4. Study of dermato-glyphics in mental retardation in Dr. Naseema Begum association with intelligent quotient AnatomicaKarnataka 2014 2014 B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF ANAESTHESIA Publications in last one year: 2014 1. Dr. Vinod Hosalli, Dr. Adarsh E S, Dr. S Y Hulakund, Dr. Chhaya Joshi, : Comparative efficacy of different doses of fentanyl on cardiovascular response to Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. (Accepted for publication) JCDR May 2014. 2014 September Vol.8(9) 01-03. 2. Uday ambi et al.Regional anaesthesia equipment failure. Indian journal of anesthesia ( accepted for publication) June 2014. 3) Vinod Hosalli,Amaresh Deginal : Rare Case of Intracranial Calcified Hydatid Cyst: International Journal of Clinical And Diagnostic Research Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2014. 4) Joselo Macachor Uday Ambi, Mary J Baula, Bin wern Hsein, Chandrakumar, Continuous versus single injection suitec nerve Block Added to Continuous femoral nerve Block for Analgesia after total Knee arthoplanty Reg. Anesth pain med Vol.39, No.6 2014, 558-559. B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE Sl.No Journal, Volume No, issue and period 1 J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/eISSN-2278-4802,pISSN2278-4748/Vol.3/Issue 19/May 12,2014 2 Internation Journal of Health Information and Medical Research Vol:1, Issue:3, July 2014 3 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. AprilJune 2014, Vol.5,No.2 Indian Journal of Public Health Research &Development.JulySeptember 2014, Vol.5, No.3 Internation Journal of Health Information and Medical Research Vol:a, Issue:2, April 2014 4 5 Author/s Title of the article B.S.Mannapur1, A.S.Dorle2, C.H.Ghattargi3, K.R.Kulkarni4, U.Y.Ramdurga5, L.D.Hiremath6, Suma N7, B.S.Mannapur1, A.S.Dorle1, C.H.Ghattargi1, UMESH Ramdurga1, K.R.Kulkarni1 Vetri selvan1 Gowri Shankar1, Vijaya A Naik2, Impact of educational intervention on the knowledge of bio-medical waste management among health care workers in a tertiary care hospital at Bagalkot city. Gowri Shankar1, Sarojini Hunshikatti2 UMESH Ramdurga1, C.H.Ghattargi1, Gagan S2, Manjula R1, Ramesh Y Mayappanavar1, Psychological stress among Grass Root Level Workers in A PHC of Bagalkot District. Study of Burn Injuries During Pregnancy Admitted in Tertiary Care Hospitals in South India A cross-Sectional Study of Anaemia and Body Mass Index in Student’s Attending a Women’s College in Bagalkot, North Karnataka A Study of Causes of Neonatal Mortality in Tertiary Care Hospital, Bagalkot. Dip Bhadja3, Sandhya S S Nair3 B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF FORENSIC MEDICINE Sl.No Topic Name Journal Name Volume Year Author Name 1 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Medica Innovatica” 7(1) 103-5 2013 Vijayamahantesh S N, Vijayanath V 8 (1) 1035 2014 Vijayamahantesh S N, Vijayanath V Accepted for publicatio n 2014 Ref: MI/700/2014 Dated: 06.02/2014. Medico-Legal Update 14 (2) 154-7 2014 Dr Santosh Sheelavant, Dr Manjula Patil Dr Girishchandra YP Dr S Harish Sheelavant S S Patil M International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 3 (3)22432 2014 2 Determination of Height from percutaneous Tibial length among Bagalkot population. Determination of stature from mandible among Bagalkot population. 3 Reliability of dental root translucency in age estimation among adults aged between 25 to 60 years 4 Is there any sexual dimorphism among metopic suture. Study of patterns of head injuries in non-fatal road traffic accident cases in Bagalkot city of Karnatka. 5 Vijayamahantesh S N, Vijayanath V B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Sl. Title Journal Name Name of the Author Comparison of Results Obtained by Semi-quantitative Slide Agglutination and Tube Widal Tests in the Diagnosis of Suspected Typhoid Fever Cases. Neonatal Septicemia Isolates and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern in a Tertiary Care Hospital in North Karnataka” Int J Biol Med Res. 2013; 4(1): 3001-3003 LAVANYA V, SHIVAKUMAR S SOLABANNAVAR, SURESH B SONTH Arati Bhurle, Shivakumar Solabannavar. No 01 02 International Journal of Health Information and medical research 2014.Vol.1 issue 3 July 2014. Page No 25 – 29. Journal of pure and applied microbiology 2013;7(1):705-709. 03 Prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in nasal samples from health care workers: comparison of cefoxitin and oxacillin disc diffusion methods. 04 Nasal carriage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among medical students : comparison of cefoxitin and oxacillin disc diffusion methods National journal of basic Medical sciences 2013;3(3);202-206. Baragundi MC, Sataraddi JV , Kulakarni RB. 05 Otomycosis: A clinico mycological study. Int J Med Health Sci 2013; 2(2):218-223. 06 Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among HIV infected individuals. Prevalence of inducible and constitutive clindamycin resistance among nasal isolates of staphylococci. Prevalence and Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa; an emerging nosocomial pathogen. Journal of pure and applied microbiology 2013;7(2):1479-1484. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2013;7(8):1620-1622. Int j Biol med res 2013;4(1):2729-2731. Gokale SK, Suligavi SS, Baragundi MC, Anuska D, Manjula R. Baragundi MC, Gokale SK, Solabannavar SS, Kulakarni RB. Baragundi MC, Kulakarni RB, Sataraddi JV. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhosis of liver with ascites-a cross sectional study. Epidemiology and aetiological diagnosis of keratomycosis in a tertiary care hospital in north Karnataka. Int j Biol med res 2013;4 (2):3143-3147. 07 08 09 10 Int J Cur Res Rev, March 2013; 5 (6): 92-97. Baragundi MC, Suresh BS, Gokale S, Kulakarni RB. Mohan BS, Lava R, Prashanth HV, Vinod Nambiar, Metri Basavaraj, Nayak Venkatesh R, Baragundi Mahesh, SriKrishna R. Subhas B. Nadagouda , Baragundi Mahesh C , Kashinakunti S.V. , Birader M S . SATHYANARAYAN M.S., SURESH B. SONTH, SUREKHA Y.A, MARIRAJ J, KRISHNA S. 11 Co-infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and India. Int J Cur Res Rev, May 2013; 5 (9): SATHYANARAYAN M.S, SURESH Hepatitis B Virus in Bellary, 60-63. B. SONTH, MARIRAJ J, KRISHNA S. 12 A Study of Dermatophytosis In Medical College Hospital, IJCR, June 2013; 5(6):1597-98. Bellary. SURESH B. SONTH, SATHYANARAYAN M.S, ANURADHA S. KALABHAVI, SUREKHA Y.A, MARIRAJ J, KRISHNA S. 13 Characterization and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of nonfermenting gram negative bacilli from various clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital, Belgaum 14 Peadiatric Endoscopic Dacroyocystorhinostomy : our 2013 August ;33(33):1547-1550. experience Journal of pharmaceutical and Biomedical science. (JPBMS), Vol.17, Issue 17 Dr. Shilpa. K. Gokale1, S.C. Metagud2 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences © Shadhar S. Suligavi, Shilpa K. Gokale S.S. Doddamani, CS. Hiremath. B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF OBG Sl.No 1. 2. 3. Authors Title of Article Dr. Usha Doddamani Clinicopathological Correlation of Endometrium in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Dr. Manohar Tankasali Dr. Jyoti Ghongdemath Dr. Ashalata Mallapur 4. Dr. Geetanjali Katageri Maternal Outcome in Severe Preeclampsia Patients In Relation To Altered LiverFunction Test parameters A Tale of Two Towels Direct observation of uterotonic drug use at public health facility-based deliveries in four districts in india. Name of the Journal Volume Year of Publication Page Nos. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Volume –2 Issue -1 Jan-Feb 2014 - Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2013, Volume 5(3) January – April 2014 38 - 42 127 2014 25-30 Medica Innovatica, Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, International of Gynecology and Obstetrics 93-97 B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY SL N O 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TITLE JOURNAL NAME VOL UME YEAR AUTHOR Clinico-Hematological Analysis of Pancytopenia: A Bone Marrow Study Seroepidemiology of HIV, HBV,HCV infections among blood donors in bagalkot, district- A cross sectional study. National Journal of Laboratory medicine Medica innovatica 2 (4) Dec-2013 Dr.Anita.Javalagi Dr.V.D.Dombale 2 (1) June-Dec2013 Ulcerative colitis on treatment presenting with intestinal obstruction secondary to tuberculosis. Cutaneous Tuberculosis – A Profile of Cases 3 years cross sectional study. Pure mucinous carcinoma of male breast with axillary lymph node metastasis – a case report. Medica Innovatica 2 (1) June-Dec2013 Dr.Jayashree Pawale, Dr.Shilpa.S.Birad ar Dr.V.D.Dombale Dr.Keshav.Kulkar ni Dr. Ashish Dr. V.D.Dombale JKIMSU 3 (1) Jan-June2014 Medica Innovatica 3(1) Jan-June2014 Dr.A.Javalagi Dr.B.Ankad Dr.V.D.Dombale Dr. Megha Shukla Dr.V.D.Dombale Dr.H.B.Kotabagi Dr.S.Reddy B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS 01. Pol Ramesh R, Heranjal US. Cephalothoracophagus: A rare form of conjoined twins. Perinatology 2013; 14(1): 32-33. 02. Pol Ramesh R, Vanaki RN, Hongal G. Acute renal failure secondary to massive honey bee stings. (Accepted for publication- Medica innovatica Dec 2014) 03. Pol Ramesh R, Vanaki RN, Pol Manswini R. Pattern of radiological findings in HIV infected children. (Medica innovatica 2014, Vol-3 (1) -30-33.) 04. Ramesh Pattar, B.C Yelamali, Keludeppa Talawar. HyperIgE syndrome presenting with brain abscess. (Medica innovatica 2014 Vol – 3(1) -183-185). 05. Pushpa Panigatti, Ratageri V H, I Shivanand, P K Madhu, Shepur T A - Clinical profile and outcome of childhood tuberculosis treated with DOTS-An observational study Indian journal of pediatrics Published online 28 th July 2013. 06. Mishra O P, Teli A P, Abhinay A, Estination Singh U, Pradad R Estrmatron Of Serum 11-13 and IgE levels in children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome. Tropical journal of paediatric- Published online on 14/08/14. 07. Guruprasad, Nyamagoudar A N, Chezhian P, Schimmelpenning- Fuerstein- Mims syndrome with isolated enlargement of left temporal lobe. Indian Journal of Paediatrics – Published online on 07/07/2014. 08. Gangadhar Mirji, Shanshank K J, Srikant S W, Socio – demographic profile of under – five children admitted for Acute lower repertory tract infections in a tertiary case hospital. International journal of Contemporory paediatrics published online on 16 Aug 2014. 09. Arjun S K, Nyamagoudar A N, Ramesh H, Banapurmath C R, Niemann pick disease Type – C A Complete phenotype expression with asymptomatic lung involvement. Karnataka pediatric journal Vol – 28 No 4. Oct – Dec 2013. 10. Arjun S K, Nyamagoudar A N, Ramesh H, Banapurmath C R, Landau kleffner syndrome: A rare case report. Karnataka pediatric journal Vol – 28 No 4. Oct – Dec 2013. 11. B C Yelamali, Pushpa Panigatti, Ramesh Pol, K B Talawar, Sanjay Naik, Ashok Badakali. The outcome of newborn with birth asphyxia in tertiary care hospital -a retrospective study. (Under publication- Medica innovatica) B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY 1. Surekharani chinagudi, Anita Herur, Shailaja Patil, Shashikala G. V, Roopa A. Comparative study of heart rate variability in normotensive offsprings of hypertensive parents. Biomed Res 2013;24(1):123-126. 2. Shiddanna Patted, Surekharani Chinagudi, Venkatesh R Sorgavi and Shushruth B Bhavi. The prevalence of MRSA Infection in Orthopedic surgery in a medical college hospital. –A two year analysis. Biomed Res 2013; 24(1) 33-35. 3. Neginhal R, Herur A, Chinagudi S, Rairam GB, Kolagi S, Ambi U. Cardiorespiratory effects of acute exposure to formaldehyde in gross anatomy laboratory in medical students- a comparative study. Med Inn 2013;2:33-6. 4. Anita Herur. Standardized Patients in Physiology Curriculum of India for Effective Learning of Basic Science Concepts, Clinical and Communication Skills: A Proposed Change. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology 2013;3:198-202. 5. Surekharani Chinagudi, Sukanya Badami, Anita Herur, Shailaja Patil, Shashikala GV, Roopa Ankad. Immediate effect of short duration of slow deep breathing on heart rate variability in healthy adults doi:10.5455/njppp.2014.4.060520141. Published Online : May 06, 2014. 6. Surekharani Chinagudi, Shiddanna Patted, Anita Herur, Shailaja Patil, Shashikala GV, Roopa Ankad. Assessment of cognitive levels after short duration of slow deep breathing by Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices. DOI: 10.5455/ijmsph.2014.270420141 Published Online : Apr 27, 2014 7. Shailaja S. Patil, Anita Herur, S. V. Brid, Surekharani Chinagudi, Shashikala G. V., Roopa Ankad. Analysis of predisposition to primary openangle glaucoma in children of patients with hypertension. Doi:10.5455/njppp.2015.5.130620142. Published Online : NJPPP Jun 13, 2014. 8. Shailaja Patil, Anita Herur, Shashikala GV, Surekharani Chinagudi, Manjula R, Roopa Ankad, Sukanya Badami, Brid SV. Correlation of intraocular pressure with blood pressure and body mass index in offsprings of diabetic patients: A cross-sectional study. Int J Med Res Health Sci.2014;3(3):566-569. DOI: 10.5958/2319-5886.2014.00397.X. 9. Anita Herur, Sanjeev Kolagi, Umesh Ramadurg, Manjula R, Surekharani Chinagudi, Shashikala GV, Shailaja Patil, and Roopa Ankad. Optimising the Journal Club Presentations: An Integrated Approach Combined With Online Discussion with the Authors. Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences (RRJMHS) April - June 2014;3(2S):48-50. 10. Renuka Gadwal, Anita Herur, Surekharani Chinagudi, Shashikala GV, Shailaja Patil, Roopa Ankad, Sukanya Badami, SV Brid. Hematological Profile of Painters: A Case – Control Study. Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2014;3(2):128-130. 11.Shashikala GV, Shashidhar PK, Herur A, Chinagudi S, Patil SS, Ankad RB, Badami SV. Correlation between haemoglobin level and electrocardiographic (ECG) findings in anaemia: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014 April; 8(4):BC04BC06. B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF RADIODIAGNOSIS PABLICATIONS IN LAST ONE YEAR YES Sl. No 01 Name of the Article Name of the Journal Medica Innovatica Volume 02 b) “Occurrence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Combined Injuries in Traumatic Knee – by MRI” a) “Severity of IPF on HRCT- Radiological and Clinical correlation” Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma Medica Innovatica, Volume 3 issue 2, 2014 2) Dr. Rudresh. S Halawar 1)Dr.Timmangouda P.N Medica Innovatica, Volume 2 issue 2, 2013 Managing gallbladder ascariasis: To go full throttle or not! International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 1. 2013 1)Dr. Rudresh. S Halawar 2)Dr.Sudheendraswamy.V .B Dr.Kiran S Biradar 03 04 a) “Severity of IPF on HRCT- Radiological and Clinical correlation” b) “Occurrence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Combined Injuries in Traumatic Knee – by MRI” Volume 3 issue 2, Year of published 2014 Authors 1)Dr.Timmangouda P.N 2) Dr. Rudresh. S Halawar B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SURGERY Year-2013 1) Mckusick-Kaufman Syndrome presenting as Acute Intestinal obstruction Dr. Ramesh hatti, Dr. Ashok Badakali, Dr. R. N. Vanaki, Dr. Samalad, Dept of Pediatric Surgery & Pediatrics, SNMC, Bagalkot. 2) Recurrent phaeohyphomycosis: A case report. Dr. S.N. Shirbur, Dr. S.R. Telkar, Dr. B. V. Goudar, Dr. Tony Mathew. Year- 2014 1) Anesthetic management of shah- Waardenburg syndrome: Experience of two cases and review of literature. Dr. Uday Ambi. Dr. Adarsh, Dr. Ramesh Hatti, Dr. Samlad 2) The study of blunt abdominal trauma in children Dr. Ramesh. Hatti 3) Acase of complete transection of right main bronchus in a child: Role of thoracoscopy and bronchoscopy Dr. Ramesh Hatti, Dr. Vinod Hosalli, Dr. Raghavendra Vanaki, Dr. Devaraj Patil 4) Annals of Peadiatric Surgery Extended long segment hirschsprungs’ disease in the waardenburg shah syndrome. Dr. Ramesh Hatti, Dr. Adarsh E. S, Dr. B. C. Yalamali, Dr. Uday Ambi 5) THE VARIED PRESENTATIONS OF MECKEL’S DIVERTICULUM IN PEDIATRIC AGE GROUP IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE. Dr. Ramesh Hatti, Dr. Pasha. 6) Caecal volulus: A Rare cause of caecal gangrene in children. Dr. Ramesh. Hatti, Dr. Suresh. Basarkod, Dr. Maruti Talawar 7) Handlebar Hernias: Case reports of rare traumatic abdominal wall hernias Dr. Ramesh Hatti, Dr. Suresh. Basarkod, Dr. Vishwanath. G, Dr. Vrushab. Patil 8) Laparoscopic management of tubo-ovarian stitch abscess after tubal sterilization. Dr. Jyoti Ghongdemath. Dr. Vishwanath. Shindholimath, Dr. L. Krishna. B.V.V.Sangha’s S. Nijalingappa Medical College and HSK Hospital & Research Centre, Bagalkot – 587102 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL OPHTHALMOLOGY 1.Publications of research articles in Index jurnala a) The corneal thickness in noramal tension Glaucoma, primary open angle Glaucoma and ocular hypertension Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Resarch 2013 jun vol-7(6) :1063-1067 Author:Anupama.C. Shetgar.mariyappa.B.mulimani b) Recurrence of pterygium following libal conjunctival auto graft Surgery for primary pterygiun Medica innovatica,Desembar 2013.vol2 issue-2 Author; M.P.jayashree.Chaitra pujar.Madhuri c) Indications of penetrating Keroatoplasty in Southerm Indaia Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Resarch 2013 Nov.vol 7(11) :2505-2507 Author Laxamn.Dasr.Chaitra.Pujar.KanwarpalSing.gill.Maduri.Patil & Mallikarjun Salagar
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