Normalized Difference Fraction Index (NDFI): a new spectral index for enhanced detection of forest canopy damage caused by selective logging and forest fires Carlos Souza Jr., Imazon Dar Roberts, UCSB Mark Cochrane, USD Samia Nunes, Imazon Deforestation vs Forest Degradation Ikonos Image – Paragominas, PA Creates a complex environment: { { { { Caused by: { { { Souza Jr. and Roberts (2005) - IJRS Undisturbed forests Canopy gaps Exposed soils Dead vegetation Selective logging Forest fires Forest fragmentation Very Challenge with Landsat! 2000 1998 Selective logging and burning Selective logging 2001 1999 Old Selective logging Souza Jr. et al. (2003), Rev. Ciência Hoje Old selective logging and burning Objective Develop a technique that combines spectral and spatial information to enhance the detection and mapping of canopy damage caused by selective logging and forest fires { New spectral index: Normalized Difference Spectral Index (NDFI) { Contextual classification algorithm (CCA) Spectral: NDFI Spatial: log landings Degradation Intensity Forest Transect Classes Forest class Field Description Intact (n=4) Mature and undisturbed forest Non-mechanized logging (n=5) Logged forest without the use of vehicles such as skidders and trucks, also known as traditional logging. Log landings, roads and skid trails are not built. Managed logging (n=5) Planned selective logging where a tree inventory is conducted, followed by road and log landing planning to reduce harvesting impacts. Conventional Logging (n=2) Logged and burned (n=3) Conventional unplanned selective logging using skidders and trucks. Log landings, roads and skid trails are built. Either non-mechanized or conventionally logged forests that have subsequently been damaged by intense surface fires. Souza Jr. et al. (2005), Earth Interactions Forest Transects Forest inventories { Transects (10 m x 500 m = 0.5 ha) Trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm Sub-plots (10 m x 10 m) { All trees { Forest canopy cover { Vine density { % soil exposed { % of dead vegetation Aboveground biomass estimation { Allometric equations (Gerwing, 2000) Objective I Forest Degradation Separability SMA Fraction Images GV 60 NPV S hade S o il Fraction Value (%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Intact N on -me chan iz e d L og ging M anag e d L og ging Souza Jr. et al. (2005), Earth Interactions C o nv e ntion al L og gin g L og ge d an d B urn e d Normalized Difference Fraction Index GVShade − (NPV + Soil) NDFI = GVShade + NPV + Soil GVShade GV = 100 − Shade -1 ≤ NDFI ≤1 NDFI low to moderate Low to moderate GV Moderate to high NPV and Soil NDFI near 1 High GV Low NPV and Soil Souza Jr. et al. (2005), RSE SMA Results Soil GVshade Fraction Value (%) Fraction Value (%) NPV NDFI Fraction Value (%) Souza Jr. et al. (2005), RSE NDFI NDFI vs. Fraction Images Change from Intact Forest (%) 10 Percent Change from Intact Forest 5 GV 0 NPV Soil -5 Shade -10 NDFI % Change -15 -20 Nonmechanized Logging Souza Jr. et al. (2005), RSE Managed Logging Logged Logged and Burned Class Separability Class Nonmechanized Logging Intact Mean Stdev. Mean Stdev. Managed Logging Mean Stdev. Conventional Logging Mean Stdev. Logged and Burned Mean Stdev. GV 40a 4 41a 5 41a 5 38b 9 25c 7 NPV 6a 2 5a 2 6a 2 10bc 4 11bd 3 Soil 2a 1 1a 1 3ab 1 4bc 3 7d 3 Shade 51a 3 53a 5 51ab 4 49bc 3 56d 3 NDFI 0.84a 0.08 0.87a 0.07 0.79b 0.07 Tukey test at P<0.01 Souza Jr. et al. (2005), RSE 0.58c 0.24 0.49d 0.22 Contextual Classification Algorithm - CCA Step 1: Find log landings Soil > 10% Find regions and calculate area 1 ≤ Area ≤ 4 pixels Soil Fraction Log Landings Step 2: Grow a canopy damage region around log landings Search for NDFI neighboring cell values If NDFI > 0.75 then Intact Forest if 0 ≤ NDFI ≤ 0.75 then Canopy Damage Canopy Damage Logged and Burned Conventional Logging CCA Results NDFI Canopy Damage Accuracy Assessment Classified Pixels Non-Forest Reference Pixels Non-forest Forest Canopy Damage Total Users Accuracy (%) 454 0 17 471 96.4 Forest 6 625 117 748 83.6 Canopy Damage 40 0 616 656 93.9 Total 500 625 750 1875 Producers Accuracy (%) 91.0 100.0 82.0 Overall Accuracy = (1695/1875) = 90.4% Kappa Coefficient = 0.85 Generic Image Endmembers Objective IV Standardized Fractions and NDFI a) Paragominas,Pará State - 223/62 Objective IV Soil NPV GV NDFI Standardized Fractions and NDFI b) Santarém, Pará State - 227/62 Objective IV Soil NPV GVShade NDFI Standardized Fractions and NDFI c) Ji-paraná, Rondônia State - 231/67 Objective IV Soil NPV GVshade NDFI Standardized NDFI (2001) Rondônia Standardized NDFI (2001) N Summary NDFI enhances the detection and mapping of degraded forests and performs better than any individual fraction. CCA can unambiguously map canopy damage due to selective logging and forest fires. These techniques can be applied over the Amazon region.
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