NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION - 1789 23207 N VIA DE LA CABELLA SUN CITY WEST AZ 85375 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Sun City AZ Permit 248 ' Current Resident or SUN CITY WEST CHAPTER 1789 January 2015 NEWSLETTER National Active and Retired Federal Employees CHAPTER 1789 OFFICERS FOR 2015 President’s Notes – Daniel Reilly I like to thank everyone who attended the Christmas/Holiday Party. I especially wish to thank the Federation President for attending and performing the swearing in ceremony. Membership: One new member joined in December and two new members will be joining in January As we begin a New Year (2015), there will be many new goals that we will be facing with the new 114th Congress. We all must be vigilant and watchful as the new congress begin there legislation on any and all upcoming bills. We received the following email. President: Daniel Reilly, 623 680-1667, [email protected] Vice President: Vic Peterson, 1-775 934 4045, [email protected] Thank You Dan, Barbara and Sun City West Chapter Members I want to thank you for inviting me to your December Holiday meeting. The food was good, the hospitality great, and I was glad to be able to meet with your members. Continue the good work and hope to see everyone in Sierra Vista on May 3-5. Secretary: Barbara Wrinkle, 928 252-2419, [email protected] Treasurer: Marvin Stein, 623 214-7244, [email protected]. Membership Chair: Josephine Sala, 623 249-6205, [email protected] Congressional / State Legislative Officer: Vic Peterson, Program Chair, NARFE-PAC Chair: Etta Bryant, President Arizona Federation Service Officer:Joan Babecki, Alzheimer’s Chair: 623 546-3249, [email protected] Sunshine: Rose Carrillo, 623- 546 1097, June Robinson Welcome/Sign-in: Dorothy Hebert, 623 546-4349 and Rose Carrillo Historian: Cynthia Sherman, 623 584-8924 Newsletter Editor: Ron Castaneda, 623- 546 5596, [email protected] Public Relations Officer: Open Executive meeting 1st Friday of every month. February 6th 9:30am Basha's Community Meeting Room Camino Del Sol & R.H. Johnson, Sun City West. All members welcomed to attend. NARFE Chapter 1789 1 January 2015 Dates to Remember Thursday January 22nd, 2015 12:00pm Luncheon 1:00pm Meeting, Golden Corral, Litchfield & Grand, Surprise, AZ DAY AT THE RACES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015 Thursday, February 26 1:00pm at the Foundation Building will be Sgt. Derick Elmore from the Phoenix PD speaking on Silent Witness Program May 3,4,5 Arizona Federation Biennial Convention. Windemere Hotel and Conference Center Sierra Vista, AZ Phone: 520-459-5900 Minutes of the Monthly Membership Meeting Thursday, December 18, 2014 Coco’s Restaurant, 98th Avenue & Bell Road, Sun City, AZ Submitted by Secretary Barbara Wrinkle BUSINESS MEETING Following the annual Holiday Luncheon, President Daniel Reilly called the meeting to order at 1:25 p.m. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by President Reilly and was followed by a moment of silence to honor troops at home and abroad, and active and retired federal employees. All Executive Board members were present. Thirty members and six guests attend the luncheon and meeting. President Reilly welcomed the Arizona Federation President Etta Bryant and her husband Mike. Also, he welcomed two new chapter members, Ethel (Sadie) Wright and Delores McCaslin. President Reilly introduced the National Region VII Vice President, and a member of Chapter 1789, Rodney Adelman; Arizona Federation Vice President Thad Andreski; Arizona Federation State Legislative Chair and member of Chapter 1789, Vic Peterson; and Arizona Federation District I Vice President, and member of Chapter 1789, Ron Castaneda. President Reilly thanked the members for their generous donations to the West Valley Food Bank. The Chapter will conduct another food drive in April 2015. ARIZONA FEDERATION PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Bryant thanked the chapter for inviting her. She discussed concerns and issues that impact NARFE. NARFE Chapter 1789 Arizona Federation Convention: The Convention will be hosted by the Sierra Vista Chapter, May 3-5, 2015. Additional information will be published in early 2015. The Federation is looking for people to run for offices. Some positions have been vacant for some time. This is not good for the organization. Service Officer of the Year Award: The nominations are due January 16, 2015. The nominees are submitted to the Federation, then to Region VII, and then forwarded to National. Chapter Website: The chapters should keep their websites current. Include a listing of officers and other pertinent information. The chapter needs to update the F-7 with current officers. Ms. Wrinkle volunteered to complete the update. IRS Form for Non-profit Organizations: The chapter needs to complete the IRS form by May 5, 2015 to maintain their non-profit status. Arizona Federation Newsletter: The current newsletter is being discontinued and will be replaced with a Federation Newspaper, published without cost to the Federation. The Publishing Company will solicit ads from Arizona companies. Colorado and Michigan have already published copies and have received favorable reviews. The newspapers do not replace chapter newsletters. The newspapers will be mailed directly to all NARFE members. Recruitment: The National/Federation recruitment campaign will continue until December 31, 2015. Anyone recruiting a new member will receive $10.00 from National and $10.00 from the Federation. Be sure to include your membership number on the membership application form. From September through November there were only 18 recruiters. From October 2 January 2015 to now NARFE gained 512 new members; however, it was almost overcome with the number of loses to NARFE. Legislative Actions: The 113th Congress did manage to pass a spending bill except for the Homeland Security Agency. The National Defense Act included the authority to hire annuitants without impacting pensions. The bills not passed by the 113th Congress expired, and everything will start over in the 114th Congress on January 6, 2015. The Chained CPI will certainly be one of the fist items to be pushed. Phased retirements have been approved but will take time to get the procedures and guidelines in place. The self-plus one will be offered for the first time as a part of the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plans starting in 2016. It is all ready offered in the Dental and Vision Plans. This action should create a great deal of activity at the Health Fairs in 2015. All chapters should prepare early for the Health Fairs. Several online discussion sessions will be held in January. Anyone can participate. If you are interested please contact [email protected]. All members should send letters to their representatives and let them know how you feel about the NARFE issues. Go to the NARFE website, look for the Legislative Action Center, hit the submit key and the already prepared letters will automatically go to the representatives. Also there is a NARFE Daily Media Monitoring Service provided by Jason Freeman. Just send him an email at [email protected] and the service will start immediately. Federation President Bryant ended her talk with a charming poem. ADJOURNMENT President Reilly called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kris Reilly introduced the motion; it was seconded by Dorothy Hebert, and was passed unanimously to adjourn at 2:00 p.m. LAST CALL !! DAY AT THE RACES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015 You can sign up until Thursday, January 22, 2015, which is the day of our monthly chapter meeting. Those attending should drive East on Bell Road to 19th Avenue , turn right and drive about ¼ mile to the next traffic light then turn left into Turf Paradise. Park at Gate 2 and check in at the Turf Club. Give the person at the gate your Group Name which is NARFE Chapter 1789. Arrive at 11:00 a.m., lunch at 11:30. The first race is at approximately 12:55 P.M. . Bring a friend – $24.00 per person will buy you a great fun day. Call Ernie at 623-584 3615 -------------------------------------------------------------------Membership- Josephine Sala 247 chapter members voting 22 national life members non voting. 18 national only non voting INSTALLATION OF 2015 OFFICERS Federation President Bryant administered the oath of office for the 2015 Officers: President – Daniel Reilly Vice President – Vic Peterson Secretary – Barbara Wrinkle Treasurer – Marvin Stein 50/50 Marvin Stein conducted the 50/50. Of the $97.00 collected, $48.00 was distributed among three winners. The other $49.00 will be contributed to the chapter treasury. NARFE Chapter 1789 2 new prospective members We also welcomed new members Sadie Wright. Mary Ellen Vitto recruited a new member Delores McCaslin Sunshine Committee June Robinson reports that our chapter sadly has lost the following member; Ruth Goldstein - Surprise AZ Vice President and Program Chair- Vic Peterson Upcoming programs are as follows: February meeting 02/26/2015 at the Foundation Building will be Sgt. Derick Elmore from the Phoenix PD speaking on Silent Witness 3 January 2015 Program. April Meeting on 04/23/2015 at the Foundation Building will be a representative from Hospice of the Valley speaking on Hospice care. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Vice President - Victor Peterson The new congress will be in session on January 6. As most of you know there will be a big change in the outlook as the Republicans have control of the senate and they also picked up some seats in the house. There will be new leadership in the senate and all the committees in the senate will now be under Republican control. What does that mean for Federal Employees and Retirees, probably big battles to maintain what we have in benefits , including our retirement and our FEHB. All the old bills that were introduced in the last congress are now dead, but there will be many new bills introduced. The outlook is not good, as there are rumors of more attacks on SS ( Social Security ), Federal Retirement, Medicare and FEHB. NARFE at the National level will be watching these very closely, and will be keeping us advised. If you are connected to GEMS this is an outstanding way to keep up on this. Also NARFE has a daily legislative update, during the session, if you are interested send Jason Freeman an email to let him know you want included on the update. [email protected]. I will be keeping you all updated as time goes on. On the state level, the governor has not introduced his budget yet, but the state in facing a half billion dollar budget deficit, so that mean there will be drastic cuts. Many of these will come to seniors programs which I will be keeping a close eye on. There are a few bills on the state level that have been pre filed, one of some interest is to realign the state income tax codes, I will be watching this closely to see if there will something could be attached to this to affect our membership. Remember stay active it is your earned benefits that you are protecting. Service Officer - Joan Babecki The only calls I received this month were to make reservations for our Holiday Party. This is always good news. This Holiday Party brought out members we don't often see at the chapter meeting. It was great to see a large turnout. This should happen every month. Maybe we just get out of the habit of attending the monthly meetings. Mark your calendar for the 4th Thursday and again support your NARFE Chapter. Thanks! Alzheimer's Chair - Joan Babecki Scientists say National Alzheimer's plan research milestones must be strengthened. The U.S. Government has initiated a major effort to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer's disease by 2025. However a workgroup of nearly 40 Alzheimer's researchers and scientists says the research milestone in the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease must be broadened in scope, increased in scale and adequately funded in order to successfully achieve this goal. The Alzheimer's Association is the forefront of proving support to individuals and families as well as lobbying for increased funds for research. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life, memory loss is an example Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. Many people have memory loss issues, however, this does not mean they Alzheimer's another dementia. Ask your doctor to evaluate the person and a neurologist should also be involved. The Alzheimer's Association is the forefront of proving support to individuals and families as well as lobbying for increased funds for research. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life, memory loss is an example Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. Many people have memory loss issues, however, this does not mean they Alzheimer's another dementia. Ask your doctor to evaluate the person and a neurologist should also be involved. All members are encouraged to submit articles for Chapter 1789's Newsletter. Articles like birthdays, anniversaries and passed members should be sent to our Sunshine committee? All others should be emailed to the newsletter editor , Ron Castaneda, [email protected], with the Subject - 1789 Newsletter submission. Articles of interest to NARFE and Chapter 1789 will be considered. Submit articles for the newsletter by Monday following the chapter monthly meeting. NARFE Chapter 1789 4 FEDERAL EMPLOYEE DEFICIT REDUCTION CONTRIBUTIONS Federal employee pay scales were frozen in 2010 by the President (and supported by Congress) for two years (P.L.112-10). Congress froze salaries a third year as part of the FY13 funding package (P.L. 113-6). As such, federal employees did not receive a pay raise in 2011, 2012, or 2013. Over ten years, the three-year freeze will save $98 billion. As part of the deal to extend the payroll tax holiday and unemployment insurance (P.L. 112-96), future federal employees will pay more for their retirement benefits, without any corresponding increase in benefits. Employees hired in 2013 pay 2.3% more than those hired before January 1, 2013. This provision, at a savings of $15 billion over 10 years, was used to offset the cost of extending unemployment insurance. In 2013, over 750,000 federal employees were furloughed as a result of sequestration. This cost federal employees over $1 billion in lost wages in 2013 alone. Retirement contributions from future federal employees were increased again in the Murray-Ryan budget agreement, which laid out a budget framework for FY14 and FY15 (P.L. 113-67). Employees hired in 2014 and, presumably, beyond, will now pay 3.6% more for their retirement than those hired before January 1, 2013, without any corresponding increase in benefits. This saves $6 billion over 10 years. For more information, please contact Jessica Klement, Legislative Director, at [email protected], or John Hatton, Deputy Legislative Director, at [email protected].
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