BUSINESS SKILL GROUP & FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREAS LEARNING CALENDAR 2015 BUSINESS SKILL GROUP PROGRAMMES BUSINESS SKILL GROUP & FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREAS LEARNING CALENDAR 2015 FINANCE SKILL GROUP (SKG01) - 50200032 PROGRAMME NAME Q1 JAN INVESTMENT DAYS Accounting Framework (Level 1) NR 1,400 2 10-11 Taxation (Level 1/2) NR 2,000 3 10-12 Treasury & Cash Management (Level 1/2) NR 2,000 3 21-23 Financial Risk Mgt (Level 1/2) NR 1,400 2 21-22 Insurance & Risk Management (Level 1/2) NR 1,400 2 PETRONAS Internal Audit Framework (Level 1) NR 1,400 2 Corporate Finance (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 Accounting & Reporting (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 11-12 13-14 Oil & Gas Accounting (Level 1/2) for Upstream Staff Part 1 NR 1,800 3 10-12 12-14 Oil & Gas Accounting (Level 1/2) for Upstream Staff Part 2 NR 1,200 2 Oil & Gas Accounting (Level 1/2) for Non Upstream Staff Part 1 NR 1,800 3 Oil & Gas Accounting (Level 1/2) for Non Upstream Staff Part 2 NR 1,200 2 Oil & Gas Accounting (Level 1/2) for Int. staff NR 3,000 5 Management Accounting & Reporting (Level 2) NR 2,000 3 Financial Budgeting & Forecasting for Non Exec(NE) NR 1,400 2 Financial Reporting & Compliance (Level 3) NR 2,000 3 Advanced Taxation (Level 3) NR 2,000 3 Advanced Corporate Finance & Trade Finance (Level 3) NR 2,000 3 Expectation Setting & Business SKG Exposure (Level 3) NR 2,000 3 Treasury & Cash Management (Level 3) NR 2,000 3 Financial Risk Mgt (Level 3) NR 1,400 2 MAR APR 24-25 MAY Q3 JUNE JUL AUG 12-13 25-26 11-13 18-20 Q4 SEPT OCT NOV 8-10 20-22 8-9 18-19 5-6 21-22 7-8 11-12 20-21 12-13 21-22 20-22 3-4 9-10 11-13 8-9 24-26 15-17 14-16 24-26 20-22 19-21 6-8 12-14 18-20 7-9 27-29 18-20 19-21 27-29 24-25 18-19 Q1 JAN Introduction to Planning (Level 1) NR 2,000 3 Industry Knowledge & Research (Level 1) NR 2,000 3 EP Industry Knowledge (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 9-10 Gas & Power Industry Knowledge (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 8-9 Oil Industry Knowledge (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 PETCHEM Industry Knowledge (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 Advanced Business Planning & Performance (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 19-20 Portfolio Management (Level 2) NR 2,000 3 26-28 Hypothesis Driven Approach to Strategy Development (Level 2) NR 2,000 3 M&A and Business Development (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 Scenario Planning (Level 2) NR 2,000 3 Bussiness Intelligence & Analysis (Level 2) NR 2,000 3 Fundamental to Business Evaluation (Level 2) NR 1,400 2 Effective Problem Solving NR 1,900 2 Advanced Problem Solving NR 2,700 3 TYPE (R/NR) INVESTMENT DAYS Marketing & Trading Foundation Programme NR 2,000 3 Basic Supply & Operations NR 2,000 3 2-4 Introduction to Logistics & Chartering NR 2,200 3 16-18 Law & Contract related to Marketing & Trading NR 800 1 Social Intelligence NR 2,400 2 Negotiation Skill NR 3,200 3 Advance Finance for Marketing & Trading NR 1,500 2 Advanced Logistics & Chartering NR 2,000 3 NR 8,000 3 20-22 18-20 NR 8,710 3 25-27 23-25 ERM101 Introduction to Entreprise Risk Management (ERM) NR 700 1 ERM102 ERM for Risk Practitioner NR 700 1 Dates and fee are subjected to changes ** Open to all PETRONAS groupwide NEW! New Offering BUSINESS SKILL GROUP & FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREAS LEARNING CALENDAR 2015 MAY JUNE JUL 24-26 7-9 28-30 AUG SEPT OCT NOV 25-27 3-5 18-20 17-19 DEC 25-26 6-7 26-27 7-8 15-16 8-9 27-29 29-1 9-11 28-30 19-20 20-22 21-23 1-3 6-8 9-10 24-25 Refer to PLC Calendar MARKETING & TRADING (SKG 03) - 50200034 Value Selling APR Q4 DAYS NEW! NEW! MAR Q3 INVESTMENT Market Intelligence FEB Q2 TYPE (R/NR) PROGRAMME NAME DEC 24-25 11-12 8-9 BUSINESS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (SKG 02 ) **- 50200033 PROGRAMME NAME FEB Q2 TYPE (R/NR) Q1 JAN FEB Q2 MAR APR MAY 23-25 Q3 JUNE JUL AUG Q4 SEPT 8-10 OCT NOV DEC 5-7 7-9 3-5 4 9-11 17 6-7 2-3 11-13 30-31 28-30 24-25 20-22 19-21 Refer to PLC Calendar SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SKILL GROUP (SKG04) - 50200035 PROGRAMME NAME TYPE (R/NR) INVESTMENT DAYS 101 Introduction to SCM Functions and its Key Processes NR 1,400 2 201 Procurement Governance NR 2,100 3 202 Operational Sourcing - Below Threshold NEW! NR 2,100 3 203 Operational Sourcing - Above Threshold NEW! NR 2,100 3 204 Contract Management NR 1,700 2 251 SAP Sourcing NR 2,400 3 252 SAP Contract Management NR TBA TBA 253 SAP Inventory NR 2,000 2 254 SAP Warehouse NR 2,000 2 301 Procurement Planning NR TBA TBA NR TBA TBA NR 3,900 5 NR TBA TBA NR 2,400 5 302 Category Management & Strategic Sourcing NEW! 303 Inventory & Warehouse 304 Logistics NEW! 305 Project SCM (SKG19: Project Management Essentials, Level 1) 401 Advanced Contracting for Category Management & Project Management (1) NEW! NR TBA 2 401 Advanced Contracting for Category Management & Project Management (2) NEW! NR TBA 2 NR 3,500 3 403 Procurement Negotiation (previously known as 103 SCM Strategic Negotiation) Q1 JAN Q2 MAR APR MAY 9-10 9-11 26-27 Q3 JUNE JUL 1-2 14-16 17-19 24-26 16-18 5-7 27-28 7-9 14-16 5-6 27-28 23-25 23-24 28-30 Q2 MAY 17-19 Q3 JUNE 23-25 19-20 8-9 APR DEC 1-3 9-11 Q1 NOV 8-10 16-17 MAR OCT 7-8 20-21 FEB Q4 SEPT 8-9 11-13 25-26 JAN AUG 18-20 23-25 HRM SKILL GROUP DEVELOPMENT (SKG 06) - 50200037 PROGRAMME NAME FEB JUL AUG Q4 TYPE (R/NR) INVESTMENT DAYS SEPT HRM On-Boarding NR 2,000 2 Understanding Organisational Behaviours & Motivation NR 2,600 2 Managing Difficult Conversation NR 3,300 2 Crucial Conversation for HR Account Managers NR 2,200 2 Fundamental of Org. Devt, Org. Design & Structure (ODS) & Job Mgt (JM) NR 800 1 5 2 Application of Org. Design & Structure (ODS) & Job Mgt (JM) Tool & Methodology NR 1,400 2 19-20 14-15 NR 1,400 2 OCT NOV DEC Common Programmes 11-12 12-13 4-5 26-27 25-26 30-31 19-20 Organisation Development People Planning Strategic Workforce Training NEW! Remuneration NR Introduction to Remuneration NR 1,400 2 Remuneration for International Assignment NR 800 1 Managing Compensation & Benefits for CA Negotiation NR 800 1 Remuneration Design NR 800 1 Remuneration for Talent Sourcing NR 1,400 2 People Development NR Creating Your Learning Solutions NR 1,400 2 Talent Review & Succession Planning NR 800 1 HR Facilitation Skills NEW! NR 1,400 2 Talent Development NEW! NR 1,400 2 NR 1,400 2 NR 1,400 2 Effective Implementation of PMS & Facilitation of Performance Discussion NR 1,400 2 Effective MOM for Successful HR Facilitation of PDC Meeting NR 2,600 3 NR 1,700 2 Education Sponsorship NR 1,400 2 Procedures, Guidelines & Process Flow of Talent Sourcing NR 1,400 2 16-17 10-11 4-5 22 7 24 20 9-10 3-4 8-9 20-21 30 17 8-9 10-11 3-4 13-14 Employee Performance Management Fundamental of KPI Setting and Cascading Consequence Management NEW! 9-10 5-6 29-30 4-5 28-29 11-12 7-9 Shared Services Human Resource Information System - Data Intelligence & Reporting 9-10 10-11 9-10 Talent Sourcing Dates and fee are subjected to changes ** Open to all PETRONAS groupwide NEW! New Offering BUSINESS SKILL GROUP & FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREAS LEARNING CALENDAR 2015 10-11 25-26 20-21 4-5 19-20 25-26 FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREA PROGRAMMES BUSINESS SKILL GROUP & FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREAS LEARNING CALENDAR 2015 FSA 011 CHANGE MANAGEMENT **- 50200047 PROGRAMME NAME Q1 JAN DAYS The Influencer NR 3,500 2 Strategy & Plan for Communication & Engagement NR 2,000 2 Appreciative Inquiry NR 2,500 2 Managing Change NR 2,700 3 Effective Consultancy NR 2,200 2 Essential Change Management Skill NR TBA 3 Upon request Diagnosing Organizational Behaviors Part II NEW! NR 2,000 2 Dates to be advised Strategic Management NR 2,000 2 System Thinking NR TBA 2 Understanding Organisational Behaviours & Motivation NR Refer to SKG06 programme The Art of Facilitation NR Refer to PLC Calendar NEW! APR INVESTMENT DAYS NR 2,700 3 Dates and fee are subjected to changes ** Open to all PETRONAS groupwide NEW! New Offering BUSINESS SKILL GROUP & FUNCTIONAL SKILL AREAS LEARNING CALENDAR 2015 JUNE JUL AUG Q4 SEPT OCT NOV DEC 2-3 1-2 9-10 13-14 19-20 18-19 Q1 TYPE (R/NR) MAY 9-10 FSA 04 INTERNAL AUDIT - 50200041 Tools & Technique for Beginning Auditor MAR Q3 INVESTMENT PROGRAMME NAME FEB Q2 TYPE (R/NR) JAN FEB Q2 MAR APR MAY Q3 JUNE JUL AUG Q4 SEPT OCT NOV DEC Please self-register via MyPassport. Should you need any assistance for registration, please contact: HR SSC Focal Person Amar Hanafie Bin Musa 03-7490 4434 [email protected] PETRONAS Leadership Centre Focal Person Salinah Bt Ismail (SKG03, SKG04, SKG06, FSA05 & FSA011) 03-8732 7809 [email protected] Rosnah Bt Othman (SKG01 & SKG02) 03-87327703 [email protected] For further queries on the programme, please contact: Datin Maimon Bt Awang (SKG01 & SKG02) 03-8732 7877 [email protected] Sabrina Bt A Wahab (SKG03, SKG04, SKG06, FSA05 & FSA011) 03-8732 7630 [email protected]
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