Chiya Khere Discovery (TAQA) Discovery well: Atrush-1 (2011) Reservoirs: Jurassic (10-27 API) Resources: 647 mmbbls (2C) + 70 mmbbls (Prospective) Production: Phase 1: 30,000 bopd EPF by mid 2015 Additional development to 120,000 bopd by 2016. Atrush-2 2012. 3 tests over U Jurassic aggregate 42,000 bopd (27 API). Heavy oil in Butmah (1450 bopd) and Adiayah (650 bopd) Atrush-3 TD 1806m (Jurassic).Tested up to 1500 bopd (10-17 API). Atrush-4 spud Oct 2013. 3 Jurassic tests total rate: 9059 bopd (27-28 API) Chiya Khere-8 reached FTD (2195m) and Chiya Khere-5 reached FTD (2098m) Both to be completed Q1 2015. Chiya Khere-6 spud Oct 2014. Summail Discovery (DNO) Discovery well: Summail-1 (2011) Reservoirs: Cretaceous (gas), Jurassic (heavy oil) Resources: 300 bcf recoverable Production: Development plan being reassessed due to reservoir performance. Summail-2 did not encounter significant gas but discovered 200m Cretaceous oil column # *Q = ) MT1 B(2011) Shireen-1 spud June 2014. Operations restarted October following temporary shut down. Drilling ahead. 509km 2D seismic completed PK2 CENTRAL DOHUK = ) CC Dohuk CCGT 1216 MW B(2012) LN1 Genel Energy 40% Gulf Keystone 40% KRG 20 % ) = Q SM_E1 Q(2007) C SM1 SM2 (2011) È È SM3 AL QUSH ExxonMobil 80% KRG 20 % KH1 (2006) B AT2 CK5 CK8 (2010) = ) Q AT4 = ) =Q ) Q Q = ) Q Q =SA1 SA3 Q = ) )(2010)) Q = SH4 È ) AQ1 Q(2014) SM2 = ) AT3 =CK6 ) Q _ ^ BM2 BM1 (2012) BM3 SH5 SH10 SH3 SH8 SH1 SH2 SH7 (2009) SH11 Shaikan CCGT 1000 MW SM1 (2009) SM3 ) = = ) C = ) Q = ) ^ _ = ) ) = = ) # * # *PI1 SH6 = ) Q )) = = ) = RN1 ) = Q Q(2013) ) = ROVI Chevron 60% OMV 15% KRG 25% Mosul Dam 1052MW = ) C BT1 # * ¾ = ) Q CHOMAN Turkish entity 80% KRG 20 % GL1 (2012) Q SC2 Shakrok PSC Block relinquished to KRG July 2014 Shakrok-1TD 3538m (Triassic) Non-commercial Triassic gas discovery. Jurassic zones failed to flow hydrocarbons to surface HINDREN Turkish entity 80% KRG 20 % HR1 = ) Q B(2012) _ ^ SCA1 (2010) # * ML2 = ) Q SARTA Chevron 60% OMV 15% KRG 25% BR4 BR2 = ) == ) ) BR3 MR1 È(2013) ) Q HARIR Marathon 45% Total 35% KRG 20 % = ) _ ^ Masief-1 spud December 2013. Well testing ops suspended Aug 2014 ExxonMobil to resume ops early 2015 ERBIL PIRMAM ExxonMobil 80% KRG 20 % BN1 (2007) BN3 BN4 BN2 ) È =) =) ) È AAS2 AAS1 (2013) _) ^ Q = BS2 BS1A ) = = ) MS1 (2013) Q SF1 Hamdaniya Hamdaniya 300 MW 60000 BOPD C Taq Taq Field (TTOPCO) Discovered: 1961 Reservoirs: Pilaspi (26 API) , Shiranish/Kometan/U Qamchuqa (46 API) Reserves: 647 mmboe (2P) Production Capacity: Projected 200,000 bopd by Mar 2015. TT-22 (deep) spud Mar 2013. TD 4613m (Triassic). Flowed minor oil/gas from tight Jurassic/Triassic zones. Completing as Cretaceous producer. Additional Cretaceous development wells for 2014: TT-23 deviated reached FTD and completing. TT-28 vertical spudded September 2014 TT-24 horizontal to spud Nov 2014. B(2013) MOSEL Kalak 100000 BOPD BETWATA ExxonMobil 80% KRG 20 % SK1 B(2013) ¾ ERBIL BB5 È Q MO1 (2011) B ¾ Harir ICE 200 MW C BB4 È Q GWER-HAMDANYA Komet Group 80% KRG 20 % BN2 _ ^ DD5 DD2 HAWLER RELINQUISHED DD8 DD4DD7 DD6 *= = =(2013) Q# ) Q DD3 Q _ ^ È) ) B) = BN1 Khurmala CCGT 640 MW = ) C # *= Benenan/Bastora Discoveries (DNO) Reservoir: Cretaceous (Bekhme and Qamchuqa) 18-19 API. Jurassic (Najmah) 16 API Resources: 100 mmbbls oil recoverable (P50) (Bastora) 60-70 mmbbls recoverable (P50). (Benenan) Production: 10,000 bopd EPF ~3000 bopd. EWT ongoing for BN-4 ZEG1 Q =(2013) ) KHURMALA Μ È ) Banan-1 TD 4153m (Triassic) Tested 820 bopd (Cretaceous) and 3,500 bopd (L Jurassic) Banan-2 spud June 2014.Drilling ops suspended August = ) Erbil 1312 (1500)MW C C B QQ È ) IRBIL SHORISH Ranya ICE 200 MW QALA DZE Repsol 40% Maersk 40% KRG 20 % SR1 = ) Q(2009) Demir Dagh Discovery (Oryx) Discovery well: Demir Dagh-1 (1960) Reservoir: Cretaceous (23 API)/Jurassic (~40 API) Resources: 258 mmbbls (2P) + 272 mmbbls (2C) Production: 25,000 bopd EPF. 8-10,000 bopd for 2014 Demir Dagh-2 TD 4020m (Triassic) Tested 2210 - 2780 bopd (Jurassic) and 6700bopd (Cretaceous) DD-2, DD3 and DD4 connected to EPF. DD-7 tested 3300 bopd (21 API) from Cretaceous. DD-8 test failed due to mechanical issues. Sidetrack planned Q1 2014. DD-9 rigging up. DD-10 drilling 3D seismic completed Q3 2014 C ZEG2 SHAKROK SAFEEN Total 80% BB2 BB1 BB3 KRG 20 % (2006) MALA OMAR BB6 Q C B =) _) ^ )) = = =) = =) ) = ) _ ^ = ) = ) = =) = ) = ) ) = Q = ) = TT24 =) ) =# ) B = ) * ¾ Taq Taq (Koya) 60000 BOPD SW1 QT1 = ) = ) C Qayarah 16000 BOPD ¾ Khurmala Field (Kar Oil and Gas) Reservoirs: Eocene, Shiranish/Kometan and Qamchuqa (34 API) Production Capacity: 150,000 bopd + 100 mmcfd. Under going W/O of 19 wells. C KC2 KEWA CHIRMILA Genel Enerji 44% Addax Petroleum 36% KRG 20 % PIRAMAGRUN Repsol 40% Maersk 40% KRG 20 % Dibis ICE 640 MW C B(2009) B(2013) BZ2 Q BZ1 Q(2009) = ) = ) = ) ¾ # *MW6 MW2 MW4 Q Q ARBAT EAST ExxonMobil 80% KRG 20 % ME1 (2012) Q Bazian MW3 MW1 34000 BOPD (2008) Tasluja ICE 51MW È ) Q = ) Bai Hassan Field (North Oil Co) Discovered: 1953 Reservoirs: Oligocene, Shiranish/Kometan and Qamchuqa Resources: 1700 mmbbls + 8.9 TCF recoverable remaining Production: 250,000 bopd Under Kurdish control. Production redirected via Khurmala (see Kirkuk comments) = ) 35°0'0"N ¾ ¾ È Q QARA HANJEER ExxonMobil 80% KRG 20 % 27000 BOPD ¾ # * QD2 Chemchemal Field Discovered: 1930 Reservoir: Pila Spi (43 API) Condensate Resources: 2.07 TCF recoverable Dispute between KRG and Dana/Crescent preventing development of field C # *BR1 Halabja PSC 2D seismic acquisition delayed due to ongoing protests over water and land use SN1 = ) QD1 TOPKHANA Talisman 60% UNASSIGNED 20% KRG 20 % È È ) = = ) = ) = ) È ) = ) È ) Q Darbandikhan HPP 249MW TP1 (2011) Q È K-3 ) = ) È TZ4 # * BA1 =(2013) ) Q # * KURDAMIR RELINQUISHED CKalar CCGT B 1000 MW PULKHANA Turkish entity 40% UNASSIGNED 40% KRG 20 % B =B PU9 ) = PU8 ) Q = ) Q B BB MIL QASIM Baram-1 TD 3730m (Eocene) Sub-commercial oil (42 API) and water in Oligocene S1 (2008) HS1 (2013) MQ1 (2011) ) = ) = = ) Q CS11 SH3 = ) CS10 Q B (2012) B =# ) Q È ) Q B = ) B = ) B B * CS12 _ ^ Pulkhana Field (Turkish Entity) Discovery well: Pulkhana-5 (1956) Reservoirs: Euphrates, Jaddala, Shiranish/Balambo (32 API) Resources: 38-328 mmbbls, P50 113 mmbbls recoverable Pulkana-9 (2011) tested limited oil from Shiranish/Balambo Pulkana-8 re-entry (2010) tested 2,650 bopd Shiranish. Shakal Discovery (GazProm Neft) Discovery well: Shakal-1 (2009) Reservoir: Jaddala, Aaliji (35 API) Resources: 45 mmbbls SH-1: Jaddala 3 test aggregate max of 2,450 bopd Shakal-2 spud June 2014.Drilling Upper Fars Shakal-3 spud Aug 2014. Drilling Upper Fars Kurdamir Field (Talisman) Discovery well: Kurdamir-1 (2010) Reservoirs: Oligocene (38 API) and Eocene (45 API) Resources: 924 MMBOE contingent + 1467 MMBOE prospective Kurdamir-2 completed as an Oligocene producer.44 day EWT produced over 88,000 bbls light oil and gas - no water. Kurdamir-3 DST#4 tested 948 bopd + ~800 bwpd (Oligocene). Kurdamir-4 horizontal development well planned Field Development Plan submitted August 2014 GARMIAN RELINQUISHED _ ^ SHAKAL Gazprom Neft 80% KRG 20 % CHIA SURKH Genel Energy 60% Petoil 20% KRG 20 % È ) = ) Chia Surkh Field (Genel Energy) Discovered 1903 Reservoirs: Fars (38 API) Jeribe/Dhiban (50 API), Euphrates (47 API) Resources: 250 mmboe (2C) Chia Surkh-10 TD 1696m (Miocene) L Fars tested up to 3200 bopd (38 API) + 8.4 mmscfd Jeribe tested up to 11,950 bopd (41 API) + 15 mmscfd. Chia Surkh-11 TD ~3000m (Oligocene) Gross H/C column 170m. Jeribe/Dhiban tested 3550 and 2060 bopd respectively.Euphrates tested 1600 bopd Chia Surkh-12 targeted spud Q1 2015 3D seismic acquisition completed Q2 2014 È ) Topkhana Discovery (Talisman) Discovery well: Topkhana-1 (2011) Reservoir: Oligocene Resources: 1665 bcf + 55 mmbbls condensate (contingent) T-1 tested up to 7.45 mmscfd + 350 bcpd from Oligocene Topkhana-2 TD 2575m Oligocene (2014) Tested 2146 bpd oil/cond (49 API) + 30.6 mmcfd from Oligocene Sarqala Complex (WesternZagros) È Discovery well: Sarqala-1RE (2011) / Mil Qasim-1 (2011) Reservoir: Jeribe (40 API), Upper Fars (43 API) Reserves: 12 mmbbls (2P) + 290 mmbbls (prospective) Production Capacity: Planned 10-15,000 bopd commissioned by end 2014 Sarqala-1RE tested 11,500 bopd from Jeribe/Dhiban following workover Hasira-1 spud June 2013. TD 4181m (Oligocene) Plan to commence testing of Mio-Oligocene reservoir November 2014 Sarqala-2 horizontal Jeribe/Dhiban development well planned early 2015 Field Development Plan submitted June 2014 3800000 # *K-4 TZ1 Q(2012) ) È # *S2 Haditha HPP 660MW È ) TAZA Oilsearch 60% TZ3 Total 20% KRG 20 % Taza Discovery (Oilsearch) Discovery well: Taza-1 (2013) Reservoirs: Jeribe/Dhiban + Euphrates Resources: 250-500 mmbbls recoverable Production: 1 well EPF to be installed by mid 2015 Taza-1 200-250 bpd oil/water (Jeribe). 1100 bopd + 2900 bwpd (Euphrates) Taza-2 spud December 2013. Oil shows in all target reservoirs. Testing to commence once operations restart Taza-3 planned spud Q4 2014. Rigging up. 500 sqkm 3D seismic commenced Q2 2014 È ) Massoyi-1 spud Mar 2014. TD 3084m (Eocene) Testing ongoing MS1 (2014) K-2 K-1 (2009) Q ) È S.E KOR MOR C = ) _ ^ TP2 _ ^ HALABJA Gazprom Neft 80% KRG 20 % BARANAN Total 60% Murphy 20% KRG 20 % QARA DAGH Chevron 80% KRG 20 % SANGAW SOUTH KNOC 30% UNASSIGNED 50% KRG 20 % TZ2 # * TZ5 =(2010) ) Q SS1 (2011) È ÈÈ È KM9 ÈB ÈÈ B = ) È ) Hamrin Field (North Oil Co) Discovered :1961 Reservoirs: Jeribe, Euphrates/Serikagni and Oilgocene Resources: 1,800 mmbbls + 750 BCF recoverable remaining Production: Projected 60,000 bopd and 60 mmcfd by 2014 Remains under Islamic State control following July insurgency 250000 Sangaw South-1 TD 3820m (Jurassic) Tested small amount of gas, condensate (55 API) and water from Shiranish B(2010) SH1 42°0'0"E ICE C Saidsadq 200 MW SANGAW NORTH =(2008) SH2 ) Q KHANAQIN Khanaqin/Alwand 20000 BOPD ¾ = È ) Samarra HPP 75MW = ) Baranan-1 planned spud Jan 2015 CKirkuk Ajeel Field (North Oil Co) Discovered :1961 Reservoirs: Jeribe and Euphrates Resources: 500 mmbbls + 496 BCF recoverable Production: 28,000 bopd Remains under IS control since July insurgency C Sangaw North-1 TD 4190m (Triassic) Jurassic/Triassic tested uncommercial rates of gas + water. (high H2S) ARBAT Turkish entity 80% KRG 20 % Kor Mor Field (Dana/Crescent) Discovery well: Kor Mor-1 (1928) Reservoirs: Jeribe, Euphrates, Oligocene (Gas); Shiranish (Oil) Resources: 1.8 TCF recoverable Production: 340 mmcfd + 15,000 bpd condensate Arbitration underway between Dana/Crescent and the KRG over cost recovery for Khor Mor = ) C Rizgari 29MW = ) ) = Jambur Field (North Oil Co) Discovered: 1929 Reservoirs: Jeribe, Euphrates, Eocene, Shiranish and Qamchuqa Resources: 3000 mmbbls + 9.0 TCF recoverable remaining Production: 36,000 bopd + 120 mmcfd Under Kurdish control. Production temporarily shut-in Baiji Salahedden 140000 BOPD SULAYMANIYAH KIRKUK ¾ K-2 (Siniyah) 20000 BOPD BAZIAN KNOC Bazian* 80% KRG 20% CHEMCHEMAL Mullah Abdullah CGT 402MW Baiji North 170000 BOPD Baiji Refinery and Iraq-Turkey Pipeline Baiji refinery has been on the frontline of fighting between IS and government troops. IS took control following the July insurgency, and the government reclaimed in August. Multiple attacks on the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline. Significant damage caused with repairs estimated to take over 1 year. Qara Dagh-1 TD 3908m (Cretaceous) Tests in Shiranish and Tanjero produced oil (43-46 API) at non-commercial rates. Qara Dagh-2 planned spud Q2 2015 C 1000 (1500)MW ) = = ) = ) = ) = ) = ) )) = = = ) =) ) =) ) == ) ) = È = ) ) =) ) = = _ ^ Chemchemal ) = =¾ ) = ) = ) 3850000 Kirkuk 150000 BOPD Khabbaz Field (North Oil Co) Discovered: 1976 Reservoirs: Jeribe, Oligocene, Kometan and Qamchuqa Resources: 2000 mmbbls + 3 TCF recoverable remaining Production: 29,000 bopd Under Kurdish control. Production temporarily shut-in 3900000 North Salah ad Din (Sonoro Energy) Resources: 140 mmbbls recoverable Target: Jeribe asphalt July 2014 company provided notice of "Force Majeure" = ) PENJWIN C MW5 = ) Kirkuk Field - Baba and Avanah domes (North Oil Co) Discovered: 1927 Reservoirs: Oligocene,Jaddala, Shiranish/Kometan and Qamchuqa Resources: 10,800 mmbbls + 2.7 TCF recoverable remaining Production: 190,000 bopd. BP signed 'letter of intent'in Sept 2013 to monitor the fields production and advise for 12-18 months. Under Kurdish control. ~30,000 bopd to Kirkuk refinery. Avanah dome production combined with Bai Hassan production:100-120,000 bopd flowing to Kalak refinery Kurdistan via Khurmala pipeline = ) BLOCK V ZW1 KC1z Qaiyarah and Najmah Fields (Sonangol) Reservoirs: Jeribe, Euphrates, Hartha (15.5 API) È ) Reserves: 424 mmbbls and 200 mmbbls oil recoverable Production: IS producing ~20,000 bopd and selling on black market Sonangol abandoned development due to security concerns Feb 2014 Fields remain under IS control following the July insurgency. Miran Field (Genel Energy) Discovery well: Miran West-1 (2009) Reservoirs: U Cret (15-18 API), L Cret/Jurassic (wet gas) Resources: 3.5 TCF and 95 mmbbls liquids (2C) Gas Production: targeting 400mmscfd by 2017/2018. Miran West-5 spud July 2013. Mechanical issues required rig swap. Re-entered well October, continuing drilling operations. Miran 1st horizontal development well to spud Q1 2015 Miran-Deep projected spud Q2 2015 Miran Gas Sales Offtake Agreement with KRG expected to be signed 2H 2014 Q TaqTaq -> Khurmala oil pipeline Completed in early 2013 (150,000 bopd) = ) 3950000 Bazian-1 TD 4091m Chia Gara. Tested 500 bopd L Qamchuqa Bazian-2 TD ~4800m. Results of testing unknown Dokan HPP 400MW )(2013) = KHALAKAN Gas Plus Khalakan* 40% Turkish entity 40% KRG 20 % B(2010) Mosul 750 MW Zewe-1 and Binari Serwan-1 drilled by Repsol both dry holes B KH1 (2012) = ) Zey Gawra-1 TD 4398m (Triassic) Tested 4800 bopd (35 API) from Cretaceous Zey Gawra-2 delayed spud due to security concerns Shewashan-1 spud Oct 2013. RR Aug 2014 TD 3672m (Cretaceous) 45 API oil tested from Cretaceous reservoirs. Commencing EWT Declaration of Commerciality submitted October 2014 BS1 (2014) QUSH TAPPA È ) Iran Bina Bawi Discovery (OMV) Discovery well: Bina Bawi-1 Reservoirs: Mus, Upper Butmah (Jurassic) Resources: 4.9 tcf (mean) recoverable BB-3 2 Jurassic tests aggregate flow 4000bopd + 15mmcfd BB-4 and BB-5 tested 20 mmscfd + 10 mmscfd in 2 Triassic reservoirs, confirming 1500m H/C column. Bina Bawi Gas Sales Offtake Agreement with KRG expected to be signed Q1 2015 BR5 BASHIQA ExxonMobil 80% KRG 20 % Ain al Safra-1 TD 3000m (L Jurassic). Tested 850 bopd from L Jurassic Ain al Safra-2 spud Mar 2014. Target Jurassic /Triassic. Drilling ops suspended August 36°0'0"N # *S4 Safen PSC Total assumed Operatorship and interest from Marathon end 2013 Safen-1 TD 4282m (Triassic). Dry hole. 275km 2D Seismic ongoing BE1 (2011) JS1 (2013) Maqlub-1 spud May 2013. FTD Triassic Testing program pending MNR approval Barda Rash Field (Afren) Discovery well: Barda Rash-1 (2009) Reservoir: Cretaceous, Jurassic (Mus/Adaiyah), Triassic Resources: 190 mmbbls (2P) + 1243 mmbbls contingent Production Capacity: 15000 bopd. BR-4 tested ~7800 bopd in Triassic. High SO2 BR-5 testing operations recommenced October Iraq Q ) = Rovi North-1 spud July 2013. TD ~4200m. Well testing suspended August Chevron restarting ops February 2015 Rovi South-1 TD 4027m. Oil shows Q = ) BJ1 BJ9 (2009) BJ4 BJ2 RS1 (2010) Q ML1 (2013) Kazak 10000 BOPD BJ6 ^# _ *) = *Q _ # ^ BJ7 JABAL KAND Turkish entity 40% UNASSIGNED 40% KRG 20 % = ) Simrit Discovery (Hunt) Discovery well: Simrit-1 (2011) Reservoir: Cretaceous/Jurassic/Triassic Resources: 42 MMBOE contingent + 227 MMBOE prospective (June 2011) = ) Production Capacity: Simrit-2 Cret/Jurassic/Triassic aggregate flow rate 19,641 bopd. Simrit-4 spud Feb 2014 . Reached FTD Triassic. Testing. Tested 14 API oil from Sargelu (6,200 bopd) and Naokelekan (5,000 bopd) Submitted FDP August 2014. Awaiting MNR approval MAHABAD BJ3 B = ) Shaikan Field (Gulf Keystone) Discovery well: Shaikan-1 (2009) Reservoirs: Jurassic/Triassic (~17 API) Reserves: 1,001 mmbbls (2P) + (2C) Production: 20-24,000 bopd. CPF II completed May 2014 for 40,000 bopd production capacity Flowlines arrived to connect SH-7, SH-8 and SH-10. Shaikan-11 to spud Nov 2014. 2015 construction of PF-3 and drilling SH-12 - SH-14 DINARTA Hess Middle East 64% Petroceltic 16% KRG 20 % _Q ^ * È # ) MIANDOAB Harir PSC (Marathon) Jisik-1 spud Dec 2013. Target: Jurassic/Triassic FTD reached. Well testing Mirawa-1 TD 4267m (Triassic). Jurassic tested 11,000 bopd (39-45 API) Triassic tested 72 mmscfd Harir-1 TD 3800m (Triassic). Abandoned Pires-1 target spud December 2014. . ) = Q SHEIKH ADI Gulf Keystone 80% SA2 KRG 20 % Al Qush-1 spud Feb 2014. Completed logging 8 1/2" hole. Ops suspended in August = ) 4000000 _ ^ AT1 Dohuk 29MW Sarta-2 spud July 2013. PTD 4200m H/C indicated on logs. Testing operations shut down in August. Reentry scheduled for Feb 2015 Sarta-4 target spud June 2015 Sarta Central-A1 TD 2702m (Jurassic). Tested 1,000 bopd. BLOCK II EST1 (2013) # * ST4 ST1A ST1 (2010) ST2 # * QBB1 (2011) DOHUK È ) È ) È È) ) È) È) ) È ) È È È) ) È ) ) È È ) _ ^ BB2 Ain Zalah (NOC) producing 10,000 bopd feeding the Iraq-Turkey pipeline. Kurdish Peshmerga have total control of the area Bakrman-1 TD 3930m (Triassic) Triassic EWT : 3192 bopd and 10.19 mmcfd. Bakrman-2 spud Apr 2014 Sidetracked - drilling 6" interval DN1 (2014) SARSANG HKN 37% Marathon 20% Maersk 18% KRG 25% Q(2012) BER BEHR SULEVANI Petroquest 80% KRG 20 % 4050000 GA1 MN1Z Q(2012) Dohuk 1000 (1500)MW Bijeel Discovery (Kalegran) Discovery well: Bijeel-1 (2010) Reservoirs: Jurassic (13 API) Resources: 41 mmbbls (2C) Production Capacity: 10,000 bopd EPF Bijeel-2 spud Mar 2013. H/C noted in Triassic. FTD reached. Rig released Bijeel-4 spud Dec 2013. FTD Reached - logging Bijeel-6 spud Mar 2014. Testing 2 additional appraisal wells expected to spud 2014 Field Development Plan approved by KRG Oct 2014. 4050000 FISH KHABUR Μ 10,000 4000000 =) ) =) ) =) =^ =) ) =# =Q) _ = ) = * ) = = ) = ) = ) = ) = ) = ) =) ) == ¾ BONAB 4100000 BLOCK I Tawke TW31 5000 BOPD 600000 37°0'0"N SINDI AMEDI WEST 46°0'0"E 550000 MARAGHEN Sarsang PSC exploration Sarsang PSC Mangesh-1Z spudexploration Sept 2012, Tested and well suspended Mangesh-1Z spud Sept 2012, Testing Gara-1 TD 3870m (Triassic) Plugged andcompleted. abandoned Well suspended with plan for reentry and sidetrack East Swara Tika-1 spud July 2013.Testing SINDI AMEDI EAST 500000 Qamar Field (North Oil Co) Discovery well: Qamar-1 (1979) Reservoir: Jeribe (42 API) Resources: 200 mmbbls 250 BCF recoverable QM-1 tested: 2200 bopd; GOR 4000 = ) C Samarra 300000 43°0'0"E 350000 400000 450000 44°0'0"E 500000 550000 45°0'0"E 46°0'0"E 600000 È Abbreviations Well Status # * _ ^ Q B = Planned Drilling/Testing Suspended Facility - Active Oil Field/Discovery Gas/Condensate Field/Discovery Pipelines Plugged and Abandoned Oil, Active Location Oil, Proposed Hydrocarbons ) = È ) È Fields Gas, Active Oil Gas, Construction Oil and Gas Gas, Proposed Gas/Condensate Product, Active Μ C ¾ Kurdistan Blocks Development (FDP submitted) Metering Station Exploration Power Station Open Refinery Facility - Constructing Kurdamir PSC Garmian PSC C Power Station ¾ Refinery Mountain Front Facility - Proposed ¾ Refinery C Power Station Country Boundaries Urban Areas mmbbls TCF BCF bopd mmcfd EWT EPF CPF FDP OIP PSC MW HPP ICE CGT CCGT DF Million barrels (oil) Trillion cubic feet (gas) Billion cubic feet (gas) Barrels of oil per day Million cubic feet gas per day Extended well test Early production facility (temporary) Central production facility (permenant) Field Development Plan Oil in place Production Sharing Contract Mega watts Hydro Power Plant Internal Combustion (Heavy Fuel Oil) Single Cycle Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Dual fuel (Gas + Fuel Oil) Text box information Red text indicates recently updated information 0 5 36°0'0"N 4100000 Swara Tika Discovery (HKN) Discovery well: Swara Tika-1 (2011) Reservoirs: Jurassic,Triassic (35 API) Production Capacity: 10,000 bopd Swara Tika-2 TD ~3700m. (Triassic). Tested 15,000 bopd Swara Tika-4 estimated spud November 2014 Declaration of Commerciality submitted Q2 2014 Sheikh Adi Discovery (Gulf Keystone) Discovery well: Sheikh Adi-2 (2012) Reservoirs: Jurassic (15-18 API) Resources: 152 mmbbls (2C) SA-2 tested 4235 bopd (aggregate 4 Jurassic zones) SA-3 spud Dec 2013. Triassic flowed oil with high water cut. Jurassic Butmah water and Mus dry oil. Workover rig to complete testing of upper zones Ber Behr Discovery (Genel) Discovery well: Ber Bahr-1 ST (2013) Reservoirs: Jurassic Sargelu (15 API) Resources: 22 mmbbls (2C) Ber Bahr-2 appraisal to spud Q1 2015 3D Seismic completing Q3 2014 45°0'0"E 450000 3950000 Peshkabir-1 TD 4092m (Triassic) Jurassic tested oil/water cut (27-29 API) Water in Triassic/Cretaceous. Peshkabir-2 appraisal Q4 2014. Peshkabir-1A planned for 2015. 44°0'0"E 400000 10 20 30 Kilometers 40 Data shown is to the best knowledge of WesternZagros at time of printing, however we cannot be held responsible for outdated or incorrect information. To inform us of any discrepancies, please contact: [email protected] Kurdistan & Northern Iraq Operator Activity Map November 2014 50 No Copying or Distribution without permission of WesternZagros 3900000 Tawke Field (DNO) Discovered 2006 Reservoirs: Tertiary (24 API), Cretaceous (27 API) and U Jurassic (27 API) Reserves: 771 mmbbls (2P) Production Capacity: Target 200,000 bopd end of 2014 New 24" pipeline to increase transportation capacity TW-20, TW21, TW22 and TW23 proved high-deliverability horizontal producers TW-24 and TW-26 tested Northern flank at lesser rates/some water Horizontal Cretaceous development wells TW-28 on completion and TW-27 to spud November. TW-31 to appraise extent of Jurassic reservoir Khurmala --> Fish Khabur oil pipeline Initial capacity 300,000 bopd. Technical upgrade to increase capacity to 700,000 bopd by end Nov 2014 Exports have been ramping up to ~280,000 bopd in Oct 2014 (see table). Targeting 400,000 bopd by year end 37°0'0"N 350000 35°0'0"N Turkish Gas Pipeline extension underway to Mardin. Tender to extend to Sirnak (40 km from Kurdistan border) q 43°0'0"E 300000 3850000 250000 Projection: WGS 84 UTM38N Date printed: 31 October, 2014 Date last saved: 31 October, 2014 File location: I:\AppData\ArcGIS\Maps\Activity Maps\141031_operator_activity_EXTERNAL.mxd 3800000 42°0'0"E
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