Boxing Day 5 Open Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Name Paul Whittaker Ady Whitwam Scott Cousins Callum Charleston Matthew Missen Peter Hawkings Andrew Mynott Matthew Leeman Malcolm Muir James Thomas Jim Last Jonathan Nears Robert Windard Colin Ridley joseph Alexander Tommy careless Adam Howlett James Farren Joseph Nourse mark lloyd tony greenwood darren Sheppard Paul Dobson Alfie Green Pete Riley Stewart Ellis lee murphy Tim Brand Stephen Burbidge Craig Dawson Paul Anderson peter watson Joe McGrath Gary Chandler Chris Burgoyne Marcus Catlin peter adkins Wayne Middleton Christopher davis Mark Gowers Nikki Brockbank Stephen Moore Paul McKenna Jason Brunt Daniel Beckerleg Kevin Marshall Paul Mingay James Crisp Michael Capon Kevin Harper Neil Rutherford Ben Smith Cat MO MO MO U18M MO MO MO MO M40 MO MO M40 MO M50 MO MO M40 M40 U18M M40 M55 M40 M45 U18M M45 MO MO M50 MO MO MO MO MO M45 MO MO M40 M45 MO M50 F35 M50 MO M40 MO M45 M55 M40 MO M40 M40 MO Actual time 24 : 00.86 25 : 31.22 25 : 49.83 26 : 06.44 26 : 34.75 26 : 37.5 26 : 38.65 27 : 04.68 27 : 18.41 27 : 20.49 27 : 32.04 27 : 35.26 27 : 41.29 27 : 50.66 27 : 56.12 28 : 17.83 28 : 20.04 28 : 34.6 28 : 45.15 28 : 48.6 28 : 54.64 28 : 57.96 29 : 15.71 29 : 17.03 29 : 24.68 29 : 27.11 29 : 33.06 29 : 40.78 29 : 42.42 29 : 53.3 29 : 53.82 30 : 05.54 30 : 16.75 30 : 21.21 30 : 25.22 30 : 26.14 30 : 29.31 30 : 30.95 30 : 37.3 30 : 37.81 30 : 46.84 31 : 02.83 31 : 03.51 31 : 08.4 31 : 09.6 31 : 16.24 31 : 19.86 31 : 21.15 31 : 22.26 31 : 26.23 31 : 34.25 31 : 36.76 Club Southend On Sea AC Morpeth Harriers & AC Springfield Striders RC Chelmsford AC Highgate Harriers Springfield Striders RC Ilford AC Edinburgh Framlingham Flyers Colchester Harriers AC Lincoln & District Runners Colchester Harriers AC Witham RC Braintree & District AC Harwich Runners blackborn harriers Framlingham Flyers Springfield Striders RC Chelmsford AC Witham RC Halstead RRC Stopsley Striders Harwich Runners Tiptree Road Runners Springfield Striders RC Benfleet RC Billericay Striders Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Ipswich Jaffa RC Billericay Striders Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Tiptree Road Runners Witham RC Little Baddow Witham RC 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - Page 1 of 7 Position 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Name Arthur Whiston Conor Culham Tony Piper Tim Tomlins Adam Richardson James Huertas Adrian Harvey Adam Chapman Dan Summers Andrew Low Neil Casey mark clark John Holland Myles Coulson Gerard Geurts dan berry Isobel Renn william haining Rebecca Cooke roy young Fiona Halls Simon Morgan tom joyner Jonathan Finch phil claydon Sue Wray Mark Baker Nick Dobson Perry Taylor Peter McKenzie Lewis Naylor gary rayner Jason Praill aaron graves Victoria Curren Stephen Jobling Tim Saban Kate Priestley Chris Hargraves Angela Isherwood Matthew Lenny Gary Perryman Gemma Hockett Peter Hodgson Ker Macrosson Tommy Newman Lee Cousins bill smythe Andy Preston scott darney Paul Bridges Yllka Istrefi Rebecca Pittman Matt Doran Anna Luff Clive Higdon Cat M60 U18M M45 M45 MO MO MO MO MO M45 M45 M50 MO M40 M45 MO FO M55 FO M45 F40 M45 MO M45 M50 F35 M50 MO M45 MO MO M60 MO MO F35 MO M45 FO M45 FO MO M40 FO M45 M60 MO M40 M45 M40 MO MO F35 F50 M40 FO M45 Actual time 31 : 38.13 31 : 39.62 31 : 43.3 31 : 59.82 32 : 10.97 32 : 13.18 32 : 14.08 32 : 15.21 32 : 24.18 32 : 26.09 32 : 26.22 32 : 29.52 32 : 30.17 32 : 31.62 32 : 32.42 32 : 37.38 32 : 38.56 32 : 43.05 32 : 45.82 32 : 55.27 33 : 01.44 33 : 06.8 33 : 06.93 33 : 08.97 33 : 14.47 33 : 16.52 33 : 23.06 33 : 31.23 33 : 43.52 33 : 44.78 33 : 45.73 33 : 47.28 33 : 47.89 33 : 51.73 33 : 52.7 33 : 55.02 34 : 03.91 34 : 06.15 34 : 08.32 34 : 09.27 34 : 09.66 34 : 15.13 34 : 24.19 34 : 26.32 34 : 29.43 34 : 30.91 34 : 31.46 34 : 38.24 34 : 47.99 34 : 53.33 34 : 54.71 35 : 00.99 35 : 04.03 35 : 08.55 35 : 11.28 35 : 13.97 Club Colchester Harriers AC Braintree & District AC Dartford Road Runners Benfleet RC Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Springfield Striders RC Benfleet RC Benfleet RC Braintree & District AC Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Ipswich Jaffa RC Harwich Runners Colchester Harriers AC Saffron Striders RC Tiptree Road Runners Tiptree Road Runners Colchester Harriers AC Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Braintree & District AC Springfield Striders RC Fairlands Valley Spartans Little Baddow Tiptree Road Runners Little Baddow Ipswich Jaffa RC Springfield Striders RC Braintree & District AC Witham RC Barking Road Runners Witham RC Springfield Striders RC Fairlands Valley Spartans Springfield Striders RC Harwich Runners Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - Page 2 of 7 Position 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Name Michael Cerny Ian Cannons Vince Brooker paul chandler Christopher Bushell Katrina Finch Jamie Fairfull Bradley Doe Daniel Hewitt raymond hill greg marshall Mark Shillaker Tracy Harrington Simon King Pete Addington Alexander Storme Martin Lodge Harry McNair Gareth Bates mark jeary Shawn Beckerleg Sean Briscomb Neil wilson Sharon Allen Claire Gordon Steven Watson Faye Beechener John Cooke Steve Ray Helen Bateman Andrew Wood Amanda Heslegrave Ian Brazier Nathan Boyer chase callagan Kerry Marsh Christopher Sewell daniel hardy Paul Tunmer derren peters Jane Elgar Neil Halls Kayleigh Beedon Trevor Sibley Toby Owen Gary Sibley caroline hook nick perry Anita Mussett Peter blethyn Anneka Dew Jim Brown frank mckeown lorna pettifer Matthew Parker Mark Bond Cat U18M M40 M40 M50 M40 F40 MO MO M50 M65 M60 M50 F45 M55 M40 F35 M50 U18M MO M50 M40 M45 MO F40 F40 MO FO M45 MO F40 M50 F45 M40 MO MO F35 M55 M55 M50 M40 F50 M40 FO M50 MO MO F40 M40 F40 MO FO M60 M45 F45 M40 M40 Actual time 35 : 17.61 35 : 18.83 35 : 23.94 35 : 25.75 35 : 33.37 35 : 48.07 35 : 48.86 35 : 50.86 35 : 51.38 35 : 52.59 36 : 04.8 36 : 06.54 36 : 07.43 36 : 09.37 36 : 10.65 36 : 17.15 36 : 18.53 36 : 34.27 36 : 35.72 36 : 38.85 36 : 38.97 36 : 40.95 36 : 41.55 36 : 43.45 36 : 43.56 36 : 45.69 36 : 48.83 36 : 51.82 36 : 55.27 36 : 59.38 36 : 59.65 37 : 04.42 37 : 05.94 37 : 07.89 37 : 10.75 37 : 14.69 37 : 18.07 37 : 19.46 37 : 20.82 37 : 29.59 37 : 36.61 37 : 37.97 37 : 38.07 37 : 38.24 37 : 41.28 37 : 41.67 37 : 44.63 37 : 48.4 37 : 55.14 37 : 55.78 37 : 56.84 37 : 58.05 38 : 07.84 38 : 13.38 38 : 16.72 38 : 17.5 Club Harwich Runners Witham RC Saffron Striders RC Tiptree Road Runners Tiptree Road Runners Halstead RRC Framlingham Flyers Tiptree Road Runners Tiptree Road Runners Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Road Runners Club Witham RC Witham RC Springfield Striders RC Braintree & District AC Colchester Harriers AC Pitsea RC Barking Road Runners Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Witham RC Springfield Striders RC Saffron Striders RC Braintree & District AC Braintree & District AC Braintree & District AC Harwich Runners Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Colchester Harriers AC Clapham Pioneers Fairlands Valley Spartans Mid Essex Casuals 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - Page 3 of 7 Position 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 Name Ben Jiggins Dave McKenzie Malcolm Bailey Emily Moore Sophie Fosker Benja Hedley Duncan McKenzie graham statter Stephanie Jiggins Robin Lozeau Justin Ellis Chris Axford Rory Edney peter johnson Lindsay Relerkite Martin Oates Kieron Hayes John Stoneman Graham Bonney Melanie Moore Stephen Wills Trevor Crusby Catharina Childs Stephen Brame Will Gold Mark Steadman sarah norton Antoinette Wilson Kevin Smith Ross Silverton joanne overton francis mills Brett Bowen Janet Pardon Trish Jarvis Morgan Reddich Paul Tawn martin larner Gavin house Terry Brown Karen Chapman david larner LORRAINE MILLS Chris Cutler joanne marshall Mon Lee Elaine Tribley gemma watkins chris broon Abigale Morgan Peter Belgrove Amanda Dunn George Edney Victoria McCrea Emma Christy Alison Lapper Cat MO MO M55 FO F35 MO M55 M55 FO M55 MO M45 U18M M55 F45 M40 M60 M40 M50 F50 M50 M65 F40 M40 MO M50 F40 F55 MO M65 F45 MO MO F60 F45 M45 M50 M45 M40 M55 F35 M40 F45 MO F55 M55 F50 FO M55 FO MO F35 MO FO FO F40 Actual time 38 : 19.43 38 : 21.73 38 : 23.3 38 : 24.5 38 : 25.38 38 : 29.05 38 : 30.82 38 : 38.6 38 : 40.5 38 : 43.65 38 : 45.39 38 : 49.3 38 : 50.11 38 : 53.53 38 : 55.48 38 : 58.08 39 : 01.91 39 : 03.49 39 : 03.62 39 : 03.97 39 : 03.98 39 : 26.21 39 : 36.52 39 : 38 39 : 39.2 39 : 40.19 39 : 42.47 39 : 47.53 39 : 53.5 39 : 59.8 40 : 03.35 40 : 04.04 40 : 07.07 40 : 07.83 40 : 16.72 40 : 24.76 40 : 28.07 40 : 31.87 40 : 35.93 40 : 38.97 40 : 41 40 : 42.3 40 : 44.92 40 : 49.91 40 : 51.54 40 : 56.75 40 : 58.11 40 : 58.54 40 : 59.74 41 : 02.59 41 : 02.9 41 : 03.42 41 : 07.3 41 : 12.42 41 : 15.87 41 : 32.33 Club Tiptree Road Runners Bishops Stortford RC Harlow RC Framlingham Flyers Great Bentley Running Club Colchester Harriers AC Billericay Striders Little Baddow Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Benfleet RC Colchester Harriers AC Witham RC Witham RC Harwich Runners Mid Essex Casuals Springfield Striders RC Serpentine RC Ipswich Jaffa RC Springfield Striders RC Little Baddow Tiptree Road Runners Hadleigh Hares AC Metropolitan Police AC 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - Page 4 of 7 Position 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 Name Tarnia Thompson-Roe steve desborough Justin Hall Frank Gardwer Louise Towers Debbie Barry Louise Kingsley Rachel Clarke chris joyner adrian long Laura Edwards Hilary Thompson Stuart Blackmore William Callaghan Charlotte King Richard Allen Lee Plaistowe Sarah Robertson Martin Wright Vicki Sharman robert shaw Sue Trout David Beckerleg Len Marten Gerry McGovern Christy Willett john pettifer John Pardon Liz Irvine Andrew Tietjen Soraya Barron Steve Barron Oliver Ford Ruth Fosker Mark Moughton Peter Allen Michael Clark Peter Thompson Peter Ducie Andy Williams Amy Bowden Maxine Stevens Paul Miller Lauren Phillips Stuart Phillips Sarah Hammond nick richRDS Michael Earle Deb Harrison Alpa Day Kate Ford Bob Chapman David Brooker Jo Diss Anne-Marie Newman Claire Groves Cat F40 M45 MO M50 FO F50 FO FO M50 M40 F35 F50 M40 M45 FO MO M40 F45 M50 FO M55 F45 M60 M40 M55 F50 M65 M60 F35 MO FO MO MO F60 M50 M55 MO MO M65 M50 FO F45 M50 U18F M45 FO M55 M50 F40 F35 F35 M50 M40 F35 F35 FO Actual time 41 : 40.04 41 : 40.22 41 : 44.3 41 : 45.69 41 : 46.28 41 : 47.15 41 : 48.73 41 : 51.11 41 : 55.74 42 : 02.87 42 : 16.33 42 : 18.46 42 : 21.9 42 : 29.17 42 : 29.69 42 : 33.32 42 : 33.45 42 : 34.86 42 : 40.38 42 : 43.91 42 : 44.33 42 : 50.1 42 : 52.05 42 : 52.75 42 : 53.27 42 : 56.82 42 : 57.82 42 : 57.96 43 : 08.18 43 : 10.3 43 : 18.08 43 : 18.78 43 : 24.4 43 : 28.77 43 : 39.65 43 : 44.02 43 : 46.36 43 : 46.42 43 : 48.44 43 : 51.84 43 : 52.77 43 : 53.93 43 : 56.95 43 : 57.09 43 : 57.42 44 : 01.45 44 : 02.75 44 : 03.78 44 : 07.76 44 : 08.44 44 : 09.96 44 : 13.94 44 : 30.95 44 : 32.15 44 : 32.24 44 : 39.92 Club Benfleet RC Benfleet RC Braintree & District AC Great Bentley Running Club Harlow RC Pitsea RC Grange Farm & Dunmow Ru Springfield Striders RC Saffron Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Mid Essex Casuals Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Great Bentley Running Club Springfield Striders RC Springfield Striders RC Braintree & District AC Braintree & District AC Little Baddow Sudbury Joggers Braintree & District AC Braintree & District AC Benfleet RC Great Bentley Running Club 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - Page 5 of 7 Position 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 Name Carol Muir Greg Virgoe Jaqui Mcleod Charles Willett David Applin Stewart baggs helen bond tim bond Sean Purcell Angus Kindley Karen Roberts Sarah Docherty mark aloy Darren Blacow Ellen Blacow Debbie Kershaw Terence Mitchell Donna Evans Alison Fryatt Charlotte Laurence Catherine Webb vicki wellen Jo Adams Zoe Gould Paula Rothero MICHAEL PURKISS Louise Papworth Sue Gyford Kamila Buczek Stuart Warren Andy Henderson Karen Baker Ian Kershaw Elspeth Missen David Godfrey Ian Dougal Sara Batts Mark Brown laura page Joanna Gent Kieran Lowe Sarah Dougal Kate Riley Michelle Amos Sian Henderson Gin Kipping john bush Natasha Hood Jacky Chase GILL GWILLIAMS Alia Hamdan Sally Wood Celine Elson Jane Gowers Peter Reeve jason martin Cat F40 M45 F45 M55 MO M60 F45 M45 MO M70 F50 FO MO M45 FO FO M65 F35 F45 FO FO FO FO F45 F45 M60 F40 F40 FO MO MO FO MO F55 M70 M60 F40 MO F35 F45 MO FO FO F35 FO F35 M50 FO F50 F50 F40 F55 F40 F45 M50 M40 Actual time 44 : 47.08 44 : 59.11 45 : 18.59 45 : 19.16 45 : 20.57 45 : 28.99 45 : 35.83 45 : 36 45 : 37.78 45 : 39.34 45 : 45.71 45 : 47.83 45 : 59.04 46 : 04.99 46 : 05.32 46 : 12.15 46 : 19.56 46 : 22.86 46 : 23.41 46 : 30.39 46 : 32.2 46 : 49.49 46 : 50.13 46 : 54.6 46 : 54.64 46 : 59.73 47 : 06.47 47 : 21.8 47 : 30.81 47 : 30.88 47 : 32.6 47 : 39.1 47 : 42.42 47 : 47.52 47 : 47.61 47 : 48.52 47 : 48.85 48 : 03.07 48 : 03.2 48 : 09.97 48 : 10.16 48 : 11.97 48 : 20.38 48 : 23.62 48 : 26.07 48 : 37.73 48 : 44 48 : 47.28 48 : 48.92 49 : 04.42 49 : 08.67 49 : 09.08 49 : 10.68 49 : 13.53 49 : 24.24 49 : 26.61 Club Ilford AC Benfleet RC Great Bentley Running Club Lincoln & District Runners Barking Road Runners Springfield Striders RC Tiptree Road Runners Tiptree Road Runners Halstead RRC Harwich Runners Colchester Harriers AC Little Baddow Billericay Striders Great Bentley Running Club Tiptree Road Runners Tiptree Road Runners Great Bentley Running Club 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - Page 6 of 7 Position 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 Name Donna Upsher Robert Tidder Steve Francis Sean Pope Vivien Mendham SARAH SHELLEY Jayne vernon Craig Vernon Slem Martin Steph Ayre Inez Botha Trina Ayre Dave Emerick David Grainger Rita Chalkley Neil Wray Amanda Martin Michelle Leeding Richard Davies Mark Taylor Rhiannon Grice Gary Spiers Lesley Gardner ross boyer matthew goodchild Louise Reeve Damien Brown Adam James sarah Dean Nicholas Waring Kitty Brown Alan Parsons Gemma Gay Sarah Campbell Lorne Campbell Victoria Watkinson Claire Allen Annette Hall Sarah Wilson tina tietjen jenna blethyn richard sandford David Nugent Vicky calver Cat FO M70 M45 M45 F60 FO F45 M50 M40 MO F40 F55 M70 M45 F35 M40 F35 F55 M40 M40 FO M45 F45 M50 M45 U18F MO MO FO M40 FO M70 FO F40 M40 FO F35 F45 F35 F35 FO M50 M65 F35 Actual time 49 : 26.68 49 : 44.81 49 : 52.89 49 : 59.69 50 : 38.65 50 : 43.02 50 : 46.79 50 : 50.28 50 : 58.97 51 : 17.5 51 : 21.22 51 : 29.57 51 : 30.37 51 : 56.28 52 : 01.77 52 : 02.15 52 : 15.17 52 : 20.57 52 : 21.43 52 : 22.49 52 : 31.34 52 : 36.93 53 : 12.06 53 : 12.52 53 : 12.77 53 : 22.5 53 : 24.62 53 : 25.21 53 : 25.5 53 : 28.51 53 : 54.07 54 : 28.04 54 : 36.28 54 : 47.04 54 : 47.3 57 : 51.01 58 : 02.71 59 : 27.26 61 : 12.69 61 : 15.67 64 : 51.76 64 : 52.48 65 : 13.86 70 : 03.29 Club Springfield Striders RC Witham RC Witham RC Braintree & District AC Great Bentley Running Club Braintree & District AC Springfield Striders RC Great Bentley Running Club Harlow RC 26 December 2014 Results by Harwich Runners - 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