Revised January 2015 Page 5 of 10 2014-2015 Powell River 8-Ball Pool League Schedule Team Vs Team Venue Week 17 Home Jan. 7 T.C. Pocket Rockets Legion Lucky Bastards Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Innmates Legion Hookers Red Lion Crazy 8's Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Mariners Rocky's Lions Westview Fantastic Four Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Away Westview Sharpshooters Cranberry Chronics Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Wizards Carlson BYE T.C. Bandits Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Misfits Legion Legends Westview Ballbusters T.C. Legion Down Cranberry #2 Cranberry #1 Legion Up Red Lion #2 Carlson Club Westview #2 Red Lion #1 Westview #1 Week 18 Home Jan. 14 Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Wizards T.C. Pocket Rockets Legion Hookers Westview Ballbusters Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Innmates Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Misfits Legion Lucky Bastards Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Away Legion Legends Westview Fantastic Four Rocky's Lions Red Lion Crazy 8's Westview Mariners Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Chronics Legion Pool Table Cruisers Carlson BYE T.C. Bandits Red Lion #2 Cranberry #2 T.C. Legion Down Westview #1 Carlson Club Cranberry #1 Westview #2 Red Lion #1 Legion Up Week 19 Home Jan. 21 Cranberry Chronics T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Crushers Legion Legends Rocky's Lions Legion Lucky Bastards Carlson BYE Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Crazy 8's Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Away Legion Hookers Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Innmates Legion Pool Table Cruisers Cranberry Wizards Westview Fantastic Four Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Mariners Cranberry #1 T.C. Westview #1 Cranberry #2 Legion Down Red Lion #1 Legion Up Carlson Club Westview #2 Red Lion #2 Away Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Wizards Legion Legends Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Mavericks Rocky's Lions T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Westview Sharpshooters Cranberry #1 Cranberry #2 Legion Up Legion Down Red Lion #1 Red Lion #2 T.C. Westview #1 Westview #2 Carlson Club Week 20 Home Jan. 28 Cranberry Chronics Cranberry Innmates Legion Hookers Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Crazy 8's Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Westview Ballbusters Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Revised January 2015 Page 6 of 10 2014-2015 Powell River 8-Ball Pool League Schedule Team Week 21 Home Feb. 4 Westview Fantastic Four Westview Sharpshooters Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Wizards Legion Legends Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Mavericks Rocky's Lions T.C. Pocket Rockets Vs Team Venue Away Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Chronics Cranberry Innmates Legion Hookers Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Crazy 8's Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Westview Ballbusters Westview Mariners Westview #1 Westview #2 Carlson Club Cranberry #1 Cranberry #2 Legion Down Legion Up Red Lion #2 Red Lion #1 T.C. Week 22 Home Feb. 11 Cranberry Wizards T.C. Bandits Legion Pool Table Cruisers Westview Mariners Cranberry Chronics Rocky's Lions Carlson's Pool Boys Westview Fantastic Four Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Mavericks Away Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Innmates Legion Legends Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Crazy 8's Red Lion Misfits Westview Ballbusters T.C. Pocket Rockets Legion Hookers Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry #1 T.C. Legion Up Westview #1 Cranberry #2 Red Lion #1 Carlson Club Westview #2 Legion Down Red Lion #2 Week 23 Home Feb. 18 Legion Hookers Rocky's Lions Red Lion Crazy 8's Westview Fantastic Four T.C. Bandits Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Mariners Cranberry Wizards Legion Legends Cranberry Innmates Away Red Lion Mavericks Legion Lucky Bastards T.C. Pocket Rockets Red Lion Misfits Westview Sharpshooters Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Crushers Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Chronics Legion Pool Table Cruisers Legion Down Red Lion #2 Red Lion #1 Westview #1 T.C. Carlson Club Westview #2 Cranberry #2 Legion Up Cranberry #1 Week 24 Home Feb. 25 T.C. Bandits Westview Ballbusters Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Rocky's Lions Cranberry Innmates Legion Hookers Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Crazy 8's Cranberry Crushers Away Cranberry Wizards Legion Legends Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Chronics T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Westview Sharpshooters Carlson Lip Rippers Red Lion Misfits T.C. Westview #1 Westview #2 Carlson Club Red Lion #1 Cranberry #1 Legion Down Legion Up Red Lion #2 Cranberry #2 Revised January 2015 Page 7 of 10 2014-2015 Powell River 8-Ball Pool League Schedule Team Week 25 Home Mar. 4 Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Chronics Westview Sharpshooters Legion Hookers Cranberry Crushers Red Lion Crazy 8's Legion Legends T.C. Bandits Red Lion Mavericks Vs Team Venue Away Rocky's Lions T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Cranberry Innmates Carlson Lip Rippers Legion Lucky Bastards Cranberry Wizards Red Lion Misfits Legion Pool Table Cruisers Westview Ballbusters Westview #1 Carlson Club Cranberry #1 Westview #2 Legion Up Cranberry #2 Red Lion #1 Legion Down T.C. Red Lion #2 Week 26 Home Mar. 11 Cranberry Innmates Legion Hookers Legion Lucky Bastards Rocky's Lions Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Westview Sharpshooters Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Wizards Away Legion Legends Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Mavericks Red Lion Crazy 8's T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Westview Ballbusters Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Chronics Cranberry #2 Legion Down Legion Up Red Lion #1 Red Lion #2 T.C. Westview #1 Westview #2 Carlson Club Cranberry #1 Week 27 Home Mar. 18 Legion Pool Table Cruisers Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Chronics Cranberry Innmates Westview Sharpshooters Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Crazy 8's Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Away Westview Ballbusters Red Lion Mavericks Rocky's Lions T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Legion Hookers Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Wizards Legion Legends Legion Down Westview #2 Carlson Club Cranberry #1 Cranberry #2 Westview #1 Legion Up Red Lion #2 Red Lion #1 T.C. Week 28 Home Mar. 25 Red Lion Crazy 8's Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Crushers Westview Ballbusters Legion Legends Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Innmates T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Away Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Cranberry Wizards Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Chronics Rocky's Lions Legion Hookers Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion #1 Carlson Club Cranberry #1 Westview #1 Legion Up Legion Down Red Lion #2 Cranberry #2 T.C. Westview #2 Revised January 2015 Page 8 of 10 2014-2015 Powell River 8-Ball Pool League Schedule Team Week 29 Home Apr. 1 T.C. Pocket Rockets Red Lion Crazy 8's Westview Sharpshooters Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Wizards Legion Legends Legion Pool Table Cruisers Cranberry Innmates Rocky's Lions Vs Team Venue Away Legion Lucky Bastards Westview Fantastic Four Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Cranberry Crushers Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Chronics Red Lion Mavericks Legion Hookers T.C. Red Lion #1 Westview #1 Carlson Club Westview #2 Cranberry #1 Legion Up Legion Down Cranberry #2 Red Lion #2 Week 30 Home Apr. 8 Cranberry Innmates Legion Legends Westview Mariners Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Chronics Westview Sharpshooters T.C. Pocket Rockets Red Lion Crazy 8's Carlson's Pool Boys Away Red Lion Misfits Legion Hookers T.C. Bandits Westview Fantastic Four Cranberry Wizards Cranberry Crushers Rocky's Lions Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Ballbusters Legion Lucky Bastards Cranberry #1 Legion Up Westview #2 Legion Down Red Lion #1 Cranberry #2 Westview #1 T.C. Red Lion #2 Carlson Club Week 31 Home Apr. 15 Westview Mariners Red Lion Misfits Legion Legends Carlson's Pool Boys Legion Pool Table Cruisers Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Wizards Cranberry Crushers T.C. Bandits Red Lion Mavericks Away Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Crazy 8's Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Innmates Rocky's Lions Legion Hookers T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Fantastic Four Cranberry Chronics Westview Sharpshooters Westview #1 Red Lion #1 Legion Up Carlson Club Legion Down Westview #2 Cranberry #2 Cranberry #1 T.C. Red Lion #2 Week 32 Home Apr. 22 Carlson Lip Rippers Legion Hookers Westview Mariners T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Innmates Cranberry Wizards Legion Lucky Bastards Red Lion Misfits Away Westview Fantastic Four T.C. Bandits Carlson's Pool Boys Legion Legends Cranberry Crushers Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Crazy 8's Rocky's Lions Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Chronics Carlson Club Legion Up Westview #1 T.C. Westview #2 Red Lion #1 Cranberry #2 Cranberry #1 Legion Down Red Lion #2 Revised January 2015 Page 9 of 10 2014-2015 Powell River 8-Ball Pool League Schedule Team Week 33 Home Apr. 29 Carlson's Pool Boys Cranberry Wizards Westview Fantastic Four Red Lion Mavericks Red Lion Misfits Legion Lucky Bastards Legion Hookers Westview Ballbusters T.C. Pocket Rockets Cranberry Crushers Vs Team Venue Away Red Lion Crazy 8's Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Sharpshooters Rocky's Lions T.C. Bandits Cranberry Innmates Westview Mariners Cranberry Chronics Legion Pool Table Cruisers Legion Legends Carlson Club Cranberry #2 Westview #1 Red Lion #1 Red Lion #2 Legion Down Legion Up Westview #2 T.C. Cranberry #1 Week 34 Home May 6 Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Crushers Red Lion Crazy 8's Cranberry Chronics Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Sharpshooters T.C. Pocket Rockets Legion Hookers Red Lion Mavericks Legion Pool Table Cruisers Away Red Lion Misfits Rocky's Lions Legion Lucky Bastards Westview Mariners Carlson's Pool Boys Legion Legends T.C. Bandits Cranberry Innmates Westview Fantastic Four Cranberry Wizards Westview #1 Cranberry #2 Red Lion #1 Cranberry #1 Carlson Club Westview #2 T.C. Legion Up Red Lion #2 Legion Down Week 35 Home May 13 Legion Lucky Bastards Cranberry Innmates Red Lion Misfits Westview Ballbusters T.C. Pocket Rockets Cranberry Chronics Legion Legends Red Lion Crazy 8's Westview Sharpshooters Carlson Lip Rippers Away Legion Pool Table Cruisers Westview Mariners Legion Hookers T.C. Bandits Cranberry Crushers Carlson's Pool Boys Westview Fantastic Four Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Wizards Rocky's Lions Legion Up Cranberry #1 Red Lion #2 Westview #1 T.C. Cranberry #2 Legion Down Red Lion #1 Westview #2 Carlson Club Week 36 Home May 20 Westview Sharpshooters Cranberry Chronics Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Wizards Carlson's Pool Boys T.C. Bandits Legion Pool Table Cruisers Red Lion Misfits Legion Legends Westview Ballbusters Away T.C. Pocket Rockets Legion Lucky Bastards Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Innmates Legion Hookers Red Lion Crazy 8's Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Mariners Rocky's Lions Westview Fantastic Four Westview #2 Cranberry #2 Red Lion #1 Cranberry #1 Carlson Club T.C. Legion Down Red Lion #2 Legion Up Westview #1 Revised January 2015 Page 10 of 10 2014-2015 Powell River 8-Ball Pool League Schedule Team Week 37 Home May 27 Legion Legends Westview Fantastic Four Rocky's Lions Red Lion Crazy 8's Westview Mariners Cranberry Crushers Cranberry Chronics Legion Pool Table Cruisers Carlson's Pool Boys T.C. Bandits Week 38 Home June 3 Legion Hookers Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Innmates Legion Pool Table Cruisers Cranberry Wizards Westview Fantastic Four Red Lion Misfits T.C. Bandits Carlson Lip Rippers Westview Mariners Vs Team Venue Away Red Lion Mavericks Cranberry Wizards T.C. Pocket Rockets Legion Hookers Westview Ballbusters Carlson Lip Rippers Cranberry Innmates Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Misfits Legion Lucky Bastards Legion Up Westview #1 Red Lion #1 Red Lion #2 Westview #2 Cranberry #1 Cranberry #2 Legion Down Carlson Club T.C. Away Cranberry Chronics T.C. Pocket Rockets Westview Ballbusters Cranberry Crushers Legion Legends Rocky's Lions Legion Lucky Bastards Carlson's Pool Boys Westview Sharpshooters Red Lion Crazy 8's Legion Down Red Lion #1 Cranberry #1 Legion Up Cranberry #2 Westview #1 Red Lion #2 T.C. Carlson Club Westview #2 PLAY-OFF’s
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