OREGON REPORT CARD 201314 Jefferson SD 14J SUPERINTENDENT Kent Klewitz 1328 N 2nd St Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 3273337 x240 www.jefferson.k12.or.us/ For more report card measures including detailed demographic information visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/RCMeasures FROM THE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Dear Parents and Community Members, Jefferson High School saw an eight percentage point jump in their reading scores, but experienced a 3.2 percentage point drop in their math scores. Comparing our high school to other high schools with similar characteristics, we still need to see a gain of about 12 percentage points in reading and about 26 percentage points in math. Jefferson School District is dedicated to every student. And, after thirteen years of learning, this effort results in a Jefferson High School diploma. In 20132014 Jefferson High School students from Jefferson School District had an overall graduation rate of 90.4% and an overall completion rate of 98.5%. These numbers are 15 and 16 percentage points higher that high schools similar to Jefferson High School. Clearly we have more work to do, and we will continue to work hard to make ourselves better for our students; and, just as clearly, with one of the highest graduation rates in the state, we are making a difference for our students. And we will continue to look for ways to provide more advantages and opportunities for learning. Jefferson School District is once again pleased to present our 20142015 Report Card reflecting 20132014 assessment data. Our time and effort is, and always will be, focused on student learning. This focus is supported by four strategic efforts: safe and secure classrooms, high expectations for students and staff, guaranteed curriculum connected to rigorous Oregon Standards, and highly skilled, caring staff. Building this foundation with the cooperative effort of our dedicated parents and community embraces our philosophy of families, schools and community joining together to provide quality education for our students. This year’s data shows the elementary school with a slight 1.4 drop in the reading percent score while the math percent score increased 12.2. We still need to gain about 10 percentage points to match up with schools like Jefferson Elementary. The middle school experienced growth of almost three percentage points in Reading and just short of a half a percentage point in Math. Compared to other middle schools with similar characteristics, Jefferson Middle still has considerable growth to experience in both reading and math. Thank you, Superintendent | Kent Klewitz DISTRICT PROFILE ENROLLMENT Total enrollment 201314 Enrollment change from previous year Students attending 90% or more of enrolled days Grades K 3 258 +2.0% 77.0% Grades 4 5 118 4.8% 88.6% Grades 6 8 206 +0.5% 74.9% Grades 9 12 278 2.1% 71.1% STUDENT MOBILITY Students transferring: Into district Out of district Previous three year average 201314 6.7% 7.5% 6.2% 8.7% STUDENT WELLNESS POLICY Jefferson School District recognizes the impact of appropriate nutrition and physical activity on student achievement and has established a program that supports student wellness through education and practical application. The District’s nutrition and food services operation as an essential partner in the educational mission, and fills a vital role in providing a comprehensive nutrition program promoting staff and student wellness. CLASS SIZE Average class size 201213 Grades K 3 23.9 Grades 4 5 25.8 TEACHER PROFICIENCY Percentage of highly qualified teachers (as defined by the federal government) 201314 SELECT DEMOGRAPHICS Grades K3 Grades 45 Grades 68 Grades 9 12 English Learners Economically disadvantaged Students with disabilities Number of different languages spoken 18% 60% 12% 3 19% 59% 19% 3 19% 58% 24% 3 18% 49% 21% 4 Note: a ‘*’ is displayed when the data must be suppressed to protect student confidentiality. 201314 100% RACIAL EQUITY IN HIRING Jefferson School District is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring educators from our area who possess multiple language skills and who have experience serving a diverse population of students such as ours. OREGON REPORT CARD 201314 Jefferson SD 14J SUPERINTENDENT Kent Klewitz For more report card measures including detailed demographic information visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/RCMeasures 1328 N 2nd St Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 3273337 x240 www.jefferson.k12.or.us/ DISTRICT PROFILE (CONTINUED) GRADES K 3 STUDENTS GRADES 4 5 STUDENTS GRADES 6 8 STUDENTS American Indian/ Alaska Native 2% Asian 1% Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 1% MultiRacial 4% MultiRacial 2% American Indian/ Alaska Native 1% Hispanic/Latino 26% Hispanic/Latino 23% MultiRacial 1% White 68% White 75% Black/ African American 1% Hispanic/Latino 27% White 68% GRADES K 3 STAFF GRADES 4 5 STAFF MultiRacial 6% GRADES 6 8 STAFF White 100% MultiRacial 13% Hispanic/Latino 12% White 88% White 82% GRADES 9 12 STUDENTS Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander <1% Black/ African American <1% MultiRacial 1% American Indian/ Alaska Native 2% Hispanic/Latino 25% White 71% PER PUPIL SPENDING 201314 201213 201112 201011 200910 District $11,400 $10,027 $9,689 $10,375 $9,738 State $10,256 $9,327 $9,366 $9,363 $9,275 Oregon’s quality education model (QEM) suggests adequate per pupil funding should be $12,068 in 201314. (Statewide average) 201314 data reflects budgeted not actual. FUNDING SOURCES Local taxes and fees State funds Federal funds District funding derived from the below sources 26% 62% 11% SEISMIC SAFETY RATING GRADES 9 12 STAFF MultiRacial 5% White 95% For a detailed report for each school, please visit: http://www.oregongeology.org/sub/projects/rvs/activityupdates/status.html EXPULSIONS & SUSPENSIONS Expulsions Total Students American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino MultiRacial Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White * * * * * * * * Suspensions 83 * * * 25 * * 55 Note: a ‘*’ is displayed when the data must be suppressed to protect student confidentiality. OREGON REPORT CARD 201314 Jefferson SD 14J SUPERINTENDENT Kent Klewitz For more report card measures including detailed demographic information visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/RCMeasures 1328 N 2nd St Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 3273337 x240 www.jefferson.k12.or.us/ PROGRESS ARE STUDENTS MAKING ADEQUATE GAINS OVER TIME? DISTRICT PERFORMANCE Students in the district meeting or exceeding state standards on exams Did at least 95% of students in this district take state exams? Yes No Participation rate criteria are in place to ensure schools test as many eligible students as possible District Performance (%) 201011 201112 201213 Reading Did not meet Students in grades 3 5 71.5 Students in grades 6 8 70.0 Students in grade 11 78.5 18.3 53.2 28.5 7.9 62.1 30.0 10.8 67.7 21.5 59.3 50.3 71.1 18.6 40.7 40.7 7.7 42.6 49.7 3.6 67.5 28.9 58.1 48.7 64.3 Met 16.3 41.9 41.9 8.8 39.9 51.3 16.1 48.2 35.7 District Oregon Performance (%) Performance (%) 201314 201314 LikeDistrict Average (%) 201314 Exceeded 56.5 51.3 72.5 15.8 40.8 43.5 8.5 42.7 48.7 20.3 52.2 27.5 70.5 69.7 85.6 27.6 42.8 29.5 20.9 48.8 30.3 25.8 59.8 14.4 70.9 70.4 85.1 28.9 42.0 29.1 21.3 49.1 29.6 25.4 59.7 14.9 Note new cut scores in 201112. Mathematics Did not meet Students in grades 3 5 54.3 Students in grades 6 8 53.7 Students in grade 11 61.5 12.4 41.9 45.7 8.9 44.8 46.3 7.7 53.8 38.5 Writing Students in grade 11 Students in grade 8 Students in grade 11 39.7 38.6 11.4 47.0 41.6 8.7 31.0 60.3 1.2 37.3 61.4 35.7 43.0 46.4 Did not meet 72.3 6.2 66.2 27.7 Science Students in grade 5 58.4 58.5 0.0 58.5 41.5 41.1 Did not meet 73.8 54.9 61.5 12.5 61.3 26.3 11.3 43.7 45.1 16.9 44.6 38.5 80.4 42.6 39.5 11.8 68.6 19.6 5.6 37.0 57.4 6.2 33.3 60.5 63.8 49.2 41.1 Met 8.8 26.9 64.3 5.7 37.3 57.0 1.8 44.6 53.6 Met 0.0 41.1 58.9 Met 1.7 62.1 36.2 7.9 41.3 50.8 1.8 39.3 58.9 Exceeded 47.8 43.2 43.5 11.4 36.4 52.2 11.1 32.2 56.8 2.9 40.6 56.5 62.0 62.2 71.3 28.1 33.9 38.0 22.0 40.2 37.8 8.4 62.9 28.7 64.1 62.7 70.8 31.5 32.6 35.9 24.1 38.7 37.3 8.2 62.6 29.2 Exceeded 62.3 0.0 62.3 37.7 61.3 6.1 55.2 38.7 62.1 5.9 56.2 37.9 Exceeded 66.7 50.6 40.3 11.1 55.6 33.3 7.6 43.0 49.4 4.5 35.8 59.7 69.8 66.9 63.1 15.2 54.5 30.2 12.0 54.8 33.1 9.4 53.6 36.9 70.1 65.3 63.9 18.1 52.0 29.9 10.7 54.7 34.7 8.6 55.4 36.1 Note new cut scores in 201112. Visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/data for additional assessment results. Note: a ‘*’ is displayed when data are unavailable or to protect student confidentiality. OREGON REPORT CARD 201314 Jefferson SD 14J SUPERINTENDENT Kent Klewitz 1328 N 2nd St Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 3273337 x240 www.jefferson.k12.or.us/ OUTCOMES COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS WHAT ARE STUDENTS ACHIEVING IN HIGH SCHOOL? Students preparing for college and careers. District Performance (%) 201011 201112 201213 Freshmen on track to graduate within 4 years Students taking SAT NA 34.5 NA 26.0 For more report card measures including detailed demographic information visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/RCMeasures District Oregon Performance (%) Performance (%) 201314 201314 NA 23.2 >95 23.2 District Performance (%) 200910 201011 201112 78.5 33.3 78.1 33.7 District Oregon Performance (%) Performance (%) 201213 201213 GRADUATION Students graduating with a regular diploma within four years of entering high school. RATE Overall graduation rate 83.1 92.2 93.8 90.4 LikeDistrict Average (%) 201314 68.7 LikeDistrict Average (%) 201213 73.4 COMPLETION Students receiving a regular, modified, extended, or adult high school diploma or completing a GED within five RATE years of entering high school. Overall completion rate DROPOUT RATE 94.0 94.9 98.5 81.5 79.0 1.4 4.0 3.4 Students who dropped out during the school year and did not reenroll. 0.3 Overall dropout rate Note: Dropout methodology change in 201213. CONTINUING EDUCATION 90.7 1.0 0.7 District Performance (%) 200809 200910 201011 Students continuing their education after high school. Students who enrolled in a community college or fouryear school within 16 months of graduation 58.4 45.5 District Oregon Performance (%) Performance (%) 201112 201112 51.4 50.0 54.7 LikeDistrict Average (%) 201112 62.4 Note: a ‘*’ is displayed when the data must be suppressed to protect student confidentiality. STUDENT GROUP OUTCOMES District Oregon District Performance Performance Compared to (%) (%) OR Average District Oregon District Performance Performance Compared to (%) (%) OR Average District Oregon District Performance Performance Compared to (%) (%) OR Average Economically Disadvantaged On Track >95 68.8 Graduation 84.1 60.4 Completion 97.1 77.3 Dropout 1.3 3.8 * +23.7 +19.8 2.5 American Indian/Alaska Native On Track * 61.4 Graduation 100.0 51.6 Completion 100.0 67.9 Dropout 0.0 8.0 English Learners On Track >95 Graduation 100.0 Completion 100.0 Dropout 0.0 70.3 58.0 69.1 5.0 * +42.0 +30.9 5.0 Asian On Track Graduation Completion Dropout 92.4 83.8 87.8 1.5 * White On Track Graduation Completion Dropout >95 89.2 97.9 1.4 81.1 71.0 83.9 3.5 * +18.2 +14.0 2.1 Students with Disabilities On Track 91.7 61.4 Graduation 66.7 37.2 Completion 100.0 64.2 Dropout 1.5 6.0 +30.3 +29.5 +35.8 4.5 Black/African American On Track * 67.0 Graduation 57.1 Completion 100.0 71.0 Dropout 0.0 6.2 * +29.0 6.2 Female On Track Graduation Completion Dropout >95 90.2 97.1 1.4 82.1 73.2 84.4 3.3 * +17.0 +12.7 1.9 Male On Track Graduation Completion Dropout >95 90.5 100.0 1.4 75.1 64.3 78.9 4.6 * +26.2 +21.1 3.2 Migrant On Track Graduation Completion Dropout * * +48.4 +32.1 8.0 * 0.0 68.3 55.1 69.7 4.8 * 4.8 Hispanic/Latino On Track >95 Graduation 93.8 Completion 100.0 Dropout 1.6 69.9 60.8 74.1 5.2 * +33.0 +25.9 3.6 Talented and Gifted On Track >95 Graduation 100.0 Completion 100.0 Dropout 0.0 95.5 90.5 96.4 0.5 * +9.5 +3.6 0.5 MultiRacial On Track Graduation Completion Dropout 79.8 67.2 82.3 4.5 * +32.8 4.5 * 100.0 0.0 Note: a ‘*’ is displayed when the data must be suppressed to protect student confidentiality. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander On Track * 69.7 Graduation 63.6 Completion 77.0 Dropout 5.0 * OnTrack data is based on the 201314 school year; all other data is based on the 201213 school year. OREGON REPORT CARD 201314 Jefferson SD 14J SUPERINTENDENT Kent Klewitz 1328 N 2nd St Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 3273337 x240 www.jefferson.k12.or.us/ SCHOOL READINESS CURRICULUM & LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools · Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports program CIS Career Information System/ helping students choose career opportunities Jefferson Proud Community partnership SITE Council Healthy Teens Survey WEB Welcome Everybody/ mentors for incoming 6th grade students PRIDE intervention for all students Counseling for academic, emotional, behavior and crisis support After school tutoring in some core academic subjects Comprehensive credit recovery/independent study online program Adult Transition Program for Special Needs Students Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools · Parent committee providing resources for students and teachers Bilingual/ESL model program: support based on language proficiency level and grade level Special education program: support for students with qualified learning disabilities Structured Study class to offer extra academic support SAT Student Assessment Team Jefferson Virtual Academy/ online school option RTI/ Response To Intervention Bilingual/English Learner Development Support Special Education Program for learners with disabilities Talented & Gifted Program Peer Tutoring Program PRIDE groups for study skills strategies provided to every student, every day Middle Schools High Schools Talented & Gifted (TAG) Outdoor School Explore classes ACCESS Spelling integrated approach program World Language Courses Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4 Honor's and DualEnrollment (College Credit Courses) Computer Science Math Analysis 1, 2, 3 Chemistry Advanced Biology Spanish 3, 4 Computer Applications Algebra 1, 2 Geometry Agriculture 3, 4 Language Arts 4, Advanced Language Arts 4 Special Programs Talented & gifted (TAG) program PRIDE schoolwide intervention SB300 courses through OUS Academic Clubs including Spanish Club, Science Club, National Honor Society, FFA Special Education Program that includes Learning Resource Center (LRC), Structured Learning Program (SLP), and Adult Transition Program (ATP) · Good nutrition program including free breakfast for all students and afternoon meal program available to all students if they choose to participate · Counseling and behavior support services · Program to develop skills for social and academic success · Program to help students recognize bullying and harassment and ways to support yourself and help others · Conflict resolution training ACADEMIC SUPPORT For more report card measures including detailed demographic information visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/RCMeasures · Onsite Head Start preschool program · Regular volunteer support in classrooms · Full day kindergarten · Federal Title program support provides financial support for achievement · Reading Teacher and assistant supporting students and teachers · Bilingual/ESOLEarly exit Spanish literacy program · Special Education services for qualifying students · After school program homework support Elementary Schools ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT · Talented and gifted (TAG) services · Enrichment activities provided during afternoon meal · After School Program academic support · Music and physical education opportunities and combined activities OREGON REPORT CARD 201314 Jefferson SD 14J SUPERINTENDENT Kent Klewitz 1328 N 2nd St Jefferson, OR 97352 (541) 3273337 x240 www.jefferson.k12.or.us/ For more report card measures including detailed demographic information visit www.ode.state.or.us/go/RCMeasures CURRICULUM & LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CONTINUED . . . Middle Schools High Schools SMILE: Science Math Investigative Learning Experiences STEM: Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Three approved CTE Programs of Study: Business & Management Automotive Technology Agriculture Many CTE Courses: Agriculture 1, 2, 3, 4 Horticulture/Advanced Horticulture Woods/Advance Woods Agricultural Welding/Advanced Ag. Welding Auto Shop/Advanced Auto Shop Computer Applications Accounting Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools · After school program in partnership with the YMCA 10 sporting activities through parks and rec 2 Band Concerts Over 50% of our students are involved in at least one extracurricular activity 13 Interscholastic Sport's Teams A variety of academic and service clubs Drama/Play Productions Concert Choir/Harmonix (performance/competition choir) Jazz Band/ Concert Band (Performance/competitions band) FFA Leadership/ASB CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES · Parenting classes · ESL classes for adults · ELL after school tutoring · ELL summer school program · Family Math and Science Nights · Community movie night · Field trips with academic focus Data and information in the Curriculum and Learning Environment section was provided by local schools and districts and was not verified by the Oregon Department of Education.
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