Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 1. William Ives-1 was born on 21 Mar 1607 in Langham Parish, Rutlandshire, England. He died on 03 Apr 1648 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for William Ives: General Notes: An extensive summary of William Ives' life can be found in the PDF document, "William Ives - A Summary," that is included in this database (and attached to William's record as a media file). ==================================== From: Wooldridge, David 1874, From the Steeples and Mountains: A Study of Charles Ives. Alfred A. Knopf, NY, pp. 23-25 father - Thomas Ives, squire of Swatham, Norfolk Arrived in New England 1635 on the ship Truelove out of London, master Robert Dennis (also noted as master Jo Gibbs); out of the port of London 15 Sep 1635 bound for Boston; 65 passengers Listed as Capt. Wm. Ives, late Kings Man, 28, bachelor Capt Yves cashiered the Duke of Norfolk's regiment in 1634 “that he was importunate with my Colonels mistresse” Letter from William at Quinnipiac, in the Colony of Connecticut, dated May 22, 1639 addressed to John Ives Esquire of Swatham baptised at the church of New Haven departed Boston harbor Mar 30, 1638 Received in the first division 6.25 acres, in the neck 1.25 acres, meadow 2.25 acres; land in the second division 9 acres; as noted on a 1641 map ==================================== From Ives, Arthur Coon, 1932, The Ives Family. The Hungerford-Holbrook Company, Watertown, NY, p. 15 Signed civil compact at New Haven Out of the 63 original 'free planters' of the settlement of Quinnipiac (Cutter, William Richard, ed., 1911, Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut, 4 columes, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, NY, p. 1440) soldier at New Haven; went out in the Indian alarms of 1642 and 1646 (Society of Colonial Wars, 1922, An Index of Ancestors and Roll of Members of the Society of Colonial Wars, Society of Colonial Wars, NY) “Will Iues” listed as one of the Freemen of the Courte of New Haven (Hoadly, Charles, 1857, Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven From 1638 to 1649; Case, Tiffany and Co., Hartford, p. 9) Mentioned in court records of Feb 5, 1639 (Ibid. p. 28) Goodman Ives admitted as a member of the Court, Dec 25, 1641 (Ibid. 61) Will Ives - persons numbered(2); estates(25); land in the first division(6.25); in the neck(1.25); land in the second division(9); rates yearelt payd for land(00-04-09)(Ibid. 92) swears to oath (Ibid 138) Appointed 'viewer' fro the suburbs, Feb 24, 1644 (Ibid. 155) Bro. Ives wanting a scourer (fyned 6d) (Ibid 232) seating at the meeting house (Ibid 303) William Ives acquires 4 acres, 1 quarter and 30 rods of upland of the first division from Mr. Rudderforde, lying on the further side of the West River, Dec 7, 1647 (ibid 338) Page 1 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) Richard Myles and Rogger Allen were appointed to prise the estate of William Ives, deceased, June 6, 1648 (Ibid 387) Will of William Ives presented in court (it was made April 3, 1648). Richard Miles and Rogger Allen inventory the estate at 98:04:00, Nov 7, 1648 (Ibid 410) William Ives' will to John and his three other children. The mark of William Ives witnessed by Richard Miles and Roger Allen (Ibid 410, footnote) Seating of Sister Ives at the meeting house, March 10, 1646 (Ibid 304) William Ives was born in England about 1607. William died after 3 Apr 1648 in New Haven, New Havet, Connecticut, at approximately 40 years of age. Wm. Ives may have been born at Mears Ashby, Wilby, Northamptonshire, England as per Arthur Coon Ives, “Genealogy of the Ives Family”. 1932. On page 17 of Arthur Coon Ives' book “Genealogy of the Ives Fmily”, 1932, is written the following: Sept 19, 1635, William Ives, after taking an oath of allegiance, was accepted as a passenger on the Truelove, “to be transported to New England”; he was then twenty-eight years of age. ================================================ Http:// Truelove 1622 The Truelove, from London, arrived at Virginia 1623 The Truelove, from London, arrived at Virginia Before 1624/25 The Truelove, from London, arrived at Virginia June 10, 1635 The Truelove departed London for Bermuda September 19, 1635 The Truelove departed London for New England ==================================================== The following is found on page 23 in Arthur Coon Ives' book “Genealogy of the Ives Family” 1932: Two years after the date of this assignment the families of Ives and Bassett were detined to assume a closer relationship. William Ives and “Sister Bassett” both died within ten years after the founding of Quinnipiac, and Hannah Ives became the second wife of Dr. William Bassett, Nov 7, 1648. Dr. Bassett's name disappears from the church record in 1684; Hannah's 'after 1662' At 35 years of age William became the father of Phebe Ives in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, 1642. At 37 years of age William became the father of John Ives in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, 1644. William became the father of Martha Ives in New Haven, New Haven, Connecicut, about 1646. William became the father of Joseph Ives in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, about 1648. While I have seen parents listed for William Ives, I haven't seen any proof of them. Because of lack of proof, I will not include them on these pages. ==================================================== From: Captain William Ives (1) is the starting point for this genealogy series. I think the best guess is that William was born in 1607 in Norfolk, England. Some genealogy sites list him as born in 1621. Here is another list that agrees with the 1607 birth date. If the 1621 birth was the case he would have come to Boston on the Truelove in 1635 (documented fact) at age 14 by himself and then gone to be a co-founder and property holder in New Haven at age 17. Not impossible but less likely. Also, there Page 2 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) was a William Ives listed as a member of the same London parish, St. Stephens of Coleman Street, as John Davenport, the first minister in New Haven prior to this trip (Caulder, 1936). That Willliam Ives would not have been born in 1621. So I feel more comfortable with with 1607 date reported at several sites. There is no birth record so this is still speculation. William arrived in the Boston area by himself in 1635 at age 28, on ship Truelove two years before Davenport and the main party of New Haven settlers came to Boston on the Hector. He first lived in Watertown. MA (it could be in what is now Cambridge, MA). On March 30, 1638 he left Boston to help found a new colony on Long Island Sound. This party became the founders of New Haven on April 15, 1638. In June 4, 1639 they established the first civil government and William Ives is listed in the original New Haven Civil Compact as one of 63 signers of “Fundamental Agreement of Quinnipiac” (now New Haven). William Ives was allotted a total of 18 acres in several parcels. His house was at 72-160 Congress Street (at the corner with what is now Hill Street) and his occupation is listed as farmer. In 1638 his estate was valued at 25 pds. and grew to 98 pds. at the time of his death in 1648. His immediate neighbor was George Smith. The map dated 1641 by Brockett shows the nine square that were laid out and the sections of William Ives and others. William Ives married shortly after arriving in New Haven but the identity of his wife is not clear. The Early List of Estates published by the New Haven Church in 1640 lists William Ives with two people in his household with an estate valued at 25 pds. The second person is most likely his wife. Many claim that she was Hannah Dickerman but I feel that there is more evidence against this claim than supporting it as I outlined in a series of posts (see Who was William Ives' Wife?).. William Ives was admitted as a member of the General Court in Dec, 25, 1641 and received the charge of freeman, along with Mr. Malbon. Ives (1928, p.78) quotes that to be designated a “freeman” a man had to “be possessed of thirty pounds proper personal estate, and be of honest and peaceable conversation.” Candidates had to appear in open meeting and were sworn in if found qualified. They were then required to attend all open town meetings and they had to pay two shillings if they could not present an acceptable excuse for being absent. In the first division of land in 1641, William received 6 ¼ acres in the first division, 1 ¼ acres in the neck, and 2 ¼ acres in the meadow with 9 acres in the second division. See this 1641 map of New Haven. His annual tax for this land was 4 shillings and 9 pence. He is listed in attendance in the general court of July 1, 1644. At the court of Feb. 24, 1644, he and Edward Banister are listed as “viewers for the suburbs” (the suburbs were near his lot - see map of 1641). William also served as a soldier in the Colonial Militia as a Capitan in the New Haven Indian Alarms from 1642 - 1646. In 1644 he was fined 6 pence, along with John Cooper, James Bishop and many others, for not keeping his military equipment up. He and his wife had designated seats in the “meeting house” in 1646. He had seat 69 and she had seat 149 as the men and women sat separately. Around 1646, he purchased 4 ¼ acres of upland from Mr. Rudderford lying on the further side of the West River abutting the west meadow. William and “Goodwife Ives” had five children: 1. Phebe was baptized in New Haven on October 2, 1642. Her first marriage was to Joseph Potter (1635-1669) on 1660. Joseph was the son of William Potter, one of the signers of the 1639 New Haven Covenant. They had at least four children; Joseph (1661), Rebecca (1663-), Phebe (1665-1738), Joseph (1667-1742), her second marriage was to John Rose (-1722) in August, 1670. They had at least five children: Deborah (1671-), Sarah (1673-), Hannah (1676*-), John (1679), Daniel (1782/3), all born in Branford, CT. Phebe died on 1682 in Branford. After Phebe died, John married Elizabeth Curtis (1654-1719), widow of Mercy Moss. John had also married Deborah Usher before Phebe and they had one child, Elizabeth (1668-1690). Phebe’s mother, in her last recorded appearance before the New Haven court of August 5, 1662, apologized to the court for her “sin in meddling with that which did not concern her,” the execution of William Potter, and breaking the fourth commandment. William Potter was the father of Joseph and father-in-law of her first daughter, Phebe, Page 3 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) so this may have given her reason to feel connected to the event. 2. John was baptized in New Haven on December 29, 1644, and died in 1682 in Wallingford, CT. He married Hannah Merriam (1651-1703) on Nov. 12, 1668. They had five children: John (1669-1747), Hannah (1672-1715), Joseph (1674-1755), Nathaniel (1677-1711), Gideon (1680-1767). All were born in Wallingford, CT. 3. daughter still born 1645 4. Martha was born in New Haven about 1646 and married Azariah Beach (1646-1696) in New Haven around 1675. They had seven children: Mary (1676-), Richard (1677-), Thomas (1679-1755), Benjamin (1682-1710), Hannah (1685-1769), John (1689-1713), Martha (1690-). 5. Joseph was born in New Haven about 1647, and died in North Haven on November 17, 1694. He married Mary Yale on Jan. 2, 1672 and they had ten children: Joseph (1673-1751), Mary (1674-1675), Mary (1675-1712), Samuel (1677-1726), Martha (1678-1713), Lazarus (1680-1703), Thomas (1683-1767), Abigail (1685), John (1686-1690), Ebenezer (1692-1759). William Ives died in New Haven in the late spring of 1648 some time after he signed his will on April 3, 1648. Richard Miles and Roger Allen witnessed his will on that date and they also appraised his estate on June 8, 1648 after his death and placed the amount at 98 pounds, 4 shillings. They provided an inventory of the estate on September 22nd. It included the following: “his wearing cloathes; one bed furniture to it; one trundle bed with bed & bolster; two cheats; one box; 3 pars of sheets; 2 pars pillow covers; 6 napkins; one board cloath; Table; stools & charis; old brass pot; Iron pot; Iron kettle; 2 skillets; 1 bake pan; a mortar & pestile; 1 skimmer; 2 ladels; warming pan; pewter; 2 candle sticks; wooden ware; one hower glass; 1 gridiron; 1 pr of bellowes; 1 pot; hooks, pair of hangers; frying pan, fire shovel & tongs; cookes ware; Muskit & sword; Bondoleers & Sheaff; working tools etc; 2 wheels; 1 sheepe & yeuss. Ye house’ home lot & all upland & meadow; 3 cowes, 2 oxen, 2 horses, 3 swine. Debts Matthew Molthrop owes to ye Estate.” His will was probated in court on Nov. 7, 1648, later in the same day his widow married Dr. William Bassett. Richard Miles and Roger Allen testified that William Ives “was in a state fit to make this will & did make it.” In the will he designated his wife as the sole executor of his estate to be used to bring up his children until they came of age. When his oldest son. John, became twenty one he was to receive the house and land and when the other children became twenty they were to received one cow or the worth of a cow. In Feb. 6, 1649, William Bassett agreed in court to honor the will of William Ives. It is assumed he and his wife raised the four Ives children along the four they had together (see Bassett family). The family continued to live in the house of William Ives until it was sold in 1652 to the widow of Anthony Thompson. William Bassett placed eleven pounds worth of cattle as security for John Ives’ portion of the property. William Ives’ two sons, John and Joseph, went northward in 1670 and were among the original 39 signers of the Wallingford plantation agreement in 1668. While it is probable that several persons by the name of Ives emigrated to colonial North America, our lineage in this country begins with William Ives (sometimes spelled W. Joes, W. Jues, Wm. Iues, Will Eues), who arrived in Boston harbor aboard the ship Truelove in late 1635. This was only 15 years after the Pilgrims had landed at Plymouth Rock. Evidence exists that William stayed with a Miles Ives when he reached the New World until he could join the Davenport Colony. In March 1637, he joined a party of Puritans led by the Reverend John Davenport who set out by water to find a suitable location for a new colony. They landed near the mouth of the Quinnipiac River on the north bank of what is now known as Long Island Sound, April 15, 1638. Here they established the plantation which was known as the Quinnipiac “New Haven” Colony. Page 4 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) ================================================= Arthur Coon Ives' book, pg 15 - William is referred to as 'Captain.' This probably was his rank during his militia service in New Haven Colony during 'the Indian Alarms' of 1642 and 1646. “Will Eues” was among the 63 signers of the covenant setting forth the rule of conduct for the new settlement, which was laid out in the form of a square one-half mile each way. In the center of the plot was a market place, now the New Haven Green, around which were 'house lotts' and farm land for each 'free planter.' A map date 1641 shows that William Ives was allotted 6.25 acres in the first division, 1.25 acres in the Neck, 2.25 acres of meadow, and 9 acres in the second division. His residence is believed to have been at '72-160 Congress Street and corner of Hill Street,' which would be only 2 blocks north of the Hill and Silver Street address where Warren Ives lived 200 years later. The location is still called the 'Ives Corner' as of 1995. Incidentally, both addresses are now onscured bu subsequent building and rerouting of streets. One source described the property as “His house & lott lying betwixt the house of George Smith and the highway...and two acrs of meddow...on this side of the river...the other end against the West river...all ofwhich did belong to the eldest son (John) of William Iues.' William was a 'freeman of the Courte of New Haven' and is on the rolls of the church 1641-1647. William's name and various information about him and his family appear in the records of his church “Historical Catalog of the Members of the First Church of Christ (Center Church) in New Haven, CT, A.D. 1639-1914”, compiled by Franklin Bowditch Dexter, New Haven, 1914 (at the New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven, CT). William was buried in the churchyard. The present building was erected in 1813 on the site of the old burial ground. The tombstones of the graves covered by the new building are still preserved in the crypt of the present church, the rest, removed in 1821, are arranged alphabetically along the wall of the Grove Street Cenetery, New Haven, CT. Positive identification of William's stone has never been made. As indicated by the frequency with which his name appears in the early records, William apparently was quite active in the church and civil affairs of the New Haven Colony during the ten years he lived after its founding. From these records it appears that he married Hannah Dickerman in 1639, at the First Church of Christ, New Haven, CT. Hannah remarried, to Dr. William Bassett, on November 7, 1648. ================================================================== The text below is copied verbatim from the bottom of page 26 of Arthur Coon Ives' book, 'Genealogy of The Ives Family', 1832. “At a court held at Newhauen the 7th of November, 1648,” the first Ives will in America “was presented;” it had been “witnessed and vunderwritten by Richard Milles and Rogger Allen, whoe now in court testify that the said William Ives was in a state fitt to make this will & did make it.” “allso the inventorie, R amount 98(1):04:00d.” “Wm Bassett whoe is near the marriage (they being contracted), of ye widdowe, was called to put in securitie to ye court for the estate, that the children of William Ives maye have their portions duly pd, R but he desired respite till ye next court....” Apparently it was not his purpose to “put in securitie” for the Ives estate until sure of marrying the Ives widow. And, indeed, they were “neare the marriage!” The wedding is recorded on the same day William Ives's will was probated. The text below is copied verbatim from the top of page 27 in Arthur Coon Ives' book, Genealogy of the Ives Family”, 1932. Among the court records is the entry that “William Bassett...was complained of for the absenc at the Page 5 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) generall trayning yesterday...because he had some haye wch, ...if he had not fetched it that day it would have bine eaten up & spoyled by many catle lying at it.” But he kept faith with the court: Feb 6, 1648 (1649?). “William Bassett whoe hath married the widdow of Wm Ives...doth in court ingadge the whole estate which was left by him ye sd William Ives, & will not alter any of it...” =========================================================== William Ives, New Haven Colony Posetd by Joseph Morgan Ives on March 23, 1999 at 19:11:04: The will Of William Ives deceased was presented in court, made the third of April, 1648, witnessed and vnderwritten by Richard Milles and Rogger Allen, whoe now in court testify that the said William Ives was in a state fitt to make this will and did make it. (* see Note 1) Allso the inventorie of the estate of the said William Ives amounting to 98:04:00d prised by Richard Milles and Roger Allen vpon their oath, the 22nd of September 1648. (*see Note 2) William Bassett whoe is near the marriage (they being contracted) of ye widdowe, was called to put in securities to ye court for the estate, that the children of William Ives maye have their portions duely pd, according to ye generall courts order, but he desired respite till ye next court wch the court granted. *1 - Will of William Ives, made April 3d, 1648. He makes his wife sole executrix and gives her the use of all his goods, house, and land for the bringing up of his small children; gives to his son John the house and land at 21 years of age, to his three other children when they come to 20 years of age one cow apiece or tis value, to his wife the rest of the estate. If the Lord should take away any of the daughters, then that portion shall fall to the youngest son, and if the Lord should take away the eldest son, then it shall fall to the youngest son at 21 years of age. The mark of William Ives, witnessed by Richard Miles, Roger Allen. *2 - In the margin, “ye 4th Septem. 1649. Rich. Miles & Roger Allen confirmed vpon oath what they before testifyed concerning William Ives and his will, and ye 6th of Novm. 1649, the executrix tooke oath yt to ye best of her light ye inventorie prsented is a true invent. Of her deceased husbands estate.” William Bassett whoe hath married the widdow of William Ives deceased, being called to give in securitie for ye portions of the children, according to the will of William Ives, doth in court ingadge the whole estate wch was left by him ye sd William Ives, & will not alter any of it till he acquaint the court wth it & put in as good estate as he shall dispose oy. From the text: “Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven from 1638 to 1649. Transcribed and Edited in Accordance With a Resolution of the General Assembly of Connecticut With Occasional Notes and an Appendix. By Charles J. Hoadly, M.A. State Librarian of Conn., Member of the Conn. Hist. Soc., Cor. Memb. N.E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Hartford: Printed by Case, Tiffany and Company, for the Editor. 1857 ============================================================ Posted by Joseph Morgan Ives on March 26, 1999 at 18:07:04: In Reply to: Re: William Ives, New Haven Colony posted by Michael Ives on March 24, 1999 at 20:28:03: The will of William Ives was made 3 April 1648. The quote I posted was from the court record of 7 Nov 1648 where it was presented. The second part, about William Bassett is from a court record of 6 Feb 1648/49. The issue is also presented at an earlier court of 5 Dec 1648. Page 6 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) So, William died AFTER 3 Apr 1648, though I have seen this as his death date. Hannah was not married to William Bassett before 7 Nov 1648 but was married to him by Dec 5, 1648. As to the children, I have never seen a primary source for most of the children. But the will indicates four children only, two boys and two girls, with John being the oldest. I too have seen 9 attributed to William, thoguh one of them was stillborn and probably his. John, Phebe and Martha are his, and the youngest boy is probably Joseph. I don't know who the actual parents of the others are, it is just certain that William was not their father. More research into primary sources has to be done, not simply relying on secondary sources completely. (Even good ol' Coon Ives is a secondary source.) ============================================================== Posted by Peggy Ives on March 28, 1999 at 16:18:00: In Reply to: Re: William Ives, New Haven Colony posted by Joseph M. Garcia, Sr. on March 27, 1999 at 08:26:31: I'm not sure how frequently Nancy C. checks this forum so will copy in a message I received from her regard to Martha. Yes, William Ives and Hannah Dickerman had a second daughter. Her name was Martha, and she married Azariah Beach. In fact, one of the confirming sources for the maiden name of Hannah, her mother, is Beach Family Reunion records sent to me over the past few years. The Ives genealogist, Arthur Coon Ives, did not know that maiden name, and, in fact, didn't know Martha's name. Martha was presumably with her husband, azariah, when he went to Elizabeth, NJ in 165, Newark in 1669, back to Wallingford Conn in 1673, then to Killingworth. Reference: Virkus Compendium: VI:656 Nancy ======================================================= Timothy and Margaret Ives Timothy IVES - b. about 1610, England. Came to American in 1638, taking up a grant of land of 100 acres at Deep Creek, near Portsmouth, VA. It is probable that he was abrother to Robert and JohnIVES of Accomack Co. VA. And there are some interesting associations that make it possible that he was a brother of William IVES of New Haven, CT. (Consider: the land grant to Timothy was recorded in New York State; the military service of William was recorded in Virginia). Margaret Children of Timothy and Margaret Ives 1.John - married Eliza. Son: Luke married Eliza 2.2. Timothy - b. about 1640, probably near Portsmouth, VA; d. after 1716, Norfolk Co., VA 3.3. William - may have moved to NC ======================================== Page 7 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) Ives Family Genealogy Forum Re: William Ives' origin - question of sources Posted by Nancy Curran (ID*****6440) Date: September 15, 2002 at 10:23:05 In Reply to: Re: William Ives' origins - question of sources by Scott Ives of 1799 The question of William Ives' origin is so frustrating that I push it to the back of my mind and take to out to consider every year or so. From my notes: “Genealogical Gleanings in England,” by Waters, indexes the surname Ives in a number of places, showing that the Ives, Hopkins and Yale families were in the same circle as the Davenport and Eaton adherents. Davenport and Eaton emigrated on the 'Hector,' the ship backed by the company from St. Stephen's parish in London. William Ives went from Boston to Quinnipiac Colony with that company. This might enable us to put his feet on the ground in the geographic area of those religious leaders. Nancy ========================================= Re: William Ives' origins - question of sources Posted by Bill Ives (ID*****4290) Date: November 04, 2003 at 10:36:23 In Reply to: Re: William Ives' origin - question of sources by Nancy Curran of 1799 nancy I just e-mailed some information on the William Ives-Hannah Dickerman question separate from this posting. I have been looking into William Ives for some time. I came across the following on his oprigins and plan to check out the original source very soon. It places Wm Ives at St. Stephens in Coleman St which was new to me. I recently visited Coleman St and the St Margaret around the corner that took over the St Stephens parish in the 1950s. I have much more than can be posted if you want to discuss Wm Ives more. I would also be very interested in your response to the Hannah Dickerman issue. You have seen the information posted below by now. The following is derived from “The New Haven Colony” by Isabell MacBeath Calder, published by Yale University Press in 1934: John Davenport has been elected vicar of St. Stephens but before he could begin his duties, he was charged with Puritanism by King James I, which he denied. In November of 1633, Davenport fled to Amsterdam to escape increasing disapproval of the Crown and this is where his group organized their move to the New World. The group included John and Elizabeth Davenport (left their infant son in the care of a noble lady), Theophilus Eaton, Anne Eaton, dau of George Lloyd, Bishop of Chester, and widow of Thomas Yale, the second wife of Theophilus Eaton, old Mrs. Eaton, his mother; Samuel and Nathaniel Eaton, his brothers; Mary Eaton, the dau of his first wife; Samuel, Theophilus and Hannah, the children of his second wife; Anne, David, and Thomas Yale, the children of Anne Eaton by her former marriage; Edward Hopkins, who on Sept 5, 1631 had married Anne Yale at St. Antholin's in London; and Richard Malbon, a kinsman of Theophilus Eaton. Also many inhabitabts of the parish of St. Stephen: Nathaniel Rowe (son of Own Rowe who inended to follow); William Andrews; Henry Browning; James Clark; Jasper Crane; Jeremy Dixon; Nicholas Elsey, Francis Hall, Robert Hill, WILLIAM IVES, Geo. Smith, George Ward, and Lawrence Ward. Evidence exists that William stayed with a Miles Ives when he reached the New World until he could join the Davenport Colony. ======================================= Ives Family Genealogy Forum Re: William Ives' origin - question of sources Posted by Bill Ives (ID*****4290) Date: December 08, 2003 at 19:01:07: Page 8 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) In Reply to: Re: William Ives' origins - question of sources by Ken Ives of 1799 Ken - thanks for your reply. The statement about Miles Ives comes from the Arthur Ives book on the Ives Family - Ives, Arthur Coon, The Genealogy of the Ives Family, Hungerford-Holdbrook Company, Watertown, NY, 1932 - but Arthur does not provide the evidence and I should have mentioned this. We do know William Ives arrived in Boston in 1635 on his own and left in 1638 with the original New Haven founders. There is no record of his leaving Boston between 1635 and 1638 so he probably stayed in the area. While Arthur Ives mentions the possibility of Miles Ives as a place where he stayed, I have also seen evidence that would dispute this. I believe it was in: Cooke, H. Ruth, Times and Generations of the Driver Family, 1899. This book (if it was the source) said Miles Ives was one of the early Ives in New England but he came to Watertown in 1639, moved to Boston in 1641, settled in Cambridge in 1660 and died in Boston in 1684. This would place him there after William left for New Haven. Miles married Martha and had three daughters, Sarah, Mary, and Hannah. There was also a Thomas Ives in Salem, MA who arrived by 1668. He was born in England in 1648 and his descendants are described in Cook (1889). There is no confirmation of how Miles and Thomas might be related to William Ives. A son of Thomas, also called Thomas, was born in Salem in 1674 and settled in Marblehead, MA by 1710 where I live now. There are several descendants of Thomas Ives still living in the Salem and Marblehead area with the last name of Ives but I have determined I am not related to them. Sorry that I am not more precise but I have not really tracked Miles or Thomas since they are not related to William Ives, at least not in a known way. I am still looking at a different issue, the name of the wife of William Ives. Many sites claim it was Hannah Dickerman but I have found no real evidence to support this - any thoughts are appreciated. ================================================ Ives Genealogy Forum Re: William Ives' origins - question of sources Posted by morgan IVES (ID*****0518) Date: September 16, 2003 at 20:40:36 In Reply to: Re: William Ives' origins - question of sources by Nancy Curran of 1799 Nancy - I have been digging around for a while and have found a number of sources on the net that indicate that William Ives came over on the True Love in 1635 and was the son of William Ives of Wilb, England, born 1585. William Jr. was born in Mears Ashby, near Wilby and sailed to Boston from the UK, eventually settling in New Haven. Subsequently, one of his off-spring married into the Yale family and became involved in the establishment of Yale University. If you have any other info on the Ives clan please share. Thanks. Marriage: Hannah Dickerman (b. abt. 1621 in Little Missenden, Buckinghamshire, England), married 4 Jun 1639 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Children: 1.John Ives, b. 12 Dec 1644 in Meriden, New Haven, CT 2.Phebe Ives, b. before 2 Oct 1642 in New Haven, New Haven, CT 3.Martha Ives b. abt 1646 in New Haven, New Haven, CT 4.Joseph (Capt.) Ives b. 1647 in New Haven, New Haven, CY William Ives (son of John Ives) was born September 09, 1607 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England and died April 03, 1648 in New Haven, Conn. He married Hannah Dickerman on June 14, 1639 in Wallingford, Conn., daughter of Thomas Dickerman and Elenor Whittington. More about William Ives: Page 9 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) Resided: House on the corner of Hill and Congress Streets Will: April 3, 1648, Gave his son John the house upon reaching the age of 21 More about William Ives and Hannah Dickerman: Marriage: June 14, 1639, Wallingford, Conn. Ives Family in England - Prior to 1600: The name Ives (Welsh) and Iver (Gaelic) means chief or leader. The name Ives (Danish) means zeal or fervor. The family name, Ives, in various spellings, is mentioned at different times in England but there is no certain link to the William Ives from Norfolk who sailed on the Truelove for Boston in 1635. Musch of this information prior to 1600 came from Ives (Ives, Arthur Coon, 1932, The Ives Family. The Hungerford-Holbrook Company, Watertown, NY) and Cook (1889) The Saint Ives for whome the town in west Corwall is named was a churchman who became a Bishop and was also a lawyer. He was born in Brittany and became the patron Saint for lawyers. In eastern Cornwall there is the village of Saint Ive which contains a church named for Saint Ivo (1040-1116) the Bishop of Chartres. There is also an English borough named St. Ives in Huntingdonshire. Here in 970 Abbot Ednoth built a church on the burial site of Ivo, a Persian bishop who traveled though England preaching. One of William the Conquerer's followers from Normandy was Ivo de Taillebois (Ives the Woodcutter). Rogerus de Iverii was cup bearer to William the Conquerer. His son, Ivo, fell out of favor with the King, Henry I, and died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In 1252 Henry III granted to Thomas Ives permission to enclose a portion of the highway adjoining his mansion at Kenteffetonne. The family of Ive were listed as og great antiquity in the Parish of Pancras, London. Captain William Ives from Norfolk was listed in the Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600-1700 as taking the oath of allegience and being accepted as a passenger on the Truelove that sailed for Boston in 1635. There are two candidates for William Ives' father - John Ives and William Ives - but no current conclusive evidence exists for either. The Ives coat of arms listed in the Burdis Armory of England, Scotland and Wales refers to Ives of Bradwell County, Norfolk England. The Matthews American Armory and Blue Book states: “The arms were used by the descendents of William Ives who came from London on the ship 'Truelove' in 1635, one of the founders of New Haven, Conn.; also of the descendents of Major Simon Willard, one of the founders of Concord, Mass. ======================================================== Cutter, William Richard, ed., 1911, Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut, 4 volumes, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, NY, p. 1440 nelieved to have come from Norfolkshire family in England ======================================================= Society of Colonial Wars, 1922, An Index of Ancestors and Roll of Members of the Society of Colonial Wars, Society of Colonial Wars, NY 1607-1648 soldier at New Haven Indian Alarms of 1642 and 1646 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volumes 59, 9, 25; volume 9:360 baptism at the church of New Haven, Ct; William Ives (spelt Eves); Phebe - 2 Oct 1642; John - 29 Dec 1644 Page 10 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) ================================================== From Ives Family ...of Connecticut and New York William Ives, Colonist (1607-1648) Born about 1607 in England, died 1648, New Haven, Connecticut Married Hannah (possibly Hannah Dickerman, daughter of Thomas D. Dickerman and Eleanor Whittington, p. 1622, d. 1665). Her second husband was William Bassett (m. Nov 7, 1648). William Ives sailed from England in the ship “true Love” in 1635, landing in Boston. He is listed in the “Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700” as “Wm. Joes,” age 28, transported to New England on TrueLove, Sept. 1635. Genealogist Arthur Coon Ives has explained that early copyists frequently misspelled the name Ives, and that the letters 'v' and 'u' were used interchangeably. It is generally assumed that William came from the Norfolk, England family. He lived for a time near Watertoen, Massachusetts, and then joined the Davenport Company, a group of Puritans led by Rev. John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton. The left Boston harbor on March 30, 1638 in search of a location for a new colony, finally landing at what is now New Haven, where the Quinnipiac River meets the Sound. They held their first Sabbath observance under an oak tree at the harbor on April 15, 1638. “Will Eues” was among 63 planters of the group. A 1641 map apparently shows the 18.75 acres assigned to William Ives in the new colony. The group purchased the land for the colony from the Indians, and supposedly lived in peace with the Indians for quite a while. The census of the colony in 1639 indicates that William had married a “Hannah” by that time. In a church roll of 1641, William was listed as #69 and in 1646 Hannah was listed as #149. At a General Court held on March 10, 1646 to designates seats in the meetinghouse (men and women on separate sides), “Willm Ives” and “Sisted Iues” were listed. William died at New Haven in 1648, leaving a widow and four children. His widow remarried to William Bassett on November 7, 1648. Phebe, bapt. Oct 2, 1642; m. 1) Joseph Potter; m. 2) John Rose John, napt Dec 29, 1644; d. 1682; m. Hannah Merriman on Nov 12, 1668. She was daughter of Nathaniel and Joan (Lines) Merriman. Her second husband was Joseph Benham (Aug 17, 1682) Daughter (Martha?) Joseph, b. about 1648, d. Nov 17, 1694; m. Mary Yale on 2 Jan 1672 Children of William Ives and Hannah Dickerman are: John Ives, b. 12 Dec 1644 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut; d. 1681/82 in North Haven, New Haven, CT; buried Center Street Cemetery, Wallingford. Married Hannah Merriman 12 Nov 1668 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Phebe Ives, b. 2 Oct 1642 Martha Ives, b. 1646 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Died 1701 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Married Azariah Beach 1676 in Wallingford, New Haven, Ct. Captain Joseph Ives, b. 1647 in New Haven, CT. Died 17 Nov 1694 in North Haven, New Haven, CT. Married Mary Yale 3 Jan 1672. =================================== Personal communication from James Harvey Ives -CAPTAIN WILLIAM IVES (RN=951) Page 11 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) The first of the family in America was Capt. William Ives, who arrived in Boston harbor aboard the ship "Truelove" in 1635. It is generally assumed that he descended from the county Norfolk family, and that he was born in Northamptonshire, England, in 1607. However, some claim that he came from Yorkshire, and that he was descended from Guilbert Ives who crossed the channel from Normandy among the followers of William The Conqueror. By inference we can say that he became one of a select group of influential and well to-do Londoners in the establishment of a distinct colony. William Ives' movements for the next three years are clouded. It is assumed that he made his home at or near Watertown, Mass., for it was here that he met men of wealth, education, and influence with whom his destiny was to become so closely linked. It is a matter of record that he joined the Davenport Company and departed from Boston harbor on March 30, 1638, in quest of a spot on which to found a new colony. John Davenport was the Vicar of St. Stephen's, and he dissented from the Church of England. He was joined by Theophilus Eaten, a man of wealth, an able administrator, and a zealous Puritan, in organizing a company of parishioners from St. Stephen's and families from the counties of Kent and Hertfordshire for a move to New England. In Boston, they found repeated challenges to Puritan orthodoxy and decided to search for another area. Hearing of the "rich and goodly meadows of Quinnipiac," an advance party, led by Eaten, was sent to investigate. "Quin-Nippe-Ohke" (in the language of the aboriginal inhabitants) means long-water-place, and aptly describes the long sweep of the river before it discharges into Long Island Sound. What Eaten found here delighted him, and seven months to the day after Eaten and the advance party left Boston, Davenport and about 500 followers, including William Ives, set sail for Long Island Sound and the "new haven." They arrived at the site on April 24, 1638. They hoped to create a Christian utopia on the banks of the Quinnipiac, and they also envisioned a commercial empire that would certainly control all of the Long Island Sound and possibly the coastline as far south as Delaware Bay. To New Haven came the wealthiest group of merchants to come to any New England settlement before 1660; they hardly intended to spend their lives raising Indian corn and peas. These men came to make the most of Quinnipiac's spacious harbor and favorable location. Upon arriving at the site, these Puritans gathered for their first Sabbath observance. Next came a day of fasting and prayer as a preparation for entering into a solemn compact called a "plantation covenant". The planters agreed that in "matters which concern the gathering and ordering of a church," and in "public offices which concern civil honor," as well as in the "choice of magistrates and officers" and "all things of like nature," they would be guided by the "rules which the Scriptures held forth to them." For more than a year there were no other laws to guide conduct. Among the 63 planters who made this compact is the name "Will Eues." ("E" and "I1', as well as "U" and "V", were, in the old days, used interchangeably.) 3 April 15, 1638, the Rev. Davenport preached a sermon preparatory to signing the agreement of settlement on the site of an Indian village, purchased from the chief of the Quinnipiac tribe. The Company did not take a crown patent. The purchase price was paid to the Indians in the form of store supplies bartered in lieu of money; the savages had no money, their only currency was wampum. The terms included 12 coats of English tucking cloth, 12 achemy spoons, 12 hatchets, a dozen hoes, 2 dozen knives, 12 porringers and 4 cases of French knives and scissors. The original settlement was organized around 11 squares, nine of these divided from a half-mile square; and two, called suburbs, which extended from the rectangle to the waterfront. At the center of the nine squares was the marketplace. Within these 11 squares were the home lots of those settlers, called proprietors, who had originally invested in the association. The extent of their lots depended upon their wealth and family size. A map bearing the date 1641 indicates the section assigned to William Ives. Page 12 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) About 1664, the Quinnipiac colony (New Haven) merged with the Colony of Connecticut. William Ives married Hannah Dickerman about the time of the settlement of New Haven. They had four children, 2 daughters and 2 sons. The Quinnipiac census of 1639 recorded Ives' family of two persons only; their first child was born in 1642. In 1641 the church roll recorded the name of William Ives as No. 69. Hannah was listed in 1646 as No. 149. She had been busy. Their four children were as follows: Phoebe , baptized Oct . 2, 1642; John Ives, (RN = 9 2 3) baptized Dec. 29, 1644; Hannah, not stated; Joseph Ives, was born 16 April 1650. William Ives did not long endure the hardships of pioneer life. He died early in the Spring of 1648, aged 41. The only record of his birth was stated in a history of New Haven as 1609, in or near London, the descendant of Jacob Ives who lived in the city about 1508. The exile was survived by his widow and four children. Hannah, left alone and with a farm on her hands, married Nov. 7, 1648, Dr. William Bassett, a neighbor and co-proprietor whose first wife was deceased before the death of Ives. The Ives Will The will of William Ives followed the English law of primogeniture, modified to leave his estate to his wife during her life in trust for the eldest son, John Ives, (RN=923) with reversion in the event of John's death before his majority to the younger son, Joseph Ives. Dr. Bassett, on the day he married Hannah Ives, filed a bond with the court for the security of the estate. Hannah died in 1663. Dr. Bassett outlived his stepson. ================================================== From: n-england.html -- Some More Information on William Ives in England Richard Ives continues do some great work on the origins of our William Ives in England. We know for sure he boarded the True Love at age 28 to sail to the New World. There are various theories on what happen before then. Here is one post on it - New Clues on the Parents of William Ives (1607 1648). Richard wrote me recently, “In a will made drawn up in 1628, Thomas Ives, a well to do inhabitant of Langham, Rutland, dispossessed his eldest son, Wiliam Ives, making a big deal of leaving him precisely one shilling in his will. To his other sons, Thomas left £15 a piece. This was seven years before "our" William Ives left England, but I think it is interesting to note that in 1628, the year William Ives of Rutland was dispossessed, "our" William was 21 years old - a fact that may have impelled to Thomas Ives of Rutland to make his intentions in regard to his estate clear. Are William Ives of Rutland and William Ives, Boston immigrant the same person?” He added in, "The Parish Map of 1624," you will find the Thomas Ives ("Iues") residence smack in the middle of Langham, the location of which can still be pinpointed in the town today see below. Screen shot 2012-06-17 at 1.01.14 PM Page 13 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) In a second message Richard found the baptismal records of Langham Parish and he was able to locate William's baptismal record. He was born March 21, 1607, which would make him 28 years old in 1635, the age of our William Ives. The then picture clouds a bit as Richard added in a third message - David Ives, an expert genealogist, discovered in the Langham Parish Burial Records a record of a "William Ives" being buried at Rutland on September 10, 1639. No age or family connection of the deceased is provided. Although this certainly does complicate matters, David and I agree that, far from discarding the notion that William Ives of Rutland is "our" William Ives, we ought to continue looking into the case. There are several reasons why we have come to this conclusion. The first is, simply, that as far as we know, after a century and a half of numerous American members of the Ives family examining original documents in England, William Ives of Rutland is (as far as we know) the first whose date of birth exactly matches the age given by "our" William Ives to the King's agent the day he boarded the "Truelove." It is, of course, entirely possible that there were two William Ives of the same age living in England at the time, but the fact that the date of birth of William Ives of Rutland perfectly matches that of "our" William remains powerfully suggestive. The second is that if the "William Ives" who was buried in Langham on September 10, 1639, is the son of Thomas Ives of Langham, then a curious picture emerges. Born in 1607, William Ives of Rutland is disinherited at age 21, left with only a shilling in his father's will. Despite this, he either goes on living in Langham (or returns there later in life) and dies in the village in 1639 at age 32. For us, this scenario is little short of bizarre. It is nearly impossible to imagine a disinherited and shamed son continuing to live in Langham for 11 years after his stunning disinheritance. For one thing, with no property or money inherited from his father, how would he have made a living? As for the possibility of William leaving Langham and returning later, the idea that William, the prodigal son, left Langham after his disinheritance at age 21, only to return later and die at age 32 (death bed reconciliations notwithstanding), seems pretty unlikely as well. Our conclusion is that the September, 1639, William Ives burial record for Langham may well refer to a child (baptized because he has a name) who was a nephew or cousin of the William Ives of Langham, born in 1607. The problematic bit of this theory, of course, is that there is no surviving baptismal record from Langham that we have been able to find so far for any such child. Richard concluded - So, there you have it. Unfortunately, "our" William Ives still refuses to reveal his origins in a conclusive way and remains, as they say down South, "as slippery as an eel in a barrel of oil." Thanks to Richard for this great work and I wanted to share it with you in this post. ============================================ From: ves.html -- Richard Ives just returned England where he was conducting more research for his book about his branch of the Ives family in America. He was kind to share his latest discoveries and conclusions. The text that follows is by Richard with only a few minor edits. After a careful examination of the evidence that has recently come to light about the William Ives who was baptized in Langham, Rutland County, England on March 21, 1607, Richard has become convinced that he and our ancestor, William Ives, who arrived in Boston in 1635, are the same person. The evidence to support this view is, admittedly, scanty but extremely compelling. Page 14 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) The first bit of evidence resides in the fact that on the day Will Ives, the immigrant to Boston, boarded the "Truelove" in England, he was asked to swear his allegiance to King Charles - which he did. He was no doubt asked other questions by the ever-suspicious Royal customs and immigrations inspector, but the only answer the inspector was required to write down was William's age, which Will Ives gave as "28." This age accords perfectly with the date of birth of William Ives of Langham. To grasp the significance of this fact, one ought to ask just how men named William Ives were living in England in the early decades of the 17th century? We know of at least half a dozen and there may have been twice that many. How many of the William Ives men we know about were born in 1607? Answer? Only one. The second bit of evidence is somewhat more tangential but nevertheless extremely telling. When William Ives of New Haven died in about May 1648, his wife (We will call her Hannah for the same of convenience) understood that in a matter of months she must find a husband (At her age, she would not have been allowed to live without a husband in New Haven.). Now, consider the fact that she might have found a man from anywhere in New England to marry, or she might have chosen an immigrant from any of the 10,000 towns and villages in England itself. Whom did she choose in the end? Dr. William Bassett, scion the Bassett clan of North Luffenham (pronounced "Luff-Num") a village located just 9 miles from Langham, where the only English William Ives we know of from that period who was born in 1607 was born and raised. What, then, are the chances then that William Ives of Rutland and William Ives of New Haven are not the same person? For some time now, our cousin David Ives and Richard have been in contact with the Langham Village History Group, based in Will Ives' home village, which has produced a magnificent volume entitled The Life and Families of 17th Century Langham. In it there is a considerable amount of information in it that pertains to Will Ives' youth, his family, and his ancestors. Richard would urge any Ives person who is interested in knowing about the background of our ancestor, Will Ives, to purchase a copy. A careful examination of the book and of the website that the Langham History Group maintains on the internet will open vistas that Ives researchers have been seeking for hundreds of years. Richard believes the that the book may be purchased directly from the Langham History Group, which can be contacted at [email protected] The Langham Village History Group Home Page can be accessed simply by entering the name at Google Search or any search engine. Last month, Richard traveled to England and met with members of the Langham Village History Group. They could not have been more obliging and generous in their hospitality. He laid the evidence before them that indicates that Will Ives of Langham and Will Ives of New Haven were one in the same person, and they agreed that the evidence is extremely persuasive. Attached below are a few photos by Richard of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Langham - the church where Will Ives was baptized in 1607. Also included is a photo of the font - original to the church, and dating from the 16th century of before - at which Will Ives was baptized. Finally, Richard it is time to clear the air about a few details relating to Will Ives, both before he arrived in America, and after. Three years ago, he procured copies of the records of church membership for St. Stephen Coleman, London for the years 1630 to 1635 from the LDS genealogical center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Since 17th century English cannot be read by anyone not trained to read that script, he paid several experts to decipher the rolls. What they revealed was that Will Ives was never enrolled as a tithing member of St. Stephen Coleman during the period 1630-1635, nor is there a record of any person named Ives having been enrolled during that time. The legend, perpetrated by well-meaning scholar Isabel Calder that Will Ives was a member of Reverend Davenport's congregation is, simply, false. This is not meant to suggest that Will did not attend St. Stephen - he may have - only that the records indicate clearly that he was never a member. There is a second bit of William Ives lore in need of correction. It is been stated in the past that on arriving at Boston in 1635, Will resided in Cambridge/Watertown Massachusetts, near Boston, Page 15 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) presumably to be near or live with his supposed kinsman, Miles Ives. As far as I have been able to discover, there is not the slightest bit of evidence to support this claim. Because the Ives name is relatively rare, they were probably related, and in view of the fact that Boston and Cambridge were mere villages at the time, the two men probably did meet, but that is really all that can be said about it. ============================================== From: August 15, 2014 DNA signature of William Ives Now Available I heard from David Ives that for the first time, the DNA signature of William Ives (1607-1648) has been made publicly available. It is the result of the Y chromosome testing of 4 male known direct descendants, none of whom are closely related, of William. This is not only the signature of William Ives; it also is the DNA signature of every one of the thousands of direct male descendants of William Ives. This document, "William Ives DNA Signature," can be downloaded from: Our thanks to John Wilder ( [email protected] ) for being THE driving force behind the Ives progenitor DNA project. Anyone wishing to find out further information about this project should contact John directly (above); or may contact David at: [email protected]. DNA tests from direct male descendants of any of the progenitors of the various Ives lineages, other than that of William (e.g., the lineages of Timothy, Franklin Alexander, Thomas, Eardley, etc.), are always actively being sought. May 11, 2014 Update on the English Origins of William Ives Richard Ives just returned England where he was conducting more research for his book about his branch of the Ives family in America. He was kind to share his latest discoveries and conclusions. The text that follows is by Richard with only a few minor edits. After a careful examination of the evidence that has recently come to light about the William Ives who was baptized in Langham, Rutland County, England on March 21, 1607, Richard has become convinced that he and our ancestor, William Ives, who arrived in Boston in 1635, are the same person. The evidence to support this view is, admittedly, scanty but extremely compelling. The first bit of evidence resides in the fact that on the day Will Ives, the immigrant to Boston, boarded the "Truelove" in England, he was asked to swear his allegiance to King Charles - which he did. He was no doubt asked other questions by the ever-suspicious Royal customs and immigrations inspector, but the only answer the inspector was required to write down was William's age, which Will Ives gave as "28." This age accords perfectly with the date of birth of William Ives of Langham. To grasp the significance of this fact, one ought to ask just how men named William Ives were living in England in the early decades of the 17th century? We know of at least half a dozen and there may have been twice that many. How many of the William Ives men we know about were born in 1607? Answer? Only one. The second bit of evidence is somewhat more tangential but nevertheless extremely telling. When William Ives of New Haven died in about May 1648, his wife (We will call her Hannah for the same of convenience) understood that in a matter of months she must find a husband (At her age, she would not have been allowed to live without a husband in New Haven.). Now, consider the fact that she might have found a man from anywhere in New England to marry, or she might have chosen an immigrant from any of the 10,000 towns and villages in England itself. Whom did she choose in the end? Dr. William Bassett, scion the Bassett clan of North Luffenham (pronounced "Luff-Num") a village located just 9 miles from Langham, where the only English William Ives we know of from that period who was born in 1607 was born and raised. What, then, are the chances then that William Ives Page 16 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) of Rutland and William Ives of New Haven are not the same person? For some time now, our cousin David Ives and Richard have been in contact with the Langham Village History Group, based in Will Ives' home village, which has produced a magnificent volume entitled The Life and Families of 17th Century Langham. In it there is a considerable amount of information in it that pertains to Will Ives' youth, his family, and his ancestors. Richard would urge any Ives person who is interested in knowing about the background of our ancestor, Will Ives, to purchase a copy. A careful examination of the book and of the website that the Langham History Group maintains on the internet will open vistas that Ives researchers have been seeking for hundreds of years. Richard believes the that the book may be purchased directly from the Langham History Group, which can be contacted at [email protected] The Langham Village History Group Home Page can be accessed simply by entering the name at Google Search or any search engine. Last month, Richard traveled to England and met with members of the Langham Village History Group. They cou ld not have been more obliging and generous in their hospitality. He laid the evidence before them that indicates that Will Ives of Langham and Will Ives of New Haven were one in the same person, and they agreed that the evidence is extremely persuasive. Attached below are a few photos by Richard of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Langham - the church where Will Ives was baptized in 1607. Also included is a photo of the font - original to the church, and dating from the 16th century of before - at which Will Ives was baptized. Finally, Richard it is time to clear the air about a few details relating to Will Ives, both before he arrived in America, and after. Three years ago, he procured copies of the records of church membership for St. Stephen Coleman, London for the years 1630 to 1635 from the LDS genealogical center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Since 17th century English cannot be read by anyone not trained to read that script, he paid several experts to decipher the rolls. What they revealed was that Will Ives was never enrolled as a tithing member of St. Stephen Coleman during the period 1630-1635, nor is there a record of any person named Ives having been enrolled during that time. The legend, perpetrated by well-meaning scholar Isabel Calder that Will Ives was a member of Reverend Davenport's congregation is, simply, false. This is not meant to suggest that Will did not attend St. Stephen - he may have - only that the records indicate clearly that he was never a member. There is a second bit of William Ives lore in need of correction. It is been stated in the past that on arriving at Boston in 1635, Will resided in Cambridge/Watertown Massachusetts, near Boston, presumably to be near or live with his supposed kinsman, Miles Ives. As far as I have been able to discover, there is not the slightest bit of evidence to support this claim. Because the Ives name is relatively rare, they were probably related, and in view of the fact that Boston and Cambridge were mere villages at the time, the two men probably did meet, but that is really all that can be said about it. June 17, 2012 Some More Information on William Ives in England Richard Ives continues do some great work on the origins of our William Ives in England. We know for sure he boarded the True Love at age 28 to sail to the New World. There are various theories on what happen before then. Here is one post on it - New Clues on the Parents of William Ives (1607 1648). Richard wrote me recently, “In a will made drawn up in 1628, Thomas Ives, a well to do inhabitant of Langham, Rutland, dispossessed his eldest son, Wiliam Ives, making a big deal of leaving him precisely one shilling in his will. To his other sons, Thomas left £15 a piece. This was seven years before "our" William Ives left England, but I think it is interesting to note that in 1628, the year William Ives of Rutland was dispossessed, "our" William was 21 years old - a fact that may have impelled to Thomas Ives of Rutland to make his intentions in regard to his estate clear. Are William Ives of Rutland and William Ives, Boston immigrant the same person?” He added in, "The Parish Map of 1624," you will find the Thomas Ives ("Iues") residence smack in the middle of Langham, the location Page 17 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) of which can still be pinpointed in the town today see below. In a second message Richard found the baptismal records of Langham Parish and he was able to locate William's baptismal record. He was born March 21, 1607, which would make him 28 years old in 1635, the age of our William Ives. The then picture clouds a bit as Richard added in a third message - David Ives, an expert genealogist, discovered in the Langham Parish Burial Records a record of a "William Ives" being buried at Rutland on September 10, 1639. No age or family connection of the deceased is provided. Although this certainly does complicate matters, David and I agree that, far from discarding the notion that William Ives of Rutland is "our" William Ives, we ought to continue looking into the case. There are several reasons why we have come to this conclusion. The first is, simply, that as far as we know, after a century and a half of numerous American members of the Ives family examining original documents in England, William Ives of Rutland is (as far as we know) the first whose date of birth exactly matches the age given by "our" William Ives to the King's agent the day he boarded the "Truelove." It is, of course, entirely possible that there were two William Ives of the same age living in England at the time, but the fact that the date of birth of William Ives of Rutland perfectly matches that of "our" William remains powerfully suggestive. The second is that if the "William Ives" who was buried in Langham on September 10, 1639, is the son of Thomas Ives of Langham, then a curious picture emerges. Born in 1607, William Ives of Rutland is disinherited at age 21, left with only a shilling in his father's will. Despite this, he either goes on living in Langham (or returns there later in life) and dies in the village in 1639 at age 32. For us, this scenario is little short of bizarre. It is nearly impossible to imagine a disinherited and shamed son continuing to live in Langham for 11 years after his stunning disinheritance. For one thing, with no property or money inherited from his father, how would he have made a living? As for the possibility of William leaving Langham and returning later, the idea that William, the prodigal son, left Langham after his disinheritance at age 21, only to return later and die at age 32 (death bed reconciliations notwithstanding), seems pretty unlikely as well. Our conclusion is that the September, 1639, William Ives burial record for Langham may well refer to a child (baptized because he has a name) who was a nephew or cousin of the William Ives of Langham, born in 1607. The problematic bit of this theory, of course, is that there is no surviving baptismal record from Langham that we have been able to find so far for any such child. Richard concluded - So, there you have it. Unfortunately, "our" William Ives still refuses to reveal his origins in a conclusive way and remains, as they say down South, "as slippery as an eel in a barrel of oil." Thanks to Richard for this great work and I wanted to share it with you in this post. March 27, 2012 William Ives Signature’s on the Freemen of New Haven Here is a recently taken photo of the original list of "The Freemen of New Haven," that Richard Ives was able to retrieve via a genealogical researcher intermediary from the Connecticut State Archives at Hartford just a few days ago. You will find Will Ives' name listed third from the bottom of the left column. There is a blow up posted below the larger image. If you click on the image it will expand. January 08, 2011 Current Photo of William Ives New Haven Property in 1640s Richard Ives has again provided a great service to the readers of this blog. See - Record of William Ives Departure to New England in 1635 for an earlier contribution. What follows is his comments to go with the picture only slightly edited by me. He was in New Haven over the holidays and after some Page 18 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) serious consultation of old maps was able to pinpoint the precise location of William Ives's home lot, as it appears on the 1641 Brockett map, drawn the year before William and Goodwife Ives' first child, Phebe, was born. Although the site today is, part of the parking lot of a medical building, he found it interesting nevertheless. The photo seen on the left was taken at the west end of William's house lot - the first property that William was granted after his arrival at Quinnipiac in 1638. (The photo was taken looking roughly due east.) William's lot was about 50 feet wide by 100 feet long and is pretty much contained by the area shown in the photograph. The hedge and chain link fence on the left side of the photo mark the northern boundary of his property. The snow piled up at the far end of the parking lot marks its eastern boundary. The southern boundary, parallel to the northern, was just about where the right side of the photo ends. The place where Richard was standing when he took the photo is just a few feet inside the western boundary of his house lot. These days the area between the far end of the property, as seen in the photo, and the cubical white building in the distance is occupied by a busy highway, known as the "New Haven Connector." (You can't see any cars in the photo because the Connector, built in the 1960's on an old creek bed, is on a somewhat lower elevation than the parking lot.) In the 1630's the place now occupied by the Connector was West Creek, which flowed, left to right (roughly north to south) as seen in the photo. By the time the creek reached the area below William's house it had widened into a salt marsh that extended to the Long Island Sound, which in those days was not more than two hundred yards off to the right (roughly south) as seen in the photo. From the eastern edge of his property (at the present-day far end of the parking lot in the photo) William would have been able to look out out over the marsh to the wooden bridge that in all likelihood he had helped to build across West Creek, probably in the summer of 1638. Looking off to the right, he would have been able to see the Sound itself, a couple of hundred yards away. He would have had a splendid, unimpeded view of the rising sun. William did not live in an area adjacent to the New Haven Green, site of the meeting house and market, but rather in the western "suburbs," along with thirteen other families, whose lots were lined up, side by side, on a gentle bluff, the higher reaches of which, somewhat to the west, would later come to be known as "Sodom Hill," and eventually just, "The Hill." To reach the New Haven Green in those days, William walked along a path that led down into the marsh (in the direction of the cubicle white building in the photo) to the wooden bridge that was probably just wide enough for an oxcart to pass. Having crossed the bridge, he headed up the path to the top of the slope on the far side and headed east (just to the left of the wavy brownish parking lot in the photo) past other farms belonging to the settlement. The walk from his house to the Green on all but the snowiest days would have taken him fifteen to twenty minutes. Directions- If you drive (or walk) to the junction of College Street and Congress Avenue in the area of New Haven just west of the Connector, then walk (roughly) east on Congress, you will come to Lafayette Street on the right. If you continue walking a few more steps, you will come to a place where Congress veers sharply right to connect with the "S. Frontage Road." (This little dog leg in the road is clearly visible on the Brockett map and later maps.) At this point the northern portion of the medical building parking lot will be just ahead. A chain link fence, running along the right side of the Congress Street dog leg is the boundary of the parking lot of a rather imposing medical building. It also marks the boundary of William Ives' property in 1641. If you visit the site, you will notice that the Long Island Sound is nowhere visible from anywhere on, or near the property. That is because over the last 350 years New Haven town has expanded into the old harbor, which means that the Sound, these days, is one half a mile to the south. Page 19 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) I really Richard’s photo and comments. I have long wanted to go to New Haven and do exactly what he did. Now I will have his photo to further guide me. October 17, 2010 Request for Contact with Direct Descendants of William Ives Richard Ives who provided the wonderful pictures of the record of William Ives departure to New England is writing a book on the William Ives family in America. As part of his research he would like to contact direct William Ives descendants on the male line. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing his work. It is vital part of the story of our country that starts long before the American Revolution. Anyone interested in this project could contact Richard directly at [email protected]. October 15, 2010 Record of William Ives Departure to New England in 1635 Thanks to Richard Ives of Sag Harbor New York for the content for this post, both the text and the photos. It is really appreciated. Richard is the author of "Of Tigers and Men" (Doubleday 1997). He is currently working on a book about his branch of the Ives family in America. What follows are Richard's words: Here are a few photos of the London port book from the 1630's that lists the passengers on the "Truelove." If you look carefully at the bottom of the left page in the righthand column, you will find "Wm. Ives" with his age, 28. This is not William's signature. As William was about to board the "Truelove" the Royal Inspector asked him to swear an oath to King Charles, which William promptly did. He then asked William his age, and William told him. The Inspector wrote William's name and age in the book and allowed William to board. First here is the cover of the port book. Here is the page that mentions William Ives. It is the very last name in the right column on the left page. You can click on the picture to slightly enlarge it. Herer is an enlargement of William's name. Here is more context from Richard. Because writing of that period is so difficult and the Truelove passenger list is so hard to read, I thought I would translate a few things. First of all, the heading of the list (which appears at the middle of the page on which William's name is listed) reads: "xix, Sept. 1635" meaning September 19, 1635. The words just beneath the heading read: "Theis under written names are to be transported to New England imbarqued on the Truelove, Jo: Gibbs, Mr the men have taken the oathes of Alleg: and Suprem:" The "Mr" stands for "Master," meaning master of the ship, Joseph Gibbs. The "Alleg: and Suprem" mean oaths of allegiance and supremacy. The first name in the left hand column of the passenger list is "Thomas Burchard - 40." The names of Burchard's family follow. As for William, whose name appears at the bottom of the right-hand column, the name listed just above his is that of little Joseph ("Jo") Preston, age 3. The names of five other Preston family members are listed above Joseph's. The Prestons must have boarded the Truelove just before William did. I suspect that all adult male passengers were asked to place their hand on the Bible as they swore allegiance to the Crown. By the way, there are listings on the internet that say that William was on board the "Hector" with John Davenport in 1637. He was not. It turns out that well-meaning people have assumed that William was on board because of a misreading of a passage in Isabel Calder's New Haven history. Calder talks about the fact that William was a member of Davenport's London congregation and implies that William was on board the Hector with Davenport. She obviously believed that he was on board. The reason Calder made this mistake was, simply, that she was unaware of the Truelove passenger list Page 20 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) and therefore unaware that William Ives was already in Boston in 1637. (By the way, while I was at the National Archives, I inspected the port book that ought to have included the passenger list for the "Hector," the ship that brought Davenport, Eaton, et. al. to Boston. Regrettably, the book is terribly damaged. Many pages are incomplete, many seem to be missing altogether. It looks as though the book was water damaged at some point. So, we may never be able to inspect the "Hector" passenger list.) On his arrival in Boston, William Ives may well have stayed with Puritan divine, John Cotton. Davenport and Cotton were friends. Davenport had hidden Cotton from Royal authorities in London before Cotton's departure for New England. William was a member of Davenport's London congregation. So the connection between Ives and Cotton is pretty straightforward. I suspect that William may have traveled to Boston as a kind of forerunner, or emissary, for Davenport and Eaton. At the very least, William probably remained in contact with Davenport and Eaton by letter until they departed from London on the Hector. Here is the location of the archives where the book is kept. Here is the sign in front of the building. ======================================================= Some good information on the Langham Parish Rutland Ives family can be found in the following documents, compiled and made available by a number of knowledgeable and dedicated members of the Langham Village History Group -- (the documents noted below are made part of this database and are stored in the "Media" folder for this database): 1624 Langham Rutland Map.pdf Brewing in Langham 1488-1546.pdf Langham Parish Rutland Baptism Register 1559-1725.pdf Langham Parish Rutland Burial Register 1559-1725.pdf Langham Parish Rutland Court Roll 1486-1546.pdf Langham Parish Rutland Goal Del Roll.pdf Langham Parish Rutland Map 1624.pdf Langham Parish Rutland Marriage Register 1559-1725.pdf Langham Rutland 16th Century Wills.pdf Langham Rutland 17th Century Wills.pdf Rutlandshire 1611 Map.jpg ============================================== From Langham Rutland 17th Century Wills, page 109 -"Thomas Ives of Langham - 1628 NRO Peterborough ~ Film MW93 Book XI F126 Testamentum Thome Ives de Langhame In the name of God Amen the fourth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God 1628 I Thomas Ives of Langham in the County of Rutland yeoman beinge sicke in body but in perfect memory thankes be givene to God doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament as followeth ffirst I bequeath my Soule to Almighty God my Creator assuredly trusting in god that he will forgive mee all my sinnes for his only sonnes sake Jesus Christ my sole Saviour and Redeemer and my body to be buried in the Church of Langham I doe make Susan Ives my wife Sole Executor [sic] of all my goods and debts wch is oweing mee Page 21 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) And I give to William Ives my Eldest sonne Twelve pence And to Mary Hacke the wife of Thomas Hacke of Whissendine Twelve pence Item to my foure other sonnes Bartholomew, Thomas, Robert, and John fifteene pounds apiece to be payed att the age of the one and Twentith yeare of every one of theire ages And alsoe to my other two daughters Susann and Jane tenn pounds apeece to be payed at the one & twentith yeare of every of their ages, But if any of my sonnes or daughters afore named dye before the terme of the sayde one and twentith of age then the portion of the same sonne or Daughter shall remaine to my Executor, Thomas Ives Thomas Hack the marke of John Harlye Probatum fuit R apud Barrowden sixtio die Martij Anno Dm 1628 R Richard Johnson" ===================================================== Listed in the Langham Parish Rutland Baptism Register, page 23 Hannah (Dickerman) ? daughter of Thomas Dickerman and Eleanor Ellen Whittington was born in Sep 1621 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Aug 1684 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Hannah (Dickerman) ?: General Notes: WARNING & NOTE: THE LINKAGE (MARRIAGE) OF HANNAH DICKERMEN WITH WILLIAM IVES IS TENUOUS!!! William Ives and Hannah (Dickerman) ? were married on 04 Jun 1639 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 2. i. Phebe Ives was born on 02 Oct 1642 in New Haven, CT, USA. She died in 1682 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married John Rose on 03 Apr 1694 in New Haven, CT. 3. ii. John Ives was born on 12 Dec 1644 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Hannah Merriman on 12 Nov 1668 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1682 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. 4. iii. Martha Ives was born in 1646 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Azariah Beach in 1676 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1701 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 5. iv. Joseph Ives was born in 1647 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Yale on 03 Jan 1672. He died on 17 Nov 1694 in North Haven, New Haven, CT. Page 22 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 1 (con't) Generation 2 2. Phebe Ives-2 (William-1) was born on 02 Oct 1642 in New Haven, CT, USA. She died in 1682 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. John Rose son of John Rose and Abigail Raynor was born in 1640 in Branford, New Haven, CT. He died on 27 Dec 1722 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. John Rose and Phebe Ives were married on 03 Apr 1694 in New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 9. i. Daniel Rose was born on 11 Mar 1682 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. John Rose was born on 28 Oct 1679 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Hannah Williams on 09 Dec 1702 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Apr 1712 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 10. iii. Hannah Rose was born on 15 Mar 1676 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Samuel Harrington on 05 Jan 1703 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Sep 1724 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 11. iv. Sarah Rose was born on 26 Nov 1673 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Joseph Foote in 1710 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 03 Jun 1741 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 12. v. Deborah Rose was born on 06 Jun 1671 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married George Baldwin in 1689 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Dec 1754 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Potter son of William Potter and Frances Child was born in Nov 1635 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Aug 1669 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Potter and Phebe Ives were married in 1660. They had the following children: i. Joseph Potter was born on 08 Oct 1661 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1665 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 6. ii. Rebecca Potter was born on 26 May 1663 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Charles Tyler in 1682 in Branford, CT. She died in 1684 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 7. iii. Phebe Potter was born in 1665 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married John Palmer in 1689 in Branford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 12 Jul 1738 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 8. iv. Joseph Potter was born in Mar 1667 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Sherman in 1700 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Nov 1742 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 23 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) 3. John Ives-2 (William-1) was born on 12 Dec 1644 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1682 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Notes for John Ives: General Notes: Signer of Wallingford Agreement; settled in north part of town (now Meriden). Seated at a town meeting at New Haven Feb 7, 1667 Moved to Wallingford ca. 1668 Was a farmer Settled in northern part of Wallingford (now Meriden) Dexter, Franklin B., ed., 1917, New Haven Town Records, vol. I, 1649-1662; Vol. II, 1662-1684; Vol. III, 1684-1769; New Haven Colony Historical Society Ancient Record Series; New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven; Vol. II:221 seated at a town meeting at New Haven, Feb 7, 1667 Ives, Arthur Coon, 1932, The Ives Family. The Hungerford-Holbrook Company, Watertown, NY; 28, 41: probably burried Center Street cemetery, Wallingford From: John Ives (1644-1682) and Hannah Merriman: John was baptized Decenmber 29, 1944 in the New Haven colony. When he was about 23 (1667), the New Haven colonists voted to create a new village on the East River, and their request was granted by the "General Courte" at Hartford. On January 31, 1668, 39 colonists, including John and his brother Joseph Ives, signed a covenant to settle in the new village by "next May." The new village was Wallingford. John Ives and Hannah Merriman were married on November 12, 1668. Hannah was born May 16, 1651 in New Haven. They left Hew Haven and settled in Wallingford at "North Farms." John was a farmer. In the new village, each planter was required to help build the community. Decisions were made by a majority vote, with guidance from the Bible and Church. The first homes built were log cabins with thatched roofs, and later frame buildings of white oak. John died in about 1682 (age 38), leaving five children, the youngest of whom was only a baby. Hannah remarried to Joseph Benham in the same year. John, b. Nov. 14, 1669; d. April 15, 1747; m. Mary Gillet on Dec 6, 1693 Hannah, b. about 1672; d. May 29, 1715; m. Samuel Cook on March 3, 1692 Joseph, b. Oct 14, 1674; d. May 18, 1755; m. Esther Benedict on May 11, 1697 Nathaniel, b. May 31, 1677; d. Nov 6, 1711; m. Mary Cook on Apr 5, 1699 F\Gideon, b. about 1680; d. Feb 6, 1767; m. 1) Mary Royce, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Porter) Royce on Deb 20, 1706; m. 2) Elizabeth, widow Corwall, on May 10, 1743. Personal communication, James Harvey Ives -JOHN IVES (RN=923) & Hanna (Merriman) (RN=924) In 1670 New Haven was confronted with the ever recurring problem of a rapidly growing community--the disposition of its surplus population. Our forefathers in New England adopted the practice of grouping themselves in villages or plantations for mutual protection. The "General Courte" at Hartford granted the "towne of New Haven libertie to make a village on ye East River provided they settle a village there within fewer years from May next." Thirty-nine persons entered into a "covenant" which provided that "we doe engage personally to settle upon ye place by Page 24 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) May next." Among the signers of this agreement were the sons of William Ives, John and Joseph. Another signer was Nathaniel Merriman, whose daughter Hannah married John Ives. The new colony was called Wallingford, taking its name from a town in England. The Old Colony Road, "the first highway laid out in the state," and chief artery between Hartford and New Haven, was little more than a trail. It followed, generally, the Quinnipiac River, but Wallingford was about a mile east of that stream. The village was laid out with a "Long Highway" extending north and south, and "Cross Highways" running east from the Colony Road. "House lots" were plotted within the village, around which were "Common Fields," "Wilderness," "Planting Field," "Burying Ground," and "Land laid out for purposes other than building or House Lots." The method of allotting land in the old days was unique. The planters owned everything in common, and "cast lots" to determine the spot on which the various homes should be established. Joseph Ives drew lot number 10, on the east side of the Long Highway. (Joseph remained in Wallingford for about three years, and then returned to the New Haven area and settled in North Haven, where his descendants remained for many years.) John Ives drew Lot number 12 on the west side of Long Highway, but he chose not to occupy his lot, and it was assigned to another. Each planter was required to take an active part in building the community; each shared in the appreciation in land values. Always, they were striving to better living conditions by improving the quality of the "cattle and sheep." At first there were no fences, and the domestic animals ("beasts") frequently destroyed what had been planted. It was found necessary to appoint committees to determine "what Hoggs shall be yoked and ringed, and what hoggs have no need soe to be." John Ives was married 11 Dec 1668 and chose to settle in an area north of Wallingford called North Farms, which later became the town of Meriden. In the development of Wallingford and its "parishes," the Ives family assumed a prominent part for more than a hundred years. JOHN IVES (RN=923) & HANNA (MERRIMAN) RN=924 IVES John Ives, eldest son and heir of William Ives, the pioneer, born 29 Dec 1644, married 11 Dec 1668, Hannah, daughter of Captain Nathaniel and Joan Merriman, a co-proprietor. Ives cleared a farm and built his home in North Haven, now a suburb of Meriden, CT. He was wealthy gauged by the standard of land values of that day. Joseph, the younger brother, also became independent. The two sons of the pioneer, and Samuel, son of Joseph Ives, became signers of the Wallingford Agreement to divide that original township. The three John's share of Wallingford was located in West Wallingford, later named Cheshire. He never lived in Wallingford; Joseph lived there only three years, then returned to his own farm in North Haven and remained there until his death. According to Davis' History of Meriden and Wallingford, John Ives, the ancestor of Lazarus Ives of Poestenkill, died in North Haven 1681-82 at the early age of 37. He left a widow and six small children. The total value of the estate of John Ives was recorded as 230 pounds, 8 shillings, pence, equivalent at the purchasing power of money before the World War to about $10,000. Part of the inventory is as follows: The homestead, that is all the land within fences about 10 acres, the house, a new frame joining it and the barns, orchard and other appurtenances ; 8 acres of land in the plane upon lease; the rest of the accommodations in 1 and , 2 or 3 acres ; the rest of the accommodations in land; 13 acres of corn and flax on ye ground; 16 steers , 2 cows ; chaffing dishes , lamp, warming pan ; a gun , a cutlass, ammunition, pouch, powder horn bullets and moulds; flax, tow, thread, stockings; casks and other things; a great washing tub; sheep’s wool clothe, calicos, Buttons and silks; clapboards; 1/3 of cart and wheels, with the hoops and boxes," Left alone as her mother-in-law had been, the widow remarried 17 Aug 1682, Joseph Benham of Wallingford. Page 25 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) Hannah Merriman daughter of Nathaniel Merriman and Joan Lynes was born on 16 May 1651 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 May 1717 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Notes for Hannah Merriman: General Notes: Savage, James, 1865, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May 1692, On the Basis of Farmer's Register, 4 volumes; vol. 2; Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore; originally published 1860-62, Boston; Volume 3: 199 born 1651, dau of Nathaniel (d. 13 Feb 1694 at Wallingford) Cutter, William Richard, ed., 1911, Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut, 4 volumes, Lewis Historical Publishinh, NY, p. 1808 born 15 May 1653, dau of Capt. Nathaniel (was one of the original settlers of Wallingford, Conn. in 1670) Whittemore, Henry, 1967, Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America; Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, p. 368-born 1651, dau of Nathaniel (he was ne of the first settlers at Wallingford, its representative in 1674; Capt. of the dragoons; died 1694 New Haven aged 80) Children of John Ives and Hannah Merriman are: John Ives, b. 16 Nov 1669 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; d. 15 Apr 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; buried Buckwheat Hill, Meriden, CT; m. Mary Gillette 6 Dec 1693 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT Hannah Ives, b. 1672 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; d. 29 May 1715 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; m. Joseph Benham 17 Aug 1682 in CT Joseph Ives, b. 14 Oct 1674; d. 18 May 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; m. Esther Benedict 11 May 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT Gideon Ives, b. 1680 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; d. 6 Feb 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; m. Mary Royce 20 Feb 1796 Nathaniel Ives, b. 3 May 1677; d. 6 Nov 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT; m. Mark Cook 5 Apr 1699 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT John Ives and Hannah Merriman were married on 12 Nov 1668 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 13. i. John Ives was born on 14 Nov 1669 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Gillett on 06 Dec 1693 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 15 Apr 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; buried Buckwheat Hill, Meriden. Page 26 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) 14. ii. Hannah Ives was born in 1672 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Joseph Benham on 17 Aug 1682 in Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 May 1715 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 15. iii. Joseph Deacon Ives was born on 14 Oct 1674 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Esther Benedict on 11 May 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 May 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 16. iv. Gideon Ives was born in 1680 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Royce on 20 Feb 1706. He died on 06 Feb 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 17. v. Nathaniel Ives was born on 31 May 1677 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Cook on 05 Apr 1699 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Nov 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Ebenezer Ives was born in 1679 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Abigail Howe on 02 Dec 1702 in , , Connecticut, USA. 18. vii. Samuel Ives was born on 05 Jun 1696 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He married Phoebe Royce on 28 Jan 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 29 Aug 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 19. viii. Benjamin Ives was born on 22 Nov 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Hannah Moss on 06 May 1728 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 4. ix. Thomas Ives was born in 1679 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Abigail Howe on 02 Dec 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut. 20. x. Susannah Ives was born in 1669 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, United States. She married Timothy Hancock on 01 May 1690 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. She died in May 1727 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, United States. Martha Ives-2 (William-1) was born in 1646 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1701 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Azariah Beach son of Richard Beach and Catherine Cook (Hull) was born on 06 Jul 1646 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died in Jul 1696 in New Haven, Connecticut. Azariah Beach and Martha Ives were married in 1676 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. John Beach was born on 10 Aug 1689 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1713 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. ii. Martha Beach was born on 09 Dec 1694 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. iii. Hannah Beach was born in 1685. She died in 1713. Page 27 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) 5. iv. Richard Beach was born on 16 Oct 1677 in Killingsworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1745 in Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA. v. Benjamin Beach was born on 14 Jan 1682 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1710 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. vi. Thomas Beach was born in 1679 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1755 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Mary Beach was born on 15 Sep 1676 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Ives-2 (William-1) was born in 1647 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Nov 1694 in North Haven, New Haven, CT. Notes for Joseph Ives: General Notes: From: Joseph Ives (2) was born 1647 New Haven, the son of William Ives. He married Mary Yale on Jan. 2, 1672 (first cousin of Elihu Yale for whom university named). Mary was born on Oct. 26, 1650 in New Haven and died in 1710 in North Haven. In a meeting of the New Haven court on Feb. 7, 1664, John Thomas, Samuel Cooke, Samuel Clark, and Joseph Ives (age 16 at the time) “were complained of by Edward Preston for disorders in ye meeting on ye lords day; They were dismissed with a serious admonition & told that they should suspend ye punishment they thought of in hopes of amendment, but if ever they were took in like offense this would be remembered against them.” Joseph first settled in North Haven as one of the first settlers, building a house “on the road twenty rods north of the house erected at the corner by Issac Thorpe (Thrope, 1892),” but then went north and was a co-founder of Wallingford, CT in 1670, He had signed the Wallingford Agreement in 1668 (see following post). Joseph was granted lot 10 but sold his interest to Goodman Foote and returned to North Haven in 1673 after marrying Mary Yale in 1672 to be near her family (Thomas and Mary Yale) who had returned from England in 1660 to settle in North Haven. Unlike Wallingford, North Haven was most likely settled gradually and remained a part of New Haven. Ives (1928, p. 76) notes that the minutes of the New Haven town meetings in 1650 indicated that there were “more in towne then can well subsist together,” and there was a “neccessitie that some should remove.” Until a meeting house was built in North Haven, people met at the house of Joseph and Mary Ives for Sabbath worship. Jospeh was captain of the first train-band in the place. He is listed as a Proprietor of New Haven, CT, in the Year 1685 (NEGHSR, vol. 1, pp. 157-8). Joseph died Nov 17, 1694 in North Haven at age 47 and he is buried there. Joseph and Mary had ten children, all born in North Haven. 1. Joseph, born on Oct. 17, 1673, and died on Nov. 1, 1751.He was the first clerk of the parish society in 1716 and, according to Thrope (1892) was re-elected for 20 years. During this time he was part of a movement, led by his brother-in-law Nathaniel Yale, to dismiss the minister, Mr. Wetmore, for views too close to the Church of England. Joseph was captain of the first military company in 1718. In 1730, Joseph was appointed, along with Jonathan Mansfield, to lay out a highway from the Country Road to the East River. He married Sarah Ball (1679-after 1722) on Jan. 7, 1700 and had 8 children: Sarah, John (1701), Joseph (1703), Alling (1705), Stephen (1708), Enoch (1711), Elisha (1715), Dan (1721-1776). 2. Mary, born on March 18, 1674/5. She died in infancy. Page 28 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) 3. Mary, born on Mar.17, 1675, and died on April 14, 1712. She married John Gilbert (1668-1741) on Jan. 21, 1691, in New Haven. She died on Apr. 14, 1712 in New Haven and is buried in the City Burying Ground, “Grove Street Cemetery”. They had 6 children: John (1692-1732), Sarah (1694-), Jonathan (1700-1758), Mary (1704-), Stephen (1708-1754), Miriam (1712-1799). After Mary died, John married Abigail Heaton, widow of Ebenezer Atwater on Nov. 27, 1712 and they had one child. 4. Samuel, born on Nov. 6, 1677, and died on Nov. 24, 1726. He married Ruth Atwater, on Jan 3, 1705. They had nine children: Mary (1708-after 1730), Lydia (1709-after 1750), Samuel (1711-1784), Ruth (1714-1781), Jonathan (1716-1792), Damaris (1718-1802), Phebe (1721-1725), David (1723-1753), John (1726-1812). 5. Martha, born on March 5, 1678, died Jan. 17, 1727, married Eleazer Stent (1680-) on Jan. 6, 1713 in Branford, CT. They had at least two children: Eleazer (1715-1772), Elizabeth (1717). Both born in Branford, CT. 6. Lazarus, born on Feb. 19, 1680, and died on Nov. 5, 1703. He had no children. 7. Thomas, born on Aug. 22, 1683, and died on May 5, 1767. He married Anne Thompson (1682-1751) on May 4, 1711 in New Haven. They had five children: Thomas (1712-1752), Anne (1717-1748), Rebecca (1719), Mehitabel (1720-1793), Elizabeth (1722-1791). All but Anne were born in New Haven and she was born in Waterbury, CT. 8. Abigail, born about 1685. She died in infancy. 9. John, born on Jan. 18, 1686/7. He died in 1690. 10. Ebenezer, born on April 6, 1692, and married Mary Atwater on Jan. 17, 1714. He died on July 7, 1759. Mary was a cousin of Ruth Atwater who married Samuel Ives. They had 10 children: Miriam (1722-1792), Mary (1717-1770), Abigail (1728-1773), Eunice (1732-1801), Lazarus (1715-1762), James (1718-1804), Abel (1723-1792), Ebenezer (1727-1759), Noah (1730-1800), Lydia (1733-1778). His sons, Lazarus and James, settled near Jonathan Ives in Hamden. I will now stop and look at what was happening in New Haven during Joseph's time including the early histories of North Haven, Hampden, and Wallingford Connecticut before going on to Joseph's son, Samuel. personal communication from Richard Ives (NY), 16 Feb 2011: Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on the Theophilus Eaton/Ives connection myself. I think I can add just a detail or two to what you sent to me. David Yale and his wife Anne had three children - David Yale (b.1614), Anne Yale (b.1615) and Thomas Yale (b.1616). As you point out, Thomas Yale married Mary in 1645 and produced a daughter, Mary Yale, who married Joseph Ives. Meanwhile, the elder Mary's brother David Yale (b.1614) married Ursula and produced Elihu Yale. Thus, Joseph Ives was married to a cousin of Elihu Yale - the Yale after whom Yale University is named. Elihu, who never lived in America after he left as a child, had an absolutely splendid life. He ran the East India Company in southern India and became fabulously wealthy. He was also slightly shady and was finally forced out of his position. On his return to London, he involved himself in collecting art (a Rembrandt, a Van Dyck, and lots of others.) He was eventually contacted by the East India representative in Connecticut - a Mr. Dummer - and was informed that a struggling little college in Connecticut needed an infusion of cash. Mr. Dummer told Elihu that if he was willing to come up with a significant sum, the college might be willing to name itself after him. So, Elihu did just that, and they named the place after him. Ironically, Mr. Dummer had also given money to the school and there was Page 29 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) some discussion about naming the place after him. But, for some reason, it was decided not to call the place Dummer College! Mary Yale daughter of Thomas Yale and Mary Turner was born on 26 Oct 1650 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 15 Oct 1704 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Mary Yale: General Notes: personal communication from Richard Ives (NY), 16 Feb 2011: Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on the Theophilus Eaton/Ives connection myself. I think I can add just a detail or two to what you sent to me. David Yale and his wife Anne had three children - David Yale (b.1614), Anne Yale (b.1615) and Thomas Yale (b.1616). As you point out, Thomas Yale married Mary in 1645 and produced a daughter, Mary Yale, who married Joseph Ives. Meanwhile, the elder Mary's brother David Yale (b.1614) married Ursula and produced Elihu Yale. Thus, Joseph Ives was married to a cousin of Elihu Yale - the Yale after whom Yale University is named. Elihu, who never lived in America after he left as a child, had an absolutely splendid life. He ran the East India Company in southern India and became fabulously wealthy. He was also slightly shady and was finally forced out of his position. On his return to London, he involved himself in collecting art (a Rembrandt, a Van Dyck, and lots of others.) He was eventually contacted by the East India representative in Connecticut - a Mr. Dummer - and was informed that a struggling little college in Connecticut needed an infusion of cash. Mr. Dummer told Elihu that if he was willing to come up with a significant sum, the college might be willing to name itself after him. So, Elihu did just that, and they named the place after him. Ironically, Mr. Dummer had also given money to the school and there was some discussion about naming the place after him. But, for some reason, it was decided not to call the place Dummer College! Joseph Ives and Mary Yale were married on 03 Jan 1672. They had the following children: 21. i. Joseph Ives was born on 17 Oct 1673 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Ball on 07 Jan 1700 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Nov 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 22. ii. Mary Ives was born on 17 Mar 1675/76 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married John Gilbert on 31 Jan 1691 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Apr 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 23. iii. Samuel Ives was born on 06 Nov 1677 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Ruth Atwater on 03 Jan 1705 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Nov 1726 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 24. iv. Martha Ives was born on 05 Mar 1679 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Eleazer Stent on 06 Jan 1714 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Jan 1728 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Lazarus Ives was born on 19 Feb 1680 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 05 Nov 1703 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mabel Punderson in 1743 in Connecticut. Page 30 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 2 (con't) 25. vi. vii. Thomas Ives was born on 22 Aug 1683 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Ann Thompson on 04 May 1711 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 May 1767 in New Haven, NH, Connecticut, USA. Abigail Ives was born on 17 Aug 1685 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1685 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. John Ives was born on 18 Jan 1686/87 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1690 in of New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 26. ix. x. Ebenezer Ives was born on 06 Apr 1692 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Atwater on 17 Jan 1715 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 07 Jul 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Matthew Ives was born on 05 Mar 1679 in New Haven, Connecticut. Generation 3 6. Rebecca Potter-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 26 May 1663 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1684 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Charles Tyler son of Roger Tyler and Ann Robert Eaton was born in 1657 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Sep 1738 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Charles Tyler and Rebecca Potter were married in 1682 in Branford, CT. They had the following children: i. 7. Bezaleel Tyler was born in 1683 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Aug 1760 in Sharon, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Phebe Potter-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1665 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Jul 1738 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. John Palmer son of Micah Palmer and Elizabeth Buckley was born on 22 Dec 1666 in Branford, New Haven Co., Connecticut, United States. He died on 13 Jan 1737/38 in Branford, New Haven Co., Connecticut, United States. John Palmer and Phebe Potter were married in 1689 in Branford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Patience Palmer was born in 1712 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Abiah Palmer was born on 23 Sep 1709 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Jan 1777 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Abram Palmer was born in Jul 1709 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Stephen Palmer was born on 15 Jul 1703 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Apr 1782 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 31 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) v. Abigail Palmer was born in 1702 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Feb 1777. vi. Nathan Palmer was born on 10 Mar 1700 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Jun 1776 in Branford, , Connecticut, USA. vii. Joseph Palmer was born on 28 Aug 1698 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Jun 1765 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Phebe Palmer was born on 02 Apr 1694 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Jan 1763. 8. ix. John Palmer was born about 1692 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 May 1765 in Branford. x. Deborah Palmer was born on 26 Apr 1691 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xi. Abiel Palmer was born about 1690 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xii. Elizabeth Palmer was born about 1689 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Potter-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born in Mar 1667 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Nov 1742 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Mary Sherman was born on 28 Oct 1670 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1710 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Potter and Mary Sherman were married in 1700 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 9. i. Mary Potter was born on 19 May 1710 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Mar 1770. ii. John Potter was born in Aug 1706 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Nov 1784 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Elizabeth Potter was born on 02 Sep 1704 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1754 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Joseph Potter was born on 15 Mar 1702 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1743 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Rose-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 28 Oct 1679 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Apr 1712 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Hannah Williams daughter of Augustine Williams and Hannah Norton was born on 10 Jan 1680 in Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut. She died on 21 Feb 1727 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Rose and Hannah Williams were married on 09 Dec 1702 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 32 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 27. i. Bethia Rose was born on 02 Oct 1705 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Samuel Penfield on 01 Dec 1727 in Branford, New Haven, CT. She died in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 28. ii. Lydia Rose was born on 29 Sep 1703 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Joseph Frizal Frizzell on 13 Sep 1726 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1754 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 29. iii. John Rose was born on 08 Sep 1707 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elizabeth Luddington on 15 Mar 1739 in Branford, Connecticut. He died in 1788. 30. iv. Hannah Rose was born on 25 Mar 1705 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Joseph Henry Earle in 1747 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States. She died after 1782. 10. Hannah Rose-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 15 Mar 1676 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Sep 1724 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Samuel Harrington son of Robert Harrington and Susanna George was born on 18 Dec 1666 in Watertown,Middlesex,Massachusetts,USA. He died in 1712 in Watertown,Middlesex,Massachusetts,USA. Samuel Harrington and Hannah Rose were married on 05 Jan 1703 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Lydia Harrington was born on 22 Nov 1714 in Branford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 06 Oct 1751 in Branford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. ii. John Harrington was born on 27 Aug 1712 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 11. Sarah Rose-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 26 Nov 1673 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 03 Jun 1741 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Foote son of Robert Foote and Sarah Potter was born on 06 Mar 1666 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Mar 1751 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Foote and Sarah Rose were married in 1710 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Ichabod Foote was born in May 1711 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Sep 1773 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Abraham Foote was born on 28 Dec 1704 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1705 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Daniel Foote was born on 16 Aug 1701 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Nov 1742 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Dorcas Foote was born in 1700. Page 33 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) v. Robert Foote was born on 31 May 1699 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Jun 1761 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Joseph Foote was born on 20 Jun 1691 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 16 Jun 1761. 12. Deborah Rose-3 (Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 06 Jun 1671 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Dec 1754 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. George Baldwin son of John Baldwin and Mary Bruen was born on 13 Jun 1662 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Oct 1728 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA. George Baldwin and Deborah Rose were married in 1689 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Rebecca Baldwin was born on 28 Oct 1707 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Brandford, , Connecticut, USA. ii. Martha Baldwin was born on 13 Jan 1702 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1725. iii. Israel Baldwin was born on 13 Dec 1694 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1765 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Phebe Baldwin was born on 07 Nov 1692 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Dec 1760 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. John Baldwin was born on 13 Jan 1690 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Oct 1765 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Deborah Baldwin was born on 27 Dec 1699 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1730 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 13. John Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Nov 1669 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 15 Apr 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; buried Buckwheat Hill, Meriden. Notes for John Ives: General Notes: From: &o_lid=41125&o_sch=Web+Property -"South of the Whiting farm was the large one belonging to the Ives family. The old house stood, in fact stands, in the dwelling of George B. Murdock. Buried in the depths of this modern house is the kernel or nucleus of the one built by John Ives at an early date. (some doubt about this, but the site is the same). ???? In the year 1723 he appears to have taken up his residence in the parish of Meriden. He died in 1738 and the house and east part of his farm passed into the possession of his son, Captain Bezaleel. He died in 1798, and his only child, Captain Samuel, then became the owner and at his death in 1803, it became the property of Ivah Curtis, who had married his daughter Hannah. Here was born Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, whose son Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, Jr.. lately Page 34 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) deceased, was R.a great Rscholar and prof. of theology. RThe farm of John Ives was a large one, comprising several hundred acres and stretched down on both sides of the highway nearly to the town line or farm of Amos Camp. His son, John, in the division of his father´s estate, took the western part and probably built the house many will remember as the Othniel Ives place, a few hundred feet west of the dwelling of Mr. Murdock. It was erected very likely about the year 1745. It was bought many years ago by J. George Schwink and perhaps 10 years ago was burned to the ground. In it was born levi Ives, who was the father of Levi Silliman Ives, who became the Protestant Episcopal bishop of North Carolina. In the year 1852 he ..embraced the Roman Catholic faith. The Ives family has always been numerous and influential on meriden and the old records abound in frequent evidences of this fact.´´ A Century of Meriden, Gillespie. Pg. 115." Personal communication, James Harvey Ives -John (RN=927) and Mary (Gillette) (RN=1227) Ives John Ives , (RN= 927) oldest son of John Ives (RN= 92 3) like his father and grandfather, did not live to middle age, but he left fourteen children. He was born in Wallingford CT 14 June 1669. He married Mary Gillette 6 Dec 1693 and died 15 April 1747. The first three children born show no records. They were named Eunice, died young, Anna, and a second Eunice. The others follow in order see next page: The Ives logging Enterprises The Pilgrims came to a wilderness inhabited only by wild beasts and savage Indian tribes. Most of the country was forest or swamp that was uncultivated and unproductive. Each settler had to erect his own home and clear his own land before he could plow, plant, grow or harvest crops for the sustenance of his family. They were not lumbermen or mechanics, and no markets existed for the sale of the most ordinary necessity of home life. Their dwellings were primitive log huts and their farms had to be worked in primitive methods. It is not any wonder that the Ives males died early, worn out by hardships. Now the sons turned their energies to the inherited trade of logging work and clearing farms lands as did Ives the Wood chopper of Normandy. As they grew in capital, the fever came to speculate in lumber operations and to purchase timber tracts for the expansion of lands fit for farming. The Ives males made their fortunes literally by the sweat of their brews. Mary Gillett daughter of Samuel Gillett and Hannah Dickinson was born on 20 Dec 1671 in Hatfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 18 Feb 1715/16 in Hatfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA. John Ives and Mary Gillett were married on 06 Dec 1693 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 31. i. Benjamin Ives was born on 22 Nov 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Hannah Moss on 06 May 1728 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 32. ii. John Ives was born on 28 Sep 1694 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Hannah Royce on 18 Dec 1719 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Aug 1745 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Page 35 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 33. iii. Abijah Ives was born on 14 Mar 1700 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Abigail Mix on 31 May 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Jul 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 34. iv. Mary Ives was born on 10 Mar 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Elihu Yale on 01 Oct 1726 in Wallingtord, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jun 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 35. v. Lazarus Ives was born on 05 Feb 1703 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Isabel Jerome on 05 Jan 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Aug 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 36. vi. Daniel Ives was born on 19 Feb 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Abiah Parker on 28 Oct 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 21 Jan 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 37. vii. Hannah Ives was born on 10 Feb 1708 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Stanley on 29 May 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 13 Jul 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 38. viii. Abraham Ives was born on 02 Dec 1709 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Stanley on 13 Feb 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 25 Apr 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Bazaleel Ives was born on 04 Jul 1712 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Oct 1714 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 39. x. Samuel Ives was born on 15 Jan 1696 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Phebe Royce on 28 Jan 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Aug 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 14. Hannah Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born in 1672 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 May 1715 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Benham son of Joseph Benham and Winifred King was born on 25 May 1659 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Benham and Hannah Ives were married on 17 Aug 1682 in Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Mary Benham was born on 18 May 1683 in Wallingford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Aug 1747 in Wallingford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. ii. Joseph Benham was born on 05 Dec 1685 in Wallingford, New Haven, Conn. He died on 18 Apr 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Conn. iii. Abigail Benham was born on 14 Apr 1688 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1741 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 15. Joseph Deacon Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Oct 1674 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 May 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Joseph Deacon Ives: Page 36 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) General Notes: =dFFFTpOvErGFsgLHvMSMBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAQ# v=onepage&q=%22Nathaniel%20Ives%22&f=false pp. 66-72 Esther Benedict daughter of Thomas Benedict and Mary Messenger was born on 05 Oct 1679 in Norwalk, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jan 1752 in Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Deacon Ives and Esther Benedict were married on 11 May 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 40. i. Elizabeth Ives was born on 06 Sep 1700 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Benjamin Hitchcock on 01 Oct 1718 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 08 Aug 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 41. ii. Ephraim Ives was born on 04 Jan 1717 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Elizabeth Goodwin Atwater on 12 Mar 1741 in Connecticut, USA. He died in 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 42. iii. Nathaniel Ives was born on 15 Jan 1714 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Mehitable Andrews on 01 Jan 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 23 Feb 1800 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 43. iv. Phineas Ives was born on 08 Apr 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Margery Munson on 26 Jan 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 44. v. Joseph Ives was born on 10 Dec 1709 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Mamre Munson on 13 Jun 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Mar 1766 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 45. vi. Esther Ives was born on 17 Jan 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Joseph Smith on 20 Dec 1727 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 May 1785 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 46. vii. Abigail Ives was born on 27 Aug 1704 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Daniel Sperry on 05 Feb 1724 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Feb 1762 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 47. viii. Thomas Ives was born on 30 May 1698 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Rebecca Hotchkiss on 15 Nov 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Jan 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. ix. Dinah Ives was born on 04 Apr 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1722 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Hannah Ives was born on 13 Oct 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Abraham Sperry on 01 Jun 1725 in Wallingford,New Haven,CT. She died in 1750 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 37 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 16. Gideon Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born in 1680 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Feb 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Gideon Ives: General Notes: Personal communication from Richard Ives, 14 Oct 2012 -"the two Gideons, the elder of whom would later be captured at the Battle of New York, be taken captive the British, confined in one of the British hulk prisons in the waters around New York, or in one of the infamous "sugar houses," in the town, where subsequently he would contract smallpox, be released by the British and make his back Wallingford, only to succumb to the illness a month later. His son, my 4 great grandfather, took the small inheritance he received from his father, emigrated to the Mohawk Valley very shortly after his father's death, and was caught up the Battle of Oriskany - the bloodiest defeat suffered by the patriots during the war. Mary Royce daughter of Joseph Royce and Mary Porter was born on 12 Jan 1686 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Oct 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Gideon Ives and Mary Royce were married on 20 Feb 1706. They had the following children: 48. i. Susannah Ives was born on 16 May 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Elias Roberts on 26 Jul 1746 in Middletown Village, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 02 Jan 1804 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, United States. 49. ii. Mary Ives was born on 16 Dec 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Moses Mitchell on 11 Apr 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 14 May 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. 50. iii. Joel Ives was born on 13 Jan 1723 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Rebecca Merriam on 10 Feb 1747/48 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 31 Dec 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. iv. Amasa Ives was born on 15 Nov 1718 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 30 Sep 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. v. Martha Ives was born on 10 Aug 1716 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Jonathan Blakeslee on 15 Nov 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Rhoda Ives was born on 12 Dec 1714 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Immer Judd on 25 Dec 1740 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. vii. Amasa Ives was born on 24 Aug 1712 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 01 Sep 1715 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 51. viii. Elnathan Ives was born on 22 Sep 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Abigail Frisbie on 07 May 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Feb 1777 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 52. ix. Jotham Ives was born in 1744 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Anna Foster on 10 May 1769 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Apr 1825 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Page 38 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 53. x. Esther Ives was born on 14 Oct 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Ambrose Tuttle on 31 May 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1770. 54. xi. Gideon Ives was born on 24 Sep 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Eunice Tuttle on 17 Oct 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Jan 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 55. xii. Jotham Ives was born on 20 Sep 1710 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Abigail Burroughs on 28 Feb 1736 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 02 Sep 1753 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 56. xiii. Sarah Ives was born on 09 Sep 1708 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Dr. John Hull on 21 Jun 1727 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Nov 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. xiv. Abigail Ives. Elizabeth Cornwallwid. Gideon Ives and Elizabeth Cornwallwid were married on 10 May 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. 17. Nathaniel Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born on 31 May 1677 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 06 Nov 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Mary Cook daughter of Samuel Cook and Hope Parker was born on 23 Apr 1675 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Apr 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Nathaniel Ives and Mary Cook were married on 05 Apr 1699 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 57. i. Abel Obed Ives was born on 06 May 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Sarah Reed on 25 Mar 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Jan 1791 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 58. ii. Thankful Ives was born on 11 Aug 1708 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Gideon Todd on 17 Dec 1728 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 07 Jul 1770 in New Haven. CT. 59. iii. Stephen Ives was born on 24 Mar 1704 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Sarah Hart on 25 Oct 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1736 in Salisbury, Litchfield, CT. 60. iv. Caleb Ives was born on 03 Feb 1700 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Elizabeth Plumb on 27 Feb 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 13 Apr 1752 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 18. Samuel Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Jun 1696 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Aug 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Phoebe Royce was born about 1700 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Page 39 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) Samuel Ives and Phoebe Royce were married on 28 Jan 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Mehitable Ives was born on 27 Mar 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 22 Jul 1757 in Farmington, Hartford, CT. ii. Bezeleel Ives was born on 14 Dec 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 24 Nov 1798 in Connecticut (Age: 72). iii. Samuel Ives was born on 28 Jan 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 19. Benjamin Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Nov 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Hannah Moss daughter of John Moss and Elizabeth Hall was born on 11 Nov 1709 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 20 Jan 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Benjamin Ives and Hannah Moss were married on 06 May 1728 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. David Ives was born on 09 Jul 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 20 Feb 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. ii. Levi Ives was born on 18 Sep 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Nov 1753 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. iii. Thankful Ives was born on 01 Jun 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Levi Ives was born on 23 Jul 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Sep 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Ruth Ives was born on 31 Jan 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Jul 1760 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vi. Lois Ives was born on 10 Mar 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Hannah Ives was born on 18 Dec 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Apr 1762 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. viii. Benjamin Ives was born on 26 Jan 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 20. Susannah Ives-3 (John-2, William-1) was born in 1669 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, United States. She died in May 1727 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, United States. Timothy Hancock son of John Hancock and Anne Hancock was born on 01 Dec 1653 in Brailes, Warwickshire, , England. He died on 04 Dec 1714 in , Burlington, New Jersey, USA. Timothy Hancock and Susannah Ives were married on 01 May 1690 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. They had the following children: i. Hannah Hancock was born on 25 Jun 1695 in Chester, Morris, New Jersey, USA. She died in 1725 in Chester, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. Page 40 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 61. ii. John Hancock was born on 11 Jun 1693 in Chester, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. He died on 03 Mar 1728 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. iii. Ann Hancock was born on 11 Aug 1691 in Chester, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. She died in 1755 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. iv. Sarah Hancock was born on 03 Jan 1690 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. She died in 1732. v. Mary Hancock was born on 29 Mar 1688 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. vi. Elizabeth Hancock was born on 27 Dec 1686 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. She died in 1714 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. vii. Hannah Hancock was born in 1658. 21. Joseph Ives-3 (Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Oct 1673 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 01 Nov 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Notes for Joseph Ives: General Notes: From: ml -"Joseph Ives (son of Joseph Ives and Mary Yale)959, 960 was born October 17, 1673 in New Haven, CT, and died November 1, 1751960. He married Sarah Ball on January 7, 1699/00960. Includes NotesNotes for Joseph Ives: [ives.ftw] This Joseph was active in organizing the North Haven Church and was elected "first clerk." Also he was a member of the building committee and was chosen "to dignifie the seats." When the first military company was formed in the parish in 1718 he was made a captain, probably because of his age -- he was then 45 years old. He did not see duty in the Revolutionary War, of course, since he died in 1751. Nevertheless, his name is listed on a rather imposing monument in the new North Haven cemetery. It apparently was erected by the family of his oldest son, Stephen. His grave in the Old North Haven Cemetery is marked with a traditionally carved brown stone headstone. He was married January 7, 1700 to Sarah Ball, daughter of Alling and Sarah Ball. They had eight children, only three of whom lived to maturity. They were Stephen, Enoch, and ** DAN **. We are the descendants of Dan. More About Joseph Ives: Date born 2: October 17, 1673960 More About Joseph Ives and Sarah Ball: Marriage: January 7, 1699/00960 Children of Joseph Ives and Sarah Ball are: Sarah Ives, b. WFT Est. 1694-1723960, d. WFT Est. 1695-1788960. John Ives, b. November 6, 1701960, d. WFT Est. 1702-1791960. Joseph Ives, b. November 9, 1703960, d. WFT Est. 1704-1793960. Alling Ives, b. February 23, 1705/06960, d. WFT Est. 1707-1796960. Page 41 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) +Stephen Ives, b. June 27, 1708960, d. December 10, 1744960. +Enoch Ives, b. February 12, 1710/11960, d. March 29, 1744960. Elisha Ives, b. January 31, 1714/15960, d. WFT Est. 1716-1809960. +Dan Ives, b. January 3, 1720/21960, d. March 27, 1776960" Sarah Ball daughter of Alling Ball and Sarah Thompson was born on 26 Aug 1679 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Jun 1748 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Joseph Ives and Sarah Ball were married on 07 Jan 1700 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. 62. ii. Alling (Allen) Ives was born on 23 Feb 1704 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1706. Dan Ives was born on 03 Jan 1722 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Mabel in 1755 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Mar 1776 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Elisha Ives was born on 31 Jan 1714/15 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1716. 63. iv. Enoch Ives was born on 12 Feb 1711 in New Hanve, New Haven, Conn. He married Lydia Cooper on 31 Jul 1735 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut. He died on 29 Mar 1744 in New Hanve, New Haven, Conn. v. John Ives was born on 06 Nov 1701 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1702. vi. Joseph Ives was born on 09 Nov 1703 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Hotchkiss on 30 May 1745 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 64. vii. Sarah Ives was born on 14 Feb 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Stephen Cooper on 01 Apr 1735. She died in 1807. 65. viii. Stephen Ives was born on 27 Jun 1708 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Abigail Rowe on 13 May 1736 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Dec 1745 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 22. Mary Ives-3 (Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Mar 1675/76 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 14 Apr 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. John Gilbert son of John Gilbert and Sarah Gregson was born on 03 Oct 1668 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Dec 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Gilbert and Mary Ives were married on 31 Jan 1691 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: Page 42 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 66. i. Miriam Gilbert was born on 14 Apr 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Joseph Bradley on 27 Oct 1731 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Jun 1799 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Stephen Gilbert was born on 26 Apr 1708 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1754 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Mary Gilbert was born on 02 Mar 1703 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Sarah Gilbert was born on 31 Jul 1694 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 23. Samuel Ives-3 (Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 06 Nov 1677 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 24 Nov 1726 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Notes for Samuel Ives: General Notes: From: Ensign (& Deacon) Samuel Ives (3) was the son of Joesph Ives. He was born Nov. 6, 1677 in North Haven, and christened on Feb 28, 1685 at the First Congregation Church, New Haven. He married Ruth Atwater on Jan. 3, 1706 in New Haven. Ruth was born Dec, 31, 1688 in New Haven, CT. She was christened 1689 at the First Congregational Church, New Haven. Ruth died May 17, 1758 and was buried in North Haven. (Her parents were Jonathan Atwater and Ruth Pecke - see Atwater family) Samuel and his brother Joseph were listed among the families in North Haven were it was first recognized as a parish in 1715 (Thorpe, 1892) (see The Gradual Beginnings of North Haven and Hamden) The first church in North Haven was started in 1716 and Samuel’s older brother Joseph was named as the first clerk and member of the building committee and he was re-elected to the post of clerk for 20 years and recorded the parish meetings. (see North Haven First Meeting House). When the building was completed, Joseph was chosen to “dignife the seats.” Samuel and David Yale were named as the first two deacons. Samuel was also named as the collector of the “ministerial rate” in 1717-18 (Thrope, 1892). He and Daniel Barnes were appointed by the North Haven parish meeting in 1718 to organize the first militia. Samuel was an Ensign in this first military company and his older brother, Joseph, was the Captain. Samuel died on Nov. 24, 1726 at age 49 in North Haven and was buried Nov. 25, 1726, in the Old Graveyard, North Haven, CT. Only 12 others had been buried there before him (Thorpe, 1892). Samuel and Ruth had nine children: 1. Mary, born Dec. 5, 1706 in North Haven, married Caleb Todd, brother of Stephen, on Dec. 13, 1725 in New Haven, they had three children; Phebe (1726-1744), Hezekiah (1728-1794), Bethiah (1730-1750). 2. Lydia, born Mar. 7, 1709, North Haven, married Stephen Todd, brother of Caleb, on May 26, 1726 in New Haven, They had 14 children: Jehiel (1726), Ruth (1726-1748), Jonah (1731-1803), Caleb (1733-1769), Stephen (1734-), Noah (1736), Elizabeth (1738-), Sybil (1740-), Noah (1742-1773), Lydia (1744-1834), Charles 1746), Jehiel (1748-), Asa (1750-), Mary (1753-). 3. Samuel, born Sept. 16, 1711, North Haven, died Jan 31, 1784 in Wallingford, CT, married Mary Gilbert (1716-1792) on June 13, 1744. They had at least four children: Samuel (1745-), Lois (1747-), Levi (1750-1826), Mary (1752-1757). Samuel and Levi served in the Revolutionary War, Samuel in Page 43 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) the Fifth Connecticut Regiment in 1780, and Levi in Capt. Couch’s Connecticut Troops in 1776 and is listed as a Doctor in Danbury Alarms in 1777. In April 5, 1760, Samuel Ives, Jonathan Mansfield, and Caleb Ball posted a notice in the newspaper that there will be a meeting of the proprietors of the East Meadow in New Haven to protest to the general assembly against a proposed dam across the east River. 4. Ruth, born April 17, 1714 in Wallingford, CT, married Benjamin Yale on Mar. 23, 1737 in Wallingford, CT, They had 10 children: Job (1738 - 1799), Thomas (1739 - 1811), Benjamin (1740 1750), Lydia (1742-1798), Enos (1744 - 1797), Ozias (1746 - 1778), Stephen (1749 - 1818), Benjamin (1750 - 1852), Ruth (1756), Uriah (1761 - 1833). Ruth died 1781 in Cheshire, CT. Enos and Benjamin served in the Revolutionary War. Enos in Second Company Governor’s Foot Guards in 1775 and Capt. Couch’s Connecticut Troops in 1776, with Samuel Ives, Benjamin in Danbury Alarms in 1777, with Levi Ives, and Capt. Charles Miel’s Company in 1776. 5. Jonathan, Mar. 14, 1716, North Haven, married Thankful Cooper on Feb, 19, 1737, died Jan 2, 1792 in Hamden, CT. They had 8 children: Jeremiah (1738-1825), Ruth (1740-1806), Mary, Thankful (1745-1834), Joel (1747-1825), Jonathan (1751-1813), Alling (1753-after 1790), Phebe (1757-) 6. Damaris, born July 6, 1718 in Barkhamsted, CT., died Nov. 19, 1802, Wallingford, CT. She first married Ebenezer Frost on April 19, 1739 in New Haven and they had eight children, all born in New Haven: Mary (1739-1750), Samuel (1741-1768), Sybil (1743), Amos (1745-after 1803), Titus (1748-1823), Mary (1752-1809), Lucy (1754-1821), Ebenezer (1756-1761). She then married John Hull (1704-1762) on Oct. 20, 1761. 7. Phebe, born July 20, 1721, North Haven, died Sept. 23, 1725, New Haven, CT, buried in Old Cemetery, New Haven. 8. David, born Nov. 7, 1723, North Haven, married Elizabeth Merriam Feb. 28, 1744, lived in Meriden., CT. died May 20, 1753. They had three children: Hannah (1747-), David (1749-), Rebecca (1752-). 9. John, born Aug. 22, 1726, North Haven, married Lois Barnes (1728-1814) on Sept. 12, 1751 in New Haven, lived in New Hartford and Barkhamsted, CT, died June 17, 1812. They had at least five children: Mehitable (1754), John (1757-1847), Jesse (1759), Lucy (1761), Lois (1764). All were born in New Haven. Ruth Atwater daughter of Jonathan Atwater and Ruth Peck was born on 31 Dec 1688 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 17 May 1758 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Samuel Ives and Ruth Atwater were married on 03 Jan 1705 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 67. i. John Ives was born on 22 Aug 1726 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lois Barnes on 12 Sep 1751 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 17 Jun 1812 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. 68. ii. Damaris Ives was born on 06 Jul 1718 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Hull on 20 Oct 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 19 Nov 1802 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 69. iii. Jonathan Ives was born on 14 Mar 1716 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Thankful Cooper in 1737 in Connecticut. He died on 02 Jan 1792 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 44 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 70. iv. Ruth Ives was born on 17 Apr 1714 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She married Benjamin Yale on 23 Mar 1737 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 26 Oct 1777 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. 71. v. Lydia Ives was born on 07 Mar 1708 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Stephen Todd on 26 May 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Mar 1735. 72. vi. Mary Ives was born on 05 Dec 1706 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 13 Dec 1725 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 73. vii. David Ives was born on 07 Nov 1723 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elizabeth Merriam on 28 Feb 1744 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 20 May 1753 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 74. viii. Samuel Ives was born on 16 Sep 1711 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Gilbert on 13 Jun 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 31 Jan 1784 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Phebe Ives was born on 20 Jul 1721 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 23 Sep 1725 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 24. Martha Ives-3 (Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 05 Mar 1679 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Jan 1728 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Eleazer Stent son of Eleazer Stent and Elizabeth Butler was born on 26 Apr 1680 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Jan 1745/46 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Eleazer Stent and Martha Ives were married on 06 Jan 1714 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Stent was born on 31 May 1717 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1686 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Eleazer Stent was born on 23 Oct 1715 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Sep 1772. 25. Thomas Ives-3 (Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 22 Aug 1683 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 05 May 1767 in New Haven, NH, Connecticut, USA. Ann Thompson daughter of John Thompson and Rebecca Daniel was born on 20 Mar 1681 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Dec 1751 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Thomas Ives and Ann Thompson were married on 04 May 1711 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 76. i. Thomas Ives was born in 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Ann Heaton on 21 May 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Nov 1752 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 45 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 77. ii. iii. 78. iv. v. Elizabeth Ives was born on 01 Jan 1723 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Ebenezer Todd in Feb 1745 in New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 18 Jan 1791 in Thomaston, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Mabel Ives was born on 04 Sep 1720 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married John Sanford on Feb 1742/43 in New Haven, CT. She died in 1749. Ann Ives was born on 14 Apr 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married John Sutliff on 29 Jul 1741 in New Haven, CT. She died on 05 Aug 1746 in Thomaston, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Rebecca Ives was born on 14 Feb 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1719. Thomas Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 75. i. Mehitable Ives was born on 04 Sep 1720 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Sanford on 28 Feb 1743/44 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died in 1793 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 26. Ebenezer Ives-3 (Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 06 Apr 1692 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 07 Jul 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Mary Atwater daughter of Ebenezer Atwater and Abigail Heaton was born on 12 Mar 1695 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 13 Feb 1772 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Ebenezer Ives and Mary Atwater were married on 17 Jan 1715 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 79. i. Lydia Ives was born on 02 Oct 1733 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Captain John Gilbert on 22 May 1755 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Dec 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 80. ii. Eunice Ives was born on 04 May 1732 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Zophar Blakeslee in 1757 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Apr 1801 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 81. iii. Noah Ives was born on 14 Apr 1730 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Abigail Pierpont on 23 Dec 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 15 Oct 1800 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Abigail Ives was born on 25 Nov 1728 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 12 May 1773 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 82. v. Ebenezer Ives was born on 19 Jul 1727 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Atwater on 17 May 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1759 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 83. vi. Mary Ives was born on 26 Jan 1725 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Daniel Higby in Feb 1741 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1757 in Sheffield, , Connecticut, USA. Page 46 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 3 (con't) 84. vii. Abel Ives was born on 17 Feb 1724 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Martha Sperry on 26 Mar 1753 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 27 Mar 1792 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. 85. viii. Miriam Ives was born on 28 Oct 1722 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Jacob Atwater on 10 Feb 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Nov 1792 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 86. ix. James Ives was born on 19 Oct 1718 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Tuttle on 06 Nov 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 May 1804 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. 87. x. Martha Ives was born on 01 May 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Daniel Potter on 11 Mar 1741 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 13 Jul 1770 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. 88. xi. Lazarus Ives was born on 19 Oct 1715 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mabel Punderson on 28 Dec 1743 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1762. Generation 4 27. Bethia Rose-4 (John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 02 Oct 1705 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Penfield son of Samuel Penfield and Hannah Shepard was born on 19 Jul 1700 in Bristol, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA. He died on 02 Nov 1747 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Penfield and Bethia Rose were married on 01 Dec 1727 in Branford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Samuel Penfield was born on 17 Apr 1740 in Branford, New Haven, CT. ii. Lydia Penfield was born on 04 Sep 1733 in Branford, New Haven, CT. iii. Hannah Penfield was born on 08 Sep 1728 in Branford, New Haven, CT. iv. Bethiah Penfield was born on 31 May 1744 in Branford, New Haven, CT. v. Abigail Penfield was born on 11 Nov 1736 in Branford, New Haven, CT. vi. Abigail Penfield was born on 22 Apr 1731 in Branford, New Haven, CT. 28. Lydia Rose-4 (John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 29 Sep 1703 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1754 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Frizal Frizzell son of Joseph Frizzell and Abigail Bartholomew was born on 03 Oct 1699 in Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1743 in Connecticut, United States. Joseph Frizal Frizzell and Lydia Rose were married on 13 Sep 1726 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 47 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) i. Sarah Frissell was born on 21 Nov 1730 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Joseph Frissell was born on 10 Oct 1727 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Abiel Page was born on 07 Jul 1707 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Jan 1788 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Abiel Page and Lydia Rose were married on 22 Jun 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Charles Page was born on 21 Apr 1745 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Dec 1769. 29. John Rose-4 (John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 08 Sep 1707 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1788. Elizabeth Luddington daughter of John Luddington and Elizabeth Potter was born on 26 Jun 1723 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Mar 1739. John Rose and Elizabeth Luddington were married on 15 Mar 1739 in Branford, Connecticut. They had the following children: 89. i. John Sargent Rose was born on 14 Jan 1745 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Catherine Wheeler about 1779 in Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USA. He died on 02 Dec 1822 in Lisle, Broome, New York, USA. 30. Hannah Rose-4 (John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 25 Mar 1705 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died after 1782. Joseph Henry Earle son of William Earle and Hephzibah Butts was born on 09 Feb 1702 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States. He died on 03 Jul 1751 in Dutchess, New York, United States. Joseph Henry Earle and Hannah Rose were married in 1747 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States. They had the following children: i. Henry Earl Jr. was born on 03 Oct 1732 in Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut. He died on 07 Sep 1810 in Second Mountain, Springfield, Union, New Jersey. 31. Benjamin Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Nov 1697 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Hannah Moss daughter of John Moss III and Elizabeth Hall was born on 11 Nov 1709 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 Jan 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Benjamin Ives and Hannah Moss were married on 06 May 1728 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 90. i. Benjamin Ives was born on 26 Jan 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Rachel Baldwin on 06 Dec 1753 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1759 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 48 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 91. ii. Rebecca Ives was born on 29 Mar 1725 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Stephen Mix on 19 Sep 1744. She died on 19 Sep 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 92. iii. Hannah Ives was born on 18 Dec 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Nathaniel Baldwin on 23 Mar 1751. She died on 09 Apr 1762 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. 93. iv. Lois Ives was born on 10 Mar 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Beech on 12 Mar 1765 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 94. v. David Ives was born on 15 Jun 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Eunice Gillett on 25 Mar 1761 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1820 in Burton, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. 95. vi. Ruth Ives was born on 31 Jan 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Martin Wilcoxson on 02 Mar 1758 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Jul 1760 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vii. Levi Ives was born on 18 Sep 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Nov 1753 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. viii. Thankful Ives was born on 01 Jun 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Jun 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Rebecca Merriam daughter of John Merriam and Rebecca Sharp was born on 26 Mar 1702 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 25 Apr 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Benjamin Ives and Rebecca Merriam were married on 17 Jan 1723. They had no children. Benjamin Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Levi Ives was born on 23 Jul 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Sep 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. David Ives was born on 09 Jul 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Feb 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Benjamin Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Benjamin Ives was born on 15 Apr 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Jun 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 32. John Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Sep 1694 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Aug 1745 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Hannah Royce daughter of Joseph Royce and Mary Porter was born on 18 Jun 1701 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 05 Nov 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. John Ives and Hannah Royce were married on 18 Dec 1719 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: Page 49 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 96. i. Anna Ives was born on 20 Apr 1725 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She married Noah Yale on 02 Aug 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 08 Sep 1809 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 97. ii. Eunice Ives was born on 13 May 1727 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Josiah Robinson on 23 Feb 1748/49 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 26 Jul 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 98. iii. Jesse Ives was born on 02 Apr 1735 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Bellamy on 22 Aug 1763. He died on 31 Dec 1805 in Monson, Massachusetts, USA. 99. iv. John Ives was born on 04 Jul 1729 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Hall on 17 Jan 1759 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Feb 1816 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. v. Joseph Ives was born on 02 Apr 1735 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Jun 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Levi Ives was born on 19 Jan 1738 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Dec 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 100. vii. Titus Ives was born on 17 Feb 1732 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He married Dorothy Halsey on 17 Sep 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1777 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. 33. Abijah Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Mar 1700 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Jul 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abigail Mix daughter of Thomas Mix and Deborah Royce was born on 29 Jan 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 May 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abijah Ives and Abigail Mix were married on 31 May 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 101. i. Martha Ives was born on 17 May 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Daniel Elton Higby on 06 Feb 1766 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1780. 102. ii. Phebe Ives was born on 23 Mar 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Isaac Hall on 06 Sep 1764 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Dec 1788. iii. Anna Ives was born on 21 Feb 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Jun 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 103. iv. Aaron Ives was born on 16 Apr 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Esther Hall on 27 Dec 1779. He died in 1801 in Wells, Rutland, Vermont, USA. v. Prudence Ives was born on 19 Jun 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 50 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 104. vi. vii. Abigail Ives was born on 14 Feb 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Joseph Higby on 01 Sep 1756 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Jan 1822 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York, United States. Aaron Ives was born on 06 May 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Nov 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Abijah Ives was born on 07 Mar 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 105. ix. Mary Ives was born on 22 Sep 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Benjamin Hall on 27 Dec 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1756. x. Moses Ives was born on 16 Mar 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Nov 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 34. Mary Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Mar 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jun 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Elihu Yale son of Theiphilus Yale and Sarah Street was born on 25 May 1703 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Dec 1745 in Cape Brenton, Cape Brenton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Elihu Yale and Mary Ives were married on 01 Oct 1726 in Wallingtord, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Elihu Yale was born on 03 Dec 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 15 Aug 1797 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 35. Lazarus Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Feb 1703 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Aug 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Isabel Jerome daughter of Timothy Jerome and Abigail Rich was born on 22 Dec 1710 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Apr 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Lazarus Ives and Isabel Jerome were married on 05 Jan 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 106. i. Phebe Ives was born on 25 Nov 1771 in , Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She married Williams Bidwell in 1787. She died on 01 Nov 1849. ii. Benjamin Ives was born on 13 Oct 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Phebe Ives was born in 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Feb 1766 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Amos Ives was born in 1749. 107. v. John Ives was born on 17 May 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mehitable Rose on 14 May 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Sep 1826 in Connecticut. Page 51 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) vi. 108. vii. Mary Ives was born in 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Amasa Ives was born on 13 Mar 1743 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Rebecca Ward on 13 Dec 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 13 Dec 1817 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 109. viii. Joshua Ives was born on 16 Mar 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Catherine in 1763. He died in 1816. 110. ix. Isabel Ives was born on 19 Apr 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Recompence Miller on 17 Feb 1757 in wllingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Oct 1797 in Granville, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. 111. x. Ambrose Ives was born on 22 May 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Deborah in 1761. He died in 1812 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. xi. Abner Ives was born on 22 May 1736. xii. Amosa Ives was born on 27 Mar 1734. 112. xiii. Lazarus Ives was born on 02 Nov 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lydia Grimes in 1755 in Plymouth,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. He died on 17 Sep 1812 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. 113. xiv. Mamre Ives was born on 10 Feb 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Samuel Hall on 28 Aug 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 06 Nov 1814 in W. Granville, MA. 114. xv. Timothy Ives was born on 16 Oct 1731 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Abigail Hall on 12 Apr 1770 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1812 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 36. Daniel Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Feb 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 21 Jan 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Daniel Ives: General Notes: (Dexter 1917: vol 3:705, 729, 739) -Voted as a lister for New Haven Dec 19, 1753 Sworn in as grandjury man, New Haven Dec 12, 1757 Released from being collector of the town rate Feb 26 1759 Abiah Parker daughter of Samuel Parker and Sarah Goodsell was born on 21 Aug 1716 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 21 Sep 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Daniel Ives and Abiah Parker were married on 28 Oct 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: Page 52 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 115. i. Abiah Ives was born on 31 Jul 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married James Harold Humiston on 04 Feb 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 19 Dec 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 116. ii. Daniel Ives was born on 31 Jan 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elizabeth Rice on 03 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 27 Sep 1777 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. 117. iv. Jesse Ives was born on 12 Nov 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. John Ives was born on 19 Feb 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Phebe Parker in 1770 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 27 Sep 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. v. Levi Ives was born on 29 Mar 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1777 in Ontario, Canada. vi. Lydia Ives was born on 11 Jun 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 07 Mar 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. vii. Olive Ives was born on 29 Nov 1741 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 19 Aug 1753. 118. viii. Samuel Ives was born on 09 Mar 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Lowly (Lola) Parker on 07 Jan 1773. He died on 18 Jan 1819 in Woodstock, Ulster, New York, United States. 37. Hannah Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Feb 1708 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Jul 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Stanley son of Samuel Stanley and Elizabeth Bronson was born on 04 Jan 1706 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Feb 1788 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. John Stanley and Hannah Ives were married on 29 May 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Stanley was born on 19 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Sarah Stanley was born on 02 Jul 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 May 1797 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Thomas Stanley was born on 01 Jul 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Mary Stanley was born on 11 Jun 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 02 Jan 1840 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. v. John Stanley was born on 26 Dec 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 53 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) vi. Hannah Stanley was born on 06 Jun 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 28 Jun 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 38. Abraham Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Dec 1709 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Apr 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Elizabeth Stanley daughter of Samuel Stanley and Elizabeth Bronson was born on 13 Mar 1715 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Aug 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Abraham Ives and Elizabeth Stanley were married on 13 Feb 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 120. i. Elizabeth Ives was born on 22 Jul 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Solomon Dunham on 02 Mar 1758 in Kensington, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Aug 1793 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Barbara Johnson daughter of John Johnson,sr and Sarah Lewis Jennings was born on 05 Feb 1717 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1761 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Abraham Ives and Barbara Johnson were married on 11 May 1736. They had the following children: 121. i. ii. 122. iii. Reuben Ives was born on 11 Dec 1740 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Obedience Rice Royce on 24 Feb 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (First Congregational Church). He died on 20 Jan 1764 in Wallingford, Ct.. Ambrose Ives was born on 30 Jun 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Sep 1776 (Died in the Army). Abraham Ives was born on 08 Mar 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice Hull on 15 Jan 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Jul 1776 (Monday July 29th. Abraham Ives of Wallingford Aged about 22 years died. He was in Cap* Brockets Company in Colonel Douglasses Regiment). iv. Abraham Ives was born in 1743. He died in 1743. v. Barbara Ives was born in 1738. She died in 1748. 123. vi. Sarah Ives was born on 23 Dec 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Mar 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Lucy was born in 1722 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 03 Oct 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Abraham Ives and Lucy were married on 14 Oct 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (First Congregational Church). They had the following children: 119. i. Abijah Ives was born on 01 Nov 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Hannah Johnson on 21 May 1779 in Wallingford, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 21 Oct 1830 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 54 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Sabra Johnson daughter of Ebenezer Johnson and Lydia Hotchkiss was born on 17 Jan 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abraham Ives and Sabra Johnson were married on 08 Jan 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. 39. Samuel Ives-4 (John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jan 1696 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Aug 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Samuel Ives: General Notes: From: &o_lid=41125&o_sch=Web+Property -"South of the Whiting farm was the large one belonging to the Ives family. The old house stood, in fact stands, in the dwelling of George B. Murdock. Buried in the depths of this modern house is the kernel or nucleus of the one built by John Ives at an early date. (some doubt about this, but the site is the same). ???? In the year 1723 he appears to have taken up his residence in the parish of Meriden. He died in 1738 and the house and east part of his farm passed into the possession of his son, Captain Bezaleel. He died in 1798, and his only child, Captain Samuel, then became the owner and at his death in 1803, it became the property of Ivah Curtis, who had married his daughter Hannah. Here was born Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, whose son Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, Jr.. lately deceased, was R.a great Rscholar and prof. of theology. RThe farm of John Ives was a large one, comprising several hundred acres and stretched down on both sides of the highway nearly to the town line or farm of Amos Camp. His son, John, in the division of his father´s estate, took the western part and probably built the house many will remember as the Othniel Ives place, a few hundred feet west of the dwelling of Mr. Murdock. It was erected very likely about the year 1745. It was bought many years ago by J. George Schwink and perhaps 10 years ago was burned to the ground. In it was born levi Ives, who was the father of Levi Silliman Ives, who became the Protestant Episcopal bishop of North Carolina. In the year 1852 he ..embraced the Roman Catholic faith. The Ives family has always been numerous and influential on meriden and the old records abound in frequent evidences of this fact.´´ A Century of Meriden, Gillespie. Pg. 115." Phebe Royce daughter of Benjamin Royce and Rebecca Wilcoxen was born in 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Ives and Phebe Royce were married on 28 Jan 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 124. i. Mehitabel Ives was born on 27 Mar 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married David Rich on 10 Nov 1743 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 22 Jul 1757 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ii. Mary Ives. She died in 1734 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Samuel Ives was born on 28 Jan 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Feb 1746 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 55 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) iv. 125. v. Phebe Ives was born in 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married William Merriam on 29 May 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 23 Feb 1753 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Bezaleel Ives was born on 14 Dec 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Hannah Merriam on 14 Feb 1751 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Nov 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 40. Elizabeth Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Sep 1700 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 08 Aug 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Benjamin Hitchcock son of John Hitchcock and Abigail Merriman was born on 24 Mar 1696 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 12 Feb 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Benjamin Hitchcock and Elizabeth Ives were married on 01 Oct 1718 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Samuel Hitchcock was born on 01 Apr 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Conn.. He died on 08 May 1798 in Southington, Hartford, Conn.. ii. Damaris Hitchcock was born on 03 Sep 1745 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Nov 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. David Hitchcock was born on 29 Jun 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Jul 1814 in Congregational, Soutahhington, Connecticut, USA. iv. Nathaniel Hitchcock was born on 02 Sep 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 30 Mar 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Joseph Hitchcock was born on 12 Jul 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Jul 1760. vi. Enos Hitchcock was born in 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Abigail Hitchcock was born on 10 May 1728 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Nov 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Elizabeth Hitchcock was born on 23 Feb 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1770. 126. ix. Benjamin Hitchcock was born on 23 Feb 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Oct 1792 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. x. Hannah Hitchcock was born on 12 Sep 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Apr 1809 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xi. Bela Hitchcock was born on 27 Oct 1719 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Oct 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 41. Ephraim Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jan 1717 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Page 56 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Elizabeth Goodwin Atwater daughter of John Atwater and Elizabeth Mix was born on 27 Nov 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1750. Ephraim Ives and Elizabeth Goodwin Atwater were married on 12 Mar 1741 in Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 127. i. Ichabod Ives was born on 11 Sep 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Clark in 1780 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He died on 16 Feb 1845 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Dinah Ives was born in 1759. iii. Ephriam Ives was born on 28 May 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 128. iv. Eunice Ives was born on 19 Mar 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Daniel Bradley on 11 Jan 1776. She died on 13 Jul 1831 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 129. v. Elizabeth Ives was born on 06 Nov 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1826 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 130. vi. Elnathan Ives was born on 21 Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Olive Blakeslee on 21 Apr 1774 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Dec 1841 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. 131. vii. Phineas Ives was born on 12 Jun 1746 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Martha Moss on 31 Dec 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Jun 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Ephriam Ives was born on 07 Jun 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Jun 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 132. ix. Sarah Ives was born on 19 Nov 1741 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Edmund Austin on 29 Nov 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 06 Mar 1812. 42. Nathaniel Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jan 1714 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 23 Feb 1800 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Notes for Nathaniel Ives: General Notes: =dFFFTpOvErGFsgLHvMSMBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAQ# v=onepage&q=%22Nathaniel%20Ives%22&f=false pp. 66-72 Mehitable Andrews daughter of Daniel Andrews and Mehitable Cook was born on 30 Apr 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Jun 1767 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Nathaniel Ives and Mehitable Andrews were married on 01 Jan 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 57 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) i. Mehitabel Ives was born on 16 Dec 1765 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1804. ii. Lucy Ives was born in 1762 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Elizabeth Ives was born in 1760 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 133. iv. Lent Ives was born on 28 Nov 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Mighill on 26 Sep 1782. He died on 30 Jun 1838 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. 134. v. Amasa Ives was born on 08 Apr 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Sep 1810 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. 135. vii. Zerviah Ives was born on 15 Dec 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Dec 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Jotham Ives was born on 01 Oct 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lillis Fisk in 1779 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died on 02 Aug 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 136. viii. Esther Ives was born on 25 Apr 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Daniel Bradley on 10 Dec 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 Dec 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 137. ix. Joseph Ives was born on 15 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Apr 1832 in Colebrook, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 138. x. Nathaniel Ives was born on 17 Feb 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Repentance Wise on 20 Aug 1771 in Congregational Church, Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Mar 1825 in Castleton, Rutland, Vermont, United States. 139. xi. Abraham Ives was born on 20 Nov 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Eunice Hull on 15 Jan 1767 in Connecticut,USA. He died on 27 Apr 1814 in Wallingford,,Vermont,USA (Abraham IVES came in from New England States, and located in the Ives settlement one and one-half miles south of Guilford. He died there a great many years ago and his wife, in 1827. His children were Samuel, who married Lucy Ann ATWATER; Lyman, who marrie). xii. Mehitable Ives was born on 30 Apr 1746. 43. Phineas Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Apr 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Margery Munson daughter of Joseph Munson and Margery Hitchcock was born on 10 Oct 1717 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 05 Mar 1798 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT. Phineas Ives and Margery Munson were married on 26 Jan 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 58 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 140. i. Phineas Ives was born on 31 Oct 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Lydia in 1773 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT. 44. Joseph Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Dec 1709 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 29 Mar 1766 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Mamre Munson daughter of Samuel Munson and Mary Preston was born on 16 Dec 1712 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Dec 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Ives and Mamre Munson were married on 13 Jun 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. 144. ii. Esther Ives was born on 29 Sep 1744. She died in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lydia Ives was born on 16 Feb 1743 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Benjamin Doolittle on 20 Nov 1765 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 03 May 1823 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Asahel Ives was born on 18 Jun 1741 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Jul 1759. 145. iv. Aner Ives was born on 13 Jan 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Rachel Wilmot on 15 Jun 1763 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1790 in Woodbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 146. v. Mamre Ives was born on 02 May 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Jesse Bradley on 19 Jan 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Feb 1810 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. vi. Lent Ives was born on 12 Sep 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Grannis on 05 Nov 1761. He died on 09 Sep 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 147. vii. Mary Ives was born on 26 May 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Elisha Bradley on 24 Jan 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 18 Jun 1822 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. 148. viii. Joseph Ives was born on 17 Jan 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elizabeth Grannis on 05 Nov 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 25 Nov 1785 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Mary Hotchkiss daughter of Stephen (Deacon) Hotchkiss and Elizabeth Sperry was born on 01 Jan 1707 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 15 Aug 1764 in Cheshire, New Haven Co., Connecticut. Joseph Ives and Mary Hotchkiss were married on 30 May 1745 in Wallingford, Connecticut. They had the following children: Page 59 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:39:59 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 141. i. Hannah Ives was born on 07 Dec 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Thomas Gaylord on 06 Feb 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. She died on 14 Oct 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 142. ii. Stephen Ives was born on 27 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Sherman Hotchkiss on 01 Jul 1773 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Sep 1830. iii. Titus Ives was born on 11 Feb 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Sep 1777 in Camp, Harlem, New York, United States. 143. iv. Dinah Ives was born on 20 Mar 1746 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She married Amasa Hall on 14 Dec 1775. She died on 15 Sep 1812 in Marion, ,New York,USA. 45. Esther Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jan 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 29 May 1785 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Joseph Smith son of Joseph Smith and Hannah Hale was born on 23 Jan 1706 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 May 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Smith and Esther Ives were married on 20 Dec 1727 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Dinah Smith was born in Mar 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1804. ii. Thankful Smith was born on 21 Jun 1747 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Sep 1831. iii. Sarah Smith was born on 06 Apr 1746 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Aug 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Ephraim Smith was born in Aug 1744 in Cheshire, Berkshire, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Jun 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Lois Smith was born in Feb 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Aug 1800 in Middlebury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Asa Smith was born in Oct 1739. He died in 1804 in Harwinton, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vii. Esther Smith was born on 08 Dec 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Feb 1824 in Paris, Oneida, New York, USA. viii. Ann Smith was born on 10 May 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 03 Oct 1812 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Asa Smith was born on 30 Mar 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Apr 1734. Page 60 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) x. Samuel Smith was born on 01 Jul 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1811 in Burlington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. xi. Ann Smith was born on 24 Mar 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Sep 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xii. Joseph Smith was born on 28 Oct 1728 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Jan 1823 in Burlington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 46. Abigail Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Aug 1704 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 26 Feb 1762 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Daniel Sperry son of Daniel Sperry and Deborah Peck was born on 10 Aug 1698 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Nov 1768 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Daniel Sperry and Abigail Ives were married on 05 Feb 1724 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Sybil Sperry was born on 10 Jun 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Sep 1822 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. David Sperry was born on 01 Nov 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Feb 1804 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. iii. Sarah Sperry was born on 26 Dec 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Dec 1814 in Chester, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. iv. Deborah Sperry was born on 16 Oct 1730 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Ann Sperry was born on 15 Jan 1736 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 21 Apr 1819 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 47. Thomas Ives-4 (Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 May 1698 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 13 Jan 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Rebecca Hotchkiss daughter of Daniel Hotchkiss and Esther Sperry was born on 14 Feb 1697 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Jan 1762 in Derby, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Thomas Ives and Rebecca Hotchkiss were married on 15 Nov 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 149. i. Enos Ives was born on 14 Jun 1727 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Anna Cook on 16 Mar 1749 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1805 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. ii. Lent Ives was born on 17 May 1726 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Jul 1726 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 150. iii. Andrew Ives was born on 02 Jul 1724 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Prindle on 02 Oct 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Oct 1746 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Page 61 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 151. iv. Isaac Ives was born on 08 Nov 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lydia Morgan on 13 Jun 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 29 Feb 1760 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abigail How daughter of Nathaniel Howe and Elizabeth Curtis was born on 07 Aug 1680 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 26 Mar 1722 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Thomas Ives and Abigail How were married on 02 Sep 1702. They had no children. 48. Susannah Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 May 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 02 Jan 1804 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, United States. Elias Roberts son of David Roberts and Thankful Bow was born on 11 May 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Jul 1778 in Wilkes Barre, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, United States. Elias Roberts and Susannah Ives were married on 26 Jul 1746 in Middletown Village, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Sarah Roberts was born on 27 Aug 1771 in Gwynedd, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States. She died on 01 Jan 1863 in Oramel, Allegany, New York, United States. ii. Eliakim Roberts was born in 1769 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 09 May 1832 in Fenner, Madison, New York, United States. 49. Mary Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Dec 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 14 May 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Moses Mitchell son of John Mitchell and Katharine Munson was born in 1723 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 08 Nov 1797 in Of Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Moses Mitchell and Mary Ives were married on 11 Apr 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Mary Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Asaph Mitchell was born on 24 Jun 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. He died in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. ii. Jotham Mitchell was born on 01 Apr 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. He died on 02 Nov 1825 in Wallingford, CT, USA. iii. Katherine Mitchell was born on 04 Apr 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 12 May 1746 in Wallingford, CT, USA. iv. Mary Mitchell was born on 26 Mar 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 12 Mar 1806 in Wallingford, CT, USA. v. Mary Mitchell was born on 02 Aug 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 05 Jun 1756 in Wallingford, CT, USA. Page 62 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) vi. Moses Mitchell was born in Jun 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. vii. Rother Mitchell was born on 04 Aug 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT, USA. viii. Zenus Mitchell was born on 10 Apr 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 50. Joel Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jan 1723 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 31 Dec 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Rebecca Merriam daughter of Nathaniel Merriam and Elizabeth Hull was born on 10 Feb 1729 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 05 Nov 1750 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Joel Ives and Rebecca Merriam were married on 10 Feb 1747/48 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Ives was born on 22 Jul 1749 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 21 Feb 1758 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Experience Royce daughter of Jacob Royce and Thankful Beach was born on 01 Dec 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 30 Mar 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joel Ives and Experience Royce were married on 27 Dec 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 152. i. Joel Ives was born on 16 Apr 1760 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Olive Butler Ives in 1795. He died on 03 Jun 1807 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. ii. Thankful Ives was born on 01 Oct 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Joel Ives was born in 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Hannah Atwater was born on 15 Jul 1725 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 06 Nov 1771 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Joel Ives and Hannah Atwater were married on 04 Nov 1762 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had no children. 51. Elnathan Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Sep 1706 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 16 Feb 1777 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Elnathan Ives: General Notes: Connecticul Historical Society 1903:30 -Corporal in Seventh Company - Capt. Peck; Second Regt. - Col. Elizur Goodrich (campaign of 1755; elisted Sept 4; discharged Dec 9) Connecticut Historical Society 1909:19 -Member of Capt. Barn's Company, 1776; marched to Ney York from Waterbury in August and home Page 63 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) again; when arrived - Aug 18, 1776; when returned home - Sep 19, 1776 Connecticut Historical Society 1903:235 -Corporal in Capt. Hull's Company - militia (campaign of 1757); Days in service: 18; Releif of Fort William Henry, August 1757 -------------------------------From ACI, p. 139 -his home was "on the Southington road near its union, at the bridge, with the Queen's Road." Abigail Frisbie daughter of Benjamin Frisbie and Elizabeth Henbury was born on 23 Jun 1709 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 31 Mar 1778 in Bristol,Hartford,Connecticut,USA (Age: 68). Elnathan Ives and Abigail Frisbie were married on 07 May 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Polly Ives was born in 1750. ii. Huldah Ives was born on 16 Jan 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 153. iii. Reuben Ives was born on 10 Mar 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Royce on 24 Feb 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 Aug 1823 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. iv. Jerusha Ives was born on 21 Feb 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Feb 1735. v. Abigail Ives was born on 09 Feb 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 154. vi. Elnathan Ives was born on 20 Mar 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Anna Yale on 09 Mar 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1811 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. 155. vii. Josiah Ives was born on 13 Mar 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Anna Yale on 09 Mar 1762 in Meriden, New Haven, CT (First Congregational Church). He died on 13 Dec 1808 in Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. 52. Jotham Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1744 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 01 Apr 1825 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Anna Foster daughter of Thomas Foster and Mary Clark was born on 14 Aug 1747 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Feb 1795 in Torringford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Jotham Ives and Anna Foster were married on 10 May 1769 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 156. i. Erastus Ives was born on 02 Nov 1780 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucy Paine on 08 Dec 1805. He died on 03 Sep 1828 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Page 64 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 53. Esther Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Oct 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died in 1770. Ambrose Tuttle son of Daniel Tuttle and Ruth Howe was born on 25 Sep 1728 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Sep 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ambrose Tuttle and Esther Ives were married on 31 May 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Samuel Tuttle was born on 22 Dec 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Jul 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Benjamin Tuttle was born on 05 Sep 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Ambrose Tuttle was born on 11 Oct 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Martha Tuttle was born on 09 Oct 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 Nov 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Samuel Tuttle was born on 22 Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Mar 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 54. Gideon Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Sep 1720 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 31 Jan 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Notes for Gideon Ives: General Notes: Personal communication from Richard Ives, 14 Oct 2012 -"the two Gideons, the elder of whom would later be captured at the Battle of New York, be taken captive the British, confined in one of the British hulk prisons in the waters around New York, or in one of the infamous "sugar houses," in the town, where subsequently he would contract smallpox, be released by the British and make his back Wallingford, only to succumb to the illness a month later. His son, my 4 great grandfather, took the small inheritance he received from his father, emigrated to the Mohawk Valley very shortly after his father's death, and was caught up the Battle of Oriskany - the bloodiest defeat suffered by the patriots during the war. Eunice Tuttle daughter of Daniel Tuttle and Ruth Howe was born on 12 Jul 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Apr 1807 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Gideon Ives and Eunice Tuttle were married on 17 Oct 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. 157. ii. Jerusha Ives was born on 12 Oct 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Jul 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Enos Ives was born on 25 Oct 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice Merriman in Oct 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Mar 1830 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Page 65 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 158. iii. Eunice Ives was born on 28 Sep 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Ebenezer Cowles on 01 Dec 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Mar 1816 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 159. iv. Mary Ives was born on 05 Aug 1746 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. She married Elijah Hough on 27 Apr 1769 in Meriden, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died in 1813 in Gouverneuor, St Lawrence, New York, USA. 160. v. Amasa Ives was born on 15 Apr 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Huldah Shailer on 19 Dec 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 24 Jan 1817 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 161. vi. Moses Ives was born in 1768 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1839 in Bainbridge, Geauga, Ohio, USA. 162. vii. Dolly Ives was born on 18 Jul 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Jesse Merriman on 25 Jan 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 13 Aug 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. viii. Phebe Ives was born on 09 Jun 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Samuel Collins on 03 Nov 1783 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. ix. Sarah Ives was born on 05 Jun 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Jerusha Ives was born on 20 Feb 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Nathaniel Beadles Johnson on 31 Aug 1780 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. xi. Gideon Ives was born on 13 May 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 163. xii. Amos Ives was born on 25 Dec 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 May 1826 in Middle Settlement, Oneida, New York, USA. 55. Jotham Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Sep 1710 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 02 Sep 1753 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Abigail Burroughs daughter of Edward Burroughs and Abigail Chauncey was born on 31 May 1715 in Stratford,Fairfield,Connecticut,USA. She died on 02 Sep 1753 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Jotham Ives and Abigail Burroughs were married on 28 Feb 1736 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Sarah Ives was born on 14 Apr 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Chauncey Ives was born on 20 Nov 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 66 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 164. iii. Jotham Ives was born on 20 Aug 1745 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Anna Foster on 10 May 1769. He died on 01 Apr 1825 in Torringford,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. 165. iv. Abner Ives was born on 20 Aug 1745 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Anna Ferguson on 11 May 1768 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Oct 1801 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Amasa Ives was born on 07 Feb 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 166. vi. Abigail Ives was born on 10 Oct 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Amos Doolittle on 04 Apr 1760 in Off, Wallingford. She died on 28 Jul 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 167. vii. Zachariah Ives was born on 31 Jan 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lois Harrison on 15 Jan 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Mar 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 56. Sarah Ives-4 (Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Sep 1708 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 29 Nov 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Dr. John Hull son of Benjamin Hull and Elizabeth Andrews was born on 13 Nov 1704 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 May 1762 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Dr. John Hull and Sarah Ives were married on 21 Jun 1727 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Amos Hull was born in 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Oct 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Desire Hull was born in 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Aug 1740 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Elizabeth Hull was born in 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1752 in Connecticut, United States. iv. Lois Doolittle Hull was born on 25 Sep 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 04 Jun 1803 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Zephaniah Hull was born on 15 Aug 1728 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Nov 1760 in Woodbury, Connecticut, USA. vi. John Hull was born in 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. John Hull was born in 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1784 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. viii. Sarah Hull was born in 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 67 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) ix. John Hull was born in 1739. He died in 1739. x. Sarah Hull was born in 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 57. Abel Obed Ives-4 (Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 May 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 31 Jan 1791 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Notes for Abel Obed Ives: General Notes: (Dexter 1917, vol 3:811) Sworn in as freeman 21 Sep 1762 Sarah Reed daughter of John Reed and Annah Hickcock was born in 1712 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jan 1797 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abel Obed Ives and Sarah Reed were married on 25 Mar 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 168. i. Abel Ives was born on 09 Dec 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 169. ii. Sarah Ives was born on 12 Jun 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Chauncey Merriman on 13 Feb 1777 in Southington,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. She died on 24 Apr 1817 in Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. 170. iii. Lois Ives was born on 27 Mar 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Giles Hall on 27 Dec 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Apr 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Esther Ives was born on 04 Jun 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Jun 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 171. v. John Ives was born on 03 Apr 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Henderson on 29 May 1770 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Apr 1814 in New Hartford, Litchfield, CT, USA. 172. vi. Elizabeth Ives was born on 30 Aug 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 May 1828. vii. Sarah Ives was born on 04 Jun 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Feb 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 173. viii. Ann Ives was born on 01 Aug 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Curtis in 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Mar 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ix. Anne Ives was born on 20 Dec 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 Sep 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 58. Thankful Ives-4 (Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Aug 1708 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 07 Jul 1770 in New Haven. CT. Page 68 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Gideon Todd son of Michaell Todd and Elizabeth Brown was born on 06 May 1705 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Oct 1781 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Gideon Todd and Thankful Ives were married on 17 Dec 1728 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Sarah Todd was born in 1757. ii. Thankful Todd was born in 1746 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Caleb Todd was born on 03 Jul 1742 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Sep 1763 in Y, Somme, Picardie, France. iv. Charles Todd was born on 10 Apr 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 15 Jun 1772 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Gideon Todd was born on 03 Nov 1737 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Mar 1817 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Isaac Todd was born on 18 May 1734 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Y, Somme, Picardie, France. vii. Rhoda Todd was born on 01 Jan 1729 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Y, Somme, Picardie, France. 59. Stephen Ives-4 (Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Mar 1704 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1736 in Salisbury, Litchfield, CT. Sarah Hart daughter of Hawkins Hart and Sarah Royce was born on 21 May 1710 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 31 Jan 1733 in Middle Granville, Washington, New York, USA. Stephen Ives and Sarah Hart were married on 25 Oct 1730 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 174. i. Betsey Ives was born on 27 Sep 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Yale on 14 Jun 1786. She died on 17 Jun 1842. 175. ii. David Ives was born on 29 Jul 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Landon about 1770. He died on 08 Oct 1801 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. iii. Asahel Ives was born on 12 May 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 176. iv. Amasa Ives was born on 10 Nov 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Bethia on 19 Dec 1771 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Feb 1833 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 177. v. Thankful Ives was born on 15 Jul 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Joseph Foote on 06 Nov 1768 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 03 Feb 1792 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Page 69 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 178. vi. Esther Ives was born on 13 Jul 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Thomas Merwin on 18 Feb 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Feb 1811 in Jewett Greene county, NY. 179. vii. Stephen Ives was born on 20 Jan 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Susanna Parker on 20 Nov 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Sep 1830. 180. viii. Lois Ives was born on 09 Jan 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Joseph Blakeslee on 01 Apr 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 May 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 181. ix. x. 182. xi. Mary Ives was born on 16 Apr 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 May 1757. She married Moses Hull on 05 May 1757 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Betsey Ives was born on 21 Sep 1734 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Ives was born on 29 May 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Amasa Merriman on 26 Sep 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Jul 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 60. Caleb Ives-4 (Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 03 Feb 1700 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 13 Apr 1752 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Elizabeth Plumb daughter of Joseph Plumb and Elizabeth Bailey was born on 17 Mar 1710 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Caleb Ives and Elizabeth Plumb were married on 27 Feb 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. Mary Abernathy daughter of William Abernathy and Mary Peck was born on 30 Apr 1700 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Caleb Ives and Mary Abernathy were married in 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 184. i. ii. 185. iii. Charles Abernathy Ives was born on 05 Sep 1734 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Butler on 02 May 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Jun 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Sarah Ives was born on 06 Aug 1725 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 15 Feb 1735. Nathaniel Ives was born on 12 Jan 1722 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Zerviah Blakeslee on 08 Nov 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1784 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Page 70 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) iv. Abel Abernathy Ives was born on 06 May 1711 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 31 Jan 1791 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Notes for Abel Abernathy Ives: General Notes: furnished lead for the Revolutionary War; took oath of fidelity Elizabeth Plumb daughter of Joseph Plumb and Elizabeth Bailey was born on 17 Mar 1709 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Caleb Ives and Elizabeth Plumb were married on 27 Feb 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 183. i. Amos Ives was born on 11 Aug 1749 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy Hall on 23 Feb 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Mar 1841 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. ii. Caleb Ives was born on 19 May 1745 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Ruth Wright on 04 Feb 1771 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Oct 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Olive Ives was born on 10 Aug 1742 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Elizabeth Ives was born on 25 Dec 1738 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Aaron Parsons on 19 Nov 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven CO, CT. v. Eunice Ives was born on 13 Sep 1736 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 19 Sep 1829 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 61. John Hancock-4 (Susannah-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Jun 1693 in Chester, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. He died on 03 Mar 1728 in Evesham, Burlington, New Jersey, USA. Mary Chambless was born in 1697 in Chester, Burlington, New Jersey, United States. She died in 1729. John Hancock and Mary Chambless married. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Hancock was born about 1726 in New Jersey, USA. ii. Sarah Hancock was born about 1724 in New Jersey, USA. iii. Joseph Hancock was born about 1722 in New Jersey, USA. iv. Susannah Hancock was born in 1715 in Hancocks Bridge, Salem, New Jersey, United States. She died in 1750 in Gloucester, New Jersey, United States. 62. Dan Ives-4 (Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 03 Jan 1722 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 27 Mar 1776 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 71 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Notes for Dan Ives: General Notes: From: ml -"Dan Ives (son of Joseph Ives and Sarah Ball)837 was born January 3, 1720/21837, and died March 27, 1776837. He married (1) Mary Platt on WFT Est. 1738-1752837. He married (2) Mabel ? on WFT Est. 1740-1765837. Includes NotesNotes for Dan Ives: [ives.ftw] Our information about Dan is skimpy. According to Connecticut genealogist, Donald J. Jacobus, he also was a captain in the army and, like his father, he did not live to serve in the Revolutionary War. He was married twice, first to Mary Platt who died in 1754 at the age of 27. She gave him two daughters, Mary who married Stephens Jacobs and Sarah who married Hezekiah Bassett. His second wife was Mabel (last name unknown) who died in 1826 at the age of 100. The gravestone of Capt. Dan Ives in the Old North Haven cemetery carries this verse: Tho vile Im sown in kindred dust Ive crowns and Bliss among the Just Presumably he followed faithfully in the church footsteps of his father. The grave of Dan's first wife, Mary Platt, is nearby, but Mabel's grave has not been identified. The children of Dan and Mabel were Lydia, ** DANIEL **, and Alling. We are the descendants of Daniel. More About Dan Ives: Fact 1: Military.837 More About Dan Ives and Mary Platt: Marriage: WFT Est. 1738-1752837 More About Dan Ives and Mabel ?: Marriage: WFT Est. 1740-1765837 Children of Dan Ives and Mary Platt are: Mary Ives, b. WFT Est. 1741-1754837, d. WFT Est. 1756-1835837. Sarah Ives, b. WFT Est. 1741-1754837, d. WFT Est. 1756-1835837. Children of Dan Ives and Mabel ? are: Lydia Ives, b. 1757837, d. March 12, 1804837. +Daniel Ives, b. 1759837, d. August 11, 1801837. Alling Ives, b. February 3, 1765837, d. May 6, 1833837" Mabel was born in 1726 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 26 Jun 1826 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Page 72 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Dan Ives and Mabel were married in 1755 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 188. i. Lydia Ives was born in 1757 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Charles Todd in 1777 in New Haven,,Connecticut,USA. She died on 12 Mar 1804. 189. ii. Daniel Ives was born in 1759 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Baldwin on 31 Dec 1783 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Aug 1801 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Alling Ives was born in 1765. He died on 06 May 1833 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Mary Platt daughter of Gideon Platt and Mary Buckingham was born on 18 Jan 1727 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Jul 1754 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Dan Ives and Mary Platt were married in 1746 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 186. i. Sarah Ives was born in 1749 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Hezekiah Bassett on 15 Feb 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 25 Nov 1809 in Hamden, Connecticut. 187. ii. Mary Ives was born in 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Stephen Jacobs on 12 Jul 1770. She died on 17 May 1802 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 63. Enoch Ives-4 (Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 12 Feb 1711 in New Hanve, New Haven, Conn. He died on 29 Mar 1744 in New Hanve, New Haven, Conn. Lydia Cooper daughter of Joseph Cooper and Abigail Smith was born on 15 Jan 1708 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 May 1793. Enoch Ives and Lydia Cooper were married on 31 Jul 1735 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut. They had the following children: 190. i. Phebe Ives was born on 04 Jun 1740 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut. She married Jacob Hitchcock on 09 Oct 1760 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut. She died in 1827. 191. ii. Sarah Ives was born on 19 Apr 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Josiah Rogers in 1757 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Sep 1799 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 64. Sarah Ives-4 (Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Feb 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1807. Stephen Cooper son of Joseph Cooper and Abigail Smith was born on 29 Dec 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died in 1791. Stephen Cooper and Sarah Ives were married on 01 Apr 1735. They had the following children: Page 73 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) i. Asa Cooper was born in 1745 in New Haven, CT. He died on 05 May 1814 in Steuben, NY. 65. Stephen Ives-4 (Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jun 1708 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Dec 1745 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Abigail Rowe daughter of Mathew Rowe and Rebecca Mix was born on 17 Jan 1713 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1797 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Stephen Ives and Abigail Rowe were married on 13 May 1736 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Enoch Ives was born in 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 May 1762 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 192. ii. Joseph Ives was born on 26 Oct 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Abigail Grannis on 06 Dec 1764 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 31 Jan 1768 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 193. iii. Rebecca Ives was born on 27 Feb 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married William Bradley in 1758 in New Haven,,Connecticut,USA. She died on 26 Jan 1797 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 194. iv. Mary Ives was born on 13 Jul 1737 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Oct 1813 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 195. v. Stephen Ives was born on 16 Mar 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Ames on 12 Feb 1769 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 12 Oct 1786 in N Haven, Connecticut, United States. 66. Miriam Gilbert-4 (Mary-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Jun 1799 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Bradley was born on 18 Mar 1707 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Mar 1787 in Congregational, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Bradley and Miriam Gilbert were married on 27 Oct 1731 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Eli Bradley was born on 02 Jun 1739 in Hamden, CT. He died on 09 Jan 1813 in Northville, Cayuga, NY. 67. John Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 22 Aug 1726 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Jun 1812 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Lois Barnes daughter of Gershom Barnes and Mehitable Sanford was born on 09 Sep 1728 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 15 Jul 1814 in Barkhamsted,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. Page 74 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) John Ives and Lois Barnes were married on 12 Sep 1751 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 196. i. John Ives was born on 05 Feb 1757 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Esther Tuttle on 22 Jun 1780 in New Haven,Connecticut,Connecticut,USA. He died on 10 Dec 1847 in Barkhamsted,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. ii. Jesse Ives was born on 16 Aug 1759 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He married Polly Pierce between 1776-1809 in Troy twp.. He died between 1776-1849. iii. Lucy Ives was born on 15 Oct 1761 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died in 1762. 197. iv. Lois Ives was born on 10 Sep 1764 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She married Ira Atwater between 1788-1817. She died on 06 Sep 1837 in Yalesville, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. John Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Mehitable Ives was born on 21 Jan 1754 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died in 1755. 68. Damaris Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 06 Jul 1718 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Nov 1802 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Hull son of Benjamin Hull and Elizabeth Andrews was born on 06 Dec 1702 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 25 May 1768 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. John Hull and Damaris Ives were married on 20 Oct 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Ebenezer Frost was born on 11 Feb 1706/07 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died in 1757. Ebenezer Frost and Damaris Ives were married on 20 Feb 1734/35 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Titus Frost was born on 18 Jun 1748. He died on 26 Jan 1828 in Branford, CT. ii. Samuel Frost was born on 10 Oct 1741. He died on 07 May 1768. iii. Sybil Frost was born on 26 Oct 1743. iv. Amos Frost was born on 27 Dec 1745. v. Mary Frost was born on 12 Feb 1751/52. She died in Y. vi. Lucy Frost was born on 23 Feb 1754. She died on 08 Jan 1821 in North Haven, CT. vii. Mary Frost was born on 25 Dec 1739 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 21 Sep 1750 in Branford, CT. Page 75 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) viii. Ebenezer Frost was born on 15 Nov 1756 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died in 1761. 69. Jonathan Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Mar 1716 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Jan 1792 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Jonathan Ives: General Notes: From: Captain Jonathan Ives (4) was the son of Samuel Ives (1677 - 1726). He was born on Mar. 14, 1716 in North Haven. He was christened on July 8, 1716 at the First Congregational Church in New Haven, CT. Jonathan settled in the Mount Carmel area of Hamden in 1735 and later built a house on Cheshire Road in what was known in time as Ivesville, opposite Ives Street (Hartley, 1959). (see The Gradual Beginnings of North Haven and Hamden) He married Thankful Cooper on Feb, 19, 1737. She was born on April 11, 1721 in New Haven. All four sons fought in Revolutionary War. Jonathan is listed on the master roll of the Congregational Church in North Haven in 1760 but when the church was completed in Hamden he played an active role and was one of the first readers of psalms. Jonathan was also on the first Hamden school committee in 1758 along with Samuel Atwater and Waite Chatterton. He was made Captain of the Fifteenth Company of the colonial militia in May 1760 and was still in that role in 1764. Land was leased to him in 1761 for a military training ground in Hamden. He is listed in the 1790 US Census in Hamden, CT with one adult female in his household (certainly Thankful). The 1790 Census also showed that the Ives family continued a strong presence in New Haven County. There are a total of eight Ives males listed as heads of households in the 1790 US Census for Hamden, four male and two female heads of household in North Haven and one male head of household in New Haven town. Jonathan died Jan. 2, 1792 in Hamden, CT at age 76 and is buried at the Centerville Cemetery. Thankful Ives is listed in 1800 US Census in Hamden. CT, now living by herself. She died Feb. 19, 1808 in Hamden. They had eight children: 1. Jeremiah, born Nov. 19, 1738 in New Haven Co., died 1825 in W, Springfield, married Hannah Bassett June 7, 1768: they had six children: Abraham (1769-1855), Joseph (1771-1830, Hannah (1773-1831), Sarah (1775-1849), Rebecca (1777-), Abigail (1780-). 2. Ruth, born July 28, 1740 in New Haven Co., married Timothy Goodyear May 29, 1760. They had 13 children; Jane (1761 - ), Susanne (1762 - 1800), Ruth (1764 - 1774), Mabel (1766 - 1774), Joseph (1768 - 1833), William (1770 - 1774), Milly (1772 - 1773), William (1775 - 1851), Ruth (1778 - 1871), Mabel (1770 - 1780), Timothy (1782 - 1854), Seymour (1785 - 1860), Lewis (1789 - 1840). Ruth died in Aug. 20, 1806 in New Haven, CT. Timothy Goodyear is listed in the 1790 US Census in Hamden with 2 males over 16, 4 males under 16 and 2 females. 3. Mary, born about 1744, died April 14, 1809 in North Haven. She married Seth Todd (1738-1802) from New Haven on Sept. 9, 1765 in North Haven. They had ten children: Ira (1766-1807), Mary (1767-1776), Sarah (1769-1835), Mabel (1771-1847), Eleazer (1773-1825), Bede (1775-1776), Mary (1777-1844), Bede (1779-1857), son (1781), Linus (1785-1819). 4. Thankful, born about 1745 in New Haven Co, died Aug. 1, 1834 in Bethany, CT. Married Uri Tuttle on Dec. 5, 1764. They had ten children: Jeremiah (1765-1793), Amasa (1767-1827), Uri (1769-1773), Chauncey (1771-1843), Mary (1773-1839), Uri (1775-1859), Elam (1777-1842), Benjamin (1781-1803), James (1784-1855), Calvin (1786-1844). 5. Joel, born May 19, 1747 in New Haven Co., married Mary Heaton (1745-1784) on Dec. 2, 1772, Joel and Mary had two children: Sarah and Esther. Then he married Sarah Harrison (1753-1835) on Nov. 1, 1785, Joel fought in Revolutionary War, listed as a pensioner, died Aug. 14, 1825 in Branford, CT. Page 76 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 6. Jonathan, born Mar. 26, 1751 in New Haven, married Sarah Bassett (1751-1836) on May 1, 1777, they had two children: Leverett (1778-1795), and Sarah (1786-1871). Jonathan fought in Revolutionary war, died Oct. 24, 1813 in Hamden, CT. Listed in 1790 US Census in Hamden, CT with his household containing 1 male over 16, 1 male under 16 and 2 females. 7. Alling, born Nov. 12, 1753, married Rebecca Dickerman (1759-), was a Captian in Revolutionary War, Alling escaped British captivity on ship Julia. Alling made old bed passed down from Ellen Ives, still in family. They had four children: Simeon (1773 - ), Edward (1785 - ), Julia (1787-1859), Esther (1789 - ). He is listed in the 1790 US Census in Hamden, CT with his household containing 1 male over 16, 2 males under 16 and 2 females). 8. Phebe, born Feb. 8, 1757, married Benjamin Gaylord (1753-) from Wallingford on Jan. 4, 1776 in Hamden. The had eight children: Merah (1777-1794), Alling (1778-1826), Russell (1782-1869), Lowly (1785-1794), Milly (1789-1794), Alva (1793-), Chester (1796-1852), Milly (1798-1803). Thankful Cooper daughter of Joseph Cooper and Abigail Smith was born on 11 Apr 1721 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Feb 1808 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Jonathan Ives and Thankful Cooper were married in 1737 in Connecticut. They had the following children: 201. i. Ruth Ives was born on 28 Jul 1740 in Hamden, New Haven Co., CT, USA. She married Timothy Goodyear on 29 May 1760 in First Congretional Church, New Haven, CT., USA. She died on 20 Aug 1806 in Hamden, New Haven Co., CT, USA. 202. ii. Jonathan Ives was born on 26 Mar 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Bassett on 01 May 1777 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Oct 1813 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 203. iii. Thankful Ives was born on 14 Mar 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Aug 1834 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 204. iv. Mary Ives was born on 24 Apr 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Seth Todd on 09 Sep 1765 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 14 Apr 1809 in North Haven, CT, USA. 205. v. Phebe Ives was born on 08 Feb 1757 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Benjamin Gaylord on 04 Jan 1776 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1824. Jonathan Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 198. i. Alling Ives was born on 13 Nov 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Rebecca Dickerman about 1782. He died on 09 Oct 1798 (Age: 45). 199. ii. Jeremiah Ives was born on 17 Nov 1738 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Hannah Bassett on 07 Jun 1768 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died about 1825 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. Page 77 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 200. iii. Joel Ives was born on 19 May 1749 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Harrison on 01 Nov 1785 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Aug 1825 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 70. Ruth Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Apr 1714 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 26 Oct 1777 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. Benjamin Yale son of Thomas Yale and Mary Benham was born on 04 Feb 1714 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1781 in Patterson, Putnam, New York, United States. Benjamin Yale and Ruth Ives were married on 23 Mar 1737 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Job Yale was born on 17 Feb 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Feb 1799 in Coventry, Chenango, New York, United States. ii. Thomas Yale was born on 23 Mar 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Jun 1811. iii. Benjamin Yale was born on 06 Aug 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 Jan 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Lydia Yale was born on 16 Feb 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 20 Nov 1798. v. Enos Yale was born on 31 Oct 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Sep 1797 in Unadilla, Otsego, New York, United States. vi. Ozias Yale was born on 14 Jan 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Jul 1778 in Wyoming, United States. vii. Stephen Yale was born on 06 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Sep 1818 in Patterson, Putnam, New York, United States. viii. Benjamin Yale was born on 03 Mar 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Mar 1852 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, United States. ix. Lydin Yale was born about 1755. He died on Unknown. x. Ruth Yale was born on 17 Feb 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. xi. Uriah Yale was born on 12 Apr 1761 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 12 Oct 1833 in Guilford,Chenango,New York,USA. 71. Lydia Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 07 Mar 1708 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Mar 1735. Stephen Todd son of Samuel Todd and Susanna Tuttle was born on 04 Dec 1702 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Dec 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 78 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Stephen Todd and Lydia Ives were married on 26 May 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Lydia Todd was born on 21 Nov 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1834. Lydia Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Mary Todd was born on 17 Oct 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Dec 1760. ii. Jehiel Todd was born on 02 Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1749. iii. Noah Todd was born on 07 Feb 1741. He died on 15 Mar 1773. iv. Stephen Todd was born on 23 Mar 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1736. v. Asa Todd was born on 05 Aug 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Nov 1805. vi. Charles Todd was born on 06 Sep 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Aug 1779. vii. Sybil Todd was born on 17 Nov 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Apr 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Elizabeth Todd was born on 16 Feb 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1740. ix. Caleb Todd was born on 12 Apr 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Nov 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. x. Jonah Todd was born on 28 Apr 1731 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Aug 1803 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xi. Ruth Todd was born on 26 Feb 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Oct 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xii. Jehiel Todd was born on 13 Mar 1727 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1728. 72. Mary Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 05 Dec 1706 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 13 Dec 1725 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Caleb Todd son of Joseph Tudor Todd and Joanne Swift was born in 1686 in Philadelphia,,Pennsylvania,USA. He died in 1795 in ,Rowan,North Carolina,USA. Caleb Todd and Mary Ives married. They had the following children: Page 79 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) i. Jemima Todd was born in 1729 in Loudoun,,Virginia,USA. She died in 1796 in Wilkes,,Georgia,USA. Mary Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Bethiah Todd was born on 07 Aug 1730 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Jul 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Hezekiah Todd was born on 02 May 1728 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Nov 1794 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Phebe Todd was born on 05 Oct 1726 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 04 Oct 1744 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 73. David Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 07 Nov 1723 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 May 1753 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Elizabeth Merriam daughter of Nathaniel Merriam and Elizabeth Hull was born on 28 Feb 1727 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 30 Mar 1754 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. David Ives and Elizabeth Merriam were married on 28 Feb 1744 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 207. i. Rebecca Ives was born on 07 Mar 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Thomas Hough on 30 Sep 1772. She died on 19 Nov 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. David Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 206. i. David Ives was born on 13 Apr 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Dolly Hough on 25 Sep 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Oct 1801 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. ii. Hannah Ives was born in 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Thomas Gaylor on 06 Feb 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Oct 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 74. Samuel Ives-4 (Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Sep 1711 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Jan 1784 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Mary Gilbert daughter of Joseph Gilbert and Mary Potter was born on 15 Jan 1717 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died about 1792 in Westfield, New Haven, CT. Samuel Ives and Mary Gilbert were married on 13 Jun 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 208. i. Levi Ives was born on 24 May 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lydia Augur on 22 Apr 1772 in New Haven,,Connecticut,USA. He died on 17 Oct 1826 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 80 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) ii. Mary Ives was born in 1752 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Jan 1757 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 209. iii. Lois Ives was born on 27 Aug 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Apr 1807 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. 210. iv. Samuel Ives was born on 03 Oct 1745 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Sep 1826 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts (Age at Death: 81). 75. Mehitable Ives-4 (Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 Sep 1720 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1793 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Sanford son of John Sanford and Hannah Beach was born on 07 Nov 1710 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 20 Sep 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. John Sanford and Mehitable Ives were married on 28 Feb 1743/44 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Mabel Sanford was born about 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died in , , New York, USA. ii. Hezekiah Sanford was born about 1748 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 25 Sep 1750 in Montowese, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. John Sanford was born about 1757 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 04 Nov 1820 in North Haven, New Haven, CT. iv. Eliada Sanford was born in 1755 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 04 Nov 1820 in North Haven, New Haven, CT. 76. Thomas Ives-4 (Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1712 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Nov 1752 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ann Heaton daughter of Theophilus Heaton and Sarah Earle was born on 20 Jan 1714 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 22 Jun 1795 in Grt Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas Ives and Ann Heaton were married on 21 May 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Ives was born in 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Mabel Ives was born in 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 211. iii. iv. Rebecca Ives was born on 09 Jan 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Oct 1837 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. Ann Ives was born in 1755 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 81 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 212. v. Thomas Major Gen Ives was born on 02 Feb 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Ruth Foster on 02 Mar 1786 in New Haven, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 08 Mar 1814 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. vi. Thomas Ives was born on 04 Feb 1745 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Dec 1751. vii. Susanna Ives was born on 26 Apr 1742 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 30 Oct 1793 in Grt Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. viii. Theophilus Ives was born on 16 Aug 1742 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1750. 77. Elizabeth Ives-4 (Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 Jan 1723 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Jan 1791 in Thomaston, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Ebenezer Todd son of James Todd and Lydia Sherman was born on 24 Aug 1722 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Feb 1798. Ebenezer Todd and Elizabeth Ives were married in Feb 1745 in New Haven, CT, USA. They had the following children: i. Ann Todd was born on 31 Aug 1752 in New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 05 Sep 1794 in North Haven, CT, USA. 78. Ann Ives-4 (Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Aug 1746 in Thomaston, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. John Sutliff son of John Sutliff and Hannah Brockett was born on 08 Mar 1712 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Jan 1790 in Thomaston, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. John Sutliff and Ann Ives were married on 29 Jul 1741 in New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. John Sutliff was born on 21 Mar 1744 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Apr 1816 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. ii. Hannah Sutliff was born on 18 Nov 1747 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Jan 1791 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 79. Lydia Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 02 Oct 1733 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 15 Dec 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Captain John Gilbert son of Daniel Gilbert and Sarah Todd was born in 1729 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Jul 1779 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut (KIA revolutionary war). Captain John Gilbert and Lydia Ives were married on 22 May 1755 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: Page 82 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) i. Miriam Gilbert was born on 11 Jan 1778 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Dec 1855 in Cornwall, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. ii. Mary Gilbert was born on 09 May 1775 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Martha Gilbert was born on 22 Jan 1772 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in , , New York, USA. iv. Ezra Gilbert was born in 1770 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in , Young, Texas, USA. v. Eber Gilbert was born on 26 Dec 1767 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Bethiah Gilbert was born on 06 Mar 1766 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Jan 1840 in Whitneyville, , Connecticut, USA. vii. Mary Gilbert was born in 1764 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in , Young, Texas, USA. viii. Jesse Gilbert was born on 01 Jun 1762 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Jun 1833 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Lydia Gilbert was born on 04 Mar 1760 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Nov 1815 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. x. Jesse Gilbert was born on 19 Mar 1758 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1762 in , Young, Texas, USA. xi. Esther Gilbert was born on 06 Mar 1756 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Sep 1841 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 80. Eunice Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 May 1732 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 27 Apr 1801 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Zophar Blakeslee son of Abraham Blakeslee and Elizabeth Cooper was born on 22 Apr 1730 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Feb 1798 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Zophar Blakeslee and Eunice Ives were married in 1757 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Melia Blakeslee was born on 04 Dec 1764 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Nov 1786. 81. Noah Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1730 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 15 Oct 1800 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Abigail Pierpont daughter of Joseph Pierpont and Hannah Russell was born on 06 Jun 1743 in New Haven, CT. She died on 13 Feb 1815 in North Haven, CT. Noah Ives and Abigail Pierpont were married on 23 Dec 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 83 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) i. Alban Ives was born on 08 Sep 1788 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Aug 1870 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 213. ii. Miriam Ives was born on 03 Jan 1779 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Willard Frost on 03 Dec 1809 in North Haven, CT, USA. She died on 05 May 1860. iii. John Ives was born in 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 214. iv. Noah Ives was born on 18 Sep 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Anna Clark in 1803. He died in 1840 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York, United States. 215. v. Giles Ives was born on 25 Apr 1774 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Abigail Gilbert on 09 Oct 1799 in Cong. Ch., North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 27 Feb 1848 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 216. vi. Hannah Ives was born on 18 Aug 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Titus Mansfield on 16 Jul 1795 in Cong. Ch., North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 11 Dec 1838 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Miriam Ives was born on 15 Aug 1768 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Oct 1773. 217. viii. Esther Ives was born on 22 Aug 1765 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Bethuel Todd on 25 Jun 1783 in Cong. Ch., North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 18 Sep 1805 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 218. ix. Talcott Ives was born on 24 Jul 1781 in New Haven, CT. He married Hannah Todd in 1809 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Mar 1859 in North Haven, CT. 82. Ebenezer Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Jul 1727 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1759 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Mary Atwater daughter of Stephen Atwater and Abigail Bradley was born in 1731 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 15 Sep 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ebenezer Ives and Mary Atwater were married on 17 May 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 219. i. Martha Ives was born on 01 May 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Daniel Potter on 11 Mar 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 13 Jul 1770 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 83. Mary Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jan 1725 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1757 in Sheffield, , Connecticut, USA. Page 84 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Daniel Higby son of Edward Higby and Rebecca Wheeler was born on 08 Aug 1711 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1762 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Daniel Higby and Mary Ives were married in Feb 1741 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Elnathan Higby was born on 06 Mar 1754 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 02 Sep 1839 in Shelburne, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. ii. Hannah Higby was born in 1752 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 29 Mar 1835 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. iii. Elijah Higby was born on 23 Feb 1750 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 13 Sep 1821 in Newark Valley, Tioga, New York, United States. iv. Wheeler Higby was born in 1748 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 05 May 1810 in St George, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. v. Lavinia Higby was born in 1745 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. vi. Daniel Higby was born in 1743 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. vii. Edward Higby was born in 1746 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1800 in Mexico, Oswego, New York, United States. 84. Abel Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1724 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 27 Mar 1792 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. Martha Sperry daughter of James Sperry and Martha Wooding was born on 11 Sep 1726 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died between 1758-1820. Abel Ives and Martha Sperry were married on 26 Mar 1753 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 221. i. Martha Ives was born on 29 Dec 1753 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Hezekiah Sperry on 22 May 1775 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died in 1827 in Mesopotamia,Trumbull,Ohio,USA. 222. ii. Hannah Ives was born on 14 Aug 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Amos Atwater about 1784 in Prospect, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Ira Ives was born in 1771 in Hartford, Connecticut. He died in 1775. Abel Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 220. i. Abel Ives was born on 03 Apr 1763 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Betsey Fairchild Burke in 1785 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in May 1821 in Greene, New York, USA. 85. Miriam Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 28 Oct 1722 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 11 Nov 1792 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 85 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) Jacob Atwater son of Jonathan Atwater and Abigail Bradley was born on 22 Jan 1720 in New Haven, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Dec 1799 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Jacob Atwater and Miriam Ives were married on 10 Feb 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Enos Atwater was born on 10 Apr 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Dec 1803 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Miriam Atwater was born on 02 Sep 1768 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 07 Nov 1787 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Asa Atwater was born on 08 Aug 1764. He died on 03 Mar 1814. iv. Mary Atwater was born on 07 Feb 1763. She died on 30 Sep 1840. v. Elisha Atwater was born on 08 Jul 1761. He died on 09 Feb 1813. vi. Jason Atwater was born on 05 May 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, CT, USA. He died on 10 Jun 1794 in Branford, Connecticut, USA. vii. Jotham Atwater was born on 17 Nov 1757 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Oct 1776 in Düring, Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen, Germany. viii. Lydia Atwater was born on 11 Feb 1756 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Mar 1837 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Mabel Atwater was born on 31 Aug 1753 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 Jul 1828 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. x. Noah Atwater was born on 03 Jan 1752 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Jan 1802 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xi. Mabel Atwater was born on 11 Dec 1748 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Sep 1751 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 86. James Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Oct 1718 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 14 May 1804 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. Sarah Tuttle daughter of Josiah Tuttle and Deborah Barnes was born on 25 Mar 1723 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA*. She died on 21 Jan 1796 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. James Ives and Sarah Tuttle were married on 06 Nov 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Beda Ives was born on 01 May 1770 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Jared Goodyear on 20 Mar 1789 in New Haven, CT. She died between 1795-1864. Page 86 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:00 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 224. ii. Elam Ives was born on 16 Dec 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Hitchcock on 09 May 1790 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Jan 1846 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Mary Ives was born on 10 Mar 1760 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Dec 1842 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iv. Eunice Ives was born on 28 Aug 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Apr 1786. v. Sarah Ives was born on 16 Sep 1756 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Jesse Dickerman on 25 Sep 1775. She died on 05 Apr 1790. 225. vi. Eber Ives was born on 16 Sep 1756 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Esther Thompson on 04 May 1793 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Dec 1830. 226. vii. Damaris Ives was born on 25 Dec 1754 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Jesse Dickerman on 21 Sep 1775 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 11 Jan 1839 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. viii. Jason Ives was born in 1765 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 07 Sep 1794 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Damaris Atwater daughter of Daniel Atwater and Abigail Tuttle was born on 30 Dec 1729 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 26 Oct 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. James Ives and Damaris Atwater were married on 20 Nov 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 223. i. James Ives was born on 11 Aug 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Brockett on 16 Jun 1779 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 15 Aug 1826 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. 87. Martha Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 May 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 13 Jul 1770 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. Daniel Potter son of Daniel Potter and Mary Ray was born on 09 Jun 1718 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 29 Oct 1773 in Plymouth,Plymouth,Massachusetts,USA. Daniel Potter and Martha Ives were married on 11 Mar 1741 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Lyman Potter was born on 14 Mar 1747 in Enfield,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. He died on 20 Jul 1827 in Plymouth,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. ii. Elam Potter was born on 01 Jan 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Sep 1742 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 87 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) iii. Ambrose Potter was born on 20 Apr 1743 in Enfield,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. He died on 17 Apr 1822 in Johnstown,Fulton,New York,USA. iv. Mary Potter was born on 09 Mar 1751 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Jul 1827 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. v. Mabel Potter was born on 01 Nov 1752 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 06 Jun 1813 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. vi. Martha Potter was born on 16 Mar 1754 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Jun 1827 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. vii. Eliakim Potter was born on 06 Jan 1745 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Mar 1822 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. viii. Joseph Isaiah Potter was born on 23 Jul 1746 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Jul 1817 in Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States. ix. Mary Potter was born on 20 Dec 1749 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 31 Aug 1750 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Daniel Potter was born on 14 Feb 1758 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 25 Apr 1842 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 88. Lazarus Ives-4 (Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Oct 1715 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1762. Notes for Lazarus Ives: General Notes: Personal communication, Nancy Ives Knab -"Amos Ives (b Mar 14, 1749/50), brother of Jonah, can be found listed on the payroll of Ebenezer Allen's company, on the same page with Elisha Ashley. Rolls of the soldiers in the revolutionary war, 1775 to 1783 By Vermont, Chauncey L. Knapp. d=1#v=onepage&q=%22elisha%20ashley%22%20ives&f=false. There are several entries in the Milton, Chittenden, Vermont deed books for Amos Ives, but this might have been the Amos Ives (21 Jan 1778 - 06 Jan 1867) who was the child of John Ives and Sarah Henderson. There was an Amos Ives in Shrewsbury, Rutland, Vermont in 1800. There was an Amos Ives on the 1840 Census of Pensioners, New York, Northern District, pages 87-88 at, Amos Ives, 91.." Mabel Punderson daughter of Thomas Punderson and Lydia Bradley was born on 19 Mar 1726 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1765 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lazarus Ives and Mabel Punderson were married on 28 Dec 1743 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 88 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 4 (con't) 227. i. Asa Ives was born on 08 Mar 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Marks on 01 Jan 1791 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Jan 1848 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 228. ii. Lazarus Ives was born on 21 Apr 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Chloe Beach on 29 Oct 1772 in New Haven, New Haven C, ounty Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 May 1832 in Goshen, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 229. iii. Ezra Ives was born on 06 Nov 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mabel Bassett between 1770-1771 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 19 Aug 1825 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 230. iv. Ebenezer Ives was born on 21 Feb 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Hannah Johnson on 29 May 1799. He died in 1832 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Jesse Ives was born on 27 May 1755 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 30 Aug 1764 in Congregational, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 231. vi. Jonah Ives was born on 16 Jun 1752 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Moors in 1797 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont. He died on 08 Sep 1821 in Mt. Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. vii. Amos Ives was born on 14 Mar 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1790 in Wallingford, Vermont, USA. Generation 5 89. John Sargent Rose-5 (John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 14 Jan 1745 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Dec 1822 in Lisle, Broome, New York, USA. Catherine Wheeler was born in 1758. She died in 1822. John Sargent Rose and Catherine Wheeler were married about 1779 in Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USA. They had the following children: i. Sarepta Rose was born in 1804 in Rutland, Vermont. ii. Aldah H Rose was born on 28 Feb 1797. iii. Dorcas Rose was born on 05 May 1795. She died on 04 Apr 1796. iv. John Rose Jr was born on 16 Mar 1793 in Lloyd, Ulster, New York, USA. He died on 05 Feb 1840 in Binghamton, Broome, New York, USA. v. Elisha Rose was born in 1791. 236. vi. Dennison Robinson Rose was born on 03 Aug 1790 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He married Hannah Eldredge in 1810 in Shoreham, Addison, VT.. He died on 21 Nov 1877 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA. Page 89 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) vii. Cattey Rose was born on 06 Sep 1788 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She died on 22 Apr 1797. 237. viii. Elijah H Rose was born on 18 Oct 1786 in Mapletown, , New York, USA. He died on 23 Dec 1861 in , Broome, New York, USA. ix. Lucey Rose was born on 13 Nov 1780 in Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USA. She died on 17 Dec 1822. Lucy Boardman daughter of Elisha Boardman and Hannah Dix was born on 12 Jul 1742 in Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1785 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. John Sargent Rose and Lucy Boardman were married in 1763. They had the following children: i. Leonard Boardman Rose was born on 21 Jun 1773 in , , Vermont, USA. He died on 17 Dec 1822 in , , Michigan, USA. 232. ii. Alban Albin Rose was born in 1767 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Anna Haskell on 12 Dec 1801 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (by Elizur Wright (Barbour Collection)). He died on 10 Jun 1860 in , , Ontario, Canada. 233. iii. Salmon Montague Rose was born in 1766 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Rhoda Hinsdale in 1789 in New York. He died on 03 Oct 1846 in Smithport, Pennsylvania, USA. 234. iv. William Rose was born on 17 Nov 1763 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Susannah Dinsmore about 1784 in Chenango,Broome County, New York USA. He died on 23 Jan 1849 in Nimmonsburg, Broome Co, New York, USA. v. Rachel Rose was born in 1762. vi. Lucy Rose was born in 1761. Catherine Caty Wheeler was born in 1758. She died in 1822. John Sargent Rose and Catherine Caty Wheeler were married about 1779 in Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USA. They had the following children: i. Polly Sally Rose. ii. Barmos Rose was born on 05 May 1795 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died on 08 Apr 1796. iii. John H Rose was born on 16 Mar 1783 in Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USA. He died on 17 Oct 1822. 235. iv. Sarah Sally Rose was born on 05 Jul 1793 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married Clark Cilley on 13 Jan 1810 in Scroon, Essex, New York, USA. She died in 1872 in Livonia, Livingston, New York, USA. Rachel Dutcher daughter of Jacob Dutcher and Elizabeth Esselsteyer was born on 15 Apr 1755 in Claverack, Columbia, New York, USA. She died in 1774 in Westchester, New York. Page 90 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) John Sargent Rose and Rachel Dutcher married. They had no children. 90. Benjamin Ives-5 (Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jan 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1759 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Benjamin Ives: General Notes: From: War%22+%22Benjamin+Ives%22&source=bl&ots=_H71TGTf0w&sig=YmQM9nFRqAQCsGBR8SPT6 R1DjUk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Mcd6UPTFL8qrqQHe6YGQDw&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q=% 22Revolutionary%20War%22%20%22Benjamin%20Ives%22&f=false -Known as a Tory during the Revolutionary War Rachel Baldwin daughter of Nathaniel Baldwin and Elizabeth Parmelee was born on 25 Sep 1733 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Aug 1823. Benjamin Ives and Rachel Baldwin were married on 06 Dec 1753 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 238. i. Levi Ives was born on 28 Nov 1755 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Caroline S Pratt on 03 Nov 1784 in Goshen, Connecticut. He died on 12 Apr 1850 in Summit, Schoharie, New York, United States. 239. ii. Asenath Ives was born on 28 Nov 1755 in Goshen, Connecticut. He married Mineas Beach on 23 May 1776 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 27 Nov 1832. iii. Candace Ives was born on 10 Aug 1767 in of Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She married Adino Hale in 1780 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Feb 1835 in Goshen Village, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. iv. Levi Ives was born on 17 Aug 1754. He died on 06 Sep 1754. v. Rachel Ives was born in 1759 in Goshen, Connecticut. She married Francis Ashbury Beach on 28 Apr 1779. She died on 27 Feb 1796. 91. Rebecca Ives-5 (Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 Mar 1725 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Sep 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Stephen Mix son of Thomas Mix and Deborah Royce was born on 08 May 1718 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He died in , , , USA. Stephen Mix and Rebecca Ives were married on 19 Sep 1744. They had the following children: i. Theophilus Mix was born on 18 Dec 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He died in 1821 in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, USA. ii. Rebecca Mix was born on 13 May 1747 in Wallingford, Connecticut. Page 91 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iii. Stephen Mix was born on 02 Nov 1748 in Wallingford, Connecticut. iv. Sarah Mix was born on 31 Dec 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 92. Hannah Ives-5 (Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Dec 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 09 Apr 1762 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. Nathaniel Baldwin son of Nathaniel Baldwin and Elizabeth Parmalee was born on 04 Apr 1720 in Guilford, CT. He died on 25 Mar 1805 in Goshen, CT. Nathaniel Baldwin and Hannah Ives were married on 23 Mar 1751. They had the following children: i. Nathaniel Baldwin was born on 20 Jul 1761 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 30 Aug 1840 in Rochester, Oakland, Michigan, USA. ii. Isaac Baldwin was born on 12 Mar 1759 in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Mar 1830 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. iii. Hannah Baldwin was born on 19 Nov 1752. She died in 1777. iv. Ruth Baldwin was born on 25 Oct 1752. She died in 1777. 93. Lois Ives-5 (Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Mar 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Beech son of John Beach and Mary Royce was born on 21 Apr 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died about 1781. John Beech and Lois Ives were married on 12 Mar 1765 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Abby Beach was born on 28 Jan 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. ii. Lois Beach was born about 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. iii. Keziah Beach was born on 18 Aug 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. 94. David Ives-5 (Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jun 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1820 in Burton, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. Notes for David Ives: General Notes: Loyalist in the American Revolution; was a Captain in the Associated Loyalists at Lloyd's Neck, NY Removed & settled in Burton, New Brunswick, Canada Additional Loyalist information at: First Families, New Brunswick Genealogical Society; Land Petitions and Grants, Archives of New Brunswick; David Ives' Loyalist Claim reported in the 1904 Second Report of the Bureau of Archives on the United Empire Loyalists Enquiry into their Losses and Services in Page 92 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Consequence of their Loyalty, pp. 865; Hamilton, W.D. (2002) "Old North Esk on the Miramichi",pp.476-497. From: "NEW-YORK, March 31. [1781] An authentic account of Captain IVES's encounter with the Whale Boats in the Sound. Captain David IVES, an Associated Loyalist, with a party of 22 men, going in an unarmed Schooner, belonging to and commanded by Captain CHURCH from City-Island to Lloyd's Neck, in company with two other vessels, armed with swivels, were attacked by four whale-boats full of men from Stamford, which he engaged and beat off with musketry only, altho' the Rebels took the armed vessels and turned the swivels against Captain IVES's party. In the midst of the firing two Rebels were seen to fall over board, and three others appeared to be disabled, and two of the boats which afterwards drifted on shore, were bespattered with blood, and shot through in several places, one of them having a dead man, four muskets, and several coats in it. During the contest Captain CHURCH, who behaved with great bravery, was obliged to run his schooner on the Long Island shore, and the Rebels landing a party, the more effectually to annoy the Loyalists, were driven off by the militia, who readily turned out on the occasion. The next morning another man was found on the shore, supposed to have been killed in this engagement. The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 31st, 1781. " Personal communication from Richard Ives, Sag Harbor, NY, 1 Augusy 2011 -"David Ives was a close friend and associate of Ethan Allen (they grew up in adjacent towns.) David was in fact one of Allen's "Green Mountain Boys" and was present, along with Allen and Benedict Arnold, at the patriot capture of Fort Ticonderoga in May, 1775. This is ironic because David went over the Loyalists shortly thereafter, angered, I believe, at not receiving an officership when the "Green Mountain Boys" were restructured following the capture of Ticonderoga in '75. Whether that rejection provided David's motivation to turn his coat or not, he was caught red-handed the following year in Connecticut, smuggling British dispatches, and was transported by Connecticut patriots to Fort Ticonderoga (!) where he was tried, found, guilty, and was sentenced to die by General "Mad" Anthony Wayne. David was spared execution when British General John Burgoyne "liberated" Ticonderoga in July, 1777. David was released, eventually made it to New York, where he became acquainted with ex-New Jersey Governor William Franklin (son of Ben) joined Franklin's "Associated Loyalists" and in time had his whale boat adventure on Long Island Sound." From: War%22+%22Benjamin+Ives%22&source=bl&ots=_H71TGTf0w&sig=YmQM9nFRqAQCsGBR8SPT6 R1DjUk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Mcd6UPTFL8qrqQHe6YGQDw&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q=% 22Revolutionary%20War%22%20%22Benjamin%20Ives%22&f=false -Enlisted as a Continental soldier in the Revolutionary War, but deserted to the British. After the War, he moved to Nova Scotia Page 93 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Eunice Gillett daughter of Abel Gillett and Abigail Ensign was born on 06 Nov 1741 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in Burton, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. David Ives and Eunice Gillett were married on 25 Mar 1761 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 240. i. Sarah Eunice Ives was born on 19 Mar 1769 in Connecticut, United States. She married Jared Tozer in 1784 in ,,Connecticut,USA. She died on 17 Sep 1844 in Southesk, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. 241. ii. Sarah B Ives was born in 1775 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She married Daniel Adams on 30 Sep 1794 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. She died in 1850 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, United States. iii. Artemisia Ives was born in 1778 in Connecticut, United States. She married John Adams on 15 Jun 1797 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. iv. Dan Ives was born in 1768 in Connecticut, United States. 242. v. Abigail Ives was born in 1766 in Connecticut, United States. She married Archibald McNeil III between 1782-1783. She died on 24 Jul 1844 in Of, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Ruth Ives was born on 19 Mar 1764 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She married Jared Tozer about 1785 in , , Connecticut. vii. Jesse Ives was born on 07 Jun 1762 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Dec 1762 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 95. Ruth Ives-5 (Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Jan 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Jul 1760 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Martin Wilcoxson son of John Wilcoxson and Sarah North was born in 1736 in Goshen, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Jun 1767 in Connecticut, Litchfield County, Goshen (Struck by lighting). Martin Wilcoxson and Ruth Ives were married on 02 Mar 1758 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Ruth Wilcoxson was born on 09 Apr 1759 in Connecticut, Litchfield County, Goshen. She died on 06 Aug 1760 in Connecticut, Litchfield County, Goshen. 96. Anna Ives-5 (John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Apr 1725 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Sep 1809 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Noah Yale son of Thomas Yale and Mary Benham was born on 02 Jun 1723 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Feb 1803 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Noah Yale and Anna Ives were married on 02 Aug 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 94 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) i. Rebecca Yale was born on 15 Jan 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 15 Nov 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Asahel Yale was born on 17 Sep 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Feb 1836 in Otisco, Onondaga, New York, United States. iii. Asahel Yale was born on 30 Dec 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Oct 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Joel Yale was born on 08 Jun 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Dec 1805 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Thomas Yale was born on 16 Nov 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Mar 1833 in Lenox, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. vi. Joel Yale was born on 18 Jul 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 25 Apr 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. Anna Yale was born on 12 Jan 1752 in Hartland, County of Lithfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in Brighton, New York, USA. viii. Noah Yale was born on 17 Mar 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 23 Dec 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ix. Rebecca Yale was born on 09 Aug 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 07 Oct 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Levi Yale was born on 03 Jun 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Nov 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 97. Eunice Ives-5 (John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 May 1727 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Jul 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Josiah Robinson son of Josiah Robinson and Ruth Merriam was born on 19 Dec 1725 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 Apr 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Josiah Robinson and Eunice Ives were married on 23 Feb 1748/49 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Ruth Robinson was born on 07 Oct 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. John Robinson was born on 02 Apr 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Huldah Robinson was born on 12 Jun 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 14 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Eunice Robinson was born on 12 Dec 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 11 Apr 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. v. Howell Robinson was born on 20 Jun 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 25 Jun 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 95 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) vi. Sarah Robinson was born on 05 Jan 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Hannah Robinson was born on 25 Jun 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. viii. Lucy Robinson was born on 10 Oct 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 28 Dec 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. John Miles was born on 04 Oct 1723 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in Oct 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. John Miles and Eunice Ives were married on 05 Dec 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. 98. Jesse Ives-5 (John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Apr 1735 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Dec 1805 in Monson, Massachusetts, USA. Sarah Bellamy daughter of Samuel Bellamy and Mary Jones was born on 10 May 1746 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died before May 1796 in Monson, Massachusetts, USA. Jesse Ives and Sarah Bellamy were married on 22 Aug 1763. They had the following children: i. Ester Ives was born on 24 Feb 1787 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. ii. Nancy Ives was born on 25 Jul 1784 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. iii. Mary Ives was born on 26 Nov 1782 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. iv. Samuel Bellamy Ives was born on 09 Oct 1780 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. v. Elizabeth Ives was born on 20 Jul 1776 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. vi. Jesse Ives was born on 21 Sep 1774 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. vii. Joseph Ives was born on 02 Dec 1770 in Norwich, Connecticut, USA. 243. viii. Sarah Ives was born on 22 Sep 1766 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She married Abner Munn on 22 Feb 1787 in Monson, Massachusetts, USA (married by her father Jesse Ives). She died in 1830 in Mendon, NY (Sarah Ives Munn died between 1820 and 1830. Abner remarried the widow Naomi Brewer Ford in 1830 as reported in the Anti-masonic Enquirer April 20, 1830. The graveyard with Abner has Naomi next to him). Marcy Burt daughter of Isaac Burt and Marcy Codding was born on 06 Sep 1756 in Brimfield, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States. She died in Dec 1828 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA (buried Brimfield MA). Jesse Ives and Marcy Burt were married on 26 May 1796 in Brimfield, Massachusetts, USA. They had no children. Page 96 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 99. John Ives-5 (John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jul 1729 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Feb 1816 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Notes for John Ives: General Notes: From Richard Ives, 26 Jan 2011: "John Ives enlisted at New Hartford, Connecticut on February 11, 1777, for three years. His rank was that of Private. He was a member of Captain Solomon Strong's company in the 5th Connecticut Regiment, commanded by Col. Philip B. Bradley. He was present at the Battle of Germantown, Pennsylvania on October 4, 1777. After the battle, he was transferred to General Washington's winter quarters at Valley Forge. On March 19, 1778, Ives was appointed to the Washington's Guard, which was commanded by Captain Caleb Gibbs. Ives was present at the Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey on June 28, 1778. He was discharged at New Windsor, N.Y. on July 13, 1779. See "The Commander-in-Chief's Guard, Revolutionary War by Carlos Godfrey," available online at "Google Books." (See Media files for John Ives for 2 PDF files concerning his membership in Washington's Life Guards; also provided by Richard Ives, Sag Harbor, NY, 26 Jan 2011) Mary Hall daughter of Isaac Hall and Mary Moss was born on 05 Nov 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Feb 1788 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Ives and Mary Hall were married on 17 Jan 1759 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. 244. ii. Polly Ives was born in 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Titus Ives was born on 15 Jul 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lodema Yale on 18 Oct 1808. He died on 12 Mar 1834 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Eli Ives was born on 25 Jun 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Jun 1780. 245. iv. Othniel Ives was born on 12 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Yale on 10 Oct 1800 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 22 Nov 1829 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Merial Ives was born on 12 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Harvey Clark on 26 Oct 1815 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Canada. 246. vi. Anna Ives was born on 21 Sep 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Noah Foster on 22 Feb 1793 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 02 Dec 1834 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 247. vii. Mary Ives was born on 21 Nov 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Hooker on 02 Feb 1795 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. She died on 16 May 1842. Page 97 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 248. viii. Joel Hall Ives was born on 21 Jan 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucy Hart on 10 Jan 1798 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 11 Oct 1833 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. 249. ix. Levi Ives was born on 24 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Fanny Silliman on 18 Jun 1789 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Jun 1815 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. 250. x. Isaac Ives was born on 13 Jan 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Amelia White on 20 Dec 1796. He died on 10 Jun 1843 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. 251. xi. John Ives was born on 01 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Martha Merriam on 23 Dec 1784 in ,,,USA. He died on 11 Mar 1828 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York, USA. 252. xii. Lucretia M. Ives was born on 24 Oct 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Samuel Ives on 13 Feb 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. 253. xiii. Joel Ives was born on 16 Apr 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America. He married Olive Ives on 22 Oct 1778 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 03 Jun 1807 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America (Age: 47). 254. xiv. Joseph Ives was born on 26 Feb 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (From Family Data Collecion - Individual Records; Family Data Collection - Births). He married Clarissa Hall on 04 Nov 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Feb 1845 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada (Buried in the Ives Cemetery, Georgeville, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada; Family Data Collection - Individual Records). xv. Othniel Ives was born on 16 Nov 1775 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 29 Mar 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Sarah Atkins. She died on 24 Nov 1804. John Ives and Sarah Atkins married. They had no children. 100. Titus Ives-5 (John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1732 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1777 in New Haven, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Dorothy Halsey was born in 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jan 1806 in Norfolk, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Titus Ives and Dorothy Halsey were married on 17 Sep 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 255. i. Hannah Ives was born on 27 Jul 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Samuel Tibbals on 25 May 1775 in Norfolk, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Apr 1822. Page 98 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) ii. Silas Yale Ives was born on 23 Sep 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Rachel Ives was born on 27 Feb 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 27 Feb 1796. iv. Erastus Ives was born on 09 Jun 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Eunice Ives was born on 24 Mar 1772. She died in Nov 1776 in Norfolk, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 256. vi. John Ives was born on 18 Feb 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 May 1828 in Onondaga, Onondaga, New York, United States. 257. vii. George Anson Ives was born on 04 Apr 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Rebecca Meigs in 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1850. 258. viii. Titus Howell Ives was born on 28 Feb 1766 in Norfolk, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Polly Phelps in 1801. He died in 1847 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. ix. Sarah Ives was born on 13 Apr 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Apr 1807. x. Dorothy Ives was born on 18 Jul 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. xi. Dolly Ives was born in 1760. 259. xii. Joseph Ives was born on 10 May 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Sherman about 1780. He died in 1808. 260. xiii. Hannah Ives was born on 27 Jul 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Samuel Tibbals on 25 May 1775 in Norfolk, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Apr 1822. 101. Martha Ives-5 (Abijah-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 May 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died in 1780. Daniel Elton Higby son of Isaac Higby and Dinah Elton was born on 14 May 1739 in Middletown,Middlesex,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1780 in Lewis,,New York,USA. Daniel Elton Higby and Martha Ives were married on 06 Feb 1766 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Silas Higby was born in 1777 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1855 in , , Michigan, USA. ii. Benjamin Isaac Higby was born on 23 May 1769 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 May 1829 in Constableville, Lewis, New York, USA. Page 99 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iii. Daniel Higby was born on 23 Oct 1767 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. iv. Moses Higby was born on 24 Aug 1771 in Midlothian, Middlesex, Conn.. He died in 1847 in Ohio. 102. Phebe Ives-5 (Abijah-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 16 Dec 1788. Isaac Hall son of Isaac Hall and Mary Moss was born on 07 May 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Feb 1810 in Leyden, Lewis, New York, United States. Isaac Hall and Phebe Ives were married on 06 Sep 1764 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Sally Hall was born on 19 Jan 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in United States. ii. Abijah Hall was born on 25 Sep 1781 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Ashtabula, Ashtabula, Ohio, United States. iii. Clarissa Hall was born on 12 Aug 1779 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in United States. iv. Jonathan Hall was born on 15 Sep 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in United States. v. Isaac Hall was born on 19 May 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in United States. vi. Sarah Hall was born on 23 Oct 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. Elizabeth Hall was born in 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in United States. viii. Phebe Hall was born on 31 Jan 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Mar 1852 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, United States. ix. John Hall was born on 03 Jul 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in United States. x. Mary Hall was born on 21 Jul 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in United States. 103. Aaron Ives-5 (Abijah-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1801 in Wells, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Esther Hall was born on 05 Apr 1761 in New London, New London, Connecticut, USA. Aaron Ives and Esther Hall were married on 27 Dec 1779. They had the following children: Page 100 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 261. i. Betsey Ives was born about 1790 in Vermont, USA. She married Daniel Comstock on 27 Aug 1819 (Daniel Comstock of Pawlet, VT to Betsey Ives of Wells, August 27, 1819). She died between 1870-1880 in Jefferson, Hillsdale, Michigan, United States. ii. Aaron Ives was born in 1783 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucy Mallory on 16 Oct 1808. He died in 1831 in Middletown, Hartford, Connecticut, USA (His only son, Aaron, Jr., was killed in Middle- town, in 1831, by the falling of a tree.). iii. Abijah Ives was born on 01 Sep 1781. iv. Hannah Ives was born on 07 Apr 1780. 104. Abigail Ives-5 (Abijah-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Feb 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Jan 1822 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York, United States. Joseph Higby son of Issac Higbee and Dinah Elton was born on 04 Oct 1734 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 13 Jun 1824 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York, United States. Joseph Higby and Abigail Ives were married on 01 Sep 1756 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Abigail Higbee. ii. Olive Higby was born in 1778 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. iii. Abigail Higby was born in 1776 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. iv. Elisha Higby was born in 1774 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. v. Enoch Higby was born in 1772 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died in Medina, Medina, Ohio, United States. vi. Asahel Higby was born on 26 Oct 1770 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Feb 1827 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York, United States. vii. Asenath Higby was born on 30 Dec 1768 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died on 20 Feb 1835 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York, United States. viii. Chloe Higby was born on 30 Nov 1766 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1769 in Middleton, Connecticut, United States. ix. Joseph Higbee was born on 30 Oct 1763 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died in New Hartford, Oneida, New York, United States. x. Olive Higby was born in 1756 in Oneida, New York, United States. She died in 1801. xi. Mary Higby was born on 22 Mar 1759 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died on 11 Feb 1790 in Middletown Village, Connecticut, United States. Page 101 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 105. Mary Ives-5 (Abijah-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Sep 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1756. Benjamin Hall son of Jonathan Hall and Dinah Andrews was born on 20 Oct 1725 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Jul 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Benjamin Hall and Mary Ives were married on 27 Dec 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Benjamin Hall was born on 03 Nov 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Jul 1820. ii. Eliab Hall was born on 17 Feb 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in New York, United States. iii. Benjamin Hall was born on 25 Sep 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Oct 1755. 106. Phebe Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Nov 1771 in , Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Nov 1849. Williams Bidwell son of Amos Bidwell and Phebe Williams was born on 28 May 1764 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Oct 1840 in Barre, Orleans, New York, United States. Williams Bidwell and Phebe Ives were married in 1787. They had the following children: i. Jerusha A Bidwell was born on 19 Jul 1814 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ii. Stephen W Bidwell was born on 11 Dec 1811 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iii. Nancy Bidwell was born on 28 Mar 1809 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Nov 1857. iv. Lydia Bidwell was born on 12 Nov 1806 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. v. Lucy Bidwell was born on 20 Feb 1804 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Apr 1852. vi. Williams Bidwell was born on 23 Apr 1801 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. vii. Chester Ives Bidwell was born on 04 Jan 1799 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Jan 1864. viii. Phebe Bidwell was born on 27 Nov 1795 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ix. Rosetta Bidwell was born on 20 Apr 1793 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 23 Apr 1793. Page 102 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) x. Eliphaz Bidwell was born on 27 Dec 1790 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Dec 1862. xi. James Bidwell was born on 21 Nov 1788 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 16 Apr 1847. 107. John Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 May 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Sep 1826 in Connecticut. Mehitable Rose was born in 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1819 in Middleburg, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States. John Ives and Mehitable Rose were married on 14 May 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 262. i. Michael Erskine Ives was born in 1795 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1835 in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania (Killed while rafting on Susquehanna). 263. ii. John Ives was born in 1785 in Connecticut, United States. He married Martha Vanatter on 20 Feb 1830. He died in 1860 in West Branch, Potter, Pennsylvania, United States. 264. iii. Roswell Ives was born on 03 May 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Phoebe Losey on 02 Jan 1809. He died on 01 Dec 1866 in PA. iv. Asahel Ives was born on 07 Apr 1782 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 108. Amasa Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Mar 1743 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Dec 1817 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Rebecca Ward daughter of John Wiard and Martha Newell was born about 1751 in Of Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 12 Sep 1826 in Sullivan, Madison, New York. Amasa Ives and Rebecca Ward were married on 13 Dec 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. 266. ii. iii. 267. iv. v. Hannah Ives was born on 17 Mar 1797 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Rebecca Ives was born on 10 Jul 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Western Star, Medina, Ohio, USA. Sally Ives was born on 10 Jul 1788 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Russell Hall on 12 Oct 1809 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Lucinda Ives was born on 27 Jul 1786 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Lee Royce on 11 Oct 1810 in Meriden, New Haven, CT, USA. She died between 1814-1867. Watrous Ives was born in 1783 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Feb 1784 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 103 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 268. vi. Mary Ives was born on 13 Mar 1792 in Wallingford,CT. She married Jeremiah Miller on 18 Mar 1842 in Middletown, Ct (Bible record). She died on 10 May 1863 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. Amasa Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 265. i. William Watrous Ives was born on 30 Oct 1784 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. He married Polly Yale on 15 Sep 1809 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 19 Mar 1848 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. 109. Joshua Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Mar 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1816. Catherine was born in 1740. Joshua Ives and Catherine were married in 1763. They had the following children: 269. i. ii. Philemon Robert Ives was born on 16 May 1781 in Granville, Washington, New York, USA. He married Paulina Spencer in 1799 in Otsego, Otsego, New York, United States. He died on 01 Sep 1849. Catherine Ives was born in 1779 in Rensselaer, Rensselaer, New York, USA. 110. Isabel Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Apr 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Oct 1797 in Granville, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Recompence Miller son of Ichabod Miller and Mary Elton was born on 10 Oct 1736 in Middletown, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1790 in Tolland, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Recompence Miller and Isabel Ives were married on 17 Feb 1757 in wllingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Rachel Miller was born on 19 Aug 1769 in Tolland, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 29 Aug 1841. ii. Molla Miller was born on 16 Oct 1766 in Tolland, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. iii. Jesse Miller was born on 30 May 1762 in Middletown, Midlothian, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Aug 1777 in Tolland, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. iv. Isaac Miller was born on 12 Mar 1758 in Middletown, Midlothian, Connecticut, USA. v. Isabel Miller was born on 16 Jul 1772 in , Tolland, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Jan 1858 in Hartland, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 111. Ambrose Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 May 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1812 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Notes for Ambrose Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary War -- In Captain Cook's Company at Lexington alarm Page 104 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Listed on the: 1830 Brookfield Township Census 1840 Brookfield Township Deborah was born in 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1812 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Ambrose Ives and Deborah were married in 1761. They had the following children: 270. i. Titus Ives was born on 30 Nov 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Sep 1871 in Tioga, Pennsylvania. 271. ii. Timothy Ives was born in 1760 in Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States. He died in 1855 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 272. iii. Abigail Ives was born on 24 Apr 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States,. She married Robert Mitchell in 1798. She died on 25 Sep 1856 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 273. iv. Isabella Ives was born on 09 Jun 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Calvin Chamberlain in 1801 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. She died on 11 Mar 1836 in Farmington, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 274. v. John Ives was born on 01 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Martha Merriam on 23 Dec 1784 in United States. He died on 13 Mar 1828 in Turin, Lewis, New York. 275. vi. Benajah Ives was born in 1770 in Granville, Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 07 Mar 1841 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. vii. Elizabeth Ives was born in 1769 in Chemung, Chemung Co., NY. 112. Lazarus Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Nov 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Sep 1812 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. Notes for Lazarus Ives: General Notes: Served as Lieutenant under Captains Curtis and Richards, Colonels Hooker and Wadsworth in the Connecticut troops Although his origin is erroneously attributed to Wales, a detailed history of Lazarus' descendants is presented in the monograph on Hudson-Mohawk Genealogy, nton%22&source=bl&ots=DFSK4CHzq_&sig=u3_Y5mdksAMW1wxVK6jgiBzxV6I&hl=en&ei=rfvNTfyP DMPJgQeaxYSuDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CCkQ6AEwBTgU#v=snippet &q=Ives&f=false From: Page 105 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) "The service of remembrance was opened by Calvin Rose, post commander of VFWPost 3594, who then turned it over to Jim Ives, president of the Central Coast Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. Ives said he was wearing a replica of the uniform worn by his ancestor, Lazarus Ives, who serves as a rifleman from New York during the earliest years of the American Revolution. Immensely proud of his family’s long tradition of military service, Ives said he remembers hearing about his great-grandfather who, during the early 1860s “was carried on a cart every day so he could prepare the meals for General (Ulysses) Grant as they traveled the backroads of this nation to bring the Civil War to a close. My dad was an air -raid warden for our neighborhood during WWII.”" Personal communication, James Harvey Ives -"Big Lazarus" Ives (RN=1027) Movement Westward Rensselaerwyck New York Rensselaerwyck was the Dutch title of the great estate of the Patroon, Stephen Van Rensselaer; he held it to his death in 1849. The original grant was by the States General of Holland. When James, Duke of York, obtained grant from Charles II, he sent a strong fleet of war ships to seize the New Netherlands and hold it. New York and New Jersey were Dutch in settlement; they were conquered, never settled by any of English blood until the Revolution. The grant included even Maine, then claimed by the French and the western part of Massachusetts, though held under an earlier charter granted to the Puritan commonwealth. The Poestenkill Ives Tradition Anderson's Landmarks of Rensselaer County, and Sylvestor's History of Rensselaer County, published more than half a century ago, agree in reciting the Ives Tradition of Five Explorers. Both claimed a settlement of the Ives pioneer in 1770; one held that the explorers were of Swedish origin. Neither supplied names or dates, nor circumstances of their family. None of the family know of any other than Connecticut ancestry, descendants of Puritan forefathers. Lazarus Ives (RN 949), his sons and grandsons were born in Meriden or its vicinity. That the brothers were lumbermen in New England before their New York adventures, was a matter of common knowledge. But Lazarus and Joshua Ives had reached the time of life when it is best to settle in more peaceable industrial activities. Lazarus was 55 years old when he leased his great stock farm in Poestenkill. The Ives Tradition read that some years after the Revolution, five brothers named Ives landed at Vanderheyden's Ferry, the site of Troy. Disregarding New York City, or Lansingburgh, they struck off up the hills "seeking good timberland with running water, enough to run a saw mill." Two remained in Poestenkill; the other three, dissatisfied with the district, kept going east and north and never came back. No prior arrival is known to the family. At that time there were few settlers or farmlands cleared or ready for cultivation, except along the river line. Most of Rensselaerwyck was virgin woodland with some rich meadows. The area of the present county of Rensselaer was a part of the great estate of the Patroon Stephen Van Rensselaer. The Patroon welcomed settlers as tenant farmers, but would not sell any of the farms on his estate. He offered them for lease on easy terms of possession, subject only to ground rent, payable in agreed quantities of farm products averaging by weight about or less than ten per cent of the quantity produced. So long as a tenant paid his toll, he was sure of a farm home for his family, the leases stating no fixed period. It was a profitable work to the Patroon and his farmers. The tolls of products paid to the Patroon were shipped by him to Europe in his own packets. Tenants could sell in towns along the river up to 90 per cent of their produce. But first, the land had to be denuded of its trees and brush, to interest the farmer looking for a new place. There was no way to get logs down to the Hudson River, to float them to New York or other Page 106 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) ocean ports. That was the reason for dissatisfaction of the three explorers who went further than Poestenkill. 9 The Family of Lazarus (RN=1027) and Lydia (Gremes) (RN=1273) Ives Lazarus Ives, (RN=1027) born in Meriden, CT, November 7, 1734, died in Poestenkill, 17 September 1812, aged 78. Lydia was eight years younger and survived him eleven years. Their marriage probably took place about 1755 to 1758 at Wallingford where the couple lived until their removal to Plymouth in Litchfield County. They had a home in Watertown in the same county where the mother and younger children remained until removed to the Poestenkill farm. Lazarus' monument in the Poestenkill cemetery is inscribed with the dates of his birth and death, and his age, 78 years, 1 month, and 21 days. Their recorded children, all of Connecticut registry. Lazarus Ives (RN=1027) 2nd oldest son of Lazarus (RN=949), was a Connecticut lumberman, shrewd, thrifty, far sighted, and enterprising in his purposes of development of his fortunes for the benefit of his sons and their families. His experiences in his operations in lumbering enterprises, more than farm life, had arrived at a period when settlement in one location required a more peaceful life; he found his opportunity in Poestenkill, and he made his permanent home in that place for himself , his sons and their families. The swarm of Connecticut neighbors who followed him and eagerly took up the farms he cleared of dense woods, justified his foresight. He was called "Big Lazarus" because of his success in all his plans of expansion of local industries catering to the needs of a farming population, far from the state of his origin. Ives' development of industries was facilitated by the efficient work of his sons and relatives as they came to Poestenkill. Most of them elected to remain near him until his death. Others made the place a halfway stop for a few years until the urge came to go further west. Lazarus , his brother Joshua and his older son Christopher began about 1790 the clearing work on the three farms of the pioneer. Christopher the older son of Lazarus as his heir needed no immediate home or farm other than the stock farm of 178 acres. That claimed his attention excluding all others created by the enterprises of the pioneer. Christopher had to divide his time in the attention to withdrawal of capital from Connecticut, the wearisome journeys to Poestenkill and the purchases and freight of supplies to the lumbermen. None of them had much time to visit their waiting families in the Nutmeg State. The journey of the families of the pioneers to Poestenkill was a tedious and exhaustive form of travel by wagons from Connecticut, fully 160 miles or more. The alternative route was to the Hudson River and slow schooners to Albany. People of today have no conception of the difficulties in travel of that early period. The road to Springfield was fairly packed; not too difficult on the Mohawk Trail from Boston west to Albany, but subject to miring delays in stormy weather. The difficult part was beyond the trail where no roads existed. But the caravans arrived in time and settled in their new homes. It required at least three years to clear up the area of the three farms of the two brothers and Christopher (RN=1215), the son of Lazarus (RN=1027). Houses had to be built and equipped, and farm products matured and harvested to furnish food before the pioneers 10 journeyed to Connecticut to bring their families to Poestenkill. Further, there was necessary the collection of their business accounts, sale of the Meriden properties incidental to the change from Connecticut to a farm home in Poestenkill, both of Lazarus (RN=1027), Joshua (RN=1030), their sons and their families, and relatives, who came in the Hegira. The elder sons and heirs of Connecticut family estates were charged with the care of brothers and sisters and became the guide as well as financial agent of the enterprises of the family. At least one of each generation is charged with that duty. Timothy Ives trained Christopher Ives, his nephew, to handle the details of marketing of lumber and other productions of his family. The Ives Estate Page 107 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) The lease holding system, or what is called "tenant farming," is a relic of English laws permitting the ownership of great estates to remain unchanged in family lines. The tenant farmer was subject to the rule of his landlord and obliged to submit to exactions in politics or farm life, under penalty of ousting him and his family from their home. The abolition of this method by state laws after the American Revolution did not affect the leased lands in New York State until the death of their owners. While Stephen Van Rensselaer lived there was no division of his great estate and no trouble like that developed in the Anti-Rent movement of the 'Fi f t i es . But his farmers could sell or transfer their leased property and get back, at the least, their capital. Lazarus Ives took all worth while. In his age, having divested himself of titles to others he could trust, executed a deed transferring the stock farm and a small 25 acre plot next to Christopher's farm, to the latter. It was virtually a trust for the care of his widow during her lifetime and at her death to be delivered to the eldest son and presumptive heir, Lazarus or his issue. The Ives families in Connecticut had owned their farms and title had descended to the elder son in each case by inheritance, or by will where not entailed. But leased farms in Poestenkill could not be assured to a son by will. Lazarus needed no will. He made his deeds in life and when death came, he had divested himself of property interests. The Ives Acreage Lazarus Ives (RN=1027) was reputed before his death to be the largest landowner in the old town of Sand Lake. His descendants to this day speak of him as "Big Lazarus." Anderson's Landmarks of Rensselaer County, stated that he was the owner of several hundred acres and a large stock farm, about a mile north of Poestenkill Millage, where he lived and died. The stock farm was his original farm cleared by the labor of his sons and the first direct lease taken of the Patroon's land. The other farms were purchased by him from time to time as offered for sale by their owners, restless men who wanted to go west. Ives speculated, investing and waiting for a new land at his price. There were so many of the farms unsold at his death that settlement of the estate was delayed many years. Moreover he had created lumbering and other forms of industry , owned by him but held under other names. Most of his farms were transferred during his last years to Christopher Ives the oldest son, who acted as the financial director of his father's interests and investments. Lt. Lazarus Ives. Patriot The story of the Connecticut Militia and Lieutenant Lazarus Ives (RN=1027) as found in the official records Washington DC. SERVICE OF THE MILITIA RECORD FOR 1776 The first call upon the State militia for active service in the Revolutionary War was made in the summer of 1776, when Washington was in need of a large force to meet the enemy's threatened attack upon New York. Connecticut already had eight Continental and nine State regiments in the field, but she responded at once to an urgent request from the Commander-in Chief to send down a portion of her militia. Two requisitions were issued. The first called out fourteen of the regiments lying east of the Connecticut River to serve from August until "the exigency should be over." Brig. Gen. Oliver Wolcott was specially appointed to their command. The second was a call for nine of the regiments lying east of the River to serve from September with Brig. Gen. Gurdon Saltonstall in command. As these troops were hastily summoned, poorly armed and provided for, and generally undisciplined, effective service could not be expected of them. A few of the regiments were exposed to the first attack of the enemy on New York, Sept. 15, '76, and Page 108 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) contributed to what is sometimes described as the "panic" at Rips' Bay. Better troops would have found it difficult to withstand the shock. The experience proved a valuable one to the militiamen who were to be called out again more than once during the war. Later in the season, when the enemy sent their ships up the Hudson to interrupt the American communications, Washington again requested Gov. Trumbull to send troops to 12 the North River. "I know your exertions already are great," he wrote, 15 Oct '76: 1 know you have a large number of men engaged in the service in this, and the Northern army; and nothing could have induced me to mention this matter to you were it not for the al arming and melancholy consequences which will result from the enemy's possessing themselves of these communications. The Governor thereupon issued a proclamation calling upon the militia and all able bodied within the State to equip themselves without loss of time and be ready to march upon the shortest notice as exigence night require. At the same time , 21 Oct, he wrote to Washington: Considering the services and suffering of our militia the past summer, the present sickness that prevails among them since their return from the army, and the necessity of their attention to Country business, to secure a sufficient supply of provisions for the ensuing year, it is judged that this is all that we can do, consistent with prudence, at present. The rolls of the militia regiments are incomplete, those given in the following pages being copies of the originals in the Pension Bureau and Trumbull Papers. The number of militia regiments at the opening of the war was twenty-two. This number was presently increased to twenty-eight regiments of Infantry and five of Light Horse, the former being divided into six brigades. All able bodied persons between the ages of sixteen and fifty (less certain exempts) were subject to enrollment and duty. What the exact number was at different periods of the war does not appear on official returns, but the average was about twenty-three thousand. In 1782 the Adjutant General reported the number at something less than twenty-one thousand. How they were organized and to what extent they rendered service is indicated in the following rolls. BRIG.-GEN. OLIVER ERASTUS WOLCOTT'S BRIGADE. At Peekskill, March-June, '77. (As recruiting for the Continental "line" progressed slowly in the spring of '77, and the regiments from Connecticut were not ready to take to the field in March, Washington urged the Governor to send a body of Militia to serve for six weeks at Peekskill where Gen. McDougall was then posted with a few troops. Three regiments were accordingly ordered. They were composed of detachments from the militia regiments and placed under command of Brig. Gen. Oliver Erastus Wolcott Vice Gen. Wadsworth first appointed. The companies were placed on duty at various points White Plains, Crompond , Fishkill , Ft. Montgomery, & etc. The rolls in part are as follows:) Brigadier- General: OLIVER ERASUTS WOLCOTT Brigade-Major: ROGER HOOKER Captain: JESSE CURTIS Lieutenant: LAZARUS IVES (RN=1027) Ensign: ISAAC MERIAMS Lydia Grimes daughter of Christopher Grimes and Abigail Williams was born in 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Feb 1824 in Poestenkill,,New York,USA. Lazarus Ives and Lydia Grimes were married in 1755 in Plymouth,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: Page 109 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 276. i. Christopher Ives was born in 1764 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Molly Griggs in 1788. He died on 09 Feb 1830 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer, New York, United States. 277. ii. Rosetta Ives was born on 21 May 1774 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1844 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, United States,. 278. iii. Phebe Ives was born on 22 Feb 1772 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Williams Bidwell in 1787. She died on 01 Nov 1849 in Jordan, Onondaga County, New York, USA. 279. iv. Lucy Ives was born on 31 Jan 1779 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Benjamin Baker in 1803. She died on 01 Mar 1857 in Williamstown, Massachusetts. 280. v. Lydia Ives was born in 1762 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Timothy Jones on 08 Apr 1779 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Mar 1804. 281. vi. Lazarus Ives was born in 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Esther Thorpe on 15 Jan 1781. He died in 1823 in Connecticut USA. 113. Mamre Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Feb 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Nov 1814 in W. Granville, MA. Samuel Hall son of Daniel Hall and Martha Doolittle was born on 05 May 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 13 Feb 1810 in W. Granville, MA. Samuel Hall and Mamre Ives were married on 28 Aug 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Joel Hall. ii. Timothy Ives Hall was born on 07 Sep 1769 in W. Granville, MA. He died on 05 Feb 1842 in Charlestown, Portage, Ohio, USA. iii. Amasa Hall was born in 1763 in Whitesboro, Oneida, New York, United States. He died in 1815 (En route to the Western Reserve). iv. Samuel Hall was born on 04 Jul 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Sarah Hall was born on 24 Jan 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Jesse Hall was born on 24 Jan 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Benjamin Hall was born in 1730. Benjamin Hall and Mamre Ives were married on 27 Dec 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. Page 110 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 114. Timothy Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Oct 1731 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1812 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abigail Hall daughter of Phineas Hall and Anna was born on 16 Oct 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Timothy Ives and Abigail Hall were married on 12 Apr 1770 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 282. i. Anna Ives was born on 02 Sep 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Isabel Ives was born on 17 Feb 1787 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Levi Rice on 13 Mar 1806 in Meriden. iii. Phebe Ives was born on 12 Aug 1783 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Nov 1849. 283. iv. Thaddeus Ives was born on 28 Sep 1781 in Susquehannah, , New York, USA. He married Hannah Cotton on 04 Nov 1807 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Feb 1839 in Springboro, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA. 284. v. Timothy Ives was born on 08 Aug 1779 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Hannah "Harriet" Hurlbut on 30 Sep 1802 in Meriden, Connecticut. He died on 05 May 1853 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. 285. vi. Abigail Ives was born on 24 Jul 1777 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Robert Mitchell in 1798. She died on 25 Sep 1856 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. 286. vii. Ruth Ives was born on 26 Feb 1775 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Amos Foster on 10 Dec 1795 in Meriden, Connecticut. She died on 18 Dec 1830. viii. Levi Ives was born on 21 Feb 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 287. ix. Lucy Ives was born in 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Matthew Yale in Feb 1790. 288. x. Phebe Ives was born on 19 Mar 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Williams Bidwell in 1787. She died on 01 Nov 1849. 115. Abiah Ives-5 (Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Jul 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 19 Dec 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Notes for Abiah Ives: General Notes: Connecticut Historical Society 1903:87 -Of Wallingford in Major Isaac Foots Company; lost his right arm, 1855 James Harold Humiston daughter of James Humiston and Sarah Atwater was born on 28 Oct 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 18 Feb 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Page 111 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Abiah Ives and James Harold Humiston were married on 04 Feb 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. James Humiston was born on 04 Sep 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died Y. ii. Linus Humiston was born in 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Linus Humiston was born in 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died Y. 116. Daniel Ives-5 (Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Jan 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Sep 1777 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Elizabeth Rice was born about 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 07 Nov 1767 in Southbury, CT. Daniel Ives and Elizabeth Rice were married on 03 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 293. i. Joseph Ives was born on 23 Dec 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Hitchcock on 05 Dec 1792 in Cong. Ch., Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 27 Sep 1845 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Obedience Stevens daughter of Thomas Stevens and Desire Smith was born in 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 25 Sep 1830 in North Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Daniel Ives and Obedience Stevens were married on 07 Dec 1769. They had the following children: 289. i. Amy Ives was born on 18 Feb 1777 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. She married Asahel Brockett in 1797 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died Y. 290. ii. John Ives was born on 28 Aug 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Lola Jane Ives about 1797. He died on 12 May 1874 in Ashland, Greene, New York. 291. iii. Olive Ives was born on 09 Aug 1772 in Walllingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 23 Oct 1827 in Branford, New Haven, CT. 292. iv. Elizabeth Ives was born on 17 Sep 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married John Maltby on 05 Oct 1791 in North Branford, Branford, CT. She died on 31 Jan 1831 in ", "liver complaint. 117. John Ives-5 (Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Feb 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 27 Sep 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Phebe Parker daughter of Eliada Parker and Sarah Curtis was born on 31 Oct 1752 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 22 Oct 1816 in Wallingford,,Connecticut,USA. John Ives and Phebe Parker were married in 1770 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: Page 112 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 294. i. Abiah Ives was born on 18 Jul 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She married David Dibble on 07 Dec 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (First Congregational Church). She died on 17 Feb 1835 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. ii. Jerusha Ives was born on 04 Mar 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Nov 1776. iii. Asenath Ives was born in 1775 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. James Ives (?) was born on 03 Oct 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Othniel Ives was born on 16 Nov 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Mar 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Lydia Ives was born on 08 Sep 1778 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Daniel Hitchcock on 29 Nov 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (First Congregational Church). She died after 1824. vii. Sarah Ives was born on 08 Oct 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Richard Hill about 1801. She died on 15 May 1807. 295. viii. Mary Ives was born on 12 Oct 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Luther Doolittle about 1803. She died on 31 May 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 296. ix. Polly Ives was born on 26 Feb 1783 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She married Asaph Dunbar on 17 Nov 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 13 Jun 1855. 297. x. Phebe Ives was born on 14 Sep 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Chauncey Doolittle about 1809 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. She died on 06 Oct 1828. 298. xi. Daniel Stevens Ives was born on 20 Nov 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Merriman about 1809. He died on 16 Dec 1836 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 299. xii. Levi Ives was born on 23 Feb 1789 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Asenath Buell about 1816 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. He died on 23 Feb 1865. 300. xiii. Ira Ives was born on 16 Jul 1791 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Hannah Richmond on 13 Jan 1813 in New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York, USA. He died on 14 Mar 1881 in Volney,Oswego,New York,USA. xiv. Harry Ives was born on 01 Oct 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 May 1813. 118. Samuel Ives-5 (Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Mar 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 18 Jan 1819 in Woodstock, Ulster, New York, United States. Notes for Samuel Ives: Page 113 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) General Notes: Private in the Revolutionary War, 5th Connecticut Line rem to Windham (now Jewett?), Greene County, NY where he cleared a farm and spent the remainder of his life Lowly (Lola) Parker daughter of Ebenezer Parker and Lydia Barnes was born on 08 Mar 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She died on 07 Jul 1773 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Ives and Lowly (Lola) Parker were married on 07 Jan 1773. They had the following children: 301. i. ii. Samuel Ives was born on 08 Dec 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He married Betsey Elizabeth Fairchild in 1798. He died on 27 Feb 1858 in Roxbury, Delaware, New York, USA. Jesse Ives was born on 19 Jan 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He died on 28 Jan 1775 in Roxbury, Delaware, New York, USA. 302. iii. Lola Jane Ives was born on 18 Apr 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She died on 17 Jan 1856 in Ashland, Greene, New York, USA. 303. iv. Daniel Ives was born on 19 Apr 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He married Mercy Osborn in 1801. He died on 09 Apr 1838 in Ashland, Ohio, USA. 304. v. Elizabeth Ives was born on 19 Mar 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She married Aaron Steele on 30 Oct 1802 in ,Windham,Connecticut,USA. She died on 15 Apr 1864. vi. 305. vii. Alma Ives was born on 16 Jan 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Desire Ives was born in 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Curtis Mattoon on 02 Sep 1832. She died on 08 Feb 1847 in Windham, Greene, New York. 306. viii. Caleb Parker Ives was born in 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He married Cornelia Larcomb in 1829. He died on 04 Apr 1880. 307. ix. Julia Ives was born on 20 Dec 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She married Remus Baldwin on 09 Sep 1810. She died on 01 Mar 1873 in Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. x. Catherine Ives was born in 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. xi. Ann Ives was born in 1804 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. 308. xii. Roma Ransom Ives was born on 19 Jan 1784 in Windham, Greene, New York, United States. He married Mary Barney on 04 Mar 1813 in New York. He died on 20 Aug 1870 in Windham, Greene, New York, USA. xiii. Keziah Ives was born in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. xiv. Hannah A Ives was born in 1804 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Page 114 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Julia Parker. Samuel Ives and Julia Parker married. They had no children. 119. Abijah Ives-5 (Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Nov 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Oct 1830 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Hannah Johnson daughter of Ephraim Johnson and Lois Hall was born on 25 Jul 1763 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Mar 1827 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Abijah Ives and Hannah Johnson were married on 21 May 1779 in Wallingford, Connecticut, Colonies. They had the following children: i. Barbara Ives. 309. ii. Abijah Ives was born on 17 May 1799 in Connecticut. He married Polly Morse on 25 Aug 1822 in Huron County, Ohio, USA. He died on 31 Aug 1862 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. 310. iii. Lois Ives was born in 1778 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Moses Sperry Beach in 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 28 Oct 1847 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. iv. 311. v. Almira Ives was born about 1790 in Connecticut. She married Michael Doolittle in 1839. She died on 25 Feb 1862 in Huron County, Ohio (age 74). Ambrose Ives was born on 30 Dec 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut USA. He married Wealthy Hopkins Upson on 30 Mar 1817. He died on 31 Jan 1852 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 120. Elizabeth Ives-5 (Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Jul 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 09 Aug 1793 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Solomon Dunham son of Hezekiah Dunham and Jane Pease was born on 20 Sep 1732 in Edgartown, Dukes, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 22 Jan 1811 in Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Solomon Dunham and Elizabeth Ives were married on 02 Mar 1758 in Kensington, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Reuben Dunham was born on 13 Feb 1773 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Apr 1829. ii. Mary Dunham was born on 25 Oct 1768 in Kensington, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Lucy Dunham was born on 05 Mar 1766 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Page 115 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iv. Elishama Dunham was born on 17 Feb 1764 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. v. Soloman Dunham was born on 18 Jan 1762 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died about Aug 1786 in Guadaloupe, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. vi. Werner Dunham was born on 04 Dec 1759 in Kensington, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. Elizabeth Dunham was born on 03 Dec 1758 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 May 1783. 121. Reuben Ives-5 (Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Dec 1740 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Jan 1764 in Wallingford, Ct.. Elizabeth Obedience Rice Royce daughter of Reuben Royce and Keziah Moss was born in 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 07 Nov 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Reuben Ives and Elizabeth Obedience Rice Royce were married on 24 Feb 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (First Congregational Church). They had the following children: i. Reuben Ives was born about 1764. He died on 30 Sep 1826. 122. Abraham Ives-5 (Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Mar 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Jul 1776 (Monday July 29th. Abraham Ives of Wallingford Aged about 22 years died. He was in Cap* Brockets Company in Colonel Douglasses Regiment). Eunice Hull was born on 23 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Mar 1827 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. Abraham Ives and Eunice Hull were married on 15 Jan 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Merab Ives. ii. Rosilla Ives was born in 1789. She died on 15 Aug 1849. iii. Abraham Ives was born in 1776. He died on 08 Jul 1863 in Settlement, Sweet Grass, Montana, USA. iv. Clarissa Ives was born in 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 312. v. Elias Ives was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice Yale about 1807. He died on 18 Feb 1858 in Settlement, Sweet Grass, Montana, USA. vi. Lyman Ives was born on 07 Sep 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Dec 1853. vii. Eunice Ives was born on 01 Apr 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 116 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) viii. Samuel Ives was born on 15 Feb 1767 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Oct 1811 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. ix. Fannie Ives was born on 01 Sep 1781 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Jul 1865. 123. Sarah Ives-5 (Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Dec 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Mar 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Stephen Peck was born on 18 Mar 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Mar 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Stephen Peck and Sarah Ives married. They had the following children: i. Collier Peck was born on 05 Nov 1774. He died in 1797. 124. Mehitabel Ives-5 (Samuel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Mar 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 22 Jul 1757 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. David Rich son of David Rich and Elizabeth Merriam was born on 12 Jan 1720 in Wallingford,,Connecticut,USA. He died on 06 Mar 1794 in Claremont, Cheshire CO, NH. David Rich and Mehitabel Ives were married on 10 Nov 1743 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Thaddeus Rich was born on 27 Jul 1759 in New Cambridge, , Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Sep 1834 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Jerusha Rich was born on 04 Mar 1755 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Aug 1832 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Samuel Rich was born on 26 Feb 1753 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. iv. Elizabeth Rich was born on 20 Aug 1751 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 21 Mar 1752 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. v. Mehitable Rich was born on 12 Nov 1749 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1815 in , , Connecticut, USA. vi. Phebe Rich was born on 22 Dec 1747 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Nov 1818. vii. Rebecca Rich was born on 21 Jan 1746 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. viii. Josiah Rich was born on 06 Sep 1744 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1834 in Claremont, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA. 125. Bezaleel Ives-5 (Samuel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Dec 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 Nov 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 117 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Notes for Bezaleel Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary War - Captain (?) From: &o_lid=41125&o_sch=Web+Property -"South of the Whiting farm was the large one belonging to the Ives family. The old house stood, in fact stands, in the dwelling of George B. Murdock. Buried in the depths of this modern house is the kernel or nucleus of the one built by John Ives at an early date. (some doubt about this, but the site is the same). ???? In the year 1723 he appears to have taken up his residence in the parish of Meriden. He died in 1738 and the house and east part of his farm passed into the possession of his son, Captain Bezaleel. He died in 1798, and his only child, Captain Samuel, then became the owner and at his death in 1803, it became the property of Ivah Curtis, who had married his daughter Hannah. Here was born Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, whose son Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, Jr.. lately deceased, was R.a great Rscholar and prof. of theology. RThe farm of John Ives was a large one, comprising several hundred acres and stretched down on both sides of the highway nearly to the town line or farm of Amos Camp. His son, John, in the division of his father´s estate, took the western part and probably built the house many will remember as the Othniel Ives place, a few hundred feet west of the dwelling of Mr. Murdock. It was erected very likely about the year 1745. It was bought many years ago by J. George Schwink and perhaps 10 years ago was burned to the ground. In it was born levi Ives, who was the father of Levi Silliman Ives, who became the Protestant Episcopal bishop of North Carolina. In the year 1852 he ..embraced the Roman Catholic faith. The Ives family has always been numerous and influential on meriden and the old records abound in frequent evidences of this fact.´´ A Century of Meriden, Gillespie. Pg. 115." Hannah Merriam daughter of Nathaniel "Capt" Merriam and Elizabeth Hulls was born on 27 Aug 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Mar 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Bezaleel Ives and Hannah Merriam were married on 14 Feb 1751 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 313. i. Samuel Ives was born on 05 Jan 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lowly Parker on 07 Jan 1773 in Wallingford, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 18 Oct 1803 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 126. Benjamin Hitchcock-5 (Elizabeth-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Feb 1724 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Oct 1792 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Rhoda Cook was born on 22 Oct 1724 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 16 May 1808 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Benjamin Hitchcock and Rhoda Cook married. They had the following children: 314. i. Benjamin Hitchcock was born on 24 Nov 1752 in Cheshire, Connecticut. He died in 1809 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Page 118 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 127. Ichabod Ives-5 (Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Sep 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Feb 1845 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Mary Clark daughter of Daniel Clark and Abigail Horton was born about 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 09 Jan 1826 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut.. Ichabod Ives and Mary Clark were married in 1780 in Wallingford, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Isaac Ives was born on 08 Feb 1782 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Jul 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Betsey Ives was born on 14 Jun 1786 in Meriden, Connecticut. 315. iii. Miles Ives was born on 15 May 1791 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Lois Hull on 01 Jan 1823 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Jun 1872 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Julia Ann Ives was born on 06 Apr 1793 in Connecticut. v. Polly Ives was born in 26 1796. vi. Charles Ives was born on 01 Nov 1797. vii. Mary Ives was born on 05 Dec 1801. viii. Emily Lois Ives was born in 1804 in Cheshire, Connecticut. 128. Eunice Ives-5 (Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Jul 1831 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Daniel Bradley son of Jacob Bradley and Elizabeth Goodsell was born on 16 Jan 1756 in East Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 04 Apr 1825 in Mendon, Adams, IL. Daniel Bradley and Eunice Ives were married on 11 Jan 1776. They had the following children: i. Nathaniel Hitchcock Bradley was born on 23 Apr 1778 in East Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 05 Jun 1798. ii. Olive Bradley was born on 10 Jul 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 18 May 1866 in East Haven, CT. iii. Eunice Bradley was born on 18 Feb 1797 in East Haven, CT. She died on 12 Aug 1882 in East Haven, CT. iv. Elizabeth Bradley was born on 27 Oct 1782 in East Haven, CT. She died on 22 Mar 1845 in Mendon, Adams, IL. v. Sybil Bradley was born on 07 Nov 1784 in East Haven, CT. She died on 21 Nov 1855 in East Haven, CT. Page 119 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) vi. Joseph Bradley was born on 01 Nov 1786 in East Haven, CT. He died on 24 Sep 1789 in East Haven, CT. vii. Lydia Bradley was born on 22 Apr 1789 in East Haven, CT. viii. Eudocia Bradley was born on 20 Jul 1791 in East Haven, CT. She died on 26 Aug 1796 in East Haven, CT. ix. Sarah Bradley was born on 03 May 1794 in East Haven, CT. She died on 11 Sep 1796 in East Haven, CT. 129. Elizabeth Ives-5 (Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Nov 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1826 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Noah Baldwin son of Jonathan Baldwin and Mary Bronson was born on 23 Jan 1755 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Jan 1863 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Noah Baldwin and Elizabeth Ives married. They had the following children: i. Lucina Baldwin was born on 05 Feb 1778 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 130. Elnathan Ives-5 (Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 21 Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Dec 1841 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Olive Blakeslee daughter of John Blakeslee and Olive Curtis was born on 29 Mar 1758 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 May 1832 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Elnathan Ives and Olive Blakeslee were married on 21 Apr 1774 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 316. i. Chauncey Ives was born in 1799 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Maria Sloan in 1825 in Savannah, Wayne, New York, United States. He died in Plainwell, Allegan, Michigan, USA. 317. ii. Betsy Ives was born on 25 Apr 1779 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Noah Miles Bronson on 12 Oct 1797 in Waterbury,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 07 Aug 1865 in Weymouth, Medina, Ohio, USA. 318. iii. Truman Freeman Ives was born in 1777 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice P Peck in 1800 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Mar 1871 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. iv. Emily Ives was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 19 May 1776. v. Sabra Ives was born on 10 Feb 1782 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut. Page 120 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 319. vi. Merchant Ives was born in 1785 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut. He married Sally Osborne in 1804 in Plymouth, Connecticut. He died on 13 Oct 1866 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 320. vii. Friend Ives was born on 22 Dec 1789 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Harriet M Warner in 1811 in New Lebanon, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Feb 1874 in Gun Plain Township, Allegan, Michigan, USA. 131. Phineas Ives-5 (Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jun 1746 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Jun 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Martha Moss daughter of Samuel Moss and Hannah Royce was born on 10 May 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Apr 1845 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Phineas Ives and Martha Moss were married on 31 Dec 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 321. i. Samuel Ives was born on 29 Jun 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Jan 1850 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Hanna Keziah Ives was born on 12 Aug 1792 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Nov 1796. iii. Martha Maria Ives was born on 13 Sep 1790 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Sep 1794 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 322. iv. Justus Ives was born on 22 Sep 1786 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Deborah Congdon on 10 Mar 1828 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. He died on 14 Feb 1854 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. 323. v. Noble Ives was born on 23 Apr 1783 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Polly Skinner about 1810 in poss Ticonderoga, Essex, New York. He died on 18 Jul 1861 in Ticonderoga, Essex, New York, USA. 324. vi. Phineas Truman Ives was born on 05 Oct 1781 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Salome Royce on 04 Nov 1810 in Cheshire,New Haven,CT,Usa. He died in Apr 1870 in New Haven Co., CT. vii. Loyal Moss Ives was born on 28 Jun 1779 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Apr 1803 in Crown Point, Essex, New York, USA. 325. viii. Nehemiah Royce Ives was born on 24 Aug 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Phebe Tyler Cook in 1839. He died in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States. Sarah Hitchcock was born on 01 Aug 1757. Phineas Ives and Sarah Hitchcock were married on 30 Jan 1799. They had no children. 132. Sarah Ives-5 (Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Nov 1741 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Mar 1812. Page 121 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Edmund Austin son of Joshua Austin and Mercy Hall was born on 12 Dec 1738 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Mar 1791. Edmund Austin and Sarah Ives were married on 29 Nov 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Orrin Austin was born on 26 Oct 1784. He died on 18 Jan 1848. ii. Lois Austin was born on 20 Apr 1781 in Waterbury. She died on 27 Jan 1800. iii. Sarah Austin was born on 12 Jan 1780. She died on 23 Jun 1782. iv. Lemuel Austin was born on 22 Jun 1775. He died in Apr 1846. v. Edmund Austin was born on 19 May 1773 in Waterbury, , New Haven County, Connecticut. He died on 07 Sep 1856 in Waterbury, , New Haven County, Connecticut, United States Of America. vi. Ruth Austin was born on 10 Oct 1770. She died on 04 Sep 1855. vii. Job Austin was born on 11 Jan 1769. viii. Eunice Austin was born on 05 Mar 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ix. Elizabeth Austin was born on 25 Aug 1765 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Abner Austin was born on 17 Sep 1782 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Jan 1860 in Salem, New York, USA. 133. Lent Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Nov 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 30 Jun 1838 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Notes for Lent Ives: General Notes: From: -Inscription: "LENT IVES, a Soldier of the Revolution, Died June 30 AD. 1838 in the 80. year of his age." Mary Mighill daughter of Ezekiel Mighill and Margaret Wilson was born on 11 Jul 1764 in Killingsly, Connecticut. She died on 12 Aug 1844. Lent Ives and Mary Mighill were married on 26 Sep 1782. They had the following children: Page 122 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:01 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 326. i. Fannie Ives was born in 1791. She died on 29 Nov 1815. 327. ii. Sarah Ives was born on 03 Dec 1793 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. She married William Fox on 27 Aug 1806 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. She died on 18 Dec 1876 in Appanoose, IA, USA. iii. 328. iv. Nathaniel Ives was born on 16 Dec 1795 in Vermont. He died on 03 Nov 1852. John Ives was born on 17 Jul 1805 in Wallingford, Vermont. He married Lucretia Johnson on 16 Jul 1828. He died on 01 Dec 1866 in Lee County, Iowa. v. Abigail Ives was born in 1807. She died in 1825. vi. Ezekial Ives. 134. Amasa Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Apr 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Sep 1810 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Olive. Amasa Ives and Olive married. They had the following children: 329. i. William Ives was born on 28 Dec 1781 in New York, United States. He married Mary White on 29 Jan 1803 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 30 Aug 1859 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan United States. Olive was born in 1755. Amasa Ives and Olive married. They had the following children: i. Lydia Ives was born on 06 Sep 1786. She died on 22 Mar 1863 in Vermont, USA (Age: 76). ii. Sarah Ives was born on 21 Jul 1784. She died in 1820. iii. Amasa Ives was born on 13 Nov 1779. He died on 30 Jan 1839 in San Felipe, Austin, Texas, United States. 329. iv. William Ives was born on 28 Dec 1781 in New York, United States. He married Mary White on 29 Jan 1803 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 30 Aug 1859 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan United States. 135. Jotham Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Oct 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Aug 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lillis Fisk was born in 1761 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Aug 1826 in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vermont. Jotham Ives and Lillis Fisk were married in 1779 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. They had the following children: Page 123 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 330. i. Benedict Ives was born in 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Betsy Bristol on 27 Nov 1800 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 20 Nov 1862 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. ii. Asa Ives was born in 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Jul 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 331. iii. Rebecca Ives was born in 1795 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Dec 1877 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery). iv. Polly Ives was born on 04 Dec 1800 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She died on 22 Nov 1815. 332. v. Amasa Ives was born on 06 Apr 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Roxana Blakeslee on 14 Jan 1828 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Jan 1868 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 333. vi. Orilla Ives was born on 02 Oct 1806 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married Joram Bradley on 02 Oct 1806. vii. Persis L Ives was born in 1811 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married Lloyd Moss on 23 Nov 1811 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Jan 1828 in Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. 136. Esther Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Dec 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Daniel Bradley son of Daniel Bradley and Abigail Hitchcock was born on 15 Jul 1750 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 May 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Daniel Bradley and Esther Ives were married on 10 Dec 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Levi Bradley was born on 11 Nov 1792 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Mar 1877 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 137. Joseph Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Apr 1832 in Colebrook, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Rhoda was born in 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 07 May 1817. Joseph Ives and Rhoda married. They had the following children: 334. i. Truman Ives was born on 08 Jan 1784 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 May 1866 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 335. ii. Rhoda Ives was born on 14 Oct 1781 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She married Eleazer Bidwell on 22 Dec 1796 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Nov 1865 in Brighton, Lorain, Ohio, United States. Page 124 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 336. iii. Candace Ives was born on 31 Dec 1773 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Nathaniel Bettes on 27 Jan 1791 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1819. 138. Nathaniel Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Feb 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Mar 1825 in Castleton, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Notes for Nathaniel Ives: General Notes: From: 2+Repentance&source=bl&ots=E8dw3IJM17&sig=rXxw3gXn4Vgeco_YwaEnBux4KWA&hl=en&ei=kh dFToalM9GpsAKw3_SRCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CDMQ6AEwBA#v=o nepage&q=%22Nathaniel%20Ives%22%20Repentance&f=false -Member of the Congregational Church in West Rutland Vermont, 1819 From: -The son of Nathaniel & Mehitable (Andrews) Ives, Nathananiel Jr. & his two brothers, Abraham & Lent came to Castleton, Vermont from Connecticut. He was the first deacon of the Congregational Church in Castleton. On Aug. 20, 1771, he married Repentance Wise in Cheshire, Conn. and their home, a log cabin, was on the south corner of Main St. & Florence Avenue in Castleton. Repentance Wise daughter of James Wise and Isabel Malcolm was born in 1751 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 15 Aug 1823 in Castleton, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Notes for Repentance Wise: General Notes: From: 2+Repentance&source=bl&ots=E8dw3IJM17&sig=rXxw3gXn4Vgeco_YwaEnBux4KWA&hl=en&ei=kh dFToalM9GpsAKw3_SRCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CDMQ6AEwBA#v=o nepage&q=%22Nathaniel%20Ives%22%20Repentance&f=false -Member of the Congregational Church in West Rutland Vermont, 1819 Nathaniel Ives and Repentance Wise were married on 20 Aug 1771 in Congregational Church, Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 337. i. Melinda Ives was born on 19 Mar 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Wait Hoyt Chatterton on 26 May 1832 in Wallingford, Vermont. She died on 26 Jan 1869 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Page 125 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 338. ii. Asenath Ives was born on 31 Dec 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Douglas Davidson on 08 Nov 1793 in Wallingford,Rutland,Vermont,USA. She died on 22 May 1857 in Rome, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States. 339. iii. Esther Ives was born on 15 Feb 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Joseph Harris about 1800 in Vermont. She died on 12 Apr 1850 in Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. 340. iv. Chloe Ives was born in 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Jacob Amadon on 30 Mar 1797 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She died on 29 Jul 1860. 341. v. Orsen Ives was born in 1779 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He married Lydia Randall in 1817 in Wallingford, Vermont. He died about 1836 in Darke, Ohio (by drowning). 342. vi. Repentence Ives was born in 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Reuben Wicker in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont. She died in Davison, Genesee, Michigan, USA. 343. vii. Freelove Ives was born in 1788 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She married Jesse Hart on 15 Sep 1811 in Connecticut. She died on 07 Nov 1863 in Summit, Ohio, United States. viii. Lucinda Ives was born in 1793 in Rutland, Vermont. She died on 15 May 1842 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont. 139. Abraham Ives-5 (Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Nov 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Apr 1814 in Wallingford,,Vermont,USA (Abraham IVES came in from New England States, and located in the Ives settlement one and one-half miles south of Guilford. He died there a great many years ago and his wife, in 1827. His children were Samuel, who married Lucy Ann ATWATER; Lyman, who marrie). Notes for Abraham Ives: General Notes: From:,+Vermont %22&hl=en&ei=syr-TZLTJ-vKiAKlyuiLBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CDIQ6 AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Ives%20%22Wallingford%2C%20Vermont%22&f=false "Came from Wallingford, Conn., and settled in Wallingford, Vermont, shortly after 1773. He was a member of the Dorset convention of July 24, 1776; sheriff of Rutland County from 1781 to 1785 inclusive; and toen representative in 1779 and 1783. He kept a store and a tavern, the first that were opened in town. At the time of the invasion of Burgoyne, Mr. Ives, being well known as a patriot, was, with others of that class, in much danger; consulting, therefore, his own safety, more particularly that of his family, he concealed his goods and returned ofr a short time to Connecticut. About 1786-7, he removed to Wallingford, Conn. In 1794 he attended the session of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, He received the first degree of Masonry in Vermont Lodge, Aug. 7th, 1782." From: -"Abraham Ives was the first sheriff of record in Rutland County, Vermont. He was born in Wallingford, VT in 1741 and settled his family in the Town of Wallingford of the “New Hampshire Grants” (Vermont) in the early 1770s. He was first elected Wallingford Town Representative in 1779, and again in 1783. His most important public office however, was as Rutland county Sheriff. He served Page 126 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) four one year terms from 1781-1875, a job that required extensive paperwork and a good deal of travel over poor roads. In those years, Rutland County extended from the northern boundaries of Rupert, Dorset, and Peru to the Canadian border, containing at least ninety of the towns of present-day Vermont. All of these towns were chartered, either by New Hampshire or Vermont, but many were unorganized and sparsely settled. Part of Ives’ responsibility was collecting the state property tax of 1783. Under the Debtor’s Prison Law, many persons faced imprisonment because they could not meet their creditors’ demands or pay their taxes. More property changed hands as a result of irregularities in Ives’ transactions than ever before or since in Vermont’s history. Ives and his agents had a reputation for being dishonest. Even after his term as sheriff ended in October of 1875, Ives found himself in a position so untenable that he fled to Wallingford, CT. The Debtor’s Prison was abolished in 1833. " Eunice Hull daughter of Samuel Hull and Sarah Hall was born on 23 Jun 1749 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 17 Mar 1827 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. Abraham Ives and Eunice Hull were married on 15 Jan 1767 in Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 352. i. Rosilla Sally Ives was born in 1789. She married Stephen Yale on 27 Nov 1806 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 15 Aug 1849 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. Abraham Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 344. i. Samuel Ives was born on 15 Feb 1767 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy Ann Atwater on 05 Jan 1797 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 01 Oct 1811 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, United States. 345. ii. Eunice Ives was born on 01 Apr 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Abijah Cornell on 17 Nov 1796 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died after 1850. 346. iii. Lyman Ives was born on 07 Sep 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy McCall in 1799 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He died on 03 Dec 1853 in New York, USA. 347. iv. Elias Ives was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elizabeth Yale in 1807. He died on 18 Feb 1858 in Ives Settlement, Chenango, New York, USA. 348. v. Clarissa Ives was born on 29 May 1779. She died on 21 Apr 1842 in Chenango County New York, USA. 349. vi. Abraham Ives was born in 1776 in Connecticut. He married Lois Rice on 08 Nov 1801. He died on 08 Jul 1863 in Ives Settlement, Chenango, New York, USA. 350. vii. Fannie Ives was born on 01 Sep 1781 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Simon Trask on 28 Nov 1798. She died on 04 Jul 1865. Page 127 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 351. viii. Merab Ives was born on 15 Apr 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Elam Yale on 21 Nov 1804. She died on 18 Jul 1829 in Yaleville, Chenango, New York, USA. 140. Phineas Ives-5 (Phineas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Oct 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 16 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT. Lydia was born in 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut. She died on 21 Nov 1798 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Phineas Ives and Lydia were married in 1773 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. Sarah Hitchcock daughter of Bela Hitchcock and Hannah Atwater was born on 01 Aug 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died after 1790. Phineas Ives and Sarah Hitchcock were married on 30 Jan 1799 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. They had the following children: 353. i. Justus Ives was born on 22 Sep 1786 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sally Phelps on 01 Dec 1814 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. He died on 14 Feb 1854 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. ii. Nobel Ives was born on 23 Apr 1783 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on Unknown. iii. Phineas Truman Ives was born on 05 Oct 1781 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Salome Royce on 04 Nov 1810 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. He died in Apr 1870 in New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Loyal Moss Ives was born on 28 Jun 1779 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in Apr 1803 in Crown Point, Essex, New York, United States. v. Martha Meriah Ives was born on 13 Sep 1790 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1791. 141. Hannah Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 Dec 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Oct 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Thomas Gaylord son of Nathan Gaylord and Thankful Brooks was born on 11 Jul 1747 in Wallingford, Connecticut, Colonies. He died in 1805 in Whitestown, New York (Y). Thomas Gaylord and Hannah Ives were married on 06 Feb 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. They had the following children: i. Joseph Gaylord was born about 1772. He died on 24 Dec 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. ii. Warham Gaylord was born on 15 May 1774 in Wallingford, Connecticut, Colonies. He died Y. Page 128 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 142. Stephen Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Sep 1830. Mary Sherman Hotchkiss daughter of Nehemiah Hotchkiss and Mary Rexford was born on 25 Jan 1748 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 31 Dec 1834 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Stephen Ives and Mary Sherman Hotchkiss were married on 01 Jul 1773 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Lucy Ives was born on 19 Mar 1779 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Hannah Ives was born on 03 Dec 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Stephen Ives was born in 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Susannah Ives was born in 1770 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Isaac Ives was born on 26 Sep 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Ier Ives was born on 27 Jan 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 354. vii. Mary Ives was born on 23 Mar 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Titus Ives in 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Feb 1854 in CT, USA. 143. Dinah Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Mar 1746 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Sep 1812 in Marion, ,New York,USA. Amasa Hall son of Timothy Hall and Etheldred Parker was born on 07 Dec 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1836 in Marion,Wayne,New York,USA. Amasa Hall and Dinah Ives were married on 14 Dec 1775. They had the following children: i. Lydia Hall was born on 29 Jul 1778 in Cazenovia,,New York,USA. She died on 31 Mar 1853 in Oran,,New York,USA. ii. Amasa Hall was born in 1787 in Cheshire, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 Dec 1851 in Marion, NY. iii. Joel Hall was born on 19 Mar 1785 in Cheshire, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Jan 1865 in Marion, Wayne, New York. 144. Lydia Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Feb 1743 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 03 May 1823 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 129 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Benjamin Doolittle son of Caleb Doolittle and Tamar Thompson was born on 05 Mar 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Aug 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Benjamin Doolittle and Lydia Ives were married on 20 Nov 1765 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Lydia Doolittle was born on 20 Sep 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 31 Oct 1777 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Josephld Ives Doolittle was born on 06 Sep 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Prospect, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Benjamin Doolittle was born on 10 Feb 1771 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Sep 1849 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Achsah Doolittle was born on 23 Jul 1769 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Mar 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Hannah Doolittle was born on 01 Oct 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Feb 1830 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Lydia Doolittle was born on 27 Aug 1766 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Nov 1826 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 145. Aner Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jan 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1790 in Woodbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Rachel Wilmot daughter of Valentine Wilmot and Rachel Johnson was born on 11 Aug 1743 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1860. Aner Ives and Rachel Wilmot were married on 15 Jun 1763 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 355. i. Ansel Wilmot Ives was born on 31 Aug 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucia Jones on 15 Oct 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Feb 1838. 356. ii. Joseph Ives was born on 24 Nov 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Polly Hall in 1827 in Bethany,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 18 Apr 1862 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. 357. iii. Titus H Ives was born in 1775 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 Jul 1828 in New Milford, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. He married Mary in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 358. iv. Aner Ives was born in 1766 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sybil Smith Caswell in 1783. He died on 02 Nov 1805 in New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Page 130 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 359. v. Asahel Ives was born on 25 Jun 1764 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elsie Foote on 26 Jun 1784 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 10 Aug 1830 in Bethlehem, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 146. Mamre Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 May 1738 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Feb 1810 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Jesse Bradley son of Daniel Bradley and Abigail Punchard was born on 04 May 1736 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Jul 1812 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Jesse Bradley and Mamre Ives were married on 19 Jan 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Joseph Bradley was born on 19 Oct 1767. He died on 17 Feb 1849 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. ii. Mamre Bradley was born on 09 Dec 1765 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 23 Jul 1823 in Dryden, Tompkins, New York, United States. iii. Daniel Bradley was born on 04 Mar 1779 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He died in Groton City, Tompkins, New York, United States. iv. Lemi Bradley was born on 23 Jun 1774 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 26 Apr 1853 in Northville, Fulton, New York, United States. v. Jesse Bradley was born on 09 Dec 1763 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1847 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. vi. Eli Bradley was born on 24 Nov 1782 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Dec 1833 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. vii. Jared Bradley was born on 25 Aug 1760 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Mar 1814 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. viii. Esther Bradley was born on 17 Nov 1758. She died on 21 May 1778 in Lee, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. 147. Mary Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 May 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Jun 1822 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. Elisha Bradley son of Stephen Bradley and Ann Bishop was born on 03 Nov 1732 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 05 Mar 1815 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, MA. Elisha Bradley and Mary Ives were married on 24 Jan 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Medad Bradley was born on 19 Jun 1771 in Litchfield, New Haven, CT. He died on 28 Oct 1850 in Broome, New York. Page 131 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) ii. Sarah Bradley was born on 25 Feb 1754 in New Haven, CT. She died on 22 Jun 1785 in Cornwall, Litchfield, CT. iii. Lent Bradley was born on 14 Jun 1756 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 20 Dec 1840 in Westfield, Chautauqua, NY. iv. Mary Bradley was born on 09 Jun 1758 in New Haven, CT. She died on 09 Feb 1837 in Vernon, Tolland, Connecticut, USA. v. Mamre Bradley was born on 05 Mar 1765 in New Haven, CT. She died on 20 Apr 1835. vi. Stephen Bradley was born on 19 Jul 1774 in Stockbridge, MA. He died on 01 Apr 1857 in Lee, MA. vii. Hannah Bradley was born on 11 Jun 1777 in Stockbridge, MA. She died on 22 Feb 1824 in Victory, NY. viii. Elisha Bishop Bradley was born on 01 Jan 1770 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Oct 1829 in Union, Broome, New York, USA. ix. Amarilla Bradley was born on 08 Mar 1767 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Jul 1806. x. Asahel Bradley was born in 1762. He died on 17 Dec 1848. xi. Josiah Bradley was born on 23 Nov 1760 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 May 1822. 148. Joseph Ives-5 (Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jan 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 25 Nov 1785 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Elizabeth Grannis daughter of John Grannis and Mary Bradley was born on 20 Dec 1741 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Sep 1819 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Joseph Ives and Elizabeth Grannis were married on 05 Nov 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. David Ives was born on 18 Jul 1778 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. He died in 1785. ii. Titus Ives was born in 1776 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. iii. Elizabeth Ives was born on 29 Jan 1775 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. She died in 1787. iv. David Ives was born on 23 Mar 1773 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. He died on 31 Jul 1777 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. v. Stephen Ives was born on 31 Jul 1771 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Page 132 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 360. vi. John Ives was born in 1765 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Thomas on 30 Sep 1792 in Claremont, New Hampshire. He died on 27 Mar 1813 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. 361. vii. Mary Ives was born on 01 Jul 1763 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Daniel Adkins about 1783. She died on 18 Apr 1837 in Morristown, Lamoille, Vermont, United States. 362. viii. Mamre Ives was born on 14 Nov 1767 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Zina Thomas in 1786 in Connecticut, United States. She died on 03 Feb 1855 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. 149. Enos Ives-5 (Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Jun 1727 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1805 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. Anna Cook daughter of Israel Cook and Elizabeth Clark was born on 04 Jan 1727 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Enos Ives and Anna Cook were married on 16 Mar 1749 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 364. i. Mary Ives was born on 25 Apr 1766 in Ruthland Norwich,Cornwall N L Vt,Connecticut,USA. She married Jeremiah Bingham on 27 Nov 1786 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. She died on 15 Feb 1845 in Lamp Creek,Or Nauvoo,IA/IL. 365. ii. Jared Ives was born on 17 Nov 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Althea Bridge in Nov 1795 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. He died on 10 Feb 1813 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. 366. iii. Enos Ives was born on 25 Apr 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Ruth Bingham in 1787 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United States. He died in Nov 1827 in Ellery, Chautauqua, New York, United States. 367. iv. Anne Ives was born on 25 Apr 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Jun 1821 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. 368. v. Rebecca Ives was born on 09 Jan 1755 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married John Rockwell on 22 Jul 1777 in Rutland,Rutland,Vermont,USA. She died on 01 Oct 1837 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. 369. vi. Elizabeth Ives was born on 16 Apr 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Jabez Watrous on 20 Aug 1787 in Cornwall, Vermont, United States. She died in 1790 in Cornwall, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 370. vii. Lois Ives was born on 16 Apr 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Isaac Martin on 21 May 1767 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died in 1790 in Cornwall, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Enos Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: Page 133 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 363. i. Jesse Ives was born on 02 Jan 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sophia Williams about 1794 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 150. Andrew Ives-5 (Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Jul 1724 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Oct 1746 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Prindle daughter of Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham was born on 09 Jul 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Andrew Ives and Sarah Prindle were married on 02 Oct 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Lois Ives was born in 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in United States. ii. Lydia Ives was born on 07 Aug 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Timothy Jones on 08 Apr 1779 in Meriden, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Mar 1804. 371. iii. William Ives was born on 04 Jul 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Hotchkiss on 03 Jun 1778 in Congregational Church,Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT, USA. He died in 1829 in Prospect, Connecticut, USA (Age: 76). 372. iv. Joel Ives was born on 07 May 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Jerusha Rayee on 29 Oct 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Aug 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 373. v. Sarah Ives was born on 24 Nov 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Anthony Thompson about 1773 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She died on 11 Aug 1818. vi. 374. vii. Thomas Ives was born on 18 Jun 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1810. Eunice Ives was born on 28 Apr 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Ebenezer Cowles on 01 Dec 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1816 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 375. viii. Lent Ives was born on 27 Jun 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Hannah Burr on 02 Jul 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Jun 1828 in Oneida, New York, United States. 151. Isaac Ives-5 (Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Nov 1721 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Feb 1760 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Lydia Morgan daughter of Joseph Morgan and Susanna was born in 1719 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 08 May 1793 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT. Page 134 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Isaac Ives and Lydia Morgan were married on 13 Jun 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 378. i. John Ives was born on 25 Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Lois Hotchkiss on 01 Jan 1770 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died in Jul 1808. 379. ii. Isaac Ives was born on 20 Apr 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Thompson on 08 Dec 1771 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1806 in Tryon, , Prince Edward Island, Canada. iii. Rebecca Ives was born on 03 May 1745 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Jul 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lydia Morgan daughter of Joseph Morgan and Susanna was born in 1719 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 08 May 1793 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Isaac Ives and Lydia Morgan married. They had the following children: 376. i. Lydia Ives was born on 25 Aug 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Charles Todd in 1777 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Mar 1804 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. ii. Rebecca Ives was born on 03 Jan 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 377. iii. Reuben Ives was born on 03 Dec 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lowly Hull on 23 Sep 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Feb 1822 in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. 152. Joel Ives-5 (Joel-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1760 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 03 Jun 1807 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Olive Butler Ives daughter of Charles Ives and Sarah Butler was born on 20 Apr 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Ives and Olive Butler Ives were married in 1795. They had the following children: i. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Jan 1798. 380. ii. Olive Ives was born on 07 Apr 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Mix on 06 Apr 1808 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Sep 1856 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. 381. iii. Gideon Ives was born on 14 Jun 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Nov 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 382. iv. Butler Ives was born on 16 Apr 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Olive Hall Moss on 03 Dec 1807. He died on 31 Aug 1846 in Lyons, Wayne, New York, USA. Page 135 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Sally Ives was born on 11 Mar 1779 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Apr 1887 in Newton, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Butler Ives was born on 16 Feb 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Apr 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. Roxanna Ives was born on 17 Apr 1799 in Wallingford, N-Haven, Ct, Usa. She died on 05 Aug 1866 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA. viii. Sarah Ives was born on 11 Mar 1779 in Wallingford, New Haven, Conn. She died on 15 May 1807 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. 153. Reuben Ives-5 (Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Mar 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Aug 1823 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Elizabeth Royce daughter of Jaspar Royce was born in 1748 in Rhode Island. She died on 08 Jan 1817 in Dalton, MA. Reuben Ives and Elizabeth Royce were married on 24 Feb 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Lydia was born in 1751. She died in 1830. Reuben Ives and Lydia married. They had the following children: i. Reuben Ives. 154. Elnathan Ives-5 (Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Mar 1731 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1811 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Elnathan Ives: General Notes: From ACI, p. 139 -Rev soldier Anna Yale daughter of Moses Yale and Mary Clark was born on 11 Aug 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Elnathan Ives and Anna Yale were married on 09 Mar 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Abigail Ives was born on 24 May 1778. ii. Esther Ives was born on 20 Oct 1776. 383. iii. Seth Ives was born on 19 Feb 1774 in New Hartford, Litchfield, CT. He married Lois Holcomb in 1798. He died on 19 Apr 1819 in Sheldon,Wyoming,New York,USA. 384. iv. Elias Elnathan Ives was born on 18 Jan 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 136 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 385. v. Noel Ives was born on 12 Mar 1769 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice Miller on 31 Dec 1800 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. He died on 27 Mar 1838. 386. vi. Fitch Ives was born on 28 Nov 1763 in Connecticut. He married Clarissa Watrous about 1784. He died in 1810 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Anna Ives was born on 21 Sep 1761. viii. Elizabeth Ives was born on 20 Feb 1758 in Connecticut. 155. Josiah Ives-5 (Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Mar 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Dec 1808 in Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. Notes for Josiah Ives: General Notes: From ACI, p. 139 -Rev soldier bought 'house lots' at "upper Shawnee" (he then of Wyoming), Sep 1, 1789 grantee of Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Mar 8, 1788 Anna Yale daughter of Moses Yales and Mary Clark was born on 11 Aug 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1837. Josiah Ives and Anna Yale were married on 09 Mar 1762 in Meriden, New Haven, CT (First Congregational Church). They had the following children: 388. i. ii. Josiah Ives was born in 1770 in Bristol,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. He married Lucy Williams on 26 Mar 1791 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. He died in 1849 in Michigan, United States. Joseph Ives was born in 1763 in Connecticut. Josiah Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 387. i. Phoebe Ives was born on 10 Sep 1778 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She married Richard Loomis on 10 Sep 1795 in Luzerne,,Pennsylvania,USA. She died on 17 Mar 1848 in Machias, Cattaraugus, New York, United States. 156. Erastus Ives-5 (Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Nov 1780 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Sep 1828 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Lucy Paine daughter of Ephraim Paine and Mary Thompson was born on 25 Dec 1782 in Amenia, Dutchess, New York. She died on 20 Oct 1839 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois. Erastus Ives and Lucy Paine were married on 08 Dec 1805. They had the following children: 389. i. Henry Ives was born on 20 Mar 1820 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. He married Chloe Horr about 1840 in of Watertown, Jefferson, New York. He died on 30 Jul 1867. Page 137 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 390. ii. Julia Ives was born on 08 Mar 1817 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. She married John Pack on 10 Oct 1832 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. She died on 23 Jun 1903 in Kamas, Summit, Utah. 391. iii. Jerome Ives was born on 17 Apr 1810 in Field Settlement, Jefferson, New York. He married Chloe Holloway in 1832 in Watertown,Jefferson,New York,USA. He died on 05 Nov 1877 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. 392. iv. Joel Ives was born on 20 Oct 1806 in Connecticut. He died on 27 Apr 1871. 157. Enos Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Oct 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Mar 1830 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Eunice Merriman daughter of Titus Merriman and Dinah Andruss Andrews was born on 11 Jun 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 16 May 1832 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Enos Ives and Eunice Merriman were married in Oct 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 393. i. Sarah Ives was born on 24 Sep 1789 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She married John Gridley Cowles in Sep 1815 in Bristol,Conecticut. She died on 20 Apr 1835 in Bristol,Connecticut. 394. ii. Eunice Ives was born on 11 Mar 1780 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She married Henry Orrin Hart in Nov 1813 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Jun 1843 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York, United States. 395. iii. Keturah Ives was born on 06 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Asahel Barnes in 1799. She died on 29 Sep 1839 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, USA. 396. iv. Charles Gandison Ives was born on 22 Oct 1781 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He married Parthena Rich on 14 May 1806 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 07 May 1867 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. 397. v. Orrin Ives was born on 01 Sep 1797 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He married Angeline Peck on 23 Dec 1824 in Bristol. He died on 09 Mar 1867. vi. Enos Ives was born on 21 May 1793 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 13 Aug 1866 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Notes for Enos Ives: General Notes: From ACI, p. 136 -bought in Morrisiana, New York 1857 158. Eunice Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Sep 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1816 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Ebenezer Cowles son of Ebenezer Cowles and Lydia Royce was born on 14 May 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Aug 1798 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Page 138 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Ebenezer Cowles and Eunice Ives were married on 01 Dec 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Levi Cowles was born in 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 23 Nov 1833 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. ii. Alfred Cowles was born in 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1830 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. iii. Lovina Cowel was born in 1785 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Dec 1853. iv. Lonson Cowles was born in 1785 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. v. Ebenezer Howell Cowles was born in 1784 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Mar 1801 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. vi. Phebe Cowles was born in 1779 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Jerusha Cowles was born in 1779 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 30 Jun 1852 in Camden, Oneida, New York, United States. viii. Gideon Ives Cowles was born in 1778 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Sep 1800 in , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ix. Eunice Cowles was born in 1771 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Feb 1851. x. Asahel Cowles was born on 27 Dec 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Feb 1829 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 159. Mary Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Aug 1746 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1813 in Gouverneuor, St Lawrence, New York, USA. Elijah Hough son of Daniel Hough and Violet Benton was born on 23 Jan 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died on 28 Jan 1828 in Watertown, Jefferson Co., New York. Elijah Hough and Mary Ives were married on 27 Apr 1769 in Meriden, New Haven Co., Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Levi Hough was born on 05 Mar 1783 in Steuben, Oneida Co., New York. He died on 04 Oct 1868 in Onondaga Co., New York. ii. Lemuel Hough was born on 23 Jun 1770 in Southwick, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. He died in 1775 in Southwick, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. iii. Amos Hough was born in 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 15 Aug 1813 in Gouverneuor, St. Lawrence Co., New York. iv. Elizabeth Hough was born on 30 Sep 1775 in Steuben, Oneida Co., New York. She died on 23 May 1835 in Remsen, Oneida Co., New YOrk. Page 139 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Lemuel Hough was born on 12 Oct 1778 in Massachusetts. He died on 22 Jan 1886 in Forestport, Oneida Co., New York. vi. Mary Hough was born on 04 Feb 1782 in Massachusetts. She died on 16 Dec 1855 in Alder Creek, Oneida Co., New York. vii. Elijah Hough was born in 1785 in Steuben, Oneida Co., New York. He died on 16 May 1848 in Bloomingdale, Illinois. viii. Hosea Hough was born in Nov 1787 in Massachusetts. He died on 07 Apr 1871 in Theresa, Jefferson Co., New York. 160. Amasa Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Apr 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Jan 1817 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Huldah Shailer daughter of Joseph Shailer and Mary was born on 04 Apr 1752 in Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Sep 1810 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Amasa Ives and Huldah Shailer were married on 19 Dec 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 398. i. Joseph Ives was born on 24 Nov 1782 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He married Almenia Rich on 29 Sep 1805 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Apr 1862 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. 399. ii. Philotheta Ives was born on 12 Apr 1790 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She married Samuel Root on 06 Apr 1815 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 09 Jan 1828 in Mayfield, Fulton, New York. iii. Philotheta Ives was born on 18 Jun 1780 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 28 Aug 1785 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. 400. iv. Ira Ives was born on 12 Apr 1775 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Aug 1848 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. 401. v. Chauncey Ives was born on 28 Jun 1787 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He married Amanda Clark on 10 May 1826. He died on 25 May 1857 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. vi. 402. vii. Huldah Ives was born on 27 Nov 1772. She died on 03 Jul 1811 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Shailer Ives was born on 04 Jul 1785 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He married Eliza Warren Stevens on 09 Jan 1821 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States. He died on 25 Aug 1840 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States. 403. viii. Piera Ives was born on 30 Jun 1792 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She married Joel Root on 17 May 1815. She died in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Amasa Ives was born in Mar 1777. He married Barbara James on 09 Oct 1839 in Ross County, Ohio. He died on 25 Feb 1858 in Ross County, Ohio. Notes for Amasa Ives: Page 140 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) General Notes: From ACI, p. 134 -Head of firm, "Amasa Ives Jr & Co." 404. x. Philo Ives was born on 18 Jun 1780 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lois E Upson on 03 Oct 1803 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Apr 1822 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 161. Moses Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1768 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1839 in Bainbridge, Geauga, Ohio, USA. Notes for Moses Ives: General Notes: -"Sources: Title: "FIND A GRAVE" Publication: INTERNET SITE: Page: Note: EXTRACT FROM SOURCE: "Gideon Ives Birth: unknown Death: Jan. 31, 1777 Inscription: In 57 Year of His Age. Note: from "A Century of Meriden" 1906 Burial: Broad Street Cemetery (Meriden) New Haven County Connecticut, USA." Repository: Name: Family History Library Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA Title: Ancestral File (R) Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 " Lydia Matthews was born in 1777. She died on 23 Apr 1843 in Bainbridge, Geauga, Ohio, USA. Moses Ives and Lydia Matthews married. They had the following children: i. 405. ii. iii. Charles Caleb Ives was born in 1804 in Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 13 Aug 1823. Hiram Ives was born on 08 Nov 1799 in Bristol, Connecticut. He died in 1835. Romante Ives was born on 13 Feb 1797 in Bristol, Connecticut, USA. He married Charlotte Forsyth on 27 May 1828 in Lyme, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Jun 1854. 406. iv. Newton Ives was born on 29 Dec 1794 in Bristol, New Havenb, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucy B in 1817. He died on 25 Sep 1857. 407. v. Emmeline Ives was born on 01 Sep 1802 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died before 1831. Page 141 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 408. vi. vii. Annah Carrington Ives was born about 1810 in New York. She married Myron Soule on 28 Jan 1847. She died on 19 Mar 1899. Sarah Sophia Ives. She married Myron Soule in 1831. She died before 1847. 162. Dolly Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Jul 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Aug 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Jesse Merriman son of Caleb Merriman and Margaret Robinson was born on 05 Oct 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 08 May 1827 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. Jesse Merriman and Dolly Ives were married on 25 Jan 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Charles Merriman was born on 28 Oct 1807 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Nov 1876 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Howell Merriman was born on 07 Mar 1801 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Jun 1858 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Eunice Merriman was born on 22 Dec 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1837. iv. Sally Merriman was born on 15 Mar 1795 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1870. v. Ives Merriman was born on 23 Dec 1792 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Oct 1825 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Ira Merriman was born on 25 Dec 1789 in Meridan, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1817 in Amhurst, Lorain, Ohio, USA. vii. Salina Merriman was born on 20 Mar 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Sep 1842 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Joel Merriman was born on 22 Sep 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Oct 1819 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 163. Amos Ives-5 (Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Dec 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 May 1826 in Middle Settlement, Oneida, New York, USA. Notes for Amos Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary war veteran. Spent part of his service as Pvt. and later, Orderly Sgt. in Captain Jeheil Meigs' Company. Possibly the Amos Ives who appears in a list of bills and accounts for Colonel Baldwin's Regiment, January 22, 1779. A Sergeant Amos Ives also appears in a "Milage Roll for the Horses in the New Haven & Fairfield Alarms, July 5th & 7th last For the 5th Company of the Alarm list in the 10th Reg't." This same list also includes the names Bazaleel Ives and John Ives. (Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in the Revolution). Amos Ives' name also appears on an 1840 list of New York Revolutionary War pensioners. The list indicates he was living in Salisbury, NY, and was 91 years old at the time. Page 142 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Eunice Merriman daughter of Titus Merriman and Dinah Andrews was born on 11 Jun 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 May 1832 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Amos Ives and Eunice Merriman married. They had the following children: 411. i. Orrin Ives was born on 01 Sep 1797 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He married Angeline Peck on 23 Dec 1824 in Bristol. He died on 09 Mar 1867. ii. Enos Ives was born on 21 May 1793 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 13 Aug 1866 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. 412. iii. Sarah Ives was born on 24 Sep 1789 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She married John Gridley Cowles in Sep 1815 in Bristol,Conecticut. She died on 20 Apr 1835 in Bristol,Connecticut. 413. iv. Charles Gandison Ives was born on 22 Oct 1781 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He married Elizabeth Goodwin on 27 Jan 1841 in Morris, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 07 May 1867 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. 414. v. Eunice Ives was born on 11 Mar 1780 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She married Henry Orrin Hart in Nov 1813 in Bristol,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 12 Jun 1843 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York, United States. 415. vi. Keturah Patty Ives was born on 06 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Asahel Barnes in 1799. She died on 29 Sep 1850 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States. vii. Piera Ives was born in 1791 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Lucy Hall daughter of Abel Hall and Ruth Johnson was born on 03 Oct 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 20 Apr 1838 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. Amos Ives and Lucy Hall were married on 23 Feb 1774 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Samuel Ives was born in 1789 in Connecticut. He died on 21 Sep 1877 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York. ii. Truman Ives was born on 25 Jun 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 May 1880 in Salisbury Corner, Herkimer, New York, USA. iii. Anson Ives was born on 09 Mar 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 30 Dec 1875 in Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States. iv. Lucy Ives was born on 18 Oct 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Aug 1870 in Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, United States. Page 143 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Simeon Hall Ives was born on 31 Aug 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 23 Jan 1864 in Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas, United States. vi. Ambrose Ives was born on 16 Mar 1778 in New York, United States. He died on 14 Apr 1866 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. Rebecca Collins daughter of Jonathan Collins and Agnes Lynn was born on 03 Feb 1752 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Oct 1829 in Middle Settlement, Oneida, New York, USA. Amos Ives and Rebecca Collins were married on 14 May 1777 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 409. i. John Collins Ives was born on 19 Apr 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Jan 1861 in Oswego, Oneida, New York. ii. Gideon Bradley Ives was born on 04 Mar 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Mar 1830 in Lenawee County, Michigan. 410. iii. Amos Quincy Ives was born in Jan 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Polly Jackson on 01 Nov 1819 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. He died on 09 Jun 1849 in Gray Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. iv. Enos Ives was born about 1784 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York, USA. 164. Jotham Ives-5 (Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Aug 1745 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 01 Apr 1825 in Torringford,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. Anna Foster daughter of Thomas Foster and Mary Clark was born on 14 Aug 1747 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 22 Feb 1795 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Jotham Ives and Anna Foster were married on 10 May 1769. They had the following children: 416. i. Erastus Ives was born on 02 Nov 1780 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucy Paine on 08 Dec 1805. He died on 03 Sep 1828 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. 417. ii. Titus Howell Ives was born on 06 Oct 1778 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Polly Phelps about 1801. He died on 12 Feb 1847 in Watertown, New York. 418. iii. Jotham Ives was born on 08 Jun 1777 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Amy Scott in 1800 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 15 Apr 1841 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. 419. iv. Anna Ives was born on 26 Sep 1771 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. She married Samuel Hall on 05 Oct 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Aug 1859 in Madison, Madison, New York, United States. 420. v. Joel Ives was born on 13 May 1770 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. He married Anna Goodwin in 1795 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. He died on 04 May 1804 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA. Page 144 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) vi. Lucy Ives was born in 1775 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Nathan Phelps in 1796 in Torrington, Connecticut. 165. Abner Ives-5 (Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Aug 1745 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Oct 1801 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Notes for Abner Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary War -- Under Captain John Strong, 9th Company,17th Regiment Anna Ferguson daughter of Samuel Ferguson was born on 30 Sep 1746 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 28 Jan 1814 in Litchfield County, Connecticut. Abner Ives and Anna Ferguson were married on 11 May 1768 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Dimedice Ives was born on 06 Aug 1787 in Torrington, Connecticut. 421. ii. Nancy Ives was born on 08 Jul 1785 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, United States. She married Levi Bostwick on 14 Sep 1805 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. She died on 11 Nov 1858 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. 422. iii. Eunice Ives was born on 19 Mar 1769 in Torrington. She married Joseph Gaylord on 24 Apr 1792. She died on 03 Nov 1825 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 423. iv. Charlotte Ives was born on 25 Feb 1781 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Beebe Wadhams on 15 Mar 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 30 Aug 1847 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. v. 424. vi. vii. Amasa Ives was born on 18 Oct 1776 in Torrington, Connecticut. Shelburne Ives was born on 02 Feb 1783 in Torrington, Connecticut. He died between 1860-1870 in New York. Abner Jr Ives was born on 29 Sep 1772 in Torrington. He died before 1848. viii. Anna Ives was born on 11 Jul 1774 in Torrington, Connecticut. 425. ix. Catherine Ives was born on 11 Aug 1778 in Torrington, Connecticut. She married Levi Scott in 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Dec 1839 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. x. Trumbull Ives was born on 24 Oct 1789 in Torrington, Connecticut. He died on 02 Aug 1847 in Torrington, Connecticut. 426. xi. Jesse Ives was born on 30 Oct 1770 in Torringford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Fitch on 22 Feb 1800. He died on 29 Nov 1863 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York. Page 145 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 166. Abigail Ives-5 (Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Oct 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 28 Jul 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Amos Doolittle son of Caleb Doolittle and Tamar Thompson was born on 05 Jan 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 23 Mar 1807 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Amos Doolittle and Abigail Ives were married on 04 Apr 1760 in Off, Wallingford. They had the following children: i. Jotham Ives Doolittle was born on 06 Dec 1773 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Apr 1799 in Connecticut, United States. ii. Amos Doolittle was born on 03 Jan 1768 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 May 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Abigail Doolittle was born on 27 Jan 1766 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Oct 1835 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Lois Doolittle was born on 13 Sep 1763 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 08 Feb 1847 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Olive Doolittle was born on 30 Mar 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven , Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Sep 1813 in Connecticut, United States. 167. Zachariah Ives-5 (Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Jan 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Mar 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lois Harrison daughter of Amos Harrison and Esther Maltby was born on 03 Aug 1740 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 28 Jan 1814 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Zachariah Ives and Lois Harrison were married on 15 Jan 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Amos Harrison Ives was born on 14 Nov 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Lucy Cook in 1808 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He died on 24 Dec 1841 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 427. ii. Jesse Ives was born on 28 Dec 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Marilla Johnson on 16 Sep 1804 in Southington,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. He died on 12 Feb 1836 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. 428. iii. Jared Ives was born on 23 Feb 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Achsah Doolittle about 1790 in Connecticut. He died on 26 May 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Lois Ives was born on 22 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 28 Dec 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 146 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Chauncey Ives was born on 08 Aug 1763 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 Nov 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. 429. vi. Reuben Ives was born on 26 Oct 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Susanna Anna Maria Marshall on 25 Jan 1789 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 14 Oct 1836 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 430. vii. Chloe Climelia Ives was born in 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married John Harvey Ariail on 18 Nov 1800 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States (ceremony performed by Rev. Joseph Lathrop). She died on 14 Feb 1844 in Pickensville, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. 168. Abel Ives-5 (Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Dec 1736 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lois Tuttle daughter of Daniel Tuttle and Mary Mansfield was born on 09 Mar 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Feb 1817 in N, , Connecticut, USA. Abel Ives and Lois Tuttle married. They had the following children: i. Sebe Ives was born on 17 May 1776 in New Hartford, Connecticut. He died in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States. ii. Molly Ives was born on 19 Jul 1771 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. 431. iii. Amos Ives was born on 28 Aug 1768 in New Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1819 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Still farther north, near the Newburg line, lived a man named Ives, who died in 1819. He had a son named Erastus.). iv. Abel Ives was born on 13 Jun 1766. He died on 23 Mar 1773. v. Lois Ives was born on 23 Aug 1764 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vi. Abel Ives was born on 06 Oct 1762. He died on 28 Apr 1768. 432. vii. Ruth Ives was born on 02 Apr 1761. She married Reuben Hart in Nov 1784 in New Hartford,,Connecticut,USA. She died on 29 Aug 1843. 433. viii. Seth Ives was born on 27 Jan 1774 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Lois Holcomb in 1798. He died on 19 Apr 1819 in Sheldon,Wyoming,New York,USA. 169. Sarah Ives-5 (Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jun 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Apr 1817 in Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Chauncey Merriman son of John Merriman and Mabel Thorpe was born in 1755 in Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1796. Chauncey Merriman and Sarah Ives were married on 13 Feb 1777 in Southington,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: Page 147 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) i. Rosanna Merriman was born on 23 Oct 1777 in Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 28 May 1821 in Junius, Seneca, New York, United States. 170. Lois Ives-5 (Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Mar 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Apr 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Giles Hall son of Joshua (Capt.) Hall and Hannah was born on 24 Feb 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1826 in , , Connecticut, USA. Giles Hall and Lois Ives were married on 27 Dec 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. John Hall was born on 20 Apr 1793. ii. Giles Hall was born on 14 Apr 1791. He died on 21 Apr 1791. iii. Lois Hall was born on 28 Feb 1788 in Connecticut, United States. She died on 01 Aug 1833 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. iv. Hannah Hall was born in 23 1783 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 Jul 1875 in Volney, Oswego, New York, United States. v. Sarah Hall was born on 20 Aug 1780. She died on Unknown. vi. Abel Ives Hall was born on 13 Dec 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1853. vii. Joshua Hall was born on 04 Apr 1774. viii. Lucy Hall was born on 11 Apr 1771. She died between 1793-1865. 171. John Ives-5 (Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 03 Apr 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Apr 1814 in New Hartford, Litchfield, CT, USA. Notes for John Ives: General Notes: From: gNum -John is our Revolutionary War soldier. John may have moved to Meriden as record there shows him serving in the Continental Army. He was in the Lexington Alarm List for the Town of Wallingford, and appears in Captain Isaac Cook's Company - "3rd, private eight days". In Meriden 1774, he waslistged as a resident there. Following are the dates of his service during the Revolution August 19, 1776 to September 25, 1776 - 18th Reg't. Conn. Militia, ens. John Norton's Co., commanded by Jonathan Pettibone, Esq. April 10, 1782 to November 30, 1782 - 1st Conn. Reg't, Capt. David Strong's Co., commanded by Col. Heman Swift Page 148 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) April 10, 1782 to November 13, 1782 - 2nd Conn. Reg't 7th Company, Col. Heman Swift November 13, 1782 to November 30, 1782 - 2nd Conn. Reg't 8th Company, Col. Heman Swift, Medical Discharge From September 1782 to November 1782 John transported wood from Connecticut to New York as a "teamster". As of April 7, 1778 his enlistment papers read "transferred to Gen's Guard March 19". This was George Washington's personal body guard. You needed three things to be a member: be a native born citizen, be almost 6 feet tall and be of impeccable character. Thus he enlisted for 3 years in this Guard. (this is shown in copies of his papers from National Archives) A question remains - Why he is listed on the rolls of New Hartford, Connecticut. On November 7, 1791 Atwater Cook of Wallingford converyed a piece of land in Wallingford to John Ives 3rd for the price of 90 pounds. Yet, he died on April 6, 1814 in New Hartford. He is buried in the Center Street Cemetery in Wallingford Sarah Henderson was born in 1750 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Apr 1831 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. John Ives and Sarah Henderson were married on 29 May 1770 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 434. i. William Walter Ives was born on 23 Dec 1779 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Polly Yale on 09 Jan 1800. He died on 03 Mar 1862 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Sarah Ives was born on 10 May 1782 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Feb 1844 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Amos Ives was born on 21 Jan 1778 in Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Jan 1867 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont, USA. iv. Jerusha Ives was born on 04 Mar 1774 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Nov 1776. 435. v. vi. James Ives was born on 03 Oct 1775 in Connecticut. He died on 17 Oct 1820 in Springfield Twp, Portage, Ohio. Abel Ives was born on 25 Jan 1772 in Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. He died on 30 Nov 1776. 172. Elizabeth Ives-5 (Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 Aug 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 May 1828. Amos Moss son of Levi Moss and Martha Fenn was born on 17 Nov 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 10 Dec 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Amos Moss and Elizabeth Ives married. They had the following children: Page 149 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) i. Rachel Moss was born on 29 Jan 1776 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 15 Oct 1864 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut. ii. Amos Ii Moss was born on 22 Mar 1772 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 23 Apr 1851 in Litchfield, Connecticut. iii. Philo Moss was born on 08 Apr 1770 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 09 Dec 1841 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut. 173. Ann Ives-5 (Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Aug 1740 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Mar 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. John Curtis son of John Curtis and Jemima Abernathy was born on 08 Feb 1734 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 07 Nov 1805 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. John Curtis and Ann Ives were married in 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Daniel Curtis was born in Oct 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Francis Curtis was born in 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Rhoda Curtis was born in 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Elizabeth Curtis was born on 28 Feb 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Giles Curtiss was born on 22 Mar 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 May 1832 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. vi. David Curtis was born in 1763 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. Esther Curtis was born on 30 Apr 1763 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. viii. Sarah Curtis was born on 08 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1820 in Springford, Connecticut, United States. ix. Francis Curtis was born in 1760. 174. Betsey Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Sep 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Jun 1842. John Yale son of John Yale and Eunice Andrews was born on 20 Mar 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Aug 1833 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. John Yale and Betsey Ives were married on 14 Jun 1786. They had the following children: Page 150 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) i. John Yale was born on 25 Sep 1809 in Connecticut. He died on 27 Mar 1870 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Elisha Yale was born on 24 Sep 1823. He died on 24 Jan 1829. iii. Betsey Yale was born on 28 Sep 1811. She died on 05 Oct 1846. iv. Ann Yale was born on 09 May 1807. She died on 21 Dec 1828. v. Mary Yale was born on 26 Aug 1805. She died on 21 Dec 1828. 175. David Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 Jul 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Oct 1801 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Elizabeth Landon daughter of John Landon and Katherine White was born on 27 Sep 1757 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Jun 1842. David Ives and Elizabeth Landon were married about 1770. They had the following children: i. 436. ii. iii. John Ives was born in 1802. He died in Plattsburg, New York, United States. Hiram Ives was born on 19 Dec 1797 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Deborah Merrill in 1825. He died on 08 Apr 1857 in Baltimore, New York, United States. John Ives was born in 1785 in Connecticut, United States. He died in New York, United States. 437. iv. David Ives was born on 22 Jun 1781 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 438. v. James Ives was born on 07 Jul 1779 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy Brewer on 21 Oct 1804 in Tinmouth, Rutland County, Vermont. He died in 1828 in GRIFFINS MILLS, ERIE, NEW YORK. 439. vi. Jared Ives was born on 15 May 1777 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He died on 15 Apr 1852 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. vii. Betsey Ives was born on 24 Jul 1770 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, United States. 440. viii. Levi Ives was born in 1783 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Electa Post on 22 Nov 1812 in Tinmouth, Rutland, VT. He died on 24 Mar 1840 in New York (Age at Death: 50). 176. Amasa Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Nov 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1833 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Bethia was born in 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1794. Amasa Ives and Bethia were married on 19 Dec 1771 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 151 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 441. i. ii. Asahel Ives was born on 01 Jan 1773 in North Adams, Berkshire, Ma. He married Lydia Slocum in 1804. He died on 28 Nov 1844 in North Adams, Berkshire, Ma. Gideon Ives was born in 1770 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. 442. iii. Betsy Ives was born on 16 Jul 1795 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. She married Jesse K Roberts on 08 Jan 1815 in Madison, New York, USA. She died on 26 Sep 1880 in Belle, Plain, Iowa, USA. 443. iv. Amasa Ives was born in 1770 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Betty White in 1783. He died on 30 Dec 1851 in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., New York. 177. Thankful Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jul 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 03 Feb 1792 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Foote son of Thomas Foote and Elizabeth Sutliff was born on 03 Apr 1747 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 29 Jun 1789 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Foote and Thankful Ives were married on 06 Nov 1768 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Ezra Foote was born on 12 Feb 1789 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1806 in , , , Canada. ii. Mary Foote was born on 17 Apr 1787 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Oct 1806. iii. Roxana Foote was born on 09 Sep 1784 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Oct 1804. iv. Phebe Foote was born on 08 Oct 1782 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Apr 1807. v. Asenath Foote was born on 20 Nov 1780 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vi. Thankful Foote was born on 16 Sep 1778 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1802 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vii. James Foote was born on 27 Sep 1776 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 May 1795 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. viii. Stephen Foote was born on 24 Jan 1774 in New Haven, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Jul 1844 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA. ix. Joseph Foote was born on 04 Sep 1772 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Apr 1826. x. Mary Foote was born on 12 Aug 1769 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 07 Sep 1771 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Page 152 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 178. Esther Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jul 1742 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Feb 1811 in Jewett Greene county, NY. Thomas Merwin son of Daniel Merwin and Mehitable Twiss was born on 02 Jun 1737 in Wallingford, Conn. He died on 07 Dec 1814 in Jewett Greene county, NY. Thomas Merwin and Esther Ives were married on 18 Feb 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Daniel Merwin was born on 09 Nov 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Conn. He died on 09 Apr 1853 in Jewett Greene county, NY. ii. Samuel Merwin was born on 22 Mar 1767. iii. Laura Merwin was born in 1783 in Wallingford, Conn. She died on 13 Sep 1802 in Jewett, NY. iv. Thomas Merwin was born on 06 Feb 1771 in Wallingford, Conn. He died on 13 Dec 1838 in Jewett, NY. v. Dennis Merwin was born on 03 Jun 1765. vi. Alexander Merwin was born in 1797. vii. Remus Merwin was born on 09 Jul 1799 in Jewett, NY. He died on 12 Jun 1864 in Jewett, NY. 179. Stephen Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Jan 1739 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Sep 1830. Susanna Parker daughter of Andrew Parker and Susanna Blakeslee was born on 10 Dec 1747 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Oct 1793 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Stephen Ives and Susanna Parker were married on 20 Nov 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Susanna Ives was born on 27 Jan 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Mary Sherman Hotchkiss daughter of Nehemiah Hotchkiss and Mary Rexford was born on 25 Jan 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 31 Dec 1834 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Stephen Ives and Mary Sherman Hotchkiss married. They had the following children: i. Lucy Ives was born on 19 Mar 1779 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Hannah Ives was born on 03 Dec 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 153 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 444. iii. Mary Ives was born on 23 Mar 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Titus Ives in 1796 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 18 Feb 1854 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. Stephen Ives was born in 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Susannah Ives was born in 1770 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 445. vi. vii. Isaac Ives was born on 26 Sep 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Prue Blakeslee in 1797. Ier Ives was born on 27 Jan 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 180. Lois Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Jan 1737 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 May 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Blakeslee son of Samuel Blakeslee and Elizabeth Doolittle was born on 01 Apr 1732 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Dec 1831 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joseph Blakeslee and Lois Ives were married on 01 Apr 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Asenath Blakeslee was born on 17 Aug 1781 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Asahel Blakeslee was born on 08 Jul 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Vincy Blakeslee was born on 29 Jul 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Thankful Blakeslee was born on 16 May 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Aug 1839 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. John Webb Blakeslee was born on 11 Mar 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Nov 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Joseph Blakeslee was born on 11 Mar 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Dec 1831 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Asenath Blakeslee was born on 08 Jan 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Aug 1781 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Lois Blakeslee was born on 09 Jan 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 May 1823. ix. Samuel Blakeslee was born on 23 Nov 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1832 in , , New York, USA. x. Elizabeth Blakeslee was born on 14 Jul 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Dec 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 154 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:02 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 181. Mary Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1735 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 May 1757. Moses Hull son of John Hull and Mary Andrews was born in 1733 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1795. Moses Hull and Mary Ives were married on 05 May 1757 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Zephaniah Hull was born on 26 Apr 1765 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 22 Mar 1841 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. ii. Sarah Hull was born on 28 Oct 1758 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. iii. John Hull was born on 09 Oct 1757 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died in 19 1772. 182. Sarah Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 May 1733 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Jul 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Amasa Merriman son of Eliasaph Merriman and Abigail Hull was born on 17 Jun 1729 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Amasa Merriman and Sarah Ives were married on 26 Sep 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Charles Merriman was born on 17 Feb 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Aug 1829 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Benjamin Merriman was born on 17 Oct 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 May 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Joseph Merriman was born on 17 Jan 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Amasa Merriman was born on 02 Jun 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Jun 1843 in Hatley, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. v. Phebe Merriman was born on 24 Jun 1765 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 07 Mar 1849 in Dunham, , Quebec, Canada. vi. Sarah Merriman was born on 11 May 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Hannah Merriman was born on 14 Jul 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Sep 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 183. Amos Ives-5 (Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Aug 1749 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Mar 1841 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. Notes for Amos Ives: General Notes: Page 155 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Revolutionary War -- Orderly Sergeant; also Private under Captains Cook and Blake, and Colonels Ward and Cook Resided in Wallingford, before, during and after the revolution. A few years after the Rev. War he removed to Salisbury NY Pension Certificate No. 20001, issued July 27, 1833, rate $61.66 per annum, commenced March 4, 1831, Act June 7, 1833, New York Agency From: -Source: Pension Certificate No. 20001, issued July 27, 1833, rate $61.66 per annum, commenced March 4, 1831, Act June 7, 1833, New York Agency Pertinent Genealogical Info: * Resident of the Town of Salisbury, Herkimer Co., NY on 20 Oct 1832 * In 1776, resided in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT * Born 11 Aug 1749 in Wallingford * Resided in Wallingford, before, during and after the revolution * A few years after the Rev. War he removed to Salisbury * Resided in Salisbury 38 or 39 years * Died 14 Mar 1841, leaving children (names not stated) From: Hardin's History of Herkimer County: Amos Ives was a native of Wallingford, Conn., and came to Salisbury in the spring of 1795, settling about two miles north of Salisbury Corners, where he was a successful farmer. He died at the residence of his son at Salisbury Corners in March, 1841. He was the father of seven sons and one daughter. Truman Ives was his youngest son and was three years old when his father settled in Salisbury. He learned the trade of wool-carding and cloth-dressing and in 1818 established that business about half a mile north of Salisbury Corners, which he successfully carried on until 1860. He was also an extensive farmer and owned a large estate, which he transferred to his sons, John and James H., in 1860. Anson Ives was an elder brother of Truman, and the following interesting reminiscences were published by the Little Falls Journal and Courier in 1876, in a reference to him: ***** He was a son of Amos and Lucy Ives, and was born in Walling ford, Conn., March 19, 1785. He was the fifth of a family of eight children, Amos, Ambrose, Simeon, Lucy, Anson, Orren, Samuel and Truman, all of whom are now deceased except Truman, the youngest, who is in vigorous health at eighty-six. All lived to a ripe old age. This family of ten persons removed from their home in Connecticut to this county in May, 1795, coming the whole distance in a cart drawn by two oxen and one horse. The journey to Little Falls required fourteen days. From this place to Salisbury was almost an unbroken wilderness, the route having to be followed by marked trees. They were one day in going two miles and put up for the night at a tavern kept by a man by the name of Doxtater, a short distance north of the present residence of Chauncey Cook. On the next day they reached Burrell's Corners and tarried over night in the small red house (still standing) just east of the old church which was burned fifteen or eighteen years ago. The day following they arrived at the happy home of Atwater Cook, the elder, grandfather of James J. Cook, esq., who admitted them to a share in his log cabin. Here they resided several months, until they could erect a log house of their own on a lot adjoining, purchased of Mr. Cook. They had all been neighbors and intimate friends in Connecticut. Anson while yet a boy left his father's house and went to Greene county, where he resided five years. From there he went to Onondaga county, N. Y., where he and two brothers contracted to chop eight hundred cords of wood. Here he was drafted into the United States service and stationed at Oswego, remaining there till Page 156 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) peace was declared. For this service he received a land warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of land and a pension of $12 per month to the time of his decease. ***** It is from the Ives family that Ives Hollow takes its name, and there John and James H. Ives established several industries. They became very large land owners, engaged extensively in dairying, owned large interests in several cheese factories, carried on mills and also extended their business operations into other parts of the country. John Ives was twice supervisor of the town and James H. held the same office four terms and was sheriff of the county. Source: Genealogy of the Ives Family Including a History of the Early Settlements and the movement from Quinnipiac to the Black River Country, by Arthur Coon Ives, copyright 1932, 326 pages. A lot more detailed information about Amos Ives of Salisbury and his descendants are recorded in this book. Amos Ives [Amos, Caleb, Nathaniel, John, William] was born 1 Aug 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT. He married Lucy Hall. Amos was a Revolutionary War Veteran. He continued to reside in Wallingford until a few years after the Revolution. In the spring of 1795 he settled in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., NY where he died on 14 Mar 1841. Children of Amos Ives and Lucy Hall: 1. Amos Ives, b. Jan 1775, m. Lydia 2. Ambrose Ives, b. 16 Mar 1778, m. Olive Maxwell 3. Simeon Hall Ives, b. 1 Sep 1780, m. Apluma Sheppard 4. Lucy Ives, b. 18 Oct 1783, m. Stiles? 5. Anson, b. 19 Mar 1785, m. Ruthem Smith - 1812 soldier 6. Orrin, b. 24 Aug 1787, m. Mary 7. Samuel, b. 18 Feb 1790, m. Clarissa 8. Truman, b. 25 Jun 1792, 1m. Roxana, 2m. Nancy Lucy Hall daughter of Abel Hall and Ruth Johnson was born on 14 Oct 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Apr 1838 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Amos Ives and Lucy Hall were married on 23 Feb 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 452. i. Ambrose Ives was born on 16 Mar 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1866 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Rebecca Collins daughter of Jonathan Collins and Agnes Lynn was born on 03 Feb 1751/52 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Oct 1829 in Middle Settlement, Oneida, New York, USA. Amos Ives and Rebecca Collins were married on 14 May 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 446. i. Simeon Hall Ives was born on 31 Aug 1780 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Apluma Shepard on 09 Jan 1804 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 23 Jan 1864 in Dardanelle,Yell,Arkansas,USA. Amos Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: Page 157 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 453. i. Anson E. Ives was born on 09 Mar 1785 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Ruthem Smith on 18 Feb 1813 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 30 Dec 1875 in Herkimer,Dec,New York,USA. Lucy Hall daughter of Abel Hall and Ruth Johnson was born on 14 Oct 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Apr 1838 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Amos Ives and Lucy Hall married. They had the following children: 447. i. Amos Quincy Ives was born in Jan 1775 in Salisbury,Herkimer, New York. He married Mary Polly Jackson on 01 Nov 1819 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. He died on 09 Jun 1835 in Norway Township, Herkimer, New York, USA. 448. ii. Lucy Ives was born on 18 Oct 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Aug 1870 in Herkimer, New York, USA. 449. iii. Truman Ives was born on 25 Jun 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 May 1880 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. 450. iv. Orrin Ives was born on 24 Aug 1787 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 24 Jul 1844 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. 451. v. Samuel Ives was born on 18 Feb 1790 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He married Clarissa about 1813. He died on 21 Sep 1877 in Cazenovia, New Yorl. 184. Charles Abernathy Ives-5 (Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Sep 1734 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 16 Jun 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Notes for Charles Abernathy Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary War -- Took oath of fidelity; member of Committee for the relief of soldiers' families & clothing Sarah Butler daughter of John Butler and Sarah Foster was born on 20 Jun 1736 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Apr 1813 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Charles Abernathy Ives and Sarah Butler were married on 02 May 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 454. i. Rachel Ives was born in 1781 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Jul 1864 in Milton, Chittendon, Vermont. 455. ii. Lucy Ives was born on 18 Oct 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Levi Moss Bartholomew on 21 Sep 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1828 in USA. 456. iii. Ransom Ives was born on 17 Oct 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Olive Hall Morse in 1799 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He died on 22 Sep 1844 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 158 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 457. iv. Ruth Ives was born on 26 Jan 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John Webb Blakeslee on 12 Nov 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Nov 1839 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 458. v. Levi Ives was born on 16 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Huldah Griswold on 24 Dec 1788 in Connecticut. He died on 23 Feb 1849 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. 459. vi. Hannah Ives was born on 16 May 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Silas Hamilton on 02 Sep 1798 in Wallingford, Windsor Co, VT. She died on 20 May 1829 in New Design, Monroe, Illinois, USA. 460. vii. Elihu Ives was born on 08 Feb 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Phebe Ann Hall in Feb 1792. He died on 18 Oct 1834 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. viii. Butler Ives was born on 03 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 15 Aug 1779 in , , New York, USA. 461. ix. Charles Ives was born on 14 Apr 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Francis on 19 Dec 1783 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 16 Aug 1837 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 462. x. Olive Ives was born on 20 Apr 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Joel Ives Jr. on 22 Oct 1778 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 463. xi. Sarah Ives was born on 14 Feb 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Isaac Kirtland on 29 Dec 1778. She died on 25 Jan 1832. 464. xii. Caleb Ives was born on 01 Jan 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Booth about 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in 1827 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 185. Nathaniel Ives-5 (Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jan 1722 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1784 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Zerviah Blakeslee daughter of Samuel Blakeslee and Elizabeth Doolittle was born on 16 Jan 1726 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died after 1770 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Nathaniel Ives and Zerviah Blakeslee were married on 08 Nov 1744 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 465. i. Mary Jane Ives was born on 26 Sep 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Samuel Ensign on 04 Sep 1767 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died in Sep 1819 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull County, Ohio, USA. 466. ii. Joseph Ives was born on 15 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Rhoda about 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 20 Apr 1832 in Colebrook, Litchfield , CT. Page 159 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 467. iii. Nathaniel Ives was born on 23 Apr 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He married Susannah Handerson on 13 Apr 1775 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died Y. iv. Zerviah Ives was born on 15 Dec 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 16 Dec 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Samuel Ives was born on 01 May 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 30 Jun 1838 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. vi. Abigail Ives was born on 17 Oct 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 10 Sep 1823. vii. John Ives was born in 1758 in Colebrook, Herkimer, New York, United States. He died in 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. viii. Elizabeth Ives was born in 1760 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died Y. ix. 468. x. Lucy Ives was born in 1762 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died Y. Amon Blakeslee Ives was born on 20 Aug 1768 in Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States. He married Rhoda Peck Gridley on 28 Sep 1789 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Dec 1833 in Kirkland, Oneida, NY. xi. Luman Ives was born in 1770 in of Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1804. xii. Asa Blakeslee Ives was born on 01 May 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Aug 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. xiii. Abraham Blakeslee Ives was born on 20 Nov 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Apr 1814 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. 186. Sarah Ives-5 (Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1749 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 25 Nov 1809 in Hamden, Connecticut. Hezekiah Bassett son of William Bassett and Mabel Goodyear was born on 30 Jul 1745 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died in 1823 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Hezekiah Bassett and Sarah Ives were married on 15 Feb 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Abigail Bassett was born on 26 Apr 1774. ii. Hezekiah Bassett was born on 26 Apr 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 19 Dec 1803 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Page 160 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iii. Ezra Bassett was born on 15 Feb 1771 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 04 Jan 1847. 187. Mary Ives-5 (Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 May 1802 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Stephen Jacobs son of Stephen Jacobs and Hannah Dayton was born on 17 May 1743 in New Haven, CT. He died on 26 Jun 1825 in North Haven, CT. Stephen Jacobs and Mary Ives were married on 12 Jul 1770. They had the following children: i. Stephen Jacobs was born about 1771. He died on 01 Oct 1814 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. ii. Polly Jacobs was born about 1774. She died on 29 Feb 1840 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. iii. Hannah Jacobs was born about 1776. She died Y. iv. Sylvia Jacobs was born about 1779. She died on 31 Mar 1861 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. v. Leverett Jacobs was born about 1781. He died on 02 Mar 1800 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. vi. Lyman Jacobs was born about 1781 in Connecticut. He died on 04 Apr 1860 in New Haven Co., CT. vii. Esther Jacobs was born about 1784. She died Y. viii. Sukey Jacobs was born about 1786. She died Y. ix. Harvey Jacobs was born about 1787. He died on 10 Jan 1821 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. 188. Lydia Ives-5 (Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1757 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 12 Mar 1804. Charles Todd son of Jonah Todd and Lowly Harrison was born on 28 Aug 1752 in North Haven,CT,USA. He died on 12 Aug 1785 in Northford,CT,USA. Charles Todd and Lydia Ives were married in 1777 in New Haven,,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Albert Todd was born in 1783 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Jul 1843. Ebenezer Mansfield Gill was born on 13 Jan 1753 in New Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 01 Nov 1805. Ebenezer Mansfield Gill and Lydia Ives married. They had no children. Page 161 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 189. Daniel Ives-5 (Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1759 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Aug 1801 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Daniel Ives: General Notes: From: ml -"Daniel Ives (son of Dan Ives and Mabel ?)837 was born 1759837, and died August 11, 1801837. He married Mary Baldwin on December 31, 1783837. Includes NotesNotes for Daniel Ives: [ives.ftw] The first U.S. census of population taken in 1790 lists brothers Daniel and Alling as "heads of Families" in North Haven. They are recorded again in the 1800 census. Jacobus' genealogy of the Ives family shows Daniel (also called Dan) to have married Mary Baldwin (daughter of North Bradford farmer Aaron Baldwin and Sarah Frisbie) on December 31, 1783. He also shows them to have had five children, ** LEONARD **, Melia, a son (name unknown), Roxana, and Esther. We are the descendants of Leonard. The "Baldwin Geneology" published in 1907 confirms Mary Baldwin's marriage to Daniel Ives in 1783 and lists all of their children except the son that died in infancy. The probable location of the Daniel Ives residence in North Haven has not been determined. However, his gravestone and that of an 8-year old daughter, Melia, have been found in the Old North Haven cemetery. His wife Mary remarried twice after Daniel's death in 1801. She died in Farmington, Conn. in 1837 at the age of 71. More About Daniel Ives and Mary Baldwin: Marriage: December 31, 1783837 Children of Daniel Ives and Mary Baldwin are: +Leonard Ives, b. January 5, 1785837, d. March 1, 1831837. Melia Ives, b. 1787837, d. May 1, 1795837. Unknown Ives, b. June 11, 1789837, d. June 18, 1789837. Roxana Ives, b. 1791837, d. WFT Est. 1792-1885837. Esther Ives, b. October 5, 1792837, d. WFT Est. 1793-1886837." Mary Baldwin daughter of Isaac C Baldwin and Anna Collins was born on 20 Jan 1761 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Jan 1846. Daniel Ives and Mary Baldwin were married on 31 Dec 1783 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. Mary Baldwin was born about 1759. Daniel Ives and Mary Baldwin married. They had the following children: Page 162 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 469. i. Roxana Ives was born on 24 Jan 1793 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Sep 1823. 470. ii. Esther Ives was born on 06 Apr 1790 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Selah Talmadge on 02 Dec 1846. She died on 05 Sep 1870 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. 471. iv. Amelia Ives was born on 20 May 1786 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 May 1795 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Leonard Ives was born on 05 Jan 1785 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Sackett in 1818 in North Haven, CT. He died on 01 Mar 1831 in North Haven, CT. 190. Phebe Ives-5 (Enoch-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jun 1740 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut. She died in 1827. Jacob Hitchcock son of Caleb Hitchcock and Isabel Goodsell was born on 04 Jul 1739 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1810 in Windham, Greene, NY. Jacob Hitchcock and Phebe Ives were married on 09 Oct 1760 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Jacob Hitchcock was born on 24 Dec 1776 in Branford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 20 Sep 1851. ii. Abigail Hitchcock. She died on 05 Mar 1769 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Caleb Hitchcock. iv. Enoch Hitchcock. He died on 26 Jul 1765 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Phebe Hitchcock. 191. Sarah Ives-5 (Enoch-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Apr 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Sep 1799 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Josiah Rogers son of Josiah Rogers and Martha Frisbie was born on 16 Sep 1733 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Oct 1783 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Josiah Rogers and Sarah Ives were married in 1757 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Adah Rogers was born on 05 Sep 1762 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 May 1839 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 192. Joseph Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Oct 1740 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 31 Jan 1768 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 163 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Abigail Grannis daughter of John Grannis and Mary Bradley was born on 26 Aug 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 Jan 1773 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Ives and Abigail Grannis were married on 06 Dec 1764 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Ruth Ives was born in 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 472. ii. Joanna Ives was born in 1768 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Jabez Spencer on 28 Jun 1786 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. She died Y. 473. iii. Abigail Ives was born in 1766. She died on 24 Jul 1844 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Elizabeth Grannis was born on 20 Dec 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1763. Joseph Ives and Elizabeth Grannis were married on 05 Nov 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Mary Ives was born on 04 Jul 1763 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Daniel Adkins in 1783. She died on 18 Apr 1837 in Morristown, , Vt. 193. Rebecca Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 27 Feb 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 26 Jan 1797 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. William Bradley son of Caleb Bradley and Sarah Russell was born in 1735 in East Haven,,Connecticut,USA. William Bradley and Rebecca Ives were married in 1758 in New Haven,,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Abigail Bradley was born in 1770 in East Haven,,Connecticut,USA. She died on 11 Nov 1775 in Taunton,,Massachusetts,USA. 194. Mary Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jul 1737 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Oct 1813 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Jason Cooper son of Caleb Cooper and Desire Sandford was born in 18 1739 in New Haven,,Connecticut. He died on 15 Dec 1774. Jason Cooper and Mary Ives married. They had the following children: i. Abigail Cooper was born in 19 1762 in New Haven,,Connecticut. She died on 09 Apr 1844. ii. Allen Cooper was born in 10 1760 in New Haven,,Connecticut. Page 164 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iii. Simeon Cooper was born in 15 1765 in New Haven,,Connecticut. iv. Enoch Ives Cooper was born in 08 1768 in New Haven,,Connecticut. v. Polly Cooper was born in 23 1771 in New Haven,,Connecticut. She died on 03 Feb 1858. vi. Lucy Cooper was born in 20 1774 in New Haven,,Connecticut. vii. Sarah Cooper was born in 1780. 195. Stephen Ives-5 (Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Mar 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Oct 1786 in N Haven, Connecticut, United States. Sarah Ames was born about 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1833 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Stephen Ives and Sarah Ames were married on 12 Feb 1769 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 476. i. Susan Ives was born about 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She married Ephraim Cook on 16 Oct 1799 in Cheshire, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 29 Dec 1843 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. 477. ii. Sally Ives was born in 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Eliakim Brooks about 1794 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 09 Apr 1806 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Mary Ives was born in Oct 1769 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 04 Jun 1773 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Stephen Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 474. i. Patty Ives was born in 1798 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Sep 1823 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. 475. ii. William Ives was born on 01 May 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Polly Bray on 19 Dec 1810 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Jun 1858. iii. Joseph Ives was born in 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 196. John Ives-5 (John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 05 Feb 1757 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 10 Dec 1847 in Barkhamsted,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. Esther Tuttle daughter of Jehiel Tuttle and Charity Dayton was born on 14 Sep 1758 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 14 Feb 1836 in Barkhamsted,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. John Ives and Esther Tuttle were married on 22 Jun 1780 in New Haven,Connecticut,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: Page 165 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 482. i. Lowly Ives was born on 12 Feb 1786 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Jerry Hart in 1805. She died on 20 Sep 1866 in Wayne,Ashtabula,Ohio,USA. ii. Jesse Ives was born on 25 Aug 1781 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Beulah Atkins on 14 Nov 1803 in Hartland, Hartford Co. Ct.. He died in 1872. Susanna. She died on. John Ives and Susanna married. They had the following children: i. 478. ii. iii. 479. iv. v. David Ives was born on 02 Jun 1783 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Fanny Slade on 05 Dec 1805 in Barkhampsted, Ct. He died on 10 Oct 1829 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut. Ester Ives was born on 31 Oct 1790 in Barkhamsted Twp, Litchfield, CT. She married Joseph Warren Giddings on 30 Sep 1817 in Wayne twp. Ashtabula Co. Oh.. She died on 28 Oct 1868 in West Williamsfield, Ashtabula Co., OH. Jesse Ives was born on 25 Aug 1781 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Beulah Atkins on 14 Nov 1803 in Hartland, Hartford Co. Ct.. He died in 1872. Levi Ives was born on 08 Feb 1791 in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Clara (Roxie) Peters between 1807-1835. He died on 03 May 1854. Lois Ives was born on 08 Feb 1791 in Barkhamsted Twp., Litchfield Co., CT. She died in 1811. 480. vi. Sarah Ives was born on 08 Feb 1791 in Barkhamsted, Conneticut. She married Aranda P. Giddings on 30 Oct 1823 in Riverton, Ct.. She died on 26 Aug 1854 in Williamsfield, Ashtabula, Ohio, United States. 481. vii. John Ives was born on 26 Aug 1778 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died in 1825. 197. Lois Ives-5 (John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 10 Sep 1764 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 06 Sep 1837 in Yalesville, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ira Atwater son of William Ward Atwater and Esther Tuttle was born on 21 Jun 1765 in Wallingford,New Haven,Conneticut. He died on 04 Apr 1838 in Yalesville, Conn., USA. Ira Atwater and Lois Ives were married between 1788-1817. They had the following children: i. Mary Atwater was born between 1789-1816. She died between 1795-1900. ii. Martha Atwater was born between 1789-1816. She died between 1795-1900. iii. Luman Atwater was born on 17 Nov 1810. He died on 03 Mar 1885 in Windsor, Conn., USA. iv. Esther Atwater was born in 1820. She died between 1821-1914. v. Clarissa Atwater was born between 1789-1816. She died between 1795-1900. Page 166 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) vi. Harriet Atwater was born between 1789-1816. She died between 1795-1900. 198. Alling Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 13 Nov 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Oct 1798 (Age: 45). Rebecca Dickerman daughter of Jonathan Dickerman Lieut. and Rebecca Bassett was born on 12 Jan 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 03 Mar 1803. Alling Ives and Rebecca Dickerman were married about 1782. They had the following children: 483. i. Julia Ives was born about 1787 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 01 Jul 1859 in Hampden, Massachusetts. ii. Edward Ives was born in 1782 in Hampden, Massachusetts. He died on 22 Nov 1803 (Age: 21). iii. Esther Ives was born in 1784 in Northampton, Hampden, Massachusetts. She died before 1789. iv. Esther Ives was born in 1789 in Northampton, Hampden, Massachusetts. She died on 05 Nov 1797. v. Simeon Ives was born in 1783 in , Northampton, Massachusetts. He died on 26 Oct 1801. 199. Jeremiah Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Nov 1738 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died about 1825 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. Hannah Bassett daughter of Abraham Bassett and Mehitabel Street was born on 26 Dec 1739 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Sep 1803 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Jeremiah Ives and Hannah Bassett were married on 07 Jun 1768 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 484. i. Abraham Ives was born in 1769 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice Day on 22 Jan 1795 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. He died on 16 Nov 1855 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. 485. ii. Joseph Ives was born on 02 Feb 1771 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Bishop on 18 Mar 1801 in First Cong. Ch., New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 21 Dec 1830 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. 486. iii. Hannah Ives was born on 18 Aug 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Titus Mansfield on 16 Jul 1795 in North Haven, CT. She died on 11 Dec 1838 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 487. iv. Sarah Ives was born in 1775 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Daniel Adams on 30 Sep 1794 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died in 1850 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA. Page 167 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. 488. vi. Rebecca Ives was born in 1777 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in May 1840 in Holyoke, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Abigail Ives was born on 24 Apr 1777 in Bristol, , Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Sep 1856 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. 200. Joel Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 May 1749 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Aug 1825 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Harrison daughter of Jonathan Harrison and Sarah Baldwin was born on 28 Mar 1753 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 22 Aug 1835 in Branford, Connecticut, USA (Age: 82). Joel Ives and Sarah Harrison were married on 01 Nov 1785 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. Mary Heaton daughter of Seth Heaton and Sarah Morris was born in 1745 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 13 Jul 1784 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Ives and Mary Heaton were married on 02 Dec 1772 in Hamden, Hampden, Mass.. They had the following children: 489. i. Leman Ives was born about 1778. He married Lydia Bradley in 1800. He died about 1810. 490. ii. Enoch Ives was born about 1773 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Gorham in Dec 1800 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Mar 1817 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Sarah Ives was born about 1784. She married Eleazer Stent on 07 Mar 1810 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Esther Ives was born about 1783. 201. Ruth Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jul 1740 in Hamden, New Haven Co., CT, USA. She died on 20 Aug 1806 in Hamden, New Haven Co., CT, USA. Timothy Goodyear son of Andrew Goodyear and Jane Gilbert was born on 01 Jan 1735 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 01 Jan 1816 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. Timothy Goodyear and Ruth Ives were married on 29 May 1760 in First Congretional Church, New Haven, CT., USA. They had the following children: i. Jane Goodyear was born on 24 May 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. ii. Joseph Goodyear was born on 03 Aug 1768 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 11 Apr 1833 in Genoa, Cayuga, NY., USA. iii. Lewis Goodyear was born on 14 Jun 1789 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 17 Oct 1840 in Hartford, CT., USA. iv. Mabel Goodyear was born on 12 Oct 1779 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. She died on 12 Oct 1791 in Hartford, CT., USA. Page 168 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Milly Goodyear was born on 21 Dec 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. vi. Ruth Goodyear was born on 08 Jun 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. vii. Seymour Goodyear was born on 31 Dec 1785 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 01 Apr 1860 in Hartford, CT., USA. viii. Susanna Goodyear was born on 19 Aug 1762 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. She died in 1808 in Genoa, Cayuga, NY., USA. ix. Timothy Goodyear was born on 01 Feb 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 19 Apr 1854 in Kings Ferry, Cayuga, NY., USA. x. William Goodyear was born on 19 Mar 1775 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Jan 1851 in Goodyears Corners, Cayuga, New York, USA. 202. Jonathan Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Mar 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Oct 1813 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Bassett daughter of John Bassett and Sarah Heaton was born on 20 May 1749 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 07 Apr 1836 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Jonathan Ives and Sarah Bassett were married on 01 May 1777 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 491. i. ii. Sarah Ives was born on 21 May 1786 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Allen Dickerman on 23 Mar 1803 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Feb 1871 in Mt Carmel,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Leverett Ives was born on 25 Apr 1778 in No.Haven, N.Haven, Conn.. He died on 07 Mar 1795 (Age: 17). 203. Thankful Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Mar 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Aug 1834 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Uri Tuttle son of Nathaniel Tuttle and Mary Todd was born on 11 Sep 1738 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Jun 1822 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Uri Tuttle and Thankful Ives married. They had the following children: i. Calvin Tuttle was born on 14 Dec 1786 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Mar 1844. ii. James Seymour Tuttle was born on 24 Jun 1784 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Sep 1855. iii. Benajah Tuttle was born on 13 Sep 1781 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Sep 1863. Page 169 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iv. Elam Tuttle was born on 29 Jun 1777 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 May 1842 in Paris, Oneida, New York, USA. v. Mary Tuttle was born on 25 Mar 1773 in Hamden, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Mar 1839 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vi. Chauncey Tuttle was born on 19 Sep 1771 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Aug 1843. vii. Uri Tuttle was born on 21 Dec 1769 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Mar 1773 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. viii. Amasa Tuttle was born on 04 May 1767 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Jan 1827 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Jeremiah Tuttle was born on 14 Oct 1765 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Aug 1793 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 204. Mary Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 Apr 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Apr 1809 in North Haven, CT, USA. Seth Todd son of Eleazer Todd and Thankful Heaton was born on 16 Feb 1738 in New Haven,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. He died on 03 Dec 1802. Seth Todd and Mary Ives were married on 09 Sep 1765 in North Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Eliezur Todd was born in 1774. He died in 1825. ii. Mabel Todd was born on 13 Sep 1771 in New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 29 May 1847 in North Haven, CT, USA. iii. Sarah Todd was born on 17 Jul 1769 in New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 28 Sep 1835 in North Haven, CT, USA. iv. Bede Todd was born about 1779. She died on 05 Nov 1857 in Bethany, Connecticut, USA. 205. Phebe Ives-5 (Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 08 Feb 1757 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1824. Benjamin Gaylord son of Benjamin Gaylord and Hannah Frisbie was born on 25 Feb 1755 in , New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 26 Mar 1825. Benjamin Gaylord and Phebe Ives were married on 04 Jan 1776 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Alva Gaylord was born on 15 Jun 1793 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died about 1862. ii. Milla Gaylord was born on 14 Jul 1798 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 30 Jan 1803 in New Haven, Connecticut. Page 170 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iii. Chester Gaylord was born on 04 Feb 1796 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 04 Sep 1852 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Mille Gaylord was born on 21 Mar 1789 in Hamden, Conneticut, USA. She died on 15 Sep 1794. v. Loly Gaylord was born on 26 May 1785 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 27 Sep 1794 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Russel Gaylord was born on 04 Nov 1782 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 05 Sep 1869 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Alling Gaylord was born on 05 Nov 1778 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in Feb 1826. viii. Merab Gaylord was born on 27 Jan 1777 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Oct 1794. 206. David Ives-5 (David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 13 Apr 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Oct 1801 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Dolly Hough daughter of Daniel Hough and Violet Benton was born on 30 Jan 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. David Ives and Dolly Hough were married on 25 Sep 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 496. i. Hiram Ives was born on 17 Apr 1785 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He married Deborah Merrill in 1825. He died on 26 Oct 1855 in Lansingburgh, New York, United States. 497. ii. Jared Ives was born on 15 May 1777 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died on 15 Apr 1852 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. iii. 498. iv. John Ives was born in 1788 in Vermont. He died in Jun 1860 in Elizabethtown, Essex, New York. Matthew Ives was born on 26 Jun 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Rhoda Root on 07 Mar 1802 in Otis, Berkshire, MA. He died on 21 Feb 1840 in Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. David Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 492. i. Fanny Ives was born on 14 Feb 1783 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. She married Samuel Byington in 1803. She died on 29 Sep 1827. 493. ii. Roland Ives was born on 01 May 1787 in Southwick, Hamden, MA. He married Charlotte Chester on 05 Oct 1809 in Granville, Massachusetts. He died on 16 May 1867 in Southwick, Hamden Co., MA. 494. iii. Chauncey Ives was born on 17 Apr 1785 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He married Orpha Pelton on 07 Jan 1806 in Otis, Berkshire County, Ma. He died on 26 Oct 1855 in Lansingburgh, New York, United States. Page 171 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 495. iv. David Ives was born in 1775 in Southwick, Hamden, MA. He married Olive Sackett about 1796. He died on 27 Apr 1844 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. 207. Rebecca Ives-5 (David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 07 Mar 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Nov 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Thomas Hough son of Daniel Hough and Violet Benton was born about 1744 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States (alternate date from Dorothy Wilson). He died on 04 Dec 1815 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas Hough and Rebecca Ives were married on 30 Sep 1772. They had the following children: i. Rebecca Hough was born on 29 Aug 1789. ii. Horatio Gates Hough was born in 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1874. iii. John Hough was born on 23 Apr 1784 in Southwick, MA. He died in 1869 in Martinsburg, Lewis, New York, United States. iv. Insign Hough was born in 1782. v. Joel Hough was born on 13 May 1780. vi. Bezabeel Hough was born on 27 Mar 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 31 Aug 1858. vii. Elizabeth Hough was born on 24 Feb 1774. 208. Levi Ives-5 (Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 May 1750 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Oct 1826 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Notes for Levi Ives: General Notes: This story appears in "Genealogy, Conn. Vol. IV page 1778" Dr. Levi Ives was born in New Haven on June 4, 1750 and died there on October 17, 1826. He was a physician and surgeon of rare qualifications and wide practice. He served in the Continental Army as a surgeon and was at Quebec with General Montgomery. He practiced in New Haven from 1773 until his death. During the Revolution he was in active service as a surgeon to forces in the field. He once bore a Lt.'s commission in the line during the campaign against General Burgoyne. When the British made their comapign from Savin Rock to New Haven, he was one of the hardy guerilla volunteers that maintained the resistance to a slow advance of the enemy and was not only a surgeon but a sharpshooter as well. He married Lydia Auger." From: Page 172 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) ml -"Dr. Ives was one of the Founders of First Medical Journal written in the United States. Called "Beloved Physician" Physician of New Haven, Conn." Lydia Augur daughter of Abraham Augur and Elizabeth Bradley was born in 1755 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 10 Sep 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Levi Ives and Lydia Augur were married on 22 Apr 1772 in New Haven,,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 501. i. Eli Ives was born on 07 Feb 1779 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Maria Beers on 17 Sep 1805 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 08 Oct 1861 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. ii. Sophia Ives was born on 01 Mar 1788 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 31 Jul 1854 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Linda Ives was born on 26 Jul 1788 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Nov 1872 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Henry Ives was born on 21 Feb 1807. v. Samuel Bird Ives was born on 23 Jan 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 21 Jun 1826 in New Haven, Connecticut. vi. William Ives was born on 01 Mar 1788 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Levi Ives was born on 16 May 1773 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Jan 1811 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Margaret Bird was born on 24 May 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 29 Sep 1838 in Connecticut. Levi Ives and Margaret Bird were married on 08 Jan 1804 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. 499. ii. iii. Jennet Ives was born on 08 Mar 1808 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 21 Oct 1886 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Lydia Ives was born on 26 Jul 1795 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Nov 1872 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Nancy Ives was born on 14 Nov 1785 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Ezra Hotchkiss on 30 Oct 1825. She died on 19 Apr 1836 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 500. iv. Polly Ives was born on 09 Jan 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Asaph Dunbar on 17 Nov 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 13 Jun 1855 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Mary Ives was born on 12 Dec 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Oct 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 173 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) vi. Elihu Ives was born on 20 Oct 1777 in ND Congregation, New Haven, CT. He died on 20 Oct 1849 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 209. Lois Ives-5 (Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 27 Aug 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Apr 1807 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. William Day son of Aaron Day and Susannah Stanley was born on 25 May 1748 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 27 Jul 1827. William Day and Lois Ives married. They had the following children: i. Joseph Day. ii. William Day. iii. Aaron Day. iv. Mary Day. v. Nancy Day. vi. Clarissa Day. 210. Samuel Ives-5 (Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 03 Oct 1745 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Sep 1826 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts (Age at Death: 81). Lois was born about 1755 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. She died about 1815 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Samuel Ives and Lois married. They had the following children: 502. i. Joel Ives was born on 22 Oct 1780 in Connecticut. He died on 09 Oct 1862 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 81). 503. ii. John L Ives was born about 1785 in Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He married Hannah Ford on 20 Dec 1807 in West Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 02 Jun 1852 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States (Age: 68). 211. Rebecca Ives-5 (Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 09 Jan 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Oct 1837 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. John Rockwell son of John Rockwell and Hannah Scott was born on 07 Apr 1755 in Ridgefield, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Sep 1825 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. John Rockwell and Rebecca Ives married. They had the following children: Page 174 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) i. Abi Rockwell was born on 11 Mar 1798 in Vermont. She died in 1835 in Dexter, Washtenaw, Michigan, United States. ii. Chloe Rockwell was born on 17 Nov 1785 in Vermont. She died on 30 Dec 1872 in Grass Lake, Jackson, Michigan, United States. iii. Moses Rockwell was born on 27 Oct 1790 in Cornwell VT. He died on 12 Jan 1865 in Sparta, Monroe, Wisconsin, United States. 212. Thomas Major Gen Ives-5 (Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 02 Feb 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Mar 1814 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Ruth Foster daughter of Jedediah Foster and Dorothy Dwight was born on 11 Sep 1766 in Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 15 Feb 1852 in Age, Cuanza Sul, Angola. Thomas Major Gen Ives and Ruth Foster were married on 02 Mar 1786 in New Haven, Massachusetts, United States. They had the following children: i. 504. ii. iii. 505. iv. v. Charles James Ives was born on 08 Feb 1808 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 24 Nov 1816. David S Ives was born on 20 Sep 1805 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Elvira P Shippee in Sep 1848 in Colrain, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 01 Jan 1850 in Berkshire, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Thomas Earle Ives was born on 30 Sep 1802 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 30 Nov 1843. Amanda Ives was born on 26 Jul 1800 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 25 Jan 1870. Dwight Foster Ives was born on 06 Jun 1799 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 30 Aug 1820 in Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts. 506. vi. Elizabeth Ives was born on 07 Jun 1797 in Banington, , Massachusetts, USA. She married John Chatfield on 30 Oct 1817 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 May 1876 in Owego, Tioga, New York, United States. 507. vii. Nancy Ives was born on 13 Jun 1795 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She married Solomon Pitkin in 1821. She died on 01 Aug 1873. viii. Alma Cornelia Ives was born on 15 Apr 1793. She died on 04 Sep 1820. She married Benoni C Wells on 17 Apr 1821 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts. 508. ix. Anna Marie Ives was born on 17 Mar 1791 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 25 Feb 1863. x. Alma Cornelia Ives was born on 17 Mar 1791. She died on 01 Oct 1792. xi. George Heston Ives was born on 15 Sep 1789 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 29 Apr 1825 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Page 175 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) xii. Harriet Ives was born on 12 Feb 1787 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 28 Sep 1815 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 29). 213. Miriam Ives-5 (Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 03 Jan 1779 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 May 1860. Willard Frost son of Titus Frost and Mabel Stiles was born about 1779 in North Haven, CT, USA. He died on 17 Apr 1854. Willard Frost and Miriam Ives were married on 03 Dec 1809 in North Haven, CT, USA. They had the following children: i. Alva Frost was born on 19 Jan 1823. He died on 18 Nov 1890 in Tongus ME. ii. Jared Frost was born on 18 Sep 1820 in North Haven, CT, USA. He died on 11 Jun 1873 in Waterbury, CT USA. iii. William Frost was born on 06 Jun 1818 in New Haven, CT, USA. iv. Louisa Frost was born on 13 May 1816. v. Horace Frost was born on 21 Aug 1812 in Connecticut USA. He died on 11 Jan 1891. 214. Noah Ives-5 (Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 18 Sep 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1840 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York, United States. Anna Clark was born in 1780. She died in 1840 in Genoa,Cayuga,New York,USA. Noah Ives and Anna Clark were married in 1803. They had the following children: 509. i. Warren Ives was born on 02 Apr 1803 in New York,USA. He married Marietta Bronson in 1846 in ,,New York,USA. He died on 19 Oct 1869 in Olive,Clinton,Michigan,USA. 510. ii. Lorenzo D Ives was born in 1818 in New York. He died in Dec 1884. 511. iii. Alburn Ives was born in Dec 1823 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York. He married Emily Moreland in 1859. He died on 25 Jun 1903 in Genoa, New York. iv. Darwin Ives. v. Reuben Ives. 215. Giles Ives-5 (Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1774 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Feb 1848 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Abigail Gilbert daughter of Abraham Gilbert and Abigail Cooper was born on 29 Mar 1778 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 30 Jul 1861 in Waterbury, CT USA. Page 176 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Giles Ives and Abigail Gilbert were married on 09 Oct 1799 in Cong. Ch., North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Clarry Ives was born on 06 May 1801 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. 512. ii. George Marvin Ives was born on 18 May 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. 513. iii. Caroline Ives was born on 04 Oct 1807 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. She married David J Bishop on 08 Sep 1825 in Waterbury, North Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Mar 1875 in Connecticut. 514. iv. Esther Ives was born on 08 Apr 1805 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Philo Brown on 16 Sep 1824 in Waterbury. She died on 29 Jan 1890 in Connecticut (Age: 84). v. Henry G Ives was born about Jul 1814 in Waterbury, CT USA. He died on 09 Sep 1815 in Waterbury, CT USA. vi. Gilbert Ives was born about Jul 1803 in Waterbury, CT USA. He died on 24 Jun 1804 in Waterbury, CT USA. 216. Hannah Ives-5 (Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 18 Aug 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 11 Dec 1838 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Titus Mansfield son of Titus Mansfield and Mabel Todd was born on 04 Mar 1770 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 19 Jan 1829. Titus Mansfield and Hannah Ives were married on 16 Jul 1795 in Cong. Ch., North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Charlotte Mansfield was born in Jan 1796 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. 217. Esther Ives-5 (Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 22 Aug 1765 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Sep 1805 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Bethuel Todd son of Hezekiah Todd and Lydia Frost was born in 1762 in North Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 Apr 1829 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. Bethuel Todd and Esther Ives were married on 25 Jun 1783 in Cong. Ch., North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Bethia Todd was born in Aug 1783 in Connecticut. She died in Aug 1838 in Fredonia, New York. ii. Louisa Todd was born about 1785 in of North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Russell Todd was born on 28 Jun 1790 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 04 Sep 1871 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Roxy Todd was born in 1793. She died on 04 Nov 1870. Page 177 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Phebe Todd was born about 1793 in of North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 16 Jul 1870 in Wolcott, CT.. vi. Salah Todd was born about 1795 in of North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Miles Todd was born on 17 Sep 1802 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 30 May 1883 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. viii. Leverett Todd was born on 07 Nov 1795 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 30 Apr 1878 in Chatauqua, New York. 218. Talcott Ives-5 (Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jul 1781 in New Haven, CT. He died on 27 Mar 1859 in North Haven, CT. Hannah Todd daughter of Daniel Todd and Lucy Frost was born in 1789 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Nov 1864 in North Haven, New, Connecticut, United States. Talcott Ives and Hannah Todd were married in 1809 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 515. i. ii. Caroline Ives was born in 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Feb 1898. Loyal Ives was born on 16 Jul 1823 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Mar 1896 in Manhattan, New York, USA (Age: 74). 516. iii. Olive Ives was born in 1819 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Merrit Lane on 09 Jun 1845. 517. iv. Nancy Ives was born on 22 Aug 1817 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married William Benham on 28 Mar 1843. She died on 11 Jul 1884 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. v. Ann Ives was born on 26 Feb 1815 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 19 Mar 1892. 518. vi. Harvey Ives was born in Aug 1810 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1892 in Landis, New Jersey. 519. vii. Alfred Ives was born on 17 Sep 1813 in North Haven, CT, USA. He married Syliva A Blakeslee on 28 Dec 1834 in Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 22 May 1886 in Connecticut. 219. Martha Ives-5 (Ebenezer-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 May 1717 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 13 Jul 1770 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Daniel Potter son of Daniel Potter and Mary Ray was born on 09 Jun 1718 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Oct 1773 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Page 178 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Daniel Potter and Martha Ives were married on 11 Mar 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Lake Potter was born on 13 Aug 1759 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 30 Jun 1834 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. ii. Daniel Potter was born on 14 Feb 1758 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 25 Apr 1842 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. iii. Martha Potter was born on 16 Mar 1754 in Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Jun 1827 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. iv. Mabel Potter was born on 01 Nov 1752 in Watertown, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 06 Jun 1813 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. v. Mary Potter was born on 09 Mar 1751 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Jul 1827 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. vi. Lyman Potter was born on 14 Mar 1747 in Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Jul 1827 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. vii. Isaiah Potter was born on 23 Jul 1746 in Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Jul 1817 in Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States. viii. Eliakim Potter was born on 06 Jan 1745 in Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Mar 1822 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. ix. Ambrose Potter was born on 20 Apr 1743 in Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Apr 1822 in Johnstown, Fulton, New York, United States. x. Elam Potter was born on 01 Jan 1741 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Sep 1742 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 220. Abel Ives-5 (Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 03 Apr 1763 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in May 1821 in Greene, New York, USA. Betsey Fairchild Burke was born about 1765 in Connecticut. She died on 09 Jun 1822 in Greene, New York, USA. Abel Ives and Betsey Fairchild Burke were married in 1785 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 521. i. Abel Ives was born on 10 Mar 1802 in Bethany, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Feb 1893 in Dorset, Ohio. 522. ii. Elizabeth Ives was born on 04 Jul 1805 in Woodbridge, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She married Anson Green Bodwell on 01 Oct 1826 in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 13 Feb 1885 in Farmington, Connecticut. 523. iii. Mary Ives was born on 16 Apr 1798 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Orrin James Cory on 31 Dec 1824 in Green County, New York. She died on 14 Aug 1844 in Lykens, Crawford, Ohio, USA. Page 179 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Abel Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 520. i. Giles Ives was born in 1800 in Bethany, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1889 in Denmark Center, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. 221. Martha Ives-5 (Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 29 Dec 1753 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died in 1827 in Mesopotamia,Trumbull,Ohio,USA. Hezekiah Sperry son of Isaac Sperry and Hannah Perkins was born on 31 Aug 1746 in Woodbridge, New Haven, Ct. He died on 27 Dec 1833 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull, Oh. Hezekiah Sperry and Martha Ives were married on 22 May 1775 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Elias Sperry was born on 22 Nov 1789 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 22 Jul 1831 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull, Oh. ii. Hannah Sperry was born on 05 Oct 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died in 1870. iii. Alpheus Sperry was born in 1777 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died between 1778-1867. iv. Martha Sperry was born in 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 23 Jan 1838. v. Lucius Sperry was born in 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died between 1781-1870. vi. Cynthia Sperry was born in Apr 1783 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 28 Jul 1854. vii. Ala Amelia Sperry was born on 28 Sep 1784 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 02 Oct 1833. viii. Helena Sperry was born in 1791 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 23 Jul 1813. ix. Mary Sperry was born between 1768-1795. She died on 17 Jan 1813. x. Anna Sperry was born between 1768-1795. She died on 03 Feb 1813 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull, Oh. xi. Hezekiah Sperry was born in 1793 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died in Mar 1850 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull, Oh. 222. Hannah Ives-5 (Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Aug 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Amos Atwater son of Jonathan Atwater and Miriam Canfield was born in 1757 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Jan 1822 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Page 180 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Amos Atwater and Hannah Ives were married about 1784 in Prospect, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Nancy Atwater was born in 1795 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 21 Jan 1883. ii. Miriam Atwater was born in 1785 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on Unknown. iii. Ira Atwater was born on 25 Oct 1787 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 06 Sep 1849 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Rhoda Atwater was born on 05 Mar 1791 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 02 Feb 1851. v. Lucy Atwater was born in 1789 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on Unknown. vi. Amos Atwater was born in 1800 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 08 Jun 1834. 223. James Ives-5 (James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 11 Aug 1751 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 15 Aug 1826 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Mary Brockett daughter of Richard Brockett and Mary Pierpont was born on 13 Mar 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 07 Sep 1830 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. James Ives and Mary Brockett were married on 16 Jun 1779 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 525. i. Chauncey Ives was born on 23 Aug 1795 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Hannah Augusta Storer on 19 Nov 1820. He died on 02 Feb 1879 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States. ii. James S Ives was born in 1793 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Mar 1830 in Great Barrington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States of America. iii. Lois Ives was born in 1791. iv. Polly Ives was born in 1788 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died on 22 Jan 1852 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA (Age: 64). v. Harvey Ives was born in 1786 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. 526. vi. Russell Ives was born on 04 Jan 1785 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Oct 1875 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. Lois Turner daughter of James Turner and Lois Todd was born on 12 Oct 1748 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 31 Oct 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 181 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) James Ives and Lois Turner were married on 15 Jan 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Chloe Ives was born on 13 Dec 1774 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Oct 1776 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Amasa Ives was born on 04 Jan 1773 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Oct 1776 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 524. iii. Bede Ives was born on 14 May 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Jared Goodyear on 20 Mar 1789 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 14 Mar 1857 in New York. 224. Elam Ives-5 (James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Dec 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 Jan 1846 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Notes for Elam Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary War -- Volunteered, 1779, in the defense of New Haven, at the time of Tryon's invasion. He was born and died in Hamden. _db&gsfn_x=XO&gsln=Ives&gsln_x=1&uidh=bg4 Sarah Hitchcock daughter of Samuel Hitchcock and Hannah Bassett was born on 03 Jan 1771 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 25 Jan 1852 in Mt Carmel,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Elam Ives and Sarah Hitchcock were married on 09 May 1790 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 528. i. Lucius Ives was born on 05 May 1813 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Anna T Hall on 01 May 1833 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Aug 1892 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. 529. ii. Beda Ives was born on 31 Dec 1793 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married David Bradley in Nov 1813. She died on 17 May 1818 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 530. iii. James Ives was born on 08 Dec 1815 in Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy Ann Candee on 28 Nov 1838. He died on 21 Sep 1889 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 531. iv. Julius Mortimer Ives was born on 24 Jan 1811 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Eunice Amelia Beadles on 25 Mar 1833. He died on 04 Feb 1888 in Hamden, Connecticut. 532. v. Henry Ives was born on 24 Jan 1808 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Eliza Ives on 20 Apr 1831 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 03 Feb 1859. Page 182 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) 533. vi. vii. William Ives was born on 01 Jan 1804 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary C Tuttle on 28 Nov 1833 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Dec 1874 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Silas Ives was born on 17 Jun 1800 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Betsy Payne on 01 Feb 1826 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 16 Mar 1868 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 534. viii. Jason Ives was born on 28 Apr 1795 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Phebe Freeman about 1816. He died on 06 Jun 1879. 535. ix. Parsons Ives was born on 29 Aug 1791 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Hough about 1816. He died on 10 Sep 1850. x. Sarah Ives was born on 08 Jan 1798 in Hamden, Connecticut. She died on 17 Oct 1803 in Hamden, Connecticut. xi. Lyman Ives was born on 21 Apr 1800 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died on 15 Oct 1803 in Hamden, Connecticut. xii. Mary Ives was born on 28 Nov 1805 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Chester Dickerman on 24 Nov 1825 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 16 May 1879. Elam Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 527. i. Elam Ives was born on 07 Jan 1802 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Louisa Todd in Apr 1822 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died on 10 Feb 1864 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 225. Eber Ives-5 (James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Sep 1756 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Dec 1830. Esther Thompson daughter of Timothy Thompson and Lydia was born on 22 Mar 1763 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Feb 1838 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Eber Ives and Esther Thompson were married on 04 May 1793 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 536. i. Esther Ives was born on 02 Jan 1803 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Loyal Francis Todd on 31 Aug 1824 in Mount Carmel, Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Jul 1835. ii. Eunice Ives was born on 05 Aug 1795. She died on 27 Sep 1801. iii. Betsey Ives was born on 18 Mar 1800. She died on 29 Sep 1801. 226. Damaris Ives-5 (James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 25 Dec 1754 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 11 Jan 1839 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 183 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) Jesse Dickerman son of Samuel Dickerman and Mary Alling was born on 16 Jun 1752 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 22 May 1821 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Jesse Dickerman and Damaris Ives were married on 21 Sep 1775 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Russell Dickerman was born in May 1798. He died on 10 Mar 1799. ii. Cephas Dickerman was born on 26 Jul 1793. He died on 18 Sep 1796. iii. Betsey Dickerman was born on 29 Sep 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. She died on 10 Jan 1840. iv. Elam Dickerman was born on 21 Mar 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 01 Jul 1825. 227. Asa Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 08 Mar 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 07 Jan 1848 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Sarah Marks daughter of Zachariah Marks and Mary Bryan was born in 1762 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Feb 1840 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Asa Ives and Sarah Marks were married on 01 Jan 1791 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 537. i. Eben Ives was born on 20 Oct 1792 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Hull on 09 Nov 1815 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He died on 01 Feb 1855 in Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. 538. ii. Leverett Ives was born on 21 Sep 1796 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Huldah Holbrook on 26 Nov 1822 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Dec 1877 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (Age: 81). 539. iii. Sarah Ives was born on 20 Oct 1802 in Goshen Twp, Connecticut. She married Amos Johnson on 12 Oct 1826. She died on 12 Oct 1886 in Salisbury, Connecticut. 540. iv. Luther Ives was born on 10 May 1794 in New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 15 Jan 1871. 228. Lazarus Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 21 Apr 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 May 1832 in Goshen, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Chloe Beach daughter of Amos Beach and Sarah Royce was born on 24 Sep 1747 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Mar 1826 in Goshen, Connecticut. Lazarus Ives and Chloe Beach were married on 29 Oct 1772 in New Haven, New Haven C, ounty Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 541. i. Theodore Ives was born on 19 Mar 1786 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Amanda Rogers on 22 Nov 1821 in Conn. He died on 02 May 1875 in Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. Page 184 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:03 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) ii. Rufus Ives was born on 07 Dec 1783 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Oct 1817. iii. Laura Ives was born on 07 Dec 1781 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1782. 542. iv. Cephas Ives was born on 19 Mar 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. He married Nancy Clark on 14 Feb 1808 in Cheshire, Connecticut. He died on 30 May 1864 in Connecticut. 543. v. Mabel Ives was born on 16 Jul 1778 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She married Thomas Bartholomew on 01 Jun 1801. She died on 13 Jan 1859 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. 544. vi. Jesse Ives was born on 21 Jan 1776 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Polly Miles in 1799. He died on 25 Nov 1857 in Homer, Cortland County, New York, USA. 545. vii. Esther Ives was born on 10 Oct 1774 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She married Tyrannus Tuttle on 22 Nov 1796 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 24 Aug 1860 in Connecticut. Lazarus Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Mabel Ives was born in Aug 1773. She died in 1775. 229. Ezra Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 06 Nov 1744 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Aug 1825 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Mabel Bassett daughter of William Bassett and Mabel Goodyear was born on 22 Dec 1746 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Oct 1818 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ezra Ives and Mabel Bassett were married between 1770-1771 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 546. i. Betsey Ives was born on 26 May 1772 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Lyman Bradley on 13 Dec 1795 in Hamden, CT. She died on 02 Apr 1858. 547. ii. Jared Ives was born on 19 Aug 1781 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 16 Nov 1857 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 548. iii. Jesse Ives was born on 29 Jun 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mabel Goodyear on 01 Apr 1798 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 21 Sep 1843 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 549. iv. Russell Ives was born on 04 Jan 1785 in New Haven, Connecticut. He married Emeline Bradley on 22 Jan 1834 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 Aug 1853 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 185 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) v. Lucy Ives was born on 23 Sep 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Alvin Bradley on 31 Dec 1797 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Aug 1801 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Ezra Ives was born on 18 Mar 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Jun 1818. 550. vii. Rhoda Ives was born on 22 Jan 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Joshua Goodyear in 1789 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. She died on 27 Dec 1819 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 551. viii. Mabel Ives was born on 09 Feb 1767 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Justus Allen on 09 Feb 1767 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Aug 1834 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 230. Ebenezer Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 21 Feb 1761 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1832 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Hannah Johnson was born in 1770 in Vermont. She died on 18 Feb 1822 in Mount Holly, Vermont. Ebenezer Ives and Hannah Johnson were married on 29 May 1799. They had the following children: 552. i. ii. Allen Ives was born on 20 Feb 1805 in Vermont. He died on 19 Nov 1893. Mary Ives was born on 04 Jul 1801 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont, USA. 553. iii. Clarissa Ives was born on 01 Jun 1800 in Rutland Co, Vt. She married Asa Spalding on 05 Sep 1810 in Ludlow, VT. She died in 1813 in Cavendish, VT. 554. iv. Mabel Almira Ives was born on 10 Apr 1808 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont. She married Alvin Holden on 19 Apr 1828 in Mount Holly, Vt.. She died on 14 Jan 1847 in Mount Holly, Vt.. 231. Jonah Ives-5 (Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jun 1752 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 08 Sep 1821 in Mt. Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Sarah Moors daughter of Timothy Moors and Lydia Nutting was born on 19 Nov 1759 in Groton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died on 30 Dec 1846 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont. Jonah Ives and Sarah Moors were married in 1797 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont. They had the following children: 555. i. Jonah Ives was born on 26 Mar 1798 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He married Amarilla Wright on 28 Dec 1819 in Rockingham, Windham, Vermont, USA. He died on 31 Mar 1885 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. ii. Jotham Ives was born on 20 May 1800 in Mt Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. iii. Warren Ives was born in 1821. He died on 05 Aug 1829. Page 186 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 5 (con't) iv. Harrey H Ives. He died on 05 Aug 1829. Generation 6 232. Alban Albin Rose-6 (John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1767 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Jun 1860 in , , Ontario, Canada. Anna Haskell. Alban Albin Rose and Anna Haskell were married on 12 Dec 1801 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (by Elizur Wright (Barbour Collection)). They had no children. Huldah Woodruff daughter of Jacob Woodruff and Lucia was born on 16 Sep 1765 in Harwinton, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jun 1800 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (Barbour Collection). Alban Albin Rose and Huldah Woodruff were married on 23 Dec 1794 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (Rev. Joshua Knapp). They had the following children: i. Norman Woodruff Rose was born on 01 Feb 1799 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Feb 1810 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Mary H was born about 1778. Alban Albin Rose and Mary H married. They had no children. 233. Salmon Montague Rose-6 (John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1766 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Oct 1846 in Smithport, Pennsylvania, USA. Rhoda Hinsdale daughter of Jacob Hinsdale and Mary Brace was born on 27 Feb 1770 in Harwinton, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1824. Salmon Montague Rose and Rhoda Hinsdale were married in 1789 in New York. They had the following children: 556. i. ii. 557. iii. iv. Mary Ransy Rose was born in 1808 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. She married Thomas Terry in 1827. She died on 10 Aug 1849 in Afton, Chenango Co., NY. Lucy Rose was born in 1802 in NY. She died in 1873. Shirland Rose was born in 1792 in Vermont, United States. He died in 1859. Hermon Rose was born in 1806. He died in 1808. 558. v. Hinsdale Rose was born in 1800 in New York. He died on 27 May 1860 in Chenango, New York, United States. 559. vi. John Horton Rose was born in Jan 1798. He died on 23 Jul 1866 (Age: 68). vii. Rivers Wellington Rose was born on 11 Oct 1793 in Hancock, Massachusetts. He died on 03 Feb 1881 in Hancock, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 87). Page 187 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) viii. Lusanna Rose was born in 1790. She died in 1816. 234. William Rose-6 (John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 17 Nov 1763 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Jan 1849 in Nimmonsburg, Broome Co, New York, USA. Susannah Dinsmore was born about 1765 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 04 Feb 1839 in Broome, New York. William Rose and Susannah Dinsmore were married about 1784 in Chenango,Broome County, New York USA. They had the following children: 560. i. Elanson Rose was born on 02 Jun 1789 in Binghampton, New York. He married Lusena Osborn in 1811. He died on 04 Sep 1875 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA. ii. Thayer Rose. iii. Phebe Rose. 561. iv. Susan Rose was born on 15 May 1804 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. She married Edward Graves on 10 Oct 1826. She died on 28 Dec 1886 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. v. Hiram Rose was born about 1800 in New York USA. He died on 04 Mar 1860. vi. Martha Rose was born on 07 Feb 1792. She died on 04 Feb 1877. vii. William Rose. Jr was born on 16 Nov 1786 in Cavendish, Windsor County, Vermont USA. He died in 1872 in Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York USA. 562. viii. Horace Boardman Rose was born on 15 Jun 1786 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He married Elvira Percival on 16 Dec 1807 in Lawranceberg, Dearborn, Indiana, United States. He died on 07 Jan 1840 in Roseville, Logan, Arkansas, USA. William Rose and unknown spouse were married in 1850. They had no children. 235. Sarah Sally Rose-6 (John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 05 Jul 1793 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She died in 1872 in Livonia, Livingston, New York, USA. Clark Cilley son of John Ciley and Abigail Clark was born on 12 Jul 1786 in Andover, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA. He died on 14 Mar 1868 in Livonia, Livingston, New York, USA. Clark Cilley and Sarah Sally Rose were married on 13 Jan 1810 in Scroon, Essex, New York, USA. They had the following children: i. Harriet Cilley was born in Livonia, Monroe, New York, USA. ii. Erasmus Cilley. iii. Hannah Abigail Cilley was born on 10 Jul 1821 in Mendon, Monroe, New York, USA. She died on 05 Feb 1884 in Thayer, Neosho, Kansas, USA. Page 188 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. James F Cilley was born in 1832 in Livonia, Monroe, New York, USA. 236. Dennison Robinson Rose-6 (John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 03 Aug 1790 in Clarendon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died on 21 Nov 1877 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA. Hannah Eldredge daughter of Jacob Eldredge and Mary Harrington was born on 07 Apr 1789 in Sharon, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She died on 31 Jul 1868 in Erin, Macomb, Michigan, USA (Buried Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit). Dennison Robinson Rose and Hannah Eldredge were married in 1810 in Shoreham, Addison, VT.. They had the following children: i. 563. ii. Melissa Margaret Rose was born on 13 Aug 1833 in Grosse Pointe, Wayne, Michigan, USA. She died on 21 Jan 1892 in Detroit , Wayne, Michigan. Denison Forsyth Rose was born on 23 Nov 1830 in Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, USA. He married Sophie E Merrell on 02 Dec 1852 in Detroit, Michigan. He died on 18 Feb 1922 in Sedalia, Pettis, Missouri. iii. Catherine S. Rose was born about 1827 in New York or Michigan. She died on 15 Sep 1901 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. iv. Sarah D. Rose was born about 1820 in New York. She died on 01 Sep 1909 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. v. Lemira Rose was born on 22 Nov 1813 in New York. She died on 23 Aug 1905 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. vi. William O. Rose was born about 1811 in Vermont. He died in Aug 1849 in Wayne County, Michigan, USA. 564. vii. Mary S. Rose was born on 20 Jul 1825 in Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, USA. She married John William Wylde on 03 Oct 1842 in Roseville, Wayne, MI> (Family Bible source). She died on 16 Apr 1909 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA (Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, MI.). 237. Elijah H Rose-6 (John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 18 Oct 1786 in Mapletown, , New York, USA. He died on 23 Dec 1861 in , Broome, New York, USA. Statira was born about 1783 in Massachusetts. Elijah H Rose and Statira married. They had the following children: 565. i. ii. 566. iii. Horace Rose was born in 1808 in Broome, New York, USA. He married Tryphena Boyd about 1829 in Binghampton, New York, USA (Date and location found on rootsweb). He died in May 1854 in Cortland, Cortland, New York, United States. Mary R Rose was born in 1822 in New York. Eben Rose was born in 1817 in Niagra, New York. He married Nancy Tillotson on 04 Mar 1857 in New York. He died on 31 Dec 1887. Page 189 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 238. Levi Ives-6 (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Nov 1755 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Apr 1850 in Summit, Schoharie, New York, United States. Notes for Levi Ives: General Notes: Historic Record of the Town of Meriden, Connecticut, 1906, Vol 1 Page 116 perhaps a little further west, at an early date, on which a Gideon Ives was living in the middle of the eighteenth century. His farm was bounded south on the Berry farm (to be described) and land of Dr. Isaac Hall, and east on the highway and not on Misery Bar road. He was a son of John and brother of Bezaleel Ives. Some of the farm was given him by his father and some he purchased of Benjamin, the son of Nathaniel Roys. East of this farm, on the other side of the road, just north of the Paddock homestead, once stood the house of Michael Mitchell, one of the early settlers of Meriden. Miller avenue, which runs west from Misery road (now called Paddock avenue) and begins its course between the home of William B. Rice and the southeast district school house, is an ancient highway and was laid out in 1723, and runs to Yale avenue. The Rice house occupies the site of the dwelling of Captain Divan Berry, of Revolutionary fame. His father's (Divan, Sr.) home was quite a distance further west on the same road but disappeared long ago; there are people still living who remember the site by the depression marking the cellar. Divan, Jr., bought the house at the corner of David Ives and six acres also, bounded north and west on his own land. Divan died in 1785 and the house and six acres soon became the property of Levi Ives and it was doubtless here that Bishop Levi ----------------------------------------------------DAR, 1966, DAR Patriot Index; Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C. -Connecticut private in the Revolutionary War; pensioned From SueAnne Warr McClory, 5 Feb 2011: "from the DAR records of "Patriots" and direct descendants on the Ives side of the family (in no particular order): Levi Ives, pvt. CT. " -----------------------------------------------------Ives family plot is located: Above Lake View Hotel. Across the road and to the north of the old water tank. In plain view from the village of Summit. ----------------------------------------------------------From: Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site, History of Schoharie County by William E. Roscoe, CHAPTER XI. "It was not until after the Revolution closed that this town was settled, and the eastern part a few years later than the western. Those settlers were mostly from the Hudson river counties and the eastern States, verifying the truth, that while the Germans and Dutch choose the low lands, the Yankee climbs upon the hills, and "pitches his tent." One of the early settlers of this locality, was a Mr. Brown, from Connecticut; who, while in his native town engaged in the manufacture of buttons. He as a shrewd business Yankee and turned his mind and hand to everything that had a tendency to gain money, and was called "Button Weaver Brown." In all local legal troubles he officiated as a pettifogger and business man, which gave to him a precedence in note, over other settlers. He died at an early day and left in his stead, a son Harvey, who engaged in the mercantile business and was for many Page 190 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) years Justice of the Peace, beside being a Captain in the Militia service. Dexter Brown, of another family, built a log house and kept the first "tavern," in which all law suits were held for many years, beside giving "entertainment for man and beast" that strolled up the hills to replenish their stock of liquors. It must not be thought that those early settlers were content to delve daily among giant tree-stumps and stones without any other means of support, as they were too "Yankeefied." On the contrary, they engaged in other pursuits, such as making potash and whiskey. Who the first distiller was we are unable to learn, but Levi Ives did a large business in that branch as early as 1805. His customers were scattered over the country and drove the establishment to its utmost capacity, to meet their wants. An order from "Yankee Pete" Snyder was taken to Ives by his son, in 1812 for a "load of his best whiskey" at two shillings per gallon. " From SueAnne Warr McClory, 8 Feb 2011 -- So Levi went up to the Catskills after the Rev. War and ran a distillery - I wanted to know and can't believe I found out. I haven't checked to see who Hiram Ives is, but possibly a brother. I found a reference to the Lake View Hotel (location of the graves) - it burned to the ground in the early 1900's and was rebuilt on the original site - the hotel is considered to be haunted and has been vacant in recent years. Also found a record where Levi was allowed to build a dam on his property. From: -Summit was settled after the Revolution. People who settled here were mainly from the Hudson river counties, and the “eastern States”. A man by the name of Levi Ives owned a distillery in Summit. This establishment was nationally famous, for many people from around the country ordered liquor from Ives. From: 6e082c?src=search&ftm=1 -Feb. 4, 1809 (Otsego Herald - Cooperstown) Whereas Levi Ives of the town of Goshen, in the county of Litchfield, and State of Connecticut, did, on the fourteenth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and six, for securing the payment of the sum of sixteen hundred dollars lawful money of the state of New York, with the lawful interest thereof, convey by mortgage all those certain lots of land known by lots No. forty nine and No. fifty, in the subdivision of the north western half part of a certain tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Schoharie, called Steasburgh, which said lots are situated in the town of Cobleskill, in said county, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the northerly bounds of said patent, and at the north westerly corner of lot number forty-eight, in said tract, and runs from thence along said bounds. South eighty eight degrees west, along a line of marked trees, forty-seven chains and twenty-six links to a stake and stones, four links eastward from a hemlock cornered and marked 49, 77; thence south twenty-three degrees west, thirty seven chains, to the north westerly corner of lot No. fifty-one; thence south sixty-seven degrees east along said lot No. fifty-one, forty chains and fifty-five links, to the southeast corner of lot No. forty seven; thence north twenty three degrees east, fifty-five chains to the place of beginning; containing about one hundred and eighty six acres and one quarter of land. And whereas the said Mortgage on the eleventh day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and eight was duly assigned to Ambrose Foster, Philip Wells and Joseph Skiff - And whereas default has been made in the payment of the said sum with the interest - Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of a power contained in said mortgage and in pursuance of the statutes in such case made and provided, the above described premises will be sold at public vendue on Thursday the tenth day of August next, at the court-house in the village of Otsego, in the county of Otsego. Ambose Foster Philip Wells, & Page 191 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Joseph Skiff. Assignees of Lucas Elmendorf. By their Attorney, Farrabd Stranahan. Otsego, February 3, 1809 Schoharie County Rootsweb site From: U.S. Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007. Original data: Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M246, 138 rolls); War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, Record Group 93; National Archives, Washington. D.C. Records indexed by Direct Data Capture. Levi Ives, 8th Regiment Connecticut; Private Caroline S Pratt daughter of Isaac Pratt and Mary Beckley was born on 21 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Apr 1850 in Summit, New York. Notes for Caroline S Pratt: General Notes: Ives family plot is located: Above Lake View Hotel. Across the road and to the north of the old water tank. In plain view from the village of Summit. Levi Ives and Caroline S Pratt were married on 03 Nov 1784 in Goshen, Connecticut. They had the following children: 567. i. Mineas Ives was born on 05 Feb 1789 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Coombs on 24 Oct 1810. He died on 13 Feb 1883 in Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, USA. ii. Urania Ives was born on 06 Dec 1785 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. iii. Rachel Ives was born on 06 Dec 1787 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. 568. iv. Benjamin Ives was born on 29 Sep 1792 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Polly Crowell on 26 Jan 1815. He died on 28 Jan 1843. 569. v. Levi Ives was born on 16 Aug 1796 in Connecticut, USA. He married Rebecca Crowell in 1816. He died on 29 Oct 1865. 570. vi. Isaac P Ives was born on 19 Aug 1798 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Margaret Dibble in 1818. He died on 08 Nov 1884 in Harpersfield, New York. vii. Asenath Ives was born on 22 Nov 1790 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Page 192 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 571. viii. Samuel Ives was born on 01 Apr 1787 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. He married Polly Wadhams on 30 May 1810. He died on 24 Sep 1877 in New York City. 572. ix. Candace Ives was born on 06 Dec 1785 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. She married Sylvester Baldwin on 17 Oct 1804 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT, USA. She died on 08 Feb 1855 in Chenango, Broome, New York, USA. 239. Asenath Ives-6 (Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Nov 1755 in Goshen, Connecticut. He died on 27 Nov 1832. Mineas Beach daughter of Linus Beach and Dinah Royce was born on 17 May 1751 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 27 Nov 1832 in Mt Morris, New York. Asenath Ives and Mineas Beach were married on 23 May 1776 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Linus Ives was born in 1789. 240. Sarah Eunice Ives-6 (David-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1769 in Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Sep 1844 in Southesk, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. Jared Tozer son of Charles Tozer and Susan Rogers was born on 04 Apr 1764 in Lyme,New London,Connecticut,USA. He died on 22 Nov 1850 in Southesk,Northumberland,New Brunswick,Canada. Jared Tozer and Sarah Eunice Ives were married in 1784 in ,,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Daniel (1) Tozer was born in 1801 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 10 Mar 1880 in New Carlisle, Bonaventure, Quebec, Canada. ii. Mariah Ives Tozer was born on 04 Aug 1808 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died on 05 Jun 1889 in Grove Lake, Pope, Minnesota, USA. iii. Charles Tozer was born on 28 Jun 1793 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died in 1880 in Ottawa, Geary, Kansas, USA. iv. Eunice Tozer was born in 1805 in on the St John River, , New Brunswick, Canada. She died in 1855 in blve Fredericton, York, New Brunswick, Canada. v. Hannah Tozer was born in 1803 in on the St John River, , New Brunswick, Canada. She died in 1871 in South West Mirimichii, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. vi. Jared Tozer Ii was born in 1798 in on the St John River, , New Brunswick, Canada. He died in 1860 in South Esk, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. vii. Rev James Tozer was born in 1795 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 13 Apr 1880 in Blissfield Area, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. viii. Abigail Tozer was born in 1794 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died on 03 Jan 1866 in Lyttleton, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. Page 193 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ix. Richard Tozer was born in 1788 in on the St John River, , New Brunswick, Canada. He died in 1791 in on the St John River, , New Brunswick, Canada. x. Elson Tozer was born on 24 Apr 1787 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Feb 1872 in Lyttleton, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. xi. David L Tozer was born in 1786 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Dec 1876 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA. xii. Charlotte Tozer was born in 1791 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died in Apr 1871 in South Esk Parish, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. 241. Sarah B Ives-6 (David-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1850 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, United States. Daniel Adams son of John Adams and Sarah Coley was born on 01 Apr 1773 in Egg Harbor City, Atlantic, New Jersey, United States. He died in 1850 in Linneus,,Maine,USA. Daniel Adams and Sarah B Ives were married on 30 Sep 1794 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. They had the following children: i. William Adams was born in 1806 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. He died in 1880 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, United States. ii. Sarah Adams was born about 1820 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. iii. Mary Adams was born about 1818 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. iv. Thomas Adams was born in 1792 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. He died on 13 Apr 1837. v. James William Adams was born on 08 Apr 1812 in St. Johns, York, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 01 Jun 1891 in Scipio, Millard, Utah. vi. Edgar Adams was born in 1795 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. He died on 10 May 1879 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine. vii. Justice Adams was born in 1809 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. He died on 08 Apr 1883 in Northumberland, New Brunswick. viii. Rebecca Adams was born in 1807 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. She died in 1890 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine. ix. David Adams was born in 1799 in Of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick. He died in 1841. x. Abigail Adams was born in 1822 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. 242. Abigail Ives-6 (David-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1766 in Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Jul 1844 in Of, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 194 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Archibald McNeil III son of Archibald McNeil and Sarah Clark was born about 1761 in New Haven, Ct.. He died on 08 Jul 1794 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Archibald McNeil III and Abigail Ives were married between 1782-1783. They had the following children: i. Abigail McNeil was born in 1792 in New Haven, Ct.. She died Y. ii. Archibald McNeil was born in 1790 in New Haven, Ct.. He died Y. iii. Asa McNeil was born in 1788 in New Haven, Ct.. He died Y. iv. Joseph Ives McNeil was born in 1784 in New Haven, Ct.. He died on 17 Aug 1836 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. v. Samuel McNeil was born in 1786 in New Haven, Ct.. He died Y. 243. Sarah Ives-6 (Jesse-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Sep 1766 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1830 in Mendon, NY (Sarah Ives Munn died between 1820 and 1830. Abner remarried the widow Naomi Brewer Ford in 1830 as reported in the Anti-masonic Enquirer April 20, 1830. The graveyard with Abner has Naomi next to him). Abner Munn son of Benjamin Munn and Mary Russell was born on 09 Jun 1763 in Monson, Ma (Church record). He died on 30 May 1847 in New York. Abner Munn and Sarah Ives were married on 22 Feb 1787 in Monson, Massachusetts, USA (married by her father Jesse Ives). They had the following children: i. Almira Munn was born in 1806 in New York, USA. She died on 22 Sep 1879 in Atchison County, Missouri, USA. ii. Sally Munn was born in 1795 in Bethlehem, Albany, New York, USA. iii. Joseph Munn was born on 19 Feb 1799 in Bethlehem, Albany, New York, USA. iv. Jesse Munn was born on 19 Feb 1799 in Bethlehem, Albany County, NY. He died on 05 Mar 1862 in Oakfield, New York, USA (Buried Cary cemetery). v. Abigail Munn was born on 09 Jun 1797 in Bethlehem, Albany, New York, USA. vi. Abner Munn was born on 07 Jun 1797 in Bethlehem, Albany, New York, USA. He died on 23 Sep 1872 in Kendall, Orleans, New York, USA. vii. Lewis Munn was born on 20 Oct 1792 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. viii. Samuel Munn was born on 21 Nov 1790 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. ix. William Munn was born on 30 Mar 1789 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1860 in Novi, Michigan, USA. x. Paley Munn was born on 24 Sep 1787 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Page 195 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 244. Titus Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jul 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Mar 1834 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Lodema Yale daughter of Nathaniel Yale and Hannah Scoville was born on 20 Feb 1787 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Jun 1811. Titus Ives and Lodema Yale were married on 18 Oct 1808. They had the following children: i. 573. ii. Franklin Ives was born on 19 Aug 1828 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Maria H. Ives was born on 12 Jul 1813 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Luther Hall on 16 Sep 1833 in Waterbury. iii. Nathaniel Yale Ives was born on 11 Nov 1815 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 May 1837 in Connecticut. 574. iv. Silas Yale Ives was born on 23 Sep 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, Ct.. He married Elvira Hall on 23 Sep 1835 in Meriden, New Haven, Ct.. He died in 1887 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Susan L. Ives was born on 19 May 1821 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Jun 1833 in Connecticut. 245. Othniel Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Nov 1829 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Yale daughter of Nathaniel Yale and Hannah Scovill was born on 24 Jan 1784 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Nov 1814 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. Othniel Ives and Sarah Yale were married on 10 Oct 1800 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 581. i. Eliza Ives was born on 17 Jan 1804 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Edwin R. Yale on 14 Mar 1824. She died on 09 Mar 1846. 582. ii. Elias Yale Ives was born on 07 Jan 1809 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Cornelia Pomeroy on 22 Aug 1827 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 13 May 1886 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. 583. iii. Eli Ives was born on 07 Jan 1809 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Gelina Ann Pomeroy on 30 Sep 1830 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. He died on 13 May 1886 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. 584. iv. Othniel Ives was born on 26 Nov 1812 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Julia Maria Cook on 28 Oct 1836 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 28 Feb 1878 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Rosetta Yale daughter of Nathaniel Yale and Hannah Scovill was born on 09 May 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut. She died on 03 Mar 1833 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. Othniel Ives and Rosetta Yale were married on 26 Oct 1815. They had the following children: Page 196 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 575. i. Isaac Ira Ives was born on 27 Jan 1817 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Eloise White on 07 Oct 1847 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Oct 1850 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. 576. ii. Sarah Rosetta Ives was born on 23 Nov 1818 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Harvey Miller on 24 May 1839 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 May 1862. 577. iii. Juliet Ives was born on 13 May 1822 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Eli Butler before 1855 in Meriden, New Haven Co, Connecticut. She died on 01 Mar 1855 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. 578. iv. John B Ives was born on 25 Dec 1825 in 489 Broad St., Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Wealthy Sage Merwin in 1858 in Meriden, Connecticut. He died on 23 Aug 1915 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. 579. v. Frederick Wightman Ives was born on 27 Jan 1828 in 391 Broad St., Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Frances Maria Jones on 17 Jun 1862 in Meriden, Connecticut. He died on 02 Jul 1913 in Connecticut. 580. vi. Russell Jennings Ives was born on 17 Jul 1830 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He married Ann Eliza Yale on 09 Apr 1860. He died on 14 Sep 1860 in Meriden. Connecticut. 246. Anna Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 21 Sep 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Dec 1834 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Noah Foster son of Thomas Foster and Elizabeth Berry was born on 25 Dec 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut. He died on 27 Mar 1843 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut. Noah Foster and Anna Ives were married on 22 Feb 1793 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Mary Foster was born on 01 Feb 1797 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 05 Nov 1832 in Marine Settlement, Madison, Illinois (while moving West with husband & sons). ii. Joel James Foster was born on 15 Dec 1814 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Aug 1885 in River Falls, Pierce, Wisconsin (at his home). iii. Eli Foster was born on 17 Aug 1795 in Wallingford, CT. He died on 05 May 1856. iv. Eunice Amelia Foster was born on 05 Sep 1812. She died on 11 Dec 1841. v. Zeri Foster was born on 17 Aug 1795. She died Y. vi. Albuin Foster was born on 03 Dec 1801. He died on 08 Apr 1802. vii. Othinel Foster was born on 25 Jan 1800. He died on 05 Aug 1818. viii. George Foster was born on 17 Mar 1803. He died Y. Page 197 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ix. Anna Foster was born on 12 Feb 1808. She died Y. x. Jerusha Foster was born on 29 Jun 1810. She died on 01 Mar 1832. xi. Isaac Ives Foster was born on 26 Oct 1805 in Connecticut. He died on 09 Jan 1869 in River Falls, Pierce, Wisconsin. 247. Mary Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 21 Nov 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 May 1842. John Hooker son of Elijah Hooker and Susannah Judd was born on 17 Apr 1768 in Kensington, Hartford County, Connecticut. He died on 12 Apr 1829 in Morristown, St. Lawrence Coounty, New York. John Hooker and Mary Ives were married on 02 Feb 1795 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Harry Hooker was born on 07 Jul 1797 in Wallingrofd, New Haven County, Connecticut. ii. Alfred Hooker was born on 18 Aug 1799 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. iii. George Hooker was born on 20 Aug 1802 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. iv. Henry Thomas Hooker was born on 13 Jul 1803 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. v. Mary Ann Hooker was born on 28 Sep 1805 in Turin, Lewis County, New York. vi. Lucretia Hooker was born on 10 Dec 1810 in Turin, Lewis County, New York. vii. Elijah Hooker was born on 13 Feb 1814 in Turin, Lewis County, New York. 248. Joel Hall Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 21 Jan 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Oct 1833 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. Lucy Hart daughter of Benjamin Hart and Jerusha Rich was born on 20 Dec 1779 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 30 Apr 1843 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. Joel Hall Ives and Lucy Hart were married on 10 Jan 1798 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 585. i. Lucy Ives was born on 01 Mar 1819 in Meriden, , Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Mar 1890 in Sawyerville, Quebec, Canada. 586. ii. Benjamin Hart Ives was born on 27 Dec 1814 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucretia Rexford on 03 Sep 1845. He died on 08 Nov 1892 in Sawyerville (Baptist Church), Québec. iii. Elam Ives was born on 28 Apr 1802 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Feb 1811. Page 198 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 587. iv. Eli Ives was born on 11 Feb 1799 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Artemisia Bullock on 24 Mar 1823 in Hatley (Church of England), Québec. He died on 08 Oct 1863 in Compton, Quebec, Canada (Age: 64). 588. v. Erastus Benjamin Ives was born on 14 Sep 1822 in Quebec, Canada. He married Louisa F Fyerman on 22 Jan 1895. He died on 04 Feb 1911 in La Salle County, Illinois. 589. vi. Esther H Ives was born on 21 Feb 1810 in Hatley, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She married Gladden Farwell on 01 Jan 1834. She died on 23 Jan 1882 in Quebec, Canada. vii. Jerusha Ives was born on 22 Dec 1807 in Hatley, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She married Chauncey Bullock on 03 Mar 1844 in Stanstead (Baptist Church), Québec. She died on 28 May 1861 in Georgeville, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. 590. viii. John Ives was born on 01 Sep 1812 in Quebec, Canada. He married Elizabeth Appleton on 23 Mar 1843 in Passumpsic, Caledonia, Vermont, USA. He died on 10 Mar 1886 in New Lots, New York, USA (Age: 73). 591. ix. Julius Ives was born on 13 Sep 1800 in Quebec, Canada. He married Laura Beulah Drew on 19 May 1824 in Hatley (Church of England), Québec. He died on 14 Oct 1879 in Georgeville, Quebec, Canada. x. Lucretia Ives was born on 07 Oct 1816 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Sep 1818. xi. Othnell Ives was born on 20 Sep 1806 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Sep 1806 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xii. Joel Hall Ives was born on 01 Sep 1804 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 03 Nov 1829 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 249. Levi Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Jun 1815 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. Notes for Levi Ives: General Notes: From: &o_lid=41125&o_sch=Web+Property -"South of the Whiting farm was the large one belonging to the Ives family. The old house stood, in fact stands, in the dwelling of George B. Murdock. Buried in the depths of this modern house is the kernel or nucleus of the one built by John Ives at an early date. (some doubt about this, but the site is the same). ???? In the year 1723 he appears to have taken up his residence in the parish of Meriden. He died in 1738 and the house and east part of his farm passed into the possession of his son, Captain Bezaleel. He died in 1798, and his only child, Captain Samuel, then became the owner and at his death in 1803, it became the property of Ivah Curtis, who had married his daughter Hannah. Here was born Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, whose son Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, Jr.. lately deceased, was R.a great Rscholar and prof. of theology. RThe farm of John Ives was a large one, comprising several hundred acres and stretched down on both sides of the highway nearly to the town line or farm of Amos Camp. His son, John, in the division of his father´s estate, took the western part and probably built the house many will remember as the Othniel Ives place, a few hundred feet west of the dwelling of Mr. Murdock. It was erected very likely about the year 1745. It was bought many years ago by J. George Schwink and perhaps 10 years ago was burned to the ground. In it was born levi Ives, who was the father of Levi Silliman Ives, who became the Protestant Episcopal bishop Page 199 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) of North Carolina. In the year 1852 he ..embraced the Roman Catholic faith. The Ives family has always been numerous and influential on meriden and the old records abound in frequent evidences of this fact.´´ A Century of Meriden, Gillespie. Pg. 115." Fanny Silliman daughter of Hezekiah Silliman and Amelia Hubbard was born on 28 Feb 1771 in Fairfield, Fairfield Co., CT. Levi Ives and Fanny Silliman were married on 18 Jun 1789 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 592. i. Levi Silliman Ives was born on 16 Sep 1797 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He married Rebecca Smith Hobart on 25 Feb 1825 in Trinity Church, New York, New York, United States. He died on 13 Oct 1867 in Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA. 593. ii. Rebecca Ives was born in 1820 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Cordial Storrs about 1841 in Meriden, n. Haven, Connecticut. iii. Abigail Russell Ives was born in 1818 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1830. 594. iv. Eli Silliman Ives was born on 02 Feb 1816 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lodema Delight Thompson in 1839. He died on 29 Aug 1883 in Wallingford, Connecticut (Age: 68). 595. v. Ebenezer Hinsdale Ives was born on 07 Nov 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Harriet Cook on 10 Apr 1834 in Connecticut (by Rev. Simon Shaylor). He died on 14 May 1883 in Wallingford, Connecticut. vi. Hezekiah S Ives was born on 17 Apr 1807 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Mar 1826 in New York, United States. vii. Anna Ives was born on 14 Aug 1804 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Farr about 1825. 596. viii. Fanny Silliman Ives was born on 17 Sep 1802 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Almer Hall on 06 Dec 1827 in Meriden, Connecticut. She died on 21 Jan 1840. 597. ix. John Hubbard Ives was born on 16 Sep 1797 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Isabella about 1837. He died in Apr 1870 in New York. 598. x. Sherlock Ives was born on 10 Jul 1800 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1871 in Michigan. 250. Isaac Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jan 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Jun 1843 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Amelia White daughter of Joseph Moss White and Rachel Booth was born on 17 May 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1851 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. Page 200 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Isaac Ives and Sarah Amelia White were married on 20 Dec 1796. They had the following children: 600. i. George White Ives was born on 28 Feb 1798 in Danbury,,Connecticut,USA. He married Sarah Hotchkiss Wilcox on 27 Dec 1831 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in Dec 1862. Jerusha Benedict daughter of Zadok Benedict and Jerusha Russell was born in 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Aug 1795. Isaac Ives and Jerusha Benedict were married on 14 Mar 1792 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 599. i. ii. Jerusha Russell Ives was born on 18 May 1793 in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut. She married Lemuel Wildman Benedict on 11 May 1814. She died on 11 Mar 1876 in Connecticut. Russell Harrison Ives was born on 01 Jun 1794. He died on 01 Aug 1795. 251. John Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Mar 1828 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York, USA. Martha Merriam daughter of Nathaniel Merriam and Martha Berry was born on 01 Jan 1767 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 12 Feb 1841 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. John Ives and Martha Merriam were married on 23 Dec 1784 in ,,,USA. They had the following children: 601. i. Samuel Ives was born on 13 Jul 1799 in Lewis,Turin,New York,USA. He married Roxanna Hubbard on 08 May 1823 in Turin,Lewis,New York,USA. He died on 23 Aug 1841 in Marengo,Calhoun,Michigan,USA. 602. ii. Isaac Ives was born on 24 May 1813 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. He died on 10 Nov 1883 in Ravenna, Portage, Ohio, USA. 603. iii. Martha Ives was born on 22 Dec 1810 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. She married Enoch W. Roberts on 30 Sep 1834. She died on 13 Jul 1882 in Meriden, Connecticut (Age: 72). 604. iv. George Ives was born on 06 Feb 1809 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. He married Orinda Baldwin on 10 Sep 1834. He died on 15 Jan 1878 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA. 605. v. Seldon Ives was born on 18 Sep 1806 in Turin, Lewis, New York, USA. He married Lucretia Stephens on 13 Jul 1830. He died on 11 Sep 1874 in Turin, Lewis, New York, United States. 606. vi. Eli Ives was born on 02 Mar 1804 in Blackriver, , New York, USA. He married Nancy Fenton on 15 Oct 1826. He died on 21 Feb 1859 in Great Bend, Jefferson, New York, USA. 607. vii. Lucretia Ives was born on 26 Aug 1802 in Blackriver, New York. She married Horace Clapp on 12 Sep 1821 in Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. She died on 19 Mar 1881 in Martinsburg, Lewis, New York, USA. Page 201 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 608. viii. Julianna Ives was born on 02 Dec 1796 in Blackriver, New York, USA. She married Walter Martin on 04 Oct 1815. She died on 06 Jan 1851 in Michigan, United States. ix. Nathaniel Ives was born on 06 Nov 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, USA. He died on 18 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, USA. x. Seldon Ives was born on 03 Apr 1794 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, USA. xi. Othniel Ives was born on 08 May 1792 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 31 Oct 1794 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xii. Lucretia Ives was born on 04 Nov 1787 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 20 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, USA. 609. xiii. John Ives was born on 12 Nov 1785 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He married Abby H Dimock on 04 Dec 1806. He died in 1852 in California, USA. xiv. Samuel Ives was born on 05 Nov 1789 in Southwick, Massachusetts. He died on 13 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Massachusetts. 252. Lucretia M. Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Oct 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Ives son of Bezaleel Ives and Hannah Merriman was born on 05 Jan 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Oct 1803 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Samuel Ives and Lucretia M. Ives were married on 13 Feb 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 610. i. Hannah Ives was born on 13 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Ivah Curtis on 04 Aug 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 08 Oct 1844 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 253. Joel Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America. He died on 03 Jun 1807 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America (Age: 47). Olive Ives daughter of Charles Ives and Sarah Butler was born on 20 Apr 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Mar 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joel Ives and Olive Ives were married on 22 Oct 1778 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 611. i. Butler Ives was born on 18 Apr 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America. He married Olive Hall Morse on 03 Dec 1807 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 31 Aug 1846 (Age: 63). Page 202 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 612. ii. Roxanna Ives was born on 17 Apr 1799 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Merlin Jones on 17 Aug 1820 in Wallingford, N-Haven, CT. She died on 05 Aug 1866 in Ogden,Weber,Utah,USA. iii. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Jan 1798. iv. Olive Ives was born on 07 Apr 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 613. v. vi. Gideon Ives was born on 14 Jun 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Nov 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sally Ives was born on 11 Mar 1779 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1811 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 254. Joseph Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Feb 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (From Family Data Collecion - Individual Records; Family Data Collection - Births). He died on 23 Feb 1845 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada (Buried in the Ives Cemetery, Georgeville, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada; Family Data Collection - Individual Records). Clarissa Hall daughter of Theophilus Hall and Elizabeth Couch was born on 03 Apr 1771 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. She died on 23 Aug 1848 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. Joseph Ives and Clarissa Hall were married on 04 Nov 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 614. i. Avery Hall Ives was born on 30 Jun 1815 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He married Fannie Wright Carpenter on 16 Sep 1842 in Derby, Orleans, Vermont. He died on 12 Feb 1891 in Wapella, De Witt, Illinois, USA. ii. Mary Ives was born on 14 Feb 1813 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She married Chauncey Bullock on 01 Jan 1842. She died on 16 Feb 1843 in Georgeville, Quebec, Canada. iii. Clarissa Ives was born on 21 Jun 1806 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She married Amasa Merriman in 1826 in , , Canada. She died on 02 Jun 1832 in Bloomington, McLean, Illinois, USA. 615. iv. Isaac Ives was born on 28 Oct 1801 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He married Salina Davis in 1827 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He died on 18 May 1881 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. 616. v. Betsey Ives was born on 31 Mar 1799 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She married Chauncey Bullock on 24 Mar 1818 in Hatley, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada (From: Family Bible; Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection)). She died on 08 Apr 1841 in Georgeville, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. vi. Joseph Ives was born on 16 Mar 1795 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He died on 23 Apr 1795 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. Page 203 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 617. vii. Harley Ives was born on 20 Aug 1792 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He married Martha Sleeper in 1817 in Canada. He died in 1868 in Hatley, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. 618. viii. Titus Ives was born on 17 Apr 1810 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He married Hannah Jenna on 27 Dec 1832 in ,,,Canada. He died on 10 Jul 1878 in Bolton Centre, Brome, Quebec, Canada. 619. ix. Joseph Ives was born on 12 Dec 1796 in Magog, Quebec, Canada. He married Alzada Kimball on 11 Mar 1826. He died in 1841 in Magog, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. 255. Hannah Ives-6 (Titus-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jul 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Apr 1822. Samuel Tibbals was born on 02 Nov 1751 in Durham, Connecticut, USA (a pedigree research file gives his birthplace as Wallingford). He died on 15 Mar 1826 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Tibbals and Hannah Ives were married on 25 May 1775 in Norfolk, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Eunice Tibbals was born on 08 Sep 1778. ii. Sarah Tibbals was born on 04 Jan 1787 in Norfolk. iii. Hannah Tibbals was born on 27 May 1781. iv. Halsey Tibbals was born on 15 Mar 1776 in Connecticut. He died in Dec 1850 in Prince William CO, VA. v. Samuel Tibbals was born on 23 Mar 1784 in Connecticut. He died on 10 May 1860 in Martinez, Contra Costa County, California. 256. John Ives-6 (Titus-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Feb 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 May 1828 in Onondaga, Onondaga, New York, United States. Eunice Backus was born about 1772. She died on 11 Jan 1847 in Jamesville, Onondaga, New York, USA. John Ives and Eunice Backus married. They had the following children: 620. i. Mary Ann Ives was born on 01 Jan 1806 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Hiram Phelps Holbrook on 18 Jan 1827. She died on 03 Feb 1888. ii. Elizabeth Ives was born about 1807 in Pennsylvania, USA. She married Benjamin M Root on 09 Mar 1828. iii. John Backus Ives was born about 1795 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Ann Eliza Nixon about 1818. He died on 09 Oct 1863 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, USA. Page 204 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 257. George Anson Ives-6 (Titus-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 04 Apr 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1850. Rebecca Meigs daughter of Janna Meigs and Rebecca Whiting was born on 23 Mar 1769 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Jun 1850 in Greenville, Greene, Illinois, United States. George Anson Ives and Rebecca Meigs were married in 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 621. i. Myron Ives was born on 06 Feb 1799 in Norfolk, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Fairchild on 01 Jan 1819. He died on 06 Mar 1895 in Sundance, Crook, Wyoming, United States. ii. Sally Ives was born on 17 Mar 1797 in Norfolk, St Lawrence, New York, United States. iii. Charles Ives was born on 23 Oct 1795 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 258. Titus Howell Ives-6 (Titus-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Feb 1766 in Norfolk, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1847 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Mary Polly Phelps was born on 22 Sep 1779 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Oct 1863. Titus Howell Ives and Mary Polly Phelps were married in 1801. They had the following children: i. Hoel Howell Ives was born between 1801-1809 in New York. He died in 1848 in Indiana. ii. Willard Ives was born on 07 Jul 1806 in Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y.. He died on 19 Apr 1896 in Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y.. 259. Joseph Ives-6 (Titus-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 May 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1808. Mary Sherman daughter of Josiah Sherman and Martha Minott was born on 03 Feb 1763 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died on 07 Oct 1834 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA. Joseph Ives and Mary Sherman were married about 1780. They had the following children: i. 622. ii. Joseph S. Ives was born on 24 Nov 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Apr 1862 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Mary Ives was born about 1782 in New Haven, New Haven , Connecticut. She married Earl Percy Pease on 08 Apr 1802 in New Haven, New Haven , Connecticut. She died in 1876 in New York. 260. Hannah Ives-6 (Titus-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jul 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 Apr 1822. Samuel Tibbals son of Thomas Tibbals and Rachel Doud Dowd was born on 02 Nov 1751 in Durham, Connecticut, USA. He died on 15 Mar 1826 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 205 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Samuel Tibbals and Hannah Ives were married on 25 May 1775 in Norfolk, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Sarah Tibbals was born on 04 Jan 1787 in Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States. ii. Samuel Tibbals was born on 23 Mar 1784 in Connecticut. He died on 10 May 1860 in Martinez, Contra Costa County, California. iii. Hannah Tibbals was born on 27 May 1781. iv. Eunice Tibbals was born on 08 Sep 1778. v. Halsey Tibbals was born on 15 Mar 1776 in Connecticut. He died in Dec 1850 in Prince William CO, VA. 261. Betsey Ives-6 (Aaron-5, Abijah-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born about 1790 in Vermont, USA. She died between 1870-1880 in Jefferson, Hillsdale, Michigan, United States. Daniel Comstock son of David Comstock and Rachel Harrington was born about 1791 in Danby, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died between 1830-1840 in , Cuyahoga County, Ohio (On tract four, lot four, lived Daniel Comstock as early as 1813, who died there, leaving three sons, Albert, Stephen and Leonard, all of whom moved away.). Daniel Comstock and Betsey Ives were married on 27 Aug 1819 (Daniel Comstock of Pawlet, VT to Betsey Ives of Wells, August 27, 1819). They had the following children: i. Stephen A. Gilbert Comstock was born on 29 Sep 1817 in Ohio, United States. He died in 1885 in Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Michigan, United States. ii. Allen Comstock was born on 09 Jun 1815 in Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA. He died on 21 Jan 1856. iii. Leonard Comstock. iv. Albert Comstock was born in 1817 in Ohio, USA. 262. Michael Erskine Ives-6 (John-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1835 in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania (Killed while rafting on Susquehanna). Lydia Dickinson daughter of James Dickinson and Samantha Case was born on 27 Jan 1803. She died in Apr 1880 in New York, New York. Michael Erskine Ives and Lydia Dickinson married. They had the following children: i. Wolford Bruce Ives. 623. ii. Charles Wesley Ives was born on 10 Jul 1833. He married Annie Louisa Halliday on 04 Jul 1853. He died on 31 Jan 1879 in Lewis Run, Potter, Pennsylvania. 624. iii. Versal Dickinson Ives was born on 10 Jul 1826 in Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 22 Mar 1896 in Wellsboro, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Page 206 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Sophronus Stocking Ives was born in 1828 in Pennsylvania, United States. 625. v. Michael Erskine Ives was born on 08 Mar 1822 in Pennsylvania. He married Eliza Starkey on 03 Jun 1843. He died on 17 Sep 1904. 626. vi. Burk Pennel Ives was born in Jun 1834 in Pennsylvania. He died on 21 Oct 1919 in Marion IN. 263. John Ives-6 (John-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in Connecticut, United States. He died in 1860 in West Branch, Potter, Pennsylvania, United States. Martha Vanatter daughter of Jacob B Vannatter and Betsy was born in 1806 in Pennsylvania. John Ives and Martha Vanatter were married on 20 Feb 1830. They had the following children: 628. i. William Riley Ives was born in Feb 1832 in Pennsylvania, United States. He married Charlotte Josephine Ordway in 1870 in ,DeKalb,Indiana,USA. He died on 04 Mar 1907 in Blair,Clay Co.,IL. 629. ii. John Ives was born in Jun 1837 in West Branch, Potter County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1910 in Fairchild, Wisconsin. John Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. 627. ii. Amelia Ives was born in 1834. James R Ives was born on 15 May 1830 in Pennsylvania. He married Lorana B Burrows in 1849. He died on 12 Jan 1916 in Pike, Potter, Pa. 264. Roswell Ives-6 (John-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 03 May 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Dec 1866 in PA. Phoebe Losey daughter of Jesse Losey and Roseltha was born on 12 Sep 1792 in New Jersey, United States. She died on 11 Jan 1865. Roswell Ives and Phoebe Losey were married on 02 Jan 1809. They had the following children: i. Roswell Ives was born in 1808. ii. Myra Ives was born in 1835 in Middlebury, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. iii. Lewis Ives was born in 1832 in , Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 28 Sep 1852 in Middlebury, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. 630. iv. Almira Ives was born in 1827 in Pennslyvania, USA. She died after 1880 in Pennslyvania, USA. 631. v. Amos Ives was born on 19 Jul 1824 in Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 04 Dec 1888 in Wellsboro, Tioga, Pennsylvania. Page 207 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 632. vi. Horace Ives was born on 31 Oct 1821 in Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. He married Deborah Cady in 1841. He died on 18 Jul 1903 in Covington, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. 633. vii. Martha Ives was born in 1818 in , Tioga, PA. She died in 1883. She married Joseph E. Lyon in Middlebury Twp., Tioga, PA. 634. viii. Lydia Ives was born on 10 Nov 1816 in , Tioga, PA. She married Dan Payne Webster on 02 Mar 1836 in , Potter, PA. She died on 25 Jun 1866. 635. ix. Martha Ives was born in 1809. She died in 1863. She married Joseph E. Lyon in Middlebury Twp., Tioga, PA. x. Jesse Ives was born in 1806. He died in 1842. xi. Mary Ives was born in 1835 in Middlebury, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. 265. William Watrous Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 Oct 1784 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. He died on 19 Mar 1848 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. Polly Yale daughter of Stephen Yale and Phebe Hart was born on 03 Sep 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut. She died on 10 Jan 1876. William Watrous Ives and Polly Yale were married on 15 Sep 1809 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 636. i. ii. Stephen Ives was born in 1820 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mariette Hall on 06 Apr 1843 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 19 Dec 1900 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. Wooster Yale Ives was born on 08 Jul 1810 in Meriden Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 08 Jun 1889 in Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois, USA. 637. iii. Phoebe Ann Ives was born on 28 Jul 1813 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married William Hale on 30 Apr 1833 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. She died in May 1889. 638. iv. William Jackson Ives was born on 29 Jul 1815 in Meriden Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Lucy J. Birdsey on 01 Sep 1841. He died on 15 May 1887 in Connecticut. 639. v. Aaron Watrous Ives was born on 25 May 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Leantime Upson on 05 Apr 1846 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 Mar 1888 in Meriden, Connecticut. vi. Amasa Ives was born in 1819 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Jul 1850 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Samuel M. Ives was born in 1821. He married Julia A. Crocker on 25 Mar 1852 in Montgomery, Alabama, USA. viii. George Ives was born in 1824 in Benton, Grafton, Alabama, USA. He died on 28 Nov 1848 in Benton, Lowndes, Alabama, USA. Page 208 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ix. Cornelia P Ives was born in 1835 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Waldo Clinton Twiss in 1861. She died on 29 Sep 1900. 266. Rebecca Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Jul 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Western Star, Medina, Ohio, USA. Reuben Stephens was born in 1792 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He died in Western Star, Medina, Ohio. Reuben Stephens and Rebecca Ives married. They had the following children: i. Antoinette Stephens was born about 1829 in Connecticut. ii. William /Stevens stephens was born on 15 Dec 1824 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. iii. Maria Stephens was born about 1820 in Connecticut. 267. Lucinda Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jul 1786 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died between 1814-1867. Lee Royce son of Amasa Royce and Mary Griswold was born in 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connectictu, USA. He died between 1816-1877. Lee Royce and Lucinda Ives were married on 11 Oct 1810 in Meriden, New Haven, CT, USA. They had the following children: i. Lucinda Ann Royce was born on 08 May 1812 in Of Meriden, New Haven, CT, Usa. 268. Mary Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Mar 1792 in Wallingford,CT. She died on 10 May 1863 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. Jeremiah Miller son of Ichabod Miller and Elizabeth Bacon was born on 10 Nov 1780 in Middletown, Ct. He died on 11 Nov 1848 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. Jeremiah Miller and Mary Ives were married on 18 Mar 1842 in Middletown, Ct (Bible record). They had the following children: i. Isaac Watrous Miller was born on 20 Nov 1819 in Middletown, Ct. He died on 23 Feb 1892 in Middlefield,CT. ii. Richard Miller was born in 1815 in Connecticut. He died on 19 Jul 1892. iii. Elvira Miller was born about 1834 in Connecticut. iv. Wolcott Jeremiah Miller was born about 1829 in Connecticut. v. Watrous Ives Miller was born on 30 Jun 1822 in Connecticut. He died on 24 Feb 1885 in Connecticut. vi. Irene Miller was born in Jan 1818 in Connecticut. Page 209 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) vii. Elvira Miller was born about 1814. She died on 04 Nov 1826. 269. Philemon Robert Ives-6 (Joshua-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 May 1781 in Granville, Washington, New York, USA. He died on 01 Sep 1849. Paulina Spencer was born in 1783 in Otsego, NY, USA. She died on 25 Nov 1863. Philemon Robert Ives and Paulina Spencer were married in 1799 in Otsego, Otsego, New York, United States. They had the following children: 640. i. William B Ives was born on 26 Sep 1821 in Worcester, New York. He married Hannah P Monfort in 1849. He died on 03 Sep 1906. 641. ii. Jacob J Ives was born on 19 Aug 1819 in Cooperstown, NY, USA. He died on 11 Jan 1907. 642. iii. Anson Ives was born on 10 Jun 1815 in Stanfordville, Dutchess, New York, United States. He died on 07 Jan 1908. 643. iv. Josiah Ives was born on 29 Jan 1807 in Worcester,Otsego,New York,USA. He married Catherine J Wilber in 1828 in Worcester,Otsego,New York,USA. He died on 14 May 1878 in Otsego County, New York,USA. 644. v. Samuel Ives was born on 25 Oct 1800 in South Worcester, Otsego, New York, USA. He married Hannah Wright in 1823 in New York, USA. 645. vi. Joshua Ives was born on 29 Jan 1807 in Worcester, Otsego, New York, United States. He married Catherine J. Wilbur in 1828 in Worcester, Otsego, New York, USA. He died on 11 Oct 1885 in Otsego, Otsego, New York, United States. vii. Rebecca Ives. viii. Eunice Ives. ix. Satira Ives. 270. Titus Ives-6 (Ambrose-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 Nov 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Sep 1871 in Tioga, Pennsylvania. Notes for Titus Ives: General Notes: From: -Titus Ives erected the first framed house in Brookfield The first justices of the peace were Titus Ives and Godfrey Bowman The first four settlers of Brookfield (Bedford George, Titus Ives, Elihu Hill, Curtis Cady) came about the year 1809 The George and Ives families were the only ones living in the east part of the township. Mary, the wife of Titus Ives, once went to the calf pen, as she was wont to do; but, no calf being in the pen, she looked beyond the pen and saw in the brush fence the calf being carried away by a bear. Page 210 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) She ran at once into the house, got gun, shot the bear and saved her calf. Titus Ive's daughter Susannah went on horseback to De Puy's mill at Tioga, taking a second horse to put the grain upon, and made the trip successfully, ----------------------------From: -And so when Brookfield became a Township in 1827 the section down on the Troupstown Branch of the Cowanesque (Troups Creek) was occupied by the families of Schoonovers, Seeleys, Georges, Ives, Eddys and Dr. Bonney, Titus Ives had opened a store at the State Line back in 1816, The Pioneer Cemetery was first used as a burial place in 1805 when Ann George, wife of old Bedford George, was buried there, later Titus Ives and E. P. Eddy each donated ¼ acre to establish this cemetery. Titus Ives and his wife Mary came here in 1808. Their children were Timothy, MRs. Sam Page, Susannah who married Joseph Lane later Harvey Seeley, Ambrose and Samuel who was killed by Bob Douglas. . Mary Andrews was born on 21 Nov 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Nov 1843 in Tioga, Pennsylvania. Notes for Mary Andrews: General Notes: From: -Mary, the wife of Titus Ives, once went to the calf pen, as she was wont to do; but, no calf being in the pen, she looked beyond the pen and saw in the brush fence the calf being carried away by a bear. She ran at once into the house, got gun, shot the bear and saved her calf. Titus Ives and Mary Andrews married. They had the following children: 648. i. Anna Marie Ives was born on 29 Mar 1789 in in Brookfield, Tioga, Pa. She married James G Strait in 1806. She died on 28 Dec 1861 in Austinburg, Tioga, PA. 649. ii. Isabella Ives was born in 1793 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. She married Chester W Giddings in 1815 in , Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. She died in Nov 1852 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 650. iii. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Abigail Bassett Bristol on 11 Nov 1821 in Connecticut. He died on 17 Apr 1887 in Newton, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iv. 651. v. Stephen Ives was born in 1797 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Benajah Ives was born on 26 Feb 1798 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Ann Beach in Nov 1820 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Jul 1868 in Connecticut, United States. Page 211 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 652. vi. Samuel H. Ives was born on 12 Jun 1801 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He died on 25 Aug 1824 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania. 653. vii. Augustus Ives was born on 19 Jul 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Delia Booth on 04 Nov 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Oct 1840 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio, USA. viii. Titus Ives was born on 30 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, United States. 654. ix. Stephen Ives was born on 21 Sep 1807 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Louisa Plum on 27 Mar 1831 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1884 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Mary Ives was born on 06 Aug 1809 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Samuel H Hickok on 20 Apr 1821 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 21 Nov 1876 in New Lisbon, Ohio, United States. xi. Asahel Ives was born on 09 Jun 1812 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, United States. 647. xii. Ambrose Ives was born on 04 Sep 1813 in Brookfield, Tioga, PA. He married Catherine Holiday about 1838. He died on 18 Oct 1879 in Brookfield, Tioga, PA. 655. xiii. Luther Ives was born on 03 Aug 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Laura Barns on 19 Nov 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Jul 1877 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 656. xiv. Susannah Mary Ives was born on 24 Apr 1792 in Massachusetts. 657. xv. Timothy H Ives was born in 1796 in Pennsylvania. He died on 09 Jan 1860 in Niles, Berrien, Michigan. Titus Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 646. i. Elizabeth Ives was born about 1811 in , , PA. 647. ii. Ambrose Ives was born on 04 Sep 1813 in Brookfield, Tioga, PA. He married Catherine Holiday about 1838. He died on 18 Oct 1879 in Brookfield, Tioga, PA. 271. Timothy Ives-6 (Ambrose-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1760 in Chemung, Chemung, New York, United States. He died in 1855 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Sarah Hill was born in Feb 1775. She died on 20 Jan 1834 in Pennsylvania. Timothy Ives and Sarah Hill married. They had the following children: 658. i. Timothy Ives was born on 06 Feb 1802 in Tioga, Pennsylvania. He married Maria Andrews in 1823. He died on 08 Oct 1866 in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Page 212 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 272. Abigail Ives-6 (Ambrose-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Apr 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States,. She died on 25 Sep 1856 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Robert Mitchell son of Robert Mitchell and Mercy Tyler was born on 18 Jul 1779 in Warwick ,Orange, New York, United States. He died on 18 Mar 1860 in Mitchell's Creek, Tioga, PA. Robert Mitchell and Abigail Ives were married in 1798. They had the following children: i. Lavina Mitchell was born in 1814 in Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States. She died in 1892. ii. John Mitchell was born on 03 Dec 1800 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, PA. He died on 17 Mar 1870 in Jackson Twp, Tioga, PA. iii. Ruth A. Mitchell was born in 1822 in Pennsylvania, United States. iv. Nancy Mitchell was born on 04 May 1807 in , Tioga, PA. She died on 12 Jul 1891 in Tuscarora, Steuben, NY. v. Phebe Mitchell. vi. Lucy Mitchell. vii. Permelia Mitchell was born in 1805 in Painted Post, Steuben, New York, United States. viii. Lydia Mitchell. ix. Matilda Mitchell. x. Abigail Mitchell was born about 1810 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA. She died on 12 Nov 1869 in Blossburg, Tioga, PA. xi. Thaddeus I. Mitchell was born on 19 Mar 1818 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 18 Mar 1874. xii. Cynthia Mitchell was born on 25 Mar 1801 in , Tioga, PA. She died on 19 Nov 1850 in La Grange, Indiana. xiii. Rosina Mitchell was born in 1820 in Lawrence, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 273. Isabella Ives-6 (Ambrose-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Jun 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 11 Mar 1836 in Farmington, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Calvin Chamberlain son of Simon Simeon Chamberlain and Elisabeth Dodge was born on 15 Feb 1770 in Winchester, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States. He died on 11 Jan 1859 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Calvin Chamberlain and Isabella Ives were married in 1801 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. They had the following children: Page 213 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Simon Snyder Chamberlain was born on 16 Nov 1809 in Belfast, Allegany, New York, United States. He died on 14 Mar 1891. ii. Deborah Chamberlain was born in 1805. She died in 1872. iii. Chandler William Chamberlain was born in 1802 in Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 06 Aug 1872 in Great Valley, Cattaraugus, New York, United States. 274. John Ives-6 (Ambrose-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 May 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 13 Mar 1828 in Turin, Lewis, New York. Martha Merriam daughter of Nathaniel Merriam and Martha Berry was born on 01 Jan 1767 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 12 Feb 1841 in Turin, Lewis, New York. John Ives and Martha Merriam were married on 23 Dec 1784 in United States. They had the following children: 659. i. Seldon Ives was born on 18 Sep 1806 in Turin, Lewis, New York. He married Lucretia Stephens on 13 Jul 1830. He died on 11 Sep 1874 in Turin, Lewis, New York. 660. ii. Samuel Ives was born on 13 Jul 1799 in Turin, Lewis, New York, United States. He married Roxanna Hubbard on 08 May 1823 in , , U.S.a.. He died on 23 Aug 1841 in Marengo, Calhoun, Michigan, United States. 661. iii. Isaac Ives was born on 24 May 1813 in Turin, Lewis, New York, United States. He died on 10 Nov 1853 in Ravenna, Portage, Ohio, United States. iv. Martha Ives was born on 22 Dec 1810 in Turin, Lewis, New York, United States. She married Enoch Roberts on 30 Sep 1834. She died in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 662. v. George Ives was born on 06 Feb 1809 in Turin, Lewis, New York, United States. He married Orinda Baldwin on 10 Sep 1834. He died on 15 Jan 1878 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States. 663. vi. Eli Ives was born on 02 Mar 1804 in Blackriver, New York, United States. He married Nancy Fenton on 15 Oct 1826. He died on 21 Feb 1859 in Great Bend, Jefferson, New York, United States. 664. vii. Julianna Ives was born on 02 Dec 1796 in Blackriver, New York, United States. She married Walter Martin on 04 Oct 1815. She died on 06 Jan 1851 in Michigan, United States. viii. Nathaniel Ives was born on 06 Nov 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, United States. He died on 18 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, United States. ix. Seldon Ives was born on 03 Apr 1794 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, United States. x. Othniel Ives was born on 08 May 1792 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 31 Oct 1794 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 214 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:04 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) xi. Lucretia Ives was born on 04 Nov 1787 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 20 Aug 1795 in Whitestown, Oneida, New York, United States. 665. xii. John Ives was born on 12 Nov 1785 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He married Nabby Dimock on 04 Dec 1806. He died in 1852 in California, United States. 275. Benajah Ives-6 (Ambrose-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1770 in Granville, Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 07 Mar 1841 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Lucy Cady was born in 1821 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1891 in Keeneyville, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Benajah Ives and Lucy Cady married. They had the following children: i. Thomas Ives. ii. Sally Ives. iii. Lucinda Ives. iv. Barnabas Ives. He died in 1861 in Mill Creek, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United States. 666. v. vi. 667. vii. Michael Ives was born in 1823 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Thomas Ives was born in 1815 in Pennsylvania, United States. He died in 1880. Benajah Ives was born in 1803 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 20 Jun 1842 in Meadville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania. 668. viii. Deborah Ives was born in 1797. She married Aaron Niles about 1807. She died on 12 Jan 1835. 669. ix. x. John P Ives was born in 1792 in Hartford, Connecticut. He died in Apr 1866. Caroline Ives was born in 1812 in Pennsylvania, United States. She died in 1891 in Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 276. Christopher Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1764 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1830 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer, New York, United States. Notes for Christopher Ives: General Notes: Personal communication, James Harvey Ives -Christopher (RN=1215) and Mary (RN=1447) Christopher Ives was the second son of Lazarus Ives (RN=1027), the Poestenkill pioneer and Lydia (Gremes) Ives, and succeeded to become the financial director of his father's several enterprises; the elder son and heir being fully required to handle the large stock farm. Christopher was about 48 years of age when the aged father deeded the stock farm to him as a shared obligation to provide for the support of the widow during her life and after her decease to deliver it to the elder brother, Page 215 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Lazarus, Jr. All the outside farms owned by the pioneer had been deeded to members of the family to hold or dispose of at the discretion of the manager; all of the enterprises had been safely placed in responsible management, under the supervision of the director. The stock farm of 140 acres , leased from the Patroon in August, 1792, was productive under management of twenty years work of Lazarus, Jr. The widow Ives lived in comfort , cared for by her children. Christopher continued his supervision and financial direction of the estate and the several industries more than thirty years. The records show no liens or mortgage liens upon any of the farms of the pioneer, nor of those sold by his sons. None of the early named males were known to be interested in politics. There was plenty business ahead. The several supply enterprises had to be organized and made ready for dealing in supplies, materials and farms cultivated to market their products for farm equipment and the outfitting of incoming settlers. The great stock farm was a money-maker, both in animals and feed products. The sawmill was a busy place. A throng of newcomers needed lumber for houses, farm buildings, and the rude conveniences of home life in a new district. The farmers had to buy seeds, tools, farm implements and other necessities. This had been the purpose of the pioneer, to supply a certain demand, miles away from any large store. Thus, the youthful Christopher had been trained to become the executive of his father's purposes. As his fortunes grew, the elder Ives added to his cares investments in leased farms offered for sale by restless men who sought an easier or larger farm. There were plenty of newcomers ready to buy them until after the War of 1812. Christopher, the manager of his own and the several industries, became the executive director, leaving his father free to seek investments. Lazarus Ives, brother of Christopher, the elder son carried the burden of the stock farm and daily interests. Census Records The Census of 1790, the first in American history, was limited in record to the names of heads of families, counting all males over 16, unmarried or married as heads of families. Males under 16 were counted as children, whether helpers or minor sons. Wives, daughters and women employed in a family were listed as females by sex, not by name. The Rensselaerwyck pioneers counted in that census were lumbermen, clearing the way to farms and homes. They had not then moved their families to Poestenkill. The leases of 1792 were not taken out until two years after the census. Thus, Lazarus, his son Lazarus, Joshua, John and Christopher Ives, named as heads of families, were obviously employers of boys and women employed by 14 them, and counted as members of their families. The males under 16 credited to Lazarus Ives were not his children; his two sons were listed as heads of families. Christopher (RN=1215) was born in 1764 at Wallingford, moved with the family as an infant to Plymouth. The date of his birth was about 1764. The date of his marriage was about 1786; his wife was named Mary. Educated and trained by his uncle Timothy in business ways, Christopher became the financier of his father's Poestenkill enterprises. To him fell the work of closing out the business and property affairs in Connecticut, the journeys to Poestenkill, and the provision of supplies and capital funds necessary to an adventure in a trackless frontier being opened through the lumbering industry of Lazarus, Joshua, and their sons. Christopher had his own independent property and family to provide for. His clearing was not advanced until the elders found time. The lease to Christopher of his farm was not obtained before Aug., 1792. In addition to his own farm work and from the general Hegira of the Ives groups to Poestenkill, Christopher became the director of all the investments of his father, whether in industrial enterprises or in farm lands and animal stock. To him fell the marketing of the produce, and other forms of merchandise available to the enterprises of Lazarus. He continued that management until his mother's death in 1823 when the settlement of the estate left by his father could be consummated by vesting the stock farm in the family of Lazarus Ives (RN=1027), the heir. Christopher survived the end of his trust only a few years. He died 9 Feb 1830, age 66. He was buried in the farm burial plot reserved by the pioneer as a resting place for his family. Page 216 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Little is known of his Mary. The Plymouth Church roll has a record of her membership dated 4 Sept. 1791, and a note: "her husband being then of New York." He was probably on a journey to Poestenkill. The name of the eldest son and heir of Christopher Ives was developed for the first time in a century in a study of the will of the father recorded in the Surrogate's office in Troy , Rensselaer County, NY. The will named Ransom Ives as the inheritor of Christopher's estate and charged with the provision for the care of his mother during her lifetime, and the payment of legacies to the brothers, sisters or other persons named therein. The church record in Plymouth, CT, names Mary Ives as a member four months after the birth of Abijah, her third son, on 14 May 1791. It noted on Sept 4 of that year that her husband was "Christopher Ives of New York." This record, plus the lease by her husband of the farm in Poestenkill in August, 1792, indicates that Mary Ives was at home in Connecticut when the Census of 1790 recorded Christopher as head of a family in Poestenkill. Their children were evidently too young to be helpers in lumbering work. Obviously Christopher himself was away from home on a journey to New York on his father's business. The removal of the fami ly probably took place in the spring or summer of 1793. The record of the Census of 1790 showed Christopher as a head of a family and included in the family male and female helpers required in a lumber camp. Being the one charged with the liquidation of his own and his father's Connecticut affairs, possibly also Joshua Ives and absent on trips to Poestenkill or other places in New York or New Eng 1 and, reasonably explains the church record and the census also. 15 Further, the record of births of his children are confirmatory. The forth child in the family was baptized as late as 1792 in Plymouth, CT on 25 Aug. The father at that time was arranging with the Patroon for the lease of his farm. Mary or Polly Ives was the child carried in her mother's arms when the family moved to Poestenkill. The children named in the will were as follows: Christopher's Last Will Christopher's will was framed to follow the Ives' rule of inheritance in leaving the homestead to his eldest son, but he also followed the legal precaution of naming the children and the amounts of their legacies. He devised the home farm to his wife to assure her a proper support. At her death, the property was to become Ransom's, conditioned upon the payment by Ransom to his brothers and sisters of stated amounts in cash within five years. The will was filed for probate by Surrogate Philip Viele as of 13 Feb 1830 (Book 12, page 17). Citations came on 15 March 1830. The executors were Ellis Fester and Otis Could. The legacies were as follows: To Abijah Ives upon the death of the widow, $200 To Sally (Ives) Clapper and Polly (Ives) Simmons, two years after the death of their mother, each $50. To Jacob Ives, immediately $5. To John Ives three years after Mary's death, $100. To Truman Ives four years after his mother's decease, $200. To Mehitabel (Ives) Stoddard five years after the death of their mother, and to Eunice (Ives) Searls, each $50. It is notable that the Connecticut method was adhered to by the Poestenkill pioneers, differing only in the method of transfer required of leased farms of Lazarus and Christopher. Evidently the latter was benefitted by his experience with his father's tangled affairs. In the aggregate, the total of the legacies described, of $700, had indicated a purchasing power in the money of the United States of 1904 of almost $6,000 plus the homestead farm. Payments of legacies were to be made at periods separated to avoid undue burden upon the annual income of the property. They were not liens, nor a mortgage on the farm. But it was planned according to the reduced area. The original farm of 140 Page 217 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) acres contained only 50 acres of farm land. The will was executed in the second year of the administration of Andrew Jacks on , before the passage of the Compromise Tariff Act, and in a period of inflation of property values. No sale of the property, nor record of the death of Ransom or his mother, has been found. Abijah, the next eldest son, did not take it over. He was independent, and in business cautioning that of his father-in-law, D. Rockenstyne, succeeded Christopher as the financial leader of the Poestenkill families. Christopher's farm was originally reserved by the pioneer, Lazarus, as a family burial plot. Its location is not known today to his descendants or successors. But it was described as on a low hill about a mile north of the village of Poestenkill. Mary Molly Griggs daughter of Jacob Griggs and Mary Benham was born on 12 Jul 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1797 in New York, United States. Christopher Ives and Mary Molly Griggs were married in 1788. They had the following children: i. Eunice Ives was born in 1804 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She married Henry Searls in 1825. ii. Mehitable Ives was born in 1802 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. iii. Christopher Ives was born in 1800 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. iv. Polly Ives was born in 1798 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She married Simmons in 1819. 670. v. Truman Ives was born on 05 Oct 1798 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He married Elizabeth Snyder about 1816 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died on 25 Jan 1882 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States. vi. Sally Ives was born in 1796 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She married John Clapper in 1817. vii. Mary Ives was born on 25 Aug 1792 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 671. viii. Abijah Ives was born on 14 May 1791 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He married Barbary Rockenstyne in 1814. He died in 1850 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, United States. 672. ix. Ransom Ives was born in 1791 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He died after 1860. 673. x. Jacob Ives was born on 08 Jan 1789 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He married Alidah Quackenbush on 22 Jul 1809 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1853 in De Kalb, Illinois, United States. 674. xi. John Ives was born in 1794 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He married Mercy Ann Stoddard in 1815. He died on 21 Sep 1865 in Lake Luzerne, Warren, New York, United States. 675. xii. Randall Ives was born in 1793 in Poestenkill, New York, USA. Page 218 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 277. Rosetta Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 21 May 1774 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1844 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, United States,. Archaelus Lynd son of Archelaus H. Lynd and Mary Dovebach was born on 01 May 1768 in Poestenkill, New York, USA. He died on 12 Jul 1822 in Sand Lake, New York, USA. Archaelus Lynd and Rosetta Ives married. They had the following children: i. Leonard Lynd was born on 15 Feb 1817 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died on 05 Nov 1896. ii. Rosetta Lynd was born on 17 Aug 1815 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. iii. Elmira Almira Lynd was born on 12 Apr 1813 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. iv. Betsy Ann Eliza Lynd was born on 15 Oct 1812. v. David Lynd was born on 08 Oct 1808 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died in 1833. vi. Stephen Lynd was born on 07 Nov 1806 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. vii. John Lynd was born on 26 Oct 1802 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died on 30 Nov 1889. viii. Archelaus Lynd was born on 02 Sep 1800 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. ix. Phebe Lynd was born on 12 Oct 1798 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. x. Andrew Lynd was born on 02 Oct 1796 in Wyantskill, Rensselaer, New York. He died in 1845. xi. Catherine Katie Caty Lynd was born on 22 Sep 1794 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. She died in 1834. xii. Lydia Lynd was born on 05 Jan 1793 in New York, USA. She died on 25 Aug 1843 in Hamlin, Monroe, New York, USA. xiii. Maria Lynd was born on 13 Feb 1791. xiv. Catherina Polly Lynd was born on 02 Feb 1790 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. She died in 1822. xv. Lazarus Ives Lynd was born on 14 Sep 1804 in New York, USA. 278. Phebe Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Feb 1772 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Nov 1849 in Jordan, Onondaga County, New York, USA. Page 219 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Williams Bidwell son of Amos Bidwell and Phebe Williams was born on 28 May 1764 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 305 / Ward Family Tree). He died on 03 Oct 1840 in Barre, Orleans County, New York, USA. Williams Bidwell and Phebe Ives were married in 1787. They had the following children: i. Jerusha Amanda Bidwell was born on 19 Jul 1814 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 785). ii. Stephen Warren Bidwell was born on 11 Dec 1811 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County , New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 784). He died on 17 Jun 1890 in Valley Falls, Rensselaer, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History - Page No. 109). iii. Nancy Bidwell was born on 28 Mar 1809 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 781). She died on 05 Nov 1857 in Parma, Monroe County, New York, USA. iv. Anna Bidwell was born on 28 Mar 1809 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 783). She died on 05 Jun 1845 in Parish, Oswego County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History - Page No. 57). v. Lydia Bidwell was born on 12 Nov 1806 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County , New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 782). She died on 05 Nov 1857 in Parma, Monroe County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History - Page No. 109). vi. Lucy Bidwell was born on 20 Feb 1804 in Brunswick, Rennsselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 780). She died on 14 Apr 1852 in Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History - Page No. 57). vii. Williams Bidwell was born on 23 Apr 1801 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 779). He died on 05 Oct 1888. viii. Chester Ives Bidwell was born on 04 Jan 1799 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County , New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 778). He died on 02 Jan 1869 in Galesville, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin, USA. ix. Phebe Bidwell was born on 27 Nov 1795 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 777). She died in Michigan, USA. x. Eliphas Bidwell was born on 27 Dec 1790 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 775). He died on 12 Dec 1862 in Barre, Orleans County, New York, USA. xi. James Bidwell was born on 21 Nov 1788 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 774). He died on 16 Apr 1847 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History - Page No. 108). xii. Rosetta Bidwell was born on 20 Apr 1793 in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History No. 776). She died on 22 Mar 1881 in Rome, Oneida County, New York, USA (Bidwell Family History - Page No. 57). 279. Lucy Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Jan 1779 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Mar 1857 in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Page 220 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Benjamin Baker was born in 1779. Benjamin Baker and Lucy Ives were married in 1803. They had the following children: i. Rosetta Baker was born in 1804. ii. Lucy Baker. iii. Lydia Baker was born in 1806. 280. Lydia Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1762 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Mar 1804. Timothy Jones son of James Jones and Sarah Willard was born on 05 Jun 1755 in Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut. He died on 25 Jul 1810 in Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Timothy Jones and Lydia Ives were married on 08 Apr 1779 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Philena R. Jones was born on 20 Feb 1780. She died on 01 Apr 1809. ii. Bilostee Jones was born on 08 Jun 1784 (U). He died on 21 May 1812. iii. Willard Jones was born on 22 Mar 1794. He died on 17 Sep 1810. Lydia Ives and unknown spouse were married in 1777 in , New Haven, Connecticut,. They had no children. 281. Lazarus Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1762 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1823 in Connecticut USA. Esther Thorpe. She died in 1823. Lazarus Ives and Esther Thorpe were married on 15 Jan 1781. They had the following children: 676. i. Abijah Ives was born in 1803 in New York. He married Ann Maria Thayer on 13 Oct 1828 in Rome, Oneida, New York, USA. He died on 16 Dec 1881 in Vicksburg, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. 677. ii. Jesse Ives was born in 1784 in Connecticut, USA. He married Pamelia Holdridge in 1803 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Aug 1860 in Poestenkill, Rensselaer, New York, USA. 282. Anna Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Sep 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. William Lung. William Lung and Anna Ives married. They had the following children: Page 221 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 678. i. Mary Ann Lung was born on 11 Oct 1819 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Aug 1893 in Jefferson County, Kansas, USA. 283. Thaddeus Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Sep 1781 in Susquehannah, , New York, USA. He died on 04 Feb 1839 in Springboro, Crawford, Pennsylvania, USA. Hannah Cotton daughter of Samuel Cotton and Sarah Banks was born on 26 Aug 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Aug 1865 in Toulon, Stark, Illinois, USA. Thaddeus Ives and Hannah Cotton were married on 04 Nov 1807 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 679. i. Julius Ives was born on 06 May 1820 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Aug 1891 in Toulon, Stark, Illinois, USA. 680. ii. Joseph Cotton Ives was born on 10 Oct 1815 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Harriet N Walker on 17 Nov 1840. He died on 28 Jun 1880 in Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, USA. 681. iii. John Ives was born on 24 Aug 1813 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Permelia Lowell on 05 Nov 1835 in Springboro, Crawford, Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 27 Aug 1887 in Independence, Doniphan, Kansas, USA. 682. iv. Samuel Cotton Ives was born on 27 Nov 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Aug 1856 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA. 683. v. Sarah Banks Ives was born on 27 Nov 1811 in Connecticut. She married Jonathan Dodge in 1835 in Susquehannah, , New York, USA. She died on 29 Jan 1890 in McLane, Thurston, Washington, USA. 684. vi. Henry Thaddeus Ives was born on 23 Dec 1809 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Louise Brooks on 27 May 1827 in , Tioga, New York, USA. He died on 18 May 1865 in Galva, Henderson, Illinois, USA. 284. Timothy Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Aug 1779 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 May 1853 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, USA. Hannah "Harriet" Hurlbut daughter of Daniel Hurlbut and Hannah Higby was born on 23 Nov 1781 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1852. Timothy Ives and Hannah "Harriet" Hurlbut were married on 30 Sep 1802 in Meriden, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Hannah Ives. ii. Benjamin Ives. iii. Timothy Ives. iv. Eliza Ives. Page 222 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) v. Lucy Ives was born in 1805 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. vi. Abigail Ives was born in 1803 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 285. Abigail Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jul 1777 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Sep 1856 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. Robert Mitchell son of Robert Mitchell and Mercy Tyler was born on 18 Jul 1779 in Warwick, Orange, New York, United States. He died on 18 Mar 1860 in Mitchell Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. Robert Mitchell and Abigail Ives were married in 1798. They had the following children: i. Thaddeus Mitchell was born on 19 Mar 1818 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 18 Mar 1874. ii. Abigail Mitchell was born in 1810 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. She died on 12 Nov 1869 in Blossburg, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. iii. John Mitchell was born on 02 Dec 1800 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 20 Mar 1870 in Jackson, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. iv. Rosina Mitchell was born in 1820 in Lawrence, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. v. Lavina Mitchell was born in 1814 in Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States. She died in 1892. vi. Nancy Mitchell was born on 04 May 1807 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. She died on 12 Jul 1891 in Tuscarora, Steuben, New York, United States. vii. Permelia Mitchell was born in 1805 in Painted Post, Steuben, New York, United States. viii. Cynthia Mitchell was born on 25 Mar 1801 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. She died on 16 Nov 1850 in Greenfield, Lagrange, Indiana, United States. 286. Ruth Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Feb 1775 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Dec 1830. Amos Foster son of Timothy Foster and Elizabeth Berry was born about 1770. He died in 1835 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Amos Foster and Ruth Ives were married on 10 Dec 1795 in Meriden, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Mary Polly Foster was born on 11 Mar 1799 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 287. Lucy Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 223 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Matthew Yale son of Levi Yale and Agnes Collins was born on 16 Apr 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Matthew Yale and Lucy Ives were married in Feb 1790. They had the following children: i. Emily Yale was born on 21 Mar 1802 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York. She died on Unknown. ii. James Yale was born on 16 Sep 1808. He died in 1834. iii. Lewis Yale was born on 02 Aug 1806. He died on 27 Aug 1846 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York. iv. Titus Ives Yale was born on 01 Jan 1804 in Utica, New York. He died on Unknown. v. Levi Yale was born on 13 Aug 1800. He died on Unknown. vi. Maria Yale was born on 22 Jul 1798 in Litchfield, New York. She died on Unknown. vii. Persia Yale was born on 08 Nov 1796. She died in 1800. viii. Dema Yale was born on 16 Feb 1795. She died in 1831. ix. Lydia Yale was born on 07 Mar 1791 in New Hartford, Oneida, New York. She died on Unknown. 288. Phebe Ives-6 (Timothy-5, Lazarus-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Nov 1849. Williams Bidwell son of Amos Bidwell and Phebe Williams was born on 28 May 1764 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Oct 1840 in Barre, Orleans, New York, United States. Williams Bidwell and Phebe Ives were married in 1787. They had the following children: i. Jerusha A Bidwell was born on 19 Jul 1814 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ii. Stephen W Bidwell was born on 11 Dec 1811 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iii. Nancy Bidwell was born on 28 Mar 1809 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Nov 1857. iv. Lydia Bidwell was born on 12 Nov 1806 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. v. Lucy Bidwell was born on 20 Feb 1804 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Apr 1852. vi. Williams Bidwell was born on 23 Apr 1801 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Page 224 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) vii. Chester Ives Bidwell was born on 04 Jan 1799 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Jan 1864. viii. Phebe Bidwell was born on 27 Nov 1795 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ix. Rosetta Bidwell was born on 20 Apr 1793 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 23 Apr 1793. x. Eliphaz Bidwell was born on 27 Dec 1790 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Dec 1862. xi. James Bidwell was born on 21 Nov 1788 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 16 Apr 1847. 289. Amy Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Feb 1777 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. She died Y. Asahel Brockett son of Jacob Brockett and Sarah Munson was born in Dec 1775 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1860. Asahel Brockett and Amy Ives were married in 1797 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Dwight Brockett was born on 17 Dec 1798 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut. 290. John Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Aug 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 12 May 1874 in Ashland, Greene, New York. Lola Jane Ives daughter of Samuel Ives and Lola Parker was born on 18 Apr 1776 in Wallingford, Connectocut. She died on 17 Jan 1856 in Ashland, Greene, New York. John Ives and Lola Jane Ives were married about 1797. They had the following children: 685. i. John S. Ives was born in 1805. He died on 24 May 1874 in Pleasant Valley Cementary Ashland, NY. 686. ii. Hiram Duboise Ives was born on 28 Jul 1800 in Havana, Schuyler, New York. He married Teresa McDowell on 05 Oct 1833 in Havana, Schuyler, New York. He died on 16 Dec 1861 in Havana, Schuyler, New York. 291. Olive Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Aug 1772 in Walllingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 23 Oct 1827 in Branford, New Haven, CT. Richard Lindley was born on 30 Jun 1778 in Branford. Richard Lindley and Olive Ives married. They had the following children: i. Abigail Lindley was born in Mar 1818 in Ohio, United States. She died in 1907 in Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United States. ii. Abigail Ann Linsley was born on 16 Apr 1813 in Branford, New Haven, CT. She died on 25 Jun 1842 in Branford, New Haven, CT. Page 225 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. John Linsley was born on 04 Apr 1811 in Branford, New Haven, CT. He died on 26 Feb 1839. iv. Mary Linsley was born on 28 Jan 1808 in Branford, New Haven, CT. She died on 12 May 1833 in Branford, New Haven, CT. v. Olive Maria Linsley was born on 25 Feb 1805 in Branford, New Haven, CT. She died on 11 Oct 1827 in Branford, New Haven, CT. vi. Almira Jerusha Linsley was born on 11 Jun 1802 in Branford, New Haven, CT. She died on 01 Oct 1824 in Branford, New Haven, CT. 292. Elizabeth Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Sep 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 31 Jan 1831 in ", "liver complaint. John Maltby son of Samuel Maltby and Rosanna Coe was born on 08 Dec 1768 in Northford, CT. He died on 11 May 1842 in New Haven, CT", "age 74. John Maltby and Elizabeth Ives were married on 05 Oct 1791 in North Branford, Branford, CT. They had the following children: i. Dennis Maltby was born on 08 Oct 1801. He died on 10 Sep 1801 in ", "age 20 hours. ii. John Maltby was born on 08 May 1795 in Branford, New Haven, CT. He died on 15 May 1860. iii. Julia Ann Maltby was born on 17 May 1797 in Northford, CT. She died on 09 Sep 1838 in ", "age 41. iv. Samuel Chauncy Maltby was born on 17 Jul 1792 in Branford, New Haven, CT. He died on 03 Jan 1829 in ", "fever age 36. v. Selina Maltby was born on 04 Mar 1794. She died on 09 May 1884. 293. Joseph Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Dec 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 27 Sep 1845 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Sarah Hitchcock daughter of Amasa Hitchcock and Sarah Bradley was born on 29 Dec 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 10 Aug 1844 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. Joseph Ives and Sarah Hitchcock were married on 05 Dec 1792 in Cong. Ch., Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Laura Ives was born on 22 Aug 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Silas Ives was born on 17 Jun 1800 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Betsey Payne on 01 Feb 1826 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 16 Mar 1868 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Page 226 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 687. iii. Martha Ives was born on 03 Aug 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Chauncey Peck on 20 May 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Apr 1839 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 688. iv. Marshall Ives was born on 25 Oct 1794 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Laura Cook on 07 Jan 1814 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 10 Sep 1845 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. 294. Abiah Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Jul 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 17 Feb 1835 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. David Dibble son of Josiah Dibble and Ruth Pierce was born on 21 May 1765 in Saybrook, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Aug 1830 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. David Dibble and Abiah Ives were married on 07 Dec 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (First Congregational Church). They had the following children: i. Sally Dibble was born on 27 May 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 01 Apr 1887 in Atwater, Ohio. ii. Almirin (Almon) Dibble was born on 21 Feb 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died on 07 Sep 1852 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. iii. Betsey Dibble was born on 25 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. iv. Orin Dibble was born on 25 Feb 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died on 09 Apr 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. v. Orren (Orin) Dibble was born on 19 Dec 1801 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. vi. Samuel Dibble was born on 25 Jan 1804 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died on 10 Jan 1837 in Savannah, Georgia. vii. Polly Dibble was born on 01 Apr 1806 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 18 Mar 1830. viii. Asenath Dibble was born on 04 Jun 1809 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 04 Jan 1832. ix. Champion Dibble was born on 22 Sep 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died on 25 Apr 1835 in Erie, New York. x. David Pierce Dibble was born on 09 Aug 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. He died on 24 Dec 1836 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. 295. Mary Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Oct 1782 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 31 May 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Luther Doolittle son of Samuel Doolittle and Sarah Jones was born on 05 Aug 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Aug 1845 in Portage County, Oh. Page 227 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Luther Doolittle and Mary Ives were married about 1803. They had the following children: i. Jennette Doolittle was born in 1813 in Connecticut. She died on 07 Sep 1853. ii. Jane Doolittle was born about 1813 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Ct>. She died on 19 May 1817. iii. Janet Doolittle was born about 1811 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Ct>. iv. Mary Doolittle was born about 1809 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Ct>. v. Reuben Doolittle was born on 22 May 1790 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Aug 1856 in Waukegan, Lake, Illinois, United States. vi. Sally Doolittle was born about 1805 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Ct>. 296. Polly Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Feb 1783 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. She died on 13 Jun 1855. Asaph Dunbar son of Aaron Dunbar and Mary Ives Potter was born on 01 Sep 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 26 Jun 1814. Asaph Dunbar and Polly Ives were married on 17 Nov 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had no children. Aaron Dunbar was born on 22 Mar 1779 in Watertown, Litchfield, CT. He died in Marlboro, Ohio. Aaron Dunbar and Polly Ives were married on 17 Nov 1805 in First Congregational Church, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Franklin Dunbar was born about 1812. ii. Mary Dunbar was born on 03 Jul 1809. She died on 25 Jun 1892. Asaph Dunbar was born on 01 Sep 1780 in Watertown, Litchfield, CT. He died on 20 Jun 1814. Asaph Dunbar and Polly Ives married. They had the following children: i. Aaron Dunbar was born about 1800. ii. Asaph Dunbar was born about 1807. 297. Phebe Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Sep 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Oct 1828. Chauncey Doolittle son of Samuel Doolittle and Sarah Jones was born on 11 Dec 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 May 1833. Chauncey Doolittle and Phebe Ives were married about 1809 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. They had the following children: Page 228 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Samuel Doolittle was born about 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Chauncey Doolittle was born on 02 Jul 1810 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 Feb 1854. 298. Daniel Stevens Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Nov 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Dec 1836 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Elizabeth Merriman daughter of Jehiel Merriman and Eunice Preston was born about 1788 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Jun 1876 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Daniel Stevens Ives and Elizabeth Merriman were married about 1809. They had the following children: i. Sarah A. Ives was born about 1831 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Mar 1851. ii. John Ives was born in 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Caroline A. Ives was born about 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Oct 1823. iv. Sally Ives was born about 1811 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 May 1821. 689. v. Daniel Merriman Ives was born on 05 Jun 1810 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Flora Wooding on 22 Oct 1837 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 05 Sep 1879. 690. vi. Harry H Ives was born on 21 Jun 1816 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He married Sarah Peck on 13 Oct 1838 in Portage, Ohio. 299. Levi Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Feb 1789 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Feb 1865. Asenath Buell was born in Nov 1796. She died on 01 Jan 1866. Levi Ives and Asenath Buell were married about 1816 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. They had the following children: i. Nelia Maria Ives was born on 10 Sep 1833 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Jun 1859. ii. Levi James Ives was born on 20 Feb 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Daniel Ives was born about 1826 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut. iv. Emily Ives was born on 14 Jul 1824 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 07 Oct 1917. Page 229 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) v. Julia Ann Ives was born on 02 Jan 1823 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Asenath Ives was born on 01 Dec 1820 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Edgar Ives was born on 29 Dec 1818 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. 691. viii. Hiram Jerome Ives was born on 20 Apr 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Sarah Ives about 1835 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. He died on 28 Dec 1897 in Volney Center, Oswego, New York. 300. Ira Ives-6 (John-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jul 1791 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 14 Mar 1881 in Volney,Oswego,New York,USA. Hannah Richmond daughter of Abiathar Richmond and Jemima Barrett was born on 03 Sep 1792 in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 22 Nov 1873 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. Ira Ives and Hannah Richmond were married on 13 Jan 1813 in New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York, USA. They had the following children: 692. i. ii. George Gary Ives was born on 23 Apr 1829 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. He married Helen M Leonard in 1852. He died on 02 Dec 1903. Lewis R Ives was born on 13 Mar 1825 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. He died on 02 Feb 1855 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. 693. iii. John Ives was born in 1825. 694. iv. Chauncey Ives was born in 1821 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. He married Charlotte Walsworth about 1845 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. He died on 13 Mar 1895 in Palermo, Oswego County, New York, USA. 695. v. Andrus Ives was born on 13 Jul 1820 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. He married Sally Ann Barott about 1841 in Volney, Oswego County, NY. He died on 09 Feb 1892 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. 696. vi. Sarah A Ives was born on 15 Nov 1816 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. She married Hiram Jerome Ives about 1835 in <Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut>. She died on 19 Sep 1899 in Volney Center, Oswego County, New York, USA. 697. vii. John H Ives was born on 12 Jan 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. He married Ann Rebecca Bartlett in 1849. He died on 06 May 1904. 698. viii. Ira Parker Ives was born on 25 May 1837 in Volney, Oswego County, New York, USA. He married Elsa Anna Ward in 1860. He died on 14 Apr 1919 in Oswego County, New York, USA. 301. Samuel Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Dec 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He died on 27 Feb 1858 in Roxbury, Delaware, New York, USA. Betsey Elizabeth Fairchild daughter of Jonathan Fairchild and Sarah Deol Rich was born in 1776 in Westchester, New York, United States. She died on 09 Jun 1822 in Green, New York, United States. Page 230 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Samuel Ives and Betsey Elizabeth Fairchild were married in 1798. They had the following children: i. Henry Ives was born in Jun 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Betsey A Ives was born in Jun 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 699. iii. Washington M Ives was born on 02 Mar 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Harriet N Meeker on 03 Dec 1843. He died on 18 Jan 1901 in Roxbury, Delaware, New York, United States. iv. Helen M Ives was born on 03 Aug 1813 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 700. v. Alma C Ives was born on 03 Aug 1813 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Feb 1900 in Saybrook, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. 701. vi. Samuel Parker Ives was born on 01 Aug 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy C Booth about 1840. He died on 09 Mar 1884 in New York, New York. 702. vii. Calista M Ives was born on 15 May 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Deacon Dwight Brocket on 29 Aug 1824 in Prattsville, New York, USA. She died on 09 Oct 1872 in Maine, Broome, New York, United States. 703. viii. Samuel Ives was born on 08 Aug 1800 in Massachusetts, United States. He married Nancy C. Forshee on 21 Dec 1831. He died on 12 Sep 1864 in Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, United States. ix. Jonathan R Ives was born in 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 704. x. Elizabeth Ives was born in 1730. She married Zachariah Foote on 05 Jan 1752 in Salem,Essex,Massachusetts,USA. She died in 1830. 705. xi. Nancy Minerva Ives was born about 1805 in Wallingford, CT. She married Samuel Chatfield on 04 Dec 1825 in Gilboa, Schoharie, NY. Hannah Hodges daughter of Gamaliel Hodges and Sarah Williams was born on 30 Nov 1718 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 15 Jul 1804. Samuel Ives and Hannah Hodges were married on 21 Nov 1737. They had the following children: i. Hannah Ives. 302. Lola Jane Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Apr 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She died on 17 Jan 1856 in Ashland, Greene, New York, USA. John J Ives was born on 28 Aug 1774 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He died on 12 Aug 1874 in Ashland, Greene, New York, USA. John J Ives and Lola Jane Ives married. They had the following children: Page 231 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 706. i. John S Ives was born in 1805 in New York. He died on 24 May 1874 in Pleasant Valley Cementary Ashland, NY. 707. ii. Hiram Duboise Ives was born on 28 Jul 1800 in Havana, New York. He married Teresa McDowell on 05 Oct 1833 in Havana, Schuyler County, New York. He died on 16 Dec 1861 in Havana, New York. 303. Daniel Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Apr 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He died on 09 Apr 1838 in Ashland, Ohio, USA. Mercy Osborn was born on 03 May 1790. She died on 22 Mar 1844 in Durham, New York, USA. Daniel Ives and Mercy Osborn were married in 1801. They had the following children: 708. i. ii. Daniel Samuel Ives was born on 09 Nov 1820 in New York. He married Alma Tuttle on 08 Jul 1845. He died on 04 Jun 1893 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. George Ives was born in 1803 in Wallingford, Connecticut. 304. Elizabeth Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She died on 15 Apr 1864. Aaron Steele son of Perez Steele and Hannah Simmons was born on 06 Apr 1783 in Tolland,Tolland,Connecticut,USA. He died on 14 Oct 1841 in Rock River Rapids,Whiteside,Illinois,USA. Aaron Steele and Elizabeth Ives were married on 30 Oct 1802 in ,Windham,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Albert Steele was born on 15 Sep 1803 in Ashland, Greene, New York, United States. He died on 19 Sep 1890 in Ashland, Greene, New York, United States. ii. Julia A Steele was born on 05 Sep 1820 in , Greene, New York, USA. iii. George Steele was born on 12 Apr 1815 in , Greene, New York, USA. iv. John Steele was born on 12 Apr 1812 in , Greene, New York, USA. v. Aaron B Steele was born on 20 Apr 1810. vi. Perez Steele was born on 14 Apr 1808 in , Greene, New York, USA. 305. Desire Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 08 Feb 1847 in Windham, Greene, New York. Curtis Mattoon son of Amasa Mattoon and Elizabeth Dayton was born on 09 Mar 1782 in Watertown Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Jun 1856. Curtis Mattoon and Desire Ives were married on 02 Sep 1832. They had the following children: i. Ives Dayton Mattoon was born on 28 Sep 1837 in Windham NY. He died on 12 Nov 1904. Page 232 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Cornelia Sherman Mattoon was born on 28 Dec 1834. She died on 29 Mar 1873. 306. Caleb Parker Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. He died on 04 Apr 1880. Cornelia Larcomb was born in 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1889 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, United States. Caleb Parker Ives and Cornelia Larcomb were married in 1829. They had the following children: 709. i. Charles Henry Ives was born on 01 Nov 1837 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He married Eunicia Bidwell Everingham on 01 Jul 1865 in Sandusky, Erie, Ohio, United States. 710. ii. Isaac Ives was born in Aug 1847 in New York. 307. Julia Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Dec 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT. She died on 01 Mar 1873 in Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. Remus Baldwin son of Enos Stanley Baldwin and Charlotte Bailey was born on 04 Oct 1791 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Dec 1853 in Baldwin Farm, Elk Creek, Erie, PA. Remus Baldwin and Julia Ives were married on 09 Sep 1810. They had the following children: i. Caleb Baldwin was born on 15 Nov 1823 in Cattaraugus, Cattaraugus, New York, United States. He died on 29 Jul 1852. ii. Horace Baldwin was born on 15 Apr 1820 in Conewango, Cattaraugus, New York, United States. iii. Samuel S Baldwin was born on 04 May 1818 in Conewango, Cattaraugus, New York, United States. iv. Almira C Baldwin was born on 03 May 1816 in Mount Morris, Livingston, New York, United States. v. Lodrick Ives Baldwin was born on 26 Oct 1811 in Vernon, Oneida, New York, USA. He died on 12 Jan 1897 in Girard, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. 308. Roma Ransom Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Daniel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Jan 1784 in Windham, Greene, New York, United States. He died on 20 Aug 1870 in Windham, Greene, New York, USA. Mary Barney was born in 1786. She died on 24 Mar 1869 in Windham, New York. Roma Ransom Ives and Mary Barney were married on 04 Mar 1813 in New York. They had no children. Clarinda Osborn was born in 1781 in Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Jan 1855 in Windham, Greene, New York, USA. Page 233 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Roma Ransom Ives and Clarinda Osborn were married on 04 Mar 1813. They had the following children: 711. i. ii. Samuel P Ives was born on 08 Aug 1826 in Windham, Greene, New York, USA. He married Cornelia Sherman Mattoon on 07 May 1856. He died on 29 May 1904 in Margaretville, Delaware, New York, USA. Horace Osborn Ives was born on 18 Apr 1820 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 712. iii. Amanda Ives was born on 28 Oct 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Curtis Alexander Mattoon on 19 Dec 1838. She died on 19 Mar 1892. iv. Schuyler Ives was born on 11 Dec 1814 in Windham, Greene, New York, USA. He married Miriam Reynolds on 28 Apr 1845. He died on 24 Apr 1896 in Durham, Greene, New York, USA. 309. Abijah Ives-6 (Abijah-5, Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 May 1799 in Connecticut. He died on 31 Aug 1862 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. Polly Morse was born on 30 Apr 1802 in Connecticut. She died on 17 Jun 1862 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. Abijah Ives and Polly Morse were married on 25 Aug 1822 in Huron County, Ohio, USA. They had the following children: i. Abijah Ives was born on 03 Mar 1840. He died on 13 May 1854 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. ii. Elvira Ives was born on 13 Aug 1830 in Ohio. She died on 13 Apr 1836 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. 713. iii. Hannah Ives. She married Robert Y Askin on 18 Jul 1839 in Huron County, Ohio. She died on 08 Jul 1842 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. 714. iv. Andrew J Ives was born in 1828 in Ohio. He married Amanda V Sherman on 10 Oct 1852 in Huron County, Ohio, USA. He died in 1896 in Michigan. 310. Lois Ives-6 (Abijah-5, Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1778 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Oct 1847 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. Moses Sperry Beach son of Moses Beach and Parthenia Tallman was born on 07 Mar 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Sep 1826 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA. Moses Sperry Beach and Lois Ives were married in 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Asahel Beach was born on 04 Oct 1806 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Feb 1860 in Council Grove, Morris, Kansas, United States. ii. Abijah Beach was born on 16 Oct 1804 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1880 in Bellville, Richland, Ohio, United States. Page 234 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Abraham Stanley Beach was born on 11 Jul 1803 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Jul 1835. iv. Ebenezer Tallman Beach was born on 22 Sep 1801 in United States. He died on 28 Oct 1847 in New Haven, Huron, Ohio, USA. 311. Ambrose Ives-6 (Abijah-5, Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 Dec 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut USA. He died on 31 Jan 1852 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Wealthy Hopkins Upson daughter of Charles Upson and Mary Hotchkiss was born on 18 Apr 1793 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Nov 1868 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ambrose Ives and Wealthy Hopkins Upson were married on 30 Mar 1817. They had the following children: 715. i. Abram Ives was born on 15 Feb 1818 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Buckingham on 25 Jul 1835 in , , Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Jul 1869 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 312. Elias Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Abraham-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Feb 1858 in Settlement, Sweet Grass, Montana, USA. Eunice Yale daughter of Uriah Yale and Eunice Merwin was born on 04 Jul 1785. She died on 19 Dec 1837. Elias Ives and Eunice Yale were married about 1807. They had the following children: i. Uriah Ives was born in 1808 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Linda Mariah Johnson about 1832. He died on 22 Feb 1862. ii. Henry Ives was born about 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Melinda Ives was born about 1826 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Elias McCall Ives. v. Sally Maria Ives was born on 06 Feb 1824 in Fairfield, Connecticut. She died on 20 Dec 1894. vi. Betsey Ives was born in 1819 in Ives Settlement. She died in 1897. vii. Samuel Ives was born on 08 Jan 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 26 Dec 1891. Sylvia Lydia McCall daughter of McCall was born about 1776. She died in Guildford, Chenango, New York, USA. Elias Ives and Sylvia Lydia McCall were married in 1797. They had the following children: i. Eunice Ives was born in 1808. Page 235 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 313. Samuel Ives-6 (Bezaleel-5, Samuel-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Jan 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Oct 1803 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Notes for Samuel Ives: General Notes: From: &o_lid=41125&o_sch=Web+Property -"South of the Whiting farm was the large one belonging to the Ives family. The old house stood, in fact stands, in the dwelling of George B. Murdock. Buried in the depths of this modern house is the kernel or nucleus of the one built by John Ives at an early date. (some doubt about this, but the site is the same). ???? In the year 1723 he appears to have taken up his residence in the parish of Meriden. He died in 1738 and the house and east part of his farm passed into the possession of his son, Captain Bezaleel. He died in 1798, and his only child, Captain Samuel, then became the owner and at his death in 1803, it became the property of Ivah Curtis, who had married his daughter Hannah. Here was born Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, whose son Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis, Jr.. lately deceased, was R.a great Rscholar and prof. of theology. RThe farm of John Ives was a large one, comprising several hundred acres and stretched down on both sides of the highway nearly to the town line or farm of Amos Camp. His son, John, in the division of his father´s estate, took the western part and probably built the house many will remember as the Othniel Ives place, a few hundred feet west of the dwelling of Mr. Murdock. It was erected very likely about the year 1745. It was bought many years ago by J. George Schwink and perhaps 10 years ago was burned to the ground. In it was born levi Ives, who was the father of Levi Silliman Ives, who became the Protestant Episcopal bishop of North Carolina. In the year 1852 he ..embraced the Roman Catholic faith. The Ives family has always been numerous and influential on meriden and the old records abound in frequent evidences of this fact.´´ A Century of Meriden, Gillespie. Pg. 115." Lowly Parker was born about 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died before 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Samuel Ives and Lowly Parker were married on 07 Jan 1773 in Wallingford, Connecticut, Colonies. They had no children. Lucretia Ives was born on 24 Oct 1759 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died after 1779. Samuel Ives and Lucretia Ives were married on 13 Feb 1777 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 716. i. Hannah Ives was born in 1779 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Ivah Curtis on 04 Aug 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 08 Oct 1844. 314. Benjamin Hitchcock-6 (Benjamin-5, Elizabeth-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1752 in Cheshire, Connecticut. He died in 1809 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Eunice Hotchkiss was born on 08 Jan 1755 in Cheshire, Connecticut. She died in 1799 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Page 236 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Benjamin Hitchcock and Eunice Hotchkiss married. They had the following children: 717. i. Manley Hitchcock was born on 23 Dec 1783 in Waterbury, Connecticut. He died on 12 Jul 1852 in Elyria, Lorain County, Ohio. 315. Miles Ives-6 (Ichabod-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 May 1791 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Jun 1872 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Lois Hull daughter of Samuel Hull and Lois Peck was born on 17 Feb 1797 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connectictu, USA. She died on 10 Apr 1827 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Miles Ives and Lois Hull were married on 01 Jan 1823 in Wallingford Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Lois Emily Ives was born on 10 Feb 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 24 Nov 1847 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Eunice Peck was born about 1793 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Miles Ives and Eunice Peck were married in 08 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Miles Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Henry Ives was born in 1842 in Connecticut USA. ii. Mary Ives was born in 1839 in Connecticut, USA. iii. Isaac Ives was born in Sep 1829 in Connecticut, USA. 316. Chauncey Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1799 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Plainwell, Allegan, Michigan, USA. Maria Sloan daughter of Sloan was born on 02 Nov 1810 in New York, United States. She died on 22 Feb 1883 in Plainwell, Allegan, Michigan, United States. Chauncey Ives and Maria Sloan were married in 1825 in Savannah, Wayne, New York, United States. They had the following children: 718. i. Jane Ives was born in 1846 in Sunfield, Eaton, Michigan, United States. She died on 14 Jan 1918. ii. Mary Ives was born in 1844 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States. She died in Jan 1912. iii. Emaline Ives was born in May 1841 in Sunfield, Eaton, Michigan, United States. She died in Jun 1916. iv. Eliza Ives was born in 1840 in Savannah, Wayne, New York, United States. She died in California, United States. Page 237 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) v. Truman Ives was born in 1838 in Savannah, Wayne, New York, United States. He died in 1861. vi. Samuel Chauncey Ives was born on 04 Jul 1836 in New York, United States. He died in 1913 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States. 719. vii. Edward A. Ives was born on 22 Mar 1834 in Otsego, Otsego, New York, United States. He married Elizabeth Tubbs in 1857 in Otsego County, New York, USA. He died on 04 Dec 1905 in Michigan, USA. 720. viii. James F Ives was born in Oct 1831 in Port Byron, Cayuga, New York, United States. He married Loisa Ardelia Bearup in 1855 in Martin, Allegan, MI. He died on 12 Sep 1906. 721. ix. Charles E Ives was born in 1830 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mariah Tubbs in 1854 in Ionia Michigan. He died in 1903. 722. x. Sherman Brunsen Ives was born on 13 Dec 1828 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Eugenia Griswold in Jun 1857 in Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA. He died on 19 Aug 1916 in Bruneau, Owyhee, Idaho, USA (Age: 87). 723. xi. George H Ives was born on 11 Mar 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Serena Calista Beckwith on 17 Jul 1858 in Martin, Michigan. He died on 04 Dec 1911 in Martin, Allegan, Michigan. 724. xii. William Sloan Ives was born on 05 Feb 1826 in Savannah, Wayne, New York, United States. He married Louisa P Pierson on 20 Mar 1856 in Savannah,Wayne,New York,USA. He died on 03 Feb 1910 in Yankee Springs, Michigan. 317. Betsy Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1779 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 07 Aug 1865 in Weymouth, Medina, Ohio, USA. Noah Miles Bronson son of Amos Bronson and Anna Blakeslee was born on 15 Jul 1767 in Waterbury,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 08 Sep 1859 in Medina, , Ohio, USA. Noah Miles Bronson and Betsy Ives were married on 12 Oct 1797 in Waterbury,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Chauncey Bronson was born in 1817 in Waterbury, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Oct 1834 in Medina, , Ohio, USA. ii. Samuel Bronson was born in 1808 in Waterbury, , Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Oct 1834 in Medina, , Ohio, USA. iii. Hiram C Bronson was born on 28 Jul 1802 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1892 in Medina, , Ohio, USA. iv. Sherman Bronson was born on 07 Oct 1801 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 13 Nov 1835 in Medina, , Ohio, USA. v. Elizabeth Amelia Bronson was born in 1798 in Waterbury,, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Dec 1830. Page 238 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 318. Truman Freeman Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1777 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Mar 1871 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Eunice P Peck daughter of Dan Peck and Eunice Russell was born on 14 Apr 1780 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 21 Jan 1874 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Truman Freeman Ives and Eunice P Peck were married in 1800 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 725. i. Truman Dan Ives was born on 25 Dec 1814 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Abigail "Abbie" M Beach on 20 Oct 1842 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Jan 1892 in Plymouth, Connecticut. 726. ii. Betsey Amira Ives was born on 09 Dec 1812 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Henry Dow Stanley on 05 Jan 1842 in Plymouth, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Jun 1899 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 727. iii. Cyrus Ives was born in Nov 1811 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Dec 1919. iv. Olive Adeline Ives was born on 20 Oct 1810 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 728. v. Riley Ives was born on 15 Jan 1808 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 15 Dec 1896 in Connecticut. vi. 729. vii. Mary Ann Ives was born on 15 Dec 1806 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. William A Ives was born on 19 Nov 1804 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Julia Root on 21 Nov 1832 in Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut. He died on 23 Mar 1888. viii. Levet Ives was born on 15 Oct 1802 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Oct 1819 in Plymouth, Connecticut, USA (Age: 17). 730. ix. Eunice Peck Ives was born on 09 Mar 1801 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Timothy Atwater on 02 Dec 1829. She died on 16 Sep 1895. Ann Bartholomew was born on 19 Jul 1777 in Harwinton, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Truman Freeman Ives and Ann Bartholomew were married in 1808 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. 319. Merchant Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1785 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 13 Oct 1866 in Plymouth, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Sally Osborne was born about 1785 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 27 Sep 1861 in Connecticut. Merchant Ives and Sally Osborne were married in 1804 in Plymouth, Connecticut. They had the following children: Page 239 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 731. i. John O Ives was born in 1818 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Jan 1885 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 732. ii. James L Ives was born about 1814 in New York. He married Susan Weaver on 14 Aug 1837 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Hiram Ives was born in 1812 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. iv. Emila Ives was born in 1820. v. William L Ives was born on 03 Jul 1830 in Nova Scotia. He died on 10 Feb 1879. 320. Friend Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Dec 1789 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1874 in Gun Plain Township, Allegan, Michigan, USA. Harriet M Warner was born on 17 Jul 1791 in New Lebanon, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Mar 1867 in Gun Plain, Allegan, Michigan, United States. Friend Ives and Harriet M Warner were married in 1811 in New Lebanon, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 733. i. Ann Mary Ives was born on 17 Jun 1827 in Medina, Ohio, United States. She married Ira Chichester on 21 Jun 1854 in Medina, Ohio. She died in 1880 in Allegan, Allegan, Michigan, United States. 734. ii. James Ives was born on 17 Sep 1824 in mEDINA cOUNTY, Ohio. He married Mary Jane Pierson on 29 May 1855 in Allegan County, Michigan. He died on 20 Sep 1885 in Gun Plain, Allegan, Michigan, USA. iii. 735. iv. v. Elnathan Ives was born on 02 May 1822 in New Haven, Connecticut. Harriet Ives was born on 15 May 1820. She married Joshua Hill on 25 Nov 1842. She died in 1880 in Gun Plain, Michigan. Betsey Ives was born in 1818. 736. vi. Sabra D. Ives was born on 22 Dec 1816 in New Lebanon, Columbia, New York. She married Lintsford B. Coats on 25 Jan 1844 in Allegan County, Michigan. She died on 11 Jan 1863 in Allegan, Michigan. 737. vii. Charles W Ives was born on 04 Mar 1813 in New York, USA. He married Laura Chichester on 23 Jan 1843 in Allegan, Michigan. He died on 09 Feb 1872. 738. viii. Jane Ives was born on 22 Jun 1812 in Ohio. She married Leman G. Orton on 22 Dec 1831 in Medina County, Ohio. She died in Jun 1880 in Allegan, Michigan. 321. Samuel Ives-6 (Phineas-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 Jun 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Jan 1850 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 240 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Abigail Moss daughter of Joel Moss and Abigail Hotchkiss was born on 15 Apr 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Dec 1886 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Samuel Ives and Abigail Moss married. They had the following children: i. Loyal Ives. ii. Frederick Ives. 739. iii. iv. Hannah Kezia Ives was born on 06 Jan 1823 in Southington, CT. She married Ebenezer Howard Plant on 28 Sep 1843. She died on 17 Aug 1873. Walter Balfour Ives was born on 10 May 1834. He died on 25 Aug 1884 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 322. Justus Ives-6 (Phineas-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Sep 1786 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Feb 1854 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. Deborah Congdon daughter of Joseph Congdon and Sally Douglas was born on 09 Mar 1799 in , , New York, USA. She died in 1882 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. Justus Ives and Deborah Congdon were married on 10 Mar 1828 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. They had the following children: 740. i. ii. Sophia Ives was born on 29 Mar 1840. She died on 30 Jun 1911. Hanna Eliza Ives was born on 26 Jun 1836. She died on 27 Nov 1897 in , Russell, Alabama, USA. 741. iii. Francis Ann Ives was born on 09 Apr 1833 in Russell, St Laurence, New York, USA. She married Samuel Chalker Hatch on 06 Sep 1851 in Russell, St Laurence, New York, USA. She died on 13 Apr 1909 in , Russell, Alabama, USA. 742. iv. Nancy Williams Ives was born on 15 Feb 1830 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. She married Peter Jackson on 10 May 1857 in , Blue Earth, Minnesota, USA. She died on 05 Aug 1881 in Belle Plain, , Minnesota, USA. v. Sarah Martha Ives was born on 02 Jan 1829 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. She died in , , Minnesota, USA. vi. James W Ives was born in Sep 1826. He died on 15 May 1828. vii. Eleanor Ives was born on 22 Oct 1822. viii. Luther Ives was born on 30 Jul 1825. He died in Nov 1864 in Goveneur, , New York, USA. ix. Phineas Truman Ives was born on 07 Dec 1820. He died on 11 Dec 1827. x. Samuel M Ives was born on 17 Dec 1817. He died on 01 Sep 1845. Page 241 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) xi. Mary Ives was born on 06 May 1816. She died in 1900. Sally Phelps was born on 12 Aug 1796. She died on 06 Jun 1827 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. Justus Ives and Sally Phelps were married on 01 Dec 1814 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. They had no children. 323. Noble Ives-6 (Phineas-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Apr 1783 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Jul 1861 in Ticonderoga, Essex, New York, USA. Polly Skinner daughter of Apollus Skinner and Sarah Putnam was born in 1787 in New York. She died on 03 Jul 1870 in Ticonderoga, Essex, New York, USA. Noble Ives and Polly Skinner were married about 1810 in poss Ticonderoga, Essex, New York. They had the following children: 743. i. Clark P Ives was born on 14 Oct 1815 in New York. He died on 15 May 1877 in New York. ii. Jane Ives was born about 1834 in New York. iii. Martha Ives was born about 1824 in New York. iv. Hannah Ives was born about 1821 in New York. 324. Phineas Truman Ives-6 (Phineas-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Oct 1781 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Apr 1870 in New Haven Co., CT. Salome Royce daughter of Reuben Royce and Lois Doolittle was born on 26 Jan 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 15 Dec 1820 in Cheshire,New Haven,CT,Usa. Phineas Truman Ives and Salome Royce were married on 04 Nov 1810 in Cheshire,New Haven,CT,Usa. They had the following children: i. James Ives. ii. John Ives. iii. Martha Ives. Francis Baldwin. She died on 17 Sep 1824. Phineas Truman Ives and Francis Baldwin were married on 31 May 1821 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had no children. Julia Ann Frances was born in 1793. She died in 1874. Phineas Truman Ives and Julia Ann Frances married. They had no children. Page 242 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 325. Nehemiah Royce Ives-6 (Phineas-5, Ephraim-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Aug 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, United States. Phebe Tyler Cook daughter of Nathaniel Cook and Caroline Ward was born on 07 Feb 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Guthrie, Iowa, United States. Nehemiah Royce Ives and Phebe Tyler Cook were married in 1839. They had the following children: 744. i. Josephine Ives was born in Feb 1849 in Connecticut, United States. She married Warren Hill Norton on 31 Dec 1868 in La Salle County, Illinois (NORTON, WARREN H IVES, JOSEPHINE 1868-12-31 D / 1939 LA SALLE). She died on 02 May 1936. 745. ii. John Augustus Ives was born in Oct 1844 in Connecticut, United States. He married Theadosia Dota E Shelters on 06 Nov 1878 in Adair County, Iowa. 326. Fannie Ives-6 (Lent-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1791. She died on 29 Nov 1815. Joel Hill son of Joel Hill and Sarah Reed was born in 1781 in Massachusetts, USA. He died on 12 Nov 1855 in Dummerston, VT. Joel Hill and Fannie Ives married. They had the following children: i. Hannah Hill was born on 01 Aug 1811 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She died on 14 Oct 1852 in Racine, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. ii. Mary Hill was born in 1810 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. 327. Sarah Ives-6 (Lent-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 03 Dec 1793 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. She died on 18 Dec 1876 in Appanoose, IA, USA. William Fox son of William Fox and Philena White was born on 10 Jun 1784 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. He died on 07 Apr 1872 in Lee County, IA, USA. William Fox and Sarah Ives were married on 27 Aug 1806 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. They had the following children: i. Mary Fox was born on 11 Jul 1834 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. ii. Nathaniel Fox was born on 22 Mar 1820 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. iii. Frances Fox was born on 05 Dec 1817 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. She died in Jan 1819 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. iv. Charles Fox was born on 15 May 1815 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. He died on 05 Sep 1855 in Lee County, IA, USA. v. Electa Fox was born on 11 Dec 1812 in Wallingford, Rutland, VT, USA. She died on 05 Mar 1891 in Des Moines, IA, USA. Page 243 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 328. John Ives-6 (Lent-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jul 1805 in Wallingford, Vermont. He died on 01 Dec 1866 in Lee County, Iowa. Notes for John Ives: General Notes: From: -Remains likely moved from Ives plot in Lee County. --From The Ives, WIlson, Mighill and Collateral Families by Almeda Brenton Harpel John Ives lived in or near Wallingford, Vermont until 1847 when with some he decided to bring his growing family to Iowa. He received his early education in the common schools in his native town and early engaged in Business. He went to Salisbury, Vermont where he had a store and also had an interest in a shovel factory. He returned to Wallingford and with his brother took charge of his father's farm and mill property and also built a hotel, which was kept as a Temperence House. Most of the time he managed it by himself. He was for many years Postmaster of Wallingford. On September 4, 1847 he with his wife and five sons and his brother Nathaniel removed to Iowa. On his leaving Wallingford many of the citizens and their wives accompanied them to West Rutland on their way to Whitehall N.Y. where they were to take the boat on the Canal for Buffalo N.Y. At West Rutland a farewell dinner was served to the whole party when they separated, part returning to their homes and part to make new homes in the far and then sparcely scattered West. On their way from Whitehall to Buffalo, the youngest son, Robert, fell ill. Mr. Ives and his wife with the next younger son left the boat at Schnectedy to obtain medical aid for the sick boy. This proved however of no avail and on September 20, 1847 he died there. His body was embalmed and taken with them to their new home for burial. The brother Nathaniel with teh older nephews continued on the journey, expecting to be overtaken by the family but they were not united until after they all arrived in Iowa, and no tidings were received from either party while they were were separated, and the death of the little boy was not known until they met. The Uncle and sons went by steamer from Buffalo to Toledo, Ohio and while their boat was at Cleveland, the boat with the father and mother and other sons passed on their way to Detroit. The lake being so rough they did not try to land at Cleveland. They went on to Detroit where they took the cars to Ypsilanti, then the Michigan Central R.R. From Ypsilanti they went to Chicago by stage. From Chicago by hired conveyance to the home of a friend who kindly entertained them and took them forward on their journey. They reached the Mississippi River where they took steamer to Ft. Madison, Iowa and then drove 5(?) miles to the home of Mr. William Fox, a brother-in-law, where they remained until the other party arrived. Having been a month making the journey. The Uncle with the eldest sons left the steamer at Toledo and reshipped the household goods, carriages, wagons, and twelve fine sheep, on to a canal boat for Cincinnati. The boys accompanied the goods and the uncle went on before to arrange for another reshipment. He met them on their arrival and again loaded on the steamboat "Prairie Queen" which took them down the Ohio River to Cairo and up the Mississippi River to Keokuk, Iowa. Here the goods were again unloaded and stored in a warehouse. The Uncle hired a horse and rode thirty miles to the home orf Mr. Fox, three miles from West Point, where he found his brother and family. The next day the family were again united, glad to be again together, but with greaty sorrow for the loss of the little one. This narrative will now be continued by the oldest son, Charles J. Ives. "In the spring of 1847 my Grandfather, Eliakim Johnson, was furnished with funds to go from Vermont to Iowa to select and buy lands for a farm and home for my father and uncle. He purchased from the Government 960 acres of Prairie land for $1.25 per acre, lying in the corners of four townships, Mario, Cedar, Harrison and Franklin in Lee County and had a house partially finished when we arrived in October. The work of finishing the house was pushed along as fast as possible under great difficulties on account of obtaining carpenters and plasterers with their supplies and although we moved in very Page 244 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:05 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) soon, winter was well advanced before the lower part was finished, the upper part being left until the following summer, although it was used to sleep in and many a morning the snow lay thick on the beds. The nearest neighbor was a mile away and only five houses was in sight. We all, however, felt the charm of a new country, and put up with the inconveniences, in anticipation of the improvements to follow. In the spring of 1848 improvements were commenced, land broken up and large barns erected. A great sorrow was soon to fall on us this summer. In the spring my mother had gone with my Gradfather to St. Louis to purchase supplies and while away took a sever cold, which rapidly developed into quick consumption, and on August 29, 1848 she died and was buried near the house with my brother Robert. Additional improvements were made and more land bought and brought under cultivation, and crops good and bad raised. But progress was slow, with no markets. In 1852 we again suffered a loss by death. Uncle Nathaniel being taken with a congestive chill on Nov. 3. and died the same day and was buried with my mother and brother. Lucretia Johnson daughter of Eliakim Johnson and Dennison was born on 16 Jan 1809 in Wallingford, Vermont. She died on 29 Aug 1848. John Ives and Lucretia Johnson were married on 16 Jul 1828. They had the following children: i. Frank J Ives was born on 08 Aug 1829. He died on 12 Nov 1833. 746. ii. Charles John Ives was born on 04 Oct 1831 in Wallingford, Vermont. He married Ellen Mary Dale on 21 Feb 1854. He died on 17 Jul 1906 in Woodstock, Vermont. 747. iii. William J Ives was born on 08 Nov 1833 in Vermont. He married Sarah W Edwards on 24 Dec 1856. He died on 20 Oct 1874 in West Point, Lee, Iowa, USA. iv. Nathaniel L Ives was born on 30 Oct 1838 in Vermont. He died on 13 Nov 1897 in Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa. v. George E Ives was born on 21 Jun 1842. He died on 23 Sep 1845. vi. Robert Ives was born on 10 Jun 1845. He died on 20 Sep 1847. 329. William Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Dec 1781 in New York, United States. He died on 30 Aug 1859 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan United States. Mary White was born in 1783 in New York. She died on 27 Aug 1872 in Michigan. William Ives and Mary White were married on 29 Jan 1803 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. They had the following children: 748. i. ii. Olive Story Ives was born on 12 Apr 1831 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan United States. She died on 04 May 1900 in Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States. She married Stephen M Myler in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan, United States. Melissa Ives was born on 02 Jul 1815 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. She married Myrex H. Fuller in 1834 in Southfield, Oakland Co., Michigan. She died on 08 Mar 1835 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan, United States. Page 245 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 749. iii. Lydia Ives was born on 03 Jul 1813 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. She married Jacob Dubois in 1831 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan United States. She died in Apr 1870 in Oneida, New York. iv. William Ives was born in 1813 in New York, USA. He married Eliza Thomas in 1832 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan United States. He died on 18 Nov 1895 in Sewanee, Franklin, Tennessee, United States. v. Baby Ives was born on 11 Nov 1807 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. She died in Nov 1807 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. 750. vi. Layton Ives was born on 05 Mar 1806 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. He married Mary A Gardner on 01 Oct 1835 in Bloomfield, Michigan. He died on 22 Sep 1894 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan, United States. 751. vii. Amasa Ives was born on 05 Sep 1804 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. He married Elsie Warren on 24 Jul 1829 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, USA. He died on 17 Sep 1856 in Oakland, Michigan, United States. 752. viii. Permilla Ives was born on 13 Sep 1811 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont, United States. She married Horace J Johnson in 1835 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan, United States. She died on 02 Dec 1904 in Southfield, Oakland, Michigan, United States. 330. Benedict Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Nov 1862 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Betsy Bristol daughter of Ezra Bristol and Elizabeth Hotchkiss was born on 06 Jun 1780 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 07 Oct 1857 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Benedict Ives and Betsy Bristol were married on 27 Nov 1800 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 753. i. Russell B Ives was born on 10 Sep 1812 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Cornelia A Rice on 13 Sep 1840 in Cheshire. He died on 09 Jan 1873 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut USA. 754. ii. Jotham Ives was born on 16 Nov 1817 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Martha Brockett on 28 Apr 1841 in Wallingford, Connecticut. iii. Nathaniel Ives was born in 1820 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 30 Jul 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Elizabeth L Ives was born in 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 May 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Jeremiah Ives was born on 09 Feb 1808 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Mar 1837 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 755. vi. Barton Burton Ives was born on 04 Nov 1801 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Betsey Rice on 13 Apr 1834. He died on 03 Feb 1877 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 246 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 331. Rebecca Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1795 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Dec 1877 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery). Silas Andrews was born about 1791 in Connecticut. He died in May 1858. Silas Andrews and Rebecca Ives married. They had the following children: i. David B Andrews was born in 1826. He died on 17 Apr 1846 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery). ii. Frederick Andrews was born about 1843 in Connecticut. iii. Ives Andrews. iv. John E Andrews was born on 17 Nov 1831 in Connecticut. He died on 31 May 1901 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Julia Andrews was born about 1838 in Connecticut. vi. Mary Andrews was born about 1829 in Connecticut. vii. Orilla Andrews was born about 1836 in Connecticut. viii. Silas H Andrews was born about 1826 in Connecticut. 332. Amasa Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Apr 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Jan 1868 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Roxana Blakeslee was born in 1804. She died on 02 Nov 1873. Amasa Ives and Roxana Blakeslee were married on 14 Jan 1828 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 756. i. Harrison A Ives was born on 27 May 1841 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary E Smith in 1867. ii. Mary A Ives was born in 1838 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Amelia Ives was born in 1828 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Mary Smith. Amasa Ives and Mary Smith married. They had the following children: i. Elmer Ives. ii. Edith Ives. Page 247 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Emma Ives. iv. Ella Ives. 333. Orilla Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Oct 1806 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Joram Bradley son of Oliver Bradley and Deborah Brooks was born on 18 Oct 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Nov 1828 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joram Bradley and Orilla Ives were married on 02 Oct 1806. They had the following children: i. Hiram Bradley. ii. Burritt Bradley. iii. John Dimon Bradley was born in 1828 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in Connecticut, United States. 334. Truman Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Jan 1784 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 May 1866 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Esther Osborne was born in 1783 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 25 Jul 1872 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Truman Ives and Esther Osborne married. They had the following children: i. Miriam Ives. 757. ii. Abiram A Ives was born in Jul 1820 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Mar 1900 in Sandisfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts. 758. iii. Truman Ives was born on 25 Jul 1813 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Elizabeth A Priest about 1836 in Colebrook, Litchfield, CT. He died on 23 Mar 1900 in Tolland, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. 759. iv. Abyron Ives was born in 1811 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Aug 1900 in Sandisfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. v. Nathaniel Ives was born in 1811 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Nov 1828 in River, Cleveland, North Carolina, United States. 760. vi. Silas Ives was born in 1809 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Julia Stillman in 1830. He died on 31 Oct 1872 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 335. Rhoda Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Oct 1781 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Nov 1865 in Brighton, Lorain, Ohio, United States. Page 248 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Eleazer Bidwell son of Eleazer Bidwell and Ruth Bidwell was born on 29 Jul 1776 in Colebrook,Litchfield,Connecticut. He died on 26 Oct 1854 in Colebrook,Litchfield,Connecticut. Eleazer Bidwell and Rhoda Ives were married on 22 Dec 1796 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Henry Addison Bidwell was born on 08 Jun 1815 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Mar 1882. ii. Truman B Bidwell was born on 20 Sep 1806 in Sharon, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Mar 1877 in Brighton, Lorain, OH. iii. Cyrus W Bidwell was born in 1805 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Jul 1832. iv. Rhoda Bidwell was born in 1797. She died in 1802 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 336. Candace Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Dec 1773 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1819. Nathaniel Bettes son of Ebenezer Bettis and Lurana Knight was born in 1747 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 13 Jan 1840 in Bettes Corner, Talmadge, Portage, Ohio, USA. Nathaniel Bettes and Candace Ives were married on 27 Jan 1791 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Sally Bettes was born on 01 Jan 1795 in Mansfield, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 06 Sep 1879 in Kent, Portage, Ohio, USA. ii. Fidelia Bettes was born about 1812 in Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1898. iii. Phillip Bettis was born in 1807 in Kentucky, United States. He died in 1867. iv. Ives Bettes was born on 06 May 1805 in Sandisfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts. He died on 24 Oct 1834 in Summit County Ohio, USA. 337. Melinda Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1772 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 26 Jan 1869 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Wait Hoyt Chatterton son of Wait Chatterton and Joanna Beach was born on 02 Mar 1757 in Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Apr 1837 in West Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Notes for Wait Hoyt Chatterton: General Notes: From: 4bed5a0?src=search&ftm=1 -"Wait Chatterton, Jr., went to Rutland and united with the West Rutland church in 1785, was chosen deacon in 1802 and held the office till his death in 1837. His eldest son, Exi, was also deacon in 1824, and then Exi's eldest son, Wait, till his death in 1865. The wife of the latter writes in December, 1895:. Page 249 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 'Of Susanna Dickerman Chatterton personally I can tell you very little. The most I remember is that I always saw her at church, and I was one of the choir that sang at her funeral, though I must have been a very young girl, for I am now almost eighty-five years old. But I know enough to say that she was one of the noblest women that ever lived. No woman could have raised such a family as she did without being noble in herseslf. Then she had a husband who might be called a saint on earth. He was in the war of 1812, was taken prisoner and sent to Halifax, where the treatment was such that all the prisoners but him and one other died. He was over ninety at his death and was deranged for six months. Physicians said there was a trouble in the head caused by wounds received in that way. Mrs. Chatterton was very retiring. one that looked well to the ways of her household; and I know the influence of the family still lives: her character is seen in her children and children's children.'". Wait Hoyt Chatterton and Melinda Ives were married on 26 May 1832 in Wallingford, Vermont. They had no children. Simeon White son of Jonathan White and Rhoda Nash was born on 13 Mar 1770 in Rockingham, Windham, Vermont, United States. Simeon White and Melinda Ives were married in Apr 1792. They had the following children: i. Lyman White was born on 29 Aug 1798. ii. Horace White was born on 05 Jun 1795. 338. Asenath Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Dec 1773 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 22 May 1857 in Rome, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States. Notes for Asenath Ives: General Notes: From: -" Marilyn I have the Rev War pension file of Douglas Davidson and this is what is stated in it. Pension Claim# W.19145 Douglas Davidson was born in Massachusetts, the date of his birth and the names of his parents were not given. While a resident of Wyoming Valley which later was Luzerne Co PA he enlisted in Oct 1776 and served 18 mos as a private in Capt Robert Durkee's Company in Colonel John Durkee's Connecticut Regiment. He was allowed pension on his appliction executed April 7, 1818 at which time he ws living in Wallingford, Rutland Co Vermont, where he had lived for about (7) years. He was then (71) years of age. He died 1 Jan 1825 at Wallingford Vermont. The soldier married 8 Nov 1793 at her father's house in Wallingford Vermont, Asenath Ives. She was allowed pension on her application executed 7 Jun 1842 while a resident of Litchfield Twp, Bradford Co PA, having moved there in the fall of 1828. When she applied for pension in June 1842 she stated she was "aged sixty-eight years and upward." Douglas Davidson son of William Jr Davidson and Abigal Rich was born on 03 Nov 1746 in Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 01 Jan 1825 in Wallingford,Rutland,Vermont,USA. Page 250 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Notes for Douglas Davidson: General Notes: From: -" Marilyn I have the Rev War pension file of Douglas Davidson and this is what is stated in it. Pension Claim# W.19145 Douglas Davidson was born in Massachusetts, the date of his birth and the names of his parents were not given. While a resident of Wyoming Valley which later was Luzerne Co PA he enlisted in Oct 1776 and served 18 mos as a private in Capt Robert Durkee's Company in Colonel John Durkee's Connecticut Regiment. He was allowed pension on his appliction executed April 7, 1818 at which time he ws living in Wallingford, Rutland Co Vermont, where he had lived for about (7) years. He was then (71) years of age. He died 1 Jan 1825 at Wallingford Vermont. The soldier married 8 Nov 1793 at her father's house in Wallingford Vermont, Asenath Ives. She was allowed pension on her application executed 7 Jun 1842 while a resident of Litchfield Twp, Bradford Co PA, having moved there in the fall of 1828. When she applied for pension in June 1842 she stated she was "aged sixty-eight years and upward." Douglas Davidson and Asenath Ives were married on 08 Nov 1793 in Wallingford,Rutland,Vermont,USA. They had the following children: i. 761. ii. Rosalinda Davidson was born on 28 Jan 1791 in Douglas,Worcester,Massachusetts,USA. She died on 26 Dec 1866 in Cambridge,,Illinois,USA. Clarissa Davidson was born on 16 Dec 1811 in Wallingford, Vermont. She died on 13 Mar 1891 in Bradford, Pennsylvania. iii. Samuel Davidson was born on 23 Jun 1805 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. He died on 09 Mar 1879. iv. Sally Davidson was born in 1810. v. Electra Davidson was born on 07 Jan 1809. vi. Sarah Davidson was born on 02 May 1802. She died on 16 Mar 1882. vii. Nathaniel Davidson was born on 06 Jul 1800 in Douglas, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 31 Dec 1878 in Litchfield, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States. viii. Aseneth Davidson was born on 08 Jun 1799. ix. Esther Davidson was born on 31 Jul 1797. x. Joseph Douglas Davidson was born on 17 Sep 1795. xi. Amitha Davidson was born on 15 Mar 1794. Page 251 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 339. Esther Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Feb 1776 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Apr 1850 in Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. Joseph Harris son of Myndert Harris and Polly Youmans was born on 20 Sep 1772 in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess, New York, United States. He died on 10 Jul 1846 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, United States. Joseph Harris and Esther Ives were married about 1800 in Vermont. They had the following children: i. Mary Ann Harris was born in Jan 1816 in New York, United States. She died on 13 Sep 1885. ii. Alanson Harris was born in 1810 in New York, United States. He died on 11 Oct 1856 in Sacramento, California, USA. iii. Joseph Harris was born in 1809 in New York, United States. He died on 18 Oct 1891 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, United States. iv. Silas Harris was born on 26 Jan 1806 in New York, United States. He died on 15 Aug 1873 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, United States. v. Minerva Lorenza Harris was born on 13 Oct 1805 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, United States. She died on 02 Oct 1844 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States. vi. Heman Harris was born on 04 Aug 1802 in New York, United States. He died on 07 Oct 1850 in Fenton, Genesee, Michigan, United States. vii. William Elisha Harris was born in Jan 1801 in Vermont, United States. He died on 11 Oct 1852 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, United States. viii. Hosea P Harris was born on 21 Aug 1800 in Vermont, United States. He died on 21 May 1869 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, United States. 340. Chloe Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 Jul 1860. Jacob Amadon son of Jacob Amidon and Esther Ladd was born on 23 Jul 1775 in Dudley, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 21 Feb 1819 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Jacob Amadon and Chloe Ives were married on 30 Mar 1797 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. They had the following children: 762. i. Horatio Gates Amaden was born on 25 Apr 1803 in Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, United States. He married Charlotte Johnson in 1833. He died on 09 Jul 1884 in Milford, Defiance, Ohio, United States. 763. ii. Aurelia Amidon was born in 1798 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She married Ephraim Howe Rose on 23 Aug 1818 in Rutland,Rutland,Vermont,USA. She died on 09 Mar 1883 in Hicksville, Defiance, Ohio, United States. Crossman. Page 252 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Crossman and Chloe Ives married. They had no children. 341. Orsen Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1779 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died about 1836 in Darke, Ohio (by drowning). Notes for Orsen Ives: General Notes: From: -"We are looking for the IVES family who came to Wolf Lake, IN. from Darke Co., Ohio about 1835-1839, There would have been Mr. Ives, his wife Mary (Polly) two sons Alexander (Allen) about 7, Oren a baby and then a daughter was born Johanna. It seems they just had the house built when Mr. Ives somehow fell of the little dock inot the lake and drowned. Mrs. Ives walked back to Covington, Ohio with her three children. if anyone can help out, we would really appreciate it." From: -"E-MAIL: FROM: Candi IVES, 9 Oct 2002: My great great grandfather Allen Ives, born 15 Feb 1828, Miami Co., Ohio, married Mary Deeter (Deiter) born 21 Mar 1831, Covington, Ohio. Allen's father, name unknown, was born Vermont. Allen's mother, name unknown, could be Mary but possibly referred to as Polly. Allen Ives was a Brethren preacher and had churches in Burr Oak, Kansas, and Washington. One article found in Burr Oak, KS, Church of the Brethren, stated that in "1871 Allen and Polly Ives settled on the present sit of Burr Oak". But Allen Ives was married to Mary, so Polly could not be his wife. Possibly his mother because Allen's father died when Allen was a young boy and Allen cared for his elderly mother. Some researcher believes that Allen possibly had a brother named Oren and a sister named Joanna. I have not been able to find the father and mother's names. Does any of this information ring a bell with you? Thanks, ---Candi Ives" From: -"Oren and Allen Ives were brothers whose family history begins with them; two little boys whose father died at an early age, leaving them to make their way in life in the American Frontier without his protection and guidance. For 40 years, I have searched for a record of their parents´ names with small results. What is known of their early lives came to me from a descendant of Allen Ives, Babe Erickson, from a record found in Bible of Charles Ives, a descendent of Allen Ives. The story is as follows: Allen and Oren´s parents met and married in Vermont. ``Father´´ Ives was from born in Fisherman, Scotland and his wife, Mary (called Polly) was from Ireland. (My great grandmother, Oren Ives' daughter Maggie May, said her father was Dutch and English.) They settled in Darke County, Ohio where Allen was born on February 15, 1828. They had moved to Miami County, Ohio by 1835, where Oren was born. When Allen was seven years old and Oren was a baby, they went from Covington, Ohio to Wolf Lake, Indiana, presumably to establish a homestead. A third child, Johanna, was born there. They had just gotten the house built when ``Father´´ somehow fell off a little dock into the lake and drowned. Mary took her two little boys and baby daughter and walked back through country populated by wild animals to Covington, Ohio. This was a terrible situation for this young mother. She was a widow with three children and apparently had no relatives in the area as census records do not indicate that she was a part of any household, so she did what was necessary to survive. Allen was about eight years old by that time, and he was bound out as a servant for his keep to a man named Levi Deeter. He worked without pay until he was 18 years old. Miami County marriage records show that Alexander Ives married Mary Deeter (his employer´s daughter), on October 26, 1848. According to the family story, Mary married a man named Frank Singer. Miami County marriage records show that ``Polly´´ Ives married Benedict Singer on July 1, 1839. The date fits, the last name is correct and one can assume that a man named Benedict might take the name of Frank in his Page 253 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) everyday life. A listing in the 1860 Census for Wabash County, Indiana shows Benedict Singer (65) living with John Singer (41) and his family, wife Lidia (38) and son Aaron (5). Benedict Singer´s birthplace is listed as Pennsylvania and he was born in 1794. Many residents of Ohio migrated on to Indiana and Iowa in the mid 1800s so it is likely that this was Mary Ives´ second husband. A message listing on by one of Allen Ives´ descendants states that Mary was divorced in 1840 after having at least one son by Benedict Singer. What happened to Mary after that I have been unable to discover." From: -"I am a descendant of Allen Ives, through David Ives. Other family members have Allen being born in Laporte Indiana or Lafayette, Indiana. I have looked at two separate censuses, one showing Ohio and the other Indiana, as his place of birth. I did some cross checking and discovered that a Chas. and Myron Ives arrived in LaPorte Indiana in 1831. Charles Ives was born in Ludlow twp, Vernmont 13 Jun 1793. His father was Levi Ives and mother Hulda Griswold. Levi was born in Wallingford Connecticut 16 Apr 1766. The information on Charles and his parents was found on FamilySearch. Allen apparently had a brother named Oren who was born in Ohio in about 1835. he also had a sister named Joanna. Allen's mother was named Mary. That is all I have been able to gather. I am just guessing at the connection of Charles to Allen. If we can discover that Charles' wife was named Mary, we may have something there." From: -"I, too descend from Allen Ives. I have the family Bible owned by his son Charles A. Ives, in which he states that his father's birth occurred in Lafayette (Tippecanoe County), Indiana. If you look at all of the available census records for Allen Ives, you see that his birthplace is sometimes listed as Indiana, and sometimes Ohio. I also have a narrative account Charles Ives made late in life in which he states that Allen and his siblings lost their (unnamed) father early in life when this family was homesteading in Wolf Lake (Noble County), Indiana. This would have been the early 1830's. It would seem a possibility that there could be a connection to the Asa Oren Ives, whose marriage took place in Tippecanoe County, IN, in 1827, to Polly Largent or Sargent. There were several other Ives families in Lafayette. A person named Asa Oren or A. O. Ives is found in Delaware County, IN in 1820, and Hamilton Co, IN in 1830. Not found in IN in 1840. According the the narrative, Allen's family returned to the Darke-Miami County, OH area after the loss of the father. Mother Mary (Polly) Ives married Benedict Singer, and was divorced in 1842. Sister Joanna married William Hausafus in Ohio, and was living apart from him at the time her estate was probated in Marshall Co, IA in 1889. Brother Oren served in the Civil War, was married at least twice, and died in Iowa in the late 1890's. Half-brother Benjamin Frankin Singer died in California in 1924 (mother not named in obit or death cert.), half-brother Francis Marion Singer died in 1905 in Randolph Co, IN. I have spent 22 years on this project on and off, and I know one thing: there are too many possible connections to chose one individual as Allen's father. For example: who is the John Ives, age 14, who in Darke County, OH in 1839 chose a guardian? Who is the Julia Ann Ives, age 14, who was buried in Darke County in 1844? Who is the Hoel Ives who died in Darke County at age 17 in 1848? Was Allen Ives part of a larger immediate family? Were these perhaps cousins, meaning an extended family had come to the area?" Lydia Randall daughter of John Randall and Joanna Phoebe Marchant was born on 15 Mar 1790 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She died in 1838 in Ohio, United States. Orsen Ives and Lydia Randall were married in 1817 in Wallingford, Vermont. They had no children. Lydia Randall daughter of John Randall and Joanna Phoebe Marchant was born on 15 Mar 1790 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She died in 1838 in Ohio, United States. Page 254 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Orsen Ives and Lydia Randall were married on 02 Apr 1827 in Tippecanoe, Indiana. They had the following children: 764. i. Alexander Ives was born on 15 Feb 1828 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana. He married Mary Deeter on 26 Oct 1848 in Newton, Miami, Ohio. He died on 17 Jul 1911 in Centralia, Lewis, Washington, USA (He is buried in Washington Lawn Cemetery, now Washington Cemetery. This is Centralia's oldest cemetery, given by George Washington, a Black pioneer who owned many plots of land around this city.). 765. ii. Oren Ives was born on 06 Nov 1835 in Miami, Ohio. He married Sarah Catherine Bonebrake on 09 May 1872 in Story County, Iowa. He died in 1893 in Des Moines, Iowa. 766. iii. Joanna Ives was born in 1832 in Ohio. She married William C Hausafus on 19 Dec 1850 in German, Darke, Ohio. 342. Repentence Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Davison, Genesee, Michigan, USA. Reuben Wicker son of Luther Wicker and Katherine Johnson was born in 1781 in Hardwick, Worcester County, Massachusetts. He died on 08 Aug 1845 in Davison township, Genesee, Michigan. Reuben Wicker and Repentence Ives were married in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont. They had the following children: i. Catherine Wicker was born about 1800 in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont, USA. ii. Seth John Wicker was born in 1807 in Pittsford, Rutland County, Vermont. He died on 04 Mar 1862 in Davison, Genesee, Michigan, USA. iii. Lent J. Wicker was born in 1814 in Pittsfield, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died on 15 May 1891 in Holly, Oakland, Michigan, USA. iv. Lorenza Wicker was born in 1817 in Pittsford, Rutland County, Vermont. She died on 25 Mar 1887 in Davison, Genessee, Michigan. 343. Freelove Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1788 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She died on 07 Nov 1863 in Summit, Ohio, United States. Jesse Hart son of Timothy Hart and Phebe Fenn was born on 24 Aug 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Jul 1864 in Springfield, Summit, Ohio, United States. Jesse Hart and Freelove Ives were married on 15 Sep 1811 in Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Hart. ii. Phebe Hart. iii. Jesse Hart. Page 255 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Harriet Hart. v. Elizabeth Hart. vi. Benjamin Hart was born in Jun 1832 in Ohio, United States. He died on 18 Mar 1912 in Mogadore, Summit, Ohio, United States. vii. George Hart was born in 1829 in Ohio, United States. viii. Sarah Hart was born on 01 Aug 1829 in Ohio, United States. She died on 30 Jul 1913 in Springfield, Summit, Ohio, United States. ix. Louisa Hart was born on 26 Aug 1812 in Unadilla, Otsego County, New York,. She died on 13 Nov 1902 in Medina, Medina County, Ohio,. x. Esther Hart was born in 1811 in Huntington, Lorain, Ohio, United States. She died in 1895. xi. Amos Hart was born in 1805. 344. Samuel Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Feb 1767 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Oct 1811 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, United States. Lucy Ann Atwater daughter of Timothy Atwater and Lucy Rice was born on 08 Aug 1775 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 03 Mar 1859 in Guilford,,New York,USA. Samuel Ives and Lucy Ann Atwater were married on 05 Jan 1797 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 767. i. Lucy Ann Ives was born on 04 Dec 1810 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 768. ii. Edwin Ives was born on 01 Nov 1808. He married Polly M. Green on 18 Apr 1832. He died on 06 Apr 1876. 769. iii. Samuel Grover Ives was born on 07 Mar 1806. He married Elma Norton on 03 Dec 1835. He died on 16 Dec 1886. 770. iv. Isaac A Ives was born on 15 Aug 1802. He married Lucretia Norton on 29 Dec 1829 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 02 Feb 1864. 771. v. Orrin Ives was born on 28 Apr 1799 in Connecticut, United States. He married Editha Parsons about 1821 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 24 Jan 1856 in Chenango County New York, USA. 772. vi. Alfred Ives was born on 23 Dec 1797 in Connecticut, United States. He married Roxalena Parsons on 19 Mar 1824 in Guilford,,New York,USA. He died on 22 Feb 1866 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, United States. 345. Eunice Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Apr 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died after 1850. Page 256 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Abijah Cornell son of Abijah Cornwell and Jemima Tryon was born in 1772 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Mar 1847. Abijah Cornell and Eunice Ives were married on 17 Nov 1796 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Albert Cornwall was born on 28 Jul 1810 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. ii. Abijah Cornwall was born on 11 Aug 1804 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. iii. Sylvester Cornwall was born on 02 Sep 1801 in Middleton, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. iv. Betsey Ann Cornwall was born on 17 May 1799 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. v. Laura Cornwall was born on 30 Sep 1798 in Middleton, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 346. Lyman Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 Sep 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Dec 1853 in New York, USA. Lucy McCall was born on 19 Jan 1778. She died on 22 Jun 1840 in Chenango County, New York. Lyman Ives and Lucy McCall were married in 1799 in , Chenango, New York, USA. They had the following children: 773. i. Julia Ives was born on 23 Mar 1824 in , Chenango, New York, USA. She married Bela R. Streety in 1841. She died in 1897. 774. ii. Jane O Ives was born on 23 May 1822 in , Chenango, New York, USA. She married Harlow Loveridge Comstock about 1849 in Warsaw,Wyoming Co.,NY,USA. She died in 1859. iii. William Ives was born on 23 May 1819 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He died in 1843. 775. iv. James Lyman Ives was born on 21 Sep 1817 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He married Prudence Arnold on 06 Jan 1841. He died on 05 Feb 1893 in Maple Grove, NY, New York, USA. 776. v. Clarry Lucinda Ives was born on 28 Dec 1814 in , Chenango, New York, USA. She married Deloss Rose before 24 Jul 1839. She died on 14 Sep 1893. vi. Samuel L Ives was born on 08 Jul 1812 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He died in 1814. vii. Lucy S Ives was born on 16 Oct 1810 in , Chenango, New York, USA. She married Edward S. Arnold in 1839. She died in 1888. 777. viii. Lydia Ives was born on 14 Sep 1808 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. She married Jesse Hendricks about 1828. She died on 09 Feb 1883 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Lewis Ives was born on 23 Aug 1806 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He died on 02 Apr 1823. Page 257 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 778. x. Dwight Ives was born on 22 Sep 1804 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He married Abigail Colburn on 25 Apr 1833 in Chenango Co.,NY,USA. He died in 1865. 779. xi. George Ives was born on 03 Apr 1802 in , Chenango, New York, USA. He married Betsey Green on 03 Dec 1828 in Chenango Co.,NY,USA. He died on 09 Dec 1865. 780. xii. Harriet Lucy Ives was born on 28 Jul 1800 in , Chenango, New York, USA. She married Nathan Brown in 1818 in Chenango Co.,NY,USA. She died on 26 May 1870 in Albany, Bradford County, PA. 347. Elias Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Feb 1858 in Ives Settlement, Chenango, New York, USA. Elizabeth Yale daughter of Uriah Yale and Eunice Merwin was born on 04 Jul 1785. She died on 19 Dec 1837. Elias Ives and Elizabeth Yale were married in 1807. They had the following children: i. Melinda Ives was born about 1826 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. 783. ii. Sally Maria Ives was born on 06 Feb 1824 in Fairfield, Connecticut. She married David Ogden about 1845. She died on 20 Dec 1894. 784. iii. Betsey Ives was born in 1819 in Ives Settlement. She married John Ogden about 1840. She died in 1897. iv. Henry Ives was born about 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. v. Uriah Ives was born in 1808 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Linda Mariah Johnson about 1832. He died on 22 Feb 1862. Sylvia Lydia McCall daughter of McCall was born about 1776. She died in Guildford, NY. Elias Ives and Sylvia Lydia McCall were married in 1797. They had the following children: 785. i. Elias McCall Ives was born on 22 Jan 1801 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. He died on 06 May 1884 in Leeds Center, Columbia, Wisconsin, USA. Elias Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 781. i. Salley Ives was born on 06 Feb 1824. 782. ii. Samuel Ives was born on 08 Jan 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Dec 1891. iii. Eunice Ives was born in 1808. 348. Clarissa Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 May 1779. She died on 21 Apr 1842 in Chenango County New York, USA. Page 258 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Ozias Bush son of Jonathan Bush and Patience Killam was born on 06 Feb 1780 in Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Apr 1842 in Oswego County, New York, USA. Ozias Bush and Clarissa Ives married. They had the following children: i. Clarissa Bush was born on 20 Oct 1819 in Oswego County, New York, USA. She died on 20 Apr 1903 in Astoria, Queens, New York, USA. 349. Abraham Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1776 in Connecticut. He died on 08 Jul 1863 in Ives Settlement, Chenango, New York, USA. Lois Rice daughter of Abner Rice and Kesiah Hall was born in 1779 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 Mar 1869 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, USA. Abraham Ives and Lois Rice were married on 08 Nov 1801. They had the following children: 787. i. Morris Ives was born in 1808 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Octavia Salisbury in 1833. 788. ii. Almira Ives was born in 1807 in Yaleville, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married William Edgerton in 1825. 789. iii. Clarissa Ives was born in 1804 in Yaleville, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 790. iv. Lucia Ives was born in 1802 in Yaleville, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Benjamin Maxson in 1825 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Aug 1845 in HOUNSFIELD JEFFERSON CO NY. Abraham Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. 786. ii. iii. Lois Ives. Morris A Ives was born on 14 Jun 1821 in , , New York, USA. He married Octaria Salisbury on 05 Sep 1843. He died on 01 Dec 1881. Almira Ives was born in 1807 in Yaleville, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 350. Fannie Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Sep 1781 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 04 Jul 1865. Simon Trask son of Samuel Trask and Ginney was born on 13 Jan 1775 in Sutton, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 18 Jan 1831 in Guilford Village, , New York, USA. Simon Trask and Fannie Ives were married on 28 Nov 1798. They had the following children: i. Clarrisa Mann Trask was born on 30 Aug 1815. ii. Daniel Lambert Trask was born on 21 Apr 1813. iii. Fanny Trask was born on 16 Apr 1810. iv. Simon Trask was born on 05 Apr 1808. He died on 31 Oct 1865. Page 259 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) v. Frances Trask was born on 01 Sep 1806. vi. Samuel I Trask was born on 06 Aug 1802. He died on 19 Feb 1894. vii. Almon Trask was born on 13 Jul 1800. He died on 13 Jun 1870. viii. Alice Trask was born on 24 Jul 1804 in Cortland, Cortland, New York, USA. She died on 22 Oct 1869. Ozias Bush was born in 1774. Ozias Bush and Fannie Ives married. They had no children. 351. Merab Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Apr 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Jul 1829 in Yaleville, Chenango, New York, USA. Elam Yale son of Uriah Yale and Eunice Merwin was born on 05 Oct 1781 in Paulington, NY. He died on 05 Jul 1867 in Yale Settlement, Guilford, New York. Elam Yale and Merab Ives were married on 21 Nov 1804. They had the following children: i. Alice Yale was born on 19 Aug 1815 in Guilford, Chenago, New York. She died on Unknown. ii. Luman B. Yale was born on 10 Jun 1827 in Guilford & Bainbridge, New York. He died on Unknown. iii. Paulina Yale was born on 15 Dec 1824 in Guilford, New York. She died on 15 Sep 1893. iv. Luman Yale was born on 10 Jul 1823 in Guilford, Chenago, New York. He died on 30 Nov 1823. v. George W. Yale was born on 16 Mar 1821 in Guilford, Chenago, New York. He died on 14 Apr 1845. vi. Stephen Yale was born on 20 Feb 1818 in Guilford, Chenago, New York. He died on 20 Sep 1852. vii. Eunice Yale was born on 05 Jul 1814 in Guilford, Chenago, New York. She died on 27 Aug 1814. viii. Chester Yale was born on 12 May 1812 in Guilford, Chenago, New York. He died on 13 Apr 1894 in Guilford & Bainbridge, New York. ix. Uriah Yale was born on 26 May 1810 in Guilford, New York. He died on 23 Feb 1877 in Guilford, New York. x. Olive Yale was born on 03 Feb 1808 in Norwich, New York. She died on Unknown. Page 260 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) xi. Millenna Yale was born on 08 Dec 1805 in Bainbridge, New York. She died on 05 Mar 1888 in Oakland, New York. 352. Rosilla Sally Ives-6 (Abraham-5, Nathaniel-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1789. She died on 15 Aug 1849 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. Stephen Yale son of Uriah Yale and Eunice Merwin was born on 30 May 1785 in Guilford,Chenango,New York,USA. He died on 05 Apr 1868 in Guilford,Yale Settlement,,. Stephen Yale and Rosilla Sally Ives were married on 27 Nov 1806 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. James Yale was born in 1825 in NY. He died on 09 Apr 1895 in NY. ii. Julia Yale was born on 12 May 1810 in Guilford, Chenango, New York, United States. She died on 04 Jul 1882 in Unadilla, Otsego, New York, United States. iii. Merab Evaline Yale was born on 11 Dec 1829 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. She died on 13 Jul 1862 in New York. iv. Eunice Betsey Yale was born on 27 Apr 1827 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. She died on 22 Aug 1854 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. v. John Yale was born on 22 Oct 1821 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. He died in California. vi. Lovina Yale was born on 26 Jan 1819 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. She died on 26 Jun 1845. vii. Sally Yale was born on 22 May 1816 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. She died in 1885. viii. Clarissa Yale was born on 19 Jan 1815 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. ix. Mark Yale was born on 23 Aug 1812 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. He died on 29 Aug 1888. x. Roxanna Yale was born on 08 Apr 1808 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. She died in 1887 in Guilford, Chenango, New York. 353. Justus Ives-6 (Phineas-5, Phineas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Sep 1786 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 14 Feb 1854 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, USA. Sally Phelps daughter of Royal Phelps was born on 12 Aug 1796. She died on 06 Jun 1827 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. Justus Ives and Sally Phelps were married on 01 Dec 1814 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. They had no children. Deborah Congdon daughter of Joseph Congdon and Sally Douglas was born on 09 Mar 1799 in New York, United States. She died in 1882 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. Page 261 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Justus Ives and Deborah Congdon were married on 10 Mar 1828 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. They had the following children: 791. i. ii. Sophia Sestina Ives was born on 29 Mar 1840. She died on 30 Jun 1911. Hanna Eliza Ives was born on 26 Jun 1836. She died on 27 Nov 1897 in Russell, Alabama, United States. 792. iii. Francis Ann Ives was born in 1831 in New York. She married Samuel C Hatch in 1852 in Russell, St Laurence, New York, United States. She died on 13 Apr 1909 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. 793. iv. Nancy Williams Ives was born on 15 Feb 1830 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. She married Peter Jackson on 10 May 1857 in Blue Earth Twp. MN. She died on 05 Aug 1881 in Belle Plain, Minnesota, United States. 794. v. Sarah Martha Ives was born on 02 Jan 1829 in Russell, St Lawrence, New York, United States. She married Alvin Porter Davis in 1850 in Russell, NY. She died in Minnesota, United States. vi. James W Ives was born in Sep 1826. He died on 15 May 1828. vii. Luther Ives was born on 30 Jul 1825. He died in Nov 1864 in Goveneur, New York, United States. 795. viii. Eleanor Ives was born on 22 Oct 1822. She married David Farley about 1841. ix. Phineas Truman Ives was born on 07 Dec 1820. He died on 11 Dec 1827. x. Samuel M Ives was born on 17 Dec 1817. He died on 01 Sep 1845. xi. Mary Ives was born on 06 May 1816. She died in 1900. xii. Henry Ives was born on 30 Jul 1825. He died in Nov 1864 in GOVENEUR NY. 354. Mary Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Feb 1854 in CT, USA. Titus Ives son of Titus Ives and Martha Gaylord was born on 30 Nov 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Nov 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Titus Ives and Mary Ives were married in 1796 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Stephen Ives was born in 1797 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 May 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Luther Ives was born on 03 Aug 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 23 Jul 1877 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. Page 262 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Asahel Ives was born on 09 Jun 1812 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, United States. iv. Mary Ives was born on 06 Aug 1809 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Nov 1876 in New Lisbon, Ohio, United States. v. Stephen Ives was born on 21 Sep 1807 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Sep 1884 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Titus Ives was born on 30 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, United States. vii. Augustus Ives was born on 19 Jul 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Jun 1837 in Cheshire. viii. Benajah Ives was born on 26 Feb 1798 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Jul 1868 in Connecticut, United States. ix. Stephen Ives was born in 1797 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. x. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 17 Apr 1887 in Newton, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. xi. Isabella Ives was born in 1793 in Tioga, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. She died in Nov 1852 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 355. Ansel Wilmot Ives-6 (Aner-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Aug 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Feb 1838. Lucia Jones daughter of Perez Jones and Joanna Goodman was born on 03 Feb 1810 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Feb 1870. Ansel Wilmot Ives and Lucia Jones were married on 15 Oct 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Lucia Ives was born in 1837. ii. Louisa Ives was born in 1837 in New York City, , New York, USA. 796. iii. William Jay Ives was born in Jun 1832 in Vermont. He died on 06 Jan 1913. iv. Edward Ives was born in 1824 in New York City, , New York, USA. He married Elizabeth Hall on 15 Feb 1859 in Dorchester, Massachusetts. He died in 1901. v. Ansel Goodman Ives was born in Jul 1822 in Falls Church, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. He died in Jun 1914 in Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA. vi. David Ives was born in 1820 in New York City, , New York, USA. 797. vii. Malcom Ives was born in 1819 in New York City, , New York, USA. Page 263 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 798. viii. Joseph Christmas Ives was born on 25 Dec 1828 in Washington, District of Columbia, USA. He married Cora Matilda Semmes on 16 Jan 1855 in Georgetown, D.C.. He died on 12 Nov 1868 in Manhattan, Kings, New York, USA. ix. Leonard Wood Ives was born in 1835 in New York. He died on 05 Jul 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 356. Joseph Ives-6 (Aner-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Apr 1862 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Polly Hall was born in 1792 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died in 1880. Joseph Ives and Polly Hall were married in 1827 in Bethany,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 801. i. Harriet E Ives was born in 1844 in Kent,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. She married James Emerson Barker in 1863 in Kent,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. She died on 20 Sep 1882 in Kent,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. ii. Rachel Ives was born in 1848 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Lois Ives was born in 1846 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. William J Ives was born in 1840 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 802. v. Charity Ives was born in 1810 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married James Newell Barnes on 21 Nov 1827 in Amenia, New York. She died on 01 Feb 1868 in Columbia County, New York. 803. vi. George Edward Ives was born on 03 Aug 1845 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Nov 1894 in Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States. 804. vii. Morris Ives was born in 1836 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Almira Paine in 1861. He died on 05 Feb 1863 in Kent, Connecticut. 805. viii. James Ives was born on 12 May 1832 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1913 (Buried in Pine Swamp). 806. ix. Reuben Ives was born in Jan 1825 in Kent, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. x. Joseph Ives was born in 1830 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. xi. Lyman Ives was born in 1828 in Bethany, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Almenia Rich daughter of William Rich and Abigail was born on 11 May 1783 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 20 Mar 1872 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Ives and Almenia Rich were married on 29 Sep 1805 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: Page 264 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 799. i. ii. 800. iii. Henrietta Ives was born on 06 Oct 1812 in Bristol, CT. She married William Brown Carpenter on 06 Nov 1834. Celestia Ives was born on 25 Nov 1809 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Porteus Rowlet Ives was born on 08 Nov 1806 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah E Hungerford on 27 Dec 1853. He died in 1881 in Bristol, Hartford County, CT. 357. Titus H Ives-6 (Aner-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 Jul 1828 in New Milford, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. Mary was born about 1779 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in Connecticut. Titus H Ives and Mary were married in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 808. i. Mary Ives was born on 24 Jan 1806 in Montgomery, Ohio, United States. She married Timothy Clawson on 15 Mar 1827 in Montgomery Co, OH (marriage). She died on 20 Oct 1842 in Warren, Warren, Indiana, United States. 809. ii. Julia Ives was born in 1804 in New York, United States. She married Thomas Clawson in 1821 in Montgomery, Ohio, United States. She died in 1892. iii. George Ives. He married Rachel Clawson on 25 Dec 1822 in Montgomery County, Ohio. He died before 1840. 810. iv. Sally Ives was born on 17 Jun 1825 in New Milford, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. She married Ira B Foster on 15 Aug 1847. She died on 11 Aug 1898 in Bridgewater, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. v. Ursula Ives was born on 30 Aug 1806. She married Aurelius Williams on 18 Apr 1833. She died on 08 Apr 1870. vi. Orvilla Ives was born on 27 Sep 1810. He died on 17 Feb 1880. 811. vii. Althea Ives was born on 19 Aug 1808. She died on 05 May 1895 in Blanford home in Norwich, NY. viii. Brazilla Ives was born on 10 Mar 1816 in Pennsylvania. He died on 10 Dec 1882. ix. Franny Ives was born on 20 Aug 1813. She married Daniel Davis on 16 Dec 1838. She died on 14 May 1899 in Franklin Township, Pa. x. Melissa Ives was born on 17 Jun 1823. She married William Keen in 1845. 812. xi. Susan Ives was born on 29 May 1821 in Providence, Luzerne County, Pa. She married Cyrus P. Messenger in 1851. She died on 25 Mar 1901. Page 265 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Sally Hunter daughter of Nathaniel Hunter and Sarah Strong was born on 08 Jan 1798 in Sharon, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Titus H Ives and Sally Hunter married. They had the following children: 807. i. Irwin Ives was born on 30 May 1818 in Pennsylvania, United States. He married Lucinda Krotzer on 04 Sep 1842. He died on 15 Aug 1893. 358. Aner Ives-6 (Aner-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1766 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Nov 1805 in New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Sybil Smith Caswell daughter of Thomas Smith and Patience Prentice was born on 03 Jan 1766 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Oct 1855 in Franklin, Pennsylvania. Aner Ives and Sybil Smith Caswell were married in 1783. They had the following children: 813. i. Reuben Ives was born on 10 Jan 1799 in Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1886. ii. Nathaniel Ives was born on 05 Apr 1791 in Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1867 in Great Bend, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, USA. 814. iii. Caswell Ives was born on 12 Nov 1783 in Kent, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 May 1850 in Lawsville, Susquehanna, PA, USA. iv. Aner Henry Ives was born on 21 Jul 1800 in Kent, Connecticut. He died on 22 Apr 1879 in Falls Church, Virginia. 359. Asahel Ives-6 (Aner-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jun 1764 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Aug 1830 in Bethlehem, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Elsie Foote daughter of Abraham Foote and Abigail Rogers was born on 19 Oct 1756 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 19 Jan 1814 in Woodbury, Litchfield, Connecticut. Asahel Ives and Elsie Foote were married on 26 Jun 1784 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 815. i. Fanny Ives was born on 15 Feb 1790 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She married Samuel Easton on 13 Aug 1809 in Spencertown, NY.. She died on 06 Mar 1835 in West Martinsburg,,New York,USA. ii. Nancy Ives was born on 17 Jan 1800 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1803. iii. Harmon Ives was born on 31 Mar 1797 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Cynthia Ives was born on 23 Jan 1795 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Miles Bishop on 14 Sep 1822 in Woodbury, Litchfield, CT.. She died Y. v. Garret Ives was born on 19 Mar 1794 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 266 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 816. vi. Ansel Wilmot Ives was born on 31 Aug 1787 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Lucia Jones on 15 Oct 1818 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT.. He died on 05 Feb 1838. 817. vii. Amasa Ives was born on 15 Oct 1784 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 May 1872 in Indiana. 360. John Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1765 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Mar 1813 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Mary Thomas was born about 1770. John Ives and Mary Thomas were married on 30 Sep 1792 in Claremont, New Hampshire. They had the following children: 818. i. Warren Ives was born in 1799 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 Oct 1860 in Dickinson, Franklin, New York, United States. ii. Alvira Elizabeth Ives was born in 1796. iii. David Ives was born on 07 Jul 1796. He died on 10 Oct 1799. iv. John M Ives was born about 1801 in New Hampshire. He married Louisa Richardson on 17 Jan 1830 in Topsham, Orange, Vermont, USA. He died on 11 Jun 1890 in Goodhue County, Minnesota. v. Rhoda Ives was born in 1793 in Claremont, New Hampshire, USA. She married Abel Stearns on 17 Dec 1823 in Vermont, USA. She died on 24 Aug 1896 in Highgate, Vermont, USA. 819. vi. vii. Stephen Ives was born on 18 Aug 1803 in Clairmont, New Hampshire, USA. He married Sarah Nutt on 18 Jan 1836. He died on 30 Mar 1857 in Tipton, Cedar, Iowa, USA. Mary Ann Ives was born on 20 Dec 1812 in Salisbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States. She died on 12 Oct 1897 in Salisbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States. viii. Francis Ives was born in 1803. ix. William Ives was born in 1803. x. Harriet Ives was born in 1803. 361. Mary Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Jul 1763 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Apr 1837 in Morristown, Lamoille, Vermont, United States. Daniel Adkins son of John Adkins and Elizabeth Jerome was born on 17 Apr 1757 in Waterbury, New Haven, CT. He died on 28 Aug 1822 in Waterbury, Washington, VT. Daniel Adkins and Mary Ives were married about 1783. They had the following children: Page 267 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Alfred W. Atkins was born in 1796 in Claremont, NH. He died on 02 Jan 1862 in Waterbury, Washinton, VT. ii. Daniel Atkins was born in 1790 in Claremont, NH. He died on 01 Jul 1862 in Waterbury Center, Washington, VT. iii. Abigail Atkins was born about 1786 in Claremont?, NH. She died on 16 Feb 1857 in Waterbury, Washington, VT. iv. Josiah Atkins was born about Feb 1792 in Claremont?, , NH. He died on 09 Jun 1857 in Morrisville, Lamoille, VT. v. Joseph Ives Atkins was born on 29 Jun 1794 in Claremont?, , NH. He died on 27 May 1856 in Pierre-Point, St. Lawrence, NY. 362. Mamre Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Joseph-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Nov 1767 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 03 Feb 1855 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Zina Thomas son of John Thomas and Mary Hickok was born on 14 Oct 1767 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Oct 1828 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. Zina Thomas and Mamre Ives were married in 1786 in Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Phebe Thomas was born in 1808 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. She died on 29 Nov 1832. ii. Nancy Thomas was born on 22 Dec 1805 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. She died in Marquette, Wisconsin, United States. iii. Mary Thomas was born in 1804 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. She died in Marquette, Wisconsin, United States. iv. Ruth Thomas was born in 1801 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. She died on 02 Feb 1887. v. Zelinda Thomas was born on 15 Apr 1799 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. She died on 20 Aug 1842 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. vi. John Thomas was born on 01 Jul 1798 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. He died on 11 Sep 1828. vii. Fanny Thomas was born in 1797 in Chester, Windsor, Vermont, United States. She died on 05 Oct 1882 in Chester, Windsor, Vermont, United States. viii. Elizabeth Thomas was born in 1795 in Claremont, Sullivan, New Hampshire, United States. 363. Jesse Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Jan 1771 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 268 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Sophia Williams was born about 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died before 1860. Jesse Ives and Sophia Williams were married about 1794 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Charlotte Ives was born in 1820 in New York. ii. Frances Ives was born in 1815 in New York. iii. Hannah S. L. Ives was born on 21 Jan 1822 in Madison, Lake, Ohio. She married William A. Seaton on 15 Jun 1842 in Lorain County, Ohio. She died on 28 Feb 1849. 364. Mary Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1766 in Ruthland Norwich,Cornwall N L Vt,Connecticut,USA. She died on 15 Feb 1845 in Lamp Creek,Or Nauvoo,IA/IL. Jeremiah Bingham son of Joseph Bingham and Rachel Ween was born on 17 Apr 1760 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1813 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. Jeremiah Bingham and Mary Ives were married on 27 Nov 1786 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. They had the following children: i. Lucius Augustus Bingham was born on 01 Sep 1804 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 11 Apr 1857 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. ii. Aaron Bingham was born in 1802 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 08 May 1875. iii. Betsey Bingham was born in 1801 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. She died in 1870 in Vermont, United States. iv. Joseph Bingham was born in 1799 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 13 Dec 1862. v. James P Bingham was born on 29 Apr 1797 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died in Mar 1829. vi. Calvin Bingham was born in 1793 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died in 1820. vii. Laura Bingham was born on 12 Sep 1789 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. She died on 10 Jul 1790 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. viii. Lydia Bingham was born on 29 Nov 1787 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. She died on 06 Apr 1807. ix. Reuben Bingham was born in 1794 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 26 Aug 1844 in Henderson, Knox, Illinois, United States. Page 269 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 365. Jared Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Nov 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Feb 1813 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. Althea Bridge was born on 19 Mar 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Jul 1844 in Madison, Lake, Ohio. Jared Ives and Althea Bridge were married in Nov 1795 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. They had the following children: 820. i. Hiram Ives was born on 28 May 1797 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. He died on 12 Mar 1861 in Perry, Lake, Ohio. He married Sally Perry in Perry, Lake, Ohio, United States. 821. ii. Sophia Ives was born in 1800 in of Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. She married Foster Abbe on 24 Sep 1826 in , Geauga, Ohio. She died in Castle Rock, Dakota, Minnesota, United States. 822. iii. Jared Ives was born on 12 Mar 1800 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. He died on 25 May 1859 in Madison, Lake, Ohio. 823. iv. Violetta L. Ives was born in 1803 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. She married Norman Dodge on 01 Jan 1827 in , Geauga, Ohio. She died on 12 Aug 1832 in Madison, Lake, Ohio. 824. v. Horatio Gates Ives was born on 28 May 1810 in of Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. He married Sarah Perry on 09 Jun 1833 in Perry, Lake, Ohio, USA (Marriage). He died on 12 Mar 1848 in Madison, Lake, Ohio. vi. Anna Ives was born in 1811 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. 366. Enos Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1759 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Nov 1827 in Ellery, Chautauqua, New York, United States. Ruth Bingham daughter of Joseph Bingham and Rachel Ween was born in 1764 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United States. Enos Ives and Ruth Bingham were married in 1787 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 825. i. Almon Ives was born on 18 Aug 1788 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He married Nancy Tomblin on 06 Aug 1812 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 05 Mar 1864 in Amboy, Lee, Illinois, United States. 826. ii. Joseph Ives was born in 1790 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. iii. 827. iv. v. Polly Ives was born in 1792 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. She died in 1830. Sally Ives was born on 22 Feb 1792 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. She married Asa Landon in 1823. She died on 26 Sep 1867 in Kendall, Illinois, United States. Stephen Ives was born in 1796 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. Page 270 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 828. vi. Isaac Ives was born on 14 May 1798 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 28 Jul 1872 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He married Mehetable Moulton in ,,Vermont,USA. 829. vii. Enos Ives was born on 06 Jun 1800 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. He married Sylvia E Johnson in 1829. He died on 17 Dec 1870 in Aurora, Du Page, Illinois, United States. viii. Rachael Ives was born in 1802 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. 830. ix. Ruth Ives was born on 21 Oct 1808 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, United States. She died in Ellery, Chautauqua, New York, United States. 831. x. Lois Ives was born on 26 Feb 1810 in Cornwall, Addison Co., VT.. She married John L. Harris on 26 Mar 1829 in Jamestown, N.Y.. She died in 1884 in Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, United States. 367. Anne Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Apr 1757 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Jun 1821 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. Miles Baldwin son of Andrew Baldwin and Ann Merwin was born on 22 Apr 1754 in Milford, Amity, CT. He died in 1854 in VT. Miles Baldwin and Anne Ives married. They had the following children: i. Treat Baldwin was born on 25 May 1795 in Rutland, VT. He died after 1860 in MI (?). ii. Miles Baldwin. iii. Jesse Baldwin was born between 1770-1780. He died Y. iv. Andrew M. Baldwin was born between 1780-1790. He died Y. v. Truman Baldwin was born on 04 Aug 1793 in Rutland, VT. He died on 04 Mar 1897 in Whiting, Addison, VT. vi. Abigail Baldwin. vii. Anna Baldwin. viii. Betsey Baldwin. 368. Rebecca Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Jan 1755 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 01 Oct 1837 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. John Rockwell son of John Rockwell and Hannah Scott was born on 07 Apr 1755 in Ridgefield,Fairfield,Connecticut,USA. He died on 02 Sep 1825 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. Page 271 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) John Rockwell and Rebecca Ives were married on 22 Jul 1777 in Rutland,Rutland,Vermont,USA. They had the following children: 832. i. Moses Rockwell was born on 27 Oct 1790 in Cornwall,Addison,Vermont,USA. He married Hannah Burroughs in 1821 in Shoreham, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 12 Jan 1865 in Sparta,Monroe,Wisconsin,USA. ii. Abi Rockwell was born on 11 Mar 1798 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. She died in 1835 in Dexter, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA. iii. Sally Rockwell was born on 01 Sep 1795 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. She died in Granville, Addison, Vermont, USA. iv. Eli Rockwell was born on 04 Dec 1792 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. He died in 1873 in Lyndon, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA. v. John Rockwell was born on 02 Apr 1788 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. He died on 29 Nov 1862 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. vi. Abi Rockwell was born in 1787. vii. Sally Rockwell was born in 1786. viii. Chloe Rockwell was born on 17 Nov 1785 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. She died on 30 Dec 1872 in Hartford, Van Buren, Michigan, USA. ix. Rebecca Rockwell was born on 04 Mar 1783 in Lanesborough, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. She died in Malone, Franklin, New York, USA. x. Anne Rockwell was born in 1782. xi. Hannah Rockwell was born on 28 Sep 1778 in Lanesborough, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. She died in Jun 1867 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont, USA. 369. Elizabeth Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1752 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1790 in Cornwall, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Jabez Watrous was born in 1748 in Wallingford , New Haven , Connecticut. Jabez Watrous and Elizabeth Ives were married on 20 Aug 1787 in Cornwall, Vermont, United States. They had the following children: i. Anna Watrous was born on 11 May 1788 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. 370. Lois Ives-6 (Enos-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1790 in Cornwall, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Isaac Martin son of Robert Martin and Abigail Parker was born on 25 Apr 1748 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1811 in Reading,Steuben,New York,USA. Page 272 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:06 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Isaac Martin and Lois Ives were married on 21 May 1767 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Lucinda Martin was born on 03 Dec 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Montgomery, Ohio. 371. William Ives-6 (Andrew-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jul 1753 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1829 in Prospect, Connecticut, USA (Age: 76). Sarah Hotchkiss was born on 01 May 1756 in New Haven Co.,CT,USA. William Ives and Sarah Hotchkiss were married on 03 Jun 1778 in Congregational Church,Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT, USA. They had the following children: i. Sally Ives was born on 13 Jun 1795 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She died on 27 Sep 1801. ii. Dennis Ives was born on 22 Nov 1783 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. 833. iii. Almira Ives was born on 13 Oct 1786 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She married Isaac Judd in 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven County, CT. She died on 07 Mar 1873. 834. iv. Fanny Ives was born on 11 Feb 1790 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She married Miles Andrews on 28 Sep 1806 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She died on 06 Mar 1835 in Martinsburg, Lewis, New York, United States. 372. Joel Ives-6 (Andrew-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 May 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Aug 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Jerusha Rayee was born in 1756 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Ives and Jerusha Rayee were married on 29 Oct 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 837. i. Julianna Ives was born on 19 Apr 1806 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Elias Brooks on 26 May 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 14 Jan 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Ann Brooks daughter of Joshua Brooks and Abiah Clark was born on 25 Jul 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Ives and Ann Brooks were married in 1776 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 835. i. ii. Joshua Ives was born in 1778 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Rebecca Moss on 20 Oct 1808 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 21 Feb 1836 in Episcopal Gravey, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. Eunice Ives was born on 23 Jul 1791 in Cheshire, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Feb 1801 in Cheshire, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. Page 273 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. 836. iv. Eunice Ives was born on 05 Aug 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Feb 1781. Ann Brooks Ives was born in 1777 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Nov 1856 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 373. Sarah Ives-6 (Andrew-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 11 Aug 1818. Anthony Thompson son of John Thompson and Elizabeth Bradley was born on 20 Dec 1743 in New Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 07 Apr 1818. Anthony Thompson and Sarah Ives were married about 1773 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. They had the following children: i. James Thompson was born in 1781 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. ii. Roxana Thompson was born about 1783 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. iii. John Thompson was born about 1785 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. iv. Amos Thompson was born on 04 Jun 1774 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. v. Lowly Thompson was born on 21 Jul 1776 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. vi. Joel Thompson was born about 1778 in North Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. 374. Eunice Ives-6 (Andrew-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Apr 1745 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Mar 1816 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Ebenezer Cowles son of Ebenezer Cowles and Lydia Royce was born on 14 May 1746 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Aug 1798 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Ebenezer Cowles and Eunice Ives were married on 01 Dec 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Alfred Cowles was born in 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1830 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. ii. Lovina Cowel was born in 1787 in , , Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Dec 1853. iii. Ebenezer Howell Cowles was born in 1784 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Mar 1801 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. iv. Jerusha Cowles was born in 1779 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Jun 1852 in Camden, Oneida, New York, USA. v. Gideon Ives Cowles was born in 1778 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Sep 1800 in , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Page 274 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) vi. Levi Cowles was born in 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Nov 1833 in Plymouth, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. vii. Eunice Cowles was born in 1771 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Feb 1851. viii. Asahel Cowles was born on 27 Dec 1769 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1829 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Bishop was born in 1743 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Bishop and Eunice Ives married. They had no children. 375. Lent Ives-6 (Andrew-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jun 1758 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 09 Jun 1828 in Oneida, New York, United States. Hannah Burr daughter of Joseph Burr and Rebecca Bunnell was born on 18 Jun 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lent Ives and Hannah Burr were married on 02 Jul 1776 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Belinda Ives was born on 31 Dec 1791 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 838. ii. Thelus Ives was born on 17 Feb 1789 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He married Amarilla Slocum about 1812. He died on 13 Aug 1875 in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, United States. 839. iii. Jared Ives was born on 22 Aug 1786 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 840. iv. Elam Burr Ives was born on 23 Nov 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucinda Curtis Hamlin Follett on 01 Apr 1810 in Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada. He died on 08 Jun 1848 in Colborne, Ontario, Canada. v. Lydia Ives. vi. Lois Ives. 376. Lydia Ives-6 (Isaac-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Aug 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Mar 1804 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Charles Todd son of Jonah Todd and Lowly Harrison was born on 28 Aug 1752 in Northford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 12 Aug 1785 in Northford,,Connecticut,USA. Charles Todd and Lydia Ives were married in 1777 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Albert Todd was born on 02 May 1783 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Jul 1843. Page 275 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Mabel Todd was born about 1783. 377. Reuben Ives-6 (Isaac-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 03 Dec 1753 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Feb 1822 in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Lowly Hull daughter of John Hull and Lois Beadles was born on 04 Jun 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Reuben Ives and Lowly Hull were married on 23 Sep 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. Sybil was born about 1755 in Pittsfield,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She died on 17 Oct 1802 in Pittsfield,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. Reuben Ives and Sybil were married about 1789 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. They had the following children: i. Hiram Ives was born on 11 Apr 1790 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He married Lucinda Thayer on 31 Dec 1815 in Pittsford, Vermont. ii. Orrin Ives was born on 14 Sep 1793 in Pittsford Twp, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died in Apr 1850 in Stockbridge, Ingham, Michigan. 841. iii. Reuben Ives was born on 07 Mar 1798 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. iv. Erastus Ives was born about 1800 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. v. Philena Ives was born about 1802 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. 842. vi. Lydia Ives was born on 01 Jan 1782 in Vermont. She married Balch before 1862. She died on 26 Sep 1862. Rebecca Pierce was born about 1755 in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Reuben Ives and Rebecca Pierce were married on 05 Apr 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. Reuben Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. George Ives was born on 05 Jul 1788 in Meriden,CT,USA. 378. John Ives-6 (Isaac-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Dec 1748 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died in Jul 1808. Lois Hotchkiss daughter of Amos Hotchkiss and Obedience Munson was born on 02 Jul 1743 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Dec 1773 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Ives and Lois Hotchkiss were married on 01 Jan 1770 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. They had the following children: Page 276 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Maria Ives was born about 1777 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. ii. Sally Ives was born in Mar 1792 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She died on 27 Sep 1801. iii. John Ives was born on 20 Dec 1775 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He married Sarah Corey on 26 Feb 1797 in New Haven,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. iv. Sally Ives was born about 1777 in Cheshire,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. 843. v. Lois Ives was born about 1778 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She married Moses Sperry Beach in 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Maria Ives was born about 1794 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. She died on 09 Oct 1795. vii. Becca Ives was born on 27 Aug 1770 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. viii. Major Ives was born on 13 Feb 1772 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. ix. Rosalinda Ives was born on 20 Dec 1773 in Wallingford,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. 379. Isaac Ives-6 (Isaac-5, Thomas-4, Joseph Deacon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Apr 1747 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1806 in Tryon, , Prince Edward Island, Canada. Sarah Thompson daughter of Abel Thompson and Mary Merwin was born in 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1798. Isaac Ives and Sarah Thompson were married on 08 Dec 1771 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. 844. ii. Isaac Ives was born in 1775 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Ives was born in 1775 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Daniel Adams on 03 Oct 1794 in Maugerville, , New Brunswick, Canada. She died in 1850 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, United States. iii. Joseph Ives was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Thomas Ives was born in 1774 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. George Ives was born on 15 Apr 1773 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 845. vi. Charles Ives was born in 1776 in Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada. He married Frances Dawson in 1818. He died on 08 Feb 1869 in Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada. 380. Olive Ives-6 (Joel-5, Joel-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 Apr 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Sep 1856 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. Page 277 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) John Mix son of John Mix and Elizabeth Hall was born on 10 Apr 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. John Mix and Olive Ives were married on 06 Apr 1808 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. William Mix was born in 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. 381. Gideon Ives-6 (Joel-5, Joel-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Jun 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Nov 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Charlotte Hall daughter of David Hall and Thankful Moss was born on 24 Jul 1791 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Jul 1876 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Gideon Ives and Charlotte Hall married. They had the following children: 846. i. Gideon Ives was born on 29 Aug 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. He married Rachel Drury on 02 Jun 1853 in New Boston Cem., Mercer Co., Illinois. He died on 19 May 1897 in New Boston, Mercer Co, Illinois, USA. 847. ii. Stephen Hall Ives was born on 17 Mar 1823 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Dec 1900 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. iii. Charlotte Ives was born on 05 Sep 1820 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 May 1847 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 848. iv. Caroline Ives was born on 28 Jul 1818 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She married William Harrison Dennison on 27 Jul 1837 in , Mercer, Illinois, USA. She died in 1880 in Healdsburg, Sonoma, California, United States. v. Gideon Ives was born on 06 May 1816 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. He died on 11 Sep 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. vi. Lavinia Ives was born on 27 Nov 1813 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Sep 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. 849. vii. Ruth Ives was born on 21 Oct 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She married Harley Ives on 01 Jan 1827 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 30 Dec 1885 in Keithsburg or New Boston, Mercer Co, Illinois, USA. 850. viii. Ogden Ives was born on 21 Aug 1811 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. He married Caroline J. Gaylord on 14 Apr 1831 in Connecticut. He died on 02 Mar 1847 in New Boston, Mercer Co, Illinois, USA. 382. Butler Ives-6 (Joel-5, Joel-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 Aug 1846 in Lyons, Wayne, New York, USA. Olive Hall Moss daughter of Benajah Moss and Lois Hall was born on 19 Oct 1788 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 31 Aug 1846 in Lyons, Wayne, New York, USA. Butler Ives and Olive Hall Moss were married on 03 Dec 1807. They had the following children: Page 278 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 851. i. Amarilla Ives was born on 19 Jun 1808 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. She married Silas Morse on 16 Sep 1829 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Wisconsin. She died on 02 Jul 1880 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Wisconsin, United States. ii. Albert Ives was born on 26 Sep 1810 in Sheffield, , Massachussetts. He married Mary Cook on 14 Nov 1839 in Erie, , Pennsylvania. He died on 20 Mar 1901. iii. Joel Ives was born on 15 Sep 1812 in Sheffield, , Massachussetts. 852. iv. Holmes Ives was born on 03 Nov 1814 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts. He married Rosamond Frost on 25 Oct 1842 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. He died on 08 Dec 1889 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA. 853. v. William Ives was born on 10 Apr 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Maria Hyde in 1853 in Grosse Ile, Wayne, Michigan, USA. He died on 04 May 1874 in Gross Isle,, Michigan, USA. vi. 854. vii. Olive Ives was born on 16 Jun 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Thomas Crane on 24 Nov 1845 in Jefferson ., Wisconsin. She died on 11 Sep 1846 in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Wisconsin. Gideon Ives was born on 16 Nov 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Ann Silverthorn on 16 Dec 1845 in , Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA. He died on 02 Jun 1879 in Oakland, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA. 855. viii. Caleb Ives was born on 23 Apr 1827 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in Aug 1907 in Fort Thomas, Campbell, Kentucky, USA. ix. Butler Ives was born on 31 Jan 1830 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in Dec 1872 in Vallejo, Solano, California, USA. x. Deliah Ives was born on 03 Jan 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. xi. Aurilla Ives was born on 19 Jun 1808. She married Silas Morse on 16 Sep 1829 in Sheffield, Massachusetts. She died in Fort Atkinson, , Kansas, USA. 383. Seth Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Feb 1774 in New Hartford, Litchfield, CT. He died on 19 Apr 1819 in Sheldon,Wyoming,New York,USA. Lois Holcomb daughter of Amasa Holcomb and Lois was born on 11 Feb 1780 in Canaan,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. She died on 21 Jun 1861 in Hastings,Barry,Minnesota,USA. Seth Ives and Lois Holcomb were married in 1798. They had the following children: i. Riley H Ives was born in 1798 in Sheldon,Wyoming,New York,USA. He married Electa Mann in 1817 in Western, New York, United States. He died on 26 Sep 1857 in Clifton,Pierce,Wisconsin,USA. 384. Elias Elnathan Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Jan 1772 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Elias Elnathan Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: Page 279 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Elias Ives was born on 11 Feb 1799 in Meriden, Connecticut. 385. Noel Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Mar 1769 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Mar 1838. Eunice Miller daughter of Jacob Miller and Mary Crowell was born on 24 Aug 1776 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Sep 1855 in Middlefield, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Noel Ives and Eunice Miller were married on 31 Dec 1800 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. They had the following children: 856. i. Elizabeth Ann Ives was born on 23 Dec 1816 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. She married Ephraim Tuttle on 03 Jul 1834 in Middletown, Connecticut. She died on 19 Aug 1839. 857. ii. Delight Ives was born in 1810 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. She married Oren Camp on 29 Nov 1827 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut. She died in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 858. iii. Sherman Ives was born on 11 Feb 1804 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. He married Eunice Barnes on 15 Mar 1826 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut (Rev. E. Washburn). He died on 21 Oct 1871 in Middlefield, Middlesex County, Connecticut. 859. iv. Mary Ives was born on 13 Dec 1808 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. She married Alfred Griswold on 07 May 1826 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 860. v. Julius Noel Ives was born on 30 Oct 1801 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. He married Mary Ann Tryon on 17 Sep 1828 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA (Rev. H. Bangs). He died on 12 Sep 1878. vi. Henry Ives was born on 31 Jan 1815 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. He died in 1901. vii. Eunice Matilda Ives was born on 14 Aug 1806 in Middletown , Middlesex , Connecticut. She married Henry Smith on 24 Apr 1823 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 861. viii. Joseph Gilbert Ives was born on 10 Apr 1812 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He married Celestia Brooks on 28 Sep 1830 in Burlington , Hartford , Connecticut (Rev. Luther Mead). 386. Fitch Ives-6 (Elnathan-5, Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Nov 1763 in Connecticut. He died in 1810 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Clarissa Watrous was born in 1770 in Meriden,New Haven Co.,CT,USA. Fitch Ives and Clarissa Watrous were married about 1784. They had the following children: i. Clarissa Ives was born on 12 Jun 1789 in Ludlow,Windsor Co.,VT,USA. She died on 06 Oct 1868 in Middlefield,Middlesex Co.,CT,USA. Page 280 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Martha Ives was born on 03 Aug 1796 in Connecticut. She died on 12 Sep 1796 in Connecticut. 862. iii. Mary Ives was born in 1792 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Jeremiah Miller on 18 Mar 1842 in Middletown, Ct. She died on 10 May 1863 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 863. iv. Betsey Ives was born in 1791 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Jul 1825 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. 387. Phoebe Ives-6 (Josiah-5, Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 10 Sep 1778 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Mar 1848 in Machias, Cattaraugus, New York, United States. Richard Loomis son of Nathaniel Loomis was born on 04 Jul 1766 in ,,Connecticut,USA. He died on 27 Jan 1856 in Machias,,New York,USA. Richard Loomis and Phoebe Ives were married on 10 Sep 1795 in Luzerne,,Pennsylvania,USA. They had the following children: i. Betsey Loomis was born on 06 Nov 1801 in Luzeren,,Pennsylvania,USA. She died on 31 Mar 1880 in Machias,,New York,USA. ii. Edward Loomis. iii. William Loomis was born on 17 Jun 1804. iv. Alanson Loomis was born on 03 Nov 1797 in Lansing, Tompkins, New York, United States. He died in 1886 in Burr Oak, Mitchell, Iowa, United States. v. Amon Loomis was born on 27 Aug 1796. 388. Josiah Ives-6 (Josiah-5, Elnathan-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1770 in Bristol,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. He died in 1849 in Michigan, United States. Lucy Williams daughter of Elisha Williams and Desire Fish was born on 15 Dec 1768 in Middle Haddam,Middlesex,Connecticut,USA. She died in 1850 in Luzerne, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States. Josiah Ives and Lucy Williams were married on 26 Mar 1791 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. They had the following children: 864. i. ii. Almon Church Ives was born in 1812 in Lansing, Tompkins, New York, United States. He died in 1892 (Behind the Wyckoff mausoleum in Lake View Cemetery, Ithaca, NY (where his daughter Frances is buried) someone placed a memorial marker on the 100th anniversary of his birth. ?To do: see if cemetery has records of who placed the marker.). Richard J Ives was born in Feb 1810 in New York. He died on 05 Jun 1870 in Ithaca, Tompkins, New York. Page 281 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 865. iii. Josiah Joseph Ives was born on 11 Mar 1807 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. He married Mary Caughlin on 20 Dec 1828 in Luzerne,,Pennsylvania,USA. He died on 08 Dec 1892 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA. 866. iv. Hulda Ives was born on 28 Jul 1805 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. She died on 30 Dec 1886 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. 867. v. Joseph Ives was born in 1803 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. He married Elizabeth Barney about 1830. He died on 05 Sep 1880 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. 868. vi. Newell Ives was born on 25 Sep 1798 in Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States. He died on 25 Jun 1896 in New Hudson, Allegany, New York, United States. 869. vii. Martha Ives was born on 24 Jul 1796 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. She married Joshua Lamoreux on 12 Dec 1813. She died in 1852 in Jackson, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA. 870. viii. Orrin Almon Ives was born on 30 May 1791 in Plymouth, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States,. He married Mary Polly Gibbs in 1812 in Tompkins County, New York, USA. He died on 15 Apr 1859 in Stockbridge, Ingham, Michigan, USA. 871. ix. Henry B Ives was born on 24 Nov 1800 in Wyoming, Luzerne Co., PA,. He married Sarah Nichols in 1822. He died on 25 Feb 1863 in Belmont, Allegany Co., NY. 389. Henry Ives-6 (Erastus-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Mar 1820 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. He died on 30 Jul 1867. Chloe Horr daughter of Oliver Hoar was born in May 1820. She died on 14 Jan 1845. Henry Ives and Chloe Horr were married about 1840 in of Watertown, Jefferson, New York. They had no children. Margaret M. Steward daughter of William Stewart and Abigail Sheldon was born on 10 Feb 1826 in Oppenheim, , ,. She died on 05 Nov 1901. Henry Ives and Margaret M. Steward were married before 1867 in , Jefferson, New York. They had the following children: 872. i. Julia L. Ives was born on 17 Jan 1848 in Lyme, , New York, USA. She married George A Barker on 30 Jun 1870 in Saint Johns Dutch Reformed Church, Saint Johnsville, Montgomery, New York. She died on 05 Mar 1901. 873. ii. Chloe Ives was born on 17 Jan 1850 in Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA. iii. Viola D. Ives was born on 22 May 1852 in Lyme, New London, Connecitcut. She married John A. Lenox about 1873. 390. Julia Ives-6 (Erastus-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Mar 1817 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. She died on 23 Jun 1903 in Kamas, Summit, Utah. John Pack son of George Pack and Phylotte Greene was born on 20 May 1809 in St John, St John, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 04 Apr 1885 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Page 282 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) John Pack and Julia Ives were married on 10 Oct 1832 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. They had the following children: i. Joel Ives Pack was born on 09 Sep 1860 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. He died on 27 Jul 1871 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. ii. Sedenia Tamson Pack was born on 20 May 1858 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. She died on 30 Dec 1912. iii. Merrit Newton Pack was born on 01 May 1856 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. He died on 27 Sep 1929 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USA. iv. Erastus Frederick Pack was born on 17 Jun 1853 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. He died on 06 Aug 1940 in Tremonton, Box Elder, Utah, USA. v. Eleanor Philotta Pack was born on 22 Aug 1849 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. She died on 07 Jan 1922 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. vi. Don Carlos Pack was born on 22 Aug 1847 in Florence, Douglas, Nebraska, USA. He died on 20 Feb 1931 in Kamas, Summit, Utah, USA. vii. Julia Pack was born on 05 Oct 1845 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA. She died on 31 Aug 1846. viii. John Pack was born on 05 Oct 1843 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA. He died on 20 Nov 1921 in Kamas, Summit, Utah, USA. ix. George Caleb Pack was born on 06 Nov 1840 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA. He died on 21 May 1921 in Ioka, Duchesne, Utah, USA. x. Lucy Amelia Pack was born on 24 Jun 1837 in Kirtland, Geauga, Ohio, USA. She died on 16 Apr 1874 in Mendon, Cache, Utah, USA. xi. Ward Eaton Pack was born on 17 Apr 1834 in Watertown, Jefferson, NY, USA. He died on 16 Nov 1907 in Vernal, Uintah, UT, USA. 391. Jerome Ives-6 (Erastus-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Apr 1810 in Field Settlement, Jefferson, New York. He died on 05 Nov 1877 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. Chloe Holloway was born on 05 Nov 1814 in Ireland. She died on 18 Apr 1886 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Jerome Ives and Chloe Holloway were married in 1832 in Watertown,Jefferson,New York,USA. They had the following children: 876. i. Adelia Ives was born on 17 Feb 1837 in Field Settlement,,New York,USA. She married Francis L Ives in 1859 in Goshen,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. She died in 1923 in Watertown,,New York,USA. 877. ii. Franklin E Ives was born on 26 Sep 1845 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. He married Emogene Eliza Emma Coon on 13 Oct 1869 in Champion. He died on 02 Feb 1919 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Page 283 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Franklin J Ives was born on 16 Jan 1840. He died on 07 Jan 1843. iv. Lucy Ives was born on 10 May 1833. She died on 24 Aug 1853. Chloe Holloway was born on 05 Nov 1814 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. She died on 18 Apr 1886. Jerome Ives and Chloe Holloway married. They had the following children: 874. i. ii. 875. iii. Lucy Ives was born on 10 May 1833. Franklin J. Ives was born on 16 Jan 1840. He died on 07 Jan 1843. Franklin E. Ives was born on 26 Sep 1845 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. He married Emogene Eliza Coon on 13 Oct 1869 in Champion, , New York, USA. He died on 02 Feb 1919 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. 392. Joel Ives-6 (Erastus-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Oct 1806 in Connecticut. He died on 27 Apr 1871. Mary Ingalls daughter of Jonathan Ingalls and Lydia Smith was born on 26 Feb 1812 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. She died on 19 Feb 1843. Joel Ives and Mary Ingalls married. They had the following children: i. 878. ii. iii. 879. iv. v. Edward Ives was born on 25 Oct 1841. He died on 23 Apr 1843. Julia Ives was born on 02 Dec 1838 in Jefferson, New York, United States. She married Solomon Hobart Hall in 1859 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. She died on 29 Jun 1902. Amelia Ives was born on 31 Jul 1836 in New York. She died on 31 Oct 1854. Lydia L Ives was born on 21 Jan 1834 in Watertown, New York, USA. She married Riley Joel Horr on 14 Mar 1855 in , Jefferson, New York, USA. She died on 08 Nov 1897 in Ukiah, Mendocino, California, United States. Erastus Ives was born on 22 Jun 1831 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. He died on 10 Apr 1850. Sarah Dodge was born on 17 Apr 1823 in Pamelia, Jefferson, New York, United States. She died on 27 Mar 1891. Joel Ives and Sarah Dodge married. They had the following children: i. Brayton Willard Ives was born on 19 Aug 1858. He died on 02 Oct 1858. ii. Lucy A Ives was born on 10 Aug 1849. She died in 1873. iii. James Ives was born on 06 Jun 1848 in New York, United States. He died in 1893. Page 284 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Mary Ann Ives was born on 19 Jan 1847. She died in 1922. 393. Sarah Ives-6 (Enos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Sep 1789 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 20 Apr 1835 in Bristol,Connecticut. John Gridley Cowles son of Ozias Cowles and Lucy Gridley was born about 1789 in Kensington,Connecticut. He died on 22 Jul 1858 in Bristol,Connecticut. John Gridley Cowles and Sarah Ives were married in Sep 1815 in Bristol,Conecticut. They had the following children: i. Ellen M. Cowles was born on 25 Dec 1831 in Bristol, Connecticut. She died on 03 Jul 1860 in Norwich, Connecticut. ii. Ruth Annette Cowles was born on 10 Aug 1825 in Bristol, Connecticut. She died on 27 Jul 1857 in Plainville, Connecticut. 394. Eunice Ives-6 (Enos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Mar 1780 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 12 Jun 1843 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York, United States. Henry Orrin Hart son of Ambrose Hart and Mercy Bartholomew was born on 05 May 1789 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Nov 1870 in Canandaigua, Ontario, New York, United States. Henry Orrin Hart and Eunice Ives were married in Nov 1813 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Enos Ives Hart was born on 14 Sep 1822 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 May 1871. ii. Henry Cowles Hart was born on 19 Aug 1818 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iii. Harriet Ives Hart was born on 19 Aug 1818 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iv. George Hart was born on 20 Feb 1816 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Oct 1866 in Lodi, Seneca, New York, United States. v. Cornelia Mercy Hart was born on 05 Sep 1814 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 16 Feb 1869. 395. Keturah Ives-6 (Enos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 29 Sep 1839 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, USA. Asahel Barnes son of Asahel Barnes and Mercy Gridley was born on 21 Sep 1777 in North Haven, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Jun 1859 in Addison County, Vermont, USA. Asahel Barnes and Keturah Ives were married in 1799. They had the following children: i. Asahel Barnes was born on 10 Jan 1810 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Oct 1886 in Addison, Addison, Vermont, United States. Page 285 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Lucius Barnes was born in 1822. He died on 24 Jul 1838 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, United States. iii. Russell H Barnes was born in 1820 in New Haven, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 18 Jun 1881 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States. iv. Caroline Barnes was born in 1818. v. Adeline Barnes was born on 29 Aug 1816 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. vi. Henry Barnes was born in 1813. He died in Lake, Peoria, Illinois, United States. vii. Charles Barnes was born in 1812. He died on 20 Aug 1820 in Ohio, United States. viii. Elias Barnes was born in 1808. He died in Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States. ix. Julia Barnes was born in 1806. x. Elizabeth Ann Barnes was born on 30 Mar 1804. She died on 05 Jan 1875. 396. Charles Gandison Ives-6 (Enos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Oct 1781 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 07 May 1867 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Parthena Rich was born in 1782. She died on 29 Mar 1838 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Charles Gandison Ives and Parthena Rich were married on 14 May 1806 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. They had no children. Elizabeth Goodwin was born on 18 May 1811 in Litchfield, Litchfield Co., Ct. She died on 24 Sep 1867 in Bristol, Hartford Co., CT. Charles Gandison Ives and Elizabeth Goodwin were married on 27 Jan 1841 in Morris, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Goodwin Ives was born on 05 Feb 1853 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ii. Cornelius Ives was born on 04 Jun 1850 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Jan 1855 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iii. George Emerson Ives was born on 02 Jul 1845 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Jan 1855 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iv. Charles Grandison Ives was born on 18 Sep 1843 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Charles Gandison Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Angeline Ives was born on 20 Mar 1807 in Bristol, Connecticut. She died on 13 Mar 1861. Page 286 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 397. Orrin Ives-6 (Enos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Sep 1797 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 09 Mar 1867. Angeline Peck was born on 28 May 1799 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1861 in Connecticut. Orrin Ives and Angeline Peck were married on 23 Dec 1824 in Bristol. They had the following children: i. Enos Byron Ives was born on 08 Oct 1827 in Connecticut. He died on 27 Sep 1901. ii. Orrin Burdette Ives was born on 23 Aug 1830 in Connecticut. He died on 18 Apr 1896. 398. Joseph Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Nov 1782 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Apr 1862 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Notes for Joseph Ives: General Notes: From ACI, p. 134 -clock manufacturer; first president of Bristol Manufacturing Company Almenia Rich daughter of William Rich and Abigail was born on 11 May 1783 in Bristol, Connecticut. She died on 20 Mar 1872 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Ives and Almenia Rich were married on 29 Sep 1805 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 880. i. ii. 881. iii. iv. Henrietta Ives was born on 06 Oct 1812 in Bristol, CT. She married William Brown Carpenter on 06 Nov 1834. Celestia Ives was born on 25 Nov 1809 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Porteus Rowlet Ives was born on 08 Nov 1806 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah E Hungerford on 27 Dec 1853. He died in 1881. Harriet A Ives was born on 15 Sep 1816 in Bristol, Connecticut. 399. Philotheta Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Apr 1790 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 09 Jan 1828 in Mayfield, Fulton, New York. Samuel Root son of Moses Root and Esther Mitchell was born on 08 Jun 1785 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Jan 1829 in Mayfield, Fulton, New York, United States. Samuel Root and Philotheta Ives were married on 06 Apr 1815 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Nelson Root was born on 24 Aug 1827 in Mayfield, Fulton, New York, USA. He died on 19 Jan 1828. ii. Joel H Root was born on 05 Dec 1822 in Mayfield, Fulton, New York, USA. Page 287 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Samuel Emerson Root was born on 12 Oct 1820 in Mayfield, Fulton, New York. He died on 07 Apr 1896 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. iv. James Edward Root was born on 18 Aug 1817 in Milton, Saratoga, New York, USA. 400. Ira Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Apr 1775 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Aug 1848 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Cynthia Shailer daughter of Joseph Shailer and Rachel Hough was born on 02 Jan 1780 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Apr 1863 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Ira Ives and Cynthia Shailer married. They had the following children: 882. i. Charlotte Lucinda Ives was born in Sep 1825 in New York. She married George W Goodrich in 1849. 883. ii. Ira A Ives was born about 1815 in Bristol, Connecticut. He died before 1856. iii. Joseph Shaler Ives was born about 1807 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Joseph Shaler Ives: General Notes: From ACI, p. 137 -bought in Morrisiana (town "West Farms"), Westchester County, New York Sep 8, 1848 iv. Edward C Ives was born in 1803 in Hampden, Connecticut. He died on 11 Dec 1878 in Connecticut (Age: 75). 884. v. Belinda Ives was born in 1798 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 27 Dec 1872 in Shelby, Massachusetts, United States. 885. vi. Richard Ives was born in 1800. He married Emeline Beckwith on 18 Aug 1825 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 11 Oct 1848 (buried at Old North Cemetery, Bristol, CT). 401. Chauncey Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Jun 1787 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 25 May 1857 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Notes for Chauncey Ives: General Notes: From ACI, page 134 -clock manufacturer; operated in lands, Kings County, NY with Lawson C Ives; family members Hartford church 1845-1855 Amanda Clark was born in 1797 in Bristol, New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 10 Jan 1864 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, USA. Chauncey Ives and Amanda Clark were married on 10 May 1826. They had the following children: i. Celestia A Ives was born in Feb 1836 in Connecticut. Page 288 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Ellen A Ives was born in 1831 in New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Theodore A Ives was born in 1831 in Bristol, New Haven, CT, USA. He died in 1860. 887. iv. Adrian Chauncey Ives was born on 13 Apr 1829 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Mar 1871 in Augusta, Richmond, Georgia. Sabrina Root daughter of Moses Root and Esther Mitchell was born on 16 Oct 1792 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Apr 1821 in Bristol, Massachusetts, USA. Chauncey Ives and Sabrina Root were married on 02 Sep 1816 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. 886. ii. Sabrina R Ives was born in 1821 in Connecticut. She died after 1900 in Connecticut. Antoinette M Ives was born in 1820 in Connecticut, USA. 402. Shailer Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jul 1785 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 25 Aug 1840 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States. Eliza Warren Stevens daughter of Jabez Stevens and Esther Bemis was born on 05 Apr 1804 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 19 Jan 1865 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States. Shailer Ives and Eliza Warren Stevens were married on 09 Jan 1821 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States. They had the following children: 888. i. Eliza W. Ives was born about 1828 in New York. She married Edward P. Pratt on 18 Dec 1845 in Ross County, Ohio. 889. ii. Martha Amelia Ives was born on 23 Oct 1823 in Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United States. She married Joshua Seney on 04 Nov 1841 in Ross County, Ohio, USA. She died on 29 Mar 1905 in Springfield Township, Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USA. 403. Piera Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 Jun 1792 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Root son of Moses Root and Esther Mitchell was born on 25 Sep 1790 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Root and Piera Ives were married on 17 May 1815. They had the following children: i. Anna Piera Root was born on 11 Jan 1832 in Whitesboro, Oneida, New York, USA. She died on 24 Aug 1833. ii. Caroline Philothela Root was born on 15 Mar 1830 in Whitesboro, Oneida, New York, USA. iii. Hinsdale Silliman Root was born on 28 Nov 1825 in Whitesboro, Oneida, New York, USA. Page 289 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Philo Ives Root was born on 29 Dec 1822 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Aug 1833 in Whitesboro, Oneida, New York, USA. v. Eliza Anne Root was born on 23 Mar 1819 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 31 Jul 1819 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 404. Philo Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Jun 1780 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Apr 1822 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Lois E Upson daughter of Benjamin Upson and Mary Blakeslee was born in 1782 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Jan 1811 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Philo Ives and Lois E Upson were married on 03 Oct 1803 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 890. i. Theron Ives was born on 13 Feb 1807 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He married Martha A Boardman on 11 Sep 1838. He died on 21 Mar 1882 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA. ii. Lois Sophia Ives was born in 1814 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Zenas P Ives was born in 1812 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Apr 1842 in Connecticut. iv. Philander Ives was born in 1806 in , Saratoga, New York, USA. 891. v. Lawson Cheney Ives was born on 12 Jun 1804 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He married Marietta Thorp on 28 Oct 1828 in Bristol, Connecticut. He died on 01 Aug 1867 in Connecticut, USA. 405. Hiram Ives-6 (Moses-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Nov 1799 in Bristol, Connecticut. He died in 1835. Harriet Bryan daughter of Ezra Bryan and Sarah was born in 1800 in Bristol, Connecticut. Hiram Ives and Harriet Bryan married. They had the following children: i. 892. ii. iii. Charlotte Celia Ives was born on 03 Oct 1830 in Bristol, Connecticut. Herbert Ives was born on 11 May 1832 in Bristol, Connecticut. He married Mrs Ives in 1855. James H Ives was born in Dec 1835 in New Haven, Connecticut. 406. Newton Ives-6 (Moses-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 Dec 1794 in Bristol, New Havenb, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Sep 1857. Lucy B was born about 1796 in Massachusetts. Newton Ives and Lucy B were married in 1817. They had the following children: Page 290 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Elbert G Ives was born about 1825 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Jul 1864. ii. Enos B Ives was born in Oct 1821 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He married Lydia M in 1846. He died in 1899. iii. Edward Lucius Ives was born on 17 Mar 1821 in Onandaga Hill, Onondaga, New York, USA. He died in 1821. iv. Electa Ann Ives was born on 13 Dec 1817 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. She died on 31 Jan 1831. Catharine A was born about 1835. Newton Ives and Catharine A married. They had the following children: i. Hiram Ives was born about 1853. 407. Emmeline Ives-6 (Moses-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Sep 1802 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died before 1831. Joseph Haven Smith. He died on 17 Jun 1838. Joseph Haven Smith and Emmeline Ives married. They had the following children: i. Susan Emmeline Smith was born on 08 Feb 1831 in New York. She died on 11 May 1904. ii. Lydia Annette Smith was born on 13 May 1829 in New York. She died on 17 Feb 1912 in Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga, Ohio. 408. Annah Carrington Ives-6 (Moses-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born about 1810 in New York. She died on 19 Mar 1899. Myron Soule son of Latten Soule and Lydia Leech was born in 1805 in Dover, Dutchess, New York, United States. He died on 23 Mar 1863 in Russell, Michigan, United States. Myron Soule and Annah Carrington Ives were married on 28 Jan 1847. They had no children. Joseph Haven Smith. He died on 17 Jun 1838. Joseph Haven Smith and Annah Carrington Ives were married on 30 Oct 1831 in Onandaga County, New York. They had the following children: i. Clarissa Annah Smith was born on 06 Jan 1838 in O. She died on 30 Dec 1913. ii. Levant Moses Smith was born on 01 Jan 1835 in Maryland. He died on 31 May 1905. iii. Jane Priscilla Smith was born on 11 Oct 1833 in New York. 409. John Collins Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Apr 1780 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Jan 1861 in Oswego, Oneida, New York. Page 291 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Notes for John Collins Ives: General Notes: settled in Oswego, 1827 Lucy Coe daughter of Zechariah Coe and Miriam Calkins was born on 07 May 1791 in Burlington, Otsego County, New York--America. She died on 27 May 1846 in Peoria, Peoria, Illinois, United States. John Collins Ives and Lucy Coe married. They had the following children: 893. i. Maria L. Ives was born in Dec 1821 in New York. She married Charles W. Coe in 1847. 894. ii. Rebecca Ives was born on 30 Jan 1816 in New York. She married Robert Van Horne on 26 Feb 1840. 895. iii. John Garrett Ives was born on 22 Mar 1818 in Oswego, Oneida, New York, United States. He died on 29 Mar 1898 in Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, United States. 410. Amos Quincy Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in Jan 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Jun 1849 in Gray Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. Mary Polly Jackson daughter of John Jackson and Eva Still was born in 1800 in North Carolina, United States. She died in North Carolina, United States. Amos Quincy Ives and Mary Polly Jackson were married on 01 Nov 1819 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. They had the following children: i. Zebulon P Ives was born in 1844 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. He died on 21 Jul 1861 in Prince William County, Virginia, USA (First Bull Run). ii. Isabella Ives was born in 1842 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. iii. Henry Ives was born in 1840 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. iv. George Ives was born in 1834 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. 896. v. Samuel Spencer Ives was born on 05 Aug 1832 in Centre Star, Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. He married Mary Lucile Kennedy on 09 Jan 1874 (Reverend J. W. Whitten, pastor of Driskill's Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, performed the ceremony.). He died on 23 Mar 1917 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. vi. John D Ives was born in 1829 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. He married Elizabeth Powell on 25 Dec 1859 in , Conway, Arkansas, USA. He died on 10 Sep 1862 in Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, USA (Union Hospital). vii. Emily A Ives was born in 1828 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. She married Thomas Trusdel on 06 Feb 1848 in , Lauderdale, Alabama, USA. viii. Sarah Ives was born in 1823 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. Page 292 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ix. 897. x. Shaylor J W Ives was born in 1821 in Florence, Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. He died in Alabama, United States. Amos Quincy Ives was born on 16 Aug 1826 in Alabama. He married Amanda Marie Andrews on 21 Oct 1859 in Lauderdale, Alabama. He died on 24 Nov 1900 in Bentley, Conway, Arkansas, United States. 411. Orrin Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Sep 1797 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 09 Mar 1867. Angeline Peck daughter of Samuel Peck and Hannah Manross was born on 28 May 1799 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1861. Orrin Ives and Angeline Peck were married on 23 Dec 1824 in Bristol. They had the following children: i. 898. ii. Orrin Burdette Ives was born on 23 Aug 1830 in Connecticut. He married Alice J Hawley on 08 Oct 1872. He died on 18 Apr 1896 in Connecticut. Enos Byron Ives was born on 08 Oct 1827 in Connecticut. He married Aurelia E Jones on 14 Nov 1854 in Meriden, Connecticut. He died on 27 Sep 1901. 412. Sarah Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Sep 1789 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 20 Apr 1835 in Bristol,Connecticut. John Gridley Cowles son of Ozias Cowles and Lucy Gridley was born about 1789 in Kensington,Connecticut. He died on 22 Jul 1858 in Bristol,Connecticut. John Gridley Cowles and Sarah Ives were married in Sep 1815 in Bristol,Conecticut. They had the following children: i. Ferdinand Cowles was born in Jul 1821 in BRISTOL, HARDFORD, CONNECTICUT. He died in 1874 in BRISTOL, HARDFORD, CONNECTICUT. 413. Charles Gandison Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Oct 1781 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. He died on 07 May 1867 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. Elizabeth Goodwin daughter of Erastus Goodwin and Olive Sanford was born on 18 May 1811 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 24 Sep 1867 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Charles Gandison Ives and Elizabeth Goodwin were married on 27 Jan 1841 in Morris, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Goodwin Ives was born on 05 Feb 1853 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ii. Cornelius Ives was born on 05 Jun 1850 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Jan 1855 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. iii. George Emerson Ives was born on 02 Jul 1845 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Jan 1855 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Page 293 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Charles Grandison Ives was born on 18 Sep 1843 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Parthenia Rich was born in 1782. She died on 29 Mar 1838 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Charles Gandison Ives and Parthenia Rich were married on 14 May 1806 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: 899. i. ii. Angeline Ives was born on 20 Mar 1807 in Bristol. She married George Wells Bartholomew on 13 Jan 1829 in Bristol. She died on 13 Mar 1861. Harriet Ives was born on 30 Dec 1810 in Bristol, Connecticut. 414. Eunice Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Mar 1780 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 12 Jun 1843 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York, United States. Henry Orrin Hart son of Ambrose Hart and Mercy Bartholomew was born on 05 May 1789 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Nov 1870 in Cauandaigua, New York, United States. Henry Orrin Hart and Eunice Ives were married in Nov 1813 in Bristol,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. George Hart was born on 20 Feb 1816 in Bristol, Conn. He died on 26 Oct 1866 in Lodi NY. ii. Enos Ives Hart was born on 14 Sep 1823. He died on 03 May 1871. iii. Harriet Hart was born on 19 Aug 1818. iv. Henry Cowles Hart was born on 19 Aug 1818 in Indiana. v. Cornelia Hart was born on 05 Sep 1814. 415. Keturah Patty Ives-6 (Amos-5, Gideon-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 29 Sep 1850 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States. Asahel Barnes son of Asahel Barnes and Mercy Gridley was born on 21 Sep 1777 in Bristol, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Mar 1851 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States. Asahel Barnes and Keturah Patty Ives were married in 1799. They had the following children: i. Lucius Barnes was born in 1822. He died on 24 Jul 1838 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, United States. ii. Russell H Barnes was born in 1820 in New Haven, Addison, Vermont, United States. He died on 18 Jun 1881 in Lincoln, Addison, Vermont, United States. iii. Caroline Barnes was born in 1818. Page 294 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Adeline Barnes was born on 29 Aug 1816 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. v. Henry Barnes was born in 1813. He died in Lake, Peoria, Illinois, United States. vi. Charles Barnes was born in 1812. He died on 20 Aug 1820 in Ohio, United States. vii. Asahel Barnes was born on 10 Jan 1810 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Oct 1886 in Addison, Addison, Vermont, United States. viii. Elias Barnes was born in 1808. He died in Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States. ix. Julia Barnes was born in 1806. x. Elizabeth Ann Barnes was born on 30 Mar 1804. She died on 05 Jan 1875. 416. Erastus Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Nov 1780 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Sep 1828 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Lucy Paine daughter of Ephraim Paine and Mary Thompson was born on 25 Dec 1782 in Amenia, Dutchess, New York, United States. She died on 20 Oct 1839 in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States. Erastus Ives and Lucy Paine were married on 08 Dec 1805. They had the following children: 900. i. Henry Ives was born on 20 Mar 1820 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. He married Chloe Horr in 1844. He died on 30 Jul 1867. 901. ii. Julia Ives was born on 08 Mar 1817 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. She married Merrit Newton Pack in 1897. She died on 23 Jun 1903 in Kamas, Summit, Utah, United States. 902. iii. Jerome Ives was born on 17 Apr 1810 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. He married Chloe Holloway in 1832 in Watertown,Jefferson,New York,USA. He died on 05 Nov 1877 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, United States. 903. iv. Joel Ives was born on 20 Oct 1806 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Sarah Dodge in 1871 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. He died on 27 Apr 1871. 417. Titus Howell Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Oct 1778 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Feb 1847 in Watertown, New York. Mary Polly Phelps was born on 22 Sep 1779 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 14 Oct 1863 in Watertown, New York. Titus Howell Ives and Mary Polly Phelps were married about 1801. They had the following children: i. Willard Ives was born on 07 Jul 1806 in Jefferson County, New York. He married Charlotte Winslow in Dec 1827 in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York. He died on 19 Apr 1896 in Watertown, New York. Page 295 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 904. ii. Howell "Hoel" Ives was born between 1801-1809 in New York. He died in 1848 in Randolph County, Indiana. 418. Jotham Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Jun 1777 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 15 Apr 1841 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Amy Scott daughter of Abel Scott and Anna Perkins was born on 06 Jun 1777 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 Sep 1864 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. Jotham Ives and Amy Scott were married in 1800 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. They had the following children: 905. i. Amanda Ives was born on 02 Mar 1802 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. She died on 07 Apr 1880. 906. ii. Garrett Ives was born on 08 Jan 1806 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Louisa Read in 1836 in Watertown, New York. He died on 28 May 1889 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USA. iii. Amy Ann Ives was born on 06 Aug 1816 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Apr 1831 in Watertown, Jefferson, New York. 419. Anna Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Sep 1771 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died in Aug 1859 in Madison, Madison, New York, United States. Samuel Hall son of Brenton Hall and Lament Collins was born on 10 Jun 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 07 Jul 1841 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States. Samuel Hall and Anna Ives were married on 05 Oct 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Samuel S Hall was born on 26 Jan 1810 in Brookfield Town, Madison, New York, United States. He died in Nov 1887 in Brookfield Town, Madison, New York, United States. ii. Anna Hall was born on 08 Jul 1807 in Brookfield Town, Madison, New York, United States. She died on 27 Jun 1831. iii. Joel Hall was born on 25 Feb 1805 in Chenango Co now, Madison, New York, United States. He died on 24 Feb 1817 in Brookfield Town, Madison, New York, United States. iv. Hiram Hall was born on 27 Jun 1802 in Chenango Co now, Madison, New York, United States. He died on 26 Apr 1835 in Houndsfield, Jefferson, New York, United States. v. Ira Hall was born on 26 Aug 1800 in Chenango Co now, Madison, New York, United States. He died on 19 Apr 1879 in Hounsfield, Jefferson, New York, United States. vi. Martia Hall was born on 04 Apr 1798 in Chenango, Madison, New York, United States. She died on 21 Feb 1834 in New York, United States. Page 296 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) vii. Levi Hall was born on 15 Dec 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 14 Jul 1806 in Brookfield Town, Madison, New York, United States. 420. Joel Ives-6 (Jotham-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 May 1770 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 04 May 1804 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA. Anna Goodwin daughter of Isaac Goodwin and Mercy Merrill was born in 1769 in West Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1849 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. Joel Ives and Anna Goodwin were married in 1795 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. They had the following children: 907. i. ii. 908. iii. Lucy Ives was born in 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Benjamin Maxson in 1825 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 25 Aug 1845 in Hounsfield, Jefferson, New York, USA. Joel Ives was born in 1798 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. Julia Ives was born on 10 Nov 1796 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA. She married Marvin Scott in 1817 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. She died on 22 Mar 1885 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. 421. Nancy Ives-6 (Abner-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Jul 1785 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, United States. She died on 11 Nov 1858 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. Levi Bostwick son of Azariah Bostick and Rebecca Warner was born on 23 May 1771 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA. He died on 24 Feb 1839 in Canaan, Columbia, New York, USA. Levi Bostwick and Nancy Ives were married on 14 Sep 1805 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, USA. They had the following children: i. Levi Bostwick was born in 1805 in Maryland, USA. He died on 29 May 1897 in Clay City, Illinois, USA. 422. Eunice Ives-6 (Abner-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1769 in Torrington. She died on 03 Nov 1825 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Gaylord son of Timothy Gaylord and Phebe Wilton was born on 24 Apr 1758 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 25 Mar 1838 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Joseph Gaylord and Eunice Ives were married on 24 Apr 1792. They had the following children: i. Joseph Ives Gaylord was born on 12 Sep 1793 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Feb 1860 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. ii. Aletia Gaylord was born on 04 Mar 1801 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. iii. Willard Gaylord was born on 21 May 1799 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Nov 1882 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Page 297 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 423. Charlotte Ives-6 (Abner-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Feb 1781 in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 30 Aug 1847 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. Beebe Wadhams son of Soloman Wadhams and Abigail Beebe was born on 21 Apr 1781 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Dec 1859 in Richmond, Massachusetts. Beebe Wadhams and Charlotte Ives were married on 15 Mar 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Caroline Wadhams was born on 17 Jun 1803 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. ii. Henry Beebe Wadhams was born on 09 Mar 1805 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. iii. Julius A. Wadhams was born on 19 Nov 1809 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Mar 1811 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. iv. Willard Wadhams was born on 14 Jan 1815 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. He died on 17 Nov 1842 in Texas. v. Albert Ives Wadhams was born on 17 Jun 1819. 424. Shelburne Ives-6 (Abner-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Feb 1783 in Torrington, Connecticut. He died between 1860-1870 in New York. Ann Pease daughter of Ebenezer Pease and Huldah was born in 1784 in Connecticut, United States. Shelburne Ives and Ann Pease married. They had the following children: i. Henry Ives was born about 1830 in Oneida, New York, United States. ii. Helen Ives was born between 1825-1829 in Oneida, New York, United States. iii. Ann E Ives was born about 1829 in Oneida, New York. iv. James Ives was born between 1820-1822 in New York, United States. v. Edward S. Ives was born about 1818 in New York, United States. 425. Catherine Ives-6 (Abner-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Aug 1778 in Torrington, Connecticut. She died on 17 Dec 1839 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. Levi Scott son of Amos Scott and Lois Fenn was born on 03 Jul 1775 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Feb 1847 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. Levi Scott and Catherine Ives were married in 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Caroline Louisa Scott was born on 27 Aug 1823 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States. She died on 22 Jul 1837 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, USA. Page 298 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:07 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Levi Jr Scott was born on 14 Nov 1820 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States. iii. Catherine E Scott was born on 25 Oct 1818 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. She died on 17 Nov 1896 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States. 909. iv. Joel Ives Scott was born on 17 Aug 1815 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. He married Nancy Ann Clark on 14 Jan 1837 in Bridgewater, Oneida, NY. He died on 01 Sep 1894 in Salem, Olmsted, Minnesota. v. Shelburn J Scott was born on 19 Aug 1813 in Madison City, Madison, New York, United States. He died on 11 Nov 1894 in Clinton, De Kalb, Illinois, United States. vi. Welcome Scott was born on 26 Sep 1811 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States. He died in Jun 1880 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States. vii. Demedici Deme Dicy Dicey Scott was born on 21 Jun 1807 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. She died on 05 Mar 1885 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York, United States. viii. Tracy Scott was born on 14 Mar 1803 in Brookfield, Madison, New York, United States. He died on 11 May 1876 in Shell Rock, Butler, Iowa, United States. ix. Lois Scott was born on 22 May 1800 in Bridgewater, Madison County, New York, United States. She died on 22 Jun 1900 in Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, United States. 426. Jesse Ives-6 (Abner-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 30 Oct 1770 in Torringford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Nov 1863 in Bridgewater, Oneida, New York. Elizabeth Fitch daughter of Abner Fitch and Elizabeth Root was born on 23 Apr 1776 in Coventry, Tolland County, Connecticut, US. She died on 29 Mar 1845 in Bridgewater, Oneida County, New York, US. Jesse Ives and Elizabeth Fitch were married on 22 Feb 1800. They had the following children: i. Charlotte Ives was born on 04 Jul 1807 in Bridgewater, Oneida County, New York, US. ii. Fanny Ives was born on 12 Jul 1805 in Whitestown, Oneida County, New York, US. She died on 28 Oct 1870 in Bridgewater, Oneida County, New York, US. 427. Jesse Ives-6 (Zachariah-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Dec 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 12 Feb 1836 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Marilla Johnson daughter of Stephen Johnson and Elizabeth Jordon was born on 18 Sep 1781 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 12 Oct 1865 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Jesse Ives and Marilla Johnson were married on 16 Sep 1804 in Southington,Hartford,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 910. i. Lyman Ives was born in 1817 in Connecticut. He married Betsey Sanderson on 30 Dec 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 299 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 911. ii. iii. 912. iv. Almon Ives was born in 1815 in Cheshire, Connecticut. Rosetta Ives was born in 1812. Jotham Ives was born on 07 Sep 1808 in Meriden, New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He married Mary Royce Way on 13 Dec 1835 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 May 1864 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 428. Jared Ives-6 (Zachariah-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Feb 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 26 May 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Achsah Doolittle daughter of Benjamin Doolittle and Lydia Ives was born on 23 Jul 1769 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Mar 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Jared Ives and Achsah Doolittle were married about 1790 in Connecticut. They had the following children: 913. i. ii. 914. iii. Augustus Ives was born about 1802 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Delia Scott on 04 Nov 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Jun 1837 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Jared Ives was born in 1800 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Charlotte Peck on 19 Nov 1823 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Jun 1861. Chauncey Alson Ives was born on 28 Apr 1795 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Bedotha Tuttle on 08 Oct 1829 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 May 1864. Phebe Andrews was born before 09 Jul 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1844 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Jared Ives and Phebe Andrews were married on 06 May 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT, USA. They had no children. 429. Reuben Ives-6 (Zachariah-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Oct 1761 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 14 Oct 1836 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Susanna Anna Maria Marshall daughter of John Rutgers Marshall and Sarah Bryan was born on 19 Feb 1768 in Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Aug 1849 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Reuben Ives and Susanna Anna Maria Marshall were married on 25 Jan 1789 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 915. i. Sarah Maria Ives was born about 1790 in Hartford, Hartford, CT. She married Asa Johnston Driggs on 09 Feb 1829 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT. She died on 25 Oct 1829 in Cheshire, New Haven, CT. 430. Chloe Climelia Ives-6 (Zachariah-5, Jotham-4, Gideon-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Feb 1844 in Pickensville, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. Page 300 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) John Harvey Ariail son of Jean Baptiste Mathias Ariail and Hannah Rich was born on 26 Mar 1775 in Southington, Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 29 Aug 1836 in Pickensville, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. John Harvey Ariail and Chloe Climelia Ives were married on 18 Nov 1800 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States (ceremony performed by Rev. Joseph Lathrop). They had the following children: i. John Harvey Jr. Ariail was born on 29 Jun 1804 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Aug 1870 in Pickens, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. ii. Sarah Jane Ariail was born on 29 Apr 1830 in Pickensville, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. She died on 17 Sep 1862 in Pickensville, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. iii. Clifford D Ariail was born on 24 Jul 1926 in Georgia. He died on 09 Jun 1996 in Norcross, Gwinnett, Georgia, United States of America. iv. Clinton Ariail was born on 01 Aug 1927. He died on 01 Aug 1927. v. James Ariail. vi. Ira Vandiver Ariail was born in Jan 1871 in Georgia. He died on 01 Jul 1953 in Fulton, Georgia. vii. Andrew Daniel Ariail was born in 1844 in Georgia, United States. He died in 1876 in Fulton, Georgia, United States. viii. William Henry Harrison Ariail was born on 25 Apr 1813 in South Carolina, USA. He died on 09 Aug 1891 in Banks, Georgia, USA (Age: 78). ix. Luke Ives Ariail was born on 14 Apr 1810 in South Carolina, USA. He died in 1891 in Easley, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. x. Elizabeth Ariail was born in 1808 in Pickens County, South Carolina, United States of America. She died in 1808 in Pickens County, South Carolina, United States of America. xi. Climelia Parthenia Abigail Ariail was born on 01 Oct 1814 in , Pickens, South Carolina, USA. She died on 18 May 1896 in , Pickens, South Carolina, USA. xii. Parthenia Aurelia Ariail was born on 29 Oct 1845 in Pickens, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. She died on 27 Aug 1931 in Easley, Pickens, South Carolina, United States. 431. Amos Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 28 Aug 1768 in New Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1819 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Still farther north, near the Newburg line, lived a man named Ives, who died in 1819. He had a son named Erastus.). Margaret. Amos Ives and Margaret married. They had the following children: i. Laura Ives. Page 301 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Fanny Ives. iii. Cynthia Ives. iv. Sebe Ives was born in 1803. 916. v. Clarissa Ives was born in 1793 in Connecticut, United States. 917. vi. Erastus Pharaoh Ives was born on 28 Jan 1803 in Utica, Oneida, New York, USA (Still farther north, near the Newburg line, lived a man named Ives, who died in 1819. He had a son named Erastus.). He died on 04 Mar 1883 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States. 432. Ruth Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 02 Apr 1761. She died on 29 Aug 1843. Reuben Hart son of Nathaniel Hart and Alice Hall was born on 04 Jul 1763 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 May 1836 in Goshen,,Connecticut,USA. Reuben Hart and Ruth Ives were married in Nov 1784 in New Hartford,,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: i. Reuben Hart was born on 02 May 1803 in Goshen,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. ii. Seelye Hart was born on 02 Jan 1798 in of Goshen, Litchfield Co., CT. 433. Seth Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jan 1774 in Meriden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 19 Apr 1819 in Sheldon,Wyoming,New York,USA. Lois Holcomb daughter of Amasa Holcomb and Lois Heath was born on 11 Feb 1780 in Canaan,Litchfield,Connecticut,USA. She died on 21 Jun 1861 in Hastings,Barry,Minnesota,USA. Seth Ives and Lois Holcomb were married in 1798. They had the following children: 918. i. ii. 919. iii. Riley Harrison Ives was born in 1798 in Sheldon, Wyoming, New York, USA. He married Electa Mann in 1817 in New York, United States. He died on 26 Sep 1857 in Clifton, Pierce, Wisconsin, USA. Calvin Ives was born in 1819. Russell Ives was born on 24 Sep 1816 in Litchfield, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucretia Kilbourn on 12 Jan 1840 in Java, Wyoming, New York, United States. He died on 20 Mar 1907. 434. William Walter Ives-6 (John-5, Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Dec 1779 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 03 Mar 1862 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Polly Yale daughter of Stephen Yale and Phebe Hart was born on 03 Sep 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on Unknown. Page 302 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) William Walter Ives and Polly Yale were married on 09 Jan 1800. They had the following children: 923. i. Wooster Yale Ives was born on 15 Feb 1811 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Eliza Bartholomew on 29 Apr 1833 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Nov 1885 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 924. ii. Harriett Ives was born on 27 Sep 1807 in Wallingford,Connecticut. She married Joseph Addis about 1831. She died on 29 Nov 1843 in Connecticut, USA. Lowly Bartholomew daughter of Isaac Bartholomew and Martha Moss was born on 05 Aug 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Jun 1831 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. William Walter Ives and Lowly Bartholomew were married on 09 Jan 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 925. i. Aurelia Ives was born on 11 Aug 1809 in , , Connecticut, USA. William Walter Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Wooster Ives was born on 16 Feb 1779 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 10 Apr 1809 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. William Walter Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. 920. ii. iii. 921. iv. Eliza Ann Ives was born on 27 Oct 1823 in New Haven, Connecticut. Milo Ives was born on 24 Jan 1819 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Ann Benham in 1851 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 May 1859 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lucretia Ives was born on 14 May 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Louisa Ives was born on 29 Nov 1813 in Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. She married Hart F Pease in 1836 in Cheshire, Connecticut, USA. She died after 1836. v. Martha Patty Ives was born on 10 Aug 1805 in New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Lucinda Ives was born on 25 Nov 1801 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 922. vii. William Walter Ives was born on 03 Dec 1816 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Sarah Goodsell Bartholomew on 24 Mar 1841 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 21 Dec 1880 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 435. James Ives-6 (John-5, Abel Obed-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 03 Oct 1775 in Connecticut. He died on 17 Oct 1820 in Springfield Twp, Portage, Ohio. Notes for James Ives: Page 303 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) General Notes: From: l=en&ei=dMdFTvj-AeuPsALiirmSCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CD0Q6AEw BDgK#v=onepage&q=%22James%20Ives%22%20Vermont&f=false pp. 776-779 was a native of Vermont and in his early days was a sailor and after leaving the sea became a farmer; p. 776 Anna Ashley daughter of Elisha Ashley and Beulah Dewey was born on 22 Jan 1782 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. She died on 22 Sep 1822 in Springfield, Portage, Ohio, United States. James Ives and Anna Ashley were married on 25 Feb 1799 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont, USA. They had the following children: 926. i. Anna Ives was born in 1800 in Wells, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She died on 08 Sep 1836. 927. ii. John Ives was born on 03 Jul 1802 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont. He died on 09 Apr 1889 in Pittsfield, Lorain, Ohio, United States. 928. iii. Colonel Lewis Lyon Ives was born in 1807 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Nov 1870 in Eaton County, Michigan. 929. iv. Ashley Elisha Ives was born on 12 Feb 1809 in Connecticut, USA. He died on 21 Oct 1863 in Wayne Twp, Henry, Iowa, USA. 930. v. Caroline D. Ives was born in Oct 1809. She died on 06 Aug 1847 in Kent, Portage, Ohio, United States. 931. vi. Abbey Ann Ives was born on 08 Dec 1811 in Connecticut, USA. She died on 26 Mar 1864 in Nashville, Barry, Michigan, USA. 932. vii. William Augustus Ives was born on 11 Aug 1813 in Wallingford Conn, Stoney Creek. He died on 05 Jun 1897 in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, USA. 933. viii. Susan Ives was born in 1816 in Ohio, USA. She died between 1880-1900. ix. Sally Ives was born in 1819 in Ohio. 436. Hiram Ives-6 (David-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Dec 1797 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Apr 1857 in Baltimore, New York, United States. Deborah Merrill was born about 1800. She died in Feb 1878. Hiram Ives and Deborah Merrill were married in 1825. They had the following children: i. Phineas Ives was born on 05 Dec 1828 in NY Granville. Page 304 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. 934. iii. Clarissa Ives was born in 1832 in NY, Granville. She died in 1888. Julia Ives was born on 12 Nov 1833. She married Samuel Jay Standish on 19 Nov 1857. She died on 11 Jul 1866. iv. Lucy Ives was born in 1836. v. Eglah Ives was born on 11 Jul 1826. 437. David Ives-6 (David-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 22 Jun 1781 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Joanna Smith daughter of Caleb Smith and Sarah Mallory was born on 06 May 1779 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, USA. She died in 1812 in , Rutland, Vermont, USA. David Ives and Joanna Smith married. They had no children. David Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: 935. i. David Ann Ives was born in Oct 1809 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He married Sarah A. Lanham on 13 Apr 1842 in Gonzales, Gonzales, Texas, USA. He died in Sep 1852 in , Lavaca, Texas, USA. 438. James Ives-6 (David-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 Jul 1779 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1828 in GRIFFINS MILLS, ERIE, NEW YORK. Lucy Brewer daughter of Jonathan Brewer and Lucy Royce was born in 1781. She died in 1830 in GRIFFINS MILL, ERIE, NEW YORK. James Ives and Lucy Brewer were married on 21 Oct 1804 in Tinmouth, Rutland County, Vermont. They had the following children: 936. i. Mary Joan Ives was born on 09 Oct 1822 in GRIFFINS MILLS, AURORA, ERIE, NEW YORK. She married Orson Bennett Baker in 1839 in GRIFFINS MILLS, ERIE, NEW YORK. She died on 08 Jan 1873 in CASSADAGA, STOCKTON, CHAUTAUQUA, NEW YORK. 937. ii. William Ives was born on 09 Feb 1817 in Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York. He married Mary Olive Winslow on 01 Jun 1844 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. He died on 21 Aug 1916 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. iii. Lucy Ives was born about 1806. iv. Eliza Ives was born about 1809. v. Edward Ives was born about 1811. 938. vi. James Ives was born on 31 Aug 1810 in Middletown, Rutland County, Vermont. He died in Jun 1879 in Genesee Falls, Wyoming County, New York. Page 305 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 439. Jared Ives-6 (David-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 May 1777 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, United States. He died on 15 Apr 1852 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Joanna Smith daughter of Caleb Smith and Sarah Mallory was born on 06 May 1779 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, United States. She died in 1812 in Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Jared Ives and Joanna Smith married. They had the following children: 946. i. ii. 947. iii. Caleb Smith Ives was born on 25 Sep 1798 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He married Katherine Duncan Morrison on 06 Feb 1834. He died on 22 Aug 1849 in Tinmouth, Ruthland, Vermont. Elizabeth Ives was born on 09 May 1801 in Hoosick, , Ny. She died in , , VA. Abiel Ives was born on 12 Jan 1803 in Hoosick, New York. She died in Texas. iv. Harriet Ives was born on 04 Sep 1805 in Hoosick, , Ny. She died on 11 Dec 1831 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA. v. Samantha Ives was born on 19 Feb 1810 in Hoosick, , Ny. She died on 13 Dec 1884 in Poultney, Rutland, Vermont, USA. 948. vi. Jared Ives was born on 04 Apr 1812 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died on 03 Oct 1876 in Brandon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. 949. vii. David Ives was born in Oct 1809 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. He died in Sep 1852 in Lavaca, Texas, United States. Betsey Vaughn daughter of Benjamin Vayghn and Mary Bennett was born on 24 Feb 1779 in Savoy, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 18 Jul 1828 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Jared Ives and Betsey Vaughn were married on 03 Apr 1811 in Tinmouth, Vermont. They had the following children: 941. i. ii. 942. iii. iv. Jared P Ives was born on 04 Apr 1812 in Tinmouth, Vermont. He died on 03 Oct 1876 in Brandon, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Sarah Ives was born in 1814. William Ives was born on 20 Jan 1818 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont. He married Eunice Jane Petty Snodgrass on 11 Oct 1843. He died on 25 Aug 1873 in Volcano, Amador, California. Jane Ives. 943. v. Orson C Ives was born in 1820 in Tinmouth, Vermont. He died on 27 Sep 1887 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. 944. vi. Mary Ives was born in 1824 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. She died on 11 Aug 1846 in Wells Township, Rutland, Vermont. Page 306 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 945. vii. Merritt Clark Ives was born on 25 Mar 1824 in Tinmouth, Vermont. He married Marion Collins on 21 Dec 1856 in Waterbury, Conn. He died on 20 Sep 1892 in Middle Granville, NY. Elizabeth Cone daughter of Enoch Cone and Elizabeth Cook was born on 09 Sep 1793 in Poultney, Vermont. She died on 08 Sep 1875 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Jared Ives and Elizabeth Cone were married in 1828 in Tinmouth, Vermont. They had the following children: i. Eliza Cone Ives was born on 25 Dec 1829 in Tinmouth, Rutland, VT. She died on 15 Oct 1863 in Vermont, United States. 939. ii. Frances Cone Ives was born on 14 Sep 1831 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married Deacon William Grant on 17 Oct 1855. She died on 05 Oct 1915 in Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA. 940. iii. Enoch Cone Ives was born on 23 Apr 1833 in Tinmouth, Rutland, VT. He died on 09 Jan 1890 in Tinmouth, Vermont. 440. Levi Ives-6 (David-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1783 in Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died on 24 Mar 1840 in New York (Age at Death: 50). Electa Post daughter of Elias Post and Martha Porter was born on 01 Mar 1791 in Vermont. She died on 19 Jul 1875 in Wallingford, Rutland, Vermont, USA (Age: 84). Levi Ives and Electa Post were married on 22 Nov 1812 in Tinmouth, Rutland, VT. They had the following children: i. 950. ii. Elizabeth Ives was born on 27 Sep 1757 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 17 Jun 1842. Franklin Ives was born on 23 Dec 1813 in New York. He married Ann Cluff on 06 Dec 1838. He died in May 1864 in Salisbury, North Carolina (Prisoner). iii. Hiram Ives. iv. John Ives was born on 09 Jul 1815 in Tinnmouth Twp, Rutland, Vermont. He died on 24 Dec 1879 in Vermont. v. Henry Ives. He died in Vermont. vi. Quincey Ives was born in 1828. He died on 06 Sep 1831 in New York. vii. Theda Ives. viii. Eliza Ives. She died in California. ix. Mary Ives. x. Levi Ives was born on 26 Sep 1817 in Tinnmouth Twp, Rutland, Vermont. Page 307 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 441. Asahel Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Jan 1773 in North Adams, Berkshire, Ma. He died on 28 Nov 1844 in North Adams, Berkshire, Ma. Lydia Slocum daughter of Ebenezer Slocum and Sarah Wood was born on 01 Sep 1782 in Russia, Herkimer, New York, United States. She died on 28 Nov 1844 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Asahel Ives and Lydia Slocum were married in 1804. They had the following children: i. Vanda Ives. She married William Dean on 27 May 1824. She died on 11 Dec 1863 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. ii. Susannah Ives was born in 1818. She died on 04 May 1887. 951. iii. iv. 952. v. David Ives was born about 1813 in North Adams. He married Elvira P Shippee on 13 Sep 1848 in Colrain, Franklin, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 22 Jul 1889 in North Adams, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 76). James Ives was born in 1810. He died on 27 Feb 1839. Thomas Hart Ives was born on 07 Jan 1806 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He married Keziah Alden on 03 Jun 1829 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts. He died on 18 Feb 1870 in Haydenville, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States. vi. Aurilla Ives was born in 1804. She died on 16 Jan 1890 in North Adamas, Massachusetts. vii. Daniel Ives was born in 1797. He married Mary Stanton on 10 Sep 1840. He died on 04 May 1877 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusettes, USA. viii. Maude Ives was born in 1796. She died in 1797. 953. ix. Norman Ives was born on 05 Feb 1808 in New York, United States. He married Clarrisa Cronk about 1830. He died on 28 Mar 1870 in Fayette, Fayette, Iowa, United States. 442. Betsy Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jul 1795 in North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 26 Sep 1880 in Belle, Plain, Iowa, USA. Jesse K Roberts son of Amasa Roberts and Keturah Lindsay was born on 19 Oct 1787 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1852 in Ft Atkinson, Jefferson, Wisconsin, USA. Jesse K Roberts and Betsy Ives were married on 08 Jan 1815 in Madison, New York, USA. They had the following children: i. Franklin Jesse Roberts was born on 07 Nov 1815 in Smithfield, Madison, New York, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1903 in Belle Plaine, Benton, Iowa, USA. 443. Amasa Ives-6 (Amasa-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1770 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 30 Dec 1851 in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., New York. Betty White was born in 1766. She died on 29 Dec 1851 in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., New York. Page 308 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Amasa Ives and Betty White were married in 1783. They had the following children: 954. i. Loraine Peck Ives was born on 07 Apr 1808 in Fenner, Madison, New York, USA. She died in 1851. 955. ii. Cynthia Myria Ives was born on 05 Nov 1813 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. She married Henry Nelson Hunt in 1835 in Poland, Chautauqua, New York, USA. She died on 12 Jun 1856 in Poland, Chautauqua, New York, USA. 956. iii. Stephen Ives was born in 1800. He died in 1884. 957. iv. Samuel Ives was born on 08 Aug 1800 in Delaware, New York, United States. He married Nancy C. Forshee on 21 Dec 1831. He died on 12 Sep 1864 in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., New York. 444. Mary Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Mar 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 18 Feb 1854 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Titus Ives son of Titus Ives and Martha Gaylord was born on 30 Nov 1769 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 27 Nov 1815 in Cheshire,,Connecticut,USA. Titus Ives and Mary Ives were married in 1796 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 961. i. Isabella Ives was born in 1793 in , Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. She married Chester W Giddings in 1815 in , Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. She died in Nov 1852 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. 962. ii. Luther A Ives was born on 03 Aug 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Laura A Barnes on 19 Nov 1840 in Cheshire, Connecticut. He died on 23 Jul 1877 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. iii. Asahel Ives was born on 09 Jun 1812 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, USA. 963. iv. Mary Ives was born on 06 Aug 1809 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Samuel Hopkins Hickox on 20 Apr 1831 in Cheshire, Connecticut. She died on 21 Nov 1876 in New Lisbon, , Ohio, USA. v. Stephen Ives was born on 21 Sep 1807 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Louisa Plum on 27 Mar 1831 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1884 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Titus Ives was born on 30 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Aug 1827 in , , Connecticut, USA. 964. vii. Augustus Ives was born on 19 Jul 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Delia Booth on 04 Nov 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Oct 1840 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio, USA. Page 309 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 965. viii. Benajah Ives was born on 26 Feb 1798 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Ann Beach in Nov 1820 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Jul 1868 in , , Connecticut, USA. ix. Stephen Ives was born in 1797 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 May 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. x. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Abigail Bristol on 11 Nov 1821 in Connecticut. He died on 17 Apr 1887 in Newton, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Titus Ives was born on 30 Nov 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 27 Nov 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Titus Ives and Mary Ives married. They had the following children: i. Stephen Ives was born in 1797 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1805 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Luther Ives was born on 03 Aug 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Laura Barns on 19 Nov 1840 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Jul 1877 in Brookfield, Tioga, Pennsylvania, United States. iii. Asahel Ives was born on 09 Jun 1812 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 05 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, United States. iv. Mary Ives was born on 06 Aug 1809 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Samual Hickox on 20 Apr 1821 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 21 Nov 1876 in New Lisbon, Ohio, United States. v. Stephen Ives was born on 21 Sep 1807 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Louisa Plum on 27 Mar 1831 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1884 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Titus Ives was born on 30 May 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 06 Aug 1827 in Connecticut, United States. 958. vii. Augustus Ives was born on 19 Jul 1802 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Delia Booth on 04 Nov 1824 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Oct 1840 in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio, United States. 959. viii. Benajah Ives was born on 26 Feb 1798 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Ann Beach in Nov 1820 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Jul 1868 in Connecticut, United States. 960. ix. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Abigail Bristol on 11 Nov 1821 in Connecticut. He died on 17 Apr 1887 in Newton, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 445. Isaac Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Stephen-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Sep 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 310 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Prue Blakeslee daughter of Eli Blakselee and Lettice Curtis was born on 25 Jun 1775 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 28 Aug 1808. Isaac Ives and Prue Blakeslee were married in 1797. They had the following children: 966. i. ii. Stephen Ives was born on 25 Jul 1800 in Oneida, New York. He married Harriet Hall in 1823. He died in 1874 in Batavia, New York. Susannah Ives was born on 01 Jun 1802 in Oneida, New York. 446. Simeon Hall Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 31 Aug 1780 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 23 Jan 1864 in Dardanelle,Yell,Arkansas,USA. Apluma Shepard daughter of Ashbel Shepard and Joanna Stanley was born on 31 Jul 1788 in West Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Oct 1869 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. Simeon Hall Ives and Apluma Shepard were married on 09 Jan 1804 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. They had the following children: i. Harriet M Ives was born on 31 Aug 1814 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. She married Alanson F Benjamin in 1835 in Freetown, New York. She died in Mar 1901. ii. Mary Ives was born on 29 Mar 1820 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. She married Chauncey Smith in 1841. She died on 17 Jun 1872. 967. iii. Chauncey Ives was born on 08 Jun 1816 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. He married Harriet E Tuttle on 11 Feb 1839 in Salifbury, Herkimer, NY. He died on 11 Oct 1891 in Fairfield, Herkimer, NY. 968. iv. Delight Ives was born on 19 Sep 1806 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. She married Daniel Smith in Mar 1827. She died on 10 Feb 1894. 969. v. Kilbourn Ives was born on 06 Mar 1805 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He married Lorana Johnson in 1844 in Norway, Herkimer Co., New York. He died on 31 Jan 1877 in Cortland Co., New ¥ork. 970. vi. Amos Ives was born on 09 Mar 1813 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. He married Joanna Bunce on 19 Dec 1862 in Norway,Herkimer,New York,USA. He died on 13 Mar 1882 in Norway, Herkimer, N.Y.. 971. vii. Jason S Ives was born on 02 Aug 1823 in Norway, Herkimer Co., NY. He married Roselia Nancy Root on 02 Jan 1850 in Norway, Herkimer Co., NY. He died on 13 Mar 1886 in Norway, Herkimer, NY.. 972. viii. Eliza Ives was born on 25 Nov 1809 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. She married Josiah Crosby in 1830. She died on 23 Aug 1837. 973. ix. Martha Ives was born on 29 Mar 1820 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. She married Thomas Tillinghast in 1841 in Cortland,Cortland,New York,USA. She died in 1886 in Cortland, New York, USA. Page 311 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 447. Amos Quincy Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born in Jan 1775 in Salisbury,Herkimer, New York. He died on 09 Jun 1835 in Norway Township, Herkimer, New York, USA. Notes for Amos Quincy Ives: General Notes: From: -Source: Pension Certificate No. 20001, issued July 27, 1833, rate $61.66 per annum, commenced March 4, 1831, Act June 7, 1833, New York Agency Pertinent Genealogical Info: * Resident of the Town of Salisbury, Herkimer Co., NY on 20 Oct 1832 * In 1776, resided in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT * Born 11 Aug 1749 in Wallingford * Resided in Wallingford, before, during and after the revolution * A few years after the Rev. War he removed to Salisbury * Resided in Salisbury 38 or 39 years * Died 14 Mar 1841, leaving children (names not stated) From: Hardin's History of Herkimer County: Amos Ives was a native of Wallingford, Conn., and came to Salisbury in the spring of 1795, settling about two miles north of Salisbury Corners, where he was a successful farmer. He died at the residence of his son at Salisbury Corners in March, 1841. He was the father of seven sons and one daughter. Truman Ives was his youngest son and was three years old when his father settled in Salisbury. He learned the trade of wool-carding and cloth-dressing and in 1818 established that business about half a mile north of Salisbury Corners, which he successfully carried on until 1860. He was also an extensive farmer and owned a large estate, which he transferred to his sons, John and James H., in 1860. Anson Ives was an elder brother of Truman, and the following interesting reminiscences were published by the Little Falls Journal and Courier in 1876, in a reference to him: ***** He was a son of Amos and Lucy Ives, and was born in Walling ford, Conn., March 19, 1785. He was the fifth of a family of eight children, Amos, Ambrose, Simeon, Lucy, Anson, Orren, Samuel and Truman, all of whom are now deceased except Truman, the youngest, who is in vigorous health at eighty-six. All lived to a ripe old age. This family of ten persons removed from their home in Connecticut to this county in May, 1795, coming the whole distance in a cart drawn by two oxen and one horse. The journey to Little Falls required fourteen days. From this place to Salisbury was almost an unbroken wilderness, the route having to be followed by marked trees. They were one day in going two miles and put up for the night at a tavern kept by a man by the name of Doxtater, a short distance north of the present residence of Chauncey Cook. On the next day they reached Burrell's Corners and tarried over night in the small red house (still standing) just east of the old church which was burned fifteen or eighteen years ago. The day following they arrived at the happy home of Atwater Cook, the elder, grandfather of James J. Cook, esq., who admitted them to a share in his log cabin. Here they resided several months, until they could erect a log house of their own on a lot adjoining, purchased of Mr. Cook. They had all been neighbors and intimate friends in Connecticut. Anson while yet a boy left his father's house and went to Greene county, where he resided five years. From there he went to Onondaga county, N. Y., where he and two brothers contracted to chop eight hundred cords of wood. Here he was drafted into the United States service and stationed at Oswego, remaining there till peace was declared. For this service he received a land warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of land and a pension of $12 per month to the time of his decease. ***** Page 312 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) It is from the Ives family that Ives Hollow takes its name, and there John and James H. Ives established several industries. They became very large land owners, engaged extensively in dairying, owned large interests in several cheese factories, carried on mills and also extended their business operations into other parts of the country. John Ives was twice supervisor of the town and James H. held the same office four terms and was sheriff of the county. Source: Genealogy of the Ives Family Including a History of the Early Settlements and the movement from Quinnipiac to the Black River Country, by Arthur Coon Ives, copyright 1932, 326 pages. A lot more detailed information about Amos Ives of Salisbury and his descendants are recorded in this book. Amos Ives [Amos, Caleb, Nathaniel, John, William] was born 1 Aug 1750 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT. He married Lucy Hall. Amos was a Revolutionary War Veteran. He continued to reside in Wallingford until a few years after the Revolution. In the spring of 1795 he settled in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., NY where he died on 14 Mar 1841. Children of Amos Ives and Lucy Hall: 1. Amos Ives, b. Jan 1775, m. Lydia 2. Ambrose Ives, b. 16 Mar 1778, m. Olive Maxwell 3. Simeon Hall Ives, b. 1 Sep 1780, m. Apluma Sheppard 4. Lucy Ives, b. 18 Oct 1783, m. Stiles? 5. Anson, b. 19 Mar 1785, m. Ruthem Smith - 1812 soldier 6. Orrin, b. 24 Aug 1787, m. Mary 7. Samuel, b. 18 Feb 1790, m. Clarissa 8. Truman, b. 25 Jun 1792, 1m. Roxana, 2m. Nancy Mary Polly Jackson daughter of John Jackson and Eva Still was born in 1800 in North Carolina. She died in North Carolina. Amos Quincy Ives and Mary Polly Jackson were married on 01 Nov 1819 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. They had the following children: i. Zebulon P Ives was born in 1844 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, USA. He died in 1861 in Lauderdale County, Alabama. ii. Isabella Ives was born in 1842 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. iii. Henry Ives was born in 1840 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. iv. George Ives was born in 1834 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. v. John D Ives was born in 1829 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. vi. Emily A Ives was born in 1828 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. She married Thomas Trusdel on 06 Feb 1848 in , Lauderdale, Alabama, USA. 976. vii. Amos Quincy Ives was born on 16 Aug 1826 in Alabama. He married Amanda Marie Andrews on 21 Oct 1859 in Lauderdale, Alabama. He died on 24 Nov 1900 in Bentley, Conway, Arkansas. viii. Sarah Ives was born in 1823 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. Page 313 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ix. 977. x. Shaylor J W Ives was born in 1821 in Florence, Lauderdale, Alabama. He died in Alabama. Samuel Spencer Ives was born on 05 Aug 1832 in Centre Star, Lauderdale Alabama. He married Amanda Elizabeth Mitchell on 25 Sep 1857. He died on 23 Mar 1917 in Lauderdale, Alabama, United States. Lydia Jane was born in 1777 in , Herkimer, New York, USA. She died on 16 Jul 1842 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. Amos Quincy Ives and Lydia Jane were married in 1798 in , Herkimer, New York, USA. They had the following children: 974. i. Alvah Ives was born in Oct 1805 in Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 17 Sep 1841 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. 975. ii. Rachel Ives was born on 19 Sep 1803 in , Herkimer, New York, USA. She died on 31 May 1890 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. 448. Lucy Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Oct 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 12 Aug 1870 in Herkimer, New York, USA. John Barnes was born on 22 Aug 1783 in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Jun 1861 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. John Barnes and Lucy Ives married. They had the following children: i. George W Barnes was born on 01 Jan 1821. He died on 20 Oct 1883. Stiles. Stiles and Lucy Ives married. They had no children. 449. Truman Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Jun 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 May 1880 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Roxanna Smith daughter of Jared Smith and Dorcas Johnson was born on 12 Dec 1792 in Connecticut. She died on 12 Mar 1839 in Norway, Herkimer, NY. Truman Ives and Roxanna Smith married. They had the following children: 978. i. ii. 979. iii. Addison Ives was born on 27 Mar 1829 in Salisbury, Herkimer, NY. He died on 04 Jun 1830 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York. John C Ives was born on 25 Aug 1826 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York. He married Sarah M. Cook on 29 Sep 1859 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York. He died on 19 Apr 1891 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York. James H. Ives was born in Jun 1824 in Salisbury, Herkimer, NY. He married Julia Luan Burrell in 1847. He died on 08 Oct 1912 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Page 314 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 980. iv. Harriet M. Ives was born on 12 Nov 1822 in Salisbury, Herkimer, NY. She married Ward Rice in 1839. She died on 20 May 1840 in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., New York. Nancy Bowlsby daughter of John Bowlsby and Jennett Gilchrist was born on 15 Mar 1810 in Wallingford, Connecticut. She died on 05 Mar 1893 in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., New York. Truman Ives and Nancy Bowlsby married. They had the following children: i. Nancy Jenett Ives was born on 09 Oct 1846 in Herkimer County, New York. She died on 27 Nov 1888 in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., New York. 450. Orrin Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 24 Aug 1787 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 24 Jul 1844 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Mary "Polly" B. Peck was born in 1791. She died on 16 Oct 1841 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York. Orrin Ives and Mary "Polly" B. Peck married. They had the following children: i. 981. ii. Gad Peck Ives was born in 1822. He died in 1850 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York. Lucy A Ives was born on 17 Feb 1820. She died on 21 Feb 1878 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. 451. Samuel Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Feb 1790 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 21 Sep 1877 in Cazenovia, New Yorl. Clarissa. Samuel Ives and Clarissa were married about 1813. They had the following children: 982. i. Charity Ives was born on 18 Jan 1817 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, United States. She married Allen Hill Fort in 1841 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, United States. She died on 08 Jan 1899 in Clyde, Wayne, New York, United States. ii. Ann A Ives was born in 1811. She died on 24 Nov 1831 in Madison County, New York. iii. Lucy Electa Ives was born in 1813. She died on 25 Oct 1843 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York. 452. Ambrose Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Mar 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1866 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Olive Maxwell daughter of James Maxwell and Hannah Phillips was born on 26 Mar 1786 in Plainfield, Windham, CT. She died before 1860 in Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA. Ambrose Ives and Olive Maxwell married. They had the following children: 983. i. Anson Ives was born in 1809 in Herkimer Co, , New York, USA. He married Harriet Jenette Beach in 1835 in New York, United States. He died on 09 Apr 1882 in Nunica, Ottawa, Michigan, USA. Page 315 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 984. ii. James Ives was born on 22 Jul 1826 in Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County, New York. He married Abbie Smith Bassett on 09 Oct 1850 in Lee (Berkshire), MA. He died on 31 Jul 1897 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 71 Cancer of the tongue). 985. iii. Charlotte Ives was born on 10 Sep 1825 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. She married Joseph Nellegar on 22 Apr 1844 in , , New York, USA. She died on 07 Jul 1894 in New York, United States. 986. iv. Adeline Ives was born in 1816 in Renesslaer, New York, United States. She died on 14 Jan 1870 in Battenville, Washington, New York (not in 1870 census). 987. v. Mary Ives was born on 23 Aug 1815 in New York, United States. She married Calvin Hotchkiss on 06 Sep 1835 in , Morgan, Ohio, USA. She died on 15 Feb 1868 in Malta, Ohio. vi. Lorina Ives was born in 1807 in New York, United States. She died in 1825 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, United States. vii. Sally Ives was born in 1807 in New York, United States. She married Lansing Merchant in Jan 1835 in , , New York, USA. She died on 05 Jun 1884 in Albany, New York. 453. Anson E. Ives-6 (Amos-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 09 Mar 1785 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 30 Dec 1875 in Herkimer,Dec,New York,USA. Ruthem Smith daughter of Jared Smith and Dorcas Johnson was born on 19 Nov 1790 in Durham, Greene, New York, USA. She died on 15 Jun 1871 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. Anson E. Ives and Ruthem Smith were married on 18 Feb 1813 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. They had the following children: 988. i. Frederic Ives was born on 28 Sep 1822 in Norway, Herkimer, New York. He married Julia A Rice on 28 May 1856. He died on 14 Mar 1884 in Norway, Herkimer, New York. 989. ii. Anson Bradley Ives was born on 14 Jan 1831 in Norway, Herkimer, New York, USA. He married Elizabeth Collins Chace on 15 Nov 1852 in Norway, Herkimer, New York. He died on 05 Sep 1876 in Gainesville, Alachua, Florida, USA. 990. iii. Ruthem S Ives was born on 09 Apr 1821 in Salisbury, New York, USA. She married Henry K Stebbins on 25 Aug 1842 in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., NY. She died on 31 Jan 1897 in Belfast, New York, USA. iv. Catherine Ives was born on 02 Mar 1817 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. She died on 05 Apr 1826 in Herkimer, New York, USA. v. Addison Ives was born on 10 Mar 1816 in Herkimer, New York, USA. He died on 17 Apr 1816 in Herkimer, New York, USA. vi. Elizabeth Ives was born on 14 Dec 1834 in Salisbury, Herkimer, New York, USA. She died on 14 Jul 1919. 454. Rachel Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born in 1781 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Jul 1864 in Milton, Chittendon, Vermont. Page 316 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Amos Ives son of John Ives and Sarah Henderson was born on 21 Jan 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Jan 1867 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont, USA. Amos Ives and Rachel Ives married. They had the following children: 991. i. Delia Ives was born on 27 Nov 1802 in Milton, Chittenden, Vermont, USA. She married Stephen Leonard Herrick on 06 Mar 1825. She died on 03 Sep 1874 in Grinnell, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA (Mrs. Delia (ives) Herrick, daughter of Amos and Rachel (Ives) Ives, and wife of Rev. Stephen L. Herrick, died in Grinnell, Iowa, Sept. 3, 1874, in her seventy-third year. Mrs. Herrick, with her husband, had been nearly twenty years a resident of Grinnell,). 992. ii. Eveline Ives was born in 1813 in Georgia, Vermont, USA. She died on 04 Sep 1894 in New Haven, Vermont. 993. iii. Samantha Ives was born on 01 Dec 1800 in Vermont. She married Alfred Ladd on 28 Mar 1819. She died on 07 May 1883 in Georgia, Vermont, USA. 455. Lucy Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 18 Oct 1778 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1828 in USA. Levi Moss Bartholomew son of Isaac Bartholomew and Martha Moss was born on 17 Oct 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Atwater, Portage, Ohio, USA. Levi Moss Bartholomew and Lucy Ives were married on 21 Sep 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Merancy Bartholomew was born on 23 Sep 1812 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, USA. She died on 24 Aug 1891 in , La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA. ii. Ralph Bartholomew was born in 1807 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, USA. He died Y. iii. Albert Bartholomew was born in 1804 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, USA. He died on 03 Oct 1854 in Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin, United States. iv. Harley Bartholomew was born in 1803 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, USA. He died in Atwater, Portage, Ohio, USA. v. Levi Moss Bartholomew was born on 17 Jun 1801 in Cazenovia, Madison, New York, USA. He died on 03 Feb 1863 in Oberlin, Lorain, Ohio, USA. 456. Ransom Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Oct 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Sep 1844 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Olive Hall Morse daughter of Benajah Morse and Lois Hall was born on 19 Oct 1788 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 31 Aug 1846 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ransom Ives and Olive Hall Morse were married in 1799 in Wallingford, Connecticut. They had the following children: Page 317 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1004.i. William C. Ives was born on 10 Apr 1817 in Livonia, Livingston, New York, USA. He married Sarah Maria Hyde on 12 Apr 1853 in Grosse Ile, Michigan. He died on 04 May 1874 in Gross Isle, Michigan, United States. Sarah Ives daughter of John Ives and Sarah Henderson was born on 10 May 1782 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Feb 1844 in Wallingford, CT. Ransom Ives and Sarah Ives were married in 1806. They had the following children: 994. i. Sarah "Sally" Ives was born on 23 Aug 1815 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Calvin Hotchkiss on 06 Sep 1835 in Connecticut. She died on 15 Feb 1868 in Malta Township, Morgan County, Ohio (Age 52y 5m 22 d). ii. Philo Ives was born on 27 Jul 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Jan 1867 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Asa Ives was born on 31 Jul 1824 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 995. iv. Jerusha Ives was born on 20 Sep 1820 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Phineas Ward on 17 Jan 1853 in Connecticutt ( She died on 24 Apr 1884 in Connecticutt (Age: 63). 996. v. Butler Ives was born on 20 Sep 1820 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Harriet F Wing on 07 Apr 1859. He died on 07 Apr 1863 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Amos Ives was born on 15 Jun 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Sep 1840 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Sally Ives was born on 04 Apr 1810 in Wallingford,New Haven,Connecticut. 997. viii. Dency Ives was born on 08 Mar 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 13 Nov 1843. 998. ix. Ransom Ives was born on 05 Feb 1806 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 May 1890 in Chateaugay, Franklin, New York, United States. 999. x. John Ives was born on 03 Apr 1804 in Connecticut. He died in Jul 1880. 1000.xi. Charles Ives was born on 25 Mar 1802 in Connecticut. He died on 14 Sep 1872. 1001.xii. Alethia Ives was born on 04 Apr 1810 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Huron Morse on 21 Apr 1833 in Wallingford , New Haven , Connecticut. She died on 20 Mar 1854 in Portage County, Ohio. 1002.xiii. Mary Ann Ives was born on 11 Sep 1831 in ,, CT. She married Julius Buell Field on 02 Jun 1850 in North Madison, CT. She died on 23 Sep 1877 in Pittsfield, Pike, IL. 1003.xiv. Aro Ives was born on 31 Jul 1824 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Adeline Northrup on 03 Jan 1846 in Wallingford, New Haven , Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Jul 1914 in Quincy, Illinois, USA. Page 318 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 457. Ruth Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jan 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Nov 1839 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Webb Blakeslee son of Joseph Blakeslee and Lois Ives was born on 11 Mar 1767 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Nov 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. John Webb Blakeslee and Ruth Ives were married on 12 Nov 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Ann Blakeslee was born on 24 Sep 1810 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 18 Nov 1883. ii. Emily Blakeslee was born on 21 Jan 1806 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Aug 1839 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Idamae Blakeslee was born in Jun 1793 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in Jun 1793. iv. Laura Blakeslee was born on 27 Jun 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Mar 1838 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Lois Blakeslee was born on 17 Feb 1802 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Apr 1862 in York, Livingston, New York, USA. vi. Lovicy Blakeslee was born on 27 Jun 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Feb 1849 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vii. Obed Blakeslee was born on 10 Mar 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Oct 1845 in Marian, Linn, Iowa, USA. viii. Oliver Blakeslee was born on 15 Dec 1803 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 31 May 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ix. Oliver B Blakeslee was born on 22 Jul 1815 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Dec 1895. x. Rachel Blakeslee was born on 24 Jun 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Dec 1885 in Marion, Linn, Iowa, USA. xi. Silas Blakeslee was born on 13 Sep 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 06 Jun 1893 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 458. Levi Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1766 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 Feb 1849 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. Huldah Griswold daughter of John Griswold and Mary Ward was born on 29 Jun 1766 in Merriden, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Feb 1849 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. Levi Ives and Huldah Griswold were married on 24 Dec 1788 in Connecticut. They had the following children: Page 319 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1005.i. Clarrissa Lois Ives was born on 12 Nov 1789 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA (Details: Citation Text: Tree #4775 Footnote: Date of Import: Apr 18, 1999). She married Edward Asa Spaulding in 1810 in VT. She died on 02 Feb 1813 in Middlefield, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. ii. Serlina Ives was born on 12 Oct 1791 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT (Details: Citation Text: Tree #2785 Footnote: Date of Import: Apr 5, 1999). She married Henry Page in 1818 in VT. She died on 02 Sep 1868 in Hancock, Ohio. iii. Charles Ives was born on 13 Jun 1793 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. He married Sally Spalding in 1819. He died on 07 Sep 1855 in Cavendish, Windsor, Vermont, USA. 1006.iv. Levi Taylor Ives was born on 25 Aug 1795 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. He married Electa Post in 1813 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont. He died on 03 Nov 1872. 1007.v. Olive Ives was born on 21 May 1798 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She married Joseph Atherton in 1818 in Baltimore (or Ludlow), Windsor Co, VT. She died on 23 Sep 1849 in Baltimore, Windsor, Vermont, USA. Huldah Ives was born on 25 Jun 1799 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She married James Coleman in 1818 in VT. She died on 09 Feb 1848 in North Granville, Washington, New York. vii. Dolly Ives was born on 07 Jan 1802 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She married Aaron Wheeler Spaulding on 05 Apr 1824 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. She died in Weatherfield, Windsor, Vermont, USA. viii. Sylvester Ives was born on 04 Nov 1803 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. He died on 09 Mar 1849 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. 1009.ix. Lorenda Ives was born on 19 Oct 1805 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She married Willard Hastings on 04 Sep 1832 in Baltimore, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She died on 25 Apr 1850 in Paw Paw Grove, Wyoming Twp, Lee, Illinois, USA. x. Sarah "Sally" Ives was born on 30 Dec 1807 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. She married Abner S. Parker on 30 Jan 1833 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. xi. Solomon Ives was born on 13 Feb 1809 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. He died on 28 May 1809 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. 1010.xii. Franklin Ives was born on 23 Dec 1813 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. 459. Hannah Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 May 1769 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 20 May 1829 in New Design, Monroe, Illinois, USA. Silas Hamilton son of Elisha Hamilton and Mary Smith was born on 19 May 1775 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died on 19 Nov 1834 in Otter Creek, Jersey, Illinois, United States. Silas Hamilton and Hannah Ives were married on 02 Sep 1798 in Wallingford, Windsor Co, VT. They had the following children: Page 320 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Silas Hamilton was born about 1800 in Wallingford, Vermont, USA. He died on 11 Jul 1823 in Natchez, Adams, Mississippi, USA. 460. Elihu Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 08 Feb 1764 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Oct 1834 in Ludlow, Windsor, Vermont, USA. Phebe Ann Hall daughter of Isaac Hall and Phebe Ives was born on 31 Jan 1770 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Mar 1852 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. Elihu Ives and Phebe Ann Hall were married in Feb 1792. They had the following children: i. 1011.ii. Isaac Ives was born on 21 Jul 1793 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. He married Hannah Atherton on 12 Jan 1820 in Baltimore, Maryland. He died on 08 Apr 1835 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. Roxana Ives was born on 21 Jun 1797 in Ludlow, Windsor Co, VT. She married Jonathan Atherton on 09 Jan 1817 in Ludlow, Vt.. She died on 16 May 1891. 461. Charles Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Apr 1760 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1837 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Notes for Charles Ives: General Notes: Revolutionary War -- Served as Private in Captain James' Company, Colonel Enos' regiment, Connecticut Line. he was born and died in Wallingford _db&gsfn_x=XO&gsln=Ives&gsln_x=1&uidh=bg4 Mary Francis daughter of Joseph Francis and Mary Tuttle was born on 26 Apr 1765 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 07 Jun 1820 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Charles Ives and Mary Francis were married on 19 Dec 1783 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Charles Ives was born on 14 Dec 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 May 1793 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Amanda Ives was born on 28 Jul 1786 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Betsey Ives was born on 28 Apr 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 1012.iv. Elihu Ives was born on 09 Oct 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Rachel Blakeslee on 01 Dec 1814. He died on 15 Sep 1864 in Marion, Linn, Iowa, United States. Page 321 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 462. Olive Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Apr 1758 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1822 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Joel Ives Jr. son of Joel Ives and Experience Royce was born on 16 Apr 1760 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 Jun 1808 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joel Ives Jr. and Olive Ives were married on 22 Oct 1778 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 1013.i. ii. Roxanna Ives was born on 17 Apr 1799 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Merlin Jones on 17 Aug 1820 in Wallingford, N-Haven, CT. She died on 05 Aug 1866 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States. Joel Ives was born on 09 Apr 1796 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 22 Jan 1798. 1014.iii. Olive Ives was born on 07 Apr 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married John Mix on 06 Apr 1808 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Sep 1856 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. 1015.iv. Gideon Ives was born on 14 Jun 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Charlotte Hall on 05 Nov 1807. He died on 29 Nov 1826 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Connecticut. 1016.v. Butler Ives was born on 16 Apr 1783 in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA. He married Olive Hall Moss on 03 Dec 1807. He died on 31 Aug 1846 in Lyons,New York (enroue west). vi. Sally Ives was born on 11 Mar 1779 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1811 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 463. Sarah Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Feb 1756 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Jan 1832. Isaac Kirtland son of Constant Kirtland and Rachel Brockett was born on 30 Mar 1754 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 17 Feb 1812 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Isaac Kirtland and Sarah Ives were married on 29 Dec 1778. They had the following children: i. Constant Kirtland was born on 22 Sep 1792 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Sarah Kirtland was born on 16 Jan 1790 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Mary Beach Kirtland was born on 12 Aug 1787 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 16 Jul 1795 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Delight Kirtland was born on 11 Jul 1785 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. v. Clarissa Kirtland was born on 03 Jul 1783 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 03 Jan 1794 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Sukey Kirtland was born on 02 Apr 1781 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 322 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 464. Caleb Ives-6 (Charles Abernathy-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Jan 1774 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1827 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Booth daughter of John Booth and Sarah Mattoon was born on 03 May 1781 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died on 15 Feb 1835 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. Caleb Ives and Sarah Booth were married about 1798 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Caleb Ives was born in 1805 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. He died Y. 1017.ii. Harley Ives was born on 15 Jan 1803 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. He married Ruth on 01 Jan 1827 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 22 Sep 1893 in New Boston, Mercer, IL. 1018.iii. Jane Ives was born on 20 Jan 1815 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. She died on 01 Jul 1889 in East Hartford, Hartford, CT. 1019.iv. Jefferson Ives was born on 11 Mar 1801 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Coe Francis on 16 Jan 1823 in Durham, Middlesex, Connecticut, United States. He died on 15 Sep 1840 in Oquawka, Henderson, Illinois, USA. v. vii. Mary Ives was born in 1810 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. She died about 1880 in Hartford, Hartford, CT. Paulina Ives was born on 02 Oct 1799 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She married Sidney Norton on 31 Oct 1821 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Sep 1875 in Guilford, New Haven, CT. Sarah Ives was born in 1807 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. She died after Dec 1858 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. viii. Susan Ives was born in 1809 in Durham, Middlesex, CT. She married Silas Higgins on 31 Jul 1836 in Durham, Connecticut. She died after 1880 in Norwich, New London, CT. 465. Mary Jane Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Sep 1746 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. She died in Sep 1819 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull County, Ohio, USA. Samuel Ensign son of Eliphalet Ensign and Dorcas Webster was born on 06 Sep 1745 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1816 in River Creek, Huron, Ohio, United States. Samuel Ensign and Mary Jane Ives were married on 04 Sep 1767 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Ephraim Ensign was born in 1785 in New Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. ii. Seth I Ensign was born in 1783. He died in 1860. iii. Ira Aira Ensign was born on 04 Jul 1780 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in Lorraine Co, Ohio, United States. Page 323 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Seba Ensign was born on 24 Sep 1775 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Mar 1864 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull, Ohio, United States. v. Seba Ensign was born on 20 Mar 1774 in New Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 May 1774. vi. Linus Ensign was born in 1772 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1850. vii. Bela Ensign was born in 1770 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1814. viii. Samuel Ensign was born on 02 Aug 1768 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1843 in Erie, Pennsylvania, United States. 466. Joseph Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jun 1749 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died on 20 Apr 1832 in Colebrook, Litchfield , CT. Rhoda was born in 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 07 May 1817 in USA. Joseph Ives and Rhoda were married about 1775 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 1021.i. Truman Ives was born on 08 Jan 1784 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. He married Esther Osborn about 1802. He died on 24 May 1866 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. 1022.ii. Rhoda Ives was born on 14 Oct 1781 in Colebrook, CT. She married Eleazer Bidwell on 22 Dec 1796 in Colebrook, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1865 in Brighton, Lorain, Ohio, United States. 1023.iii. Candace Ives was born on 31 Dec 1773 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Nathaniel Bettes on 27 Jan 1791 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1819. 467. Nathaniel Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Apr 1751 in Wallingford, New Haven, CT. He died Y. Susannah Handerson daughter of James Handerson and Jerusha White was born in 1755 in Hartford County, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1820 in Connecticut, USA. Nathaniel Ives and Susannah Handerson were married on 13 Apr 1775 in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Chauncey Ives was born on 18 Oct 1791. ii. Nathaniel Ives was born on 23 May 1783. 1024.iii. Susannah Ives was born on 11 Feb 1780 in Connecticut. She married Ephraim Cook in 1799. She died on 29 Dec 1843 in Burton, Geauga County, Ohio. Page 324 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Samuel Ives was born on 15 Oct 1777. He married Elizabeth Fairchild in 1798. 468. Amon Blakeslee Ives-6 (Nathaniel-5, Caleb-4, Nathaniel-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 20 Aug 1768 in Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States. He died on 10 Dec 1833 in Kirkland, Oneida, NY. Rhoda Peck Gridley daughter of Hezekiah Gridley and Abigail Peck was born on 01 Dec 1769 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States,. She died on 30 Dec 1835. Amon Blakeslee Ives and Rhoda Peck Gridley were married on 28 Sep 1789 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. George Gridley Ives was born on 29 May 1813 in Kirkland, Oneida, New York, United States. He married Mary Carpenter on 10 Jan 1837. He died on 18 Feb 1840. 1025.ii. Charlotte Gridley Ives was born on 18 Mar 1811 in Clinton, Oneida, New York, United States. She married Mark Harmon on 24 Dec 1828 in Clinton, Onieda, New York. She died on 27 Sep 1867 in Clinton, Oneida, New York, United States. 1026.iii. William Gridley Ives was born on 08 Oct 1807 in Kirkland, Oneida, New York, United States. He married Eliza Carpenter on 28 Sep 1829. He died on 15 May 1877. 1027.iv. Eliza Ives was born on 06 May 1804 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She married Harry Scranton on 17 Jun 1824 in Augusta,Oneida,New York,USA. 1028.v. Amon Gridley Ives was born on 26 Feb 1802 in Kirkland, Oneida, New York, United States. He married Lavina Marsh in 1825. He died on 03 Jan 1841. Silas Gridley Ives was born on 04 Jan 1798 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He married Selinda Beach in Feb 1824. He died on 20 Jan 1855. vii. Seth Gridley Ives was born on 04 Dec 1796 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 18 Oct 1834. 1030.viii. Lucy Ives was born on 19 Jan 1793 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She married George Carl Klinck in 1814 in New York, USA. She died in Aug 1877 in Peterboro, Madison, New York, United States. 1031.ix. x. Marilla Gridley Ives was born on 08 May 1790 in Paris, Oneida, New York, United States. She married Orange Foote on 24 Dec 1807. She died on 08 Apr 1863. Abigail Ives was born on 07 Feb 1800 in Hartford, Connecticut. She married Johnson in 1821. 469. Roxana Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jan 1793 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 09 Sep 1823. Origen Atwood was born in 1786 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Jan 1861 in Salona, Pennsylvania (Y). Origen Atwood and Roxana Ives married. They had the following children: Page 325 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:08 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Roxanna Sophronia Atwood was born on 17 Jan 1815 in Connecticut, United States. She died on 13 Oct 1885. 470. Esther Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 06 Apr 1790 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Sep 1870 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Selah Talmadge son of John Talmage and Lucretia Moulthrop was born in 1791 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 06 Oct 1859 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Selah Talmadge and Esther Ives were married on 02 Dec 1846. They had no children. Theophilus Tuttle was born on 17 Dec 1787 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Feb 1826. Theophilus Tuttle and Esther Ives were married on 13 Oct 1813 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Mary Ives Tuttle was born on 17 Apr 1820 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. ii. Elizur Cowles Tuttle was born on 17 Jan 1815 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 16 May 1875 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 471. Leonard Ives-6 (Daniel-5, Dan-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 05 Jan 1785 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Mar 1831 in North Haven, CT. Notes for Leonard Ives: General Notes: From: ml -"Leonard Ives (son of Daniel Ives and Mary Baldwin)967 was born January 5, 1785967, and died March 1, 1831967. He married (1) Mabel Stacey on August 7, 1806967. He married (2) Sarah Sackett on Abt. 1816967. Includes NotesNotes for Leonard Ives: [ives.ftw] Very little geneological information on the Leonard Ives generation of our family has been compiled. Jacobus' records show Leonard's dates of birth & death along with his marriages to Mabel Stacey and Sarah Sackett. However, he listed no descendants. The Baldwin family history agrees with Jacobus' record of Leonard's marriage, first to Mabel Stacey and second to Sarah Sackett, but it states that they had at least two daughters. Another genealogical record, "Sacketts of America," confirms Leonard's and Sarah's marriage and indicates that they had three children: Lydia, Warren, and Willis. Fortunately, we have the recollections of Aunt Sarah Clearman, recorded by Stella (Clearman) Swanson, and a few other documents upon which to base the following sketch of Leonard's family: Leonard was 16 years old when his father (Daniel) died in 1801, and we can assume that the boy had little choice but to remain on the family farm and make a home for his mother and two young sisters. The 1810 census lists him as "head of family" in a household of 8 persons, one of whom may have Page 326 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) been his widowed mother. The 1820 census lists Leonard's occupation as "agriculture." Thus far the precise location of this farm has not been found. But according to "North Haven Annals," it probably was in the then called Eighth District of North Haven, which "was at one time apparently the center of the Ives family, prominent in which were Captains Dan, Noah, and Thomas." Like his father, Leonard died at a relatively early age, but only after having been married twice and having fathered eight children. Children of Mabel Stacey.... Amelia.. Married Elan Porter on June 20, 1825. If this date is correct, she probably was born around 1807 and would have been the oldest child of this family. Lydia....She is said to have married John Pearson and that they moved to Illinois some time prior to 1862. She could have been born about 1810. George E...He was born about 1814 and is believed to have married Lydia Smith of Orange in 1838. He operated a livery stable in New Haven from about 1840 to 1855, after which the New Haven directory lists him as a farmer (probably in nearby Orange). He signed Warren's $500 surety bond to the G.H. Montague Mining and Trading Corporation, and looked after Maria's affairs while Warren was in California. Children of Sarah Sackett... Roxanna...She probably was born in about 1819, as she married David Wixan of New Haven on December 13, 1840. Their children were Isabelle, Hanford, and Adelaide. Stella Swanson has an old picture of "cousin Belle Wixan" who became Isabelle Burnham. Eliza....Unmarried. She is buried in the Willis Ives plot in the new cemetery at North Haven. The tombstone shows her to have been born in 1821 and died in 1849. ** WARREN **....His obituary shows him to have been born Apr. 8, 1823 and to have died Oct. 23, 1919, age 96. We are the descendants of Warren. Willis....Born 1825, died 1904. He married Delia Allen (or Alling) in 1850. She was born in 1830 and died only a few days after Willis' death. They had three daughters: Mary, who died in 1849, age 8: Fanny, who married a Wallace: and Cornelia (Nelly) who married a Willets. They had two children, Ruby and Fred (both dead now). Fred's widow, Mabel, lives near Cheshire, Connecticut. She has three sons. Esther....She married Daniel Brockett. They had one daugher, named Adelaid. Like Leonard, Sarah descended from a colonial ancestor, John Sackett, who came to New England in the winter of 1630-31 on the ship, Lyon. According to the book, Sacketts of America, he was strongly attracted to the Baptist minister, Roger Williams, whom he followed to the Plymouth settlement and afterwards to Rhode Island. From there he made his way to the New Haven settlement which William Ives had helped establish in 1637. Also according to this genealogical record, Sarah's father, Eli, lived to the age of 83. And she was one of a family of nine all of whom lived relatively long lives for that day. Thus it would seem that the longevity which some of our family have inherited may come from the Sackett rather than the Ives side. When Leonard died in 1831, Sarah was 47 years old with at least four young children still to be provided for. How she managed, we do not know. However, from the few facts we have, it appears that she did her best to keep her family together. Probate records (not yet researched) show that she Page 327 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) had some property in North Haven when she died in 1864. Apparently she never remarried. She is buried in the Willis Ives plot in the new North Haven Cemetery. More About Leonard Ives: Fact 1: "Agriculture".967 Fact 2: May 19, 1793, baptized.967 More About Leonard Ives and Mabel Stacey: Marriage: August 7, 1806967 More About Leonard Ives and Sarah Sackett: Marriage: Abt. 1816967 Children of Leonard Ives and Mabel Stacey are: Amelia Ives, b. Abt. 1807967, d. WFT Est. 1831-1901967. Lydia Ives, b. Abt. 1810967, d. WFT Est. 1824-1904967. George E. Ives, b. Abt. 1814967, d. WFT Est. 1844-1905967. Children of Leonard Ives and Sarah Sackett are: +Esther Ives, b. WFT Est. 1803-1828967, d. WFT Est. 1825-1897967. +Roxanna Ives, b. Abt. 1819967, d. WFT Est. 1846-1913967. Eliza Ives, b. 1821967, d. 1849967. +Warren Ives, b. April 8, 1823, near New Haven, Connecticut967, d. October 23, 1919, Oxford, IA967. +Willis Ives, b. 1825967, d. 1904967." Sarah Sackett daughter of Eli Sackett and Sarah was born in 1784 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Mar 1864 in North Haven, CT. Leonard Ives and Sarah Sackett were married in 1818 in North Haven, CT. They had the following children: 1032.i. Warren Ives was born on 08 Apr 1823 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States,. He married Maria Abigail Norton on 06 Sep 1846 in Fairhaven Church,,,. He died on 23 Oct 1919 in Oxford, Johnson, Iowa, USA. 1033.ii. Roxanna Ives was born on 30 Dec 1818 in , , Connecticut. She married Legrand David Wixon in 1840 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 07 Aug 1904 (buried Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut). iii. 1034.iv. v. Eliza Ives was born in 1821 in New Haven, CT. She died in 1849 in New Haven, CT. Willis Ives was born in 1825 in New Haven, CT. He married Delia M. Alling on 29 Sep 1850 in Bethany, CT. He died in 1904 in New Haven, CT. Esther Ives was born in 1828 in New Haven, CT. Page 328 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Mabel Stacey daughter of Nathaniel Stacey and Mabel Beach was born on 01 Jul 1788. She died on 01 Mar 1815 in North Haven, CT. Leonard Ives and Mabel Stacey were married on 07 Aug 1806 in New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Amelia Ives was born in 1807 in New Haven, CT. She married Elan Porter on 20 Jun 1825. ii. Lydia Ives was born in 1810 in New Haven, CT. iii. George E. Ives was born in 1814 in New Haven, CT. He married Lydia Smith on 25 May 1838. 472. Joanna Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1768 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died Y. Jabez Spencer son of Nathaniel Spencer and Abigail English was born on 18 Mar 1764 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 02 May 1839 in Salisbury, Vermont, USA. Jabez Spencer and Joanna Ives were married on 28 Jun 1786 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. They had the following children: i. Amelia Spencer was born on 07 Jun 1789 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died Y. ii. Joseph Ives Spencer was born on 02 Oct 1791 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died Y. iii. Nathaniel Spencer was born on 21 Oct 1792 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died Y. 473. Abigail Ives-6 (Joseph-5, Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1766. She died on 24 Jul 1844 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Archibald McNeil son of Archibald McNeil and Sarah Clark was born about 1761. He died on 08 Jul 1794 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. Archibald McNeil and Abigail Ives married. They had the following children: i. Joseph Ives McNeil was born about 1784. He died on 17 Aug 1836 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. ii. Samuel McNeil was born about 1786. He died Y. iii. Asa McNeil was born about 1788. He died Y. iv. Archibald McNeil was born about 1790. He died Y. v. Abigail McNeil was born about 1792. She died Y. 474. Patty Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1798 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Sep 1823 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. Page 329 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Asahel Barnes son of Joel Barnes and Ann Todd was born in 1774 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Mar 1851 in Mottville, St Joseph, Indiana, United States. Asahel Barnes and Patty Ives married. They had the following children: i. Lucius Barnes was born in 1822. He died on 24 Jul 1838 in Munson, Geauga, Ohio, United States. ii. Charles Asahel Barnes was born on 10 Jul 1820 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, USA. He died on 30 Jan 1896 in Northport, Leelanau, Michigan, USA. iii. Caroline Barnes was born in 1818. iv. Adeline Barnes was born on 29 Aug 1816 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. She died in Iowa, USA. v. Henry Barnes was born in 1813 in East Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Lake, Peoria, Illinois, United States. vi. Charles Barnes was born in 1812 in East Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 20 Aug 1820 in Burton, Ohio, USA. vii. Asahel Barnes was born on 10 Jan 1810 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 28 Oct 1886 in Addison, Vermont, United States. viii. Elias Barnes was born in 1808 in East Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died in Coshocton, Coshocton, Ohio, United States. ix. Julia Barnes was born in 1806 in East Haven, Connecticut, USA. x. Elizabeth Ann Barnes was born on 30 Mar 1804 in Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Jan 1875 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. 475. William Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 May 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Jun 1858. Polly Bray daughter of Asa Bray and Hannah Hull was born in 1786 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 28 Sep 1852 in Modern Graveyard, North Haven, Connecticut, USA. William Ives and Polly Bray were married on 19 Dec 1810 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Grace A Ives was born on 04 Jul 1817 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Mar 1885 in North Haven, Connecticut. ii. Hannah Jennet Ives was born on 16 Apr 1830 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Hoadley Bray Ives was born on 22 Nov 1811 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Mar 1894. Notes for Hoadley Bray Ives: Page 330 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) General Notes: From "A Modern History of New Haven and Eastern New Haven County", volume 2, 1918: Ives is one of the old historic names of New England, and has been represented in Connecticut since the settlement of William Ives, the American ancestor of the family, in the colony as early as 1642. The various descendants of this man have played a part in the making of a great nation, and Hoadley Bray Ives was no unworthy representative of the name. Hoadley B. Ives was born in North Haven, in 1814. a son of William Ives, Jr., and a grandson of William Ives, Sr., the latter a farmer of North Haven, where he spent his entire life. William Ives, Jr., was born in North Haven, and followed farming as an occupation. He died when about seventy-five years old. His wife was born in East Haven, and died at the age of sixty-five. She became the mother of five children. Hoadley B. Ives was reared in North Haven, and was early set to learn the tinner's trade, but he ran away from his employer, and found a position as a clerk in a grocery in New Haven in which connection he remained until he was nineteen. At that age he set up in the grocery business on State street, and after a few years moved to Church street, and there purchased two buildings. He was quite successful, and was so engaged for a number of years. Mr. Ives was one of the originators of the National Savings Bank, and filled a position in it as treasurer as long as he lived, his period of active work as treasurer and director covering some twenty-five years. He was president of the Fair Haven & Westville Street Railroad Company, and saw that enterprise grow in importance until it has become one of the important lines of this part of the state. In his politics he was a republican, and for three years was an alderman; eight years a member of the common council, and he always took an active part in all the aflairs of the city. He was a director of the Yale National Bank and at one time owned nearly half its capital stock, being intimately associated with all its important transactions. On May 25, 1853, Mr. Ives was married to Mary E. Fisher, a native of the city of New York, and a daughter of Daniel M. and Mary (Watrous) Fisher, prominent in old New York circles. Daniel M. Fisher was well known in business for many years in the metropolis, and died at the age of eighty years. Mary (Watrous) Fisher was born in New Y'ork of French Huguenot e.xtraction, and became the mother of four children, one of whom was Mrs. Mary E. Ives. Mrs. Fisher died at the age of forty-one. Both she and her husband attended the Methodist church and Mrs. Ives attended Christ church. The death of Mr. Ives occurred March 19, 1894, his demise causing deep regret to his many friends who greatly appreciated him for his many fine traits of character. Mrs. Ives began a tour of the world February 6, 1895, and was away from home two and a half years. She spent one month in Ceylon, three months in India, three months in Japan, and made a prolonged stay in Italy, where her health was much improved. In 1895 Mrs. Ives gave ten thousand dollars to build the chancel of Christ church, and in 1899, gave two thousand dollars for the furnishing of the new Maternity Hospital. In August, 1901, she made a donation of ten thousand dollars to the Y. M. C. A. for the library, and the interest on five thousand dollars with which to buy books for the library. this money to be given them at her death. She left in addition to these gifts many others of a most substantial character. She was a woman of high character and generous spirit, and possessed a host of friends in the community who appreciated her good qualities. Page 331 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1035.iv. Homer De Grasse Ives was born on 03 Aug 1814 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Ward Eastman in 1848 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska, Iowa, USA. He died on 14 Oct 1867 in Wapello co., IA.. 1036.v. Jane Ives was born on 06 Jul 1823 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married John H Washburn in 1842 in Iowa. 476. Susan Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born about 1778 in Cheshire, New Haven Co., Connecticut. She died on 29 Dec 1843 in Burton City, Geauga, Ohio, United States. Ephraim Cook son of Elam Cook and Abigail Hall was born on 21 Dec 1775 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 29 Jan 1854 in Burton, Geauga Co., Ohio. Ephraim Cook and Susan Ives were married on 16 Oct 1799 in Cheshire, New Haven Co., Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Julia Ann Cook was born on 27 Jun 1809 in Wallingford, Connecticut. She died. ii. Horace Cook was born on 11 Sep 1811 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He died on 01 Aug 1892 in Burton OH. iii. Sally Cook was born on 04 Jun 1807 in Wallingford, Connecticut. She died. iv. Esther E. Cook was born on 12 Oct 1813 in Wallingford, Connecticut. She died. v. Samuel Cook was born on 01 Dec 1815 in Burton, Geauga, Ohio. He died. vi. Lavinia Cook was born on 11 Aug 1819 in Burton, Geauga, Ohio. She died. vii. Stephen J. C. Cook was born on 06 Apr 1800 in Wallingford, Connecticut. He died. viii. Marietta Cook was born on 04 Mar 1802 in Wallingford, Connecticut. She died. ix. Harriet Cook was born on 27 Sep 1804 in Wallingford, Connecticut. She died. 477. Sally Ives-6 (Stephen-5, Stephen-4, Joseph-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Apr 1806 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Eliakim Brooks son of Enos Brooks and Lois Williams was born in 1768 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Mar 1828 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Eliakim Brooks and Sally Ives were married about 1794 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Maria Brooks was born about 1803 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 03 Sep 1827 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Eliza Brooks was born about 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 332 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Julius Brooks was born about 1801 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 Nov 1870 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Adaline Brooks. 478. Ester Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 31 Oct 1790 in Barkhamsted Twp, Litchfield, CT. She died on 28 Oct 1868 in West Williamsfield, Ashtabula Co., OH. Joseph Warren Giddings son of Joshua Giddings and Elizabeth Pease was born on 11 Mar 1789 in Hartland, Ct.. He died on 26 Apr 1861 in Buried W. Williamsfield Cem.. Joseph Warren Giddings and Ester Ives were married on 30 Sep 1817 in Wayne twp. Ashtabula Co. Oh.. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth A. J. Giddings was born between 1808-1829. She died between 1847-1915. ii. Julia Ann Ester Giddings was born on 20 Nov 1819. She died on 07 May 1900 in West Williamsfield, Ashtabula Co. Oh.. iii. Sarah Giddings was born in 1822. She died in 1875. 479. Levi Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 08 Feb 1791 in Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 03 May 1854. Clara (Roxie) Peters was born in 1791. She died on 21 Mar 1849. Levi Ives and Clara (Roxie) Peters were married between 1807-1835. They had the following children: i. William Ives was born in 1822. He died between 1823-1912. 480. Sarah Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 08 Feb 1791 in Barkhamsted, Conneticut. She died on 26 Aug 1854 in Williamsfield, Ashtabula, Ohio, United States. Aranda P. Giddings son of Joshua Giddings and Elizabeth Pease was born on 30 Nov 1792 in CT.. He died on 05 Oct 1844 in Williamsfield Oh.Buried West Williamsfield Cem.. Aranda P. Giddings and Sarah Ives were married on 30 Oct 1823 in Riverton, Ct.. They had the following children: i. Aranda P. Giddings was born on 29 Aug 1828 in Ashtabula Co. Oh.. He died on 08 May 1908 in Anoka, Mn.. ii. Arora W. Giddings was born on 02 Nov 1830 in Williamsfield Oh.. He died in 1917 in Anoka, Mn.. iii. Harriet Giddings was born on 17 Jun 1826 in Ashtabula Co. Oh.. She died on 23 Jun 1850 in Williamsfield Oh.. iv. John J. Giddings was born on 07 Mar 1835 in Ashtabula Co. Oh.. He died on 10 Sep 1887 in Anoka, Mn.. Page 333 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) v. Lucy Giddings was born on 25 Feb 1825 in Ashtabula Co. Oh.. She died on 06 Jul 1886 in Anoka, Mn.. 481. John Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Aug 1778 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died in 1825. Hannah was born in 1778. John Ives and Hannah married. They had the following children: 1037.i. William John Ives was born in 1801 in Kent, England. He died in 1839. 482. Lowly Ives-6 (John-5, John-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 12 Feb 1786 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 20 Sep 1866 in Wayne,Ashtabula,Ohio,USA. Jerry Hart was born on 11 Oct 1784 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut USA. He died on 20 Oct 1857 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. Jerry Hart and Lowly Ives were married in 1805. They had the following children: i. Elon Hart was born in Jun 1827 in , Ashtabula, Ohio USA. He died in 1910 in , Los Angeles, California USA. ii. Jesse Ives Hart was born on 23 May 1825 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio USA. He died on 29 Nov 1910 in Williamsfield, Ashtabula, Ohio USA. Lowly Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Josiah Hart was born in 1820 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. He died on 21 Jan 1848 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. ii. Lola Hart was born in 1820 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. She died on 19 Dec 1841 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. iii. Phoebe Hart was born in 1818 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. She died on 09 Sep 1854 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. iv. Jerry Hart was born in 1816 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. He died on 29 Dec 1843 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. v. Fidelia Hart was born in 1814 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. She died on 14 Jun 1842 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. vi. David Hart was born on 14 Aug 1811 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Feb 1906 in Wayne, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. vii. Orilla Hart was born on 28 Apr 1809 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 29 Jan 1868 in De Witt, Clinton, Iowa, USA. viii. Abigail A Hart was born on 12 Sep 1806 in Barkhamsted, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Apr 1889 in Williamsfield, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. Page 334 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 483. Julia Ives-6 (Alling-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born about 1787 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 01 Jul 1859 in Hampden, Massachusetts. Ezra Bradley son of Joel Bradley and Abigail Tuttle was born in 1778 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 11 Nov 1853 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Ezra Bradley and Julia Ives married. They had the following children: i. Edward Ives Bradley was born on 06 Dec 1810 in West Springfield, Hampden, Mass.. He died on 07 Jun 1862. 484. Abraham Ives-6 (Jeremiah-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1769 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Nov 1855 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Eunice Day daughter of Joel Day and Eunice Day was born in 1771 in Hampden, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 12 Dec 1844 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Abraham Ives and Eunice Day were married on 22 Jan 1795 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. They had the following children: 1038.i. Sumner Ives was born on 11 Sep 1799 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He married Sarah Humeston on 31 Oct 1829 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. He died on 22 Oct 1844 in Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 1039.ii. Dwight Ives was born on 20 Sep 1805 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. He married Julia Ann Arms on 04 Apr 1836 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 22 Dec 1875 in Conway, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA. 1040.iii. Abraham Ives was born on 14 Aug 1803 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 19 Oct 1866 in Massachusetts, United States. 1041.iv. Eunice Ives was born on 16 Feb 1801 in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. She married Benjamin Leonard Van Horn on 21 Jun 1824 in West Springfield, Massachusetts. She died on 24 Aug 1856 in Waterloo, Jackson, Michigan, United States. 1042.v. Eleanor Hull Ives was born on 30 Oct 1795 in West Springfield, Massachusetts. She married Lysander Allen on 14 Dec 1814. She died on 01 Dec 1863. 485. Joseph Ives-6 (Jeremiah-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 02 Feb 1771 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 21 Dec 1830 in West Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Sarah Bishop daughter of Isaac Bishop and Sarah Macomber was born on 08 Feb 1777 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut. She died on 21 Aug 1822 in Hampshire, Massachusetts (Y). Joseph Ives and Sarah Bishop were married on 18 Mar 1801 in First Cong. Ch., New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: Page 335 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1043.i. ii. Leverett Joseph Ives was born on 19 Sep 1806 in Westfield, Massachusetts. He married Fidelia Elvira Field on 24 Apr 1832 in Perrysburg, New York. He died on 20 Sep 1876 in East Orange, New York. Laura Ives was born on 22 Aug 1802 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. 1044.iii. Jeremiah Bishop Ives was born on 03 Sep 1802 in West Springfield, New Haven, Massachusetts. iv. Henrietta Jeanne Ives was born on 20 Nov 1812 in West Springfield, New Haven, Massachusetts. v. Mary Fitch Ives was born on 23 Jul 1804 in West Springfield, New Haven, Massachusetts. She married Henry Burrel Day on 22 Apr 1833. 486. Hannah Ives-6 (Jeremiah-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 18 Aug 1772 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Dec 1838 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Titus Mansfield son of Titus Mansfield and Mabel Todd was born in 1770 in New Haven (later North Haven), CT. He died on 19 Jan 1829 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Titus Mansfield and Hannah Ives were married on 16 Jul 1795 in North Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Charlotte Mansfield was born in Jan 1796 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 487. Sarah Ives-6 (Jeremiah-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1850 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA. Daniel Adams son of John Adams and Sarah Coley was born on 01 Apr 1773 in Great Egg Harbor, Atlantic, NJ,. He died in 1850 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA. Daniel Adams and Sarah Ives were married on 30 Sep 1794 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. They had the following children: i. William Adams was born in 1806 in of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died in 1886 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, USA. ii. Justus Adams was born in 1809 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 08 Apr 1883 in Northesk, Northumberland, New Brunswick, Canada. iii. Sarah Adams was born in 1798 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. iv. James William Adams was born on 08 Apr 1812 in St Johns, York, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 01 Jun 1891 in Scipio, Millard, Utah, United States. v. Sarah Adams was born in 1820 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died in 1879 in Oromocto, , New Brunswick, Canada. vi. Rebecca Adams was born in 1807 in of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died in 1890 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, United States. Page 336 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) vii. Edgar Adams was born in 1790 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 10 May 1879 in Linneus, Aroostook, Maine, United States. viii. Thomas Adams was born in 1792 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died on 13 Apr 1837 in Maine, United States. ix. David Adams was born in 1799 in Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. He died in 1841. x. Abigail Adams was born in 1818 in of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. xi. Mary Ann Adams was born in 1816 in of Maugerville, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada. She died on 12 Feb 1896 in New Limerick, Aroostook, Maine, United States. 488. Abigail Ives-6 (Jeremiah-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 Apr 1777 in Bristol, , Connecticut, USA. She died on 25 Sep 1856 in Mitchells Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. Robert Mitchell son of Robert Mitchell and Mercy Tyler was born on 18 Jul 1779. He died on 18 Mar 1860 in Mitchell Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. Robert Mitchell and Abigail Ives married. They had the following children: i. Abigail Mitchell was born about 1810 in Mitchell's Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. She died on 12 Nov 1869 in Blossburg, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. ii. John Mitchell was born on 02 Dec 1800 in Mitchell's Creek, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on 20 Mar 1870 in Jackson, Tioga, Pennsylvania, USA. 489. Leman Ives-6 (Joel-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born about 1778. He died about 1810. Lydia Bradley daughter of Titus Bradley and Lydia Yale Todd was born on 27 Feb 1785 in North Haven, Connecticut. Leman Ives and Lydia Bradley were married in 1800. They had the following children: i. Louisa Lament Ives was born on 22 Jan 1809 in North Haven, Connecticut. 490. Enoch Ives-6 (Joel-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born about 1773 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Mar 1817 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sarah Gorham daughter of Samuel Gorham and Sarah Lines was born in Dec 1781 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 19 Aug 1850 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Enoch Ives and Sarah Gorham were married in Dec 1800 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 1045.i. Charles Ives was born in Sep 1815 in Connecticut. He married Catherine M Osborne in 1837 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 31 Dec 1880 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 337 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Emeline Ives was born on 20 May 1813. She died on 18 Jul 1868 in New Haven, Connecticut (Age: 55). 1046.iii. Alfred Eaton Ives was born on 12 Dec 1809 in Northford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Aug 1892 in Castine, Hancock, Maine, USA. iv. Joel Ives was born on 11 Jun 1807 in Northford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Jeanette Bradley on 15 Apr 1830 in Northford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Dec 1862 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. v. Truman Ives was born in Jan 1802 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 14 Sep 1813 in New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Eliza Ives was born in Jul 1805 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 21 Sep 1813. vii. Mary Ives. 491. Sarah Ives-6 (Jonathan-5, Jonathan-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 21 May 1786 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 02 Feb 1871 in Mt Carmel,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Allen Dickerman son of Isaac Dickerman and Sybil Sperry was born on 14 Jan 1781 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Nov 1856 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Allen Dickerman and Sarah Ives were married on 23 Mar 1803 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Albert Ives Dickerman was born on 31 Aug 1806 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 23 May 1822 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Eliza Dickerman was born on 23 May 1817 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Jun 1884 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iii. Julia Dickerman was born on 29 May 1813 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died between 1814-1907. iv. Lavinia Dickerman was born on 15 Apr 1828 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died between 1829-1922. v. Leverett Allen Dickerman was born on 29 Nov 1821 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died between 1822-1911. vi. Leverett Ives Dickerman was born on 16 Feb 1804 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 19 Feb 1804. vii. Saritta Dickerman was born on 06 Sep 1808 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Feb 1890 in Mt. Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 492. Fanny Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 Feb 1783 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 29 Sep 1827. Page 338 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Samuel Byington son of Samuel Byington and Olive Warren was born on 27 May 1778 in Wolcott, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 20 Sep 1854 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. Samuel Byington and Fanny Ives were married in 1803. They had the following children: i. Nathaniel Boyington was born on 04 Nov 1821 in Southwick,,Massachusetts,USA. He died on 01 May 1890 in Stevens Point,,Wisconsin,USA. 493. Roland Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 May 1787 in Southwick, Hamden, MA. He died on 16 May 1867 in Southwick, Hamden Co., MA. Charlotte Chester daughter of Otis Chester and Charlotte Nott was born in 1793 in Montville, Connecticut. She died in 1829. Roland Ives and Charlotte Chester were married on 05 Oct 1809 in Granville, Massachusetts. They had the following children: 1047.i. ii. Charlotte Nott Ives was born on 14 Oct 1821 in Massachusetts. She married John Bush on 14 Aug 1844 in Cook County, Illinois. She died on 23 Dec 1901 in Racine, Wisconsin. Maria Ives. 1048.iii. Roland Ives was born in 1813 in Massachusetts. He married Elmira Bush in 1833 in MA. He died on 26 Sep 1859 in Yorkville, Racine, WI. 1049.iv. Stephen Nott Ives was born on 05 Apr 1813 in Westfield, Massachusetts. He died in 1858 in Racine, Wisconsin. 1050.v. Chauncey Ives was born in 1821 in New Haven, Connecticut. He married Charlotte Walsworth in 1845 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 13 Mar 1895 in Palermo, New York. vi. Gideon Ives. vii. Homer Ives. 494. Chauncey Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Apr 1785 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 26 Oct 1855 in Lansingburgh, New York, United States. Orpha Pelton daughter of Stephen Pelton and Alice Whitney was born on 09 Nov 1788 in Otis, Berkshire County, Ma. She died on 23 Oct 1846 in Lansingburgh, Ny. Chauncey Ives and Orpha Pelton were married on 07 Jan 1806 in Otis, Berkshire County, Ma. They had the following children: 1051.i. Chauncey Pelton Ives was born on 03 May 1807 in Otis, Berkshire County, Ma. He married Charlotte Brownell on 14 Aug 1838. He died on 27 Jan 1872. 1052.ii. Adeline Ives was born on 15 Apr 1810 in , , Massachusetts, USA. She married Henry C. Van Schaack in Mar 1827. She died on 31 Aug 1876 in Manilus, , New York, USA. Page 339 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1053.iii. Orpha Ives was born in 1810. She married Edward J Van Cleve on 06 Apr 1830 in Rennselaer, New York. 1054.iv. Oscar Fitzallen Dunreath Ives was born in 1812. He married Mary D Hoag in 1842 in New York. 1055.v. Jennet Ives was born in 1823 in New Haven, Connecticut. vi. Amelia Ives. vii. Cornelia Ives. viii. Augustus F Ives. He died on 21 Dec 1848 in Browsville, Texas. 495. David Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1775 in Southwick, Hamden, MA. He died on 27 Apr 1844 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. Olive Sackett daughter of Adnah Sackett and Jerusha Pomeroy was born in 1783 in Westfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. She died in Southwick, Hampden Co., Massachusetts. David Ives and Olive Sackett were married about 1796. They had the following children: 1056.i. David Ives was born in 1811 in Southwick, Hamden, MA. He married Amorette M. Campbell on 19 Jan 1837. He died on 24 Jan 1884 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. 1057.ii. Oliver P. Ives was born in 1815 in Southwick, Hamden, MA. Charlotte Hough was born about 1814. David Ives and Charlotte Hough were married about 1834. They had no children. 496. Hiram Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Apr 1785 in Southwick, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 26 Oct 1855 in Lansingburgh, New York, United States. Deborah Merrill daughter of Jonathan Merrill and Lavinia Clough was born in 1796. She died in Feb 1878. Hiram Ives and Deborah Merrill were married in 1825. They had the following children: i. 1058.ii. Clarissa Ives was born in 1832 in Granville, New York, USA. She died in 1888. Eglah Ives was born on 11 Jul 1826. iii. Julia Ives was born in 1834. She died on 11 Jul 1866. iv. Lucy Ives was born in 1836. 1059.v. Phineas Ives was born on 05 Dec 1828 in Granville, New York, USA. He married Annis Athush Butler in 1856. Page 340 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 497. Jared Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 15 May 1777 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, USA. He died on 15 Apr 1852 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Betsey Cone daughter of Samuel Cone and Mahitable Richardson was born on 24 Feb 1779 in Savoy, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 18 Jul 1828 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Jared Ives and Betsey Cone married. They had the following children: 1060.i. Frances Cone Ives was born on 14 Sep 1831 in Tinmouth, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married Deacon William Grant on 17 Oct 1855. She died on 05 Oct 1915 in Bristol, Addison, Vermont, USA. 1061.ii. Merritt Clark Ives was born on 25 Mar 1824 in Tinmouth, Vt. He married Marion Collins on 21 Dec 1856 in Waterbury, Conn. He died on 20 Sep 1892 in Middle Granville,,New York,USA. 498. Matthew Ives-6 (David-5, David-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jun 1772 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 21 Feb 1840 in Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States. Rhoda Root daughter of Gideon Root and Huldah Nelson was born on 23 Oct 1780 in Southwick, Hampden, MA. She died in Dec 1865 in Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. Matthew Ives and Rhoda Root were married on 07 Mar 1802 in Otis, Berkshire, MA. They had the following children: 1062.i. Matthew Ives was born on 06 Aug 1804. He married Nancy Moseley about 1825. He died on 24 Apr 1855. 1063.ii. Celestia Dolly Ives was born on 06 Dec 1806 in Westfield, Hampden, MA. She married Thomas Sr Ashley on 19 Dec 1833 in Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. She died on 25 Jul 1868 in Westfield, Hampden, MA. iii. George Ives was born in 1806. 499. Lydia Ives-6 (Levi-5, Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jul 1795 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Nov 1872 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. William Budington son of Walter Buddington and Ruth Couch was born on 18 Sep 1789 in New Haven, CT. He died on 14 Aug 1876 in New Haven, CT. William Budington and Lydia Ives married. They had the following children: i. Lydia Augur Budington was born on 07 Mar 1821 in Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 May 1910. ii. Sophie Ives Buddington was born in 1795 in Watertown, Connecticut, USA. She died in Connecticut. Page 341 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 500. Polly Ives-6 (Levi-5, Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 09 Jan 1782 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Jun 1855 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Asaph Dunbar son of Aaron Dunbar and Mary Ives Potter was born on 01 Sep 1780 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 26 Jun 1814. Asaph Dunbar and Polly Ives were married on 17 Nov 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: i. Aaron I. Dunbar was born about 1808 in Connecticut. 501. Eli Ives-6 (Levi-5, Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 07 Feb 1779 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 08 Oct 1861 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Notes for Eli Ives: General Notes: Medical professor at Yale University - Maria Beers daughter of Nathan Beers and Mary Phelps was born on 12 Sep 1782 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Mar 1864 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Eli Ives and Maria Beers were married on 17 Sep 1805 in Harvard, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. They had the following children: i. Lucretia Ives. 1069.ii. Levi Ives was born on 13 Jul 1816 in New Haven County Connecticut, USA. He married Caroline Shoemaker on 07 Jun 1841 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He died on 30 Nov 1891 in New Haven County Connecticut, USA. 1070.iii. Nathan Beers Ives was born on 26 Jun 1806 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah Gilmour Badger on 29 Apr 1829 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 12 Jun 1863 in New Haven Co., CT. Polly Northrop daughter of Joel Northrup and Mabel Sarah Bird was born on 16 Mar 1779 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 Jan 1803 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Eli Ives and Polly Northrop were married on 16 Mar 1802 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. Lucy Whittemore daughter of Ebenezer Turell Whittemore and Sarah Kinney was born on 06 Mar 1781 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 03 Feb 1848 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Eli Ives and Lucy Whittemore were married on 29 Jul 1804 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: Page 342 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. 1064.ii. Elihu Whittimore Ives was born on 13 May 1820 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Lydia Augur Ives was born on 12 Apr 1824 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Abraham C Thompson on 05 Sep 1844 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 16 Aug 1911 (Age: 87). iii. George Washington Ives was born on 11 May 1822 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Nov 1848 in Connecticut (Age: 24). iv. Lucy Whittimore Ives was born on 13 May 1820 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in , , , USA. 1065.v. Elihu Lafayette Ives was born on 07 Oct 1818 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah R Bray on 19 May 1847 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Nov 1872 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. vi. Ann Vose Ives was born on 01 Dec 1816 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Sep 1838 in , , , USA. vii. Sophia Ives was born on 02 Sep 1814 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1850 in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. 1066.viii. Jane Catherine Ives was born on 21 Oct 1812 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Hervey Hall on 20 Feb 1834 in Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, USA. She died on 06 Apr 1871 in Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, USA. 1067.ix. x. 1068.xi. William Augustus Ives was born on 26 Dec 1809 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Elizabeth Maria Pardee on 22 Mar 1842 in East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 16 Jul 1885 in Rubicon, Dodge, Wisconsin, USA. Mary Whittimore Ives was born on 02 Jul 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 Sep 1806 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Mary Northrup Ives was born on 02 Jul 1805 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Chauncey Pomeroy in 1827 in Girard, Burke, GA. She died on 03 Jan 1881 in Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA. 502. Joel Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 22 Oct 1780 in Connecticut. He died on 09 Oct 1862 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 81). Lucretia Ensign daughter of Elijah Ensign and Lois Olmstead was born on 09 Jul 1782 in Hartford, Connecticut. She died on 29 Sep 1854 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Joel Ives and Lucretia Ensign married. They had the following children: i. William Ives was born in 1807. He died on 02 May 1845 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts (Age: 39). ii. Walter Ensign Ives was born on 27 Feb 1814 in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts (Age: 0). He died on 21 Aug 1864 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts (Age: 50). iii. Elijas Ives was born in 1819 in Massachusetts, USA. Page 343 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Thomas C Ives was born on 11 Nov 1818. He married Jane E Buel on 09 Feb 1845 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts. He died on 08 Oct 1852 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. 503. John L Ives-6 (Samuel-5, Samuel-4, Samuel-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born about 1785 in Southington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Jun 1852 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States (Age: 68). Hannah Ford daughter of John Ford and Hannah Munson was born on 06 Dec 1788 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, United States. She died on 01 Aug 1869 in Rosemount, Dakota, Minnesota, United States. John L Ives and Hannah Ford were married on 20 Dec 1807 in West Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. They had the following children: 1071.i. ii. 1072.iii. Hannah Malinda Ives was born about 1824 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. She married Clement Holcomb on 16 Dec 1843 in West Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts. Wiilliam Ives was born about 1822 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. James Harvey Ives was born on 29 Dec 1827 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 06 Jun 1892 in Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States. iv. John Henry Ives. v. Levi Ives. Asahel Barnes Ives was born on 30 Jan 1821 in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. He married Anna Maria Champion on 03 Jul 1844 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He died on 16 Sep 1879 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 504. David S Ives-6 (Thomas Major Gen-5, Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 20 Sep 1805 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 01 Jan 1850 in Berkshire, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States. Elvira P Shippee daughter of Amasa Shippee and Rhoda Andrus was born in 1810 in Colrain, Franklin, Mass. She died in 1886 in Colrain, Franklin, Mass. David S Ives and Elvira P Shippee were married in Sep 1848 in Colrain, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA. They had the following children: i. Carrie A Ives was born in 1852 in Massachusetts. 505. Amanda Ives-6 (Thomas Major Gen-5, Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Jul 1800 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 25 Jan 1870. Ralph Taylor son of Ralph Taylor and Ester Foote was born on 21 Oct 1796 in Connecticut. Page 344 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Ralph Taylor and Amanda Ives married. They had the following children: i. Charles J Taylor was born in 1824 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1904 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. 506. Elizabeth Ives-6 (Thomas Major Gen-5, Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 07 Jun 1797 in Banington, , Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 May 1876 in Owego, Tioga, New York, United States. John Chatfield son of Isaac Chatfield and Sarah Whitmore was born on 30 May 1793 in Oxford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 09 Aug 1865 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA. John Chatfield and Elizabeth Ives were married on 30 Oct 1817 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. They had the following children: i. Mary Elizabeth Chatfield was born on 09 Sep 1829 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA. She died on 29 Oct 1901 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA. ii. George Albert Chatfield was born on 19 Oct 1827 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA. He died on 09 Jul 1829 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. iii. John R Chatfield was born on 28 Jan 1823 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. iv. Thomas Ives Chatfield was born on 16 Sep 1818 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 03 May 1884 in Owego, Tioga, New York, USA. v. Charles James Chatfield was born on 23 Aug 1820 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 24 Mar 1864 in Painted Post, Steuben, New York, USA. 507. Nancy Ives-6 (Thomas Major Gen-5, Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 13 Jun 1795 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 01 Aug 1873. Solomon Pitkin son of Timothy Pitkin and Jerusha Pitkin was born on 15 Sep 1797. He died in Aug 1852 in Mempis, Tenn. Solomon Pitkin and Nancy Ives were married in 1821. They had the following children: i. Solomon Dwight, Rev. Pitkin was born on 20 Jun 1822. He died in Oct 1858. ii. Charles F. Pitkin was born on 23 Aug 1824. He died on 10 Jul 1846. iii. George Edward Pitkin was born on 02 Jul 1826. He died on 28 Sep 1878. iv. James F. Pitkin was born on 04 Mar 1834. He died in 1838. v. Louisa R. Pitkin was born on 30 Sep 1835. She died on 01 Mar 1882. vi. Thomas I. Pitkin was born in Jun 1837. He died in May 1838. vii. William H. Pitkin was born on 09 Oct 1840. He died in 1884. Page 345 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 508. Anna Marie Ives-6 (Thomas Major Gen-5, Thomas-4, Thomas-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Mar 1791 in Banington, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 25 Feb 1863. Philo Parke son of James Parke and Mary Barnes was born on 06 Mar 1782 in Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA. He died on 18 Apr 1858. Philo Parke and Anna Marie Ives married. They had the following children: i. Alma Cornelia Parks was born on 27 Apr 1817 in , , Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 May 1894 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, USA. 509. Warren Ives-6 (Noah-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 02 Apr 1803 in New York,USA. He died on 19 Oct 1869 in Olive,Clinton,Michigan,USA. Marietta Bronson daughter of Samuel Brunson and Elizabeth was born on 11 Jan 1806 in ,,New York,USA. She died on 20 Jun 1889 in St Johns,Clinton,Michigan,USA. Warren Ives and Marietta Bronson were married in 1846 in ,,New York,USA. They had the following children: 1074.i. Sarah A Ives was born in 1838 in ,,New York,USA. She married Wells Aldrich on 14 Mar 1858 in Victor,Clinton,Michigan,USA. 1075.ii. Washington Ives was born in Aug 1846 in Waterford, Oakland, Michigan. He married Elizabeth Morgan on 19 Jul 1863 in DeWitt, Clinton County, Michigan. He died on 30 Dec 1920 in Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan. 1076.iii. Melvina "Mary" Ives was born on 11 Mar 1835 in NY. She married Daniel Lebar Jr on 17 Sep 1879 in Owosso, MI. She died on 23 Jan 1923 in Laingsburg, MI. 1077.iv. Mary Jane Ives was born in Nov 1844 in DeWitt, Michigan, USA. She married William Webb on 19 Jul 1863. She died on 07 Mar 1921. 1078.v. William H Ives was born on 14 Feb 1843 in Niagra County, New York. He married Cynthia A Fitz on 07 Oct 1867 in Lansing, Ingham, MI. He died in 1923. Alfred J Ives was born in Sep 1829 in New York. He married Phoebe Shirts (Shurtz) in 1860. He died on 08 Mar 1904 in Laingsburg, Michigan. vii. Mortimer Ives was born in 1833 in New York. viii. Enos Ives was born in 1837 in New York. 510. Lorenzo D Ives-6 (Noah-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1818 in New York. He died in Dec 1884. Mary J. She died in Nov 1865. Lorenzo D Ives and Mary J married. They had the following children: 1080.i. Lucy Jane Ives was born on 01 Feb 1851 in Lansing, New York. She died on 25 Sep 1946 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Page 346 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Ninette was born in 1838 in New York. Lorenzo D Ives and Ninette married. They had no children. 511. Alburn Ives-6 (Noah-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in Dec 1823 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York. He died on 25 Jun 1903 in Genoa, New York. Emily Moreland daughter of William Moreland and Mary Ann Myers was born on 06 Apr 1838 in Lansing, Tompkins, New York, United States. She died in Dec 1915. Alburn Ives and Emily Moreland were married in 1859. They had the following children: i. Amy Ann Ives was born on 23 Dec 1865 in Cayuga, Cayuga, New York. She died in 1931. ii. Marion Ives was born on 17 May 1882 in New York. She died in 1960. iii. Fred W. Ives was born on 12 Mar 1874 in Cayuga County, New York. He died in 1900. iv. Frances Ives was born on 27 Mar 1869 in Cayuga County, New York. She died in 1896. v. Bert M. Ives was born on 26 Jan 1863 in Cayuga, Cayuga, New York, United States. He died on 15 Jan 1900 in Genoa, New York. vii. Ida M Ives was born in 1861 in Cayuga, Cayuga, New York, United States. She married Burt D Conklin on 24 Oct 1883 in Genoa, Cayuga, New York, USA. She died on 05 Jun 1928 in , Cortland, New York, USA. Addie Ives was born in Dec 1859. She died on 16 Nov 1860. 512. George Marvin Ives-6 (Giles-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 18 May 1817 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. Mary M was born in 1822 in Connecticut. George Marvin Ives and Mary M married. They had the following children: i. Elizabeth Ives was born in 1850. George Marvin Ives and unknown spouse married. They had the following children: i. Mary C Ives was born about 1853 in Connecticut, USA. 513. Caroline Ives-6 (Giles-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 Oct 1807 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 30 Mar 1875 in Connecticut. David J Bishop was born in 1801 in Connecticut, USA. He died between 1861-1870. David J Bishop and Caroline Ives were married on 08 Sep 1825 in Waterbury, North Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Margaret Bishop was born in 1841 in Connecticut. Page 347 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Carolyn S Bishop was born in 1836 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 15 Jan 1883 in Connecticut. 514. Esther Ives-6 (Giles-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 08 Apr 1805 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 29 Jan 1890 in Connecticut (Age: 84). Philo Brown son of James Brown and Lavinia Welton was born on 26 Jan 1803 in Waterbury. He died on 12 May 1880 in Waterbury, Connecticut (Age: 77). Philo Brown and Esther Ives were married on 16 Sep 1824 in Waterbury. They had the following children: i. Cornelia Ann Brown was born on 10 Apr 1834 in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Apr 1903 in Connecticut, USA. ii. William Brown was born in 1827 in Connectcut. 515. Caroline Ives-6 (Talcott-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1825 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Feb 1898. James Payne was born about 1826 in New York. James Payne and Caroline Ives married. They had the following children: i. Minnie Payne was born in 1858 in Connecticut. ii. Warren Payne. iii. Emma Payne. 516. Olive Ives-6 (Talcott-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1819 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Merrit Lane son of <No name> and <No name> was born on 13 Dec 1817. He died on 13 Jun 1888 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Merrit Lane and Olive Ives were married on 09 Jun 1845. They had the following children: i. Helen M Lane. ii. Mary E Lane. iii. Fred Lane. 517. Nancy Ives-6 (Talcott-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 22 Aug 1817 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 11 Jul 1884 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. William Benham son of Isaac Benham and Anna Tuttle was born on 24 Mar 1817 in Hamden,New Haven Co.,Connecticut. He died on 06 Nov 1908. Page 348 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) William Benham and Nancy Ives were married on 28 Mar 1843. They had the following children: i. Betsey Adelaide Benham was born on 17 Jan 1846. She died on 23 Aug 1918. ii. Nancy Anna Benham was born about 1858. 518. Harvey Ives-6 (Talcott-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in Aug 1810 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1892 in Landis, New Jersey. Maria Boyd was born in 1824 in New York, USA. Harvey Ives and Maria Boyd married. They had the following children: i. 1082.ii. Cordelia A Ives was born in 1856 in Connecticut, USA. Henry S Ives was born in Nov 1854 in Connecticut. 519. Alfred Ives-6 (Talcott-5, Noah-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 17 Sep 1813 in North Haven, CT, USA. He died on 22 May 1886 in Connecticut. Syliva A Blakeslee daughter of Levi Blakeslee and Mercy Beach was born on 26 Oct 1816 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 09 Apr 1912. Alfred Ives and Syliva A Blakeslee were married on 28 Dec 1834 in Litchfield, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1083.i. George W. Ives was born on 23 Dec 1842 in Connecticut. He married Betsy Maria Davis on 23 Dec 1863 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Sep 1930 in Hamden, Connecticut (Age: 87). 1084.ii. Susan Charlotte Ives was born on 01 Dec 1838 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Horace Putnam Shares on 09 Oct 1854 in Whitneyville, CT. She died on 23 Jan 1902 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States. 520. Giles Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in Bethany, Connecticut, USA. He died in 1889 in Denmark Center, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. Mercy Goff daughter of Phililp Goff and Chloe Cole was born in 1805 in New York. She died in 1890. Giles Ives and Mercy Goff married. They had the following children: i. Lewis L. Ives was born in 1845 in Ashtabula County, Ohio, USA. He married Ida Palmer on 15 Jul 1872. He died in 1873. 1085.ii. Sarah Sally Ives was born in 1834 in Ohio, USA. She married Francis Hendry in 1861. She died in 1897 in Madison, Lake, Ohio, USA. 1086.iii. Samantha Ives was born in Mar 1832 in Ohio. She married William H Seager on 15 Feb 1863. She died after 1900. Page 349 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1087.iv. Edmund Edward Ives was born on 20 Mar 1826 in Denmark, Ashtabula, Ohio. He married Margera Antoynette Turck on 07 Apr 1850. He died on 10 Feb 1905 in Jefferson, Ohio. v. Athalia Ives was born in 1828 in Ohio. She married Eaton J Brooks on 04 Jul 1853. She died in 1908. vi. Harrison P Ives was born in 1837 in Ashtabula County, Ohio, USA. He died on 19 Apr 1865 in New Berne, North Carolina, USA (Foster Army Hospital). vii. Lucy Ives was born in 1830 in Ashtabula County, Ohio, USA. She married Jonathan Smith Jones in 1853 in Ashtabula County, Ohio. She died in 1889. 521. Abel Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 10 Mar 1802 in Bethany, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Feb 1893 in Dorset, Ohio. Lucy Hubbard daughter of Nathaniel Hubbard and Lucy Waful was born in 1804 in Massachusetts. She died on 17 Jul 1884 in Dorset, Ashtabula, Ohio. Abel Ives and Lucy Hubbard married. They had the following children: 1088.i. Emily L Ives was born in Apr 1842 in Steamburg, Ohio, United States,. She died on 24 May 1920. 1089.ii. William C Ives was born in 1837 in Ohio. He died on 07 Mar 1862 in G H Cumberland, Clarysville, Maryland. He married Rhoda Wilson in Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. 1090.iii. Edwin Burke Ives was born on 02 Sep 1832 in Jefferson, Ohio. He married Almira Louisa Brooks in 1854. He died on 18 Mar 1906 in Niles, Michigan. 1091.iv. Frank Ashley Ives was born on 23 Mar 1861 in Pittsfield, Lorain, Ohio, United States. He married Mary Ann Quinn on 05 Jul 1886 in Elyria, Ohio, USA (St. Mary's Catholic Church They were the first couple to be married there.). He died on 28 Jun 1939 in Oberlin, Lorain, Ohio. 522. Elizabeth Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jul 1805 in Woodbridge, New Haven Co, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Feb 1885 in Farmington, Connecticut. Anson Green Bodwell son of James Bodwell and Susannah Humphrey was born on 03 Jun 1801 in Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Apr 1892 in Clifton Springs, Ontario, New York, USA. Anson Green Bodwell and Elizabeth Ives were married on 01 Oct 1826 in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Emeline Grace Bodwell was born on 19 Apr 1851 in Farmington, Connecticut. She died on 15 Jun 1931 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. ii. Charles Amos Bodwell was born on 28 May 1848 in Farmington, Connecticut. He died on 06 Jul 1914 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. iii. Eliza Chapin Bodwell was born on 05 Apr 1846 in Farmingbury, Connecticut, United States. She died on 06 Oct 1848 in Farmingbury, Connecticut, United States. Page 350 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Mary Elizabeth Bodwell was born on 31 Jul 1842 in Farmington, Connecticut. She died on 20 Oct 1918 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. v. Sherman Augustus Bodwell was born on 03 Aug 1835 in Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio. He died on 12 Sep 1871 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. vi. Edwin Bodwell was born on 07 Dec 1832 in Windsor, Ashtabula, Ohio. He died on 14 Aug 1903 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. vii. James Bodwell was born on 23 May 1830 in Farmington, CT. He died on 17 Jan 1900 in St. Joseph, Louisiana. viii. Mary Ann Bodwell was born on 15 Oct 1828 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 22 Jul 1829 in New Haven, Connecticut. ix. Lewis Bodwell was born on 08 Sep 1827 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 23 Nov 1894 in Clifton Springs, Ontario, New York, USA. 523. Mary Ives-6 (Abel-5, Abel-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Apr 1798 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Aug 1844 in Lykens, Crawford, Ohio, USA. Orrin James Cory son of Moses Cory and Jemima Potter was born on 10 Jul 1800 in Durham, Greene, New York, USA. He died on 19 Aug 1844 in Lykens, Crawford, Ohio, USA. Orrin James Cory and Mary Ives were married on 31 Dec 1824 in Green County, New York. They had the following children: i. Arletta D. Cory was born on 15 Sep 1825 in Greene, New York, USA. She died in 1850 in Lykens, Crawford, Ohio, USA. ii. Samuel P Cory was born on 09 Jan 1842 in Lykens, Crawford Co, OH. He died on 13 Nov 1870 in Tontogany, Wood Co, OH. iii. Orrin James Cory Jr. was born on 23 Jun 1840 in Melmore, Seneca Co, OH. He died on 17 Nov 1864 in Lykens, Crawford Co, OH. iv. Jemima M Cory was born on 17 Feb 1838 in Melmore, Seneca Co, OH. v. Melvin James Cory was born on 15 Nov 1836 in Melmore, Seneca Co, OH. He died about 1837 in Melmore, Seneca Co, OH. vi. Surviah Cory was born on 07 Jun 1834 in Melmore, Seneca Co, OH. vii. E Wallace Cory was born on 20 Jan 1832 in Greene Co, NY. He died on 26 Jan 1904 in Dayton, Montgomery Co, OH. viii. Edwina W Cory was born on 20 Jan 1832 in Greene Co, NY. She died about 1872. ix. Uzal Edmund Cory was born on 02 Mar 1829 in Greene, New York, USA. He died on 18 Jun 1914 in Tiffin, Seneca, Ohio, USA. Page 351 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:09 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) x. Ira Moses Cory was born on 20 Feb 1827 in Durham, Green, New York, USA. He died on 31 Aug 1890 in Lykens, Crawford, Ohio, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery, Bloomville, Senaca, Ohio, USA. Row 5, Grave 10.). 524. Bede Ives-6 (James-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 14 May 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 14 Mar 1857 in New York. Jared Goodyear son of Theophilus Goodyear and Sarah Munson was born on 26 Apr 1767 in Fairfield, Conneticut. He died on 29 Oct 1843 in Lawyersville, New York. Jared Goodyear and Bede Ives were married on 20 Mar 1789 in New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Jared Goodyear. ii. Lois Goodyear. iii. Bede Goodyear was born on 11 Dec 1797. She died on 01 Dec 1871 in Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey. iv. Willis Goodyear was born on 27 Nov 1799. v. Charles Goodyear* was born on 26 Apr 1804 in Schoharie County, New York. He died on 09 Apr 1876 in Charlottesville, Virginia. vi. Elmira Goodyear. vii. George Goodyear. 525. Chauncey Ives-6 (James-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 23 Aug 1795 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 02 Feb 1879 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States. Hannah Augusta Storer daughter of Nathaniel Storer and Polly Augusta Bontecou was born on 31 Jan 1797 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She died on 14 Dec 1868. Chauncey Ives and Hannah Augusta Storer were married on 19 Nov 1820. They had the following children: i. 1092.ii. iii. 1093.iv. v. Augustus Chauncey Ives was born on 29 Apr 1835. George Henry Ives was born on 02 May 1830 in New York. He died on 06 Mar 1871 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. John Henry Ives was born on 20 Apr 1826. He died in 1826. James Merritt Ives was born on 05 Mar 1824 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, MA. He married Caroline Clark on 24 Jun 1846. He died on 03 Jan 1895 in Rye, Westchester, New York. Elizabeth Mary Ives was born on 05 Nov 1821. Page 352 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 526. Russell Ives-6 (James-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jan 1785 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 12 Oct 1875 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. Russell Ives and unknown spouse were married on 22 Jan 1834 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. Elizabeth Cooper daughter of Simeon Cooper and Mary Lewis was born in 1788 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. She died in 1870 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Russell Ives and Elizabeth Cooper were married about 1810. They had the following children: 1094.i. George Russell Ives was born in 1812 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. He married Mary H Jones on 16 Oct 1879 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 25 Oct 1879 in Great Barrington, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA (Merchant.....Married....Cause of Death..Fall........... Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts Death Records.....V. 310 Page. 59). 527. Elam Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 07 Jan 1802 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 10 Feb 1864 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Louisa Todd daughter of Medad Todd and Amanda Bradley was born in 1804. She died on 30 Apr 1866. Elam Ives and Louisa Todd were married in Apr 1822 in Hamden, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1095.i. John Sebastian Ives was born on 24 Sep 1837 in Hampden, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 06 Feb 1887 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. ii. Mary Cooper Ives was born about 1825 in Hampden, Hampden, Massachusetts. She died on Unknown. iii. Augusta Ives was born about 1823 in Hampden, Hampden, Massachusetts. She died on Unknown. iv. Emily Ives was born in Jul 1826 in Hamden, Connecticut. v. Ella Ives was born in 1829 in Hamden, Connecticut. 528. Lucius Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 05 May 1813 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. He died on 24 Aug 1892 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Anna T Hall was born in 1816 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 11 May 1893 in Hamden,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. Lucius Ives and Anna T Hall were married on 01 May 1833 in Cheshire,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: 1096.i. Brainard Taylor Ives was born on 30 Mar 1838 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 26 Jan 1896 in Connecticut, United StateHamden,. Page 353 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Adeline A Ives was born in 1848 in Connecticut. She died on 09 Jan 1929 in Lakeville, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. iii. Elliot Elsworth Ives was born on 04 Jul 1836 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died on 22 Nov 1899 in Connecticut. He married Sophia Depke in Hamden, Connecticut. iv. Sarah A Ives was born in 1834 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. 1097.v. Henry Lucius Ives was born on 20 Nov 1854 in Hamden, Connecticut. He married Ella I Potter in 1877. He died on 05 Dec 1922. Franklin E Ives was born on 04 Jul 1836 in Connecticut. He died in 1900. 529. Beda Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 31 Dec 1793 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 17 May 1818 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. David Bradley son of Aaron Bradley and Patience Todd was born on 27 Dec 1791 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Oct 1854 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. David Bradley and Beda Ives were married in Nov 1813. They had the following children: i. Amelia Bradley was born about 1815. ii. Henry Bradley was born about 1817. 530. James Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 08 Dec 1815 in Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Sep 1889 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Lucy Ann Candee daughter of Isaiah Candee and Melissa Riggs was born on 14 Jul 1818 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 27 Dec 1890 in Mt Carmel, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. James Ives and Lucy Ann Candee were married on 28 Nov 1838. They had the following children: i. Helen M Ives was born about 1847 in Hampden, Hampden, Massachusetts. ii. Sarah H Ives was born in 1851. She died on 08 Apr 1857. iii. Mary A Ives was born on 24 Sep 1848 in New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Lucy W Ives was born about 1845 in Connecticut. She died on 07 May 1873. v. Catherine Candee Ives was born about 1840 in Connecticut. She died on 07 Sep 1858. 531. Julius Mortimer Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jan 1811 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 04 Feb 1888 in Hamden, Connecticut. Page 354 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Eunice Amelia Beadles daughter of Harry Beadles and Merancy Blakeslee was born in 1816 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 21 Jan 1906 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Julius Mortimer Ives and Eunice Amelia Beadles were married on 25 Mar 1833. They had the following children: 1099.i. Elizabeth N. Ives was born on 17 May 1846 in Meriden, New Haven County, CT, USA. She married Frank Palmer Pendleton on 24 Sep 1873 in Connecticut probably. She died after 1910 in Philadelphia, Philiadelphia County, PA, USA possibly. 1100.ii. Julius Ives was born on 06 Feb 1837 in Geneva, Ontario, New York, United States. He married Gertrude Childs on 08 Oct 1862. He died on 20 Feb 1879 in Geneva, Ontario, New York, United States. 1101.iii. Arthur Cowles Ives was born on 07 Jun 1841 in Connecticut, United States. He married Celestia Blinn Adams on 10 Oct 1866. He died on 07 Mar 1882. 1102.iv. Alice A. Ives was born on 13 Apr 1844 in Connecticut. v. Cornelius Wisner Ives was born on 06 Feb 1835 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 28 Jul 1835 in North Haven, Connecticut. vi. Julia E. Ives was born on 10 May 1839 in Geneva, Ontario, New York. 532. Henry Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 24 Jan 1808 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 03 Feb 1859. Eliza Ives daughter of Jesse Ives and Mabel Goodyear was born on 20 Jan 1812 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1882. Henry Ives and Eliza Ives were married on 20 Apr 1831 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1103.i. Ellen Maria Ives was born about 1834 in Connecticut. She married Samuel Stevens on 01 Sep 1859. She died on 30 Jun 1889 in , New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. William Wilbur Ives was born on 03 Jan 1843 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died on 27 Dec 1870 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. iii. Fritz Henry Ives. 1104.iv. Frederick Ives was born on 06 Mar 1832 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 04 Dec 1883. 533. William Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 Jan 1804 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Dec 1874 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Mary C Tuttle daughter of Benajah Tuttle and Betsey Ray was born on 11 Mar 1815 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 21 Nov 1847 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Page 355 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) William Ives and Mary C Tuttle were married on 28 Nov 1833 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. They had the following children: i. Mary W Ives was born in 1847 in Connecticut. Susan Cutler was born in 1827 in New Haven, Connecticut. William Ives and Susan Cutler married. They had no children. 534. Jason Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 28 Apr 1795 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 06 Jun 1879. Phebe Freeman was born in 1795 in New Haven Connecticut. Jason Ives and Phebe Freeman were married about 1816. They had the following children: 1105.i. Solon Emmet Ives was born in 1827 in New Haven. He died in 1928. ii. Joel Ives was born about 1817 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. 1106.iii. George Whitefield Ives was born on 22 Aug 1819 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Frances Smith on 20 Dec 1848. He died on 06 Dec 1874 in New York,. 1107.iv. William Walter Ives was born on 22 Jul 1822 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. 535. Parsons Ives-6 (Elam-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 29 Aug 1791 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 10 Sep 1850. Mary Hough daughter of Joel Hough and Sarah Royce was born on 25 Nov 1793 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 29 Mar 1851. Parsons Ives and Mary Hough were married about 1816. They had the following children: i. 1108.ii. Cornelia Ives was born on 14 Nov 1820 in Connecticut. She died on Unknown. Hobart Ives was born on 04 Jan 1817 in Connecticut. He died in Nov 1847. 536. Esther Ives-6 (Eber-5, James-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 02 Jan 1803 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Jul 1835. Loyal Francis Todd son of Justus Lyman Todd and Elizabeth Penfield Goodsell was born on 01 Nov 1798 in East Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 11 Sep 1870. Loyal Francis Todd and Esther Ives were married on 31 Aug 1824 in Mount Carmel, Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Henry S. Todd was born on 03 May 1835. He died on 03 Nov 1896. ii. Elizabeth Penfield Todd was born on 03 Sep 1825. iii. Mary A. Todd was born on 07 Mar 1831. She died on 18 Aug 1911. Page 356 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iv. Caroline J. Todd was born on 12 Aug 1833. v. Lyman Ives Todd was born on 11 Apr 1828. He died on 09 Mar 1904. 537. Eben Ives-6 (Asa-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 20 Oct 1792 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Feb 1855 in Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Elizabeth Hull daughter of Zephaniah Hull and Rachel Gilbert was born on 20 Oct 1794 in Cornwall, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 05 Feb 1882 in , Wapello, Iowa, USA. Eben Ives and Elizabeth Hull were married on 09 Nov 1815 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. They had the following children: i. Cephas Ives was born on 06 Mar 1836 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He died on 01 Feb 1855. ii. Elvira Ives was born on 16 Jul 1834 in Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa, USA. She died on 24 Mar 1855. 1109.iii. iv. Mary Emeline Ives was born on 13 Jul 1832 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. She married Samuel Beardsley Catlin on 21 Feb 1853 in Trumbull County, OH. She died on 08 Sep 1922 in Fairfield, Buena Vista, Iowa, USA. Erastus Griswold Ives was born in 1830 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He died on 17 Feb 1837. 1110.v. Eben Ives was born on 18 Nov 1827 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He married Caroline Arnold on 08 May 1862 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa. He died on 16 May 1906 in North Bend, Dodge, Nebraska, USA. Joseph Curtis Ives was born on 28 Jan 1824 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He married Sarah G Riggs in 1847 in Competine, Iowa. He died on 05 Apr 1895 in Iowa. vii. Sarah Ives was born on 29 Sep 1821 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. She died on 14 Jan 1894 in Iowa. 1112.viii. Edward Hull Ives was born on 18 Dec 1819 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He married Mary Harris on 27 Oct 1853 in Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. He died on 18 Nov 1892. 1113.ix. Nelson Marks Ives was born on 02 Jan 1818 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He married Emily Frances Davis on 30 Nov 1851 in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. He died on 05 Feb 1898 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, USA. 1114.x. John Hull Ives was born on 08 Jul 1838 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio, USA. He married Anne Issabelle Sylvester on 29 Dec 1869 in Newton Falls, Trumbull, Iowa, USA. He died on 24 Mar 1921 in Competine, Wapello, Iowa. 538. Leverett Ives-6 (Asa-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 21 Sep 1796 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 05 Dec 1877 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (Age: 81). Page 357 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Huldah Holbrook daughter of Sylvanus Holbrook and Betsey Pond was born on 27 Jun 1804 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 22 Sep 1893 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. Leverett Ives and Huldah Holbrook were married on 26 Nov 1822 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Asa Ives was born on 15 Mar 1844 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Jul 1922 in Connecticut. 1115.ii. Florine Millia Ives was born on 17 Jan 1842 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She married Abel G. Stevens on 27 Sep 1860. She died on 01 Nov 1924. 1116.iii. Henry H Ives was born on 11 Sep 1839 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Eunice Miriam. Johnson on 01 May 1867. He died on 16 Jan 1885 in Connecticut. 1117.iv. Mary Estelle Ives was born on 30 Sep 1835 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She married Nelson Ives Clark on 08 Aug 1854 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 14 Jul 1898. 1118.v. Hubert L Ives was born on 24 Aug 1833 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Ellen Adelaide Beach on 18 Feb 1855. He died on 11 Feb 1868. Everardus Ives was born on 15 Nov 1830 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Ann S Emmons on 30 Mar 1853. He died on 09 Feb 1885 in Connecticut. vii. Bogardus Ives was born on 15 Nov 1830 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Jun 1841. 1120.viii. Sabin P Ives was born on 13 Oct 1828 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Alice Landon on 04 Mar 1854. He died on 10 Mar 1906 in Litchfield County, Connecticut. 1121.ix. Fessenden Ives was born on 17 Aug 1826 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Cook on 20 Nov 1850 in Sheffield,Berkshire,Massachusetts,USA. He died on 17 Mar 1910 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. 1122.x. Alderman Ives was born on 01 Jul 1824 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Betsey E. Davidson on 07 Jan 1846 in Goshen, Connecticut. He died on 19 Dec 1892. 539. Sarah Ives-6 (Asa-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 20 Oct 1802 in Goshen Twp, Connecticut. She died on 12 Oct 1886 in Salisbury, Connecticut. Amos Johnson was born in Cornwall,Connecticcut. Amos Johnson and Sarah Ives were married on 12 Oct 1826. They had the following children: i. Miriam Johnson was born in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. ii. David Johnson was born in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. Page 358 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Sarah M. Johnson. iv. Edgar Johnson was born in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. 540. Luther Ives-6 (Asa-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 10 May 1794 in New Haven Co.,CT,USA. He died on 15 Jan 1871. Laura Johnson daughter of Buckley Johnson and Ethelina Britton was born in 1798 in Connecticut. Luther Ives and Laura Johnson married. They had the following children: 1123.i. Lucy A. Ives was born in 1821 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She married Gideon Austin Bush on 24 Apr 1844 in Portage County, Ohio. 1124.ii. William Buckley Ives was born on 02 Jan 1821 in Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He married Mahala Jane Barb on 01 May 1870. He died on 10 Apr 1895 in Southington, Trumbull, Ohio, United States. iii. Amos J Ives was born in Sep 1819 in Goshen, Connecticut. iv. Sarah Ives was born in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. v. Barnabas Ives was born in 1826 in Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 26 Mar 1852. 541. Theodore Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1786 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 May 1875 in Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. Amanda Rogers daughter of Noah Rogers and Rhoda Leete was born on 17 Dec 1783 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 02 Nov 1867 in Cornwall, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Theodore Ives and Amanda Rogers were married on 22 Nov 1821 in Conn. They had the following children: 1125.i. Theodore Rogers Ives was born on 19 Mar 1823 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Mary Elizabeth Rogers on 14 May 1845 in Cornwall, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Feb 1905 in Cornwall, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. 542. Cephas Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Mar 1780 in Cheshire, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 30 May 1864 in Connecticut. Nancy Clark daughter of David Clarke and Elizabeth Nodine was born on 05 Feb 1781 in Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut. She died on 08 Mar 1863 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. Cephas Ives and Nancy Clark were married on 14 Feb 1808 in Cheshire, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1126.i. Mark Ives was born on 10 Feb 1809 in Goshen Twp, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Mary Anne Brainard on 24 Nov 1836 in Haddam,Middlesex,CT. He died on 21 Mar 1885 in Cornwall,Connecticcut. Page 359 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) ii. Harriet Ives was born on 27 Nov 1811 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She died on 12 Mar 1896. 1127.iii. Hannah Elizabeth Ives was born on 02 Nov 1814 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She married Austin Allyn on 16 Nov 1847. She died on 14 Apr 1854. 1128.iv. Esther Ives was born on 25 Nov 1817 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She married Norman Spurr on 23 Aug 1841 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 12 May 1869. v. Mary Ives was born on 19 Dec 1819 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She died on 06 May 1887. 543. Mabel Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 16 Jul 1778 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 13 Jan 1859 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. Thomas Bartholomew son of Samuel Bartholomew and Mary Lucas was born on 05 Sep 1776 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. He died on 21 Sep 1858. Thomas Bartholomew and Mabel Ives were married on 01 Jun 1801. They had the following children: i. Orlo Bartholomew was born on 20 Oct 1801 in Goshen,Twp. Connecticut. He died on 07 May 1864 in Augusta,New York. ii. Myron Bartholomew was born on 19 Jan 1803 in Goshen,Twp. Connecticut. He died on 02 Oct 1845 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. iii. Emily Bartholomew was born on 29 Oct 1804 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. iv. Ann Bartholomew was born on 23 Sep 1806 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. v. Cordelia Bartholomew was born on 01 Sep 1808 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. vi. Almira Bartholomew was born on 18 Aug 1810 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She died on 27 Oct 1845. vii. Sophronia Bartholomew was born on 23 May 1812 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. She died on 04 Jun 1813 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. viii. Esther Velonia Bartholomew was born on 17 Apr 1818 in Goshen Twp,Connecticut. 544. Jesse Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 21 Jan 1776 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. He died on 25 Nov 1857 in Homer, Cortland County, New York, USA. Polly Miles daughter of Samuel Miles and Sylvia Merwin was born on 26 Dec 1781 in Connecticut. She died on 05 Mar 1877 in Homer, Cortland, New York, USA. Jesse Ives and Polly Miles were married in 1799. They had the following children: 1129.i. Catherine M Ives was born in 1801. She married Hezekiah Dickerman about 1825. She died about 1830. Page 360 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1130.ii. iii. 1131.iv. v. William M. Ives was born in 1806 in Connecticut. He married Amanda Barker about 1826. Louisa Ives was born in 1809 in Connecticut USA. She died in Apr 1880 in Homer, Cortland, New York. Frederick Ives was born in 1810 in Connecticut. Mary Ives was born about 1809 in Homer, Cortland, New York. Jane Ives was born about 1811 in Homer, Cortland, New York. She married Cyprian Collins Norton on 10 Jun 1841 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. 1133.vii. Augustus Miles Ives was born on 21 Oct 1817 in Homer, Cortland, New York, United States. He married Caroline Riggs on 03 Jun 1840 in Homer, Cortland, New York, United States. He died on 09 Oct 1889 in Medina, Orleans, New York, USA. 1134.viii. Clarissa Ives was born about 1845 in Genoa, New York, USA. She died on 26 Jul 1908 in Auburn, New York, USA. ix. Edward Murary Ives was born in 1822 in Homer, New York. x. Sarah Ann Ives was born about 1819 in Homer, Cortland, New York. 545. Esther Ives-6 (Lazarus-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 10 Oct 1774 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 24 Aug 1860 in Connecticut. Tyrannus Tuttle son of Noah Tuttle and Ruth Beach was born on 13 Jul 1774 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 23 Jan 1837 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. Tyrannus Tuttle and Esther Ives were married on 22 Nov 1796 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Achsah Tuttle was born on 20 Mar 1798. ii. Clarissa Tuttle was born on 08 Sep 1799. iii. Laura Tuttle was born on 20 Jan 1801. iv. Esther Tuttle was born on 15 Mar 1803. v. Morris Tuttle was born on 16 Oct 1805. 546. Betsey Ives-6 (Ezra-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 May 1772 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 02 Apr 1858. Lyman Bradley son of Eli Bradley and Mary Hitchcock was born on 14 Jun 1769 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. He died on 23 Sep 1853. Lyman Bradley and Betsey Ives were married on 13 Dec 1795 in Hamden, CT. They had the following children: Page 361 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) i. Harriett Bradley was born in 1802 in Hamden, CT. She died on 07 Apr 1882 in Hamden, CT. ii. Lyman Bradley was born in 1804 in Hamden, CT. iii. William Bradley was born on 20 Jul 1807 in Hamden, CT. He died on 28 Mar 1866 in Hamden, CT. iv. Ezra Ives Bradley was born on 15 Mar 1811 in Hamden, CT. He died on 11 Jan 1893 in Hamden, CT. v. Betsey B. Bradley was born on 13 Aug 1813 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 11 Nov 1854. 547. Jared Ives-6 (Ezra-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 19 Aug 1781 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Colonies. He died on 16 Nov 1857 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Sylvia Bradley daughter of Chauncey Bradley and Mary Merrick was born on 01 Nov 1783 in Connecticut. She died on 26 Aug 1858 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Jared Ives and Sylvia Bradley married. They had the following children: 1135.i. Merwin Ives was born in Nov 1822 in Hamden, Connecticut. He died on 16 Apr 1852 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Ezra Ives was born in 1818 in Hamden, Connecticut. He married Cordelia Sophia Clark on 09 Dec 1845 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 31 May 1851 in Hamden, Connecticut. iii. Jared Merrick Ives was born in 1817 in Hampden, Massachusetts. He died on 23 Jan 1838 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. 1136.iv. Chauncey Bradley Ives was born on 14 Dec 1810 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Maria Louisa Davis on 04 Oct 1860 in Rome, Lazio, Italy. He died on 02 Aug 1894 in Rome, Italy. v. Harry Ives was born on 29 Jan 1809 in Hampden, Connecticut. vi. Emily Ives was born on 03 Jul 1808 in New Haven, Connecticut. 548. Jesse Ives-6 (Ezra-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 29 Jun 1774 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 21 Sep 1843 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Mabel Goodyear daughter of Jesse Goodyear and Hannah Bradley was born on 27 Aug 1776 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. She died on 31 Jul 1822 in Hartford,,Connecticut,USA. Jesse Ives and Mabel Goodyear were married on 01 Apr 1798 in New Haven,New Haven,Connecticut,USA. They had the following children: Page 362 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) 1138.i. Mark Ives was born on 19 Oct 1801 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Saritta Dickerman on 23 May 1822 in , Hampden, Massachusetts. He died on 06 Apr 1884. ii. Lyman Ives was born on 24 Jun 1804 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. He died in 1874. 1139.iii. Robert Ives was born on 31 Mar 1809 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He married Sarah L Gilbert in Oct 1838 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 May 1884 in Connecticut. 1140.iv. Eliza Ives was born on 20 Jan 1812 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Henry Ives on 20 Apr 1831 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 11 Dec 1885. v. Maria Ives was born on 10 Nov 1814 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 May 1835 in Hamden, Connecticut, USA (Age: 20). vi. Mabel Ives was born on 10 Jan 1817 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 23 May 1842 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Caroline Ives was born on 09 Feb 1821 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 14 Jan 1892 in New Haven, Connecticut. viii. Myra Ives was born on 15 May 1799 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1875 in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Susan Sukey Hall was born in 1776 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 12 Jul 1860 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut (Age: 84). Jesse Ives and Susan Sukey Hall were married on 20 Sep 1842 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1137.i. Jesse Goodyear Ives was born on 12 Aug 1806 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Harriet Lucinda Munson on 28 Nov 1832 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 06 Apr 1884 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. 549. Russell Ives-6 (Ezra-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 04 Jan 1785 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 18 Aug 1853 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Emeline Bradley daughter of Alvan Bradley and Abigail Hall was born on 16 Mar 1803 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died after 1880. Russell Ives and Emeline Bradley were married on 22 Jan 1834 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1141.i. Emily Bradley Ives was born on 03 Jul 1840 in New Haven, Connecticut. She married George Chauncey Baldwin on 15 Apr 1859 in Hamden, Connecticut. She died on 26 Aug 1868 in Hamden, Connecticut. Abigail Dickerman daughter of Amos Dickerman and Chloe Bradley was born on 28 Oct 1789 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 06 Sep 1829. Page 363 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Russell Ives and Abigail Dickerman were married on 10 Nov 1814 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Dennis D Ives was born on 31 Jan 1826 in North Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA,. He married Frances E Osborn on 09 Jun 1859. He died on 28 Jan 1884 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. ii. Francis Ives was born in 1819 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Jan 1895 in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA. iii. Adeline A Ives was born in 1817 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Edwin R Ives was born in 1815 in Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 01 Nov 1820 in Hamden, Connecticut. 550. Rhoda Ives-6 (Ezra-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 22 Jan 1770 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 27 Dec 1819 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Joshua Goodyear son of Jesse Goodyear and Hannah Bradley was born on 29 Sep 1769 in Mount Carmel, Hamden, New Haven Co., CT. He died on 15 Nov 1817 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. Joshua Goodyear and Rhoda Ives were married in 1789 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. They had the following children: i. Lois Goodyear was born on 12 Jan 1812 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 12 Feb 1888 in Bath, Summit, Ohio, United States. ii. Russell Goodyear was born on 01 Nov 1809 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 07 Jan 1810 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. iii. Bede Goodyear was born on 13 Mar 1808 in Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died in 1878. iv. Marcus Goodyear was born on 13 Aug 1806 in Hamden, New Haven, CT., USA. He died on 12 Jul 1870 in Hamden, New Haven Co., CT. 551. Mabel Ives-6 (Ezra-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 09 Feb 1767 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 04 Aug 1834 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Justus Allen son of Nathan Allen and Mary Hitchcock was born on 08 Jun 1766 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Jun 1808 in Colebrook, Connecticut, USA. Justus Allen and Mabel Ives were married on 09 Feb 1767 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Lewis Allen was born on 23 Aug 1801 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 02 Sep 1848 in Millbrook,Connecticut,USA. ii. Sylvia Allen was born on 05 Jan 1807 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She died on 16 Apr 1877 in Granby, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Page 364 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) iii. Cynthia Allen was born on 22 Oct 1804. She died on 08 May 1870 in Mount Morris, Livingston, New York, USA. iv. Augustus Allen was born on 29 Oct 1796. He died on 25 Oct 1864 in Honesdale, Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA. v. Roxana Allen was born on 12 Oct 1794. She died on 24 Aug 1865 in Lennox, New York. vi. Lyman I Allen was born on 15 Feb 1799. He died on 12 Mar 1875. vii. Truman Allen was born on 17 Nov 1792 in Colebrook, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Feb 1886 in Granby, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. 552. Allen Ives-6 (Ebenezer-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 20 Feb 1805 in Vermont. He died on 19 Nov 1893. Mary Ann Williams daughter of Samuel Williams and Polly Tarbell was born on 30 Nov 1814 in Rindge, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA,. She died in 1902 in Mt Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Allen Ives and Mary Ann Williams married. They had the following children: 1142.i. Clarence F Ives was born in 1854 in Vermont. He married Belle F Wilcox on 14 Jun 1879 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, United States. He died on 11 Nov 1881 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, United States. 1143.ii. Mercy Louise Ives was born on 28 Jul 1843 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She died on 17 Nov 1918 in Wallingford, , Vermont, USA. 1144.iii. Arvilla C Ives was born on 18 Nov 1839 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married Windsor Newton on 28 Apr 1861 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She died in 1911. 1145.iv. Ann Aurora Ives was born on 17 Dec 1833 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont, USA. She married William Kent on 11 Mar 1848. She died in 1906. v. Allen Morton Ives was born on 08 Jun 1837 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont. He died on 17 Oct 1912 in Mount Holly, Rutland County, Vermont, United States of America (Age: 75). vi. Clarissa Jane Ives was born on 02 Jul 1835 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont. She died on 18 Aug 1852 in Vermont, USA (Age: 17). 1146.vii. Laura Janette Ives was born on 04 Dec 1841 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont. She died in 1875. 553. Clarissa Ives-6 (Ebenezer-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 01 Jun 1800 in Rutland Co, Vt. She died in 1813 in Cavendish, VT. Asa Spalding son of Benjamin Spalding and Sarah French was born on 27 Jan 1786 in Jaffrey, NH. He died on 23 Aug 1871. Page 365 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 6 (con't) Asa Spalding and Clarissa Ives were married on 05 Sep 1810 in Ludlow, VT. They had the following children: i. Alonzo Griswold Spalding was born on 11 Aug 1811 in Cavendish, VT; lved in Blanchard, OH; was married and left a family. 554. Mabel Almira Ives-6 (Ebenezer-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 10 Apr 1808 in Mt Holly Twp, Rutland, Vermont. She died on 14 Jan 1847 in Mount Holly, Vt.. Alvin Holden son of Charles Holden and Polly Bigelow was born in Mount Holly Vt.. He died in Mar 1888 in Mount Holly, Vt.. Alvin Holden and Mabel Almira Ives were married on 19 Apr 1828 in Mount Holly, Vt.. They had the following children: i. Armina Holden was born on 14 Aug 1846 in Mount Holly Vt.. She died on 20 Mar 1851 in Mount Holly Vt.. ii. Caroline Holden was born on 07 May 1835 in Mount Holly Vt.. She died on 07 Dec 1837 in Mount Holly Vt.. iii. Edson Holden was born on 28 May 1829 in Mount Holly Vt.. iv. Marion M. Holden was born on 14 Apr 1841 in Mount Holly Vt.. v. Rosanna S. Holden was born on 12 Jun 1838 in Mount Holly Vt.. vi. Rosilla Holden was born on 06 Oct 1832 in Mount Holly Vt.. 555. Jonah Ives-6 (Jonah-5, Lazarus-4, Ebenezer-3, Joseph-2, William-1) was born on 26 Mar 1798 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. He died on 31 Mar 1885 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Amarilla Wright daughter of Moses Wright and Mary Adams was born in Oct 1797 in Rockingham, Windham, Vermont, United States. She died on 31 May 1866 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, United States. Jonah Ives and Amarilla Wright were married on 28 Dec 1819 in Rockingham, Windham, Vermont, USA. They had the following children: 1147.i. Jewett D. Ives was born on 11 May 1835 in Mount Holly, Rutland County, Vermont, United States of America. He married Ellen Maria Manning on 10 Apr 1856. He died on 26 Jun 1888 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. ii. Jonah Ives was born about 1822 in Malone, Franklin County, New York. iii. Warren W Ives was born in 1826. He died on 05 Aug 1829 in Mount Holly, Rutland, Vermont, USA. Generation 7 Page 366 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 556. Mary Ransy Rose-7 (Salmon Montague-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. She died on 10 Aug 1849 in Afton, Chenango Co., NY. Thomas Terry was born in 1804. He died on 01 Jul 1851 in Afton, Chenango, New York. Thomas Terry and Mary Ransy Rose were married in 1827. They had the following children: i. Marianne Eliza Terry was born on 04 Feb 1841 in Greene, Chenango, New York, United States. She died in 1890. ii. Rhoda Annette Terry was born in 1833. She died in 1900. iii. John Rose Terry was born in 1831. He died in 1898. iv. Violet Terry was born in 1828. She died in 1905. 557. Shirland Rose-7 (Salmon Montague-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1792 in Vermont, United States. He died in 1859. Prudence Mathewson daughter of William Mathewson and Tabitha Chaffee was born in 1785 in Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1853 in , , Illinois, USA. Shirland Rose and Prudence Mathewson married. They had the following children: i. 1148.ii. Sarah Almira Rose was born in 1825. Mary Rose was born in 1822. She married William Tanner Burlingham in 1838. She died in 1906. iii. Moriah Rose was born in 1820. iv. Janette Rose was born in 1815. She died in Belfast, Allegany, New York. v. Marilla Rose was born in 1815. vi. Rhoda Ann Rose was born in 1815. vii. John M. Rose was born in 1815. He died in Livermore, Iowa. 558. Hinsdale Rose-7 (Salmon Montague-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1800 in New York. He died on 27 May 1860 in Chenango, New York, United States. Sephronia Barrett was born in 1808. She died on 12 Jan 1869 in Chenango County, New York, USA (Age: 61). Hinsdale Rose and Sephronia Barrett married. They had the following children: i. L Miriam Rose was born about 1828. ii. Emmory H Rose was born about 1837 in New York. Page 367 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) iii. William H Rose was born about 1841. 559. John Horton Rose-7 (Salmon Montague-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in Jan 1798. He died on 23 Jul 1866 (Age: 68). Jerusha Perkins was born about 1800. John Horton Rose and Jerusha Perkins married. They had the following children: i. Frances A Rose was born about 1835. 560. Elanson Rose-7 (William-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 02 Jun 1789 in Binghampton, New York. He died on 04 Sep 1875 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA. Lusena Osborn was born on 24 Sep 1791 in New York, USA. She died on 28 Nov 1864 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA. Elanson Rose and Lusena Osborn were married in 1811. They had the following children: 1149.i. George Washington Rose was born in 1814 in New York. He married Valvacia Stevens on 31 Dec 1838 in Great Bend, Pennsylvania (m by Rev. Foster). He died in LeRaysville, Pennsylvania. 1150.ii. Edwin Gager Rose was born on 01 Feb 1837 in Sherburne, Chenango, New York, United States. He married Sarah Paulina Sherwin on 25 Nov 1859 in East Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio (m by Rev. S. W. Adams). He died on 03 Feb 1907 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States. 1151.iii. Augustus Hill Rose was born on 20 Aug 1824 in New York. 1152.iv. Elanson Rose Jr. was born on 25 Jun 1838 in Bnghamton Co., New York, USA. He married Margaret Lee on 17 Sep 1851 in Camden, Lorain, Ohio. He died on 12 May 1905 in Norwarlk, Ohio. v. Lusena Rose was born on 10 Sep 1833 in Binghamton, New York. She married William E. Hurlbut on 25 Mar 1854. She died on 25 Feb 1904 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio. Permelia Rose was born on 11 Mar 1815 in New York. She married Edwin Gager on 15 Nov 1831. She died on 01 Aug 1899 in Norwalk, Huron, Ohio. 1154.vii. Hiram Rose was born on 07 Jan 1822 in Broome, New York. He died on 23 Oct 1884 in Kansas City, Clay, Missouri, USA. 1155.viii. Susan Dinsmore Rose was born on 14 Aug 1819 in New York. She died on 30 Sep 1902 in Toledo, Lucas, Ohio. ix. Louisa A. Rose was born on 28 May 1812 in New York. She died in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. 561. Susan Rose-7 (William-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 15 May 1804 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. She died on 28 Dec 1886 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. Page 368 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) Edward Graves son of Abraham Graves Ii and Lydia Lindley was born on 27 Nov 1803 in Guilford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 19 Aug 1881 in Elbridge, Onondaga, New York, United States. Edward Graves and Susan Rose were married on 10 Oct 1826. They had the following children: i. Bengiman Graves was born about 1844 in New York. ii. Mary Graves was born about 1831 in New York. iii. Alonzo Chatfield Graves was born on 03 May 1851 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. He died on 19 Jul 1901. iv. Harriet Hattie Graves was born on 22 Oct 1848 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. She died on 17 Apr 1866. v. John Graves was born on 02 Feb 1843 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. He died on 25 Oct 1854. vi. Benjamin Graves was born on 27 Dec 1841 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. He died in Nov 1892. vii. William Graves was born on 03 Jul 1837 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. He died in 1915. viii. Lucy Ann Graves was born on 12 Aug 1834 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. She died in Aug 1920. ix. Polly Graves was born on 11 Apr 1830 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. She died in Feb 1893. x. Lydia Maria Graves was born on 11 Feb 1828 in Barker, Broome, New York, United States. She died on 22 May 1909 in Binghamton, Broome, New York, United States (Age at Death: 81). 562. Horace Boardman Rose-7 (William-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 15 Jun 1786 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. He died on 07 Jan 1840 in Roseville, Logan, Arkansas, USA. Elvira Percival daughter of Jabez H Percival and Elizabeth Stearns was born on 20 Jun 1790 in Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 25 Jul 1835 in Roseville, Logan, Arkansas, United States. Horace Boardman Rose and Elvira Percival were married on 16 Dec 1807 in Lawranceberg, Dearborn, Indiana, United States. They had the following children: 1156.i. ii. Corinna S Rose was born on 03 Jan 1827 in New Orleans, Jefferson, Louisiana, United States. She married Lorenzo Clark Quin on 29 Dec 1842 in Pulaski, Arkansas, United States. She died on 06 Jun 1863 in Roseville, Logan, Arkansas, United States. Eudora Elvira Rose was born on 25 Mar 1816 in New Orleans, Jefferson, Louisiana, United States. She died on 17 Nov 1901 in Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas, United States. Page 369 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) iii. Mary Eliza Rose was born on 13 Nov 1813 in East Baton Rouge, Parish, Louisiana, United States. She died on 13 Dec 1904 in Arkansas, United States. 563. Denison Forsyth Rose-7 (Dennison Robinson-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 23 Nov 1830 in Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, USA. He died on 18 Feb 1922 in Sedalia, Pettis, Missouri. Sophie E Merrell daughter of John Jackson Merrell and Maria Paddock was born about 1836 in Michigan. She died on 10 May 1915 in Drayton Plains, Michigan. Denison Forsyth Rose and Sophie E Merrell were married on 02 Dec 1852 in Detroit, Michigan. They had the following children: 1158.i. Grace Adela Rose was born in 1854 in Michigan, United States. ii. Francis Rose was born in Sep 1872 in Michigan. iii. Harry R. Rose was born about 1856 in Michigan. 1159.iv. Mary Alice Rose was born in Aug 1862 in Michigan. She married Percival Forrester Gaines on 20 Jun 1888 in Saginaw, Michigan. v. George C. Rose was born about 1863 in Michigan. vi. Frances Love Rose was born in Sep 1872 in Michigan. Mary Ann Foster was born in 1835. Denison Forsyth Rose and Mary Ann Foster were married on 02 Dec 1852 in Wayne County, Michigan. They had the following children: 1157.i. Willard Frederick Rose was born in Apr 1861 in Michigan. He married Mary Emilie Rech in 1886. 564. Mary S. Rose-7 (Dennison Robinson-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born on 20 Jul 1825 in Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, USA. She died on 16 Apr 1909 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA (Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, MI.). John William Wylde son of Thomas Wylde and Elizabeth Moffet was born on 26 Aug 1810 in Millom, Cumberland, England. He died on 19 Sep 1898 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA (died of "senility" (old age)). John William Wylde and Mary S. Rose were married on 03 Oct 1842 in Roseville, Wayne, MI> (Family Bible source). They had the following children: i. Harry Denison Wylde was born on 04 Aug 1859 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1904 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA (Typhoid fever. Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, Macomb, MI.). ii. Mary Eva Wylde was born on 26 Feb 1856 in Mt. Clemens, Macomb, MI.. She died on 30 Dec 1862 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, MI.. Page 370 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) iii. Florence Ada Wylde was born on 11 Jun 1850 in Mt. Clemens, Macomb, MI.. She died on 12 Jan 1855 in Mt. Clemens, Macomb, MI. (Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, MI.). iv. Marion Jane Wylde was born on 11 Jul 1844 in Mt. Clemens, Macomb, MI.. She died on 12 May 1851 in Mt. Clemens, Macomb, MI. (Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, MI.). v. James Forsythe Wylde Sr. was born on 23 Jul 1865 in Ann Arbor,Washtenaw, MI.. He died on 12 Nov 1940 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH. (Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, MI.). vi. Elizabeth Rose Wylde was born on 23 Sep 1861 in Ann Arbor,Washtenaw, MI.. She died on 09 Oct 1934 in Oberlin, OH. (Buried Clinton Grove Cemetery, Mt. Clemens, MI.). 565. Horace Rose-7 (Elijah H-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1808 in Broome, New York, USA. He died in May 1854 in Cortland, Cortland, New York, United States. Tryphena Boyd was born in 1808 in Saratoga County, New York, USA. She died in 1860 in New York, United States. Horace Rose and Tryphena Boyd were married about 1829 in Binghampton, New York, USA (Date and location found on rootsweb). They had the following children: 1160.i. Amelia R Rose was born in 1836 in New York. 1161.ii. Charles Henry Rose was born on 27 Oct 1845 in Victor, Ontario, New York, USA. He married Emma A Howe in 1870. He died on 22 Oct 1905 in Kent County, Michigan (Age: 59). iii. Christopher Rose was born in 1830. He died in 1844 in , Cortland, New York, USA. iv. Josephine P Rose was born in 1843 in Cortlandville, Cortland, New York, USA. v. Lewis Henry Rose was born in 1840 in New York, United States. He died in Apr 1885 in New York, United States. Lorenzo Dow Rose was born on 06 Jun 1834 in Broome County, New York. He married Mary L Hartwell on 10 May 1853 in Addison, Steven, New York, USA. He died on 20 Apr 1907 in Cody, Cherry County, Nebraska. 566. Eben Rose-7 (Elijah H-6, John Sargent-5, John-4, John-3, Phebe-2, William-1) was born in 1817 in Niagra, New York. He died on 31 Dec 1887. Nancy Tillotson daughter of William Tillotson and Laura Carpenter was born on 16 Nov 1819. She died on 04 Feb 1884 in Broome, New York. Eben Rose and Nancy Tillotson were married on 04 Mar 1857 in New York. They had the following children: i. Augusta Rose was born in 1853 in Broome, New York. Page 371 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 567. Mineas Ives-7 (Levi-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 05 Feb 1789 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Feb 1883 in Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, USA. Notes for Mineas Ives: General Notes: From personal Correspondence, Marion Willis 22 Feb 1983: About 1858 all hell broke loose in Goshen: a child of Cornelia's and Edwin's, Charles, died in a tragic fire at the sawmill; various of Mineas Ives' grandchildren, his daughter Mary Ann's kins, showed signs of T.B. and Mary Ann's brother-in-law, one of the Lyman's, was intent upon starting a church in the west, financed by the Goshen Home Mission Society. A whole slew of Goshen residents started out for El Paso, IL, including Edwin, Cornelia, all their brood, and Mary Ann and her family, all but one daughter who was too sick to travel. She died in Goshen very soon after they left. Once in Illinois, though, things didn't go much better. One of Mary Ann's sons died in a Civil War camp; between 1863 and 1867 all the rest of her children (ages 18 to 30) died. Cornelia, that lady of firm convictions, wasn't about to let her family disappear in the same way her nieces and nephews had done. Besides, she had a brother in Scranton, and there were a lot of friends from Goshen and other Connecticut towns there doing very well as the city grew, as the railroads and coal interests expanded. So, Cornelia put her foot down; when the rest of the El Paso crew decided to migrate to Winfield, Kansas. she decreed that they should instead go east to Scranton. One of the most interesting facts is that on all of these moves, Old Mineas was along. He must have been a tough old bird; he went to Illinois at seventy plus in age, and to Kansas when he was nearly 80. He died in Kansas in 1883, while living with Mary Ann, and other children, age 96. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883. DIED. Father Ives, one of the oldest residents of the county and of Ninnescah Township, died Monday evening. He was in his ninety-fifty year, and was stout and hearty up to ninety. He had been all his life strictly temperate in everything, never using tobacco or liquor in any form. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------From SueAnne Warr McClory, 3 Nav 2014 -David 'Got to thinking'R. this obit says the Ives family left CT on the day Lincoln was shot. That would disprove the story of them leaving behind a Lyman child, Helen, because she died in 1863. It would also explain how Daniel Lyman was buried in Goshen after dying of disease in the Civil War in 1862. So the time frame for them being in El Paso, IL is about 7 years, all leaving in 1872. I love the pieces of the puzzle.... Sue Mary Coombs daughter of Josiah Coombs and Hannah Phelps was born on 19 Jan 1786 in Connecticut. She died on 23 Feb 1860 in Litchfield, Connecticut. Notes for Mary Coombs: General Notes: Burial information from: NOTE: Surname is misspelled as "Iris" Thanks to SueAnne Warr McClory for finding this information! Page 372 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) Mineas Ives and Mary Coombs were married on 24 Oct 1810. They had the following children: i. Eunice Ives was born on 18 Jul 1811. She died on 16 Jan 1817. 1163.ii. Mary Ann Ives was born on 07 Apr 1813 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She married William Lyman on 19 Mar 1834 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. She died on 10 Apr 1907 in Goddard, Sedgwick Co, KS. 1164.iii. Caroline Ives was born on 22 Jun 1815 in Pleasant Valley, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. She married Albert Baker on 01 Jan 1839 in Goshen, Connecticut. She died on 13 Jan 1899 in Barkhamsted, Connecticut. iv. Henry Ives was born on 31 Mar 1818. He died on 14 Jan 1899 in Winfield, Kansas, USA. 1165.v. Edwin Ives was born on 25 Jul 1820 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Cornelia Ann Warren on 20 May 1847 in Goshen, Connecticut. He died on 03 Feb 1907 in Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA. vi. Helen Frances Ives was born on 08 Oct 1822 in Albany, Albany, New York, USA. She married John Whorrall on 14 Nov 1867 in Woodford, Illinois. She died on 07 Aug 1908 in Winfield, Kansas. Notes for Helen Frances Ives: General Notes: Courtesy of SueAnne Warr McClory, 1 August 2014 -Winfield Tribune, August 7, 1908 Mrs. Helen Whorrall died at her residence, 1318 Church Street, early this morning of the ills of old age. At the time of her demise she was eighty-five years and ten months of age. She resided with her two sisters, Misses Hanna and Frances Ives. She is an old settler having resided here many years. The funeral will be held at the house tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock and interment will be made in Mt. Vernon cemetery. From SueAnneWarr McClory, 4 Nov 2014 -This is where the Ives sisters lived in Winfield, KS according to the 1910 census - in case you were wondering!? I can't figure out what the street names were on the obits, but the 1318 was consistent. Sue >>,-96.995735,3a,60y,91.31h,86.31t/data=!3m4! 1e1!3m2!1sIyaPEj3gHLHK86HJk1u-UQ!2e0!6m1!1e1 > vii. Hannah Ives was born on 04 Nov 1824 in Connecticut. She died on 30 Mar 1912 in Winfield, Kansas. Notes for Hannah Ives: Page 373 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) General Notes: Courtesy of SueAnne Warr McClory, 1 August 2014 -Winfield Daily Free Press March 30, 1912 MISS HANNA IVES DEAD Pioneer Resident of Cowley Co. Died at the Age of Eighty-eight Years. Miss Hannah Ives died at the family resldence,1318 South Warren (?) Street last night at eleven-thirty, very suddenly of heart failure complicated with old age afflictions. With her father and brother she came to Cowley county In 1872, settling in Vernon township. They lived there until about nine years ago the family moved to Winfield. Not long after-wards the father died at the advanced age of 94 years. Miss Ives was born in Connecticut, November 24, 1824. On the day Abraham Lincoln was shot April 14, 1865, the family moved to El Paso, Illinois. Here they lived (?) years, and then came to Kansas. Miss Ives was originally a member of the Congregational church, but joined the Presbyterian church in Vernon Township on coming to Kansas, and later transferred her membership to the Winfield Presbyterian church. Funeral services will be held at the home Monday afternoon at one o´clock. Interment will be made at Mount Vernon cemetery. From SueAnneWarr McClory, 4 Nov 2014 -This is where the Ives sisters lived in Winfield, KS according to the 1910 census - in case you were wondering!? I can't figure out what the street names were on the obits, but the 1318 was consistent. Sue >>,-96.995735,3a,60y,91.31h,86.31t/data=!3m4! 1e1!3m2!1sIyaPEj3gHLHK86HJk1u-UQ!2e0!6m1!1e1 viii. Frances Ives was born on 30 Jul 1827 in Connecticut. She died in 1914 in Winfield, Kansas. ix. 1166.x. Charles Ives was born on 16 Feb 1832 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Nov 1853 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. Edgar Williams Ives was born on 14 Jan 1838 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He married Mrs Ives in 1861. 568. Benjamin Ives-7 (Levi-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 29 Sep 1792 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 28 Jan 1843. Polly Crowell was born on 15 May 1793. She died on 21 Feb 1865. Benjamin Ives and Polly Crowell were married on 26 Jan 1815. They had the following children: 1167.i. Adelia Ives was born on 27 Oct 1815 in Summit, New York. She married Levi Curtis Patten on 17 May 1838 in Summit, New York. She died on 21 Oct 1870 in Walton Twp Eaton Co. MI. Page 374 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 569. Levi Ives-7 (Levi-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Aug 1796 in Connecticut, USA. He died on 29 Oct 1865. Rebecca Crowell daughter of Isaiah Crowell and Rebecca Marinus was born on 31 Jul 1798 in New York. She died in 1875. Levi Ives and Rebecca Crowell were married in 1816. They had the following children: 1168.i. Daniel Hare Ives was born in 1834 in New York. He married Ellen Augusta on 28 Nov 1860. He died on 05 Jul 1896 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States. ii. Adelaid Ives was born in 1832 in New York. iii. Mary Ives was born in 1824 in New York. 1169.iv. Helen R Ives was born on 12 Mar 1840 in Chenango County, New York. She married Nelson J. Turner about 1865. She died on 05 Sep 1929 in Chenango County, New York. 1170.v. Addison Ives was born about 1831 in Jerome, New York. He died on 13 Jul 1899 in Medford, Massachusetts, USA (Age: 68). 570. Isaac P Ives-7 (Levi-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 19 Aug 1798 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Nov 1884 in Harpersfield, New York. Notes for Isaac P Ives: General Notes: From SueAnne Warr McClory, 9 Feb 2011 -In 1820: Isaac P. Ives and spouse lived in Summit, NY In 1830: Isaac P. Ives, spouse and two children lived in Summit, NY In 1860: Isaac age 61, farmer, born in CT. Margaret 60, born in NY Harlan 15, born in NY ln the same 1860 listing: Hiram age 36 was a 'day laborer', (all born in NY) Anna M. 30 William B. 8 Isaac N. 7 Anna L. 4 In 1870: Hiram 46 farm laborer Anna 37 William 18 farm laborer Newton 17 farm laborer (Isaac N. from previous census) Louisa 15 (Anna L. from previous census) Frederick 3 (buried in Ives cemetery) Page 375 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) In 1880: Hiram 56 Anna 48 William B. 28 Emma 26, wife of William Kate age 1, their child Isaac N. 26 Lidia 18, wife of Isaac Margaret Dibble daughter of Patrick Dibble and Margaret Hogaboon was born on 07 Nov 1799 in New York. She died on 04 Jun 1876 in Harpersfield, New York. Isaac P Ives and Margaret Dibble were married in 1818. They had the following children: 1171.i. Hiram R. Ives was born in 1823 in Summit, Schoharie, New York, USA. He married Anna Maria Burgett on 05 Jul 1851 in Summit, Schoharie New York By Rev Stout, USA. He died on 17 Sep 1885 in Summit, Schoharie, New York, USA. ii. Caroline A. Ives was born on 16 Nov 1829 in Summit, Schloharie, New York, USA. She married Miles Hartwell on 30 Mar 1870 in Summit, Schoharie, New York, USA (From GenWeb Schoharie Cty, NY). She died on 14 Apr 1888. iii. Harlan Ives was born about 1845 in New York, USA. He died in 1916 in Schharie County, New York (Richmondville Cemetery). 571. Samuel Ives-7 (Levi-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Apr 1787 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. He died on 24 Sep 1877 in New York City. Polly Wadhams daughter of Seth Wadhams and Anne Catlin was born on 24 Nov 1787 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. She died on 22 Jan 1852 in Goshen, Litchfield, Connecticut. Samuel Ives and Polly Wadhams were married on 30 May 1810. They had the following children: 1172.i. David Wadhams Ives was born on 25 Sep 1816 in Albany County, New York, USA. He married Caroline Waldron on 21 Jun 1841. He died on 02 Jan 1882 in New York City, New York. 572. Candace Ives-7 (Levi-6, Benjamin-5, Benjamin-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 06 Dec 1785 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Feb 1855 in Chenango, Broome, New York, USA. Sylvester Baldwin son of Berwin Baldwin and Hannah Foote was born on 14 Dec 1783 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. He died on 26 Apr 1857 in Chenango, New York, USA. Sylvester Baldwin and Candace Ives were married on 17 Oct 1804 in Wallingford, New Haven County, CT, USA. They had the following children: Page 376 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 1173.i. Jane Baldwin was born on 19 Sep 1811 in New York. She married Charles Wesley Elliott on 24 Jan 1841 in New York, USA. She died on 21 Jul 1899 in Allamakee County, Iowa, USA. ii. Caroline Baldwin was born on 14 Aug 1806 in Connecticut. She married William McDonald on 17 Apr 1825. She died on 14 Jul 1881 (Age: 74). iii. Betsy Baldwin was born in 1804. She died in 1805. 1174.iv. v. vii. Sidney M Baldwin was born on 27 Nov 1807. He married Mary Aylesworth before 1834 in New York. He died on 07 Nov 1893. Marian Baldwin was born in 1804. She died in 1805. Rachel Baldwin was born in Jul 1820 in New York. She married Manly Loomis on 03 Jul 1839 in Carthage, New York. She died in 1902. Juliet "Julia" Baldwin was born on 24 Aug 1822. She married Alonzo H Snow before 1848. viii. Lucia Baldwin was born on 29 Mar 1825 in Chenango, Broome, New York. He died on 14 Sep 1900. 1176.ix. Samuel J Baldwin was born in Mar 1827 in Connecticut. He married Elizabeth Wheeler before 1856 in Broome County, NY, USA. 1177.x. Harriet E Baldwin was born on 14 Jun 1830 in Canaan, Litchfield County, CT, USA. She married Samuel A Loomis in 1855 in Jefferson County, New York. She died on 05 Apr 1886 in Champion, Jefferson County, New York. 1178.xi. Norman Baldwin was born in 1820 in North Fenton, Broome County, NY, USA. He married Elmira D about 1851 in New York. He died in 1904 in North Fenton, Broome County, NY, USA. 573. Maria H. Ives-7 (Titus-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 12 Jul 1813 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Luther Hall son of Augustus Hall and Polly Preston was born on 26 Aug 1807 in Waterbury. Luther Hall and Maria H. Ives were married on 16 Sep 1833 in Waterbury. They had the following children: i. Luther Ives Hall was born on 02 Jul 1842. He died on 19 Nov 1846. ii. Ellen Maria Hall was born on 21 Feb 1840. iii. Susan Lodema Hall was born on 21 Feb 1837 in Meriden, Connecticuit. 574. Silas Yale Ives-7 (Titus-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Sep 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, Ct.. He died in 1887 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Page 377 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) Elvira Hall daughter of Orrin Hall and Anna Guy Hall was born in 1814 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died on 17 Sep 1854 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Silas Yale Ives and Elvira Hall were married on 23 Sep 1835 in Meriden, New Haven, Ct.. They had the following children: i. 1179.ii. Ann Elizabeth Ives was born on 21 Oct 1847 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1855 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Edgar Van Buren Ives was born on 18 Oct 1839 in Meriden Twp., Meriden, New Haven Co. , Ct.. He married Florence E Griffin on 26 Sep 1877 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 30 Oct 1923 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. iii. Elias N Ives was born on 14 Jan 1837 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1882 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. iv. Francis C Ives was born on 09 Jan 1850 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died in 1915 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. 1180.v. Nelson Hall Ives was born on 16 Nov 1841 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Adelaide Campbell about 1864. He died on 20 Mar 1926. vi. Eliza Anne Ives was born on 21 Oct 1847 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She died in 1855 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vii. Elvira Ives was born on 14 Jan 1837 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 1181.viii. Rollin Silas Ives was born on 25 Nov 1845 in Hartford, Connecticut. He married Amanda E in 1869. He died on 25 Nov 1924 in Meriden, Connecticut. 575. Isaac Ira Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jan 1817 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 14 Oct 1850 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. Eloise White was born on 05 Sep 1818 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1906 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA. Isaac Ira Ives and Eloise White were married on 07 Oct 1847 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 1182.i. ii. Joseph Henry Ives was born on 27 Aug 1848 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA. He married Emma Frances Comes on 20 Oct 1880 in , Connecticut. He died in 1932 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA. Clara Juliet Ives was born on 26 Jan 1851 in Danbury, Connecticut, USA. She died in 1910 in Danbury, Fairfiled, Connecticut, USA. 576. Sarah Rosetta Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 23 Nov 1818 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 13 May 1862. Harvey Miller was born on 03 Apr 1814 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 27 Aug 1856 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Age: 42). Page 378 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:10 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) Harvey Miller and Sarah Rosetta Ives were married on 24 May 1839 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: i. Vincy Rosette Miller was born on 15 Jun 1851 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 19 Dec 1855 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Alina Birdsey Miller was born on 21 Aug 1846 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Jun 1869 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Age at Death: 23). iii. Catherine Juliet Miller was born on 21 Mar 1844 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (The Yales of America pg. 322-323). She died on 20 Nov 1906 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. iv. Sarah Eliza Miller was born on 05 Jul 1841 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 08 Apr 1886 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. 577. Juliet Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 May 1822 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 01 Mar 1855 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Eli Butler son of Lemuel Butler and Salina Merriman was born on 06 Jul 1814 in Meriden, New Haven Co, Connecticut. He died on 24 May 1881 in Meriden, New Haven Co, Connecticut. Eli Butler and Juliet Ives were married before 1855 in Meriden, New Haven Co, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. William O Butler was born in 1851 in Meriden, New Haven Co, Connecticut. He died in 1919. ii. Rosetta Salina Butler was born on 12 Feb 1849. She died on 15 Mar 1866. 578. John B Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 25 Dec 1825 in 489 Broad St., Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 23 Aug 1915 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Wealthy Sage Merwin daughter of Miles Merwin and Phebe Camp was born on 24 Nov 1828 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 05 Mar 1914 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. John B Ives and Wealthy Sage Merwin were married in 1858 in Meriden, Connecticut. They had the following children: 1183.i. Hattie Wealthy Ives was born on 14 Sep 1861 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married James Perry Platt on 02 Dec 1886 in , New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 19 Jul 1951 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. ii. Leland Howard Ives was born on 16 Oct 1859 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He married Florence W Fisk about 1882. He died on 23 Aug 1915. Alina Birdsey was born on 25 Sep 1826 in New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 03 Mar 1856 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. Page 379 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) John B Ives and Alina Birdsey were married on 12 Oct 1847 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. They had no children. 579. Frederick Wightman Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Jan 1828 in 391 Broad St., Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 02 Jul 1913 in Connecticut. Frances Maria Jones was born on 18 Jun 1828 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 14 Sep 1886 in Meriden, Connecticut. Frederick Wightman Ives and Frances Maria Jones were married on 17 Jun 1862 in Meriden, Connecticut. They had the following children: i. Rosa Juliet Ives was born on 04 Sep 1864 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 09 Apr 1867. ii. Nettie Aline Ives was born on 08 Jan 1867 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 30 Mar 1957 in Meriden, Connecticut. iii. Frances Rose Ives was born on 23 Jul 1868 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. 580. Russell Jennings Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jul 1830 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He died on 14 Sep 1860 in Meriden. Connecticut. Ann Eliza Yale daughter of John Deacon Yale and Nancy M. Hall was born on 25 May 1836 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. She died on 10 Aug 1867 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Russell Jennings Ives and Ann Eliza Yale were married on 09 Apr 1860. They had no children. Flora Ann White daughter of Samuel White and Elizabeth Smith was born on 14 Jul 1827 in of Cheshire, Connecticut. She died on 11 Nov 1857 in Connecticut. Russell Jennings Ives and Flora Ann White were married on 15 Sep 1853 in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. They had the following children: 1184.i. ii. Edwin Russel Ives was born on 12 Jul 1856 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. He married Sarah Elizabeth Mead on 18 Aug 1880. He died on 14 Oct 1892 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Flora A. Ives was born on 09 Jan 1857 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut. 581. Eliza Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 17 Jan 1804 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 09 Mar 1846. Edwin R. Yale son of William Yale and Mary Johnson was born on 08 Aug 1804 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. He died on 30 Dec 1883. Edwin R. Yale and Eliza Ives were married on 14 Mar 1824. They had the following children: i. William R. Yale was born on 28 Sep 1828. ii. Rollin E. Yale was born on 31 Dec 1834 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. Page 380 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 582. Elias Yale Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 Jan 1809 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 May 1886 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. Cornelia Pomeroy daughter of Noah Pomeroy and Mary Nancy Meriman was born on 02 Apr 1808 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She died on 21 Nov 1827 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Elias Yale Ives and Cornelia Pomeroy were married on 22 Aug 1827 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Ann Plumb was born about 1808. She died on 19 Oct 1829. Elias Yale Ives and Ann Plumb were married on 05 Oct 1829 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Angelina Ann Pomeroy daughter of Noah Pomeroy and Nancy Merriman was born on 16 Oct 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She died on 11 Apr 1893. Elias Yale Ives and Angelina Ann Pomeroy were married on 30 Sep 1830 in Meriden. They had the following children: 1185.i. ii. Eloise White Ives was born on 31 Aug 1851 in Meridan, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. She married Charles Richmond Fowler on 08 Mar 1871 in Meriden, Connecticut. Isadora Cornelia Ives was born on 31 Aug 1849 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married A.e. Ives about 1870. 1186.iii. Charles Pomeroy Ives was born on 06 May 1847 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Grace Atkins Taintor in 1891. He died in 1933. 1187.iv. Isaac Othniel Ives was born on 17 Sep 1843 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Mary Ellen Perkins on 17 Jul 1870 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He died on 08 Nov 1929. 1188.v. Sarah Eliza Ives was born on 31 Jan 1836 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She married Anthony Roberts Parshley on 02 Oct 1859 in Middletown, Connecticut. She died on 30 Apr 1909 in Middletown, Connecticut. Noah Pomeroy Ives was born on 13 Feb 1833 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. He married Lucy A Roberts about 1856 in New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 15 Jan 1896 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. 583. Eli Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 07 Jan 1809 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 13 May 1886 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. Gelina Ann Pomeroy daughter of Noah Pomeroy and Mary Nancy Merriman was born on 16 Oct 1811 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. She died on 11 Apr 1893. Eli Ives and Gelina Ann Pomeroy were married on 30 Sep 1830 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. They had the following children: 1190.i. Noah Pomeroy Ives was born on 13 Feb 1833 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. He married Lucy Collins about 1856. He died on 15 Jan 1896 in New Haven, New Haven, CT. Page 381 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 1191.ii. Sarah Eliza Ives was born on 31 Jan 1836 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Anthony R. Parshley on 02 Oct 1858 in Connecticut. She died on 30 Apr 1909 in Middletown, Connecticut. 1192.iii. Isaac Othniel Ives was born on 17 Sep 1843 in Meriden, New Haven, CN. He married Mary Ellen Perkins on 17 Jul 1870. iv. 1193.v. vi. 1194.vii. Nelson Hall Ives was born on 16 Nov 1841 in Meriden, New Haven, CN. He died in 1914. Charles Pomeroy Ives was born on 06 May 1847 in Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Isadora Cornelia Ives was born on 31 Aug 1849 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. She married A. E. Ives about 1870. Eloise White Ives was born on 31 Aug 1851 in Meriden, CT. She married Charles Richmond Fowler on 08 Mar 1871. 584. Othniel Ives-7 (Othniel-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 26 Nov 1812 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 28 Feb 1878 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Julia Maria Cook was born on 19 May 1816 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America. She died on 07 Nov 1835 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Othniel Ives and Julia Maria Cook were married on 28 Oct 1836 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut. They had no children. Mary Atlanta Howard daughter of Chapin Howard and Birsha Smith was born in 13 1819 in Townshend, Windham, Vermont. She died on 25 Dec 1870 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. Othniel Ives and Mary Atlanta Howard were married on 11 Oct 1838. They had the following children: 1195.i. Howard Chapin Ives was born on 24 Aug 1839 in W. Cheshire, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Julia Elizabeth Dunham in 1862. He died on 24 Sep 1878 (Age: 39). 1196.ii. Mary Louisa Ives was born on 11 Mar 1843 in Meridian, New Haven, Connecticut. She married Ralph Earl Thayer on 05 May 1869. She died on 21 Aug 1904. 1197.iii. Heber Smith Ives was born on 10 May 1845 in Meridian, New Haven, Connecticut. He married Lucy Ellen Buell on 05 Sep 1868 in , Connecticut. He died on 22 May 1894. 1198.iv. John Othniel Ives was born on 12 Dec 1854 in Meridian, New Haven, Connecticut. He died on 09 Aug 1892 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. 1199.v. Eliza Juliette Ives was born on 18 Jun 1857. She died on 14 Oct 1890 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. vi. Parmelee Ives was born in 1859 in New Haven, Connecticut. vii. Thayer Ives was born in 1861 in Meriden, Connecticut. Page 382 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) Fanny M Andrews was born about 1816 in Meriden, New Haven, CT. Othniel Ives and Fanny M Andrews were married on 25 Jun 1871. They had no children. 585. Lucy Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Mar 1819 in Meriden, , Connecticut, USA. She died on 01 Mar 1890 in Sawyerville, Quebec, Canada. Archibald Gillies son of Duncan Gillies and Elizabeth Mc Intyre was born on 15 Jul 1812 in Inverary,,Argyleshire,Scotland. He died on 16 May 1889 in Sawyerville,,Quebec,Canada. Archibald Gillies and Lucy Ives married. They had the following children: i. Archibald Ives Gillies was born on 09 Nov 1858 in Sawyerville,,Quebec,Canada. He died on 12 Nov 1948 in Glendale,Los Angeles,California,United States. 586. Benjamin Hart Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 27 Dec 1814 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Nov 1892 in Sawyerville (Baptist Church), Québec. Lucretia Rexford daughter of Whiting Rexford and Mercy Packard was born in 1815 in Stanstead, PQ. She died on 16 Apr 1892 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. Benjamin Hart Ives and Lucretia Rexford were married on 03 Sep 1845. They had the following children: i. Caroline Loraine Ives was born on 08 Dec 1855. She died on 31 Jul 1920 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. ii. Annie Eliza Ives was born on 25 Dec 1857 in Quebec, Canada.. She died on 17 May 1909 in Georgeville (Methodist Church), Québec. iii. Emily Lucretia Ives was born on 12 Jul 1851 in Quebec, Canada.. She died on 24 Nov 1910 in Georgeville (Methodist Church), Québec. iv. Homer Ives was born in 1849 in Quebec, Canada.. He died on 03 Jan 1855 in Georgeville (Baptist Church), Québec. 587. Eli Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 11 Feb 1799 in Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. He died on 08 Oct 1863 in Compton, Quebec, Canada (Age: 64). Artemisia Bullock daughter of William Bullock and Artemisia Wellman was born on 15 Oct 1805 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. She died on 05 Jan 1872 in Compton, Quebec, Canada (Age: 66). Eli Ives and Artemisia Bullock were married on 24 Mar 1823 in Hatley (Church of England), Québec. They had the following children: i. Artemisia Ives was born in 1827 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. He died on 04 Sep 1832 in Compton, Quebec, Canada (Age: 5). ii. George C. Ives was born in 1832 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. He died on 19 Sep 1842 in Compton, Quebec, Canada (Age: 10). Page 383 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) iii. 1200.iv. William B. Ives was born in 1839 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. He died on 10 Aug 1841 in Compton, Quebec, Canada (Age: 2). Adelaide Ives was born on 14 Feb 1837 in Quebec, Canada. She married George Stenning in 1864 in Dunham, Quebec, Canada. She died in 1896 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. v. Eli Ives. vi. Francis Marial Ives was born on 27 Jan 1831 in Canada. She married Isaac Butters on 15 Sep 1852 in Canada. She died on 03 Jan 1853 in Canada. 1201.vii. Harriet Melissa Ives was born on 08 Aug 1825 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. She married John Armstrong in 1853 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. She died on 14 Feb 1901 in Montréal (Methodist Dominion Square), Québec. 1202.viii. Thaddius Osgood Ives was born in 1842 in Quebec, Canada. He married Sarah Lavina Tiffany on 01 Jan 1873 in Delaware, Ontario, Canada. 588. Erastus Benjamin Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 14 Sep 1822 in Quebec, Canada. He died on 04 Feb 1911 in La Salle County, Illinois. Louisa F Fyerman was born in Mar 1829 in Illinois. Erastus Benjamin Ives and Louisa F Fyerman were married on 22 Jan 1895. They had no children. Harriet Green daughter of Jonathan R Green and Waite Field was born on 30 Sep 1829. She died on 02 Jun 1865 in Mendota, Illinois. Erastus Benjamin Ives and Harriet Green were married on 08 Nov 1851 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. They had the following children: 1203.i. Harlem Erastus Ives was born on 26 Mar 1860 in Illinois. He married Florence Maud Burgess in 1896. He died on 26 May 1928 in Olmsted Co, MN. 1204.ii. Clara A Ives was born on 06 Jun 1857 in Mendota, La Salle, Illinois, USA. She married Charles A Tower on 28 Jan 1880 in Cook Co, IL. She died on 20 Jul 1904. Jennie Krauser was born about 1839 in Pennsylvania. She died on 14 Dec 1888. Erastus Benjamin Ives and Jennie Krauser were married on 11 Aug 1875. They had no children. 589. Esther H Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 21 Feb 1810 in Hatley, Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. She died on 23 Jan 1882 in Quebec, Canada. Gladden Farwell son of Gladden Farwell and Mehitable Fuller was born in 1806 in Compton, Quebec, Canada. He died on 30 Apr 1884 in Compton, Quebec. Gladden Farwell and Esther H Ives were married on 01 Jan 1834. They had the following children: i. Theodore Farwell was born in 1841 in Quebec, Canada. Page 384 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) ii. Albert Potter Farwell was born in Jan 1841 in Vermont. He died in 1916 in Compton (Methodist Church), Québec. iii. Benjamin Hart Ives Farwell was born in 1839 in Quebec, Canada. He died in 1841 in Hatley (Methodist Church), Québec. iv. Judson E Farwell was born in 1846 in Quebec, Canada. He died in 1847 in Quebec, Canada. 590. John Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 01 Sep 1812 in Quebec, Canada. He died on 10 Mar 1886 in New Lots, New York, USA (Age: 73). Elizabeth Appleton daughter of Joseph Appleton and Olive Woodman Earl was born in 1820 in Maine. She died on 15 Dec 1891 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA. John Ives and Elizabeth Appleton were married on 23 Mar 1843 in Passumpsic, Caledonia, Vermont, USA. They had the following children: i. Clara H Ives was born about 1859 in New York. ii. John Hall Ives was born about 1857 in New York. He died on 04 Apr 1918 in Kings, New York, USA (Age: 61). 1205.iii. Lucy Appleton Ives was born in Nov 1851 in New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USA. She married Almon Smith Alfred in 1872. She died in 1914 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. iv. Mary E Ives was born about 1845 in Vermont, USA. v. Josephine Ives was born in 1851. 591. Julius Ives-7 (Joel Hall-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 13 Sep 1800 in Quebec, Canada. He died on 14 Oct 1879 in Georgeville, Quebec, Canada. Laura Beulah Drew daughter of Abel Drew and Beulah Stimson was born in 1804 in Stanstead, , Quebec, Canada. She died on 13 May 1880. Julius Ives and Laura Beulah Drew were married on 19 May 1824 in Hatley (Church of England), Québec. They had the following children: 1206.i. Wolfred Nelson Ives was born on 18 Aug 1838 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He married Ellen B in 1870 in Quebec, Canada. He died on 02 Feb 1918 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. 1207.ii. Joel Hall Ives was born on 01 Apr 1837 in Stanstead, Quebec, Canada. He married Elizabeth Ives about 1862 in Stanstead Village, Stanstead, Quebec. He died on 13 Feb 1928 in Rock Island, Quebec. iii. Laura Beulah Ives was born on 18 Feb 1833 in Quebec, Canada.. She died in 1834 in Quebec, Canada.. Page 385 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for William Ives Generation 7 (con't) 1208.iv. v. Cornelius Ives was born on 18 Dec 1827 in Quebec. He married Ellen Maria Farwell on 19 Mar 1857 in Eaton (Baptist Church), Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. He died on 09 Oct 1911 in Winnipeg, Canada. Julius Ives Jr was born on 19 Sep 1824 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. He died in 1841 in Quebec, Canada.. 592. Levi Silliman Ives-7 (Levi-6, John-5, John-4, John-3, John-2, William-1) was born on 16 Sep 1797 in Meriden, Connecticut, USA. He died on 13 Oct 1867 in Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA. Notes for Levi Silliman Ives: General Notes: Mention of his marriage; and was ordained a deacon in the Episcopal church of New York - From SueAnne Warr McClory 30 Jan 2011 -- This is an unusual story of another "Levi Ives" - his wife's father was a bishop named Hobart - the founder of the school by the same name in Geneva, NY where my Uncle Sam graduated (strangely enough). From: -Those who care about the fate of the underclass can learn much from the experience of New York's Irish in the second half of the nineteenth century. The nation's first underclass-criminal, drunken, promiscuous, and shiftless, with high illegitimacy rates and thousands of abandoned children-the Irish had so dramatically improved themselves as to enter the American mainstream triumphantly by the turn of the century. The Catholic Church, rather than any government effort, was the main agent of their reclamation, and no Catholic institution shows more clearly just how that transformation was achieved than New York's Society for the Protection of Destitute Catholic Children, which most called the Catholic Protectory. In June 1893, 30 years after the Protectory took in its first wayward child, a national conference on charity took the measure of its success. "What crimes have been prevented," the conference report declared, "what homes have been made happy, what human misery has been alleviated, what brands have been salvaged from the burning, what myriads of useful men and women have been made an honor to the state by this institution, it is beyond the power of the human pen to record." The Protectory was the creation of a remarkable New Yorker-by-adoption named Dr. Levi Silliman Ives, whom no one could have foreseen would have fathered such a creation. But in hindsight, it's clear that several strands in his personal history went straight into the making of the Protectory. First was Ives's own early poverty. Born a Connecticut Yankee in 1797 into a Presbyterian family whose ancestor had come ashore in Massachusetts Bay in 1635, he grew up dirt-poor in a bark shelter in West Turin, New York, where his failed-businessman father had moved the family. Ives, his parents, and some of his nine younger siblings worked as ill-paid hired hands in a sawmill. Perhaps the poverty grated all the more on Ives because his parents were related to a constellation of prosperous and well-known New England families; indeed, his Revolutionary War-hero uncle, down the road in West Turin, was a well-off farmer. When Ives was 15, he enlisted in the War of 1812, in keeping with a family history of fierce American patriotism. After the war, he enrolled at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, but in his third year, felled by a serious respiratory illness, he dropped out. In 1815, while he was still at Hamilton, his father, "melancholy from want of prosperity," according to a contemporary, drowned himself (though one wonders whether the melancholy was the effect or the cause of the penury). Poverty, war, illness, a father's failure and suicide-these were Ives's tumultuous formative experiences. After he left West Turin, escaping his past, he had no further contact with his family and never mentioned them in his published writings or even in his surviving correspondence. Page 386 of 1749 Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:40:11 AM Register Report for Will
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