COWRA PISTOL CLUB Inc. Competition Calendar 2015 P.O. BOX 336 COWRA NSW 2794 President : Ph:(02) 63471373 Secretary: Ph: (02) 6342 2508 or 0427 835 097 Captain: Ph: (02) 6342 5728 Affiliated with NSWAPA Inc "A Year of Sundays" 50yd Range 25yd Range Club Meetings SERVICE CLOSED SERVICE 2PM CLOSED WA1500 CLOSED Free & BP 10AM Centrefire Sports 25YD Service Standard 2PM Sports Rapid Air 25YD Service 10AM / (2PM) Comp 25 22 22 26 24 28 26 23 27 25 18 15 15 19 17 21 19 16 20 18 11 8 8 12 10 14 12 9 13 11 4 1 1 5 3 7 5 2 6 4 11 (& 25) 8 (& 22) 8(& 22) 12 (& 26) 10 (& 24) 14 (& 28) 12 (& 26) 9 (& 23) 13 (& 27) 11 (& 25) 24 MAR APR MAY 24 JUNE JULY 26 AUG SEPT 27 ACTION PISTOL 50 Yd Range SERVICE FEB 22 WESTERN ACTION Western Action & 50 Yd Range 10AM JAN 25 and SATURDAYS OCT Full Day / (1/2 Day) 12pm to 4pm 28 28 25 23 27 25 22 26 24 Rifle 50 yd Range 10am to 1pm Competitions 3 7 7 4 2 6 4 1 5 3 17 21 21 18 16 20 18 15 19 17 ANNUAL FEES ARE DUE BY OCTOBER 31ST 2015 8 AGM NOV 22 27 15 20 DEC Scheduled Club Working Bees: 8 13 1 6 8 (& 22) 13 (& 27) 28 7 5 26 29th March, 31st May, 30th August, 29th November WORKING BEES ARE IMPORTANT - SO DON'T FORGET THEM Club Meetings: Commence at 1:00pm Western Action: All Day Competition 2nd Sunday of Month, 10:00am start Western Action: ActionPistol: Rifle: Club Annual Fee: Visitor Range Fee: 1/2 day Competition - 4th Sunday of Month 2:00pm Start Competition 4th Sat of the Month (12:00pm Start - 4:00 Finish) Competitions 1st & 3rd Sat of month - 10:00am to 1:00pm $220 per year (1st Nov 2014 - 31st October 2015) $5.00 for pistol shooter, $3.00 (+ targets) for rifle-only shooter NOTE: No shooting before 10:00am and licences MUST be produced before shooting. 21 19
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