VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603203. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING II SEMESTER M.E. (COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS) NC7101- HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS QUESTION BANK UNIT I – INTRODUCTION PART – A 1. What is the function of physical layer? 2. What is the function of data link layer? 3. What is the function of network layer? 4. What is the function of session layer? 5. What is the use of application layer? 6. What is called the efficiency of the MAC? 7. What are the principles of ISDN? What are the bearer services of ISDN? 8. What are key objectives and benefits of ISDN? 9. What are the three types of traffics in collision avoidance? 10. What are the three types of ISDN services? 11. What is BISDN? 12. What is ATM? List the main features of ATM? 13. What are the traffic parameters of connection-oriented services? 14. What do you mean by ATM addressing? List the types of ATM network interface. 15. What are the two sub layers of AAL? 16. What is the function of CS? 17. What do you mean by Type1 traffic? 18. What is meant by traffic policing? 19. What are the layers of BISDN reference model? 20. What are the basic tasks required for internetworking over ATM? VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN 1 PART - B 1. a) Explain the broadband ISDN services in detail. (10) b) Draw the BISDN protocol architecture reference model and explain in. (6) 2. What type of multiplexing is used in SONET? Explain it with neat diagram. (16) 3. Give a detailed description about OSI model and compare it with TCP / IP model. (16) 4. Explain about the various multiplexing techniques. (16) 5. a) Explain any one multiplexing technique in detail. (8) b) Explain the working of DWDM in detail. (8) 6. Describe the functions of the OSI layers. (16) 7. Explain the working of real time streaming protocol. (16) 8. Discuss about scheduling policies with appropriate diagram. (16) 9. What are the different layers of ATM? Explain the function of each layer and compare it with OSI model. (16) 10. Explain about various switching techniques. (16) UNIT II – MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING APPLICATIONS PART – A 1. Define Multimedia. 2. Define scheduling. 3. Define hyper period? 4. Define round robin scheduling? 5. Define priority scheduling? 6. What is hypertext? 7. Define quantization (or) resolution? 8. What are the types of sound objects that can be used in multimedia production? 9. Define Delay Jitter. 10. What is meant by best effort service? 11. What is meant by guaranteed service? 12. What is meant by differentiated service? 13. What is meant by integrated services? 14. What is meant by soft state in RSVP? 15. Why receiver is responsible to initiate reservation in RSVP? 16. Define session in RSVP? VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN 2 17. Define flow specification in RSVP. 18. What is meant by integrated layer processing in RTP? 19. What is the function of RTP relays and give its types? 20. What is the function of mixer and translator in RTP? PART - B 1. What is the major difference between integrated services and differentiated services? How is Resource Reservation protocol related to integrated services? Explain it. (16) 2. What is jitter? Why does RTP need the services of another protocol RTCP? Explain RTCP. (16) 3. Explain the procedure to access audio and video from the web server. (16) 4. Explain about the limitations of the Best Effort Service. (16) 5. a) Write a note on policing schemes. (8) b) Explain about Per Hop Behavior. (8) 6. Discuss the schemes that are used to preserve acceptable audio quality in the presence of packet loss. (16) 7. Explain the features of RSVP. (16) 8. Explain about different scenarios in the Beyond Best Effort Service. (16) 9. a) Explain the leaky bucket traffic policing algorithm in detail. (8) b) Explain the per hop behavior of differentiated services architecture. (8) 10. Describe about FEC and Interleaving schemes used for overcoming the packet loss (16) UNIT III – ADVANCED NETWORKS CONCEPTS PART - A 1. Draw the IP forwarding taxonomy? 2. What do you mean by overlay model? 3. What do you mean by peer model? 4. Define LIS? 5. What are the components of ELAN? 6. Define NHRP? 7. Define MPLS? 8. Mention the main features of label switching? 9. State the disadvantages of overlay model? VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN 3 10. What do you mean by a Label Switched Path (LSP)? 11. What are the resources used by an integrated service model? 12. What do you mean by guaranteed service? 13. What do you mean by controlled-load service? 14. Define RSVP? 15. What are the features of RSVP? 16. Define soft state? 17. Define Routing 18. What is meant by ingress edge and egress edge in MPLS domain? 19. What is a peer-peer process? 20. When a switch is said to be congested? PART – B 1. Explain VPN architecture and its features. (16) 2. What is authentication? Discuss about merits and demerits of different authentication protocols. (16) 3. Write a note on (i) Packet filtering and (ii) Application Gateway (16) 4. Explain about Network Layer Security (16) 5. a) What are tunneling and point to point protocol? Explain. b) Explain multiprotocol label switching label switching in detail. 6. a) Explain in detail about the working of overlay networks. b) Explain in detail about P2P protocol. 7. a) Explain about virtual private networks and their advantages. b) What is VPN? Explain Remote-Access VPN (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) 8. Explain how traffic engineering helps in designing an efficient network (16) 9. Discuss the MPLS architecture and the routing process in MPLS based VPN. (16) 10. Describe the addressing of VPN and the IP Sec for VPN in the tunnel mode (16) VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN 4 UNIT IV – TRAFFIC MODELLING PART – A 1. What are the characteristics of queuing process? 2. When queue will be formed in a network? 3. Define committed Burst size (Bc)? 4. Define access rate? 5. What are the steady state performance measures to be determined in Queuing models? 6. List out the assumptions for single server queues. 7. Define SLA? 8. Compare single server and multi server queue 9. What is meant by traffic intensity in queuing analysis? 10. Write Little’s formula 11. State Kendall’s notation. 12. List out the assumptions for Multiserver queues. 13. State Jackson’s theorem. 14. Define Arrival rate and service rate. 15. What is meant by congestion avoidance and congestion recovery technique? 16. Define QoS. 17. Define committed burst size 18. Define excess burst size 19. Define committed information rate (CIR) 20. What is meant by implicit congestion signaling? PART – B 1. a) State and explain in detail about Little’s theorem. b) What is the need for modelling? 2. Explain the Poisson modeling and its failure in detail. 3. a) Discuss in detail the non-Poisson arrival model with an example. b) Discuss the Poisson model with an example in networking environment (10) (6) (16) (8) (8) 4. Explain how traffic modeling helps in network management. (16) 5. a) Explain the Markovian FIFO queuing system in detail. (10) b) Explain the limitations of the Poisson model. VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN (6) 5 6. What is the need for traffic modeling? Explain the Poisson modeling. (16) 7. Explain the non-Poisson models for traffic modeling in detail. (16) 8. What are the parameters considered for the Network performance evaluation? Explain the non-Poisson model (16) 9. Explain the non-Poisson modeling and compare it with Poisson modeling (16) 10. With suitable example. Explain how the network performance is evaluated (16) UNIT V – NETWORK SECURITY AND MANAGEMENT PART - A 1. What is SNMP? 2. What is Structure of Management Information? 3. What is Management Information Base? 4. What are the services used by SNMP for other protocols? 5. Define Cryptography. 6. Define Cryptanalysis. 7. What is Plain text and Cipher text? 8. What is Key? 9. Define Hash Function. 10. What is the purpose of using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange? 11. Define the classes of message authentication function. 12. Define Firewall. 13. List the types of Firewall: 14. Define confidentiality and authentication 15. What is Symmetric Cryptography? 16. What is Asymmetric Cryptography? 17. What is Denial of Service? 18. What is Digital Signature? 19. What is network management? 20. What kind of network management protocols are available? VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN 6 PART - B 1. a) Explain the Kerberos key distribution and certification with a neat diagram. b) Explain the ways in which message digests can be generated. 2. a) Write a detailed note on firewalls. b) Discuss about security in different layers. 3. a) Explain the principal components for network management in detail. b) Discuss about different constructs in SMI. 4. Explain about the security mechanism in IEEE 802.11. 5. a) Explain the Abstract Syntax Notation 1 protocol and its fields. b) Discuss about attacks and countermeasures in a network. 6. a) Explain the use of KDC for secret key sharing. b) Explain in detail the various security techniques for access control. (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (16) (8) (8) (8) (8) 7. What is authentication? Discuss about merits and demerits of different authentication Protocols. 8. a) Explain about the Infrastructure of Network management in detail. b) Explain the working of SNMP protocol. (16) (8) (8) 9. How message is described using ASN.1? Explain about data types and encoding used in ASN.1. (16) 10. Draw a typical network management architecture and explain the various components (16) VEC/ECE/NC7101/QB/2014-15 EVEN 7
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