Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 In association with the NZYKC Dog Training Benefit Show January 16th – 18th Hanmer Springs Domain, Jacks Pass Road, Hanmer Springs Championship Agility Events (2), Jumpers Events (4), Novelty Tunnellers, Teams Event, and Arsecot Challenge Show Manager – Meredith Evans Disputes Committee – Reece Smith, Sue McKee, Misha Baxter, Teresa Walker, Meredith Evans Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Table of Contents Getting There ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Judges ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Schedule of Events ............................................................................................................................... 5 Competitor Information ....................................................................................................................... 6 Ribbon Allocation and Prizes ............................................................................................................... 9 Helpers ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Our Ribbon Sponsors ......................................................................................................................... 11 List of dogs and handlers ................................................................................................................... 12 Running Order Summary ................................................................................................................... 19 -2- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Getting There Hopefully you can find your own way to Hanmer Springs, but if not, check out this map: http://visithanmersprings.co.nz/getting-here Once you get to the town take a left after the hot pools onto Jacks Pass Road, then follow this road a short distance till you see the Domain, tennis courts, and camping ground. The grounds will be signposted. -3- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Judges This may be a record! 15 amazing judges have offered to judge at this show and are giving their time free of charge. Thank you so much to the following people: Bernadette Thompson (Novice 1) Carole Logan (Jumpers A4, Starters 2) David Cook (Starters 1) Graeme Lawson (Jumpers C3) Heather Drewett (Jumpers A2, Jumpers B4) Kirstin Graves (Jumpers B1) Libby Ellery (Jumpers C1, Jumpers C4) Meredith Evans (Jumpers C2, Intermediate 1) Paul Remon (Jumpers B3) Paul Taylor (Novice 2) Roy Thorndycraft (Jumpers A3, Senior 2) Sallie Remon (Jumpers B2, Intermediate 2) Steve Tansey (Jumpers A1) Susan Tansey (Senior 1) Tim Conolly (Tunnellers) Important note: All judges are running dogs at this show. We will be holding rings or doing whatever we have to do to make sure all judges are able to run their own dogs in the classes they have entered. Please respect this and be aware that this will happen. Please help move equipment heights as required and be prepared to move your own dog in the running order if necessary to accommodate a judge. Thank you -4- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Schedule of Events Friday January 16th – YKC Benefit Jumpers Events and Novelty Tunnellers Event Start time: 12.45 pm, course walk 12.30pm (talk, judges introduction, and spot prizes at 12.15 pm) Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 (starts 1.30pm) Jumpers C1 (Libby) Jumpers A1 (Steve) Jumpers B1 (Kirstin) Jumpers A2 (Heather) Jumpers B2 (Sallie) Jumpers C2 (Meredith) Tunnellers event (judge is Tim) will be set up in first free ring, and will start at the conclusion of the main events. Prize giving and spot prize giveaway will follow tunnellers event. Saturday January 17th – Double Jumpers Events and Double Agility Events Start time: 8.45 am, course walk 8.30 am (talk and spot prizes at 8.20 am) Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 (starts 9am) Jumpers B3 (Paul R) Intermediate1 (Meredith) Jumpers A3 (Roy) Jumpers C3 (Graeme) Novice1 (Bernadette) Jumpers A4 (Carole) Starters1 (David) Senior 1 (Susan) Jumpers C4 (Libby) Jumpers B4 (Heather) A prize giving will be held at 1pm for all events completed and ready at this time. The second prize giving will be held after the conclusion of all events. Spot prize giveaway at both prize givings. Arsecot Challenge TBA Sunday January 18th – Single Agility Event Start time: 8.45 am, course walk 8.30 am Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 (starts 9am) Senior2 (Roy) Novice2 (Paul T) Starters2 (Carole) Intermediate2 (Sallie) Prize giving to be held at the conclusion of the show. -5- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Competitor Information Parking and day tents Parking is available on the grounds but please be considerate of others. We would prefer if day tents, vehicles, and campers were parked well back from the ring, so that people are free to sit around the outsides of the rings. There should be no shortage of parking space. Catering Cold drinks, chocolate bars, ice-creams, and cheese and crackers will be available to purchase from the pavilion on a self-service basis, as well as scones with jam on Saturday and Sunday. Free tea and coffee is available. A coffee van will be on-site Friday afternoon and Saturday and Sunday morning, as well as the Teppanyaki TAKAO van who will be selling noodles and pork ribs. Please support these food vendors who are travelling to Hanmer just for this show. There are many local cafes and shops just a short distance away from the domain. There is also a 4 Square supermarket if you want to make your own lunch. Vets There are no vets in the Hanmer area. The closest vets are North Canterbury Veterinary Clinics, who have an on-call vet after-hours. Phone 03 315 8363 for the Culverdon Clinic. Doctors The Hanmer Springs Health Centre is open Monday - Friday 8.30am to 5pm. Phone 03 315 7503 for after-hours assistance. Healthworks Hanmer Springs Pharmacy is located on Conical Hill Road. A first aid kit is available – please come to the pavilion if you need anything from it. T-shirts and hats If you have ordered a t-shirt or hat you can collect it from the pavilion. Vendors We have several vendors attending this event, all of whom are sponsors of the show. Please bring some cash so you can support these vendors and spend up on their awesome product. What to bring Make sure you bring sunscreen, insect repellent, your togs, and shade for yourself and dogs at the show. We will provide a hose and paddling pool for dogs. -6- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Hanmer Information Hanmer Springs Visitor Centre phone number is 0800 442 663. Police station phone number is 03 315 7117. There is only one petrol station – Caltex, located on the main road as you come in to Hanmer. Look out for wasps at this time of year and consider carrying antihistamine tablets for yourself and dogs. There are plenty of dog walks in the area, ranging from short walks to tramps. You can access the forest and tracks from Bath Street, Scarborough Terrace, Jollies Pass Road, and Torquay Terrace. You can also walk dogs up Conical Hill, and from the top you can access lots more tracks. Dogs are allowed up Mt Isobel and Mt Dumblane. Wasps can be a problem on tracks but are controlled around the village. Hot Pools – These are located in the centre of town and feature hot and cold pools and great kids’ areas. Also massage etc. Check out http://hanmersprings.co.nz/ Novelty Tunnellers Event This event runs on Friday afternoon/evening, after the conclusion of the jumpers show. You can enter in advance by emailing [email protected], or you can enter on the day. There are 4 grades (youngsters, C, B, and A) and eligibility is as per Championship Events as of January 16 th, 2015. The courses will not include a floppy tunnel. All heights compete together. Teams Event You can enter on Friday or before the start of competition on Saturday. Fill out the form in the pavilion and put it in the box provided. Teams event rules 3 dogs per team. $6 per team. Teams must have at least 1 Starters dog. Dogs can only be in 1 team but handlers can be in as many as they like with multiple dogs. Points will be allocated for wins down, for Saturday and Sunday events only. Team prizes and rosettes will be given out at the Sunday prize giving. Prizes for inventive names, interesting costumes, etc. Camping No overnight camping is allowed on the domain. Toilets There are toilets located in the domain and also in the pavilion. -7- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Top Dog Zoom Duff is kindly sponsoring our Top Dog Awards. This will be based on points across all events (except the novelty) and will be handed out at Sunday’s prize giving. A Top Dog ribbon and prize will be given to: Top Maxi Dog Top Medium Dog Top Small Dog (micro and mini combined) Prize giving Prize givings will be held at the conclusion of events on Friday and Sunday. On Saturday, a prize giving will be held at 1pm for all events completed and ready at this time. Spot Prizes Spot prizes will be handed out at every morning (or afternoon) talk and prize giving. You must be in attendance at the talk to claim your prize and if you are not there, it will be re-drawn. Thank you very much to everyone who donated a spot prize. There are some fantastic prizes to be had. Raffle There will be at least one raffle running over the weekend. McKeeBuilt has kindly donated three agility hurdles and a hoop, which we will split into a couple of raffles. Raffle tickets available in the pavilion. Raffles will be drawn on Sunday at the prize giving. Other Please pick up all doggie dos and put in the bins provided. We would appreciate it if you can take your recycling home, although there may be some recycle bins provided. Do not tie up your dogs or leave them unattended. All dogs should be securely crated or secured in a vehicle or trailer when unattended. It would be great if you can keep avoid excessive barking, especially if you are parked close to the camping ground. Please remember that there will be a lot of members of the public around so keep an eye on your dog and be aware of this. It would be great if you can take the time to talk to the public, answer any questions they have, and let them pat your (friendly) dog if asked. Please drive very slowly around the grounds, especially around the children’s play area. Thank you very much to everyone who has entered and supported this show. We hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend. -8- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Ribbon Allocation and Prizes Ribbon allocation is detailed below. Cash prizes will be given to all placings. Class Small Medium Maxi Jumpers A1 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers A2 1st – 3rd 1st – 5th 1st – 3rd Jumpers A3 1st – 3rd 1st – 5th 1st – 3rd Jumpers A4 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers B1 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers B2 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers B3 1st – 3rd 1st – 5th 1st – 5th Jumpers B4 1st – 3rd 1st – 5th 1st – 5th Jumpers C1 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers C2 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers C3 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Jumpers C4 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Senior 1 1st – 3rd 1st – 5th 1st – 4th Senior 2 1st – 3rd 1st – 5th 1st – 4th Intermediate 1 1st – 4th 1st – 8th 1st – 6th Intermediate 2 1st – 4th 1st – 8th 1st – 6th Novice 1 1st – 3rd 1st – 7th 1st – 5th Novice 2 1st – 3rd 1st – 7th 1st – 5th Starters 1 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st to 4th Starters 2 1st – 3rd 1st – 4th 1st – 4th Tunnellers Youngsters 1st to 3rd rosettes Tunnellers C 1st to 3rd rosettes Tunnellers B 1st to 3rd rosettes Tunnellers A 1st to 3rd rosettes -9- Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Helpers Although this show is being run under the banner of Selwyn Dog Training club, this does not mean that Selwyn DTC is going to run the entire event. This show is being run in the tradition of holiday shows, which started in 2010. What this means is that every competitor entered will be expected to help, no matter how many dogs they are running. We have allocated events to clubs or rough geographical areas, so please check the roster below and get together with others to make sure you can provide enough helpers to run your event. If you have trouble, please talk to Barbara Ward and we will find you some helpers. If anyone would like to scribe an event, or has a non-competing partner who would like to do this, or if you would like to help with a specific job (especially results input), please contact Barbara Ward ([email protected]) before the event. And lastly, if you see a jump down, a course needing to be set up, or any job that needs doing, please just jump in and do it. I am confident that if everyone plays a small part in the running of this show then it will still be a relaxing and enjoyable time for everyone. Thank you! Helpers Roster Friday: To be organised by YKC (however please be ready to step-in when they need additional help). Saturday Ring 1 (Ring Manager Louise Marsh) Ring 2 (Ring Manager Phil Johnson) Ring 3 (starts 9am) (Ring Manager Kelly Daniel) Jumpers B3 CCATS Int 1 WDTC Jumpers A3 North Island clubs Jumpers C3 OCTC Novice 1 Selwyn DTC/MCCOC Jumpers A4 TCTC/NDTC Starters 1 BCTC/Southland DTC Senior 1 SCDTC/CCOC Jumpers C4 CCATS Jumpers B4 TCTC/NDTC Sunday Ring 1 (Ring Manager Barbara Ward) Ring 2 (Ring Manager Misha Baxter) Ring 3 (starts 9am) Ring Manager Tim Conolly Sen 2 North Island clubs Nov 2 Starters 2 Int 2 CCOC/SCDTC/BCTC Selwyn/MCCOC WDTC If anyone would like to help set up, please be at the grounds around 9.30 am Friday. Also we will need some people to help clean up on Sunday afternoon. - 10 - Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue Our Ribbon Sponsors Thank you to all these wonderful businesses or individuals who are sponsoring ribbons: Barbara Lowen (Starters 2) Blenheim Canine Training Club (Jumpers B2) Canterbury Canine Agility Training Society (Jumpers A2) Coast Up Close (Jumpers B3) Cortaflex (Jumpers A1, Intermediate 1) Dynamic Eyeware (Starters 1). Also donating product for spot prizes. Jade Mountain Acupuncture (Senior 1) Mighty Mix (Jumpers A4) Multivac (Jumpers C3) Nelson Dog Training Club (Jumpers C2) Pampered Pooch Boutique (Jumpers B4). Also donating product for spot prizes. The Kite Shop (Novice 1) Waimakariri Dog Training Club (Jumpers C1) Wigram Pet Supplies (Senior 2). Also donating product for spot prizes. Other sponsors include: A Dozen Dogs Limited Alpine Crazy Putt and Village Cruisers K9 Hydrotherapy A dogz tale (Jackie Lassen t-shirts) Robbies Hanmer Springs Hanmer Springs Bakery Hanmer Springs Hot Pools Waiariki Farm Park Hanmer Springs The Lolly Pot Hanmer Springs Healthworks Pharmacy Zoom Duff Dot Parsons Nicky Penman WhatEver restaurant Hanmer Spring Canine Catering Naranja 'Orange' Dog We sincerely apologise if we have missed anyone off this list. - 11 - Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue List of dogs and handlers # B106 C201 C203 C605 D112 D119 D200 D618 E208 F004 F005 F011 F015 F016 F108 F203 F210 F217 F224 F233 F235 F236 F625 F643 F652 F653 G009 G203 G216 G225 G227 G240 G617 G634 G639 G647 G653 H003 H006 H022 H026 Dog Name Trixie ADXA Gold JDX Relko Quantum Leap ADX JDX JDX ADX Possum Bourne to Imprez ADX JDX Marley AD Sam ADXA Gold JDX Ch Acadia Leo The Ringmaster CDXSilver JD Lulu Princess of Chance ADX JD Wilco ADXA Gold JDX Shelby A Pit Chick AD JDX AgGrCh JGrCh Ruff Tuff Powder Puff Swindon Sophie Tucker ADX JDX RN AgGrCh Schondara Star Attraction JDX RA CDX Silver Tiffany of Springlands Theodore of Springlands Doogle ADXA Gold JDX Ilamton Molly ADXA Gold JDX AgCh Gem ADXA Gold JDX CDX RA Sheeza Sass of Justice ADXA Bronze JDX Kellie AD AgGrCh JGrCh Tricot Arry Potta Meg Chazargold Master Harley ADX JDX RN Homer ADX JD Jade Lilly ADXA Bronze JD Diesel ADX JDX Max JD Pinehills BBC Delta Dawn ADXA Gold JDX RA Justice Denied ADXA Silver JDX Saffy Tahara Troy Corser Designadogz Maybenot JD Tessa Mae ADX JDX CGCB, CDX Pewsey Quay ADX Pickled Pepper Tia I Z Nuttin Schultz Jezebel Master of Fluff ADX JDX Holyrood Ash ADX JD RN Sadie Wilberforce - 12 - Handler Helen Lappin Kim Orlando-Reep Joanne Dale MaryRose Scoular Ian Lappin Suzanne Keys Rae Evans Norma Wilson Joanne Dale Natasha Coulter Julie Adam Kathryn Snook Jane Norton Jane Norton Helen Lappin Teresa Walker Vicky Fox Margaret Colgan Richard Powley Natasha Neame Sallie Remon Sallie Remon Dianne Sprott Penelope Hallowes Hadassa Koessler Christine Knowles Emma Mugford Barbara Lowen Natasha Coulter Nina Arps Graeme Lawson Libby Ellery Dot Parsons Ruth Thorndycraft Caroline Rain Karina Greenall Barbara Stoddart Leanah Clark Julie Adam Karen Sadler Tracey Bourner Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue # H027 H100 H103 H110 H124 H131 H201 H207 H210 H213 H229 H230 H235 H249 H251 H260 H261 H268 H272 H278 H600 H601 H610 H624 H625 H629 H634 H643 H644 H649 H650 H659 H664 H683 I005 I008 I114 I131 I134 I207 I217 Dog Name Holly Of Rickley AgCh JGrCh Two Tone Tee Rubble ADXA Gold Schondara Sparkling Penney ADXA Gold JDX Leithstone Wild Briar ADX JDX Pickle AD Silvista Arctic Blue AD JD Caffeine Bounce of Krissamar JDX Glencarron Look at me Lindwood Chai Latte JDX AgCh Crystal AD JDX Hiland Heidi of Cliffwood AD Kelnic Mai Jaggered Edge JD Bella of Twilite AD JD Redcloud Tanfastique ADXA Gold JDX AgCh JCh Seaquest Millie Zeta the Foxy Bitch Ch Culford Lerrig Radlers Secret Mission ADX JDX Gigalos Cunning Linguist ADX Jalain Run River Wild Pinehills BBC Flack Jax ADXA Silver JDX AgCh Just Zip Thru It ADXA Bronze JDX Abbydel Kosmic Edge JD Tessie Bear AD JD Zac ADXA Bronze JDX Pinehills Blitzm ADXA Bronze JDX RN Heists Opinion JD RN AgCh AgCh Levi AD JDX Angel JD Riley JD Pip ADXA Silver JD The Artful Dodger DesignaDogz Oi U ADXA Bronze JDX AgCh JCh Jinx Girl in the Mist of Emperor ADXA Gold JDX Toto-Lee Short and Curly Bazil ADXA Gold JDX Beaucourt Dare To Frolic AD JDX CGCF RA Tashi Wotta Flyn Fluke ADX JD AgGrCh JGrCh Quizmeister FDX - 13 - Handler Christine Mackenzie Phil Johnson Jenny D'Arcy Karen Grant Emily Sharratt Anne Harold Rae Evans Leeanne Russell Linda Mortimer Glenn Ziarno Sandra Goodwin Michelle Jopson Debbie Homer Reece Smith Graeme Jefferies Heather Broomhall Sandra McHugh Anne Godfrey Paul Remon Jessica Tansey Barbara Lowen Amanda McKennie Linda Mortimer Lauren Homer Lauren Homer Rosalie Lock Sharon Dron Emma Trimble Christine Knowles Leanne Copland Leanne Copland Vickie Wilson Kaylah Hill David Cook Rick Holcomb Jake Remon Helen Lappin Jane Aukett Sheila Peterson Linley Barrett Roselle Bremmers Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue # I227 I228 I233 I239 I604 I615 I617 I620 I656 I673 J005 J006 J010 J012 J019 J120 J132 J209 J213 J224 J228 J229 J230 J243 J245 J250 J253 J264 J266 J267 J269 J273 J281 J282 Dog Name Cairan Forsa of Brandane ADX JDX Georgie AD JD Ohutu Crystal Falcon N Nite JDX JD Poison Ivy AD No Rezerve JDX Spy AD JDX CDX RN CGCG Flying Ducati ADXA Bronze JDX Leithstone Viva la Vida AD JDX Kayla ADXA Silver JDX Canfield Storm Princess ADX JDX Beaucourt Daredevil AD JDX Shandrys Cinnamon Spice ADXA Bronze JDX RA RFreN Bundy Tess A'Jock De Scorrag AD JD Halo AD JDX Lord Lewis of Baskerville Backbeach Just Jax Daniels JDX Aquila Black Pearl ADXA Bronze JDX Southn Xplosion of Krissamar Springlands Pick A Rose Relko Skyhawk JD JD AD Ohutu Gaelic Blues AD JDX CDX UDX WDX RE Heidesa Indy Centrefold JD Pimms Number One ADX JD RA Relko Daytona Dominio Efect JDX Razma Jazz JD Glafes Bryn JD Chynah Blue de La Of Montago ADX JDX RA, UDX, CDX Madam Ella the Aussie Diamond JD Ruby BackbeachJustChillin AD AgCh JCh Jazzi Push tht Peanut ADXA Silver AgGrCh JGrCh Backbeach Just Juic'n D Limit ADXA Bronze Handler James Trimble Nartarsha Gorrie Kim Orlando-Reep Margaret McBeth Sue McKee Vicky Fox Louise Marsh Karen Grant Lucinda Robertson Kim Monaghan Paige Aukett Cynthia Muir Vickie Johns Sandra Goodwin Jennifer Stirling Ian Lappin Eleanor Tosh Margaret Colgan Graeme Jefferies Graeme Parr Jane Norton Kim Orlando-Reep Kelly Walker Bevan Dale Nicky Taylor Joanne Dale Teresa Fitzgerald Chris Littlejohn Sue Neale Barbara Ward Christine Knowles Norma Wilson Natasha Neame Dave Cook J286 J291 J299 J603 J604 J612 J615 Kate JD Pepa Kerrybrent Crystal Sundae At Arkadia Highfields Right on Q ADX JD Cappuccino of Krissamar RA Jinx ADX JDX Pepper ADXA Gold JDX Chris Littlejohn Melissa Jeffries Harriet Reed Sheryl Vincent Bronwyn Wilson Megan Loughridge Emily O'Brien - 14 - Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue # J620 J629 J639 J644 J654 J655 J661 J662 J664 J673 J675 J677 Dog Name Ohutu Stardusted Skies ADXA Bronze JDX Probability Evaredi Chance ADX JD Mi Mad Max AD JDX Wolf-M-Sto AgCh JCh Coalcreek Shes Packing Heat Lord Mickey Of Somerton JD Relko Top of the Pack Molly Mutt JD Captn Jack Sparro Zaidie ADX JD CGC Bronze Aubreys Beyond Belief Karuz's Knockout Handler Michelle Griffiths Elaine Youthed Leanne Copland Roy Thorndycraft Jude Taylor Barbara Ward Natasha Coulter Kylie Munro-Cross Sheryl Vincent Jenne Jones-Poole Debbie Moss Karen Sadler J697 K006 K007 k023 K026 K037 K111 K121 K123 K125 K133 K201 K202 K203 K205 K206 K212 K218 K221 K222 K228 K231 K234 K237 K244 K248 K250 K256 K262 Zeus Greville Pebbles ADX JD Shaken Not Stirred JDX Shandrys Shadow of the Moon RN, RA Jake Samuel Schondara Blak Viper Strikes ADXA Silver JDX RA Hob-nobs Dejas Vue (imp-swe) JDX All Tied Up Toffee ADX Weyahead Yuletide Delight JD Southridge Vibrant Ambition AD JDX Kaeanda Epic Adventure Tips Kid Cadee Queen of Thieves C Ch (Coursing Champion) Tipton Black Domino at Relko JD AgCh JCh Fantastic Mr Flash ADXA Silver Culford Mollyhawk Southridge True Blood JD JCh Amazingly Quickpaws Flair Hot Chocolait JD Weyahead Chace N Chocolate ADX JDX RN Illawarra Kimba Plain Sailing JD RA Saffron AD JD Kerrybrent Blue Sky AD JDX Tynever Tricks Mellodramatix Backbeach Just Limitd Spars AD Jordan Greville Leeanne Russell Lisa Duff Vickie Johns Zack and Niamh Lappin Tracey Bourner Kathryn Snook Natasha Coulter Skyla Paterson Helen Lappin Julia Hinrichs Teresa Walker Michelle Jopson Heather Drewett Heather Hood Kim Orlando-Reep Reece Smith Jane Rickerby Jason Buckland Lisa Duff Rae Evans Kelly Daniel Karen Grant Sharon Dron Jackie Lassen Emma-Jane Peplow Natasha Rain Richard Powley Heather Broomhall - 15 - Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue # K263 K282 K285 K292 K604 K606 K612 K642 K644 K646 K647 K659 K662 K664 K665 K666 K669 K691 K708 K711 Dog Name Naduah Tannah Rose ADXA Silver JDX AgGrCh JGrCh Backbeach Just Jolt'n D Limit Driftn Ted E Bear Of Krissamar NZ CH Tamataki Diamond In The Ruff Heaton Mersey Swift JD Mr Jock Spock ADX JD Winston JD Gladstone Mighty Quinn JD Tomb Raid'n Roo JDX Benrosies Polly Wally Doodle AD Toby AD JD Benrosie's BBC Spook Buxton le Roux Pippa Long Stockings JD Pippa AD Relko Luck is the Key ADX JDX Maplehurst Redhot Chili Pepa Taylords Jill-in-Blue Benrosie's BBC Hasten Slowly Handler Dianne Sprott David Cook Graeme Parr Claire Taylor Caroline Rain Hadassa Koessler Carole Logan Rachael Nicoll Stephanie Hayes Natasha Neame Rosalie Lock Marcela Zatloukalova MaryRose Scoular Jennifer Patterson Kylie Munro-Cross Jessica Paulsen Kirstin Graves Janelle Mackie Sue Paterson Barbara Lowen L002 L007 L015 L017 L027 L107 L109 L113 L121 L146 L200 L204 L208 L213 L216 L217 L222 L233 L240 L244 L254 Pillango Whana Kiss Me JD Katalin Of Springlands Horrible Holly JD RA A'Maggie De Scorrag Crystal May Grauvolk Ziggy Starman ADXA Silver JDX Inchcolm Pipiwharauroa Hagrid My Buddy Holly The Alf ADX JDX Sansa Ticotonic Its Not My Fault JDX Verging on Divorce JD Lia Nova of Lindwood JDX Lindwood Twilite Haze JD Two Envy Sutter Sunday Silence Ticotonic Designagenez Southridge Vapor Trail ADX JDX Kerrybrent Red Sky Ticotonic Aden's Boost Jaffa Rick Holcomb Jane Norton Eleanor Tosh Jennifer Stirling Wendy Reynolds Jenny D'Arcy Sandra McHugh Penelope Hallowes Leanah Clark Justine Cox Lisa Duff Teresa Walker Nartarsha Gorrie Linda Mortimer Nina Arps Naomi Tsuchida Libby Ellery Reece Smith Emma-Jane Peplow Karen Sadler Marcela Zatloukalova - 16 - Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue # L261 L263 L270 L278 L282 L601 L605 L609 L614 L623 L627 L628 L648 L649 L652 L666 L669 L670 L679 L696 L698 L705 L708 L711 M009 M012 M013 M109 M123 M200 M202 M203 M206 M209 M217 M222 M227 M234 M235 M241 M243 Dog Name Herbarium Argenteum AD JD Kaeanda Eyebrow To U AD JD Ticotonic Chilton Grove Kemo There A Pee JCh Cliffhanger Illegal Grafiti Trogun A Finishing Touch JD CGCF RA Folly Rebel With a Cause Shadday Flying Dragon JD Designadogz Heza Train Rek Evaredi Time N Tide Bonnie Special Agent Mordor AD JD Grover Lindwood Limit'd Addition Designadogz Just Kiddin' JD Marley Aquila Swifter Than U ADX JDX Kaeanda Turbo Charged By Q Ninja Rising At Varauss Rainstar Smoke And Mirrors AD JDX Tickled Me Elmo Moonstar Day Dream Believer Con Bingo is My Name O Bonny Prince Trevor Jasper Jun Schondara One Size Fritz All Topsy Turbo Toes Cafe Affair at Lindwood Evoque Mai-Epic-Journey JD Evoque Mai-Epic-Zest JD Ashwick Li'l Miss Maisie JDX Backbeach Miss Pretty Chitty A Dicey Situation Eclaireur Du Montier RA QC Blue Legends Lunar Eclipse Mouse Trouble In Azkaban JDX Maccabee Forbidden-Fix Ka Ka Katrina Of Bryn Ohutu Typhoon Twist - 17 - Handler Carla De Boer Nikki Steyn Ruth Thorndycraft Steve Tansey David Cook Nicole Robinson Emily O'Brien Sandra Goodwin Annie Sail Jazman Ellery Elaine Youthed Bernadette Thompson Paul Taylor Barbara Ward Linda Mortimer Kaylah Hill Lucinda Robertson Hayley Rohde Nikki Steyn Nic Furby Louise Marsh Rachael Nicoll Ruth Hodgkinson Vicky Fox George Sharratt Julie Adam Wendy Reynolds Barbara Stoddart Niamh Lappin Linda Mortimer Michelle Jopson Sue McKee Stephanie Hayes Margaret Colgan Emily Tighe Kelly Walker James Trimble Timothy Conolly Sallie Remon Hazel Littlejohn Michelle Griffiths Hanmer Holiday Show 2015 Catalogue # M262 M266 M276 M277 M602 M608 M620 M622 M624 M652 Dog Name Backbeach Ying Yang Wif A Bang Lindwood River Of Dreams JDX RN FD Backbeach JCoppins Zuki JD Haulton Int'ice Me Evoque Mai-Epic-Swirl AD JD Backbeach Just Crusading Lindwood Jokes On You Lindwood Jester's Finale Locked and Loaded Darfield Trail Blazer Handler Heather Broomhall Sue Neale Darren Johnston Julia Hinrichs Teresa Walker Bruce Wilson Natasha Neame Sandra Goodwin Vickie Wilson Sharon Dron M656 M657 M676 P011 P112 P129 P182 P200 P205 P208 P212 P219 P227 P230 P264 P606 P609 P610 P618 P623 P628 P634 P644 P655 P678 Chaos Choco Chip Lindwood Relko Fleeting Image NZ CH Tamataki Diamond-Indyskyes Schondara QT for Agility Steel Rin Tin Jim Just Jive'n D Limit JD Belingara Synergy in Action JD Southridge BBC Will O' Th Wisp Glynteg Touch of Frost Totally Tesserrific Etherial Rain Blue Legends No Worries Evoque Mai-Story Legendary Casey Of Makahu Haulton Starlit Sky Mr Chocolate Ripple Volcom Stone Evoque Mai-Caffe Daisy Ponsonby Can't Buy Me Love Becks The Beerdie Helsinki Honeymoon Spirit Of Silverstone She's Got Swag Rachel Cunningham Kim Orlando-Reep Claire Taylor Kathryn Snook Vickie Wilson Belinda Culling David Cook Bronwyn Rumble Barbara Lowen Sarah Sharratt Carole Logan Delia Teesdale James Trimble Jason Buckland Sheryl Vincent Emma-Jane Peplow Barbara Ward Heather Drewett Bronwyn Wilson Kathryn Sutton Jennifer Patterson Anne Godfrey Roy Thorndycraft Misha Baxter Susan Tansey - 18 - Friday 16th January – YKC Benefit Show – 2 x jumpers Friday 16th January – YKC Benefit Show – 2 x jumpers Ring 1 Ring 1 JC 1 Small 16/01/2015 Judge: Libby Ellery Micro M009 L027 K037 J010 P011 L007 L017 H022 K026 Mini M123 J132 M109 L146 P129 L113 I134 H124 P112 Number of Entries in JC 1 Small Ring 1 JC 1 Medm Med M013 k023 H026 J012 23 16/01/2015 Judge: Libby Ellery P219 J299 K292 L254 L216 P212 L270 K285 P208 K237 J291 M217 J273 M243 P230 L240 M277 L244 M222 M235 P205 K234 H207 P264 K218 M200 M209 H278 K250 K205 L217 M241 M227 Number of Entries in JC 1 Medm Ring 1 JC 1 Maxi Maxi M012 33 16/01/2015 Judge: Libby Ellery H649 L652 M608 P623 P606 L649 K691 K711 P618 J675 P678 K604 M676 L609 L705 L627 L708 J661 J697 P610 H634 M652 P655 P644 G647 M656 L679 P634 K708 J677 Number of Entries in JC 1 Maxi 31 H659 L628 H683 H600 J620 I604 H664 P609 Ring 1 JA 2 Maxi Maxi 16/01/2015 J615 H629 J603 L698 H601 J654 K669 H643 Number of Entries in JA 2 Maxi Ring 1 JA 2 Medm Med Judge: Steve Tansey K646 I617 J612 I620 19 16/01/2015 Judge: Steve Tansey F217 M206 H268 H251 L282 F224 J266 H230 G227 H272 K231 I227 L200 F203 G216 K212 L208 F233 K221 F235 G240 J230 H249 H201 K262 H210 G203 I217 J213 K201 K256 J281 K222 M266 M234 J209 H213 L233 K282 K248 I114 F108 Number of Entries in JA 2 Medm Ring 1 JA 2 Small 40 16/01/2015 Judge: Steve Tansey Mini K123 K121 K111 J120 I131 H100 H110 Micro F016 K007 F004 F011 H003 I005 F015 Number of Entries in JA 2 Small Running orders pg. 1 17 L121 Friday 16th January – YKC Benefit Show – 2 x jumpers Ring 2 Ring 2 JA 1 Small 16/01/2015 Judge: Heather Drewett Micro K007 F016 I005 F011 F004 F015 H003 Mini L121 J120 K123 H100 I114 K121 H110 Number of Entries in JA 1 Small Ring 2 JA 1 Medm Med I227 H201 H251 F235 H249 J281 M266 K201 M206 J209 H268 I217 H272 L208 M234 H230 L282 K231 G203 K262 G240 G227 J230 K222 G216 H213 L233 J266 L200 J213 F203 F217 K212 K256 F233 K248 K221 H210 K282 J654 I617 H643 I604 J615 J612 L698 40 16/01/2015 Judge: Heather Drewett H683 F625 H600 H659 L628 J603 H629 J620 K646 K669 Number of Entries in JA 1 Maxi Ring 2 JB 2 Maxi I620 H601 H664 20 16/01/2015 Judge: Sallie Remon H644 J604 M602 J664 K606 L601 I673 G617 J629 G653 J639 K662 I656 H624 K612 K659 J655 J673 L696 G639 L614 M620 K666 F643 M622 L666 L605 M624 L648 G634 K647 K644 J644 C605 H650 K665 F652 F653 H625 L669 L623 J662 K642 H610 Number of Entries in JB 2 Maxi Ring 2 JB 2 Medm Med Judge: Heather Drewett F224 Ring 2 JA 1 Maxi Maxi B106 K111 F108 18 16/01/2015 Number of Entries in JA 1 Medm Maxi I131 44 16/01/2015 Judge: Sallie Remon H260 J286 D200 L278 I207 K202 M203 K203 L204 G225 P227 J253 K263 L222 K244 L261 J269 M276 H261 J224 H235 L263 I239 J228 P200 J245 M202 J264 K228 M262 H229 L213 J019 F005 Number of Entries in JB 2 Medm Ring 2 JB 2 Small 32 16/01/2015 Judge: Sallie Remon Mini L109 P182 K125 H131 D119 D112 L107 K133 Micro H006 L002 K006 L015 I008 G009 J005 J006 Number of Entries in JB 2 Small Running orders pg. 2 18 Friday 16th January – YKC Benefit Show – 2 x jumpers Ring 3 Ring 3 JB 1 Small 16/01/2015 Judge: Kirstin Graves Micro J005 H006 G009 J006 K006 J019 I008 L002 Mini H131 D112 D119 L109 L107 K133 K125 P182 Number of Entries in JB 1 Small Ring 3 JB 1 Medm Med L015 F005 18 16/01/2015 Judge: Kirstin Graves K228 I239 M262 G225 H229 J228 H235 J264 M202 J224 L222 M276 M203 K263 L278 L204 J267 L213 J253 L261 J245 P200 I207 K203 H260 D200 L263 K202 H261 P227 J286 Number of Entries in JB 1 Medm Ring 3 JB 1 Maxi Maxi 16/01/2015 Judge: Kirstin Graves K642 L669 G653 J673 H624 K606 L648 H650 C605 K665 M622 J662 L614 G634 G639 J604 J644 K666 L605 L623 M620 J655 M624 K647 I673 L601 H610 L666 K659 J629 K644 J639 J664 K662 F652 I656 K612 M602 G617 H625 L696 Number of Entries in JB 1 Maxi Ring 3 JC 2 Maxi Maxi 31 41 16/01/2015 Judge: Meredith Evans P609 M652 L705 P678 P655 P618 H649 P610 J675 P606 G647 P623 K691 M676 K708 K604 L652 L627 L609 K711 J697 M608 P634 J677 L708 H634 L649 P644 J661 L679 M656 Number of Entries in JC 2 Maxi Ring 3 JC 2 Medm Med 31 16/01/2015 Judge: Meredith Evans P212 L217 J299 J291 L216 M200 K237 P264 P230 M277 M243 K234 M227 L240 M235 P208 K285 M217 L270 M241 M209 M222 K218 L244 J273 K292 K205 K250 H207 H278 P205 L254 P219 L017 H022 K037 J010 M013 Number of Entries in JC 2 Medm Ring 3 JC 2 Small 33 16/01/2015 Judge: Meredith Evans Mini P129 P112 L146 M109 M123 H124 I134 L113 J132 Micro L027 K026 P011 H026 k023 L007 M009 M012 J012 Number of Entries in JC 2 Small Running orders pg. 3 23 Saturday 17th January – 2 x agility 2 x jumpers Saturday 17th January – 2 x agility 2 x jumpers Ring 1 Ring 1 JB 3 Maxi Maxi 17/01/2015 L648 J662 H650 L623 G634 L614 I656 J664 M602 H624 F653 K612 L601 K606 I673 H610 J644 M624 K659 L666 G653 J655 G617 K647 J604 M622 K665 K666 K642 L696 L605 J629 H625 M620 G639 H644 K662 L669 J673 K644 F652 J639 Number of Entries in JB 3 Maxi Ring 1 JB 3 Medm Med Judge: Paul Remon 42 17/01/2015 Judge: Paul Remon J228 H235 J253 L278 M203 H260 E208 F236 K206 M202 J286 D200 J269 H229 I239 K203 I207 L263 H261 J224 G225 P227 P200 M276 K244 L222 J243 L261 J245 K263 J229 M262 K202 K228 J264 J267 L204 L213 L017 k023 J012 K026 H026 M009 M013 Number of Entries in JB 3 Medm Ring 1 JB 3 Small 38 17/01/2015 Judge: Paul Remon Mini D119 P182 K125 L107 H131 L109 D112 K133 Micro H006 I008 G009 J006 K006 J005 F005 L015 Number of Entries in JB 3 Small 16 Ring 1 JC 3 Small 17/01/2015 Judge: Graeme Lawson Micro H022 K037 J010 L027 L007 H027 P011 M012 Mini L146 M109 J132 I134 L113 M123 P129 P112 Number of Entries in JC 3 Small 23 Ring 1 JC 3 Medm Med 17/01/2015 M209 H207 M235 L217 P219 K237 P208 M277 K218 P205 L254 P230 M243 L240 M227 P264 P212 J291 M217 K205 K250 K292 J273 M241 L244 J299 H278 L270 K285 M222 K234 M200 L216 Number of Entries in JC 3 Medm Ring 1 JC 3 Maxi Maxi Judge: Graeme Lawson 33 17/01/2015 Judge: Graeme Lawson L652 P644 P628 P606 K708 M656 M676 P678 P609 J675 K691 P623 H649 L679 L711 J697 L627 P610 G647 J677 M608 L609 L708 K711 J661 M657 L705 P655 K664 P618 L649 H634 K604 M652 Number of Entries in JC 3 Maxi Running orders pg. 4 34 Saturday 17th January – 2 x agility 2 x jumpers Ring 1 Starters 1 Small Micro L027 K026 Mini I134 P129 J010 17/01/2015 H026 Number of Entries in Starters 1 Small Ring 1 Starters 1 Medm Med L015 Judge: David Cook J012 L007 17/01/2015 K037 M013 k023 L244 L222 K285 P212 M241 P227 P200 L213 M227 K206 K292 L204 K218 K237 L270 M217 J299 M209 P230 H207 M243 L278 M277 M262 P219 P205 L254 J224 L217 J286 M200 J291 P208 Ring 1 Starters 1 Maxi 17/01/2015 Judge: David Cook L649 J644 I604 M657 L705 L623 K604 P618 G653 K708 L614 P678 P606 K691 P609 J697 L708 M620 M676 G647 M608 P610 L652 J677 P623 L666 M656 K665 M652 K664 P644 J655 L679 K711 J604 Number of Entries in Starters 1 Maxi 36 Ring 1 JB 4 Medm Judge: Heather Drewett 17/01/2015 H260 L213 D200 J286 K206 J269 L222 K202 I207 P200 J228 H235 P227 L204 M203 M276 K203 H261 J245 I239 L263 J253 K263 G225 E208 H229 J229 M202 M262 K228 J264 L261 I228 J224 F236 L278 J243 K244 Number of Entries in JB 4 Medm Ring 1 JB 4 Maxi Maxi G009 Judge: David Cook 33 Med H027 15 Number of Entries in Starters 1 Medm Maxi L017 38 17/01/2015 Judge: Heather Drewett L623 K659 H624 J639 K606 I656 K666 L605 M622 K644 K647 J604 K612 J629 J662 J655 L696 G634 K662 J664 M602 M624 L614 M620 G617 K642 K665 F653 H650 L669 H625 F652 H644 L601 L648 F643 I673 G653 H610 L666 G639 J644 Number of Entries in JB 4 Maxi Ring 1 JB 4 Small 42 17/01/2015 Judge: Heather Drewett Micro J005 H006 J006 L015 K006 J019 F005 I008 Mini H131 P182 K125 D112 L107 D119 K133 L109 Number of Entries in JB 4 Small Running orders pg. 5 17 G009 Saturday 17th January – 2 x agility 2 x jumpers Ring 2 Ring 2 Intermediate 1 Small 17/01/2015 Judge: Meredith Evans Micro F015 F011 I008 K007 H003 F005 F004 K006 J019 F016 P011 J006 Mini K111 L107 J120 L109 K133 F108 K123 H110 D119 H100 L113 B106 I131 L121 K125 I114 H103 D112 Number of Entries in Intermediate 1 30 Ring 2 Intermediate 1 Medm 17/01/2015 Med K282 L261 J243 H249 K221 J209 H213 G225 H210 J269 M266 M235 H201 K202 F203 H251 I217 I233 K256 J281 K262 J264 K231 G227 M203 J282 J253 H261 J228 L233 I227 G240 H230 I207 K244 I239 K248 L208 J245 L263 G216 M234 H235 K263 M206 G203 K203 H272 L282 J230 K222 F233 K201 M276 M202 K205 K228 L200 F224 J213 J229 F210 H278 J266 K234 J250 J273 K212 M624 I673 J629 Number of Entries in Intermediate 1 68 Ring 2 Intermediate 1 Maxi 17/01/2015 Maxi Judge: Meredith Evans Judge: Meredith Evans J615 K612 F652 K647 K644 J675 H664 L628 G634 H643 L648 H600 F653 J612 K662 D618 I615 H624 H659 M602 J603 J620 L670 L698 F625 L601 K666 J673 L696 J654 I617 H601 K669 H610 I656 I620 K642 K606 H629 K659 L605 J639 L627 M622 P655 L027 J006 J005 P011 k023 H026 Number of Entries in Intermediate 1 47 Ring 2 Novice 1 Small 17/01/2015 Judge: Bernadette Thompson Micro K037 J010 H006 L017 K026 L015 L007 J019 D119 H131 L146 I134 K133 P129 I131 G009 J012 Mini L113 Number of Entries in Novice 1 Small 24 Ring 2 Novice 1 Medm Med 17/01/2015 Judge: Bernadette Thompson M241 K221 M206 J245 M235 L200 M217 M234 P200 M262 K202 J243 K244 M200 L244 K206 H235 H278 J267 M277 M266 L263 L261 K205 L217 M203 I233 L278 J286 P205 H261 J269 P227 K234 H207 J299 K237 I239 L222 M276 H229 J224 K248 L254 L204 J253 J273 J291 L213 M202 J228 J229 J264 P230 H210 K228 L270 Number of Entries in Novice 1 Medm Running orders pg. 6 57 Saturday 17th January – 2 x agility 2 x jumpers Ring 2 Novice 1 Maxi 17/01/2015 Maxi Judge: Bernadette Thompson K644 M676 M602 P644 J675 G647 K711 H624 K662 L601 M652 M620 M622 K606 K665 J673 L679 J661 J697 L652 J677 K604 J604 K642 K664 L627 G617 L623 I673 J639 K659 P655 H610 K647 J655 J644 P609 G653 K691 K111 F108 L121 L107 B106 L614 Number of Entries in Novice 1 Maxi 40 Ring 2 Senior 1 Small 17/01/2015 Judge: Susan Tansey Micro F015 F011 H003 F004 F005 I008 K007 F016 K006 Mini K125 I114 H100 H103 D112 L109 H110 J120 K123 Number of Entries in Senior 1 Small 23 Ring 2 Senior 1 Medm Med 17/01/2015 Judge: Susan Tansey G227 J266 K222 H272 L208 J209 C201 G240 F224 H201 J250 K201 J213 L233 F233 K231 K203 G216 H230 F235 F210 H249 I207 I217 E208 K263 J230 G225 K282 K262 I227 J282 C203 D200 K212 K256 G203 F203 L282 J281 H251 H213 K612 J615 Number of Entries in Senior 1 Medm 42 Ring 2 Senior 1 Maxi 17/01/2015 Judge: Susan Tansey Maxi H664 L696 F625 J620 L605 L648 H629 L670 H601 H683 I656 J603 K669 H659 M624 J629 K666 J654 G634 I620 J612 H600 H643 L628 J603 H600 I617 H664 I604 J620 K669 L698 I617 I615 Number of Entries in Senior 1 Maxi 29 Ring 3 Ring 3 JA 3 Maxi Maxi 17/01/2015 J654 J615 I620 K646 H659 H683 L670 J612 H629 L698 H643 H601 Number of Entries in JA 3 Maxi Ring 3 JA 3 Medm Med Judge: Roy Thorndycraft L628 I615 21 17/01/2015 Judge: Roy Thorndycraft J266 J213 K248 F235 F224 F217 I233 L233 C203 F203 L282 K222 H213 G203 H230 H272 L208 G240 K231 H201 F210 K262 H210 G216 G227 K212 M234 K282 K221 J230 J209 C201 K201 I227 I217 L200 K256 M266 J250 F233 J281 M206 H249 H251 I114 I131 Number of Entries in JA 3 Medm Ring 3 JA 3 Small 44 17/01/2015 Judge: Roy Thorndycraft Mini K123 K121 H100 J120 H110 L121 Micro F016 K007 F004 F011 F015 H003 Number of Entries in JA 3 Small Running orders pg. 7 16 K111 F108 Saturday 17th January – 2 x agility 2 x jumpers Ring 3 JA 4 Medm Med 17/01/2015 J230 H230 G216 K231 J209 L233 C201 C203 H272 F235 I227 K201 J281 F224 H251 G240 J266 K222 M234 K248 H201 K262 M206 L208 I217 F210 G203 K212 H213 K221 L282 F233 H210 I233 K256 K282 J213 F217 J250 F203 M266 L200 G227 H249 I604 J612 J603 H643 L628 L670 H600 J120 L121 I114 Number of Entries in JA 4 Medm Ring 3 JA 4 Maxi Maxi Judge: Carole Logan 44 17/01/2015 Judge: Carole Logan I615 J654 H659 K669 I617 K646 H664 F625 J620 H683 J615 H601 H629 L698 Number of Entries in JA 4 Maxi 22 Ring 3 JA 4 Small 17/01/2015 Judge: Carole Logan Micro F011 F016 K007 H003 F004 F015 Mini F108 H100 I131 K111 H110 K121 Number of Entries in JA 4 Small Ring 3 JC 4 Maxi Maxi K123 16 17/01/2015 Judge: Libby Ellery M676 L679 L627 P644 L649 K604 H634 G647 J697 K664 M656 P606 P610 P623 L711 L652 K708 M608 K691 L705 L609 K711 J661 P618 P628 M652 P678 J677 P609 J675 M657 H649 P655 L708 Number of Entries in JC 4 Maxi Ring 3 JC 4 Medm Med I620 34 17/01/2015 Judge: Libby Ellery J291 J299 L254 K285 M200 K234 M235 L270 P212 L240 H207 L217 K250 P208 M209 M241 K237 M227 K218 L244 H278 M222 M243 P230 L216 J273 M217 P219 P264 K292 K205 P205 M277 M009 L027 J012 K037 J010 P011 Number of Entries in JC 4 Medm Ring 3 JC 4 Small 33 17/01/2015 Judge: Libby Ellery Mini P112 P129 I134 J132 M109 L113 L146 M123 Micro K026 H026 M013 k023 H022 L007 L017 M012 Number of Entries in JC 4 Small Running orders pg. 8 22 Sunday 18th January – 1 x agility Sunday 18th January – 1 x agility Ring 1 Ring 1 Senior 2 Maxi 18/01/2015 Maxi Judge: Roy Thorndycraft H601 L696 H664 J629 L628 H659 H600 J620 I620 K669 J654 L698 l605 I617 K666 G639 L648 G634 J612 F625 I615 I656 J603 H683 L670 H643 H629 K612 M624 J615 Number of Entries in Senior 2 Maxi 30 Ring 1 Senior 2 Medm Med 18/01/2015 Judge: Roy Thorndycraft K262 I227 F233 G225 G216 F224 J213 J250 J209 D200 K212 K201 J266 L282 K231 H272 G203 G240 H249 K282 K203 F235 K222 K263 I207 H230 J230 L208 E208 F210 J282 L233 H213 F203 H251 C203 K256 H201 J281 I217 C201 H100 H110 L109 H103 K125 Number of Entries in Senior 2 Medm 41 Ring 1 Senior 2 Small 18/01/2015 Judge: Roy Thorndycraft Mini I114 F108 L107 D112 K123 L121 K111 B106 J120 Micro F015 F005 I008 F004 F011 K007 K006 H003 F016 Number of Entries in Senior 2 Small 23 Ring 1 Intermediate 2 Maxi 18/01/2015 Maxi H624 H600 M602 J603 H664 K662 L696 L601 I615 K666 H629 F652 L605 J639 H601 D618 I656 G639 I673 I617 K659 J620 F625 L698 M624 H659 J675 L627 K669 M622 K642 L648 H610 K612 L670 F653 L628 K647 C605 I620 K606 K644 J654 H625 H643 G634 J615 F643 J612 J629 P655 Number of Entries in Intermediate 2 51 Ring 1 Intermediate 2 Medm 18/01/2015 Med H261 I217 J264 J253 J282 F210 H249 H235 K222 J229 K202 M203 K262 H201 E208 H213 J213 J228 F233 F224 M266 J245 L282 J243 M234 L233 L261 G216 J250 H210 K244 K221 H272 M235 J209 M202 K201 K203 M206 M276 H278 J273 K231 K234 I227 G240 K282 K263 H230 J269 J266 K205 C203 G225 F203 K212 I233 K256 L263 J281 L200 I239 I207 K248 H251 J230 K228 L208 B106 K125 L121 69 Ring 1 Intermediate 2 Small 18/01/2015 Micro Judge: Sallie Remon G203 Number of Entries in Intermediate 2 Mini Judge: Sallie Remon I114 D112 K111 H103 D119 L107 F108 I131 F011 K006 J006 I008 Number of Entries in Intermediate 2 Running orders pg. 9 Judge: Sallie Remon J120 H100 H124 H110 L109 L113 H131 K123 F004 K007 F005 H003 P011 F015 J019 F016 31 Sunday 18th January – 1 x agility Ring 2 Ring 2 Novice 2 Maxi 18/01/2015 Maxi Judge: Paul Taylor J655 K644 M652 M676 K647 K662 K665 K659 M602 M620 H610 H624 P655 K604 J661 M622 G647 J675 J639 L679 K642 K711 K664 I673 K606 L623 J697 J677 G617 L601 J644 L649 L652 G653 J604 L614 H625 L627 K691 P644 Number of Entries in Novice 2 Maxi 40 Ring 2 Novice 2 Medm Med 18/01/2015 Judge: Paul Taylor J299 J291 M241 K244 L254 K202 J229 H235 J245 P230 M276 J228 P227 L278 J224 M217 K205 J264 K234 L263 J243 M235 J267 M203 P200 L270 L244 L261 L200 L217 H278 I233 P208 L204 K237 J269 L222 M234 H210 M206 H229 M266 H207 J286 M200 K248 M202 K221 K228 J253 M262 K206 I239 I228 L213 J273 P205 H261 M009 J019 G009 L027 K026 H006 K037 P618 Number of Entries in Novice 2 Medm 58 Ring 2 Novice 2 Small 18/01/2015 Judge: Paul Taylor Mini D119 I134 H131 L113 H124 I131 L146 P129 Micro H026 k023 L007 J006 J005 L017 J012 L015 P011 J010 Number of Entries in Novice 2 Small 25 Ring 3 Ring 3 Starters 2 Maxi 18/01/2015 Maxi K708 M652 P623 K665 L708 K691 L652 J677 J644 P609 I604 G647 M608 P610 M657 M676 K604 P606 G653 L623 J697 L705 L614 L666 L649 M620 K664 J604 J655 K711 P678 P644 L679 Number of Entries in Starters 2 Maxi Ring 3 Starters 2 Medm Med Judge: Carole Logan 34 18/01/2015 Judge: Carole Logan J267 H207 J224 J286 L278 P219 L244 L254 K292 J291 P230 K206 J299 P208 M209 L270 P205 M200 M262 M243 L217 P227 M227 L222 P212 K285 K237 M241 L213 K218 L204 M217 P200 M009 k023 M013 K037 Number of Entries in Starters 2 Medm Ring 3 Starters 2 Small Mini P129 I134 Micro L017 H026 G009 18/01/2015 L027 Number of Entries in Starters 2 Small Running orders pg. 10 33 L007 15 Judge: Carole Logan J010 J012 L015 K026
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