Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule SPRING 2015 Credit Term Dates: January 12, 2015 - May 1, 2015 Add/Drop Date: January 28, 2015*, Withdraw Date: March 27, 2015 *Please note: Courses not meeting the entire session/semester will have an earlier date to drop the course and receive a refund. Please inquire in Student Services for additional details. ** Please be advised : Course times, rooms, and instructor changes may be made to the schedule prior to the first day of the semester. Please check the schedule periodically for current updates and/or changes. Courses that have a section code of N#W are offered in conjunction with Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC). These classes use Blackboard and are entirely web-based courses. Exams will be proctored at the DSLCC Library Testing Center or the Rockbridge Regional Center Testing Center. DSLCC has a representative on hand to help students every step of the way. Take note of the class dates as some of them meet before the regular Spring 15 term begins. Accounting 61629 ACC 211 M1W Principles of Accounting I 3 V Virtual V Sass This course is web-based independent study - students must contact instructor by 1/12/15. For more information, contact Ralph Sass at [email protected] or 540-863-2890. 61630 ACC 212 M1NC Principles of Accounting II 61631 ACC 212 R1NC Principles of Accounting II 3 3 T T 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 350 910 Sass Sass Administration of Justice ADJ Program Orientation with Q&A for new and returning students: Program expectations and course ADJ Program Orientation with Q&A for new and returning students: Program expectations and course assignments will be reviewed. On Campus only, Room 404 on 1/7/15 and the RRC only on 1/8/15 in Room 905 9:00AM-12:00 Noon and 1:00PM-4:00PM. This is a six-hour orientation. 61634 ADJ 61635 ADJ 61642 ADJ 105 M1NC Juvenile Justice Systems 105 R1NC Juvenile Justice Systems 139 M1K Private Detectives / Investigators 3 3 4 T T SU 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 8:00-5:00 385 912 404 Brumit Brumit Boyer SU 8:00-6:00 404 Boyer SU 8:00-5:00 404 Boyer 404 Boyer Class Dates: January 17, 18, 31 / February 1,14, 15, 28 / March 1 Add/Drop: 1/22/15 -- Withdrawal: 2/11/15 61654 ADJ 152 M1K Unarmed Security Officer 1 Class Dates: 3/28/15 - 3/29/15 -- Add/Drop: 3/28/15 -- Withdrawal: 3/29/15 61670 ADJ 153 M1K Armed Security Officer 1 *Prerequisite: ADJ 152-M1K -- Permission of Instructor Required Class Dates: 4/11/15, 4/12/15 & 4/25/15, 4/26/15 -- Add/Drop: 4/12/15 -- Withdrawal: 4/19/15 61688 ADJ 173 M1W Forensic Photography I* 3 TBA TBA *This is an independent study course. For more information contact Gary Boyer at [email protected] 61692 61693 61703 61704 ADJ ADJ ADJ ADJ 61725 ADJ 66255 ADJ 212 212 228 228 M1DC R1DC M1NC R1NC 237 M1D 240 M1N Criminal Law Evidence / Procedures II Criminal Law Evidence / Procedures II Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs 3 3 3 3 TR TR M M 2:00-3:15 2:00-3:15 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 350 910 350 910 Boyer Boyer Brumit Brumit Advanced Criminal Investigation Techniques of Interviewing 3 3 TR W 11:00-12:15 6:00-8:50 404 404 Boyer Boyer Administrative Support Technology Page 1 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule *For web-based independent study classes, students will need to have access to Blackboard Management Tools. Orientation will be located in Blackboard. For more information, contact Tina Dressler at [email protected]. 63907 AST 101 N1V Keyboarding I 3 V Virtual V Newsome Requires Microsoft Word 2013 software installed on your computer. Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 61740 AST 61744 AST 61747 AST 137 M1W 243 M1W 253 M1W Records Management* Office Administration* Desktop Publishing** 3 3 3 V V T Virtual Virtual 2:00-3:15 V V 409 Dressler Dressler Smestad V V Dressler Dressler V Dalton V Debes ** This is a web-based independent study class, students must attend the orientation session 1/13/15. For more information, contact Kathy Smestad at [email protected]. 61750 AST 61754 AST 290 M1I 297 M1I Internship in Admin. Support - unpaid Internship in Admin. Support - paid 3 3 M-F M-F Virtual Virtual Advanced Manufacturing Technology/Wind Energy *See Energy Technology, Machine Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, and Safety Agriculture 64548 AGR 143 N1W Intro. to Agribusiness & Financial Management 3 V Virtual Class Dates: 1/9/15 - 4/30/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/8/15 --- Drop: 1/24/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/16/15 American Sign Language 63908 ASL 125 N1W History & Culture of the Deaf Community I 3 V Virtual Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Art *For Mrs. VanLear’s online literature courses, students must participate in all components of the Online Orientation provided on the course link in “Orientation Wednesday ofInformation” the first weekby of classes, as noted in the Welcome information posted on the course’s Announcement page. For any questions or more information, contact at 540-863-2854 or at [email protected]. Tondalaya VanLear 61773 ART 61848 ART 202 M1W 212 M1W History of Art II History of American Art II 3 *See Orientation Options above 3 *See Orientation Options above Intro to Auto Shop Practices 3 M-F Van Lear Van Lear Automotive 72419 AUT 100 S1HS 12:00-12:50 MTC Staff Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Baking and Pastry *See Hospitality Services Biology 61875 BIO 61874 BIO 20 M1W Intro to Human Systems* 20 M2WL Lab for BIO 20-M1W* 2 1 T R 5:00-5:30 4:30-6:00 219 219 Degroot Degroot BIO 20 is a hybrid course - combination Lecture/Web-Based independty Study. Orientation Tuesday, 1/13/15 at 5:00 p.m.; Lectures will be Thursdays from 4:30-6:00. Students will take quizzes at the testing center either at the Main Campus Library or Rockbridge Regional Center. For more information, contact Jane Degroot at [email protected]. 61891 61893 61894 61896 BIO BIO BIO BIO 102 102 102 102 M1D M2DL M3NL M4GS General Biology II Lab for BIO 102 Lab for BIO 102 General Biology II 3 1 1 3 Page 2 of 22 MWF W W MF 10:00-10:50 3:30-6:00 6:00-8:50 9:15-10:30 219 220 220 220 Willenbring Muterspaugh Muterspaugh Kolb Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 61897 BIO 102 M5GL Lab for BIO-102-M5GS 1 W 8:00-10:30 220 Kolb 220 220 915 915 AHS AHS Kolb Kolb Bowling-Angle Bowling-Angle Bowling-Angle Bowling-Angle Jackson River Governor's School (BIO-102-M4GS/M5GL) - Restricted Enrollment 71454 71456 61899 61901 71695 71697 BIO BIO BIO BIO BIO BIO 102 102 102 102 102 102 M6D M7DL R1N R2NL A1HS A2HL General Biology II Lab for BIO-102-M6D General Biology II Lab for BIO 102-R1NC General Biology II Lab for BIO 102-A1HS 3 1 3 1 3 1 MF W T R MWF W 9:15-10:30 8:00-10:30 6:30-9:00 6:30-9:00 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment (BIO-102-A1HS/A2HL) - Restricted Enrollment 61920 BIO 141 M1D Human Anat/Phys I 3 MWF 12:00-12:50 220 Willenbring 1 3 W 1:00- 3:30 MWF 11:00-11:50 220 509 Willenbring Willenbring Priority given to nursing students 61926 BIO 61928 BIO 141 M2DL Lab for BIO 141-M1D 142 M1D Human Anat/Phys II Priority given to nursing students 61930 BIO 61931 BIO 61932 BIO 142 M2DL Lab for BIO 142-M1D 142 M3DL Lab for BIO 142-M1D 142 M4N Human Anat/Phys II 1 1 3 M M M 1:00-3:30 3:30-6:00 6:00-8:50 220 220 219 Willenbring Willenbring Willenbring 1 3 W T 6:00-8:50 3:30-6:00 224 220 Willenbring Bowling-Angle 150 M2DL Lab for BIO-150-M1D 1 R 3:30-6:00 220 Bowling-Angle 110 S1HS 3 M-F 9:05-11:46 MTC Priority given to nursing students 61933 BIO 61935 BIO 142 M5NL Human Anat/Phys II 150 M1D Microbiology Priority given to nursing students 61936 BIO Building 72423 BLD Introduction to Construction Suba Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Business 61951 64194 61955 61956 61958 61959 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS 111 122 200 200 236 236 M1D M1D M1DC R1DC M1DC R1DC Principles of Supervision Business Math II Principles of Management Principles of Management Communications in Management Communications in Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 MW MWF MW MW MWF MWF 9:00-10:15 10:00-10:50 2:00-3:15 2:00-3:15 9:00-9:50 9:00-9:50 202 424 350 910 385 912 Keiling Watkins Sass Sass Smith Smith 112 112 112 112 M1D M2DL M3GS M4GL College Chemistry II Lab for CHM 112-M1D College Chemistry II Lab for CHM 112-M3GS 3 1 3 1 TR T MF W 12:30-1:45 2:00-4:30 9:15- 10:30 8:00-10:30 224 224 219 224 Dynak Dynak White White AHS AHS Muterspaugh Muterspaugh JRTC Cosgrove JRTC Cosgrove Chemistry 62028 62029 62030 62031 CHM CHM CHM CHM Jackson River Governor's School (CHM-112-M3GS/M4GL) - Restricted Enrollment 72235 CHM 112 A1HS College Chemistry II 72237 CHM 112 A1HL Lab for CHM 112 - A1HS 3 1 MWF TR 9:00-9:50 9:00-10:15 Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment (CHM-112-A1HS/A2HL) - Restricted Enrollment Childhood Development 69355 CHD 120 T1HS Intro. To Early Childhood Education 3 M-F 10:00-10:50 Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 69359 CHD 125 T1HS Creative Activities For Children 3 Page 3 of 22 M-F 11:00-11:50 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Communication Studies and Theatre 62039 CST 62040 CST 62041 CST 110 M1D Speech Communication 110 M2DC Speech Communication 110 B1HS Speech communication 62042 62043 62049 62050 62052 62053 63910 110 110 151 151 152 152 229 3 3 3 MWF TR TR 11:00-11:50 424 12:30-1:45 385 12:30-1:45 BCHS MWF T MW MW TR TR V 10:00-10:50 6:00- 8:50 2:00- 3:15 2:00- 3:15 2:00-3:15 2:00-3:15 Virtual Shaver Shaver Shaver Bath County High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment CST CST CST CST CST CST CST R1D R2N M1DC R1DC M1DC R1DC N1W Speech Communication Speech Communication Film Appreciation I Film Appreciation I Film Appreciation II Film Appreciation II Intercultural Communication 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 915 906 385 912 385 912 V D. Smith D. Smith Shaver Shaver Shaver Shaver Morra Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 4/5/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/23/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/2/15 Dental Assisting 72421 DNA 100 S1HS Intro. To Oral Health Professions 1 M-F 10:00-11:30 MTC Croy MTC Staff 375A MTC Bryant Staff Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Diesel 72422 DSL 111 S1HS Introduction to Diesel Engines 2 M-F 10:00-11:30 Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Drafting 62058 DRF 72424 DRF 166 M1N 200 S1HS Welding Blueprint Reading Survey of Computer Aided Drafting 2 3 T M-F 5:00-8:20 11:50-12:50 Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Economics 62063 ECO 201 M1W Principles of Macroeconomics I 3 V Virtual V Sass This course is web-based independent study - students must contact instructor by 1/12/15. For more information, contact Ralph Sass at [email protected] or 540-863-2890. 62068 ECO 62069 ECO 202 M1DC Principles of Microeconomics II 202 R1DC Principles of Microeconomics II 3 3 TR TR 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 350 910 Sass Sass 3 MW 3:00-4:15 302 Dujardin V Osborne Education 63937 EDU 200 M1D Introduction to Teaching Profession Students will be required to submit to a background check (via agency determined by DSLCC) PRIOR to enrollment in course, unless the student has a current completed background check from participation in SDV 101. Approximate cost of the background check is $45.00. Contact the Tondalaya VanLear at [email protected] or (540) 863-2854 for more information. 63940 EDU 285 N1W Teaching Online Program (TOP) 3 V Virtual Prerequisite: Registration requires permission of the instructor at [email protected]. Designed for teaching faculty interested in investigating ways to enhance student engagement in their online courses. Includes online collaboration in group assignments. Some assignments have mid-week deadlines. Requires training or experience in use of Blackboard instructor tools for presentation, Page 4 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule interaction, and assessment construction. Class Dates: 2/23/15 - 4/19/15 --- Last Add Date: 2/22/15 --- Drop: 3/2/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/27/15 Electrical 62076 ELE 131 M1N National Electrical Code I 3 M 5:30-8:20 380 Burkholder Class Dates: 2/2/15 - 5/11/15 --- Drop: 2/15/15 --- Withdrawal: 4/1/15 65905 ELE 62081 ELE 71655 ELE 150 M1D 195 M1N 239 M1D AC and DC Circuit Fundamentals Electrical Print Reading / PLC Programmable Logic Controllers 3 3 3 MWF M TR 8:00-8:50 5:30-8:30 8:00-9:45 380 509 380 Bartocci Burkholder Bartocci/Jones 3 1 MW MW 6:00-8:00 8:00-10:00 GC GC Mann Mann 6:00-10:00 GC Mann Virtual V Thompson Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Technician-Basic I 66229 EMS 112 G1N 66231 EMS 112 G2NL EMT - Basic I - Lab Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 3/4/15 --- Drop: 1/18/15 --- Withdrawal: 2/11/15 66232 EMS 113 G1N Emergency Medical Technician-Basic II 3 MW Class Dates: 3/9/15 - 5/6/15 --- Drop: 3/16/15 --- Withdrawal: 4/12/15 66235 EMS 120 G1I Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Clinical 1 V Class Dates: 3/9/15 - 5/6/15 --- Drop: 3/16/15 --- Withdrawal: 4/12/15 62083 62085 62087 62089 62093 62096 EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS EMS 157 157 159 159 172 173 M1D M2DL M1D M2DL M1I M1I ALS Trauma Care ALS Trauma Care - Lab EMS Special Populations EMS Special Populations - Lab ALS Clinical Internship II ALS Field Internship II 2 1 2 1 1 1 W W W W V V 10:00-12:00 3:00-5:00 8:00-10:00 1:00-3:00 Virtual Virtual 417 422 417 422 V V Mann Mann Mann Mann Thompson Thompson (SCADA) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Wind Safety Wind Turbine Equipment Wind Turbine Troubleshooting 3 MWF 8:00-8:50 380 Bartocci 3 3 3 MW MWF MWF 10:00-10:50 9:00-9:50 TBA 380 380 TBA Bartocci Bartocci Bartocci 8 4 4 2 MWF MW TR TR 10:00-11:50 10:00-11:50 2:00-3:50 11:00-11:50 302 302 907 302 VanLear VanLear M. Smith Higgins 302 Higgins Energy Technology 62097 ENE 107 M1D 70071 ENE 62099 ENE 65904 ENE 112 M1I 122 M1D 130 M1D English Fundamentals 62108 62120 62126 62139 ENF ENF ENF ENF 1 2 2 3 M1D M1D R1N M1D (Developmental English ) Preparing for College English I Preparing for College English II Preparing for College English II Preparing for College English III* *Please note: If you are registering for this ENF-3 section you must also register for the MWF ENG-111-M1D. This ENF-3-M1D course requires English 111-M1D as a co-requisite 62142 ENG 111 M1D College Composition I 3 TR 9:30-10:45 *Please note: This is a restricted enrollment class - ENF 3-M1D students are required to enroll in the ENF 3-M1D as a co-requisite. 62280 ENF 3 R1D Preparing for College English III* 2 MW 11:00-11:50 906 Coleman 908 Coleman *Please note: If you are registering for this ENF-3 section you must also register for the MWF ENG-111-R1D. This ENF-3-R1D course requires English 111-R1D as a co-requisite. 62283 ENG 111 R1D College Composition I 3 MWF 10:00-10:50 *Please note: This is a restricted enrollment class - ENF-3-R1D students are required to enroll in the ENF-3-R1N as a co-requisite. Page 5 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule English (College Level) *For Mrs. VanLear’s online literature courses, students must participate in all components of the Online Orientation provided on the course link in “Orientation Information” by Wednesday of the first week of classes, as noted in the Welcome information posted on the course’s Announcement page. For any questions or more information, contact Tondalaya VanLear at 540-863-2854 or at [email protected]. 62301 62306 67526 72285 ENG ENG ENG ENG 100 111 111 111 M1D M2D R2D P1HS Occupational Communication College Composition I College Composition I College Composition I 3 3 3 3 TR MWF TR M-F 12:00-1:15 302 9:00-9:50 302 11:00-12:15 906 11:00-11:50 PMHS Higgins Rowe Smith Floyd Parry McCluer High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 62317 62318 62319 62320 62321 72240 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG 112 112 112 112 112 112 M1D R1D M2D M3N R2N A1HS College Composition II College Composition II College Composition II College Composition II College Composition II College Composition II 3 3 3 3 3 3 MWF MWF MWF M M MWF 11:00-11:50 1:00-1:50 1:00-1:50 5:30-8:20 5:00-7:50 2:00 - 2:50 202 912 385 302 915 AHS Higgins Coleman Rowe Loan Coleman Huff V Virtual V Knutson Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 62331 ENG 135 M1W 62333 62337 62338 62348 62369 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG 241 242 242 244 250 M1W M1D R1D M1W M1W 62373 ENG 254 M1W 62375 ENG 273 M1W Applied Grammar 3 Web-Based Independent Study; Instructor will contact students enrolled in course no later than 1/12/15. Survey of American Literature I 3 *See Orientation Options above Survey of American Literature II Survey of American Literature II Survey of English Literature II Children’s Literature 3 TR 9:30- 10:45 385 3 TR 9:30- 10:45 906 *See Orientation Options above 3 3 V Virtual V Web-Based Independent Study; Instructor will contact students enrolled in course no later than 1/12/15. Survey of African American Lit. II 3 *See Orientation Options above Women in Literature I 3 V Virtual Van Lear VanLear M. Smith VanLear Knutson V VanLear Knutson V Knutson Web-Based Independent Study; Instructor will contact students enrolled in course no later than 1/12/15. 62377 ENG 274 M1W 62380 ENG 276 M1W 62384 ENG 278 M1W Women in Literature II 3 V Virtual Web-Based Independent Study; Instructor will contact students enrolled in course no later than 1/12/15. Southern Literature 3 *See Orientation Options above Appalachian Literature 3 *See Orientation Options above VanLear VanLear 5 Domjan English as a Second Language 63989 ESL 31 N1W Composition I V Virtual V English placement test recommendation for ESL Level 3 or successful completion ESL 20. Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Finance This course is web-based independent study - students must contact instructor by 1/12/15. For more information, contact Ralph Sass at [email protected] or 540-863-2890. 62386 FIN 215 M1W Financial Management 3 V Virtual V 190 M1I 201 M1D Coordinated Internship Forest Mensuration I 3 4 V MW Virtual 12:30-1:30 V 375 Sass Forestry 62392 FOR 62393 FOR Page 6 of 22 Keiling Keiling Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 62395 FOR 205 M1D 62398 FOR 213 M1D 62400 FOR 229 M1D 62410 FOR 62413 FOR 245 M1D 265 M1D 72402 FOR 295 M1I Lab for FOR 201 Topics In: Forest Mapping Lab for FOR 205 Studies in Forest Management Lab for FOR 213 Sawmilling Lab for FOR 229 Forest Products Urban Forestry Lab for FOR 265 Topics In: Forestry Technology 3 M TR T R R MW W MW TR T V 5 V 3 3 4 2 4 1:45-5:15 375 9:30-10:20 416 10:20-12:00 416 10:30-11:20 375 12:00-4:00 375 10:00-10:50 375 12:00-5:00 Sawmill 9:00-9:50 375 8:30-9:20 375 1:00-5:00 416 Virtual V Keiling Keiling Thacker Thacker Thacker Keiling French 63993 FRE 101 N1W Beginning French I Virtual V Franklin Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 63996 FRE 102 N1W Beginning French II 5 V Virtual V Franklin Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Geograph Info Systems 62440 GIS 101 M1N Intro to Geospatial Tech 3 TR 5:00-6:30 416 Keiling Health For web-based independent study classes, students must attend the orientation session listed below. For more information, contact the instructor. Judy Coleman (540-863-2843 or [email protected]); Bruce Olson (540-863-2883 or [email protected]) 62446 HLT 62447 HLT 62451 HLT 100 M1D 100 M2N 110 M1W First Aid and Safety and CPR First Aid and Safety and CPR Personal and Community Health 2 2 3 MW T M 1:00-1:50 6:00-7:40 3:00- 3:30 651 651 417 Olson Olson Stikes 3 M 5:30-6:00 907 Stikes 3 M 3:00-3:30 219 Coleman 3 T 3:30-4:00 906 Coleman 2 M 3:00-3:30 219 Coleman 2 T 3:30-4:00 906 Coleman 3 F 1:00- 1:50 417 Olson 3 M 5:00-5:30 907 Olson 3 F 1:00- 1:50 417 Olson 3 M 5:00-5:30 907 Olson 2 V Virtual V Orientation is 1/12/15 at 3:00 pm or by individual appointment. 62452 HLT 110 R1W Personal and Community Health Orientation 1/12/15 at 5:30 pm or by individual appointment. 62459 HLT 121 M1W Drug Use and Abuse Orientation 01/12/15 at 3:00 or by individual appointment 62460 HLT 121 R1W Drug Use and Abuse Orientation 01/13/15 at 3:00 or by individual appointment 62465 HLT 141 M1W Intro. To Medical Terminology Orientation 1/12/15 at 3:00 pm or by individual appointment. 62466 HLT 141 R1W Intro. To Medical Terminology Orientation 1/13/15 at 3:00 pm or by individual appointment. 62472 HLT 143 M1W Medical Terminology I Orientation 1/16/15 at 1:00 pm or by individual appointment. 62473 HLT 143 R1W Medical Terminology I Orientation 1/12/15 at 5:00 pm or by individual appointment. 62487 HLT 144 M1W Medical Terminology II Orientation 1/16/15 at 1:00 pm or by individual appointment. 62488 HLT 144 R1W Medical Terminology II Orientation 1/12/15 at 5:00 pm or by individual appointment. 67530 HLT 145 N1W Ethics for Health Care Personnel Lee Class Dates: 1/15/15 - 5/14/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/14/15 --- Drop: 2/1/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/27/15 Online orientation - email instructor at [email protected] 72425 HLT 145 S1HS Ethics for Health Care Personnel 2 M-F Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Page 7 of 22 9:05-9:55 MTC Hensley Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 62489 HLT 206 R1D Exercise Science 3 R 9:00-4:50 905 Lawrence Class Dates: (1/15/15-4/23/15) Add/Drop: (1/28/15) -- Withdrawal: (3/14/15) 62529 HLT 230 M1W Principles of Nutrition and Human Development 3 M 3:00-3:30 219 Coleman 3 T 3:30-4:00 906 Coleman 3 MWF 8:00-8:50 202 Stikes 3 MWF 8:00-8:50 908 Stikes 3 T 9:00-4:50 905 Lawrence 9:00-4:50 905 Lawrence 9:00-4:50 905 Lawrence Orientation 01/12/15 at 3:00 or by individual appointment 62530 HLT 230 R1W Principles of Nutrition and Human Development Orientation 01/13/15 at 3:00 or by individual appointment 62533 HLT 230 M2D Principles of Nutrition and Human Development First Classroom Meeting: 1/14/2015 This course combines classroom lectures with online modules. 62534 HLT 230 R2D Principles of Nutrition and Human Development First Classroom Meeting: 1/12/2015 This course combines classroom lectures with online modules. 62536 HLT 280 R1D Therapeutic Massage II Class Dates: 1/13/15 - 3/3/15 ----- Add/Drop: 1/19/15 ------ Withdrawal: 2/11/15 62544 HLT 281 R1D Therapeutic Massage III 3 T Class Dates: 3/10/15-4/28/15 -----Add/Drop: 3/16/15 ----- Withdrawal: 4/8/15 62547 HLT 295 R1D Eastern/Asian Bodywork 3 R Class Dates: 3/12/15 - 4/30/15 ----- Add/Drop: 3/18/15 ----- Withdrawal: 4/10/15 Healthcare Information Systems 64000 HIM 130 N1W Healthcare Information Systems 3 V Virtual V Pratt Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Health Care Technology 65693 HCT 101 M1D Health Care Technician I 3 W M Lab 5:00-9:00 9:00-3:00 202 218 Tucker Jamison Class Dates: 2/4/2015 - 4/6/2015; Add/Drop: 2/12/2015, Withdraw: 3/12/2015 Students will be required to submit to a background check (via agency determined by DSLCC) PRIOR to enrollment in course. Approximate cost of the background check is $45.00 Contact the Nursing Department at 540-863-2838 for more information. 69361 HCT 101 T1HS Health Care Technician I 3 M-F 10:00-10:50 JRTC Staff WNH 218 Jamison 11:00-11:50 RCHS Wright Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 65697 HCT 102 M1D Health Care Technician II-Clinical 3 T *first 2 weeks 8:00am-6:00pm T 7:00-5:00 8:00-6:00 Class Dates: 2/10/2015 - 4/7/2015; Add/Drop: 2/17/2015, Withdraw: 3/15/2015 Students will be required to submit to a background check (via agency determined by DSLCC) PRIOR to enrollment in course. Approximate cost of the background check is $45.00. Contact the Nursing Department at 540-863-2838 for more information. 72412 HCT 102 R1HS Health Care Technician II 3 M-F Rockbridge County High School Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 69362 HCT 102 T1HS Health Care Technician II 3 M-F 11:00-11:50 JRTC Staff Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 History 62550 HIS 102 M2D History of Western Civilization II 3 MWF 9:10-10:00 424 Philbin 3 TR 9:30-10:45 424 Philbin Part II of ancient times to present 62554 HIS 112 M1D History of World Civilization II Page 8 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule Renaissance to present 62558 HIS 122 M1W United States History II 3 V Virtual Virtual Entsminger 3 V Virtual Virtual Entsminger 3 3 TR V 12:30-1:45 Virtual 424 Virtual Philbin Entsminger Reconstruction to the Present 68383 HIS 122 M2W United States History II Reconstruction to the Present 64179 HIS 62602 HIS 135 267 M1D History of the Contemporary World I M1W Second World War This course will be taught as a totally online course using Blackboard classroom management tools. For additional course information contact the instructor , Keenan Entsminger, at [email protected]. Hospitality Services 69364 HRI 106 T1HS Principles of Culinary Arts I 3 M-F 11:00-11:50 JRTC Hamelman MTC Staff Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 72426 HRI 106 S1HS Principles of Culinary Arts I 3 M-F 10:00-10:50 Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 64095 HRI 107 R1D Advanced Culinary Skills* 3 W 8:30-4:30 908 Williams 908 908 MTC McManus Williams Staff JRTC Hamelman VVT Staff 908 908 Williams Williams 908 908 McManus McManus 908 McManus 908 McManus McManus *1st 8-weeks course - Dates: 1/14/15 - 3/4/15 --- Add/Drop: 1/20/15 --- Withdraw: 2/12/15 64111 HRI 64112 HRI 72472 HRI 145 R1D 154 R1D 158 S1HS Garde Manger Principles of Hospitality Management Sanitation & Safety 3 3 3 R M M-F 8:30-4:30 10:00-12:50 10:00-10:50 Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 69365 HRI 158 T1HS Sanitation & Safety 3 M-F 10:00-10:50 Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 72473 HRI 158 U1HS Sanitation & Safety 3 M-F 10:00-10:50 Valley Vocational Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 64114 HRI 64128 HRI 215 R1D 219 R1D Food Purchasing Soups, Stocks & Sauces Preparation* 3 3 M W 2:00-4:50 8:30-4:30 *2nd 8-weeks - Class Dates: 3/11/15 - 5/6/15 --- Add/Drop: 3/18/15 --- Withdraw: 4/13/15 64135 HRI 64137 HRI 66825 HRI 251 R1D Food and Beverage Cost Control I 282 R1D European Cakes and Tortes* 282 R2DL Lab for European Cakes and Tortes 3 3 T M M 10:00-12:50 8:30-4:20 8:30-4:20 *1st 8-weeks class - Dates: 1/12/15 - 3/2/15 --- Add/Drop: 1/18/15 --- Withdraw: 2/10/15 64144 HRI 66831 HRI 283 R1D Custards and Cremes 283 R2DL Lab for Cakes and Cremes 3 M M 8:30-4:20 8:30-4:20 *2nd 8-weeks class - Dates: 3/9/15 - 5/4/16 --- Add/Drop: 3/16/15 --- Withdraw: 4/11/15 64147 HRI 66833 HRI 284 R1D Specialty, Spa, and Plated Desserts 284 R2DL Lab for Specialty, Spa, and Plated Desserts 3 R R 8:30-4:20 8:30-4:20 *2nd 8-weeks class - Dates: 3/12/15 - 5/7/15 --- Add/Drop: 1/18/15 --- Withdraw: 2/10/15 64149 HRI 290 R1I Internship (Culinary) 3 M-F 8:00-5:00 Virtual Survey of Humanities 3 M 6:00- 7:15 202 Humanities 62629 HUM 100 M1W Web-Based Independent Study Class; orientation session is 1/12/15. Contact John Lawson at [email protected]. Page 9 of 22 Lawson Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule Industrial Engineering Technology 66365 IND 108 M1D Technical Computer Apps 3 TR 10:00-11:45 380 3 V Virtual V Bartocci Information Technology Database Processing 62807 ITD 110 N1W Web Page Design I Worthington Prerequisite: ITE 115 or ITE 131 Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 64551 ITD 210 N1W Web Page Design II 3 V Virtual V Mccullough Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Information Technology Essentials 62691 62692 62693 62694 62695 72253 ITE ITE ITE ITE ITE ITE 115 115 115 115 115 115 M1N M2N M3D M4D R1N B1HS Intro to Computer Apps & Concepts Intro to Computer Apps & Concepts Intro to Computer Apps & Concepts Intro to Computer Apps & Concepts Intro to Computer Apps & Concepts Intro to Computer Apps & Concepts 3 3 3 3 3 3 T W TR TR T MEF 6:00-8:50 409 6:00-8:50 416 9:30-10:45 409 11:00-12:15 331 6:00-8:50 907 11:00-11:50 BCHS Lewis Lewis VanLear VanLear Frazier Staff Bath County High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 62811 ITE 140 N1W Spreadsheet Software 3 V Virtual V Mccullough Prerequisite: ITE 115. Requires access to Excel 2013. Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 70206 ITE 140 N2W Spreadsheet Software 3 V Virtual V Blackburn Prerequisite: ITE 115. Requires access to Excel 2013. Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Information Technology Networking 62768 ITN 72274 ITN 101 M1D 101 P1HS Intro to Network Concepts Intro to Network Concepts 3 3 TR MWF 3:00-4:15 8:00-8:50 408 PMHS Switzer Frazier Parry McCluer High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 62769 62771 62777 62794 62796 ITN ITN ITN ITN ITN 106 112 155 157 260 M1D M1N M1D M1D M1N Microcomputer Operating Systems Network Infrastructure (Windows Server 2012) Introductory Routing WAN Technologies Network Security Basics 3 3 4 4 3 TR T MW MW R 1:00-2:15 5:30-8:20 1:00-2:40 9:00-10:40 5:30-8:20 408 408 408 408 408 VanLear Switzer Benke Benke Mathias 3 3 3 M W M-F 5:30-8:45 5:30-8:45 10:00-11:30 502 502 VVT Bartocci Bartocci Cline Machine Technology 62831 MAC 195 M1N Topics in Basic Pipefitting Level 3 (A) 62833 MAC 195 M2N Topics in Basic Pipefitting Level 3 (B) 72475 MAC 231 U1HS Advanced Precision Machining I Valley Vocational Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 Massage Therapy *See Health Math Essentials (Developmental Math) First 5 Weeks Computer-Based Instruction (CB)* - (Starts: 1/12/15; Ends: 2/13/15; Drop: 1/15/15, Withdraw: 1/30/15) Page 10 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 62837 BSK 62859 MTE 62881 MTE 1 1 2 M1CB Whole Numbers M1CB Operations with Positive Fractions M1CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent MWF MWF MWF 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62900 MTE 62918 MTE 62937 MTE 3 4 5 M1CB Algebra Basics 1 MWF M1CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 MWF M1CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 MWF Linear Equations in Two Variables 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 63243 MTE 6 M1CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 63283 63363 63385 62838 62860 62882 MTE MTE MTE BSK MTE MTE 7 8 9 1 1 2 M1CB M1CB M1CB M2CB M2CB M2CB 62901 MTE 62919 MTE 62938 MTE 1 1 1 1 MWF 9:00- 9:50 409 Appel 1 1 1 1 1 1 MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 409 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 3 4 5 M2CB Algebra Basics 1 MWF M2CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 MWF M2CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 MWF Linear Equations in Two Variables 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 63244 MTE 6 M2CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 MWF 1:00- 1:50 409 R. Watkins 63284 MTE 63364 MTE 63386 MTE 7 8 9 M2CB Rational Expressions and Equations M2CB Rational Exponents and Radicals M2CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 MWF MWF MWF 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 62839 BSK 62861 MTE 62883 MTE 1 1 2 M3CB Whole Numbers M3CB Operations with Positive Fractions M3CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 TR TR TR 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62902 MTE 62920 MTE 62939 MTE 3 4 5 M3CB Algebra Basics 1 M3CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of M3CB 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables TR TR TR 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 63245 MTE 6 M3CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 TR 11:00-12:15 409 Appel 63285 MTE 63365 MTE 63387 MTE 7 8 9 M3CB Rational Expressions and Equations M3CB Rational Exponents and Radicals M3CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 TR TR TR 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62840 BSK 62862 MTE 62884 MTE 1 1 2 M4CB Whole Numbers M4CB Operations with Positive Fractions M4CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 W W W 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 62903 MTE 62921 MTE 3 4 M4CB Algebra Basics 1 M4CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 W W 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins Rational Expressions and Equations Rational Exponents and Radicals Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas Whole Numbers Operations with Positive Fractions Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent Page 11 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 62940 MTE 5 M4CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 W 6:00-8:50 409 R. Watkins 63246 MTE 6 M4CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 W 6:00-8:50 409 R. Watkins 63286 MTE 63366 MTE 63388 MTE 7 8 9 M4CB Rational Expressions and Equations M4CB Rational Exponents and Radicals M4CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 W W W 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 62841 BSK 62863 MTE 62885 MTE 1 1 2 R1CB Whole Numbers R1CB Operations with Positive Fractions R1CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 62904 MTE 62922 MTE 62941 MTE 3 4 5 R1CB Algebra Basics 1 R1CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 R1CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 63247 MTE 6 R1CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 M 6:00-8:50 907 Broyles 63287 MTE 63367 MTE 63389 MTE 7 8 9 R1CB Rational Expressions and Equations R1CB Rational Exponents and Radicals R1CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 62842 BSK 62864 MTE 62886 MTE 1 1 2 R2CB Whole Numbers R2CB Operations with Positive Fractions R2CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 TR TR TR 12:30-1:45 1:00- 2:15 12:30- 1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava 62905 MTE 62923 MTE 62942 MTE 3 4 5 R2CB Algebra Basics 1 R2CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 R2CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables TR TR TR 12:30- 1:45 12:30- 1:45 12:30- 1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava 63248 MTE 6 R2CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 TR 12:30- 1:45 907 Nava 63288 MTE 63368 MTE 63390 MTE 7 8 9 R2CB Rational Expressions and Equations R2CB Rational Exponents and Radicals R2CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 TR TR TR 12:30- 1:45 12:30- 1:45 12:30- 1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava Second 5 Weeks Computer-Based Instruction (CB)* - (Starts: 2/16/15; Ends: 3/27/15; Drop: 2/19/15, Withdraw: 3/5/15) 62843 BSK 62865 MTE 62887 MTE 1 1 2 M5CB Whole Numbers M5CB Operations with Positive Fractions M5CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 MWF MWF MWF 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62906 MTE 62924 MTE 3 4 M5CB Algebra Basics M5CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 1 MWF MWF 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 409 409 Appel Appel Page 12 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 62943 MTE 5 M5CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 MWF 9:00- 9:50 409 Appel 63249 MTE 6 M5CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 MWF 9:00- 9:50 409 Appel 63289 MTE 63369 MTE 63391 MTE 7 8 9 M5CB Rational Expressions and Equations M5CB Rational Exponents and Radicals M5CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 MWF MWF MWF 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62844 62866 62888 62907 62925 62944 BSK MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE 1 1 2 3 4 5 M6CB M6CB M6CB M6CB M6CB M6CB Whole Numbers 1 Operations with Positive Fractions 1 Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 Algebra Basics 1 First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF 1:00-1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 409 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 63250 MTE 63290 MTE 6 7 M6CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations M6CB Rational Expressions and Equations MWF MWF 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins 63370 63392 62845 62867 62889 62908 62926 62945 MTE MTE BSK MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 M6CB M6CB M7CB M7CB M7CB M7CB M7CB M7CB 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel 63251 MTE 6 M7CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 TR 11:00-12:15 409 Appel 63291 MTE 63371 MTE 63393 MTE 7 8 9 M7CB Rational Expressions and Equations M7CB Rational Exponents and Radicals M7CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 TR TR TR 11:00-12:50 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62846 62868 62890 62909 62927 62946 63252 63292 63372 63394 62847 62869 62891 62910 62928 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB M8CB R3CB R3CB R3CB R3CB R3CB Whole Numbers 1 Operations with Positive Fractions 1 Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 Algebra Basics 1 First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 Linear Equations in Two Exponents, Factoring andVariables Polynomial Equations 1 Rational Expressions and Equations 1 Rational Exponents and Radicals 1 Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 Whole Numbers 1 Operations with Positive Fractions 1 Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 Algebra Basics 1 First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 W W W W W W W W W W M M M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 907 907 907 907 907 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins Broyles Broyles Broyles Broyles Broyles BSK MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE BSK MTE MTE MTE MTE 1 1 Rational Exponents and Radicals 1 MWF Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 MWF Whole Numbers 1 TR Operations with Positive Fractions 1 TR Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 TR Algebra Basics 1 TR First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 TR Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 TR Linear Equations in Two Variables Page 13 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 62947 MTE 5 R3CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 M 6:00-8:50 907 Broyles 63253 MTE 6 R3CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 M 6:00-8:50 907 Broyles 63293 MTE 63373 MTE 63395 MTE 7 8 9 R3CB Rational Expressions and Equations R3CB Rational Exponents and Radicals R3CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 62848 BSK 62870 MTE 62892 MTE 1 1 2 R4CB Whole Numbers R4CB Operations with Positive Fractions R4CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 TR TR TR 12:30-1:45 12:30- 1:45 12:30- 1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava 62911 MTE 62929 MTE 62948 MTE 3 4 5 R4CB Algebra Basics 1 R4CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 R4CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables TR TR TR 12:30- 1:45 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava 63254 MTE 6 R4CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 TR 12:30-1:45 907 Nava 63294 MTE 63374 MTE 63396 MTE 7 8 9 R4CB Rational Expressions and Equations R4CB Rational Exponents and Radicals R4CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 TR TR TR 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava Third 5 Weeks Computer-Based Instruction (CB)* - (Starts: 3/30/15; Ends: 5/1/15; Add/Drop: 4/2/15, Withdraw: 4/17/15) 62849 62871 62893 62912 62930 62949 63255 63295 63375 63397 BSK MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE MTE 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB M9CB 62850 BSK 62872 MTE 62894 MTE 1 1 2 62913 MTE 62931 MTE 3 4 62950 MTE 5 63256 MTE 63296 MTE Whole Numbers Operations with Positive Fractions Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent Algebra Basics First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Exponents, Factoring andVariables Polynomial Equations Rational Expressions and Equations Rational Exponents and Radicals Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 9:00- 9:50 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel Appel 10MC Whole Numbers 10MC Operations with Positive Fractions 10MC Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 MWF MWF MWF 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 10MC Algebra Basics 10MC First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 10MC Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 1 MWF MWF 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins 1 MWF 1:00- 1:50 409 R. Watkins 6 10MC Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 MWF 1:00- 1:50 409 R. Watkins 7 10MC Rational Expressions and Equations 1 MWF 1:00- 1:50 409 R. Watkins Page 14 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 63376 MTE 63398 MTE 8 9 10MC Rational Exponents and Radicals 10MC Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 MWF MWF 1:00- 1:50 1:00- 1:50 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins 62851 BSK 62873 MTE 62895 MTE 1 1 2 11MC Whole Numbers 11MC Operations with Positive Fractions 11MC Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 TR TR TR 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel 62914 MTE 62932 MTE 3 4 1 1 TR TR 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 409 409 Appel Appel 62951 MTE 5 11MC Algebra Basics 11MC First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 11MC Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 TR 11:00-12:15 409 Appel 63257 63297 63377 63399 62852 62874 62896 MTE MTE MTE MTE BSK MTE MTE 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 11MC 11MC 11MC 11MC 12MC 12MC 12MC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TR TR TR TR W W W 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 11:00-12:15 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 Appel Appel Appel Appel R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 62915 MTE 62933 MTE 3 4 1 1 W W 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins 62952 MTE 5 12MC Algebra Basics 12MC First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 12MC Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 W 6:00-8:50 409 R. Watkins 63258 MTE 6 12MC Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 W 6:00-8:50 409 R. Watkins 63298 MTE 63378 MTE 63400 MTE 7 8 9 12MC Rational Expressions and Equations 12MC Rational Exponents and Radicals 12MC Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 W W W 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 409 409 409 R. Watkins R. Watkins R. Watkins 62853 BSK 62875 MTE 62897 MTE 1 1 2 R5CB Whole Numbers R5CB Operations with Positive Fractions R5CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 62916 MTE 62934 MTE 62953 MTE 3 4 5 R5CB Algebra Basics 1 R5CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 1 R5CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of 1 Linear Equations in Two Variables M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 63259 MTE 6 R5CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 M 6:00-8:50 907 Broyles 63299 MTE 63379 MTE 63401 MTE 7 8 9 R5CB Rational Expressions and Equations R5CB Rational Exponents and Radicals R5CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 M M M 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 907 907 907 Broyles Broyles Broyles 62854 BSK 62876 MTE 62898 MTE 1 1 2 R6CB Whole Numbers R6CB Operations with Positive Fractions R6CB Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent 1 1 1 TR TR TR 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations Rational Expressions and Equations Rational Exponents and Radicals Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas Whole Numbers Operations with Positive Fractions Operations with Positive Decimals and Percent Page 15 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 62917 MTE 62935 MTE 3 4 62954 MTE 5 63260 MTE 63300 MTE 63380 MTE 63402 MTE R6CB Algebra Basics R6CB First Degree Equations and Inequalities in One Variable R6CB Linear Equations, Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 1 TR TR 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 907 907 Nava Nava 1 TR 12:30-1:45 907 Nava 6 R6CB Exponents, Factoring and Polynomial Equations 1 TR 12:30-1:45 907 Nava 7 8 9 R6CB Rational Expressions and Equations R6CB Rational Exponents and Radicals R6CB Functions, Quadratic Equations and Parabolas 1 1 1 TR TR TR 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 12:30-1:45 907 907 907 Nava Nava Nava Mathematics (College Level) 63409 63411 63412 64770 63419 63420 72407 MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 120 152 152 152 157 157 163 R1N M1DC R1DC M2D M1DC R1DC P1HS Intro to Math Math for Liberal Arts II Math for Liberal Arts II Math for Liberal Arts II Elementary Statistics Elementary Statistics Pre-Calculus Math I 3 R 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 6:00- 8:50 910 12:00-12:50 350 12:00-12:50 910 2:00-2:50 404 1:00-1:50 350 1:00-1:50 910 10:00-10:50 PMHS R.Watkins Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Appel Appel Jarrett Parry McCluer High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 63443 MTH 164 M1D Pre-Calculus Math II 63444 MTH 164 M2D Pre-Calculus Math II 63445 MTH 164 M3GS Pre-Calculus Math II 3 3 3 MWF TR TR 12:00-12:50 9:15-10:30 9:15-10:30 219 219 219 Appel Appel Appel Jackson River Governor’s School Class - Restricted Enrollment 63446 MTH 164 R1N 72408 MTH 164 P1HS Pre-Calculus Math II Pre-Calculus Math II 3 3 W MWF 6:00- 8:50 905 1:00-1:50 PMHS K.Watkins Jarrett 8:00- 9:05 8:00- 9:05 424 424 Nicholson Nicholson 8:00- 9:05 424 Nicholson 8:00- 9:00 649 Appel 8:00- 9:00 649 Appel Parry McCluer High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 63452 MTH 174 M1D Calc w/ Analytic Geometry II 63453 MTH 174 M2GS Calc w/ Analytic Geometry II 5 MTRF 5 MTRF Jackson River Governor’s School Class - Restricted Enrollment 63454 MTH 174 M3HS Calc w/ Analytic Geometry II 5 MTRF Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment 53865 MTH 240 M1GS Statistics 3 MF Jackson River Governor’s School Class * Two Semesters in length: Class Dates: 8/25/14 - 5/1/14; Add/Drop: 9/30/14, Withdraw: 1/21/15 53866 MTH 240 M2D Statistics 3 MF * Two Semesters in length: Class Dates: 8/25/14 - 5/1/14; Add/Drop: 9/30/14, Withdraw: 1/21/15 Mechanical Engineering Technology 66162 MEC 161 M1D Basic Fluid Mechanics-Hydraulic/Pneumatic 4 MWF 11:00-12:30 380 Bartocci 63461 MEC 195 M1N 63462 MEC 195 M2N 63464 MEC 295 M1N Basic Millwright Level 4 (Part A) Basic Millwright Level 4 (Part B) Topics in Advanced Millwright Skills (A) 3 3 3 T R M 5:30-9:00 5:30-9:00 5:30-8:45 380 380/371 371 Dodrill Dodrill Dodrill 3 T 5:30-8:45 371 Dodrill *see instructor for approval to register 63465 MEC 295 M2N Topics in Advanced Millwright Skills (B) *see instructor for approval to register Page 16 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule Music 64184 MUS 121 N1W Music Appreciation I 3 V Virtual V Fay Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 71151 MUS 121 N2W Music Appreciation I 3 V Virtual V Lovelace Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Natural Science For web-based independent study classes, students must attend the orientation session listed below. For more information, contact Jane Degroot at [email protected]. 63471 NAS 63472 NAS 5 5 M1W Science I M2DL Lab for NAS 05-M1W 2 1 T T 4:30- 5:00 4:00- 6:00 219 219 Degroot Degroot NAS-05 is a hybrid course - combination Lecture/Web-Based Independent Study; Orientation Tuesday 1/13/15 at 4:30 p.m.; Lectures will be either Tuesdays or Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. and will be announced at the orientation session on 1/13/15. 63473 NAS 63474 NAS 5 5 M3W Science I M4WL Lab for NAS 05-M3W 2 1 T T 4:30- 5:00 4:30- 5:00 219 219 Degroot Degroot Nava This will be a Totally Independent Study course. Lecture and Lab Web-Based Independent Study; Orientation Tuesday 1/13/15 at 4:30 p.m.. For more information and course requirements, contact Jane DeGroot at [email protected]. 63532 NAS 199 M1GS Intro. To Research* 2 TR 8:00-9:05 219 Jackson River Governor’s School Class - Restricted Enrollment Nursing 63533 63536 63537 63538 63539 65685 63555 63560 63570 63571 63572 63573 63585 63595 63596 63597 63598 63609 63612 63613 63614 63615 63617 68453 NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR 109 109 109 109 109 115 137 208 208 208 208 208 245 245 245 245 245 246 246 246 246 246 254 295 M1D A2DL A3DL A4DL A5DL M1D M1D M1D M2DL M3DL M4DL M5DL M1D M2DL M3DL M4DL M5DL M1D M2DL M3DL M4DL M5DL M1D M1D Nursing Principles & Concepts II Lab for Nursing 109 Lab for Nursing 109 Lab for Nursing 109 Lab for Nursing 109 LPN Transition Principles of Pharmacology II Acute Medical-Surgical Nursing Lab for NUR 208 Lab for NUR 208 Lab for NUR 208 Lab for NUR 208 Maternal/Newborn Nursing Lab for NUR 245 Lab for NUR 245 Lab for NUR 245 Lab for NUR 245 Parent/Child Nursing Lab for NUR 246 Lab for NUR 246 Lab for NUR 246 Lab for NUR 246 Dimensions of Professional Nurs. NCLEX 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 MW T/R/F T/R/F T/R/F T/R/F W MW TR M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F M/W/F W T/R T/R T/R T/R M T/R T/R T/R T/R T R 1:00-2:40 7:00-3:00 7:00-3:00 7:00-3:00 7:00-3:00 1:00-3:00 11:00-11:50 10:45-12:00 7:00-4:30 7:00-4:30 7:00-4:30 7:00-4:30 9:30-10:45 8:00-8:00 8:00-8:00 8:00-8:00 8:00-8:00 9:30-10:45 8:00-8:00 8:00-8:00 8:00-8:00 8:00-8;00 12:30 - 2:20 12:30 - 2:20 219 LGHA LGHA LGHA TBA TBA TBA TBA 509 TBA TBA TBA TBA 219 409 Staff Staff Ellis-Smith Staff Wallace Wallace Persinger Clarke Clarke Staff Clarke Staff Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Ellis-Smith Ellis-Smith Ellis-Smith Ellis-Smith Ellis-Smith Hawley Hawley Intro to Philosophy 3 M 6:00-7:15 202 Lawson LGHA 217 509 219 230/ LGHA 230/ LGHA 230/ LGHA 230/ LGHA 509 Philosophy 64191 PHI 101 M1W Web-Based Independent Study; Orientation Session is 1/12/14. Contact John Lawson Page 17 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule at [email protected]. 64007 64008 64011 64012 PHI PHI PHI PHI 220 220 260 260 M1DC R1DC M1DC R1DC Ethics Ethics Studies in Eastern Thinking Studies in Eastern Thinking 3 3 3 3 MWF MWF MWF MWF 10:00-10:50 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 11:00-11:50 350 910 350 910 Blackley Blackley Blackley Blackley Life Fit and Well: Mod 1 W 6:00-7:30 417 Wolfe FJ Garrett TA Olson Physical Education 64193 PED 116 M1N First 8-weeks course: Class Dates: 1/14/15 - 3/4/15; Add/Drop: 1/20/15 Withdraw: 2/12/15 63625 PED 129 R1N Self-Defense 1 R 7:10- 8:50 This class emphasizes form and techniques of body control, physical and mental discipline and physical fitness. It presents step-by-step instruction in numerous techniques, which lend themselves to self-protection in unavoidable situations. An additional fee of $105.00 is required for this off-campus course, uniform included. For more information about the course and/or additional fee, contact Steve Garrett at cell phone (540)460-0468. This class will be held at Fitness Junction, 135 W. 21st Street, Buena Vista. 63628 PED 135 A1D Bowling 1 T 2:00-3:40 First meeting is Tuesday, 1/13/15 at Thunder Alley in Covington. Additional fee of $48 for use of the facility, payable to Thunder Alley, is required. 63630 PED 141 Y1D Swimming I 1 TR 1:00-2:00 YMCA Peterson YMCA Peterson Class Dates: 1/13/15 - 3/12/15; Add/Drop: 1/20/15, Withdraw: 2/16/15 This class is an introduction to swimming. Students learn basic skills used for future stroke development and focus on safety and physical conditioning. No previous experience is required. Class meets for instruction on Tuesdays for one hour and students are required to practice on Thursdays at the same time for an additional hour each week (total pool time equals two hours per week). Location: Alleghany Highlands YMCA. Students will pay DSLCC for 1 credit and will pay an additional fee to the YMCA for use o f the YMCA pool. Additional YMCA Fee: $60 for YMCA member or $100 for Non-Member. Students must first register for this course at DSLCC and then bring proof of course registration and the additional fee to the YMCA prior to the first day of class. Students must bring the following to each class meeting: towel, one piece swimsuit, and goggles (optional). 63633 PED 142 Y1D Swimming II 1 TR 12:00- 1:00 Class Dates: 1/13/15 - 3/12/15; Add/Drop: 1/20/15, Withdraw: 2/16/15 This class concentrates on stroke development and conditioning. Students must be able to put their faces in the water and swim the length of the pool on their front and swim the length of the pool on their back. The focus is on safety and physical conditioning. Class meets for instruction on Tuesdays for one hour and students are required to practice on Thursdays at the same time for an additional hour each week (total pool time equals two hours per week). Location: Alleghany Highlands YMCA. Students will pay DSLCC for 1 credit and will pay an additional fee to the YMCA for use of the YMCA pool. Additional YMCA Fee: $60 for YMCA member or $100 for Non-Member. Students must first register for this course at DSLCC and then bring proof of course registration and the additional fee to the YMCA prior to the first day of class. Students must bring the following to each class meeting: towel, one piece swimsuit, goggles (optional). Physics 63665 63678 63679 63680 PHY PHY PHY PHY 202 202 202 202 M1D M2DL M3GS M4GL Gen College Physics II Lab for PHY 202-M1D Gen College Physics II Lab for PHY 202-M3GS 3 1 3 1 MF W MF W 9:15-10:30 8:00-10:30 9:15-10:30 8:00-10:30 404 404 404 404 Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson 9:15-10:30 8:00-10:30 404 404 Nicholson Nicholson 907 Bouchelle Jackson River Governor’s School Class - Restricted Enrollment 63686 PHY 63687 PHY 242 M1D University Physics II* 242 M2DL Lab for PHY-242-M1D* 3 MF 1W *Restricted enrollment - contact instructor for approval - Steve Nicholson at [email protected] Political Science 63696 PLS 136 R1E State and Local Politics** 3 Page 18 of 22 MWF 12:00-12:50 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule ** These courses will be taught using Collaborate and Blackboard classroom management tools from the Rockbridge Regional Center. Although students must be involved in classroom activities via computer during the meeting time each week, they do not have to be physically on campus. They can participate from any internet-connected computer. Students also have the option to attend the live class meetings in Room 907 at the RRC, if they prefer face-to-face rather than computer participation. 63697 PLS 136 B1HS State and Local Politics** 3 MWF 12:00-12:50 BCHS Bouchelle Bath County High School Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment ** These courses will be taught using Collaborate and Blackboard classroom management tools from the Rockbridge Regional Center. Although students must be involved in classroom activities via computer during the meeting time each week, they do not have to be physically on campus. They can participate from any internet-connected computer. Students also have the option to attend the live class meetings in Room 907 at the RRC, if they prefer face-to-face rather than computer participation. 72246 PLS 136 A1HS State and Local Politics 3 MWF 8:00-8:50 AHS Hopkins V Virtual V Smith CSJH CSJH Fauber CSJH CSJH Fauber Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 63706 PLS 242 N1W International Relations II 3 Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Practical Nursing 63712 PNE 111 R1D PN Health and Diseases II 5 M W 8:30-2:30 11:30-2:30 Class Dates: (1/12/15-3/11/15) -- Add/Drop: (1/19/15) -- Withdrawal: (2/15/15) 63716 PNE 135 R1D Maternal & Child Health Nursing 4 M W 8:30-3:00 11:30-3:30 Class Dates: (3/23/15-4/29/15) -- Add/Drop: (3/27/15) -- Withdrawal: (4/13/15) 63719 PNE 135 R2DL Maternal & Child Health Nursing 63734 PNE 142 R1DL Nursing Skills Lab II 1 W F 8:30-10:30 8:30-2:30 915 915 Staff Class Dates: (3/4/15-4/3/15) -- Add/Drop: (3/27/15) -- Withdrawal: (4/13/15) 2 Class Dates: (1/12/15-2/27/15) Class Dates: (4/6/15-5/1/15) 63722 PNE 182 R1DL Clinical Experience II 5 W F W F TR 8:30-10:30 9:00-3:00 8:30-10:30 9:00-3:00 6:30-3:30 915 915 915 915 CSJH Augusta Health Staff Staff Staff *Other clinical sites include Rockbridge Area Physicians Office and other area health care/child care agencies Psychology For web-based independent study classes, students must attend the orientation session listed below. For more information, contact Judy Coleman at 540-863-2843 or [email protected] 63723 PSY 116 M1W Psychology of Death and Dying 3 V Virtual V Dressler This course is web-based independent study - students must contact instructor by 1/12/15. For more information, contact Tina Dressler at [email protected] or 540-863-2817. 63724 63725 63728 63729 72409 PSY PSY PSY PSY PSY 200 200 215 215 215 M1DC R1DC M1DC R1DC P1HS Principles of Psychology Principles of Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology 3 3 3 3 3 MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF 11:00-11:50 385 11:00-11:50 912 10:00-10:50 385 10:00-10:50 912 9:00-9:50 PMHS Dressler Dressler Dressler Dressler Cornell-Cash Parry McCluer High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 64085 PSY 64086 PSY 64087 PSY 230 M1DC Developmental Psychology* 230 R1DC Developmental Psychology* 230 M3HS Developmental Psychology* 3 3 3 Page 19 of 22 TR TR TR 9:30-10:45 9:30-10:45 9:30-10:45 350 910 350 Dressler Dressler Dressler Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment *This is a hybrid course - Students will have in-class lectures on Tuesdays and watch pre-recorded lectures on Thursdays 64088 PSY 64089 PSY 64090 PSY 230 M2DC Developmental Psychology 230 R2DC Developmental Psychology 230 M4HS Developmental Psychology 3 MWF 3 MWF 3 MWF 9:00-9:50 9:00-9:50 9:00-9:50 350 910 350 Dressler Dressler Dressler Alleghany High School Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment 72410 PSY 230 P1HS Developmental Psychology 3 MWF 12:00-12:50 PMHS Cornell-Cash Parry McCluer High School Dual Enrollment - Restricted Enrollment 64091 64092 64093 64094 PSY PSY PSY PSY 236 236 237 237 M1NC R1NC M1W R1W Adolescent Psychology Adolescent Psychology Adult Psychology* Adult Psychology* 3 3 3 3 R R R R 6:00-8:50 6:00-8:50 5:00-5:50 5:00-5:50 385 912 385 912 V Virtual V A. Brown A. Brown A. Brown A. Brown *This course is web-based independent study - Orientation 1/15/15. 63757 PSY 245 N1W Educational Psychology 3 Shultz Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 3/8/15 -- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 -- Drop: 1/19/15 --Withdraw: 2/13/15 63758 PSY 270 M1W Psychology of Human Sexuality 3 M 3:00- 3:50 219 Coleman T 3:30-4:00 906 Coleman V Virtual V Orientation is 1/12/15 at 3:00 pm or by individual appointment. 63759 PSY 270 R1W Psychology of Human Sexuality 3 Orientation is 1/13/15 at 3:00 pm or by individual appointment. Real Estate 63760 REA 100 N1W Principles of Real Estate 4 Lembo Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Recreation and Parks 63801 RPK 160 M1N Wilderness First Aid* 2 W 6:00-8:00 302 Wolfe Second 8-weeks Course: Class dates: 3/25/15-5/6/15; Add/Drop 3/30/15; Withdraw 4/18/15 Prerequisites: Must have computer access and Blackboard. *Two (2) required Scenario Saturdays on 4/11/15 and 5/2/15 will deal with skill proficiency in the wilderness context that will require moderate physical requirements. Students should be prepared for physical activity and dress accordingly. Please note: There is an additional $35.00 class fee to cover the cost of the textbook and certification. Religion 63802 REL 63803 REL 215 M1D 230 R1D New Testament and Early Christianity Religions of the World 3 3 TR TR 11:00-12:15 2:00-3:15 202 906 Sherrard Sherrard 1 F SS 6:30-9:30 8:00-5:00 905 Lee-Hi TBA 6:30-9:30 8:00-5:00 905 Lee-Hi TBA RV/Motorcycle Maintenance 66184 RVH 130 R1K Basic Rider Motorcycle Safety Class Dates: 3/27/15 -3/29/15; Add/Drop: 3/27/15, Withdraw: 3/28/15 66217 RVH 130 R2K Basic Rider Motorcycle Safety 1 F SS Class Dates: 4/24/15 - 4/26/15; Add/Drop: 4/24/15, Withdraw: 4/15/15 Safety Page 20 of 22 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 63804 SAF 63805 SAF 127 M1D 130 M1N Industrial Safety Industrial Safety OSHA 10 (Construction) 2 1 MW R 10:00-10:50 4:30-9:30 380 375A Virtual V Bartocci Huffman Class Dates: 1/15/15 - 1/29/15; Add/Drop: 1/16/15, Withdraw: 1/23/15 Sociology 63808 SOC 200 N1W Principles of Sociology 3 V Bobys Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 68170 SOC 200 N2W Principles of Sociology 3 V Virtual V Bobys Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 69528 SOC 200 N3W Principles of Sociology 3 V Virtual V Grant Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 63810 SOC 266 N1W Race and Ethnicity 3 V Virtual V Kofie Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 63815 SOC 268 N1W Social Problems 3 V Virtual V Kofie Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Spanish 63820 SPA 63821 SPA 63823 SPA 102 M1NC Beginning Spanish II 102 R1NC Beginning Spanish II 163 N1W Spanish Health Professionals I 4 4 3 M M V 6:00- 9:20 6:00- 9:20 Virtual 385 912 V Aragones Aragones Lanza Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 5/10/15 --- Last Add Day: 1/11/15 --- Drop: 1/28/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/23/15 Student Development 64219 SDV 100 M1D College Success Skills 1 MW 2:00 - 2:50 202 Wright T 5:30-7:30 202 Wright V Virtual Virtual Wright TR 9:30-10:20 912 Walker/Maier 11:00-12:15 350 Van Lear Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 3/4/15; Add/Drop: 1/18/15, Withdraw: 2/11/15 64220 SDV 100 M2N College Success Skills 1 Class Dates: 1/13/15 - 3/3/15; Add/Drop: 1/19/15, Withdraw: 2/11/15 64221 SDV 100 M3W College Success Skills 1 Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 3/6/15; Add/Drop: 1/19/15, Withdraw: 2/12/15 64222 SDV 100 R1D College Success Skills 1 Class Dates: 1/13/15 - 3/5/15; Add/Drop: 1/29/15, Withdraw: 2/12/15 66174 SDV 101 M1DC Orientation to Teaching* 1 TR *Class Dates: 1/13/15 to 3/26/15; Add/Drop: 1/22/15, Withdraw: 2/24/15 Students must submit to a background check (via agency determined by DSLCC), which must be completed prior to classroom observations. Approximate cost of the background check is $45.00. 66175 SDV 101 R1DC Orientation to Teaching* 1 TR 11:00-12:15 910 Van Lear Students must submit to a background check (via agency determined by DSLCC), which must be completed prior to classroom observations. Approximate cost of the background check is $45.00. Welding Independent Study Courses required for welding certificate may be taken during WEL 99 block 67480 WEL 67480 WEL 99 M1N 99 M2N Supervised Study in Welding - restricted Supervised Study in Welding - restricted 2 2 M R 5:30-8:50 4:30-8:30 365/375 365/375 LaRock Huffman V V V M Virtual Virtual Virtual 8:00-11:50 V V V 365/ 375A Bryant LaRock LaRock Bryant Class Dates: 2/5/15 - 5/7/15 --- Drop: 2/17/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/31/15 67480 71664 72099 63837 WEL 99 M3I WEL 99 M4I WEL 116 M1I WEL 123 M1D Supervised Study in Welding - restricted Supervised Study in Pipe Welding -restricted Welding I (Oxyacetylene) - restricted SMAW (Basic) Page 21 of 22 3 1 2 3 Updated: 1/15/15 Spring 2015 Schedule 63838 WEL 123 M2N SMAW (Basic) 3 T M 8:00-8:50 5:30-9:50 63845 WEL 124 M2N SMAW (Advanced) Part 1 3 M 5:30-9:50 SMAW (Basic) 3 M-F 9:00-9:50 72413 WEL 123 T1HS 365/ 375A 365/ 375A JRTC LaRock VVT Staff 365/ 375A 365/ 375A 365/ 375A Bryant LaRock Staff Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 72478 WEL 123 U1HS SMAW (Basic) 3 M-F 10:00-10:50 Valley Vocational Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 63844 WEL 124 M1D SMAW (Advanced) 4 MT 8:00-11:50 63845 WEL 124 M2N SMAW (Advanced) 3 M 5:30-9:50 72102 WEL 124 M3D SMAW (Advanced) Part 1 3 MT 8:00-11:50 LaRock Bryant Class Dates: 1/12/15 - 3/9/15 --- Drop: 1/1915 --- Withdrawal: 2/14/15 63852 WEL 126 M1D 63862 WEL 135 M1D Pipe Welding I Inert Gas Welding II 3 2 W R 8:00-12:30 8:00-11:50 63859 WEL 130 M2N Inert Gas Welding I 3 R 4:30-9:30 M-F 10:00-10:50 365 365/ 375A 365/ 375A Bryant Bryant Huffman Class Dates: 2/5/15 - 5/7/15 --- Drop: 2/17/15 --- Withdrawal: 3/31/15 72416 WEL 130 T1HS Inert Gas Welding I 3 JRTC Staff MTC Stover VVT Staff Jackson River Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 72417 WEL 130 S1HS Inert Gas Welding I 3 M-F 9:05-11:46 Massanutten Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 72418 WEL 130 U1HS Inert Gas Welding I 3 M-F 11:00-12:50 Valley Vocational Technical Center Dual Enrollment Class - Restricted Enrollment Class Dates: 2/9/15 - 6/1/15; Add/Drop: 2/24/15, Withdraw: 4/16/15 63866 WEL 141 M1I 72109 WEL 195 M1D Welder Qualifications Testing I - restricted enrollment SMAW (Advanced) Part 2 3 M-F Virtual 1 MT 8:00-11:50 Class Dates: 3/23/15 - 5/12/15 --- Drop: 3/29/15 --- Withdrawal: 4/21/15 Page 22 of 22 Virtual /365 365 Bryant Bryant
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