Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 First week (36) Date Time 08.40-09.20 09.30-10.10 Coffee 10.30-11.10 "Crash course" in OncologyTumor Biology & Biostatistics Week 36 Monday 1/9 08.40 Roll Call* Lecture Hall Radiumhemmet, level 1 Introduction * DG /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 Tuesday 2/9 LECTURE /RAH The Cancer Patient AR 08:40-09:50 LECTURE /RAH The Cancer cell DG 10:10-12:00 Wednesday 3/9 Interactive seminar * /RAH Cell Cycle & Cancer DG Thursday 4/9 Self-study on PING PONG Videos and quizes Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Friday 5/9 LAB 1* Group 1-3 PBL 1* group 4-6 9.30-12; Basics and intro PBL1 11.20-12.00 12.00-13.00 Lunch, CCK konf rum, R8:05 U N C H 13.00-13.40 Seminar* /RAH Intro to clinic, patient demos and patient interviews AR, FC Team building * RT-tour and "Cancer JO-party" * LECTURE /RAH Apoptosis DG LECTURE/RAH Oncogenes & Tumour Suppressor Genes KW Intro LAB 1* /RaH SL LAB 1* Group 4-6 13.50-14.30 Coffee 14.50-15.30 Intro CASE /RaH Create your own Therapy! AL PBL 1* group 1-3 Groups 1-6 AR, DG, tutors 13-15.30; Basics 15.40-16.20 and intro PBL1 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 DG=Dan Grandér FC=Fernanda Costa AR=Annika Röjvall KW=Klas Wiman AL=Andreas Lundqvist SL=Sonia Lain Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 Lymphoma Theme (Week 37) Date Time 08.40-09.20 Monday 8/9 LAB 1* group 1-3 Tuesday 9/9 LAB 1* group 1-3 Wednesday 10/9 COMPUTER LAB* /Dot, Space, Enter Berzelius väg 3 09.30-10.10 AS Coffee 10.30-11.10 11.20-12.00 PBL 1 group 4-6 PBL 1 Group 4-6 12.00-13.00 L 13.00-13.40 LAB 1* group 4-6 PBL 1 group 4-6 U LAB 1* group 4-6 Coffee 14.50-15.30 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 DG=Dan Grandér AR=Annika Röjvall Intro LAB 2 * /RAH EK, DS All groups LECTURE /RAH Lymphoma Biology MH Friday 12/9 LAB 2* Group 1-3 PBL 1 group 4-6 PBL 1 Group 4-6 13.50-14.30 PBL 1 Group 1-3 PBL 1 group 1-3 Thursday 11/9 PBL 1 Group 1-3 PBL 1 group 1-3 EK=Elena Kashuba MP=Marzia Palma N C H LECTURE /RAH Lymphoma Clinical Aspects FB Lymphoma seminar prep LAB 2* Group 4-6 Patient Demo* /RAH Lymphoma FB AS=Arvid Sjölander AnS=Anastasios Sofiadis Group Seminar* Lymphoma Group 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 MP, AnS, DG PBL 1 group 1-3 MAH=Marie Arsenian Henriksson FB=Fredrik Baecklund DS=Daniel Salamon Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 Colorectal cancer Theme (Week 38) Date Time Monday 15/9 08.40-09.20 09.30-10.10 PBL 1* Coffee 10.30-11.10 Presentation & Discussion Group 1-6 11.20-12.00 Tuesday 16/9 LECTURE /CCK Colorectal cancer Biology DG Wednesday 17/9 LECTURE /CCK Angiogenesis LH Thursday 18/9 LECTURE /CCK Molecular Mechanisms of Metastasis CR LECTURE /CCK Colorectal cancer Clinical aspects CS PBL 2* Introduktion Group 1-6 LECTURE /CCK Cancer cell metabolism AdM Friday 19/9 LAB 2* Group 4-6 PBL 2 Group 1-3 PBL 2 Group 1-3 12.00-13.00 L 13.00-13.40 Lymphoma theme conclusions* /CCK FB 13.50-14.30 Coffee 14.50-15.30 LAB 2* Group 1-3 U Patient Demo * /CCK Colorectal cancer ST LAB 2* Group 4-6 N C H CASE Group 1-6 PBL 2 Group 1-6 LAB 2* Group 1-3 PBL 2 Group 1-6 PBL 2 Group 4-6 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 FB=Fredrik Baecklund DG=Dan Grandér CS=Caroline Staff LH=Lars Holmgren AdM=Angelo de Milito AR=Annika Röjvall CR=Charlotte Rolny ST=Salomon Tendler Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 Breast cancer Theme (Week 39) Date Time Monday 22/9 08.40-09.20 09.30-10.10 PBL 2* Coffee 10.30-11.10 Presentation & Discussion Group 1-6 11.20-12.00 CASE Discussion Tuesday 23/9 LECTURE /RAH Breast cancer Biology JH Wednesday 24/9 Group seminar* Breast cancer Group 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 TF, CW, SÅ LECTURE /RAH Breast cancer Epidemiology LL Patient Demo* /RAH Breast Cancer TH LECTURE /CCK Epigenetics and Cancer IE 12.00-13.00 L U N 13.00-13.40 Colorectal cancer theme conclusions* /RAH DG + FC LECTURE /RAH Breast cancer Clinical aspects TH INTRO LAB 3* /RaH AG 13.50-14.30 Coffee 14.50-15.30 PBL 3* Intro Group 1-6 PBL 3 Group 1-6 DG=Dan Grandér IE=Ingemar Ernberg JH=Johan Hartman LL=Linda Lindström Thursday 25/9 LAB 2* Group 1-3 08.40-10.10 Friday 26/9 LAB 2* Group 1-3 08.40-10.10 LAB 3* Group 4-6 08.40-10.10 C LAB 3* Group 4-6 08.40-10.10 H LAB 2* Group 4-6 13.00 - 16.20 LAB 2* Group 4-6 13.00 - 16.20 PBL 3 Group 1-6 LAB 3* Group 1-3 13.00 - 16.20 LAB 3* Group 1-3 13.00 - 16.20 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 TH=Thomas Hatschek SÅ=Sara Åsbrink TF=Theodoros Foukakis CW=Camilla Wendt FC=Fernanda Costa AG=Annica Gad Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 Week 40 Date Time 08.40-09.20 Monday 29/9 LAB 3* Grupp 1-6 Tuesday 30/9 CASE Group 1-6 Wednesday 1/10 Sports day! Thursday 2/10 LECTURE /CCK Immunotherapy AL Friday 3/10 09.30-10.10 Coffee 10.30-11.10 LECTURE /CCK Infection and Cancer PBL 4* 11:00 - 12:30 Intro TD 11.20-12.00 Patient interview Group 1-3 12.00-13.00 L U 13.00-13.40 PBL 3 Group 1-6 PBL 3* Presentation N PBL 4* 13:00 - 14:30 Intro Patient interview Group 4-6 Group 1-6 13.50-14.30 Coffee 14.50-15.30 Sports day! Breast cancer theme conclusion*/CCK JH 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 JH=Johan Hartman TD=Tina Dalianis CH AL=Andreas Lundqvist Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 (Week 41) Date Time 08.40-09.20 Monday 6/10 LECTURE/RAH Ethics SE CASE /RAH Presentations 09.30-10.10 Coffee 10.30-11.10 Tuesday 7/10 CASE Group seminar * Ethics Thursday 9/10 PBL 4* /RAH Presentation & Discussion All groups* Group 1-6 12.00-13.00 L U LECTURE/RAH Hallmarks of Cancer DG, IE LAB 2 + 3 * Conclusion */RAH EK, IE, AG DUGGA* + DISCUSSION/RAH Prep next day presentations N C H Master´s Programmes Information /RAH RF, AH, ML Interactive theatre*/RAH Cancer therapy of the future DG, Course Council/RAH DG MC=Mark Clements ML=Madelen Lek AG=Annica Gad 13.50-14.30 Coffee 14.50-15.30 Friday 10/10 AL 11.20-12.00 13.00-13.40 Wednesday 8/10 PBL 4* Presentation & Discussion 1-6 (separately) PBL 4 Group 1-6 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 SE=Stefan Einhorn EK=Elena Kashuba DG=Dan Grandér RF=Rachel Fisher IE=Ingemar Ernberg AH=Annika Hanberg Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 Biostatistics (Week 42) Date Monday 13/10 LECTURE/ Scheelesalen (Tomtebodavägen 6) Tuesday 14/10 LECTURE/ Scheelesalen (Tomtebodavägen 6) Wednesday 15/10 LECTURE/ Scheelesalen (Tomtebodavägen 6) Thursday 16/10 LECTURE/ Scheelesalen (Tomtebodavägen 6) Friday 17/10 LECTURE/ Scheelesalen (Tomtebodavägen 6) Recapitulation of basic statistics AS Simple linear regression AS Simple logistic regression AS The role of covariates AS Multiple regression AS 12.00-13.00 L U N C H 13.00-13.40 LECTURE/ Scheelesalen (Tomtebodavägen 6) COMPUTER LAB* Dot, Space, Enter Berzelius väg 3 COMPUTER LAB* Dot, Space, Enter Berzelius väg 3 COMPUTER LAB* Dot, Space, Enter Berzelius väg 3 COMPUTER LAB* Dot, Space, Enter Berzelius väg 3 13.50-14.30 Recapitulation of basic statistics AS Simple linear regression AS Simple logistic regression AS The role of covariates AS Multiple regression AS Time 08.40-09.20 09.30-10.10 Coffee 10.30-11.10 11.20-12.00 Coffee 14.50-15.30 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 AS=Arvid Sjölander Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 (Week 43) Date Time Monday 20/10 Tuesday 21/10 Wednesday 22/10 LAB 5* Group 1-6 Thursday 23/10 LAB 5* Group 1-6 Friday 24/10 LAB 5* Group 1-6 LECTURE* /RAH ALL Biology JM LECTURE* /RAH Introduction ot survival analysis MC AT AT AT 08.40-09.20 09.30-10.10 Coffee 10.30-11.10 11.20-12.00 12.00-13.00 U N C H 13.00-13.40 L LAB 5* /RAH Group 1-6 LAB 5* Group 1-6 LAB 5* Group 1-6 LAB 5* /RaH preparation of presentation Group 1-6 13.50-14.30 AT AT AT Coffee 14.50-15.30 "FISH for Therapeutic Decisions in ALL" intro to LAB5 ESL Discussion and conclusions. Discussion Onc/Stat Discussion Onc/Stat AT 15.40-16.20 * = mandatory * = mandatory 2014-08-2612:23 JM=Johan Malmros MC=Mark Clements AT=Anh-Nhi Tran ESL=Elisabeth Syk Lundberg Molecular Oncology and Biostatistics 2014 /RAH = Lecture Hall/Föreläsningssalen, Radiumhemmet, P1:01 /CCK = Lecture Hall, Cancercentrum Karolinska, CCK, R8:00 (Week 44) Date Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 27/10 28/10 29/10 30/10 31/10 08.40-09.20 09.30-10.10 Coffee 10.30-11.10 EXAMINATION*/RAH 10.00 - 15.30 DG 11.20-12.00 12.00-13.00 13.00-13.40 13.50-14.30 Coffee 14.50-15.30 15.40-16.20 2014-08-2612:23 L U N CH
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