David A. Donoso Curriculum Vitae – January 2015 Ecuadorian. Single. [email protected]. http://www.theantsofecuador.com Cell (593)-‐984-‐110610. Professional Jobs 2013 – Present. Assistant Professor at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Ecuador. 2006 – Present. Research Associate, Museo de Zoología QCAZ, PUCE, Ecuador. Academic Jobs 2006 – 2012. Research and Teaching Assistant. University of Oklahoma. Education 2012 PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. University of Oklahoma. Advisor: ME Kaspari. 2005 Licenciatura in Biological Sciences. PUCE. Research and work Interests • • • Museology. Using museum-‐based information for conservation purposes in Ecuador. Community Ecology. Ant communities, their bio-‐diversities and taxonomies. Ecosystem Ecology. Brown food webs. Invertebrate effects on nutrient cycling and climate change. Peer-‐Reviewed Manuscripts (§ = PhD thesis chapter) In Prep. 1. Donoso DA. Invasive ants in the Yasuni National Park. Where do they come from? 2. Troya A, Salazar F & Donoso DA. Additions to the knowledge of the ant genus Cephalotes in Ecuador. 3. Baez S, Donoso DA, Jaramillo, L, Queensborough S, Valencia R & Dangles O. Mutualistic ants boost the long-‐term growth of an Amazonian tree. 4. Donoso DA, Fayle T, Waters E, ... & Basset Y. Long term monitoring of social insects in tropical rainforests. In Rev. 5. § Donoso DA, Kay A, Kaspari ME. Top-‐down effects of litter ants in tropical brown food webs. Submitted to: Journal of Animal Ecology. 6. Gibb H, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, 12 more, Donoso DA, 26 more and Parr CL. Climate regulates the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on ant assemblage structure. Submitted to Ecology Letters. 7. Donoso DA, Sonet G, Delsinne T. A new species of Leptanilloides from Zamora. Submitted to Sociobiology 8. Reyes-‐Bueno F, Santamaria D. Donoso DA . A first count of the ecuadorian ant species. Submitted to Sociobiology Published 9. Clay NA, Donoso DA & Kaspari M. Urine as an important sodium source increases decomposition in in an inland but not coastal tropical forest. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-‐014-‐3183-‐4 10. Donoso DA, Onore G, Ramon G, Lattke JE (2014) Invasive ants of continental Ecuador, a first account. Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biológicas 35: 133-‐141 11. Kaspari M, Clay NA, Donoso DA & Yanoviak S. (2014) Sodium as a driver of decomposition rates in an interior Amazon forest: results of a one-‐year experiment. Ecology 95(4): 795-‐800. 12. § Donoso DA. (2014) Assembly mechanisms shaping tropical litter ant communities. Ecography 37: 490–499. 13. Shik JZ, Donoso DA, Mike Kaspari M. (2013) Linking traits of male ants with the ecological demands of diverse mating systems. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 149: 99-‐109. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12117 14. Ramón G, Barragán A & Donoso DA. (2013) Can clay banks increase the local ant species richness of a montane forest? Métodos en Ecología y Sistemática 8(2): 37–53. 15. Salazar F. & Donoso DA (2013) New ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) records for Ecuador deposited at the Carl Rettenmeyer ant collection in the QCAZ Museum. Boletín Tecnico 11, Serie Zoológica 8: 150–175. 16. § Donoso DA et al. (2013) Trees and seasonality as templates for trophic structure of tropical litter arthropod communities. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 61: 45–51. 17. Kaspari ME, Donoso DA, Lucas JA, Zumbusch T & Kay AD (2012) Using nutritional ecology to predict community structure: a field test in Neotropical ants. Ecosphere 3: 1–15. 18. § Donoso DA (2012) Additions to the taxonomy of the armadillo ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Tatuidris). Zootaxa 3503: 61–81. 19. § Donoso DA, Johnston MK & Kaspari M (2010) Trees as templates for tropical litter arthropod diversity. Oecologia 164: 201–211. 20. Donoso DA, Salazar F, Maza F, Cárdenas RE & Dangles O (2009) Diversity and distribution of type specimens deposited in the Invertebrate section of the Museum of Zoology QCAZ, Quito, Ecuador. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (ns) 45: 437–454. 21. Carpio C, Donoso DA, Ramón R & Dangles O (2009) Short-‐term response of dung beetle communities to disturbance by road construction in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (ns) 45: 455–469. 22. Donoso DA & Ramón G (2009) Composition of a high diversity leaf litter ant community (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from an Ecuadorian pre-‐montane rainforest. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (ns) 45: 487–499. 23. Donoso DA, Vieira JM & Wild AL (2006) Three new species of Leptanilloides Mann from Andean Ecuador (Formicidae: Leptanilloidinae). Zootaxa 1201: 47–62. Popular 24. Salazar F, Donoso DA (2014) El mundo de los invertebrados: en busca del número total de especies del Ecuador. Nuestra Ciencia 16: 37–40. People in my Lab Prometeo Grants o 2013. Selene Baez o 2014. Thibaut Delsinne Technicians o 2013-‐2014. Diego Dominguez o 2013. Aura Paucar Posters and Abstracts in Conferences 1. Donoso DA, Kay A, Kaspari M. Predation by litter ants in a brown food web: diminishing effects from microbivory to decomposition rates. Poster. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference. France. 2. Shik JZ, Donoso DA, Kaspari ME (2013) Linking the traits of male ants with the ecological demands of diverse mating systems. 50th ATBC and OTS Meeting. Costa Rica. 3. Clay NA, Donoso DA, Kaspari ME (2013) Urine increases woody decomposition in an inland, but not coastal, tropical forest despite depressing the detrital communities of both. 50th ATBC and OTS Meeting. Costa Rica. 4. Donoso DA, et al (2012) (Invited Talk) Tropical trees influence trophic structure but not diversity of litter arthropod communities. 26th ICE Meeting. Korea. 5. Donoso DA, et al (2011) Trees construct but seasonality deconstruct trophic structure of tropical litter arthropod communities. 96th ESA Annual Meeting. USA. 6. Clay NA, Donoso DA, Kaspari ME (2011) Urine as an important sodium source increases decomposition in a Na-‐poor but not Na-‐rich tropical forest. 96th ESA Annual Meeting. USA. 7. Donoso DA, Kay AD, Kaspari ME (2010) Revealing litter ant community assembly rules at different scales through ecological trait and phylogenetic tests. Poster. IUSSI 2010. Denmark. 8. Carpio C, Donoso DA, Ramón G & Dangles O (2009) Short-‐term response of dung beetle communities to disturbance by road construction in the Ecuadorian Amazon [In Spanish]. 33th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. 9. Troya A, Donoso DA (2009) The genus Cephalotes (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in Ecuador [In Spanish]. 33th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. 10. Andrade N, Donoso DA (2009) Invasive ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Yasuni National Park [In Spanish]. 33th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. 11. Donoso DA, Ramón G (2008) Composition and diversity of an ant community in a pre-‐ montane Ecuadorian forest [In Spanish]. 32th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. 12. Salazar F, Cárdenas RE, Maza F, Donoso DA (2006) Type specimens, a valuable Ecuadorian patrimony maintained in the QCAZ Museum of Zoology [In Spanish]. 30th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. 13. Donoso DA (2005) Common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus in the shape space [In Spanish]. 29th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador 14. Donoso DA (2005) Preliminary data on the diversity and taxonomy of the genus Tatuidris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Agroecomyrmecinae) in the Neotropics [In Spanish]. 29th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. 15. Donoso DA, Vieira JM, Wild AL (2005) The ant genus Leptanilloides (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Ecuador [In Spanish]. 29th Jornadas Ecuatorianas de Biología. Ecuador. Field Experience [Ecuador (14 yrs), Panama (3 yrs), Oklahoma, USA (1 yr)] • Research Assistant in the NSF Project: DEB 0842258. Toward a stoichiometric theory of ant ecology -‐ from colony performance to community composition. M Kaspari PI and A Kay, co-‐PI. 2009-‐2011. • Research Assistant in the NSF Project: DEB 0948762. EAGER: Does Na availability regulate tropical decomposers? M Kaspari, PI. 2010-‐2011. • Research Assistant in the CTFS Project: Towards a spatial ecology of brown food webs: soil nutrients and trees as templates. M Kaspari, PI. 2006. • Research Assistant in the PUCE-‐Petrobras Project: Inventario Biológico del Parque Nacional Yasuni. A Barragán, PI. 2005-‐2006. • Research Assistant in the UCODEP Project: Sistema para la evaluación y el monitoreo de la biodiversidad de la Reserva Faunística Cuyabeno. L Coloma, PI and S Burneo co-‐PI. 2004. Teaching Experience • Morfofisiología. UTPL. Spring ’13, ‘14. • Diversidad Animal I. UTPL. Fall ’13. • Zoología de Invertebrados. UTPL. Fall ’13. • • • • GTA: ZOO 2110. Introduction to Zoology. OU. Fall ‘07, ‘10; Spring ‘08, ‘09, ’11, ‘12. GTA: ZOO 4073. Principles of Entomology. OU. Fall ’08. GTA: ZOO 2013. Evolution. OU. Fall ’06. Mentor. Training of undergrad students at OU (n=5) and PUCE (n=3; G Ramon, N Andrade, L Jaramillo). Workshops And Meetings Attended The Ant Course. Organized by the CAS & the MZC at Harvard University. Southwestern Research Station, USA. ‘05. Intramural Funding and Awards • • • • • • • UTPL Internal Research Grants, [(UTPL XXXX; 12K; ’13), (UTPL XXXX; 10K; ’14)] PUCE Internal Research Grant [(PUCE A-‐13015) (6K); ’05), (PUCE XXXX) (12K); ‘12]. TH Lee Williams International Scholarship, OU Graduate College. (3.2K); ‘10 ESA SYP Travel Award, 2012 ICE Daegu Korea. (3K); ‘12 Robberson Research Grant, OU Graduate College. (1K); ‘09 Adams Scholarship. OU Department of Zoology. (T=8.5K); ‘07, ‘08, ‘11. OU Graduate Student Senate Research and Activity Grant. (T=0.7K); ’08-‐09. Grants • Senescyt (Ecuador) postdoctoral grant (145K); ‘13. (Declined) • Ernst Mayr Travel Grant. Museum of Comparative Biology, Harvard University. (3K); ‘06. • Barragan A (PI), Carpio C, Ramón G, Donoso DA. Effects of the opening of the new road Chiruisla-‐Apaika on the diversity, abundance and structure of a community of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Orellana, Ecuador. Petrobras. (15K); ‘05–‘09. Languages And Other Skills Spanish: Native. English: Good. Extreme cooking, mountain hiker and fondness for traveling to remote places. Synergistic Activities I have worker with several undergraduate students from Ecuador and Oklahoma (5 out of 10 are female). I have published four manuscripts with Ecuadorian undergrad students. Under a NSF-‐REU program, I traveled for two months with a female Native North American undergrad student at Oklahoma to the Amazon Basin. We plan to publish the results of this trip in the near future. Two of these students are currently in PhD programs in France and Australia. During a 15-‐month NSF-‐funded fieldtrip to the Neotropics, I directed five groups of students from Panamanian and American Universities, and gave several invited talks (Bambi, Gigante Course, OTS course). I participated in several collection excursions with undergrad students at Oklahoma. I participated from the organization of the Evolution Meeting 2011 (in Norman, Oklahoma) and I am an active Senator, representing the Department of Zoology at the OU Graduate Student Senate. Referee (in the past five years) Biotropica, Myrmecological News, Journal of Animal Ecology, Zootaxa, Insect Conservation and Diversity, Oecologia, Arthropod-‐Plant Interactions, American Midland Naturalist, Ecography, Journal of Insect Science, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Journal of Insect Conservation. Professional Memberships Ecological Society of America, ESA. Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Biología, SEB. Entomological Society of America, ESA. Website Manager Ants of Ecuador – an interactive guide to the ants of a tropical country http://theantsofecuador.com Recent Collaborations John Lattke, Thibaut Delsinne, Olivier Dangles, Alvaro Barragan, Adam Kay, Steve Yanoviak, Natalie Clay, Mary Johnston, Yves Basset. Undergraduate students at QCAZ, Ecuador: Natalia Andrade, Rafael Cardenas, Carlos Carpio, Liliana Jaramillo, Giovanni Ramon, Fernanda Salazar, Juan Vieira. Undergraduate students at OU, USA: Brittany Benson, Deanna Flatt, Matt Dowling. Dedicated Species Pachycondyla donosoi Mackay & Mackay 2010 Procryptocerus donosoi Serna & Mackay (upcoming)
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