From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. Characterization mRNA of Glucocorticoid Receptors and in Human Leukemia Cells: Stabilization by Diisopropylfluorophosphate By Clark W. Distelhorst We have shown cells frequently that have a mol demonstrate derived by the wt intact action of samples. present phate (DFP). added to the In the in cytosol proteolysis was doacetamide, or mercuric digests T the which receptor at the molecule to steroid-receptor form kilobase serine for important mas. therapeutic Although corticoids The is unknown, site tor defects Because the than on cells steroid specific leukemias of cell and killing lymphoma cell receptors killing and cell process is that a variety can result in glucocorticoid resistance.3 of the importance of glucocorticoids apy of human able interest glucocorticoid cells. Recent leukemias and in the structural Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, © I 987 this fact. by Grune & Stratton, 0006-4971/87/6903-0007$3.00/0 750 Inc. receptor was mRNA. are size which 6.5- receptor all of tran- the human 52.000-receptor frag- abnormalities may receptors cells. in M gluco- 5.0-kilobase normal size present S49 small a the A normal Therefore, of foreshortened S by Grune 1987 human properties The or by glucoand have mediated of recep- give apparently absent & Stratton, Inc. of glucocor- rise in certain ther- lymphoma receptors University leukemia cells and to the mutant from synthesis mouse human abnormal ability lym- leukemia receptor fragments corticoid receptors are normal being both studied by if not to digestion several receptor in 20,000 to 25,000) extent of receptor with the activity specific the that kidney cytosol from acute by a factor lymphocytic et aht found from receptor influenced not et gluco- cytosol to receptor binding site. to correlate for receptor have high Both proteases cell cytosol by the Vol identified. of peptidases cell cytosols isolated the cells presence could be or absence No 3 (March), stabi- leukemia cells. form level of factors proteolysis.8 1987: is of receptor cytosol from human leukemia 52,000-receptor fragment.” 69, rat to a merorereceptors meroreceptor by the receptor and from glucocorticoid lymphocytic to the but also that inhibit We recently found that frequently contains a M, Blood, leukemia prescells. degradation been activities leukemia degradation only not leukemia cells that glucocorticoid chronic the fragment the steroid appeared of converting nonlymphocytic Therefore Sherman kidney endopeptidase is capable lized in is currently endopeptidases.9 in human a lysine-specific receptor in chronic ceptor.’#{176}Holbrook pro- of the intact and cytosol et a17 found specificities showed cells degradation investigators. responsible cell Sherman leukemia cells smallest of gluco- endogenous receptor that retains degradation protease(s) of various degrading leukemia liver is that Holbrook et a15 demonstrated the in cytosol from human leukemia leukemia However, by of “lysine-specific” Sherman et a17 and ence of meroreceptors human human degradation rat and leukemia of of glucocortipresence the cytosol all, and groups which (Mr The The cells proteolytic meroreceptor, cell prior normal aI9 demonstrated cellulose Glucocorticoid abnormalities be due to of glucocorticoid from corticoid described could in most, in size of their to DNA human leukemia cells are subject to proteases.8 Thus it has been sug- in leukemia teases.5’7 The mechanisms in terms to bind cellulose.4’5 in cytosol from by endogenous gested that previously coid receptor function in are their diethylaminoethyl(DEAE) receptors digestion cytosol Hospitals, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106. The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1 734 solely to indicate ticoid to with Mutant make 48.000) or not present. physical From the Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis; the Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, School ofMedicine. Cleveland; and the Department ofBiochemistry and Biophysics, University of California San Francisco. San Francisco. Submitted June 2, 1986; accepted September 27, 1986. Supported by a grantfrom the Children ‘s United Research Effort (CWD), by Grant CA42755from the National Institutes of Health (CWD), and by afellowshipfrom the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fundfor Medical Research (RM). Address reprint requests to Clark W. Distelhorst, MD, Division of were in many lymphomas, there is considerand functional properties of receptors in human leukemia and studies have found that glucocorticoid whether are hor- lympho- in the kilobases human hybridization abnormally addition RNA in cells. a regions lines 6.5 and receptor. have transcript. cells ments phoma chymo- complex.’ with pro- produce of glucocorticoid-sensitive mouse demonstrated that through glucocorticoid cell to the io- transcription.2 Glucocorticells and, therefore, are an for studies DFP. leukemia receptor mechanism glucocorticoid-resistant preparation. aprotinin. of leukemia was by hydrolyzed interacts modality the exact script proteases. cytosol receptor by Northern that receptors a different in the genome to regulate gene coids kill leukemia and lymphoma cells messenger cells glucocorticoid glucocorticoid intact then analyzed normal (Mr a steroid-receptor complex lymphoma 52,000-receptor HE EFFECTS of glucocorticosteroids mediated through receptors that bind mone was the in chloride. digests cells receptors inhibited phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride. trypsin. mouse if diisopropylfiuorophos- benzamidine. tease for transcript used not leukemia a cDNA Receptor lymphoma receptor of buffer we are 97.000) fragment. mouse S49 corticoid samples hypotonic receptor in of 52 leukemia M from inhibitor 40.000 Mr 24 protease. size study (Mr Miesfeld (mRNA) fragments receptors in cytosol normal leukemia fragments present 52.000-receptor present a potent human receptor glucocorticoid Only were from of -52,000. M a serine were samples glucocorticoid the from Receptor cytosol (Mr) that fragments cell that contain and Roger Glucocorticoid Receptor of the Receptor in cells The pp 750-756 From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. GLUCOCORTICOID RECEPTORS 52,000-receptor type of leukemia Mr lar previously tor fragment corresponds ) (nt and fragment previously is considerably mutant-glucocorticoid These reduced in size contain and in therefore for the in 52,000-fragment. in over size if diisopropylfluorophosphate, inc proteases, with this human 50 different is used that fragment to stabilize cells samples has the that a normal recep- are normal inhibitor of receptor. the in demonstrate for contain a serine receptor to a glucocorticoid cell we find a other a potent observation, leukemia find leukemia is of the mech- 52,000-receptor We tors that synthesis to determine human leukemia cell cytosol. Our studies the first time that human leukemia cells protease that digests the intact glucocorticoid M, lymphoma mRNA results M, This above) and increased mouse a receptor in ser- Consistent receptor mRNA in size. METHODS Materials. tors, and Chemical ide, and Louis. Coomassie Richmond, was St. blue CA. The purchased F6,7-3H] Acryhamide, N,N,’methylenebisacryham- R-250 from low mol from Pharmacia Dexamethasone-2 Nuclear, were wt standards Fine I -mesylate Bio-Rad inhibiSigma was Laboratories, Piscataway, from New Cell St. line) was Mouse were described Leukemia given human leukemia by Dr Robert lymphoma cell lines Allen and cell line (a B hympho(American methods Red of cell cell isolation. Human leukemia cells Cross, transferred RNA were - to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide leukemia bone marrow mesylate analysis. Total Cytosol determine gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) as detailed previously.” Gels were analyzed by autoradiography.” Molecular weight standards were phosphorylase b (97,400), bovine serum albumin (67,000), ovalbumm (45,000), carbonic anhydrase (30,000), trypsin inhibitor and dilution of 1 :1000. sample buffer cellular RNA then isolated A 100 and boiled was to isolated incubated label the cell receptors. from peripheral in cells bind with [3H]dexamethasone presence binding with or absence The not mesylate compete mesylate excess for binding for binding nonreceptor bands because in the absence of competing apparent on the markedly differences two We are For designated the clarity, by mol the binding but sites on band(s) that can be distinthe receptor bands steroid (lane -) of competing in the amount on gels could unlabeled of cytosol give rise to of corresponding bands only those bands that differ and + lanes are considered between bands. determined intensity Therefore, in intensity to be receptor diograms in the lanes. with to receptors to nonsaturable and are not seen in the presence steroid (lane + ). Small differences applied to the - lane and + lane dexametha- competes other proteins. Therefore, on autoradiograms, correspond to affinity-labeled receptor(s) guished from are seen only and cell suspensions mesylate in the unlabled dexamethasone [3H]dexamethasone receptors. autoradiograms of gels. To proteins, or receptors, from proteins, duplicate [3H]dexamethasone of I 00-fold unlabeled Huor to SDS-PAGE to receptors. Multi- [3H]dexamethasone appear as bands on the specific binding blood glucocorticoid was then prepared and subjected the mol wt of the affinity-labeled the nonspecific were incubated does leukemia were affinity proteins sone. human cells to isolated blood or bond marrow by Ficoll-Hypaque previously.” Only freshly isolated cells were labeling. subjected and labeling man ple for experiments. and at a final to the gel electrophoresis isolation therefore distinguish The method of labeling receptors in intact cells with [3H]dexamethasone mesylate was described in detail previously.” Briefly, cells were washed with PBS and resuspended in PBS in Eppendorf microcentrifuge tubes so that each tube contained 10 to 20 million cells. The cell suspensions were incubated for four hours at 4 #{176}C with 200 nmol/L [3H]dexamethasone mcsylate. Duplicate cell suspensions contained either the radiolabeled steroid alone (labeled in figures) or the radiolabeled steroid plus 100-fold excess unlabeled dexamethasone (labeled + in figures). At the end of the incubation period, the cells were pelleted and the cell pellets were frozen at - 80 #{176}C for I 5 minutes and then thawed in hypotonic buffer at 4 #{176}C for 15 minutes to prepare cytosol. The cytosol was then boiled for two minutes in the sample buffer for gel electrophoresis buffer stop the reaction. culture previously.20 from either peripheral separation as described Affinity to the hypotonic RESULTS Na2MoO4. The Victor Lines. cell Louis). used added mmoL/L stock solution of iodoacetamide was added to the hypotonic buffer to give a final concentration of 1 mmoL/L. A stock solution of0.Ol moL/L HgCI2 was added to the hypotonic buffer to give a final concentration of 0.01 mM. The hypotonic buffer was prepared without EDTA when HgCI2 was used. Limited protease digestion. A concentrated solution of chymotrypsin in deionized water was prepared fresh for each experiment. An aliquot of the chymotrypsin solution was added to affinitylabeled cytosoh and incubated at 25 #{176}C for 1 5 minutes. The cytosol Affinity 20 mmoL/L of phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride Ni. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was prepared as described previously.” The hypotonic buffer used in cytosol preparation consisted of 25 mmoL/L Tris p1-I 8.2, 1 mmoL/L EDTA, 10% and solution England Buffers. blast was Boston. glycerol, a stock from leukemia cells by sedimentation through cesium chloride.23 The RNA was analyzed by Northern blot hybridization using a cDNA for the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor as described previously.’9 kit for gel electrophoresis Chemicals, experiments (PMSF) was prepared in absolute ethanol and added to the hypotonic buffer to give a final concentration of 10 mmoL/L. Benzamidine was added to the hypotonic buffer to give a final concentration of5 mmoL/L. Aprotinin (2 mg/mL; 14.5 trypsin inhibitory U/mg) was All chemicals, including proteases, protease unlabeled dexamethasone, were purchased from Co. and hactalbumin (14,400), References for the mol wt were given previously.” Protease inhibitors. To inhibit proteolysis of the affinity-labeled receptor during cytosol preparation, protease inhibitors were added to the hypotonic buffer immediately prior to use. Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) was added to the hypotonic buffer to give a final concentration of 5 mmoL/L. To exclude the possibility that the inhibitory effect of DFP was due to an impurity present in certain commercial preparations of DFP, samples of DFP were treated with cupric ion and imidazole to catalyze the hydrolysis of DFP.2”22 In (20,100), values the merorecep- by others (see nuclear transfer receptor study was undertaken responsible patients.” than receptor mutants foreshortened The present anism treated larger described previously closely in size to the cells.’2’8 751 CELLS fragment was not unique to a particuand was present in samples from untreated receptor IN LEUKEMIA an receptor bands on autora- arrowhead. wt of glucocorticoid receptors in From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 752 DISTELHORST cytosol from 52 different human leukemia samples. Cytosol from all of the samples contained intact receptors that migrated opposite the phospohorylase b marker and therefore have been receptor assigned fragment the ovalbumin cytosol from that find along the (mean fragment consistently assigned now with SE, was N the 24). major we cannot exclude receptor fragments may cells. For example, appeared samples, Mr to be studied detected in the untreated produced during cytosol cytosol in 1). These 35%) is present detected intact by proteolytic digestion of M cytosol preparation, 5 mmoL/L with types fragments from treated if the cells of were previously previously To determine within leukemia different cells and minor of leukemia three receptor of leukemia (8/23, 500 fragment of the and ± other 30,000-receptor the (16/29, 55%). ofprotease inhibitors. 52,000-receptor that in the cytosol frequency (Table patients possibility M, in + 52,000-receptor detected in our is shown in Fig 2. fragments were equal leukemia patients Effect a present one of which 52,000-receptor approximately the be present - + in in here to be 52,000 the M fragment C - reported reported fragment + a M, of previously experiments B - above fragment the Although receptor studies, to just was detected as illustrated receptor MIESFELD 1). A major migrated this receptor = (Fig 45,000) samples, reanalyzed additional of this Mr ± of 97,000 standard (Mr 24 of the 52 leukemia Fig 1 . We previously 55,000.” We have results a M, A AND or M, if it is 97,000-receptor diisopropylfluoro- Fig 2. Effect of chymotrypsin on glucocorticoid receptors. Same as Fig 3 except that leukemia cells from a different patient (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) were studied. (A) No chymotrypsin. (B) 5 tg/mL chymotrypsin. (C) 10 zg/mL chymotrypsin. Arrowheads point to bands that represent affinity-labeled receptor fragments. An additional receptor fragment appears to be located above phosphate for cytosol only Mr band on the 30k marker (DFP) was preparation. protein. included in the hypotonic buffer used In cytosol samples that contained 97,000-receptors, the autoradiograms was intensity not of the affected by receptor inclusion DFP in the hypotonic buffer (not shown). In samples contained both Mr 97,000 and Mr 52,000-receptors, inclusion of DFP in the hypotonic buffer eliminated the 52,000-receptor intensity band of finding the indicates sents that a receptor receptor The and increased 97,000-receptor Mr the by proteolytic ability band of DFP was leukemia no experiment from digestion in from did produced during to eliminate confirmed cells 52,000-receptor Mr fragment proportionately band (Fig the ten a different DFP fail to prevent the type of protease M cytosol M, separate patient the 1). This band the of that the M repre97,000 preparation. 52,000-receptor experiments in each using experiment. formation In of the M 52,000-receptor. To determine Table 1 . Glucocorticoi d Receptor responsible s in Human Type of Leukemia DFP on glucocorticoid lymphocytic leukemia) receptors. Human were incubated with ) rH ]dexamethasone mesylate in the absence (or presence ( +) of excess unlabeled dexamethasone to affinity label the glucocorticoid receptors. Cytosol was prepared using hypotonic buffer that either did not contain DFP (A) or did contain DFP (B). The cytosol was subjected to SDS-PAGE. and the gels were analyzed by autoradiography. as shown here. Arrowheads point to bands that represent affinity-labeled receptors. Leukemia Receptor 97,000 Fig 1 . Effect of leukemia cells (acute 97.000 for generat- Cells M, + 52.000 Total Acute lymphoblastic 9 8 17 Acute nonlymphoblastic 9 8 17 Chronic lymphocytic 8 7 15 Chronic myelogenous, 2 1 3 blast Values either M, receptors. crisis represent 97,000 the number receptors of leukemia or both M, cell samples 97,000 that contained and Mr 52,000 From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. GLUCOCORTICOID ing M, of were with in the hypotonic Inhibitors (PMSF, that have factor that inhibits protease inhibitory sis, but the cysteine hydrolysis.2122 DFP serine inhibitory protease tion of Mr studies digestion are by the protease responsible receptor to a Mr serine class and cells the digests human (Fig serine shown). protease for digestion of the generareceptor intact leukemia to belong Limited digestion with chymotrypsin domain the from of the endogenous protease glucocorticoid receptor leukemia of cells chymotrypsin was incubated prior that contained only Mr digestion produced a M, 3). In cytosol that at the contained to both M, chymotrypsin intact M, 97,000 cells for To further producing of the Victor substantiate the M, human that proteolysis 52,000 receptor leukemia with [3Hjdexamethasone unlabeled fresh human cell line were mesylate and then leukemia cells immedi- the site prevent methasone their mesylate. experiment employed Victor addition cells of the affinity-labeled as a range of receptors generated Mr affinity-labeled The tamed leukemia variable from A typical sample that was employed In the absence of added the To electrophoresis. 97,000-receptors, 40,000-receptor the the to cytosol with gel in sone leukemia same contains present site receptor 52,000 cell to the mesylate-labeled at a different Mr leukemia cells dexametha- of normal is known to human cytosol is 2). cell prior to cytosol preparation. The human preincubated with 20 smoL/L unlabeled molecule.24’25 in receptor the (Fig leukemia ately were the steroid-binding receptor that Mixing studies. responsible This digestion. receptors fragment endogenous that elimi- 52,000-receptors ‘ the Therefore, appears leukemia site in inhibit papain. in and digestion Mr receptor. In addition, not fragment sensitive the the glucocorticoid chymotrypsin incubated mixed with the did digests does fragment, eliminate DFP 40,000-receptor that its to the a Mr was block not 97,000 indicate by hydrolyis stable upon did [3H]dexamethasone concentrations ment The and Mr results than (not with chymotrpytic the produced protease inhibi- 52,000-receptors, both These (HgC12 hydrolyzed (not shown, domains the chymotrypsin, In cytosol motryptic and proteases.21’22 was immunoactive if from and serine proteases M, cytosol of proteases. DNA-binding determine cysteine 52,000-fragment Limited protease size glucocorticoid separate benzamidine) activity cysteine for and nated for of DFP is eliminated inhibitory activity that not used specificity a specifi- inhibit receptor digestion of DFP are contaminated 52,000-receptors that buffer cysteine activity protease cytosol, protease major for did not preparations that in leukemia and specificity 753 CELLS different have aprotinin, major and iodoacetamide) shown). Certain a inhibitors included proteases LEUKEMIA fragments protease preparation. tors IN -52,000-receptor variety cities RECEPTORS the only unlabeled cell human M, cells samples of red to employed to the preparation from in this cells The cells cytosol fragments blood cell shown in Fig 2. cells, cytosol from leukemia prior in Fig 4. leukemia -97,000-receptors. human 52,000-receptor receptors. numbers same [3H]dexa- is shown in the experiment human leukemia contained Victor binding experiment and the intact study con- platelets. To chyfrag97,000 97 6 4 3 2C Fig 3. Effect of chymotrypsin on glucocorticoid receptors. Receptors in human leukemia cells (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) were affinity labeled as described in Fig 1 . The cytosol was incubated at 25 ‘C for 1 5 minutes with chymotrypsin prior to SDS-PAGE. (A) No chymotrypsin. (B) 5 g/mL chymotrypsin. (C) 10 ig/mL chymotrypsin. Arrowheads point to bands that represent affinity-labeled receptors or receptor fragments. Fig 4. Mixing studies. Glucocorticoid receptors in Victor cells were affinity-labeled as described in Fig 1 . Leukemia cells (chronic Iymphocytic leukemia) from the same sample used in Fig 2 were incubated for four hours with 20 imoL/L unlabeled dexamethasone. The unlabeled cells were then mixed with the affinitylabeled Victor cells in a ratio of 3:1 immediately prior to cytosol preparation. Cytosol was then analyzed by SDS-PAGE as described in Fig 1 . (A) Victor cells with no addition. (B) Victor cells plus unlabeled leukemia cells. Arrowheads point to bands that represent affinity-labeled receptors or receptor fragments. From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. 754 DISTELHORST determine cells, if red blood be the could tors to the M, formed in which were added 52,000-fragment, human red blood (data not shown). lymphoma human Northern blot Receptor to lines. Glucocorticoid leukemia mRNA was both normal size The patient samples observed receptors receptors 5 and human mRNA was a receptor in human and containing 7 may M cDNA The reflect cells that by mRNA sample faintness lower levels receptor lymphoma mRNA regardless in human of the mol unlike the present in nt mutant highly frag- 6.5 kb of receptor type cells of mouse the leukemia cells 5.0 kb lymphoma have 48,000), that the is the expected in cytosol characterized lym- which receptors (M, We conclude wt of receptors mouse S49 (S49.l43r), normal glucocorticoid kb receptor mRNA. size preparations, receptor mRNA cells.’9 DISCUSSION We demonstrate that frequently contains have a Mr of -.52,000 that looks containing of the mouse wild degradation cells, which have normal size (M, 97,000) glucocorreceptors, have a 6.5 kb receptor mRNA (lane 4). The mutant The or phoma ticoid of (kb) contain samples preparation. for the four 52,000-fragments. receptor the patient 2). in six analyzed 52,000-receptor Mr have from (lane the mouse leukemia during nt cell from in these MIESFELD RNA smaller than have a 5.0 produce receptor, and results from in Fig 5. A normal 6.5-kilobase (lanes 5, 6, 7) to the mRNA in lanes using were perplatelets to cytosol from mRNA samples recep- not receptor cell hybridization rat liver glucocorticoid these samples are shown receptor receptor did mRNA leukemia digests prior cells mRNA compared cell different bands cells degradation was intact leukemia of these mRNA. than that experiments cells or human admixture samples only rather protease The Receptor ments identical or platelets, of the to affinity-labeled preparation. receptor cells source AND a Mr of -97,000. two types of receptor by Several 30,000-receptor Mr samples evidence proteolytic that arises human also appeared prove that the intact during resulted receptors previously This led in reported us to the not responsible fragments in digestion to M, mixture of fresh receptor preparation. First, was blocked inhibitor preparation. DFP in the Second, leukemia line prior of the cells to an to cytosol intact affinity- fragments. We mixing studies to be negative.” conclusion that proteolysis was involved stored at intact 52,000 size fragment for the formation of the cytosol of human mixing studies that had been that have provides Mr 52,000-receptor similar incorrect previous samples the cytosol 52,000-receptor admixture of fresh unlabeled human affinity-labeled human leukemia cell labeled cells to contain study normal of the potent protease buffer used for cytosol preparation leukemia The present from digestion of the Mr by inclusion hypotonic from fragments. fragment formation cytosol steroid binding receptor fragments in addition to intact receptors that cells M, -52,000-receptor leukemia cells. the mixture 80 #{176}C rather as in the present of The cytosol than the study. There- fore the failure of the earlier mixing studies to demonstrate receptor proteolysis suggests that the leukemia cell protease responsible for receptor digestion may not be stable upon storage at low temperatures. Limited chymotrypsin digestion of the normal is known to separate of the receptor from the domains.24’25 The leukemia digest the intact different digestion M, Fig 5. Northern blot analysis of leukemia cell receptor RNA. Total cellular RNA from five human samples (lanes 1 . 2. 5-7) and two murine samples (lanes 3. 4) were blotted with a probe from the 5’ region of the rat glucocorticoid receptor eDNA” (Miesfeld et al, unpublished data). Lane 1 (HoLe cells). lane 2 (human leukemia cells). and lane 4 (mouse lymphoma cells S4.9.A2wt) show the 6.5-kb receptor RNA present in cells containing only M, 97.000 receptors. Lanes 5. 6. 7 (human leukemia) and lane 3 (mouse lymphoma S49.143r;nt’) contain RNA from cells that also possess a smeller receptor protein of M, 48.000 to 52.000. The ntspecific receptor RNA is shown as a 5.0-kb transcript (lane 3). The nature of the smear around 4 kb is unclear, but it appears to be due to partially degraded RNA. 97,000 the trypsin Mr sensitive and DNA-binding described here must glucocorticoid fragment receptor that 52,000-receptor could be digested by chymotrypsin, 52,000-receptor site receptor by domain at a chymotrypsin, since chymotryptic receptor produced a M, 40,000 3). The Mr cell cytosol 40,000-receptor Mr that steroid-binding cell protease site than does of the intact receptor fragment (Fig ment in human leukemia glucocorticoid the immunoactive fragment is present indicating retains in normal fragto a the chymoreceptors (Fig 2). The leukemia Mr cell patients. The was consistent 52,000-receptor samples obtained presence when in some 24 was of detected in 52 different of the M, 52,000-receptor leukemia cell samples were again from the same patient We previously demonstrated occur fragment from leukemia fragment obtained at time intervals of up to 1 year. that receptor digestion does not cell cytosol samples even when From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. GLUCOCORTICOID proteolysis RECEPTORS IN LEUKEMIA is encouraged is that possible degradation some may leukemia protease cells leukemia cells corticoid receptors by the protease but some We clear cell here.” samples (data may be cells similar may present time. human the have assay when cell cytosol analyzed normal tions mononu- earlier digestion human is incubated digestion employed receptor peripheral The similar blood under protease mononuclear 52,000-receptor in size to the defective these responsible from nt mutant mouse for cells but activity, cells. fragment receptors Mr lymphoma there is some evidence nt mutant cells are degradation during here is in cytosol cell This receptor abnormalities mutant mouse a variety DFP, do not cytosol from inhibit nt the phoma trypsin’7 the cells of different the of defective lymphoma receptors mRNA in nt mutant mutant mouse receptor mRNA normal whether observed. mRNA, receptors human or not Therefore leukemia the cells M, -52,000-receptor abnormalities absent from human leukemia form having a Stokes of Sherman expected possible radius According fragment of this is to be is to have that by us is the the same a Mr Mr as the described previously Holbrook et al5’8 found 40,000 to 60,000. 52,000-receptor lower mol by Stevens that are in to a to the work would be it is fragment described wt form of the receptor et al.27 Sherman cytosol from human conditions intermediate in condi- a128 demonstrated denaturing for only periods a brief of time, Although that gel is a more sensi- receptor frag- size period of time (-30 whereas the required cytosol thus we tested permitting a variety specificities inhibited contain an serine minutes) assay methods incubations for more extensive of protease for serine receptor impurity protease hydrolysis, and digestion that recep- is resistant the cysteine the Mr protease to M, the with only 52,000 proteases.2”22 of DFP protease Since of the proteases, cysteine activity to hydrolysis.2t’22 generation inhibitors cysteine effect of DFP is to inhibit preparations of DFP often inhibits inhibitory whereas The is sensitive inhibitory hydrolyzed for to activity DFP -52,000-receptor responsible did receptor it digestion leukemia cell fragment et a17 and leukemia from the protease responsible in leukemia cytosol, since receptor is prevented activated receptor cysteine proteolysis a the cytosol of the rat by calpastatin, calcium-activated the cysteine protease receptor following Second, for merorelatter has is incubated at 3 #{176}C for thymus glucocorticoid an inhibitor of calcium the protease.28’29 is responsible to a M, reasons. inhibitor of calcium-activated han cells,3#{176}did not inhibit digestion. the proteases.29 Therefore it appears that in rat thymus cells is due to the activity unlikely that the same the human leukemia for cysteine human hypotonic First, It idoacetamide, proteases leukemia buffer used for Third, under in the study, when intact cytosol et al, unpublished assay conditions employed of an in mammacell-receptor EDTA, receptors is incubated seems for digestion 52,000-receptor preparation in the present study contained would be expected to inactivate calcium-activated the not fragment, class of proteases. The the M, 52,000-receptor receptor fragment when two hours. Proteolysis fragment Therefore receptors tor degradation. of receptor size of nondenaturing been reported to be a “lysine specific” protease.7.’#{176} Mendel et al2t showed that intact glucocorticoid receptors in rat thymus cytosol are converted to a M, 52,000 cells. of 3.5 nm. et al,9 a receptor size we condi- lym- cells receptors degraded the under First, denaturing may be different ceptor formation fragment Stevens et a127 showed that glucocorticoid chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells are often whereas fragments studies. in site, mRNA in the size of of glucocorticoid and gel electrophoresis, in earlier studies to the serine that generates in which may give rise to the synthesis of foreshortened in certain mutant mouse lymphoma cells, apparently incubated belongs protease appears reducing explanations receptor than is gel filtration under nondenaturSecond, in the present study, cytosol samples that lymphoma earlier for detecting appears to digestion by chymoobservations). Third, in size compared to the size of receptor cells.’9 In the present study we show that and receptor significantly potential study et major was 50,000) including mouse two between Mendel inhibit (Distelhorst decreased wild type in filtration. under prior to employed are the study size measured Although similar were detected in here, fragment. Although the major serine proteases, commercial in nt receptors cells in nt was respects. data). Second, the Mr ‘ 52,000-receptor cells contains a chymotryspin-sensitive defective were DFP the and inhibitors, cells are relatively resistant (Distelhorst et al, unpublished receptor cells in several protease mouse However, leukemia differ formation mutant et al, unpublished human leukemia whereas in human electrophoresis, gel different receptors in and undergo preparation.26 lymphoma First, that glucocorticoid normal in size cytosol gel by 30,000) under studies electrophoresis longer described present observation raised the possibility that the receptor abnormality in human leukemia cells and in the nt mutant mouse lymphoma cells may involve a common mechanism.” In this regard intact by blood tive technique at 25 #{176}C ments (Mr ing conditions. conditions hours digestion may not be unique to leukemia to be present, although probably at a lesser in normal receptors a degraded (Mr There present represents to 25,000. present in by Sherman cytosol, the to nor- described 20,000 studied in difference in the tions to a kidney samples peripheral for two not shown). Receptor digestion by DFP. Therefore, the between blood and 52,000). the in addition meroreceptor, has a Mr fragments (Mr for detected Receptor liver observed larger to digestion conditions observed gluco- meroreceptors The leukemia fragment in all contain peripheral several proteolysis. to distinguish is inhibited receptor appears from attempting under we receptor contained receptor that size receptor occurring sensitive the 52,000-fragment - mononuclear the naturally frequently size receptors. et a19 in rat for receptor cells or that are abnormally in normal However, a activity are at occur mal contain leukemia that possibilities not cells incubation responsible in all leukemia protects the protease. these does may that Alternatively, M, the protease not be present inhibitor or incuba- receptor digestion occurs cell samples is unknown. by prolonged tion at 25 #{176}C to 37 OCI The reason in some but not all human leukemia It 755 CELLS cytosol which proteases. present in rat thymus cells are stable, even for two hours at 4 #{176}C (Distelhorst observations). From by guest on January 20, 2015. For personal use only. DISTELHORST 756 Protease receptor inhibitors binding, are inactivation, known to degradation, affect and glucocorticoid protease affects transforma- receptors in vivo. tion in vitro.3’ However, the effect of protease inhibitors on glucocorticoid receptor function in vivo is unknown. We are currently isolating and characterizing the serine protease from human leukemia cells that produces the M, 52,000 receptor fragment. Also, we are trying to determine if this the function or turnover AND MIESFELD of glucocorticoid ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors technical thank ion Wasson and Laurie Kullman for expert assistance. REFERENCES I . Munck A: General aspects of steroid hormone-receptor interactions, in Pasqualini JR (ed): Receptors and Mechanisms of Action ofSteroid Hormones - Part I. New York Marcel Dekker, 1976, p 1 2. Rousseau GG: Control of gene expression by glucocorticoid hormones. Biochem i 224:1, 1983 3. 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For personal use only. 1987 69: 750-756 Characterization of glucocorticoid receptors and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA in human leukemia cells: stabilization of the receptor by diisopropylfluorophosphate CW Distelhorst and R Miesfeld Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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