Published By
tzU lDepartfJle1l,t of lIDC4tiDru1t afu[ putt t£4ucatitm
N""fIUfi }fzi(iwe ~, )1111(., ,ftlUlm6ra State.
or' (Iei/timltll (lilt! At!lIlt Et!lIcation - (JOVAE) ,
(1/. (, \" I. _'fI(r
Editorial Board
lProf. S.L OkJvuanaso
Vocational and Adult Education Department
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Pm. 6. ,. Ddinechi Dr.
R. O. Hili Dr. O. t.
t7en. Prof. Ben el1uks Okeke
Consulting Editors
Prof. U. M. O. Ivowi
Prof. A. Oduran Prof.
R. N. Oranu Prof. T.
L Eze
Prof. M. N. Okanimkpa
Prof. C. L C. Akubilo
Prof. E. C. Osuala
Federal Educational Services Limited, Ikeja, Lagos
University of Botswana, Gaborone
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
University of Lagos, Lagos
EnuguState University of Science and Technology, Enugu
Uiriversity of Nigeria, Nsukka
.Imtrlull af VtlCtlt;fJlUII tI/Ill Adult i::{luctlt;fJll - (JOVAi::) HII. 6 Na I. lfJ(J7
We are full of thanks and praise to God who has been sustaining us with strength and grace.
JOVAE Volume 6 No. 1 is out. Hurrah! Frankly, we are immensely grateful to our numerous
contributors, readers and supporters for their wonderful encouragement. We are also grateful to
our Editors. In selecting articles for publication, attempt was made to choose ones that are of:
Broad Interest:
Special Interests:
Dr. Atsumba of Federal University of Tech. Minna wrote on
effective environmental management through recycling of
metallic arid non metallic waste material.
Dr. B. A. Ogwo and B. N. Ezekoye wrote on Identification of
learning experiences and content for e-Iearning programme on
basic telecom in Nigeria.
In congratulating the Editor in Chief, the consulting Editors and the entire editoral board, we
sincerely hope that our students, contributors, scholars and reading public will continue to find
this issue of JOVAE particularly helpful and valuable. I am sincerely humbled by the deligency
and consistency of the Journal. The Journal is marking its Ten years anniversary and continuous
publication even in the times of wind and storms and times of rain in our academic lives.
I salute our fathers and elders in leaving a strong academic legacy for us.
Thanks a million times.
Ven. Prof. Ben Chuks Okeke HOD,
Vocational Education Dept., Nnamdi
Azikiwe University, Awka,
Anambra State
(~t' J'Jcat;olltil alld ,·jdu/t L°t/lleallOIl - (.ll) , ~>j/:J ril/. 6 .\"() J. ](J()7 >
--------==--==---~=- --_. __ ._.- - --_ .. _----------
Ogwu, B. A. Ph.D
Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria,
B. N. Ezeokoye
Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria,
Atsumbe, B. N. Ph.D
Department ofIndustrial & Technology Education, Federal University of
Technology, Minna.
Prof. G L Ndinechi
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
College ofEducationAgbu Delta State.
Umuemezia I. E. (Mrs.)
Ibeneme Ogo T. Ph.D
Department of Vocational Education, Nnamdi Aiikiwe University,
Department of Technical & Business Education, Delta State University,
K. O. Odu Ph.D
M. C .. Nwabudike
Asoegwu M. N. N.
Department of Electrical & Electronics Tech., Federal College ofEducation (Technical) Asaba
Department of Accounting Education, Federal College of Education
Technical Umunze
Department of Industrial & Technical Education, Federal University of
Technology Minna, Niger State.
Idris Abubakar
Department of Science and Technical Education, Rivers State University
of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
OI..'Welle P. C.
Nw'ogu Prince Opurum
School of Technical Education, Federal College of Education (Technical) Omoku, Rivers State.
Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze.
Uzo-Okonkwo N.
Ra~mond E.
Department ofIndustrial & Technology Education, Federal University of
Technology, Minna.
K. O. Odu Ph.D
Department of Technical & Business Education, Delta State University,
Department ofIndustrial & Technology Education, Federal University
of technology. Minna. Niger State.
Idirisu Ibrahim
Ezugu Livinus C.
Department of Technology Education, Federal University
of Technology, Vola, Adamawa State .
./oUl"lllli of VoCfttiollllllllld Adult EduCfttioll - (.101 :1/:) iil. fJ Yo I. lO(J7
Note to Contributors
.Journal of Vocational and Adult Education (JOVAE) is an annual
journal published by the Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University, Awka. The Journal aims at encouraging scholars and researchers to make
effective contribution in the areas of teaching and learning of Vocational and Adult
Guideline to Contributors
Submit three copies of your article, which must be typed in double line spacing on quarto
size paper and should not exceed 12 pages including references.
Articles must be prepared in accordance with the American Psychological Association
(APA) manual.
Abstract of not more than 200 words should accompany the article on a separate sheet.
One separate page should be used for the author's name, status and contact address.
Each article must be accompanied with three self-addressed and stamped envelop and a
All correspondences should be forwarded to:
The Secretary, Editorial Board JOVAE,
C/o Dr. Ogo T. Ibeneme
Department of Vocational and Adult Education
NnamdiAzikiwe University,
P. M. B. 5025, Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria.
. ./0111"I11I1 (~,. J (J("{ftiollill 11/1(1 JtllI!t t:tllI('(lfioll - (.fOJ:4E) Vol. 6/Vo
J. ]007
Identification of Learning Experiences and Contents for Learning Programme in
Basic Telecommunication in Nigeria B. A. Ogwo & B. N. Ezekoye
Effective Environmental Management Through Recycling of Metallic and . Non
Metallic Waste Materials By Local Craftsmen In Minna Metropolis B.N.
Delta State Employers' Evaluation of National Diploma (ND) Accounting
Graduates' Work Performance: The Public Sector Perspective.
G N. Ndinechi & L E. Umuemezia.
Vocational Technical Education: Nigeria's Imperative for achieving the first
Millenium Development Goal Initiative Ibeneme o. T.
Effective Utilization of Workshop for Practical Teaching of Technology In
Technical Education Odu K. O. & Nwabunike M. C.
39 - 47
Business Teacher Educators' Appraisal of the Revelance of the Objectives and
Equipment Component of the NBTE Business Education Curriculum Relative to
Employment Requirements. Ndinechi G L &Asoegwu M. N. N.
Availability and Utilization of Print and Non-Print Instructional Material in Technical &
Vocational Schools in Niger State, Nigeria. Mohammed I. Abubakar
Incidence of Wastage in Technical Teacher Education Programme At Federal
College of Education (Technical) Omuku Rivers State. Okwelle R C & Nwogu Prince 0.68-75
Entrepreneurial Competencies Needed By Business Education Graduates for
Starting Small Business. Uzo-Okonkwo N.
Effects of Metalearning Instructional Approach on Students Performance In T
e.:hnical Education. Raymond E. & Hassan A. M ..
.I01lrJ/1I/ of r iJClltifJlIlIl (lilt! .Idll/t EdUl'tltifJlI -
(.lor ~IE) J iJ!. 6.vo I. If}(}7
Vocational & Technical Education Curriculum for Sustainable Youth
Empowerment. Odu K. O.
Comparative Evaluation of the Perceptions of Electrical & Building Students
Regarding Technical College Programme Implementation Feature in Niger State.
Ibrahim I dris
A case for Laying Foundations of Sustainable Youth Employment through
Aspect of Vocational Education at Primary School. AtsumbeB. N.
Job Satisfaction of Technical College Teachers in theNorth Eastern States of
Nigeria. Ezugu Livinus C.
Jmmltll (!f Vt,,·(It;OIIt1I (lIId.ldlllt Education - (JOVAE) Vol. 6 No 1. 1007