In-vivo-Dosimetry (YIG) Research topic(s): 1. Range verification and in-vivo dosimetry in tumor treatments with particle beams 2. Prompt-gamma imaging (PGI) and prompt-gamma timing (PGT) measurements 3. Novel techniques for radiation detection, signal processing, and radiation imaging Group leader: Dr. Guntram Pausch OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus University of Technology Fetscherstr. 74 01307 Dresden Phone.: Fax: E-mail: Homepage: Education: 1986 1978 +49 (0)351 458 7414 +49 (0)351 458 7311 [email protected] Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Phys. Technische Universität Dresden Technische Universität Dresden Clinical Experience: none Professional Appointments: 2012-… Research Group Leader, OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Technische Universität Dresden 2010-2012 Research Manager Radiation Detection, FLIR Systems, Oak Ridge, TN / Solingen / Dresden 2005-2010 Research Manager, ICx Radiation GmbH, Solingen / Dresden 2003-2005 Physicist, Research Manager, Target Systemelectronic GmbH Solingen 1997-2003 Physicist, Senior Manager, Umwelt- und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden 1997 Research Scientist, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Cost-free Expert, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 1994-1996 Research Scientist, Acting Head of the Detector Laboratory, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf 1992-1994 Research Scientist, Freie Universität Berlin 1992 Research Scientist, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf 1990-1991 Visiting Scientist, Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin 1987-1990 Research Scientist, Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung Rossendorf 1978-1987 Research Assistant, Technische Universität Dresden Publications: 46 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals Patents: 15 granted European and U.S. patents Funding: 2012-2016 2003-2012 Extrabudgetary funding by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA, U.S. DoD) 1997 Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (U.S. DHS) Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF) Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) Deutsches Support-Programm für die IAEA Award: none Journals: Reviewer for Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science Journal of Instrumentation Grant review: none Societies: Member of IEEE, NPSS, DPG 1997-2003 Group members: Scientists: Dr. Thomas Kormoll Dipl.-Ing. Marc Berthel PhD Students: Dipl.-Phys. Christian Golnik Dipl.-Phys. Johannes Petzoldt M.Sc. Fernando Hueso-González MD Students: none Master Students: Frauke Beyer Research Technicians: Anne Dreyer Internal collaborators: − OncoRay, Medical Radiation Physics − OncoRay, High Precision Radiotherapy − OncoRay/onCOOPtics, Laser Radiooncology − TU Dresden, Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik External collaborators: − HZDR, Institut für Strahlenphysik − HZDR, Institut für Ionenstrahlphysik und Materialforschung − Ion Beam Applications S.A. (IBA), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Participation in collaborative research projects (local, national, international): − ENVISION – European NoVel Imaging Systems for ION therapy, funded by the European Commission under FP7 Grant Agreement N. 241851 List of 10 most important publications 2005–2014: 1. C. Golnik, F. Hueso-González, A.K. Biegun, P. Dendooven, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, T. Kormoll, A. Müller, R. Ostendorf, J. Petzoldt, K. Römer, and G. Pausch: Range assessment in particle therapy based on prompt-gamma timing measurements; Paper accepted for presentation at the 2014 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA), Ann Arbor, MI, June 9-12, 2014 2. F. Hueso-Gonzalez, C. Golnik, M. Berthel, A. Dreyer, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, K. Heidel, T. Kormoll, H. Rohling, S. Schoene, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner, G. Pausch: Test of a Compton Imaging Prototype at the ELBE Bremsstrahlung Beam; 2013 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Conference Record, M19-3, 2014 3. T. Kormoll, D. Bemmerer, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, F. Hueso Gonzalez, K. Heidel, M. Kempe, H. Rohling, K. Schmidt, S. Schoene, L. Wagner, G. Pausch: Compton Imaging in a High Energetic Photon Field; 2013 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Conference Record, M21-11, 2014 4. G. Pausch, C.-M. Herbach, D. Mitchell, R. Lentering, and J. Stein: Neutron detection based on capture-gamma sensing and calorimetry; Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8382, pp. 838209-838209-11 (2012). 5. G. Pausch, K. Roemer, C.-M. Herbach, Y. Kong, R. Lentering, F. Scherwinski, and J. Stein: Characterization and calibration of large-volume PVT detectors by Backscatter Gating; 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Conference Record, pp. 2214 - 2219 6. G. Pausch, C. Plettner, C.-M. Herbach, J. Stein, M. Moszyński, A. Nassalski, Ł. Świderski, T. Szczęśniak, A. Niculae, and H. Soltau: Demonstration of a dual-range photon detector with SDD and LaBr3(Ce3+) scintillator; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 12291237, 2009. 7. G. Pausch and J. Stein: Application of 6LiI(Eu) scintillators with photodiode readout for neutron counting in mixed gamma-neutron fields; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1413-1419, 2008. 8. G. Pausch, C.-M. Herbach, R. Hillebrands, A. Kreuels, R. Lentering, F. Lueck, F. Platte, C. Plettner, K. Roemer, F. Scherwinski, J. Stein, N. Teofilov, M. Moszyński, L. Swiderski, and T. Szczesniak: Application of LaBr3(Ce3+) scintillators in radio-isotope identification devices; 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Conference Record, pp. 963-968. 9. M. Moszyński, A. Nassalski, A. Syntfeld-Każuch, T. Szczęśniak, W. Czarnacki, D. Wolski, G. Pausch, and J. Stein: Temperature dependences of LaBr3(Ce), LaCl3(Ce) and NaI(Tl) scintillators; Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Physics Research A 568 (2006), pp. 739751. 10. G. Pausch, J. Stein, and N. Teofilov: Stabilising scintillation detector systems by exploiting the temperature dependence of the light pulse decay time; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1849-1855, 2005.
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