Sept 2» 1952 A. A. GLAWE 2,608,957

Sept 2» 1952
Filed Nov. 12v, 194s
Patented Sept. 2, 1952
-f Í" UNITED; fer-,ATE s
2,608,957 v
" .Í4 A'Adolph‘rL Glawe, Green Bay, Wis.
Applieditil` November 12, 1948,’seria1N'o. 59,703
part of this specification, wherein is shown one
complete embodiment of the preferred 4form of the
invention, and wherein the samereference char
actersindicate the same parts in all'of .the views:
Fig. 1 is'a vertical sectionalview ofthe im
' This invention relates to improvements inwater
- It is a general object of the present invention
to‘provide an'improved waterrheater which is
-constructed in a manner to provide anincrea'sed
area of water tank surfaceiwhich is exposed to
the hot gases of combustion and thereby increase
the efficiency of operation. .
proved water heater;
z 1
Fig. 2 is a transverse sectional view taken ap
proximately along the line 2-2 of Fig. l; and
Fig. 3 is atransversesectional View' taken ap
A further object Aof the invention is to provide
a water heater which includes an inverted cone 10 proximately
Referring more
the line 3_3v
to the
of Fig.
l. the
shaped inner tank portion which isvso arranged
that the bottomxthereof isexposed to thelflame
of the burner so that the hot gases of `combustion
`may travel up along thetapered tank wall.
A more specific objectof ,theA invention is to 15
provide awater heater-having- anouter` casing,
having a tubular member spacedwithinsaidouter
casing to provide an annular water` 'chamber
therebetween, and having a tank portion of in
improved water heaterhas an elongated outer
cylindrical shellorcasing 5 having its upper end
closed by a vcircular plate 6. Positioned within
and, substantially concentric with the outer-shell
5 is an inner cylindrioaltube 'I which is formed
at its lowerl end with an., outwardly projecting
Aannular `flange v8; The peripheral edgel of the
`flange B is sealingly> connectedin any;V suitable
verted conical shape within said tubular member. 20‘ manner Ato the inner surface of the shell 5.l The
fiangeß-of the inner shell 1 maybe positioned on
said tank portion having >means vatmboth Vends
a supporting angle-9 extending around and fixed
which are in communication with the annular
to the inner surface of theshell 5 as shown. Any
water chamber and there being ra spaceA for -hot
gases located between said conical tank and tubu
lar member.
, _suitable means may however be used to close the
25* bottom ofthe annular water chamber lformed be
v tween the shell l5 and ¿tubeg'Lv
A further >object ofthe invention is jto _provide
y An inverted conicaltank I0 is positioned-within
Ha heater of the classdescribed wherein the yein
the innerftube "_I‘ and is _preferably concentric
ciencyäof operation is increased by having anar
rangement of parts wherein the hotgases of :com
bustion wipe both the outer surfacefof the> conical
inner tank and the inner surface of the annular
water chamber, -said hot gases also directly con
tacting conduits which lead from the water cham
ber to the lower portion of the conical inner tank.
l A further object of the invention is to provide
a heater ofthe class described having valve means
for temporarily shutting off >communication be
therewith. The upper _- marginal _edges of the
con1cal tankglû ìand ofthe inner shell K'I’are seal
4irigly connected as at I I, and thelower tip ofthe
conical tank I0 is >preferably rounded as_atqIZ.
Extending diametrically >outwardly and 4down
wardly from the lower end of the conical tank III
,are conduits I3 and‘IIi. Any desired number may
be employed. AThe conduits -I3 and I4 provide
communication between the interior of the tank
' i0 and theannular space I5.
, . Extending diametrically across the corneal tank
l I0 near its> upperfend and opening through oppo
the water in the inner tank. ’
» ‘ .
' .
» ‘4 site side"-wall'portions thereof. is a transverse’flue
A further object ofthe invention is to provide
or conduit4 I6., Projecting upwardly from» a cen
a water heater of the class described which may
tral portion ofthe flue portion -I6 and extending
be used successfully with any type of conventional
through the top plate 6 is a vertical flue portion
tween the lower ends of the inner and outer tanks
to thereby selectively provide for quick heating of
heating unit whether utilizing oil, coalV or gas.
I'I. Extendingvertically through the top plate 6
A further object of the invention is to provide 45 is a hot water outlet pipe I8. Openingv into the
an improved water heater of the class described
space I5 through the outer shell 5 and adjacent
which is strong and durable, which is relatively
"the lower end of the inner shell 'I is a coldA water
easy to manufacture, which is economical to
inlet pipe I9.
operate, and which is otherwise well adapted for
Supported in any suitable manner below and
50 concentric with the conical tank I0 is a heating
the purposes described.
With the above and other objects in view the
unit 2D. A pot type oil burning unit 20 is shown,
invention consists of the improved water heater,
but it is obvious that any suitable type of unit
may be used, regardless of the type of fuel. As
and all of its parts and combinations, as set forth
shown in Fig. 1, the burner 20 is provided with
in the claim, and all equivalents thereof.
In the drawings accompanying and forming a 55 a pair of oppositely extending ears 2I. The
burner 2U is removably supported by means of
bolts 22 secured to the under side of the annular
tion of steam within the improved heater, should
the valves 26 and 21 be inadvertently left closed
ñange 8, and extending through the ears 2I,
for too long a period with the burner in opera
wing nuts 23 being threaded on said bolts under
tion. Opening the valves 26 and 21 permits the
the ears 2|. An oil line 24 is provided to deliver 5 normal circulation of the water as described
fuel to the burner 2G. In order that suñîcient
air be provided to support combustion in the
The improved construction, by reason of the
burner, the lower end of the shell l5 is formed
with suitable Ventilating means, such as the
apertures Í25.
Mounted on and extending through the- outer
shell 5 opposite the outer ends of the conduits
incorporation therein of the novel conical inner
tank, provides Yan eñiciencyhitherto unobtain
10 "able 'in single -flue water»heaters. 'This heater
can'be easily and inexpensively“manufactured
from a minimum of parts, and it is particularly
I3 and I4 are a pair of valves 26 and 21 respec- v 'i'well adapted to mass production methods.
tively. The valves 26 and 21 have externally
Various changes and modifications may be
accessible manually engageable hand wheels 28 l5 made without departing from the spirit of the
and 29 and valve members 30 and 3I >respec
- Vinvention,'and all of such changes are contem
tively. When the hand wheels 28 kand A-29 lare
platedas will come within the scope of the claim.
turned inwardly the valve members 30 and 3I
What I claim is:
move inwardly therewith, to the dot andl dash
-Ina water heater, an outer casing; a smooth
line positions shown, to seal off the outer ends 20 surfaced tubular inner shell within said outer
~of the conduits I3fand I4. Threaded into fan
' casing A‘andf'spaced therefrom> to form ~an-fannular
“aperture in thetopplatelì- is 'fa -vent'plug '132.
water chamber, means for closing the bottom-.of
~In operation, the improved heater maybe ñlled
Ysaid’water chamber; asmooth surfaced inverted
‘by/introducing water through'the inlet‘conduit
' conical tank ofnot substantially- less length than
I9. During theI i’illing'operati'o'n the air displaced 25 said inner-shell positionedWit-hin said inner-shell
by the water may be vented-»by 1Jtemporarily` re
vto formfa 'combustion chamberwof- decreasing
moving the 'plug ‘32. When therheater is'full,
A'cross-“section from-bottom vto=topfthere being
the" space I5 between- the' inner-“shell11‘an'd‘the
communication between said Aconical tank fand
outer shell"5‘ is filled ‘with‘waten as~fare thefcon
‘Ssaid water chamber'atthe 4upper ends thereof; a
duits I3'an`d I4 andthe conicali‘tankilû. ‘.UponI SOL-plurality ' of conduits, #within the combustion
\ lighting .the burner '20, '-aïñamef-is emitted”. from
chamber formed' by said conical? tank >-andY said
~ the 1top"- thereof. The" lower -end “off the‘fconical
rinner shell, connecting' a' lower'end‘portion of said
'tank‘ t0 ~spreads this flarne- outwardly 'so' that'as
« conical tank `with a flower ~ end.` portion î of> said
the .gases I"of vcombustion ‘ rise #around ' the ' tank
Water chamber;- a valve >member-in` said Aannular'
` Inf-at the 'same time these? gases'wvipe‘the inner 2‘ 35’lwaterV chamber för each'condu'it positioned to
@surface of?the inner shell‘~1. The spent gases of
:selectively'fclovse theA adjacent‘end of said‘conduit
= combustion travel 'out through the' ñues' `I 6 and I1.
Since the conical?tank’ IB has la volume'which
*is 'lessi than that ofï'the»v spaceI I5,=> and Asince'the
lower end' ofthe tankilßfcomes incontact'iWith
the'îhottestï portion' 'of the 'llame from! the burner
T20, thefwater 'in theïtar‘ik= I0 is‘hea'te'd lfir'st, v As
>`to?- prevent - the "flowïof 'Waterl therethrough,«'said
valve ï'lme'mbers each v‘having y«an -' externally >»ac
' cessible-ï'manually 'operable-A stemL which, projects
f' n -. through '- the Y outer l casi-ng ; l' a ñue' extending.l into
said combustion Y chamber ë through said ßfconical
'-tankfall portions of saidfiiue being substantially
*the waterl in'` the ytank' I 0' is'f thus: heated, itf'rises,
- aboveî the horizontal fouten line- of the’ conical
î causing cooler ¿waterl ‘tol ’flow ‘inf through - the‘cön
'tankra coldfwaterinlet conduit enteringwalower
‘ duits ISÍaIid I4 ï-to I’flilispla‘ce theîhéatedf'fïwater ¿15 end portion of said outer casing; anda hot'lwater
which has risen._ The"’circulation-pff»the'iwater
_thusî'set-'lup by ’ the risingîcurrents v»in î«'tlfie'ï' tank
«`*I Uïlis îindîcatedïbyithe arrows in Figl 1. ï Itïcafuses
î-¿tlie cooler' l'water to v»"ïiiow ~down-wardly`~b'et'ween
'-theflshells 5`and‘1ï~asïfshì`>wn~- Av`»This circulatiorr'will
`cöntinue§~as long lpasîlieat'íisïsupplied'ïby :the
v»'bui‘?er. >`'I‘l'iefheatedïwater may be-’Vdrawn -off
^' throughî lthe' conduit-T '18.
~` conduit» extending « through « said outer» casing’ and
~having" itsinner end positioned above‘saidlconi
Í’call tank, -seid-'outlet“clìàriduitV being; at »alll-times
‘ irl-direct ycommunicationl ‘withA the êinterior löt said
50I conical 'tank `and ' with f-sa'id »annular "'fw‘at’er
’l chamber.
I When'itï is desired »to »producehctïwa-ter in
aalxm-inimum»of-»timefthe outer ends- ofthel con' ï55 'ï'Thefföllowing‘references l‘are'of- reco?dïfin' the
EÍilep?th‘is patent:
and 3I are in the dotïandfïdash*linejpesitionv of
3 Fig. - 1. --This‘y prevents-*cool ‘water’ ‘from’ "' entering
" the' tank VI 0'- through the conduits> I3' andL ‘I 4;” and`
’lasla result, thewat‘er'fin'the conical tankr lßjheats
' up "quickly because -of 'its' exposure 'to highibu'rner
‘f temperatures and1 because ofthe- relatively 'high
ratio of'heating surface‘to 'còntained‘yolume
" thereof.. `For safetyï'purposesa' suitable pressure
~ relief valve (not shown)- ‘mayïbe' usedï‘inï’the' sys
‘ tem' to ' avoid the 'dangersfpresented' by .genera