SUN TUE MON WED ROOM KEY ADC - Adult Day Care BR - Board Room Ch. 74 - Channel 74 MPR - Multi Purpose Room MPR, Ch. 74 - Multi Purpose Room, Channel 74 SR - Snoezelen Room THUR FRI 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:30 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 1:30 PM Strolling Entertainment with Banjo Bob (On Units) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 3:30 PM Visits with Reverend Leonard (On Units) 7:00 PM Evening Movie (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 C/D) 10:00 AM Scattergories (1B) 10:00 AM Music Therapy Visits (On Units) 10:00 AM Balloon Volleyball (3A) 11:00 AM Jewish Sabbath Services (MPR, Ch. 74) 1:15 PM Art Therapy Visits (On Units) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (1 A/B) 2:15 PM News & Views (2A) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 7:00 PM Movie: Men's Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 10:15 AM Coffee Social (1B, 2B, 3B) 11:00 AM K of C Meeting (MPR) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Shannon Rae (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Saturday Night Cinema (Ch. 74) 1 SAT 2 3 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:45 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Tom Campo (MPR, Ch. 74) 3:15 PM Protestant Service (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Sunday Night at the Movies (MPR, Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Horse Racing (3B) 10:00 AM Journeying Together (1B) 10:00 AM Art Studio (MPR) 10:00 AM Karaoke (3D) 10:00 AM Crosswords (2A) 2:15 PM Danielle's Desserts (3A) 2:30 PM Music & Memories (2B) 2:30 PM This Is Your Life (3C) 2:30 PM Chef's Club Planning (MPR) 7:00 PM Movie Night: Ladies Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Bookmobile (On Units) 10:00 AM The Year In Review (2D) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3C) 10:00 AM Therapeutic Exercise (MPR) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 A/B) 2:00 PM Elementary Watson (2C) 2:00 PM Music Therapy (1A) 2:30 PM Music & Memories (3A) 7:00 PM Bingo (MPR) 6 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 C/D) 10:00 AM Keeping It Current (2C) 10:00 AM Bible Study (3B) 10:00 AM Winter Art (1A) 10:00 AM Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (2A) 2:00 PM Friends of Bill (BR) 2:00 PM Karaoke (1B) 2:15 PM Family Feud (2D) 2:30 PM Cake Boss (3D) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 3:45 PM Football Picks (On Units) 7:00 PM Movie Classics (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Community Trip (Lindenhurst VFW Post Luncheon) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3B) 10:00 AM Morning Movie (Ch. 74) 10:30 AM Sing Along with David & Marissa (MPR) 1:30 PM Rosary & Communion (MPR) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Crosswords (2D) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 2:30 PM Therapeutic Exercise (2B) 3:30 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 A/B) 3:30 PM Protestant Prayer Time (2B) 7:00 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 7:00 PM Ring In The New Year (1 A/B Lounge) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM Pet Visits (2 C/D) 10:00 AM Mary Kate's Kitchen (1B) 10:00 AM Music Therapy Visits (On Units) 10:45 AM You Be The Judge (2B) 11:00 AM Jewish Sabbath Services (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Bingo (MPR) 2:00 PM Pet Visits (1 A/B) 2:15 PM Song Writing (3D) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 7:00 PM Movie: Men's Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 10:15 AM Coffee Social (1A, 2C) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Donna Lee (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Saturday Night Cinema (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:45 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Nassau County Korean War Veterans Present the Korean Children's Concert (MPR, Ch. 74) 3:15 PM Protestant Service (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Sunday Night at the Movies (MPR, Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Current Events (3B) 10:00 AM Journeying Together (1B) 10:00 AM You Pick The Hits (3D) 10:00 AM Art Studio (MPR) 2:00 PM Pokeno (MPR) 2:15 PM Remember When (2B) 2:30 PM Pie, Oh My! (3C) 7:00 PM Movie Night: Ladies Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Bookmobile (On Units) 10:00 AM Musical Moments (2B) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3C) 10:00 AM In The Kitchen With Kelley (2D) 10:00 AM Therapeutic Exercise (MPR) 2:00 PM Music Therapy (1A) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 A/B) 2:00 PM Doo Wop Tuesday (2C) 2:00 PM Adult Education (MPR) 2:30 PM Ring In The New Year Social (3B) 3:30 PM Program Planning Meeting (MPR) 7:00 PM Yahtzee! (MPR) 13 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 C/D) 9:30 AM Community Trip (Walmart) 10:00 AM Floor Hockey (1A) 10:00 AM Bible Study (3B) 10:30 AM Intergenerational Game Day (MPR) 2:00 PM Book Club (1B) 2:00 PM Friends of Bill (BR) 2:30 PM History Club (3D) 2:30 PM Broadway Hits (2C) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 3:45 PM Football Picks (On Units) 7:00 PM Movie Classics (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3B) 10:00 AM Morning Movie (Ch. 74) 10:30 AM Drum Circle (MPR) 1:30 PM Rosary & Communion (MPR) 2:00 PM Anything Can Happen Thursday (2D) 2:00 PM Crosswords (2A) 2:00 PM Bingo (MPR) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 3:30 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 A/B) 3:30 PM Protestant Prayer Time (2B) 5:00 PM You Don't Have To Be Chinese (MPR) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 C/D) 10:00 AM Music Therapy Visits (On Units) 10:00 AM Fact or Fiction (1B) 10:00 AM Balloon Volleyball (2A) 11:00 AM Jewish Sabbath Services (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (1 A/B) 2:00 PM Martin Luther King, Jr. Ceremony (MPR) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 7:00 PM Movie: Men's Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 10:15 AM Coffee Social (MPR) 2:00 PM Day At The Races (MPR) 7:00 PM Saturday Night Cinema (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:45 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Summer Breeze (MPR, Ch. 74) 3:15 PM Protestant Service (MPR, Ch. 74) 3:30 PM Pet Visits (On Units) 7:00 PM Sunday Night at the Movies (MPR, Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Journeying Together (1B) 10:00 AM Pet Visits (3 A/B, 3 C/D) 10:00 AM Art Studio (MPR) 10:00 AM Morning Movie (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Patti & Tommy Bruno (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Movie Night: Ladies Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Bookmobile (On Units) 10:00 AM History Club (2D) 10:00 AM Glam On The Go (On Units) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3C) 10:00 AM Therapeutic Exercise (MPR) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 A/B) 2:00 PM Resident Council (MPR) 3:00 PM Word Games (3B) 3:00 PM Toast To The New Year (2C) 3:00 PM Back To The Future (3C) 7:00 PM Tuesdays With Conrad (MPR) 8:45 AM Community Trip (East Islip AmVets Post) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 C/ D) 10:00 AM Keeping It Current (2C) 10:00 AM Bible Study (3B) 10:00 AM You Pick The Hits (2A) 10:45 AM Tongue Twisters 2:00 PM Birthday Bash with Jim Papa (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Friends of Bill (BR) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 3:45 PM Football Picks (On Units) 7:00 PM Movie Classics (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3B) 10:00 AM Morning Movie (Ch. 74) 10:30 AM Sing Along with David & Marissa (MPR) 1:30 PM Rosary & Communion (MPR) 2:00 PM Musical Chill Out (SR) 2:00 PM Movie & Music Trivia (2A) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 2:30 PM Therapeutic Exercise (MPR) 3:30 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 A/B) 3:30 PM Protestant Prayer Time (2B) 7:00 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 7:00 PM Name That Tune (1 A/B Lounge) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 C/D) 10:00 AM Horse Racing (1B) 10:00 AM Floor Hockey (3A) 10:00 AM Music Therapy Visits (On Units) 11:00 AM Jewish Sabbath Services (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (1 A/B) 2:00 PM Adult Education (MPR) 2:15 PM Crosswords (2A) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 2:30 PM Art Therapy Visits (3 C/D) 7:00 PM Movie: Men's Choice (Ch. 74) 23 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 10:15 AM Coffee Social (1B, 2B, 3B) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Nina Romano (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Saturday Night Cinema (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:45 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Jerry Costanzo (MPR, Ch. 74) 3:15 PM Protestant Service (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Sunday Night at the Movies (MPR, Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Journeying Together (1B) 10:00 AM Music, Music, Music (3D) 10:00 AM Karaoke (3B) 10:00 AM Intergenerational Art Studio (MPR) 10:00 AM Hollywood Spotlight (2A) 2:00 PM Bingo (MPR) 2:30 PM It's Never 2 Late (2B) 2:30 PM This Is Your Life (3C) 7:00 PM Movie Night: Ladies Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Bookmobile (On Units) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3C) 10:00 AM Who's Who In Hollywood (2D) 10:00 AM Therapeutic Exercise (MPR) 2:00 PM Glam On The Go (On Units) 2:00 PM Music Therapy (1B) 2:00 PM Pet Visits (2 A/B) 2:00 PM Another Year of Mozart (2C) 2:30 PM Craft Creations (3A) 5:00 PM Chef's Club (ADC) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 C/ D) 10:00 AM Music Therapy (3D) 10:00 AM Bible Study (3B) 10:00 AM Coffee Talk (2A) 10:00 AM Winter Craft (2C) 10:00 AM Karaoke (1A) 2:00 PM Book Club (1B) 2:00 PM Friends of Bill (BR) 2:30 PM Family Feud (3C) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 2:30 PM Chinese Auction (2D) 3:45 PM Football Picks (On Units) 7:00 PM Movie Classics (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 10:00 AM Poker/Pinochle (3B) 10:00 AM Morning Movie (Ch. 74) 10:30 AM Sing Along with David & Marissa (MPR) 1:30 PM Rosary & Communion (MPR) 2:00 PM Tea & Trivia (2C) 2:00 PM Music & Memories (2A) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation (SR) 2:30 PM Arts & Crafts (2A) 2:30 PM Therapeutic Exercise (MPR) 3:30 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (3 A/B) 3:30 PM Club 70: Community Trip (NY Islanders Game) 3:30 PM Protestant Prayer Time (2B) 7:00 PM Evening Movie (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (2 C/D) 10:00 AM Comedy Corner (1B) 10:00 AM Music Therapy Visits (On Units) 10:00 AM You Be The Judge (2B) 11:00 AM Jewish Sabbath Services (MPR, Ch. 74) 1:15 PM Art Therapy Visits (On Units) 2:00 PM Afternoon Cinema (Ch. 74) 2:00 PM 1:1 Recreation Therapy (1 A/B) 2:15 PM Music Therapy (3A) 2:30 PM Sensory Stimulation Visits (SR) 7:00 PM Movie: Men's Choice (Ch. 74) 9:00 AM Early Risers (On Units) 9:30 AM Catholic Mass (MPR, Ch. 74) 10:15 AM Coffee Social (1A, 2C, 3C) 2:00 PM Entertainment with Jim Papa (MPR, Ch. 74) 7:00 PM Saturday Night Cinema (Ch. 74) 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 January 2015 26 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 9 16 30 10 17 24 31
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