Diocese of Bridgeport Effective Date: 01-01-2015 Aetna Choice™ POS ll - ASC PLAN DESIGN & BENEFITS PROVIDED BY AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAN FEATURES PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE Employee Employee $2,500 $2,500 Deductible (per calendar year) Family Family $5,000 $5,000 Unless otherwise indicated, the Deductible must be met prior to benefits being payable. Please note that there are incentives that can be earned for deductible credit. Incentives Include the below and begin on December 1, 2014 and are available through November 30th, 2015. $400 for taking the Health Assessment (available to all members over 18 years of age) $400 for having a Routine Physical (available to all members over 18 years of age) $400 for participating with the Quest Biometric Screening Program (available to all members over 18 years of age) $200 for participating with a Registered Nurse in Disease Management (available to all members over 18 years of age) The Maximum reward amount is $800 for an Employee and $1,600 for a Family Once Family Deductible is met, all family members will be considered as having met their Deductible for the remainder of the calendar year. Member Coinsurance 20%, after deductible 50%, after deductible Applies to all expenses unless otherwise stated. Employee Employee $5,000 $5,000 Member Payment Limit (per calendar year) $10,000 Family $12,000 Family Certain member cost sharing elements may not apply toward the Payment Limit. Only those expenses resulting from the application of coinsurance percentage, deductible, and all copays may be used to satisfy the Payment Limit. Amounts over R&C are member's responsibility. Excludes precert penalties. Once Family Payment Limit is met, all family members will be considered as having met their Payment Limit for the remainder of the calendar year. Lifetime Maximum None None Primary Care Physician Selection Not required Not applicable Certification Requirements Certification for certain types of Non-Preferred care must be obtained to avoid a reduction in benefits paid for that care. Certification for Hospital Admissions, Treatment Facility Admissions, Convalescent Facility Admissions, Home Health Care, Hospice Care and Private Duty Nursing is required - excluded amount applied separately to each type of expense is $400 per occurrence. Precertification for certain procedures/treatments - excluded amount is $200 per occurrence. Referral Requirement None None PREVENTIVE CARE PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE Covered 100% , deductible & copay 50%, after deductible Routine Adult Physical Exams/ waived Immunizations-1 per 12 months Covered 100% , deductible & copay 50%, after deductible Routine Well Child Exams/Immunizations waived Covered 100% , deductible & copay 50%, after deductible Routine Gynecological Care Exams waived 1 per 12 months Includes Pap smear and related lab fees Covered 100% , deductible & copay 50%, after deductible Mammograms (includes Ultrasounds for Breast Cancer Detection)- 1 per 12 months waived For covered females age 40 and over. Routine Digital Rectal Exam / Prostatespecific Antigen Test For covered males age 40 and over. 1 per 12 months Colorectal Cancer Screening. Includes colonoscopies and endoscopies. Covered 100% , deductible & copay waived 50%, after deductible Covered 100% , deductible & copay waived 50%, after deductible Testing - Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, TB Covered 100%; deductible waived 50% after deductible Routine Eye Exams Covered 100% , deductible & copay waived 50%, after deductible Covered 100% , deductible & copay waived 50%, after deductible 1 routine exam per 24 months Routine Hearing Exams 1 routine exam per 24 months Page 1 Diocese of Bridgeport Effective Date: 01-01-2015 Aetna Choice™ POS ll - ASC PLAN DESIGN & BENEFITS PROVIDED BY AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PHYSICIAN SERVICES PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE $35 office visit copay; deductible 50%, after deductible Office Visits to PCP waived Includes services of an internist, general physician, family practitioner or pediatrician. $50 office visit copay; deductible 50%, after deductible Specialist Office Visits waived Covered same as Specialist Office 50%, after deductible Maternity OB Visits Visit for initial visit only; thereafter covered 100% Covered as either PCP or specialist 50%, after deductible Allergy Testing office visit Covered as either PCP or specialist 50%, after deductible Allergy Injections (Copay waived when an office visit office visit charge is not made) DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE $35 copay; deductible waived 50%, after deductible Diagnostic Laboratory and X-ray If performed as a part of a physician office visit and billed by the physician, expenses are covered subject to the applicable physician's office visit member cost sharing. If performed in physician's office without an office visit, no copay is charged. EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE $75 copay; deductible waived 50%, after deductible Urgent Care Provider (benefit availability may vary by location) Non-Urgent Use of Urgent Care Provider Not Covered Not Covered $150 copay, then 20%; after Covered same as preferred care Emergency Room-waived if admitted deductible Not Covered Not Covered Non-Emergency care in an Emergency Room 20% after deductible Covered same as preferred care Ambulance HOSPITAL CARE PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE 20% after deductible 50%, after deductible Inpatient Coverage The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurred during a member's inpatient stay 20% after deductible 50%, after deductible Inpatient Maternity Coverage The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurred during a member's inpatient stay 20% coins after deductible. Routine 50%, after deductible Outpatient Hospital Expenses (including colonoscopies covered at 100% surgery) The member cost sharing applies to all Covered Benefits incurred during a member's outpatient visit MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE 20% after deductible 50%, after deductible Inpatient Unlimited days per calendar year. The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurred during a member's inpatient stay $50 office visit copay; deductible 50%, after deductible Outpatient waived Unlimited visits per calendar year. The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurred during a member's outpatient visit Page 2 Diocese of Bridgeport Effective Date: 01-01-2015 Aetna Choice™ POS ll - ASC PLAN DESIGN & BENEFITS PROVIDED BY AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE SERVICES PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE 20% after deductible 50%, after deductible Inpatient Unlimited visits per calendar year. Outpatient $50 office visit copay; deductible waived 50%, after deductible Unlimited visits per calendar year. The member cost sharing applies to all Covered Benefits incurred during a member's outpatient visit OTHER SERVICES PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE 20% after plan deductible 50%, after deductible Convalescent Facility Limited to 100 days per calendar year. The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurring during a member's inpatient stay 20% after plan deductible 50%, after deductible Home Health Care Unlimited visits per year. Includes Private Duty Nursing. Each visit by a nurse or therapist is one visit. Each visit up to 4 hours by a home health care aide is one visit. 20% after plan deductible 50%, after deductible Hospice Care - Inpatient The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurred during a member's inpatient stay 20% after plan deductible 50%, after deductible Hospice Care - Outpatient The member cost sharing applies to all covered benefits incurred during a member's outpatient visit $50 copay; deductible waived 50%, after deductible Outpatient Short-Term Rehabilitation Includes Speech, Physical, Occupational, and Spinal Manipulation Therapy, limited to 60 visits per calendar year. 20% after plan deductible 50%, after deductible Durable Medical Equipment Diabetic Supplies 20% after plan deductible 50%, after deductible Transplants 20% after deductible. Preferred coverage is provided at an IOE contracted facility only 50%, after deductible; Non-Preferred coverage is provided at a Non-IOE facility. Mouth, Jaws and Teeth (oral surgery procedures, whether medical or dental in nature) Out of Area Employees & Dependents 20% after deductible 50%, after deductible Coverage provided at the non-preferred benefit level of the plan. Page 3 Diocese of Bridgeport Effective Date: 01-01-2015 Aetna Choice™ POS ll - ASC PHARMACY Retail Mail Order PLAN DESIGN & BENEFITS PROVIDED BY AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PREFERRED CARE NON-PREFERRED CARE $15 flat copay for generic drugs, 20% 50%, after deductible coinsurance for formulary brand-name drugs, and 40% coinsurance for nonformulary brand-name drugs up to a 30 day supply at participating pharmacies. Minimum copays of $25/$40, max copays $50/$80. Flat $30 copay for generic drugs, 20% coinsurance for formulary brand-name drugs, and 40% coinsurance for nonformulary brand-name drugs up to a 90 day supply at participating pharmacies. Minimum copays of $50/$80, max copays $100/$160. Not applicable Diabetic Supplies Rider-Covered 100% at Retail Pharmacies, no copay Pharmacy Managed Self Injectables (PMSI) First prescription fill at any retail or mail order drug facility. Subsequent fills must be through Aetna Specialty Pharmacy® Aetna Healthy Actions for Pharmacy - Certain Generic Preventive Medications are covered at 100% and certain formulary brand name Preventive Medications will get a 50% reduction in cost. Drug Classes included Inhaled Steroids, Anti-Diabetic Agents, Beta Blockers, Anti-Hypertensives, and Anti-Hyperlipidemics. Please contact HR for a complete listing of drugs that are eligible Spouse, children from birth to age 26 Dependents Eligibility On effective date: Waived for dependent children to age 19 Pre-existing Conditions Rule After effective date: Waived for dependent children to age 19 This plan does not cover all health care expenses and includes exclusions and limitations. Members should refer to their plan documents to determine which health care services are covered and to what extent. The following is a partial list of services and supplies that are generally not covered. However, your plan documents may contain exceptions to this list based on state mandates or the plan design or rider(s) purchased by your employer. This material is for informational purposes only and is neither an offer of coverage nor medical advice. It contains only a partial, general description of plan benefits or programs and does not constitute a contract. Aetna does not provide health care services and, therefore, cannot guarantee results or outcomes. Consult the plan documents (i.e. Group Insurance Certificate and/or Group Policy) to determine governing contractual provisions, including procedures, exclusions and limitation relating to the plan. With the exception of Aetna Rx Home Delivery, all preferred providers and vendors are independent contractors in private practice and are neither employees nor agents of Aetna or its affiliates. Aetna Rx Home Delivery, LLC, is a subsidiary of Aetna Inc. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change without notice. Some benefits are subject to limitations or visit maximums. Certain services require precertification, or prior approval of coverage. Failure to precertify for these services may lead to substantially reduced benefits or denial of coverage. Some of the benefits requiring precertification may include, but are not limited to, inpatient hospital, inpatient mental health, inpatient skilled nursing, outpatient surgery, substance abuse (detoxification, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation). When the Member’s preferred provider is coordinating care, the preferred provider will obtain the precertification. When the member utilizes a non-preferred provider, Member must obtain the precertification. Precertification requirements may vary. Depending on the plan selected, new prescription drugs not yet reviewed by our medication review committee are either available under plans with an open formulary or excluded from coverage unless a medical exception is obtained under plans that use a closed formulary. They may also be subject to precertification or step-therapy. Non-prescription drugs and drugs in the Limitations and Exclusions section of the plan documents (received after open enrollment) are not covered, and medical exceptions are not available for them. While this information is believed to be accurate as of the print date, it is subject to change. Plans are provided by Aetna Life Insurance Company. Page 4
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