E. W. WALSH. DOOR. APPLICATION FILED JULY 9, 1912‘. gazing. Patented Feb. 4, 1913. 113. _ 56/ 4i 27/ ' Wan/w sow : 5434255. ’ 47 81.1325w‘toz @WW Mw * srairns earner canton; EUGENE VT. ‘WALSH, O13‘ NE‘W YORK, N’. Y., AS$IGNOE TQ TELEPHONE BGO'I‘H RENTING AND SALES Gil, OF NEW‘ YORK, Y. I DOOR, Speci?cation of Letters Patent. racemes Fee. a, role. Application ?led July 8, 1912. Serial No. 7G$3,1l€6. T0 all whom it may concern: , ment. The opposite stile 16 is provided Be it known tiat l, EUGENE VJ. ‘WALSH, a with hinges 28 and 29 connectin' the stile citizen of the United States, and a resident 26 of the wider, adjoining mom or to the of New‘ York, county and State of the same narrow member, and having its opposite 55 name, have invented certain new and useful stile 27, adapted,,when the door is closed, to Improvements in Doors, of which the fol~ outwardly register with the jamb ill and lowing is a speci?cation. make contact with the inner member 42 of This invention relates to improvements in the door-frame, through the vertical strip 20. 10 15 doors and articularly to that class used in Between the stiles 26 and 27 of the wider telephone cooths and other similar struc~ member, are rails 23, 2a and which form tures where the available operative space is frames for the glass and wood panels 21 and restricted and in which it is desirable to 22 respectively. To the wider member, on have the door recede or ‘fold compactly out its inner ‘side is rigidly secured a third mem of the way when open. its objects are, ?rst, her which constitutes the inner leaf or plate to provide such doors in forms which will, and is adapted to make contact, at its front 65 by reason of their constructiomfold closely edge 36, with the inner portion 42, of the against the wall so as to occupy a minimum door-frame, while at its rear edge 37 is a 70 of room, which shall be easy and smooth in strip 80 whicheontacts with the jamb 40, operation, convenient of manipulation, and when the door is closed, but clears the same 20 which present an attractive appearance, when swung inwardly. The inner member either opened or closed. Second, to provide is of a width equal to the clear distance be ‘ doors which etl’eetually prevent the trans tween the sides of the door~frame, the same 75 25 30 85 mission of sound therethrough and which as the combined widths of the outer mem-~ are practically noiseless in operation. These bers, but is o?set therefrom so that theedges and other minor objects are attained by the of the inner and outer leaves are not in regis novel construchie . and arrangement of parts ter but overlap, or extend past each other; hereinafter fuiljy'descri-bcd and shown in the the inner member is of similar construction accompanying drawings, forming part of to the outer members and includes a pair’ of‘ this speci?cation, and in which :— glass panels arranged to register with'fthose Figure l is a front elevation of a booth, in the outer. leaf; a pin 39, secured to the showing the door closed, parts being broken top rail of the inner leaf and traverses in a away to show interior connections. Fig. 2 is guide-slot 45 formed in the head-piece 43 of 85 a similar view of the same, showing the door the door-frame. As a further provision completely open. Fig. 3 is a sectional view, against the transmission of sound, felt or taken on line 8—8 of Fig. 1, showing‘ the rubber strips at’? are interposed between the door closed and indicating by broken lines woodwork surrounding the panels thereby its operative movement, and, Fig. Ll is a. eli’ectually' preventing sound waves from 40 45 80 similar sectional view, taken on line —d—— passing. _ of Fig. 2, showing the door open. . - In order to conveniently operate the door The invention embraces a door, its frame a hindle 48 is rovided on the inside of the and connections; the door being comprised inn 1' leaf, while a similar handle may be 90 of three distinct members; the ?rst being provided on the exterior rail 14. 95' formed of an upper panel 11, preferably of In operation from the inside, the door be— glass, and a lower panel 12 of wood, like the ing closed, the handle is drawn-inwardly, other parts of the door as the rails 13, 14 causing both sets of hinges to turn while the and 15 and stiles 16 an. _ 17. This member, guide pinv moves straight across the door which is relatively narrow, is attached at way in the slot, over the threshold all, cans? 100 one edge or" its stile 1'7, by hinges 18 and 19 ing the door to describe a peculiar receding to the jamb 1E0 of the door-frame, the jamb motion; from the outside the door may be being of a thickness corresponding to that of opened by pressing directly upon the wider, the stile, which is so arranged as to swing outer member, causing it to‘ fold in the di clear of the door-frame immediately it is ,reotion of the hinged'jamb. The design is 105 folded inwardly in the initial opening move such that it can be used with perfect safety" _ H h. 1,1" wigs. b army be n-ottmm . at the . $539 ,w '1 class dascribwi, ‘H1131 d'O'C?‘Fit'étl'?'E; mi“ a (71001“ 16131“, hia'agrsdijy qi‘tw‘md? ‘£10 S3116 010596.,’ {ism-frame . eh? waééer e'iemeni; 'ngedijy attack named eiemelut and. adsmted with tha {Mar-frame 61mm. apertmt of any kin-1i Slam-S ‘é'w??n ‘me (1% ' While 110 latchts 01’ m; ‘was atn toasty-action the 6.001“ W15. mmztm membsr the combiiimd having wiéith a Width at both sltlon 113111311 1t 15; m-vw‘. 1 HOEMJM thtttthe optratlon 1 ments them-e13,and. wt mttmheri 01‘ t0themwi’ the usefl. m‘w?ng matel‘ial 'intelrxjgwged bu ‘WY-311% .‘ have shown wnrizi ment 1 _ my invention 1 If u 0 ambadt J‘ ‘tbs 5w inner and Gtlit?l‘ HZQIHbGF? * ‘_ this that» tails in “same ravpect, w“ 1501* instance, use a beveled surface at the @1001‘ "jamb and stile edges and it is evident that the dam: may be canstructetl t0 hinge 11pm}. sick}? right or 'ieft, as "preferred. )2‘. am that foldi dos-n3 haw 10 H ten in use 1501* similar u ‘noses amt henna bar with having}; 5m» 122th ,, mrresmm mite‘, u (10 not shim such broadly as my invention, attached combined to Width tbs m Widw 00th elemmt ‘time: @‘meztheltiet e'itmm TWhat I {is claim and tiesim t0 sesam- by but ' ' ‘ guicta that its ' edges seeureé~ atrgo?’set to the‘ up'gaw thereii'wmm, edge) @15 ‘that - 1. Tim mmbinatien with a 65,001“ frame @f East member mime/rating wit“: a stat» farmed in the‘ 11pm? portion mt said a 510m‘zzcijacently consistingdisposett of twq leaves and mama-?ning 112* 1m space thtmbetween, the mute!" leaf being In a; 61%;? but’: tht class titscribair, thQ. in‘ t'wa sections, l'elatiwly Wid?) and narrow, ccm’t ‘10in W151 a, 6mm"fmnua a dear Lattam Patent is:—— eimmtfmrm; ‘ ' _ ‘said. mzrrow section hinged}? engaging the ccmptising a - theme-mt hingediy attasl?d to (100? at name the otherS at one the €dgeinner and 1a at ‘wide sec (ma 5715315 01% ?at d00r~frmz1s, a ‘relatively ?sing ng~ Widtr elemmt hingediy attached ‘to the ?rst Wider named elemimt and adapteri to make, conSEEiLiOIfl ir?y attachact of the cuter along; leaf. its tact with til-"J dsoriframe oppmsita9 an inner The cmnbination with :1 éloorafmme, of 111831113614‘ having a width 901" prmrin :g to a r1001" c-nmprisingz tw'a "vertical plat-e p0r~ the csmbine?: Width of both tha outer =s1e~_ tiims, the outer being" in tvm stations;7 rela~ meats amt attached. to the Wider @ite'ment time}? Wide and narrow, ‘the latter being" thereuf, so that its edges are offset th6l3€~ hinged at its outer edgt» to t‘lua dmrirame fi'?l’?5 sound. prosfing 'materiui interposed and aiso hinged. at omwsitm éc‘ige' t0 tha between said inner and outer members, and Wider sectiwn, the inzier *p‘iate beimw a guide pin secured to the upper tdge of t0 the sicle at? saici Widen mutter ptnrtion “in the inner mm'nber adapted. to tra ' such manner to its ec'tge re~ in the upper portion 01% said 6.00%“ c?dent to the corresponding’ eclge, 01% the "in In door the class describ ' I outer portion and is 112.1% rear "pr-a combination at two members farming" in~ ject beyand th? rear edge 11f Outer ‘por new? and, outer teams respectiveljgg ing an air space therebet-Weem said. outer 3. The combination with :1 d00r~iframe, 033 leaf being; in twe sections at" different Widths, a c3001? comprising; twa vertiéal plate ‘p01: the :mu'rower hingediy engaging with its tlmnqa the. outer being in two sections} rela» support one edge and with thQ wider sec~ tion, ‘ _ ' muh five]; ‘ Wkie. at its mlrl*' narrow, Edge tothe thelatter c100""-n'ame and - , Mi its opp?site 26.55.59 ‘to ‘£1145 ‘wider sent q, me inns? "plat? ‘wing, to the si?e 0"? said ‘(Vii >13 miter @301 non ‘ ‘AB-X102‘ wé as t4;- " yin .1 the 4:91 mirtion am? ‘:10 1 ‘ f1. " tion at the other, and; sound proo?ng: strips al'rz-ingté along; 131m inner ec‘tges 035' said Witter sestinn adapt-aft ta wntact with innet“ 119.23%. In >1 (1001? 0.? the class date/FltE3613 'tne - ieavcs, hminl Lemme being rigidly e?ixed to the inner leaf and the otiiezj- hingedly engaging with a support‘ section in; such manner as to be in contact tie at one edge ‘and being further similarly with title inner leaf when the door is eiosed._ In testimony whereof I have signed my hinged; to, the other section at its 0 posits name to this speci?cation in the presence of f) edgeemmd proo?ng materiel dispose about two subscribing witnesses. ' the edges of the ?xed section in such mzm- , R81’- as to be in ‘Contact with the inner leaf at all tim-esezid similar sound proo?ng me terial disposed about the edges of thehinged EUGENE "W. WALSH. Witnesses: - LAURA J. MARSH, FRANK SINGLE.
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