海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) hydrothermal activity Indian Ocean : Kairei Hydrothermal Field : max 400°C Courtesy of Dr. K. Takai 1 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Discovery of hydrothermal vent in 1977 (courtesy of C. German) 2 LO OR DS CK he oceanic urs because ce (magma a permesured igneturates the By comparing the fluids and deposits formed in distinct geologic and tectonic settings, it is possible to examine the role that specific factors play in determining fluid composition ... 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) and mineral deposit size, shape, and composition ... Known site of hydrothermal venting (2006) crust (seawater). The composition of hot fluids that exit at vent fields reflects a These factors affect the depth and scale of fluid circulation, the temperature and number of factors: the initial fluid compressure at which water-rock reactions position (seawater); the composition of take place, and whether the fluid underFigure 1. Known sites of hydrothermal venting along mid-ocean ridges, in back-arc basins, rifted arcs, and at submerged island-arc the rock that reactsvolcanoes with(red), theandfluid as it goes phase separation. Most mid-ocean areas of activity as indicated by mid-water chemical anomalies (yellow). EPR= East Pacific Rise. TAG= Trans Atlantic Geotraverse, MEF = Main Endeavour Field, and GR-14 = Sea Cliff hydrothermal field on the northern Gorda Ridge. Figure circulates and the structure of German that and rock ridge vent fields areet al.,hosted within basalt, after Baker et al., 1995; Von Damm, 2004; Hannington et al., 2005; Koschinsky 2006 (Tivey, 2007, Oceanography) (e.g., the distribution of fractures and and chemical reactions occur as fluids fissures, the depth to the brittle/ductile circulate, first at low temperatures in the Oceanographyzone, March 2007海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 51 transition); and the depth, size, and down-flowing limb or “recharge” shape of the heat source (Figure 2a). then at much higher temperatures in the 3 Hydrothermal system drawing of a hydrothermal sys(a) Components/processes involved rust showing the different comin generating reduced fluid that can affect the composition at the seafloor (e.g., initial fluid trate composition, permeability Mixing of two fluids - chemical rxns Initial fluid te, and geometry and nature of mineral precipitation/dissolution (e.g., seawater) contribute to the temperatures eactions occur). (b) Elaboration contribute to formation of midModified fluid s. As seawater penetrates down lass, olivine, and plagioclase are Discharge smectite, and Fe-oxyhydroxides °C–60°C). As the modified fluid Recharge he crust and is heated to higher Porous media composition (e.g., basalt, peridotite, andesite, rhyolite, dacite ± itation of smectite and chlorite sediment) and structure f Mg from the fluid in exchange 2+ = Ca and SO4 are lost from the O4) precipitates at temperatures (temperature-pressure of fluid-rock interaction; geometry of heat source) eeper in the system, anorthite is cess called albitization, with Na to the crust in exchange for Ca, (b) the rock into the fluid. The sum Generic ridge vent system (Tivey, 2007, Oceanography) lts in a fluid that is slightly acid, 4 d Mg-poor relative to seawater. Diffuse, Focused, high-temp flow low-temp hes S and metals from the rock. through chimneys flow 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 水の流れやすさ deepest portions of the circulation sys- fractures and scarps that expose deeper tem (the “root” or “reaction” zone), and lastly as the hot, buoyant fluid rises rap- (Figure 3a), with alkali metals Cs), B, and H2O removed from parts of the crust, from drill cores, and Spinelli, Giambalvo, and Fisher 堆積物は最上部(数十メートル)以深は流れにくい to the altered minerals and Si from ophiolites (slices of oceanic crust 0 e some cases, Mg, lost from the that have been thrust idit onto land by plateooze idly through the “up-flow” zone to exit at the seafloor (Alt, 1995) (Figure 2b). Fine-grain ed tu rb Hemip 172 tectonic processes). At temperatures up 20 to about 40°C to 60°C, reactions of sea40 MARGARET KINGSTON TIVE curring in the down-flowing limb relies largely on data and observations of al- water with basalt result in the alteration 60 of basaltic glass, olivine, and plagioclase whoi.edu) is Associate Scientist, ment of Marine Chemistry and teration mineral assemblages within oceanic crust recovered by submersible from 80 by oxidation to ferric micas and smectite, 100 Mg-rich smectite, and Fe oxyhydroxides try, Woods Hole Oceanographic Woods Hole, MA, USA. Silice ous o oze 120 Pela gic c lay Depth (m) elag Calc. ic Our understanding of processes oc- 140 10−17 10−16 10−15 10−14 10−13 10−12 2 Permeability (m ) (a) Figure 3. (a) Altered basalt recovered on O Fig. 6.7 Sediment permeability profiles derived from porosity versus depth and permeability versus porosity relationships (see Table 6.2 for equations and references). Permeability with depth, Drillingdecreases Program (ODP) Leg 51 from Hole 4 weakly within siliceous and calcareous oozes, and most dramatically in shallow, fine-grained, terrigecomposed of ferric smectites and Fe-oxyhy nous sediments. (c) (Spinelli et al., 2004) ides (red-brown) that replace plagioclase, o (川田ほか, 2009) phase separation and basaltic glass; and veins of carbonate ( impacts consolidation behavior by influencing the interaction between as grains (b) Theparticles two-phase boundary, critical point are rearranged and realigned. In the central equatorial Pacific, carbonate sediments have reldensity surfaces for seawater as a function atively low porosity, as platy nannofossils are easily aligned during consolidation, whereas perature siliceous sediments at the same sites have relatively high porosity due to theand openpressure, structure or depth beneath th of the constituent radiolarians (Wilkens and Handyside, 1985). floor, Throughout consolidation, assuming hydrostatic5pressure (after platy clay particles progress from random orientations, providing open spaces andnumerous Rosenbauer, 1985). The red parallelogr and high porosity, to tightly packed, well-aligned arrangements with low porosity (e.g. indicates temperatures Bennett et al., 1981; Mitchell, 1993). Grain size can also 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) affect sediment consolidation, and pressures of ve ing observed at the seafloor in different loc with finer sediments generally consolidating more easily (Lambe and Whitman, 1969; Mitchell, 1993). Less consolidation in silts than in clays may result from a greater strength along the world’s spreading centers. (c) A p of the framework of silty sediments, due to the way the larger (and more rounded) silt stockwork, or chloritized basalt breccia, rec grains interact (Dewhurst and Aplin, 1998). Within terrigenous (turbidite and hemipelagic) from 116 mwith beneath sediments on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank, the ease of consolidation increases increas-the TAG active hydro ing proportion of hemipelagic sediment, which is characteristically finer on grained (Spinelli mound ODP Leg 158. The sample is com 1 cm et al., 2003). 1 cm (b) 図 3 上 部 海 洋 地 殻 の 浸 透 率.(a)浸 透 率 深 さ 分 布. こ こ で 深 さ は 基 盤 岩 の 上 面 か ら の 距 離 を 表 す. 浸 透 率 は, 最 上 部 200 ∼ 300 m で 最 も 大 き く, そ れ 以 深 で は 非 常 に 小 さ い.(b)最 上 部 300 m の 浸 透 率 と 地 殻 年 代 と の 関 連. 浸 透 率 は, 地 殻 年 代 が 増 加 す る と 急 激 に 小 さ く な る. 数 字 は ODP 掘 削 孔 の 名 前 を 表 す.(Fisher(1998) と Becker and Davis(2003)に 基 づ く) Fig. 3 Estimated permeability of upper oceanic crust. (a)Depth variation. Here depth is measured with reference to the top of the basaltic layer. Permeability is large within at the uppermost 200-300 m, and i s small at greater depths. (b)Permeability within the uppermost 300 m with respect to the crustal age. Permeability decreases with increasing age. Numbers denote ODP drilling sites.(based on Fisher(1998)and Becker and Davis(2003)) of highly altered chloritized basalt (gray-gr iron sulfide veins (gold), and quartz cemen courtesy of S. Humphris (Woods Hole Ocean Institution and Ocean Drilling Program) (Tivey, 2007, Oceanography) Oceanography6 March 2007 mectite, and Fe-oxyhydroxides –60°C). As the modified fluid crust and is heated to higher ation of smectite and chlorite Mg from the fluid in exchange a2+ and SO4= are lost from the precipitates at temperatures per in the system, anorthite is ss called albitization, with Na the crust in exchange for Ca, e rock into the fluid. The sum in a fluid that is slightly acid, Mg-poor relative to seawater. s S and metals from the rock. CO2, CH4, H2) may be added, id composition. Further fluid r from separation of the fluid -rich phase and a brine phase pressures exceed those of the e hot, buoyant fluids rise rape may be some equilibration, precipitation and/or dissolue fluid rises. Quartz becomes ecipitate due to kinetic barrihe fluid may exit directly into in the subsurface if seawater ed in the vicinity of the vents. Porous media composition (e.g., basalt, peridotite, andesite, rhyolite, dacite ± sediment) and structure 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) (temperature-pressure of fluid-rock Generic MOR vent system interaction; geometry of heat source) (b) Generic ridge vent system Diffuse, low-temp flow Focused, high-temp flow through chimneys Seawater Low-T alt. Mg Ca 2+ +S O 4= smectite/chlorite H +, Ca2+, Na+ anhydrite Albitization MORB S , Cu, Fe , Mn, Zn, etc. ≥ 350° vent fluid water-rock rxn ( ? ) ( e.g., S i, Cu, H2 ) Phase separation/segregation 3 zone” } “reaction or “root zone” He, CO2, CH 4, H 2 ~1200°C Heat source = magma or hot rock (Tivey, 2007, Oceanography) No. 1 7 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) hydrothermal plume 8 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) event plumes @ northern Lau spreading center (VENTS program,http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/vents/PlumeStudies/ne-lau/index.html ) 9 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 熱水系の果たす役割 • 地球を冷やす • マグマの冷却と固化を熱水循環によって促進 • 海嶺軸付近では、熱水循環によって運ばれる熱が全体の3/4 • 海洋と固体地球の間の物質のやりとり • 海水中の元素(Mg, Pなど)を固体地球へ、岩石中の元素(Mn, Feなど) を熱水プルームを通じて海洋へ • 特異な生態系を維持 • 熱水の含む物質と熱水循環の生み出す温度場が、光合成に頼らない「地球 を食う」生態系を支える 10 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 地球を冷やす conductive cooling (theoretical) convection observed 5 10 Seafloor Age (Ma) 20 (Gamo, 1996; Modified Wolery and Sleep, 1976) 11 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 物質を運ぶ hydrotheramal dominant hydrothermal heat flow (10-6cal/cm2/sec) fast spreading ridges fluvial 12 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 生態系を育む:地球を食べるものたち 酸化還元電位高 酸化還元電位低 e- H2S H2 NO2SO32Fe2+ ATPの合成 電子供与体 電子受容体 O2 NO3CO2 * 光合成のように外部エネルギーを必要としない ごはん 13 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 資源を産する 377 SCHEMATIC DISTRIBUTION OF HYDROTHERMAL 磁硫鉄鉱 閃亜鉛鉱 硫黄 BLACK SMOKE Pyrrhotile, Pyrite, Sphalerite DEAD CHIMNEY INTERIOR Spholerlte, Sulfur, Pyrite, ~ FALLOUT ~'~t#'~t ~ t SURFACES Fe-Mn Oxyhydroxide BASALT / ,,_~a~ ~ I ~ P ~ 2m I bornite 硬石膏 黄銅鉱 WHITE SMOKER CHIMNEY WORMTUBESINASULEIDEMATRIX: AmorphOUSWurt M..... zSilica,it ite, . . . .Sul . . f.ur,dum(?)PyrHe'Borile, Spholerile, ~ WHITE~SMOKE ~.~,~.%=b'~ ~morphous Silica ~t%~PyriteChol-~.i( ~il(~lJ . ~ ' ~ . ~ / c~copyrite \ . 'IE~ ~ u r t z ~ ~ ' ~ . s MINERALS INTERIORCholcopyrite, cubenite, / ~,~,~'~ } / ~ , ~ golena,bornite,cubanite,choleocite ~%, " ~ J ' " ~ EXTERIORAmorphousSilica,Borite,Goethite, ~zfl C ~ ~. i ;~.....3 / Jarosite,natrojarosite,~.c°rundum1?1 L ~ ., ~L. ~f ' ~~' I\% ~ . ~~.~ 2 ~.o. Chalcopyrite, Wurtzite. Marcasite, 黄鉄鉱 EXTERIOR VENT BLACK SMOKER CHIMNEY Anh2drito, Mg-HydroxysulfQte-Hydrote,Gypsum, Sphalerite, Pyrlte,pyrrhotite, wurtzite, covellite Barite , ,...t~. ~ 非晶質シリカ / 重晶石、黄鉄鉱 ~ WHITE SMOKER "SNOWBALL" INTERIORSUBSTRATEFORWORMTUBES Anhydrite, Pyrite DISAGGREGATED MOUNDS 2;;"o:' ~ I f~' e,gypsum, Fe-oxyhydroxide 鉄マンガン水酸化物 閃亜鉛鉱 黄銅鉱 黄鉄鉱 PILLOW BASALT Fig. 10. A composite sketch illustrating the variety of structures observed at the different RISE vent sites and the mineral distributions associated with these structures. Note that anhydrite and Mg-hydroxysulfate-hydrate are found only in active, black smokers, and pyrrhotite occurs mainly in black smoke or in black fallout sediment. Note also that Mn-oxyhydroxides precipitate on basalt surfaces slightly away from vents. Main phases are italicized; minor phases are capitalized; accessory phases are printed in lower case. (Haymon and Kastner, 1981) 5. Evolution of the hot spring deposits The characteristics of the RISE sulfide samples suggest the following generalized history of development for vent deposits at EPR 21°N. Hot, altered seawater-bearing dissolved metals, gases, solution removes anhydrite, and most probably also "caminite", entirely from the vent deposits. After construction of the outer walls; the chimney interior is radially filled with sulfide minerals. In cooler chimneys ( < ~ 250°C) the interior mineral assemblage is dominated zy ZnS and FeS2 _+ 14 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) black smoker chmineys (a) black smoker (a) Photograph of a black smoker om the southern East Pacific Rise, e submersible Alvin on Dive 3296 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu; M. Lilley and K. Von Damm chief nd a schematic drawing showing a n of a black smoker chimney, and ons of fluid flow through the coner advection and diffusion occure walls. (b) Photograph of a 284°C ting spire from the Vienna Woods n the Manus Basin taken on Jason tesy of WHOI; M. Tivey chief scienhematic drawing of the cross secEast Pacific Rise diffusely venting deepest portions of the circulation sysomposed of an inner, very porous tem (the “root” or “reaction” zone), and rhotite (Fe1-xS), wurtzite (Zn,Fe)S, nite (CuFe2S3); a less-porous mid- lastly as the hot, buoyant fluid rises rapite, pyrite (FeS2) and chalcopyrite idly through the “up-flow” zone to exit at an outer layer of marcasite (FeS2) s et al., 2006). (c) Photograph of a the seafloor (Alt, 1995) (Figure 2b). he Tui Malila vent field, Lau Basin, (b) ocdiffuser Our understanding of processes ason Dive 134 (courtesy of WHOI; f scientist), and a schematic draw- curring in the down-flowing limb relies g a cross section of a flange with a l of high-temperature fluid. Fluids largely on data and observations of althrough the porous flange layers, teration mineral assemblages within oceminerals as they traverse the steep radient, or “waterfall” over the lip anic crust recovered by submersible from e. (d) Photograph of diffuse warm the top of a “crust” sample on the he TAG mound, taken from Alvin Thompson, WHOI). Textures of resamples indicate that much hotooled beneath these crusts within and that the hot fluids percolate (c) flange gh cracks. (e) Photograph of low< 1– 2) venting from the sides of he North Su vent field in the easttures andonscarps that 221 expose deeper (Figure 3a), with alkali metals (K, Rb, in, taken Jason Dive (courIt has beendrill proposed sald, of WHOI). the crust, from cores, and Cs), B, and H2O removed from seawater ow pH results from input of magto the altered minerals and Si, S, and, in m ophiolites (slices of oceanic crust volatiles (e.g., Gamo et al., 1997). Alteration by hydrothermalism (a) have been thrust onto land by plateonic processes). At temperatures up bout 40°C to 60°C, reactions of seaer with basalt result in the alteration asaltic glass, olivine, and plagioclase xidation to ferric micas and smectite, rich smectite, and Fe oxyhydroxides eanography fractures and scarps that expose deeper (Figure 3a), with alkal parts of the crust, from drill cores, and Cs), B, and H2O remov to the altered minerals from ophiolites (slices of oceanic crust some cases, Mg, lost fr that have been thrust onto land by platetectonic processes). At temperatures up MARGARET KINGSTO to about 40°C to 60°C, reactions of sea(Tivey, 2007, Oceanography) whoi.edu) is Associate S water with basalt result in the alteration 15 ment of Marine Chemis of basaltic glass, olivine, and plagioclase by oxidation to ferric micas and smectite, try, Woods Hole Oceano 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Woods Hole, MA, USA. Mg-rich smectite, and Fe oxyhydroxides (c) some cases, Mg, lost from the minerals MARGARET KINGSTON TIVEY (mktivey@ whoi.edu) is Associate Scientist, Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods(d) Holecrust Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA. (e) low pH fluids 1 cm 1 cm (b) Vol. 20, No. 1 Figure 3. (a) Altered basalt recovered on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 51 from Hole 417a, composed of ferric smectites and Fe-oxyhydroxides (red-brown) that replace plagioclase, olivine, and basaltic glass; and veins of carbonate (white). (b) The two-phase boundary, critical point, and density surfaces for seawater as a function of temperature and pressure, or depth beneath the seafloor, assuming hydrostatic pressure (after Bischoff and Rosenbauer, 1985). The red parallelogram Figure 3. (a) Altered basalt recover Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 51 fro composed of ferric smectites and ides (red-brown) that replace plag and basaltic glass; and veins of car (b) The two-phase boundary, criti density surfaces for seawater as a f perature and pressure, or depth b floor, assuming hydrostatic pressu and Rosenbauer, 1985). The red pa indicates temperatures and pressu ing observed at the seafloor in diff along the world’s spreading center stockwork, or chloritized basalt br from 116 m beneath the TAG acti mound on ODP Leg 158. The sam of highly altered chloritized basalt iron sulfide veins (gold), and quar courtesy of S. Humphris (Woods Ho Institution and Ocean Drilling Prog (Tivey, 2007, Oceanography) 16 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) metal sulfide ores 黄鉄鉱 pyrite FeS2 硬石膏 anhydrite CaSO4 閃亜鉛鉱 sphalerite (Zn, Fe)S 黄銅鉱 pyrite CuFeS2 磁硫鉄鉱 pyrrhotite Fe1-xS 重晶石 barite BaSO4 写真はWikiから 17 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Kuroko Deposits 黒鉱 • Mainly Miocene age in the reen Tuff volcanic sequences • massive, stratiform sulphide ore • pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, barite and quartz • origin: hydrothermal deposits http://staff.aist.go.jp/y-watanabe/plate.htm 18 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Kuroko: JAMSTEC ウェブサイトから Chikyu Exp331+ C0016 (artificial chimney) sphalerite, pyrite, galena, wurtzite IHEYA systems where magma is more siliceous and richer in H2O, very-low-pH fluids are observed, consistent with addition of magmatic SO2 that disproportionates to form sulfuric acid (e.g., Gamo et al., 1997). Some of these back-arc- and arcrelated magmatic fluids may also con- tribute metals to the hydrothermal system (e.g., Cu, Zn, Fe, As, Au) (Ishibashi and Urabe, 1995; Yang and Scott, 1996; Hannington et al., 2005). The evolved fluid in the root or reaction zone is very buoyant relative to cold seawater (Figure 3b) and thus rises at a Variation of chemistry rapid rate to the seafloor. Observations of the rock record, which integrate the effects of water-rock interaction over long time periods, combined with results of thermodynamic calculations that consider the measured compositions of fluids sampled at vents, indicate that the 19 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Table 1. Compositions of fluids venting from different settings. Mid-Ocean Ridge Back-Arc Rainbow Lost City SedimentHosted Seawater T (°C) ≤ 405 278–334 365 ≤ 91 100–315 2 pH (25°C) 2.8–4.5 < 1–5.0 2.8 10–11 5.1–5.9 8 30.5–1245 255–790 750 548 412–668 545 Cl, mmol/kg Na, mmol/kg 10.6–983 210–590 553 479–485 315–560 464 Ca, mmol/kg 4.02–109 6.5–89 67 < 30 160–257 10.2 K, mmol/kg -1.17–58.7 10.5–79 20 - 13.5–49.2 10.1 Ba, µmol/kg 1.64–18.6 5.9–100 > 67 - > 12 0.14 H2S, mmol/kg 0–19.5 1.3–13.1 1 < 0.064 1.10–5.98 - H2, mmol/kg 0.0005–38 0.035–0.5 13 < 1–15 - - CO2, mmol/kg 3.56–39.9 14.4–200 na bdl - 2.36 CH4, mmol/kg 0.007–2.58 .005–.06 0.13–2.2 1–2 - - NH3, mmol/kg < 0.65 - - - 5.6–15.6 - Fe, µmol/kg 7–18700 13–2500 24000 - 0–180 - Mn, µmol/kg 59–3300 12–7100 2250 - 10–236 - Cu, µmol/kg 0–150 .003–34 140 - < 0.02–1.1 - Zn, µmol/kg 0–780 7.6–3000 160 - 0.1–40.0 - Pb, µmol/kg 0.183–0.1630 0.036–3.900 0.148 - < 0.02–0.652 - Co, µmol/kg 0.02–1.43 - 13 - < 0.005 Cd, µmol/kg 0–0.910 - 0.130 - < 0.01–0.046 - Ni, µmol/kg - - 3 - - - SO4 , mmol/kg 0 0 0 1–4 0 28 Mg, mmol/kg 0 0 0 <1 0 53 tectonic and geological setting controls the fluid chemistry Data from Von Damm et al., 1985; Welhan and Craig, 1983; German and Von Damm, 2003; Trefry et al., 1994; Ishibashi and Urabe, 1995; Jeffrey S. Seewald, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pers. comm., 2006; Douville et al., 2002; Kelley et al., 2001, 2005; Proskurowski et al., 2006. 20 Oceanography March 2007 55 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Black smoker and clear (white) smoker 3 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems G baker et al.: hydrothermal venting in magma deserts 10.1029/2004GC (Indian Ridge:JAMSTEC) • 270-403°C • mature hydrothermal system • heavy metals etc. are dispersed by plume • 150-290°C • young system and/or sedimented ridges • hydrothermal ore deposits (Au, Ag, Zn, Cu, Sn) c.f. 黒鉱鉱床 21 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 3 G 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) baker et al.: hydrothermal venting in magma deserts 10.1029/2004GC 熱水活動は火成活動に規制されているのか? Baker(2004) 熱水サイト数/1000km3 Myr 熱水サイト数/100km y=0.98+0.015x Global Trend 両側拡大速度[mm/yr] 両側拡大速度[mm/yr] 21. (a) Plume incidence for selected ridge sections where these statistics have been compiled (not in マグマ生産量が少ない割に低速系では熱水活動がさかん -affected Reykjanes and Southeast Indian Ridges) (solid symbols indicate mean value, and open minimum and maximum estimates, where applicable: red for ultraslow ridges and blue 22 for all d plume incidences include 1, EPR 13! – 18!S [Urabe et al., 1995]; 2, EPR 27!– 32!S [Baker et al., 2 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 構造運動の卓越する拡大系での熱水系の発見 Escartin et al.(2008) 玄武岩マグマ以外の熱源 ガブロ貫入岩の冷却 • 上部マントルの冷却 • 断層増加による浸透率の変化 蛇紋岩化 23 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 熱水系を規制するものは何か 熱源 母岩 循環経路 マグマ、地下深部、潜熱 玄武岩、超苦鉄質岩、堆積物 断層分布、堆積層 地質・地球物理学的背景が 熱水系の多様性を生み出している 24 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) テクトニックセッティングの例 その1 海嶺軸の中心部 • Neo Volcanic Zone: 最も新しい火山活動の場 • マグマ活動に主に規制される熱水活動 • 比較的小規模短命 25 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 3 ferrini et al.: submeter bathymetric mapping on east pacific rise 10.1029/2006GC001333 G East Pacific Rise 9°N Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems t al.: epr ridge segmentation 10.1029/2006GC001407 R.M. Haymon, S.M. White / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 226 (2004) 367–382 379 510N, and samples of the hydrothermal fluids and biology were recovered [Haymon et al., 1993; Rubin et al., 1994; Lutz et al., 1994; Gregg et al., 1996; Shank et al., 1998; Von Damm, 2000]. High-temperature vents within the floor and along the walls of the AST are primarily located along the trace of the 1991–1992 eruptive volcanic fissures or along fractures above the dike swarm located beneath the AST that tap the vigorous hydrothermal system at the EPR axis [Haymon et al., 1993; Fornari et al., 1998a, 2004; Shank et al., 1998; Von Damm, 2000; Von Damm and Lilley, 2004]. The hydrothermal systems in this area are believed to be driven by a shallow magma lens at !1.5 km [Detrick et al.,at 3rd1987; Kent al., 1994] Fig. 6. 3D sketch depth of fast-spreading ridge crest segmented and 4th order scales: aet single 3rd order segment,and divided by a 4th order RAD into two 4th order segments, is illustrated here. Chimney icons illustrate distribution of high-T vents; vertical arrows illustrate magma supply focused by supply vertical toand near-vertical dike(s) (bold arrows indicate more robust magma at mid-segment, lighter weight arrows indicate diminution in that magma supply near segment Haymon White (2004) ends). sourced the 1991–1992 eruptions and permeable zones created by drain backconsistent of magma along the inflated, bwaxingQ stage described by Cormier et al. with the relative rapidity of 4th order crack portions of the fissureand [Fornari et al.,in2004]. [35] in whichwidest small, volcanic axial collapse troughs dike propagation comparison to 3rd order sometimes form. Hence, Fig. 6 is a depiction of a 3rd order segment 9in the bwaxingQ stage of evolution. Because we used a method of stacking data to enhance the signal present in inherently noisy volcanic and hydrothermal data, it is advantageous that both survey areas are on bwaxingQ portions of the EPR, and thus have comparable patterns of hydrothermal activity and magma supply that are unaffected by the added complexity of permeability effects on hydrothermal circulation introduced by ridge crest faults that may form during the bwaningQ stage [35,36]. Since our study areas do include multiple segments with and without unfaulted, volcanic axial collapse troughs, our study should be fully representative of bwaxingQ fast-spreading ridge crests. magmatic inflation and deflation of the axial high. The distribution of 4th order segment boundaries and hydrothermal vents will be reconfigured many times (probably tens to hundreds of times) during the life 0 order events can span of a 3rd order segment. 4th cause short-term temporal variations in hydrothermal flow, and can shift locations of hydrothermal seafloor vents, but the data show that on average the majority of vents remain clustered in the midsections of 3rd order segments. Recent work along a 610-km-long portion of the ultrafast-spreading southern EPR crest has shown a robust spatial correlation between hydrothermal plume intensity, cross-sectional area of the axial high (binned at 3-km intervals) [22], and areas of flat-lying Blacksheet flows [37]. These results suggest that hydro5.2. Implications for EPR hydrothermal systems thermal vent distribution is governed by heat supply, smoker der and (right) fourth-order ridge discontinuities. Contour interval is and they are generally consistent with our findings 4th order segments persist for short periods of time that hydrothermal vents cluster in ~3–10-km-long10 The third-order offset, at 8!370N, separates an unusual segment with Figure 1b. High-resolution map (2 m east – west "(decades 5 m to millennia) relative to 3rd order segments central portions of 3rd order volcanic segments where 0 5 ment to the south. The fourth-order discontinuity at 9!52 N is a very apparent effusion rates indicate maxima in magma north – south) generated from previously reported (millennia ABE to 10 years). These time scales are Three flowを伴う中軸fissure内 primary environments for high-tempera•[ture]lava (hi-T) and low-temperature (low-T) hydrotherventing have been observed at the EPR 9!50 N 高温小規模熱水噴出孔 •mal area. In the first environment, both high- and low-T Ferrini et White et al.(2006) riptions of these and all other ridge discontinuities in the survey area. Imagenex sonar data [Fornari et al., 2004]. In this map, EM300 egment f axial more details of the complex AST bathymetry can be discerned. Until now, these data have only been gridded at 5 m " 5 m resolution (see Figure 1a). where such data already exists [Fornari et al., 2004; Haymon et al., 1991; White et al., 2002]. 1.1. Ridge Crest Setting 4. Development of Very-Near-Axis [8] The northern EPR in the 9!500N area has been venting occurs within and along the trace of the primary eruptive fissure system on the floor of the AST. Tica, Bio9/9prime, P vent, and Tubeworm Pillar are all hi-T areas that occur in this type of (a) EPR Vent Site environment, while Bio119, Bio141 are low-T diffuse sites also located along the primary fissure system (Figures 1a and 1b). The second venting environment is primarily along the east wall of the al.(2007) AST where both low-T diffuse venting (e.g., East Wall Riftia site, Figures 1a and 1b) and high-T focused flow occur (e.g., Alvinellid Pillar, 5–10 m Figures 1a and 1b; M and Q vents (see Haymon et al. [1993], Shank et al. [1998], VonTivey(2007) Damm [2000], and Fornari et al. [2004] for vent locations). The third area of venting is low-T diffuse flow immediately outside 26 the AST on lobate or sheet lava where extensive collapse is observed (e.g., Mussel Bed, 5–10 Figures m 1a and 1b). The collapsed nature of the volcanic (b) m 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) テクトニックセッティングの例 その2 中軸谷壁~オフアクシス segment end segment center N VZ 中軸谷内で断層崖に沿って segment end NTO (non-transform offset) 断裂帯に沿ったオフアクシス域 27 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Mid-Atlantic Ridge : TAG 350 0 00 5 5 8 9 44° 55′ 70° 44° 50′ 3 4 5 6 00 8 km/s A′ 0 1 2 7 6 7 LTZ 3 4 44° 45′ 5 Mean EQ uncertainty Figure 1. Area map of Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°N, 10 A and Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrother11A: Bathymetry (100 m contour interval) mal field. 26° of TAG segment with microearthquake epicenters 12 10′ (black dots), ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) network (white circles), active TAG mound (brown star), and neovolcanic zones (red patches). Note B that five 0OBSs were deployed in small cluster around active TAG mound and are within brown No V.E. -2.0 -1.0 0 1 30 star. Composite focal plane solutions (lower Locus of hydrothermal 00 B hemisphere) are shown for three Neovolcanic event groups discharge 2 A A′ 26° along A-A′ cross section. Black shading repT zone 3 350 05′ resents compressional fi rst arrivals and white 0 shading 4 denotes dilatational first arrivals. Average 95% confidence level epicenter microearth5 uncertainties (±1.0 km east-west, quake (EQ) ±0.9 km 6north-south) are shown for reference. B: Relationship of TAG hydrothermal field to sur7 face geology. Active TAG mound (brown star) is Antithetic normal located between neovolcanic zone (red patches) 8 26° N Maximum depth (orange square) faulting and eastern valley wall. Gabbro 9 (gray of hydrothermal and diabase square) exposures have been EQ uncertainty circulation observed and sampled along prominent fault 10 scarp ~2.5 km east of active mound (Reves-Sohn 11 Zonenshain Melt zone Weak zone et al., 2004; et al., 1989), and low44° 55′ 44° 50′ 44° 45′ 45° 00′ W 44° 40′ (b) MEF Vent Structure temperature 12 alteration products and venting have been observed between the arrows labeled “LTZ” (a) EPR Vent Site 5 -10 -5 0 10 for low-temperature zone (Rona et al., 1993). Relict high-temperature zones (brown patches; M—Mir zone, A—Alvin zone) are located northDistance along cross section (km) east of active TAG mound. OBSs (white circles) used for seismic refraction velocity inversion are shown along cross section. 6 7 8 Diffuser Flange Black smoker • • • • 712 高温熱水 大規模正断層の存在 3 4 5 6 P-velocity model (km/s) 4 6 7 8 8 Depth below active TAG mound (km) 0 1 2 15 Impermeable silicified pipe 10 m 5–10 m (C) TAG Active Hydrothermal Mound 100 m Black smoker complex Anhydrite-rich zone Seawater entrainment Crust Zn-rich white smokers Seawater entrainment Sulfide talus マグマ活動の中心から離れた軸谷の縁 巨大・長寿命(間欠的か) A′ Figure 2. Depth sections (no vertical exaggeration) across axial valley on A-A′ (from Fig. 1). A: P-wave velocity model and hypocenters from events within 1 km of cross section. TomoDISCUSSION graphic model uncertainties are typically <0.1 km/s, but can be as large as 0.2 km/s at eastern provide important constraints zone, hydrothermal deposits, fault termination, and endOur ofresults model. Position ofnew neovolcanic for the geometry faulting and the crustal archi-(white circles) used for velocity inversion along cross ocean bottomofseismometers (OBSs) tecture inare the also TAG region. WeAverage find that lithosection shown. 95% confidence level hypocentral uncertainties (projected sphericcross extension on the east of thefor axialreference (depth uncertainty is ±1.1 km). B: Schematic along section) areside shown valley is of being accommodated on a curved normodel crustal accretion, deformation, and hydrothermal circulation at Trans-Atlantic mal fault with a(TAG) steep (~70°) over the depth and P-wave velocity model used to define earthquake Geotraverse withdip hypocenters interval of ~3–7 km below the seafloor. We didare shown as perturbations against one-dimensional hypocenters. Tomographic results not detectmodel, significant of seismic activity velocities. Extension on east side of spreading axis average aslevels opposed to absolute the fault at depths <~3 km, but the shallow isonaccommodated on dome-shaped detachment fault and on two distinct planes of antithetic fault geometry is delimited our tomographic normal faulting (yellowbylines). New lithosphere is formed by exhuming lower crustal material velocity Seismic (P-wave) velocities on exposed at seafloor from termination (T) to breakaway on faultmodel. footwall. Detachment fault is the as eastidentifi side of the valley exceed 6.5 km/s(Tivey et al., 2003). Long-lived, high-temperature hydro(B) edaxial from magnetic data at depths circulation as shallow as ~1 km beneath the seathermal at TAG hydrothermal field requires magmatic heat source (e.g., Cann and floor, and1982; indicateHumphris that the faultand exhumes lower2000), but our seismic velocity model and earthquake Strens, Cann, crustal rocks oneffectively a low-angle interface dipping hypocenters preclude presence of crustal magma chamber. This suggests that at ~20°must towardbethedeep spreading consistent there meltaxis, reservoir beneath neovolcanic zone, which may also root highwith geological at other detachangle normal observations fault. Gabbros crystallizing from this reservoir would then be accreted onto ment faults(orange (e.g., Dickarrow) et al., 1981; Cannextension. et al., footwall during Hydrothermal fluids may flow through hanging 1997;atSmith et al., 2006). The inferred footwall– wall shallow depths, but they must be focused on detachment deeper in crust, and they hanging-wall interface intercepts thekm westmust penetrate to depths of ≥7 to extract high-temperature heat from base of fault. deMartin et al.(2007) constructed Mid-Atlantic Ridge segments (e.g., Hooft et al., 2000; White et al., 1992), but the eastern flank is underlain by a large, high-velocity anomaly. Seismic velocities at depths below 1 km on the eastern flank exceed 6.5 km/s (compared to 4.5 km/s beneath the neovolcanic zone), indicating the presence of lower crustal and/or serpentinized upper mantle rocks at anomalously shallow depths. The velocity anomaly dips toward the spreading axis at an angle of 20° ± 5°, passes under the active TAG mound at a depth of ~1 km (Fig. 2A), and intersects the hypocenter trend of the west-dipping fault plane at a depth of ~3 km. Although our cross-axis tomography model is limited to the upper ~2.5 km of the crust, additional tomography models obtained along the axial valley (Canales et al., 2005) do not contain any low-velocity zones indicative of crustal melts at the TAG segment, in contrast to the Kong et al. (1992) seismological study of this same area. 2.0 km/s 10 m 5–10 m arrival polarities from ~300 individual events are consistent with normal faulting along the hypocentral trend (dip 80°). Seismic activity on this fault decreased dramatically at depths <~3 km (detection threshold of ML ≥ 1). The ridge-parallel microearthquakes beneath the eastern valley wall form two spatially distinct clusters at depths of ~2–5 km below the seafloor. The spatial association of these events with discrete fault planes is somewhat ambiguous, but composite focal mechanisms for both clusters are consistent with antithetic normal faulting on planes dipping eastward (away from the spreading axis) at 65° (Fig. 1A). We inverted P-wave first arrival traveltimes using the method of Korenaga et al. (2000) to generate a tomographic model of seismic velocities across the ridge axis (Fig. 2; GSA Data Repository). We find that crustal structure is highly asymmetric across the axial valley. The western side of the axial valley has a seismic structure similar to other volcanically 1.0 bro Gab Depth below sea level (km) 250 400 0 450 0 25 00 0 300 0 30 7 4 5 6 0 3 G 6 7 G 250 4 Hydrothermal deposits Fault intersects 2 seafloor Depth below active TAG mound (km) 26° 05′ 2500 4 00 26° 15′ A Neovolcanic zone M 40 26° 10′ Mid-Atlantic Ridge A 0 A No V.E. 1 2 A 3 30 00 40 Atlantic Ocean TAG Hydrothermal Field Depth below sea level (km) 00 00 B 35 35 A 26° 20′ Zn mobilization Massive pyrite and pyrite breccias Pyrite and silica zone Demagnetized zone 58 Oceanography Silicified and pyritized stockwork Vol. 20, No. 1 same place where gabbro and diabase outcrops have been observed and/or sampled on the seafloor (Reves-Sohn et al., 2004; Zonenshain et al., 1989) (Fig. 1B). The low-angle fault geometry inferred from our seismic velocity model is required to reconcile our microearthquake patterns with the magnetics data, because any surface connecting the fault termination with the arc of seismicity will necessarily have a dip ≤30° (Fig. 2B). A low-angle fault geometry in the shallow crust is also required to reconcile the footwall vertical relief (~1.5 km) with the horizontal extension required by the magnetics data (~3.9 km). Alternative models without significant rollover of the west-dipping normal fault are effectively precluded by dive observations (Karson and Rona, 1990; Zonenshain et al., 1989) and high-resolution sidescan sonar images (Kleinrock and Humphris, 1996) of the axial valley; these images provide no evidence of large-offset fault scarps or hydrothermal discharge within the neovolcanic zone. We cannot provide a plausible faulting model that satisfies the combination of our seismic data, the magnetics data, the sidescan sonar data, the bathymetric data, and the dive observations from the TAG region without invoking a rollover to a low-angle geometry at shallow depths. We estimate a total fault rollover of ~50° (i.e., 70° to 20°) when all the relevant information is considered. This amount of rollover is consistent with paleomagnetic rotations measured at the Fifteen-Twenty and Atlantis massif oceanic core complexes (Blackman et al., 2006; Garcés and Gee, 2007), as well as rotations deduced for some continental core complexes (e.g., Manatschal et al., 2001). Highly rotated crustal blocks, however, have not been observed in the footwall east of TAG (e.g., Karson and Rona, 1990; Zonenshain et al., 1989), which is consistent with the fact that the detachment fault has only been active long enough (~350 k.y.) to exhume ~1.5 km of largely unrotated upper crust. Although the footwall exhibits a dome-shaped morphology, it lacks the surface corrugations associated with more advanced stages of core complex evolution (e.g., Smith et al., 2006), also supporting a young age for the detachment. We conclude that the TAG hydrothermal field 28 but is located on the hanging wall of an active, young, oceanic detachment, and we use the kinematic and geometric data provided by our seismic study to develop a schematic model of courtesy of Dr. R. Sohn dipping normal fault just above the depth where 2007 it becomes aseismic GEOLOGY, (Fig. 2B),August suggesting that the change in seismic behavior is associated 1989) and global seismicity compilations (e.g., Wernicke, 1995). Ridge, reveal positive magnetic anomalies, and therefore a strong magnetization at the largest sites. This observation reflects the presence of a wide mineralized zone beneath these sites, the stockwork, where several chemical processes concur to create and preserve strongly magnetized magnetite. Beyond pointing out the importance of subsurface chemical processes in hydrothermal activity, the aging of oceanic lithosphere, and the ocean chemical budget, our results have immediate application for detecting and characterizing economically valuable deep-sea mineral deposits. align along the western side of a 200-m-long north-northeast tectonic depression separating a gabbro massif from serpentinite (Fig. 3C). Hydrothermal activity is found in the depression, on a crater-shaped structure, ~5 m high and 25 m in diameter, with numerous venting small chimneys 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) within the crater. This smoking crater suggests explosive episodes of hydrothermal discharge (Fouquet et al., 2010; Ondréas et al., 2012). Site Logachev is located south of the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone, on the eastern flank of the MAR at 14°45′N, at depths ranging from 3060 to 2910 m (Krasnov et al., 1995). Seven active hydrothermal areas are aligned along a southeast-northwest trend over a distance of 500 m on the flank of a westward slope (Fig. 3D). These sites are <15 m high and <50 m in diameter; five of them are smoking craters (Petersen et al., 2009). Mid-Atlantic Ridge Rainbow ARCH ARTICLES Eúlalia et al.(2000) INTRODUCTION Hydrothermalism at mid-oceanic ridges and backarc basins contributes significantly to the dissipation of the Earth internal heat and tolike the any hydrothermal system found to date, Segment境界にある高まりの西斜面 ANDventing METHODS ocean chemical budget. After the first direct observations of hydrotherhostingDATA diffusely carbonate monoliths High-resolution bathymetric and magnetic data were acquired in the mal systems on the Galapagos Rift (Corliss et al., 1979), the discovery of towering tens of蛇紋岩が母岩(高まりの頂部は古い玄武 meters above the seafloor fourcomposition study areas using remotely hydrothermal site TAG (Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse) on the Mid-Atlantic (4). The of its fluidsoperated derivesvehicle (ROV) Victor of Ifremer (Institut between Français de Recherche pour Ridge (MAR) (Rona et al., 1986) revealed that slow-spreading ridges from reactions seawater and uplifted 岩の報告あり) l’Exploitation de la Mer) during cruises MoMARDREAM andinteractions Serpentine (Fig. 3). Samples collected at also support high-temperature venting. As a result of a more complex mantle peridotite rather than from 2 3 geologyA.(Gente et al., Gretchen 1995) characterized by a limited magma supply Karson, ey,1* Jeffrey L. Fru¨h-Green, between seawater and cooling basalts (4). 高温熱水あり、1.2万年前∼ 5 (Cannat, M. 1993) and a 4dominant activity (Tucholke et al., 1998; ger,4 Timothy Shank, David tectonic A. Butterfield, Subsurface, exothermic, mineral-fluid re4 Escartín et al., 2008), mantle 1 outcrops are frequently 1 observed at slowactions associated with the oxidation of iron ayes, Matthew O. Schrenk, Eric J. Olson, Bathymetry N spreading ridges, 6and at least six hydrothermal sites 1on such a basement 4 in cooling mantle peridotite produce alkaline owski,1 have Mikebeen Jakuba, Al Bradley, Ben Larson, identified on the MAR (Fouquet et al., 2010, and references 1 4 fluids rich in hydrogen and methane at udwig,1 Deborah Glickson, Kate Buckman, therein). While the magnetic response of basalt-hosted hydrothermal venting systemperatures 3up 7 1 5 km to 90-C (4, 5). These Magnetization S. Bradley, J. Brazelton, Kevin Roe, 0. tems William is well known (Tivey et al., 1993; Tivey and Johnson, 2002; Tivey m high-pH volatile-rich fluids trigger carbonate 1 3 3 R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E S and Dyment , 2010; Stefano Zhu et al., 2010; Caratori-Tontini et al., 2012; Honsho ´lie nd, Ade Delacour, M. Bernasconi, –2200 upon mixing with seawater and precipitation 1 et al., 2013; Szitkar et 1 al., 2014), the magnetic response 7 of high-temperaLCHF. Near the summit of the massif, Here we present an integrated summary ization reactions last for hundreds Lilley, John may A. Baross, RogerS1). E. Summons, servetheas–2250 important energy sources for micro4 hydrothermal ultramafic-hosted sitesstudies remains documented we identified a È50-m-thick mylonitic-toof our field and poorly laboratory findings. thousands ture of Sean years (11, 12). Alkaline P. Sylva organisms that thrive in the porouslenses chimney –2300 shear zone that includes cataclastic Our results provide a comprehensive overstems such as the LCHF may have been (Tivey and Dyment, 2010), despite their important mineral potential walls. New site? deformed material (Fig. 3 and fig. S1). view of geological the and magnetic structural controls aracteristic of early Earth –2350 et al.,hydrothermal 2010).field In thisispaper wetheinvestigate signature of less osted Lost(Fouquet City the hydrothermal aonremarkable peridotite-hosted biotopes This shear zone is probably the long-liveddiffer fluid flow at submarine Lost City and elucidate the These vironments, where eruption of Mg-rich four ultramafic-hosted sitesprocesses discovered are on MAR.interaction in the detachment fault that exposed the mantle Active site consequences of the fluid/rock lavasofwas common (13).biological hmatiitic geological, chemical, and intimately ntinite-Hosted Ecosystem: t City Hydrothermal Field • • • substantially from axial, magmatically drivand 36°13.80′ lower crustal rock sequences that make basement for fluid produce chemistry and chimney In 2003, a secondseawater expedition returned to the mantle ons between and upper peridotite en vent systems in which carbon dioxide and –33°54.10′ Inactive up the massif (15). This zone grades downgrowth and for the life that can be supported CHF to studyGEOLOGICAL the linkages between hydro- OF SETTING ULTRAMAFIC-HOSTED SITES 36°13.75′ rogen-rich fluids, with temperatures ranging from G40- to hydrogen sulfide are the dominant volatile site ward into massive jointed rocks that lack a in these environments. rmal alteration ofSites mantle peridotite, fluid Rainbow, Ashadze 1, Ashadze 2, and Logachev are high-temperand carbonate chimneys 30The tofield 60 meters tall. A low diversity –33°54.20′ species (5, 6). Exposed serpentinized peridThe basement rocks Geologic setting. Alvin and ABE ochemistry, and biological activity. ature active vents with average fluid temperatures of The 296–370 °C (Fouquet strong deformation fabric.36°13.80′ in are the vicinity of the field are cut and by veins of surveys delineate the southern ogram included dives with the submersrelated to 19 methane-cycling Archaea thrive in the warm scarp of the otites widespread (7–10), reactions No vertical etanal.,unconventional 2010; Charloumapping et al., 2010, and and references therein). aragonite, which 36°13.75′ derive from massif faultoflineaments e)2 Alvin and –33°54.30′ the Macrofaunal showthe@ABCDAEC9F a major degree 4.1edifices. 9:;/4 4.1 <&=communities -)>4. )2 &?)+13/-10 )Gthat 0/4/calcite 2+)6 exaggeration similar toofand those producing the Lostat City Site Rainbow a 300 ×it200 m area on the eastern flank of some the oldest hydrothermal activity (Figs. 1BR Eand 2 and fig. S1). ort with the Autonomous Benthic extends Exploreroverintersect Rainbow SEARCH A RTICLES tBE) as high as extreme that oftopography black :;RS smoker-"01-7/G ventfoliated sites along the talc-amphibole 1-least 018"74 /+1/>-"G# HIAKIBM$ T."41 -4/+7)++1, Bathymetry hydrothermal (LCHF) are probably this site (11). serpentinite, in this the area of "6/#10 Mfield MAR at 36°13′N, 33°54′W,Variably at a depth of-)G/+ ~2300 m (German et al., 1996; in length at a water depth of 800 to 900 m system is in marked to the vertical of carbonate veins and subhorizontal-to2350 2300 2250 m A contrast e, but they lack the high biomasses of chemosynthetic (markers 7that and fig. S1). In this area, the conduits thatthese typifyRblack smoker environsubvertical open fractures in the basement %LM$Ten R' discrete <)+8.)-4+>74>+/* "G41+8+14/4")G )2 4.1 9:;-$ P174)+ 0"/#+/6)2 The 4.1insummit common implying ofareas, the massif is capped byH,1there schist, andwestern metagabbroic make up10the 4). active vent sites Szitkar et al.(2014) Magnetization Fouquet et al., 1997). It were is located on the siderock. ofrocks a large (10 × km) vertical serpentinite cliffs are draped with ments and continental sulfide deposits. These are actively leaking hydro10 0 20 30 40 A/m 3 The mcoreofof theflat-lying sedimentary breccias nearly continuous atfluid theandtop of young the mpled for thevolcanically first time2/>*4 for driven co-registered typical of systems. deposits that haveof astoundingly field unexplored is dominated by the thermal feeding whiteto may beactively extensive regions the diverse morG>"45 @7>6>*/4"N1 *1G#4."G WC /?"6>4. 3"G-Fcliffs /+1The -.)UG$ &++)U7)++1, ultramafic hill, within non-transform site consists of overlain phologies. Fluids weeping from the scarp face venting carbonate monolith called hydrothermal precipitates (Fig. 4). by variably lithified, fossiliferous scarps to discontinuity. the northwest and northeast of ids, rocks, and biota (Figs. 1 and 2 anda fig. have produced clusters of delicate multiPoseidon (fig.harboring S1), an edifice that rises 960forms m The white hydrothermal deposits range basins ocean life that are not 7/*1 "- 2+1Y>1G75 @ODBOF$ :.1to 6/"G 4581- inactive HLKBKIEK%OK%IM /G0 .50+)4.1+6/* three parts, from west east: a +)7Q 150-m-wide hydroFigure 1. (È800 Ultramafic-hosted siteout-Rainbow (Mid-Atlantic prongedhydrothermal carbonate above the seafloor m of water depth).bedrock fromand arraystectonized of delicate fingerlike crystals topelagic limestone with sparse clasts.growths that extend ward like the driven fingers of upturned hands. This composite structure is composed of four beehivelike massesLost that are a fewsolely tens of supported by magmatically In 2000, hydrothermal field called astounded by the -) "G0"7/410$ location shown in inset. Left: Bathymetry in Ridge [MAR] at 36°13′N); breccias probably debris slide thermal mound bounded by aa50-m-high ridge-facing faultacross, scarp; a 150-mMultipinnacled chimneys, some reaching large columns that are several represent meters in centimeters growing directly out ofThe 10detachment m in height, grow vertically out of the cliff hydrothermal mound diameter (Figs. 2 and 4B). These pinnacles cracks (Fig. 4E). Individual conduits aredeposits three-dimensional (3-D) view. The westernmost hydrothermal flow. In addition, peridotiteCity was serendipitously discovered more mal chimneys and shed onto the sloping . 2. Three-dimensional wide, ~25-m-high fault-controlled active hydrothermal mound by coalesce at their base to form a massive east- faces (Fig. 4A), and single chimneys that sealed by growths ofcovered calcium carbonate. is cut bystructure acan fault its western flank, resulting in stockwork mineralizalooking the of 14 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) surface when defined the from median sprout gently dipping bedrock west trending extending at least Overgrowths and swathsof of youngerhosted carbonatefault systems beiton long-lived: Cmoreheight dating than 15 km away from the spreading axis nw, by thetoward cooling sediments; reach 30 m indebris (Fig.in 4D the and movie 50 m. Parasitic chimneys, resembling inverted across older and materialseveral suggest retheast, of theblack LCHF. smokers, fallen chimneys, and hydrothermalcutting tion outcrops hydrothermal talus. Right: Equivalent valley wall. As thatand surface moved offstructures axis form S1). These a nearly continustalactites, are particularly abundant activity on the activation and multiple stages of fracturing. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) at a water n ridges and hostshows that hydrothermal at Lost City s image is based on groups of active black smokers without significant isolated sulfide accumumagnetization draped onsubhorizontal bathymetry in can 3-D view. ous carbonate deposit that be traced for Strong positive magface, as are activelyits venting flanges, Control of the hydrothermal outflow byandnorthwest flattened into present ABE missions using over 200 m in length along the 850- to 900-m or ledges that protrude several from fractures is particularly obvious where haswalls been ongoing for meters at are least 30,000 years depth of 750 tomound 900 m(Fouquet (Fig. 1). studies synthetically based netization contrasts associated with the two hydrothermal mounds. lation, suggesting an immature et Initial al., 2010) (Fig. 1). have sedimentary regime contourchanged (fig. S1). the main trunk the (Fig. 4C). of massive shingled carbonate beenorientation, SM2000 sonar sysThe northern portion of the field is bounded The most visually is just deposited on the steep scarps, highlighting based on a single dive by the deep submer1).in Since that piv(11).from Modeling ofstriking thisregion system suggests clastic to pelagic. Exiting high-pH hydro- that m a down-looking by a shallow depression (Fig. 1B) that is closed northeast of Poseidon, in an area about 70 m the fact that much of the LCHF plumbing to the east and gradually deepens to the west. thermal fluids generated by serpentinization mode. hydrothermal activity sustained by serpengence vehicle Alvin showed that it was un0d side-looking vent fields have GEOLOGY, August 2014; v. 42; no. 8; p. 1–4; Data Repository item 2014266 | doi:10.1130/G35729.1 | Published online XX ‘‘Chaff Month 2014 Nicknamed Beach’’ (fig. S1), this Fig. 4. Hydrothermal e LCHF is in the foreprobably enhanced carbonate precipitation gently slopingand area is covered by variably at Lost City. ocean basins © 2014 Geological Society For et permission todeposits Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. GEOLOGY 2014of| America. www.gsapubs.org 1 Kelley al.(2005) | August und; at depths less (2). cemented foraminifera, pteropod shells, coral (A)copy, Graceful, contact 10-m-tall, cementation of these sediments (16). The reactively venting cardebris, urchin spines, and hydrothermally n È900 m, the area posits and diverse bonate chimney growsulting cap rock was important in the formaderived carbonate crust. Concentrations of Off-axisin the(断裂帯沿) ing directly out of a haracterized by nearwater column here are 30 times serpentinite cliff on ms, andcarbonate swarming tion of the LCHF, acting as an CH impervious (55 nM) those in background ocean water at continuous the eastern side of the depths È50 m above the seafloor [supporting field. The small carbonlid trapping both fluids and heat. mneys, spires, and familiar hallmarks online material (SOM) text and fig. S1]. ate deposits in the 蛇紋岩が母岩 The LCHF. The LCHF lies atopconcentrations the are over 100 times bris. The massive background mark sites Hydrogen mal vent systems. of active and inactive (349 nM) those of background seawater nacles at the sumsedimentary cap rock, on a triangular downA,A,OO (5//G </#1G4/ ^11* _U/+4 seeps along the steep values. This ground fog of volatile-enriched walls. (B) One of four erature systems t of this platform are are dropped block that forms低温(~90°C) a terracefluids on may the represent edge the leaking of diffuse actively venting peaks alkaline fluids through the underlying serpencomposite, actively that make up the mase global mid-ocean of the south wall (Figs. 1B and 3). Our tinites, leading to rapid lithification of the pesive hydrothermal strucnting edifices that ture called Poseidon. lagic sediments. Hydrocasts conducted È75 mapping indicates that the largest and most Young and/or actively kewhere up the more massivethan to 100 m east of the main field also detected venting material is white active vents are along an east-west volatiletrending enrichment up to 150 m above the -m-tall structure in color; inactive areas output is localized seafloor; the highest concentrations of CH are brown to creamlineament more than 300 m long were (Fig.measured 1B and ed Poseidon. The area is characterized by fi extreme topographic relief, here,TAG-type reaching values vents of colored. This is ingin with wallvertical-to-subvertical ofm across. thepinnacle fault andcliffs intruded by basalts ultamafi c-hosted Rainbow vent eld. Rainbow A researchers to/4 d-led overhanging ledges in the serpentinite bedrock. The smooth)2 surface the background is the of 180 nM. È4 (C) The summit fig. S1). The lineament is intersected by a fault )2 4.1 9:;4.1 <&= -)>4. &?)+1@ABCDAEC9F 3/-10 )G 0/4/ 2+)6 base of the ‘‘IMAX’’ Carbonate fluid chemistry. Geochemiunder greenschist facies conditions (MacLeod fl uids are characterized by low pH, and high Atlantis massif. (G1 to flange, which is a threerow corridor trending approximately north-south, which cal and petrologic analyses of the carbonate Extrusives spirelike growth *"G1- 018"74of/+1/"6/#10 >-"G# :;RS -"01-7/G story-tall -)G/+ HIAKIBM$ -4/+rocks reveal distinct differences between the Escartín et al.,T."41 2003). Thismassive is7)++1, thejointed outcrops on the side of Poseidon. exposes of relatively Gabbros sabundances of the ridge. Fe, Mn, Ca, Y, and REEs com- et al., 2002; active and extinct structures. Actively venting This area is actively Ultramafics JK%LM$ R' <)+8.)-4+>74>+/* "G41+8+14/4")G )2 4.1 9:;-$ P174)+ 0"/#+/6)2 4.1 chimneys and flanges undeformed serpentinized harzburgites that are highly porous, friable 55-C fluids that recharge distance for the fl uid, and the pared to mafic-hosted vent systems (Douville minimumventing formations composed predominantly of aragosupport dense microbial . 3. Diagrammatic form the been major north-southFluid ridge justandsouth communities. (D) Activenite brucite of (Fig. 5). Brucite commonly recharge time-integrated fl ux must have at et al., 2002). In terms of Ca and Si content, paths G4"G>"45 @7>6>*/4"N1 2/>*4 *1G#4."G WC /?"6>4. 3"G-F /+1 -.)UG$ &++)U7)++1, tch showing geologic ly venting 50-C pinnacle the7 field. Toward the topDetachment of the encloses scarp,dendritic thesefeathery growths of aragoon the east side of the –2 of Washington, nite, showing that it is a later phase probably dversity tectonic relation~1 km least comparable to that of /G0 3 × 10 these fluids would be in@ODBOF$ equilibrium with talc+)7Q kg m calfield, showing young -7/*1 "2+1Y>1G75 :.1 6/"G 4581HLKBKIEK%OK%IM .50+)4.1+6/* Dikes rocks are strongly foliated and areformed overlain throughby mixing of magnesium-rich feathery growths of carps at LostofCity. Hy- and 0.12/3. 4225 67.83 Division Earth seawater and hydrothermal fluid. Distinct )&*&*++ ,-../ bonate. the This edifice is and tremolite in the reaction zone (Seyfried culated for Troodos ophiolite (Bickle and the sedimentary cap rocks. This distinctive Fig. 1. (A) The Atlantis massif is located È15 km to the west of the MAR axial valley. The /*-) "G0"7/410$ othermal structures annular orifices, which are common in black growing in a large vertiersity, Durham, NC B 29 Mid-Atlantic Ridge Lost City • • • 4 NVZ 4 NVZ NVZ cal crevice within thesignificantly higher smokernodal systems, rare at Lost City.vents Inet al., 2004). Textures our fault rocks clearly Teagle, 1992), and than is seen the higher scarps toRainbow-type theare located on a faulted of the Atlantis Fracture Zone and the MAR issurface marked bythe a inÈ6000-m-deep basin. wall. Actively venting Earth Sciences, ETH- inintersection stead, fluids emerge from complex networks wn-dropped block of 6 carbonate flanges, –2 which 4indicate replacement northeast and northwest. The difference in of centimeter-sized channels. Within a horizontal distance of È20 km, the seafloor rises to within 700 m of the surface. On the Petrographic of harz burgite by talc + 2 × 10 kg m calculated for ODP Hole 504B Woods Hole Oceanoare several meters across, iably altered and deanalyses of the carbonate chimneys show form overhanging ledges depth between equivalent outcrops indicates basis of magnetic data,(Teagle the massif has uplifted atless rates comparable tofinethose theof carbonate lined anastomosingof networks oods Hole, MA tremolite, and02543, basalt by chlorite ± tremoetaboveal., which is much altered and 2003), to the sidesbeen med crust composed withof brucite, indicating mixing of seawater of the chimney. The that there has been at least 150 m vertical Himalayan mountains (15). Well-developed corrugations on the surface of the massif are believed udy of the Atmosphere dominantly of sergreen-capped black and hydrothermal fluids within the interior lite and/or actinolite (Escartín et al., 2003). for both Sr and O isotopes (Fig. 1). displacement on a fault that trends westcylinder at the notch walls. ntinite. It is and likelyNational that hington, be tracesCa of and a long-lived detachment dips experiment gentlyplaced beneath axis between the twofault pinnaclesthat was a biological in active flow;the it is È20 cm inof the MAR (15). In contrast to the active structures, extinct These coupled reactionstoinvolving Si Mature northwest. Thisthefault and faults chimneys with similar diameter. (E) Feathery carbonate growth rising from a vein within serpentinite bedrock. drothermal flow is fodministration Pacific are lessof porous, well lithified, and The flat elongate bench on the eastern side ofseveral thecentimeters massif is interpreted the hanging wall the Many of these veins are across. Near the summit of the as massif they form detachment trends are systems, essentially the nearby ed by transfer intersecting a higher abundance of calcite. Prolonged mass will occurfault wherever fl uids pass Evolution the Hydrothermal System denseof cross-cutting networks that mark fossilized stockwork which fed parallel past sites of tohave oratory, Seattle WA and is composed of volcanic material. Lost City Atlantis is located within the small box near the lower-temperature interactions with seawater venting. ctures associated with fault. Transform-parallel between mafiWHOI, c and ultramafi rocks of under Figure shows how different map types based ofTransform hydroint Program, centralcsummit the massif. (B) 3Shaded bathymetric on ABE dataoffsets for the LCHF and nsform fault developLost City–type vents faults with extensive vertical are typical 7 C 4 MARCH 2005 VOL 307 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org 1430 Department oftheEarth, greenschist conditions. circulation could bestructures associated with difnt and uplift offacies adjacent terrain. Most of thermal the small mound-shaped are individual chimneys or clusters of of many other oceanic massifs (7, 17). ssif. A In addition, an up of our carbonate ciences, Massachusetts chimneys delineate trend marks a major lineament. A zone of key feature model is that the mix-thatferent stagesanineast-west detachment faultthat evolution. In The fracture and fault network in the 40% increase in rockUSA. ridge MA 02139, continuous carbonate of multiple edificesultramafi forms the core field. Itpathways extendsthat nearly ture resulting of mafifrom c and ultramafi c rock types in the composed the early stages of extension, c rocks areof the basement provides permeable ume 200active m in deformation, length and several tens of on meters down face to the south. should be may addressed. control outflow at the main Hydrothermal vent sites. In addi-fluids pentinization enfault zone, coupled with not exposed the seafl oor the and cliff TAG-type vents nce fracturing, signifion.edu are weeping actively steep cliffs. S1, S1. tionfig. to the subvertical faults that channel flow Inactive metamorphic recrystallization, releasefrom aremany hostedofinthese hanging-wall basalts. There may be tenhances mass wasting (in a to the largest structures, much of the subdetachment analogous(5//G to Enner </#1G4/ _U/+4 of%A,A,OO chemical components to the fluid,^11* and isolittle penetration of fluid into the surface footwall of emanates the flow from surfaces that are baerial frost action), MARCH 2005 VOL studies 307 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org topic alteration.4 In particular, previous fault at this stage. Continued extension to foliation parallel toleads basement d hydrothermal flow. Figureand 3.subparallel Model to for fluid circulation and gently west-dipping faults 3). The steep venting in and around ocean-fl oor reaction zones (Bach et al.,breccias 1996)associated exhumation of peridotite hosting Rainbow-type eof networks of carbonate veins and carbonate cemented with this field are very similar to types(Fig. of hydrothermal faultsofexpose relativelydetachment old inactive stockworks hicalcite in Alpine other more ophiolites. faults. A: Early intense circulahave deposits failed found to find the ophiolites source and of inpositive Euancientvents. Further extension and cooling the foot- McCaig et al.(2007) anomalies in vent fluids (Fig. 2). In our case the wall sees a change to Lost City–type peridotiteSCIENCE VOL 307 4 MARCH 2005 Eu anomaly is easily explained www.sciencemag.org by plagioclase hosted venting at low temperatures. We suggest tion at high temperature is driven by gabbroic intrusions into variably serpentinized 1429 ultramafic footwall. Flow is focused into 30 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 超苦鉄質岩ホストの熱水系は水素とメタンに富む hydrogen pH methane Rainbow( Atlantic) 16mM 2.8 2.5mM Logatchev( Atlantic) 12mM 3.3 2.1mM LostCity(Atlantic) 10mM ~11 <1mM Nibelungen (S Atlantic) 11.4mM 2.9 1.4mM TAG( Atlantic) 0.1~0.4mM 3.1 ~0.1mM Edmond (CIR-S3) 0.06-0.1mM 3.2 0.3mM 31 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) 水素とメタンの起源 5Mg2SiO4 + FeSiO4 + 9H20 olivine/カンラン石 3Mg3SiO5(OH)4 + Mg(OH)2 + 2Fe(OH)2 serpentine 蛇紋石 brucite magnetite 3Fe(OH)2 Fe3O4 + H2↑ + 2H2O catalyst Ni-Fe alloy 4H2 + CO2 CH4↑ + 2H2O 32 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) テクトニックセッティングの例 その3 島弧と背弧 • 島弧の熱水系 • 島弧火山のカルデラ内が多い • 高温熱水だまりが地下浅部に(水曜火山) • 背弧熱水系 • 背弧拡大軸では中央海嶺と共通の背景 • 島弧の火成活動の影響(スラブ起源物質の関与) • 大陸縁辺の場合は堆積物の影響下に 33 Izu arc/backarc 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Myojin Bayonnaise knoll Myojin-sho (Honsho, personal comm.) 34 Okinawa Trough 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) • sedimented backarc rift • CO2と微生物起源CH4に富む熱水 35 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) テクトニックセッティングの例 その4 古い海洋底 • 堆積物に覆われた場所に海 山が点在する • 海山が出入り口となる 源流 河口 流域 • 低温湧水の広がりは? 熱源 イメージ図 36 301 Scientists Expedition 3 , given typical sediment recharge velocity of at least 10 cm yr21Expedition thickness. Geochemical analyses of pore fluids collected well away from basement highs in this area indicate diffusive and Ridge reactive Figure F3. Second maps. A. Topographic map showing Second Ridge and surrounding regio 海洋底ダイナミクス2014(12) Expedition 301 Scientists Expedition summary Locations of ODP and IODP holes are shown, as are locations of outcrop from Fisher et no al.,301evidence 2003). conditions throughout the thick sediment layer, with 12,21 trate regionally continuous . These analyses sensitive to fluid sediment cover. B. Basement map of Second Ridge drilling area, showi for advection Figurevertical F1. Regional bathymetric map showing major tectonic features andare the locations of IODP Expedition 301 drill sites and the ODP Leg 168 drilling transect. Bathymetry from Smith and Sandwell (1997). = First hole locations (Zühlsdorff et al., this volume). Data are based on bathymetry shown in A a , and thus an IODP area of 1,500 km2 FRaround velocities $0.1 yr21 Ridge, SR = Second Ridge,mm DR = Deep Ridge. b tation of ~25 seismic lines Baby Bare outcrop (a radial distance of 22 km) would be required to collected during the 2000 Sonne expedition (ImageFlux). Holes at Site 21 drilled Va a during rechargea subsequent velocity of expedition. support discharge of 5 l s . Even assuming nc ou ve rI 0.1 mm yr21, sediment properties8,12 would require a much greater sla 48°00′ nd 8,9,22 Abottom to draw differential pressure than observed regionally N sea water downward through the sediment layer and into basement. Olympic Sulphate compositions of Baby Bare ventPeninsula fluids require recharge through basaltic outcrops21. There is no thermal or geochemical Papa Mama Bare Bare evidence for hydrothermal recharge through outcrops close to Baby North outcrop outcrop American Bare, but a consistent trend Juan in dethe plate of basement pore Fuca composition Juan de Fuca eastern flank 23,:564 50° N 130°W 128° 126° BECKER ET AL.' BABY BARE GEOLOGY 124° ODP Leg 168 transect Sites 1026, 1027, and U1301 48° SR FR e uca Rid ge DR Cascadia Basin ODP Site 1032 Jua n plate ODP Hole 1026B IODP Holes U1301A, B 44° 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 47°40′ 0 e Depth (m) 3.5Maの海底 ODP Hole 1027C 2800 Baby Bare outcrop fFigure F3B 2600 dire ctio n 低温熱水と生物群 flow Grinnin' Bare outcrop infe rred fluid 2400 Depth (mbsl) de F 46° Figure 3 Calculated pressures available to drive large-scale lateral fluid flow, thermal profiles within outcrops, and lateral bulk permeabilities within basement between 2200 47°20′ outcrops. a, Pressures available to drive large-scale lateral fluid flow within basement Grizzly Bare between Grizzly Bare (recharge) outcrop and Baby Bare (discharge) outcrops, based on the difference between pressures at the base of recharging and discharging columns of fluid. and for recharge of 5 l s21 (solid Calculations were completed for discharge of 5 l s21 10 ,km line) and 50 l s21 (dashed line). The lower values in each case indicate results for fluid Plate 1. Alvin of seafloor featuresrepresentative of map units at Baby Bare.values Brittlestars are -15-20 cm for flow at a circulation tophotos the top ofunit. regional basement, and the higher show results across.(a) Smoothsediment (b) Slopebreakmarkingboundary betweensmoothsediment andexposedrock 128°00′W 127°40′ 212 2 units. (c) Exposedrockunit;photograph showstypicalsediment coverfor areaswith visibleexposed rock (d) m would depth of 1and kmfilter below top of regional Vertical permeabilities ,10 Suspension feeders unit,with golfball-andbasement. bird's-nest-shaped sponges.(e andf) Vent faunaunit; white objects areclamshells. Arrowindicates 1ow-te• Jperature hydrothermal ventat Marker15(seetext). (g) Faultscarp Second B Depth Proc. IODP | Volume 301 25 (mbsl) result in ofconsiderable energysediment beingonlost during ascent and leaving composed partiallyindurated carbonate thewestern sideof BabyBare: notedescent, thelackof a thick cover less of organisms. (h) Faultscarpontheeastern sideRidge of BabyBarewithanoctopus guarding itseggs. Figure 2 Heat-flow values, isotherms and seismic profiles across the Baby Bare 2400 and differential pressure to drive lateral flow at depth. Shaded band range of driving Papa indicates Bare 37 212 2 outcrop m . Higher discharge values19 would Grizzly Bare outcrops. Heat-flow values are those that are not on the outcrops and are pressures based on vertical permeability .10 Mama Bare 3200is move the curves to the right, as indicated by the arrow, but would not change the pressure within 100 m of the seismic lines. Typical sediment thickness away from the outcrops outcrop available to drive large-scale, lateral flow. b, Vertical thermal profiles at recharge and about 500 m. Heat-flow values away from the outcrops are consistent with conductive Hole sites were calculated using a one-dimensional model of heat and fluid flow24, cooling models for 3.5-Myr-old sea floor, after correcting for sedimentation20, and upper discharge 1026B basement temperatures are about 65 8C. a, Isotherms are subparallel to the sediment–50′ and volume fluxes of 5 l s21 (solid line) or 50 l s21 (dashed line). The calculated discharge 47° Sitemore SR-2isothermal than the recharge profiles because the fluid is assumed to basement interface in the vicinity of the Baby Bare outcrop, rising with basement abruptly N profiles are Holes a much smaller cross-sectional area at Baby Bare outcrop than at Grizzly near the outcrop. Isotherm locations are approximate, being based on the assumption of pass through U1301A, B Hole Bare outcrop. c, Lateral bulk permeability required between the outcrops as a function of locally conductive conditions. b, Heat flow decreases near the edge of Grizzly Bare 1027C volume flow/area. Travel times and average linear velocities shown on upper axis are for outcrop, and basement temperatures remain depressed out to a distance of several Baby , of 5%; higher or lower values would shift the upper axis as an effective porosity, neBare kilometres from the area of basement exposure. Local variations in heat flow—for outcrop example, the single elevated value adjacent to the northwest side of Grizzly Bare indicated with the arrows. The actual fluid travel time between outcrops cannot be greater outcrop—are likely to result from irregularities in aquifer geometry and properties, and are than that the 14C age of 4.3 kyr (ref. 14), but considerably shorter times are indicated once 47°40′ loss during flow is considered25–27. most common where sediment cover is thin. dispersive 620 127°40′ © 2003 Nature Publishing Group127°50′W NATURE | VOL 421 | 6 FEBRUARY 2003 | www.nature.com/nature Proc. IODP | Volume 301
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