calendar of events Thursday, Dec. 18 Macoupin County Veterans Assistance Commission: Girard City Hall, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. To help qualified veterans and their families with assistance. Friday, Dec. 19 Macoupin County Public Transportation Trip: Fairview Heights Shopping, call 217-839-4132 to make a reservation. Spaghetti Dinner and Karaoke: Carlinville Moose Lodge, 5 p.m.-12 a.m. Raffle at 8 p.m., All proceeds go to benefit Carlinville Estates/ Elin House’s Christmas and Activity Fund. Summer Repertory Theatre presents Cinderella: Blackburn College Bothwell Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20 schedule an appointment. Walkins welcome. Girl Scouts Winter Break Day Out: Camp Soar, 3279 Honey Bend Ave., Litchfield, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., girls grades K-5th. For more information call Jessica 217-7202089. Frontage Road, Raymond, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. For more information call 217-229-3074. Blood Drive: Carlinville Area Hospital, 20733 North Broad, noon-5 p.m. Call 866-GIVE-BLD to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins welcome. Wednesday, Dec. 31 Tuesday, Dec. 23 Wednesday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Memorial Christian Church, Corner of E. 1st North and Charles, Carlinville, 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Services: Pleasant Hill Christian Church, 19433 West Carlinville Writers Guild: 9:15 - 10:45 am. Carlinville Public Library. Writers of all genres, towns, and experience are welcome. Ages 16 & up. Contact 217-412-9409 or [email protected] for additional information. Summer Repertory Theatre presents Cinderella: Blackburn College Bothwell Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Kalaher Brothers Acoustic Duo: JT Hank’s, 555 West 1st South, Carlinville, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Girl Scouts Super Saturday Badge Day Athlete: Camp Soar, 3279 Honey Bend Ave., Litchfield, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., all grade levels. For more information, call Jessica 217720-2089. Sunday, Dec. 21 Summer Repertory Theatre Presents Cinderella: Blackburn College Bothwell Auditorium, 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22 Blood Drive: United Methodist Church, 900 Broadway, Gillespie, 3:30-6 p.m. Call 866-GIVE-BLD to Tuesday, Dec. 30 Macoupin County Public Transportation Trip: Josephine’s Tea Room and Alton Mall, call 217-839-4132 to make a reservation. Southern Gospel New Year’s Eve featuring Wanda Mountain Boys and Hoskins Family: Bethalto Church of God, 800 E. Bethalto Dr., on the corner of Highway 140 and Moreland Road, 7 p.m. to midnight. Tuesday, Jan. 6 Macoupin County Veterans Assistance Commission: Cahokia Township Office, Benld, featured event 28 9-11:30 a.m. To help veterans and their families with claim work and assistance. Thursday, Jan. 8 Macoupin County Veterans Assistance Commission: Cahokia Township Office, Benld, 9-11:30 a.m. To help veterans and their families with claim work and assistance. Wed., Jan. 14 Macoupin County Veterans Assistance Commission: American Legion Hall, Bunker Hill, 9-11:30 a.m. To help veterans and their families with claim work and assistance. Thursday, Jan. 15 Macoupin County Veterans Assistance Commission: Girard City Hall, Girard, 9-11:30 a.m. To help veterans and their families with claim work and assistance. Saturday, Jan. 17 Summer Repertory Theatre presents Cinderella Friday, Dec. 19, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20, 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21, 2 p.m. Bothwell Auditorium, Blackburn College Carlinville Writers Guild: 9:15 - 10:45 am. Carlinville Public Library. Writers of all genres, towns, and experience are welcome. Ages 16 & up. Contact 217-412-9409 or writer53@live. com for additional information. Macoupin Center for Developmental Disabled Root Beer and Brats Dinner: Carlinville Elks Lodge, 6 p.m. with silent auction. Art Special Interest (SPIN) Club: Macoupin County University of Illinois Extension Office, 60 Carlinville Plaza, 10-11:30 a.m. Six-week program. To register, call 217-854-9604. Saturday, Jan. 24 Girl Scouts Healthy Kids, Happy Kids: Camp Soar, 3279 Honey Bend Ave., Litchfield, 10 a.m.-noon, all grade levels and families. For more information call Jessica 217-720-2089. meetings Thursday, Dec. 18 Rotary Club Meeting: Demuzio Center Dining Room, noon. Mt. Nebo #76 Meeting: 257 N. Broad, 7:30 p.m. Free Blood Pressure Screening: Heritage Manor, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Senior Citizens Legal Services: Senior Center, 10 a.m.-noon. Macoupin County 911 Board: Sheriff’s Department, 7 p.m. Anti-Meth Coalition: Macoupin County Public Health, 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19 AA Sobriety Society: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21 AA Sobriety Society: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 7 p.m Boy Scout Troop 63: Carlinville United Methodist Church, 7 p.m. A.B.A.T.E – Black Diamond Chapter: ISMC Clubhouse, Nilwood, noon. Monday, Dec. 22 Narcotics Anonymous: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 415 South Broad, 7 p.m. Ladies KC Auxiliary: KC Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23 TOPS: Public Library, 6 p.m. Free Hearing Test for Seniors: 209 N. East St., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Emotions Anonymous: Locust Street Resource Center, 6 p.m. AA Sobriety Society: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 7 p.m. Football Club: Prairie Farms, 7 p.m. Lions Club: Blackburn College, 6:30 p.m. Elks: Elks Lodge, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 24 TOPS 2613: First United Methodist Church, Mt. Olive, 9-10 a.m. church listings Bank & Trust Company 751 N. Oak Carlinville, 217-854-2511 Bethlehem Baptist Church 6975 Shaw Road, Shipman 618-372-3639 Rev. Ray Robinson 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10: 30 a.m., Sunday Worship. Blooming Grove Christian Church 29207 Quarton Road, Palmyra 217-436-2554 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship; 6 p.m., Youth Group. Boston Chapel Christian Church Girard 217-627-2795 Pastor, Larry Brandon 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., Worship Service. Bunker Hill Baptist Church 503 South Clinton, Bunker Hill 618-585-3295 Pastor Darrell Molen 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:40 a.m., Sunday Worship. Carlinville Calvary United Pentecostal Church 704 East First South, Carlinville 217-854-8724 Pastor Larry Mouser 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Sunday Worship; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. Carlinville Church of Christ 110 Rice Street, Carlinville 217-854-8550 Joe Dunn Jr. 9 a.m., Bible Study; 10 a.m., Worship Service. Carlinville Church of the Nazarene 318 East Nicholas, Carlinville 217-854-8849 Pastor Don Harrison 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:45 a.m., Sunday Worship. Carlinville United Methodist Church 201 South Broad Street, Carlinville 217-854-4446 Rev. Robert R. Taylor 9 a.m., Sunday Worship; 10:15 a.m., Sunday School. Charity Baptist Church 21964 Charity Church Road, Carlinville 217-854-8763 Pastor Curtis Ebert 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Sunday Worship. 208 W. Main Carlinville 217-854-3184 8A 900 W. Main St. • Carlinville, IL 217-854-3554 Member FDIC Banking at Chesterfield Bible Church 106 Dunn Street, Chesterfield 618-753-3128 Pastor Dave Carlson 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10:10 a.m., Sunday Worship. Concord Primitive Church 27260 Concord Road, Palmyra 217-854-6094 9:15 a.m., Sunday Bible Study; 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship. Cross Church 19453 Hurricane Drive, Carlinville 217-854-2837 Pastor Tim Rhodus 9 a.m., Sunday Worship. Emmanuel Baptist Church 117 West 2nd South St., Carlinville 217-854-4473 Pastor Rev. Cliff Woodman Children’s Church Coordinator Nikki Totsch 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10:15 a.m., Sunday Worship. First Assembly of God Church 18772 Route 4, Carlinville 217-854-8924 Pastor Joshua Franklin 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m. Sunday Worship; 10 a.m., Kids Clubhouse. First Baptist Church 310 W. Madison, Girard - 217-627-2633 10:30 Sunday Morning HEINZ 217-854-3157 Memorial Christian Church 410 East First North Street, Carlinville 217-854-2639 Pastor Gary Farthing 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m., Sunday Worship; 5 p.m., Youth. St. Paul United Church of Christ 202 East Main Street, Carlinville 217-854-4046 Pastor Kevin L. Strope 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship Service. New Beginnings Community Church 142 West Center, Girard 217-627-3534 Pastor Kenneth Lovely 9 a.m., Sunday Bible Study; 10 a.m., Sunday Worship; 6 p.m.; Sunday Discipleship. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 415 South Broad Street, Carlinville 217-854-6431 Reverend John Henry 9:15 a.m., Sunday Holy Eucharist. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 110 East Lincoln Avenue, Chesterfield 217-854-6431 Reverend John Henry 5 p.m., Saturday evening, no Sunday service. Funeral Home Since 1854 Nilwood Baptist Church 38 Judd St., Nilwood 217-627-3313 Pastor Floyd Hendrix 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship. Piasa United Methodist Church Route 16, Piasa Pastor Dean Blackburn 8:30 a.m., Sunday School; 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship. Plainview Baptist Church 11365 Shipman Road, Plainview Pastor William Baughman 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m., Sunday Worship. First Christian Church of Girard 700 West Center Street, Girard 217-627-2529 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m., Sunday Worship. Pleasant Hill Christian Church 19433 West Frontage Road, Raymond 217-229-3074 Preaching Minister Dave Ziegenbein Sunday Worship, 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:15 a.m.; Youth Groups (ages 4-12th grade), 6 p.m. Gilead Baptist Church 679 Boy Scout Road, Hettick 217-741-4174 Pastor Gary Harding 9 a.m., Sunday Worship; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. Rural United Methodist Church 19789 South Standard City Rd., Carlinville 217-854-5137 Rev. John R. Curtis Jr. 9 a.m., Sunday Worship; 10:15 a.m., Sunday School. Holy Dormition Russian Orthodox Church 300 North Fourth Street, Benld 217-835-2202 Very Reverend Father Paul Waters 9:30 a.m., Sunday Liturgy. Ss. Mary and Joseph Catholic Church 2010 East First South Street, Carlinville 217-854-7151 Rev. Angel Sierra 5 p.m., Saturday Mass; 8 and 10 a.m., Sunday Mass. Medora United Methodist Church 309-369-3137 Pastor Dean Blackburn 8:15 a.m., Sunday Worship; 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. Dairy Queen 724 W. Main - Carlinville 217-854-8212 510 Broadway - Gillespie 217-839-2215 Carlinville Church of Christ 110 Rice St., Carlinville - Joe Dunn, Jr. Do you have Bible Questions? Please call 217-854-6737, 217-854-8550 or 217-556-7479 St. John’s Lutheran Church 110 West Water St, Dorchester 618-362-6375 Pastor Gary Voss 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship Carlinville Area Hospital 20733 North Broad Street 217-854-3141 The Federated Church: American, Baptist/Presbyterian USA 122 East Second South Street, Carlinville 217-854-3031 Rev. Betty Lynn Jordan 9 a.m., Sunday Worship; 10 a.m. Sunday Fellowship; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School. United Methodist Church of Shipman 278 Keating Street, Shipman 618-836-5804 Pastor Dennis Doane 9:15 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship. Victory World Outreach at CarlinVilla, Route 4, Carlinville 618-610-5802 Pastor Don Garland 10:30 a.m., Sunday Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 107 West Elm Street, Gillespie 217-839-2500 Rev. Christine E. Erdmann 8 a.m., Sunday Traditional Worship; 10:30 a.m., Sunday Contemporary. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 238 Virginia Street, Shipman 618-836-5575 Pastor Kara Shaw 8:45 a.m., Sunday Worship. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church LC–MS 501 Nobbe St., Farmersville 217-725-1717 Rev. Micheal Strong 9 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m. Divine Service. Zion Lutheran Church 501 South Broad Street, Carlinville 217-854-8514 Rev. Dustin Anderson 9:15 a.m., Sunday School & Bible Study; 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship. Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. Macoupin County Enquirer~Democrat PLAZA TRUCK SERVICE North on University Carlinville, IL 62626 217-854-4758 Class “C” State Test Lane Frame Straightening • Tire Balancing Vesper Granite, Inc. Carlinville Monument Co. State Route 4 217-854-4115 christ following 101 If God was going to write you heart and all my soul. And I want a personal letter this Christmas, it to show you great and marvelous things. If you seek me with all your might go something like this: heart, you will find me. Delight in Dear (insert your name), You may not know me, but I know me and I will give you the desires everything about you. I know when of your heart for it is I who gave you sit down and when you rise up. you those desires. I am able to do I am familiar with all your ways; more for you than you could possieven the very hairs on your head are bly imagine. I am also the Father who comnumbered. For you were made in my image. I knew you even before you forts you in all your troubles. When were conceived. I chose you when you are brokenhearted, I am close to I planned creation. You were not a you. As a shepherd carries a lamb, I mistake. For all your days are writ- have carried you close to my heart. ten in my book; I determined the One day I will wipe away every tear exact time of your birth and where from your eyes, and I’ll take away you would live. You are fearfully all the pain you have suffered on this and wonderfully made; I knit you earth. I am your Father, and I love together in your mother’s womb and you even as I love my son, Jesus. In brought you forth on the day you Jesus my love for you is revealed. He came to demonstrate that I am were born. Those who don’t know me have for you, not against you, and to tell misrepresented me. I am not distant you that I am not counting your sins and angry, but I am the complete ex- against you but am reconciling you pression of love. And it is my desire back to myself. Jesus died so that to lavish my love on you simply be- you and I could be reconciled. His death was the ultimate exprescause you are my child and I am your Father. I offer you more than your sion of my love for you. I gave up earthly father ever could for I am the everything I loved that I might gain perfect Father. Every good gift that your love. If you receive the gift of you receive comes from my hand. my son Jesus, you receive me, and For I am your provider and I meet all nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Come home and I’ll your needs. My plan for your future has al- throw the biggest party heaven has ways been filled with hope because ever seen. I am waiting for you. I I love you with an everlasting love. love you! Your Heavenly Father My thoughts toward you are countChrist-Following 101 is writless as the sand on the seashore. And I rejoice over you with singing. I will ten by Tim Rhodus, Lead Pastor of Church, Carlinville-Staunnever stop doing good things for you Cross timrhofor you are my treasured possession. ton,, I desire to establish you with all my Tom Frydenger Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor West Side Square, Carlinville Call for an appointment 217-854-9737 217-854-2674 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FDIC Thursday, DECEMBER 18, 2014
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