( \ Proceedings: Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, March 11-15, 1991, St. Louis, Missouri, Paper No. 5.69 ~ Seismic Response Analysis of Pile-Supported Structure: Assessment of Commonly Used Approximations Toyoaki Nogami Reed L. Mosher University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi H. Wayne Jones U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi SYNOPSIS: The seismic response of a pile-supported structure is formulated by the approach developed by the first author. Using this formulation, some of the crude approximations frequently used in the seismic response analysis of a soil-pile-structure system are examined. Those involved in the analysis procedure are assessed under the linear elastic condition. A commonly used nonlinear soil model for the dynamic pile response analysis is also assessed. It is found that those approximations routinely used in the analysis procedure and numerical modelling can cause significant errors in the computed response of a pile-supported structure. INTRODUCTION mechanical system only, whereas the free-field nonlinearity affects both the outside and inside mechanical systems. When a linear elastic soil medium is considered, the radius of t[le rigid ring is set equal to the radius of the pile; i.e. no inside mechanical soil model. Details of those mechanical systems developed in both the frequency-domain and time-domain, can be found in the papers published by the first author. According to the model shown, each of the vertical and horizontal displacements are expressed at the pile shafts as A structure is frequently supported by a pile foundation. When this structure is analyzed for its seismic responses, the pile foundation must be properly taken into account in the analysis. Seismic responses of pile foundations are complex and their analyses generally require a large amount of computations, particularly when pile groups and nonlinear soil behavior are considered. Thus, various crude approximations are used in the analysis. This paper investigates errors caused by some of those approximations frequently used in the seismic response analysis of pile-supported structures. fp (1) where u vector containing displacements at the piles; uo free-field displacement; 1 = unit vector; f flexibility matrix of the system (soil); and p vector containing soil-pile interaction forces. The nonlinearity caused by the soil-pile interaction affects only the diagonal terms of the matrix f. Novak (1975) has developed an approach to analyze the dynamic response of linear elastic single pile foundations within the frame of the Winkler's hypothesis. Nogami and his colleagues have extended this approach for nonlinear pile foundations and pile groups, including 1) linear elastic pile foundations in the frequency-domain analysis (Nogami, 1980; Nogami, 1983; Nogami, 198 5) , 2) nonlinear pile foundations in the frequency-domain analysis (Nogami and Chen, 1987a), 3) linear elastic pile foundations in the time-domain analysis (Konagai and Nogami, 1987; Nogami and Konagai, 1986; Nogami and Konagai, 1988a) and 4) nonlinear pile foundations in the time-domain analysis (Nogami and Konagai, 1987b; Nogami et al., 1988b; Nogami et al., 1991). This approach has been verified by various people (e.g. Sanchez-Salinero, 1983; Nogami, 1983; Roesset, 1984) and is used herein for the assessment of the approximations frequently used in the seismic response analysis of pilesupported structures. Eq. 1 is coupled with the equations of motion of pile shafts to formulate the dynamic response of pile foundations. Those equations are typically formulated with a lumped mass pile model or a continuous beam pile model. When a continuous lf. f~ORIZONTl\T. SLICE ~- ---- -.> Plt.T.F:S SOIL MODEL AND FORMULATION OF SEISMIC RESPONSE OF PILE-SUPPORTED STRUCTURES Vertical pile groups are considered herein as a general case. A horizontal slice of a soil-pile system with a unit thickness is idealized as shown in Fig. 1, in which each one of pile shafts is enclosed by a rigid ring and mechanical systems are located outside and inside of the ring. The soil-pile interaction produces the nonlinearity in the inside SYSTF'.MS Fig. 1 931 Horizontal Slice in Soil-Pile System and Plan View of Soil Model beam model is used, the flexural and axial responses of pile shafts are described by, respectively, a4 EI ~ -i- u + m dt 2 ( 6) where U vector containing the lateral displacement (U) and rotational displacement (<l>} of the rigid cap; P vector containing the lateral force (P} and moment (M} applied at the rigid cap by the super-structure motions; Kf = stiffness matrix of the pile group attached to a rigid cap; and ~P = force produced at the cap by the free-field soil motion, containing a and ~. -p (2) a2 -EA ~ + m dz i -p 7 where: EI = diagonal matrix containing flexural rigidities of piles; EA diagonal matrix containing axial rigidities of piles; and m = diagonal matrix containing masses of piles. Writing Eq. 1 in the either time-domain or frequency-domain, Eq. 2 can be solved in one of those domains. For simplicity, the super-structure is considered to be a mass attached to the top of the pile cap. Combining the structure and Eq.4, the equation of motion of the pile-supported super-structure subjected to the seismic excitation is written as With the steady state response to the harmonic horizontal bedrock motion, the lateral soil response is expressed as. ( 7} where M9 mass of super-structure. split into (3) where a and b constants determined by the boundary conditions of the free-field soil; uo(H) = bedrock displacement; and y = W/v 3 with (J) = circular frequency and v 3 = shear wave velocity of soil (8) where U = U1 + U2. Eq. 8 is interpreted such that the motions, U1, are transmitted to excite the super-structure and generate the feedback motions, U2, (second equation) and that the transmitted motions, U1, are the seismic responses of pile foundation at the cap without any super-structure according to the first equation. This is illustrated in Fig. 2. Substituting Eq. 3 into Eq. 1, the expressions of the lateral and axial pile responses in the frequency-domain can be obtained from Eqs. 1 and 2 as, respectively, u (z) =f..( Ane "-nz + Bne -Anz + Cne lA.nz + Dne -iAnz~n + n~l APPROXIMATE SEISMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF PILESUPPORTED STRUCTURE uo (H) ( ae iyz + ~e -iyz J 1 (4) u(z} Approximate Methods Various approximations are adopted in the seismic response analysis of pile-supported structures. Those often used are 1} no pile-soil-pile interaction for a pile group, 2} frequency independent spring and dashpot for the Winkler subgrade model and 3} analysis by applying the free-field ground =!~neiA"z+ Bne-iA.nz~n n=l where; N = number of piles; An, Bn, Cn and Dn = constants determined by the boundary conditions of the piles; An and ~n = n-the eigenvalue and eigenvector obtained from (A 4 EI[k-w2m)~ = 0 for the lateral response and (A2EA+k-w2m)~ = 0 for axial response, with k = f-1; a = a (y4EI+k-w2m}lk; and ~ = b ('{4EI+k-w2m) -lk. Then, all other responses associated with the flexural and axial pile response are expressed using Eq. 4 as, respectively, 3 - 'C'(output) __!_ u u - J/111/7111/1// UQ ( 2 -1 -1 d d -d (<J>(z),EI P(z),EI M(z})= ( dzu(z},-Ju(z},--2 u ( z dz· dz -] P (z} __Q dz H ){input) II >) u u Ot (output) (5} EA Eq. 7 can be u(z) --- After determining the unknown constants in Eq. 4 for the boundary conditions of the piles, the force and displacement responses of the piles are completely described by Eqs. 4 and 5. With those expressions, the force-displacement relationship of a pile group attached to a rigid cap can be written in the form of /11111//11/11 UQ (H) (input) ! O(output.) o-o 1 + o, J;· - 0 1 (input.) Fig. 2 Transmitted and Feedback Motions in Seismic Response of Pile-Supported Structure 932 R R Homogeneous soil profiles (A,B and C) and inhomogeneous soil profiles (AX, BX, and CX) as shown in Fig. 4 are considered. Assuming the linearly increasing shear modulus with depth, inhomogeneous profiles are defined such that their fundamental natural frequencies are identical to those of the homogeneous profiles. Fig. 5 shows the normalized acceleration response of the free-field ground surface to harmonic horizontal bedrock motions. 61" 0 60 6 0 R 0 0 0- 9-rTu: r:Rnur At-: "' 0.62055 x !Ofi klp!'l El ,.,. 0.12726 X !Ofi kfp!Pft wC'fp.ht Fig. 3 / r. s 2 (klps/ft ) c A 3R.4(i 65 192. )I G A single mass, effective only to the lateral translational motion, is considered for the super-structure. The masses supported by single piles are Ms 5 kips. sec2 /ft for piles in homogeneous profiles and Ms = 1.292 kips.sec2/ft2 for piles in inhomogeneous profiles. Those M5 result in an identical Kxx ((J) = 0. 02v 5 /ro) /M 5 ratio between profile B and profile BX. The masses supported by 9-pile groups are nine times of those of the structures supported by single piles, and thus are respectively Ms 45 kips.sec2/ft and 11.628 kips.sec2/ft for profile B and profile BX. Pile Foundations Considered AX r. 2 !Pnp:th = 0.501 lo;f 576.92 r. s v (I) 2. 5 (2) (3) ('•) (5) 10.2 20.) 4R. 3 (6) 61.0 )J.l s 2 (klps/ft ) BX ex I 2. 7 50.9 IOI. 7 165. J JR. I I 52.6 .105. I '•95. 9 2~ 1.6 305.1 9l5.t. 72''· 7 Both harmonic and random motions are considered for input horizontal bedrock motions. The time history of the random bedrock motion is shown in Fig. 6. s s n = o. 3 ~ o. 05 y = I 10 pes JJIJI))))fi,~ 12 HO!!oGENEOUS PROFJLF.S ProfileA At B. C JNHOIIOGENF.OIJS PROFILES Prnfiles AX, RX, CX R - Fig. 4 Soil Profiles Considered surface motion at the base of the pile ~upported structure, in which the third approximation corresponds to the use of the free-field ground surface motion for U1 in the second equation in Eq. 8. ll.,B,C v The soil model presented herein can reproduce the dynamic responses very well, if the mechanical systems in the soil model are defined from the dynamic response behavior of multiple infinitely long rigid massless cylinder~ vertically inserted in an infinite medium (Konagai and Nogami, 1987; Nogami, 1983: Nogami et al., 1986, 1987a, 1987b, l988a, 1988b, 1991). Thus, defining the soil model by this approach, the afore-given formulation is used to examine the effects of the above listed approximations and is referred herein as "relatively rigorous method". Fig. 5 0 0 .... __ ... I I ...... __ ..... Free-Field Ground Surface Response to Harmonic Bedrock Motions 10 8 <! . z 8 The above listed first approximation is introduced by defining the model parameters for a single cylinder in the medium rather than a group of cylinders. The second is introduced by using the soil model parameters defined at (J) = 0. 02 v 5 /ro for all frequencies, in addition to the conditions used in the first approximation: ro = radius of pile and v 5 = shear wave velocity of the medium. ;2 '".., "' u u "' "'u0 :'i "'!-<"' :0 0. F. -8 -10 0 Conditions Considered Pile foundations considered include those made of a single pile and 3x3 piles attached to a rigid cap (Fig. 3). 4 6 8 10 Tlt!F. (~F:r..) Fig. 6 933 Acceleration Bedrock Motion Time History As the second equation in Eq. Computed Results 8 indicates, seismic responses of pile-supporte d structures are governed by the transmitted pile the of impedance and (U1) mot ions foundation {Kf), all which are affected by the are Kf and U1 pile foundation in general. computed for the single piles by the relatively rigorous method and the computed results are Transmitted motions in shown in Figs. 7 and 8. the figure are normalized by multiplying the lateral motion by 1/uo(O) and the rocking motion free-field lateral by L/uo (0), in which uo (0) pile motion at the ground surface and L Nondimension al stiffness parameters length. shown in Fig. 8 are obtained by multiplying the real part of the impedances Kj by 1/ (EsL) , 1/ (E 5 L2), and 1/ (EsL3) respectively for j = xx, in which E 5 = Young's modulus of soil x~ and~~' and ( 9) Nondimension al damping parameters are obtained by multiplying the imaginary parts of Kj by and l/(E 5 L3) lao 1/(E 5 L 2 ) /ao 1/ (E 5 L) lao, respectively for j = xx, x~ and ~~,in which ao = The transmitted motions contain not only wro/v 5 . motion but also rotational motion, lateral the The lateral transmitted as seen in the figure. motions tend to increase a little bit first and then decrease with frequency to become smaller The than the free-field ground surface motion. curves shift to the left with increasing the soil softness, particularly for inhom0geneou s The stiffness than homogeneous profiles. parameters of single-pile foundations vary very little with frequency but the damping parameters low at frequency with decrease rapidly Transmitted motions and impedance frequencies. functions for 9-pile groups in profiles B and BX Similar trends as are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. those observed for single-pile foundations can be seen in the transmitted motions but the rotational ones are much smaller than those for The pile-soil-pi le the single-pile foundations. interaction effects in the transmitted motions are negligibly small at very low frequencies and become more pronounced at higher frequencies. The pile-soil-pi le interaction affects far more damping and stiffness the significant ly parameters than the transmitted motions. Seismic responses of the structures supported by single piles are computed for harmonic bedrock motions by the relatively rigorous method and The approximate method the approximate method. adopts crude approximation s including frequency independent soil model and use of the free-field The ground surface motion as input U1 motion. computed results for profiles B and BX are shown Those approximatio ns appear to be in Fig. 11. acceptable for the piles in homogeneous soil but overestimate the response for the piles in seismic Similarly, soil. inhomogeneo us responses of the structures supported by 9-pile harmonic bedrock for computed are groups Two different approximate methods are motions. In the first approximate used in this case. method, the frequency independent soil model is used and also no pile-soil-pi le interaction In the second effects are taken into account. ground free-field the approximate method, surface motion is used for U1 in addition to 1.6 '. 6 1.2 !.2 O.R 0. A 10 ---- -----------.-==..--- -------- _ _ t. _ _ t _ _ _ j _ 70 __!.._._....L____l__L_~.--1--- t\!!l'LI l!rDF. Nll'J.J!IJI)f: 12 "8 g·~ g ~ ~ 8 !< '"~ ---- ---- PHASE S!IIFI 10 I -2on ' '' '· I' -220 I 13 w A <;IJIF"I 12 ~ ~ ('c -,-:..r--- --------=--.::.. :-_---- t'I!ASE ;:: "' ~ ,..... g ~ '"w"' ~ 8 ~ "':?. \ AX _ _ L__L_ 2 ), '' ' ~x __ ) , ex-/', Transmitted Motions for Single Piles 934 1 L_'-..1_~~ -lf>O 10 p. , FRF/)UFt!CY i'AF:Arlr.IER, FREQUENCY PAR.J\f'!El ER, Fig. 7 \ 4~r::.W 0 0 ---------- " / k " ::i ~ R ~ ~ ~ BX ex ~ z ~ 4- AX ~ 0 0 12 l2 s 10 ~ " z i 0.02 FRF.QtlENC.Y Pi\Rflf-1f.TER • Fig. 8 R ~ IN T'ROFIJ.f. 30 <o 1.?: o.of:l O.OR Stiffness and Damping Parameters of Single Piles 1.6 C/\PI'F.D 9-Pt!.F CROUP o.or. ~ 1.6 " CflrrF.D 9-PILF: GROUP TN PROrJJ.f: BX R = .10 ro iHHl I NTERfiCT TnN 1.2 z 0 ~ 8 ;::" 0 0.8 ~ ~ IHTI!Ol!T INTERACT roN ':! ~ !< 0.8 ':! ~ 3 0.4 j L._L_ _t__[_ 16 16 --MIPI.TT(J!lr: 12 0.4 -- - Ar!I'L !TilDE 12 I~ \ilTHO!lT lNTERA\.TION I r1! TNTERACTJ()N W1Til FREQUF:NCY PARAHnER, Fig. 9 FRF.QUF.NCY l'fiRMIETF:R. Transmitted Motions for 9-Pile Groups 935 0.10 I'ROFIJ.F. B PROF"ll.l~ 10 0.8 1 I R-o1fh - R PROFILF.: B 0 0.8 --k I I I I 0.6 J I 1 \ \ r-7 s '- / / " '>.;-~----- ' '- 0., a o. 2 '- NO TNIERACTJON FRF:QllF.NCY PARM!ETEil, 0. I 0.1 0.2 0. I 0. 2 0. I 0.) 0.2 FRF.QUF.NCY PARAHF.H:P:, ~-~ td 0.1 -~-~ ru PROF !I.E RX ~ II II II 32 I I ~ " 0 0 0 ,, I I I I I \ 0 7 ~ 0 0 I \ 0 I I 1 ~- ~ ,_ ~, NO Fig. 10 ~~ (.,,) - ~ '\\NO INfFRAr.rtON /,.- '-....... ___ __/_....:>-.., ........ / ( o.) 0.2 FREQUENCY PMM!HF.R, \ --\----....... tJO IN I i'~RACl I ON I Nl F.RA£:'1" I ON o.! FREQUENCY PARM!F.TF:R, 0 \ ~ "' R=-10r I 2'· ·I I 0 0 PROFII,E RX ~~ (.o.J 0.1 --o. 3 o. 2 FREQUENCY ffd{N!F.TF:R, ~~LV Stiffness and Damping Parameters of 9-Pile Groups The real seismic motions are random and contain Thus, the above various frequency components. observed errors caused by approximations at various frequencies are all included in the One random earthquake response time history. bedrock motion time history is used to see how those errors are reflected in the time-domain Fig. 13 shows the seismic responses responses. of the structures supported by single-piles, computed by the relatively rigorous method and As expected from the the approximate method. bedrock harmonic for observation previous motions, the approximate method produces the responses very close to those computed by the relatively rigorous method for profile B but amplifies the predominant frequency component Fig. 14 responses excessively for profile BX. shows the seismic responses of the structures computed by the supported by 9-pile groups, relatively rigorous method and the approximate The approximate method herein is the method. second approximate method explained previously. This approximate method amplifies the high frequency component responses excessively for This is more pronounced for the both profiles. approximations used in the first approximate The results computed for profiles B and method. In the results 12. BX are shown in Fig. obtained for profile B, the difference between the peak values computed by the relatively rigorous method and the first approximate method appears to mostly result from the differences in the stiffness and damping parameters between the two cases: the first approximate method yields The use higher stiffnesses and lower dampings. of the free-field ground surface motion for U1 does not produce significant errors in this In the results obtained for particular case. profile BX, the response curves computed by the first the and method rigorous relatively approximate method are very similar to the transmitted motions presented in Fig. 9 and are On the other relatively close to each other. hand, the response curve computed by the second approximate method is significantly different Therefore, the use of the from the other two. causes motion surface ground free-field in the computed seismic significant errors structure supported by 9-pile response of the group in profile BX. 936 PROFIJ,F. R l''HII' f I.E RX RE:J.Tl.TIVF:LY R I GORO!JS H8THOD ---FRF:Q. JNDEl'F.tm. SO!l.ST!I"F. TRANSMIT1Ell Hfll"TON lDF.NTI(",/'11. TO FRF:E-Flf.LD f'lOTlfiN '' ' '~ ~-- FRF.QUF.NCY FARAHF.TF.R • Fig. 11 FRF:QUF.NCY PARAMETER • Responses of Structures Supported by Single Piles to Harmonic Bedrock Motions rROFJ!.F. R R " 10 r ,..... I I I /j I, ..--- / i NO INTF:RACTION FRF.Q. 1NtlEPF.Nn. SOJT, STIFF. "ITRASN!'ITE!l N()'l ION lDENTJr.AL 10 FREF.-flf.LO Mn1 ION I '" 1\ I. \ \ \ \ i '"' § ' ' ' .......... ~-- :~ I I I I ~ \\ \ I I C< \\ I I I I I ~ \' FRF.QUF.NCY PARJ\HETF.R. inhomogeneous profile. I\ / I I I ·'w . /~ I ............ 12 r\ 0 Q ' Fig. R • 10 r ~ ~ I // I' FROFJJ,E HX w I I I ' ~ RF:LJI.TIVELY RIGOROUS HF.THOD NO 1 NTERACTJON FREQ. DF.PENI). SOli. STIFF. 0 I I / / / / ;::-..._ :-.... / ·...._/ 2 H it~-!'! W FREQIJF.NCY rARMIETER. Response of Structures Supported by 9-Pile-Groups to Harmonic Bedrock Motions profile than the homogeneous the ring. Details ot those systems can be tound in the papers by the first author contained in the references. CONVENTIONAL WINKLER MODEL FOR NONLINEAR SOILPILE INTERACTION Under the steady state harmonic response, the complex force-displaceme nt relationship of the conventional model is schematically illustrated in Fig. 15: the real and imaginary parts are respectively the backbone curve and the curve related to the damping (area of the hysteresis loop). The damping in this case is simply the summation of the nonlinear damping and radiation damping, and thus the nonlinearity induced in the vicinity of the pile always increases the damping since the dashpot is not affected by the nonlinear behavior. Fig. 16 shows the complex A conventional Winkler model is made of the nonlinear spring and dashpot placed in a mutually parallel position, in which the latter is to reproduce the radiation damping and its property is independent of the displacement (Matlock et al., 1978). The soil model presented herein can account for the nonlinear soil-pile interaction by using the nonlinear mechanical system inside the rigid ring and the frequency independent mechanical system outside 937 SINGLE rll.E IN PROFILE BX 0.020- 0.020 0.010 ~ 0.005 0.005 ffi i ~ 0.000 ::! "~ -0.005 ~ 0.010 "'~ j REI.ATIVF.I.Y R I GDROUS METHOD "'" !;; e! 0.015. ;:; 0.015 -0.005 ;': ~ -0.010- -0.010- -0.015 -0.015-0.020 _ _ _ ___,______..J.__ _ _...J _ _ _ _L . . . _ 10 8 4 2 0 -0.020 -----L- ----'--- --L-- 0.020 "'~ 0.010 ~ ~ 0.005- ~ i ::! "'~ -0.005 -0.005 ~ ~ -0.010 ~ -0.010 -0.015 -0.015. -0.020 - - - - - ' - - - - - - ' - - - - - . l 6 4 2 0 -0.020 - - - - - - - " - - - - - - ' - - - 0 -10 8 Fig. 13 0.020 0.020 TN rROFI!.F. " 0.015 RF:1.1\TIVF:l.Y 0.010- ~ 0.005 "'ffi 6 8 10 Responses of Structure s Supported by Single Piles to Random Bedrock Motions q-rli.F: GROtlr ,.,"' 2 TH1f:(SF.C.) TJHF.(SF.C.) " HF:THOD 0.015 - ~ 0.010 ffi 7\rPROX. .. "' MF.THOD APPROX. 0.015 " 10 8 f!HF.(Sf.C.) 0.020 "'" 6 2 0 rTMF.(SF.C,) R I GO ROllS t-1F.TI!Qf) .. 0.015 ~~ "' 0.010 E ffi 0.005 9-PLLE GROUP IN PROTILE BX RELATIVEJ;'i R tGOROUS Mf:THOD j i ~ ::! -0.005 ~ ~ -0.005 . ~ -0.010 ~ -0.010 -0.015 -·0.015 -0.020'-- -----'----- - - - - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - - ' 10 8 4 0 ----' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____t.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l.~---'-- -0.020 8 4 0 10 '! !tlF.(SH".) lJHE(SF.C.) 0.020 0.020 ""' 0.015 ~ 0.010 ~ ~ 0.005 1\PF'ROX. HETHOD j ~ -0.015 -0.020 L__ _ _. __ _ _, __ _ _. __ _ _, __ _-...J 10 8 6 2 0 ·----L--~---L---___J 2 4 8 8 10 Tntf,(SF.C,) TlHF.(SFC.) Fig. 14 Motions Responses of Structure s Supported by 9-Pile Groups to Random Bedrock 938 OJ(B) OJ(A) Pr (A) Pi'(A) Pi"(A) u < OJ (A) Pi. ci Pi Pi": ;Ji due to radiation damp o 0 =0.2 o 0 ~0.02 30 LI~-·C "s=o.3 20 20 Linear Syslem <t ~ Pi'(B) Pi"(B) Real Port ,' CD Linear _, Syslem<• ,.,.,.,.- -CD--~ 1 Real Port E tr < Complex Force-Disp lacement Relationsh ip of Convention al Soil Model 30 - --"'' ., Pr (9) Pi': Pi due to nonlinear damp OJ (B) P = Pr + ipi Fig. 15 = \.-·· 10 . -- . ,"r.-- ,·.~ 0 ci -- --- E <t 0 15 E <t <t CD.® :/ ...-~ u ~ _-::::-::.::-~cD®@ - 0.02 Gop ({3=0.7) /@Degradation ( 8= n-0.3) dl _._·L__ ___ ,__. _,_·_·_·1___1 ~ ~~~-CD.@.@ ------- ------ •_ __.__ _...._____J _ _ L_ _ _J 0.02 0.04 0.04 Disploceme~l Amp. (in. l Displacement hmp. (in.) Fig. 16 (f) Imag. Part 10- E 0 CD Jnelaslic; : ci 5 - ~--L--~ ____J____ _ j_~ Gap ( /3=0.7) @ Degradation (8= n -o.3 ) 10 ci ~·--- CD Inelastic ® ,\!0/ ------·----------------- (])' ® .@ ..,..,.,..// ~/ 10 CD.®.@ _ . . . t _ _ L _ _ _ ,___ __,__ _ __j 15 · lmog. Part ,' Complex Force-Disp lacement Relationsh ip of Nogami Soil Model force-displ acement relationsh ip of the presented soil model. In this model, the nonlinear behavior in the vicinity of the pile foundation (mechanica l system inside the ring) generates the damping but at the same time reduces the energy transmitte d to the infinity (radiation damping) The net effect is to increase the damping at the frequencie s where the radiation damping is small (low frequencie s), but to reduce the damping at the frequencie s where the radiation damping is large (high frequencie s). approxima tions can cause significan t errors in the computed responses. This is generally pronounced for pile groups and soil profiles containing soft soils at shallow depth. A commonly used nonlinear Winkler soil mode fails to reproduce the coupling between the nonlinear and radiation dampings, and thus overestima tes the damping in the high frequency component responses. All those warrant us that the seismic response of pile-suppo rted structures must be analyzed by using the methods and numerical models based on a careful and rational considerat ion. CONCLUSIONS Seismic responses of pile-suppo rted structures are formulated with the approach developed by the first author. Approxima tions frequently used in the seismic response analysis of pilesupported structures are assessed by using this formulatio n. Some of the routinely used ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work presented in this paper was sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station. 939 REFERENCES Konagai, K. and T. Nogami (1987), "Time-Domain Axial Response of Dynamically Loaded Pile Groups", J. Enrg. Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. EM3: 417-430. Matlock, H., S.H. Foo and L.-L. Bryant (1978), "Simulation of Lateral Pile Behavior", Proc. Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, ASCE, Pasadena, July: 600-619. Nogami, T. (1980), "Dynamic Stiffness and Damping of Pile Groups in Inhomogeneous Soil", ASCE Special Technical Publication on Dynamic Response of Pile Foundation: Analytical Aspect, October: 31-52. Nogami, T. (1983), "Dynamic Group Effect in Vertical Response of Piles in Group", J. Geotech Engrg, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. GT2: 228243. Nogami, T. (1985), "Flexural Response of Grouped Piles Under Dynamic Loading", Int. J. Earthquake Engrg. and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 13, No.3: 321-336. Nogami, T. and K. Konagai (1986), "Time-Domain Axial Response of Dynamically Loaded Single Piles", J. Engrg. Mechanics, Vol. 112, No. EMl: 1241-1252. Nogami, T. and H. L. Chen (1987), "Prediction of Dynamic Lateral Response of Nonlinear Single Pile Foundation", ASCE Special Technical Publication on Experiment, Analysis and Observation, April: 39-52. Nogami, T. and K. Konagai (1987b), "Dynamic Response of Vertically Loaded Nonlinear Pile Foundations", J. Engrg. Mechanics, Vol. 113, No. EM2: 147-160. Nogami, T. and K. Konagai (1988a), "Time-Domain Flexural Response of Dynamically Loaded Single Piles", J. Engrg. Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 114, EM9: 1512-1513. Nogami, T., K. Konagai and J. Otani (1988b), "Nonlinear Pile Foundation Model for TimeDomain Dynamic Response Analysis", Proc. 9 th World Conf. Earthq. Engrg., Vol. 3, TokyoKyoto, Aug. : 593-598. Nogami, T., J. Otani K. Konagai and H. J. Chen (1991), "Nonlinear Soil-Pile Interaction Model for Dynamic Lateral Motion", J. Geotech. Engrg., ASCE, to appear. Novak, M. (1975), "Dynamic Stiffness and Damping of Piles", J. Can. Geotech. Engrg., NRC of Canada, Vol. 11, No. 4: 574-698. Roesset, J. M. (1984), "Dynamic Stiffness of Pile Group", ASCE Special Technical Publication on Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations, October: 263-286. Sanchez-Salinero , I. (1983), "Dynamic Stiffness of Pile Group", Geotechnical Engineering Report GR83-5, Civil Engineering Dept., Univ. Texas at Austin, July. 940
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