20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 8 2 3 1 14 2 9 1 1 2 14 1 2 11 3 6 1 1 2 9 2 8 1 2 3 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle YEAR 1952 1958 1961 1966 1966 1966 1970 1970 1971 1972 1980 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 WINE Ch Lafite Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Lynch Bages Ch Lynch Bages Ch Troplong Mondot Ch Troplong Mondot Ch Beychevelle Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Latour Ch Cheval Blanc Ch Cheval Blanc Ch Cos d'Estournel Ch Ducru Beaucaillou Ch Grand Puy Ducasse Ch Gruaud Larose Ch Gruaud Larose Ch Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Latour Ch Lynch Bages Ch Margaux Ch Margaux Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Cos d'Estournel Ch Du Tertre Ch Duhart Milon Ch Lafite Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Lafite Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Margaux Ch Mouton Rothschild Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE STATUS £ 995 £ 650 £ 350 £ 40 £ 45 £ 40 £ 60 £ 250 £ 425 £ 250 £ 225 £ 690 £ 650 £ 3,500 £ 240 £ 595 £ 250 £ 2,950 £ 495 £ 1,750 £ 1,350 £ 210 £ 700 £ 800 £ 900 £ 980 £ 11,750 £ 85 £ 35 £ 550 ib £ 400 £ 300 £ 700 £ 155 £ 2,100 £ 350 £ 275 20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 6 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 6 4 1 3 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 2 1 11 1 2 1 2 10 1 8 2 2 7 1 11 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 WINE Ch Palmer Ch Cos d'Estournel Ch Haut Brion Ch La Mission Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Margaux Ch Montrose Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Palmer Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Carruades de Lafite Ch Beaumont Ch Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Mouton Rothschild Carruades de Lafite Ch Beychevelle Ch Duhart Milon Ch Haut Brion Ch Haut Brion Ch Haut Brion Ch Lynch Bages Ch Lynch Bages Ch Pichon Baron Ch Pichon Baron Ch Gruaud Larose Ch L'Evangile Ch Lafite Ch Leoville Barton Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Lynch Bages Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE £ 135 £ 120 £ 300 £ 1,820 £ 700 £ 1,100 £ 13,500 £ 235 £ 3,440 £ 4,800 £ 90 £ 710 £ 720 £ 110 £ 295 £ 350 £ 180 £ 25 £ 250 £ 700 £ 220 £ 1,995 £ 795 £ 1,050 £ 960 £ 11,500 £ 11,240 £ 210 £ 2,740 £ 175 £ 2,100 £ 120 £ 250 £ 700 £ 100 £ 250 £ 210 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 4 9 3 5 2 10 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 1 3 2 1 2 4 1 6 2 1 3 2 3 1 8 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 10 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1992 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 WINE Ch Margaux Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Pichon Baron Ch Tertre Roteboeuf Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Mouton Rothschild Pavillon Rouge du Ch Margaux Ch Ducru Beaucaillou Ch Duhart Milon Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Margaux Ch Margaux Ch Meyney Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Pichon Lalande Ch Talbot Ch La Tour de By Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Latour Ch Latour Ch Leoville Barton Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Pichon Lalande Ch Sociando Mallet Clement Pichon Ch Chasse Spleen Ch Lafite Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Beychevelle Ch La Lagune Ch Lafite Ch Latour Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER PRICE £ 650 £ 275 £ 3,020 £ 3,250 £ 190 £ 250 £ 255 £ 325 £ 3,200 £ 1,100 £ 1,355 £ 625 £ 1,470 £ 400 £ 3,790 £ 285 £ 4,000 £ 1,495 £ 68 £ 100 £ 1,000 £ 10,250 £ 6,900 £ 8,000 £ 780 £ 3,800 £ 1,730 £ 35 £ 220 £ 20 £ 420 £ 75 £ 3,200 £ 695 £ 390 £ 6,800 £ 330 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle YEAR 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 WINE Ch Latour Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Palmer Ch l'Angelus Reserve de Leoville Barton Ch Duhart Milon Ch La Lagune Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Lynch Bages Ch Margaux Ch Palmer Ch Ausone Ch Cheval Blanc Ch Haut Brion Ch La Mission Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Latour Ch Margaux Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Beychevelle Ch Haut Brion Ch Haut Brion Ch La Lagune Ch Latour Ch Leoville Barton Ch Lynch Bages Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Pichon Lalande Ch Charmail Ch Gruaud Larose Ch La Mission Haut Brion Ch Margaux Ch Margaux Carruades de Lafite Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE £ 3,705 £ 330 £ 3,600 £ 1,665 £ 185 £ 30 £ 525 £ 355 £ 650 £ 7,200 £ 1,275 £ 1,005 £ 3,800 £ 1,960 £ 1,500 £ 7,250 £ 595 £ 550 £ 1,300 £ 900 £ 670 £ 950 £ 695 £ 300 £ 3,300 £ 415 £ 4,200 £ 45 £ 850 £ 3,250 £ 80 £ 175 £ 415 £ 1,140 £ 250 £ 4,200 £ 2,000 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 11 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 7 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 7 Bottle 13 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 8 Bottle 9 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 11 Bottle 1 Bottle 5 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 8 Bottle 3 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 10 Bottle 2 Magnum 6 Bottle 7 Bottle YEAR 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 WINE Carruades de Lafite Ch Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Latour Ch Margaux Ch Meyney Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Palmer Ch Palmer Ch Duhart Milon Ch Lafleur Ch Latour Ch Meyney Forts de Latour Petit Mouton Ch Ausone Ch Haut Brion Ch Haut Brion Ch La Mission Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Lafleur Ch Latour Ch Latour Ch Margaux Ch Margaux Ch Meyney Ch Montrose Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Petrus Ch Pichon Lalande Ch Duhart Milon Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Meyney Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE £ 3,400 £ 300 £ 1,000 £ 7,850 £ 10,500 £ 820 £ 550 £ 270 £ 3,800 £ 1,330 £ 1,345 £ 100 £ 300 £ 325 £ 235 £ 2,000 £ 120 £ 1,850 £ 550 £ 6,650 £ 5,000 £ 980 £ 800 £ 685 £ 7,500 £ 670 £ 7,950 £ 290 £ 960 £ 410 £ 4,900 £ 2,235 £ 855 £ 100 £ 1,200 £ 6,750 £ 185 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 10 8 1 6 5 2 2 1 1 1 2 11 3 3 1 9 2 7 2 6 11 3 2 1 9 4 1 1 8 1 8 5 1 1 3 1 1 SIZE Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 WINE Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Palmer Ch Petrus Ch La Dominique Pavillon Rouge du Ch Margaux Ch Cheval Blanc Ch Cos d'Estournel Ch Haut Brion Ch Haut Brion Ch Haut Brion Ch Lafite Ch Lafite Ch Latour Ch Leoville Poyferre Ch Margaux Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Palmer Ch de Fieuzal Forts de Latour Carruades de Lafite Ch Cantemerle Ch Giscours Ch Grand Puy Lacoste Ch Gruaud Larose Ch La Pointe Ch Lagrange Ch Leoville Lascases Ch Leoville Poyferre Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch Pontet Canet Clos du Marquis Ch Duhart Milon Ch Grand Puy Lacoste Ch Montrose Ch Pontet Canet Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER PRICE £ 360 £ 4,300 £ 1,150 £ 1,200 £ 18 £ 1,100 £ 4,200 £ 780 £ 400 £ 4,400 £ 4,200 £ 750 £ 5,100 £ 495 £ 540 £ 450 £ 450 £ 4,200 £ 1,400 £ 20 £ 180 £ 160 £ 250 £ 420 £ 600 £ 42 £ 240 £ 340 £ 1,830 £ 1,650 £ 6,800 £ 1,750 £ 340 £ 680 £ 695 £ 1,800 £ 1,750 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux Red Bordeaux White Bordeaux White Bordeaux White Bordeaux White Bordeaux White Bordeaux White Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 15 Bottle 2 Bottle 30 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Magnum 4 Half Bottle 3 Half Bottle 4 Bottle 1 Bottle 7 Bottle 7 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 7 Bottle 12 Bottle 3 Magnum 3 Bottle 10 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Magnum 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 20 Bottle 8 Bottle 11 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle YEAR 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 1983 2002 2002 2003 2003 2009 1966 1967 1970 1970 1975 1977 1980 1980 1980 1982 1982 1983 1985 1994 1997 2003 2011 2011 1795 1795 1820 1825 WINE Ch Tertre Roteboeuf Domaine de Cambes G de Guinaudeau Carruades de Lafite Ch Montrose Ch Montrose Ch Langoa Barton Ch Mouton Rothschild Ch d'Yquem Ch Carbonnieux - Blanc Ch Haut Brion Blanc Ch La Tour Blanche Ch Suduiraut Ch Rieussec Warre - believed Cockburn Croft Offley Boa Vista Cockburn Warre Dow Dow Warre Graham LBV Graham LBV Warre Warre Warre Vintage Port Taylor Cockburn Quinta do Roriz Tawny Port - Old Master Terrantez Velhissimo - Unknown Grape (bottled 1921) `Madeira` `S` - Kassab seals Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Primo Palatum EB Hatch Mansfield Ferraz (H. Cunha family) (Vanda Goncalves family) (Vanda Goncalves family) PRICE £ 1,450 £ 275 £ 220 £ 1,320 £ 640 £ 635 £ 300 £ 2,915 £ 295 £ 210 £ 695 £ 15 £ 20 £ 575 £ 75 £ 45 £ 50 £ 55 £ 30 £ 50 £ 780 £ 720 £ 450 £ 20 £ 240 £ 40 £ 450 £ 495 £ 200 £ 595 £ 420 £ 365 £ 15 £ 3,105 £ 2,875 £ 670 £ 1,035 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 9 1 2 1 4 3 1 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 3 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1827 1827 1828 1830 1830 1830 1830 1834 1836 1840 1845 1850 1851 1860 1861 1862 1864 1865 1870 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1880 1880 1880 1880 1887 1890 1890 1891 1891 WINE Boal Boal Boal (Braheem Kassab) Malmsey Malvazia Malvazia `M` Malvazia MJ (Madeira) Bual `S` Verdelho Reserva Solera - Verdelho Madeira Old Reserve `Reserve` Sercial Reserva Sercial Sercial Malmsey Terrantez Verdelho [believed 1871] Sercial Verdelho Boal Malvasia Reserva Moscatel Reserva Sercial Sercial Reserva Boal PJL Malvazia Pico do Rato Terrantez Verdelho Boal Verdelho Reserva Sercial Sercial Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER (Serrado) Quinta do Serrado BAK Seal Borges Serrado (P.Silva family) Barbeito Miguel Jardim Rutherford & Miles JCA & Cia Pereira d`Oliveira BBR bottled 1973 Barros e Sousa (Perestrello family) Pereira d`Oliveira Torre Bella Estate Vinhos da Madeira Blandy Dr. Cannavial Herdade Dr. MJ Vieira, A. F Serrado, Barbeito bottled Borges Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira (Vanda Goncalves family) Pereira d`Oliveira Barros family Kassab Tavares de Silva PJ d`Oliveira Blandy Barros e Sousa Pereira d`Oliveira [Araujo family] Araujo de Barros Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE STATUS £ 1,665 £ 2,360 £ 1,980 £ 1,075 £ 1,265 £ 1,060 £ 835 £ 555 £ 625 £ 475 £ 1,015 £ 630 £ 450 £ 555 £ 900 £ 600 £ 1,265 £ 600 £ 600 £ 2,015 £ 900 £ 775 £ 975 £ 670 £ 570 £ 570 £ 555 £ 570 £ 610 £ 805 £ 715 £ 1,380 £ 925 £ 520 £ 485 £ 460 £ 510 20/01/2015 REGION Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 10 3 1 2 3 1 8 5 3 1 1 7 1 6 6 2 1 1 6 1 3 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1895 1895 1897 1897 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1903 1905 1905 1907 1908 1908 1910 1910 1910 1910 1912 1913 1913 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1922 1925 1927 1927 1932 1932 1934 1934 1934 1934 WINE Bual Malvasia Reserva Boal Bual Malmsey Solera - Bual `M` PL. Vale Doce Velh Padre Vale Bual Reserva Sercial Verdelho Reserva Malvasia Reserva Bual Bual Reserva Pl. Vale Sercial Sercial LMR Verdelho Verdelho Reserva Verdelho Verdelho Bual Bual Malvazia FV Solera - Malmsey Solera - Malmsey Bual Reserva Boal Bastardo Reserva SJ - St John Vineyard Solera - Malvazia Verdelho - Demijohn Selection Bual Bual SJ - St John Vineyard Verdelho Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Cossart Gordon Pereira d`Oliveira unknown producer Cossart Gordon Justino Henriques Barros (Vanda Goncalves family) unknown producer Pereira d`Oliveira Cossart Gordon Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Cossart Gordon Pereira d`Oliveira Kassab Blandy (Guerreiro family) Blandy Pereira d`Oliveira (Paulo da Silva family) (Vanda Goncalves family) Blandy Blandy [Barbeito] Borges Madeira Wine Co Pereira d`Oliveira (P.Silva family) Pereira d`Oliveira Leacock Cellar [Barros e Sousa] Blandy Cossart Gordon Leacock Leacock Cossart Gordon Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE STATUS £ 500 £ 415 £ 625 £ 715 £ 575 £ 315 £ 555 £ 315 £ 325 £ 390 £ 450 £ 310 £ 300 £ 575 £ 275 £ 335 £ 500 £ 380 £ 320 £ 275 £ 520 £ 495 £ 325 £ 660 £ 460 £ 210 £ 210 £ 210 £ 300 £ 295 £ 330 £ 230 £ 460 £ 405 £ 385 £ 360 £ 365 20/01/2015 REGION Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 2 1 2 5 3 4 3 1 1 3 1 12 4 1 4 2 12 7 6 7 6 4 4 8 5 7 10 3 1 3 6 9 6 11 11 11 5 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1934 1936 1937 1940 1940 1941 1946 1946 1950 1952 1954 1954 1954 1958 1958 1960 1961 1963 1966 1966 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1971 1971 1971 1971 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 WINE Verdelho Malvasia Sercial Reserva Sercial Sercial - Demijohn Selection Boal Solera - Boal Solera - Malvazia Sercial 1952-1976 Reserve Sercial Silver Jubilee Solera - Verdelho (Veltro) Sercial Terrantez Verdelho - Demijohn Selection Bual Bual - Demijohn Selection Sercial Bual Sercial Bual Verdelho Reserva Bual Bual Reserva Verdelho Bual Bual Sercial Sercial Reserva Bual Malvazia Sercial Sercial Reserva Bual Reserva Verdelho Verdelho Verdelho Verdelho Reserva Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Rutherford & Miles unknown producer Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Blandy Cossart Gordon Barros e Sousa Barros e Sousa Rutherford & Miles Lomelino Cossart Gordon Henriques & Henriques Blandy Blandy Blandy Cossart Gordon Cossart Gordon Leacock Leacock Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Blandy Cossart Gordon Leacock Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Miles Henriques & Henriques Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Cossart Gordon Leacock Pereira d`Oliveira PRICE STATUS £ 450 £ 175 £ 165 £ 180 ib £ 295 £ 405 £ 200 £ 255 £ 220 £ 115 £ 175 £ 155 £ 365 £ 380 £ 210 £ 320 £ 145 £ 225 £ 180 £ 140 £ 110 £ 160 £ 95 £ 155 £ 165 £ 150 £ 125 £ 85 £ 175 £ 225 £ 180 £ 70 £ 125 £ 175 £ 130 £ 145 £ 80 20/01/2015 REGION Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 14 10 13 8 2 11 1 9 3 4 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 1 5 2 1 8 1 1 2 1 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1980 1981 1981 1983 1984 1984 1985 1987 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1996 2000 1942 1947 WINE Verdelho Verdelho Bual Terrantez Bual Reserva Terrantez Terrantez Reserva Verdelho Bual Reserva Bual Reserva Colheita Sercial Colheita Verdelho Colheita Bual Colheita Bual Verdelho Colheita Verdelho Colheita Bual Colheita Terrantez Malmsey Malmsey Colheita Malvasia Colheita Sercial Colheita Malvasia Colheita Malvasia Colheita Bual Colheita Verdelho Colheita Malvasia Colheita Verdelho Boal Velho Bual - Duo Centenary Camara do Lobos Fine Malmsey Madeira A btd in the 1920,s Leacock Cellar Old Tenerife Goelet Family re corked 1915 Visconde de Valle Paraiso La Tache La Tache Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Blandy Cossart Gordon Cossart Gordon Blandy Pereira d`Oliveira Cossart Gordon Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Blandy Blandy Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira Pereira d`Oliveira (Cayres family) Cossart Gordon Madeira Wine Association Henriques & Henriques (Vanda Goncalves family) Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE STATUS £ 150 £ 145 £ 130 £ 140 £ 75 £ 130 £ 80 £ 140 £ 55 £ 70 £ 65 £ 65 £ 65 £ 65 £ 95 £ 60 £ 60 £ 60 £ 160 £ 170 £ 55 £ 50 £ 50 £ 45 £ 45 £ 45 £ 40 £ 40 £ 450 £ 175 £ 325 £ 45 £ 180 £ 540 £ 840 £ 2,650 £ 4,200 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1952 1959 1961 1962 1962 1963 1966 1966 1967 1967 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1978 1978 WINE Romanee Conti La Tache Romanee Conti Romanee Conti Romanee Conti Romanee Conti La Tache Romanee Conti La Tache Richebourg Bonnes Mares Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Echezeaux Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Richebourg Romanee Conti La Tache Romanee Conti Grands Echezeaux Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant La Tache Richebourg Richebourg Echezeaux La Tache Romanee Conti Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin Romanee Conti Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Clair Dau Prosper Maufoux Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Mommesin Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Fax: (44) 01494 866680 PRICE STATUS £ 6,500 £ 3,600 £ 7,250 £ 8,950 £ 9,500 £ 5,950 £ 2,100 £ 7,400 £ 1,050 £ 760 £ 500 £ 90 £ 1,450 £ 1,250 £ 5,750 £ 495 £ 550 £ 540 £ 650 £ 4,500 £ 3,000 £ 8,950 £ 680 £ 850 £ 6,200 £ 480 £ 850 £ 680 £ 740 £ 550 £ 960 £ 5,750 £ 560 £ 360 £ 6,100 £ 1,100 £ 1,200 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 6 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 5 12 6 1 2 1 3 1 1 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 WINE La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant La Tache La Tache Grands Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Richebourg Romanee St Vivant Romanee St Vivant Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Romanee St Vivant Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Grands Echezeaux Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Beaune - Chouacheux Charmes Chambertin Romanee Conti Chambertin - Clos de Beze Grands Echezeaux Richebourg Romanee Conti Chambolle Musigny - les Fuees Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Machard de Gramont Serafin Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Mugnier Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE STATUS £ 3,600 £ 2,800 £ 8,950 £ 1,050 £ 1,950 £ 2,100 £ 695 £ 650 £ 720 £ 650 £ 750 £ 510 £ 650 £ 14,500 £ 650 £ 500 £ 650 £ 1,250 £ 2,600 £ 2,100 £ 10,950 £ 720 £ 950 £ 6,250 £ 780 £ 25 £ 100 £ 6,500 £ 750 £ 760 £ 980 £ 8,650 £ 180 £ 750 £ 1,250 £ 950 £ 7,400 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 2 1 4 1 3 2 2 1 3 5 1 1 2 2 1 9 12 6 6 2 1 3 9 4 2 3 3 1 6 6 1 1 1 2 6 37 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle cs Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle cs Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 WINE Romanee St Vivant Chambertin - Clos de Beze Grands Echezeaux La Tache Pommard - Epeneaux Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Volnay - Santenots Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Assortment Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee St Vivant Volnay - Clos des Ducs Assortment Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Chambolle Musigny - Combe d'Orveaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Comte Armand Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Lafon Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Lafarge Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Taupenot-Merme Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 780 £ 1,650 £ 1,100 £ 3,600 £ 125 £ 2,200 £ 14,500 £ 1,150 £ 125 £ 650 £ 2,100 £ 1,050 £ 8,500 £ 825 £ 495 £ 550 £ 1,150 £ 1,350 £ 750 £ 8,500 £ 595 £ 25,500 £ 550 £ 720 £ 1,600 £ 980 £ 750 £ 180 £ 19,950 £ 640 £ 1,100 £ 750 £ 8,400 £ 495 £ 850 £ 750 £ 1,600 STATUS ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 6 1 5 1 1 3 6 6 2 13 7 1 1 1 5 3 14 12 6 1 2 4 6 3 1 17 2 5 2 2 10 8 28 3 2 7 9 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle cs Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle cs Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 WINE La Tache Richebourg Romanee St Vivant Volnay - Clos des Ducs Chambertin - Clos de Beze Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin Gevrey Chambertin Clos st Jacques Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Volnay Volnay - Champans Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Richebourg Assortment Charmes Chambertin Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Assortment Bourgogne Rouge - Cuvee Pressonniers Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St Jacques Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Volnay Champans Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Marquis d'Angerville Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Dugat - Claude Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Lafarge Marquis d'Angerville Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Taupenot-Merme Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Roty Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Lafon Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 1,650 £ 980 £ 720 £ 2,225 £ 660 £ 650 £ 100 £ 450 £ 750 £ 1,750 £ 1,150 £ 8,600 £ 750 £ 40 £ 990 £ 550 £ 650 £ 660 £ 850 £ 21,500 £ 1,390 £ 595 £ 1,350 £ 850 £ 6,950 £ 690 £ 32,500 £ 30 £ 800 £ 5,900 £ 900 £ 2,750 £ 1,950 £ 9,800 £ 900 £ 70 £ 595 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 1 cs 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 7 Bottle 24 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 13 Bottle 1 cs 1 Bottle 15 Bottle 8 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 21 Bottle 2 Bottle 5 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 8 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 1 Bottle 9 Bottle 1 Magnum 8 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 9 Bottle 3 Bottle 11 Bottle 5 Bottle 4 Bottle YEAR 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 WINE Assortment Chambertin Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Assortment Chambertin Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Griottes Chambertin La Tache La Tache Morey St Denis - La Riotte Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Romanee St Vivant Chambertin Chambertin Echezeaux Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St Jacques Grands Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache Mazoyeres Chambertin Richebourg Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Volnay Champans Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Fourrier Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Taupenot-Merme Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Engel Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Taupenot-Merme Domaine Romanee Conti Gros, Anne-Francoise Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Lafon Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 19,850 £ 550 £ 640 £ 750 £ 1,450 £ 1,475 £ 900 £ 8,700 £ 780 £ 19,950 £ 650 £ 595 £ 750 £ 320 £ 1,495 £ 1,500 £ 680 £ 950 £ 8,500 £ 795 £ 800 £ 850 £ 10,200 £ 645 £ 325 £ 4,500 £ 750 £ 1,500 £ 1,650 £ 1,390 £ 1,250 £ 390 £ 8,500 £ 790 £ 65 £ 550 £ 495 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 2 Bottle 19 Bottle 1 Bottle 13 Bottle 13 Bottle 9 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 30 Bottle 11 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 cs 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Magnum 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 21 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 21 Bottle 33 Bottle 1 Magnum 3 Bottle 5 Bottle 2 cs YEAR 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 WINE Charmes Chambertin TVV Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St Jacques Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St Jacques Grands Echezeaux Griottes Chambertin La Tache La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Romanee St Vivant Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - 1er Cru Gevrey Chambertin - Lavaux St Jacques Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Assortment Bonnes Mares Bonnes Mares Chambertin Charmes Chambertin Charmes Chambertin Charmes Chambertin Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - 1er Cru Grands Echezeaux La Tache Richebourg Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Assortment Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Roty Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Fourrier Domaine Romanee Conti Dugat - Claude Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Dugat-Py Dugat-Py Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti de Vogue de Vogue Rousseau Serafin Bachelet Dujac Domaine Romanee Conti Dugat-Py Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 1,500 £ 610 £ 290 £ 210 £ 950 £ 450 £ 1,650 £ 1,750 £ 1,250 £ 8,650 £ 780 £ 825 £ 585 £ 85 £ 95 £ 660 £ 1,350 £ 850 £ 6,900 £ 690 £ 440 £ 33,750 £ 350 £ 4,200 £ 1,100 £ 280 £ 440 £ 230 £ 750 £ 115 £ 950 £ 2,500 £ 1,450 £ 3,800 £ 9,500 £ 1,100 £ 18,000 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 11 2 18 5 5 2 2 10 4 3 2 3 3 1 32 24 22 8 2 2 36 1 4 69 1 1 6 2 15 1 9 3 12 21 4 37 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 WINE Chambertin - Clos de Beze Clos de la Roche Corton - Rognet Echezeaux Mazis Chambertin Nuits St Georges - Les Pruliers Richebourg Richebourg Romanee St Vivant Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Chambertin - Clos de Beze Corton Rognet Echezeaux Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - Clos St Jacques Grands Echezeaux La Tache Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges - Clos des Porrets Nuits St Georges - Pruliers Richebourg Richebourg Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Beaune - Clos du Roi Chambertin - Clos de Beze Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Tache La Tache Nuits St Georges - Clos des Porrets Nuits St Georges - Grandes Vignes Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Rousseau Le Moine Bertrand Ambroise Domaine Romanee Conti Le Moine Henri Gouges Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Le Moine Taupenot-Merme Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Bertrand Ambroise Henri Gouges Taupenot-Merme Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Jean-Jacques Girard Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Henri Gouges Daniel Rion Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 400 £ 75 £ 420 £ 600 £ 100 £ 420 £ 850 £ 1,650 £ 720 £ 495 £ 140 £ 690 £ 540 £ 550 £ 3,000 £ 650 £ 1,250 £ 210 £ 365 £ 530 £ 720 £ 725 £ 1,600 £ 7,200 £ 650 £ 185 £ 450 £ 550 £ 650 £ 720 £ 1,350 £ 1,395 £ 365 £ 225 £ 880 £ 7,300 £ 850 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 9 1 1 1 2 1 3 12 5 7 6 18 4 13 21 4 1 3 46 2 2 31 30 1 7 9 2 75 2 2 7 3 2 7 18 17 8 SIZE Bottle cs cs cs Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 WINE Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Assortment Assortment Assortment Chambertin - Clos de Beze Chambertin - Vieilles Vignes Chambolle Musigny Chambolle Musigny - Charmes Chambolle Musigny - Plantes Chapelle Chambertin VV Charmes Chambertin Corton Corton - Rognet Echezeaux Echezeaux Echezeaux Echezeaux Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux Griottes Chambertin La Romanee La Tache La Tache La Tache Mazoyeres Chambertin Morey St Denis Morey St Denis - Clos de la Bussiere Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges - Aux Perdrix Nuits St Georges - En Rue de Chaux Nuits St Georges - Les Pruliers Nuits St Georges Au Bas de Combe Richebourg Richebourg Romanee Conti Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Perrot-Minot Perrot-Minot Pousse d'Or Amiot-Servelle Amiot-Servelle Perrot-Minot Perrot-Minot Domaine Romanee Conti Bertrand Ambroise Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Liger-Belair Daniel Rion Jacques Cacheux et Fils Domaine Romanee Conti Fourrier Liger-Belair Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Perrot-Minot Daniel Rion F & S Roumier Bertrand Ambroise Domaines des Perdrix Henri Gouges Domaines des Perdrix Bertrand Ambroise Henri Gouges Jacques Cacheux et Fils Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 495 £ 26,000 £ 23,500 £ 29,000 £ 2,500 £ 2,800 £ 425 £ 475 £ 395 £ 175 £ 165 £ 720 £ 455 £ 580 £ 610 £ 480 £ 820 £ 735 £ 750 £ 550 £ 1,900 £ 1,950 £ 2,200 £ 5,200 £ 185 £ 230 £ 90 £ 245 £ 330 £ 310 £ 530 £ 365 £ 535 £ 240 £ 1,100 £ 1,350 £ 8,950 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 14 6 34 1 2 16 2 1 5 3 2 6 7 8 1 6 2 5 12 6 12 6 2 31 3 31 24 3 1 6 6 1 41 12 28 3 1 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle cs Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle cs YEAR 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 WINE Romanee St Vivant Romanee St Vivant Romanee St Vivant Vosne Romanee Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Vougeot - Les Cras Assortment Beaune Bonnes Mares Chambertin - Clos de Beze Chambolle Musigny Chambolle Musigny - Charmes Chambolle Musigny - Plantes Chambolle Musigny - les Cras Chapelle Chambertin Clos de la Roche Corton Corton Corton - Cuvee du Bourdon Echezeaux Echezeaux Echezeaux Grands Echezeaux La Romanee La Tache La Tache Mazis Chambertin Morey St Denis Morey St Denis - Clos de la Bussiere Morey St Denis - Cuvee Alouettes Musigny Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Ruchottes Chambertin Assortment Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Hudelot Noellat Domaine Romanee Conti Domaines des Perdrix Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Bertrand Ambroise Domaine Romanee Conti Nuiton-Beaunoy Mugnier Rousseau Amiot-Servelle Amiot-Servelle Amiot-Servelle Roumier Rossignol-Trapet Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Ponsot Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Liger-Belair Domaine Romanee Conti Liger-Belair Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Amiot-Servelle Roumier Ponsot de Vogue Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Rousseau Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 1,000 £ 340 £ 950 £ 400 £ 495 £ 535 £ 405 £ 23,500 £ 145 £ 350 £ 950 £ 300 £ 445 £ 375 £ 160 £ 80 £ 260 £ 650 £ 660 £ 125 £ 580 £ 610 £ 520 £ 750 £ 1,900 £ 2,100 £ 2,200 £ 225 £ 255 £ 85 £ 65 £ 450 £ 1,100 £ 8,650 £ 950 £ 275 £ 18,500 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 10 Bottle 6 Bottle 2 Bottle 30 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 58 Bottle 1 Bottle 20 Bottle 5 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 5 Bottle 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 24 Bottle 8 Bottle 79 Bottle 8 Bottle 3 Bottle 9 Bottle 8 Bottle 5 Bottle 6 Bottle 5 Bottle 15 Bottle 9 Bottle 4 Bottle 3 Bottle 4 Bottle 2 Bottle 5 Bottle 2 Bottle YEAR 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 WINE Assortment Bonnes Mares Bonnes Mares Chambolle Musigny Chambolle Musigny Clos de la Roche Corton Echezeaux Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - Vieilles Vignes Grands Echezeaux La Romanee La Tache Morey St Denis Musigny Musigny Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges - Les Chaignots Pommard - Vieilles Vignes Richebourg Romanee Conti Romanee St Vivant Savigny les Beaune - Peuillets Vosne Romanee - 1er Cru Aloxe Corton Beaune - Clos du Roi Beaune - Les Tuvilains Bonnes Mares Bourgogne Champs d'Argent Bourgogne Pinot Noir Chambolle Musigny - Fremieres Chambolle Musigny - Sentiers Charmes Chambertin Chassagne Montrachet - Vieilles Vignes Chorey Les Beaune - Beaumonts Clos de La Roche Corton - Rognet Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Ponsot Roumier de Vogue de Vogue Amiot-Servelle Ponsot Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Rossignol-Trapet Domaine Romanee Conti Liger-Belair Domaine Romanee Conti Amiot-Servelle de Vogue Mugnier Domaines des Perdrix Henri Gouges Jean-Jacques Girard Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Jean-Jacques Girard Domaine Romanee Conti Jean-Jacques Girard Jean-Jacques Girard Bertrand Ambroise de Vogue Jacques Cacheux et Fils Michel Magnien Michel Magnien Michel Magnien Michel Magnien Jean-Marc Pillot Jean-Jacques Girard Michel Magnien Bertrand Ambroise PRICE £ 4,100 £ 495 £ 310 £ 90 £ 335 £ 395 £ 550 £ 550 £ 590 £ 265 £ 680 £ 1,495 £ 1,295 £ 280 £ 450 £ 510 £ 305 £ 365 £ 210 £ 950 £ 6,900 £ 895 £ 165 £ 450 £ 225 £ 225 £ 205 £ 310 £ 135 £ 145 £ 320 £ 570 £ 1,125 £ 185 £ 145 £ 1,125 £ 485 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy Red Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 4 Bottle 5 Bottle 4 Bottle 9 Bottle 1 Bottle 5 Bottle 8 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 3 Bottle 6 Bottle 3 Bottle 3 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 4 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 6 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 12 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Half Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 8 Bottle 18 Bottle YEAR 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1975 1986 1989 1993 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1999 2000 2001 WINE Cote de Nuits Villages Echezeaux Gevrey Chambertin - Cazetiers Gevrey Chambertin - Seuvrees - V.V. Gevrey Chambertin - Vieilles Vignes Morey St Denis - Millandes Morey St Denis - Monts Luisants Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges Nuits St Georges - Clos des Porrets Nuits St Georges - En Rue de Chaux Nuits St Georges - Les Chaignots Nuits St Georges - Les Pruliers Nuits St Georges - Vaucrains Nuits St Georges - Vieilles Vignes Nuits St Georges - Vieilles Vignes Nuits St Georges - Vignes Rondes Pernand Vergelesses - Les Vergelesses Santenay - Champs Claude Savigny les Beaune Volnay - Champans Volnay - Fremiets Vosne Romanee - Aux Damaudes Vosne Romanee - Vieilles Vignes Vougeot - Les Cras Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Chablis - Bougros Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Bertrand Ambroise Jacques Cacheux et Fils Michel Magnien Michel Magnien Rossignol-Trapet Michel Magnien Michel Magnien Bertrand Ambroise Henri Gouges Henri Gouges Bertrand Ambroise Henri Gouges Henri Gouges Bertrand Ambroise Bertrand Ambroise Michel Magnien Daniel Rion Jean-Jacques Girard Jean-Marc Pillot Jean-Jacques Girard Marquis d'Angerville Marquis d'Angerville Bertrand Ambroise Michel Magnien Bertrand Ambroise Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Sauzet Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Verget Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti PRICE £ 150 £ 705 £ 570 £ 270 £ 265 £ 445 £ 255 £ 265 £ 310 £ 450 £ 405 £ 420 £ 535 £ 420 £ 290 £ 270 £ 405 £ 195 £ 170 £ 150 £ 745 £ 620 £ 275 £ 320 £ 420 £ 1,650 £ 5,100 £ 3,600 £ 3,000 £ 95 £ 3,850 £ 3,800 £ 40 £ 3,600 £ 3,950 £ 2,650 £ 2,750 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 2 2 1 2 9 4 1 2 1 1 6 1 4 2 6 1 1 6 2 4 6 1 1 37 2 4 1 6 2 18 1 1 24 1 2 5 32 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 WINE Montrachet Bourgogne Chardonnay Meursault - Perrieres Montrachet Puligny Montrachet - Folatieres Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Montrachet Puligny Montrachet - Vieilles Vignes Bourgogne Blanc Chablis - Montee de Tonnerre Chassagne Montrachet - Champs Gain Meursault - Rougeots Montrachet Puligny Montrachet - Champs Gains Bienvenues Batard Montrachet Chevalier Montrachet Meursault - Perrieres Montrachet Meursault - Meix Chavaux Montrachet Batard Montrachet Chassagne Montrachet - Chenevottes Montrachet Batard Montrachet Bourgogne Aligote Chablis - Chapelot Chablis - Mont de Milieu Chassagne Montrachet - Macherelles Corton Charlemagne Corton Charlemagne Meursault Meursault Montrachet Montrachet Puligny Montrachet Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Domaine Romanee Conti Coche-Dury Coche-Dury Domaine Romanee Conti Leflaive Domaine Romanee Conti Leflaive Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Vincent Girardin Leflaive Billaud-Simon Vincent Jouard Coche-Dury Domaine Romanee Conti Vincent Girardin Vincent Girardin Leflaive Coche-Dury Domaine Romanee Conti Roulot Domaine Romanee Conti Le Moine Jean-Marc Pillot Domaine Romanee Conti Leflaive Leroy Raveneau Billaud-Simon Louis Carillon Coche-Dury Jean-Jacques Girard Coche-Dury Coche-Dury Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Louis Carillon PRICE £ 2,500 £ 105 £ 1,300 £ 2,850 £ 120 £ 2,600 £ 3,000 £ 2,500 £ 2,600 £ 395 £ 30 £ 370 £ 295 £ 395 £ 3,200 £ 38 £ 1,270 £ 285 £ 765 £ 2,750 £ 80 £ 2,650 £ 240 £ 335 £ 2,500 £ 225 £ 350 £ 70 £ 180 £ 455 £ 1,450 £ 570 £ 175 £ 2,100 £ 2,500 £ 2,650 £ 315 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 5 Bottle 11 Half Bottle 8 Half Bottle 18 Magnum 4 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 11 Bottle 53 Bottle 9 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 18 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 10 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 8 Bottle 60 Bottle 8 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 2 Bottle 3 Bottle 13 Bottle 4 Bottle 3 Bottle 22 Bottle 3 Bottle 4 Bottle 7 Bottle 8 Bottle 5 Bottle 21 Bottle 11 Bottle 6 Bottle YEAR 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 WINE Puligny Montrachet - Le Cailleret Chablis - Mont de Milieu Chablis - Montee de Tonnerre Chablis - Tete d'Or Chablis - Vaudesir Meursault - Genevrieres Montrachet Montrachet Puligny Montrachet Bourgogne Chardonnay Chablis - Forets Chassagne Montrachet - Chaumees Chassagne Montrachet - Macherelles Chassagne Montrachet - Vieilles Vignes Corton Charlemagne Meursault Meursault - Perrieres Montagny - Vieilles Vignes Montrachet Puligny Montrachet Puligny Montrachet - Champs Canet Puligny Montrachet - Clavoillons Puligny Montrachet - Combettes Puligny Montrachet - Enseigneres Puligny Montrachet - Les Clavoillons Puligny Montrachet - Les Perrieres Puligny Montrachet - Perrieres Bienvenues Batard Montrachet Bourgogne Chardonnay Bourgogne Pinot Blanc Chablis - Fourchaume Chablis - Mont de Milieu Chablis - Mont de Milieu Chablis - Montee de Tonnerre Chablis - Vaillons Chassagne Montrachet Chassagne Montrachet - Chaumees Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Pousse d'Or Billaud-Simon Billaud-Simon Billaud-Simon Billaud-Simon Coche-Dury Domaine Romanee Conti Domaine Romanee Conti Louis Carillon Michel Bouzereau Dauvissat Vincent Jouard Louis Carillon Vincent Jouard Coche-Dury Coche-Dury Coche-Dury Stephane Aladame Domaine Romanee Conti Louis Carillon Louis Carillon Leflaive Leflaive Coche-Dury Jean-Louis Chavy Jean-Louis Chavy Louis Carillon Leflaive Michel Bouzereau Henri Gouges Billaud-Simon Billaud-Simon Samuel Billaud Billaud-Simon Billaud-Simon Jean-Marc Pillot Vincent Jouard PRICE £ 690 £ 200 £ 215 £ 150 £ 370 £ 540 £ 3,200 £ 2,750 £ 315 £ 140 £ 320 £ 305 £ 425 £ 220 £ 1,450 £ 180 £ 760 £ 140 £ 2,500 £ 300 £ 490 £ 58 £ 110 £ 250 £ 300 £ 300 £ 515 £ 220 £ 150 £ 155 £ 205 £ 185 £ 180 £ 205 £ 160 £ 275 £ 320 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib IB ib ib ib ib ib ib IB ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Burgundy White Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 4 Bottle 9 Bottle 17 Bottle 4 Bottle 5 Bottle 8 Bottle 3 Bottle 3 Bottle 4 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 13 Bottle 14 Bottle 15 Bottle 28 Bottle 50 Bottle 3 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 8 Bottle 11 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 9 Bottle 3 Bottle 16 Bottle 11 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle YEAR 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1978 1983 1985 1985 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 WINE Chassagne Montrachet - Chenevottes Chassagne Montrachet - Macherelles Chassagne Montrachet - Maltroie Chassagne Montrachet - Morgeot Chassagne Montrachet - Vieilles Vignes Meursault Meursault - Blagny Meursault - En L'Ormeau Meursault - Grands Charrons Meursault - Perrieres Meursault - Santenots Montagny - Vieilles Vignes Montagny - Vignes Derriere Pernand Vergelesses - Belles Filles Pouilly Fuisse Puligny Montrachet Puligny Montrachet - Champs Canet Puligny Montrachet - Champs Gain Puligny Montrachet - Enseigneres Puligny Montrachet - La Garenne Puligny Montrachet - Les Perrieres Puligny Montrachet - Noyers Brets Puligny Montrachet - Perrieres Puligny Montrachet - Reuchaux Puligny Montrachet - Trezin Saint Aubin - Champ Tirant Saint Romain - Periere Saint Romain - Vieilles Vignes Hermitage - La Chapelle Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Turque Hermitage - Marquise de la Tourette Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Turque Ermitage - Pavillon Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Jean-Marc Pillot Louis Carillon Vincent Jouard Vincent Jouard Vincent Jouard Coche-Dury Gerard Thomas Boyer-Martenot Michel Bouzereau Coche-Dury Marquis d'Angerville Stephane Aladame Stephane Aladame Jean-Jacques Girard Saumaize-Michelin Louis Carillon Louis Carillon Michel Bouzereau Coche-Dury Gerard Thomas Jean-Louis Chavy Jean-Marc Pillot Louis Carillon Boyer-Martenot Gerard Thomas Gerard Thomas Jean-Marc Pillot Vincent Girardin Jaboulet Guigal Guigal Delas Guigal Burgaud Guigal Guigal Chapoutier PRICE £ 400 £ 465 £ 305 £ 320 £ 230 £ 180 £ 260 £ 265 £ 305 £ 780 £ 335 £ 150 £ 150 £ 160 £ 155 £ 335 £ 530 £ 480 £ 285 £ 270 £ 330 £ 280 £ 530 £ 285 £ 225 £ 135 £ 165 £ 170 £ 695 £ 380 £ 675 £ 540 £ 550 £ 60 £ 420 £ 480 £ 250 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 5 Bottle 4 Bottle 5 Bottle 2 Bottle 10 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 6 Bottle 3 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Double Magnum 6 Bottle 3 Bottle 6 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 6 Bottle 2 Bottle 5 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Magnum 12 Bottle YEAR 1990 1990 1990 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 WINE Chateauneuf - Vieilles Vignes Cote Rotie - La Landonne Crozes Hermitage - Guiraude Chateauneuf - Cuvee Reserve Chateauneuf - Cuvee Felix Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Chateauneuf - des 2 Freres Cote Rotie - Chateau d'Ampuis Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Turque Chateauneuf - Cuvee Centenaire Chateauneuf - Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Chateauneuf - Font Michelle Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Turque Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Turque Cote Rotie - La Turque Hommage a J Perrin Ch Rayas Cote Rotie - Brune et Blonde Cote Rotie - Chateau d'Ampuis Cote Rotie - Chateau d'Ampuis Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Turque Cote Rotie - La Turque Ermitage - Rouge Ex Voto St Joseph - Vignes de lHospice Chateauneuf - Cuvee Chaupin Chateauneuf - Cuvee Reserve Chateauneuf - da Capo Cote Rotie - La Landonne Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Marcoux Guigal Graillot Clos du Caillou Bois de Boursan Vieille Julienne Vieille Julienne Usseglio Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Les Cailloux Vieille Julienne Gonnet Rostaing Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Ch De Beaucastel Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Janasse Pegau Pegau Guigal PRICE £ 1,800 £ 595 £ 480 £ 485 £ 495 £ 93 £ 1,100 £ 120 £ 520 £ 1,025 £ 1,900 £ 1,125 £ 1,295 £ 1,150 £ 300 £ 800 £ 350 £ 985 £ 960 £ 900 £ 1,500 £ 600 £ 330 £ 335 £ 75 £ 700 £ 175 £ 165 £ 1,070 £ 1,045 £ 165 £ 1,690 £ 495 £ 60 £ 35 £ 450 £ 735 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone White Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Rhone Alsace Alsace Alsace Germany Germany Cahors Germany Loire Loire Loire Loire Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 6 1 18 2 7 2 10 1 7 15 2 2 1 1 10 6 1 12 50 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 8 8 7 1 1 5 1 4 6 10 10 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 1996 2006 2007 2009 2010 2013 2000 2009 2011 2011 1971 1971 1988 2000 2009 2010 2010 2011 WINE Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Turque St Joseph - Vignes de lHospice Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Mouline Cote Rotie - La Turque Ermitage - Rouge Ex Voto Ermitage - Rouge Ex Voto Ermitage - Rouge Ex Voto Hermitage Hermitage St Joseph - Vignes de lHospice Chateauneuf - Deus ex Machina Cote Rotie - La Landonne Cotes du Rhone Cotes du Rhone Beaucastel - Blanc Ermitage - Blanc Ex Voto Ermitage - Blanc Ex Voto Ermitage - Blanc Ex Voto Ermitage - Blanc Ex Voto Condrieu - La Doriane Ch de Beaucastel - Blanc Tradition Gewurztraminer Classic Gewurztraminer Classic Riesling Dom Scharzhofberger Auslese Eiswein Langenlongsheimer Koenigsschild Beerenauslese Cahors - Clos de Garnot Castell Rieslander Auslese Pouilly Fume - Baron de L Pouilly Fume Sancerre - Comte Lafond Pouilly Fume Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Guigal Chave Chave Guigal Clos St Jean Guigal Guigal Guigal PRICE £ 700 £ 1,395 £ 735 £ 440 £ 310 £ 3,720 £ 310 £ 3,720 £ 310 £ 285 £ 210 £ 2,520 £ 3,275 £ 3,240 £ 430 £ 250 £ 3,700 £ 4 £ 110 £ 40 Guigal £ 900 Guigal £ 970 Guigal £ 900 Guigal £ 1,690 Guigal £ 510 £ 60 Hugel £ 155 Hugel £ 135 Hugel £ 125 Hohe Domkirche £ 30 Niederthaler Hof £ 30 Jouffrau £ 18 Casteller Schlossberg (Fran £ 15 de Ladoucette £ 405 de Ladoucette £ 18 de Ladoucette £ 180 de Ladoucette £ 195 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Loire Loire Loire Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Champagne Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 9 6 5 2 1 5 4 6 9 4 6 6 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 10 1 1 4 6 1 25 1 1 50 1 12 1 1 1 50 12 1 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Jeroboam Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Magnum Half Bottle Magnum Bottle Half Bottle Magnum YEAR 2011 2011 2011 1999 2000 2002 1982 1983 1985 1989 1990 2002 2003 2003 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 WINE Pouilly Fume - Buisson Renard Pouilly Fume - Pur Sang Sancerre Grande Cuvee - Comte Lafond Roederer - Cristal Krug Dom Perignon Champagne - Cote Faron Champagne - Exquise Champagne - Les Carelles Champagne - Originale Champagne - Sous le Mont Champagne - Substance Krug Grande Cuvee Sassicaia Sassicaia Sassicaia Sassicaia Sassicaia Rosso di Montalcino Brunello di Montalcino Brunello di Montalcino - Altero Solaia Solaia Amarone della Valpolicella Barolo - Le Vigne Brunello di Montalcino Pian della Vigne Masseto Sassicaia Guado al Tasso Guidalberto Sassicaia Sassicaia Sassicaia Guidalberto Il Bruciato (2nd Wine of Guado al Tasso) Sassicaia Sassicaia Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Dagueneau Dagueneau de Ladoucette Selosse - Jacques Selosse - Jacques Selosse - Jacques Selosse - Jacques Selosse - Jacques Selosse - Jacques Fanti Poggio Antico Poggio Antico Antinori Antinori Dal Forno Romano Sandrone Antinori Antinori Tenuta San Guido Tenuta San Guido Antinori PRICE £ 42 £ 48 £ 245 £ 2,400 £ 1,590 £ 1,100 £ 250 £ 130 £ 250 £ 135 £ 250 £ 170 £ 1,085 £ 220 £ 150 £ 1,250 £ 135 £ 450 £ 65 £ 340 £ 380 £ 1,900 £ 1,900 £ 155 £ 155 £ 335 £ 350 £ 1,110 £ 550 £ 220 £ 45 £ 1,110 £ 1,080 £ 240 £ 120 £ 45 £ 1,140 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Italy Italy Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 3 Bottle 50 Bottle 2 Bottle 6 Bottle 2 Bottle 3 Bottle 6 Bottle 1 Magnum 7 Bottle 1 Double Magnum 1 Double Magnum 6 Bottle 1 Double Magnum 3 Bottle 11 Bottle 8 Bottle 1 Bottle 9 Magnum 3 Double Magnum 6 Bottle 8 Bottle 10 Bottle 6 Magnum 7 Magnum 8 Bottle 6 Bottle 7 Bottle 4 Bottle 9 Bottle 7 Magnum 6 Bottle 3 Bottle 5 Bottle 15 Magnum 53 Bottle 4 Bottle 4 Bottle YEAR 2011 2011 1989 1996 1999 1999 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 WINE Sassicaia Tignanello Grange Run Rig JSM - Shiraz Cabernet Shiraz Run Rig Run Rig Run Rig Run Rig Descendant Factor Factor Factor Octavius Old Vine Shiraz Run Rig Descendant Factor Factor Factor Factor Run Rig Run Rig The Laird Descendant Factor Factor Run Rig Semillon Vat 1 Winemaker's Selection The Laird Descendant Descendant Factor Run Rig Run Rig Descendant Factor Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Antinori Penfolds Torbreck Fox Creek Killibinbin Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Yalumba Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Tyrrell's Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck PRICE £ 1,080 £ 525 £ 190 £ 185 £ 16 £ 200 £ 180 £ 375 £ 180 £ 735 £ 480 £ 80 £ 790 £ 735 £ 445 £ 150 £ 765 £ 185 £ 675 £ 80 £ 735 £ 155 £ 295 £ 1,080 £ 945 £ 80 £ 945 £ 155 £ 270 £ 990 £ 85 £ 765 £ 945 £ 320 £ 145 £ 90 £ 845 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 12 Bottle 15 Magnum 60 Bottle 3 Magnum 5 Bottle 1 Double Magnum 2 Magnum 23 Bottle 1 Double Magnum 5 Bottle 1 Magnum 1 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Bottle 3 Bottle 12 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Magnum 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Magnum 3 Bottle 2 Magnum 3 Bottle 18 Bottle 4 Bottle 3 Bottle 1 Magnum 5 Bottle 6 Bottle 4 Magnum 6 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 6 Magnum 1 Double Magnum 5 Bottle YEAR 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 1948 1956 1957 1966 1970 1976 1976 1978 1987 1987 1990 1990 1991 1994 1994 1995 1995 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 WINE Semillon Vat 1 Winemaker's Selection The Laird The Laird Factor Factor Run Rig Run Rig Run Rig Run Rig Run Rig Run Rig Vega Sicilia - Unico Rioja - Imperial Rioja - Imperial Rioja - Reserva Vega Sicilia - Unico Valbuena #5 Vega Sicilia - Unico Valbuena #5 Rioja - Vina Tondonia Vega Sicilia - Unico Rioja - Vina Real Oro Gran Reserva Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Rioja - Imperial Rioja - Vina Tondonia Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Terreus - Pago de Cueva Baja Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Rioja - Grandes Anadas Rioja - Grandes Anadas Rioja - Vina El Pison Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Tyrrell's Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Torbreck Bodegas Vega Sicilia CVNE CVNE Ramon Bilbao Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodega L de Heredia Bodegas Vega Sicilia CVNE Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia CVNE Bodega L de Heredia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Mauro Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Artadi Artadi Artadi Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia PRICE £ 260 £ 1,090 £ 500 £ 180 £ 845 £ 630 £ 1,845 £ 1,605 £ 660 £ 1,625 £ 1,880 £ 815 £ 155 £ 145 £ 50 £ 480 £ 85 £ 855 £ 85 £ 75 £ 565 £ 40 £ 575 £ 235 £ 50 £ 60 £ 230 £ 530 £ 480 £ 240 £ 530 £ 55 £ 660 £ 60 £ 425 £ 1,325 £ 190 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 24 1 5 1 3 5 60 2 1 1 33 1 5 5 12 36 24 14 6 48 12 1 8 1 1 2 24 75 12 1 30 5 12 4 6 12 36 SIZE Bottle Double Magnum Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle YEAR 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 WINE Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Vega Sicilia - Unico Priorat - l Ermita Rioja - 904 Gran Reserva Rioja - Pagos Viejos Rioja - Vina Real Oro Gran Reserva Priorat - l Ermita Rioja - Contador Rioja - Vina de Andres Vega Sicilia - Unico Aalto PS Pingus Ribera del Duero - Pesus Rioja - Vina de Andres Terreus - Pago de Cueva Baja Vega Sicilia - Unico Priorat - l Ermita Rioja - Amancio Rioja - Gran Reserva Rioja - Pagos Viejos Rioja - Reserva Rioja - Vina El Pison Rioja - Vina El Pison Rioja - Vina de Andres Termanthia Vega Sicilia - Unico Malleolus de Valderramiro Montsant - Espectacle del Montsant Pingus Priorat - l Ermita Ribera del Duero - Pesus Rioja - Contador Rioja - Finca El Bosque Rioja - Vina El Pison Rioja - Vina de Andres Valbuena #5 Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Alvaro Palacios La Rioja Alta Artadi CVNE Alvaro Palacios Benjamin Romeo Benjamin Romeo Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Aalto Peter Sisseck Bodegas Sastre Benjamin Romeo Bodegas Mauro Bodegas Vega Sicilia Alvaro Palacios Sierra Cantabria Remirez de Ganuza Artadi Remirez de Ganuza Artadi Artadi Benjamin Romeo Numanthia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Emilio Moro Peter Sisseck Alvaro Palacios Bodegas Sastre Benjamin Romeo Sierra Cantabria Artadi Benjamin Romeo Bodegas Vega Sicilia PRICE STATUS £ 180 £ 1,485 £ 405 £ 180 £ 55 ib £ 70 £ 55 £ 180 £ 150 £ 50 £ 190 £ 155 £ 535 £ 260 £ 70 £ 65 £ 175 £ 380 £ 165 £ 340 £ 70 £ 50 £ 390 £ 730 £ 125 £ 575 £ 190 £ 65 £ 90 £ 645 £ 380 £ 250 £ 390 £ 85 £ 375 £ 100 £ 75 20/01/2015 REGION Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Montilla Montilla Montilla Montilla Montilla Montilla Montilla Sherry Sherry Sherry Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 8 18 6 42 1 9 2 12 60 1 60 12 12 6 6 48 12 6 6 60 2 1 30 4 36 4 2 12 39 24 12 6 18 6 2 6 2 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Magnum Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Bottle YEAR 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 1905 1905 1905 1946 1946 1949 1962 WINE Jumilla - El Nido Malleolus de Valderramiro Ribera del Duero - Llanos del Almendro Rioja - Vina El Pison Rioja - Vina de Andres Terreus - Pago de Cueva Baja Valbuena #5 Rioja - Contador Rioja - Imperial Valbuena #5 Rioja - Contador Rioja - Vina El Pison Valbuena #5 Valbuena #5 Aalto PS Flor de Pingus Priorat - Clos Erasmus Priorat - l Ermita Rioja - Vina El Pison Valbuena #5 Valbuena #5 Psi Rioja - Aro Rioja - Vina de Andres Aalto PS Rioja - Vina de Andres Albarino Solera Montilla - Fundacional Amontillado Solera Montilla - Fundacional Oloroso Solera Montilla - Fundacional Pedro Ximenez Montilla - Don PX Convento Seleccion Montilla - Don PX Convento Seleccion Montilla - Don PX Reserva Especial Montilla - Don PX Reserva Especial Sherry - Amontillado Coliseo VORS Sherry - Amontillado Coliseo VORS Sherry - Moscatel Toneles Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Bodegas El Nido Emilio Moro Dominio de Atauta Artadi Benjamin Romeo Bodegas Mauro Bodegas Vega Sicilia Benjamin Romeo CVNE Bodegas Vega Sicilia Benjamin Romeo Artadi Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Aalto Peter Sisseck Alvaro Palacios Artadi Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia (Peter Sisseck) Bodegas Muga Benjamin Romeo Bodegas Aalto Benjamin Romeo Lagar de Cervera Perez Barquero Perez Barquero Perez Barquero Bodegas Toro Albala Bodegas Toro Albala Bodegas Toro Albala Bodegas Toro Albala Valdespino Valdespino Valdespino PRICE STATUS £ 100 £ 65 £ 75 £ 140 £ 75 £ 155 £ 150 £ 175 £ 25 £ 150 £ 175 £ 170 £ 75 £ 150 £ 150 £ 95 £ 155 £ 380 £ 150 £ 75 £ 150 £ 220 ib £ 95 £ 50 £ 50 £ 50 £ 13 £ 190 £ 175 £ 230 £ 170 £ 340 £ 125 £ 120 £ 290 £ 145 £ 380 20/01/2015 REGION Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Sherry Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 12 2 6 2 18 102 1 10 28 4 36 1 6 1 11 2 24 18 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 4 4 6 2 1 4 SIZE Half Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Bottle Half Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR WINE Sherry - Moscatel Toneles Sherry - Palo Cortado Cardenal VORS Sherry - Palo Cortado Cardenal VORS Sherry - Pedro Ximenez Ninos VORS 30 Anos Sherry - Pedro Ximenez Ninos VORS 30 Anos Sherry - Quo Vadis Amontillado Sherry - Reliquia Palo Cortado Sherry - VORS Amontillado Sherry - VORS Oloroso Dulce Sherry - VORS Oloroso Seco Sherry - VORS Palo Cortado Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial (91/94/95) (2010) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(81/90/94) (2000) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(89/90/94) (2006) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(90/94/96) (2009) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(91/94/99) (2012) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(94/95/00) (2014) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(94/99/00) (2013) Vega Sicilia - Reserva Especial(released 1994) 1978 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 1981 Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon 1987 Cask 23 Cabernet Sauvignon 1995 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1995 Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 1995 Reserve Speciale Cabernet Sauvignon 1996 Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 Andrus Reserve 1997 Cabernet Franc 1997 Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 Proprietary Red 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon - Red Rock Terrace 2001 Beckstoffer-Tokalon Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon 2001 Hudson Vyd. Syrah 2001 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2001 Reserve 2001 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Valdespino Valdespino Valdespino Valdespino Valdespino Delgado Zulueta Barbadillo Barbadillo Barbadillo Barbadillo Barbadillo Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Bodegas Vega Sicilia Sterling Vineyards Caymus Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Silver Oak Beringer Arrowood Vineyards Dalla Valle Pine Ridge La Jota Caymus Harlan Estate Diamond Creek Paul Hobbs Kongsgaard Silver Oak Leonetti Cellars Plumpjack PRICE STATUS £ 190 £ 295 £ 150 £ 200 £ 100 £ 30 £ 565 £ 70 £ 70 £ 70 £ 70 £ 225 £ 270 ib £ 205 £ 205 £ 235 £ 200 £ 195 £ 205 £ 205 £ 95 £ 180 £ 135 £ 115 £ 95 £ 95 £ 1,100 ib £ 95 £ 120 £ 95 £ 680 £ 132 £ 240 £ 105 £ 95 £ 145 £ 165 20/01/2015 REGION USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 1 2 3 1 3 3 7 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 SIZE Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 WINE Sunspot - 25th Anniversary Cabernet Cabernet Sauvignon Claret Martha's Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Premiere Napa Valley Auction Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon En Chamberlin Vyd. Syrah Reserve Syrah - Papa Cailloux Vyd. Syrah Elevation 1147 Cabernet Sauvignon Grenache - Into The Dark Les Pavots Rattlesnake Ridge Petite Sirah Beckstoffer-Tokalon Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Broken Stones Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cailloux Vyd. Syrah Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir Materium Cabernet Sauvignon Monte Bello Opus One Pinot Noir - Over & Out Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Rocket Block James Berry Vyd. Grenache Syrah "32" James Berry Vyd. Booker Vyd. Syrah Broken Stones Cuvee Louise Pinot Noir Exhibit B Infidels James Berry Vyd. Little Hill Pinot Noir Madrona Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Shafer Vineyards Grace Family Vineyards Robert Foley Heitz Beaulieu Vineyards ZD Cayuse Leonetti Cellars Sine Qua Non Cayuse David Arthur Sine Qua Non Peter Michael Winery Turley Wine Cellars Paul Hobbs Saxum Kongsgaard Seven Stones Cayuse Peter Michael Winery Peter Michael Winery Maybach Ridge Sine Qua Non ZD Saxum Agharta Saxum Saxum Saxum Dom. Drouhin Agharta Sanguis Saxum J. Rochioli Vineyards Abreu PRICE STATUS £ 395 £ 160 £ 200 £ 120 £ 95 £ 95 £ 130 £ 135 £ 400 £ 120 £ 185 £ 385 £ 95 £ 105 £ 210 £ 105 £ 100 £ 140 £ 135 £ 110 £ 240 £ 135 £ 145 £ 470 ib £ 385 £ 105 £ 160 £ 95 £ 160 £ 95 £ 130 £ 130 £ 95 £ 140 £ 110 £ 95 £ 235 20/01/2015 REGION USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES SIZE 2 Magnum 1 Magnum 3 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Magnum 2 Bottle 5 Bottle 3 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Half Bottle 3 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 4 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Magnum 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 2 Bottle 1 Magnum 2 Bottle 1 Bottle 1 Bottle 17 Bottle 1 Magnum 14 Bottle 5 Bottle YEAR 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 WINE Opus One Peterson Family Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon The Widowmaker En Chamberlin Vyd. Cabernet Sauvign Amber Ridge Vyd. Pinot Noir Arcus Estate Pinot Noir Cuvee Louise Pinot Noir James Berry Vyd. Kanzler Vyd. Pinot Noir Koplen Vyd. Pinot Noir Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir Lotus Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Materium Cabernet Sauvignon Monte Bello Cabernet Sauvignon Poetry Cabernet Sauvignon Premiere Napa Valley 13 Reserve Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon SQN Set - Next of Kyn (Syrah) (3 bts & 1 mag) Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Syrah - Labels The Bard "V" Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon California Petite Sirah Cappella Cariad Cerro Sur Futo Grenache - Duel Kayli Morgan Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon La Joie La Magdalena Le Desir Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Switchback Ridge Cayuse Kosta Browne Archery Summit Dom. Drouhin Saxum Kosta Browne Kosta Browne Peter Michael Winery Dana Estates Maybach Ridge Vineyards Cliff Lede Continuum Leonetti Cellars ZD Sine Qua Non Kosta Browne Sine Qua Non Realm Viader Dalla Valle HL Vineyards Merus Seven Stones Carlisle Abreu Colgin Favia Sine Qua Non Hundred Acre Winery Verite Favia Verite Peter Michael Winery PRICE STATUS £ 2,580 ib £ 135 £ 260 £ 115 £ 160 £ 115 £ 380 £ 115 £ 130 £ 65 £ 985 £ 255 £ 120 £ 145 £ 260 £ 135 £ 105 £ 1,999 £ 95 £ 210 £ 95 £ 1,055 ib £ 135 £ 130 £ 135 £ 280 £ 95 £ 350 £ 240 £ 220 £ 225 £ 350 £ 230 £ 305 £ 220 £ 290 £ 110 20/01/2015 REGION USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 2 3 3 1 3 2 9 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 3 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 6 3 1 4 6 2 9 1 3 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle YEAR 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 WINE Levy & McClellan M. Etain Cohn Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Materium Cabernet Sauvignon Precious Cabernet Sauvignon Proprietary Blend Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon The Maiden The Widowmaker En Chamberlin Vyd. Cabernet Sauvign Thorevilos Amoenus Cabernet Sauvignon Boulder Falls Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon - Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley Coastlands Vyd. Pinot Noir Hirsch Vyd. Pinot Noir Kistler Vyd. Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay Opus One Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Rochioli Riverblock Vyd. Pinot Noir UV Vyd. Pinot Noir Bionic Frog Syrah Cemetery Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Materium Cabernet Sauvignon Monte Bello Opus One Reuling Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Second Flight Terry Hoage Vyd. UV Vyd. Pinot Noir Bearwallow Vyd. Pinot Noir Bearwallow Vyd. Pinot Noir Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Scarecrow Maybach Hundred Acre Winery Viader ZD Harlan Estate Cayuse Abreu Maybach Delectus Vineyard 29 Arietta Silver Oak Silver Oak Silver Oak Williams Selyem Williams Selyem Kistler Aubert Williams Selyem Aubert Cayuse Behrens & Hitchcock Quilceda Creek Maybach Ridge Aubert Aubert Aubert Screaming Eagle Saxum Aubert Rhys Rhys PRICE £ 210 £ 170 £ 200 £ 280 £ 840 £ 110 £ 160 £ 120 £ 410 £ 120 £ 95 £ 145 £ 115 £ 620 £ 870 £ 915 £ 95 £ 95 £ 120 £ 2,250 £ 110 £ 105 £ 95 £ 215 £ 115 £ 135 £ 290 £ 1,080 £ 190 £ 120 £ 235 £ 105 £ 335 £ 120 £ 105 £ 200 £ 95 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 1 12 3 3 4 2 3 1 8 3 1 1 6 2 4 4 2 4 3 4 1 1 1 7 3 2 3 1 3 5 1 5 6 2 1 6 1 SIZE Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle YEAR 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 WINE Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley Clos Du Ciel Pinot Noir DB4 Cabernet Sauvignon Grenache - Dark Blossom Impulsivo En Chamberlin Vyd. Tempranillo James Berry Vyd. Kistler Vyd. Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay Merlot - Napa Valley My Favorite Neighbor Opus One Opus One Paderewski Vyd. Palengat Vyd. Palengat Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir - Beaux Freres Vineyard OR Pinot Noir - Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir - Willamette Valley OR Remnant Ripper Grenache Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Second Flight Skyline Vyd. Syrah State Lane Vyd. Roberta's Reserve Syrah - Dark Blossom Vertigo Alpine Vyd. Pinot Noir CIX Pinot Noir Cailloux Vyd. Syrah Cuvee Natalie Silver Belt Pinot Noir Dutton Ranch Chardonnay Eastside Chardonnay Family Farm Vyd. Pinot Noir Family Farm Vyd. Pinot Noir Home Vyd. Pinot Noir Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Quilceda Creek Quilceda Creek Duckhorn Duckhorn Peter Michael Winery Bryant Family Vineyard Sine Qua Non Cayuse Saxum Kistler Duckhorn Booker Vineyard Saxum Quilceda Creek Quilceda Creek Beaux Freres Flowers Beaux Freres Booker Vineyard Booker Vineyard Aubert Screaming Eagle Rhys Kapcsandy Family Sine Qua Non Booker Vineyard Rhys Aubert Cayuse Kistler Kistler Aubert Rhys Rhys Rhys PRICE £ 355 £ 170 £ 500 £ 500 £ 150 £ 135 £ 205 £ 155 £ 130 £ 145 £ 405 £ 195 £ 195 £ 2,070 £ 130 £ 120 £ 120 £ 790 £ 460 £ 530 £ 145 £ 305 £ 120 £ 335 £ 115 £ 255 £ 205 £ 160 £ 100 £ 140 £ 120 £ 120 £ 115 £ 180 £ 195 £ 100 £ 120 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA Red USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 7 12 5 5 3 2 2 4 2 1 6 2 1 6 1 11 1 2 10 1 4 5 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 3 5 5 4 SIZE Bottle Half Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Magnum Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum Bottle Bottle Magnum Magnum Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle YEAR 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 1996 1999 2001 2002 2004 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 WINE Horseshoe Vyd. Chardonnay Horseshoe Vyd. Chardonnay Horseshoe Vyd. Chardonnay Hudson Vyd. Chardonnay Larry Hyde and Sons Vyd. Carneros Chardonnay McCrea Vyd. Chardonnay Orion - Syrah - Napa Valley Orion - Syrah - Napa Valley Pinot Noir - Ma Danseuse Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir San Mateo County Pinot Noir UV Vyd. Pinot Noir UV Vyd. Pinot Noir UV-SL Vyd. Pinot Noir UV-SL Vyd. Pinot Noir Wallah Wallah #4 Syrah Pinot Noir - Clark & Telephone Vineyard Pleiades Harlan Estate Dominus Dominus Proprietary White - Whisperin' E Chardonnay - Ma Belle-Fille Chardonnay - Three Sisters Kistler Vyd. Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay Harlan Estate Harlan Estate James Berry Vyd. CIX Chardonnay Galitzine Vyd. Cabernet Sauvignon Vine Hill Road Vyd. Chardonnay CIX Chardonnay Chardonnay - Napa Valley Chardonnay - `Silver` Durell Vyd. Chardonnay M. Etain Cohn Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Rhys Rhys Rhys Kistler Aubert Kistler Sean Thackrey Sean Thackrey Peter Michael Winery Aubert Aubert Rhys Aubert Aubert Aubert Aubert Cayuse Belle Glos Sean Thackrey Sine Qua Non Peter Michael Winery Marcassin Kistler Saxum Aubert Quilceda Creek Kistler Aubert Duckhorn Mer Soleil Kistler Scarecrow PRICE £ 115 £ 65 £ 210 £ 115 £ 125 £ 95 £ 860 £ 855 £ 2,950 £ 300 £ 130 £ 145 £ 300 £ 130 £ 330 £ 140 £ 300 £ 365 £ 290 £ 985 £ 115 £ 175 £ 200 £ 125 £ 175 £ 135 £ 985 £ 1,065 £ 135 £ 110 £ 140 £ 105 £ 195 £ 275 £ 230 £ 115 £ 140 STATUS ib ib ib ib ib ib ib ib 20/01/2015 REGION USA White USA White USA White USA White USA White Lebanon Turville Valley Wines CASES BOTTLES 2 3 5 2 5 6 SIZE Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Magnum YEAR 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 1990 WINE Ritchie Vyd. Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Stone Flat Vyd. Sonoma Coast Chardonnay Sugar Shack Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc - Napa Valley Ch Musar Tel: (44) 01494 868818 Fax: (44) 01494 866680 Contact: [email protected] PRODUCER Aubert Aubert Kistler Aubert Duckhorn PRICE STATUS £ 120 £ 95 £ 115 £ 210 £ 240 ib £ 140
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