©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Phyton (Austria) Vol. 15 Fasc. 1—2 57-66 30. 8. 1973 Cytotaxonomical conspectus of the flora of Kashmir (1) Chromosome numbers of some common plants Awtar Kishen KOTJL By & Ravinder Nath GOHIL *) Introduction The valley of Kashmir is perched among the Himalayas at an average height of about 1,600 m above sea level. The approximately 134 km long and 38 km broad valley is cut off from the outer world on the north-east and west by the high mountainous ranges. On the west it is cut off by rocky barriers 80—128 km in width. The mountains range in height from 5,500 m on the north-east to over 2,800 m in the south, where Banihal pass affords the only exit from the valley. The floristic studies conducted so far in the valley are limited to listing the plants growing in this region (BLATTER 1927—29, RAO 1960a, b and JAVED 1971). The most important and interesting aspect of analysing the vegetation with a view to determine the contribution of surrounding Eurasian, Trans Himalayan, Chinese and rest of the Indian flora to the indigenous element remains to be determined. Since a head way has been made in the floristic studies of the valley, it seems worthwhile to ponder about the possible origin of the valley's flora, in much the same way as LÖVE & LÖVE 1955, have done for the Icelandic flora. The cytotaxonomical studies on the plants of Kashmir represents the first step of the project aimed at understanding the origin of the valley's flora. The present paper is the first in this series and it puts on record chromosome counts for 101 species belonging to 26 families. References to earlier counts have been drawn from DARLINGTON & WYLIE 1955, ORNDTJFF 1967, 1968, 1969 and MOORE 1970. Chromosome numbers of 23 species and one genus (Jaeschhea gentianoides KURZ) have been reported for the first time. *) A. K. KOXJL, Lecturer, & R. N. GOHIL, Senior Research Fellow, P. G. Botany Department, Kashmir University, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. GS 3415 GS 3501 Oinkgoaceae 1. Ginkgo büoba L. KN = Ravinder NATH Voucher No. GS = Gurcharan SINGH Gfymnospermae Pinaceae 1. Picea Smiihiana Boiss. Name KISHEN. Cult. Wild Source 24 24 2n Present count 24 — 2n Earlier count Observations In the following list RN and GS are abbreviations for Ravinder NATH and Gurcharan SINGH, names of the two research fellows working against " the project. BW and AK are abbreviations for Bashir WAFAI and Awtar Collections were made from within and around the valley and both the cultivated and wild taxa were included in the present study. Chromosome counts have been made at pollen mother cell meiosis from anthers fixed in 1: 3 acetic alcohol and squashed in 1 % aceto-orcein. The voucher specimens of the plants studied have been deposited in the Kashmir University herbarium. The authors feel grateful to Prof. P. KACHROO for providing the necessary facilities. Thanks are also due to Dr. T. N. KHOSHOO for lending us some literature and to Mr. Gurcharan SINGH for his help in the identification of some species. Materials and methods — Authority ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Voucher No. Wild GS 3640 GS 3370 22 RN GS 3470 GS 3351 RN 2. — dubium L. 3. — macrostomum BoüS. 4. — nudicaule L. 5. — rhoeas L. 6. — somniferum L. 1. Iberw amara L. 23 Cult. 21 RN 14 YASTJI 1936 42 EBNST 1965 28 LJXTNGDAHL 1922 42 LÖVE & LÖVE 1944 — — 14 FABEKGE 1944 28 HORN 1938 14 LAWRENCE 1930 22 (44)FUBXJSATO 1940 41 14 14 22 14 Cult. 28, 29, 41 14, 16 14, 15 16 — 16 — 28 •— 32 16 16 14 JABETZKYY 1932 ENE 1968 GBEGOBY 1941 — NAKAJIMA 1933 — MADAHAB 1967 — 14, 16 — - do - JANAKI AMMAL 1953 Authority — 16 114 76 Earlier count 2n 16 16 114 76 Present count 2n Cult. Cult. Wild Cult. Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Cult. Wild Cult. Cult. 19 RN GS 310a GS 3307 GS 240a GS 1441 RN 20 GS 774a 18 Source Ranunculaceae 1. Aconitum laeve ROYLE 2. Anemone biflora DC. 3. — obtusiloba DON. 4. Cimicifuga foetida L. 5. Delphinium denudatum WALL. 6. — ajacis L. 7. Ranunculus hirtellus ROYLE Papaveraceae 1. Papaver bracteatum LINDL. 3540 GS RN 2. — liliiflora DESK. RN = Ravinder NATH GS = Gurcharan SINGH Angiospermae, Dicotyledones Magnoliaceae 1. Magnolia grandiflora L. Name ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at RN Balsaminaceae 1. Impatiens balsamina L. GS 491b GS 4160 Umbelliferae 1. Eryngium coeruleum B I E B . Caprifoliaceae 1. Sambucus ebulus L. Wild 3840 GS Wild Wild Cult. Wild Cult. 3451 26 Wild Wild Cult. Cult. Wild GS RN GS 3416 170b 928a 25 24 342a Source Platanaceae 1. Platanus orientalis L. Ccmna&maceae 1. Cannabis sativa L. Papilionaceae 1. Desmodium tiliifolium G. 2. Lathyrus odoratus L. 3. — Thomsoni HOOK. GS GS RN Geraniaceae 1. Pelargonium zonale A I T . 2. — brachycentra K A B . & K I B . GS Voucher No. GS = Gurcharan SINGH RN = Ravinder NATH Polygonaceae 1. Polygonum affine D. D O N Name . — Earlier count 2n — Authority 36 16 20 42 22 14 14 14 14 WARBURG 1938 36 32 16 (40) 20 — 22 14 14, 20 14 BATTAGLIA 1946 POTXCQUES 1949 B I L L & CONSTANCE lf©6 MADVEDEVA 1935 FUBUSATO 1940 — B I R & SIDHU 1966 SIMONET 1932 KHOSHOO 1966 KHOSHOO 1966 14, 14 + 2B RAGHUVANSHI & JOSSE 1968 14 18 17, 18, 35, 36 GAUGER 1937 24 Present count 2n ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Voucher No. Wild Wild Cult. Cult. Wild Wild GS 3932 GS 3580 RN 14 RN 15 GS 3942 GS 990b 14. Silybum marianum 15. Tanacetum longifolium WALL. 1. Jaeschkea gentianoides K U R Z 2. Swertia petiolata ROYLE Gentianaceae 17. Zinnia elegans JACQ. 18. — linear is B E N T H . 16. Tragopogon pratense L. GAERTN. 11. Lactuca serriola L. 12. Onopordum acanthium L. 526a 3584 38b 3936 10 11 12 13 18 26 18 24 24 24 34 Wild GS 3910 13. Pterotheca falconeri HOOK. Cirsium wallichii DC. Cosmos bipinnatus CAV. — sulphureus CAV. Cynara scolymus L. Dahlia pinnata CAV. 10. Inula racemosa HOOK. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 20 68 24 24 34 36 20 18 34 10 Wild Wild Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult. Wild Wild Wild Wild GS GS RN RN RN RN GS GS GS GS 4. Centaurea iberica STEV. 3504 3930 40 64 Wild Wild GS 3824 GS 3917 2. Carduus onopordeoides FISCH, ex B I E B . 3. Carihamus turkistanicus POPOV 36 Present count 2n Wild Source GS 3474 GS = Gurcharan SINGH RN — Ravinder NATH Compositae 1. Arctium lappa L. Name K H I D I R & KNOWLES 64 12 24 24 — — W I N G E 1926 ISHIKAWA 9X61 MEHRA & al. 1965 1948 TONGIORGI 1935 THOMPSON & al. 1941 PODDTJBNAJA 1931 MEHRA & al. 1965 SHETTY 1967 H E I S E R & WHITAKER SUGIURA 1936 STTGIURA 1936 JANAKI AMMAL (unpubl.) — 24 24 34 — 20 18 34 6 10 34 PODDTJBNAJA 1931 — 16 — 1970 SUGITTRA 1936 NAKAJIMA 1936 — Authority 32 36 — Earlier count 2n OS ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at GS GS 3997 2. Solanum nigrum L. Gonvolvulaceae 1. Convolvulus arvensis L. 1. Tradescantia fluminensis VELL. Angiospermae, Monocotyledons Commelinaceae OB M9B 311a Cult. Wild Wild Cult. RN 1. Petunia hybrida VILM. 2. Polemonium caeruleum L. Solanaceae Polemoniaceae 24 48 56 14 14 18 Cult. Wild 16 RN GS 3593 1. Phlox drummondii HOOK. 17 12 Wild 2. — lanceolata L. GS 3989 12 12 Present count 2n 3. — major L. Wild Wild Source GS 3592 GS 391a Voucher No. GS = Gurcharan SINGH RN = Ravinder NATH 1. Plantago depressa WILLD. Plantaginaceae Name RAHN 1966 NAKAJIMA 1930 BOCHER & al. 1953 MACCTJLLAGH 1934 TXJRESSON 1938 Authority 36 50 48 HEITZ 1967 1961 WOLCOTT 1937 KHOSHOO & SACHDKT, BAQTJAR 1967 14 (21, 28, 35) DEEMEN 1931 24, 48, 72Bhaduri 1933 24, 72 STEBBINS & PADDOOK 1949 (96, 144) JÖRGENSEN 1928 14 (28)MEYER 1944 CRIESINGER 1937 18 12 12, 13 24, 96 12 12 Earlier count 2n to ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Voucher No. 32 20 20 Wild Wild Wild RN RN 17. Chlorophytum capense KTTNTZ 18. — elatum R . B R . var. variegatum 27 28 RN 36 GS 4030 GS 4016 Cult. Cult. 16 32 Cult. Cult. RN RN 8 9 Cult. Wild Wild Wild RN 7 GS 4002 GS 3598 GS 4010 28 28 16, 24 32 32 16 16 48 16 16 16 24 Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult. Cult. RN 3 GS 3594 4 RN 5 RN RN 6 30 32 Present count 2n Cult. Cult. 1 Source 2 RN RN GS = Gurcharan SINGH RN = Ravinder NATH 15. AsparagusfilidnusHAM. 16. — officinalis L. 14. — Thomsoni BAKER 13. — tuberosum ROXB. 12. — sativum L. 9. — consanguineum KTJNTH 10. — Govanianum WALL. 11. — rubellum BIEB. 8. — chinense G. DON 5. — cepa L. var. cepa 6. — — var. aggregatum 7. — — var. viviparum 4. — atropurpureum WALDST. & K I T . Liliaceae 1. Agapanthus umbellatus L ' H E B . 2. Allium ampeloprasum L. (LEEK) 3. — ampeloprasum L. (great headed garlic) Name DARLINGTON 1933 V E D BRAT 1965 Authority LEVAN 1935 OHNO 1964 LA COUR 1945 1959 LEVAN 1931 KHOSHOO & SHARMA 20 NAGAO 1938 20, 40 ZILM 1966 28 KOUL & SOPOKT 1070 SATO 1942 28 16 16 32 16 24 16 FUKUSHIMA & al. 1004 16, 24 SINGH & al. 1967 24, 32 VED BRAT 1965 16 KOUL 1966 16, 32 LEVAN 1935 30 32 Earlier count 2n ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Voucher No. 35. — stellata HOOK. Wild Wild Wild 3 1 2 BW BW BW 34. Tulipa aitchisonii H A U Wild 3631 GS 33. — vertidllatum A L L . Cult. Wild GS 32. Polygonatum multiflorum A L L . 32 Present count 2n Authority 1934 36 + 0-1B SANSOME & L A COUR — — 48, 60 KOUL & KHAN 1969 72, 96, 132 KOUL & KHAN 1969 KOTJL & KHAN 1969 48 KOUL & K H A N 1969 24 24 KOUL & K H A N 1969 72 KOUL & KHAN 1969 12,13 WEBBER 1932 24+0—3BFERNANDES 1950 24 SATO 1932 DARLINGTON 1936 BURSTROM 1929 24+0-12B 14 Earlier count 2n GREEVES 1931 18 36 HAQUE 1952 EIGSTI 1942 22 18, 24 18, 30 DARK 1939 18, 20, 28 SOUM ALAINEN 1947 27, 28 B E R G 1933 30 30, 84 D A R K 1939 28, 60, 8 6 - 9 1 THERMAN 1953 — — 24 — — 24 48 36 Wild 14 Wild 24 Wild 24 48, 60 Wild Wild 72, 96, 132 Wild 48 Wild 24 Wild 24 Wild 72 Cult. 12 Cult. 24 Cult. 24 Source 3614 RN 31. Muscari armeniacum LEIGHT. 30 GS 4180 GS 4174 GS 4117 37 RN GS 413c RN 29 RN 31 RN — elegans W A L L . — gageoides V V E D . — kashmdrensis TURRILL — reticulata SCHTJLTES — stipitata MERKL. 28. Kniphofia uvaria HOOK. 29. Lilium martagon L. 30. — tigrinum K E B 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 418b GS 22. Gagea dschungarica R G L . 21. — roylei HOOK. GS 4131 GS 4060 GS 3610 GS = Gurcharan SINGH RN = Ravinder NATH 20. Fritillaria imperialis L. 19. Eremurus himalaicus Name ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Voucher No. Gramineae: 1. Sorghum halepense L. 3. Yucca gloriosa L. 2. — ventricosa STEARN Agavaceae: 1. Hosta plantaginea Asc: 35 33 34 GS 4210 RN RN RN Wild Cult. Cult. Cult. Wild Cult. GS Iridaceae: 1. Iris ensata THUNB. 2. — germanica L. 3711 GS 4208 Wild AK (HEBB.) ROEJVT. Source Cult. Wild GS = Gurcharan SINGH RN = Ravinder NATH BW 4 GS 4190 Amaryllidaceae: 1. Hemerocallis flava L. 2. — fulva L. 3. Sternbergia fischeriana Name 40 60 60 60 40 48 22 22 33 Present count 2n Authority YASTJI 1935 YASTTI 1935 — SlMONET 1934 SOKOLOVSKAYA 1966 KOUL & K H A N 1969 20. 40 JANAKI AMMAL (mm 60 60 — 40 44 22 D A E K 1932 22 22, 33 SATO 1942 Earlier count 2n CJ1 ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 66 Summary The paper puts on record chromosome counts for 101 species belonging to 26 families. Chromosome numbers of 23 species and one genus (Jaeschkea gentianoides KURZ) have been reported for the first time. Zusammenfassung Für die Flora von Kashmir wurden von 101 Spermatophyten aus 26 Familien die 2n-Chromosomenzahlen festgestellt und mit früheren Angaben verglichen. Die Zahlen für 23 Arten und für eine Art aus der noch nicht daraufhin untersuchten Gattung Jaeschkea (J. gentianoides KURZ) wurden zum erstenmal ermittelt. Literatiire cited BLATTER E. 1927— 1929. Beautiful flowers of Kashmir. I et II. — Westminster. DARLINGTON C. D. & WYLIE A. P. 1955. Chromosome atlas offloweringplants. — London. JAVED G. N. 1971. Flora of Srinagar — a phytogeographic and taxonomic study of flowering plants of Srinagar. Thesis submitted for the award of Ph. D. Degree to Kashmir University — Srinagar. LOVE A. & LÖVE D. 1955. Cytotaxonomical conspectus of the Icelandicflora.— Acta Horti Gotoburg. 20 (4): 65 — 291. MOORE R. J. 1970. Index to plant chromosome numbers for 1968. — IBPTN, Utrecht. ORNDUET R. 1967. Index to plant chromosome numbers for 1965. — IBPTN, Utrecht. — 1968. Index to plant chromosome numbers for 1966. IBPTN, Utrecht. — 1969. Index to plant chromosome numbers for 1967. IBPTN, Utrecht. RAO T. A. 1960a. A botanical tour to Kashmir. — Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 18: 1-67. — 1960b. A further contribution to thefloraof Jammu & Kashmir State. — Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind. 2 (3-4): 387-423.
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