EBook Titles

Ebook Titles (Electronic Format)
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2545, 2546
2527, 2528
For Writers
Canadian Writers' Contest Calendar-2015
Writing in Brief
Michael Fitzgerald
2521, 2522
2503, 2504
History, Biography, Autobiography
Cobalt Mining Times Remembered
Just Passing Through ~The People and Places North of Matachewan
Bill Sutton
Frank Holley
Craig Dunn
2515, 2516
Key Valley Railway
2529, 2530
Highway Book Shop ~Northern Ontario's Unexpected Treasure
$15.95 Lois Pollard
2519, 2520
Mud, Muskeg & Mosquitoes
$12.95 Diane Armstrong
2539, 2540
Place Names of Temiskaming
Bruce Taylor
Maboubé Maher-Hielscher
compilation CBC
Don Springer Hawley
David & Carol Bowie
Verna J Bryan
compilation CBC
Khavari, Khalil
Dixon, Jonathan
Leslie Belland
Bahá'í Titles
2517, 2518
2509, 2510
2541, 2542
2513, 2514
2523, 2524
2501, 2502
2511, 2512
2505, 2506
2537, 2538
2531, 2532
Aspire to Excellence
Be Thou Assured
Casablanca ~In the Last Days of French Morocco
Daily Obligatory Prayers
Personal Pathway for Spiritual Growth
Prison of Self
Soyez assurées [French]
Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual Survival
Davf's Notes
2525, 2526
2531, 2532
New Era Symphony
Davf's Notes
Michael Fitzgerald
Leslie Belland
2533, 2534
Northern Ontario Poetry Series
NOPC 1-1996 Signatures Amid the Green
NOPC Poets
We Appreciate Your Support
Updated December 26, 2014