Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 467–468 (2001) 485–487 First results of the soft X-ray microfocus beamline U41-PGM Ch. Jung*, F. Eggenstein, S. Hartlaub, R. Follath, J.S. Schmidt, F. Senf, M.R. Weiss, Th. Zeschke, W. Gudat Experimental Division, BESSY GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Strae 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany Abstract We present the first experimental data obtained from the new microfocus beamline U41-PGM recently put into operation. The optical layout of the beamline has been designed to conserve the high spectral brillance of the undulator source. The beamline consists of a collimated plane grating monochromator (PGM) and a subsequent refocusing stage. A toroidal mirror is used for refocusing onto the sample surface. With the 600 1/mm grating an absolute photon flux between 1012 and 1013 photons per second has been recorded over the whole energy range. Although the monochromator is not designed to deliver highest energy resolution, a resolving power of up to 6000 at the nitrogen K-edge has been obtained recently. The fixfocus constant cff is variable in a wide range. According to the experimental requirements it can be set to select either high photon flux or energy resolution. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Microspectroscopy; Collimated PGM X-ray fluorescence In a comparative monochromator study for a high flux microspectroscopy beamline at BESSY II, the authors presented the concept of a beamline split into a monochromatisation stage and a subsequent refocusing stage [1]. The advantage of this concept is that the refocusing stage can be easily modified according to the experimental requirements without changing the monochromator performance. Second, at least two different refocusing stages can optionally be used with different demagnification factors. The concept is realised in two steps: the first step was the construction of the monochromator together with a refocusing stage for moderate spatial resolution *Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-30-56392-2944; fax: +4930-56392-2944. E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Jung). of the order of 10–20 mm. This beamline is under operation now since March 2000. In the second step, a refocusing stage is under construction, which will provide a microfocus of 1 mm in diameter. Since the strong demagnification makes it necessary to place the optical element close to the sample position, the refocusing stage thus becomes more or less part of the experimental setup. The beamline is served by the U41 undulator. The U41 is installed in a low beta section of the BESSY-II storage ring [2]. It has a period length l0 of 41 mm and 80 periods. The emittance corrected source size of the undulator is about 200 mm horizontally and 60 mm vertically (FWHM), depending on the photon energy. For monochromatisation, a collimated Petersen-type plane grating monochromator (PGM) is used [3]. A toroidal 0168-9002/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 9 0 0 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 7 6 - X 486 C. Jung et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 467–468 (2001) 485–487 mirror collimates the synchrotron light in the dispersion plane. In the horizontal plane the mirror images the source onto the exit slit. The monochromator thus provides a moderate horizontal demagnification of a factor of about 2.2. The prefocusing torus is then followed by the wellknown combination of plane mirror and plane grating [4]. This combination enables to vary the fixfocus constant cff, defined as the ratio of the cosine of the diffraction angle and the cosine of the incidence angle at the grating, in a wide range. To conserve the high brillance of the undulator source it is required to place the grating as close as possible behind the source and to operate the monochromator at cff -values51. Consequently, the plane grating needs to be placed in front of the plane mirror to reduce slope and figure error contributions of optical elements in front of the grating. A detailed optimisation of the grating parameters for the desired range of photon energies from 170 to 1500 eV delivered best results for a blaze grating with an angle of 0.88 and 600 1/mm. In addition to the degree of freedom in setting the cff-value, the choice of a blaze grating enables to optimise the photon flux if desired by staying on blaze when the photon energy is scanned. The monochromatic collimated beam is focused onto the exit slit by a cylindrical mirror. For a collimated PGM, the demagnification in the dispersion plane is determined by the source distance of the collimating mirror, the image distance of the focusing mirror, and the cff -value selected. A toroidal mirror refocuses the exit slit with a demagnification of 4 into the sample area. In the vertical plane the spot thus depends on the exit slit width. For the design value of 40 mm, a vertical spot size of about 10 mm can be expected. Performance tests can easily be carried out by use of a gas cell which is permanent part of the beamline. The gas cell is placed between exit slit and refocusing stage, and it allows to record absorption spectra independent of the experimental setup attached to the beamline. Additionally, a solid state detector (GaAsP-diode) is available which can be used to determine the absolute photon flux. A second detector unit is placed right behind the refocusing mirror. Promising results were achieved from the first spectra. With a limited opening of the front end aperture, an absolute photon flux of more than 1010 photons per second could be recorded for the 600 1/mm grating, an exit slit width of 100 mm and a moderate cff -value (normalised to 100 mA beam current). From this starting point a systematic analysis of the beamline performance was carried out. The first step was to map the photon flux as a function of cff-value and photon energy. For a given undulator gap the undulator harmonic was scanned for different cff -values. The maximum of each spectrum was determined and the corresponding photon flux was derived from the data. The result of this procedure is shown in Fig. 1 for the first and third undulator harmonic. The path of optimal photon flux is indicated by the dashed line. The cff -value for the optimised path varies Fig. 1. Contour plot of the normalized photon flux of the U41PGM for the 600 1/mm grating and an exit slit width of 100 mm. Front end apertures were set to 2 2 mm2 (horizontal vertical). Bottom: 1st undulator harmonic; top: 3rd undulator harmonic. The gray scale code is identical for both plots (right). White areas indicate ranges where the angular positions of the optical elements are not accessible. The dashed line indicates the cff -path of optimised photon flux. C. Jung et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 467–468 (2001) 485–487 Fig. 2. Energy resolution of the U41-PGM at the nitrogen Kedge for the 600 1/mm grating and an exit slit width of 10 mm. The resolving power E=DE was determined by line shape analysis. Solid symbols: cff ¼ 0:3; open symbols: cff ¼ 0:7. from about 0.7 for low energies to about 0.6 for high energies. This behaviour differs to some content from the calculated performance [1]. However, a small deviation of the blaze angle from the design value of 0.88 can explain this result. Along the indicated cff -path, the photon flux is well above 1012 photons per second up to about 1300 eV of photon energy. If the 5th undulator harmonic is used, a flux of above 1012 photons per second can even be obtained for energies above 1500 eV. The maximum of 4 1013 photons per second appears at the onset of the undulators working range at 170 eV. In the second step the energy of the undulator harmonic was determined as a function of the undulator gap. From this, a set of data tables was calculated which enables to scan undulator and monochromator in parallel, staying in the maximum of the undulator harmonic for each energy. The agreement between the photon flux obtained in this way and the flux recorded for single undulator harmonics, i.e. by scanning the monochromator at a fixed undulator gap, was checked at several energies within the working range of 487 each undulator harmonic. Up to the 5th harmonic the deviation is negligible. Although the beamline is not designed to deliver highest possible energy resolution}the design goal was a resolving power of about 2000 instead of above 100,000 as reported for other collimated PGM’s at BESSY [5]}it is of interest to check the beamline performance also concerning its spectral resolution capability. A series of absorption spectra were recorded at the energy of the nitrogen K-edge at about 400 eV, covering the available range of cff -values. In addition, the experiments were performed for different orders of diffraction. The result is shown in Fig. 2, where the resolving power of the beamline is given for cff ¼ 0:3 and cff ¼ 0:7 up to the third order of diffraction. The resulting resolving power is well above the design goal, the best value obtained is E=DE ¼ 6300. The first experimental data recorded at the U41-PGM show that the predicted performance of the high flux microfocus beamline is met. Still, a lot of work needs to be done to complete the characterisation of the beamline by completing the maps of photon flux and resolving power, and by determining the size of the focal spot at the sample area. With the proved performance of the beamline, the requirements of microspectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence experiments concerning photon flux and flux density are met. References [1] M.R. Weiss, R. Follath, F. Senf, W. Gudat, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 101–103 (1999) 1003. [2] J. Bahrdt, A. Gaupp, G. Ingold, M. Scheer, W. Gudat, J. Synchrotron Radiat. 5 (1998) 443. [3] R. Follath, F. Senf, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A390 (1997) 388. [4] H. Petersen, Ch. Jung, C. Hellwig, W.B. Peatman, W. Gudat, Rev. Sci. Instr. 66 (1995) 1. [5] R. Follath, Versatility of the collimated plane grating monochromator design, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 467–468 (2001), these proceedings.
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